#like omg oh my gosh you guys wouldn’t it be like soooo funny and so silly if I just disappeared and nobody knew where I went? no trace of me
etoilelafleur · 1 year
Wouldn’t it just be like….soooo funny if I wasn’t here?
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mcwriting · 4 years
Starstruck (7)
I’m back again and so quickly! Ha! I’m getting soooo close to finishing this but now I’m distracted writing my other series lol. 
While writing this I thought a lot about how much Tom actually curses vs. how little I put in andddd it’s pretty disproportional. I mostly just don’t speak like that so it carries over into my writing, but whatever. I’ll stick with it.
Anyways pls enjoy
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9
Fandom: Tom Holland
Ship: Tom x reader
Setting: Mostly LA, a little bit of South Korea in this one, but it doesn’t really talk about it
Word Count: 2146
Warnings: Mild language as per usual
Rating: K+
You tore apart your room looking for your favorite swimsuit, an olive green bikini top that accentuated your chest and a pair of black high cut bottoms that lengthened your legs nicely. 
It had been a few days since you went and stayed with b/f/n and she now wanted to go to the beach with you. You hadn’t gone out much since due to the paparazzi, who still hung around your house sometimes.
The suit was nowhere to be found, every drawer and cabinet searched high and low. 
And then you spotted something in the corner of your eye.
A beach bag slumped over the chair by your desk.
Could it be? 
You stepped carefully towards it, dreading opening up the bag and the subsequent memories attached to it. The hurt of what Tom did was still fresh, but better than before.
Neither of you had had contact since his final message to you, which was something you weren’t sure if you were happy, sad, or mad about. 
You’d thought about what Caroline had said in the past few nights, losing sleep over her words.
There’s no way I’ve caught feelings for the guy, right?
I mean, sure. He’s handsome, nice accent, great muscles, smells good, dancer, good sense of humor. The list could go on, I guess. 
Oh wait. Shit. 
Those thoughts flooded your mind as you dumped the contents of the bag onto the carpet, something landing with a heavy thud underneath the swimsuit you’d been searching for.
You peeled away the clothes and things to find a yellow glass bottle, Tom’s stupid unopened cologne now rested on the floor of your room. You stared at it for a few seconds, not knowing what to think.
You’d pretty much forgotten about it since the incident, pushed far from every other thought you’d had since that day.
A buzz suddenly sounded from your phone on the bed, revealing a text from b/f/n saying she was on her way. 
Not wanting to run late, you sat the bottle on the desk and ran to the bathroom to change before she arrived.
Photographers followed you and b/f/n at the beach, probably wanting to write a gossip piece about how you were “moving on.” Neither of you cared.
Instead, you both actively posed for the cameras for a little bit, laughing at the men’s persistence. Eventually, however, another of many celebrities in the area caught their eyes and they left, giving you much needed peace.
After a couple hours spent swimming, taking selfies, and tanning, the two of you gathered your things and headed for lunch at a nearby cafe. 
As you sat and ate under an umbrella, you found an article that had already been written containing photos from the beach earlier. It was titled “Moving on? Y/l/n spotted in spicy bikini with pal,” something that made you roll your eyes. 
“Wouldn’t it be funny if we reposted some of these pictures?” you joked to b/f/n. 
“Yes oh my gosh! That would be hilarious! Send me the article,” she agreed. 
You both screenshotted some pictures, picking your favorite to be the cover of your next Instagram post and intermixing some of the day’s selfies, too. Each of you hit post, tagging one another, and went back to your food.
The day had been long but perfect. 
B/f/n dropped you at your house late that afternoon, both of you tired from sitting in the sun most of the day. Since then, you’d spent the evening with your family and now prepared for bed.
You hadn’t checked your phone much since posting the photos, but you opened instagram to find that tons of Tom’s fangirls had liked and commented on your picture, most of them pretty supportive. 
Your caption had read “Apparently this is a spicy swimsuit and somehow it’s helping me move on from drama. Either way, today was a much needed beach day with my fav!” 
Other of your friends commented inside jokes, adding fire and pepper emojis, and called you spicy.
You spent a few minutes replying to comments when you decided to look at the likes. You searched “Holland” in the bar, wanting to see how many fans were liking it, but the first name caused your stomach to drop. 
There was a blue checkmark signifying it was him, too. 
There was no way he’d done it earlier, so you went back to the comments, where you found a new comment from only a minute before that read “OMG TOM LIKED!”
You were shocked to say the least. Was this some kind of a joke to him? Or was this his way of reaching out from a distance? Your thoughts became frequent and jumbled, and finally you decided to put up the phone and truly get ready for bed.
On the back of your desk chair was draped your favorite sleep shirt. As you went to grab it, the cologne bottle caught your eye once again.
You stared at it for a minute, then did something you’d probably regret later. 
You ripped off the plastic wrap off top and uncapped it. You took a heavy breath, and then spritzed the scent a few times over the sheets. 
It wafted up around you, filling your nose with the musky sweetness you were familiar with. 
After changing, you crawled into bed, the smell overcoming you, relaxing you. Surprisingly, butterflies filled your stomach as warm memories of yours and Tom’s night together came to mind once again. 
Ah shit. Caroline was right was the last thought to cross your mind as sleep overtook you.
Stan Twitter and Insta had blown up overnight as Tom’s fans speculated about him liking your post (and of course it just had to be one in a swimsuit). You tried not to think about it too much as you once again went to dance and tried to let off steam.
After class came and went, a parent came to let you know that once again there were dozens of people outside waiting for you with cameras and whatnot.
Your friends offered to help walk you to the car, but you were honestly angry. Enough was enough.
“I knew things would get crazy but this has gone on for too long. Celebrities might have to put up with this, but I don’t,” you spat, shouldering your dance bag and heading for the door. 
A few people tried to stop you but you just shrugged them off.
“Y/n, y/n!” the people began yelling, fighting to see who would get to your first. One woman beat out the rest and shoved a microphone in your face, the cameraman blocking your way.
“Tell us about your time with Tom Holland! We only want the truth!” she exclaimed with her feigned enthusiasm.
”You don’t want the truth, you want a story,” you began. Seeing the way people already looked uncomfortable with that statement, you continued.
“You take a good, normal person and turn him into your own little reality show. You build him up into a big celebrity just so you can tear him down in public.”
You were beginning to feel your face heat up and eyes threaten tears, but still you continued, looking out at the rest of the crowd.
“Just so you can sell magazines and TV shows? That’s really sick. And Tom Holland’s just one example. He’s talented and successful. He’s all the stuff lots of kids dream of having.”
Nothing you said had a hint of sarcasm or disdain, but rather it was a defendant tone. Now you took on an accusatory one directed at the reporters.
“But thanks to you, he’s had to give up some of the best things in life. Freedom. Privacy. Honesty. So congratulations, you’ve created a celebrity. But you have wrecked the human being inside. You should be ashamed of yourselves.”
You finished the tirade, a tear slipping onto your cheek as you remembered the night he spent at your house telling you about how he often missed normal life. There was a heavy pause but cameras continued to flash. The reporter turned to her cameraman.
“Did you get that?” she asked. He nodded, so she turned back to you.
“Y/n, y/n just one more question. In your opinion, who is Tom Holland really?”
You looked at her, taken aback. Your blood boiled.
“Who is he? I don’t know. The Tom Holland you’re all so obsessed with…” you took a moment to collect your thoughts. “I promise you I never met him. And I wouldn’t want to.”
With that, you pushed through the crowd and to your car, hoping they were satisfied.
On the other side of the world, Tom was becoming stir crazy. By the time Tom had awoken, videos and transcripts of your speech were already circulating the internet and he was overwhelmed and frankly angry. 
He was supposed to be getting ready for another press day, but how could he do interviews when everyone would just want to hound on him about you?
“Tom, we need to talk,” Harrison said sternly as Tom paced his hotel living room. Harry and Sam stood behind him in the entryway..
“Alright what on?” he asked as though nothing was wrong.
“Tom. Tell us what’s got you acting like this, saying what you did, and her making that speech through tears. You obviously liked that girl and something happened with her,” Harry stated.
Tom paused and turned to the group.
“What are you talking about? There was nothing going on between us.”
They all looked at each other and then Tom like he was an idiot.
“Look mate, you have no reason to lie to us. We always have your back and we’ll probably understand,” Sam added. The group took a few steps forward.
Tom was becoming more agitated and avoided eye contact with all of them. He crossed his arms tightly over his chest.
“First off, I’m not lying. And secondly, if I were, you all wouldn’t understand anyways because you aren’t me! None of you get what it’s like living my life and you never will!” Tom exclaimed, running his fingers through his hair in frustration.
The group was taken aback at Tom’s explosive statement and now Harrison was mad too.
“You know what, man? We came here to talk because we care about you. You’ve been a real dick the past few days and it’s getting old. All we wanted to do was help you out but instead you decided to go all movie star on us,” Harrison blurted. He turned to the twins, “Let’s go guys. He’s obviously beyond us.”
The three boys turned to walk out the door and Tom felt a weight drop in his stomach. Harry was just starting to open the door when Tom stopped them.
“Wait!” he paused and took a deep breath, “I’ll tell you all what’s really going on, but you have to let me tell the whole story first.”
They reluctantly turned back, eventually making themselves comfortable around the living room and letting Tom vent out the whole story, including how his management had made him cut ties with you.
“She was so honest and kind and I blew it. The more distant from her I can make myself, the better. I couldn’t let myself bring you in on this secret and feel bad too. She deserves to just hate me.”
The boys were all shocked and angered at what was going on.
“Tom, I love you, you’re my brother. But you are such a div! And I mean that in the most extreme manner possible,” said Harry.
“Yeah, come on mate. Just fire them! Why are you letting them control your life?” asked Sam. 
“You guys don’t get it! Singleness sells! I can’t jeopardize my career just because I found y/n to be the most beautiful and incredible and real person I’ve ever met. I mean, right?”
Harrison piped up at that.
“You really are more stupid than you look. Tom I’m gonna tell you straight. They’re living in some figmented reality where your relationship status determines whether or not you get hired. I mean, you’re Spider-Man for God’s sake. That has to count for something, right?”
Tom bounced his head back and forth in contemplation. 
“I mean I guess-” he started when Harrison cut him off again.
“You guess!” he stood up in disbelief. “You guess? Come on! Directors don’t care who the hell you’re dating if you’re giving them Oscar worthy performances and box office hits! And even then, who cares about your career when you’re putting your heart on the cutting board for it. Just go after the damn girl, Tom. And fire those assholes while you’re at it.”
A/N: Still can’t believe I got this out so quickly. Anyways, thanks for reading and as always, send me a message or ask if you wanna talk since I can’t respond to comments! (And keep an eye out for “the best revenge,” my new series)
TAG LIST: @marvel-lously, @jackiehollanderr, @one-big-fangirl, @dreamyvans, @lisannehus, @honeymoonpeter, @shootingstarsaretearsofheaven, @chenellearose, @photoshopart15, @parkeret, @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch, @racewife2004 
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wearethegladiators · 5 years
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fc: leighton meester
age: 27 (it’s been very confusing because she’s sometimes born in 1991, sometimes in 1993. I think we made her older so that she could legally inherit from the DCH so let’s make her 27 - or about to be. I see her as more of a end of the year/winter child tbh.)
job: head of dch bitch 
(long post ahead buckle up kids)
 Rachel’s back-story is a good 99% inspired by shitty téléfilms but I wouldn’t change most of it, she’s had it and that really defines who she is as a person. (I mean, she definitely did not have a split personality disorder wth? I watched too much Heroes for sure. She may be struggling with an Intermittent Explosive Personality Disorder though, like Liam in TW). The plane crash thingy may be a bit too much, but... I mean, Rachel IS the final girl. I’m used to playing survivor but l’essence même de Rachel c’est d’être une survivante. Ah si, aussi, her father is now called Louis Seymour and no longer Lewis Seyfried (wth did all our characters had such American names???? Lewis’s French, goddamn it). Oh and we’re gonna be talking disability as well.
I couldn’t find her comprehensive back-story so let’s just go with the flow. Aurélia and Louis definitely were not married, they probably did not even have a stable relationship (I mean how could you have a stable relationship with Aurélia). But I can see them dating for a while, Louis may have been touring in the U.S. to show his work and skills, anyway. I don’t think Aurelia ever told him about her pregnancy which DRAMATICALLY parallels Tyler and Rachel’s story (actually I pretty much think she did not tell anyone…). Or maybe she did, years later. Or when she left Rachel at an orphanage somewhere in Canada. So yeah Rachel was abandoned aged 1 J She mostly grew up in that structure, but she had behavioral/anger issues and she was bullied by other kids/did not stay for long with her foster families. So Rachel, a SURVIVOR, ultimately freaking ran away from that orphanage (probably around 10-ish years old) and pretty much… lived in the streets for a while, and walked a lot (boi she’s got so much in common with Lukas yo). She was ultimately found by a family which put an “ad” in the local newspapers and that’s how her maternal grandmother found her. For some reason the maternal grandmother decided not to keep her (she stayed max 1 year with her) and to send her back to her father in France (either in the South or in Normandy). Then they took the plane, let’s say they had no crash and Rachel found her dad and she lived at his place until she was 14 years old (when he was killed by Z) and she was very happy about it. That’s pretty much where she learnt how to ride because bah mdr she probably had never done so before, or only in colo or shit like that; she also learnt at least “French” French (she potentially knew Québecois). I don’t think she ever was a jockey though or that Z and GG shot her horse during a race MDRRR (remember it’s 2019 we have plotlines now). But her father was still killed by Z and euh well… she ended up once again with no parental figure and was supposed to be brought back to foster care/an orphanage, which was not very cool, so guess what? SHE RAN AWAY BITCH. I can see her hitchhiking and pretty much stealing stuff and maybe hanging out with weird people in some squats (but NEVER doing drugs that’s so not Rachel), and ultimately she ended up in Paris where she thought she could “disappear”, maybe find a job or something – anyway, opportunities. She probably had a fake ID that said she was 18 and maybe she was even able to buy a car (but just to sleep in it mdr) (or to drive illegally, I mean, yeah). And I guess one day she found the DCH and asked John and Elodie if she could work there for some money and they took her in and now she’s a star!!
Also there was an interesting aspect to Rachel when I first started playing her (a while, while ago): she had that big accident while riding a horse and was pretty much left disabled by it and did not ride for years until boom, DOOMER bitch. I don’t think she would have been able to survive the way she did with a disability but I kind of like this storyline so I guess maybe she had this “accident” with no big consequences but she was heavily traumatized by it (her horse may still have died in it but that would seriously echo Cassey’s story – I mean that happens but still). So she probably did not ride for a while after that, yeah.
Started from palefrenière ended up CEO BITCH
Well I mean, Rachel’s pretty much at the top of her career… I think she’s pretty big now, people are starting to respect her in the business. It was quite hard being in charge at 18 because no one would take her seriously but she’s proven repeatedly that she’s to be counted with by now. There are probably people coming to the DCH just to learn about their methods. Maybe they are little girls looking up to her. She’s definitely holding Ted-Talk-like conferences btw. Maybe she had her own Ted Ex?
She made the DCH much bigger, they probably have more horses now and they DO have an administrative/business/executive team, YEAH. She also definitely worked on the “social”/”horses heal” aspect, probably extending the procedure Tyler benefited from, maybe opening up séances once or twice a week for people in rehab or neuroatypical people, because that’s the crap she does – Rachel cares, yo.
She went back to class! Remember Rachel never got the Bac because she was fired from high-school mdr? She went back and got it, probably around 2013-2014, Sarah Manning style. And then she did a BTS in accounting to take care of the financial aspect of the DCH (because Jake’s great, and everyone’s great in the new team, but everything Rachel does is obviously greater). I think she even got a Bachelor degree in Management by now! MY GIRLLLL
She stopped her career as a jockey as soon as she found out she was pregnant. Doomer had another jockey for some races but stopped winning mdr so he’s now retired. None of them are running anymore, it was a once-in-a-lifetime thingy. <3
Rachel’s popular but she doesn’t get to play it all funny like Jade and Lucie do. She’s the business women. She has to negotiate and go hard. So she’s definitely not as liked as the jockeys are, and she’s definitely not as famous as they are but she SO strives to be, she’s definitely doing ads for yoghurts and shit yup. She does not get to travel as much as they do either, but… She likes it. Being in charge. And she’s good at it. She’s a workaholic, a girl boss, a fashion icon.
Tries to care on her time to teach stuff but she’s soooo busy. Mais c’est elle qui supervise toutes les formations et tous les programmes et personne a rien à dire hihihi
Well, she had a baby… I don’t think 1) this came as a big surprise (she definitely was not on the pill and I don’t know but I can’t picture Tyler and Rachel as extremely careful people smh) and 2) she even questioned keeping it. Like she was already pretty much the mother of Chelsea (who was a baby!!) and Mike, but having a baby of her own is like a totally different thing. Rachel is a survivor first and foremost but she’s also… such a mother??? So nurturing and stuff. Like she never really had a parental figure (or never for more than 3 motherfucking years) and yet I think she was super good at taking care of the Howkins children?? She also had experience as a “single parent”, and she felt she NEEDED that baby to recover (especially if Tyler was presumably dead). So yeah, of course she kept it. She probably learnt about it WEEKS before telling the team btw, just to act surprised and be like “omg, maybe this a bit too late……..” mdr I love her
Honestly even if Tyler isn’t dead I don’t think she would have told him. And see that’s the big difference between Rachel and Cass: she doesn’t run after people. If they leave, they leave. If they drown, they drown. It’s all about survival and she’s not letting anyone take her down, not even her first love. So no, she wouldn’t tell him. And she wouldn’t ask him anything ofc. So yeah mdr, ambiance when he comes back after 2 years hahahaha
Also I think she’s raising a very good, very woke kid. Which is surprising because Rachel is very tolerant but you know, she’s also very closeted, she’s very traditional in some ways, definitely the less likely to vote on the left side… It’d be interesting btw if the kid (who has a cute name like Timothy/Timothée/Titouan) ends up “different” in some way, I don’t know, neuroatypical, autistic, or just gay?? I mean I don’t know but that would be interesting for her character
Also mdr poor kid must be a bit confused about his parents. Josh was there pretty much all the time to help take care of him for the first 2-3 years of his life and maybe he even moved in at some point, for some time. If Tyler never came back the kid would legit have thought that Josh was his dad hahaha
 And I mean Rachel’s a sentimental bitch, she’s into long relationships and she’s very committed and… if Tyler comes back there will always be an attraction and an attachment and they’re definitely still hooking up once in a while… which must be very weird for the kid… because Rachel is sometimes also hooking up with Josh… I mean… (Josh/Rach are pretty endgame I’m sorry but they’re… it’s complicated) (gosh Josh is the Rachel’s Jake mdrrrr)
I think btw Rachel has been in a long-term relationship (like at least a good year) with some guy outside of the DCH and they broke up because…… she cheated on him with Josh, or Ty, or both, maybe for some time mdr. WHAT A MESS I SWEAR my girl just dreamt of being married having kids and living in a little nice farm but I guess dysfunctional people just work… dysfunctional…
Oh I think she REALLY likes Lukas btw. They’re even more similar than Dan/Rachel and that’s a good way of actually appreciating Daniel… without actually appreciating Daniel. Wouldn’t be surprised if they had hooked up too (nothing is okay dans ces écuries), but yeah, probs a good friend, plus she misses one since Jake left (the fact that he helped with the administrative shite?? probably made them even closer tbh, what a good guy)
She really cares about Daniel too, tbh. She definitely can see some pieces of herself in him and… well she doesn’t like that, but still. Actually I think if he was the one to run away she may have run after him… to kick his ass, BUT STILL. Maybe she’s the one taking him to the meetings when Cassey can’t?? :’) I also like to think their relationship has matured – but in a Dan/Rach way. They can tolerate each other but yeah, every freaking meal they yell at each other at some point, but talk in a very normal/casual way two minutes right after. Everyone’s shook but that’s ok for them. They’re kids basically. I like them.
I don’t think she’s so close to Bella anymore… Like I said Rach is really not the type to cling onto relationships, if people live far away she’s not gonna make efforts. She doesn’t have time anyway. Still likes her a lot, still would be freaking happy if she came visiting
Jake and Rach are very good friends; Jade and Lucie are like her two big sisters who have literally seen her grow up from her 15 year-old self to her 27-year-old GOSH I’M EMO. One of them definitely is the godmother of her son, maybe both. Jake’s the godfather. Omg family meetings must be so chaotic
I think she really likes Emeline, too, she was kind of a vent de fraîcheur and she appreciates her for that
ADAM. THIS GODDAMN ASSHOLE. Well Adam’s blood. And he’s the only family she’s got (left). So it’s ride or die bitch. I mean Rachel always had a very grayish moral code… so it’s not a big surprise she stuck with her brother whatever shit he did. Definitely kicked his ass every step of the way but… she stayed. Always. Which is surprising for Rachel, but Adam is actual family and I think she really cares about that cause god she never had a family. They’re still in touch. I can see them going in holidays two weeks a year and doing absolute bullshit that could get them in serious trouble. Yeah. She really cares. (I mean, she’s the one he called when he crashed a freaking police car so i hope he cares, too.)
SHE SAW AURELIA. FINALLY. I mean it obviously did not go well, she probably tried to strangle her at some point or something like that but… she did it. Probably when she was pregnant for drama purposes. And they’ve seen each other for a few times, ever since. Maybe Aurélia has even come to the DCH. But Rachel absolutely refuses that she builds a bond with her son. There’s a lot of drama, and Aurélia’s often on the road, but… they’re trying to make things right with their problematic personalities. I honestly think Rachel picked a lot on Aurelia’s side.
Btw, Rachel’s really a family girl and I think she stalked the fuck out of her family whenever she could. So she probably knew that Aurelia had a son and that’s probably how she found out that Adam was her brother. And Aurelia… she definitely freaking stalked her daughter, too.
Hm, what else… I hope Fuadegh is still alright I loved that horse!!!! I hope he has a baby and that baby’s Rachel’s baby. Did that make sense
Yeah the DCH definitely has sort of “farm aisle” where the public does not go. It’s basically la garderie for all the kids mdr
I like to believe the Howkins kids turned out well. I mean maybe Mike had to process more trauma than Chelsea who really was a baby when things were bad. Maybe it’s resurfacing and he’s being a bit difficult at the time. I can see him very close to Josh. We stan Josh, all the kids do.
OH YEAH BIG THING. You know how Rachel has loads of anger issues and stuff… Well she calmed down somehow, but because she had no choice. She got into a very heavy dispute with some other director/jockey/breeder/whatever, a pretty influential one. And she  started threatening him – Rachel style. Le mec a ensuite porté plainte et ça a déclenché une perquisition au Domaine où la police a effectivement découvert que Rachel, that bitch, possédait plusieurs armes de manière totalement illégale hihihi. Elle a été condamnée, petit scandale, une assistante sociale est venue plusieurs fois au Domaine, on a menacé de mettre le DCH sous tutelle et tout c’était la cata. Donc elle s’est un peu calmée. Je pense aussi que Mike/son fils aurait pu avoir des problèmes d’agressivité à l’école, qu’elle se serait dit que ça pouvait venir d’elle, et que du coup elle ESSAYAIT, vraiment, d’être un peu une bombe humaine. (Puis il y a sûrement pas mal de plaintes contre elle, ne serait-ce que venant de Kevin, pour aggravated assault, donc elle a VRAIMENT intérêt à se calmer).
She dyed her hair blond at some point. Everyone was like “Rachel no”, she was like “Rachel yes”, she did it, it did not turn so bad.
She still lives in her teenage bedroom!!! Elle a sûrement fait des putains de travaux sur la façade pour étendre un peu le truc pour quand elle devait dormir avec son bébé mais elle a jamais voulu de cette punaise de chambre. Tbh Jade’s probably the one living in the Howkins’ master bedroom hahahaha
I can see her dating an old business man for some time, probably did not last for too long tho. Can you imagine Lukas and his sugar mommy/daddy and Rachel with her old businessman?? (except she’s rich she doesn’t need a sugar daddy yo)
She’s got a bunch of tattoos. Quotes and very common ones
She’s definitely the one that looked the less traumatized because her whole life has been shit and this wasn’t honestly wasn’t so big of a difference… But I like to believe she’s been to therapy, has seen a psychologist, or maybe is in a full psychanalyse… Maybe she was forced to because of the investigation but it doesn’t matter, I want her to speak and to heal, she deserves that
She makes me think a lot about Malia Tate in how they’re both assumed to be “street-smart”, not exceptionally smart kids, savages actually, but they somehow manage to never fall behind in classes in spite of a very chaotic scolarité. My girl IS smart, she’s just very bad at showing it
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exo-freaks · 7 years
Happy Birthday Winwin ♥
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It’s still Winnie’s birthday in my country but I am so late with this.
anyways HAPPY BIRTHDAY WINWIN the actual Sun ♥♥ All the best.
From: the one and only TY TRACK Heeeeey Y/N! I trust you to keep a secret! We wanna organise a surprise birthday party for Winwinie! You felt a burst of excitement run through your body and quickly typed and response. To: the one and only TY TRACK Yes yes omg this is gonna be fun!!! You can count me in! What are the plans??! We shouldn't pretend we didn't know it's his birthday that's too cliché. From: the one and only TY TRACK OK don't tell but the plan is as followed: We will pretend that most of us have something very important to do and we are very sorry that we can't celebrate but Kun Yuta Johnny and you will go to dinner with him and then you lead him to the location. To: the one and only TY TRACK Sound good where are you planning to do the party? From: the one and only TY TRACK Our managers house. To: the one and only TY TRACK and how are you planning to prepare all the things with Winwin not suspecting something? From: the one and only TY TRACK Mmh we haven't thought about that. You laughed Mommy TY's plan had a little flaw. Sure Winwin was a little naive but he wasn't dumb and if everyone was giving a bad excuse why they couldn't really hang out on his birthday he would sure suspect something. To: the one and only TY Okay so here is an idea. What about I take him somewhere we figure out something and you all prepare the party and we meet for dinner later From: the one and only TY sounds kinda good let's see text him now and ask if he wants to hang out that day. To: Winwiniee~~~ Hi best friend 😚 I don't know if you know but it's your birthday soon and I have a great thing planned. We haven't been to an amusement park in soooo long 😔😔😔 So wouldn't it be great if we both would go to one on your birthday. With ice cream and candy cotton and other unhealthy food. 😍😍 From: Winwiniee~~~ Hi best friend 😊😊 That does sound good! But I don't know if the others wanna hang out. Maybe they would be sad if I'm gone the entire day 😔😔 To: Winwiniee~~~ You are too cute winnie 😍😍 What about we ask them to come with us. From: Winwiniee~~~ Would that me ok? To:Winwiniee~~~ Why wouldn't it?! 😂 Go ask then if they want to come along From:Winwiniee~~~ I asked them and they can't come along 😔 but Kun, Yuta, and Johnny want to go for dinner afterwards. To:Winwiniee~~~ OK don't be sad we going to have a great time 💞💞 From:Winwiniee~~~ I know. I'm excited!!!!😍😍😍 To:Winwiniee~~~ Me too!!! Gotta go see you soon. Love you best friend 💞💞💞 From:Winwinie~~~ Love you too💞💞💞 * With your bag around your shoulders you knocked on the dorm door. Winwin opened and you threw yourself into his arms. 'Happy birthday winnie' he hugged you tight. 'Thank you' he grinned at you. 'Ready to go?' He nodded and you grabbed his arm. Winwin shouted a quick goodbye before he was dragged out by you. The shuttle bus station was close so you decided to walk to the station rather than taking the subway. 'And do you feel older?' You asked jokingly and he laughed. 'Nah not really I have always been very grown up.' He couldn't even hold a straight face saying it so you both bursted out laughing. You saw the shuttle bus passing you on the street and you both started running for your lives trying to reach the bus. Panting and nearly coughing out your lungs.
‘thank you’ You panted to the driver who was smiling at you. You passed through the seats looking for a spot to sit down. You found two seat right next to each other.
‘that was a close call’ you said already exhausted resting your head on Winwin’s shoulder. The bus took a good half an hour to get to the park, you and Winwin were laughing the whole time about the dumbest things ever. Basically it was like every time you two hang out The minute you stepped onto the ground of the amusement park you guys quickly looked at each other and started to run for the first attraction. You pointed at the high swing boat and already dragged him to it.
‘No NO NOO Y/N you know I'm scared of heights’ Winwin whined and you turned around.
‘Pleaaaase’ you gave him the biggest puppy eyes ever. ‘pleeeease you can hold my hand’ he took your hand and sighed.
‘just this one time’ you squealed in excitement and dragged him to the entrance. ‘But please let’s sit rather in the middle ok not at the end, the end is always sooo high’ you nodded and you two sat down in the middle row. Winwin squeezed your hand tight.
‘winnie it’s gonna be ok don’t worry’ the ship started moving and he closed his eyes. You smiled at him patting his arm with the hand that was not in Winwin’s deadly grip. Everyone was screaming in joy while Winwin was constantly mumbling every combination of oh my god humanly imaginable. The ride finally stopped and Winwin slowly opened his eyes and couldn’t get of this ride fast enough.
‘can we get to the outside attractions I need fresh air.’ he mumbled and you nodded feeling a little bit bad that you made him ride the ship. Winwin and you walked around for ages going on different attractions.
‘Let’s go for the last ride and get some cotton candy and then I think we need to head to the dinner soon’ You said checking your watch.  Ending the day with a final roller coaster ride you slowly walked to the exit with two big pink cotton candies in your hands. Winwin smiled at you.
‘this was great’ Winwin said with a mouthful of cotton candy. You smiled at him.
‘I’m glad that you enjoyed it’ You suddenly felt water dripping on your head and you quickly looked up to the sky.
‘oooh nooo’ Winwin mumbled and peeled himself out of his jacket spreading it over your heads. Luckily the bus came quickly and you could escape the upcoming shower. Falling onto the seats your head immediately fell onto Winwin’s shoulder closing your eyes.
‘oh my gosh I’m so tired’ Winwin mumbled and rested his head on yours. You two dozed off but were suddenly woken up by a jolt. Seeing you were close to your stop you woke up Winwin. He sleepily opened his eyes and looked at you confused.
‘we need to get off’ you whispered. Collecting your things you exited the bus. The guys were already waiting for the two of you, Yuta was holding a blindfold in his hands.
‘Winwinie we want you to put this on’ he said grinning but Winwin looked frightened.
‘why?’ he asked holding Yutas hand to stop him from trying to cover his eyes.
‘trust us’ said Johnny with the biggest evil grin on his face ever imaginable. At the end Winwin gave in letting Yuta cover his eyes. You directed him into the car but Kun needed to let him run into the door first just because it was funny. You drove off answering none of the questions Winwin was asking holding his hands so he wasn’t taking the blindfold off. It was a short drive to the manager's house and you let Winwin safely out of the car without letting him walk into any objects along the way like Kun did. All the guys were extremely quiet as you entered with Winwin, even Chenle, well he quiet because Renjun held him in headlock covering his mouth. Taeyong counted down with his fingers so we all could start singing at the same time. We all started singing and Johnny removed Winwin’s blindfold. You never seen such a big smile on his face. Taeil brought the birthday cake and Winwin blew out the candles. It was a great party. Successful surprise party.  
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