#like saving Kronya does NOTHING for anyone for dozens of chapters
butwhatifidothis · 2 years
Yknow the whole divine pulse shenanigans working by having the Edelgard’s swap with each other how did that work in the academy phase like there’s no way silver snow Edelgard didn’t freak out when she was suddenly put back in the academy you’d think someone or at least Hubert would notice her acting weird that whole swapping nonsense just ugh underused and not thought out imo
The switcheroo shit with the Divine Pulse hair-pullingly maddening. There are SO MANY THINGS about it that are never explained and don't make sense.
Like, what you said? Did happen! It was how Woobiegard found out that Jeralt was going to die (before doing pretty much nothing to stop it and then crying when he still died lmao)! She has one during the academy phase of her talking to an imprisoned Rhea (the whole "Woobiegard totally didn't mistreat Rhea, Rhea mistreated HERSELF to SPITE Woobiegard's kindness" thing)! When Jeralt dies and Ficleth keeps trying to Divine Pulse it away, Woobiegard keeps getting curb-stomped by the recruits + Dorothea in a vision!
Why would those times Ficleth Divine Pulsed put Woobiegard in a completely different point in time and dealing with something pretty much completely unrelated, when every single other vision afterwards has her be in an equivalent location and dealing with an equivalent situation? Why are those visions set in SS when every single other vision afterwards is set in the Other CF Timeline? Who knows!
And there are a billion other questions regarding this aspect of the story that never get any sort of answer (implied, directly stated, figured out over time, nothing) and that lead into another laundry list of questions. Like, for example: say Main Woobiegard is in the Other CF Timeline, and Other Ficleth happens to Divine Pulse. A completely reasonable scenario, given the amount of times Main Ficleth has to save the asses of the Main Black Eagles. The amount of times that happens could make it easy for an overlap like that to happen, but what would happen in that instance?
Does Main Woobiegard get yeeted into another CF timeline? Evidently she can't stay in one where time is rewinding, else she wouldn't have ever gotten into any other CF timelines. What happens to Other Woobiegard? She can't reasonably be in the Main CF Timeline were this to happen, because time is rewinding there, but her timeline is also rewinding so she can't be there either. Do two new CF timelines get forced into this cycle? Hell, are the Main and Other CF Timelines the only CF timelines this is happening to at all? Evidently the Main CF Timeline isn't the only one where Ficleth chooses Woobiegard, so how many times has she chosen her? And how many are affected by this switcheroo thing?
Well, if this Divine Pulse Switcheroo Thing were ever properly settled into the story, I as a reader could at least, if nothing else, make a reasonable guess as to what would happen - in fact, I likely wouldn't have a good few of those questions to begin with. But since this is so inconsistent and underexplained, I literally have no clue. And that's just a few questions about this, amongst so many more.
And like, granted, by now these visions have made something of a change - getting Kronya domino'd into saving Arianrhod and killing TWS early, along with saving... one more person later on down the road (up to where I'm at rn). But it took until, and being generous and starting at the catalyst of the saving of Arianrhod, Chapter 51 for those visions to make any impact at all. Like, at all at all. Woobiegard does basically everything else the exact same even with the visions, so it makes reading through them such a slog because of just how extremely likely it is that the vision would be completely pointless. Like I said, they're hairpulling lmao
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