#like okay! Okay! Human interaction! Connection! Woah! Crazy!
mothicalspoken · 1 year
Neighbors I’ve never met just brought over these ripe fresh grapes hours before a storm is about to hit us and when I say grapes I mean like at least 200 grapes and when I say ripe and fresh I mean that they probably got these from a fucking vineyard or smth bc they have tons of hard seeds in them and taste exactly like communion grape juice so now I have decided that it is my mission to knit like. A billion little birds for them bc we are sorely out of the best fruit in the entire world
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we-rate-tmnt · 4 years
I request: Leonardo. Please and thank you 🙏.
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Idk if everyone loves Leo or if my header and avatar just remind everyone about this amazing blue boy. (This one’s super silly btw. I’m just sillier as time goes on. Character development I guess?) 
The iconic leador Leonardo (1987)
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Bro idk why but I loved this Leo. I have a tiny memory, especially with this version but I clearly remember that I thought he was the funniest and the coolest. I mean, he had swords, what was I supposed to do as a 7-year-old. NOT like him??? Anyway, while Raph was the best at insult comedy, I think Leo had the best puns and punchlines. I really like how nonchalant this Leo is compared to his iterations, going along with really silly ideas and having fun along the way. But because of this, his leadership is a little forced at times, he seems like such a chill and fun dude that when he gets serious, I have to squint and ask ‘are you Leo? Or were you just putting on act a moment ago?’ Or my perception is entirely warped over time. Either way, good turtle boy, could have used some work tho. 5.7/10
Here comes grumpy lad wooo this is all read very monotone btw Fearless Leader (2003)
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What. What the fuck happened. I was actually so confused when Leo turned really angry and serious and almost manic. I thought that episode when he popped into Casey’s window and was like ‘Hey bitch lets go beat the shit out of some lowlifes’ I was WOAH THERE BUDDY BACK UP BACK UP BACK TF UP. It was so sudden to me and when it was finally explained, it made some sense??? Like yeah, character development is great an’ all but this ain’t it chief. I can’t imagine what it was like having to wait for these episodes to release one at a time. Bc I watched every episode back to back on Youtube and I was genuinely bamboozled. But when you have an experience like that where guilt is weighing down on you from a situation you couldn’t control, it would’ve been HELLA HELPFUL to have at least a flashback, like a line saying ‘I was so useless!’ at BARE MINIMUM. Like right after Shredder is booted off to Planet Zula, Donnie would notice that Leo didn’t seem all that happy and would ask why and Leo would get upset and yell at Donnie saying that ‘You wouldn’t understand’, ‘You don’t know how I felt, how I feel because of that’, etc. Like you don’t even have to say he felt guilty or helpless, just give us something to grab onto. We’re merely six-year-olds who thought they could climb the YMCA rock wall in easy mode but instead the script riders harnessed us up on the hard one and wouldn’t let us come down until we rang the little bell at the top. I think that is the only problem I had with his Leo. The sudden change of calm and decisive to angry and irrational was so jarring that it felt unnatural without that crucial context. If you want a surprise reveal, at least hint at the reveal (like just about every Disney movie with their ‘twist’ villains) not wait until the very last moment. I think this might be my least favorite Leo and I think the season where he stood out the most and seemed the strongest was Fast Forward (Which was GOOD FIGHT ME), especially in scenes with Dark Leo, his clone. He sees so much of himself in Dark Leo but he also sees something he had once grasped (AKA the poorly written character arc, I CANNOT stress how bad I thought it was). Although, I honestly think he’s a really good character and he’s a pretty neat guy. However, this score is entirely held up by Fast Forward and his connection with Usagi, sword bros to the end of time. 3/10 (2 for FF and 1 for Usagi)
And now a Leo that makes me genuinely feel UWU Leo (2012)
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I cannot stress how much I like this guy! Like his design is so appealing, his dedication, his obsession with Space Heroes, like I FUCKING LOVE IT. And everyone knows, that shit with Karai, at first when they didn’t realize they were related, I can let slide but kajsdflksadf what even like why did the writers feel the need to add in more ‘love interest’ implications like yuck yuck yuck. The only two interactions with Leo and Karai that I really like are when Leo defeats her using the healing hands technique and when Leo has a goth/emo/punk/idk I’m new here phase and they team up and EXPLOSIONS. He was introduced to us as being incredibly naive and his idea of leadership is from some old cartoon that’s basically star trek but ethically questionable. After his fights in season 1, to the finale with the technodrome, you can see his growth. He’s able to formulate plans and make life or death decisions. BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE. When Leo got hurt, I felt like the oof sound effect mixed with some tears I normally shed at some Shojo manga bs. While the episodes following were super weird, it was a nice way to help Leo recover, not only physically but spiritually (Although I don’t remember the spirit arc at all except the epic Raph vs Fishface fight, so we’re skipping that). When Master Splinter really died, you could tell there was a huge impact on Leo, but he had to remain stoic and lead the family now. A lot of heartbreaking moments in this series came from Leo and I’m glad they took at least some thought into developing him. Tiny head Leo will haunt my nightmares, but the giggly fanboy will warm my heart constantly. 6/10
I only have one word for this Leo (Heroes in a Half Shell: Blast to the Past)
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This is a super crazy bad idea accent on the super crazy bad part have I mentioned it’s also a really terrible idea/10
Okay, spoiler alert, didn’t really think this Leo was that grand Leo (2014/2016)
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Painfully average. He didn’t stand out that much, Raph was part of the focus and had that touching scene at the end, Donnie was ICONIC and Mikey (with his weird-ass eyes) was super lively and funny! Leo? Uh, I don’t remember a single line he said. Because he never really grabbed my attention, I don’t have too much to say on this version. The Raph and Leo fight felt forced and the whole ‘keep this stuff that could turn us human a secret’ was pretty pointless and was added just to cause drama, I don’t even remember what that Splinter and Leo conversation was about. Design-wise, really neat! You can see some more traditional Japanese clothing/style mixed with modern (I’d feel a lot better about this assumption if some could tell exactly what the heck he’s wearing, but I get traditional Japan warrior vibes from it) in his look which was super neat! Other than that, if you like him, please tell me why because I don’t get. He was just kinda eh. 5/10
AHHH MY BOY YASSS WHOOO!! Neon Leon (2018)
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Okay, I loved Ben Schwarts already from Parks and Rec but like him being Sonic AND Leo, like DUDE. He’s super funny by himself but teamed up with this shows writing and animation, it makes it hilarious. I literally love this Leo so much, maybe because we’re alike but honestly, he’s amazing. I love his design with the red and yellow crescents accenting his skin and livening up his color pallet. He has a very healthy and natural dynamic with his brothers, he’s the first to know what’s wrong and tries his best to make up for his actions. This is really prominent in the most recent episodes, along with the episode portal jacked. In both, Leo is separated from his brothers. Portal Jacked is in a more literal sense, while Air Turtle handles in more of an emotional sense. While both are brief, Leo sees his error and tries his best to make it up to them. I love his dynamic so much and it’s so nice to see something like this compared to the unnecessary drama and tension between the brothers in the previous series. It’s refreshing and this is something a younger audience needs to see; instead of fighting, it’s better to work together and improve yourself along the way. Improvement is a big theme for Leo here. He’s a goofball, makes jokes at every opportunity and isn’t quite skilled at fighting or using his weapon. But he grows over time, he learns to manage his power and he’s working on mastering it. He’s trying to put aside his narcissism more and focuses on his family. I think the approach they took with him rising to leader rather than slapping it on his forehead was the goddamn best decision they could make. He’s making plans, finding loopholes, helping out and getting out of his comfort zone. I cannot stress how well this show has handled Leo, along with the other characters. I can’t wait to see more episodes about his growth and I am awarding him with one of the greatest honors I could give... 10/10
Storytime: I drew a super cute 2012 Leo, you should look at him. Shameless self-promo, but you should follow me on my main blog bc I’m nice and I draw pretty pictures. Also. I have a little 2012 Leo Happy Meal toy??? I think??? guarding my window and he’s been there for YEARS. I need to bring him in and refresh his paint job.
Wow! I didn’t expect this many requests for Leo, so the blog will be momentarily spammed with the requests, but it shouldn’t be too much! Up next should be the last turtle (Mikey) and then we can get to some REALLY great requests I’m eager to answer. As usual, please comment and reblog! I’d love to hear your opinion!
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Back to you (Chapter III)
Summary:  Y/N Stark and Peter Parker are unconditionally in love with each other, being friends for years was just the step before making it official. BUT, just the weekend they became official Thanos and the snap happened, leaving Y/N broken: without friends, avengers family or Peter Parker. So, she has to move on, at least that’s what everyone’s telling her and she really tries to do it and who better to help her than Harry Osborn. But, has she really let Peter go? What if Tony Stark -genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist- knows how to bring Peter back? And what happens when he does? Is Y/N going to avenge again? Who’s going to lead the avengers now? Who is she going to choose? Harry or Peter? and who the hell is mysterio? *He doesn’t even go here*
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word count: 9.8 k
author’s note: THIS WAS THE LONGEST ONE YET I MEAN. **EDIT: If you want to read my best fucking fluff ever go to the last flashback of Peter and Y/N and let me know what you think I hope you really really like it.** I feel like I need to mention that for me Harry looks like Brad from SPFFH and a little bit like the guy from  Ariana’s Grande Music Video of break-up with your boyfriend but nottt that smug? I don’t know, I just think they are a good reference for the character of Harry. Plus, I wanted to make him a little bit more human here and what was his role in helping Y/N move on but also see how a d o r i n g her relationship was with Peter. I actually had to cut off two scenes that I had originally planned to write because I didn’t want to make it too long. Please let me know what you think about it if you liked it OR hated it. Whatever you want but your comments make my daaay so tryy ok bye. Love, -J. 
series masterlist
Peter really didn’t give much thought about how often he looked at you, he knew he was in permanently awestruck with you, with you just being yourself and he tried to keep it together as much as he could but sometimes he failed miserably. But how could you blame him? Especially now, how you look fixed on your presentation as Mrs. Warren listen to you carefully talking about the no-hair theorem about black holes, how the words would roll out of your tongue, how your brows bumped together as you watch MJ placing the wrong slide but then smiling as soon as she fixed it right away, how your voice was soft but determined and how your hands would do little movements that you didn’t even know you did to emphasize your words. Sometimes, Peter liked to think he could tell anyone how you looked and acted, and that he would describe you so well that anyone who was listening would picture you exactly as you were, he felt proud that he knew every curve and straight line of your body and mind. 
“Penis Parker,” Flash whispered as Peter got out of his trance and looked to his right side to see Flash with a smug expression drawn on his face. “Could you stop drooling over Y/N? I think you creamed your pants” Flash snickered while Peter simply rolled his eyes.
He could feel the warmth creeping up his cheeks as well as the shame, quickly he looked down to his phone trying to brush off Flash comments about you, he knew it could be worse if he paid any attention to him. See, Peter knew Flash was insecure and that’s why he said what he said and acted that way, it was better than before and since Peter knew this, he should take the high road, at least that’s what Captain America had told him and so he had followed his advice, although it was getting harder every time. 
But not for Ned. 
“Jealous, Flash?” Ned fired back at Flash whose smile dropped the second he heard Ned who instead had a smile on his face. “Are you jealous about all the time Y/N wants to spend with Peter? Get the clue!”
“dUde!” Peter whispered as he gently tapped Ned’s shoulder who shrugged as a sudden flicker of revelation crossed Flash’s face. 
“What?” Flash said loud and clear for all the class to hear while you finish your presentation, everyone turning around to see the scene.
Peter just wanted to die right there and then. 
Peter didn’t like that people talked about you two, he didn’t like people to insinuate things and it wasn’t because that he wouldn’t like for it to happen, but he knew how much you valued privacy and in general, how your avenger family valued it. 
Tony knew since the very beginning that he wanted to shield you as much as he could from anything and so he did, you were enrolled in a private school on Malibu until Tony became Iron Man, after that you were homeschooled until you came to New York and met Peter one year after that. 
Don’t get me wrong, you did know people and had friends or acquaintances from your time in Malibu, other heirs, and heiresses that you went to school with but never anyone got too close to you. Firstly, because of your acquire a taste of keeping everything to yourself and enjoying your time alone; plus, being removed from school when you were too young also helped. Secondly, because being the daughter of a billionaire turned hero was an aphrodisiac for danger. The question popped into Tony’s, Happy’, Pepper’s and Rhodey’s mind for years as you grew up: how can we keep her safe? After the avengers, became the avengers it was even harder, how it roamed into every single avenger’s mind as well. Tony suffered really extreme panic attacks because of it, he couldn’t do the same as Clint because people knew you existed but oh, how he wished he could. Nonetheless, when you began avenging and then Peter came into the picture, Tony’s anguish reduced significantly, enough to enroll you into Midtown by Sophomore year, which was especially a new world for you. 
But it still had its problems. 
You knew you were known, you knew that a paparazzi could catch you and from time to time, you went to a few events and gave a few interviews too and well, you understood because you were an avenger and the daughter of Tony Stark, but you never really experienced something like what you had experienced when you arrived at Midtown. I mean, Peter Parker was a little bit star-struck when he met you, mostly because he was enamored by you the second your eyes connected at your lab when Tony was giving Peter the tour to Stark Tower but arriving at Midtown tech was a whole new thing. 
People were actually taking pictures of you from a distance, some boys and girls had a crush on you as you walked by with Peter and Ned, even teachers were a bit dazed as you answered questions at classes -although you liked to believe it was because you were really advanced against the others in class- and some others whispered and spread rumors that went to magazines, which annoyed you the most.
An heiress that had been kept from the public, turn avenger, turn a student of Midtown while still avenging? You were new meat and people wanted to know more about you. A lot of tabloids went out every couple of months with news about you, about your normal behavior, about how you acted after a mission, how did you dressed, how you decided to spend your time and sometimes who you were hanging out with. There was even a tabloid that published that you were in a secret relationship with Bucky because he had picked you up from school one time -he was actually picking you up as a punishment from a bet with Sam-, but it wasn’t the kind of rumor that was light in the avenger’s household. You had gotten so mad that you had decided to ditch school for two weeks and just hanged on your lab alone, that’s when Peter knew you were sensible to the topic. 
So, as you were walking towards Peter and Flash after you had finished your presentation, Peter wanted to grab you right there and then and swing you away from what could happen because of what Ned had said. 
“It’s there something wrong?”, you asked as you sat right beside Ned, MJ followed you and sat next to you. 
“Nothing happened!” Peter blurted out before Ned could open his mouth as he rolled his eyes at Peter and sighed, Peter had a serious case of blushing as he glared at Ned and then cleared his throat as your eyes connected. 
You examined Peter and how his gaze filled with panic and concerned as soon as he saw you, but he quickly moved his eyes down trying to avoid it as he fidgeted with his fingers, he was hunched over to look smaller and he sighed defeatedly. Flash said something to Peter, was the first thing that crossed your mind.
You knew Peter better than anyone, so it wasn’t as hard for you to read him right away, you could always do it with how much time you spent together and how being partners made you even closer. Plus, the fact that you really loved him, helped a lot. 
“Okay…”, you muttered as you watched Flash gazing at you with inquisitiveness. You turned to watch MJ gazing back and forth between Peter, Flash, and Ned, trying to get all the information she could from the interaction.
When you both locked gazes, you nodded at each other and continued to hear the other presentations without saying a word for the rest of the class. Peter would’ve liked to think that you didn’t gave it a second thought and that you simply moved on with it, that you didn’t realized how crazy his heartbeat was going, how flushed he was because of it and how Flash’s gaze was piercing your side as he watched back and forth between you and Peter.
So, Peter found himself dumbfounded, to say the least, the moment that you pinned Flash against the classroom wall as soon as Mrs. Warren had left the room, and everyone was changing classes. At the moment, you didn’t care if someone saw you but were done with Flash’s behavior for a while now, you knew it came from a pLaCe oF InSecUrItY and you really thought the kid wasn’t that bad, it had gotten a lot better than before you arrived at Midtown but you were done and ready for him to stop harassing Peter.  
And if Peter wasn’t going to do it, you were going to do it. 
“Woah Woah Y/N, what the hell??”, Flash shrieked you pressed a bit harder against his neck with your forearm.
This was going to get you in trouble and you didn’t even care at the moment as you glared at Flash. 
“Leave Peter alone, got it, Thompson?” 
“Y/N!”, Peter burst before he placed a hand on your back, his gaze quickly took a look at the whole class that was watching you, everyone was shocked by the scene. 
Peter was worried, you were technically an avenger and he didn’t know how the school would take if you attacked a student in the middle of the day, on school property, to defend your best friend. You were being trained by assassins and spies while poor Flash couldn’t even pass gym class. He was thinking of grabbing you quickly and leaving the room and he could, but if he showed half of the strength he had in the classroom, people could get suspicious, so he remained frozen behind you. 
“I, I-”, Flash managed to let out in little yelps as he seemed bug-eyed by the scene. 
“Thompson, say you understand or help me god I will call Spider-man and all the other avengers to kick your ass”, you barked one more time before the boy simply nodded and you let go of him.
Flash fell to the ground as he coughed, you didn’t like to do and you didn’t enjoy it that but at this moment your only thought was Peter, how to stop Flash from harassing Peter over and over again, it was a one-time thing, you hoped and as you saw Flash, you couldn’t help to think that he finally got a clue. Quickly, you offered your hand for him to stand up, Flash’s forehead puckered as he examined you for a second but when saw how your face softened he took it. 
You helped him stood up and gave him a smirk before you turned around grabbing Peter’s hand, who was completely startled by what you had done and quickly walked out of the classroom, trying to ignore the incredulous gazes of your classmates. 
“Sweet”, MJ let out as she smirked while Peter and you walked away. 
“I think the best course of action for us is to replace all of the aqueducts on the buildings rather than change it bit by bit because it’s just putting a band-aid on a bullet injury, it’s better to get over with it quickly”, you addressed as you gazed at the blueprints of the building that you had bought in California with Harry in order to begin the constructions for the center. 
It had been a wild ride, two months had passed since your first meeting with Harry and it was going well, including your dates. You couldn’t believe how smart and business savvy he was, he remained you of Pepper a lot and how he sternly thought his next step and everyone else’s, he was always ahead of the game. You could understand now how he felt a bit better once his father was gone, you couldn’t imagine someone supervising him. Moreover, he was sweet, and he made you laugh, which it might sound a little bit cliché, but you didn’t need more for the moment, you just wanted someone who could awake the butterflies in your stomach and tingles in your body that before only Peter had been able to do so. 
“But, Mrs. Stark it would delay the entire set up of the medical wing and the lounge area”, Brad whined as he stared at you with his eyebrows bumped together while you watched him carefully. 
You raised your eyebrow because you knew this wasn’t his problem, you had gotten to know him better.
He sneered, which made you feel icky. 
“We would spend more money, we would have to pay more people to fix it and that means more days of work, more money spend on materials, etc.”
“We have the money to fix it and we can do a better job; don’t you remember why we are doing this?” you asked.
“But do we have to?”
You could feel the temperature rising on your body as your annoyance grew, you even felt how your right eye twitched a bit as the young man waited for your answer with an irreverent look on his face. You didn’t like Brad too much if you were being honest and he was getting under your skin recently as he protested every little thing you said, it was as if someone was giving him money for each time he disagreed with you. Usually, Harry would intervene seeing that he was his friend and you didn’t say much because you didn’t want to waste your energy on an asshole like him. 
But boy, it was getting harder. 
“I wanted it this way, do you want to serve children water that might not be in the best quality? Would you like for that water to be used on the hospital wing? Or even worse, it could cause damage to the structure which could mean evacuation. We can ask for help on the hospitals nearby while paying them and the educational area can be reduced while we fix this”, you answered dryly. “Our main goal is to have the residence wing and educational wing ready to begin as soon as possible”
Brad looked at you for a few seconds with a dour expression plastered on his face, his mouth seemed like a line before he turned around and whined once more. 
“But, Harry…” 
Harry rolled his eyes as the rest of the meeting sighed again and you could feel your body filling with anger.
“Hey dipshit, I’m right here you can complain to me”, you growled as Brad quickly turned around astonished by your words.
Harry smirked as his eyes gleamed with anticipation. In the few months you had spent with Harry and getting to know each other, he had come to learn that you were a hardcore intersectional feminist and how it had become a passion for you to learn about the topic as such a young age, it really coincided with the making of your own suit. You began reading ‘The Second Sex’ by Simone de Beauvoir while you waited for J.A.R.V.I.S to scan the different models you created for recalibrating your suit. Finding this social movement somehow encouraged you to realize your value, how smart and kind and badass you were, you got to know yourself, be 100% you without following society’s norms. 
But that was before you entered a field were although people knew you were an avenger and a businesswoman, men like Brad still wanted to talk over you. 
“She’s right, she’s the owner of this and she’s the smartest person I know, we are going to do what she says, and you need to start treating her as she is your boss because she is” Harry answered. “Brad, you will respond to her directly, not to me” 
Brad looked astonished as he saw Harry’s severe expression while you fought the urge to smirk. 
But he didn’t say a word and the meeting continued, the only thing that changed was that Brad’s mouth didn’t open for the rest of the meeting. Everyone left the room as soon as you planned the next steps for the project and you couldn’t help to keep an eye on how quickly Brad leave. 
Harry walked to your side as you picked up your documents, he looked so damn good in his nice tailored suit, his broad shoulders relaxed as soon as he gazed at you while he placed a strand of your hair on the back of your ear and you smiled. 
“You are not allowed to compliment me anymore in business meetings. It’s too nice and patronizing”, you finally said as you closed your bag and threw it over your shoulder while you stared at him with a coy smile, Harry simply rolled his eyes.
“I can’t help it”, he chuckled as he took a hold of your hand and played with it, you felt your heartbeat stammering on your chest but then you saw him clearing his throat as he looked a bit more unsettled. “You want to go out to my place tonight? I know you don’t have to go to NY until tomorrow” Harry finally let out. 
“How do you know I’m not going back today?”
“I heard H.A.P.P.Y reading your agenda today before the meeting” Harry answered, while you chuckled. 
You had been going out and you knew each other more and more but this was the first date at someone’s place, at first you didn’t really know what to say, not because it was uncomfortable to you but mainly because you felt eager about it, which you never thought you would. You knew nothing was going to happen, you knew your limits, but the fact that it didn’t make you feel repelled about it surprised you. 
It had been over a year since your first time with Peter and you thought you could never experience that earth-shattering feeling with no one else but Peter Parker.
But apparently, Harry was changing your world. 
“Sure”, you said with a smile, you saw how Harry simply let out a long breathe and he grinned. 
“Sweet”, he said with a smirk as you both exited the meeting room.
You had been on small missions before, mostly scouting different locations where HYDRA could’ve been operating, sometimes you found some HYDRA agents and you had managed to do your job: you had kicked their asses. Peter and you still felt like a million dollars when Tony or Steve would congratulate you on your work. After all, you had begun officially training as an avenger just one year prior and Peter had entered the avenger’s life just six months before. 
But when you arrived at the compound after Happy picked Peter and you from school, you couldn’t have imagined what you were about to do. 
“So, you want us there?”, you blurted out as you stared dumbfoundedly at Tony, Steve and Nick Fury who were presiding the meeting.
Peter gulped as he examined the scene and the avengers that were present: Rhodey, Wanda, Bruce, Clint, Vision, Natasha, Sam, and Bucky. Peter felt his heart skipping a beat, this was the first big mission Mr. Stark had given him, without counting the Vulture off course that was off the record. Now, he was going to finally have his debut as an avenger. He had been training non-stop for this day to come, each week harder and harder and he had proven himself to Tony and the other avengers. 
Plus, he couldn’t be happier to experience it with you. 
“Why do you think I call you kids?”, Tony answered rhetorically as he gave you a smirk. 
You couldn’t help but smirk back at him.
“You are going to be very careful nonetheless, Mrs. Stark” Nick Fury added with his permanent frown. 
It had been your dream to be an official avenger since Tony had become one since you saw the shift in his heart and his purpose. After all the time you had been overprotected, after all the time your dad had denied you to go out into the field, after all your effort to build your suit from scratch, after all the hours of training with Nat and Peter, after proving yourself with small missions and then doing neighborhood duty with Peter, after all, you were finally being taken seriously, it was all for this moment. 
And you couldn’t be happier that you got to experience it with Peter. 
“What’s the mission?”, you asked joyously as a smile grew on your face.
The mission was simple but dangerous as well, Tony had been very clear that you should not engage into any fighting unless he ordered you to do so or if the circumstances presented themselves where you had to fight. The place of the mission? An underground laboratory in Kosovo, Southeastern of Europe. Fury explained that the remaining agents of the HYDRA nest that the Avengers had attacked before Ultron, where Wanda and Pietro had been kept as well as Loki’s Scepter, had escaped to the new country. SHIELD believed they still had some of the scepter’s energy which gave Wanda and her brother their powers. Nonetheless, they soon found out they were taking test subjects by force, no one had survived the energy of the scepter before.
“To be extremely clear, we are on a rescue mission”, Steve announced as he dropped the file with info in front of you and another one for Peter, in order to get all the intel. “Both of you have been tasked to find the subjects and secure them while we neutralize the enemy”. 
While you examined the file, you felt Peter’s hand over yours which startled you. You gazed back at him and he was giving you a small smile. Those once that you loved, you couldn’t help to smile back at him. 
After the meeting ended and Steve ordered you to get ready, Peter and you ran to your rooms and pack everything that was needed. It didn’t take you long enough since you were almost the first ones to enter the quinjet, behind Steve and Fury. You completely suited up while you barely contained your happiness as you sat down and strapped yourself to your sit. You grabbed Peter’s hand and both of your hands intertwined, Peter, giving you a toothy smile. 
Your heart couldn’t help but skip a bit as you saw Peter, his chocolate eyes had little honey specks that you loved, how his curls looked kind of messy because he had taken his mask off and how they were a little too long, long enough for them to fall a little bit before his eyebrows, how good he looked with the few freckles he had under his eyes and how bright his smile was. Plus, it didn’t hurt that his skin-tight red and blue suit fitted him perfectly, framing his body and allowing you to have a good look at his muscles. 
While you were proud of your suit, you had been working on it to make it a little less like Tony’s and a version that suited you better. It was way lighter than Tony’s, and it was more fitted to your frame, it had been hard making it smaller since you still needed the whole energy that you usually had but the last few test runs had gone okay. 
“Why are you already suit up?” Tony asked you while he arched a sly brow. “We are going to take like four hours to get there, kid. Take it easy.”
You quickly let go of Peter’s hand as you watched Tony carefully leaving the case that contained his suit, your brows bumped together in a scowl. As you watched Wanda, Nat and everyone else walking inside the quinjet with no suit, you felt the blush creeping through your cheeks.
“Well, Steve is suit-up”, you protested a bit as you undo your belt and stood up. 
Quickly, you pressed your temple as your suit opened up, letting you out of it and then closing again, while Peter rummaged through his backpack looking for a sweatshirt to put over it his suit. Nat chuckled once she saw you and Peter. 
“That’s because Steve’s a dork”, Nat whispered making Tony laugh and Peter crouch a little bit more on his sit while you rolled your eyes.
Nonetheless, soon it all became business and suiting up. Everyone was discussing little kinks and details of the missions, Wanda and Bucky were even practicing combat training with her powers while Tony was hanging out with Wanda and Nat as they drank some coffee and went over the layout of the territory. You, on the other hand, had been going over and over again your plan with Peter, he believed and knew for a fact you already knew it by heart, but he was aware that you were kind of anxious and tense about it. 
He had already gone after the Vulture while you hadn’t done it yet. You began to panic as time passed and you got closer and closer to Kosovo and you began to realize how serious it actually was, your dad had allowed being here with almost every avenger and asked you to be there. It was real, and it was dawning on the weight of it. Peter could’ve sworn he saw a little bit of Tony’s anxiety on your eyes, gleaming, that restless sense that Tony carried with him, he had passed it to you. Therefore, Peter simply stayed with you, listen to you, nodded, talk when he needed to talk but most of all tried to calm you down by being his easy-going self. 
Until Steve decided that he needed a word with him. 
“I have to take Queens with me,” Steve said as he placed his hand on Peter’s shoulder, making you both look up to him. As you heard Steve’s words you frowned. “It will be for just a moment Y/N”
“Fine…”, you huffed as you walked towards Nat and hugged her from behind in order to get some, much needed, comfort without having to actually talk about it. 
Peter quickly stood up and looked at Steve, a little bit jumpy because he was getting direct orders by Captain America himself and he wanted to be as respectful as he could about it. 
“Peter, I don’t think I need to remain you about the protocols for protecting the civilians or how to take care of guns, I think you know them by heart, kid”, Steve said as he crossed his arms. 
“I do, sir. Cap-Captain America” Peter answered promptly as he stumbled on his own words.
Steve smiled a bit and nodded. “But I think I haven’t talked about the Y/N protocol,” Steve said as he sighed and sat down next to Peter, inviting him to do so as well. “Y/N, she is passionate about avenging although she hasn’t done it for very long or on a very large scale, but, we know she will give her everything in every mission because that’s the person she is”. 
Peter nodded, he could feel his back muscles tensing and he didn’t know why he got a feeling like if Steve was going to tell him something that you wouldn’t want to know. Soon, Peter’s eyes drifted towards you as he kept listening to Steve go on about you. 
“Peter, what I want to say is that you need to keep her in check. I know both of you will go all in because that’s the kind of person you are. Nonetheless, we need you to take care of each other and think about your next move and how to protect one another, okay?”
Peter couldn’t help to notice how your smile made your eyes close a little bit and how your chin would go a little bit up with it, almost as if it was a reflex. He couldn’t help to notice how ready and badass and sublime you looked with the suit you had built yourself. How your Y/H/C hair fell on the grey nitinol and how your act reactor brightened your face, how your nose scrunches up a bit while Nat and Wanda hugged you and the sound of your laugh too was striking. 
Without warning, you realized that he was looking at you and your gazes linked up. 
Peter, not knowing any better on how to be smooth, gave you a faint smile, it was bliss for you and he felt the same when a smile dangled on the corner of your lips. 
Oh god, he was so falling in love with you and he couldn’t help it. 
“Eyes up here, Queens,” Steve’s said as he couldn’t help but to shake his head when saw the both of you while a gob-smacked Peter turned around quickly. 
You groaned as soon as the elevator door opened, and you walked into the Stark’s Tower apartment with Harry walking behind you, barely as tired as you were. Harry had only been into the Stark Tower household one time before, where you had introduced him to your family, but it had been only for about an hour of formal conversation before he had to go back to California and continue working. Now, you hadn’t actually told Pepper or Tony that Harry would be coming over that day but at the moment you couldn’t careless because of how tired you were.
Harry and you had been working non-stop into the project for the last six months and he had decided to go to New York in order to visit the center that you had created one more time in order to get a sense of the environment you wanted to create in the new west-side facility. It had been a long day, playing with kids, giving one of the classes, talking and having conferences with staff and volunteers, attending support group meetings that you had, meetings with other sponsors on the east coast, etc. 
It wasn’t until 11:00 p.m. that you were finally gone for the day and instead of making Harry stay in his hotel, you decided that you wanted to invite him over. It had been a while since you had been seeing each other in a little bit more serious note than ever before and you thought that the honeymoon phase was finally kicking in. You were feeling less and less guilty of holding his hands as you walked or less and less guilty of kissing him. It sounds bad, I know it does, but you couldn’t help when your mind brought back those chocolate eyes with honey specks to your mind or his chocolate curls or his freckles or his nose, or… well, Peter Parker himself. 
But it was getting better, you weren’t seeing Peter everywhere and all the time anymore. 
“I’m soooooooo done with everything”, you grumbled as you shook your head while taking your shoes off and leaving them in the entrance hall. 
Harry was as tired as you, the bags under his eyes were getting noticeable and he had only been with you a whole week. But it was part of dating you, you were usually a night owl that loved waking up early in order to take advantage of the day, the only one that didn’t like the routine as much as you? Your own body that at the moment was screaming for you to lay down somewhere in the house and eat something. 
The only problem and question at the moment was: what did you prefer: sleeping or eating?
“Do you want me to cook you something?” Harry asked earnestly.
He was an amazing cook and if you knew that he wasn’t that tired, you would have definitely asked him for one of those acai bowls he did that made your mouth watered by the thought of it. But as you saw him, taking off his jean jacket with his black sleek hair a little bit messier than in his usual put-together style and with those dark circles decorating his face, you knew you didn’t have the heart to make the boy do something else.
“No, don’t worry”, you said as you grabbed a random hoodie that was on the kitchen, that probably belonged to your dad or… Peter, well they were technically yours as you had systematically stolen them from him years prior. “I’ll make some popcorn on the microwave, go ahead and sit down on the living room. We can watch a movie”
Harry nodded as he rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands and simply followed your command.
“Put on something we don’t care about since we are clearly going to fall asleep”, you said a little bit loud as you placed the popcorn on the microwave.
As you waited, you felt a knot in your stomach as your mind flashed to many of the movie nights you had with Peter. He knew that movies were your favorite thing ever, even before reading, you loved to analyze and learn everything about them, so he indulged you by watching any movie you invited him too. But on days when you were too tired, he would pick movies you had seen before or movies that were maybe bad for your taste for you not to miss a thing, you had learned about it after a while and you smiled to yourself as he had created that tradition. 
Your thoughts dissipated as soon as the microwave began beeping and you quickly took out the popcorn and filled the bowl with it before walking towards the living room. You felt like your legs were giving up as you walked towards Harry who was waiting for you, blinking slowly as he smiled once he saw you and smelled the popcorn.
“That smells so good, I was craving these” Harry said as you placed them on the table in front of you and sighed and finally flopped over him. 
Harry let out a breathy laugh as you landed on his torso, in such an awkward position but you didn’t care at the moment, you just knew your body had to rest otherwise you wouldn’t be able to do anything but just nap the next day and you couldn’t afford to do that.
“I’m so tired, please just hold me”, you muttered as Harry accommodated you with his strong arms, he laid your head on his chest and moved down a bit, so you could be comfortable.
You could only hum as you place a quick peck on his neck and he gave you a sweet smile, giving you a real peck as he was grabbing the popcorn while you asked F.R.I.D.A.Y. to start the movie. 
“You chose Twilight?”, you snorted as you saw the movie starting with Bella’s narration and Harry rolled his eyes. 
“You told me to choose something we wouldn’t care about,” Harry said as you laughed. 
“I know what I said, I just never figured you would choose this one”, you could barely hold in your smile as you continue to laugh. 
Harry couldn’t help but to laugh along with you and as you giggled to yourself, you couldn’t help to notice the way he was looking at you, it was as if he was seeing something for the first time and you realized you hadn’t had a laughing fit with him. Basically, you hadn’t laugh like this since Peter and you felt like your chest was going to explode by the way he was looking at you. The laughter died down as you both stared into each other’s eyes and for the first time in a while, you managed to feel in cloud nine, you quickly placed your hand on Harry’s slaying jaw and pulled him in for a kiss. 
It was a demanding kiss as you pressed your lips together, Harry had those lips that few boys had, lips that were voluptuous enough to be noticeable but not too much, lips that you knew were soft and that would taste like cotton candy the moment they touched yours. The kiss was enticing, the way he moved his lips against yours, you didn’t stop for a while as he pulled a little bit your hair and you moved with rhythm. 
In the end, you had to pull back to catch you breathe. 
“Is it okay then?” Harry whispered.
You simply nodded and smiled, you thought that you might be ready for more for the first time in a while. But you didn’t want to give it much thought as you turned around and focused on the movie. 
It didn’t take long before you were knocked out cold in Harry’s chest. 
Harry was enticed by you and he felt in seventh heaven as he watched you sleeping peacefully in his arms. There was something about you that made his heart feel so full of love and excitement and he couldn’t pin down the exact moment he had fallen in love with you, but he was sure about what he was feeling. 
Harry didn’t want to wake you up by moving so he decided to stay like that as he ate the popcorn and actually did watch the movie. He was very into it but the sound of the automatic doors opening brought him back to reality as he saw Tony walking into the living room with a hostile expression on his face, his eyes narrowed to crinkled slits as he saw you too in the sofa. 
Harry gulped. “Good evening Mr. Stark, I- um” Harry stumbled into his words, he normally didn’t but then again, he wasn’t talking to anyone, he was talking to Tony Stark, your dad, and Iron Man.
“Good evening to you Mr. Osborn” Tony answered respectfully as he crossed his arms. 
“Y/N told me I could stay over, but I still have my room in the hotel if you don’t feel comfortable”, Harry stuttered. “I completely understand”
Tony didn’t actually know how to feel about it, it wasn’t like he didn’t like Harry because he did, he gave you another thing to be happy about apart from business and you had been doing so well the last few months that you had been talking to him. But there was something that bothered him, and he couldn’t put a pin to it. Moreover, he saw how you were collapse on Harry’s chest and he couldn’t risk waking you up, so he simply began shaking his head and waved his hand. 
“No need, kid. Stay there.” Tony managed to say. “Do you want me to bring you a blanket?”
Harry swallowed hard and simply nodded, as Tony gave him a tight smile and then proceeded to exit the room as quickly as he could without making too much noise. As Tony grabbed the blanket from one of the closets, he figured out what was bothering him so much, his heart squeezing a bit as he realized it: It was Peter, you always used to fall asleep watching movies with Peter. 
You didn’t remember much from the attack of Scorpion or what had actually happened for you to end up in the medical wing with an IV glued to your arm and nasal cannulas decorating your face, plus a bonus: an overwhelming pain on the left side of your body. But you did remember a few details.
For example, you knew that before you blacked out completely, you had fired your repulsor against Scorpion, managing to hit both his tail and leg, making him fall on the ground with a growl that seemed more animalistic than before. On the other hand, Peter had fired his taser webs in order to completely neutralize him and it had worked because after a few seconds his green and reddish eyes were closed. After months of attack after attack, you had managed to stop him all alone without any reinforcement which made it even better. 
You had finally completed an alone mission with Peter and you felt your heart pounding in your chest, you didn’t actually know if it was your heart or the adrenaline or just pure and utter joy as your suit quickly dematerialized from your body as Peter landed a few meters away from you. You wanted to run towards him, you wanted him to scoop you as you crashed into his body with a smile plastered in both of your faces as you celebrated because it was yours. 
Peter and you had done it. 
But before you could utter any word of joy, there was a sharp plunged on the left side of your body and before you knew it, everything went dark. 
“He wasn’t completely down” Peter’s voice startled you, he was standing up from the sofa of the room. 
He had been crying, you could see it and it made your heart squeeze a bit on your chest as he yawned and got closer to you. Peter hated seeing you hurt or injured, it was one of the worst things that could happen to him -or no, not one but the worst thing that could happen to him-. He had been waiting for you to wake-up and he hadn’t been able to get out of the room, it didn’t matter that he had some injuries too, he didn’t care, he only cared about being by your side as soon as you woke-up. 
“No shit, Sherlock”, you answered with a smirk as you still felt how the left side of your body began to throb. “What did you do, then?”
But Peter didn’t smile, he had a sullen expression drawn on his face as he passed a hand through his curls. He hated himself because of what had happened with you and how he couldn’t avoid it. He had been thinking about it none stop and the debrief of the incident had him on the verge of tears as he recalled how you had been thrown, without your suit and like a rag doll to one side of the street. Tony tried to tell him that these kinds of things happen on the job and that he was simply glad that Peter was there to take care of you like he had done in the attack prior to this one. 
But Peter was still mad at himself. 
“I- I tried to catch you and, I, I stopped you from hitting the façade of the building full force but, um-I didn’t manage to really catch you so -um- you still collapsed on the street” Peter mumbled, avoiding eye contact with you. “After that, I just…”
Peter didn’t really know how to explain it, he believed it was almost a black-out because he honestly didn’t remember much from it. He believed he was in shock from seeing how you were pushed by Scorpion’s tail, but a few seconds later and he realized that he had almost finished Scorpion off. He didn’t really know how he did it, but he had managed with his bare arms to rip Scorpion’s tail from the rest of his weird biological suit. He had heard Scorpion’s cries and growls, but he didn’t care at the moment, he placed more and more taser webs and then… then he had kicked him and punched him full force until Peter was completely sure that he was passed out. 
It scared him a bit, to see what his force could do, he had never lost control like that. 
“I just, I just asked K.A.R.E.N to call everyone and, I, I took your suit and then carried you here.” Peter managed to let out as he sat next to you. 
If we were being honest, it hadn’t been that easy. He broke down the moment he saw you laying in the pavement, not moving and he was sure that if he hadn’t felt your heart from where he was standing he would have lost it. He didn’t have to think twice before telling K.A.R.E.N. that Steve and Nat had to pick-up Scorpion on the 54th street in Manhattan and that Tony needed to go to the compound as soon as he could because you were injured. Without a second thought, he managed to take off your necklace and made your suit materialized over him, he took you with extreme care and then flew as fast as he could towards the compound. 
“Peter, I …”, were the only words you managed to say as you tried to lift up your left arm more than before but was quickly cut off by the piercing pain. 
Peter panicked a bit and he almost jumped into the hospital bed with you, he got closer to your side, but he wanted to avoid touching you, he didn’t want to hurt you, so he restrained himself and just watched carefully as you breathe out the pain. 
Without saying any words, you began to roll up the hospital gown slowly and steadily. For any reason, you wanted to see how bad it had gotten because the pain was a bit too much, even for you, that at the time you had gotten used to being kicked, cut, battered and whatnot on the battlefield. It came with your chosen path and you were okay with it, but it never stopped annoying you when you realize how fragile you could actually be sometimes. 
This was one of them because you didn’t expect how bad it looked. 
It began on your hip bone, the reddish color tainted your skin on the outer side, it barely reached your bellybutton and you couldn’t help to feel a bit startled as you passed your fingers over it, getting higher and higher. You could only see a dark and purple-stained on the majority of your left side and you were sure it reached your back because you didn’t saw an end to it. It was vile the way it spread over your body and it barely finished on your breast, it was all purple-black and you winced at the thought of how fast you had lost consciousness.  
You quickly snapped out of it as you gazed at Peter.
He was a mess. 
He had this shadowy look in his eyes as he watched carefully, his eyes barely spilling all the tears he had been holding back for the last two hours where he had managed to keep it together. You seemed so small to him right now and all he wanted to do was going back in time to avoid it. He didn’t know how to make it better and it seemed as if he had a hopeless pit in his stomach. But he wanted to do anything, something so badly that it seemed like a reflex as he leaned forward to your body.
You blinked and held your breath as Peter leaned down and lightly kissed the top of the freshly formed bruise, his lips soft against your skin and you felt short of breath as he continued to do so, covering the majority of the large bruise with his pecks. He didn’t even think about it, but he was determined to make it better and it seemed like the most proper way to do so. None of his kisses on your skin hurt, they were light and indulgent but with a hunger to it, a hunger to heal you and you couldn’t help to quiver as his lips climbed your body. He meticulously went through the dark blotch in your body, enticed by the feeling that it would work and somehow it did. 
He didn’t open his eyes for a few seconds after he finished and stood up again, it had taken him all his will power to stop kissing your body and he needed to focus his senses once more because he had been lost on it. On the other hand, you felt like you could melt in Peter Parker’s mouth and nothing would be wrong in the world, you would just let it be because the way your body was buzzing at the moment… it was heavenly.
“Peter”, you whispered shakily, and he opened his eyes.
Those dark chocolate eyes gleamed with, just… love. He was so grateful that you were okay, that you had woken up with him in the room, he was grateful that you were breathing okay, that you had managed to talk and to be yourself, that you had allowed him to kiss your body as you had done because it was heaven for him. Being with you, having you in your life was the best thing that happened to him. 
“Y/N…”, he whispered back.
Without previous notice, he leaned forward and placed his lips against yours for the first time. 
You finally sat on your office after a full morning of different meetings with the staff of the facility, trying to figure out what was the next step for the kids that were older and needed to move on, you knew that 99% percent of them decided to go to college, but it had been tricky since most universities shut down after the snap. It had been almost two years since you had begun your own organization and it was a topic that you hadn’t actually given much thought about it because the vastly majority of older kids during the time of the snap had managed themselves, so you had received mostly younger ones but now time had passed, things had changed and you had to really give it a thought. 
Mostly, it shocked you to the core to realize that you should’ve been in college by now with Peter, Ned, Mj, Flash, and Wanda.  You had obviously continued to study and learn, but you always had wanted that experience, but it slipped through your fingers. 
Nonetheless, you needed to take that weekend off since your father had arranged for you to go to Stark’s new household. Morgan was already two years old, she was growing each day with such a rapid rate that she was already talking like she was five, as Tony realized this he knew that he wanted Morgan to be surrounded by something different. And so, he had bought this huge cabin upstate, where he was spending most of his time now with Morgan and Pepper. 
You visited them as much as you could but being almost twenty-one years old, you had decided to stay in Stark Tower by yourself. You felt like you needed the space and he had allowed you to stay where you wanted to. You still had a room on the new cabin and your father had crafted it perfectly for you, so you loved spending long weekends with them but for you, it was simply a better arrangement to stay in New York. Plus, Pepper had to go almost every week and every day to keep working on Stark’s Industries which was still nice. 
But it was different nonetheless, the newly founded independency you had always thought about living with Peter by your side. But your thoughts dissipated as someone knocked on the door. 
“Come in”, you noted as you stood up from the chair and fixed your blazer but as soon as you raised your eyes, you couldn’t help to squeal as you saw Harry’s bright smile.
Harry was working on his new Latin American project and had been there for over a week, you talked and texted almost every day as always, but you couldn’t help to feel a bit lonely without him close to you. Over the last year, you had been spending so much time together either in California or in New York working on your project, but as the facility in California was done, Harry had decided to focus on his previous work.
“What are you doing here!”, you breamed as he embraced you in a hug with his strong arms. “I thought you wouldn’t be here until the end of the month”
Harry would wrap his arms around you and you felt safe with him, which was a new feeling you had with him. In the past, you had only felt like this with the other avengers, your father, your suit and Peter.
“I wanted to surprise you!” Harry said as he held you and then place a kiss on your forehead, you hummed as he did it. “Did I do a good job?”
You smirked as he let you go. “You did, thank you for coming back early”, you mused as you took a hold of his hand. “How was Colombia?”
Harry began talking about his trip, how the capital was recovering from the snap but mainly how nature began to take over the abandon parts of the city, which was crazy. He was so into it and you couldn’t help but smile as you heard him explaining everything. You knew how much work he had and how invested he had been into your project, it was only fair for him to take a step back and return to the thing that he felt passionate about, which was bioengineering. It didn’t bother you, you didn’t feel needy with him, but you couldn’t avoid missing him and that was why it made your heart warm, the thought that he had taken your feelings into account and came back earlier. 
“So, what are our plans then?” Harry asked when he finished telling you all about the trip. 
“H.A.P.P.Y, can you bring the car to the main entrance please?”, you whispered into the com in your ear and you winked at Harry who was biting his lip. 
“Road trip?”, he asked excitedly as he pulled you into him as began hearing your car approaching the main entrance. 
“Yes, we have to go Upstate to visit my father, Pepper, and Morgan”, you said as the car opened his doors and you walked towards it. “It’s going to be a few days and after that, we can come back to the apartment and hang out there”
“Sounds good to me”, Harry answered as he sat on the passenger’s seat and you buckle your seatbelt. 
The drive was breezy, Harry kept going on and on about his trip and how he wished that you could go with him in about a month. They were making so much progress and there was nothing that brightened his face this much. It was true, you hadn’t visited Latin America in a while and you thought it would be a good trip, but you couldn’t help to feel a pit on your stomach when you remember how everyone in Midtown had promised to go backpacking through Latin America for about a month before you enter college. How Peter and Ned were so excited to meet Colombia and Peru and how you had promised them that you would ask your father for the private jet, so you could go. 
But you tried to shake off the feeling, tried to shake off those beautiful chocolate eyes. 
It didn’t take long until you arrived upstate, it was really easy getting there and it was a beautiful day. The weather was warm, and the sun was shining, it was the perfect way to spend the weekend with people that you loved. Maybe, your dad wouldn’t be so happy with the idea of Harry staying over but at the moment you didn’t care because you really needed him to stop thinking about… wait, you thought to yourself as you parked the car into the driveway that was decorated with trees. 
“Impossible”, you muttered to yourself as Harry had a peering expression on his face while he looked at you. 
Meanwhile, your eyes were fixed in the scene in front of you: Steve, Nat, Tony with Morgan in his arms and someone else, someone that you knew for a fact was dead. It had been shown in the statistics that the avengers had recollected of the people who had been turned to dust by the snap and Scott Lang was one of them. Scott Lang was supposed to be dead. 
But no, there he was standing in the porch of the cabin along with Steve and Nat that had tight expressions drawn on their faces as they talked to your father. 
“Dad?”, you stuttered as everyone in the porch turned around to look at you and Harry who was behind. 
The way your voice cracked was a clear indication of your emotional state as your eyes didn’t leave Scott Lang for a second, you felt your knees getting weaker each second that it passed and sharp pain in your chest because your mind could only form one thought: Peter. 
Steve, Nat, and Scott remained quiet, they didn’t say a word as they stared at you and you couldn’t help to notice how Nat had a somber gleam on her eyes as she saw you, like she knew something was going to hurt you. But she didn’t say anything, none of them did, they didn’t even acknowledge Harry as you all stood there, the tension could be cut with a knife and it wouldn’t have gotten any better. 
“Y/N, Harry” Tony said as he stood up from the chair and walked towards you, his eyes burning you, the same gleam that Peter had seemed a couple of years ago was showing in both of your eyes, he opened his mouth and then shut it, his gaze traveled to Harry. “Harry… I, I’m sorry but it’s best for you to go” Tony stuttered as his eyes turned back to you. 
You were taken aback by Tony’s statement, as well as Harry but he could read the situation good enough and you couldn’t help it but he didn’t give one step away, instead, his eyes traveled to yours as you looked at him for a second and then back at Tony but in that second you saw your father’s gaze and you knew Harry couldn’t be here. Tony nodded for you to let him go. 
“I- I’m sorry… I’ll talk to you later”, you mumbled as you saw how his body stiffened at the remark. 
Harry nodded, he muttered a goodbye before he walked away and entered the car as he quickly backed it up and then turned around. You stayed still, your face stolid as you couldn’t help the feeling of wanting to puke your guts out right there and then, but you managed yourself, you swallowed and looked at Tony dead-eye as the sound came out of your mouth. 
“What’s going on?”
Tony clutched Morgan a little bit tighter as he breathed deeply, his eyes not leaving yours. 
“We can bring them back”
TAGLIST: @spideylovin​ @eridanuswave​ @featuringcone9​ @bethanystan​
141 notes · View notes
flightfoot · 4 years
Ladycat Ch. 4
Marinette bounded through the city, running over rooftops, falling to ground level to duck and weave through the city, then jumping up to roof level again when convenient. 
 The wind in her fur, the agility and grace in her feline form - she’d experienced it before while chasing after Chat, but couldn’t truly appreciate it with the cat brain she’d had.
 Running over rooftops and swinging through the city had always been some of the funnest parts of being Ladybug (not counting getting to spend time with her partner of course). Getting to do it in an even more naturally graceful and acrobatic form was a real treat.
 Not that she could do anything too crazy - not yet anyway. She was all too aware of the box clenched between her jaws - and the consequences if she lost it. Best not to repeat the Style Queen incident.
 She hadn’t been the only one to lose a Miraculous that day at least, Chat had also lost… his Miraculous…
 Chat was Adrien. Adrien had been statuefied pretty much immediately. 
 He hadn’t lost his Miraculous; he just hadn’t had the chance to use it.
 That little furball lied!
 Oh she was gonna have some word for Plagg later! ...Once she could speak.
 But that would have to wait another few days. Right now, she had more important things to attend to.
 Nudging open one of the windows of the Cesaire residence, she crept inside.
 Luckily the twins weren’t around, they would’ve been hard to avoid.
 She padded up to Alya’s room, headbutting the door a few times. She’d mew, but she didn’t particularly feel like letting go of the box with the Fox Miraculous, not until it was safely in Alya’s possession.
 “Would you two not-”
 Alya opened the door.
Looked down.
And blinked.
 “A cat?” she raised one eyebrow. “What’re you doing-”
 Marinette could tell the exact moment Alya noticed the box holding her Miraculous. Not that that showed any special understanding of her; her face practically breaking in half with her grin and squealing just within the human hearing range (she assumed at least. Being a cat made things like that harder to judge) were pretty good signs.
 Alya knelt down. “Is- is that-?”
 Marinette gently set the box down and nodded.
 Picking it up, Alya opened the lid.
 Immediately a light shot out, darting around.
 “HEY, woah, stop it!”
 She froze, shaking herself.
 “I guess her cat instincts are still pretty strong.”
 Marinette looked up at the voice. 
 Trixx looked back at her, bemused.
 “She’s not actually a cat I’m betting, is she?”
 Alya held out her arms. Marinette jumped into them, purring. 
 She looked more closely at Marinette’s neck. “That green pawprint… Chat Noir?!”
 Marinette let out a startled meow. She guessed that made sense, but no. Just no.
 Alya’s brow furrowed. “I’d’ve thought he’d be black though, not gray.”
 “That’s because that’s Ladybug, not Chat!”
 “WHAT?! Wait, that actually makes sense. So THAT’S why no one’s been restored!”
 Glancing down, she noticed something on the floor. “Uh… Trixx? Could you maybe retrieve that piece of paper?” she asked, chagrinned. “My arms are kinda full of Ladycat here.”
 Trixx chuckled but complied, holding it up so Alya could read it without needing to dislodge Marinette.
 “Ladybug got turned into a cat and isn’t gonna be turned back for three more days,” she read out loud. “Which is bad enough, but we’ve got other issues. I know who Hawkmoth is, but he’ll also find out who I am very soon. I can’t go home, and… well, we’re gonna need Rena Rouge’s expertise for what comes next. Follow Ladycat, she knows the way.”
 Alya blinked. “The way? The way to what?”
 Trixx grinned. “The way to the Guardian of the Miraculous.”
Marinette darted through the streets, occasionally pausing to allow Rena Rouge to catch up. Technically they both COULD have run across the rooftops to get to Master Fu’s place even faster, but that would’ve attracted a bit too much attention. She was pushing it before doing that as a cat, but with Rena in tow? Best not to risk it unless they had to.
 Rena would arguably have attracted even more attention than that on the ground… if she had actually LOOKED like Rena Rouge. Before leaving she’d cast an illusion on herself, making her look like just another resident of Paris and definitely NOT Alya or Rena Rouge.
 Unfortunately, that also meant sticking to plausibly human speed. She’d had to detransform twice already to feed Trixx, but hopefully this would be the last time.
 She jumped onto Alya’s shoulders while they waited for Trixx to finish eating. With how small she was, she had plenty of room to perch on.
 Alya laughed. “You know, you might call Chat a ‘silly kitty’ sometimes, but I don’t think you’re far behind him.” 
She chuffed at that. That may be true, but she didn’t need to call her out like that.
 She shifted slightly, brushing herself against Alya’s neck. 
 Alya let out an impulsive laugh.
 Marinette’s eyes sparkled. REVENGE.
 Quickly she brushed herself all over Alya’s neck, making sure her tail brushed just so, along with nuzzling into her neck.
 And then had to quickly move as Alya sank to the floor giggling. “You- you win,” she gasped as she got ahold of herself after Marinette’s impromptu tickling. “You’re not nearly as much of a silly kitty as Chat. You’re sillier.”
 Okay she should have expected that.
 Brushing herself off, Alya got to her feet. “Hey Trixx, you almost done?”
 The fox kwami looked down on them, bemused. “I finished eating half a minute ago, I was just waiting for you two to finish up.”
 “Well, what are we waiting for? Trixx, Let’s Pounce!”
Rena knocked on the door of the small shop. Didn’t exactly look like somewhere a ‘Guardian of the Miraculous’ might live, but that was the idea, wasn’t it? If Hawkmoth got his hands on this ‘Guardian’-
 She shuddered. She may not know what this ‘Guardian’ did, but Hawkmoth getting anything or anyone Miraculous-related would be very, VERY bad.
 A familiar face greeted her. She blinked.
 “Adrien? What’re you doing here?”
 “Uuuuuh, I’m not Adrien, no sirree, absolutely not!” he said hastily waving his arms. “I’m-”
 Glancing around the room, his gaze landed on a teapot.
 “I’m- I’m Earl. Just helping out my great-grandfather, you know how it is. Buuuut we’re busy, and closed, nice to see you please drop by some other time!”
Wow. He was not the best improv liar.
 Not to someone who actually knew him, at any rate.
 She caught the door before he could close it all the way - just long enough for Ladycat to slip through.
 “Ladyb- Lady!” He cried out, obviously catching himself before he could blurt out her full name. “What’re you doing with this person - wait is he Rena Rouge?!”
 She chuckled, releasing her illusion as she closed the door behind her. “The one and only. Also, that story’s not likely to work when you look exactly the same as usual. What’re the odds of you having a doppelganger?”
 “I’ll have to show you pictures of my cousin some time.”
 “Never mind.” His expression darkened. “He’s not the family member we need to worry about.”
 “Can I punch your father? I’d really like to punch your father.”
 Adrien - or Adrichat she guessed - grimaced. “You might need to, but I’d like to avoid a fight if we can.”
 He stared at his hands. “I know he’s done a lot of terrible things, but… he’s still my father. He’s almost certainly going to go to prison, I can’t see him getting off for what he’s done as Hawkmoth, but I don’t want to hurt him if we can avoid it.”
 “Plus there’s your mother to consider.” 
 She’d been pretty shocked when he sat down and explained everything - his secret identity (HA! She was totally right!), how he’d followed Ladycat into his father’s secret lair, and everything that’d happened there.
 Emilie being alive, his father being more of an asshole than she’d ever conceived - this had been quite a day for Adrien.
 Something that Ladycat sought to help with, purring in Adrien’s lap like a mini lawnmower, nuzzling him every time he started looking especially downcast.
 She wished she could help Adrien more, but… well, they hadn’t really talked that much, one-on-one. Most of the time she was helping Marinette to try to win Adrien over or just chatting with him along with Nino - they were part of the same friend group, but they didn’t actually interact that much. When they did, it was usually because they wanted to help Marinette somehow.
 No wonder Adrien’d never been able to decipher Marinette’s attempts at telling him how she felt! Knowing how up front Chat was with his affections, how over-the-top? Marinette’s mixed signals wouldn’t be the easiest thing to disentangle, if his normal perception of how-to-flirt was that blatant.
 Plus, well… he already had his eyes on someone.
 She smiled as Ladycat stood up and brushed herself all around Adrien. Didn’t need to be a cat to see what she was doing; letting him know she was there, she wouldn’t leave him, just giving him the physical affection he needed.
 The bond between those two was hard to deny. It might not be romantic on Ladybug’s part (at least that she would admit; she’d noticed Ladybug being a little softer, a little gentler, giving him certain looks) but on Chat’s side? He seemed ready to melt into a puddle.
 Though the looks he was giving Ladycat right now, those partly lidded eyes, that gentle smile - on Chat she may not have been able to draw the connection. But on Adrien?
 They were just like his expression when he looked at Marinette.
 And Marinette had been missing ever since Catwoman’s attack.
 If Marinette and Ladybug turned out to be the same person, she wasn’t sure whether to laugh, cry, or scream about the universe’s ironic sense of humor.
 The more she thought about it, the more certain she grew. 
 Strong sense of justice? Check. 
 Creative and good at thinking on her feet? Check. 
 Kind and willing to give second chances when need be? Check.
 Not to mention her selecting Alya as the first temporary miraculous holder, and securing Alya that first-ever interview with Ladybug.
 With herself.
No WONDER she’d been able to do that when no one else could!
 Ooookay, calm down Alya. Still don’t know that for sure. It could still all be a coincidence.
 ...Probably not, but she didn’t actually need to know Ladybug’s identity right now. Chat’s identity coming out couldn’t have been reasonably avoided, not with needing to confront Hawkmoth, to confront his father, and him almost certainly knowing Chat’s identity.
 She’d play along for now.
 She really, REALLY hoped she was right though. Knowing that on all those missions they’d had together, every time she’d hung out with Ladybug, she’d been hanging out with her best friend? That she’d teased Ladybug about boy troubles, had slumber parties with her, had kicked her butt at Dance Dance Revolution (and gotten her butt kicked in turn at Ultimate Mecha Strike III)? 
 Just… knowing who she was as Ladybug, who she was as Marinette, and putting it all together?
 It cemented Ladybug as human, as being a person and not some far away idol. She may not be perfect - far from it - but she tried her best. Sometimes she made a mistake, sometimes she got flustered and did something foolish, sometimes she made bad decisions, and sometimes she let her emotions get the better of her, like any other teenager.
 But ultimately, she was still a hero. Still a Hero of Paris. 
 She didn’t need to be some godlike figure. She just needed to try her best.
 There went any hope of convincing herself that Marinette and Ladybug might not be the same person.
 Hopefully Adrien figured it out soon too. She could keep a secret if she needed to, but if she had to watch those two moon around each other for much longer she’d be tempted to shove them in a panther cage until they figured out they liked each other already.
 Hey it’d worked for her and Nino!
 “Alya? Alya!”
 She startled at Adrien’s worried tone. Even Ladycat (or maybe she should say Marinette? ...she’d stick with Ladycat for now, no need to remind herself of her revelation more than she already had) padded over to her and meowed, pawing at her face to get her attention.
 “I’m fine, I’m fine! Just zoned out a bit. What were you saying?”
 He gave her another worried look, but continued. “We’re gonna sneak back into his lair. I’ll distract Father and Mayura if she shows up while you cloak yourself, Fu, and Ladycat in an illusion to make yourselves as inconspicuous as possible - invisible preferably, but you’ll need to be careful not to trip over each other.”
 She frowned. “You’ll take Hawkmoth and Mayura on by YOURSELF? You sure that’s a good idea?” 
 He grimaced. “No, but I’m used to handling myself while Ladybug figures out and implements a plan. I can manage for a little bit. And anyway, it’s only just long enough for Fu to examine my mother and figure out what he can do for her, if anything. Then we can retreat and regroup.”
 Glancing down at the kitty in his lap, he smiled. “Besides, I’ll still have my partner there. She may not be able to fight quite like normal, she’s still Ladybug, and she still has superpowers. We don’t need to be able to talk in order to fight together.”
 Considering the videos she’d seen of the Frightingale fight, with Chat and Ladybug dance-fighting in synchrony while RHYMING? No doubt about that.
 Oh hell, Adrien’d been forced to dress up as Chat and Marinette volunteered as Ladybug.
 She quickly got ahold of herself, but not before Adrien looked at her worryingly again. “Uh… you sure you’re alright, Alya?”
 She waved him off. “I just thought of something funny, that’s all.”
 Seriously, Marinette and Adrien could change their body language so heavily that even though they looked practically identical to how they did as Ladybug and Chat (minus the masks, which she suspected they ‘lost’ on purpose), no one else had a clue they were one and the same, even with seeing Ladybug and Chat Noir minutes later? She’d never make fun of Clark Kenting again. 
 She softened her voice. “You ready to face your father now?”
 He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “...Yeah. I think so. Let’s do this.”
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oskea93 · 5 years
Why Can’t I (1)
Warning: Language. 
HEY GUYS!  SO- I know I told you guys a few weeks ago that I felt like writing a Duff McKagan fanfic. At the time, I wasn’t sure where I was gonna go with it, often writing ideas down and then realizing they kind of suck. I honestly almost gave up writing this story because it wasn’t going the way I hoped it to go...UNTIL! I don’t know if any of you guys have ever seen the movie Cocktail with Tom Cruise, (it’s amazing, you should def check it out) but I was watching it and the idea came to me. If you have seen Cocktail, then you know it’s kind of cheesy in a way, I promise this will not be a cheesy story! It’s going to have elements of the movie, not focusing on the whole movie itself. I’m sorry if that didn’t make sense. I’m not sure it makes sense myself. I’m actually kind of nervous to be putting this out there because I have found and read some amazing Duff stories and I just hope my story can reach to their level of awesomeness. I am still going to be writing Keep it to Yourself (my baby for right now) and i’m going to be working on this story as well. If you read Thinking of You, my first Nikki story, you may have noticed that I haven’t updated that in a while. That story is actually on hold for right now until I figure out what i’m gonna do to it. I don’t want to give it up but i’m having hard time writing anything for it right now. I’ll stop rambling now and end this long ass post!  IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE TAGGED, PLEASE LET ME KNOW! ALSO, IF YOU ACTUALLY ENJOYED THIS STORY, PLEASE LET ME KNOW AS WELL :) 
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“Jamaica, here we come!”
I watched as my best friend exclaimed loudly, causing those around us to stop and stare. “Why aren’t you celebrating with me?” Bryn asked, reclaiming her seat next to me. “We’ve been waiting for how long for this trip and you’re sitting here like a bump on a log?” I rolled my eyes. Don’t get me wrong, I was very excited to be going to a tropical paradise. New York was in the middle of a cold snap, snow falling almost every day. I couldn’t wait to dig my feet in the warm sand and have the sun shine all over my body. Even though this was a dream trip, the thought of what I would be coming back to had me on edge. I guess I should explain a few things before we get too in-depth.
First off, I just want to say that I love and respect my parents. I know they want nothing but the best for me BUT their opinions are not always wanted or even needed. My father is the main culprit when it comes to sharing his opinion on how his family should be ran. He pushed my sister and I to be the best of the best, and that also included our taste in men. He wanted Devin and I to marry men that belonged to successful families, themselves having to be successful as well in their own right. He would often take it upon himself to pick out guys he thought suit us best, convincing us to go on dates with them to see where the relationship goes. For Devin, she got a husband out of it. As for me, I got a headache from being so annoyed by these guys. Each guy my father introduced me to was a complete and total dick. Self-centered, womanizing, egotistical dicks! I eventually told my dad that enough was enough. I was losing brain cells and my patience was dwindling with each date I had.
I guess you could say my dad listened… For a total of 3 weeks. Before I knew what was happening, a guy was being pushed into my office with my father trailing close behind. He introduced himself as Luke Reynolds. He was the son of one of my father’s friends, a very prominent businessman in the area. Luke was born with a silver spoon in his mouth but didn’t show it like the others did. He was somewhat down to earth but I could sense a bit of entitlement in his mannerisms. He knew he was good looking, which he was, and knew that he could get any girl he wanted. At the time, I guess you could say I was desperate. I had been on multiple dates that my father set me up on and they were all shit. Even though I told myself that my dating days were over, I decided to give this guy one last chance. If this didn’t work out then I was going to drop everything and join the convent. To my surprise, the date went amazing. We had so much in common and I slowly started falling for the guy. We dated for a little over a year before he popped the question. At the time, I thought I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. He was my person. He was the type of guy my parents approved of. He was an all-out catch. Without thinking, I told him yes and the wedding planning began.
As the wedding got closer and closer, my feelings for Luke started to change. I went from wanting to be around him all the time to not even caring if I saw him for a couple of days. Just the things he said would annoy me. Finally, Bryn took notice and suggested a girls trip to get away from the craziness of wedding planning and my sudden annoyance to my future husband. She had worked it out where we would spend a week or two on a tropical island, away from Luke, away from my parents, and away from anything that had to do with the wedding. At first, I tried to tell her that it wasn’t a good idea. I didn’t feel like flying or even leaving my apartment building at the time. I was just so burnt out, deciding that I didn’t want to have any more human interaction. Of course, Brynn couldn’t take no for an answer and I guess you could say the rest is history.
“You know I’m excited.” I replied, a reassuring smile adorned my face. She looked at me for a second, probably knowing that I was lying to her. She didn’t say anything else and neither did I.
“Ladies and gentleman, I am happy to announce that flight 4673 to Montego Bay, Jamaica is now boarding at Gate 4. Please have boarding passes ready and available.” …
_________________________________________________________________ “Oh my gosh!” 

Bryn squealed as she took in the scenery of the island. “I feel like I’ve died and gone to Heaven.” I placed my things down on the bed, my body falling next to my suitcase. 

“We almost did.” I muttered. The flight from Miami to Jamaica was horrendous. The turbulence was awful and it didn’t help matters that Bryn was freaking out the whole time. I’m pretty sure my arm is bruised from how hard she was holding onto it. She was even making the people around us uncomfortable.
“Don’t be such a negative nelly, Lauren!” She exclaimed, throwing herself next to me. We laid in silence for a few seconds. “You’re gonna go out and have fun, right?” I turned my head, my eyes connecting with hers. I nodded my head. “Promise me.” Her voice decreasing an octave. “You need to have fun or else I’m gonna be very mad.” I couldn’t help but start laughing at her seriousness.
I took her hand in mine, “I promise that I will go out there and have the time of my life.” I watched as her eyes studied me. “You pinky swear?” She asked, sticking out her right pinky. I immediately wrapped my pinky finger around hers. “I pinky swear.” Bryn Coleman was the person I trusted most in life. I trusted her more than my parents and sister combined. Bryn was always there when I needed her, even if it was 3am and I needed advice on what shampoo to use. Yeah, there were times when I wanted to choke her to death, but she was my person. She was my best friend. She was my pinky swear partner.
“What do you say we go out to one of those clubs tonight?” She removed herself from the bed. “I heard from this girl I work with that they get pretty wild.”
“Sure.” I replied, my gaze going back to the ceiling above me. I wasn’t really into the whole night club scene but I wasn’t gonna let Bryn go by herself, especially in a place like Jamaica! Maybe I needed to take Bryn’s advice and stop being a negative nelly. This vacation was planned on my behalf. I needed to get the stick out of my ass and have some fun. Who knows, this could be the last time I have an adventure like this…
“Come dance with me!”
Bryn had her hands reached out to me, an annoyed look on her face. As soon as we walked through the club doors, Bryn made her way onto the dance floor and started dancing with those around her. I was never big on dancing so I decided to take a seat at the bar and order myself a drink. I made sure to keep my eyes on her while I sipped on my drink. “Lauren!” She yelled my name, causing those around me to stop and look. I could feel my face get red with embarrassment, sending daggers in Bryn’s direction.
I took one last drink before getting up and following a now ecstatic Bryn to the dance floor. The place was packed with people, some with the spouses and others dancing with strangers. The reggae music filled the hot, stuffy air. I held onto Bryn’s hand as she led us to the front of the stage. Once up front, Bryn’s hips started swaying to the beat of the music. I soon followed suit, slowly getting into the club’s vibe. We must have danced for almost an hour before Bryn announced she had to use the restroom. I took this as my opportunity to sit down and get a drink as I waited. I made my way back to the bar, ordering myself another beer. Before I could hand the bartender, he shook his head, refusing to take the money. “Already paid for.” He stated, pointing toward the end of the bar. I looked to where his finger was pointing, seeing three guys leaning against the bar, drinking their own drinks. Two were blonde, the other had a head full of chocolate curls.
I watched as they looked out at the crowd, talking and laughing at times. The one guy must have felt my stare as his head turned and his eyes connected with mine. I quickly looked away, acting like I was looking in the other direction. I could feel my face heat up in embarrassment as I kicked myself for staring too long, getting caught right in the act.
“How’s your beer?” I jumped in surprise as a man’s voice sounded in my ear. I quickly turned around, seeing the guy who had caught me staring. “Woah-” He started to laugh. “I didn’t mean to scare you; Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” I muttered out, taking a drink of the beer. I couldn’t help but check the guy out. First off, he was incredibly tall! He was almost as tall as Luke, maybe an inch or two shorter. His bleach blond hair resting nicely on his tan, tattooed shoulders. His all black ensemble made him stick out like a sore thumb among the other patrons. “You wanna another drink?” He took the empty seat next to me. I watched as he flagged down the bartender, signaling to order two more beers.
“You bought the beer?” I questioned. “How’d you know I even liked beer?” I turned my body to face his, my knee accidentally brushing against his. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes, placing one in his mouth. He motioned for me to take one. I put my hand up, declining the offer. “I saw you drinking one earlier. Figured you needed another one after dancing the night away.” He said nonchalantly.
“Are you stalking me?” I asked. His head turning, our eyes connecting once again. His green eyes held a hint of mischief and wonder. I couldn’t help but start smirking. “Who are you?” He pulled his cigarette out of his mouth, blowing out the smoke he’d been harboring.
“Duff, Duff McKagan.” He placed his hand out for me to shake. I could feel my smirk growing larger. “What’s yours?” He questioned, his lips forming into a smirk. I debated on telling him my real name. I had no idea who this guy was. I was far away from home. What if I told him and he turns out to be a stalking murderer? “Molly.” I lied. “Molly Jones.” I shook his hand. His hand felt rough and callused. The smirk stayed on his face as he shook my hand. I don’t know if he could tell I was lying of not but he was going with it for now. “So, Molly-”He began. “What brings you to Jamaica?”
Before I could answer the question, Bryn came busting through the crowd. “Lauren!” She giggled once she reached me. “Lauren, I thought you left me or something.” She wined, grabbing onto my neck and holding me. I looked over a Duff, giving him an apologetic smile. “The bathroom here is so groady. There were people doing lines of coke off the nasty sink, I thought I was back in Brooklyn or something.” The smile that was on Duff’s face only grew as he nursed his drink and smoked his cigarette. Bryn soon let go of my neck, her head turning to face where Duff was sitting.
“You’re in my seat”! She yelled toward him. “That’s my seat, mister!” Duff turned to look at her. “Bryn, chill out.” I muttered. I was a bit embarrassed by the way she was acting. She went to the bathroom completely fine and now she was making a show of things. “He’s in my seat, Lauren.” She cried out. “Get him out of my seat.” She slumped her body against mine, almost knocking me off the bar stool. It was as if she went from being a 23-year-old woman to a three-year-old child.
“I can leave if that’s what she wants.” Duff spoke up. I quickly shook my head no, telling him to stay put. “We’re actually gonna leave.” I stumbled out of the chair, keeping a strong hold on my now high friend. “You need some help?” He quickly stood up, taking Bryn’s elbow in his grasp.
“Get your hands off me, guy!” Bryn exclaimed. She jerked her elbow out of Duff’s hand, turning to me and wrapping her arms back around my neck. “I’m sorry.” I mouthed to him. He gave me a smile and nodded. “Thanks again for the beer.”
“Sure thing.” I was starting to feel bad for lying to him. “Maybe I’ll see you around or something.”
I nodded my head the best I could, “Maybe you will.” I could feel Bryn’s grip on my neck grow tighter. “Let me get her back to the hotel before she makes a bigger ass of herself.” Duff and I said our goodbyes before I dragged Bryn out of the club.
Once outside, I set Bryn down on the bench and hailed for a taxi. “He was kind of cute.” Bryn muttered. I looked over at her, confusion written on my face. “The guy in there, the blonde guy.” She was talking about Duff. “You were totally into him.”
“Was not.” I quickly defended. “I was just talking to him.”
Bryn let out a laugh. “Lauren, you are a terrible liar.”  
I rolled my eyes, turning back to the road to see where the damn taxi cab was. I don’t know what Bryn was talking about. There was no way I was into Duff. I didn’t even know the guy! He was just a guy that bought me a drink at the bar. That’s it and that’s all it will ever be...
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