#like she is a racist freak so no sympathy towards her for any of that but camila singing “i dont like it too soft” when shes 16
didhewinkback · 9 months
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the rebrand these girls went through is so wild. like began with the sweet wholesome sleepover girlies and it didnt work so like three months later theyre singing about they can handle getting absolutely railed bc theyre worth it
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laufire · 4 years
Supernatural s3
It’s so unfair that the season that has Ruby AND Bela is so short :(((. I was done with it waaaay too quickly, and now I’m speed running through s4 xD (which, like the first time around, is Strong Mixed Feelings territory).
-My girl Ruby!!!! I was so happy to have her back, I kept grinning like a loon every time she was on screen. It’s quite interesting watching the 1.0 and 2.0 versions so close to each other, instead of as they air. I have... Thoughts, on whether Ruby as a double agent was something planned or that they decided as they went, but that’s for the s4 post. s3!Ruby really doesn’t come across as one (“I don’t believe in the devil” oh I wish sometimes xD, I love my nonbelievers), imo, but the beauty of such a device is that you can rationalize anything she does as devious if you want to xD
And it goes without saying that I love her interactions with Sam. THIS SHIP ISTG. I love how immediately ~attuned to her he is lol, his present and instinctive concern for her even if he tries to mask his interest as “practical”. And all the repeated times Sam’s conflicted between her and Dean -like when he deviates Dean shot (wasting one of the Colt’s bullets lmfao) or during the argument about the virgin sacrifice xD. And the “that’s my boy”/ “little fallen angel on your shoulder” quotes!!! Ruby 1.0 deserved to be railed by Sam too, smh.
My favourite episode of hers is “Jus in Bello” (which would be my fave of the season just by virtue of having both Bela and Ruby in the same episode lol. Not interacting, of course, the world as we know it wouldn’t have survived). I just love that she gets that final moment of I TOLD YOU SO to the brothers xD. I really like how she expands on the demonic lore of the show- I love, LOVE the detail about how all demons used to be humans, how they’re souls corrupted in hell. And that in her past life she was a witch (there was this really good fic in Spanish fandom about it... I need to hunt it down).
BTW, though I think her interactions with Dean in that episode are interesting, it really hammers home how much I hate him sometimes xD. Can you stop saying misogynistic slurs for TWO GODDAMN MINUTES, DEAN (and as we know from as early as this season, only HE can have demon/monster friends!! What a fucking hypocrite xD). I freaking love the moment in the finale when she viciously yells him about how she wishes she could see him in hell lmao (and how it foreshadows that when she shows sympathy later, it’s actually Lilith in disguise lmfao). I hate Dean gets the last word in their dynamic, tbqh. Until the s15 cameo, at least xDD
One thing that’s been bothering me xD: the French fries. Demons are vulnerable to salt, like other spirits, right? (and hey, look what a nice piece of foreshadowing that was). How does that translate to food lol. Because Ruby adores French fries, and they obviously contain salt. It’s like spicy food for humans? Or like pineapple? Inquiring minds etc. xD
-I still cannot believe Bela Talbot was only on the show for six episodes lmao. Her presence still lingers in the watchers’ heads so much?? Which is understandable because she’s Lead Girl Material if there was ever any lol. The care with which they styled her even?? You don’t do that for just any character lmao (I mean, just look at most of SPN’s female characters for comparison xD).
Her ship with Dean could’ve really been something, too -even if I hate Dean in it, I can’t deny it packs a punch, narrative-wise. I mean, the Batcat undertones alone!! The fake married undercover shenanigans!! And I think it’s really interesting that she’s such a blind spot for him; Dean’s unusually intuitive about people, but with Bela he takes everything at face value and she can fool him like no other (while, OTOH, is Sam who questions her facade and wants to see more). If he hadn’t been such an idiot (and such an asshole) he could’ve had a really powerful ship. Sucks to be him lol.
Anyway. Man, I love her. So much. I love how Gordon’s threats to kill her don’t work on her, and I love that the show basically said “Bela killing her abusive parents is good, actually” (I’m so tired of forgiveness narratives, you guys. This entire show is founded on revenge, so let me get my revenge fantasies in peace!!) xDD. And I love, LOVE that she withheld that truth from Dean, that she decided he wasn’t worth it. OTOH, you know, fuck the fans that got her written out, definitely; but on the other, I do love how her story ended (and that it was a clear "fuck you" to shitty fans). Doesn’t stop me for wanting to read and re-read (and maybe write!) even more “Bela escapes hell” fix-its, but still.
Also, very important question: what happened to her cat?? It’s the cat alright?? I’m going to headcanon that she left them with that cougar friend of hers lol.
-So. THE DEAL. Okay. Oof. I love this storyline, a lot. A loooot. I love the conflict it creates between the brothers (as long as there’s still conflict and Sam hasn’t yet started taking everything lying down I can enjoy that part of their narrative lol). I love Dean’s initial forced giddiness about “making the most out of his last year” and I love the moment Dean decides he does want to try to live because it makes the last few episodes all the most desperate and cruel (and hey, I’ve heard he only went to hell because the season was cut short due to a writers’ strike... if that’s true that’s so funny lmao).
My absolutely favourite part however? That you can FEEL Dean’s unvoiced resentment towards Sam. For Dean having to die for him, even if Sam never asked him to. He lashes out to Sam repeatedly through the season, but it really came to ahead in the dreamspace episode, where Dean confronts another version of himself that talks about how Sam was “dotted on” (the revisionism asldfkaf). This show is absolutely ruthless when it comes to showing you its characters’ ugly, unfair reactions to things and it’s my favourite thing evah.
Speaking of the dreamspace episode, OMFG. I loved both brothers there. Dean’s hallucination, seeing himself as a demon? And how he let out his anger about John?? Beautiful, truly (regarding John, I also loved their different reactions when it looked like his spirit had contacted them: Dean jumping on it and Sam detached skepticism). But my favourite part has to be when Sam uses the villain’s abusive father against him. Like. Damn. That was cold-blooded o.0
The second-to-last episode, when Sam tracked down that Frankenstein doctor to try and make Dean immortal was ABSOLUTELY HORRIFYING OMG. I loved that. I love that Sam wanted to use it for both them. It was some scary shit. I also love the scene where the crossroads demon questions whether Sam really wants to break the deal, I’m gathering it’s going to be nice foreshadowing later on in the show lol.
Anyway. I also found Dean’s death scene more impactful than Sam’s. Partially because of the horror of it, but mostly because I think at this type of scenes, Padalecki is better. Sam’s grief felt more real, Dean’s got me out of the scene (it’s the voice, I think. Sometimes Ackles’ voice takes me out of scenes, it sounds... forced).
I also really enjoyed how the time loop episode wrapped around this subplot. It managed to be both heartbreaking and mind-numbly hilarious lmfao. Like?? All the deaths?? Were so pathetic?? I tip my hat to Ackles because I don’t think most actors could carry plots like this half as well lmfao.
Sidenote, it’s always a trip to see The Trickster God knowing that fucker is Gabriel. Archangel “hey Mary do you accept God knocking you up” Gabriel. Which I guess isn’t exactly a thing in this show?? Since according to the wikia SPN Jesus was “just a man” (and let me tell you, I’m tickled pink by the fact that out of ALL mythological figures, specifically all CHRISTIAN mythological figures, the show decided to go “nah” on Jesus Christ. I mean, I guess he’d take away from Dean’s, Sam’s and Castiel’s resurrection narratives, but still. It’s so funny!!).
-Gordon Walker remains a superbly acted and fascinating character with extra racist nonsense alsdkfjasdf. But I can’t deny I loved seeing him as a vampire. He was terrifying. And I’m definitely shipping him with Kubrick, ouch xD
-The Ghostfacers episode is... something. As in, incredibly exploitative and homophobic and with an egregious case of BYG (and the first where I’d say it’s incontestable to claim the trope was used. s1 and s2 are muddy territory given the circumstances, IMO, but this one is 300% BYG), but so successfully manipulative my heart hurt for Corbett and Corbett x Ed still. Fuck them for that ngl. I do still enjoy how anti-Winchesters they all are though xD
-3x01 introduces the one nice marriage of hunters so far, between a black couple. The man dies in a gross, horrifying way within the episode ofc (because he was Mean to the the brothers duh). She makes it out alive, and since she doesn’t reappear in the show she gets to live. So for now black women have a sliiiiiightly better track record in SPN than track guys there: they get to appear in a few more episodes and be more fleshed out (Victor, Gordon), but as long as they’re only in one episode they get to live!! (Cassie, Tamara).
-Rufus and Bobby are exes, right? Right?? Probably still married in some state? You know that post about how when gay marriage was legalized across the USA there were a lot of issues because some couples had split and never bothered to divorce, since it was only legal in one place? That post was made for them. Pity Rufus is a black man, and as such has a limited number of allowed appearances before he’s killed off ¬¬
-I would’ve enjoyed Dean’s moments with Lisa and Ben more (it’s just so RIGHT that in this moment he’d want Ben to be his) if my knowledge of future spoilers didn’t perpetually have me in a state of “pls keep this guy away from kids” lol.
-They had Harmony’s actress (BTVS) and they made her a vampire!! The show’s hard on for the Buffyverse is a bit of a hit and miss but I can’t say I don’t relate xDD.
-I know Jensen Ackles can sing (in fact thanks to youtube I know a few of the actors can... is there a musical episode. Does this show have its own OMWF. I need to know). So why. WHY. Does he sound like that during “Dead or Alive”??? I actually like the scene but he sounds so off-key lmao.
-BTW, I found out that apparently Katie Cassidy and Lauren Cohan originally auditioned for each other’s roles añslkdfjasf. I can’t picture it. Ruby 1.0 is Ruby 1.0 and Bela is Bela xD. Although I’ve seen each playing roles that could meld with the other, just. Nope. Good choice on the casting there lol.
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appleb18 · 4 years
Star vsThe Forces of Evil Season 4... One Year Later
One year ago, Star vs The Forces of Evil ended its fourth season and it was a disaster. It wasn’t always all that bad, in fact the show was pretty good on it’s first two seasons and bit of season 3 however it's just the final season that ruins it. It didn’t live to people expections and it felt rushed. Now let’s discuss how the show messed up shall we? 
Behind the Failure
Before I talk about the dreadful writing of season 4, I want to talk about behind the scenes of the show's downfall. According to Daron Nefcy Twitter, she tweeted that “Just finished the last episode of Star vs The Forces of Evil” a month before the finale. 
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It’s fine if it was an episodic show like Phineas and Ferb, Batman Brave and the Bold and episodic shows but writing an ending for an ongoing story is something you should NEVER do. Writing the ending without a plan is a terrible decision to make, especially past plot points that were established and most of them were left answered. 
 You’ll probably be thinking that they were rushed and while I understand that all plot points can’t be answered like Gravity Falls but they wanted to make the romance their top priority over the story, which I’ll talk about later. Daron actually knew she had four seasons to work with and it makes it so frustrating to hear! 
So now let’s talk about how it all went wrong. 
Character 180
Previously, I used to like most of the cast, they used to be enjoyable characters but in season 4, oh dear they all turned into pricks.  
The onlys characters that didn’t get ruined in the fourth season were
Eclipsa and Globgor 
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River Butterfly 
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Tom Lucitor 
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But everyone else, they all became such unbearable picks like The Magic High Commision. They used to act like decent people, trying to defend Mewni from Ludo/Toffee
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And they actually have character, especially Rhombulus growth when he befriends Star. 
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But they get character assassinated and become monster haters with no actual reason just like the Mewnimen and they never atone for what they’ve done to the Butterfly family. 
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Moon betrayal came out of nowhere and it only lasted like seven minutes then she joins Star and Eclipsa because she didn’t realize Mina and her soldiers are going to commit genocide. Why didn’t she see that coming? They were racist to monsters, did she think they’ll actually spare them? 
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Her reason behind is so stupid and that is because she doesn’t trust Eclipsa ruling Mewni but why all the sudden? While it’s true she let her get shot by Meteora but that’s an mother instinct to protect her child. Also she tried to kill her own daughter to protect Star and Mewni. So Moon shouldn’t see her irresponsbile. While she isn’t fit to be ruler, she is trustworthy. What’s worse is she admittedly teams up with them to defeat Mina.  
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Then there’s Star and Marco, the two main characters of the show and they became terrible people. All of the development from the previous seasons get thrown out of the window. 
Marco never talked to his parents after he left and barely visits because “he’s too busy” and he didn’t even know he’s gonna get a baby sister. Clearly doesn’t care when Star’s mom goes missing, his ego in the Neverzone and neglecting Nacho’s for a very long time at least 1000 years. Marco breaks up with Kelly for no reason and he knows what’s she going through.
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For Star, she acts more of a princess and has responsibilities, having a reason why she can’t go back to Earth but it doesn’t excuse her being a terrible person. She’s irresponsible that she leaves Rhombus and Eclipsa alone despite it’s very clear they want to kill each other, she’s a brat in “Junkin’ Janna”, she’s so rude to Tom when he comes a better person for her, she’s been eyecandy on Marco even though she has a boyfriend and she’s a complete dick in “Cleaved”. I hate the excuse for her acting like a prick because “she’s a teenager, and teenagers are dumb”. What a load of bull 
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Losing Focus 
Season 4 has to be the most unforced in the entire show. They present plot points and they barely explore it. They’ll make a comment about it and the show just moves on from it. Mostly showing shipping episodes and filler 
The show introduced that mewmens were originated from Earth but never further explored that. 
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Mewni hates monsters but never shows why and how. It just makes them complete dicks throughout season 
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They never had a set goal or what’s trying to be. The only thing that made the plot moving was Moon disappearance but it gets resolved in two episodes. 
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So the only thing left is Star trying to end racism for season 4. The problem with this is there’s no stakes, if she fails, monsters and mewmens won’t get along and that’s fine because their children on both sides won’t make the same mistake as they did, making it no need to push it.
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It would’ve worked better if they showed the Mewni perspective when Eclipsa became ruler. Unfortunately, they display them as unguided children, expecting Moon to do everything for them and complain. Also they hate monsters because they do not like them.  Most of them go live with Moon, making them not accept change nor monsters. They don’t deserve any sympathy, they are just a bunch of idiots who are racist. 
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And the thing that made the season so unfocused is the freaking shipping. 
Starco is Terrible 
Remember when it was good back the first two seasons but season 3 and mostly season 4 made it so hard to watch and instead of shipping being a subplot like most shows, they turn it into a main plot. I don’t understand why they have to prioritize shipping over the story. It’s inevitable that Starco will become cannon because that’s what people wanted but it cost to establish ships to be torn down in the most frustrating way.
Kelly and Marco break up with no reason why and it’s off screen.  
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Star is a bad girlfriend to Tom, leaving Star crying
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Then in a few hours, Star and Marco become a couple. Only a few hours and the resolution was so dang quick. It makes me wonder why they have to stay so long if she loves Marco more than him? 
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Star and Marco would rather die together instead of being with their family despite their relationship just starting. It would’ve worked better if Tomstar broke up earlier and Starco become cannon so we can see their relationship more than just a few episodes. There’s really no need to drag it for so long! 
Mina Loveberry isn’t Threatening
Mina Loveberry, the main villain for season 4 and yet didn’t do anything. Unlike Toffee scheming behind the scenes for three seasons, Ludo raising an army of rats and gaining better control of the wand and Meteora powers growing, she didn’t play her role for the whole season. All she did is she rebuilt her battle armor and send poison fruits to Eclipsa, that’s it. The show never showed how dangerous she is 
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While sure she can beat Star and Tom but she got oneshoted by Meteora who got defeated by Eclipsa. So she really isn’t that big of a problem to handle. 
In the finale, again she never did anything and she got knocked down by a Corrupted Unicorn, making her not so dangerous like other characters said she was
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Seth should’ve been the main villain instead of that crazy lady but unfortunately, they never introduce him even though he’s still alive according to The Book of Spells.  
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So the series finale and I have to say, my god how the show has fallen. This finale is a disaster, it’s way worse than any other cartoon finale such as Adventure Time and Steven Universe Future. 
With no build up, Star has come to a conclusion that she needs to eradicate magic because it’s bad. There weren't any clear signs that magic is truly bad. Star never actually thought about everyone else that is made out of magic or used it for their daily life. The only thing she realized is she won’t be with Marco. Not able to her friends or the many lives she’ll ruin but she won’t see Marco and everyone agrees to destroy the magic. 
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So Star and Marco go to the World of Magic to destroy it. As they enter and almost forget who they are, the pudding apparently helps them jog their memory and he’s carrying a lot of them. 
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They realized Tom was still at the realm and he’s riding on the Corrupted Horse so Marco will handle it while Star uses the whispering spell to destroy it.
Star gets help destroying magic by Eclipsa, Moon and for some odd reason Meteora can do it too with her butterfly form even though she never went through mewberrity. Then the past queens help them out too
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As they were destroying magic, Marco feeds Tom the pudding but gets impaled by the unicorn with dramatic music playing but that got completely scrapped when he goes back to Earth. 
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After they successfully destroyed magic, Star and Marco have to go back their worlds but then she decided she wants to abandon everything and everyone so she can be with Marco and he does the same by staying in the realm. They both hug and something happens through the power of love that links between two worlds and again they were a couple for two episodes. 
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She goes back to Mewni and sees that she doesn’t have cheek marks anymore. Moon, mewmens and Mina are reformed and no punishments were given.
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With magic gone, her and her family just caused the multiverse that relies on magic, face chaos and they will collapse entirely. Although they prevented genocide of the monsters but ultimately cause genocide at a larger scale than Mina’s in the process like all of Star spells, people who are made out of magic and The Magic High Commsions are dead. 
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Then two portals for each world exploded and both worlds collide. The writers made it out as if it’s a happy ending but it just causes panic between both worlds and racism towards monsters is now worse than ever but Starco can at least be together. 
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I used to like Star vs The Forces of Evil and I thought it would’ve been great but like most shows that disappointed me such as Steven Universe, and Voltron, this show really frustrated me. If the show actually didn’t focus too much on the shipping or made it as a romantic show, it would've been great but they didn’t and the show suffers for that. It’s a dang shame that it has to that route. 
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abla-soso · 3 years
I don't think it's cancel culture in regards to what happened to Lindsey Ellis. She still has her audience and is still able to have a platform. She can make a comeback at any time. She just made some really insensitive tweets towards Asians in a time when Asian hate is really prominent in the West. Lots of people are kind of touchy about anti-Asian racism/hate atm and took her statements harder than they were meant to. If you want to see a real example of cancel culture, look no further than the Dixie Chicks or Colin Kaepernick.
As to why she was attacked by the "progressive" left, she really wasn't. You won't find many progressive left on Twitter. It's mostly the radical/woke left (there's a difference). There's also a big subsection of Twitter that just likes to start drama for the sake of drama. They aren't aligned to anything politically. They'll just attack anyone.
In regards to "cancel culture", it's mainly just people voting with their wallets. They're just telling people that they won't support things like racism. They aren't taking away the person's platform or anything. They just don't want to support them. Which is well within their rights.
Sometimes cancel culture can be good. Look at Onision or Shane Dawson. They were content creators who used their platform to groom and do inappropriate things with children/animals. Their type of behavior deserves to be called out and taking away their platform/"cancelling" them is the best way to protect their future victims and make sure that they don't profit from what was racist and pedophilic.
As a Muslim POC living in the west, I won't support a racist nor will I go out of my way and emotionally labor myself to explain why racism is bad. I have had principals tell my parents that they won't do anything to make sure I stay alive when I was 6 years old bc "my ppl shouldn't come here if they can't handle the weather." At this point, I hold no sympathy for racists and they can reap what they sow. If they get fired, I'm all for it bc then they won't be in the position to harm or even kill POC children. My parents shouldn't have to justify or explain to my teachers why their 6 year old child deserves to stay alive in school. If you aren't a POC living in the west, this kind of behavior ("cancel culture") might be hard to understand but I find that it's mostly holding ppl accountable. If they are sincere, they are welcomed back (look at Jenna Marbles). If they aren't and they are harming ppl, they should be put away so that they can't hurt others.
I don't think it's cancel culture in regards to what happened to Lindsey Ellis.
Cancel culture is not limited to trying to take away people’s jobs. You can bully, witch hunt, and viciously harass someone over and over and over again to the point of mental breakdown or mental anguish without ever getting them fired. Cancel culture is a hate mob on steroids, plain and simple. It’s kinda disturbing to me how you’re trying to minimize it. 
She just made some really insensitive tweets towards Asians
Where??? How is simply comparing a movie to a similar tv show is a sign of racism??? How was that enough to instigate this ridiclous hate mob against her???
Lots of people are kind of touchy about anti-Asian racism/hate atm and took her statements harder than they were meant to.
Again, plz stop minimizing or excusing the absolutely unhinged and terrible hateful harassment she received. It’s disturbing. 
As to why she was attacked by the "progressive" left, she really wasn't. You won't find many progressive left on Twitter. It's mostly the radical/woke left (there's a difference).
Lol, is there? I don’t see much difference.
There's also a big subsection of Twitter that just likes to start drama for the sake of drama. They aren't aligned to anything politically. They'll just attack anyone.
Are you for real??? She wasn’t mainly viciously attacked by random Twitter trolls. She was viciously attacked by her “own people”. That’s why she was so upset this time. She literally talked about how she was used to being attacked by the random Twitter trolls and how she always laughed them off. But she couldn’t this time because it was different. Those people aren’t trolls, they’re social justice warriors who truly believe they’re doing something moral and good. 
In regards to "cancel culture", it's mainly just people voting with their wallets. They're just telling people that they won't support things like racism. They aren't taking away the person's platform or anything. They just don't want to support them. Which is well within their rights.
You know damn well that NOT what people mean when they talk about cancel culture. Plz don’t be disingenuous.
Sometimes cancel culture can be good. Look at Onision or Shane Dawson.
Again; that’s NOT what cancel culture means! Holding abusers accountable and simply stop supporting them (so they won’t literally abuse anyone else) has nothing to do with toxic cancel culture. I’ll be honest, it’s kinda gross how you’re trying to defend the toxicity of cancel culture by mentioning unrelated examples.
At this point, I hold no sympathy for racists and they can reap what they sow. If they get fired, I'm all for it 
And you think I do??? I’m all for punishing racists appropriately, but I’m against this sadist, sociopathic need to immediately assume the worst about people and accuse them of vile shit without solid evidence just to justify treating them like they’re less than human.
bc then they won't be in the position to harm or even kill POC children.
Is Lindsey Ellis harming or killing POC children? No, she just made one thoughtless comment that meant no harm, and if people simply corrected her in a respectful manner then I have no doubt she’ll rethink her words and apologize. She’s done it before. So why are you justifying treating her as if she’s part of the freaking KKK? 
If you aren't a POC living in the west, this kind of behavior ("cancel culture") might be hard to understand but I find that it's mostly holding ppl accountable.
I’ve read and watched enough about it to know for damn sure that it’s NOT simply about holding ppl accountable. No one is against holding wrongdoers accountable. We’re against rabid hate mobs. 
If they are sincere, they are welcomed back (look at Jenna Marbles). 
None of the people who canceled her welcomed her back, lol. It was only her massive and dedicated fanbase. What planet are you living in where the hate mob happily forgive and welcome back people after they express remorse???
If they aren't and they are harming ppl, they should be put away so that they can't hurt others.
Since you’re a Muslim, plz read more about how Islam deals with wrongdoers and how it's against hate mobs, and how it encourages giving people the benefit of the doubt and giving gentle, respectful advice to them if it was proven they did or said terrible things. Muslims don’t shun people unless they were active, remorseless abusers who have no intention of reform. 
Your views about justice and mercy are deeply unIslamic.
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gritandoengay · 7 years
differentstarlightsublime mentioned you in a post
@fuckyeahhayleywilliams​ and @dontwantthenextcommanderiwantyou​ and @gritandoengay​ I have not seen homophobic remarks from any Bellarke stans and if so, very few. No one is erasing the fact she was with Lexa. Hell, no one should be erasing the fact they loved each other. In fact Clexa was overcoming my Bellarke love but the fact that they had so little time made Bellarke my final ship.
Ok @differentstarlightsublime​ seeing as you made this asinine post pop up in my notifications again I’m going to make you a list of reasons why I have no reservations calling the Bellarke fandom lesbophobic and a toxic environment for wlw:
Preface: I don’t care what you say you’ve seen or haven’t seen, I’ve seen more than enough on Tumblr and Twitter in the past almost two years to form my opinion.
Section A: Metas 
1. Popular metas circulated and widely accepted in the Bellarke fandom describing Lexa with language literally used to be homophobic towards lesbians:
Toxic, creepy, predatory
Only caring about “getting in Clarke’s pants” and obsessed with Clarke to the point of deliberately keeping her away from Bellamy 
Only caring about maintaining her political power and not caring about anything or anybody else, not even her own people or Clarke (somehow, despite point 2)
Manipulating Clarke into falling in love with her 
Using Stockholm Syndrome to make Clarke fall in love with her. It should also be pointed out that the Stockholm Syndrome metas would imply Stockholm Syndrome is a byproduct of rape, and that Clexa therefore had non-con under/overtones.  
A cyborg that was never truly human 
2. Popular metas circulated and widely accepted in the Bellarke fandom with biphobic language describing Clarke as: 
“Confused” when she kissed Lexa or fell in love with her 
Having to be separated from her friends and mother to fall in love with Lexa
Going through a “phase” when she kissed or fell in love with Lexa 
Using Lexa purely for political purposes 
Section B: Reaction to Lexa dying/Bury Your Gays/Queer Baiting
1. Arguing that Bury Your Gays:
Is not a big deal because straight characters die too
Is not what happened with Lexa 
Is only Bury Your Gays if the character is explicitly killed off for being a lesbian
Is not an issue anymore because there are like 5 other shows with popular wlw pairings 
2. Arguing that Clexa wasn’t queer baiting because:
Clexa got together and was canon
Everybody should have seen it coming and not been surprised
Ignoring that Shawna Benson went on a wlw online forum to literally lie to fans and tell them to go seek therapy (classy) over the trust issues 
3. Defending/downplaying/straight up mocking Lexa’s death because: 
It had to happen for plot purposes! There’s no way she could have lived!
Alycia is on FTWD (their schedules haven’t overlapped since)
She was just a guest star (as if guest stars are limited to two seasons)
“I want to make dead lesbian jokes and if you get offended it’s because you don’t have a sense of humor sweaty” 
Lexa was a bitch in their eyes so no sympathy for the people that liked her
She deserved to die as well as die a more painful and gruesome death
Being killed off by her father figure, who was trying to murder her girlfriend bc he didn’t approve of the relationship, somehow does not echo real world violence faced at the hands of homophobic parents
Complaining that Lexa and her death to this day are still getting attention from the media
Resentment that Lexa has become such an iconic character and is so important to wlw viewers 
4. Defending Jason Rothenberg because:
We should be thankful he gave us Lexa and Clexa to begin with (he also gave you Bellamy and Octavia and is responsible for her beating him up)
It’s his show so he can do whatever the hell he wants with the story (yeah and I can still call him a racist queer baiting shitty writer) 
People make mistakes and he apologized u.u
Lbr the only reason anybody defends him or kisses his ass is because they want Bellarke to happen  
Section C: Dismissal of lesbian characters/wlw relationships in general
1. Clexa: 
Was not groundbreaking or important representation 
Was fan service 
Had too much screen time 
Didn’t have enough screen time thus no proper development (often times said in tandem with point 3) 
Happened only because Clarke was rejected by Bellamy (according to metas and said nowhere in the show itself)
Was annoying/downright infuriating bc it was getting in the way of Bellarke 
Clarke should have gotten over Lexa 5 seconds after her death but for sure is going to still be in love with Bellamy (according to metas) after 6 years of no contact 
Somehow more violent than other ships when Bellarke have done things like handcuffed/drugged/shot at each other, Murphy literally shot Raven in the spine, Octavia hit Lincoln, Kane whip lashed Abby, etc.
Saying that Lexa forced herself on Clarke when they first kissed (have you watched that scene??? no seriously have you??????)
Comparing the Clexa love scene to Ontari raping Murphy 
2. Niylah/Niylarke:
Ignoring Niylah as a love interest for Clarke and dismissing Niylarke as purely “friends with benefits” when we all know people would be screaming canon if Clarke were seen cuddling in a bed with Bellamy like she has with Niylah 
Being mad that season 4 had Niylarke
Literally ignoring Niylah’s existence
Being the reason for Niylah existing to begin with because some people didn’t/refused to believe Clarke was bi after S2 
3. Lexa’s own freaking sexuality:
Writing fanfiction of Lexa having sex with a man (that I’ve seen alone, there’s fanfics of her sleeping with Bellamy, Roan and even Miller, another gay!)
Calling said fanfiction of Lexa having sex with men a “kink”
Shipping Lexa with Bellamy
Writing/drawing Lexa as part of a polyamorous relationship with Bellarke, which wouldn’t be a problem in itself if she wasn’t also often depicted as being involved in sexual activities with both Clarke and Bellamy
Getting upset when confronted, usually followed by asking why wlw shippers can take straight characters and hc them as lesbian/bi but they can’t take lesbian characters and hc them as bisexual or straight  
Section D: Biphobia/lesbophobia towards femslash shippers
1. Speaking over wlw:
Being cis straight and speaking over wlw shippers on wlw characters
Thinking that they have a license to speak over wlw/be lesbophobic bc they ship male characters together
Telling wlw that they need to care about mlm ships just as much as they do about wlw rep and/or that they don’t actually care about lgbt rep if they don’t talk about (insert mlm ship)  
Telling wlw to shut up about BYG/queer baiting bc gays are dying in Russia 
“X and Y people in the Bellarke fandom are wlw and they agree with me therefore I must be right!” 
Reacting to people bringing up the BYG and queer baiting in The 100 with “god move on already”
Telling wlw that complain about the queer baiting and BYG to “seek help” in order to get over their issues with the show, which is a pretty fucking homophobic way of wording things considering that for lgbt youth those words are usually accompanied by being sent to conversion therapy. 
2. Biphobia/Bisexual rep:
Getting angry at people that say there are bisexuals with a preference for women. Imagine that! Bisexuality in itself can be fluid and not always 50/50 attraction or dating! 
Berating bisexuals for preferring to see a femslash ship over an m/f one 
Invalidating the sexualities of bisexuals that don’t ship Blarke
Making up statistics about the prevalence of f/f ships literally to shut down  bisexuals that want to see more f/f ships
Implying that Clarke now HAS to get with a guy, aka Bellamy, for it to be bisexual rep
There you go, a whole list of reasons the Bellarke fandom is lesbophobic that is not “they don’t ship Clexa” or the outright “I hate lesbians/god hates gays” that has also been seen 
BTW, all of these are things I’ve seen multiple times over the years and many in posts with hundreds or thousands of notes, I won’t shed a single tear if you come crying to me about only a few people doing this 
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2x04 Thoughts
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This is me trying to keep my cool throughout this episode.
Because FUCK YOU, Aldertree
And fuck the Clave
And fuck every damn shadowhunter out there
And fuck Simon too and his constant whining and total lack of respect for the very people WHO ARE KEEPING HIM ALIVE AND TAKING HIM UNDER THEIR WING WHEN THEY REALLY DONT FUCKING HAVE TO (spoiler alert I’m not talking about Clary here)
Ok but really, these people have their own CREEPY TORTURE CHAMBER WHERE YOU CAN HEAR THE AGONIZED SCREAMS OF THEIR PRISONERS, they literally torture people to get what they want and call it “motivation”, they punish their own people for not BLINDING AND UNCONDITIONALLY OBEYING THE CLAVE, and then someone - either show or fandom or whoever else - has the balls to present them as anything resembling heroes??? Oh no, I am officially DONE with this bullshit.
The Clave and the shadowhunters (INCLUDING THE ONES IN THE OPENING OF THE SHOW) are nothing more than a group of evil racist self-centered dickheads with a superiority complex the size of North America and if the show doesnt bloody address these things at some point, so help me God.
*deep breaths* more under the cut
Now that that’s out of the way, onto the rest of it. I think I’m gonna devide these reviews into three parts - things I liked, things I didnt like and things that flat out made no sense.
Things I liked include:
Magnus, of course (told you to get used to it); all of his scenes in this episode were very nicely done and emotionally-charged with the sprinkles of tragic backstory (though I do have some issues with that but onto it later). His conflict about whether or not to send Camille to Idris was also perfectly handled in my opinion as were their interactions. I loved the detail of him sending Raphael and Simon away so he could deal with her on his own. His bond with Raphael was also lovely to see and hopefully there will be more of it in the coming season.
Camille, however short her visit was, was also a delight. I really enjoy her as a villian, the way she’s not afraid to say what everyone else is too chicken to and the way she can quickly zero in on your weakness and play around with it.
The episode continues to build up my sympathy for Jace which I am very impressed by since I left s01 hating his guts for the most part. But damn if I dont want to give him a hug now. The poor kid tried to kill himself twice in this episode alone and tbh I am starting to understand some of his fans’ complains that this fandom just loves to hate/ignore him for the same things they adore Alec for. 
Things I didnt like:
Magnus sharing his suicide story with fucking Simon of all people. WHY?? Just why with him when they barely know each other and Simon has been nothing but an ungrateful brat to him?? Why Simon when RAPHAEL is right there and you’ve just established that he and Magnus shared a very close bond??? I get the writers wanted to reveal this information to the audience but my god, there were so much better ways to do it than bloody Simon. And then they’re gonna try to tell me that Mmagnus sharing his past with Alec is a big deal when he apparently just goes around and tells random semi-strangers about it too? Please, spare me this nonsense.
Speaking of Simon, his constant whining is really getting on my nerves. I get that he’s having a hard time but come the freak on already! He’s being self-centered enough to qualify as a shadowhunter. And I’ll probably never forgive him for getting Raphael into that mess so there’s that.
The... m@lec scene? If you can call it that. What even was that? First  Alec has absolutely no reaction to hearing Magnus will be punished for trying to help him and even has the audacity to joke about it and then he goes like oh, btw I tots felt you there with me and it made a difference. Excuse me, what? This is at best a retcon from the previous episode or at worst a lie from Alec in case Magnus doesnt want to sleep with him anymore. Because no, no, at NO point during the previous episode did the show give ANY indication that Alec felt Magnus’s presence and it affected him in any way. They even had the KISSING scene and that DIDNT BLOODY WORK. What nonsense is this now?? If the writers wanted to write in something to acknowledge Magnus’s efforts, fine but why write something that is blatantly not true, damnit???? just twinking the line a bit would have worked perfectly - like have Alec say Izzy told me you tried everything to save me and I’m grateful to you for your efforts or something! Still gets across the same idea but without turning your already assholish asshole into an even bigger asshole by having him blatantly lie to the guy he’s supposedly in love with and/or creating an unnecessary plothole.
Jocelyn not giving a crap about that other kid of hers who is currently locked in jail and suffering. Mother of the year, that one. And Clary not even once bringing up the fact that hey, maybe planning to leave for Idris and take only me is kind of a dickish move towards YOUR SON, REMEMBER HIM?
Luke being willing to leave his pack behind to go bang his shadowhunter girlfriend in Idris. Does... like does Luke remember he’s a werewolf now? An alpha at that? Who supposedly has responsibilities to his pack members and cant just up and abandon them cause he’s more interested in getting laid? If I didnt know any better I’d say he’s your typical shadowhunter. Which, you know, would have made for a very compelling story arc for Luke - having to adjust to a completely new way of life and having to shed all his previous prejudices and misconceptions about what DWs are like and what it means to be one and experiencing life on the other side of the devide, etc. But nooo, we just cant have nice things like that.
Things that didnt make sense:
Izzy suddenly having some sort of resentment towards Alec and thinking he’s the favourite child while she’s living in his shadow? What?
Raj continuing to be a dickhead for no apparent reason?
Clary killing the demon WITH A SINGLE LOUSY SLICE of her sword???
Demons not normally having cloaking abilities? Why? That’s like saying tigers dont have teeth or something.
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theartificialdane · 8 years
Galactica, part 231
In this Sutan goes to the dentist, Courtney argues, Kim enjoys a drink, Bianca has a meeting and Violet goes to the gym!
Thanks a million to @toriibelledarling @samrull and @veronicasanders <3!
Sutan was tapping his fingers against his knee, his entire body screaming at him that he had to leave, or at least get a proper smoke. The white walls of the clinic made his skin itch, and Sutan had been about to leap out of his chair and make a run of it when a child came in, both front tooth missing after a crash, but Violet had grabbed his hand, gently holding him down. Sutan knew he shouldn’t be worried, knew intellectually that it was most like only hyper.. Whatever Violet had called it, and that it would be over quickly, but it didn’t make his urge to run any less real. He believed Violet when she had said he only had.. Hyper whatever, but that didn’t make his fright any less real.
“Here.” Sutan turned his head and looked at Violet, the woman holding out a little green packet towards him. “Take it..”
“What is it?”
“It’s Nicotine gum...” Violet took his hand, gently rustling a piece out in his palm, her voice low.
“Why?” “So you’ll calm down… I can practically feel you freaking out...” Violet smiled a little, a sparkle in her eyes, and Sutan felt himself calm down instantly. He popped the gum in his mouth, gently chewing on it, the taste strange but Sutan appreciated it. Of course Violet had thought about everything and bought gum with her, his girlfriend the definition of a research nerd. She had chosen the dentist, and had even found a place that did hypnosis. Sutan wasn’t sure if he believed it would help, but if Violet believe in it, he was going to give it a shot, and he guessed it would be nice as well not to wince whenever he took a sip of coffee.
“Mr and Miss Amrull?”
“Here!” A nurse stuck her head out, and Violet stood up, instantly marking that they were there, quickly gathering her bag before Sutan had even heard his name get called, his girlfriend taking his hand and walking into the dentist's office. Sutan felt a warm hot rush go through him, not only at the fact that a stranger had once again assumed they were married, he was almost used to that by no, but no, this was because Viole hadn’t hesitated for a second, the woman there for him and supporting him.
“Aaaand open!” Katya smiled, her spoonful of mashed avocado making it into Ivan’s mouth, the little boy green in the head, but he was smiling brightly and giggling at the silly faces his mommy made. “Aaand close.”
Trixie laughed, his wife looking ridiculous as she chewed along with her son, her facial expressions overdramatic, but Katya had read somewhere that imitation was the easiest way for children to learn. Trixie could hear Pearl giggle, and then Max elbowing her in the side, but he was honestly just happy, his silly wife the best mother he had ever seen, his son slowly and steadily making his way through the vegetable.
“I mean, honestly, Nina is just impossible. This morning she actually accused me of fucking racist hiring practices,” Bianca ranted, pounding a roller against a mound of pizza dough.
“Wow,” Courtney said, carefully moving the wine glass out of the way. “Did she say why?”
“Some bullshit about nepotism and political hires which by the way EVERY FUCKING BODY DOES and it’s not my fault the system is rigged and what am I supposed to do, run a business like it’s a charity for inner city youth? Sorry if the board of directors sometimes has kids who want fucking jobs.” She slammed the roller into the dough again.
“So...she has a point, then?”
“What?!” Bianca’s head snapped up, eyes blazing.
“I-I mean, it sounds like you kind of agree with her, theoretically, but you just are sort of stuck dealing with political hires, you know, from a practical standpoint.” Courtney braced herself for the wrath to come.
“No, I think she’s a fucking cunt who’s just as privileged as any alleged political hire but is now using her skin color as a weapon to try to manipulate me. I’m not racist. I’m fucking Latina. Just like her.”
“Right, but…” Courtney stopped, biting her lip.
“But /what/?” Bianca asked, eyes narrowed.
“Well…” Courtney hesitated. “I mean the magazine staff...and the content… /is/… very… white… and--”
“Right. I just…” Courtney tilted her head and leaned her elbows on the counter.
“Oh god. You have that look on your face.”
“What look?”
“That ‘I’m about to give you a dissertation’ look.”
“Come on, let’s hear it.” Bianca rolled her eyes, spreading sauce on the now flattened rounds of pizza dough.
“I was just thinking about...you work in the beauty industry. And you kind of...don’t be offended, but you have very specific idea about what is beautiful. I mean, remember when you told me that you don’t think you’re sexy? I mean, that’s objectively ridiculous. You look like you were hand-drawn by a horny 12 year old.”
Bianca scoffed.
“You do! But that aside, look at your sexual history. No one can deny that you are someone who buys into a very traditionally Eurocentric idea of beauty. Don’t roll your eyes. That doesn’t mean you’re RACIST, but it might mean that you’ve been influenced by cultural biases that play out in different ways, most of the time on a subconscious level. Which is really how institutional racism is the most damaging. Because when people try to talk about it, we feel attacked and so we get defensive and then it becomes about us saying ‘I’m not racist!’ rather than trying to solve racism.”
“Alright...so I’m racist and unaware. Thanks.”
“I’m not insulting you! I’m just saying that maybe Nina has a point! You know, maybe it wouldn’t kill you to try and keep diversity in MIND when you’re hiring. Make it a priority. Not the ONLY priority, but--”
“So affirmative action. That worked out great,” Bianca said, sprinkling cheese on one pizza and vegan cheese on the smaller one. “This cashew cheese is repulsive, by the way. And you’re welcome.”
Courtney laughed. “Thank you. And speaking of successful programs, maybe you should make some more black and latino friends.”
“Oh yeah? And who are your black and latino friends, Miss White Diversity?”
“Tyra, Naomi, Morgan’s boyfriend Dequan, Jeremiah. And I’m not sure you knew this, but my girlfriend and my best friend are both Latina.”
“Oh, I suddenly count as Latina? And here I thought I was a klan member.”
“Your ass counts,” Courtney winked at her.
“Fetishizing my latina ass. I’ll be sure to mention this at the next POC summit.”
“Aaanyway...my manager is also black. And Tatianna is...Brazilian, I think.”
“Tatianna is Italian.”
“Really? She’s so tan.”
“That’s a spray tan. Being from New Jersey is not a race.”
Courtney shrugged, giggling. “Well, the rest will hold up in court.”
“Whatever. I mean congratulations on your United Colors of Benetton life, little gringa, but that has nothing to do with anything. Nina’s trying to undermine a spread I gave to Violet. Violet, who I could honestly give a shit about except that she’s TALENTED.”
“And she works for Fame.”
“It is really annoying that you are taking her side, here.”
“I’m not! I just think sometimes you get so mad at the idea of people questioning you that you don’t listen to what they have to say. Especially when they come at you aggressively. Maybe she’s being a cunt, but that doesn’t mean she’s 100% wrong.”
Bianca glared at her and tossed back the rest of her wine.
“I mean, for example, Joslyn is very sweet and does a great job, but would you really have hired her, even given her a chance, if she wasn’t Juju’s mum’s neighbor? You’d have eaten her alive.”
Bianca rolled her eyes.
“Okay, how about this? What if you tell Nina that you want her help with a diversity initiative? Whether that means featuring a young designer every month, or bringing in interns and letting her oversee the program. Empower her and make her in charge of it. That way, you solve two problems. She stops with the power grabs because she feels valued and listened to, and also, you know, you get the diversity you are lacking. Win win.”
Bianca added some veggies to the pizzas, lips pressed together, face inscrutable.
“Alright, I’m just gonna shut up now. Sorry.” Courtney walked up to her and tilted her face up. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to antagonize you. I just thought...maybe I could help...I’m sorry--” she was cut off when Bianca grabbed her around the waist and pressed a kiss to her lips.
“Don’t be sorry. It was actually not...the worst idea I ever heard.”
Courtney grinned and stuck her finger into the bowl of sauce, licking it off. “I’m smarter than I look.”
Bianca cupped her face, saying very seriously, “Thank god for that.”
Courtney smiled, then after a beat, wrinkled her brow and exclaimed, “Hey!”
“Shane! What are you- I was so close- Why would you- Urgh!” Betty tore her head, and if she could she would have trashed up on the bed, the anger in her chest making her see red, but Shane was holding her down, his weight on top of her making her unable to move, his cock still inside her. “I was /this/ close!”
“I’m sorry, fuck, didn’t you feel that?”
“I felt nothing because someone stopped what he was doing!”
Betty had been about to launch into a full blown rage, but Shane’s voice stopped her, her leg still over his shoulder, and that was when she realised that she was lying at an angle, her head down even though she had been flat only moments before, something digging uncomfortably into her back.
“We just broke the bed.”
Violet stood outside Bianca’s office, her hand on the rack of clothes she had prepared, pacing, digging her nails into her palm. She had arrived early and of course now had to sweat it out while the editor in chief finished her previous meeting. Joslyn glanced over in sympathy, asked if she wanted something to drink, gestured to the sitting area, but Violet just shook her head miserably, wishing the day would end already.
And then, of course, things took a turn for the worse, as none other than Nina Garcia rounded the corner, eyes narrowing like a cat the second she saw Violet standing there. She approached slowly, deliberately.
“Violet...what a surprise to see you here. I just spoke to Bianca about putting this little editorial on pause and now here you are. It seems our intrepid leader is as much of a team player as ever…”
Nina waved her hand. “That’s not your problem. Let’s have a look, shall we?”
Violet tentatively displayed a few pieces for her. Nina eyed each one closely, then stepped back, brow furrowed.
“That’s an interesting color pallette. You think gold is a good choice?” “Yes, miss.”
“I’m not sure I agree. Gold is very old fashioned, and Marie Claire is a lot more modern. That one there reminds me of my grandmother’s curtains.”
“Thank you.”
“That’s not a compliment.”
“I didn’t take it as one.”
“And all these JEWEL tones. One of the things I generally admire about you is your restraint. What is going ON here, Violet?” Nina made a clucking sound with her tongue.
“Jewels seems appropriate for the holidays.”
“Yes, yes, one is reminded of the overly decorated Christmas trees of the nouveau riche. I don’t know, Violet. This is all a lot. None of it is particularly cool, or edgy, or fun, though…” she sighed.
Violet clenched her fists, her stomach burning hot with rage, her nervousness from earlier disappearing slightly. Violet knew her designs were good, but if someone was willing to critique her, she was going to listen. Nina’s opinion didn’t matter very much, even though it stung. The collection was ordered by Bianca, not Nina. Bianca wanted over the top, aspirational holiday gowns for girls like Courtney Act, and these dresses were as close to Courtney as Violet would ever get. Violet felt hope slowly slip through her fingers as Nina continued to critique, but perhaps she still had a chance… Unless of course Bianca had invited her here to slowly destroy her and crush her spirit, which was still very much an option
“I mean, I just don’t know,” Nina repeated, as the door to Bianca’s office swung open.
“Joslyn, tell--” Bianca looked over at Nina. “Oh. Nina. Hey.” She pursed her lips.
“B...I was just looking at Violet’s little collection. Some very interesting choices, here.”
Bianca rolled her eyes. “Alright, why don’t you join the meeting, then? You can both meet the photographer I just hired for the shoot next week.”
Nina followed Bianca into the office, followed by Violet, struggling with the heavy rack. Joslyn helped her.
“Tracy, this is Nina Garcia, our Fashion Director. And that is Violet Chachki, the designer, who’s about to take us through the collection you’ll be featuring.”
Tracy, a young black woman in bright blue frame glasses, stood up to greet them. “Such a pleasure to meet you both,” she said, extending her hand.
Bianca perched on the sofa. “Tracy used to be an embedded reporter in Afghanistan, and since she’s been back, she’s been doing commercial fashion and street photography. Check out her portfolio, I think she’s perfect for this spread.” Bianca crossed her arms, a smug expression on her face.
Nina flipped through the offered ipad, checking out her portfolio. “This is incredible work,” she agreed.
“Great!” Bianca slapped her hands together. “Okay, Violet! You’re up!”
Violet, her hands shaking as she went through the half finished pieces, her mind telling her again and again that it was just like critiques at Parsons, just like showing what she had made on the thursday meetings at Galactica, but no one had ever acted like Nina did, the woman openly the whispering, badly, to Bianca.
“Overworked...so heavy...joyless...see what I mean? That collar!...”
Bianca tilted her head and squinted her eyes. “Hey, Violet, is this everything you have?”
Shame washed over Violet, the color draining from her face, but she stood her ground. She had asked for at least 6 weeks, and it was only early october. That she had enough to show was a miracle in itself. “Yes, Ms-Bianca.”
“Hmmm...I mean, I see what you mean about the heaviness, Nina, but a lot of that is a styling issue. You know, we need more casual hair and makeup, nothing overly fussy, minimal jewelry. And we obviously need young, edgy, cool models, right? Like that Tati girl, and maybe Anya, and that kid with the legs...Violet, you know who I mean, the one who just fucked your boyfriend in the ass over the D&G deal?”
“... Are you talking about Naomi Smalls?”
“Yes! Naomi. I like her. Girls like that.” Bianca approached Violet at the rack of clothes. “As as far as making things lighter… You know, I think if we get rid of a few elements here, like this collar, I agree with Nina about the collar.”
“You need to go through all of these gowns with a very discerning editorial eye.”
Violet nodded, knowing perfectly well that the elements that needed to be removed would be picked by Bianca. Violet loved the collars, but this was a collaboration between her and Marie Claire, and something that had, somehow, turned into a bizarre pissing contest between the women in front of her.
“Yes, exactly. Simplify. Replace some key areas with cleaner lines...and I think it will all work. Nina, I have no issue with the colors.”
“Of course you don’t,” Nina said, rolling her eyes.
Bianca looked at Tracy. “Can you make these colors look young and fresh?”
“Absolutely. I have a concept for you, wanna hear it?”
“Hit me.”
“We shoot by the Met, but not some cliché thing on the steps, with a red carpet. Like just around that area, at night, hair and makeup looking like they partied all night, they are the squad you wish you were with. T Swift’s crew, but cooler and more fun. They’ve left the fancy, stuffy gala and now they are like, hailing cabs and buying hot dogs and playing with puppies at the park or at the playground...shit like that.”
Violet felt her stomach clench. She hated the idea, absolutely hated it, and she didn’t trust the photographer as far as she could throw her, but she kept her mouth shut, already calculating in her head how she could cut work time on the garments, and figure out a way to make them hot dog proof.
Bianca closed her eyes for a second, picturing how Tracy’s idea would play out editorially. “I love it. Sold.”
“Theeeere you go!” Kim said, putting the finishing touches on Naomi’s face. Alaska stood nearby, nodding approvingly.
“Goddamn, she’s stunning.”
“Thank you,” said Naomi.
“I was complimenting Kim, but you’re welcome too,” Alaska laughed.
Kim giggled. “I mean, it is her bone structure.”
Alaska waved her hand. “I mean, sure, but that it some fucking artistry. Those BROWS. Mother did not give her those brows.”
Naomi made a face.
“Calm down, peaches, you’re beautiful. You’re the muse, but she’s a fucking artist. Come on, let’s walk you to set.”
Kim put an arm around Naomi, muttering under her breath to the model, “Don’t mind her. We’re at a hotel with a really nice brunch buffet. She’s been drinking since 8 am.”
“I heard that! Don’t fucking judge me, I’m on vacation!”
“It’s a business trip.”
“Whatever, it’s Hawaii. Same diff.”
Kim giggled. “See what I mean?”
Once on set, Alaska appeared to be all business, though, conferring with the director and D.P., setting up camp at video village. She watched the first few takes silently before deciding that she needed to jump in and assist.
“Naomi,” she said. “We need more of a performance from you here. Really sell this character. Every girl in America has to want to be you. And want to fuck you. We need to fear you and want you, all at the same time.”
They started the next take, and Naomi smoldered at the camera.
Alaska called out, “More, Naomi! You are a tigress on the prowl! You are hungry, and you have all the answers! You’re a spiritual guru, but at a high powered law firm!”
Naomi paused. “Um, we’re on a beach.”
“In your miiiiiind!” Alaska said, exasperated. “Kim, please help me out.”
“It’s a metaphor, Naomi,” Kim added helpfully.
“Yes. A metaphor. Can we try this again? Reset.”
The director rolled his eyes, motioning for the A.D. to follow Alaska’s instructions. When he called action, Alaska whispered something to Kim, who giggled and yelled, “Think of bold, bright, daring colors!”
Alaska called, “Break free of chains, devour the hearts of your oppressors--”
“But soft face! Soft face!” Kim said. “Yaaaaaas!”
Both women were now laughing hysterically. Naomi looked more and more confused. The director called cut and walked over to video village. “Um...Ms. Honard?”
“I think...I think you might be confusing the talent. I can assure you that we’ve got a handle on the creative. It might be best for you to go back to the makeup tent to get the next model ready, and let us...you know...do our jobs.”
Kim bristled indignantly. “We are the client, SIR, you are FIRED!”
Alaska put a hand on Kim’s arm, saying, “Easy, girl,” and then turned back to the director. “Sorry, we were just fooling around. I’m a little drunk.”
“Yeah. I can tell. I mean…”
“Aloha life, bro,” Alaska explained, giving him a fist bump.
He laughed. “Word.”
Violet was at the gym, hot and sweaty since she just finished her boxing lesson with Boomer. He’d laughed at her a lot since she was so aggressive but the meeting with the Marie Claire team had made her crazy anxious and she had to get it out somehow. Boomer’s body had seemed like an appropriate target, since he was massive and pretty much in every way like a rock. Violet could punch him as hard as she wanted, and he barely even felt it, and often even laughed at her. Violet opened the door to the women’s gym locker room, coming face to face with none other than Tatianna.
Dripping wet.
Violet’s mouth went dry and her pulse quickened, palms getting sweaty, a blush creeping into her cheeks.
“Violet! Hi girl! Didn’t expect to see you here, that’s so nice!”
“I just finished pilates. Did you enjoy your class?”
“I... You look very fit... “ Violet blushed even more, her cheeks burning. Tatianna was beautiful, her dark skin, her long hair, her full lips and her lovely eyes.
“I do? Thank you!” Tatianna smiled. Violet grabbed her gym bag, desperate for something, anything to distract her, but then, it happened. Tatianna started talking and Violet had no idea what to do.
“What class did you take? Oh, did you bring any lotion? I totally forgot mine. I hope it’s okay I’m bumming yours.” Tatianna sat down right next to Violet, so close she could practically feel the heat of Tatianna’s hot, wet, naked skin against her arm. Your boyfriend would totally kill me if I neglected my skin care routine.” She giggled. “He’s so strict.”
“I… I…” Violet rummaged through her bag, her fingers closing around her Dior products, her brain totally blacking out. “I have to go.” Violet tossed a bottle of lotion and a jar of face cream in Tati’s direction and hightailed it out of the locker room as fast as she could, heart pounding.
“Violet!” Tati called after her. “Don’t you want this back?!” Tatianna shook her head. “What a weirdo,” she said softly to herself, opening the body lotion. “But at least she buys nice toiletries.”
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kiokubu · 5 years
Maybe try to take some aspects from his Persona 5 version because that seemed to really work well (if it can still work even without his backstory with Kazu, that remains to be seen) 
His talent doesn’t feel like it should be centered around service 
Need to find a balance between just how antagonistic he’s supposed to be versus slight sympathy but either way he needs to have his whiny bitch sides of his personality pushed back behind the scenes
There’s no way he hasn’t killed people,ever 
He’d probably be a killer, but maybe if he stops being such a whiny bitch with a deathwish, he’ll value his life enough to not. 
Maybe it didn’t need to be explicitly stated, but as per Finnish tradition, he is heavily against small talk. 
Is hyposensitive to touch, leading to her to crave touch (and having a hard time keeping her hands off objects). She is often not aware of being touched or bumped unless it’s more forceful. 
When she was younger, would chew on things like pens and erasers a lot. She was also prone to wanting to rough play on the playground, not always very conscious of what others around her wanting, leading to her tackling and wrestling other kids and not really being cognizant of the fact that they felt attacked, not like they were playing. This did not help her socially.  
Really likes those squishy toys and has a lot of them laying around in her room/stuffed into her backpack. 
A lot of foods taste the same to her, unless if they are extreme in taste. This is why she likes extremely sugary foods and struggles with bland food, which tastes gross to her. 
Tends to run more than walk, runs up stairs taking two steps at a time, etc. 
She idealises strong protagonists who can be sassy but stoic and also who are heroic. She really wants a group of friends (or “comrades” or “companions”) who she could trust to fight with in the event of a zombie apocalypse. Wearing skimpy clothing is a part of this setup, too. She isn’t against other females but quietly prefers more male friends because she enjoys being a cute girl who likes these kind of games most girls aren’t into, and being the only girl in a group like that. It shouldn’t be exaggerated, but as a result of that, she may be a little lowkey bitchy towards any females who would get near her friend-group, viewing them as threats. 
Possibly grew up in South Florida as opposed to Virginia Beach, such as around the Miami area (or she could have lived in both at different points). 
Her murder plan would possibly be a little similar to Maizono’s, luring a guy who might be attracted to her somewhere isolated. I don’t know exactly how she’d kill them, but I like the idea that their corpse would be found in a pool, after having been in there for a few hours. Despite appearing like an idiot, it’d be nice if her case was actually pretty tricky to solve. During the trial, she would potentially try to throw the blame onto someone else, claiming something something video games. Once singled out as the culprit, she would start to get a lot more agitated, insisting over and over that it’s impossible that she did it. Towards the end after being cornered, she would start getting crying sprites and more or less be trying to justify her murder, even if only to herself, angrily claiming that that guy (the victim) didn’t actually care about her anyway, so who cares, he was probably just hoping she’d be gullible enough to show him her tits and have no idea what he actually wanted (worded less clunky), that he just thought she was some annoying weird freak like everyone else. She’d say that EVERYONE there just wants to get out of this place, even if she tries to say it’s a fun game, she just wants out, she wants out, she wants to go home, she wants to sleep in her own bed, she wants to see her father again (on that note, would be pretty susceptible to motive videos too). More out of a moment of panic than her actual feelings, she would claim that she wishes they all died, because she knows they all see her as the joke character anyway (paraphased), and basically starts projecting her years of memories of bullying on them. It’d be nice if someone said something nice to her before she died that could help calm her down a bit for her execution, tbh. 
Her background suffering socially should really be fleshed out and made more relevant, especially since years of severe bullying would change your character, so just a quick tour of things that happened to her: had her vita smashed, her ds stolen, she was asked out by a guy as a joke and laughed at by a group of people, generally mocked daily, experienced racist jokes and remarks, generally treated like she didn’t exist and excluded/deliberately ignored, and one time someone made a fake social media account with her name (and the icon being an unflattering picture they took without her noticing) and wrote embarrassing things under it and followed a bunch of people in the school so it would get around. (interestingly, she would definitely hold a grudge over these things and hate her bullies rather than forgive them, but would be sympathetic towards a pedophile who kidnapped her... stockholm syndrome-prone or something else?) 
Maybe this further explains her extreme loyalty to anyone who’s nice to her, even if they’re a serial killer (she may also have less empathy for non-comrades due to her past, further explaining why she’s so chill with it) 
Also likes visual stims, has those little clear wands filled with water and glitter and will play with them a lot whenever she isn’t gaming (she almost always has something in her hand) 
Maybe idolises Samantha Maxis from zombies (background lore, some little girl who was killed and now controls the zombies and something revenge) 
He still might have some kind of yakuza ties I just don’t know how 
He possibly does a kind of martial art as a personal hobby? 
He’d possibly kill, he wouldn’t be motivated by anything on the outside though, so that kind of thing wouldn’t work. He’d be motivated by getting out just so he isn’t, you know, trapped in a killing game only. But he might not be willing to kill out of logic-- it’s not like they know the world is ended, so couldn’t they get in serious trouble with the law? And how can they know the mastermind will actually keep their word and let them go? So basically his skepticism would be what would keep him from going along with things. 
He’d be difficult to date because he’s bad with vulnerable feelings, and despises emotional weakness because it’s nothing something he’s ever really personally felt. So he’d basically suck at comforting a girl, being more likely to tell her it shouldn’t bother her and she should just get over it, with him genuinely thinking he’s handling the situation flawlessly. Because he’s extremely driven and has never really been prone to those negative feelings, he really just doesn’t get it, and that’s why he’d probably work best dating a fellow elite athlete, because he really wouldn’t have patience for a girl who doesn’t have his energy and drive. 
If Fuyumi wasn’t in the game, he would have possibly been driven to commit a murder because he’d be very disturbed by the possibility of falling behind as an ice hockey player and would not be able to tolerate just standing around and doing nothing. But since Fuyumi is in the game, he couldn’t have actually done that-- and once she dies, it shows that even without memories of them getting closer, he still valued her memory more than that. 
That said, he’s still really driven to get the fuck out of there, and back to the ice rink. So, he’d probably be a character more motivated to find a way out rather than just sitting around and accepting the situation. 
He has headphones and the only thing that plays through them is very energetic metal and rock. Loudly.
Likes tonkatsu a lot, and shogayaki. He doesn’t like weak bitch vegetable dishes because he needs MEAT to make him strong on the ice. Well it’s not that he’s literally like that, but it’s true he doesn’t really find vegetable-based dishes to really give him the energy he needs. 
Spellings for Shinya could be  心矢 (heart, arrow), 新哉 (new, start),  進弥 (move on, progress) or  伸弥 (extend, progress) 
One time maybe he did get tips from Makeup Artist. They got along unexpectedly well, considering. 
Dissociates fairly often and will just draw a complete work of art in an hour while completely on a different plane of reality. You can get his attention it might just take a little bit. 
He was basically suicidal since like, 4 and would try to bang his head against walls and stuff and also wrap cords/wires around his neck and this continued on for a lot of his early childhood then it calmed down, but it was kind of concerning for a bit
In addition to being denied food there could have been some physical abuse at times, so he would get some bruises and if anyone asked he’d brush it off and claim he’s clumsy but if you pay attention he is really not clumsy at all 
Like I said, he’s probably borderline but he’s not aware of this and if anyone ever suggested the possibility he would not take it very well or even consider it because he doesn’t have any problems at all 
He probably didn’t betray Kaii over a single thing randomly, he probably slowly started to feel like Kaii was going to betray him over the course of weeks or months so it wasn’t quite “oh no they saw my sketchbook” 
Is remarkably very high functioning for being borderline, has one major difference against a main stereotype though, which is that he’s possibly aroace (not confirmed though, but either way, is grey-aroace or whatever), so he doesn’t have the whole “in a new relationship constantly that always ends dramatically and painfully” thing going on, but it is worth mentioning that he stockpiles friends like you’d stockpile supplies for the zombie apocalypse. Like he has a lot of backups, rather than talking to a single person too much. It’s kind of like trying to max out a strategy game. Anyway, rather than necessarily embodying the kind of “yandere girl(boy)friend” image that bpd usually gets in media, there’s more of a focus on a weak sense of identity, emotional outbursts, rage than comes and goes at times at random (often followed by emptiness), self-harm and suicide ideation. Also paranoia and at times potentially a weaker grasp over reality (since Maison’s probably not going to have this as much anymore anyway).
(Actually maybe that’s why he’s so resistant to going blind-- or one major reason-- because if he’s basing his entire identity around what he is as an artist, if he loses access to that then literally everything is empty from what he can see to what he feels. So that’s probably too much that couldn’t be brought back from. Similar situation with losing a limb, or at least, arms I guess)
Sensory issues mostly relate to sound and touch. She’s picky about bedding, unable to tolerate old and bumpy bedding, needing to to be a very particular fabric. Also doesn’t do well with new, stiff clothing, and is also very particular about fabrics here. She doesn’t always dress very well for the weather because she’s more concerned about these details than temperature. 
Hates having dirty hands-- isn’t terrified of germs, just really can’t stand the feeling. Is picky about hand wash because if it leaves her hands feeling dry, the feeling is distressing. 
It isn’t a constant, but has a habit of walking on her toes. 
Isn’t really a fast walker, gets overwhelmed and ends up taking breaks from walking like sitting on a bench for a bit frequently. 
Is sensitive to noise, and when combined with a lot of walking/going out/light/heat/stimulation in general, ends up with a severe headache towards the end of the day. 
Her favourite food is ginger snaps, and she has a particular brand she buys, with nothing else working. She has a few other foods (including more nutritious ones, fortunately) that she likes, but generally only likes a small number of the same exact foods and isn’t good about eating anything else. 
She possibly commissioned Savannah to make her a robotic version of a pet animal from her world (the Snowickle one). It now follows her around and, at a first glance, is very lifelike, until you hold it, or realise that she never buys food for it and that it sometimes needs its batteries recharged. 
If I had to write a situation where she was a killer, it would be self-defense gone genuinely wrong, as there’s no chance she would be willing to kill someone, or to risk being a culprit and getting executed. If she did accidentally kill someone under these circumstances, she would freak out very quickly after the fact and try her best to hide the corpse somewhere that would take longer to find. Although she wouldn’t want everyone else to die, she wouldn’t exactly volunteer up her life immediately either. Through the trial, she would act as she normally does, but be lying about details (such as claiming to have already forgotten who died and purposely suggesting things that suggests she forgot obvious details of the case). Her undoing would at least partially involve driving this too excess, acting excessively useless and clueless compared to normal. Once suspected as the culprit, she’d try to deny it, claiming that she couldn’t move a body, or have the strength to even injure someone else, etc, but would eventually admit to it (relatively) calmly for the situation, accepting her fate. She would try to take her execution with an expressionless face, telling herself to the then that perhaps her death on earth will be the portal back to her homeland. 
She almost withdrew out of school before going to Hope’s Peak because as her mother told her, there was “no point in her getting a high school education” anyway, and quietly this really bothered/hurt her, but at the time just trusted that it was probably true and that it shouldn’t bother her because of that. 
Is a female now!
Possibly nationalities: Slovene, British, Japanese, Romanian, French 
Might take some traits from Assassin-- not the assassin part but like... whatever else 
Probably needs a more compelling backstory or something... something else to stand out 
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