#like marilyn monroe. and i WAS intrigued. so i mean. if it got someone to pick up the book i guess it succeeded
mejomonster · 1 year
there’s that loving post about how old book covers versus ai generated covers is like. the artist of a book cover might’ve painted something only marginally related to the actual book, probably based on whatever they were given as their prompt, and how sometimes that turned out so cool
well like in related news lol i bought one such book recently, its from 1975 and its so funny to me its got a blonde lady on the cover but i dont even think there’s a blonde character in the book ToT some book cover artist was probably told “draw leading lady in X” so they looked at jane fonda in barbarella and were like “ah yes i got you, leading lady it is” and now this blonde girl is on the cover
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bisaster-energy · 8 months
I have to know what nut allergy means 🤲🏻
god i had forgotten about this one til u tagged me💀i got the idea cos of some tiktok someone made about putting ghost pepper in their food to catch whichever coworker was stealing their food and ppl in the notes were freaking out cos "wHAt iF sOMeOnE iS ALlErGiC" me and my friend luke were like "god how funny would it be if you just went in someone's fridge drank all their milk and shit yourself cos ur lactose intolerant and then blame them for trying to poison u that logic is so crazy...what if it was a destiel au"
it's really just a silly hospital au i never got around to finishing it's cringy and basic but it's funny to me so i kept it
so cas is a doctor ofc i have to reward dean somehow.
he's neurosurgeon because i did watch grey's anatomy and dr. sexy being a parody of derek shepherd who's played by patrick dempsey who also played a guy named cass who was in a polyamory with jensen ackle's character and marilyn monroe. i had to put it in
i couldnt decide if i wanted dean to be a doctor too or a nurse but i know i wanted him in peds
basically it's one sided enemies to lovers with dean having beef with cas for no reason (he's hot and this frustrates dean to no end). meanwhile cas has a crush bigger than texas on that man
maybe a competitive aspect too like derek and burke had but less animosity. i try to lean into the soap opera aspect of it as if they're in a medical drama more than a REAL HOSPITAL because it's easier than doing extensive research <3
so maybe dean is a bit more of an asshole to cas than strictly necessary and no one else gets why. cas essentially gives up on trying to have a normal conversation w/dean and thinks he really hates him so he settles to only talk to him in a professional capacity so he wont encroach on his space more than he has to
dean takes this personally. i love misunderstandings
etc etc it comes to a head when maybe something happens that really sets dean off about cas (i haven't figured what yet) and so to get back at him he nabs a cookie from his lunch (cas already established that anyone can indulge in them but dean missed the memo ig)
anyways ruh roh! his dumbass is allergic to one of the ingredients cos it came into contact with walnuts or smth idk
dean's embarrassed as hell and cas finds him all swollen and fucked up and i haven't gotten past this part but yeah i just wanted cas to stab dean with an epi-pen really
overall very mid and silly and dumb but here's an excerpt anyway:
The neurosurgeon is, in Dean's humble (but also right) opinion, the only one worthy of the term Asshole around here, with a capital A.
Well, not the only one. But still.
And it's not like Dean didn't try to get to know him! New doctor shows up, windswept hair tousled to perfection, lab coat flaring behind him like some sort of superhero, gaze focused and intense, and eyes so so blue-
Ahem. Of course Dean is going to be intrigued he's a human being! It's not like Castiel was interested anyway. Barely said three words to Dean before rushing off somewhere else, probably to bless some other coworker with his angelic ass sculpted by god. Dean tried a few times after that and still ended up with nothing more than stilted small talk. Dude made talking to a brick wall seem like a cake walk. There was always something going on that had to cut their conversations short, and Dean thought Cas was just a shy guy at first, nothing wrong with that. But he's seen Dr. Novak easily chat with other staff for longer than two (painfully awkward) minutes. Especially Masters. God that snake just loves to hang off Novak, like that's her job instead of being a damn nurse. Even Balthazar, their own personal sleazeball of an anesthesiologist, allegedly manages to drag the uptight doctor out from time to time.
Not that Dean has been stalking them or anything. He just heard it through the grapevine like every other godforsaken rumor at this high school of a hospital. And if the grapevine happened to just be Balthazar himself bragging about their nights out in the breakroom, well that's Dean's business.
"I still say you need to give him a chance, Dean," his mammoth of a brother insisted, brushing his mane out of his face. Seriously, dude, just get a haircut. "I don't get what your problem with him is. Castiel is great! A little awkward maybe, but it really adds to his charm." Dean rolls his eyes.
"Sammy, you do realize you sound like you're trying to get me to adopt a dog that's about to be sent to the pound? It didn't work when you were eight and it won't work now. And, for your information, I've given Cas plenty of chances to talk to me. He's the one with the issue. You should be selling him all this kumbaya bullshit. And don't you have some lawsuits to prevent?"
It's Sam's turn to roll his eyes. "Whatever, Dean. If you gave up on talking to him then why the hell do you call him by a nickname?" With another flip of his mop, his brother left Dean spluttering for a reasonable answer. Which there is, of course. But Sam's long gone by the time he manages a weak "Castiel is a mouthful, okay?" "I'll say," came an annoyingly sultry voice from behind. Without turning Dean lets out a sigh. "Can I help you, Masters?" He asks flatly, already resigning himself to an unpleasant encounter. "Oh, don't be like that, Dean," God, he can practically hear the obnoxious pout he knows she's wearing right now. "I thought we could bond over what a mouthful Clarence is!" That has him spinning around.
meg is cas' bestie she can't understand why he's hung up on dean but she supports his terrible terrible taste. and if she can manage to convince dean they're fucking in the meantime well. god forbid women do anything
the reason sam seems so invested is cos the hospital has a betting pool over if these 2 get together and when. bros tryna make bank
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nostalgiaispeace · 3 years
Can you recommend any Neil Gaiman to me, aside from Stardust or Good Omens? I've never read any of his stuff
What’s the best concert you’ve been to, if you’ve been? rock on the range
What’s the funniest screenname you’ve ever seen? Idk.
Is there an animal you like that most people don’t? I don’t think so
Is there an animal that you think is overrated in terms of how it’s liked? dogs
Is there a time period you think is underrated? I’m not sure
What about music? no
Do you find yourself listening to music that’s a bit more esoteric? no
What are your three favorite books and why? well harry potter
What about authors? jk rowling Do you have any likes you wouldn’t tell someone until you got to know them? yes
Do you have a favorite language? french.
What about a place you’ve always wanted to visit? london
What’s something someone does or says that just makes you laugh? i mean really good jokes? idk.
Do goldfish crackers ever make you sick, or is that just me? I’ve never had that issue.
Do you have a favorite art style? No.
Do you have a favorite myth/fairy-tale? idk
Who is your favorite person aside from family? britney spears
Do any of your pets (if you have them) have weird quirks? well yeah
Do you listen to music from anywhere besides America? no
Have you ever “quit” a site and came back to it more than once? no
Do you have an “odd” fascination with anything? i’m sure i do
What is the thing you want most at this moment? sleep
What was the last book you read and what was it about? I’m currently reading, the christmas pig and this little boy lost his stuffed pig and is trying to find it in the land of the lost
What was the worst book you’ve ever read & why? twilight and fifty shades of grey
Do you have a favorite breed of dog or cat? Which? corgis and all cats
If you like any anime/manga, what are some titles you recommend? –
What do you think about school in general? I’m not a fan
What’s the hardest thing you’ve been through, & what did you learn from it? too much to type
What are three “unrealistic” things you want most? wealth, health, all the harry potter merch
What are some of your favorite foods? chicken nuggets
Where do you like to buy your clothes? idk
Do you take any daily vitamins? yes.
Who are three of your favorite fictional characters of all time? luna lovegood
If you had to give the world a pre-existing mythological/fictional being, what would it be? idk
When buying Slurpees, if you do, do you get only one flavor or mix them? I get one
Do you have a favorite 7Eleven food? slurpees
Do you have any desire to learn (a) foreign language(s)? Which? not enough of one to learn it
If you could have any career, “realistic”-ness aside, what would it be? stay at home mom
What are three memorable movies from your childhood? lion king, free willy, and land before time
Do you, personally, put a space after ellipses, or not? sure
What do some of the things that inspire you have in common? it’s creative
Micky D’s sweet tea, y/n/other? I don’t drink it
What are three of your best (non-physical) qualities? Blah.
What are three of your worst (again; non-physical) qualities? Blahhhh.
What is one of your firmest beliefs? idk
Do you ever question things until you’re unsure of even the silliest thing? yes
Do you have anything that keeps you from doing something you’d truly enjoy? yes
What are your three biggest pet peeves (personality-wise) in others? i can’t think rn i’m too tired
Do you work to fix your faults? Or at least, admit to them? I do
What are three of your best physical qualities? (NOT EYES!) Blehhh
What are some of your greatest aspirations? I dont have any
How do you hope the world will change, if at all? I hope it gets smarter and kinder
Who are three (fairly known) people you find very intriguing? marilyn monroe, lana del rey, and britney spears
What are three things that make you the happiest? my daughter, harry potter, and books
What is/are your view(s) on god, religion, spirituality, or relations to? I’m an athiest
Are you arachnophobic or scared of spiders in the least? no
Do you play WoW? What do you think of it either way? Nope.
What kind of computer do you have? Windows 7/Vista/XP/Other? lenovo
What are you good at? singing
What career do you hope to have? stay at home mom
Are you taking any interesting classes in school/do you not attend? -
If you don’t attend, are you taking any “lessons” for anything? Nope
A book/piece that has had an exceptional impact on your life? harry potter
If you know of pandora.com, what is your favorite station? i know of it
Have you ever “lost” a friend in any way? How did you deal? Yeah. i do’nt care anymore lol
Any music recommendations? lana del rey
What are at least three of your biggest fears? Losing my loved ones, going into more debt, and being homeless
Most recently read book that you liked? you know you love me
Do you have a piece of jewelry you don’t like to take off? yes
Do you have a favorite quote? Why is it your favorite? I have many. Any odd pastimes you have? I don’t consider any of my pastimes odd.
Are you quirky in any way? (Name them please). i’m sure i am
Have any practices you aren’t opposed to but wouldn’t do yourself? yes
Political standing?
Do you have any piercings/what do you think about piercings? i have my ears pierced
Do you have a favorite material? soft things
What are three names you’d name a pet if you HAD to get a pet right now? bella
Do you like to listen to dorky/amusing music? no
Coffee vs. Tea vs. Energy Drinks: Order from favorite to least favorite. Coffee
Do you like more “fruity” sweets or “savory” sweets? savory
What do you hate the most? society
What genres of music are your favorite? rock
Do you believe in true love? yes
Do you believe in love at first sight? If yes, why? idk
What are some of your favorite clothing accessories? necklaces
If reincarnation exists, what sort of person would you want to be next? someone lucky
What are some things you believe strongly in? idk
Where’s your favorite place you’ve been? universal
What sort of books and movies do you like? Horror, psychological thriller, mystery
What’s your favorite thing to do on a rainy Saturday? sleep
Is there a book you’ve read that really touched you? Yeah.
Do you have a favorite artist? no
PC or MAC? ether
What do you love doing? reading, watching tv and movies, tumblr
If you could create the perfect world for yourself, what would it be? i’d live in the 50s. i’d be a housewife. i’d be in the country. i’d have more kids.
Do you think that fate plays a part in people’s lives? No
Are you religious, spiritual, atheist…? no
What are your opinions on the media? they lie.
Do you think that people throw the words “love” and “hate” around too much? Yes.
What is your favorite piece of technology that you own? My laptop and phone.
What’s a piece of technology you’d like to own? a new laptop
Are you afraid of technology developing to where we’re too reliant on it? lolol
Does it bother you when people do things to fit in with a certain crowd? yes
Hot or cold? cold
Do you have a favorite combination of complimentary colors? no
Do you know why all the young people who have nice cars always look grumpy? no
What’s your favorite odd ice cream flavor? i don’t have one
Where do you like to get your ice cream? the store
What’s your opinion on stereotypes/labels? they’re dumb but unavoidable
Do you believe that history repeats itself? Absolutely.
Would you rather learn from your mistakes or just undo them? avoid them
What was the most interesting class you had in school? criminal psych Do you write? If so, what? Nope.
Do you have a favorite website? Tumblr
Do you think that the quality of TV shows is going down? yes
Do you have a favorite culture? english What was a story you heard as a child that really affected you? harry potter
Who was your favorite grade-school teacher and why? my 4th grade teacher
Do you think that the world will end? How? yes and idk
Do you believe in Global Warming? Have you researched it? idk
Do you prefer piercings or tattoos? tattoos
Do you remember your dreams? sometimes
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number5theboy · 4 years
The notes I took while reading the comics are under the cut. These are not my ordered thoughts, just thoughts I had while reading. I’ll write something more coherent a bit later, once my thoughts are sorted better than these
Diego repeatedly stabbed a Caravaggio, which just personally offends me. Also @ Reginald the fact that you left a Caravaggio in reach of your KIDS, who have KNIVES, is just as insulting. Someone save that Caravaggio since anything and anyone else is beyond saving
“Inexplicable resemblance to an Ingmar Bergmann extra” askjdsgbkdsbhsd Gerard sir that is so oddly specific. Is Reginald an Ingmar Bergman fan. Is that what you’re trying to tell us. Or is Klaus just a silent movie type
Right off the bat, the comics universe is so much more interesting than the show universe. They have boxers who beat up squids like??? Give us an adaptation with the comic world, preferably animated
The kiddos were all born to “mostly single women” dsbksdgbksdgbdsg??? Did the magical alien thingamajig check their relationship status first?
“Inventor of The Televator, The Levitator, The Mobile Umbrella Communicator, and Clever Crisp Cereal” dgdsghsgdhjsdkjhg Reginald names his inventions like Dr. Doofenschmirtz from Phineas and Ferb
Also the page that reveals/introduces Reginald is SO good, just the panelling and the action tells you so much. There’s dead bodies and excavations and masks in addition to text. It’s great.
“The Day The Eiffel Tower Went Berserk” is an EXCELLENT hook to a story
“It’s your Eiffel Tower, it’s gone insane and must be stopped at all costs.” Dksgdhjbkgsdhjbdsghjb the show could never
This comic keeps disrespecting cool art. Why is it doing that to me. Don’t let the musée d’orsay get robbed
Okay, luther came through for me on that
Dsdhlsdghlgsdhldsh the siblings arguing while the Eiffel Tower is falling apart around them had me cackling
“WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE” dsbdgsbgsdbdgsbklsd okay diego
“And just as I suspected – ZOMBIE-ROBOT GUSTAVE EIFFEL!” hello I need at least three comics of back lore on this. Why does luther have that hunch. Why is Gustave Eiffel a zombie-robot. How did we get here. Please I want answers
The missing line on the ‘e’ of ‘touché’ makes that dramatic moment way less dramatic and more funny ngl
Oh but you can be bothered to put the accent aigu on ‘séquence’
“And while you lost the Eiffel Tower, you saved Paris.” I am laughing too hard by this point. How dare this be a barely brushed upon adventure. Please I need to know more about zombie-robot Gustave Eiffel
Te Ben-robot makes me emotional and “Only my father calls me Number One”? ouch.
Also for the record, I love Luther’s design SO much
“Hello your father is dead. Please audition for my orchestra for revenge. Many thank. Bye.” Okay Conductor, whatever floats your boat, I guess
“and something worse is coming” dbhsdghbjgshbjsgbjhkgf okay Five, whatever floats your boat I guess
Allison immediately coming in with the ‘I know everyone blames you for Ben’s death, Luther, but honestly, who the fuck knows?’ dsbgbhdgshbsgdhkbj
Klaus has such an entrance and I honestly didn’t know that Claire was a comic character
The introduction to the apocalypse comes SO the fuck out of nowhere, but grumpy little Five with the ‘I knew I shouldn’t have run away from home’ speech bubble? Awesome
Also just genuinely interesting that Five truly hated Reginald and was aware of these feelings
The apocalypse introductions in the show and the comic are going for different feelings but they are both equally devastating, which is a nice touch
Also someone give show! Five a sword
Comic Diego is a fuckboy, and that’s obvious from a hundred paces
Apparently Grace makes me sad in any incarnation
Okay but the backdoor of the Icarus in the show is lifted straight out of the comics
I love the Conductor’s design so much, and his introduction is so good
Oh my god someone get a language checker, The Orchestra Verdammten doesn’t even make grammatical sense
I love the Conductor, he is so extra and just the concept of a piece of music that destroys the world…….it fucks so hard
This comic just throws wild shit at you and expects you to keep up
Just read the instructions Dr. Terminal gave his bots. Is he okay.
Why does Dr. Terminal want to eat Finland. Please I need to know what’s going on in that head of his
Gabriel Ba has excellent comedic timing
Five is a bitch and I love him
Diego hiding in a haunted house…….what a drama queen
Klaus is so fucking funny oh my god
Diego is so hilariously bitter towards Vanya. No need to destroy her like that, asshole
Love how Diego single-handedly brought about the apocalypse. What an idiot.
Dr. Pogo deserves the world
The Vanya reveal of powers is a bit. Uh. Underwhelming. Love the Frankenstein set-up tho
The art, man……..it’s so good
Comic Luther is SO savage holy shit
I love you Mister Conductor, but please stop butchering languages I know, thanks
I knew he was gonna die, but I am still hurt. Please bring him back, he’s the best character in this
“I don’t know where to begin…But I suppose I should start with the Kennedy assassination.” Okay five you drama queen
Allison is a bitch, and I mean that as a compliment
Honestly these Five and Vanya are made to be enemies, it’s great
This wraps up a little too nicely. Where did the moon boulder go
Sagfdghjasfkjghdsfjhksfhkj it opens with a ‘by the way, I’m still dead’ from Pogo
I can’t believe TUA directly inspired Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian
No seriously, I knew about sentient monument Abraham Lincoln but this entire scene FUCKS
Dsbksgdbhsgbhksgdhbkj Celebrity Surgery, the big popular reality TV show, I’m laughing
Luther and Klaus are both such messes jeesus, even if Klaus is coping better
Allison immediately kidnaps Vanya and exposes her to all the horrible shit she caused?? Dbgbhjdgkjhbgdhkj I love these versions of the characters
While Show!Diego is Walmart Batman, Comic!Diego is Walmart Rorschach
I thought I got the gazelle speech but now I’m just confused
It literally is an epiphany AND WHAT GOT HAZEL AND CHA-CHA SENT ON HIS ASS I’M
Also that one wordless Hazel and Cha-Cha panel……..so good
Five is a communist lmao Diego
Luther and Diego arguments are tedious in both versions
I hate the Marilyn Monroe ape scene. With a passion. It is so cursed
Also show Hazel and Cha-Cha were partners that grew apart. I think comics Hazel and Cha-Cha are in love
I am every killer ever. That is one cute puppy.
Also Klaus and God is great in every universe
Dsjfghjdhjdgjhbdgbjhkdbkjhgb Five’s face when he is outfoxed
Why do dream!Luther and Allison have am ape cyclops daughter
I love the Luther&Klaus dynamic
This is just a remix of Watchmen
I have no idea why they suddenly know what Five is up to, from the corpse of a Commission agent. What.
Wait now they can use corpses as time travel devices. What.
Okay, Klaus accidentally blew up the world. Cool?
I am so confused
Now Diego Klaus and Luther are fighting vampires in Vietnam and hurling mummies through the bush. Okay.
So Pogo always knew what kind of disasters they’d turn into? Dskbgdsbkhsdgbkgsdkh
Hotel Oblivion really just presents a cockroach on a plate to you, huh
Reginald’s aesthetic is seriously so much cooler than he deserves
Five is a hired gun now?!? Man, that dude cannot catch a break ever
“TV is a healthy alternative to dying” esjkdsgbkgskbhdsgkbes
Who is Luther’s Japanese bro?!?
Also I just kind of really like the Luther&Diego dynamic in the comics
The show robbed us of Allison helping Vanya recover. It robbed us of Vanya getting injured in the first place, so what recovery, but still. This is incredibly sweet
God, all the villains in this universe are so intriguing. Except for Knock-Off-Adrian-Veidt, I keep forgetting that Perseus exists
“I’m a haunted house.” Is so metal as a self-descriptor
What the FLYING FUCK is Klaus doing there
Giant chicken?
The Enterprise???
“What are you doing?” “A report. I’m really interested in capitalism.” Djhsgjgskjvsevksevjesvjsefjv maybe Diego is right and Five is indeed a communist
“I know what it feels like to be unloved. I was born an object, and never treated as anything but.” It really was that bad, wasn’t it?” “For the both of us, yes.” B R U H
Evil Grace is fun
I love Allison and Five and their relationship so much
Five is interested in the stock market??
I am way too emotionally invested in whether Murder Magician and his baby make it out of there
Oh I CANNOT believe their romantic loves for their SISTERS is what unites them. I hate this.
What on earth is going on with Perseus and the flying head of Medusa
Alive Ben 😊☹
I am an idiot for not making the Perseus-Medusa connection sooner.
The Eiffel Tower now looks like the love child of the actual Eiffel Tower and the Atomium.
And now the Dr. Manhattan knock-off is here
God I love Allison so much
What the fuck is Pereus on about
Terminal eats a zoo
Scientific Man borders on plagiarism I’m sdhbgshsvjhksfvjksdjhkdsj
No no no no no not the Murder Magician
This whole baby arc makes me so soft
Well this ended on a cliffhanger
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Pretty Little Pin-Up Girl(John 5 x Reader)[Smut]
@send-in-the-clownss thank you for this amazingly creative request🥺I’m so sorry for the long, long wait, this was so cool to write! I really hope you like it! This is in 1998/99, before Marilyn and Dita got together(so John and him know who she is enough to confuse you for her, but not enough for her to be in the story.)
Description: While performing with Marilyn Manson at a concert, John 5 spots a woman in the crowd with a striking resemblance to Dita Von Teese. He’s immediately intrigued, and he makes it his goal to meet you after the show. The meeting goes..very well, to say the least.
Warnings: Smut, cursing, mentions of alcohol and drugs, typical edgy MM concert stuff
Permanent Taggers: @smokeandmirrorz @overlyobsessedfangirl @holyjunkie @slashevilsister @julessworldd @agroupiewhore @comawhxte666
Tumblr media Tumblr media
“(Y/n), do you think Marilyn Manson will notice me in this outfit? Be honest.” You glanced up from your compact mirror and took in your friend’s outfit. Fishnets, black skirt, corset. “Definitely. Just put on some lipstick and you’re good to go!” Your friend nodded and grabbed a tube of black lipstick from her dresser. You finished applying your own blood red lipstick, examined it in the compact mirror, and smiled.
“How do I look?” You spun around once to give your friend a good look at your outfit. You’d styled your hair in a Marilyn Monroe-esque way, done your typical cat-eye and lipstick, and worn an elegant short white button-up cocktail dress with red heels. “Beautiful, but you look more like you’re going to a dinner party at Dita Von Teese’s house than to an MM concert.” You laughed. “Good. That’s what I was going for!”
Your friend shook her head. “You’re a strange girl, (Y/n). But we look amazing! Let’s go, I don’t want to be late. We didn’t get backstage passes for nothing!” She grabbed your arm and almost dragged you out the door, and within minutes the two of you were off. “I’m telling you, (Y/n), Marilyn’s gonna see me and instantly fall in love and break up with Rose McGowan for me!” You laughed. “I think John 5 is cuter, babe.” She playfully rolled her eyes. “Of course you do.”
The two of you had gotten front row tickets, which came with the passes, and were now standing right in front of the stage. “Dude, this is perfect! There’s no way Marilyn won’t be able to see me from here.” You nodded, checking your vintage pocket-watch. “It should be starting any minute now.” Sure enough, right as you said that, the lights went down and the people of the venue began to cheer loudly.
Your friend grabbed your arm and squeezed. “Marilyn!” You followed her eyes to see Marilyn coming from the side of the stage. You smiled, but your excitement wasn’t peaked until you spotted the blond guitarist himself, John 5, making his way behind Marilyn. You grinned, cheering loudly as the lights came back on and the first song began. They played the most popular songs from Mechanical Animals first.
About halfway through, they began playing Coma White, one of your favorite songs. You cheered, loudly singing along to the lyrics of the song; when the chorus came, you could have sworn that John 5 glanced in your direction and widened his eyes, but when you blinked he had turned his attention back to his guitar playing. Your friend elbowed your side. “Did John 5 just look at you?” You shrugged, slightly shocked.
Although you brushed it off as a one-time thing, this was soon proven wrong when the band began to play “User Friendly”, and John 5 started glancing over at you every few seconds with that same shocked look on his face. Clearly, something about you had caught his eye. The attention made you blush, and when he stared at you for a full 10 seconds during the chorus, you shyly waved at him and smiled. He smirked and waved back, a look of interest now clear on his face. He barely looked away again.
When the show finally ended, you and your friend made your way to the VIP area to meet the band. “I’m telling you, (Y/n), Marilyn looked at me a couple times. He has to be interested.” You smiled as she went on about how her and the singer were gonna get married and have two children together, still thinking about how John 5 had looked at you so much during the show. Surely it didn’t mean anything...right?
The two of you waited in line for about a half hour, excitement brewing up at the fact that you were going to get to meet your idols. Time passed very quickly, and soon enough the two of you were at the front of the line. You walked into a large room, where Manson, Twiggy, John 5 and the others were all sitting at a table with posters to autograph. John immediately perked up at the sight of you, and Marilyn shot him a look. Clearly, they had been talking about you.
Your friend excitedly walked up to Marilyn and began talking at a fast pace about how much she loved him and how great his show was. He looked completely overwhelmed, which Twiggy seemed to find hilarious. You slowly walked up to John 5, who was at the end of the table, and smiled. “Hello.” He smiled back, pushing his blonde hair out of his face as he leaned forward on his elbows. “Hello there. Did you like the show?” You nodded. “Yes, it was amazing! You’re a very talented guitarist, I must say.”
John’s smile widened, and Twiggy elbowed him in the side. “Ow! What?” Twiggy leaned over and whispered something in his ear, and John pulled away, glanced up at you and cleared his throat. “So, what’s your name?” You giggled and stuck your hand out to shake his. “It’s (Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n).” He shook your hand. “That’s a beautiful name. You know, I couldn’t help but notice, you remind me an awful lot of someone but I just can’t put my finger on it.” You smiled knowingly. “Let me guess. Dita Von Teese.”
He nodded. “Yes! That’s it. How’d you know?” You laughed. “I get that a lot. She was actually my fashion inspiration, so it makes sense.” You pulled out your vintage compact and checked your lipstick in it, and then put it back in your bag. John 5 looked impressed. “Good choice. She’s beautiful. Not quite as pretty as you, though.” You blushed and glanced down with a shy smile. “Oh, thank you very much. That’s so sweet of you.” The two of you awkwardly looked at each other for a few seconds, and Twiggy elbowed John again, this time much harder.
John 5 glared at him and mumbled, “Okay, okay, I get it!”, under his breath before turning back to you. “Say, why don’t you stick around and hang out with me for a little while after this VIP thing? Just for a couple hours or so.” You bit your lip in thought, feeling a wave of excitement at the fact that John 5 of all people wanted to hang out with you, and then nodded towards your friend. “She’s my ride home.” John smirked. “Aw, she can hang with Brian for a bit. Isn’t that right, Brian?” Marilyn glared at him warningly, but your friend gasped in excitement. “Yes, yes, fuck yes! Holy shit!”
John 5 had the two of you sit on the bench behind the band’s table while you waited, and your friend spent the entire time whispering very loudly to you about how she was gonna get dick from the Marilyn Manson. It was especially funny when Marilyn glanced back at the two of you with a slightly terrified look, and your friend immediately began whispering about how Marilyn had looked at her and that clearly meant he wanted to smash. The rest of the VIP took an hour, which you spent reading a pocket-sized book that you had brought along. Occasionally, John would look back and smile.
When the VIP was over, John 5 and Twiggy got up and walked over to you. “(Y/n), this is Jeordie.” You smiled and reached out for a handshake. “How do you do?” Jeordie didn’t reply, just smiled goofily and giggled. “He’s high, sorry.” You laughed. “That’s quite alright. So, where are we gonna go? I heard Marilyn say he’s going to the tour bus.” John 5 smirked and looked over at his singer, who was currently being suffocated by your friend. “Actually, I was thinking you and me could go hang out in one of the backstage rooms for a little while.” You nodded. “That sounds lovely. Is Jeordie coming, too?” Jeordie giggled again.
John grimaced and shook his head. “No way. Jeordie, you go with Brian and the rest of the guys.” Jeordie frowned and made a protest, but John shot him a death glare and he finally gave up and slumped away. John 5 held his arm out and grinned. “My lady.” You chuckled and linked arms with him, biding your best friend goodbye and telling her where to meet you at afterwards, and followed him to the backstage area of the concert. He led you to a backstage room, which contained a loveseat couch and a mirror vanity with tons of makeup supplies on it. “This is Brian’s. Don’t tell him we went in here, he’ll stab me with an eyebrow pencil.”
You giggled and crossed the room to the couch, sitting on it with one ankle crossed over the other. John sat beside you, staring at you with an awed look on his face. “What is it?” He shook his head with a grin. “I don’t know, I’m just surprised that someone like you came to a Marilyn Manson concert. You’re so elegant and classy and shit. I mean, most of the people who come to our shows are violent and trashy and all that, so you stuck out like a sore thumb. I like trashy and violent, of course, but you’re a nice change of pace. Do you have a boyfriend or a friend with benefits or anything? I just can’t imagine someone like you doesn’t have people lining up at her door trying to score a date.”
You laughed and shook your head. “No, I don’t have a boyfriend or anything like that. You’d be surprised, I don’t have that many suitors. I think the way I dress and act scares some people. And besides, I have a very specific type.” John 5 smirked. “And what would that type be?” You took out your compact and reapplied your lipstick, and then boldly shut it and smiled. “Oh, well, I’ve always had a bit of a thing for guitar players.” John’s grin widened, and he played along. “Really? Go on.” You crossed one leg over the other and pondered the subject some more. “I also really like blonde hair.” The guitar player raised an eyebrow. “Blonde? Wow. Continue.”
You struggled to contain your smile as the tongue-in-cheek conversation continued. “And there’s nothing I find more attractive than a guy in face paint. Do you know anyone like that? Guitarist, blonde hair, face paint?” John 5 pretended to think it over for a moment and then shook his head. “No, I don’t think I do.” You pretended to be disappointed. “Hm, that’s unfortunate. If I ever saw a guy like that, I’d probably just take my clothes off right then and there.” John 5 grinned and snapped his fingers. “Ah, now wait a minute. I forgot, I do know someone like that, he’s right here in this room!”
“Really?” You played dumb, looking around in confusion. “Where is he?” John reached out and cupped your cheeks in his hands and turned your face to look at him. “Right here.” You grinned, the two of you leaning closer to each other, lips just an inch apart. “Wow. You are my type.” John smirked. “So, what were you saying about taking your clothes off?” You grabbed him by the shirt collar and pulled him up to you, smashing your lips together in a passion-filled frenzy. His hands immediately went up to cradle your face, and yours wrapped around his neck. He pushed you down onto the couch, his body flat on top of yours, and you could feel his bulge already starting to form.
His lips never left yours as he moved his hands down to disappear under your dress, rubbing and caressing your thighs with his slightly rough hands and causing the skirt to move up to your mid-thigh in the process. His fingers lightly rubbed your clit through your panties, and you moaned into the kiss. He finally pulled away, lips slightly reddened from your lipstick, and smirked. “Fuck, I’ve been wanting to do this since I saw you in the crowd.” You smiled coyly. “Do it, then.” John pulled your skirt all the way up to expose your panties, and unbuttoned the front of your dress to expose your lacy bra. He immediately started groping at your breasts, pulling them out of the bra to squeeze them.
You moaned at the pleasure, and he pinched and teased your nipples with his skilled fingers. “Like that, baby?” You nodded eagerly, and he moved his hands away to instead pull your panties aside, immediately pushing a finger inside of you. “Fuck, you’re dripping wet. And your pussy is so fucking tight.” You spread your legs wider, and he pushed another finger inside you. You clenched around the digits and bit your lip. John reached down and palmed at his bulge as he took in your appearance, and you stared at it. “Need help with that, rockstar?” He grinned and nodded eagerly, and pulled his fingers out of you, sucking the juices off as he went to unbutton and unzip his tight pants.
You reached your hand into his pants to help him pull it out, and he moaned as you wrapped a hand around the base. It was at least 9 inches long and decently thick. You slowly pumped a hand up his shaft, rubbing your thumb over the tip, and he moved the head closer to your mouth. You took the hint and leaned closer, wrapping your lips around the tender head and suckling it. John 5 cursed under his breath and jerked his hips just slightly, and you could already taste his precum in your mouth. After a minute or so, he pulled you off his cock and smiled. “Better save it for the best part.”
You leaned back on the couch and relaxed, and he placed one hand beside you on the couch to steady himself as he used the other to line his cock up with your entrance. “Ready, baby?” You nodded eagerly, and he pushed inside you, immediately stretching your walls out as he kissed up and down your neck and played with your nipples to distract you from the slight pain. After a moment, he began a steady pace, fucking you slowly and roughly as he left a trail of hickies from your neck down to your breasts. “Faster, baby, fuck.” John went faster, holding your hips down with hand to steady himself.
You could feel the knot in your belly starting to come undone, and you pulled him down to smash your lips against his; he sucked on your bottom lip and leaned his forehead against yours, a look of pure bliss on his face. “Fuck, you’re so fucking tight and wet, baby. So fucking sexy. You gonna cum for me?” You gasped in pleasure as his tip rubbed against your g-spot, and he smirked. “Right there, baby?” You nodded desperately and threw your head back as he began repeatedly hitting that same spot, and you could tell he was as close to cumming as you were. “Baby, I’m so close!”
“Cum for me baby, fuck, I’m close too!” Your pussy tightened around him as you came, moaning loudly as your toes curled and your eyes rolled back in your head. John 5 came almost as soon as you did, biting down on your neck as he filled your pussy with his cum. When the both of you had finished, heavily panting and worn out, he laid his head down on your chest and soaked in the feeling of his orgasm. “Fuck, that was the most incredible sex I’ve ever had in my life. You’re so fucking amazing.” He kissed your neck, and then pulled away, helping you button up your dress and pull up your panties and then helping himself.
You smiled bashfully. “That was amazing. You’re not so bad yourself..” You took your compact out to fix your makeup and your hair, and then turned to John, who had waited patiently by the door. “I wish we could spend some time together and cuddle, but Manson and the tour bus are leaving soon. Could I have your number? There’s no way I can just let you go without getting it.” You laughed and scribbled your number down on a scrap of paper, and then handed it to him and followed him out to the tour bus. Sure enough, Marilyn was standing in front of the bus, trying to get your friend to stop hugging him so tightly.
“(Y/n)! Me and Marilyn had so much fun together! What did you and John 5 do?” You and John exchanged a look, and you smirked. “Oh, you know, we just talked. Come on, we ought to get out of here now before traffic gets bad. You guys did an amazing set tonight, thanks for giving us some of your time!” John 5 hugged you goodbye; your friend tried to hug Marilyn, but he hurriedly ran into the tour bus and wouldn’t come out, much to Twiggy’s amusement. Your friend left to find the car, and as you were following her, you stopped to wave goodbye to John 5 and Twiggy, giving John a meaningful look that he returned.
“Call me.” You mouthed, and he nodded hurriedly. “Most definitely.” You blew him a kiss, and he caught it with a grin. You giggled one more time, waved to the both of them, and then turned and walked off gracefully to catch up with your friend. John 5 turned to climb back onto the bus, and Twiggy flashed him a drugged-up grin. “Damn, who was that girl? Looked like that one chick, what’s her name, Dina Van Fleece or something? Pinup girl.” John 5 shook his head with a laugh. “Yeah. She’s a pinup girl, Twiggy.” Twiggy boarded the bus, and John glanced in the direction you’d gone in. You were just a dot now, too far away to distinguish any features. John 5 whispered to just himself. “My pretty little pinup girl.”
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ourrightside · 5 years
5 Beauty Products You Need To Try Based On Your Zodiac Sign Pt. 1
Okay, okay before you click off because you think horoscopes are not real (which they totally are), promise me you’ve never checked the horoscopes page in a magazine or blog out of sheer curiosity. Yeah, I thought so too.  
Personally, I’m kind of what you call a “Horoscope Snob”. I’m not an Astrologer but I do believe in Zodiac Signs. I’m not here to impose my beliefs just check your sign based on your birthday and consider the products I recommend below based on the alignment of the stars!
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 If you’re born between March 21- 20 April, you’re an Aries...
(I’m an Aries stellium) If so, you are blessed with energy, optimism and independence. Hands down, Ella Woods (portrayed by Reese Witherspoon) is the queen of all Aries Women. Other Aries women include Sarah Jessica Parker, Maraiah Carey (skinny), and Lady Gaga.
You guys are extremely enterprising and maybe a little vain, but wouldn’t you be too if you got accepted to Harvard Law School? 
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These products will keep you energized and reflect your true colors
1. Balls in the Air - Goop
To maintain energy in the long run, subscribe to keep your lively attitude and fitness levels in check! Make sure to use your energy towards things or people who improve your life and bring you joy even if it seems more fascinating to start fights for banter.
2. First Aid Beauty Body Scrub
The most athletic people I know are Aries Women. Their energy is so divine and super fiery. If you don’t exercise regularly I highly encourage you to do so, Aries, because it’s going to keep you from combusting. Instead of starting fights, get that endorphin rush from exercising!
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That being said, I highly recommend you keep your skin looking great in between those workout sessions. This product contains 10% AHA which means it’s great for exfoliating and shedding off dead skin.
3. Yves Saint Laurent Water Stain Lip Stain 
The color that symbolises an Aries is red. This newly launched product is easy to use and you can throw it in your purse for a light touch up whenever you want. I think all red undertones suit Aries women, but I recommend mostly the “Vague de Rouge” color 602 - a popping strawberry red one.
4. Hair Oil - Ouai
Aries Women are not afraid to take risks, they are tomboys at heart and don't shy away from doing crazy experiments with their hair. Every Aries woman is different when it comes to this but we can all agree that their hair needs to be tamed by this hair oil! A lot of times you just need to wear your hair untamed and completely wild. 
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5. Dr. Barbara Strum: Anti-aging Primer 
Your impulsive nature is charming - but it may be what's destroying you. To keep yourself from running thin, use this product as a part of both your skin care and makeup routine. Doubling up as a primer and day cream, investing in this will not only keep your skin looking as young as your spirit but also gets rid of any uneven texture or dullness!
 If you’re born between 21 April - 21 May, you’re a Taurus…
(My Moon Sign and Midheaven) You guys are your own best friends, like seriously, I get you. You’re ambitious, stubborn and you take your pleasure seriously. You’re a boujee bitch, treating yourself is a lifestyle, not a hobby. But you deserve it, you work hard and play hard. Ruled by Venus, you tend to be either attractive or extremely charming, Taurus women also include Gigi Hadid, Megan Fox and Audrey Hepburn. 
1. Gimme Brow Kit 
If Taurus women have one thing in common, and we all know what it is - eyebrows. Brows are so important to them, I mean they either make you or break you right Taurus? I recommend any Benefit Cosmetic Brow product when it comes to this field. These women knew about this secret before “ fleek” was even a thing - and their secret is finally out! 
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2. Dior Backstage Glow Face Palette 
I’ve personally purchased this twice. I feel like every Taurus woman would love this product! Dior is such a signature brand that hits every Taurus’ sweet spot when it comes through with their products. The bronze, color and glow you get in one palette is insanely luminous!
3. Slip Silk Pillow Case
Most Taurus people I know can take a nap anywhere however if it was their way they would be sleeping in gold-made cloth, let’s be real. Is Silk a close second, Taurus? Hear me out, Slip Silk Pillow case brings so many benefits for your skin and hair, so no more bedhead and irritated skin for you! I just believe there is no sign that deserves this more than you - no shade but invest in your bed, Taurus! You’re always in it. 
4. Sunday Riley Auto Correct Brightening and DE puffing Eye Contour Cream
Kind on the pricey side, but is that really a problem for you? Use this product to depuff your under eyes after all that sodium you consumed last night. Instead of feeling bad, you’ll be waking up as beautiful as ever - NO REGRETS. 
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And what you truly need is....
5. Amika Polished Perfect Straightening Brush 2.0 
I don’t get why you guys get a bad rep for being lazy - you’re just selectively active! This hair tool would help make your hair look amazing and sleek in just 7 minutes. All you have to do is brush your hair and watch it de-frizz. This was made for you, you’re welcome.
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If you were born between May 22 - June 21 you’re a Gemini…
Honestly you guys scare, but in a good way. Every Gemini I know has the facial expression of someone that’s about to bite you, but again in a good way. Seriously jokes aside, you guys are a blast to be around. You are adaptable, outgoing and extremely intelligent. Although you guys have a male spirit, you also have a flirtatious provocative side – I mean Naomi Campbell and Marilyn Monroe are the queens of Geminis! They love being different and challenging - keep reading! 
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1. Flaunt it Butt Sheet
You guys have a hard time sticking to anything unless it’s super interesting or eye grabbing. I gotchu, here’s a sheet mask, not for your face, but for your butt. I know you’re intrigued, go ahead and purchase it.
2. Kiehl’s Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil Herbal Concentrate
So you’re ranting to everyone about how the world is ending soon due to pollution and our lack of care towards mother earth while chugging down water from a plastic bottle. I mean it’s outrageous to you! Here is a gift from Mother Nature, go ahead and use this CBD oil to calm down your worries and pimples.
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3. Winky Lux Confetti Lip Balm
This lip balm is the perfect one for you, Gemini! No seriously, it swipe this clear balm on your lips to get the perfect shade of pink depending on your PH, it’s just for you. It’s your shade. 
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4. Dr Jart Shake & Shot Rubber Masks 
Okay so maybe you’re over the whole over-socializing lifestyle, maybe for two days you want to convince yourself that you want to be tamed, so here’s a cool milkshake face mask to get you going. (don’t let it explode)
5. Eyeliner Brown Marc Jacobs
Hands down the best eyeliner. If you’re tired of your look, go ahead and do a small brown eyeliner for a small change. And if we’re being honest, whenever you’re really tired of your look dare to create fake freckles all over your face with this product and pretend that they’ve always been there.
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 If you’re born between June 22 - July 22 you’re a Cancer…
Sigh, the mother of the zodiac signs. My sister is a Cancer and the rumors are true – I have two moms. You rock the girl-next-door look but you tend to be more reserved or cold at first. When you guys are not hiding in your shell, you’re emotional, sensitive and caring. And if anyone were to glance at your loved ones the wrong way, let’s just say your mama bear claws come out to play.
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And sometimes you might feel like you’re so alone on this earth because you’re overwhelmed by your emotions, but it’s okay Margot Robbie and Ariana Grande can relate! Finding products for you may be hard due to your already built in routine but here are some suggestions:
1. Kat Von D Tattoo Liner
Okay so secret’s out: you guys cry a lot. Go ahead and deny it profusely as you purchase this eyeliner – it seriously does not want to come off, even if you want it to.
2. Diptyque Baies Candle
Cancers LOVE home décor. You guys stay at home often which is why you want your space to always be the best it can be. This candle may be pricey but it’s definitely an investment, it can change the smell of your room that kinda stinks due to the lack of circulation in there.
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3. Biologique Rechere p50
Now, I know you guys have a hard time switching products especially skincare because you think you found what already works and I totally respect that, but if your routine does not include this then please reconsider. It’s so good that it kinda has its own cult and it’s kinda weird. 
4. SUPERGOOP Unseen Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 40
Hold on to your hats Cancers, here is another thing you have to worry about: protecting your skin due to the blue light that’s emitted from our phones and computers. No worries though, use this product that helps protect your skin from these lights! After applying the velvety material go ahead and enjoy your faboulous day of screen watching! 
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5.  Lancôme Doll Lashes
I really don’t want to make a joke about crybabies anymore so I’ll stop. But seriously, this is hands down one of the best mascaras ever (it’s not waterproof though sorry) and this is coming from someone with very short straight eyelashes. It’s made for you Cancers and it’s the ultimate mascara to complete the Girl Next Door Look. 
 If you’re born between July 23 - August 22 you’re a Leo…
We get it, you’re a Leo!! I’ve never met a Leo who did not miss a chance to say they are a Leo. I understand why though, these creatures are charismatic, honest, generous and honestly boastful! Queens of this sign include Jennifer Lopez, Madonna, Kylie Jenner and Selena Gomez. Now, I know this thread is for suggesting products based on people’s signs, but I know for a fact most Leos scrolled down to this section to read whatever compliments I have to say about them. 
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Now before you click off read a few SUGGESTIONS that may improve your already extraordinarily beautiful self.
1. Gisou Hair Oil
The ultimate Leo stereotype is that their hair generally matches their ego – they’re both big. Tame your hair and make sure it’s healthy with this golden honey infused serum.
2. Salted Caramel Kylighter
A highlighter approved by King Kylie. This highlighter won’t let your face go missing in the crowd. It will surely make you glow between your friends. Super attention grabbing, this highlighter is strong but not enough to let anyone think you’re a greasy chicken. (if you know you know)
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3. Radiance Plus Golden Flow Booster Clarins
To protect that precious skin of yours while still maintaining your after-vacation bronze, use some of this product to make sure there is still warmth in your face all year round.
4. Murad AHA/BHA Exfoliating Cleanser 
After using so many products on your face to look glowing and bronzed all the time, let’s talk about unclogging those pores! To be used only a few times a week, this exfoliating cleanser works like a charm in revitalizing skin.
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5. Tom Ford Perfume
I just feel like Leos need a perfume that is attention seeking, and we all know Tom Ford’s perfumes can be smelled a mile away. Leos please use this scent in order for the crowd to genuinely prepare itself for whatever performance you have in mind.
 If you’re born between August 23 - September 23 you’re a Virgo…
I attract a lot of Virgos in my life and thank god for that! You guys can get a bad rep due to your detail oriented vision and anal uptight attitude. However, ruled by Mercury you are extremely in-tune with your body and feel bad when things aren’t physically your way, which isn’t good but I think the world would collapse without you. Your vibe is standoff-ish but honestly, I would be too if I had this much of my shit together. Critical but honest, you’re not alone – Queen Bee herself is a Virgo and we adore her! Virgo women tend to be perfectionists and harsh on the way they look but honestly it pays off. I loved following up other Virgos including Blake Lively and Lea Michele. Take a few steps back and look over the suggestions:
1. Spirit Dust
Okay so it’s time for your post workout breakfast and you have no idea what to eat, right? Add this to your smoothie to help you destress and enjoy your endorphins all day. You really need this.
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2. Tarte Concealer
How many times have you asked a Virgo for advice and didn’t take it? Always. And how many times have you went back to a Virgo and apologized for not taking the advice? Again, always. Virgos are just known to be the helpers of the zodiac sign, and I’m not saying that they’re perfect (they are) but sometimes they need to hide their shit up due to this reputation, that’s why they need this concealer!
3. Dyson Hair Dryer
You need something fast but also extremely effective to make sure you look effortlessly flawless. I know you can’t stand anything less than perfect, so here is to blow-drying your hair in less than 10 minutes and looking better than everybody else.
4.  Ilia Multi Stick Cheek and Lip
Because Virgos have a practical vibe to them, they love using multi-functioning products. This product can be used on your lips, cheeks, or eyelids! Did I mention it’s certified as “Clean” at Sephora?
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5. JO Malone London Diffuser
Super practical and amazing to put around the house. Virgos love practicality and this is the perfect product to get, you don’t need to worry about a candle burning your house down or refilling your machine with batteries when you have this! You don’t need to think twice!
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That’s it for the first half of the zodiac signs, enjoy.
xx Nina​
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fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
The 57 fashion quotes to live by *every* single day
The 57 fashion quotes to live by *every* single day
Inject some glamour into your day with these beautifully poetic (and hilarious) quotes
1. ‘Fashion is the armour to survive the reality of everyday life.’ – Bill Cunningham
2. ‘Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world.’ – Marilyn Monroe
3. ‘In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.’ – Coco Chanel
4. ‘Fashions fade, style is eternal.’ – Yves Saint Laurent
5. ‘One is never over-dressed or underdressed with a Little Black Dress.’ – Karl Lagerfeld
6. ‘Whoever said that money can’t buy happiness, simply didn’t know where to go shopping.’ – Bo Derek
7. ‘Elegance is the only beauty that never fades.’ – Audrey Hepburn
8. ‘When you go to a nice restaurant, you want to be relaxed and have a drink and everything, you want to look at people who look well. You don’t want to look at some slob with an open shirt and a hairy chest. At least I don’t.’ — Iris Apfel
9. ‘I like being a woman, even in a man’s world. After all, men can’t wear dresses, but we can wear the pants.’ – Whitney Houston
10. ‘Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.’ – Coco Chanel
11. ‘In difficult times, fashion is always outrageous.’ —Elsa Schiaparelli
12. ‘I like my money right where I can see it: hanging in my closet.’ – Carrie Bradshaw
13. ‘Being well dressed hasn’t much to do with having good clothes. It’s a question of good balance and good common sense.’ – Oscar de la Renta
14. ‘If you can’t be better than your competition, just dress better.’ Anna Wintour
15. ‘The fashionable woman wears clothes. The clothes don’t wear her.’ – Mary Quant
16. ‘Girls do not dress for boys. They dress for themselves and, of course, each other. If girls dressed for boys they’d just walk around naked at all times.’ – Betsey Johnson
17. ‘Fashion is what you’re offered four times a year by designers. And style is what you choose.’ – Lauren Hutton
18. ‘Vain trifles as they seem, clothes have, they say, more important offices than to merely keep us warm. They change our view of the world and the world’s view of us.’ – Virginia Woolf
19. ‘The difference between style and fashion is quality.’ – Giorgio Armani
20. ‘You can never take too much care over the choice of your shoes. Too many women think that they are unimportant, but the real proof of an elegant woman is what is on her feet.’ – Christian Dior
21. ‘Don’t be into trends. Don’t make fashion own you, but you decide what you are, what you want to express by the way you dress and the way you live.’ – Gianni Versace
22. A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.’ – Coco Chanel
23. ‘I’m just trying to change the world, one sequin at a time.’ – Lady Gaga
24. ‘Always dress like you’re going to meet your worst enemy.’ Kimora Lee
25. ‘Anyone can get dressed up and glamorous, but it is how people dress in their days off that are the most intriguing.’ – Alexander Wang
26. ‘When I design and wonder what the point is, I think of someone having a bad time in their life. Maybe they are sad and they wake up and put on something I have made and it makes them feel just a bit better. So, in that sense, fashion is a little help in the life of a person. But only a little.’ – Miuccia Prada
jane birkin – jane birkin pictures – style icon – fashion icon – 1960s – serge gainsbourg
27. ‘Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak.’ – Rachel Zoe
28. ‘Fashion should be a form of escapism, and not a form of imprisonment.’ – Alexander McQueen
29. ‘About half my designs are controlled fantasy, 15 percent are total madness and the rest are bread-and-butter designs.’ – Manolo Blahnik
30. ‘The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It’s the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows and the beauty of a woman only grows with passing years.’ – Audrey Hepburn
31. ‘You cannot fake chic but you can be chic and fake fur.’ – Karl Lagerfeld
32. ‘The only real elegance is in the mind; if you’ve got that, the rest really comes from it.’ – Diana Vreeland
33. ‘Style is when they’re running you out of town and you make it look like you’re leading the parade.’ – William Battie
34. ‘Fashion is not necessarily about labels. It’s not about brands. It’s about something else that comes from within you.’ – Ralph Lauren
35. ‘Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months.’ – Oscar Wilde
36. ‘To me, clothing is a form of self-expression – there are hints about who you are in what you wear.’ – Marc Jacobs
37. ‘Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn.’ – Orson Welles
38. ‘I don’t do fashion. I am fashion.’ – Coco Chanel
39. ‘Over the years I have learned that what is important in a dress is the woman who is wearing it.’ – Yves Saint Laurent
40. ‘A woman’s dress should be a like a barbed-wire fence: serving its purpose without obstructing the view.’ – Sophia Loren
41. ‘Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.’ – Leonardo da Vinci
42. ‘I can’t concentrate in flats.’ – Victoria Beckham
Lady Gaga. Credit: Rex
43. ‘Men tell me that I’ve saved their marriages. It costs them a fortune in shoes, but it’s cheaper than a divorce.’ – Manolo Blahnik
44. ‘If I can have any impact, I want women to feel good about themselves and have fun with fashion.’ – Michelle Obama
45. ‘Clothes aren’t going to change the world, the women who wear them will.’ – Anne Klein
46. ‘When in doubt, wear red.’ – Bill Blass
47. ‘Fashion is instant language.’ – Miuccia Prada
48. ‘People will stare, make it worth their while.’ – Harry Winston
49. ‘Delete the negative; accentuate the positive!’ – Donna Karan
50. ‘Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess.’ – Edna Woolman Chase
51. ‘Fashion has to reflect who you are, what you feel at the moment, and where you’re going.’ – Pharrell Williams
52. ‘Conformity is the only real fashion crime. To not dress like yourself and to sublimate your spirit to some kind of group identity is succumbing to fashion fascism.’ — Simon Doonan
53. ‘Style is a simple way of saying complicated things.’ – Jean Cocteau
54. ‘Fashion may not be a weapon of the woman but at least it gives her the ammunition.’ – Brigitte Bardot
55. ‘My mother was right: When you’ve got nothing left, all you can do is get into silk underwear and start reading Proust.’ – Jane Birkin
56. ‘I don’t believe in fashion. I believe in costume. Life is too short to be same person every day.’ — Stephanie Perkins
57. ‘When a woman says, ‘I have nothing to wear!’, what she really means is, ‘There’s nothing here for who I’m supposed to be today.’’— Caitlin Moran
Picture credits: Rex Features
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Four Days of Hitchcock: Day Four Vertigo
Alfred Hitchcock himself said that Vertigo is a movie that follows a man who is having a total emotional breakdown. This man, John ‘Scottie’ Ferguson, was a lawyer who had become a police officer so that he could hopefully realize his dream of becoming the chief of police in San Francisco. Based on the Pierre Boileau-Thomas Narcejac novel D'entre les Morts1, Hitchcock moved the story from Marseille to San Francisco, a city with fabulous natural scenery and ideal for chases of all descriptions. During a roof chase Scotty tripped due to his vertigo and was left dangling. Another police officer tried to pull him up but lost his footing and fell to his death. Scottie consequently lost his entire career path, having to retire due to his vertigo and his leg injury from when he also took a fall off the building. His friend from college, Gavin Elster, hires Scottie as a P.I. as he is convinced that his wife Madeleine is possessed by her grandmother’s ghost, and he wants Scottie to figure out what is going on.
In the first encounter between Gavin and Scottie, Gavin says, “This is really about someone dead,” 2 and as the film progresses we realize that this is a ghost story without a ghost. Gavin describes to Scottie the strange things that overtake his wife and why he needs Scottie so desperately: ”She’s somewhere else, then with a long sigh she’s back. Scottie, I need a friend, someone I can trust.” 3 Scottie is intrigued by the perceived mysticism, and his ex-fiancée Midge leads him to a bookshop owner who can give him some background history.  He gives them the in-and-out of the history of San Francisco - not the actual documented history, but the people history. What is going on is that the grandmother of Gavin’s wife Madeleine was her wealthy grandfather’s mistress. Her grandfather’s legal wife had been barren so he took the child he had with his mistress and raised it as his own without her. Madeleine’s grandmother would walk the streets asking, “Have you seen my child?”4
We soon realize that Scottie is a lonely person. He does not keep up with his college friends, and the only person he is close to is his ex- fiancée Midge. It appears that he was obsessed with his job and then he lost it, so now he is just mulling around, not really knowing what to do with his life. Part of the reason he becomes so obsessed with Madeline is that it gives his life meaning again. Madeleine seems just as open as him to their budding romance. Scottie saves her from a suicide attempt when in one of her trances she dives into the San Francisco Bay, but his vertigo stops him from saving her when she jumps off the Mission tower.
Scottie then is lost and spends his days searching for women that look like Madeleine. He eventually finds her exact double, a young lady from Kansas called Judy Barton, and he tries to resurrect Madeleine through her. In a six-day interview with the great French director Truffaut, Hitchcock calls Vertigo essentially a form of necrophilia. Scottie is trying to recreate a dead love with a new one. So he is essentially trying to have sex with the dead.  In the interview Hitchcock explains the implications of some of his filming and what he thought was the story. He describes a scene between Scottie, played by Jimmy Stewart, and Judy, played by Kim Novak: “The basic situation – cinematically all Stewart’s efforts to recreate the dead woman are shown in such a way that he seems to be trying to impress her …. What I like best is when the girl came back after having her hair dyed – Stewart is disappointed because she hadn’t put her hair up in a bun, but what this really means is that the girl has almost stripped, but she still won’t take her knickers off.” 5
The film was released in 1958, a time when life in the U.S. was moving along with no wars to worry about, as the “booming prosperity of the 1950s helped to create a widespread sense of stability, contentment and consensus in the United States.”6 People were enjoying all that life had to offer, certainly a suspense thriller at the movies. This was also a time when the studios were looking for another Marilyn Monroe, and for a while they were trying to sell Kim Novak, the lead actress, as a Marilyn Monroe. Hitchcock was never that thrilled to have Novak in the role as Madeleine as he was disappointed not to get Grace Kelly. Novak also did not in some ways suit Hitchcock’s directing style. He was always very concerned with wardrobe, almost obsessive about it, and one reason he had conflicts with Novak was because she had opinions about what she wanted to wear. Hitchcock’s reaction was: no, I have been thinking exactly about what you are going to wear, and you are going to wear it.
Also at this time the studio system was beginning to weaken and directors were able to make movies that were more personal. This was definitely not New Hollywood, but it was indicative of what New Hollywood would become – slower and more about the nature of reality. Vertigo was like many movies that were starting to be made - slow with a more hypnotical pace, with characters being visually framed, often against interesting city landmarks, and now Hitchcock was doing this in a thriller. This was Hitchcock’s last movie though with Jimmy Stewart because he thought he was too old for the role. The audience though did not seem to mind his age, perhaps thinking that his age worked, as with a younger man it may have been more about lust than love. What does this movie say about Hitchcock? This was a movie he was totally dedicated to, and he wanted to make it a masterpiece. It feels more like an artistic statement that Hitchcock wanted to make more than anything else. This is a point in Hitchcock’s career where he could pretty much do as he wanted. In the next few years he would make four of his most successful movies, one after the other.
            Vertigo was likely not considered a huge financial success, as it grossed $3.2 million with a $2.5 million budget7, and the best picture of the same year, The Bridge On the River Kwai, grossed $27.2 million with a $3 million budget8. Also, although Vertigo is now often on the best ever movies list, it was not considered a great critical success at the time. As a reliable source, Turner Classic Movies, stated, “When it first appeared in May of 1958, Vertigo was considered a disappointment by most critics and moviegoers who thought the movie was too slow.” 9. The Los Angeles Times said that it got bogged down in a mass of detail. As Hitchcock said in Truffaut’s book Hitchcock, “One of our whimsies when a picture isn’t doing too well is to blame it on the faulty exploitation. So let’s live up to the tradition and say they just didn’t handle the sales properly.”10
Aesthetically this ranks high on my list of favorite films. The opening is a classic, with the graphics created by one of the greatest graphic designers in film, Saul Bass, who is almost as famous as the movie itself.  He would design posters and do opening credits, which were always inventive. The most famous ones he did were for the Pink Panther movies. In Vertigo “Bass did the wild, hypnotic opening sequence.”11 We also notice how dreamy and airy the opening music is. The score was written by Bernard Herrmann, one of Hitchcock’s favorite composers, who also did the music for Twilight Zone. In addition, for the opening shot there is a match cut. A match cut is when the shot from one echoes the shot from the other, and is usually done by similar locations or somebody in the exact positon. This was created in the running-on-the-rooftops scene, an admirable feat, and appears at 4:22 in the movie. Also, one of the recurring symbols in the movie is spirals, and in the opening scene there are fantastic spirals.
This is a film that is visually striking, and according to Hitchcock “the story was of less importance to me than the over-all visual impact on the screen”.12 The visuals are accentuated by the use of colors - characters are color-coded. It is clearly documented that there is a color symbolism of green associated with Madeleine and Judy.13 According to Hitchcock it is because green is both used as a ghostly color and is death-like.14 The motif with Madeleine is green. There is always going to be something green associated with her. If she is not wearing green, she will be driving a green car, or there will be green plants around her. Hitchcock specifically talks about the graveyard scene in Truffaut.  He is actually shooting this with a fog filter to give her a green tint. Another instance of using green for Judy is mentioned by Hitchcock in Truffaut when describing the Empire Hotel scene: “I decided to make her live at the Empire Hotel on Post Street because it had a green neon sign flashing continually outside the window, so when the girl emerges from the bathroom, the green light gives her the same type of ghost-like quality.”15 Other colors are used for a number of the other characters.  Midge’s colors are definitely yellow and beige - calming colors. Gavin’s color appears to be red, perhaps symbolizing the color of blood. The chairs in his office are red, and the necklace that he gives to Judy, and which is so pivotal to the story, is red. There was a special color procedure they did with Vertigo to make the colors pop so dramatically; the colors are beautifully bright.
Another dramatic aesthetic is Hitchcock’s use of framing. He has a master control over the screen. An early instance of framing is when Madeleine is looking at the portrait of her grandmother at the museum. She is in the left third of the screen and is framed by the wall and the painting. Directors will put characters in the left third of the film to make the audience uncomfortable, and this is happening here. She is further framed in the screen by the columns, and then our eyes are drawn to her because we follow Scottie’s eye-line to her. This is incredibly masterful framing. Hitchcock likes to use mountains to create an eye-line and he does it in the bridge scene. Madeleine is in the right with the mountain sloping down from the left, directing your eyes down to her. He then creates depth with the Golden Gate Bridge.
There are also a number of other filming techniques that are particularly appealing and clever. Foreshadowing is one. When Madeleine goes to the hotel and puts olive oil on her fake plants this is a hint of what is going to happen - she is a fake; they are faking it all. Scottie’s dream sequence is also a type of foreshadowing. Scottie’s dream shows that he suspects that Madeleine is not dead. In the dream Madeleine is not in the grave, and the flower bouquet breaks apart. This famous scene climaxes with the red necklace that Madeleine’s grandmother had on in the portrait in the museum. His subconscious mind knows something that his conscious mind cannot accept. Hitchcock also uses nature to indicate when the truth is being told. Whenever Scottie and Madeleine tell each other truths they are surrounded by nature.
This movie with the great visuals and the nature of identity has turned out to be a movie for the ages. There is a repurposing from a horror movie into more realistic genres. There is genre mashing. There is a romantic drama, a thriller aspect, an investigative element, and there is the utter lingering presence of the ghost story that seemingly this story wants to constantly turn into but is playing coy with. Perhaps the most touching part of this film was the dialogue. Gavin’s reason for hiring Scottie, a supposed good friend from his college days, was chilling to the bone. He said, “Scottie, I need a friend, someone I can trust.” And the most heart-breaking dialogue of all was when Scottie said to Judy, “Why me? I was the setup.” With Vertigo Alfred Hitchcock created a suspense thriller centered on necrophilia and obsession. What made it most appealing though was the tender heart of John ‘Scottie’ Ferguson.
     1McGilligan, Patrick. Alfred Hitchcock. (Barnes & Noble, 2003), Location 12310.
2,3,4Movie: Vertigo. Released: May 09, 1958. Director: Alfred Hitchcock
5Truffaut, Francois, and Scott, Helen G. Hitchcock (Revised Edition). (Simon & Schuster,  2015), Location 4503.         
6https://www.history.com/topics/1950s Retrieved. November28.2016
7http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0052357/ 19 July 2009 Retrieved. November28.2016
8http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0050212/ Retrieved. November28.2016
9http://www.tcm.com/tcmdb/title/94742/Vertigo/articles.html Retrieved. November28.2016
10Truffaut, Francois, and Scott, Helen G. Hitchcock (Revised Edition). (Simon & Schuster, 2015), Location 4036.         
11 http://www.csmonitor.com/Technology/2013/0508/Saul-Bass-Designer-artist-and-auteur-of-the-opening-credits-video Retrieved. November29.2016
12Truffaut, Francois, and Scott, Helen G. Hitchcock (Revised Edition). (Simon & Schuster, 2015), Location 4038.         
13Truffaut, Francois, and Scott, Helen G. Hitchcock (Revised Edition). (Simon & Schuster, 2015), Location 3996.         
14Truffaut, Francois, and Scott, Helen G. Hitchcock (Revised Edition). (Simon & Schuster, 2015), Location 3996.         
15Truffaut, Francois, and Scott, Helen G. Hitchcock (Revised Edition). (Simon & Schuster, 2015), Location 3996.         
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tuthillscopes-blog · 8 years
Genius by numbers: why Hollywood maths movies don't add up
check it out @ https://tuthillscopes.com/genius-by-numbers-why-hollywood-maths-movies-dont-add-up/
Genius by numbers: why Hollywood maths movies don't add up
From The Beautiful Mind towards the Theory of all things anf the husband Who Understood Infinity, Hollywood loves a math wizzard. Why cant it get past the fevered prodigy scribbling equations on home windows?
In the Tina Fey sitcom Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, wealthy Manhattanite Jacqueline Vorhees wails to her assistant that they cant manage to get divorced. Despite the fact that shed get $1m for each year of her marriage.
I spend 100 grand per month. Ill be broke in ten years, she wails. No, thats wrong, counters Kimmy (Ellie Kemper), who scribbles some sums having a marker on Mrs Vorheess window. So $100,000 occasions 12 several weeks. Thats $1.2m annually. Divide that into $12m, you will find, youd be broke in ten years. However if you simply invest a lot of it, presuming a 7% rate of return, while using compound interest formula, your hard earned money would almost double.
Kimmy turns round triumphantly: Mrs Voorhees, I mathed, and you may get divorced! Mrs Vorhees eyes Kimmy narrowly. Individuals aren’t, she complains, erasable markers. What she doesnt mention is the fact that math isnt a verb. Not.
The scene is, amongst other things, Feys satire from the Hollywood cliche of genius squiggling on glass. In A Beautiful Mind (2001), for example, Russell Crowe, playing troubled maths star John Forbes Nash Jr, writes formulae on his dorm window. This scene is echoed in The Social Network (2010), where Andrew Garfield sets the equations for Facebooks business design on the Harvard window while Jesse Eisenbergs Mark Zuckerberg looks on. Within the opening scene of excellent Will Hunting (1997), janitor prodigy Matt Damon writes equations on the bathroom mirror.
So why do a lot of Hollywood maths whizzes forego paper? Stanford mathematician Keith Devlin explains. Depicting a math wizzard scribbling formulas on the piece of paper is much more accurate, however it certainly doesnt convey the look of the person amorously involved with mathematics, along with seeing someone write individuals formulas in steam on the mirror or perhaps in wax on the window, neither is it as being cinematographically dramatic.
Good point. Whenever we see a Beautiful Mind and appear with the window at our Russ, Hollywoods most built math wizzard (counterexamples on postcards, please show your workings), we pass beyond incomprehensive equations and convince ourselves were seeing Genius at the office. Even when, as some critics have complained uncharitably, Russs pi glyphs, greater-than and fewer-than symbols and the like dont seem sensible.
But theres one other way maths movies can confound the Monotony Equation, namely by departing a black hole in which the maths ought to be. The Man Who Knew Infinity, the brand new film starring Dev Patel and Jeremy Irons concerning the great Indian math wizzard Srinivasa Ramanujan, is intriguing in this way. Although we have seen Ramanujan doing maths, mostly the show has an interest in other activities how he falls deeply in love with his wife, the discomfort of separation as he travels from Madras to review at Cambridge, the racism he suffers in England and, most stirringly, the narrative arc from lowly clerk to globally recognised math wizzard.
Hollywoods most built mathematician Russell Crowe in A Beautiful Mind. Photograph: Universal Studios
That said, the film has its charming moments. When Hardy visits Ramanujan in a nursing home, he complains about the boring number of the cab that brought him there. Ramanujan begs to differ: 1,729 is the smallest that is expressible as the sum of two cubes in two different ways. Today 1,729 is known as the Hardy-Ramanujan number. How does that work, you may be wondering? Like this: 1729 = 13 + 123 = 93 + 103.
Ramanujans mentor GH Hardy (Irons) is an atheist and rationalist, exasperated that this Indian prodigy cannot produce proofs for his work and, worse, is doubtful that proofs can explain the inexplicable. You wanted to know how I get my ideas, says Ramanujan. God speaks to me. But while the film may sketch two different mathematical philosophies, we leave the cinema with a warm glow that comes from anything but hard thinking.
If you want to learn some more about Ramanujans contribution to mathematics, rent High School Musical. Freeze-frame it at the moment brainy Gabriella Montez challenges her teacher. On the board are two of the equations of the inverse of the constant pi (1/) that Ramanujan offered in his first paper published in England. Shouldnt the second equation read 16 over pi? asks Gabriella. Of course it should.
Cinema often struggles with dramatising difficult ideas, particularly if they are abstract. One way of overcoming that problem is by metaphorical explanation. For instance, in Nicholas Roegs Insignificance (1985), a Marilyn Monroe-like character demonstrates relativity using toy trains and flashing lights. In The Theory of Everything, Jane Hawking uses a pea and a potato to explain the difference between quantum theory and general relativity, while her husbands friends explain Hawking Radiation with beers and crisps.
Movie explanations of difficult stuff, though, may obscure rather than enlighten. Whats more, some directors know this and have fun pointing out the shortcomings of their medium and those of their audiences. In Adam McKays The Big Short (2016), for example, Margot Robbie sits inside a tub sipping champagne and describing how sub-prime loans work. Her explanation is doubtless coherent, however when Im searching in a beautiful lady inside a bubble bath, I am not considering credit default swaps. So sue me. Later within the film, chef Anthony Bourdain chops fish in the kitchen while describing how collateralised debt obligations work. Finally, Selena Gomez plays roulette as one example of the thought of gambling on other bands gambles.
Each scene works as a parody of explanation. They are members of a movie that mocks you, you poor jerk, as well as your intellectual aspirations. You are not ever likely to know how difficult stuff works from watching movies, however much youd prefer to.
Sometimes, though, cinema can provide a genuine understanding of the intellectual process. In Agora (2009), Rachel Weisz as ancient philosopher Hypatia does a test on the shipped to test relative motion. If, she hypothesises, you drop huge sack in the mast as the ship is continuing to move forward, it’ll fall around the deck several ft behind the mast. The sack is dropped and falls much nearer to the mast than she predicted. Hypatia claps her hands in delight. However, you were wrong! states the ships captain. Yes, but it’s definitive proof! The sack behaves as though the boat were stationary.
What am i saying?
I do not know. However the identical principle could be relevant to our planet. It may be getting around the sun’s rays without us realising.
Hypatia, in other words, infers an innovative heliocentric cosmology from her falsified hypothesis. The show thus generously provides for us what we should are effectively denied in Good Will Hunting or perhaps a Beautiful Mind the news about how someone clever is considering an issue. Furthermore, its an antidote to Hollywoods vision of genius. It shows that getting stuff wrong reaches least as vital within the story of human intellectual progress to be right constantly.
Maths is frequently reduced to simply a MacGuffin. In Rushmore (1998), for example, Max Fischer (Jason Schwartzman) is studying the newspaper while his teacher informs his class that around the blackboard may be the hardest geometry equation on the planet. What credits would anybody solving it get, asks one student. Well, thinking about Ive never witnessed anybody understand it properly, including my mentor Dr Leaky at Durch, I suppose if anybody here can solve this problem, Id ensure that none individuals have to spread out another math book again throughout your lives.
Thus enticed, Fischer folds his paper and would go to the blackboard, and squiggles his solution while nonchalantly sipping espresso. The show at this time is not to declare but Fischers genius. Will we really believe Jason Schwartzmann can compute the region of the ellipse? Sure. Whatever.
Genius squiggling can there be once more just to assist Hollywood tell the sentimental story it never tires of: namely the storyline of somebody usually borderline demented by definition insufficiently recognised sticking it towards the establishment.
Genius squiggling Rushmore
None of this should suggest we cant learn maths from movies. In Tina Feys Mean Girls (2004), for example, Lindsay Lohan plays a finalist in the Illinois high school mathletes state championship. Will her Northern Coast High team place it to individuals prep school toffs opposite? Heres the initial question: Two times the bigger of two figures is three greater than five occasions the smaller sized, and the sum of the four occasions the bigger and three occasions the smaller sized is 71. Do you know the figures? First got it yet? 14 and 5. Within the finish, Lohans team end up being the new condition champs because she wins the sudden dying tie-break. Exactly what does the scene prove? That individuals individuals who thought She no longer can do maths should certainly talk to her.
Possibly probably the most resonant maths scene in Hollywood cinema, though, comes in an exceedingly old comedy. Within the Abbott and Costello movie Within the Navy (1941), Lou is really a ships prepare. Hes baked 28 doughnuts, which he reckons is just enough to give 13 to each of his seven officers. But seven adopts 28 four occasions, objects Lous straight man. Not too, states Lou, who procedes to prove it around the blackboard inside a masterclass of cheating and illusion. The scene demonstrates an over-all truth, namely that whenever Hollywood does maths, it doesnt always accumulate.
The Man Who Knew Infinity is released on 8 April.
Find out more: http://www.theguardian.com/film/2016/apr/06/mathematics-movies-the-man-who-knew-infinity
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