#like sit in the walking space with ur legs hung over the seat on front of you LOL
notdysfunk · 1 year
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they'd make for a good couch
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reinerispretty · 4 years
reminiscence. (? x f!reader) pt9
hello and welcome back! thank you for ur patience! this is another over 5000 words one, so pls enjoy! feedback and sharing is loved and appreciated but not necessary!!
“Have you talked to him at all since…?” Asami asked.
“Since I completely embarrassed myself at dinner the other night? No, I haven’t.” She situated herself in bed and turned over to look at her friends. “Do you think I should? I mean, it is odd that he just kissed me out of nowhere, right?”
“Mako’s not one to hold back when it comes to his feelings,” Korra said, and she and Asami exchanged a knowing smile.
Asami swung her fist forward, but (Y/N) ducked and lurched towards her to land a hit in Asami’s abdomen. She blocked her punch by grabbing (Y/N’s) wrist with a hard grip. (Y/N) paused, unsure of what move to do next, before relying on her instincts. Asami would expect her to try to punch with her other hand, but (Y/N) dropped to the ground and swept her leg under Asami’s. She toppled to the ground and landed on her back. As (Y/N) leaned over her, Asami gave her a bright smile. “You did so well! You’re a quick learner.” She took (Y/N’s) hand and stood on her feet. “One or two more sessions and you’ll be ready to handle anything.”
“It’s because I had a great teacher,” (Y/N) gave Asami a sloppy bow. “You really think I’ll have to fight in the Spirit World?” Asami shrugged.
“It’s better to be prepared for anything.”
After the disastrous dinner earlier in the week, (Y/N) had thrown herself into training with Asami and Korra. Both girls were great at teaching her hand-to-hand combat, and the exercise helped take (Y/N’s) mind off of everything that had happened with Mako and Bolin. By the time she went to bed at night, she was too exhausted to spend the night lying awake and wondering what she should do.
It was awkward now, being around Mako. He was trying his best to be nicer to her, she had noticed. But they hadn’t talked about his reasoning behind the kiss and at this point, (Y/N) was so full of scrambled emotions that she wasn’t sure if she wanted to know. She wanted to just write it off as a fluke, an accident, and focus on preparing for their journey to the Spirit World.
She had barely talked to Bolin since that dinner. They only saw each other in passing. He avoided areas that Mako tended to be, so he rarely hung out with the group as a whole. (Y/N) was beginning to worry. Korra had assured her that Bolin would be fine. He bounced back quickly when he was upset and his and Mako’s relationship would be fine. But (Y/N) had passed Mako standing in front of Bolin’s door each night as his knocks went unanswered. Not seeing Bolin as much unsettled her, putting a sour feeling in the pit of her stomach.
Asami handed her a bottle of water, which (Y/N) gratefully accepted. “Are you coming to lunch?” She shook her head.
“I think I’m going to head to my room and freshen up, maybe take a nap.” Asami nodded and they bid each other goodbye.
The walk to (Y/N’s) room was long and allowed plenty of time for thoughts to run through her head. She had stuck her foot in her mouth earlier this week, but she wanted to make things right. She had given Bolin space, because that’s what she thought he had needed, but him not being part of their meals and time together just felt unnatural.
She stopped in front of his door. She knew that she probably looked a mess. She was sweaty, and her hair was falling from the ponytail she had put it into before her training, but she had to do this now before she talked herself out of it. Raising her fist, (Y/N) gave a few raps against the dark wood and waited. “Bolin?” She asked after there was no answer. “It’s me, (Y/N).”
Bolin had spent the last few days laying in bed with his eyes glued to the ceiling. It has been over a year since he had last seen (Y/), before all of this mess had happened, and he had thought he was doing alright. He didn’t wake up in the mornings feeling empty anymore, like a piece of his heart was missing. She wasn’t the first thing on his mind when he opened his eyes and she wasn’t the last thing he thought of before going to sleep. He could actually make it through his day without being reminded of her.
And when she showed up unannounced sure, it had tugged at his heartstrings to see her. It had brought back a flurry of old memories with every facial expression she made. But Bolin was okay. He had gotten over her. So, why was he so angry? Every time he thought about Mako kissing (Y/N), it nearly enraged him. Bolin hated feeling like this. He was never an angry person, but right now if he could punch Mako in the face, he would. And he didn’t understand why. After all, Mako was the one that had been so adamant about Bolin getting over (Y/N). He had told him to put himself back out there, to make new memories to replace the old ones. Had this been his plan all along, to steal (Y/N) from Bolin?
Bolin shut his eyes tight. No, Mako wouldn’t do that. And besides, (Y/N) wasn’t his. He didn’t have any claim over her, especially not know, when she doesn’t know who he is. She knows nothing about their history together and Bolin had to be honest, sometimes it killed him. Sometimes he wanted to make a joke that he knew only she would understand, but she wouldn’t now. In the mean time, before she got her memories back, he had wanted to be her friend. It wasn’t her fault that this had happened to her, and a tiny part of him hoped that maybe this amnesia thing would explain what had happened between them. He had to admit that a small part of him did enjoy standing so close to her and hearing her laugh and spending time with her, but he had written it all off as leftover feelings.
She had done quite a number on his heart, after all.
Almost two years ago, Bolin stood on the doorsteps of (Y/N’s) apartment, waiting in the cold winter air. He hit the buzzer and heard the second-floor window fly open. “I’m almost ready!” She called down to him, poking her head out of the window. Bolin’s heart caught in his chest for a moment. Half from seeing his girlfriend and half from noticing how far she was hanging out the window. “You can come up if you want!” Bolin accepted her invitation silently and pulled open the door, a chill running through his body as he stepped from cold air into warm. He walked up the high flight of stairs and immediately stood in (Y/N’s) living room.
Every time he had visited, he was unsure how a girl could come to accumulate so much stuff. Her furniture was all mismatched, taken from sales and alleyways, and piles of books were scattered across the entire apartment. Potted plants lay in beams of direct sunlight beneath the windows. Upstairs in the loft, he could hear her rifling through clothes to get ready for tonight.
“I have absolutely nothing to wear,” He heard her huff, just as a blouse fluttered down from above and landed at Bolin’s feet. He picked it up and climbed the stairs to the loft to return it to her.
“No matter what you wear, you’re still gonna be the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen,” And she turned around and gave him a smile, biting down on her lip to prevent herself from grinning so wide.
“Thank you, Bo,” She said softly, standing in front of the mirror to smooth down her hair. “I’m just nervous.”
“I’m meeting your mom, shouldn’t I be the only one that’s nervous?” She scoffed, pulling one of the old sweaters he had given her from her closet and pulling it over her shoulders. It was green, like most of Bolin’s things were, and he couldn’t help but run over to her and hug her from behind, lifting her into the air as he did so. She let out a squeal of surprise that turned into laughter. He thought she was beautiful no matter what she wore, but something about seeing her in his clothes made his heart soar even more than it did when he was around her.
She turned around once he set her down, but his hands were still placed gently on her waist. She smoothed out the collar of his shirt. Bolin had wanted to dress to impress, so he borrowed one of Mako’s nicest shirts. It was a bit too tight on Bolin’s frame, but he hoped if he kept his jacket on, no one would notice. “My mom is just…something else. She owns Kwong’s Cuisine, so sometimes I think she thinks she’s better than people. I don’t want her to scare you away.”
He pressed a kiss to her cheek and she hummed, wrapping her arms around his middle and resting his head on her chest. “Nothing could ever scare me away from you.”
They walked the whole way to the restaurant, which had closed just a few hours prior. Bolin thought the dinner idea was nice. (Y/N’s) mother had suggested a private, after-hours dinner with just the three of them. Her mother was not only the owner, but a highly renowned chef in Republic City, so Bolin’s stomach grumbled in anticipation as (Y/N) led him through the doors of Kwong’s Cuisine. The inside was beyond elegant. Bolin had only seen the inside when he was walking by and people were entering or leaving the building. He had always wondered what it was like, and it had certainly surpassed his expectations. The host took their coats and led them to the table where (Y/N’s) mother was waiting.
Her mother sat with her hands folded in her lap as they approached. Everything about her seemed regal, from each perfectly placed hair atop her head to how even though Bolin was standing and she was sitting, it seemed like she looked down on him.
“Hi Mom,” (Y/N) said as they approached. Her mother remained seated and Bolin noticed how rigid (Y/N’s) body had become. “This is my boyfriend, Bolin.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ma’am!” Bolin said excitedly, extending his hand out to offer a shake. She stared at it for a few moments before Bolin retracted it, wiping the sweat that had accumulated onto his dress pants. He pulled out (Y/N’s) chair before sitting down across from her. There were only three chairs at this particular table, and although she was still within arms reach, Bolin felt like he was way too far away from her.
“Your restaurant is amazing,” Bolin said, staring at the chandeliers over their heads. “I’ve heard super great things about it.”
“You’ve never been to Kwong’s Cuisine?” Her mother asked, taking a sip of her water. Bolin shook his head.
“It’s not quite within my price range unfortunately,” Bolin chuckled, and (Y/N) smiled at him as she started to look at her menu.
“I don’t know why you need that thing,” Her mother said off-handedly. “If you work here you should have the menu memorized.” (Y/N’s) fingers gripped the menu pages tightly.
“I was just looking.”
“Bolin,” Her mother said, turning to Bolin, but she pronounced his name all wrong. She said it as “Ball-in” and while Bolin wasn’t all that concerned, he could tell that it irked (Y/N). “I’m glad I’m finally meeting you. I was beginning to worry that our dear (Y/N) was going to keep you a secret for forever.” Bolin stole a glance at (Y/N), but she was staring very intently at the menu. “Tell me about yourself, since my daughter neglected to do so.”
“Oh,” Bolin said, and he was starting to sweat at the back of his neck. Had (Y/N) really not said anything to her own mother about him? She worked at this restaurant nearly every day! She had sneaked him into the kitchens and she hadn’t bothered to at least mention him? “Well, my name’s Bolin, but uh, you already knew that.” He coughed to clear his throat. “I have an older brother, Mako, he’s pretty cool. He and (Y/N) get along swell. We’re part of the Pro-Bending team, the Fire Ferrets,” And the look that (Y/N’s) mother made told Bolin that he probably shouldn’t have said that.
(Y/N) came to the rescue. “They’re amazing! You should see them play at the stadium, Bolin and Mako are like a dynamic duo.”
“I see,” Her mother said. “And do you and your brother see yourselves making a career out of this?”
“Because I can’t imagine that you could win every game.”
“And it just seems to me that it’s not a very practical career avenue. I mean, what must your parents think?”
Bolin was feeling awkward and uncomfortable. He understood now, why (Y/N) was so nervous about him meeting her mother. He felt like he wanted to run and never stop. But he remained seated. “My parents passed away when Mako and I were little.”
“Surely your family must-“
“Mako and Bolin don’t have any other family.” (Y/N) snapped. That seemed to shock her mother into enough silence so (Y/N) continued. “Bo, I was thinking, you might like these Water Tribe noodles that we serve.” Bolin opened his menu for the first time but his eyes were just a bit watery.
They ate dinner for the rest of the night in silence. (Y/N) tried hard to make the conversation flow, but it seemed like that ship had sailed. Once they left for the night, she walked at Bolin’s side, huddling into herself.
“Why didn’t you tell your mom about me?” Bolin asked.
“I just wanted to have you to myself for a little while longer,” She said with a sigh. “I know I should have told her, but my mom…she ruins things. Good things. We used to get along swell before my dad left, but she turned into someone I don’t like.” (Y/N) looked up at him. “I didn’t want her to ruin us, too.”
Bolin reached out and grabbed her hand. (Y/N) squeezed it. “I don’t want you to feel like you have to protect me. I grew up living on the streets. I’ve probably stolen food out of the garbage from your mom’s restaurant. If you like me for who I am, then you have to know I like you for who you are. Scary mom and all.”
(Y/N) smiled up at him. “On the bright side, now that that’s over, we won’t have to see her again!” Bolin laughed.
“At least not until the wedding.” And because he knew her, he smiled at the warmth he knew was coming to her face.
Things went surprisingly well after meeting (Y/N’s) mom. They spent even more time together. Their anniversary was coming up soon and Bolin had been saving his cut of the Fire Ferret winnings for months to buy her something nice. He knew she wasn’t the kind of person who expected gifts from others, but he enjoyed spoiling her regardless, and wanted to give her something a little nicer than usual.
The idea of telling her that he loved her had also been bouncing around in his head. Bolin had never been one to deny his feelings, and although the majority of him was fairly confident that (Y/N) felt the same way, there was still the small fear of rejection at the back of his mind. But life was too short to live in fear, so when they would go out to their anniversary dinner, he would give her the present and also tell her that he loved her for the first time. And if she didn’t feel the same just yet, Bolin was okay was that. Because (Y/N) was the kind of person that Bolin wanted to wait for.
When he and Mako were little and living on the streets, they had to pawn off as many things as they can to make sure they could survive. This money lasted them for a few months. It helped to get them clothes and food. Mako had chosen to keep their father’s scarf and Bolin had chosen to keep Pabu, because having a pet around was always a good idea. One thing that they had to part with was their mother’s most prized possession: a necklace that their father had given her. It was pure gold, bent into the shape of the Earth symbol. Their father had told Mako and Bolin that he had given it to their mother when he was confident that he was going to marry her. Bolin had always been a romantic at heart and couldn’t wait for the day that he could give that necklace to someone. But as he and Mako fell on hard times, they decided to pawn the necklace to get some money for new winter clothes. Bolin had been tasked with taking the necklace to the shop and he had done so with shaking hands and watery eyes.
“Please don’t sell this to anyone else,” He said as he placed the necklace on the counter. “I-I’m gonna come back for it, I promise.” And the owner of the pawn shop took pity on him and decided to keep the necklace in the back room for whenever Bolin had the money to buy it back.
Bolin, with the money he had saved over the past few months, had been able to buy the necklace back just a few days prior. He kept it tucked away in his bedside drawer, eager for his anniversary with (Y/N) so he could give it to her.
But (Y/N) had walked into Bolin’s apartment a couple days later, her cheeks tearstained and her eyes bloodshot. He looked up from teaching Pabu a new trick, his eyes bright with excitement to show her, but his face fell at the sight. “Are you alright?” He asked, and (Y/N) sniffled.
“I’m breaking up with you,” Was what she said, and Bolin couldn’t help but laugh in surprise. This had to be a prank that she was playing. (Y/N) loved telling jokes.
When he saw the serious expression on her face, he felt panic arise in his stomach. “You’re being serious?” He asked, and she nodded her head. “W-what do you mean?” He rushed over to stand in front of her. “Why are you saying this?”
“Because we’re breaking up, Bolin,” She said, and she refused to meet his eyes. “We won’t work. Being with you was fun but I don’t see us going anywhere.”
“(Y/N), I don’t understand,” He could feel the prickling sensation at the back of his eyes. “You’re not making any sense. Come on, let’s talk about this.” He grabbed her hand.
“There’s nothing to talk about!” She insisted, ripping her hand out of his. Bolin’s fingers curled in on themselves, shocked at the absence. She had never reacted that way to him. “We’re breaking up and that’s it! I don’t know what you want from me!”
“I want an explanation! You can’t just come in here and decide that we’re broken up, I-We-I love you, (Y/N). Please.”
She looked up at him for the first time, her eyes boring into his. Her bottom lip quivered. “I don’t love you. There’s your explanation.” She spun on her heel and ran out of the apartment. Bolin was still in the same position when he heard the door shut.
He moved back to the couch to sit, still trying to process what had just happened. Pabu curled himself around his neck, licking at his cheek. It took Bolin a while to realize that Pabu was licking at the tears that were falling, now more rapidly. Once he started crying, Bolin felt like he couldn’t stop. He was still crying when Mako got home and cried as his brother hugged him through the night.
Bolin opened his eyes, his heart pounding in his chest and the familiar tight, anxious feeling that he had had that night in his chest. He hadn’t dreamt about what had happened between him and (Y/N) in over a year. He sat up in bed when he heard a knock at the door.
To (Y/N’s) surprise, she heard the click of the door unlocking and then Bolin was standing before her, his bright green eyes staring at her curiously. “Oh, hi!” He said, as if he hadn’t actually been expecting it to be her. “How are you?”
“I was about to ask you the same thing. We haven’t really gotten the chance to talk this week.” She gave him a sheepish smile.
“Yeah, you know me, super busy Bolin.” He looked back at his bare bedroom. “I’ve just been doing, you know, things.”
“Things,” (Y/N) repeated. She might not remember Bolin and his habits, but he was a horrible liar. “Listen, I just wanted to say sorry for everything that happened at dinner earlier this week. I spoke without thinking and I didn’t mean to make you upset.”
“I’m not upset,” Bolin said. “Mako kissed you, that’s…that’s no big deal.” (Y/N) furrowed her brows.
“Does Mako know you feel that way?”
“You don’t have to come talk to me on his behalf. Whatever you guys have, I’m cool with it.”
“That wasn’t what I was doing, and Mako and I don’t ‘have’ anything.” She crossed her arms over her chest, her lips pulling down at the edges. “Don’t make assumptions about what’s going on between Mako and I before asking either one of us.”
“I wasn’t trying to make assumptions,” He said. “Listen, if you and Mako want to…y’know, have anything, I don’t want you to think that I’m upset or standing in the way of it. I’m fine, really. I’m over what happened between you and I. I was upset at Mako for not telling me, but I’m fine now.” He moved to shut the door.
“You’re over me,” (Y/N) said, and she felt like an idiot for repeating it but she needed to clarify.
“A thousand percent,” Bolin said with a smile. “From now on, we can be best buds!” With that, he shut the door. (Y/N) stared blankly at the hardwood for a moment, trying to process what had just happened. Bolin was over her. He had said it himself. She supposed she should have figured that. It had apparently been years since they had been together and it was obvious to her that she had hurt him very badly. Bolin deserved this outcome, he deserved to be over her after everything she had put him through. She should be happy for him.
As she walked back to the main part of the ship where the rest of her friends would be, she couldn’t help but comb through every interaction she ever had with Bolin. She had thought that maybe there had been something there. He had made her a favorite food of hers and had offered her a jacket to make sure she wasn’t cold. (Y/N) felt like an idiot. Those were probably just things Bolin did, and she wasn’t aware because she didn’t know him at all.
“(Y/N)!” Korra called, jogging to catch up with her friend. “I’ve been shouting for you to wait for like a whole minute.”
“Sorry,” (Y/N) said. “A lot on my mind, I guess.”
“Well you’re about to have even more on your mind, because I just talked to the captain and he said we’re going to dock in the Southern Water Tribe by nightfall.”
“That’s amazing!” (Y/N) exclaimed. She was going to allow herself to have a moment of excitement. “And then we’ll head into the Spirit World?”
“It’ll be too cold to leave at night. We’re going to stay with my parents and then my dad will help us get there tomorrow.” Korra grinned at (Y/N), her eyes barely visible from how wide her smile was. “I’m so excited for you to see where I’m from.”
“If it created someone like you, I’m sure it’s amazing,” (Y/N) said. Korra looped her arm through (Y/N’s).
“I’ll have to ask Mako and Bolin where your family’s from. I’d love to know if you have a bit of Water Tribe in you.” She poked her side, causing (Y/N) to giggle.
“I can’t wait to have all of the answers back,” (Y/N) said. “Who I am, where I’m from. Do you think my family is still in Republic City? Do I even have a family?” She turned to Korra. “I wonder if they’ll even let me come home.”
“You’re getting ahead of yourself. First, we have to figure out how to get your memories back. And then we have to figure out how to get you to stay in Republic City. I kind of like having you around.”
“Really?” (Y/N’s) smile was bright and beaming. She was thankful for Korra. When everything else was so uncertain, at least she had a friend in her from the very start.
“Yeah. There’s no one I know that does as much embarrassing stuff as you.”
They docked in the Southern Water Tribe late that night. (Y/N) had put on as many layers of clothing as she could to keep herself warm, but it still didn’t feel like enough. She was shivering as she walked off the boat, which caused Korra to laugh at her. “Not all of us have firebending to keep ourselves warm!” (Y/N) muttered.
Korra’s father was waiting at the end of the dock to take them all back to their home. He introduced himself as Tonraq and he absolutely towered over (Y/N). He looked rather intimidating, but he had a kind smile that (Y/N) appreciated.
“So you’re the young girl that’s been stirring things up in Republic City,” He laughed as he shook (Y/N’s) gloved hand. “Just when I think Korra might take a break, she’s gets herself into another adventure.”
“She’s been such a great friend to me these past few weeks,” (Y/N) said. They rod snowmobiles back to their hut. It was modest in size, but as soon as (Y/N) stepped inside, she felt so at home. A fire radiated in the middle of the room, keeping the entire house warm. Animal furs and pelts decorated the walls, but so did pictures of Korra. From an infant to present, photographs of Korra were placed through the entire house.
“It’s so nice to see all of you again,” Korra’s mom said as she hugged her daughter. “And it’s so nice to meet you!” She pulled (Y/N) into a hug of her own, surprising the girl. When they pulled away, she introduced herself. “I’m Senna. Korra has written us so much about you.”
“Alright,” Korra said with a cough, her face bearing a faint flush. “(Y/N) and Asami will stay in my room with me. Mako and Bolin, you’re going to sleep in the living room if that’s alright.”
“Sounds good to me!” Bolin said, and he started pulling out his sleeping bag to prepare for the night. (Y/N) couldn’t help but look back at him as she was guided into Korra’s bedroom.
It was a small bedroom with a bed pushed against the wall, but two beds had been set up on the floor. Korra’s walls were bare compared to the rest of the house. “I saw those pictures of you as a baby,” (Y/N) said. “You were so adorable!”
“’Were?’” Korra asked, and she, Asami, and (Y/N) laughed.
The three girls began getting ready for bed and each crawled underneath the covers. (Y/N) had opted to leave her jackets on. “I don’t think I have any Water Tribe in me,” She said to Korra. “It’s freezing here.”
“You get used to it eventually,” Asami said. Korra tossed a blanket at (Y/N), which landed on her head.
“Here, have one of mine.”
“Are you sure you won’t need it?”
“Nah, plus I don’t really want to hear Mako complaining in the morning when you’ve turned into an icicle.”
“Have you talked to him at all since…?” Asami asked.
“Since I completely embarrassed myself at dinner the other night? No, I haven’t.” She situated herself in bed and turned over to look at her friends. “Do you think I should? I mean, it is odd that he just kissed me out of nowhere, right?”
“Mako’s not one to hold back when it comes to his feelings,” Korra said, and she and Asami exchanged a knowing smile.
“I just don’t want to complicate things anymore. I talked to Bolin earlier today and he said that he doesn’t care what Mako and I do, because he’s over me. And I know it shouldn’t have, but it still stung.”
“Once we get your memories back, everything will make sense again,” Asami said, reaching underneath the blankets to squeeze (Y/N’s) hand.
“Thanks, guys,” (Y/N) said, closing her eyes to try to get some sleep. She and Asami’s fingertips remained touching throughout the night.
In the living room, Mako and Bolin remained wide awake. Both brothers stared at the ceiling, neither sure of what they should do in order to make themselves fall asleep. Mako decided to speak first.
“I’ve been trying to talk to you,” He said in a low whisper. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you that I kissed (Y/N). I don’t really know what happened. She just got me so angry.” Bolin hummed in acknowledgement, so Mako continued. “If I’m being honest, I did sort of like her when you guys were together.”
Bolin turned on his stomach to face Mako. “Have you liked every girl I’ve been with? First (Y/N), then Korra-!”
“Not every girl,” Mako said. “Just the really smart and pretty ones.” Bolin scoffed, but Mako could still see the hint of a smile on his face. “I don’t want you to think that I was trying to undermine you by kissing her. I really didn’t know what I was doing when I did it and I still don’t know why I did it. I’m glad she hasn’t tried to talk to me about it, because I’m not sure I wouldn’t have had an answer for her.”
“I don’t care that you guys kissed,” Bolin said. “I’ve been over (Y/N) for a while now. I was just bothered that you didn’t tell me about it.” Mako raised an eyebrow.
“You think you’re over (Y/N)?”
“Of course I am. It’s been years-“
“And you look at her like you did the first time. Stop trying to lie to yourself, little bro.” Bolin huffed.
“It doesn’t matter. You remember how things ended.”
“I know, but maybe…maybe we were wrong.”
“Are you actually starting to defend (Y/N)? Old (Y/N), I mean?”
“I’m not defending her! It’s just obvious that we don’t have the whole story. But hopefully we will soon.” Mako slid further underneath his covers. “Just…don’t hold what I did against her.”
Bolin turned on his side, staring at the fire that was now dying out. He didn’t like the way being around (Y/N) made him feel. It scared him, because he had felt those feelings before, and had ended up worse off because of it. But that night, he did drift off thinking of her smile. 
Tag List!
@ilovespideyyy , @zukostan221 , @nataliahaslosthershit , @dailytrashypanda , @ryleyrooroo , @yuhaino , @hotgirlazula , @writeido , @foenixphire , @bolinmorelikebabe-lin , @pointlesscoconut , @shells-bells-ringding , @hstott , @bombardia , @maruchan77 , @busyforkuvira , @moon-spirit-yue , @idk123906 , @hocus-pocus-i-dont-focus , @simpingforzuko69 , @theloneliestplaytapus
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neerasrealm · 4 years
Fresh Start
A story about Sally Williams finding a new home with an- odd pair of men. Fun fact but I’ve rewritten this story twice because I couldn’t decide on how to write this- I wanted it to be as good as possible and I think I’m happy with this version.
Word count: 1651
Laughing Jack hummed softly to himself as he quietly played his accordion. He had no song in mind, it was just aimless chords without meaning. It was dark now, the sun had gone down, and there was nobody in the park save for some teens or late night joggers. 
Looking down at his accordion, he realised someone was watching him. He looked to the side to meet the bright, green eyes watching him. The eyes belonged to a girl, who could only be about ten years old, wearing a pink dress. She had messy brown hair that fell in curls just past her shoulders. He smiled at her.
"Well 'ello there." He greeted. "Can I 'elp ya, kiddo?"
"...I like your music." She said softly. He smiled and tilted his head. 
"I recognize ya," he said. "Weren' you wiv th' other kids earlier, when I was givin' ou' balloons?"
She nodded and held up the balloon dog Jack had made for her earlier. She smiled, just a little bit. He chuckled.
"Wha're ye doin' down 'ere so la'e, Sally? Shouldn' ye be a' 'ome wiv yer ma an' da?" He asked. Sally's smile dropped and she looked at the ground. Jack frowned. "...'ave ya...go' a ma an' da?"
Sally sniffled. Jack watched tears fall from her eyes. He scooted up the bench and patted the space next to him. "Ey, i's alrigh', come ta Jackie." He said softly. Sally climbed onto the bench next to him, holding her balloon animal and an old stuffed bear. She hugged both of them tight as she cried quietly. Jack wrapped an arm around the girl and pet her head. "Shh, i's alrigh', Jackie's 'ere."
Sally snuggled close against him, her crying getting louder. The clown hugged her tight, rubbing circles into her back. The poor girl- she felt deathly cold, and so small- though that could've just been that Jack was very tall. 
Sally buried her face in Jack's shirt. He smelled of lavender and the rain. The smell was a small comfort. As she cried Jack could only watch in horror as a bloody gash formed in her head. Blood trickled down her face and through her beautiful brown hair. He reached into his puffy sleeve and pulled out a rag. He wiped blood from her face the best he could. 
Sally probably wasn't human like he'd initially thought. 
"Do ya 'ave anywhere ta go, kiddo?" He asked softly.
"I-I can go h-home but- my mo- my mom and d-dad moved aw-away." She managed to say in between sobs. Jack nodded slowly. "The n-ne-new people c-call me sc-scary." Her sobbing got more intense as she spoke. Jack hugged her tighter.
"Well tha's no' very nice…" He murmured. He stared down at her. He couldn't just leave this girl alone. Human or not, it wasn't right to leave a child alone in a park all night and day. It went against the very reason he existed. "E-Ey kiddo, 'ow abou' ye stay wiv me fer t'night?" He asked. Sally sniffled and looked up at him. "Wouldja like tha'?" 
"Okay." She replied oh so softly. Her voice was barely above a whisper. Jack scooped her up into his arms and held her close. He adjusted the strap on his accordion so it hung off his back rather than front, and stood up. 
"Ya like piggy-back rides?" He asked with a small grin. Sally seemed to brighten up a bit. She nodded, and Jack lifted her up onto his shoulders. "Now ya can see th' whole park." He chirped. Sally sniffled and grinned down at the clown. 
"Jack? Where are we going?" Sally asked. Jack had walked halfway across town and was now casually sauntering through a building site near the edge of the forest. 
"Hm? Oh! I live in th' woods, wiv a frien'." Jack smiled up at her.
"A friend?"
"Yeh! 'Is name's Slender. 'E's a bi' grumpy, bu' you'll like 'im." Jack replied. "Don' tell 'im I said this, bu' 'e 'as a sof' spo' fer kids."
Sally looked down at the clown curiously. "Will he like me?" She asked.
"Will 'e like ya?" He asked incredulously. "Of course 'e will! Slen loves kiddos, almos' as much as I do." Jack grinned up at her. "Th' two of us are gonna be fussin' over ya nigh' an’ day."
He made his way deep into the forest, with Sally clinging close to him. Jack patted her head reassuringly. Poor thing- he could tell why she'd be scared, being taken into the woods by someone she didn't know well after...well he didn't exactly know what had happened to her, but he knew it couldn't be good. Luckily, they soon came upon a clearing. Sitting in the middle of it was a large house. It was practically a castle to Sally.
"Tha's our gaf." Jack said, pointing.
"It's so big…" Sally murmured. Jack smiled.
"Sure is! Plen'y o' room fer ya t' run aroun'." He chirped. He walked to the door and opened it. Stepping inside, Sally stared around the giant living room. There was a couch, a couple armchairs, a very primitive tv, even by 70s standards and...well, not much else. The house seemed to be empty. 
"Slen, I'm 'ome." Jack called out as he walked towards a door next to the couch.. He grabbed Sally from his shoulders and held her against his chest instead as he opened the door. The girl looked around quickly, green eyes shining curiously. 
"Oh, Ja-" standing in the kitchen was a tall man in a suit. His skin was completely white, and his proportions were so unnatural- his arms and legs were far too long for anyone to realistically have. The thing that freaked Sally out the most, however, was his face, or rather- his lack of one. Sally clung tighter to Jack, staring in horror as this monster in front of her stared right back. In a movement too smooth and quick for any person, he crossed the room. "Jack, who is that?"
"This is Sally! Ain't she a righ' cu'e basin o' gravy?" Jack chirped back, adjusting his hold on Sally. 
"Jack, you can't just take random children! Especially here! Now she'll know about everyone living in these woods and tell all the other children and-" Slender's angry and panicked rant was cut off by Jack extending an arm and placing his index finger where Slender's lips would be.
"Cool i', china pla'e. I didn' 'alf inch 'er because she's cu'e, if ye're finkin' tha'." Jack replied. His accent seemed to thicken while talking to Slender. "She 'asn't go' anywhere ta go. 'Er ma an' da are gone."
Slender was quiet for a few moments before sighing. He rubbed his featureless face in irritation. "Alright, alright…" He looked from Jack to Sally. He tilted his head at her. "Well- hello Sally, I suppose you're staying with us for now." He said, softer this time. Sally still flinched away from him. 
"Ah, don' be scared o' 'im, Slen wouldn' 'ur' a 'air on yer 'ead." Jack said, rubbing Sally's back soothingly. He grinned at his friend. "Ain' tha' righ', Slen?"
Slender seemed to become distressed for a moment and he stepped away from Jack and Sally. "Oh I'm- I'm sorry I should've assumed you'd be scared...I always forget about that-" he glanced away nervously for a moment. He held out a hand to Sally. "I'm Slender. It's a pleasure to meet you, little one. I- apologize for the bad first impression, Jack can be...impulsive, at times."
Jack muttered something to himself and rolled his eyes. Sally looked at him and smiled, then at Slender's hand. She hesitated, then reached out to shake it. Her entire hand was barely bigger than Slender's palm. After she pulled away from the handshake she heard Jack chuckle, and she looked up at the clown.
"Ye okay, Slen?"
Jack barked a laugh and reached out, patting Slender's shoulder. "Ye big softie." He murmured affectionately. Slender shot him a look and adjusted his tie, trying to regain his composure. Sally giggled at the two of them.
"How old are you, dear?"
"Ten." Sally replied. Slender made an- odd- noise that made Jack snicker. 
"God she's only a toddler-"
"Ten year ol's aren' toddlers, Slen." Laughing Jack said. Slender ignored him. 
"Can we get you anything, Sally? A drink? Are you hungry?" He asked. Sally smiled shyly at all the attention. Sure her parents had treated her like a princess but this? This was the kind of fawning only a queen got. 
"Toast would be nice." She said. "And- warm milk…?"
Slender, despite his lack of face, seemed to radiate happiness. "Of course!" He chirped maybe a bit too eagerly. He turned and quickly moved to the fridge, pulling out some bread and a carton of milk. 
Sally watched him curiously as Jack moved to the dining table and took a seat. Sally was dropped into his lap. She looked up at him while he rubbed her cheek with the back of a finger. Sally hugged her bear and balloon animal as she looked around.
"Does anyone else live here?" She asked. Jack shook his head.
"Nah." He replied. "We've always wan'ed more though...lo'sa kiddos runnin' aroun' th' gaf, like a big ol' fam'ly." The clown smiled down at Sally. 
"What's a gaf?" Sally asked. Jack wheezed in amusement. 
"A 'gaf' is a house," Slender said. "I only understand him because I've known him too long." He added, nodding his head at the clown. Jack grinned at Slender.
"Ah, ye luv me." He said. Slender squinted at him.
"Well that's news to me."
Jack wheezed again, cackling loudly in amusement. Sally giggled in his lap. She liked these two, as strange as they were. Maybe- just maybe- this could be a fresh start. She'd like that.
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moskaisley · 4 years
fear and loathing
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gif: @pedroispunk​
pairing: javier peña x reader
rating: NC-17!! explicit!!! this is literally porn!!! if ur under, 18+ go away.
warnings: mentions of drugs, alcohol, crime, SMUT MSUSTMSUMUT
word count: 2.9k
“Oh, maybe I was a little too wild in the 70s Back down to earth with a lounge singer shimmer Elevator down to my make believe residency From the honeymoon suite Two shows a day, four nights a week Easy money”
In the years before Agent Peña was shipped to Colombia, he spent his time lost in the lights of Las Vegas, entangling himself with the lounge singer of the Flamingo Hotel and Casino.
a/n: aka me romanticizing my own city knowing it’s actually a piece of shit town. i would highly recommend u listen to star treatment by arctic monkeys bc i had that record on repeat while writing this :) enjoy space cowboys!
The neon lights of Las Vegas were so bright they could burn skin with sin. 
People called New York the city that never sleeps, but the Big Apple couldn’t hold a candle to the mirage of chaos situated in the heart of the Mojave. This place was hotter than Hell and the citizens were like snakes, hiding from the beating sun at dawn and slithering out to hunt at dusk. The city was designed to overwhelm its “guests” with temptation. What happens here, stays here: an empty promise disguised as a secret. People talk, and the name had its own proud implication.
You didn’t have to say what you got up to in Vegas, everyone already knows.
The year was 1979. Javier Peña sat in a smoky lounge of the Flamingo, eyes lazily trained on a suited piano man playing away on stage.
He’d never come here willingly, but the DEA had him sent to Sin City investigating its suspicious abundance of every drug under the sun. Though Bugsy Siegel and many of the mobsters were long gone, the mafia still held Vegas by the balls. Their influence was atomic, going so far as to halt Metro in making any sort of move against them. Javi noticed it immediately on his first day in the office; the officers on the force only ever responded to petty crimes and traffic violations. Any call involving suited men and blow were brushed off and away. When Javi confronted one of the detectives, he only laughed in his face,
“Their lawyers are too good, Peña.”
It was only when Javi took a walk down to a shitty convenience store for a pack of cigarettes did he realize the state of the city. He saw a group of kids who couldn’t have been older than 22, high off their ass and stumbling along the sidewalk. He did his best to ignore them, but the group suddenly got louder as a girl was tripping over her heels into the street, an oncoming car only seconds away. He acted quickly grabbing her arm and pulling her flush against him, Rolls Royce tearing down the road, horn blaring at the two of them.
“You saved my life there, Mr. Mustache,” she cooed, “How could I ever repay you?”
When he looked back to her, he tried his best not to cringe. Her pupils were so dilated, he was surprised her eyes didn’t pop out of their sockets. Then, he saw the white powder off the corner of her nostril and his stomach turned. She cackled at him, and he pushed her back to her coked out friends.
Javi learned two things that night: Vegas has horrible drivers, and anyone who came close to this town rotted from the inside out. 
He figured that, in order to make any progress here, it would have to come from Hell itself. If he stuck around long enough, maybe he’d find something amongst the fields of ringing slot machines and gaudy carpet.
“Lose all your money already, son?” A voice drew him out of his thoughts. He turned to see a sharply dressed older man.
Javi faked a smile for the sake of being polite, “No, not yet. Maybe in a bit.” 
The man chuckled and sat in the leather chair to the left of him, “You should stay. They’ve got quite a show coming up.”
Fancyman bristles beside him reaching inside his breast pocket. The little bag that he pulls out is unmistakable. The high roller notices his stare, “It’ll be especially good with a little bit of this.”
Javi cocks an eyebrow at him and waves him off, “No thanks. I think I’ll just stick with these.”
He gestures to his pack of cigarettes on the small table.
“Suit yourself,” the man settles. He takes the powder on his pinky and snorts it into his nostril.
Javier holds back on rolling his eyes and instead leans into his seat. He pulls a cigarette to his lips, settling in for this magnificent show that Fancyman promised. He rifled through his leather jacket for a lighter, but nothing turned up in his pockets. 
“Let me get that for you,” a new, sultry voice whispers into his ears.
Heat creeps up his neck as a hand splays itself across his chest, tracing the exposed skin under his black button up. A golden zippo in perfectly manicured fingers appears before him, flickering to life with a tiny flame. He leans in and takes a drag, acutely aware of the lips inches away from his ear. 
“Speak of the devil,” he nearly forgot about his company for the evening, “if it isn’t our little songbird.”
“Always a pleasure to see you again, Mr. Hughes,” Javi is strangely disappointed to hear the voice had drawn away, “Who’s your friend here?”
He turns around to introduce himself, but his name dies in his throat when his eyes catch yours. You could easily be a movie star with your bright red lipstick and perfect waves of hair. His mouth goes dry when you round the corner of his chair and sit on the armrest, lighting your own thin cigarette and storing away your zippo in your fur coat.
“I don’t know, darling, but I think he’s in love.”
“Is that so?” Your perfect lips form a smile as you curl them around the filter, “What’s your name, lover?”
He coughs into his sleeve in an attempt to prevent his voice from rising three octaves.
“Javier,” he says, “It’s just Javi, though..”
“Javier,” he could get drunk on the way you say his name, “Well, just Javi, could you hold onto this for me?”
His breath hitches when you slide the coat off your shoulders, revealing your body in a silk black strapless dress and a gold necklace with diamonds spilling onto your collarbone. You all but throw the fur onto his lap and stamp out your cig in the ashtray in front of him. 
“Enjoy the show, lover.”
Describing you as a “songbird” was a serious understatement. Javi found your voice fucking heavenly with the way it crooned out some old torch song from the 40s. He wasn’t the only one who felt this way; sober or not, the audience hung onto every note that left your lips and the room was at your command. Your smooth, honey-sweet voice melted through one melody to the next. Soon enough, you were thanking everyone for coming out and wishing the crowd a lovely stay at the Flamingo.
And then your eyes met Javi’s once again, and blood rushed to his ears.
Eyes glittering mischievously, you point directly to him, “This last song is dedicated to that man right there.”
The spotlight whips away from the stage, landing directly on Javi’s chair. He tried his best to remain stone cold, jaw clenched and dark eyes boring into yours from across the room. But his embarrassment was quite literally on display as he shifted uncomfortably under the white hot heat of the light behind him.
“Just Javi was kind enough to hold onto something very special to me,” you purred into the mic, “Please give him a round of applause.”
Thank God, for your coat. Had it not been there, the world would’ve seen the way Javi’s cock strained against his jeans.
He finally let out a huff of relief as the spotlight left his back and veered its way back to your place on the stage, your last song starting. Javi was quick to scramble for another cigarette. He looked at the coat in his lap, pausing in contemplation. His eyes darted between the fur coat and yours as you began to sing again.
“I found a place
Full of charms
A magic world
In my baby's arms....”
His hands slithered their way to the folds of the coat on his lap, dipping into the pocket and pulling out the golden lighter. He flicked the sparkwheel, a tiny fire illuminating his the curves of his face as he kept his steely gaze on you.
“Her soft embrace
Like Satin and Lace..”
Javi took a long drag, nicotine setting his chest aflame. Your black dress ripples along your legs as you cross the stage. You’re smooth in the way you pull yourself onto the grand piano, lying down and arching your breasts upward as you belt out the lyrics, shooting a dazzling smile to him.
“Wondrous place”
“Excuse me, miss? There’s someone here to see you.”
“Tell him he needs to get in line.”
You see Tom, the baby-faced stagehand, bristle in the reflection of your dressing room mirror. He’s heatedly whispering with the person next to him. You always felt bad for giving him the chore of turning your suitors away.
And while you expect Tom to close the door and leave you in peace, he presses on.
“He-uh-he says he has your coat, ma’am.”
Your lips curl into a devilish smile, and you turn to your sweet blushing assistant.
“Oh, send him in then. He’s okay.”
The kid obeys, pushing your door further open. The man you’ve had your eyes on all night walks through, your fur coat wrapped along his forearm.
“What a lovely surprise, Just Javi.”
You watch him in amusement as his Adam's apple bobs in his neck. You relish in the paralyzing effect you have on him.
“I just came to return this,” his voice is tight as he tries to return your fur to you. You don’t miss the way his eyes trail over your body; your black stage dress was replaced by a cream silk robe loosely tied at your waist.
“Sure you did,” you tease. His jaw clenches. A small laugh spills from your lips, “Tom, could you give us a bit of privacy?”
Silence follows after the door shuts closed. You cross the room to stand inches before him, raising a hand to caress his cheek. The other rests on the coat in his arms. His ragged breathing is music to your ears. 
“You were great tonight.”
“I aim to entertain,” you rub your thumb over his cheekbone, “Thank you.”
He clears his throat, voice growing low, “That was a pretty mean stunt you pulled out there.”
“Not a fan of the limelight, Javier?”
“No, not particularly.” 
A coy smile creeps on your face when he leans in closer, lips parting in an attempt to catch yours. You slyly dodge Javi's mouth, and it connects with the crook of your neck instead. In his frustration, he bites down hard. A satisfied mewl escapes you.
“You’re driving me insane,” he huffs against your clavicle.
“What can I say?” he pulls away to look at you with wild eyes, “I like to play with my food, Javier.”
Chest heaving, Javi throws the damn coat onto the plush velvet chaise behind you. His strong, calloused hands are at your waist, feeling the curves of your body and pulling you closer towards him. You giggled in delight at his touch and your hands flew to clutch the back of his neck, fingers entangling themselves in his hair. You squeal when he goes to grab your ass, hoisting you up and wrapping your legs around his torso. He makes his way over to your vanity, and with a sweep of his right hand, he pushes off the contents of the table to the floor. Javi sits you up against the mirror, and takes your face in his hands.
“Let me kiss you, mi amor.”
Your body swells with warmth. You didn’t plan on kissing him, but the way his accent echoed in your ears made you dizzy. Your hands drop to the opening in his button up, and you pull him in, lips crashing together. He shudders against you, tongue swiping across your bottom lip. You let Javi in with fervor, huffing against his lips. Your fingers work their way down his torso, unbuttoning his shirt. They come back to his shoulders, desperately pushing his leather jacket off his shoulders. Javi’s hands leave your face and shrug off both his garments onto the floor. Your face flushes with heat at the sight of his bare chest. He pushes himself closer between your legs, and traces his right hand towards your inner thigh. His other hand pulls the bow at your waist and your robe spills open revealing your naked body.
Javi groans at the sight before him, and his hand palms at your breast.
“Fuck, you’re stunning.”
“Take a picture. Lasts longer.”
“I intend to do way more than that, cariño.”
Your heart flutters when he pulls your vanity chair in front of you and takes a seat. He spreads your legs out wide, hooking one of them over his shoulder. You hold your breath as he kisses along the inside of your thigh. Two fingers come up to your dripping pussy, massaging against the folds and spreading them open. His fucking tongue traces against your opening and you nearly cry at how good it feels. Javi drinks in every part of you as you squirm under his mouth like any parched man would in this desert. He moves his lips upward to suck gently on your clit, and inserts two fingers into you. 
“Javi!” you croon, “Javi, baby, it feels so good.”
“Yeah? Sing it for me, sweetheart. I love hearing your voice.”
You gasp when his digits curl inside you. You wrap your hand in his hair, and pull him back up to face you. He’s still pumping into you when he stands from the chair, and your leg falls back onto the table. Trouble flickers across your face as you reach down and grip his wrist. You pull his fingers out of you and take them into your mouth, swirling your tongue and tasting your cunt on his tips. 
“Shit, baby,” Javi grunts and uses his free hand to pull you flush against his hips. You moan at the feeling of his cock through his jeans. He presses his forehead against yours and removes his fingers from your hot mouth. Your deft hands fly to unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants. You claw at the waistband of his boxers, dipping your soft hands below to palm his thick cock.
Javi’s eyes shut at the contact, cursing under his breath when you wrap your fingers around the tip and squeeze.
“I knew I was gonna fuck you the minute I saw you,” You shift under him to whisper in his ear, “I’m so glad you don’t disappoint.”
“How?” Javi is barely holding it together, head spinning as you slowly stroke his shaft, “You couldn’t even see my face in the lounge.”
“No, I couldn’t. But I saw you in the lobby,” you push down his underwear and his cock springs out, “It was just my luck you came to see me.”
You pull him into another searing kiss, dick still in hand. His heart races as you rub him along your wet entrance. He leans forward and his arms pin themselves beside your head against the vanity mirror. He thrusts his length fully inside you, and the sound you make is ungodly. Your tight cunt is so warm and tight and he begins to move faster. The slapping of his torso against the back of your thighs reverberates around your dressing room, and your vanity table shakes with every push into you. Anything remaining on your table shifted and fell to the floor with the rest of Javi’s clothes. 
He pulls his hands away from your mirror, and he presses them into your shoulders for stability. His lips move from yours and attack your neck, sucking at the supple skin below your jawline.
You let out a strangled mewl, but chide “Not on my neck, lover. I’ve got a show tomorrow.”
Javi nearly whines in frustration and pushes you backwards, forcing you to arch your chest into him. He kisses along your sternum instead, sucking down hard and marking you with a purple hickey between your breasts. The sight riles him up further, and he plows into you faster.
“Fuck, Javier, I’m gonna cum!” 
“Look at me, mi amor. I wanna see you,” he tilts your chin upwards with his finger.
A wave of pleasure washes over you and your lips are chanting his name as you ride your orgasm. Javi has his own shortly after you, cum spilling into you and leaking around the sides of his dick. He pulls out of you and leans against the table, arms flexing next to your legs.You sit up and kiss the corner of his mouth. Pushing yourself off your vanity, you push past him and bend over your chaise lounge, shuffling through your forgotten coat. You turn back to Javier leaning against the armrest and you light one of your slim cigs. You take your first drag and pull it from your lips, offering it to him as you exhale. When he goes to take it from your fingers, however, you abruptly tug at his arm, throwing him onto your chaise. 
His bewilderment made you chuckle, “What are you doing there, sweetheart?”
Your mischievous smile returns as you twist the cig in your fingers, 
“Hold onto this for me, Javier.”
You stick the filter into the corner of his mouth as you straddle his legs, and you peel off your robe to reveal all of yourself to him.
“I hope you’ve enjoyed your stay,” you coo as you lick your lips “but I don’t think I’m quite done singing for the night.”
You were no songbird. You were a siren. A succubus. Like everything else in Las Vegas, you would take and take and take and leave nothing but dry bones and dust in your wake.
a/n: disclaimer: las vegas is actually lame as fuck. 
but i hope u liked the very basic history lesson i peppered in there anyway haha. fun fact: the lawyers for all those mobsters actually became mayor at some point. 
the song mentioned in this fic is wondrous place by billy fury! 
the title is totally ripped from fear and loathing in las vegas! because we love references.
idk if there’s gonna b another part for this?? mayb if y’all rly want it i have a few ideas but after this i want to focus back on to migraine. lmk if u like it!! bc it was actually fun just writing about a place i know. hope you all enjoyed!
@starkstranges​  @mysterihoeee​
thanks for reading! see u space cowboys <3
- leo
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anakinlvvr · 5 years
Just for tonight (Mat Barzal)
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request: dad!barzal where he watches his kid alone for the first time cause you want to go out with ur friends or smth, and he gets sad bc your son is a total mommys boy and only wants you when he cries?
warnings: none
a/n: i legit wrote this in under 20 mins but i needed to put something out because i’ve been busy so sorry if it’s not up to standards haha :)
Taking one last look in the mirror, you gave yourself a nod of approval before grabbing your bag and heading towards the door after receiving a text telling you the taxi was here. You spun around on your heels to face your boyfriend who held your one year old son, Noah, in his arms as he followed behind you. You were going out with a few girlfriends tonight, it was the first time in forever that you were doing so because ever since your son was born you never wanted to leave him alone. It was just your motherly instinct to be with him at all times. Mat was staying home to look after the baby, some father and son bonding time but your boyfriend was nervous because everyone knew that the little boy was a definitely a mommy’s boy so you couldn’t wait to see how that panned our during the night.
“I love you both,” you smiled and pressed a kiss to Mat’s lips before looking down at Noah. “You be good for daddy, okay?” you brushed some of his dark hair down on his soft head.
“You look beautiful,” Mat said after scanning you from head to toe, he really was a lucky man. “Now get going, me and this boy are gonna have a blast! Be safe too.”
You gave both your favourite boys another kiss before opening the door and stepping outside. “Don’t stay up too late!” you called before closing the door and running over to the taxi where your friends were waiting for you.
Mat breathed out and looked down at the baby who stared at the wooden door, probably expecting you to walk back through. “Just you and me tonight, bud.” he rubbed Noah’s back and walked towards the living room. “What should we do first, crack open a couple beers and watch some game highlights?” he joked and chuckled to himself before sitting down on the couch.
Not that long into the night, Noah started screaming and crying and Mat couldn’t seem to calm him down and it was obviously due to you not being here because he had tried everything. He tried feed him, but the plate was just pushed away and he wouldn’t drink from his bottle. Maybe he was tired? Nope, the kid didn’t want to lay down in his crib and kicked when Mat tried to put him in it. He obviously wasn’t going to call you and demand you come home, you deserved a break because you haven’t had a night out since before you were pregnant and he wanted you to have a great time. He would get through the night with the baby, he always pulled his weight around the house and helped you out when he wasn’t off at a game or practice but he wasn’t going to lie, it did upset him that he didn’t seem to have a strong bond with his baby like you had, but that didn’t make him love his son any less. He did try his best and he would continue to.
“Come on little man,” he stood in the middle of the nursery, patting Noah’s back as wet tears dropped onto his shoulder and nothing but whimpering in his ear. “Like me for one night, eh?” Mat ran a hand through his own dark hair and looked out the window.
He sighed and rocked Noah a little while he wondered why the baby wasn’t attached to him as much as he was you. Was it because of hockey? Maybe because he was away a lot of the time and so Noah didn’t really like that...no it couldn’t be. He loved being a dad though,even though he was a young father, he caught on very quite and learned as he went and made sure to make time for his son, because he loved him so much.
It was now nearing ten o’clock and you probably wouldn’t be home until early hours in the morning so Mat would just need to deal with this for a while and so he did, he let Noah play with whatever he wanted too, because the kid didn’t seem tired, so he found the iPad sitting on the coffee table and played with that most of the night, which you would probably have scolded both boys for since the baby was up late. That made Noah feel content for quite a while before he started bubbling up again when he heard your voice on the other when on the people when you called in to see how things were. You felt bad for doing so because you didn’t want to stress Mat out even more with him having to deal with a stubborn baby and told him to maybe try out him to bed again with an item on your clothing so your scent was around him.
“Please stop crying, Noah buddy,” the one year old sat on Mat’s bouncing leg as he tried to calm him down again. “Maybe I should put you down for a nap, eh because it’s way past your bedtime.” that resulted in another screaming match in the nursery because Noah didn’t want to stay in his crib. “How about I come in there with you, eh?” and with that, Mat lay your son down again with your shirt before climbing over the top of the crib and getting in as well. Hopefully this would work and get him to sleep.
The crib was strong enough to hold his weight so he could easily get in and lay down but it wasn’t big enough to fit his tall frame so he would need to make so. Noah watched his father as he sucked on his dummy as he calmed down a little, laying his sad on his dads chest and breathing out through his nose. Mat smiled and pulled a little blanket around them, hopefully this would get Noah to sleep because someone was in the crib with him.
After a few more hours of being out clubbing, you turned up at your house at two am and locked the door behind you after you entered. You weren’t drunk, you had a few drinks but you could handle alcohol and you just wanted to get back to both the loves of your life. Pulling off your jacket after dropping your bag, you hung it up on the rack and looked around the living room, it was quiet which you expected since it was way past bedtime for all three of you. You heels were the next thing to go, letting out a sigh of relief when they were finally off your feet. You weren’t used to wearing heels so they killed your feet. You then made your way towards the bedroom, putting the heels aside as you frowned, Mat wasn’t in your bed, where you did expect him to be so you made your way towards the nursery where you were in for a surprise. Pushing the door open quietly, you entered and walked up towards the crib, putting a hand over your mouth when you took in the sight in front of you. You giggled and shook your head, Mat was sound asleep with baby Noah laying right across his stomach. Both of them looked so at peace but you didn’t know how your boyfriend could feel comfortable in that tiny space but he was definitely making the most of it.
“Baby,” you whispered, reaching down and placing a hand on Mat’s face, stroking your thumb over his cheekbone. “Mathew, baby...”
You watched as his eyes fluttered open, a smile growing on his face when he seen you. “Fun night?” he grunted.
“I was missing my boys all night long. Is that comfortable in there?” you chuckled and looked at Noah. “How about you come cuddle me now?” you asked your boyfriend while carefully moving Noah from being sprawled over him.
Noah shifted slightly but didn’t wake up, he was sound asleep as Mat stepped out of the crib. Your boyfriend couldn’t help but sigh in relief, he couldn’t remember falling asleep really but Noah was finally down for the count so it was success, right?
“Don’t leave me alone again, please.” he half joked with you as you made your way out of the nursery and into the bedroom.
“Stop, he loves you babe,” you took a seat on your bed, taking Mat’s hands in yours. “I know it probably doesn’t seem like it but he does.” you tried to make your sleepy man feel better. “Now get into bed.”
You soon changed into your pyjamas and washed your face and brushed your teeth before climbing into bed beside your mam. You were happy to be home and in the arms of Mat, telling him how much you missed your son and boyfriend. You eventually fell asleep with a smile on your face as Mat played with your hair. You never wanted to leave them alone again either, here is where you would rather be.
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redfoxwritesstuff · 6 years
Thorn (Loki x ofc)
Requested 11/15 by Anon to @loki-the-fox : cAn I rEqUesT mY bAbY Loki trying to convince himself that he isn’t falling for the rouge female warrior in Asgard, but ended up being saved by her in some sort of uber bad back alley brawl ((Unrealistic ik i’m sorry)) and then finally comes to terms with the fact that he fell way to hard for the beautiful warrior that should technically be jailed ((I’m sorry i’m not creative but like I love ur writing and shnuff and I uber duper super wanted to see this written by you <3<3 I LOVE YOU SM))
Well… This is awkward… I’m not @loki-the-fox but hopefully you like it just the same.
Loki x ofc, minor warning for violence, implied smut.
Summary: Young Loki ventures out of the palace into a tavern in a nearby village believing that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence where he repeatedly meets a smart mouth young woman who isn't fond of the royal family. It's hate at first sight but when she's mistaken for a whore and Loki's snide comment is matched by Blair's as she takes the last word. Loki's left to deal with the patrons who take it as a sign of weakness in the not so well loved Prince. When the fight spills outside the young Loki is no match for men who have him outnumbered he finds himself a unlikely savior and a messy scene. Perhaps he's let his station color is views as much as she had.
Loki’s swift steps took him farther and farther into the village just outside the palace city. In the distance he could see the golden palace even now and how the sight of it made his stomach churn. His breath came out in angry huffs.
He was beyond angry. How dare they disregard him, yet again. He was smarter than Thor. He was smarter than Odin. Why could none of them see his potential? It angered him to be cast aside as if he was not good enough, as if he was nothing.
He had to get as far away from the palace as he could. It was the only way he could get some space and think clearly. It wouldn’t do him any good to scream at Odin. It wasn’t worth the punishment and he was bored of fighting with Thor.
Regardless, when Thor tired of his words he would use his fists. His elder brother was much stronger than he physically and his sorcery was still a skill he was developing. In time he hoped he would be able to hold his own or even surpass his brother’s brute strength with it.
Pushing open the doors, he took in the smoky tavern. It stank and the air was thick. It was loud and crowded. It was everything he thought he needed and he came here more and more often. There was only one seat open at the bar, regrettably near the hotheaded woman he know to be called Blair.
He hated her and her snide comments. He didn’t ask to be born royal and she could never understand the pressure and stress his title put on his shoulders. She thought he had it so damn easy but what meetings did she have to attend to? What structure was required in her day? She got to do all she wanted, when she wanted. Lucky bitch.
What Loki didn’t realize that she thought the same of him. In her eyes he thought he was so much better then her. Living the easy life in the palace and being served left and right must be nice. The royal family clearly didn’t know what it felt like to do a solid day’s labor.
Yet somehow they always seemed to end up sitting next to each other in the tavern. As she shot down gruff man after man asking to take her home. Some even offered coin for the right to claim her for a night causing Loki to scoff next to her.
“You’re not worth any more.” He snidely spoke into his mug of ale.
“And you know the going rate of bed warmers? I guess you would, how else would you get a woman into your bed.” Downing her drink, Blair tossed some coins on the bar and left.
Loki didn’t even have a chance to bite back and she was gone. He’d never been so thankful for a woman to leave his side. She was bash and crude. How dare she speak to him in such a way. He’d have no use of women of the night, he’d have any woman he wanted. He was destined to wed a Princess in time.
“Oh you’re just going to take it.” A man down the bar commented, laughing into his drink.
“I beg your pardon?”
“Only a little royal bitch would let her talk to him like that.”
That’s the last Loki could recall as rage clouded his mind. Surely he said something back and insults where shot back and forth. Somehow they ended up outside. Turns out the large man had some just as large friends. They each had as much if not more bulk on them then Thor.
They didn’t fight in any way Loki had seen before. For a start, all five of them rained down on him at once. They fought with no honor or respect. To them, they could have been beating a dog instead of a man. Loki only managed to land a few blows in his attempt to defend himself.
“Why don’t you boys pick on someone else?” A voice called out.
Loki knew that voice. It was her voice. Pulling himself up on his hands and knees, he saw her from in the distance between the legs of one of the men. As much as he hated her, she didn’t need to get beaten even if the situation was her fault. He wanted to tell her to run but she looked down right arrogant.
“Leave.” How he wished his voice sounded stronger but it gave way to the pain of his broken ribs.
“You want to play, lil girl?” One man licked his lips in a revolting manner as he spoke.
“Oh I’ll play your game.” Her hips swayed in a sensual wave as she walked closer.
“Damn right we will. We’ll leave the little prince alone if we can have you.” She laughed right in their faces.
In retaliation one reached out to snag a fistful of her hair but she ducked low, delivering a powerful kick to his chest and knocking the wind from his lungs. A sharp bow from her elbow to his crotch sent the man down to the ground.
Spinning around, she kicked the feet out from another large man. Her arm was grabbed and yanked harshly as she was drawn to her feet by another. He sneered at her and whipped her around into the wall by her arm. The arm hung limply as she fell to the ground among trash and broken crates.
Grabbing up a board in the arm that still seemed to work and ignoring the pain in both her other arm and back, she smashed the first goon over the head with it. The crack of wood against skull was sickening.
Loki staggered to his feet as Blair faced off against the remaining men. Clearly, this wasn’t to be a fair fight. Pulling a dagger from his boot, he plunged it into the neck of one man. The blade glanced forward off bone and cut into the man’s throat. Jerking away, the man quickly bleed out in front of Loki’s eyes.
The remaining men were quick to scramble away, leaving Loki and Blair alone with a very dead man and another who had yet to come around from the board he took to the head. All and all, it was not a good situation. Loki would be off the hook. He was a prince and but Blair was just a woman of little financial means and no status.
She would take the fall for the dead man. The fight would be blamed on her. She would be blamed for the beating Loki took. The story would change and twist until Odin had something that would make the royal family look good.
“Come on.” Loki grabbed her hand and took off down the ally.
“Where are you taking us?” Blair tried to ignore the fact that Prince Loki was holding her hand.
“In all honesty, I am not sure.” Loki admitted, looking back at her. When did her brown eyes get so bright? “We can’t stay there however.”
“You’re a prince, no one will care.” Blair watched as he pulled her along. His just a bit too long hair was ruffled and wild. It was a nice change from the perfectly slick and brushed back look he normally wore.
“You however are not. I’ll not have you suffer for what was my fight.”
Blair dug her heels into the ground, forcing him to slow as she yelled up to him, “This way.”
As she pulled him through the streets to an abandoned home, she did her best to ignore the pain from the dislocated arm flopping against her side. Once he was inside she slammed the door closed and sank down to the ground.
“Down. You don’t want them to see us in the windows.” Loki quickly sat next to her, back against the wall dusty wall.
“Your arm?”
“Yeah, I’ll need your help with that. After you can leave and be free of my ugly face until the next time you slum in the village.” With a deep breath she glanced over to him. “If you could help pop it back in?”
Loki nodded and he took up her arm as gently as he could. She told him exactly what to do but still he didn’t want to hurt her. Finally with a grunt of effort he pushed and the sound it made when it popped into place was sickening.
“Thank you.” Somehow she hadn’t screamed at the pain but still he saw it clearly written on her face. Blair grabbed some dirty strips of cloth Loki could only assume once had been clean bandages off the ground and bound her arm into place. “Why haven’t you left yet?”
“I should be the one to offer thanks.” Loki admitted finally.
“But I assume that’s as close as I’ll get to a ‘thank you’ so I’ll take it. You’re welcome. You can leave now. Don’t want to get your fancy clothes dirty… or dirtier at least.”
“Why did you do it? You’ve no love for the royal family let alone for me.” Finally her brown eyes met his again. She didn’t look away or down. “You hate them.”
“I don’t hate them. Or you.” Loki watched as her chocolate eyes first looked up to the ceiling and then down to the ground before meeting his again. “I just- what’s it like to have a full stomach every night? What’s it like to sleep on down rather than straw? What’s it like to be warm at night? You’ve got it so easy and it’s not fair.”
“You struggle for food?” The thought was foreign to Loki. “Yet you go to the tavern and spend coin on ale?”
That question did make her look down. “I know it doesn’t make any sense. But if I don’t go out, don’t pretend that everything is okay it will be worse…”
“How? You spend money on ale that you need for food?” Loki watched as she took a deep breath.
“Father kicked me out when I refused to marry the old man willing to pay for my hand.” She shrugged again, suddenly unable to meet Loki’s eyes. Just why did the Prince care about such things now. “I kind of… I live here. Please don’t tell, I’ve not had coin to purchase it but no one else is living here so I’m not hurting anyone.”
“I won’t.” Loki reached out and grabbed her hand up. It was an impulsive action and he had her hand in his before he’d even thought it through. “I won’t tell anyone.”
Swallowing the lump in her throat, Blair continued. “You saw how those men talk to me, about me. If they knew I was so hard on coin they would be even worse.”
“It would be more dangerous for you.”
When did he begin leaning closer to her? When did she begin to lean closer to him? Somehow they were but a breath apart. Loki could feel Blair’s body heat and wondered if she could feel his. Surely she must.
Her lips were soft and warm against his. Letting go of her hand, he ran his fingers through the brown hair and smiled to himself as his fingers got tangled in the loose curls. Her hair was so soft and god did she smell good.
Pushing her back and down Loki was quick to take control. Not once did be break the kiss as he found himself atop her. Her hand found itself in his hair, along his back and against his firm chest.
She shivered as his hands snaked under her shirt. Bunching her fist into the back of his shirt, she pulled it up and over his head, breaking the kiss for a moment before his lips were at her neck again. In the back of her mind, she knew they would probably regret it after. He would surely regret it after.
The next week the small home was purchased and Blair found the document on a table that most certainly hadn’t been there when she had left to beg for work for the day. In perfect calligraphy was her name on the paper that proclaimed her owner.
Each day she’d leave and something, small or large would be improved in the home. Loki would deny it when asked at the tavern but she knew. He was the only one who knew. They were doomed, ill fated and of two different worlds.
One day she thought there was nothing left to fix or improve. She didn’t expect there to be anything different. Perhaps it would end, finally. Maybe after the nearly year they’d spent having almost civil conversations in public and falling together again and again in the seclusion of her home, he’d had enough.
Instead, when she walked into her small bedchamber she found a black and green dress draped over her bed. It was made of the finest silk she had seen. Next to it was a small note written in a hand she had grown to know well. Under it sat an envelope with the king’s seal.
Tonight as I’m sure you’ve heard my King Father is throwing a ball. Noble women and Princesses from all the lands near and far will be in attendance. From them I am to pick she who shall become my bride and stand by my side for eternity. You’ve surely already noticed the dress but you’ll also find shoes and most importantly a royal invite.
Come, my Darling. That invite is not a trick nor a forgery. Come so that I may pick the most fitting rose from the garden. Come, my darling, so that I can pick the rose who has both the beauty of a flower and the thrones of a warrior.
Yours always, Loki”
Tag list: @bambamwolf87, @theoneanna, @alexakeyloveloki, @0-0-0-0-0-0-0-7, @dangertoozmanykids101, @j-u-s-t-4, @missaphrodite23, @winterisakiller
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hamilton-one-shots · 6 years
Hamilton High School AU 63
He tried to break away, but the arms were too strong around his waist. "Who the fuck are you?"
"You'd think you know. Last time you heard me talking, it was in court, where you got off free for breaking my leg defending my stupid ex."
James Reynolds. John kept fighting his grip and he'd usually be out of it without a fight, but he felt so weak. And that dizziness never went away. What was happening to him?..
His answer came out of the bathroom as Reynolds dragged him towards the back entrance. John Jay came by with a sly grin.
"What did you do?.."
He held up a packet of pills. "You really should watch what you drink. Turns out, James was after you and I hate you, so I helped him out. In return, he hurts you in the worst way I know how to."
"All that time in prison because of you and Maria. I know what I'm doing."
In John's mind, he was screaming and thrashing, but whatever Jay had put in his drink simply sucked the life out of him and he was hardly moving, hardly making any noise. He was completely at their mercy.
Thomas went into the bathroom only a minute later, furrowing his eyebrows as he saw that John was gone. Maybe he already went back into the- Woah! He almost slipped on some lipstick tube. He tutted and picked it up, furrowing his eyes. The color seemed a bit too familiar. He walked out and kept looking down, finding a phone.
He felt his heart drop.
He ran out into the main hall and looked around. Think... Think... He knew this building better than anyone there. Whoever was there would find a back entrance without a fire alarm. And the closest one was... This way! He began running and went straight out of the door, fire filling his eyes at what he saw.
He ran forward and tackled the other guy off of John, beating him down into the concrete until he heard the weakest voice coming from John, calling for him. He jumped off of the half conscious stranger and gave him one last strong kick before going to John. "I'm here for you.. I'm going to see how hurt you are, okay?"
He made sure to wait for a weak nod from John before he checked under his skirt. John didn't seem to be too badly hurt, but it was clear that Thomas had only gotten there seconds too soon. He heard a camera click from behind him and turned around, growling as he saw John Jay with a phone.
“I tried to be your friend, Thomas. Have fun getting your reputation back up after this.”
Thomas jumped to his feet and grabbed the stupid thing from Jay’s hands, smashing it too pieces against the ground, about to do the same to Jay himself.
John moved around a bit and tried to sit up. "Tho... Thomas... Home..." he whimpered.
Thomas paused, giving Jay just enough time to run, and let his expression soften before he turned to John. "We have to get you some help, sunshine..”
John whimpered and shook his head.
“I’ll be with you the whole time. We have to make sure you’re okay.”
After another few seconds, John replied. “Okay...”
“Can I pick you up?.."
He nodded.
Thomas scooped him up and carried him to his car, reclining the front seat as much as he could. "Are you hurt anywhere?.. He didn't hurt you anywhere else?"
John shook his head. "He touched me..." he whimpered. "Jay.. bad stuff in my drink..."
"He drugged you?.." He sighed. "I'm calling the police. I'm not letting that monster get away with this and I'm not letting Jay run free, okay?"
John cried softly and nodded, curling up as Thomas stepped outside and did just that.
When the police and ambulance arrived, Thomas sat with John in the back of the ambulance, holding his hand as the paramedics took his vital signs.
Jay was dragged out of the building kicking and screaming and an officer behind him had the pills that he'd kept in his pocket in an evidence bag. James Reynolds was in an ambulance too, but with more officers than anyone else.
Thomas sighed. "Do you want me to get Alex?.."
He shook his head and held Thomas's hand tighter.
He nodded and kissed his hand. "Can I tell him what happened? I'll tell him you don't want anyone else around."
He nodded and Thomas did just that, seeing that Alexander had been spamming his phone.
[tomas, wers jon? I cant find him] [serisly, im worying] [if ur doin da do jus tel me, but im woryd] [tomas, thers cops and ambulans her, wer r u nd jon?] [tomas, pls! jon wont nsr me eder!]
[I'm here and John's with me. I'm going to tell you what happened, but John doesn't really want me to let you come along. xx]
[ud betr not b fucin lyng]
[I'm serious, Alexander. I told you I'd never do anything to hurt John. xx]
Alexander frowned. He just wanted to know that John was okay. [fin]
[John got drugged by John Jay and sexually assaulted by this James Reynolds guy or something. xx]
Alexander felt his heart stop. He completely shut down, unable to respond, unable to talk, unable to think. What was he supposed to think? Supposed to do? Go to sleep and act like his boyfriend hadn't just almost gotten raped? Like he didn't want him to be there right now?
"Alexander, are you alright?.. Where's John?.."
"I... I..." He began clamming up and just gave his phone to Lafayette, who went pale at the texts before frantically responding. [It's Lafayette, can I com and make sure hes okay?]
Thomas frowned and asked John. "Do you want to see Lafayette?.."
He thought for a few seconds before shaking his head. "Just you..."
"Alright.." He figured that John would change his mind later, but for now, it was best to just listen. [I'm sorry, I really am, but John says he doesn't want to see anyone else. xx]
[Thomas, if you are lying to me, I will castrate you with my bare hands.]
[I'm taking you serious, Laf. I need you to trust me for John's sake, please. xx]
He sighed. [Fine.] He gave Alexander back his phone. "Maybe he just needs his space right now... He doesn't want to see me either. He's not mad because of the pamphlet." Of course he knew that Alexander thought it was because of that.
And Lafayette was right. Alexander visibly relaxed at hearing that it wasn't only him, but only by the slightest amount. He was still worried about John.
"Let's go home, okay?.. We can talk to him later, I promise. He's going to be just fine."
Alexander nodded and let Lafayette lead him out of the hall, joining the rest of everyone in a flood towards their cars.
Lafayette sat with him in his car for a few minutes, letting everyone get to their own and letting the crowd clear up as he called Hercules. "I'm going to be with Alexander. I have to make sure he's okay."
"What about you, Laf?.. I want to make sure that you're okay too... John is like a brother to us both.."
"I'll be fine.."
Alexander reached up and grabbed his wrist. "Let him over.. He can sleep with us as long as you two aren't all gross.."
Lafayette smiled softly and nodded. "Why don't we all stay together? You, me, and Alexander?"
"Alright. I'll pick up Rosie and some clothes, then I'll be at yours. I'll see you then, baby."
"I'll see you then." Lafayette hung up and began driving, taking Alexander home.
Luckily, George and Martha were already asleep, so they got upstairs without a problem, changing in their own rooms before laying down in Lafayette's.
When Hercules got there, Lafayette let him in and he joined them upstairs with little Rosie, laying down with Lafayette and Alexander. He kissed his datemate's cheek and they all fell asleep.
Thomas paced around the waiting room as he was forced to stay there, John getting checked out somewhere in another room. He only stopped when a nurse came in, calling his name. "How is he?"
"He's going to be okay. We want to keep him just until the drugs leave his system, then do another quick evaluation, but, from the details we got from him, we highly doubt that he could have contracted any diseases, though we did make sure to test him. He should be getting those results in a few days or a week. Over all, John is going to be just fine."
Thomas sighed and relaxed. "Thank you so much.."
"It's my job. You can come see him and I think you can make a case for staying the night. You're his boyfriend?"
Thomas nodded.
"Then having you here should be nothing but beneficial for him." She smiled and led him up to John's room.
The freckled boy was laying in his bed, watching the tv in the corner and wearing a hospital gown underneath the blankets. He smiled as he saw Thomas and opened his arms for him, hugging him as he sat on the edge of the bed. "Thank you.."
"No need to thank me.. Even if I wasn't your boyfriend, I would've kicked that guy's ass without a second thought."
The nurse smiled. "He's going away for a long time. He may not have done any permanent damage, but it was damage all the same and he does have a record."
John nodded. "Thanks.."
She nodded and walked out.
Thomas laid down beside John and put an arm around him. "How are you feeling?.."
"High as hell... But I've been worse."
"Poor baby.." He kissed his forehead. "Do you need anything?"
He shook his head.
"You still don't want anyone else here?"
He shook his head again. "Just you.."
"That's fine." He smiled a bit.
"What is it, baby?"
"Is the dress okay?"
He chuckled. "It's not in too bad shape. I'm sure Sarah would understand and help you."
John just nodded.
"Go to sleep, sunshine."
He nodded again and fell asleep, Thomas sleeping beside him.
In the morning, John woke up to a gently nudge from one of the nurses, Thomas still fast asleep beside him.
"Sorry to wake you.. I just need to ask a few questions about your condition."
He nodded. "Okay.."
"How are you feeling this morning?"
"I'm kind of sore everywhere.. And my head kind of hurts, but I'm not too bad. Like, if I had the flu."
She nodded and wrote that down. "Is there anything else?"
"No. I'm alright otherwise."
"Great." She smiled and gave him a brochure for a therapist. "I recommend seeing this doctor when you're ready. It's not necessary in the healing process, but I highly recommend it."
John nodded, pretending to consider it. "Thank you.."
"Of course. We just need to run a few quick tests, then you'll be ready to leave."
He nodded again and let her test his reflexes. He couldn't even let them test his pupil dilation the night before because he cried and thrashed as soon as it started thanks to how blown out his pupils already were. And Thomas had to hold him as they took his temperature and hold his hand as they got his dress off and checked him for physical damage. He was a mess made a whimpering child by drugs.
"All done."
John blinked a few times. Already? He only vaguely remembered a few followed instructions, but it seemed that he'd spent his attention on his own internal turmoil.
Thomas began to stir. "What time is it?.."
"It's just about to be 8 in the morning. Mr Laurens is ready to go home once you're ready. You can run and bring him a change of clothes, if you want."
Thomas nodded, then sat up and stretched once the nurse left. "I'm going to get you some clothes."
He nodded and gave him his key, checking his phone as he waited. He sighed as he saw all of the missed calls and messages mainly from Alexander. He called him, knowing that would put him more at ease than just a text.
Alexander had been half asleep, but answered in record time. "Hello?"
"Hey... It's me.. I'm okay.."
"John... Thomas told me what happened last night. I'm so sorry.."
"I'm going to be okay, I promise. I hope you know I'm not mad at your or anything... I just don't really want to see anybody.." He didn't want to be coddled, made to feel like what happened broke him. It hurt, but John had easily been through worse. Thomas knew how he wanted to be treated, not in any way special, but like he had someone there if he changed his mind. Lafayette was too soft as to try not to treat him any differently and Alexander saw John as fragile, as he'd already made clear. And Hercules would no doubt treat him differently, too, seeing John as a younger sibling. Thomas was probably the only person who wouldn't since he understood what it was like not wanting to be treated differently, most people did just that when they learned just how rich his family was, and he understood that he wasn't the only one who felt that way.
When he came back, John changed into the outfit that he'd brought him, just a simple shirt and some sweatpants, then went with him back to his apartment. John immediately took a nap with Thomas, then got up and ordered some pizza a few hours later, neither of them feeling much like cooking. John ate most of it, though he made sure to leave enough for Thomas, then got up and pulled his shoes on, looking at Thomas.
“Want to come with me?”
He got up and grabbed his shoes before asking, "Where are we going?"
"I kind of just want to go to the gym.. Blow off some steam, work out a bit or something."
"That sounds good." While he’d gone out to get John some clothes, he'd also gone home and quickly changed into a tee shirt and shorts, ready to just relax for the whole day, so he was ready. He got up and went to the door with him, walking out behind him. "Where are you going?" he asked as he walked right past the car.
"I prefer to walk."
Thomas nodded and followed him down the street. John seemed independent on the outside, but they both knew that he needed Thomas following him and keeping an eye on him for a while. "So.. what did you say to the nurse about therapy?.." He knew it was a sensitive topic, but he wanted to see what John would see.
"I said I'd think about it, but I threw the brochure she gave me into the trash.."
"I get it.. Nobody's forcing you to do anything."
John nodded and flinched as he leaned against a light pole at a crosswalk, feeling the sharp sting of static. It normally didn't bother him, but he couldn't help it, not while he was thinking of that time only moments before.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah.. I'm alright." And this time, he was telling the truth. Of course, the memories still made him jump sometimes but it was nothing serious anymore. Not like the time when he burst into tears after someone offered him a stick of gum, only for it to shock him. That was so embarrassing...
"Alright." He kept following John until they got to the gym. As usual for the weekends, it was fairly empty, so the pair played some music as they sat in the weight room, not talking much because, frankly, they didn't have to. The few shared glances or song lyrics that they sang out loud was more than enough to know that they were both okay. Things weren't great, but it was a good start.
Once they were warmed up, they headed into the boxing ring at John's request and after his promise of not hurting Thomas. It was an interesting match up. Thomas wasn't too largely built to be fast nor was he too thin to be strong while John was thin and shorter, but strong for his size and with speed to match it.
But Thomas wasn't a boxer. John saw his moves from a mile away and it was only a few minutes before John won the match.
"Alright, you got me. As the runner up, I get to give your your prize."
John smiled and leaned up, letting Thomas give him a quick kiss. "And as the winner, I declare this day to be over. I'm ready to go home."
"So am I." Thomas smiled and followed him out, then walked back with him, getting a call from his mom as they walked. He tutted and answered. “Hello?”
"Thomas, where are you and Lucy?"
"Lucy's at a sleepover with her friends this weekend and I'm with my friends."
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
He rolled his eyes, knowing just what to say to get out of this. "I did."
"You did?"
"Oh. Well, have fun then."
He sighed as she hung up and put his phone back in his pocket. It'd been that way for years, probably ever since Lucy was born. No, even before that. Always, maybe. It was so easy for Thomas to get away with anything when no one paid attention. It was one of the reasons he'd fallen for John so fast. He did.
When they got to the apartment, they laid on John's couch with pizza that they'd picked up on the way and put on a movie, spending the day quietly.
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dr0wning-in-hell · 7 years
Welcome Home - Steve Rogers
summary : after being away for a long time, Steve comes back from a mission, but while he was gone you had a plan to tease him the night he came home.
word count : 1.9k+
warnings : filthy shit, cursing, smut, slight captain!kink, spanking, ass grabbing, fingering, teasing, dirty talk, unprotected sex
pairing /characters : steve rogers x reader
prompt : “Can you do a Steve Rogers imagine with 86 and 99? Ps I love ur imagines” - @8antisocialextrovert (86. “Oh don’t mind me. Just enjoying the view.” 99. “Come sit in my lap.”)
A/N : I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG OMG I AM SO SORRY. alsooo this gif makes me swoon.
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Steve and the team had just gotten back from a long, tiring mission that last longer than expected. It was top secret, so you couldn’t be told the specifics, but you know it wasn’t good.
You were waiting eagerly in the main living area, biting at your nails and the inside of your cheek. When you saw Steve you didn’t even think before springing into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist and arms around his neck. Tears sprung from your eyes, dripping don your cheeks and staining Steve’s uniform. He had dropped his duffle bag, wrapping his arms tightly around your body that clung to his for dear life.
“I was so worried.” You mumbled softly into his neck. He smelled like blood and dirt. It was a nasty smell, but you could care less right now. “I didn’t think you were coming back.”
Steve’s hands run down your back. “It’s okay doll, I’m here, I’m okay.” You nodded softly and let Steve put you down. The two of you walked to your shared bedroom, hands intertwined tightly. You entered the large room, shutting your door behind you.
“I’m going to go run a bath.” You say to Steve, who was undressing and setting his suit in a bin to be washed. You waited till the water got hot before putting some bath salts in the tub, along with some bubbles. You dimmed the lights a little, just to make it look and feel relaxing. You poked your head out from the bathroom, and starred at the man who was only a few feet away from you. Your mouth went dry as you starred at his toned back, and his butt. Yes, you had a thing for his butt. It was so round, and perfect. It wasn’t fair.
Just as you got lost in your thoughts, Steve turned around. When he caught you starring at him, he smirked. Your eyes lingered up from his legs, to his erection, to his abs, to his eyes.
“Oh, don’t mind me. Just enjoying the view.” You say, making Steve turn a bright crimson color. “The bath is ready.” Steve nods a little and walks into the bathroom. He looks at you for a minute, before getting in the bubbly water. When you don’t automatically join him, he tilts his head.
“Aren’t you going to get in, doll?” He asks. There was plenty of room for you two, but you knew he needed this. You shake your head softly.
“Nope, this is for you. I’ll be right outside though. You relax, get yourself cleaned up. Steve didn’t argue with you, he just let himself relax against the water. You walked back out into your bedroom and headed towards the dresser. You shuffled through all the clothes in the drawers, until you found a set of white lingerie. Changing out of what you were previously wearing, you changed into the set and laid across your mattress, a book in your hand. You waited eagerly for your boyfriend to get out of the bath so he could see you in the strappy set.
After fifteen minutes of waiting for Steve, he finally emerged from the bathroom, a towel wrapped loosely around his waist. It dipped a little on his hips, exposing his plunging v-lines. You tried your hardest to stay focused on the book in front of your face, even if you weren’t really reading it.
Steve looked at you, all sprawled out on the bed, exposing almost everything to him. He chuckled a little, almost to where you couldn’t hear him, but you did anyways. He walked to the dresser, grabbing a pair of sweatpants. Your eyes peaked over your book, and you watched as he slid on the sweatpants, completely forgetting about his boxers.
However, Steve did not forget. He knew what you were trying to do, so he figured, if you wanted to play this game, then he’ll play the game. walking over to you, he laid on the opposite side of your body, making sure to leave some space between the two of you. You still looked at your book, trying not to glace at Steve without his shirt on.
He watched you, and noticed how in the past five minutes or so, you hadn’t changed the page yet. He watched a little while longer, before deciding to tease you. His hand slid  down your exposed thigh, hand still a bit damp from the bath water. The feeling sent tingles down your spine and heat to your core. You stayed still. Steve’s fingers drew close to your panties, until he reached the top of them. He glanced down slightly, and noticed that this was the pair that had an opening from the last time he caught you wearing these. He held back a groan, and looked back up at your face.
Your face was flushed red, your body on high alert now. You knew that this set had a certain effect on him, which is why you wore them.
“You planned this, didn’t you baby? You planned on teasing me?” He asked, his callused fingers now stroking your clothed clit. Your breathe hitched in your throat, causing you to clamp your mouth shut. “Answer me, doll.” Steve said, now applying just a tiny bit of pressure to your clit.
Your hips bucked up, and you let out a gasp. “Yes.” You mumbled.
Steve’s eyes darkened. “Yes, what?” He applied more pressure.
“Yes, Captain.” You said, biting back a moan. Steve mumbled a ‘good girl’ before he took the book from your hand a placed it on the nightstand. He sat up and placed himself in between your legs. Out of instinct your opened your legs more, to give him a better view. He let out a throaty groan, taking his right hand and running it along your opened slit. Your let out a soft moan, fluttering your eyes shut.
“Eyes open, doll. You know the rules.” Steve said. You opened your a bit, enough to see Steve’s actions. He ran his fingers across your slit, then circled your clit a few times, before slowly easing one of his thick fingers into your tight cunt. “I want to hear you scream for me, baby doll. let everyone in this tower know that you’re my little play toy.” You nodded furiously, just wanting I'm to finger fuck you till you were begging him to stop.
As if he could hear your thoughts, Steve started slide his one finger into you slowly. He wanted to draw out your screams, your filthy moans, and he knew he could only do this by teasing you at first. Your hips bucked up, asking him to go faster or to add another finger. He didn’t though, he wanted to hear you beg for it.
At first you were letting out soft moans, something that he could barley hear, and then when you needed more you moaned louder. “Steve, fuck, please give me more.” You groaned, grabbing your breast through the lace material of your bra. Steve looked up at you, raising his eyebrow slightly. “Captain,” you breathed out, “Please, I need more.” With your words being said he added not just one, but two more fingers, stretching out your pussy and giving it a delightful burning sensation. You gasped loudly, grinding against his fingers.
Without any warning or hesitation, he fucked his fingers into you mercilessly. You couldn’t help the scream that erupted from your throat, making the man in front of your smirk. He went faster, harder, and then curled his fingers to hit that spot inside you. That spot that sent you into a spiral or bliss. You could feel your orgasm building, and Steve knew this as well. He felt the way your walls would clench and contract around his thick digits. He didn’t slow down, making your orgasm come crashing down around you within seconds. You were grabbing at anything you could. The sheets, the pillows behind you, anything that was in reach of your hands,
Once you had come down from your intense orgasm, Steve pulled his fingers from your pussy, licking the tips. He reached forward just enough to where you were able to suck his fingers into your mouth. He grunted as he watched you suck his fingers clean of your cum. His cock twitched in his sweatpants, the thick shaft straining itself against the rough material.
Steve stood up, pulling down his sweats and throwing them somewhere across the room. He sat down, crossing his legs and seating himself comfortably. “Come sit in my lap.” He said. You didn’t hesitate to do so. You crawled over to your boyfriend, sitting on his thighs and pushing yourself up against his body. Your core came in contact with his cock, making the both of you groan out loud. You took hold of his heavy shaft, stroking it through your slick folds. He looked at you, nodding and helping you push his cock into you.
“Fuck.” You gasped, head falling back. “Forgot how big you were.” You mumbled.
Steve grabbed your ass through your lace panties, pulling you closer to his body and shoving his cock further into your cunt. You moaned loudly, biting your lip. “Missed this tight pussy when I was gone, I couldn’t stop thinking about your pretty cunt squeezing my cock, milking out my cum. Fuck, it was hard to stay away from you for so long.”
Moaning, you started to ride Steve, bouncing your body up and down. Steve slowly started to thrust up into you, grabbing and slapping your ass at the same time. Your mouth hung open, moans and groans falling from your lips. Each time Steve’s hand came in contact with your ass, you jolted forward, causing your clit to rub against his skin.
When you couldn’t keep up your actions anymore, you leaned your head on Steve’s shoulder and let him fuck you as hard and as fast as he wanted to. His hips jerked forwards quickly and roughly, making you scream out against his skin. You tried to keep your volume level down, but failed. Steve switched fro grabbing fist fulls of your ass, to slapping it. Without the amount of pleasure surging though your body, it didn’t take long for you to reach your second orgasm of the night.
“Fuck! Steve I'm gonna cum, please let me cum Captain.” You begged.
Steve groaned. “I’m right behind you doll, just let it go. Scream my name for me.” You did as told, letting the knot in your stomach loosen and you felt yourself screaming Steve’s name over and over again, like it was the only word you knew. Steve came seconds after you, his own see shooting deep inside you. You moaned against the crook of his neck, peppering his sweaty skin in soft kisses.
When the both of you had come down from your highs, you slowly sat up, Steve’s shaft pulling out of you. You sighed, falling onto your back and breathing heavily. Steve put his sweats back on, then laid down next to you. You curled up in his side, readjusting yourself as he pulled a blanket over your bodies.
“Welcome home, Steve.” You mumbled softly. Steve smiled, then placed a soft kiss to your forehead, before allowing yourselves to fall asleep.
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