#like klav really did help. it hurt but having him there to talk about it or think about it made it easier
elytrafemme · 2 years
it’s so strange how many people think i am like an open book about my life? because i feel like that mostly comes from me telling people extremely mild (imo) information and them taking it as a large confession. and like yes i have vaguely alluded to some heavier stuff but it’s like. i don’t know i wish people didn’t go around thinking oh mare doesn’t shut up about her trauma when it’s like the vast majority of events in my life i have never been able to fully tell anyone who wasn’t my therapist and likely never will be able to do that again.
#nightmare.personal#i just wish i could talk about my first relationship#i really do. because it explains so much about me#but it's like. the best ways to explain it are ways that don't really capture it or are too vague#i hate self pity and i do it so often and i know that it's selfish but it's like#i just. there's nobody i can tell?#because i don't trust people who say you can tell me anything because i know there are limits#and if a situation is bad enough for me to have a psychotic break for the first time in my life then i would say like#probably not conversation i can easily make over discord dms you know?#and yeah having my therapist know is cool. if any of the others were around then they would know and that helped a lot#like klav really did help. it hurt but having him there to talk about it or think about it made it easier#but now it's like. god i hate saying this but i wonder if my partner or ex maybe resent? me for it?#because they don't understand it but they must recognize on some level it ruined me#God. i am not going to impulse text my ex about this i WON'T but like.#i just wish people understood because God it's so fucking lonely#with only half the context people jump to conclusions and pick a good and bad one and it was never that#it was a situation that never should have happened#and i can't even tell people the origins of it because i know for a FACT my current friends online or irl would resent me for it#because i tried to play God. and it didn't work.#maybe I do text my ex i don't know. the living one not the one in this relationship i'm talking about lol.#but nobody is ever going to fucking understand it. nobody can absolve me of guilt because nobody knows what i did wrong#and nobody can blame me correctly because nobody knows what they had done#not even them
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After going the Ace Attorney games again, here are my rankings of the six main series prosecutors:
(Side note: Still haven’t played any of the Investigations games or the Great Ace Attorney series)
6) Nahyuta Sahdmadhi
Poor Nahyuta. I hate to place him in the last place slot but after going through Spirit of Justice again, he still hasn’t grown on me. Let me just say, I don’t really like Spirit of Justice. There are a lot of aspects of that game I was not fond of, such as the final case being a repeat of Farewell, My Turnabout and the underwhelming Khura’in Civil War storyline. However, in Nahyuta’s defense, I don’t hate the character.
Nahyuta has a decent storyline and he has a unique gimmick. It’s just when compared to the other 5 prosecutors, he doesn’t really do anything for me. His storyline with Apollo feels like a rehash of the previous games (oh, the prosecutor was close friends with the defense attorney? Hmm, where have I heard that before *coughPhoenixandMilescough* *coughAthenaandSimoncough*). Also, he’s not as fun or as interesting as his counterparts. 
Basically, I don’t think Nahyuta’s a bad character, he’s just my least favorite of the prosecutors.  
5) Franziska von Karma
This one hurt me, mainly because I love Franziska. She seems like a fun character outside of the main Ace Attorney games based on her appearances in the Investigations series. However, if we’re going purely with her role as prosecutor in the main series, then I have to place her in the 5th place slot. But it’s not because I think she’s a bad character. She’s great! She’s a fun character to interact with and she has an interesting backstory. The problem is Justice for All.
In my opinion, Justice for All is the worst Ace Attorney game in the main series. It’s to the point that it affected my placement of Franziska on this list. First off, it’s already bad that one of the main cases she’s the prosecutor in is Turnabout Big Top aka the worst case in the entire franchise. But then there’s Farewell, My Turnabout, which absolutely screws over her character by making Miles Edgeworth the focus of the finale. 
Now let me back up. Before you Miles Edgeworth fans jump down my throat, I am aware that Miles is not the prosecutor for the final case in the first game. I am NOT saying that Franziska needed to be the prosecutor in Farewell, My Turnabout. I am NOT saying Miles ruined the story. The point I’m making is that even though Miles wasn’t the prosecutor in Turnabout Goodbyes, he was still the main focus. Everything in that episode revolved around Miles’ past and his relationship with Manfred von Karma. He still got a complete character arc even though he wasn’t the rival. 
In Farewell, My Turnabout, Capcom just went and said, “Go fuck yourself Franziska” and made everything about Miles again. Franziska was barely a presence in that final episode and by the time the game ended, her arc felt incomplete. Yes, the writers attempted to make her relevant to the story by having her be the one to deliver the evidence but just think about that for a second. She’s the main prosecutor of the 2nd game and the most significant thing she did in the finale was deliver items. I honestly feel her appearance in Trials and Tribulations was damage control for how shit she was treated in Justice for All.
Thankfully, it looks like the Investigations games treated Franziska better. But as for the main series, she deserved a whole lot better. I’d love to place her higher but with the storyline she got, I have to mark her down.  
4) Klavier Gavin
I don’t have much to say about Klavier. I think he’s a cool character and he has a kickass gimmick. However, he’s just a mid-tier kind of character for me. Like with Franziska, it’s mainly to do with Apollo Justice / Ace Attorney 4.
People have already pointed this out but the storyline in Apollo Justice feels more like set-up for something bigger. When I first went through Apollo Justice, it felt like there was going to be more to Kristoph Gavin, more to Klavier Gavin. Phoenix Wright was at the start of a different kind of character arc and the Gramaryes/Trucy Wright would be the main focus of the Apollo Justice trilogy, just like how Maya and the Feys were the focus of Phoenix’s trilogy.
In fact, just going off on a little tangent, I already made a post about this but I was thinking that the abandoned Apollo Justice trilogy would lead to Phoenix becoming a Godot-type character. He had the seeds of that character arc planted, with his darker behavior, willingness to bend the legal system to get what he wants (using forged evidence and trapping Kristoph with the jurist system) and a similar reason to become an anti-villain (Godot was poisoned by Dahlia, Phoenix was disbarred thanks to Kristoph). He would then show up in the final game as the main rival, leading to a Phoenix and Apollo showdown.
Sorry, this was supposed to be about Klavier. The point I’m trying to make is, Klavier is a cool character but he feels wasted. Since the 5th and 6th games didn’t follow-up on the 4th game’s story, it feels like Klavier was left behind as a result. That’s why he’s low on the list. 
3) Simon Blackquill
Ah yes, the twisted samurai. For the record, Dual Destinies is my favorite Apollo Justice-era game, so it’s not a huge surprise that Simon is my favorite Apollo Justice-era prosecutor. For me, what makes Simon stand out is that he’s the most “complete” of the three AJ-era prosecutors.
My issue with Klav was that his storyline feels incomplete while my issue with Yuty was that he wasn’t that interesting of a character. Simon doesn’t have those problems. For one, he has the best gimmick between the three of them. It’s an interesting concept to have a prosecutor be an actual death row inmate. What’s cool about that is that the death row inmate gimmick worked for Simon’s character arc.
Dual Destinies set Simon up as the embodiment of the dark age of the law. He was a death row inmate who constantly talked about killing his foes. That’s why the reveal that he’s actually an honorable man who never killed anyone works so well, it’s a strong contrast to how he’s set up. Also, it’s a twist that works with Simon’s character as he’s supposed to be a psychology expert. He plays up his image of a crazy killer to intimidate his enemies. 
Other than that, I also feel like Simon had the best storyline of the AJ-era prosecutors. Also, even though his appearance in Spirit of Justice was a bit silly, it was still fun to see this character in a more lighter tone. 
2) Miles Edgeworth
Yeah, of course Edgey is this high up on the list. Like I wrote, I can’t count the Investigations games as I haven’t played them but even then, Miles had a pretty good run in the main series. He had a strong character arc in the first game, a decent return in the 2nd game, and a strong return in the 3rd game. It was great that you actually got to play as Miles in T&T and that he was the acting defense attorney. For me, Trials and Tribulations felt like the end of Miles’ character arc as he finally became a defense attorney, just like his dad. 
And honestly, Capcom should’ve left him at that. I’m not saying this is why he’s only 2nd on the list but I just want to say, I don’t think he needed to be in Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice. Yes, I am aware that Miles’ appearances in those games were just fun guest appearances for people who want that AA original trilogy nostalgia. However, I felt that his appearances in 5 and 6 slightly ruined his character arc. 
Why? Because he was back to being a prosecutor. Last time I checked, wasn’t his entire character arc about him becoming a defense attorney? He wanted to be a DA like his dad, he developed a misguided hatred of defense attorneys due to the DL-6 Incident, he was misled into believing that the number one goal of an attorney is to win court cases by Manfred von Karma, he was rescued by his friend Phoenix which led to him reassessing his life goals, he goes on a trip around the world to find himself, and then in the final game, he becomes Iris’ defense attorney, overcoming his initial hatred of DAs and fulfilling his childhood goal.
Maybe it’s just me but having Miles come back as a prosecutor in the AJ-era games feels like a step back in character development. But once again, that’s not the reason why he’s 2nd on the list. I like Miles, but I like the next guy even more. It should be obvious who it is by now.     
1) Godot
Yes, I know, this is potentially a controversial choice. I just wanna say, I don’t care if you love, like, dislike, or hate Godot. Let me write the reasons why Godot is my number one prosecutor.
When I was writing this list out, I was measuring the prosecutors based on several factors. Story, character arc, design, strength as a rival, humor and so on. Just to be clear, I don’t think Godot is the best of all those categories. For example, when it comes to strength as a rival, I’d say Miles and Franziska were stronger opponents. Godot is definitely a mid-tier rival, which makes sense as he’s supposed to be a rookie / defense attorney out of his league. 
So, why Godot then if he’s not the best in every category? Honestly...I’d say it’s the character overall. Regardless of your feelings towards the character, I feel that we can all agree that Godot’s story is the most tragic. 
Let’s recap; Godot’s story is of a good man who was destroyed by a wicked monster. He was then abandoned by the people around him and lost the love of his life. With no one to help him, he let his grief consume him to the point that he became a bitter shell of his former self, obsessed with shaming the people he feels are responsible for the death of his lover. It’s only at the end when he realizes that all of his hatred and anger was just him projecting his own self-hatred onto someone else. That even though it wasn’t his fault, he still holds himself responsible for his lover’s death. However, it’s too late to make amends as he’s damned himself. In a moment of blind rage, he doomed himself by committing murder. 
That is some HEAVY material for a game series that features the main character cross examining a parrot and conveniently developing amnesia just to set up a tutorial sequence. 
Going on another tangent, you know who Godot’s storyline reminded me of? Jax Teller from Sons of Anarchy. Both characters started out as honorable men who were deeply in love. Then, tragedy struck. They lost the love of their lives and, in their final character arc, they took their rage out on everyone. Sons of Anarchy season 7 is still some of the most devastating TV I’ve ever watched and part of the reason was because of how sad it was to watch Jax fall. He fell so deep into his rage and anger that by the time he got his revenge, he burned so many bridges that the only place his character could go was death.
Same with Godot. He’s a damn Shakespearean tragic protagonist in that he was ultimately undone by his own rage and anger. You can sympathize with him based on how he came to be but at the same time, he destroyed himself. It’s a devastating character arc and, as someone who loves Shakespeare and all things theater, I absolutely loved it. It’s the one character arc that has stuck with me after going through all six games over again, even more so than Miles and Simon’s arcs.
In addition to all of this, the fact that Godot’s character arc tied the entire trilogy together is definitely worth noting. From his storyline, the game tied together Mia Fey’s death, highlighted Mia’s importance to the main storyline, and even set up Trials and Tribulations’ main villain, Dahlia Hawthorne. I love it when stories do that, when the character arcs actually work hand-in-hand with the story that the writer is trying to tell. 
On some smaller notes, Godot definitely has the best character design in my opinion. Also, the best character theme (I still have the Fragrance of Dark Coffee playing in my head). Lastly, he has the best case in the original trilogy (Bridge to the Turnabout), as well as the best moment (the original pursuit theme plays when you expose the knife wound underneath his mask). 
So yeah. In my opinion, Godot is the best Ace Attorney prosecutor. Those are my reasons, feel free to disagree if you want.   
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crackmadhi · 6 years
Cutting Ties
Friday, 7 June 2030
Panda❤: hi Yuta. listen i’m sorry, but i have been thinking and look i don’t want this for you… i’m a horrible influence and i don’t have the energy nor the determination to pretend i could hold this up any longer i never lied when i said i love you but i can’t do this anymore i can’t be in this relationship anymore it smothers me and i hate being smothered for your and my best let it end here no obligation to talk to me any longer, no calls, nothing at your next visit you don’t even need to greet me as long as we stay civil about it my best wishes simon
I had stared at the message for several minutes. This idiot. He really thought he could get rid of me. Calmly I laid my phone down, stood up and walked up to the high window in my room. He really believed he could just break up with me like this.
Ridiculous. But still, he knew what he was doing to an extent. I could not reach him like this. It had no use to text back, he was a far more skilled writer and I could also not call him, since he would simply decline it. I actually had to wait this out until my next visit to the States, and that was a whole month away.
Seriously, what was he just thinking? Why would he do this? What had I done wrong? I felt sadness and anger rise in my chest and tried to swallow them down. It was no use.
He did not want this, I told myself over and over again. He did love you and he had proven in the past that fact quite persuasively.
And still I felt myself slowly drifting into self-pity and almost saw how my expression lost its calm. It made no sense and I was helpless. I could do nothing to change my situation and I knew that Simon could not be happy about this. I knew he wasn’t.
“I didn’t want to get too attached. But now it’s too late for that and honestly letting one of you go sounds almost more horrible now than being hurt again. No, it would definitely be worse.”
Determined I put my hurt feelings aside and reminded myself that these were Simon’s own words. That this was what he had just confessed a month ago and I knew that he was suffering. And I would not let him to this to himself. Not again.
Someone knocked at the door. Royally I straightened my back and turned to the door.
“Who is there?”, I asked in khura’inese pretty sure that it could only be my sister or Apollo who were the only ones who did not introduce themselves straight after knocking.
As expected, it was Apollo who asked me if he could come in. He had still been around in the palace, because of a meeting with some of the council members, but I was still surprised by his sudden appearance. Normally, he would go home on a Friday night and just lay back for some time, after such a demanding week full of work.
I allowed him to enter. His expression was earnest, and his eyebrows knitted together in worry. I sighed. How on earth did he already know about this?
“Are you alright? Klav just wrote me. He had been up for a second to get some water, only to find Simon down sitting in the living room staring at his smartphone and suddenly declaring that he had dumped you?”, Apollo explained as he came closer and finally laid a hand on my shoulder.
“So, he really…?”, he asked after I looked to the side with a painful sting in my heart.
I nodded. “Yes. But I don’t think he wanted to do this.”
And there Apollo shot me the most unbelieving and confused look, he had on stock. Unconvinced he put his hand on his hips and asked: “How exactly could he not have wanted to break up with you? You don’t accidentally send somebody a break up text. Or do you think he was blackmailed into breaking up with you? You know that's stupid, right? I’m sorry if that has been your coping strategy, but that idea really holds no water and-“
“Apollo, stop.”
I coldly looked at him and he did not say another word. Frustratedly I let myself drop on the bed and sighed. Apollo followed, and I run my hand down my face and tried yet again to make sense out of all this.
“I am aware that he sent it on purpose. And the possibility of him being blackmailed or threatened into leaving me is laughably small, so I know that this isn’t either what’s going on right now.”
I looked at my hands and turned my right palm up. There was the dragon. But where was the power it yielded? I surely could use that determination right now.
“But I know”, I told Apollo and looked in his sympathising face, “that this is not what he desires. He loves me in all the ways he can, and he knows that he needs all the support he can get right now. He’s being unreasonable, and normally that means that he’s pushed in a corner, and I don’t know what put him in this position!”
I remained silent for a second before the always recurring problem with Simon dawned me, and I shot up in pure rage.
“IF HE ACTUALLY THINKS THat he would PROTECT me with this fucking stunt from his own miserable hell, I’m going to straight up slap him in the face the next time we meet!!!”
Shocked Apollo looked at me pacing around in fury and asked with a small voice: “What?”
I turned to him and shook my head and Simon’s stupidity. How could he always do this? Why did he want to suffer so badly?
“He has done it before”, I explained still agitated but no longer furious to my brother’s luck. “He actually does it all the time. Pushing people away because he fears that they would get hurt in the process of helping him… Which actually makes sense to him because Metis died after he had asked a favour of her”, I added as this suddenly hit me.
Apollo gaped at me and I gaped back before I fell back on the bed and thought about how on earth, I was supposed to get this out of Simon’s stubborn thickhead.
“Well”, Apollo mumbled and stared cluelessly at the wall, “at least, you know now what the problem might be.”
“Ah, yes that will be a great help”, I moaned sarcastically and shot him a look.
He just shrugged and kept me in company until I had calmed down and he had to go home.
Saturday, 8 June 2030
The morning prayer was over, and my mother had asked for my presence. Obediently I followed her orders and went to her private quarters. I was not sure what she wanted to discuss with me but questioning for her reasons rarely bore any results, so I just waited until I finally met her face to face in her office.
Finally, I was allowed to enter. The room had a high ceiling, fair, meticulously worked patterns on the walls and heavy looking furniture in deep red and golden ornaments. A place that surely did the queen justice with its aura.
Right now, she sat on the massive armchair next to the window, a book on her lap as she looked outside and watched some birds.
“Your Mercifulness. How can I assist you?”, I said formally while bowing.
Mother made a light hand gesture and signalized me with it that this was not a formal meeting and that she wanted to talk to me as her child and not as a regent. So, I straightened up and went closer to her and took a seat on the footstool in front of her. I could have chosen to sit on the other armchair, sure, but the footstool was closer to my mother and it ticked her off when I behaved unroyally.
She merely moved a muscle as she told me calmly: “I was told by the guards that they have heard you shouting yesterday evening, after your brother had come to visit you. Since he did not leave right after this incident and you seemed to be at good terms this morning while the prayer, I assumed you did not fight with him. I did my research and learnt that this Simon did break things off. Is that correct?”
I cost me all my strength to not snap at her for prying into my social life. She knew how much I hated it.
Forcefully I took a deep breath and told my mother with a nod: “Yes, that is correct. Simon texted me that he could no longer hold up this relationship and wanted to end it.”
Mother raised her eyebrows. Well, that certainly was a strong reaction for her.
“He texted you? Not even a call?”
“Mother, I don’t think this is what he really wanted. I don’t believe that he really wanted to end it but felt like he had to end it now in order to stop me getting more involved with his problems. He couldn’t do it otherwise. I don’t think his voice had managed to tell me what he needed to say but did not want to say.”
Openly showing her scepticism she eyed me up and curled her lips in displeasure. My answer did not sit well with her apparently.
“Nahyuta”, she began her speech being harsh and clear, “do you not think that you overanalyse this? This explanation is far-fetched. It is way more probable that he simply did mean what he said and wanted to end it as quickly and comfortable as he could.”
“You don’t know him”, I hissed keeping my voice as low as possible. “He would never be so cruel to me and if he had wanted to do it quick, he had done it a month ago, when I was in the States and not now.”
“This is what you want to see, my child. You’re being delusional and interpreting things to your liking. And I understand that. Heartbreak is horrible, and I understand that you are upset about this, but you need to let go of these false hopes. It will do you no good. And how well do you even know him? You see each other at best once a month and otherwise you just call him. Do you really know him as well as you believe?”
Unbelieving I gaped my mother. She couldn’t be serious about this. She could not be telling me that I was being irrational, when she had no gasp of my relationship with Simon, his current state of mind and my actual feelings at this moment. She hasn’t even asked if I was upset. She just assumed that she knew what I was feeling right now.
And even less did she have the right to devalue my relationship with Simon just because we didn’t see each other on daily basis. How could she claim that this wasn’t real or valuable enough? How could she say in my face that I did not know the one person I loved?
“How dare you!”, I cried my whole body shaking. “How dare you saying that I wouldn’t know Simon, after he helped me more than anybody in this wicked palace did! He helped me find myself and helped me getting the courage to express myself, and nobody ever did that for me in my entire life!”
She looked at me in absolute shock. I had never spoken up against her like this before.
“And you know what?”, I continued loudly. ”Yes, I am upset now. But not, because of the breakup, but because you don’t listen to me! I am sad and agitated about it, and I feel helpless for not being able to talk with Simon and sort this out properly. But you would know that already had you asked… Instead you just assume things and accuse me of being irrational. That’s a big help.”
She looked at me with hurt in her eyes. Yes, I had been harsh, but she had been harsh as well. She should be able to swallow what she serves.
Suddenly composed again she met my eyes before she slightly bowed her head and said: “I see my mistaking. I should have asked about your feelings in this matter first before advising you. And I should not have said these things about your relationship with Simon. I will not repeat that mistake in the future.”
A bit suspicious I eyed her up but eventually said: “Thank you.”
A brief smile with a hint of sadness in it rushed over her lips before she put the book on her lap on the little table next to us and folded her hands in her lap.
“Then, do I understand correctly that you want to fix things with Simon?”, mother asked eventually.
“Yes, I do.”
I saw her repressing a sigh but tired not to let her frustration and sorrow show through it.
“Can you tell my why you want to fix it?”, she asked further.
I straightened my shoulders and told her: “I love him. And I know that this is not what he really wants. I can’t just give this up. I can’t just let him walk away.”
Almost immediately mother tried to say something but stopped herself. She contemplated for a moment and then started anew: “I am sure you do love him. And you are right, you know him better than I do. But it doesn’t change the fact that he has hurt you, Nahyuta. – She put her hand on my knee in visible dismay – And it also doesn’t change the fact that he has broken up with you. No matter how much he might not have wanted it, in the end he went through with it. Do you really think that you should give him a second chance? After he did this to you?”
Had I been more reasonable or less frustrated with my mother’s treatment of me like I child, I had probably seen that she had a point.
But I wasn’t more reasonable and so I told her without any doubt in my voice: “Of all people I know he’s the one who most definitely deserves a second chance. And I will give him just that.”
She sighed at the fire in my eyes but nodded. Now her royal calm had come back to her again and she took her hand away from my knee. The discussion did not end right away, she asked me when I would go to the States to confront him and if this matter should be addressed at a later point. I told her that I would leave for the 9 of July and that I did not want to talk about it anymore. She then thanked me for my time and let me leave to my relief.
Saturday, 15 June 2030
It was after eleven in the evening and the palace was dark for the most parts. In the whole wing of my brother only out of one room shone a light through the door cracks. And it was Nahyuta’s. I stood in front of it, on my own since I had sent the guards away. I did not want our mother to know about this. I did not want that things got even more complicated between these two.
Without bothering to knock I entered. They sat at their desk, papers from work scattered around, their hair loosely falling out of the braid. They should have stopped working hours ago.
I sighed, and they looked up in confusion. There still was some old panic in their bones from our aunt’s horrible all-time monitoring of them. There had been moments when they startled even more.
“You didn’t knock”, they said with a voice that sounded like it hadn’t been used for ages.
I smiled sadly and walked over to them.
“Yeah. I’m sorry I startled you.”
I held out my hand and waited for them to take it. Slowly they took it and I led them over to the bed. At least they had changed into their nightgown already, I thought as I softly pulled them behind me. I sat down on the bed and motioned them to do the same. They followed without a word.
Our silence continued for quite some time, both staring at the wall of the room. Eventually it was I, who spoke up.
“I know what happened with you and Simon.”
Finally, their apathic expression disappeared and they looked at me in shock. With a small voice they asked: “Who told you?”
“You just now. I hadn’t been sure, and nobody wanted to say anything, but I was pretty sure that this is what has bothered you in the las few days, so I just thought I should approach you directly with it.”
I took their hand.
“What happened?”
“He texted me that he wanted to break up.”
“Yes, but what happened between you two that it let to this?”
They looked at me. Their look was so lost, and shoulders hung so low.
“I’m not sure.”
I bit my lips and gripped tighter on their hand. I felt how heartbroken they were.
They continued, shaking their head and staring at their knees: “Things weren’t different between us, when I left. We had been on good terms and the chats and video calls were just like they usually were. I guess it might be something that came up when he was talking to his psychiatrist that made him believe he had to do it… But I’m not sure. Maybe it was something I said or did? He didn’t leave me any clue to work with.”
Sadly I met my brother’s eyes and pulled them into a hug. They did not resist and put their arms around me, as I patted their back and felt their longing for answers and closure for Simon’s actions. I slowly ended our hug and leaned at their side. Nahyuta put their arm around me pulled me against them and we sighed together. It was weird how in synch we were sometimes.
“Why haven’t you told me? I am there for you, you know”, I asked after a while.
“I know you are, but it’s not your duty to console me. You have enough on your plate for a sixteen-year-old. Spiritual training, history and political lessons next to your other school education, the Dance of Devotion and your other religious duties are a lot to shoulder and I don’t want to stress you more, because my panda left me.”
“Yuta… There’s always room for you. If I had relationship problems, you would always make some time for me and listen to my sorrows or just let me cry. I thought you knew that by now.”
They let out a huff and mumbled: “I should, shouldn’t I?”
I sat up and realized that Nahyuta had started crying. Vehemently they tried to hold the tears back and stop themselves from shaking, but the tears were already flowing, and they had lost any chance to win against them anymore.
“It’s fine. Just let it out, there’s no shame in crying”, I said and stood up to get some tissues from their desk.
Bravely smiling I handed them the tissues and sat back beside them. They often held back their emotions here in the palace. I had realized it soon after they had started to live here. Whenever they walked through the halls, sat in the dining room or stayed in their own quarters, they always tried to hold up a regal appearance. It only broke when Apollo or Datz were around. And even then, they never let themselves show any weaknesses.
Eventually they stopped and dried their face with a tissue. Sadly they sniffled their nose one last time and spoke up: “I know it’s ridiculous but you just reminded me of him. Simon always tells me to express my feelings, that I should never feel bad for take up his time.”
They sighed and laughed at the same time.
“But he never allows himself to do that. Klavier was so right when he accused him of not following his own advice. And I did not even see it. Because I wasn’t there. I feel so stupid.”
“You’re not stupid Yuty! You always knew that Simon is hard to read. Otherwise he could not have faked to be a murderer for seven years straight. Come on, let’s rethink. Maybe we’ll find out where things went wrong”, I tried to cheer them up.
Apparently, it worked, as they nodded and straightened up to rethink.
“Okay. Let’s try that”, Nahyuta agreed with shaky determination.
I smiled and encouraged: “So, have you ever talked about staying together or ending things before? Has something like that ever come up?”
After some thinking their eyes lit up and they told me with their brows knitted together: “Just after we got together, he once asked me, if I was really happy with him, since he’s aro and he was afraid that I wouldn’t feel appreciated enough. But we cleared that up right afterwards, so that shouldn’t be it… The only other thing that slightly goes into this direction, was on the Friday night after his break-down.”
“What was it?”, I asked feeling as if we were on the right track.
“He had woken up because of a nightmare, he couldn’t remember, I had just come by his room. I entered and talked to him. Before I got him to lay down and go back to sleep, he asked me, if I would stay, would he ask me to.”
“What did you answer?”
Surprised they looked at me and said as if it was the most logical thing on the world: “Of course I would stay! And I told him exactly that. Why would say I something else? He’s important and definitely one of my priorities.”
For a moment I thought about their answer. It hurt to hear how much they were able to sacrifice so quickly for him-
With big eyes I looked at Nahyuta and carefully said: “What if it scares him?”
“That I care about him and would do stuff for him?”, they snorted
I shook my head and explained: “No, that you would give up your current life for him! That you would sacrifice so much for him. Didn’t you tell me that he still is hung up on all the things his sister did for him, when he was younger? That he feels like he took her twenties away?”
After that Nahyuta looked at me as if I was a magical being, who had just told them that I granted them three wishes. Slowly their expression softened, and they started nodding mellowly. Then they shot me a smile and put their hand on my knee.
“I have been thinking about a lot of reasons why things turned out like this, but with this I slowly start to see the whole picture. I think I’ll be ready to talk some sense into him, when we meet next month. And that might be just thanks to your clue.”
I mirrored their smile and their gaze became softer. Gently Yuta started to draw circles on my back and then said: “And you should know that I won’t leave my whole life behind for him. I love him, and I would find a way to stay with him but there is no way that I would ever abandon you. You’re my little sister after all and I deeply care for you and love you just as much as Simon. You two make my life worth while and I’m not going to leave one for the other. Okay?”
“Okay”, I mumbled with tears in my eyes and let them pull me into a hug.
Of all the things I lost and gained two years ago in this terrible revolution, Nahyuta was the best thing that came into my life. I was glad to be their sister. And I was glad they could count on me just as much as I could count on them.
Link to the rest of the fanfiction on ao3:
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meanderfall · 7 years
Klavier being Truth and Kristoph being Deceit is PERFECT. I had actually been thinking the same thing, that Kristoph was the one who lied to Klavier, telling him that he was only good for hurting people. And I didn't think to have Kristoph be the one to blind Apollo, but I did think that he would be the one to convince people to start abusing their power over him. If Apollo can't see then he can be tricked, especially if he has never known otherwise. (1)
(2) And definitely it should take longer for Klavier to come out! It was mostly just a basic outline I put down there, but yeah, Klavier would take a lot more coaxing than just that, and I think Apollo would keep coming back because it doesn’t feel right leaving someone to an unjust punishment, even if it was self inflicted. Perhaps Phoenix keeps Apollo going through it all, helps him endure his own self-doubt about whether he’s really doing the best thing for Klavier in trying to get him out.
(3)And then Phoenix tells Edgeworth about Apollo’s problem, and Edgeworth goes to the well to see this Truth for himself. He proceeds to talk to Klavier, and when Klavier tells him about how he wishes he were able to be closer to Apollo but is too scared that he’d hurt him, Edgeworth talks to him about how Change is inevitable, that nothing can stay the same, and sometimes it’s better to initiate it so that it happens on your terms. It isn’t always bad, and even if it is somethings are worth it.
(4) And as they talk more and more, they start to drift to other topics of conversation when they tire of arguing, and slowly they start to fall in love. Which makes Apollo want to save Klavier even more, and makes Klavier want to be brave and free. After Edgeworth talks with Klavier, he goes back to Phoenix and tells him about how Klavier is torn between desire and fear, which is when Phoenix decides to pay Klavier a visit.
(5) Now Phoenix has been hurt by Deceit before, has seen how lies wear a person down until they’re nothing, and to him Truth looks a little too much like Deceit for comfort. But he can feel the void of determination in Klavier, can see how he’s just given up on everything because he too has been worn down under an onslaught of lies. And when he speaks to Klavier of Apollo, he can see the spark of determination kindle and decides that he has to foster it, for both their sakes.
(6) And after Phoenix’s pep talk, Klavier does feel braver, more sure that he needs to go through with this. So even though he’s still convinced that he will hurt Apollo, when Apollo tells him that he can handle it, Klavier makes his way out of the well because he wants so badly to believe that Apollo will continue to see goodness in him. And then it goes on to end as you said, with them hanging out and eventually becoming a law enforcement force of nature. Also, can Trucy be Joy?
YAAAS ANON, I LOVE!!!! low-key can edgeworth be someone that klavier met beforehand?? im a sucker for edgey and klav being friends and a possible mentorship between them (especially when klavier looks up to edgeworth).
(lowkey can the beef between phoenix and kristoph just be as to how ive phoenix has seen his lies twist someone and wear them down bc like phoenix has suffered enough, let’s let the man live)
I AGREE TRUCY SHOULD BE JOY!!! Either that, or Wonder. She can see the beauty in the world, how magical it all is, and loves giving the people that same sense of wonder (which she usually gives via her magic tricks).
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aceprosecuties · 7 years
Okay I'll try this one more time: Klavier and Simon finally FINALLY get a day off and they decide to go out to eat. They end up drinking a bit after and Klav gets a little drunk, and Simon takes him home (in Klav's car actually, he still has his hog but has since decided to also get a car). On the way there, Klav is quiet but then says, "Is it wrong to still care about someone that killed? To still love them?" suddenly vulnerable and in tears, and Simon knows exactly what he means ('Foolbright')
More Simon and Klav friendship angst is alwaysgood!  (In case you didn’t see it, Iwrote something a little similar herearound a week ago too!)
“Andhere I thought you were going to show up here with your motorcycle,” Simongreeted Klavier as he opened the passenger-side door and got in the vehicle,which still had that new-car smell.  
“Nein…I had a feeling you wouldn’t bewilling to sit behind me with your hands tightly around my waist,” Klavierlaughed, pulling out into the street once Simon was buckled in.  
“Perhapsyou know me better than I gave you credit for, Klavier.”
Withthe prosecutorial staff still undermanned, it had felt like ages since Klavierand Simon had a day off at the same time. Their odd friendship had come about through mutual complaints aboutbeing overworked and brief lunches and dinners when they were both staying lateat the office.  Simon had been a bitsurprised – but not unpleasantly so – when Klavier suggested they go out for anactual meal on their shared offday.  
Therestaurant was fancier than their normal eateries, complete with wine glasseson the table and cloth napkins.  Klavierhad said that they made enough money and should enjoy themselves at least oncein a while, even though Simon never really saw the purpose of these “atmospheric”type places.  As long as the food wasgood, who really cared about the quality of the fork you ate with?
Butmaybe Klavier was on to something…after all, he really couldn’t eat at WhetSoba all the time.
Klavierended up getting steak and potatoes while Simon went for a pasta with eggplantdish.  
“Forsome reason I always forget that you’re vegetarian,” Klavier said after theyput in their order.  “Were you one beforeprison, or is this a new thing?”
“Before,”Simon answered.  “I was quite the animallover.”
“War?” Klavier laughed and Simon rolled his eyes at the gratuitous German.  “I think your tense is wrong there, Simon.  Who else in the office has a perch for theirbeloved pet?”
“Takais not a pet,” Simon said with adisapproving frown.  “She is a companion.”
Klaviershrugged, not really seeing the difference, but decided to let it go.  After all, Simon was always a bit testy whenit came to his treasured hawk, and they weretrying to enjoy themselves here.
“Ja, my mistake.  How about some wine?”
Aglass or two couldn’t hurt, Simon agreed, and watched as Klavier beckoned theirwaitress over and asked for her opinion. Of course he flashed her that dazzling smile of his and Simon saw thetransformation of her face into a bright pink color as she stammered whileanswering him.  
Soonthey had a bottle of red wine that was most likely overpriced, but…it wasn’thalf bad.  
“Iwouldn’t be surprised if she gave you her number,” Simon said, once thewaitress was out of earshot.  Klaviergulped down more than a bit of his wine before responding.  
“Evenif she did, I have no interest,” he said. “This is just for show.”
“You’resuch a gentleman,” Simon sarcastically replied, earning a chuckle from hisfriend across the table.
“I’mglad you think so.  Your opinion is quiteimportant to me.”
Itwas Simon’s turn to laugh.  
“Iwas being serious, you know,” Klavier said with a small smile on his face andan earnest look in his eyes.  It wassurprising, hearing that…since when did their friendship get to that sort ofpoint, Simon wondered?  
Aquestion for another time, as their delivered food distracted him.
And damn it was good.
Theremainder of their meal consisted of some office gossip (usually centeredaround Payne, because he was such an easy target), brief discussions aboutpersonal lives, and some talk of their current cases.  
Evenafter their meals were finished, they stayed, genuinely enjoying each other’scompany and feeling the weight of their stressful lives and jobs temporarilylifted from their shoulders.  Simonsipped at his wine slowly, while Klavier began drinking more and began drinkingfaster.  When they finished the secondbottle, Simon was still only on his second glass, and had actually stopped drinkingit some time ago.  
Afterall, with Klavier downing glass after glass after glass like that…Simon knew hewas going to be the one driving back.
Theyleft a sizable tip for their waitress and Simon ended up having to help Klavierout of the restaurant and into his car. While he wasn’t completely wasted,he was swaying a bit and said he had felt dizzy upon standing, so Simon had letKlavier put his arm around him as they walked. It was during this time that Simon had grabbed Klavier’s keys from hispocket.  
Surprisingly,he didn’t really get any strong protest.
“Doyou even know how to drive,” Klavier asked as Simon strapped him in.
“Ofcourse I do.  I just don’t have a car.”  
AndSimon closed the door and walked around to the driver’s side, getting in afteradjusting the seat for his long legs.  Hehoped he remembered how to get back to his apartment from here…Klavier wouldprobably protest at being forced to stay at Simon’s place, but there was no waythat Simon was going to let him drive in his condition.  
Theygot on the road, and Klavier settled comfortably in his seat, turning so he wason his side and looking at Simon intently, saying nothing for a few blocks.  When Simon noticed this, he shifted a littlebit.  
“Whatis it, Klavier?”
“…CanI ask you something?”  His voice was evenquieter than normal, but Simon still chuckled, figuring it was probably abouthis music or a case or something along those lines.  
“Hai,” Simon answered in Japanese,partially as a way to poke fun of the constant littering of German that Klavierwould sprinkle throughout his sentences. However, his joke clearly went over the man’s head, because all Klavierdid was narrow his eyes in confusion.  Ohwell, it was funny enough to Simon at least. “Yes, Klavier, what is it?”
Klavierdidn’t respond immediately.  He seemed tohesitate, if Simon could believe it, almost as if he was no longer completelysure of the question.  
“Do…doyou think it is still wrong to still care about someone…who has killed?”  Klavier’s voice waivered towards the end ofthat question, and he even seemed to curl up a bit more in the seat.  “To…still love them?”
WhileSimon knew he had to pay attention to the road, he couldn’t help but look over;Klavier’s eyes were no longer on him, but were looking down and away.  They were glossy, and Klavier sniffled,clearly fighting back tears.  
Kristoph…that’swho this was about.  
“Howlong have you been thinking this, Klavier?” Simon avoided the question at first, wanting to ignore the dreadfulchurning of his stomach that had started.
“Iguess ever since the day Kris…toph was arrested,” Klavier mumbled.  Originally he had used his nickname for hisolder brother, but felt odd, so awkwardly added the second half of Kristoph’sname after a brief pause.  “But…you didn’tanswer my question.  Is it wrong?”
Damn.  Well, even while drunk Klavier was perceptiveenough.  Simon shook his head.
“No,Klavier, it isn’t wrong.”  He grippedtighter onto the steering wheel and grit his teeth together as memories of acertain vivacious detective came into the forefront of his mind.  “Stupid and foolish, maybe, but not wrong.”
“Howdo you know?”
Simonpaused as he remembered.  He rememberedhow his Fool Bright had charged into his life, causing him headache afterheadache as he messed up his cases with stupid mistakes that a rookie wouldn’teven make.  He remembered how his FoolBright had always talked about rehabilitating him…how he had believed in hisinnocence, and swore to be by his side.  Heremembered how he finally broke and spoke about his fears as his execution daydrew closer and closer, and how his Fool Bright actually reached out and held him, and how, in that moment, Simonfelt like…everything was going to be alright.
Andhe remembered standing at the prosecutor’s bench, staring down his Fool Brightand learning that…everything was fake. None of it was real; his Fool Bright didn’t even exist to him, really.  
Butit wasn’t that simple, was it?
Simonkept dreaming about the detective.  Aboutthe moments they spent together and about what the future could have broughthad things been different.  He alsodreamt of Bobby Fulbright’s death…how did he die, exactly?  Simon often wondered about that.  Too often.
Hehated his Fool Bright.  He hated him somuch for his treachery and his deceitful words. He hated him for killing his genius and wonderful mentor, and forcausing great anguish to his sister and to Athena.  
Mostof all, though…he hated himself because he knew he still loved his Fool Bright.
Buthe said none of this to Klavier.  
Instead,an angry tear just rolled down his cheek.
“Trustme…I know.”    
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zarduhasselfrau · 8 years
Below this cut. Is simultaneously the worst and one of the best aa aus. I have ever made.
Ok so DD Era Phoenix is Normal Twilight, who is sent through the portal by Mia who is a fucking sun goddess to retrieve his attorney’s badge crown which was stolen by AA1 Era Miles (Sunset). Larry (Spike) goes with him. Except they get to the other side and they’re humans (Yeah fuk the spike = dog plot for this au) and they go to Kurain Legal Academy. Mia is no longer the sun goddess she is now a principal of a school, and Morgan is the vice-principal. And Phoenix meets AA1 Era Edgeworth/Sunset who is ruining everyone’s lives. He also meets the following (I’ve told u what elements of friendship magic they are) who he was best friends with back in the world he came through the portal from, In that world they looked like their DD selves (imagine one for franz and iris and kay), in this NEW human world they look like their trilogy selves.
Franziska - Generosity Maya - Laughter Iris - Kindness Ema - Honesty  Kay - Loyalty
(Also: Trucy, Pearl, and Jinxie are the cut/ie ma/rk crusa/ders, the little kids trying to figure out what they’re meant to do.)
So Phoenix meets the gang And they help Phoenix win a popularity contest to get the badge back bc this world’s mia has set it as a prize for the fall formal ruler, but Miles uses it anyways and gets consumed by its power and becomes an ACTUAL Demon Prosecutor HIS OUTFIT BECOMES HIS 20 YEAR OLD BRAT.WORTH OUTFIT but other than that he just goes full demon and tries to destroy Phoenix, but when the other five and larry move to shield him instinctively The Magic Of Friendship shields them and then they... they just shoot a fucking rainbow at Demon Prosecutor Edgeworth and then he’s weak and half-cowering in this fucking crater they put him in bc they OBLITERATED him but like he’s not actually hurt he’s just Horribly Mentally Scarred From What He Accidentally Turned Into and phoenix offers him his hand, and he takes it, and then the others help phoenix lift him out. 
Phoenix and Larry go back to their world and reunite w/ their friends. 
But they get called back later when Kristoph, Engarde, and Dahlia turn up and use a battle of the bands to create negative energy and in-fighting in the school, which they feed off of because they’re sirens. DD Phoenix is struggling with writing a song/spell that can counteract this, Kay made a band for the six of them (Edgeworth is too nervous about how much everyone hates him for trying to destroy the world/school to play.), nobody trusts Edgeworth yet even though he’s only trying to help and protect them. Eventually, the pressure gets to the whole band and after kristoph, engarde, and dahlia get redd white to trap them beneath the stage they have a full blown argument - which feeds the evil trio up above REALLY WELL. And then Miles stops them, proves what he’s learned about the magic of friendship by resolving it. And in the final song Miles has to join in for the counterspell of the song to be at full strength and basically kristoph, engarde and dahlia getting fucking obliterated by Phoenix and Miles sharing a microphone and making a rainbow with their hands.
Phoenix and Larry go back to their world, don’t get called back next time because:
Feenie era Phoenix is on a team consisting of the other prosecutors (like. Simon, klav, paynes, all of them.) representing Themis Legal Academy in a “friendly” rival school competition with Kurain Legal Academy. Von Karma is their principal. Feenie is collecting magic to study it, but Von Karma emotionally manipulates him into unleashing it and accidentally becoming a Demon like edgeworth did to win a competition between the two schools. Edgeworth saves him goes full fucking Ultimate Form transforms into his phoenix-y self HE TURNS INTO DD EDGEWORTH COMPLETE AND HIS COAT IS BILLOWING OUT BEHIND HIM DRAMATICALLY AND AMAZINGLY AS HE GAINS HIS MYTHICAL-PHOENIX LOOKING WINGS AND ABILITIES AND HOVERS IN MID AIR and he fights phoenix using the magic of friendship, the BETTER magic than Phoenix’s, and then he takes Phoenix’s hand and pulls him out of it just like phoenix did for him once. And then EVERYONE turns on von karma and Mia basically runs him out of the fucking school district. Feenie transfers to Kurain, and they’re all relaxing by the statue of Ami Fey when DD Era Phoenix crashes through it like “I’M SO SORRY I DIDN’T GET YOUR MESSAGES THERE WAS THIS WHOLE THING WITH A SAMURAI PROSECUTOR AND A PHANTOM AND- HOLY SHIT” and feenie and dd era phoenix just stare at each other for like five minutes.
Then the new ma/ne seven go to camp and they gain new magical abilities. Maya - explosives, Ema - super strength, Franz - Shields, Kay - super speed, Iris - Talks to animals, Edgeworth - touch can read thoughts, Phoenix - general magic, levitating shit. They think there’s someone using magic for evil around the camp, but it turns out its the camp leader - Ful/bright. But he’s not doing it because he’s evil, he’s trying to SAVE the camp with magic and just keeps accidentally messing up because he can’t control it. And because he can’t control it, it eventually possesses him and turns him into Phantom Ful/bright. Feenie overcomes his fear of using magic after what happened at the friend.ship games. They save fulb.right and the camp!! And also all transform into their DD forms.
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