#like please come on there is no way winning from p10 and p14 should be that easy its a joke
aprilias · 2 years
Mental how the last time Red Bull dominated a championship, it was all down to the car and not how good a driver Sebastian Vettel was (is), but this time around we’re meant to believe it’s all Max and his driving is what makes a difference and not the fact he has a fucking rocketship for a car.
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cardcaptorcoconut · 6 years
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card Arc Chapter 22 Translation
Hi everyone! Thanks for your patience with the chapter translation this time, especially when it’s such a big one.  Some of you know, but I’ve been having a very difficult few weeks and have been running around a lot these past 3 days and will be for the next week as well. I really appreciate your patience! :) The CCS events have really been helping keep me busy in a positive way though, so that’s been great.
I translated this really quickly when I got access to the chapter and haven’t proofread as carefully as I normally try to, so if I find out later that there were any typos, I’ll repost with those. Thanks again for understanding in advance!
[EDIT] Sorry it looks like the airport wifi messed up the formatting and the wifi on the plane will be broken... :( I will correct it when I land.
[EDIT #2] I’m finally back on solid ground and have updated the post.  Sorry for the delay and weird formatting!  Also, due to a couple typos and one mistitled line, I’ll be posting a quick update shortly.
☆★Translations Notes Reminder★☆
Disclaimer: These are just fan translations. Please support the official release.
Chapter 22
Cover Page: “Let’s always, always and forever be close with one another.”
P1 Touya:  I’m home. Fujitaka:  <on phone> What!? She collapsed!? Fujitaka:  Oh, she came to soon after.  I see.  That’s a relief. Fujitaka:  Okay, I understand. Fujitaka:  Please take care of her.  (I will talk to you later.) 
[Lit: 「失礼します」or “Excuse me/Goodbye.”] 
Touya: You said… Sakura collapsed?
P2 Fujitaka: Yes.  But it seems they had a doctor look at her right away and she’s alright. Touya:  She was mixed-up in something again… Fujitaka:  Hm? Touya:  She went to mom’s grandfather’s place, right? Fujitaka:  That’s right. Fujitaka:  Because he has something to give to Sakura-san. Fujitaka:  One of the two (things) is really huge, so I asked him (not to give it to her) for now. Touya:  <quietly> Large?
P3 Fujitaka:  It’s the house she’s visiting right now. Fujitaka:  It seems it was one of Nadeshiko-san’s favorite (summer homes), and (he) wanted to leave it to Sakura-san. Touya:  To a middle schooler? Fujitaka:  Yes, but he gave up on that for (me). Touya:  Does great-grandpa look like mom?
P4 Fujitaka:  I wonder… I think that (they have the same) eyes though.
[Lit: I think that their eyes are similar though.]
Fujitaka:  According to Sonomi-san, Nadeshiko-san looked exactly like her grandmother. Fujitaka:  Touya-kun, he wanted to meet you too… (that) Masaki-san. Touya:  If the timing works out… Fujitaka:  You’re being shy? <Text reads: “Bull’s eye”>
P5 Fujitaka: You might look alike. Touya:  Hm? Fujitaka: Masaki-san and you. Touya: <pointing to himself> Me? Fujitaka:  We should line the two of you up next to each other and compare. Fujitaka:  You’re related by blood so it makes sense that you would look alike. Touya:  I’ve recently been thinking that Mom and Sakura look similar too. Fujitaka:  I think so too. Fujitaka:  Their smiles are growing more and more similar.  And also…
P6 Fujitaka:  (Their mysterious abilities too.)
[Lit: That mysteriousness about them too.]
Touya:  Huh? Fujitaka:  Nadeshiko-san was a (strange) person who could talk to (things that weren’t) there and understand the feelings of things that can’t speak.
[Lit: “Nadeshiko was a myterious person who could talk to something that wasn’t…”]
Fujitaka:  But that’s the same as you, Touya-kun.
P7 Touya: Didn’t you ever think it wasn’t believable? Fujitaka:  Not at all. But I’m not the kind of person who senses or hear things, so it was a little lonely. Fujitaka:  I can’t (see or hear them) for Sakura-san either.
[Lit: I can’t give Sakura-san my understanding either.]
P8 Touya:  …You knew? Fujitaka:  Nothing specific. Fujitaka:  But I knew that it wasn’t something I could resolve and I realized to some degree there were many difficult things happening since she was (about) in the 4th grade. Touya:  Dad, (as expected) you’re amazing. Fujitaka:  What is? Touya:  The fact that you realized something was going on, but let her act freely without asking her about it.
P9 Fujitaka: Because it’s Sakura-san after all. Fujitaka: She’s someone who cherishes herself and those around her. Fujitaka: Plus, whatever happens, she has a wonderful older brother too. Touya: (That goes for you too, dad.)
[Lit: “And you too, dad.” – The nuance here is that Fujitaka is here for Sakura too.]
Fujitaka: Well, I’m not (very helpful) right now…
[Lit: I’m a bit helpless right now.]
P10 Fujitaka: <looking at Nadeshiko’s photo> There’s surely a reason why Nadeshiko-san hasn’t (appeared) lately as well. Touya:  What? Fujitaka:  (It’s nothing.) Fujitaka:  I was just thinking how happy I am to have such a great wife and kids. <Scene changes to Masaki’s house>
P11 Sakura:  I’m alright now.  The doctor just now said nothing was wrong too. Masaki:  But… Sakura:  There was something you wanted to give me, right? Masaki:  Oh, that’s right. Can you wait for me for a moment? Sakura:  Okay! Syaoran:  You’re not pushing yourself, are you? Sakura:  Not at all.  I’m sorry for making you worry too, Syaoran-kun. Syaoran:  I’m fine.  But, really… If you’re in pain or are hurting even just a little bit, please tell me. Don’t hide it.
P12 Sakura: You too, Syaoran-kun. Syaoran: Huh? Sakura: I want you to not keep things hidden and tell me. <Masaki re-enters the room>
P13 Sakura:  A box? Masaki:  Please open it up. <Sakura finds a pendant-like clock inside>
P14 Sakura:  A clock? Masaki:  It’s something that Nadeshiko always treasured ever since she was a young girl. Masaki:  My wife and I - Nadeshiko’s grandmother - brought it back from overseas. Sakura: From where? Masaki:  From England. Syaoran:  <thinking> England… the place Hiiragizawa is now.
P15 Syaoran:  And that person too…
[Note: Syaoran isn’t saying Kaito is in England, but is just making the connection that both he and Eriol have roots there.]
<Scene changes to Yue’s house; Eriol suddenly appears like a hologram above the photo of Clow’s magic symbol on Kero’s smartphone>
P16 Eriol:  It’s been a while, Cerberus. Kero:  Indeed it has.  Because you haven’t been replying to us. Kero:  We’re pretty ticked off about it. Eriol:  I can understand that very well.  Especially from (the expression) on Yue’s face…
P17 Kero:  Sending an image of your magic circle and appearing in this form must mean… Yue:  You’re ready to tell us (what’s going on). Eriol:  Yes. Yue:  Explain everything.  What is happening to our mistress?
P18 Eriol:  The thing I’ve been fearing the most is (occurring).
[Lit: …most is becoming reality.]
<Scene changes to the Amamiya residence again>
P19 Sakura:  I’m sorry for making you worry. Masaki:  I’m sorry too, for (calling you out here) so suddenly. Thank you both. Syaoran: <bowing> Thank you for having us. Masaki:  Please come visit again. Sakura:  Okay! Sakura: I will treasure mom’s clock.
P20 Masaki: <to Syaoran> Please take care of Sakura-chan. Syaoran: <surprised, but then determined> …I will.
P21 Kero:  You mean that magician who’s with Akiho? Yue:  Did you ask the Magician’s Society? Eriol:  More or less. Eriol:  Well for the most part there were no responses, but one answer did come back clear. Eriol:  It was that “Yuna D. Kaito was excommunicated one year ago.”
P22 Kero:  From that society? Kero:  It’s that kind of crazy place where as long as you have strong magic and carry out the society’s requests, for the most part you’ll go unquestioned… Kero: What did he do to be excommunicated from there!? Eriol:  I don’t know. Eriol:  But (my search took a different route).
[Lit: But I tried searching a different route.]
Eriol: The Li Clan assisted me. Eriol: It seems he was excommunicated for losing a (magical tool enshrined by) the Magician’s Society.
[Note: 門外不出 means “to treasure something by never removing it from the premises”. I decided to go with “enshrined” as it sounds simpler, but the literal translation would be: “It seems he was excommunicated for losing a magical tool that was not to be removed from the Magician Society’s premises.”]
P23 Kero:  What!? Lost?? How incompetent of him!! Eriol:  It’s what they’re saying (to cover it up). Eriol: He absconded with it. So it’s a complete lie. Yue: Can something like that be forgiven? Eriol: There’s no way it can be forgiven.
P24 Eriol:  It can’t be returned. Eriol:  Because no one can win against a Magician who has (earned) the Title of “D”. Eriol:  It was a magic tool kept hidden by that society.  It’s likely that it was taboo to come into contact with it.
[Lit: 「おそらく『禁忌』に触れるものだろう」 so it could also be “it was taboo to touch”]
Eriol:  The society fears his power and that he might use that tool, so they’re unable to take action.
P25 Yue:  So, he’s (that) strong? Eriol: If you mean stronger than I am now, that’s a yes. <Both Kero and Yue react with concern>
P26 Yue:  And (our) mistress… Yue:  What about… our mistress… Eriol:  Sakura is…
P27 Eriol:  She was able to collect the scattered Clow Cards and return them to their card forms, as well as change all of them into cards that draw from her own magic.
P28 Eriol:  However, it seems (even) that wasn’t enough to finish things. Narration:  The truth about the past that Eriol knows is…!?
<To be continued in the June issue of Nakayoshi, on sale in May>
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