#like mr howl movingcastle
missbehavior0u0 · 6 months
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Some concept sketches for a comic I’m drawing! :U
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neonstatic · 6 months
so. testosterone, huh? i've been sitting on it for yrs and i get these periodic bouts of realisations where i'm like, "omg! i can't stand this anymore, i need a dick / a deeper voice / more body hair" which is quickly resolved by my insecurities reminding me that i could very well lose all my beauty and sex appeal if i transition unsuccessfully. and i'm very much like mr howl movingcastle in the department of shallowness and dramatics, in that i think the whole point of my existence is moot if i am not, at the very least, pleasant to the eye
but like. there's more to life, right? and i've been working on my appearance and am pretty sure i've gotten as pretty as it gets with what i've got, and idk that i feel any happier for it. i see a thriving transmasc and i feel proud and envious and miserable. oh why is every trans dude so handsome and cool and pretty :cccc bc they are brave and i am not, is why. maybe that's what's missing for me. a little bravery. maybe i need to stop being such a cowardly shallow person and just get on with it!
easier said than done, ofc. bc there's more holding me back than my own insecurities and fears. i am comfortably bi at home only bc i also happen to be painfully awkward and not romantically involved w anyone and my family are in denial despite the pride merch i own. i highly doubt i'll be able to get them to understand and accept my gender identity. it took me some time to tell them i changed my name at work, but it feels more like a nickname than an actual name change bc of how similar it sounds. also, sadly, i still feel like a silly person who hasn't made up their mind yet. like ohhh you don't wanna be a woman OR a man, you think you're sooo special, don't you 🙄 wah wah it's so hard to be me or wtv.
on the bright side, i found a document that gave me some good info on the hrt process in qc and it came with a guide that told you all the effects of t and which ones are reversible or not, how to treat them, etc. so i went thru it like a checklist and found out the following: - there's 10 total effects of t - they take ~6 months to show up, to some varying degrees - 3 are permanent slash irreversible - i only truly want 4/10 total effects (+1 extra but i can live w/o) - out of these 4 desired effects, 3 are irreversible - let me know if the math is mathing buuut, if i were to be on t for abt 6 months, i'd basically have 3/4 of my goals achieved, which is a 75% success rate. pretty good overall no? am i gamgbling? is this a gamble? idfk
anyway. big thoughts. i'm gonna eat some brownies now, cheers
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howlsmovinglibrary · 6 months
Happy birthday ✨🥳🩷 I hope you had an amazing day!! You look amazing in your birthday selfie but I am shocked and betrayed that you don't actually look like Sophie from the movie 😔
thank you so much for the birthday wishes :D :D :D
I would look like either Sophie or Howl, if I could :((((((( I was once ginger AND I once had dark blue hair, but I don't think even then I came close to the perfection that is Sophie Hatter or Mr. Movingcastle
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frenchtoastie · 4 years
do you ever worry that a large bird will mistake you for a type of prey animal and whisk you back to its nest to feed it's hatchlings, because you are similar in bigness to that of a small to medium size rodent
I am NOT the size of a small rodent, I am bigger than that certainly, I am simply just a little bit small for a human, a LITTLE bit
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calciferstims · 2 years
i loooove this new theme you got going on! who is that in your pfp btw?
thank you!!!
it’s howl pendragon :O !!
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caravaggihoess · 3 years
Howl Pendragon's favourite song is Sosban Fach,,,, but he never translates it for Sophie. It's been 5 years and she still thinks its a beautiful, love song, on par with Calon Lân
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carpisuns · 3 years
when i enter the Secret Tags Domain i become an absolute raving lunatic. i am gollum in his cave, screeching and muttering about his precious. i am craig from parks and rec, loudly suffering from the incurable disease of Caring Too Much. i am tyra banks Snapping. azula going mad. i am the King of the Keysmash. the Abuser of All Caps. i have the power of god and anime on my side. i am fire. i am death. i am rapidly approaching the tag limi
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innosen · 3 years
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injury sentence starters / highkey accepting!
@movingcastlle​ said: “ let me have a look… “
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(    QUESTION:    what    happens    when    you    play    with    fire?    )    ❛    ow,    ow,    ow,    ouuch…    ❜    (        ––    exactly,    you    get    burned.    )    even    if    it    was    a    magical    talking    flame    who    had    its    own    consciousness,    fire    was    still    fire    even    if    it    was    properly    tended    to;    NO    EXCEPTIONS.    sure    it    should    have    been    common    knowledge    that    even    a    ten-year-old    would    have    remembered    it    but,    given    the    bond    she    had    made    with    the    talking    fire    demon,    she    thought    that    he    would    have    been    able    to    control    his    flames    better    by    now    when    his    meals    were    given.    seems    like    the    accident    earlier    proved    her    thoughts    OTHERWISE.    
back    against    the    wall,    chihiro    found    herself    trembling    as    fingers    lightly    tapped    on    the    burn    mark    that    grazed    the    back    of    her    hand.    A    LITTLE    TOO    NEAR    calcifer    did    she    give    the    plate    full    of    eggs,    bacon,    and    ham,    and    when    excitement    took    over    the    creature,    BRIGHTLY    DID    HIS    INFERNO    BURN,    accidentally    catching    her    hand    in    the    process    and    forcing    her    to    back    away    far    FAAAR    into    the    corner    of    the    house.    
biting    back    a    whimper,    the    girl    continued    to    inspect    the    mark    UNTIL    a    newcomer    crouched    right    in    front.    kind    and    gentle    was    the    wizard’s    tone    with    his    request,    prompting    chihiro    to    reach    out    her    hand    for    him    to    see.        ❛    it    stings...        ❜
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kalofi · 3 years
Girl I keep on thinking the art of Kurapika is Howl and I’m like hm :] mr movingcastle and then I see Leorio and just. Ah. That is not mr movingcastle.
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dammitjameskirk · 3 years
I've never felt gender. Not even for mr. Movingcastle.
nothing about howl made u feel envious abt his production of gender in society? not necessarily even for urself. just in general. like a concept. like Thats Just Howl and Everyone Knows It. thats gendery imo.
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wes-report · 4 years
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Mr. Movingcastle I have feelings for you
[Image ID: Two images of a traditional drawing of Howl from Howl's Moving Castle. The drawing was done with highlighters and pens. He is leaning towards the camera and looking slightly to his left with a big smile and an excited expression. He has white highlights in his eyes that are shaped like hearts. In the first image, his hair is purple and his skin is shaded with green, blue, and pink. In the second image, the colors are edited so that his hair is now green and his skin is shaded with purple, pink, and teal. End ID]
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