#like man it's ok if you did a wine tasting and your fave was the three buck chuck. drink that and live your truth
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utilitycaster · 6 months ago
I feel like a lot of people mistake comic relief or goofiness for lack of effort or caring by the creator, and that belies a real lack of understanding of like, writing and humor and art in general.
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madzilla84 · 4 years ago
Mad I know it’s not technically your birthday for like 6 more hours BUT as an early celebration of you, can you please rant about what dnp’s opinions of your favorite Beatles albums/songs would probably be 🥺 (also hi miss you ly)
whaaaa thank you bb!!! the best gift is the opportunity to ramble about the beatles *and* dnp. MY BRANDING <3 (miss you too; ugh one day things will be different and there will be drinks and nerdery again ;_;)
I know you sent this last night, but it took me A While because it’s something I had to think about quite a bit! (plus i have been working oh no)
(under a cut for ur dashes)
It’s mainly tough to actually narrow down my favourites in the first place because I’m always like. What even are my favourites. I thiiiiiiink I’ve rambled before about what their favourites might be? But as for their opinions of my faves … I’ll cherry pick a few because otherwise we’ll be here all day sdkdsj
lbr, there must be some i love they’d be pretty meh about, but because the beatles’ catalogue, even without the solo stuff, is so varied in style, there’s bound to be something they’d like, even a lil bit. I feel like Phil might gravitate towards the more well-known stuff, as it’s more nostalgic? The stuff everyone knows, even if they’re not and have never been a fan and never deliberately listened to their music, they just know it anyway because it’s in the collectibve psyche? There’s a familiarity to those sorts of tracks I think he’d just enjoy … album-wise, I reckon he’d like the red and blue albums the most (which are essentially ‘greatest hits’), and nothing wrong with that! I started with those myself… but loads of tracks on them are likely to be ones he knows, even vaguely. If we’re talking proper albums, and favourites of mine, I reckon the movie soundtracks might appeal (especially alongside the movies which he might like), particularly Help (side 1 anyway). And the stuff on Blue like Lady Madonna (my fave when I was a kid) or Hello, Goodbye. The upbeat stuff.
*IF* he chose to delve a bit deeper then I think he’d probably like the stuff around the Rubber Soul/Revolver era (which is right after Help anyway). Particularly Rubber Soul, and track wise I think particularly hmm… Norwegian Wood, Nowhere Man, lotsss off Revolver. I could probably pick tracks from every album that he might like, though, which is why I went for red/blue.
Dan’s a bit more of a wildcard as his music taste is all over the place (which I’m sure he would call ‘eclectic’), but he’s also more likely to do a deep dive and listen to some of the more niche stuff (inasmuch as anything by the most famous band in the world can be ‘niche’, but you know). Of my faves, I think he’d particularly dig … one that springs to mind for some reason is the version of ‘tomorrow never knows/within you without you’ from the ‘love’ (remixes) album. It’s just. So good. And I think he’d enjoy it… I think he’d really enjoy the vibe of the lyrics of ‘within you without you’, but that particular mix makes it a bit more … accessible? than the original version (which I developed a big appreciation for a couple of years ago, but some people don’t enjoy the sitar-heavy songs much, which is fair enough), and it has more of a heavy beat. IT’S SO GOOD did I mention that?
I feel like he’s more into lyrics in general, so there might be some that jump out at him for that reason … from among my particular faves, I dunno why i vibe so hard with hey bulldog but i DO, and maybe he would too; I’m not thinking of any particular person (like, definitely not phil, or anyone really), it’s just so much A Mood in general. Also the fact that it’s a brilliant song that then devolves into John and Paul’s Weird Shenanigans at the end feels very … on brand. And of course I feel like he’d have an appreciation for the piano-heavy stuff; Paul McCartney never had any formal piano training either, and also learned to play by ear, by himself, and he’s done ok for himself so you know. (I Would Die if Dan ever played a beatles song on piano uuuuuuuu) Top choice for those for me would be the opening of You Never Give Me Your Money or Martha My Dear but that’s just me ofc
If he were feeling soppy - and he can’t fool me, I know he does sometimes - there are so many to choose from, especially Here Comes The Sun or In My Life or, if I can veer into solo for a moment, Maybe I’m Amazed. (And ooooo also solo, but Watching The Wheels by John, hashtag relatable). And definitely Don’t Let Me Down, and I’m A Loser (the much more self-disparaging cousin of Nowhere Man), and ofc they would vibe a bit too hard with You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away.
This sort of (unavoidably) veered off from which of *my faves* they would like and more into which ones they’d like in general, oooooops.  And it was probably mostly nonsensical. But man, I wish I could drink wine and listen to Beatles with them ;_; (Yeah ok, they might be bored after ten minutes but whatever!! ;))
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thadelightfulone · 6 years ago
Can We Talk? - Pt. 2
I wanted to get something out since I had a surge of writing energy for my birthday. So, I decided to write a Part 2 to What’s A Valentine. So, if you have not read that yet, go catch up. 
Summary: Dani and Erik have a Non-Valentine’s Day night out. And the aftermath of the confrontation in the lobby.
Danielle and Erik are sitting at their table at a quaint little restaurant that was not crowded due to the holiday. Plates in various stages of completion and a bottle of red wine on the table. It is quiet at the table as the soft music plays around them. Just a comfortable silence between the two, not like when they were younger and always had something to say. This was different, and neither party knew where to start.
Dani is hyper-focused on her glass, watching the wine swirl around so as not to make eye contact with the man in front of her. Her thoughts were swirling around like the wine, but they are too much and overwhelming. She does not even know if she is still in a relationship anymore. Something she was very sure of about two hours ago. And Erik. What could she say about that? Him popping up tonight of all nights and calling her out. She should have punched him. It’s not like she could drop him anymore looking like he does, she would barely move him. She shakes her head, smiling with her face down.
Erik has been watching Dani intently since she put her fork down. She was quiet the whole ride over and staring at her phone, waiting for something from Shaun. He scoffs at the thought of him. The argument he witnessed between the two of them held so much more than her utter dislike for Valentine’s day and his adoration for it. But he is clearly in no position to comment on the state of her relationship after watching her relive her heartbreak at his own hands.
He looks down at his tumbler of whiskey before looking up to see a small smile cross her face. She had a beautiful smile. And he has always had deep feelings for her; but he knew what he wanted to do with his life and because Erik did not know how things would turn out, he did not want to drag her down that road with him.
“Why did you leave?”
“I’m sorry,” Their words overlapping one another. Erik waves to her to proceed.
Dani put her wine down and looked over to him, “Why are you sorry?”
Tracing the rim of his glass, “That I did not handle things better when we were younger.” He watches her as she closes her eyes, clearing her vision of the tears that are right below the surface. “And then when I just left. I thought it would be easier if I didn’t tell you. I had no idea the effect that it would have on you, and for that, I am truly sorry, Danielle.” He reaches over to grab her hand, and she lets him. “I would never hurt you on purpose; you have to know that D.”
Sniffling, “It took me years to figure out, but I know you wouldn’t E. Hell, it’s the reason you actually send me flowers, even though they are not in the typical fashion.” They both share a short laugh as Dani looks down at her hand in his.
“When have you ever known me to do things like they are supposed to be done or whatever?” She dabs at her eyes with her napkin shaking her head, “Exactly.” Signaling for the check, he asks, “Are you ready for your ice cream and horror movies now?”
She perks up at that and gathers her clutch, “Of course, but we need to stop for the ice cream.” Erik signs the check, and they both get up to leave.
They walk into the grocery store with a plan. On the way over, they decided to make some sundaes. Erik is holding the basket as they make their way to the down the candy aisle. Danielle skips in front of him, snatching up bags of her fave chocolates. “Snickers, Reese’s Cups, 3 Musketeers, Hershey Kisses,”
Erik snatches the basket away, “Ewww, D. 3 Musketeers and Kisses. Girl, what happened to your taste buds?”
“Shut up, and those are the caramel kisses. You act like what doesn’t get used won’t get eaten on its own.” Pouting, she pulls the basket towards her and drops the bags in.
“You never heard of Milky Ways?”
“I like the fluffy nougat in Musketeers, why are you trying to rain on my parade? You know what, grab your own damn candy then.” She prances away. “I’m heading for toppings; you can get the ice cream.”
Before she makes it to the end of the aisle, Erik pulls her back into him. “My bad,” she crosses her arms and looks away from him. “Can you get some peanut M&Ms for me, please?” He nuzzles her neck, “Pretty please with a cherry on top.”
She slaps his arm away from her and walks back down the aisle, mumbling, “I can’t stand you.”
“You love me.” She flips him the bird as she returns with Milky Ways and Peanut M&Ms for him.
On their way to the toppings, they discuss movie choices. “So, I was thinking classic horror movies like the 1974 version of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Scream, and the 1984 version of Nightmare on Elm Street.”
“Whatever you want, I’m game.”
She shoves him. “Come on. You don’t have one pick that you want to add?”
“Dani girl, it’s your night. We are doing what you want.” He reaches over for the 3-pack of sundae topping sauces with Chocolate, Caramel, and Strawberry and throws it in the basket. She stands right in front of the aisle, blocking him. “Seriously?” He scoots her along, and she pops right back into position. Sighing, “Fine. Devil’s Rejects.” He moves her again and grabs some chopped nuts and cherries.
“As in Rob Zombie’s Devil’s Rejects?” Dani pushes her glasses up on her face staring at him like she has never met him before.
He straightens up to look at her, “Yeah. His movies are pretty good. I even enjoyed Strangeland by Dee Snider. Those rock guys are can be very creative.”
“And not just because Robert Englund was in it?”
Erik laughs, “First of all, he wasn’t starring in it like he was in 2001 Maniacs. But it is nice to see the OGs of horror flicks get lil cameos in stuff like that.”
Linking her arm with his, “Mr. Stevens, let me find out you know a lil something about non-mainstream horror.” Erik chuckles as Dani pulls him towards the ice cream freezers.
“There’s a lot you don’t know Ms. George.” He moves to stand behind her with his chin on top of her head, “Pick your poison.”
“You know what I like.” She walks over to the whipped cream and grabs two cans. “It hasn’t changed.”
Erik stands still thinking as she walks back over to him. Moving forward, “You got room for two tubs, or should I get these small boxes?”
“Both gallons will fit,” she tries to keep the smile off her face watching as her best friend grabs for the Neapolitan and Cookies & Cream tubs.
“I can’t believe you still mix this shit together.”
“Aye, I would not have learned this combo if someone didn’t take all the damn vanilla out of the Neapolitan all the time. How do you separate the three greats from each other like that?“ He hands the tubs to her, and they make their way to the register.
He shrugs, “I like vanilla.” He puts all the items up on the conveyor belt. “Anything else you want before we go?” Thinking about it, Dani suddenly takes off.
“Did you find everything ok, Sir?” The young man behind the register asks while ringing up the ice cream.
“Yeah, she just went to grab her chips. We good.” Dani pulls up with 2 bottles of red wine, some Sour Cream & Cheddar Ruffles, Jalapeño Kettle Chips and Flaming Hot Cheetos in a delicate balancing act. Erik grabs the Ruffles from her mouth and the wine, taking a look at the bottle. “Apothic Red Inferno – aged in a whiskey barrel. Is this the closest you will get to drinking whiskey?”
“Yup,” she puts the other bags down, “Hey Charlie, how are you?”
"I’m good, Ms. Danielle. Stocking up so soon, you were in here like two nights ago.” Erik laughs as her face falls. Charlie looks embarrassed, “Sorry.”
“Yes & No, I have an out-of-town guest who likes to eat and drink folks out of home.” She punches Erik hard in the shoulder, only for her hand to recoil in pain.
He leans over and whispers in her ear, “You knew better than to hit me.” She sticks her tongue out at him and reaches into her clutch to pay when Erik bumps her aside and hands his card to Charlie. He grabs her hand and rubs her knuckles while waiting for the receipt.
Dani yanks her hand away and starts to grab a few bags from the end. “Thanks, Charlie.”
Erik collects the rest of the bags and follows her outside. “Thanks.”
The ride back to Dani’s place is silent as the sounds of some Quiet Storm station play in the background. Erik peeks over at her while at a red light. She is definitely in much better spirits after what happened earlier. He is happy that he can be the one to make her smile and laugh again. He wants to be able to enjoy every moment with her and eventually make up for the asshole he was back when he was a teenager.
Erik parks his car under her building and pops the trunk. Dani grabs the flowers from the backseat and walks to the back to take a few bags. Erik grabs a small black bag along with the rest of their goodies.
“Ummm, excuse you. Who said you are spending the night?”
“You aren’t the only one who gets to be comfy while we chill.” He closes the door. “Lead the way, D.”
"Uh huh, yeah ok. Come on; this elevator bypasses the lobby.” They walk past the parking structure entrance to the elevator bank. On the elevator, she hits the button for her floor, “We never finalized our movie watch list.”
“Ladies choice.” He notices the look on her face. “Fine, you pick first and then I will go. Deal?”
The elevator bell dings at her floor and they both exit. Erik follows as she leads the way to her door at the end of the hallway. He takes the bags she had so that she can open the door. Dani turns on some lights and walks into the kitchen. Erik walks in and sets all the bags on the counter. She puts the ice cream into her freezer.
“You can have the bathroom to change. I’ll be back.”
Inside her room, Dani takes a deep breath. This night has turned out better than she could have imagined. It’s just her and her best friend who happens to also be her first love having a great evening. She knows they need to talk about what he saw happen earlier and everything but how. Being with him likes this reminds her of what they could have been, and now just like that she is confused about her feelings. Looking in the mirror after changing into some yoga pants and a crop top with her workout bra, she shakes her head at her runaway train of thoughts. “Enjoy the rest of your ‘Not a Valentine’s’ date night with Erik, Dani girl. There is no need to overthink anything right now.” She takes some deep calming breaths before walking out to the living room.
She finds Erik already changed in a pair of sweatpants and a black tank top showing off his muscular shoulders and lots of keloid scars. She remembers him telling her about his family in Wakanda and his failed attempt at a takeover before becoming a Regional Director to the Outreach Centers on the West Coast. She just never saw the scarring he did to himself, and it only adds more to this man standing in her kitchen lining up the sundae bar.
“Take a picture; it’ll last longer. But this ice cream won’t.” Erik smirks as he caught Dani staring him down.
“You lucky, I am too ready for this sundae party.” Dani walks over bumping Erik as he hands her a big bowl, sliding the ice cream over to her.
Dani’s first sundae contains a little bit of everything they bought except the Milky Ways. Erik snatched up the entire bag and kept them by his side, giving her one or two when he felt like it. They made it through the original Nightmare on Elm Street and a bottle of wine. Now, they were settling down with their second sundae or some chips and candy in Erik’s case and onto his pick, Boo.
“Why do people enjoy tempting fate by going into haunted and abandoned hospitals?” Dani asks through a mouthful of ice cream.
“Hell if I know, but you see how her man’s boy is doing the most trying to scare this chick. If anyone makes it out alive, it better be her.” Erik responds while crunching on some chips.
They both started in different positions in the living room. Erik on the floor under her coffee table while Dani was on the love seat curled into the corner. Then they both were on the floor at the coffee table before Erik stretched his shoulders and Dani moved up behind him to give him a massage as he sat between her legs. As his movie played and they finished eating, he returned the favor by sitting on the couch with her legs on his lap and mindlessly kneading them.
After a quick bathroom break, wine re-up and short clean-up of the kitchen, they are back in the living room watching Dani’s second pick of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Dani is curled into Erik’s side with her favorite fleece blanket over her. Erik has his arm wrapped around her, playing with her curls as she tries to keep her eyes open. He stretches out along the couch pulling her along with him and pulls the blanket up over the both of them. He falls asleep to the sound of her soft snores.
The sound of a phone buzzing along the coffee table wakes Erik up from his sleep. He looks to see Dani’s phone screen showing a picture of Shaun. Erik groans and stretches out a bit careful of Danielle who is laying in front of him. Pulling her back, he takes the moment to enjoy the feel of her in his arms and watches her as she sleeps. The buzzing of the phone starts up again and Dani squirms in his arms.
“Morning Sunshine.” He looks down on her as she blinks herself awake.
“Hey. Did we really fall asleep out here?” She quickly moves to an upright position, leaving the comfortable warmth of his arms.
“Yeah, you didn’t make it past the family meeting in Texas Chainsaw Massacre.” He sits up and grabs the blanket before it falls. “I think someone has been trying to reach you. I’ll give you some space.”
Dani looks over to her phone still ringing on the coffee table. She looks over at Erik and grabs the phone, mouthing “Thanks,” before answering. “Hey Shaun, what’s up?”
Erik takes his bag back into the bathroom, washing his face, brushing his teeth, and throwing on his hoodie. He grabs his phone and reschedules his flight back to Oakland for a week later. Erik knows he needs to have a serious sit down with Danielle before he returns home. So, this will buy him some time, and he can continue to work out of the LA office.  
“Danielle, we need to talk. When can I see you next?” Shaun gets straight to the point.
“I am free for lunch tomorrow if that works for you.” Dani looks over at the blue screen of her TV and grabs the remote to turn it off.
“Yeah, I can do that. The usual spot close to your office around 12:30pm?”
“Sounds good. I will see you there.”
“Ok, see you then. Bye Dani.” Shaun hangs up as Dani looks at the phone. No ‘I love you’ or his customary nickname goodbye.
She nods her head, “I guess I will find out where we stand tomorrow.” She locks her phone and sets it down as soon as she hears the bathroom door open. Erik walks back into the living room with his keys in hand. “Leaving so soon?”
“Yeah, I should probably head out. I have a few meetings this afternoon.” Dani walks over to him and wraps her arms around his waist in a big hug. He hugs her back and leans over kissing her forehead. “I had fun last night.”
Muffled into his chest, “Me, too E. It was like when we were younger.” She pulls away and looks up at him. “Will I see you before you leave?”
“Yeah, we can still do lunch or something. I will be in town for another week.” They walk to her front door, and she opens it for him.
“Ok, I will text you when I am free.” She leans against the door frame.
“See you Dani girl.” Erik walks out and looks back at her smiling.
Dani waves at him. “Bye E.”
— The Next Day —
Dani arrives at the restaurant early only to see Shaun already seated at a table. Inhaling deeply, she walks back to him.
Shaun stands up and pulls out her chair. “Hi Dani.” He gives her a quick peck on the lips.
“Hey.” Dani sits down as Shaun makes his way to his chair. The waiter comes by to take their drink order. “I’ll have an iced tea, please.
“Just water for me, thanks.” The waiter leaves, and Shaun looks at Danielle. “So, where should we start?”
“With you. How was last night?” Another server drops by with their drinks. Dani starts to stir the straw in her tea.
“It was great! Mom enjoyed her birthday party as usual and the anniversary celebration went off without a hitch. Well, except that my parents wanted to know why you weren’t there.”
“What did you tell them?”
Shaun takes a sip of his water before responding, “I told them that something came up and you decided to stay in for the night. They hope you are feeling better now.”
Dani nearly choked on her tea, “Yeah, I’m good. You can pass that on.” Shaun waves away the waiter who wanted to come back and take their orders.
“Alright, enough. Tell me how you really feel Shaun.” She takes a nice healthy gulp of her tea before putting her hands in front of her on the table.
“Fine. I am really upset that I had to find out that you do not like Valentine’s Day that way.” He looks around as his voice rose a bit. “Four years Danielle. That’s how long we have been together, and you couldn’t tell me this before?”
“I know, I just…” she sniffs. “I don’t like to talk about it or the why.”
“And that’s another thing. You never got over him.” Dani opens her mouth to speak. “No, please let me get this out before I lose my nerve.” He takes a drink of water, setting it back down, he reaches for her hands. “Danielle, I love you with everything in me. But what happened the other night, I can’t get over that. You couldn’t even look at me when you said that you were happy with me. You were a wreck recounting the story of how he broke your heart. And yet, you were standing there with his flowers in your hand. Were you pissed? Sure, but not enough to throw them at him. Yeah, you cussed and fussed a little bit but did you turn him away? No.”
Dani blinks back her tears. This is it. This is the end of her relationship. She was happy with Shaun, but lately, something felt off, and she could never put her finger on it. Then Erik popped up, and she felt like the 15-year-old laying her heart out to her best friend only for him to crack it and then leave her to heal without really talking it out. Why does Shaun have to make sense now?
“Shaun, I – “
“You don’t need to explain anything to me, Dani. As much as I want to be the man to make you happy and spend the rest of my life with you. I can’t stand by and wait for the day you realize that you never stopped loving him and leave me.” Shaun stands up and pulls Dani into a hug. Cradling her neck, he continues, “I wish you the best Danielle, in life and love. I hope you find what you deserve. I just don’t think it’s with me.“ He pulls back and kisses both of her hands before walking away.
Dani sits back down at the table. The waiter returns, and she orders a Jamison & Ginger Ale. Then leans back and reflects on what Shaun said. Her phone starts ringing as she sees Erik’s number pop up on the screen. She silences it and closes her eyes as her tears slowly fall to the table.
— 2 Days Later —
Danielle is at work trying to listen to her coworker, Rosio, tell her the latest story about her son’s new addiction. He is the sweetest thing, but Dani, just could not keep herself in the present or to act like she cares. It has been two days since Shaun broke things off with her and she has been actively dodging Erik’s calls and texts, too.
Rosio walks over to Dani, “Girl, you have been mopey lately. Drinks after work and I’m not taking no for an answer.” She picks her up, “Now, come on. We’re gonna be late for this meeting.”
It is the end of the workday, and Rosio stands by the corner of Dani’s desk. “Alright, so where are we going?”
"The Mexican spot by my place.” Dani grabs her bag, and they walk to the front closing the office.
“Sure, I’ll follow you.” Rosio heads towards her car, and they pull off.
Over tequila shots, strawberry margaritas and enchiladas, Dani spills to Rosio everything that happened over the last week.  
“Dani, I can’t believe you have been holding this in for so long. V-Day was last week, and you took your normal day off afterward, so I didn’t think anything of it.”
“Yeah, well, my relationship did go bust that day in typical Danielle fashion.” Taking another shot, “Only I can manage to have relationships end on the ‘so-called’ day of love.”
“Oh, shut up. It wasn’t all that bad if you hung out with Erik all night.” Rosio takes a sip of her margarita, “He did kind of give you the best Valentine’s Day date ever. Dinner, ice cream and horror movies. It’s like he knows you. Oh wait, he does.”
Shoving Rosio, Dani laughs for the first time in two days. “Thank you. I really did need this tonight.”
“Good, because I hate seeing you all sad and depressed like someone killed your puppy.”
“Really, Rosio? That is such a horrible analogy.“ Dani snickers as she sips her drink.
“Well, you didn’t have to look at you the last few days, so yeah.” Grabbing a few chips, “So, have you talked to your bestie since that night?”
Dani looks down and away, “No, I keep sending him to voicemail or not reading his texts. We were supposed to get together for lunch before he leaves, but I just can’t do it.”
“And why not? That’s your friend.”
"I don’t know what to say or how to act. Shaun was right; I still do care about him a lot and probably never stopped.”
“So, you can tell him that again or forever hold your peace, but I thought you were still going to be his friend regardless.”
Slurping up the rest of her drink, Dani looks at Rosio. “I don’t know if I can anymore.”
“Then he deserves to hear you say that before you end your friendship or whatever. You owe him that much.” Rosio bats away Dani’s hand as she reaches for the check. “I invited you; this is on me.”
Danielle and Rosio part ways outside of the restaurant, “Now, do yourself a favor and call that man back. You two need to talk.”
“I am not ready to have another talk.” Rosio shakes her head as she walks off.
Dani drives back to her place and parks. She looks at the 20-some odd unread texts messages from Erik on her phone. Rosio is right. He is about to head back to Oakland soon and this needs to happen in person.
Arriving at her apartment, she completes her nighttime routine and grabs her phone to finally give him a call. As she settles onto her bed, her doorbell rings. She looks at the time, “Who would be dropping by my place after 10pm?” Walking to the front door, she takes a look at the security screen to the right. “Erik?” She opens the doors, and there he is in his work suit, no tie and a tub of Neapolitan ice cream in hand.
“Ready to talk?”
A/N: There will be a third part to end this mini series. I just tagged the people who asked about a Part 2. 
Say Something
@maddiestundentwritergaines @youreadthatright @sarcastic-sunshines @alexundefined @kissmyafropuff @chaneajoyyy @fonville-designs
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mhsn033 · 5 years ago
Stuart Broad: Chris Broad, Alastair Cook & Michael Vaughan on England’s 500-wicket bowler
Media playback is rarely any longer supported on this machine
England v West Indies: Stuart Vast’s mighty sequence in opposition to the West Indies
Stuart Vast is the untimely exiguous one who grew as much as turn out to be a fearsome instant bowler.
In taking his 500th Test wicket for England in opposition to West Indies on Tuesday, Vast joined an genuine membership: most productive the fourth paceman, the seventh bowler of any kind.
These are the experiences of folks who know Vast most productive. Son of a Test batsman, Nottingham Wooded space fan, immoral rapper and prolific wicket-taker.
‘He weighed 2lbs 2oz’
Vast turned into once born 12 weeks untimely on 24 June, 1986 on the City Sanatorium in Nottingham. His mother, Carole, turned into once a college teacher and his father Chris played 25 Tests as a gap batsman for England.
Stuart Vast alongside with his dad Chris, who played in England’s Ashes select in Australia in 1986-87
He weighed 2lbs 2oz. He turned into once minute, today put apart into an incubator and we hold been told of the exiguous deficiencies he had. He stayed in scientific institution for a month and as he grew every thing perceived to apt itself.
We hold been a carrying household. There turned into once an unpleasant lot of sport played and talked about. It turned into once constantly football in the iciness, perhaps quite of hockey or rugby, then cricket in the summertime.
When he turned into once four or five, after I turned into once playing at Nottinghamshire, he would attain alongside to Trent Bridge.
There hold been constantly a choice of kids who mandatory to play. There turned into once a sandpit arrive to the scoreboard, or they’d put apart some stumps down and play cricket.
When I moved on to Gloucestershire, Courtney Walsh turned into once a fave with Stuart and his sister Gemma. Courtney turned into once elated to bowl at Stuart and Gemma would be fielding. He holds a extraordinarily special space in each and every their hearts.
I’ve progressively tried to initiate up a conversation about cricket with him, nonetheless he tends to brush apart these comments, which I’m in a position to heed.
It’s anxious, absolutely over the past couple of years when he’s had batting issues. I’ve requested if he mandatory to talk about it and he’s acknowledged “I’m a bowler, dad”.
He turned into once such a former child. For him to turn out to be this 6ft 5in instant bowler, breaking info… I’m fully amazed and extraordinarily proud.
‘The pads hold been past his waist’
The young Vast turned into once taken to stare cricket at Egerton Park CC, the put John Bailey is a former chairman.
Vast turned into once first taken to stare cricket at Egerton Park by his father
He turned into once a runt lad to initiate with and he wore a cricket jumper that can must hold been his dad’s. The sleeves hold been long and it hung past his backside. When he put apart his pads on, they’ll must hold been over his waist and the bat turned into once too sizable for him.
Stuart turned into once a batsman, a terribly apt batsman. Our ground is on an island, surrounded by rivers, and he beloved to hit the ball into the water.
It turned into once mighty how he changed actual into a bowler as he grew. You can seek for him on the end of one season, then you undoubtedly would no longer recognise him on the initiate of the next season thanks to how hasty he turned into once rising.
The one thing about his bowling turned into once that once he started his lag-up, he shuffled plenty. His feet hold been doing 10 to the dozen on the gap, and we tried to accumulate him to end that by lawful walking up and bowling.
He constantly complained about having to fetch the boundary flags, or having to position the heavy board abet in front of the scorebox on the end of the game. I know that he beloved to be in the clubhouse the put the avid gamers hold been having a drink. He doubtless sneaked a swift half.
Probabilities are you’ll perchance well perchance seek for there turned into once something. We by no formula expected him to play for England, nonetheless you might perchance well recount he turned into once going to play county cricket.
‘He is a professor of the game’
Vast’s first taste of county cricket turned into once at Leicestershire. Two years after his skilled bow, he turned into once playing for England on the 2007 T20 World Cup, the put he turned into once smashed for six sixes by India’s Yuvraj Singh. A team-mate at county and international level turned into once Jeremy Snape, now the director of Sporting Edge.
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When Yuvraj smashed Vast for six sixes in a row
It turned into once pre-season. He came in unique from Oakham College as a huge, gangly, eager teenager. It turned into once blowing a gale on the time nonetheless Stuart bowled for two hours solid, with apt tempo. As senior avid gamers, we hold been taking a stare all over and thinking he had something. He then ran off to position his pads on and we extended note to bowl at him.
He came thru and played in Twenty20 finals day in 2006 and in the semi-final had a duel with Ronnie Irani. Broady turned into once haring in, sharing a pair of words, going chest to chest and seeking to tell he turned into once a high young player. He seemed so elated at that level.
A 365 days after that turned into once the six sixes. How does any individual perhaps address being put apart thru that in a world tournament? That will perchance well perhaps be the end for 50% of avid gamers, yet one more 45% would depart away and 5% would attain out even stronger. That’s what Stuart did.
Even in the early days, he turned into once technically aware. Folk is rarely any longer going to know that he’s amazingly analytical.
He furthermore wants to know the suggestions, the science, the pictures or the pitch scheme. I interviewed him for my enjoy research and he told me he turned into once equipped with statistics that confirmed his moderate in opposition to left-handers turned into once no longer in particular apt when put next to apt-handers.
After that, he went away and labored on bowling to left-handers for six months solid.
That knowledge-driven scheme wasn’t something I had considered in his early years, nonetheless he has turn out to be a professor of the game.
‘I’ll seek for his name on my phone and I’ll know what it be about’
Vast grew to turn out to be the 638th man to play Test cricket for England in December 2007
Vast made his Test debut in opposition to Sri Lanka in December 2007. The England captain that day turned into once Michael Vaughan, who has since gone actual into a profession in the media.
All the research that I had turned into once that we had a valuable bowler in the making, a apt batsman and a mentally basic character. He ticked every box.
He turned into once very assured. No longer in an smug scheme, nonetheless he turned into once very confident. He beloved speaking about the game. He had been introduced up spherical international cricket, so he knew what the game turned into once about.
With some avid gamers you know by the formula they attain into the dressing room they’ll be spherical for a pair of years. That first Test in Sri Lanka, we hold been out in the field for days, nonetheless he by no formula shirked and did now not end running in.
He turned into once one in all the first young bowlers I had that situation his enjoy fields. He requested for my advice, and slightly grand the final time every thing he requested for he got on yarn of I’ll perchance well perhaps seek for what he turned into once seeking to elevate out.
We got away together all over the final Ashes sequence in Australia. He likes the things I delight in – wine, gin, golf. He is apt firm and he’s got quite of banter. You too can debate most things with him – football, cricket, most aspects of life.
He’ll be huge as a pundit. Most ceaselessly, after I hold written or acknowledged something about him, I’ll seek for his name attain up on my phone and I’ll know what it be about. I’ll reply today.
He’ll hold quite of a dip at me and I’ll care for the phone away from my ear while he has his rant.
I’ll shriek “hold you performed?” then I’ll recount why I’ve acknowledged what I’ve acknowledged and we’ll hold a nice debate about it. At the end he’ll shriek “OK”, and we plug on.
‘He mandatory to bat sooner than the 60 all out at Trent Bridge’
54 of Vast’s 140 Tests hold been under the captaincy of Alastair Cook
Of Vast’s 140 Tests for England, he has played most suits under the management of former captain Alastair Cook.
He is continually had the cussed traipse in him. If you happen to can even very smartly be going to hold a dialogue with him, it be crucial to be very obvious for your argument on yarn of if he is aware of it be coming he’ll be completely ready.
When I turned into once captain, there hold been events when he might perchance well perhaps be grumpy, nonetheless we’re speaking about the single-mindedness that makes him as apt as he’s. Drag, there hold been moments that hold been anxious, nonetheless it absolutely turned into once by no formula malicious. As a captain, you might perchance well perhaps perhaps quite hold somebody who has his enjoy suggestions for what’s most productive, in preference to a ‘certain’ man.
His golf is apt. He is tee-to-green player, as apt as they attain, nonetheless he can not chip. Or no longer it’s reasonably droll watching him try.
I equipped him a Phil Mickelson chipping book on yarn of I presumed he mandatory to be taught from a left-handed maestro. I beget no longer know how some distance he’s got into it, on yarn of I seen him playing no longer scheme abet and he duffed his chip into the water.
He cares about others bigger than folks might perchance well perhaps give him credit score for. He would many times be checking in on his team-mates. Perchance folks beget no longer seek for that. They seek for the headstrong bowler who might perchance well perhaps accumulate angry at a fielder, nonetheless that couldn’t be further from the truth.
I beget no longer mediate any individual might perchance well perhaps predict when his spells hold been coming. When it fully clicks 100% for him, when he finds the recount length, he’s a handful on yarn of he’s so skilful.
On the day of the 8-15, he mandatory to bat first. James Anderson turned into once injured, nonetheless who stepped as much as ship the performance? He owes me one for deciding to bowl when he mandatory to bat.
Broady can lie in bed at night and mediate “when there turned into once a gigantic 2nd in a excessive-rigidity game, I delivered on bigger than my gorgeous fragment of events”, and that must peaceable be a huge feeling.
‘He thinks he can rap’
On the day Vast took his profession-defining 8-15 in opposition to Australia at Trent Bridge, he shared the unique ball with Mark Wooden.
Stuart Vast has been fragment of 4 Ashes-a hit England groups
I met him sooner than I played for England, at a swiftly bowlers’ coaching camp in South Africa. He sat me all the formula down to talk about cricket, plug on advice and his thoughts on my bowling. It turned into once genuinely extra or much less him to exit of his scheme to entire that.
He loves his football. You too can by no formula shriek “Notts Wooded space” in front on him. It constantly must be “Nottingham Wooded space”.
Unbelievably, he furthermore likes to rap, nonetheless he’s got the poshest accent you hold ever heard. Or no longer it’s no longer reasonably the identical as the American hip-hop artists who can put apart the final rhymes together. It would possibly most likely perchance well perhaps be in coaching, or after we hold now song on in the dressing room, all of a unexpected you hear this posh rap, and besides you hold gotten to claim to him “that’s no longer the scheme it goes”.
One of many most productive events I had with him turned into once all over the 2015 Ashes. We might perchance well perchance had a tricky first day at Lord’s, Australia had piled on the runs, and on the recount scheme to the ground the next day, Vast and Anderson hold been in front of the auto, me and Joe Root hold been in the abet.
We hold been all singing James Bay’s Choose Support the River on the discontinue of our voices. We even did an additional lap spherical Regent’s Park so lets play the song all once more. We are going to must hold most productive arrived five minutes sooner than the team deliver, nonetheless we hold been in plenty higher spirits.
He is sweet on the field. At mid-on or mid-off, he’ll abet me out with plans, or pump my tyres up after I need it. I’ve furthermore genuinely revel in batting with him – he’s so apt to hold a snicker and shaggy dog tale with in the heart.
The note ‘legend’ gets dilapidated plenty, nonetheless in this case it rings factual. He is a legend.
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