#like out of 4 KIDS you choose the one that has an extreme dust allergy for dusting duty. HELLO??? 😂😭
vodid ¡ 2 years
There are air purifiers to help lessen allergens. I am asthmatic as well.
yep <3 til the difference between an air filter and an air purifier. i only have a filter, so my mom and i may look into purifiers. i never realized how much these things really do affect me (can't miss what you never had, i guess?) so i'd like to yknow. make my life a little less miserable lol
my asthma is too awful for this shit HFSDFSFS it was dormant for 10 years since the allergen that caused it was no longer around (rip my bird waffles) and my reaction to other allergens like dust have been progressively getting worse
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Bitty Type and AU: Aftertale Sans
Level: 2-3 out of 5 (Moderate to Medium due to care and levels of trauma. Some Genos are harder then others)
Appearance: Genos’ right (our left) eye socket is destabilized and melty, and they have an open wound on their chest. The exact shapes and sizes of this wound varies (sometimes extending to other areas), but the general location will stay the same. However, their eye is covered in what we call pixels, and the pixels also float around their bodies a bit, especially when upset. Their bones are a stark, pure white.
Heights Ranges: Genos tend to be a bit shorter on average then normal Sans type bitties, standing above the average at 4.5-5, an inch shorter then the normal Sans type average. This doesn't mean they're all shorter, just that they're more likely to be smaller then the average Sans types.
Heats: After becoming Genos, the ones that are Adults, their heat drops significantly. In fact, they do not really have heats, but will go into one once a year if around bitties who do have their heat. Their heats also aren't particularly alluring to other bitties, which means they are safe to be around other bitties in their heats. However, it hits them rather strongly, and they will be hot and bothered for about 3-4 days. They have a hard time conceiving children, but if it sticks they are extremely likely for the baby to survive! Be warned, however, if they are the one carrying the baby, it puts a massive drain on their bodies, souls, and health, and can be fatal for the Genos. Their babies will not be Genos, they will be whatever the other parents are, or whatever is in the Geno’s genes.
Health- *Geno's are almost always blind in their right eye, so be prepared to have to help them adjust to their lack of depth perception if they’re new. *They have quite a few health problems due to the chest wound and melted eye, and glitches. *Neither the eye or chest wound will be melty or sticky, but may look like it. They just feel like warped bones. *If you gain their trust and treat them with love, the glitches will gradually go away. The melted eye and chest wound, however, will never heal unfortunately. They are prone to bleeding, but it is not damaging to their hp (which is always unfortunately low), it just makes them sore and tired. They are also extremely prone to sickness so be careful! Especially in winter and colder weather. *Since the affected areas are sensitive and destabilized, it can lead to light cracking or chafing. Don't let them itch these areas, as it can make it worse or it could spread (They may itch them when they feel anxiety-ish as well as general itchiness)
Diet- *Because of their low health and fragile compositions, their diet consists of normal monster food and special monster candy full of supplements, vitamins, and extra healing magic that's called Pixel Pops. It's recommended that they eat one with every meal and/or in emergencies (such as if they get damaged, or really sick). More won't harm them, but they won't work if more then 1 are taken too close together. *Bland food is best to start off with a Geno, then slowly work your way up to more flavorful stuff (for newer Genos) *They like the occasional sugar or chocolate treat, but only in super small doses, as they can be overwhelming. *Depending on their past and/or genes, they may like one of the condiments as a snack occasionally, but they won't remember which one. *Also they can't handle seafood for some reason, and it's best as you view it like an allergy.
Personality Stuff- *Geno's are not born but rather made by circumstances I'm not willing to disclose. Most Genos are adults but rarely you have a younger Genos pop up. *Geno's are very timid and cautious bitties at first. *At first, Genos will be nervous of you, no matter how nice. They may hide from you, refuse to come out, or even have panic attacks if you get close. Just be patient and give them space, they will come around as long as your are kind and give them time. *Geno's, especially in the beginning of being Genos, will be depressed, nervous, prone to serious anxiety, and will most likely have abandonment issues, and will be clingy (once they get attached to you). But with love and care, they will get better and heal. *We don't allow Genos to be adopted within a month of becoming Geno's, so they may stabilize and adapt to their new lifestyles. *They form little nests in any available space out of soft blankets and pillows (especially at first) to feel safer. Let them, it is extremely important they feel safe in a new space. They may eventually try to co sleep with you, which is great! But only do it if you're sure you won't accidentally hurt them in your sleep, as they are fragile. *They also collect small things that make them happy (like plushies, bits and bobs they collect, paper, ect) *Once they get past the fear stage and start healing, they’ll come out of their shell and become more confident and curious. They tend to adapt their personality on those around them, and even on stuff from before becoming Genos! They’ll get quite sassy and enjoy word play, and will start to be more confident in decisions and their opinion. Encourage this, it's really good. *They also may get a sense of darker humor or be sarcastic depending. *Dont not treat them like kids. Treat them cautiously and with care, but they hate being infantilized, even more so after they start to heal from their trauma.  *Genos love Soft things. Blankets, pillows, stuffies, clothes, ect.   *They love being loved and spoiled, and contact once they start to get attached.  *Genos like exploring spaces and places when they start to feel more confident about their new existence. *They like stim toys for comfort! Fidget stuff, sneaky, clicking pens, they love them! *Finding new things they like or love can be pretty fun for them once their in a better head space *They like watching documentaries of all kinds *They enjoy helping with crafts and cooking (they are not very good at them and you must be really careful when you allow them to help) but they enjoy trying. *They don't like loud sounds or physical contact with people their not comfortable with *Genos can't stand being yelled at, they will dissolve into tears and a panic attack. Do not yell at them. If they have done something wrong, try and maintain your calm and explain clearly what they did wrong. They will probably cry anyways but it won't be as bad *They also don't like being left alone for too long *They don’t like it when others get upset at them for not being how they used to be, or calling them by a old name if they choose not to go by it
Other- *Not only do all Genos look almost exactly the same (barring the slight differentiation in eye and chest wounds), regardless of their past and/or genes, but they will not remember how they where before. It's like having a completely new bitty. But they will tend to gravitate towards the same likes of food or subjects. Also past traumas will more then likely follow them, but they'll have no clue why. They will usually, however, feel their bonds with owners/family/strong relationships with bitties from before, but not remember it. *They may prefer to go by a new name, but some don't mind the old ones either *If they have a mate or bonded from before, be prepared to deal with a confused Geno and hurt mate/bonded. It's always really hard on both parties because not only is the Geno different, but the bond/their soul is too. And the Geno still feels things for them, but it's muted and confused and pushed under all the other stuff surfacing. A lot of times, the mate/bonded will treat it like the Geno has died and will leave or mourn accordingly. However some will push through and try to keep things going, as they recognize the Geno is still who they where before, just...different. *Dress them in Soft, Loose Materials only. Harsh, tight, or itchy clothing will irritate their bones and make their wounds agitated. *Grims are a great companion for Genos bitties. They won't treat the Geno’s with kiddy gloves, but they also know boundaries and how to back off or avoid a subject. Any other bitties with similar personalities are also a good match! *Papatos are also a great composition, as their great caregivers and really patient. However they will treat Genos tenderly and that can be annoying to them if gone on for too long. *Do not put with dangerous bitties/bitties prone to attacking or dusting weak bitties. Rough bitties are okay if you make sure they understand how fragile Geno’s are. So are other types of bitties, but harsh or cold bitties can and will make Geno’s cry pretty easy, especially in the beginning. *They do fine with most types of bitties too, but they tend to get really emotional around any sort of Paps (some Papyrus types more then others, usually depends on the Geno). It's like they can almost feel the instinctual loss. However some have no reaction at all, which is rarer but it happens.
Magic- *They have really bad magical stamina *They can teleport but it's really hard on them and wears them out. *Their magic is a bleached, blue-ish white. It tends to have pixel glitches mixed in too.
These bitties have 18+ qualities but aren't 18+ necessarily. Feel free to ignore their heats if you so choose They are also completely free to adopt, no need to ask!
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hightechdad ¡ 4 years
Breathing clean air should be a given. Unfortunately, this isn’t always a possibility due to permanent or temporary environmental conditions. While we do have some control over pollutants outside (e.g., using alternative energy sources, driving clean emissions vehicles, etc.), sometimes it is tricky to clean up pollutants inside (in our homes). Luckily, we have a bit more control over this, especially if you use in-home air purification devices. The Okaysou AirMax8L Air Purifier is a perfect example of a unit that helps eliminate various harmful pollutants in your home. (*Disclosure below.) When choosing a good air purifier for the home, you have to consider a variety of things. Often, you have to forgo some of your requirements based on budget or size, or other conditions. Some items you may want to consider: HEPA filtrationNoise outputVolume of air circulation over time (air changes)Size of particles filteredEase of use (by adults and children)Price (unit and replacement filters)Physical Size Those are a few things to think about. But let me give you a quick secret, the Okaysou AirMax8L Air Purifier lets you put checkmarks next to all of the important items above. And I’m going to go into some of the details about why the Okaysou might be a good choice for you. 5 Stages of Purification Probably the number one thing to carefully research when getting an air purifier for your home is how it purifies the air and what it can and cannot remove from the air. There are plenty of products on the market that do simple air filtration, but the filters might not be “good” enough to remove very small particulate matter. On the other hand, there are air purifiers that do a lot to remove odors and VOCs (volatile organic compounds). Ideally, you want to find something that can filter and purify small and large particles. The Okaysou AirMax8L does all of the above, using multiple stages of filtration and purification. Let’s follow some pollutants through their journey of being trapped (or not) for each of the five stages of the Okaysou. It all starts with the Pre-Filter which can grab the larger particulate matter from the air. This is stuff like dust, pollen, and pet dander. If you suffer from seasonal or pet allergies, this filter may help you get breathing a bit better. On the Okaysou, this pre-filter is washable (one less thing to purchase, right?). So with the large particles gone, we move to the H13 True HEPA Filter which can grab 99.97% of particles as small as 0.25 microns (as stated by Okaysou). HEPA is a measurement standard developed and defined by the Department of Energy and other organizations. There are different standards for the US and Europe. And there are many different “types” of HEPA. To cut through all of the scientific mumbo jumbo, the H13 and True HEPA designations essentially mean that this filter is extremely efficient at removing very small particles. The AirMax8L has this level of HEPA filtration. The next layer of filtration is an Antimicrobial. For those airborne viruses and bacteria, this is the filter to stop those items. Again, I don’t have scientific equipment to measure this, so I have to go with what Okaysou documents – the sterilization rate reaches 99.9%. Next up, the Honeycomb Activated Carbon Filter. As I was putting in the various filters to test out the AirMax8L, I noticed that one of the filters had circular chambers that rattled slightly. Upon closer inspection, I saw that inside of each of these chambers were grains of carbon. This filter acts to remove VOCs like formaldehyde and other odors commonplace to the home. Lastly, the Cold Catalyst Filter has the ability to decompose and capture ammonia, VOCs, hydrogen, and more. This is the final level of defense against pollutants before the purified air is blown out of the Okaysou AirMax8L. One important thing to note, while there are five types of filters within the AirMax8L, there are only two physical filters that you replace. Multiple filters are smartly combined into two replaceable items. Whew, a lot of science to digest there. So, let me move on to things a bit easier! Using the Okaysou AirMax8L Setting up the AirMax8L filter system is extremely easy. BUT, you can’t just plug it in and turn it on. The two filters which are packed inside the AirMax8L must be removed from their plastic bags they are shipped in. I realize I’m probably stating the obvious here, but I almost did just that. So, remove the filters from their bags, then put them into the purifier itself. They do go in order – first, you put in the ULTRA filter and then the DUO filter. They fit extremely snuggly into the unit. Note: there are black pull tabs that you have to have facing out so that the filters are easy to remove later. By the way, the filters last up to 8 months with normal usage. There is an indicator on the top to tell you when it is time to replace them. Replacements are available on Amazon for about $20 (which is pretty reasonable). Once you have the two filters properly installed, all of the controls are on the unit’s top. These are all soft-touch buttons with very simple operations. The Power button is in the middle. Your last used setting will be remembered. On the left is a Speed button that lets you cycle through three fan levels. Speaking of fans, it’s important to mention noise output as well here. This unit now resides in my kids’ room. They had an air filter before that they mainly used as a white-noise generator for sleeping. There is a problem with the AirMax8L, though. Even at the highest fan setting, it’s pretty darn quiet. Yes, it generates fan noise, but not to the level as the previous filter. Honestly, this is probably a good thing as it is pretty quiet, ranging from a low 22dBA to a maximum of 51dBA. Below the fan indicator is the Replace Filter light. This will light up when it is time to get a new filter. Still staying on the left side of the control panel, there is a Child Lock button. Pressing and holding that button for several seconds will prevent little hands from changing the settings. On the right is the Sleep mode button. When you click that, the AirMax8L will go to the lowest fan setting, and all of the lights on the top will eventually turn off. This is perfect if you don’t want distracting lights in a dark bedroom. And finally, the Timer mode is an optional setting you can use to configure how long you want the purifier to run (1 hour, 2, 4, 8, or no timer at all). Final Thoughts We only have been running the Okaysou AirMax8L for about a week. In an ideal situation, we would want to go through a heavy pollen season, potentially filter out other smells or VOCs (like hair spray or nail polish), and so some more extending testing. But from the first week in, my daughters have only positive things to say about the AirMax8L (apart from it not being able to be used as a noise-blocking sound machine – again, not a negative, though). It does integrate nicely into their room, which has a white color theme (with black accents). The AirMax8L doesn’t have a huge footprint. It measures 12.9″ x 7.1″ x 19.4″. But, its placement within your room is an important item to consider. You shouldn’t just cram it into a corner. It needs to have good access to air on all sides, especially the back of the unit. Okaysou recommends an 18″ buffer around the AirMax8L. Purified air blows out of the top. Finally, let’s talk about price. Personally, I would have thought that the Okaysou AirMax8L would be more expensive than it actually is (and remember, you do have to factor in the cost of replacement filters of $20 every 6-8 months). But the unit itself is $118.99 on the Okaysou site or $118.99 on Amazon. Shop on HighTechDad The product shown below (and related products that have been reviewed on HighTechDad) is available within the HighTechDad Shop. This review has all of the details about this particular product and you can order it directly by clicking on the Buy button or clicking on the image/title to view more. Be sure to review other products available in the HighTechDad Shop. Okaysou AirMax8L Air Purifier $118.99 Buy on Amazon Bottom line, having good, clean air is important to health. If you suffer from allergies, having an air purifier can be a great first level of defense (before you take medicine or get shots). If your home is dusty or if you have pets or if there are wildfires affecting the air quality outside, you are going to want to get an Okaysou AirMax8L purifier. Disclosure: I have a material connection because I received a sample of a product for consideration in preparing to review the product and write this content. I was/am not expected to return this item after my review period. All opinions within this article are my own and are typically not subject to the editorial review from any 3rd party. Also, some of the links in the post above may be “affiliate” or “advertising” links. These may be automatically created or placed by me manually. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item (sometimes but not necessarily the product or service being reviewed), I will receive a small affiliate or advertising commission. More information can be found on my About page. HTD says: Being able to breathe pollution-free, pollen-free, smoke-free, and contaminant-free air should be essential to a home environment. Unfortunately, clean air is not always guaranteed. With the Okaysou AirMax8L air purifier, you can achieve new and better levels of air purity easily.
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ask-sis-strider612 ¡ 5 years
How to Pick the Best Air Filter for Home Furnace
The heating and cooling of your home is an essential feature that most homeowners depend on during the extreme weather months, like the summer months where the sun is blazing hot with heat and during the winter months where the harsh chill fills the air. The central air handling system/furnace are home appliances that are designed to work to control the climate within the indoor environment of a home, office building, or commercial space – allowing you to alter the temperature from hotter to colder. These household appliances require the proper upkeep and maintenance to continue working to optimal performance and this type of maintenance usually consists of changing on the HVAC air filter consistently each and every month, or as needed in the central air handling system.
The decision that a homeowner has when it comes to selecting an air filter for their home is important and can impact the performance of your air system or furnace. Similarly, staying up-to-date on changing your air filter as needed can also leave a lasting effect on how your furnace works and the overall life of the furnace or air handling system in the future. Therefore, it has become necessary that you do your due diligence on finding the best air filter for your home’s furnace or air handling system.
In this article we are going to discuss more about what a furnace filter is, how often to replace it in your furnace, and what is the best air filter to place in your home’s furnace system or air handling system.
What is a Furnace Filter
A furnace filter is a protective shield that is placed inside of your home’s furnace system to act as a barrier to contribute to clean indoor air and to help protect the furnace itself from a build-up of airborne pollutants that can potentially damage the system over time. This furnace filter is designed to fit perfectly inside of your furnace system to capture and trap most of the airborne debris and pollutants from accumulating within the air system. However, not every type of filter works to the same efficiency standards, and thus that is why the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers have created a rating system for each filter type. This MERV rating created gives a clear insight to consumers on how well their specific filter will work when integrated into their home’s air handling or furnace system.
Did you know that a furnace filter will work to collect a variety of pollutants from the air including dust, dirt, pollen, allergens, bacteria, and a variety of other pollutants from the air of your home? The filtration of air in your home happens when air is brought back into the HVAC equipment to be thoroughly conditioned by the air (furnace) filter. The air is than forced through the filter and the material of the filter works to remove those different particulates and contaminants from the air. These furnace filters will help to ensure that your indoor air quality is optimal and that your pollutant levels are reduced in your home’s air.
How Does an Air Filter Work
When you place an air filter in your air handling system, they will all work the same way with the same process, no matter the type of air filter used in the furnace system. All air filters have a filter media that the indoor air is passed through from the forced air conditioning and this filter media is designed in a way to capture and remove a broad array of airborne pollutants from the air. The clean air that has been filtered will pass through the filter media’s fibers that create a tortuous passage for the airflow. The longer this air filter or furnace filter is used in the air handling system, the more particles will get trapped within the dust and fibers of the filter media, and this will begin the restriction of airflow.
What Does A Dirty Furnace Filter Look Like
It can be difficult to determine when exactly you furnace filter is dirty and needs replacing, since there is no indicator light or sign that emits when it’s time to change the filter. When it comes to making the decision yourself that it is time to replace your dirty furnace filter, the key signs to be on the look for will include the following;
The filter will take on a noticeable gray color throughout the filter media, this will be caused by the accumulation of dirt and dust on the media of the furnace filter.
If you feel that your home’s air has become “dirtier”. This can include evident dust debris on surfaces in the home or even the exacerbation of allergy and asthma symptoms.
The furnace system or air handling system is taking a longer time that usual heating or cooling the home.
Lastly, if you filter has been in the furnace system for longer than the manufacturer recommends – whether that be one month, three, months, six months, etc.
How Often to Change Furnace Filter
Similar to the signs of a dirty furnace filter, these can be the same for when it is time to change out your home’s furnace filter(s). The best rule of thumb is to change out your filters every three months if it is a 1 to 2-inch filter, every six months if it is a 4-inch filter, and every 12 months if it is a 5-inch filter. However, this standard cannot be followed in every situation and with every furnace filter type. It is ideal to follow the set timeframe designated by the manufacturer of the filter – as many filters will have a listed duration of use on their labeling when purchased.
Also, take into consideration that most often when you buy higher-quality filters you will get a longer lifespan out of the filter and thus it can play a role in the maintenance of your furnace system.
Types of Furnace Filters
As we discussed previously, when it comes to selecting a specific type of furnace filter for your home there are many different to choose from which can make is fairly difficult for the average consumer to pick from for their home. Although furnace filters and air filters all work in the same capacity, the effectiveness of these filters can range and have varying MERV level ratings assigned to them. There is no question, that most air filters that cost more will be more efficient in your furnace system at capturing airborne pollutants and even lasting longer within your air system. However, still there are people who opt for the less-expensive options due to its price point but do these types of furnace filters really work to filter the indoor air?
Disposable Fiberglass Filters: These are the most commonly used furnace filters in home’s due to the ability to conveniently purchase them from any major store and their cheap price point. The filters are the ones that are framed in a cardboard material and typically have a lower MERV rating – as these are unable to collect pollutants at a high efficiency. In addition, these filters need to be replaced much more often than most other filters because airborne pollutants can collect on this filter material at a higher rate due to the material used on the filter media and the space on the media of the filter.
Electrostatic Filters: Electrostatic filters are generally permanent filters that do not need to be replaced because of the fact that you can wash these filters. This type of filter works by creating positive charges that will cause dust and other pollutants to stick to the media, giving your indoor air a strong layer of protection from these pollutants in the air. However, these electrostatic filters range on the more expensive side than most other filters and this is seemingly because of its long usable life. Most people will clean these filters by washing them out with a hose and then allowing it to dry before placing it in the furnace. 
Carbon Filters: Activated carbon air filers can be used in your furnace system to not only help with pollutant mitigation but also with odor control in the indoor environment. Whether that be cooking, pet, or smoke odors that wander into your airspace, the carbon is designed to capture and retain these odors onto their treated filter media. The activated carbon is added to a pleated filter to give it the advanced ability to additionally capture pollutants while also retaining odors onto the filter media, and overtime if the filters are not changed it can begin re-releasing these odors and pollutants back into the environment. Generally, carbon filters tend to run more expensive and depending on your indoor environment you may be changing these filters out a lot more than you anticipated – which can leave you with a high replacement cost.
HEPA Filters: HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) Filters are one of the best filters that you can use in your home’s furnace system or air handling system. These filters are designed to capture and remove fine particulate matter from the air, as small as 0.3 microns in diameter. These filters can carry the MERV rating of 12, a super high rating for air filters. However, there are some problems with this superior filter, such as the potential for airflow to become restricted due to the thickness of the filter media. This can be bad and can potentially lead to you furnace breaking down due to the extra effort it takes to push air through the filter.
Best Air Filter for Home Furnace System
The OdorKlenz-Air for HVAC is a top-of-the-line furnace filter that utilizes proprietary technology to provide a broad spectrum of coverage for a variety of airborne contaminants found in an indoor environment like a home. Whether you want to reduce VOC concentrations, cooking smells, or whatever is causing that odor coming from your kid’s bedroom. The OdorKlenz-Air for HVAC works to eliminate pollutants, odors, corrosive gasses associated with indoor air quality problems without releasing chemicals, fragrances, or masking agents back into the environment. The proprietary OdorKlenz® earth mineral technology works to capture, contain, and neutralize a broad spectrum of noxious and toxic chemicals and odors from the air while also offering the ability to capture particulate matter on a pleated filter media.
The OdorKlenz HVAC filter for furnaces are the superior choice for most homes as it can offer a broad spectrum of protection from pollutants, while also allowing airflow to pass easily through the filter media – with the added protection of completely eliminating chemicals and odors without a chance for them re-releasing back into the environment overtime. The cartridges install right into your air handling or furnace system and will begin treating the air instantly after installation. These filters come in a variety of sizes for all fits in your furnace system and best of all the filters last for up to 6 months in most environments!
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HVAC Air Filter
Buy Now
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✓ Patented earth mineral technology works to attack VOCs and break them down on a compound level
✓ No chemicals or masking agents
✓ Will not release any chemicals back into your environment
✓ Lasts for up to 6 months in air handling systems or furnaces
from OdorKlenz https://ift.tt/33jDabm via best air purifier for allergies allergy experts
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bestmattresss-blog ¡ 5 years
Top 7 Best Comforters & Duvets To Buy In India
During cold winter nights, normal blankets cannot provide enough warmth, leading to interrupted sleep quality. A good comforter can provide both warmth and comfort required to maintain proper sleep quality.
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The clusters or filling present in the comforter traps the heat to provide warmth without weighing down. Thus improving the quality and duration of sleep.
No matter which brand comforter you choose, comfort and warmth are the main reasons you should expect. With so many options its quite hard to analyze whether the product you choose fulfills your requirements or not.
In order to choose a perfect comforter as per your requirements, you have to consider several factors like thread counts, fabric, size, weight and several others. We have mentioned a clear description of each factors in our “Comforter Buying Guide“. Read it carefully to make the right purchase within your budget.
Apart from that, this articles also contains best comforters available in Indian market. Our research team has picked them after a lot of research, analysis, and testing.
Also Find: Best Mattress in India and Also Find: Best Mattress Protectors in india Best Duvets & Comforters in India Best Comforters MicroFiber Weight Size Buy Now Amazon Brand Solimo Comforter 200 GSM 1.8 KG 230 x 150 cm Check the Price Divine Casa Comforter 100 GSM 1.7 KG 150 x 230 cm Check the Price Solimo Comforter 200 GSM 2.72 KG 230 x 254 cm Check the Price Sleepyhead Comforter 220 GSM 3.8 KG 230 x 254 cm Check the Price Divine Casa Comforter 110 GSM 1.16 KG 150 x 230 cm Check the Price Clasiko Comforter 300 GSM 2.61 KG 230 x 254 cm Check the Price Cloth Fusion Comforter 200 GSM 2.7 KG 230 X 254 cm Check the Price Best Duvets & Comforter Reviews in India 2019 1. Amazon Brand Solimo Comforter Amazon-Brand-Solimo-SINGLE-BEDIf you want the best out fall go with Solimo Microfiber Comforter. Solimo is an Amazon Brand. They are making some amazing quality comforters, duvets, etc. for the past few years.
These are perfect for Indian weather. They are durable, skin-friendly, provides great value to your money.
It is a single bed comforter (available in 2 sizes) ideal for one adult or two kids.
The filling used is 200 GMS (grams per square feet) hollow siliconized polyester, perfect to use in mild winters and A.C rooms.
If you naturally sleep hot which is a big problem with heavyweight people; this can keep you cooler.  It is more breathable than others. This will keep you warm and cozy but won’t let you sweat.
It has anti-microbial properties.  So, it is safe for babies as well as anyone who suffers from skin allergies.  
The pure microfiber shell looks extremely elegant. And when touched you can feel the softness and warmth. The diamond pattern stitches hold the filling in its place and ensure its long-term durability.
You have 9 different colors to match your bedroom. They are reversible with 2 different colors on both sides.
The fabric is machine washable so dries up quickly (wash it with cold water). It stays wrinkle free even after a wash.
Lightweight, weight 1.8 kg Breathable, good for hot sleepers Skin-friendly, Hypo-allergenic material Machine wash, both washing, and drying 100% microfiber shell for a luxurious feel Available in 9 beautiful pastel color combinations Cons
It is bulky Edges are not properly stitched Buy Now at Amazon
2. Divine Casa Comforter Divine-Casa-LuxorThe Divine Casa Luxor comforter is one of the best budget comforters on the internet. For those who want something light and comfy, you can choose this over the previous ones.
This is a single bed comforter. It has 100GSM silicon polyester filling which retains the heat pretty well.
It’s thin, light and warm. So you can use it every day in your A.C rooms. You will enjoy it more on those spring evenings relaxing on your couch.
This comforter is another good option for the hot sleepers. They are also advisable for people with asthma or allergies.
The outer fabric is 100% microfiber. It is soft to touch and looks rich. The diamond pattern stitching holds the filling in its place. It is to make it more durable.
The best part about this comforter is, you have 30 different colors and patterns to choose from.
Because it is lightweight it is easy to wash and maintain. You can wash it in your washing machine but, use cold water. Do not
It also is a reversible comforter and needs to be cleaned once in a year, if you take proper care. It is advisable to use a duvet cover.
Extremely lightweight 1.7 kg Thin and portable Feels soft and comfortable, Good for hot sleepers Microfiber shell looks rich Machine washable Available be in 30 different colors, designs and patterns Cons
Not suitable for winters Fabric dust may come out initially. Not a good choice for people with dust allergies. Buy Now at Amazon
3. Solimo Comforter Amazon-Brand-Solimo-Microfibre-ReversibleYou can never go wrong with Solimo comforters. However, if the 1st one is not what you are looking for, here is another option for you.
It’s a king-size comforter (available in 2 sizes); ideal for two adults and one child. The fill material is hollow silicon polyester of 200 GSM. It is dense and provides excellent temperature regulation.
Use it every day in air-conditioned room. You can use it on light winters too; if the temperature doesn’t go below 15 degrees C.
The outer case is superbly soft made with 100% microfiber. It is lightweight and will keep you comfortable throughout the night.
The colors are different than the previous one. These are brighter with 2 different color combinations on each side. Like blue/green, red/blue, red/pink, etc.
The outer fabric is also hypo-allergic. Hence, it’s safe for people with sensitive or itchy skin.
The diamond pattern stitching is there for shape retention. The texture, the fabric, and the stitching patterns make it look all luxurious.
You can wash it in your regular washing machine. It needs very less maintenance as the material is wrinkle-free and dries quickly.
Affordable double bed comforter Breathable, good for hot sleepers Skin-friendly, Hypo-allergenic material Machine wash, both washing, and drying 100% microfiber shell for a luxurious feel Excellent color combinations Cons
Edges are not stitched properly Not ideal for extremely cold temperature. E.g. Delhi, Chandigarh Buy Now at Amazon
4. Sleepyhead Comforter Sleepyhead-MicrofiberNot everyone wants a thin and light comforter. So this is for them who will prefer something thicker and warmer.
Sleepyhead is a much-loved brand for making mattress, bed sheets, covers, etc. So, be sure of the quality.
This is double-sized (available in 2 sizes) mattress. The primary fill material is 220 GSM hollow Siliconized Microfiber.
Obviously, it is fluffier and denser than others to preserve more heat. But, if you sleep hot and want to use it every day in your A.C rooms, it may not be the best choice for you.
It makes more sense if you use it on winter nights or every day if you belong from a cold climate.
This looks extremely rich and fabulous with Micropoly Peach Fabric on outside. It is smooth to touch and has a shiny finish on the top. These are available in 6 color options.
This is also machine washable. According to the manufacturer, you can use warm water (up to 40 degrees C) to get rid of all that dirt.
The best thing is the outer layer is dust repellent. So, you will actually wash a lot lesser. It is stitched from edges to centers to keep the filling evenly dispersed.
If you liked it go for it. Just know that the extra warmth will cost you some extra bucks.
King size comforter Good for winters Dust repellent micro poly peach fabric shell Machine wash in warm water ( 40 degrees C) Durable stitching from edges to corners Cons
It is kind of stiff, not as soft as the previous ones Color may vary from what is shown in the picture Buy Now at Amazon
5. Divine Casa Comforter Divine-Casa-MicrofibreHere is another addition to the list from Divine Casa.  This is a single size comforter. It can also be used as a quilt, duvet or a light blanket.
It is the lightest of all and it is definitely not for winter use.  The best use of it will be inside A.C rooms or in light winters.
The main difference between this and the other Divine Casa model we mentioned above is in their fabric. It has polyester while the other was made of microfiber.
Usually, the polyester is less breathable so it’s not recommended if you sleep hot. On the positive side, it is warmer and it weighs just 1 kg. You can hardly tell there is something over you.
On the outer layer, it has used 100% microfiber which has a smooth finish. The stitching is also impressive and durable. It doesn’t leave lumps or bumps after wash.
It comes in 5 other color options. This too is reversible and has great color combinations to match with your room decor.
These are machine washable and are wrinkle-free. But, never try with hot water or dry wash.
The lightest comforter on the market, 1 kg Thin and portable Feels soft and comfortable Microfiber shell looks rich Lightweight therefore easy to wash Machine washable, wrinkle-free No bubble guarantee Cons
Not a good option for hot sleepers Not ideal for winters Buy Now at Amazon
6. Clasiko Comforter Clasiko-ReversibleSome people swear by cotton and don’t prefer anything else. This Clasiko Reversible Comforter is for them.
This is a double bed Rajai (single bed available) preferably used in tropical winters or chilled ac rooms. It has a micro cotton outer cover and synchronized fiber stitched in between.
Cotton is a natural element which is more breathable and skin-friendly. The filling material is also made hypo-allergenic. It is a good option for hot sleepers and people with sensitive skin.
From outside if feels supremely soft and from inside it is warm and cozy. The filling is stitched to keep it in place.
You can machine was it but do not put it in the drier. Better to air dry it in the shade. It has a no-bubbling guarantee on it.
This is available in 20 color options. They are reversible with two different colors on both sides. So you can flip the sides to match with your bed sheet.
Breathable cotton comforter Thin and portable Good for hot sleepers and allergy-prone people Machine wash with cold water Reversible with 20 color options Cons
You cannot dry it in the drier Better to use with a duvet cover Color can fades away a little with every wash. Use mild detergents Buy Now at Amazon
7. Cloth Fusion Comforter Cloth-Fusion-PacifierThe Cloth Fusion Pacifier comforter cum blanket has received great reviews from customers. This is another thick and fluffy comforter which will keep you warm during winters and in chilled A.C rooms.
This is a dual bed comforter with 200 GSM hollow siliconized polyester filling. It is super soft and melts to your body. The filling is also hypoallergenic.
It’s good for people with sensitive skin. But, people who generally sweat during sleep, it can feel a bit hot. Better if you use it for temperatures around 10-15 degree C.
It has 100 percent microfiber feeling which adds a luxurious look to your bedroom. You can use both sides. And both the sides are machine stitched for greater durability.
The diamond stitching patterns hold the filling and look so much eye-appealing. So that it doesn’t sleep out during sleep it has 6 corner loops to keep it in its place.
It’s available in 8 amazing color combinations, with 2 different colors on each side. Only one drawback of this comforter is you can’t wash it. It’s better if you use it with a duvet cover.
Thick and warm Comfortable in winters Hypoallergenic feeling Double-sided stitching 6 corner loops to keep the feeling in place Cons
It’s bulky, weighs around 3 kg You can wash it, only dry clean Buy Now at Amazon
How to Choose the Ideal Comforter for My Bedroom? Purchasing a comforter can become a daunting task due to several choices available in the market. If you don’t have much knowledge, then read our buying guide as it contains all the required informed to make the right choice. Below, we have mentioned all the important factors to consider while choosing a comforter.
1. Filling Material Filling materials of a comforter are divided into two main categories that include – down and down alternative. Each category has different options to choose from and its own advantages and disadvantages as well. Below we have provided a clear idea on these two categories, its differences and other critical information.
a) Down Alternative
Down alternative comforters have fillings that are made up of cotton, rayon or polyester. Some also use natural fillers such as buckwheat, silk or bamboo.
These materials are perfect to provide the fluffiness and warmth without weighing too much. Let’s have a look on its advantages and disadvantages.
Down alternative comforters have fillings that are made up of cotton, rayon or polyester. These materials are perfect to provide the fluffiness and warmth without weighing too much. Let’s have a look on its advantages and disadvantages.
Benefits Drawbacks Less expensive Less warmth and weight compared to down Vegan alternative for animal-driven down Less breathable, so may wake up sweaty or clumpy Hypoallergenic nature Less durable Machine washable and much easier to clean Can wear out easily with regular washing and frequent usage This all being said, down alternatives are, in general, far more affordable and eco-friendly options. Even those who can afford a high quality down comforter may opt for down alternative if they have severe allergies.
b) Down
Real down comforters are made from goose down feathers or duck down feathers. Their insulating properties make them warm and comfortable, fluffy and thick.
Goose down is the gold standard when it comes down to which down is the best, the fluffiest and the most luxurious. Duck down is also sometimes used, but tends to be in less expensive products.
There isn’t a difference in insulation when you consider duck versus goose down, and the color of the down also doesn’t matter.
Down filling is considered to be the most premium and superior material for comfort and durability. It warmth to weight ratio is definitely the best. Even aplinists who climb highest peaks often prefer down jackets to keep themselves warm enough in those challenging climatic conditions.
Benefits Drawbacks Light in weight Not suitable for machine washing. Only dry cleaning by professionals is recommended High breathability Duvet cover is compulsory Enough warmth without causing any sweat Expensive Not hypoallergenic 2. Filling Power Another important factor to consider while purchasing a comforter is – fill power. Usually down is measured in terms of ounces. So fill power is measured as –number of cubic inches filled with one once of down material. In simple terms, it measures the amount of air trapped within the down material or how much fluffy the filled material is.
Fill power of a comforter represents the volume of down it contains. The higher the volume of filling, the better insulation or warmth it provides. For example – if you consider two comforters with equal amounts of down weight, the comforter which is fluffier (high fill power) will provide more warmth and insulation. When we speak the same in numbers – a comforter with 600 down fill rating means, 600 cubic inches contain one once of down material.
Below, we have provided a table which contains fill power and its benefits. This helps you choose the right fill power as per your requirement.
Fill Power Benefits 400 or below Best suited for summer use or for people who overheat easily during sleep 100 – 600 This is suitable for year around, all seasons 600 – 800 Appropriate for winter use or for people who feels cold at nights 800 – above Suitable for people living in extreme cold climatic conditions 3. Fill Weight Fill weight is another important factor to consider while purchasing a comforter. It represents the amount of down material filled inside the comforter. Remember that – comforter that has less weight contain more fill power. Because fill power represents air trapped by the down, not the actual weight of the down material.
This is the reason why a comforter with high fill power is less in weight and perfect for winters. A comforter with low fill power is bit heavier and perfect for summers or warm months.
Balancing fill power and fill weight is very crucial as it plays an important role in improving sleep quality. If the comforter makes you too hot or cold, then it can disrupt your sleep.
4. Construction of Comforter Construction of comforter represents the stitching on the interior. If the construction is not good enough, then it can cause lumps and dead spaces. Some of the fill materials are prone to shifting and dead spaces, while down is prone to lumping. This can eventually decrease the efficiency of a comforter.
When it comes to construction of a comforter, there are several types. Below we have mentioned some common ones.
Channel – As the name suggests, it features parallel channels of stitching. This lets the filling to stay within the channels. This is perfect for people who prefer more warmth during sleep. Box Stitch – In this method, the comforter is stitched into grid patterns to trap the down into the box. Baffle Box – Most of the expensive comforters come with this type of construction. They usually resemble like a checkboard stitching. Each box contains certain amount of filling. However, they do not achieve maximum loft. As this type of construction doesn’t constrain the down and sacrifice any warmth, it is very expensive. Sewn-through –These types don’t have baffle kind of stitching and are much affordable than baffle-box stitch comforters. Quilt stitching – This type is pretty much similar to baffle box construction as they also feature same checkboard stitching. However, they don’t have fabric baffles that prevent down from shifting within each box. They are perfect for people who don’t require much warmth. They are much cheaper than baffle box construction. Gusseted – Most of the gusseted comforters contain baffle box construction. They feature fabric walls around the sides which add height. High power fill down is its premium feature. 5. Outer  Fabric As you know idea regarding the filling and stitching, now let’s talk about the fabric preferences. This aspect is also very important while choosing a comforter. Below, we have mentioned some fabrics commonly used for making comforters. You can choose anyone based on your requirements.
Cotton – Being a natural textile, cotton is the most versatile option. It is exceptionally soft and fairly breathable, making it perfect for warmer months. Silk –The fabric silk provides soft feel, breathability and coolness, making it suitable for winters. However, it is difficult to wash and maintain it. And moreover it is pretty expensive as well. Cotton-Polyester Blend – This combination of fabric is known for its softness and more breathability than cotton. It provides softness similar to silk fabric, making it perfect for any season.   Wool –This one is well known for capability of providing warmth and softness. However, comforter with wool fabric are more expensive than other types. 6. Thread Count Once you have decided with the fabric type, it’s time to check the quality which is usually measured in thread count. Fabric with higher thread count has tight weaving and finesse. In simple terms, thread count indicates the number of threads per square inch fabric.
Higher thread count ensures the fabric is more soft to touch and the filling remains inside it, rather than leaking through gaps between the threads. Some people might have noticed down feathers poking out through the comforter – this can be caused due to less thread count.
Thumb rule when it comes to thread count for comforter is a minimum of 300. However, if you are purchasing a duvet cover for the comforter then you can choose the minimum, instead of shelling out money on higher thread count.
Below, we have mentioned thread count and its differences. You can choose any one as per your requirements.
300 – 400 thread count:In most of the cases, this amount of thread count is sufficient enough to hold the filling within the comforter. 400 – 500 thread count: This one represents a slightly tighter weave so you will get extra durability. 500 – 800: Usually, this thread count range is not much different than the lower levels. In some cases, it refers to two ply yarn instead of threads. 800+: This thread count usually comes from double counting the two-ply yarns. However, in some cases, this doesn’t increase durability or feel. 7. Comforter Size Comforters come in several sizes that include – Twin, Twin XL, King, Oversized King, Queen, Full Queen, and Oversized Queen. Some people like to purchase an oversized comforter in order to keep the interiors look luxurious. But the truth is oversized comforter hangs over the sides and traps the heat much better, so people sleeping over the edge can also feel warmth and comfort. This is suitable for couples who are not satisfied with normal sized blankets.
If you purchase a comforter that is less than the cot size, then it looks silly. However, if you purchase more than the required size, then the sides of the comforter will just sweep the floors. Apart from choosing the right comforter, make sure the cover you purchase is also the same size. Below is a table describing the sizes and requirements.
Mattress Size Suitable Comforter Size 39”x75” (Twin) 68”x86” 68”x90” (Twin XL) 68”x90” 54”x75” (Full) 78”x86” to 86”x86” 60”x80” (Queen) 90”x90” 76”x80” (King) 104”x92” 72”x84” (Oversized King) 104”x92” Please note that, the size of mattresses may differ from brand to brand. Check the mattress size before making the purchase.
What is the appropriate way of washing a comforter? Many people have been asking how to wash a comforter properly without damaging or reducing its lifetime. So, we have mentioned all the information and tips to follow while washing a comforter. With this process, you can get the same finish as dry cleaning without spending much money.
Maintaining comforters like a luxurious hotel may seem intimidating and highly specialized task. But it is actually pretty simple. Follow the below steps carefully to get the same finish and finesse.
a) What is Required? Cleaning a comforter is not much difficult, however it isn’t as easy as tossing a pair of jeans into the washing machine. As the comforters are bulky, you have to put only it without any other clothes into the washing machine. Front-load washing machines are much helpful than top loading. As they don’t have agitators, so you don’t have to worry about the fabric getting tangles, torn or damaged. If your washing machine is too small, then it may not handle the weight of the comforter (once it is wet). So, make sure the machine can handle the weight.
Other supplies required for comforter washing include – mild detergent, tennis balls and stain removal spray.
b) What are the preparation steps? Before placing the comforter into the washing machine, check if it has any stains. If yes, then spray generous amounts of stain remove over it and gently rub it for few minutes. Set it aside for some time. Also, inspect the comforter for any damages, tears or holes. If yes, then mend or repair them before placing then washing machine. If you don’t, then there is a possible risk of increasing the hole size, further damage and escape of fillings into the machine.
c) How to Wash? Always use warm water and mild detergent to wash your comforter. Never use bleach as it can harm the delicate fabric and inner filling of the comforter. Adding too much soap can strip damage the filling fibers, leaving a lumpy, less effective and matter comforter. Make sure to opt for delicate cycle and run the comforter through two rinse cycles to remove all the soapy residue.
d) How to Dry the Comforter? A comforter should always be dried on very low heat. Though this may take several hours, this process will ensure the filling and fabric don’t get damaged. For maintaining the fluffiness of comforter, we recommend adding one or two tennis balls into the dryer. The punching action will help the comforter fluff up and prevent the filling from clumping up. If not tennis balls, then you can purchase fluffer rings which are specially designed to maintaining the comforter fluff. But a tennis balls works similarly as well.
If you have neither of them, during the drying process, take out the comforter few times and fluff it up with hand. If the comforter feels still wet even after several hours of drying, then hang it on a sunny and warm area where air circulation is good enough.
e) How maintain comforter in between the washing? If you are using a duvet cover, then a comforter would require washing once or twice in a year. However, in between the washing, make sure to keep it covered and occasionally air it to maintain it fresh.
If you have received a new comforter that is arrived a bit clumpy or wrinkled, then just give it a good shake and leave it in your dryer on low in order to fluff it up.
f) What to Avoid While Washing and Drying a Comforter? Never ever use harsh cleaning chemicals or detergents like bleach to wash a comforter. Avoid ironing the comforter as it can damage the fluffiness of it. Make sure to dry the comforter completely before using to prevent any mold growth.
Some comforters have thread around from 150 – 300. These comforters can handle machine wash at home. However, if the comforter has thread count 400 or more, then only dry washing is recommended.
No matter what type of comforter you purchase, they are comfortable and luxurious. If you want to increase the life of a comforter, then make sure to keep it clean and hygiene. Follow the washing instructions mentioned above to maintain the fluffiness.
How to store comforters and blankets? To store a comforter, fold it properly and place it in a cool and dry location. Avoid storing it in plastic as it doesn’t allow the comforter to breathe. This helps in preventing any mold and unpleasant smells. When you want to use the comforter, just dry it on a clothesline or in a dryer to make fluffy.
Before storing the comforters, it is recommended to wash and dry them completely. Make sure it doesn’t retain any moisture as it can encourage mold growth.
Some of us may not have enough storage space so usually we resort to placing the bedding wherever they fit. Instead of keeping them there, we recommend placing them under the bed in a storage bag.
The storage requirements also differ based on the filling materials. We have mentioned them below…
For Down Comforters Instead of just storing them in a shelf, it is recommended to store it in a large cotton storage bag for breathability. And moreover this doesn’t compress the comforter too much. Comforters with feathers as filling should be stored with extra care as the feathers can get crushed and damaged easily, leading to lumps. So, avoid placing any weight or other thing on the comforter.
This also implies when you store the comforter in a vacuum bag. Avoid this process, as vacuuming or compressing can actually damage the feathers. If there is no other option, then make sure to leave some air and avoid compressing the comforter completely. After removing the comforter, shake and fluff it to regain its loft.
For Down Alternative or Synthetic Comforters Cotton, polyester and other down alternative comforters can be stored in a vacuum sealed storage bag. Once you remove them from vacuum bag, they spring back to being fluffy. Before storing them, make sure to clean and dry them completely. You can also slip a dryer sheet to maintain the freshness.
Note: Generally, it is recommended to dry the bed linens once in a while. And make sure to prevent moisture, mice, bugs and other such things in the place where you store the comforters.
Some Frequently Asked Questions? 1. What is a Comforter? Usually, a comforter is a quilted, thick and fluffy blanket which helps to keep a person warm during sleep. For fluffiness, comforter is filled up with synthetic fiber which is usually quilted for even distribution. It forms only one piece of bed linen unlike a duvet. They are sold in combination with bedding sets to make decorating even more easier.
2. What is a duvet? Sometimes duvet is referred to as comforter in the United States. However, a duvet is type of blanket with soft flat bag that may contain wool, feathers, down or other synthetic alternatives. This soft flat bag is often covered with a cover commonly referred as duvet cover. Usually, a duvet is original filled up with down feathers because of its insulation feature. With duvets, you will not need separate sheets. It alone is a combination of quilts, sheets, blankets, quilts and bed coverings.
3. What is a duvet cover? Duvet cover is just like pillow cover. It is a protective layer that cover the duvet and has a closure as well. Actually duvets can be pretty difficult to clean and expensive as well. With these covers, you can easily change the look of your bed without much redecoration. The duvet easily fits into the cover and moreover it can be easily washed whenever needed.
4. What is the coolest comforter material? It is very important for everyone to pick the best comforter material to match with their sleeping needs and comfort preferences. The most popular choice of materials used in a comforter are cotton, wool, silk, bamboo, polyester, coconut coir, etc. Of all, cotton is the right selection because it absorbs the heat from the body at night time and allows you to stay cool. It is naturally a hypoallergenic material which improves the quality of sleep by avoiding skin irritations, back pains, headaches etc.
5. What is the difference between a blanket and a comforter? Comforter or duvet is a type of bedding that uses 2-lengths of fabrics one over the other and is filled with insulating materials like wool, cotton, silk, polyester, etc. to provide warmness while sleeping. Whereas blanket is a soft cloth to wear while lying on bed and also traps the radiant heat from the user’s body.
6. Do comforters come with machine washable option? Yes, comforters are absolutely machine washable. To make it happen, set up the device and put comforter into it. Now, turn on the device to wash in hot/cool water by add liquid detergent as per your choice. Allow it to dry for some time in low-heat setting mode and if necessary you can add dryer balls too.
7. Do comforters help the baby to sleep? Definitely yes! Comforters do promote the baby sleep without causing any discomfort. They are made of soft material that encourages the good sleeping habits for the baby. The print design and toys give a soothing feeling to the little one’s eyes and snuggle into it.
8. What is the best material for comforter? The preference of material can be different from one person to another. But for most of the people cotton is the best material as it is hypoallergenic and keeps your body throughout the night.
9. How helpful is a comforter? Usually a comforter is thick and fluffy blanker which helps you keep warm and get good night’s sleep. They are typically filled up with synthetic fiber to get that fluffiness and even distribution.
10. How much does a comforter cost? Usually, a comforter ranges from Rs. 1000 to Rs. 10,000 depending on the type of filling, brand and other factors.
Few Words Before Wrapping Up… Comforters are the best way to get the warmth and comfortable feeling during sleep. most of us believe that comforters are only for cold winters but that is not true. It can be used in summers as well if you are sleeping in an air conditioned room. Though comforters are a simple piece of bedding equipment, purchasing it is actually confusing.
You have to consider the appropriate weight, size, filling and others according to your requirements. If you don’t how to choose a comforter, then read our buying guide. It has all the information required for choosing the right product according to your individual requirements.
Apart from that, we have also provided a table of shortlisted comforters in Indian market after analysis and testing. Best among this list is Amazon Brand Solimo Comforter as the best due to soft, cozy and lightweight design that helps you to have peaceful sleep at night times. Besides, it is made of 100% pure microfiber, silicon, polyester material that lasts longer than the expected.
This wonderful product is available in 4-different color combinations and moreover consumers have provided very good reviews, ratings on Solimo reversible comforter.
Was the information provided in this article helpful for you in choosing the right one? Which comforter you like the most and why? Share you doubts and experiences with us in the comment section given below. We are happy in bringing you the best information.
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blueairpurifier-blog ¡ 7 years
Air Purifier: Top 5 Tips for Choosing and Using
Improving your home with an air purifier India is about far beyond recently advantageously evacuating dust. The air we inhale is regularly sullied with clean, dander, dust, gas, chemicals and different particles. Furthermore, clean is considerably more than exactly what meets the eye. Truth be told, human eyes can't see particles under 25 microns, however present-day room air purifier can productively dispense with contaminants as little as 1/3 of one micron!
Anybody with air-borne hypersensitivities, or living with a smoker, or living around a synthetic escalated business region will quickly see changes in air quality when an best air purifier enters their life. An air purifier offers a flawless arrangement when somebody in your family needs a pet feline, however mother or father gets asthma from creature dander. 
Asthma presently torments around 24 million grown-ups and kids in the US. This is an endless respiratory condition regularly coming about because of an unfavorably susceptible response that might be diminished by a home air purifier.
As contaminated wind streams into an air purifier India, contaminants are effectively wiped out. At the point when the crisp, wipe wind streams out, it changes your home, your lungs, your well being and your life!
4 Tips for Choosing an Air Purifier 
Picking the best air purifier for your home relies upon a few imperative elements, including home size, well being and natural conditions. Numerous decisions are accessible, fitting inside generally spending plans. 
The fundamental sorts of air purifiers include:
1. HEPA Air Purifiers:
HEPA, or High-Efficiency Particulate Air channels trap tiny contaminants, dispensing with 99.97% of all particles bigger than 0.3 microns. HyperHEPA channels expel particles as little as 0.003 microns!
The HEPA channel's filaments are fundamental for catching particles in the wind stream. Going through the channel, the air conveys different contaminants. Particles bigger than one micron stick rapidly to the filaments as the wind currents through. Littler, lighter particles continue "accepting circumstances for what they are" longer before finding a fiber. In any case, the HEPA's accordion-style creases make numerous deterrents, guaranteeing that even the most diminutive particles get caught by the filaments.
2. Allergy and Asthma Air Purifiers:
These sorts of air purifiers are ideal for the individuals who experience the ill effects of extreme sensitivities, as they catch airborne dust, tidy and different allergens. They frequently highlight HEPA and additionally actuated charcoal filtration. Note that air purifiers can't really cure hypersensitivities or asthma; nonetheless, an air purifier intended to channel airborne allergens offers considerable alleviation by lessening triggers.
An enacted charcoal channel works by evacuating minuscule particles by means of substance adsorption. By treating it with oxygen, carbon ends up plainly actuated, opening a great many little pores between the carbon particles. This makes a gigantic surface region in a little space, ideal for retaining infinitesimal contaminants like tidy and dust 
3. Smoke and Odor Air Purifiers:
Effective charcoal channels make it simple to wipe out the hardest smoke as well as smells from your indoor air. Living with a smoker might be an unavoidable truth for some individuals, however living with smoke doesn't need to be. The home condition can be cleaned and kept crisp with an best air purifier in India intended to wipe out smoke and smell bearing particles.
The Mayo Clinic expresses that used smoke is identified with low birth weight, sudden new-born child demise disorder (SIDS), youth asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) additionally reports that lung and coronary illness from used smoke murders more than 41,000 individuals every year. These are solid purposes behind utilizing an air purifier.
4. Medical Gas and Chemical Air Purifiers:
Medicinal review purifiers kill gas and compound contamination. Numerous restorative conditions require a cautious technique of sanitizing the air to lessen well being dangers and enhance general solace. Elderly individuals, those with bargained resistant frameworks and constantly sick people are particularly helpless against airborne poisons. Restorative review purifiers dispense with chemicals and outflows, enhancing the home condition and personal satisfaction.
5 Tips for Using an Air Purifier
Knowing which air purifier is best for your house is incredible, however picking the correct unit isn't sufficient. The best air purifier should be utilized appropriately. To get the most advantage out of your home air purifier, here are the best tips for utilizing it effectively:
Air Purifiers
Air Purifiers to Help You Breathe Easy
1. Pick the Best Location
Air purifiers require breathing space, so make certain it has a couple of feet of clear space around the best and every one of the four sides for unhampered air flow. Additionally, purifiers arrive in a wide assortment of sizes — make sure to utilize the correct size for room air purifier where you put it.
2. Point the Flow in the Right Direction
On the off chance that the room is extensive, ensure the stream of clean air from your purifier is coordinated adjacent, where you will get the most advantage. If the room is littler, this won't be as critical because most of the refined air will flow all through the room.
3. Try not to Turn It Off
This is particularly vital for homes with smokers and for individuals with well-being conditions like hypersensitivities, asthma and other respiratory diseases. The present air purifiers are vitality proficient, so abandon it on. Much the same as housekeeping, keeping your home's air clean is less demanding than ignoring it and cleaning everything without a moment's delay. 
4. Keep Windows and Doors Closed
An air purifier can't spotless the entire outside. Much the same as cooling with aerating and cooling, it's smarter to keep the air in your home clean by restricting the presentation of outside air and its contamination. Fixing any cracked windows or entryways will likewise prevent your purged air from getting away!
5. Change Filters Regularly
Make certain to peruse and take after the producer's proposals for keeping up your home air purifier. All in all, HEPA and carbon channels require supplanting yearly. Launder able channels ought to be cleaned each ten days or thereabouts. Air purifier channels hold the way to tranquil breathing, so don't enable them to end up noticeably stopped up with contaminants — this will adequately render your air purifier pointless.
Experience the Cleanest, Purest Air
With a home air purifier, your home will be more open to, welcoming and invigorating than at any other time. Picking the correct air purifier for your home can be quickly compensating for your entire family. Working it legitimately will guarantee your home has the cleanest, purest air your lungs have ever experienced! Try out the best air purifier in India for best results.
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5 Ways to Fight Asthma in your Home
One of the most common diseases in first-world countries with symptoms often beginning in early childhood, asthma is a foe to be respected but not to be feared. This article is useful for those who have asthma and those who are reading to prevent it. Since it attacks children and is generally developed in our homes, there are a few things you need to know about asthma.
Asthma is a prevalent inflammatory disease of the airways that was known as long ago as ancient China and Egypt. Symptoms come in episodes distinctive for asthma and most commonly feature coughing, shortness of breath and overall tightness in the chest area. Asthma is a serious disease if left untreated and can lead to death.
If you or anyone you know have these symptoms, please contact your GP as soon as possible.
Because of the rising air pollution and lowered allergens resistances, asthma is on the rise especially in the USA and other developed countries. In 2014, around 24,000,000 people had asthma in the USA alone. Furthermore, the number of asthma diagnoses has increased by almost 60,000,000 cases in the period between 1990 and 2013 along with asthma being the underlying cause for around 490,000 deaths worldwide.
As you all probably know, asthma does not have a cure, but the symptoms can be dealt with, and it can be somewhat prevented. For those that do have asthma, it is imperative to use the inhaler correctly and to take any prescriptions your physician has prescribed for you regularly.
However, the causes of asthma are both genetic and environmental meaning that are ways to improve the quality of life for those who have asthma as well as a chance to prevent it from occurring in our children. I have been battling with asthma almost my entire life, and I think it is safe to say that the key is to improve the air in your home, the overall cleanliness and to avoid known allergens.
Try the following tips to improve the air in your home:
1. Get rid of the dust
Dust makes breathing difficult even for a healthy person so getting rid of it should be your first step. I am not implying that you should develop an overprotective cleaning disorder or that you will ever be able to clean all the dust. For visible results try to vacuum and dust your home as often as you feel it should be done but no less than once a week.
Vacuuming is especially important if your floors are covered with rugs or carpets. Dust in its own right is not as dangerous as the dust mites, tiny insects that primarily live in the dust. They are known to be found in bed sheets and pillow casings so you wash them on the highest temperature settings every few weeks. In kid’s rooms, try to have as few as stuffed animals as possible as they collect dust quite rapidly. A strong and quality vacuum cleaner is an absolute necessity for asthma patients; here’s a guide to best vacuum cleaners for your home.
2. Air conditioning
Air filtering is one of the most important factors you need to consider when dealing with asthma. Air conditioning units filter the air as a part of their basic operational methods. This is something that is clearly visible if you have ever washed the filters on your AC unit. The dark colors mainly come from dust particles and nicotine smoke.
Be careful, however, with overcooling a room in the summer. Extreme changes in the temperature are known catalysts for asthma attacks. Also, use the kitchen and bathroom exhaust systems because odors such as those from cleaners and other chemicals are an asthma hazard. Proper maintenance of all venting units in your home is a must and probably best left to be done by a professional.
3. Be careful with opened windows
Even though your instinct tells you that keeping an open window will increase the flow of air, the truth is that you are best off keeping your windows shut and relying solely on the AC unit. As I have mentioned earlier, the main triggers for asthma are air pollution and known allergens, such as pollen. Keeping the windows open is basically inviting the allergens in your home. Regularly check the air quality index, as it will tell you how likely your allergies are about to be triggered.
Since asthma can be purely genetic, some people do not suffer from pollen allergies and in that case it is advisable to leave a window open. The nights, being naturally colder, are an excellent time to keep an open window since a decreased temperature in the bedroom means there is a higher chance of getting a good night sleep. I have had some pretty severe night-time asthma attacks and have realized that if I keep the bedroom temperature at around 16-18C, I can mainly prevent them (asthma is a subjective disease, and this might not work for you).
4. Humidity
With winter approaching, humidity becomes an issue in most homes. Cold air does not sustain humidity very well, and after warming up a room, the humidity drops as low as 10%. Dry air is quite hazardous for the respiratory system, especially one that is already battling with asthma. The best choice of action is to use a humidifier, preferably one with a monitoring system that tells you the exact level of humidity in a room.
On the other hand, too much humidity creates an even bigger problem for those who have asthma. Too much humidity creates a very habitable place for mold, a known allergen and a cause of asthma. In damp areas, such as basements, I recommend using a dehumidifier, as well as getting rid of any existing mold. For the optimum settings, humidity should be kept at around 30% to 50% (here is where the humidity monitoring system comes in handy).
5. Avoid any kind of smoke
If you have asthma, smoking  is out of the question, but passive smoking can be as equally as dangerous. If you have asthma or someone else has it in your household, try to throw out the nicotine smoke completely. Not only will it make for a much better environment for the asthma patient but it also might convince the smoker to stop.
Furthermore, any kind of smoke is dangerous when you have asthma. This means that if you have the option of choosing, you should avoid heating your house with wood or coal stoves and furnaces. The carbon monoxide that is being produced from the exhaust pipe is not only lethal in high doses but very unpleasant coupled with asthma even in small doses.
Living with asthma
I know that living with asthma doesn’t seem very fair, and you probably feel excluded from normal life activities, but it’s really not the end of the world. If you are careful and you follow your physician’s instructions, your attacks could become very rare. Try to live your life as healthy as possible and your friends and family, whom you should definitely inform, are the only ones that are going to know you have asthma.
Do not let asthma run your life, feel free to enjoy some recreational sports, try a walk in the park (outside of the pollen season, of course) and breathe freely as if you own the entire world.
Featured photo credit: www.sbs.com.au via sbs.com.au
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