#like look he’s an enigma to me a bit bc I’ve had huge crushes on many males characters I’m obsessed with but this time it’s like
magical-xirl-4 · 1 year
I’m not really sure why I’m so into Wolfwood it’s either I think he’s really sexy or I want to be him or both
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unbronzebitch · 7 years
sup everybody i’m here to vent about my crush bc i pinky swore myself i wouldn’t put this shit in my notebook anymore & the dude in question follows me on twitter so
here are some #facts: -he’s very cute he’s got freckles & green eyes and i’ve never had a crush on somebody with green eyes -he has the most unique style of conversation i have ever encountered in my twenty-two years on this earth. you heard of grice’s maxims? here. i’ll link you to grice’s maxims. basic rules of human conversation right? this dude regularly breaks all of these -this actually makes him really fun to talk to bc you never know what to expect & when you respond in the same way he gets a bit flustered and it’s kind of like a weird battle of wits -does finger guns a lot -he’s definitely into our younger (and very pretty) coworker & definitely also has a thing going on with some blond hipster girl -in the midst of an ordinary conversation, will suddenly say “amiright?” and try to fist bump everybody in the room. if you don’t fist bump he will just keep reaching for you -has his entire own vocabulary; adds his own prefixes and suffixes to everything -when you tell him something surprising his eyes get huge and his jaw drops and it’s pretty adorable -calls himself “a little zesty boi” and “a little sweaty boi” -every time one of our male coworkers he likes walks by, asks them to kiss him (in like a very sweet joking way and not in like a sexually harassing way) -most troubling, put his hand on my shoulder today. which i naturally extrapolated & overanalyzed. but i’ve decided it’s cool i mean obviously i hope he has corresponding feelings but even if he doesn’t i’m glad we’re closer; if nothing happens between us i’m looking forward to having friends that i feel comfortable leaning on & gently punching & such
in conclusion he is a fine young man who just happens to be a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a riddle, and i fully intend to crack that shit open like a roasted peanut
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