#like just offput by him even when he's just vibing
soubiapologist · 2 months
wondering if like. mimuro always had a thing for nisei or if he started having a thing for him after nisei started being IN HIS WORDS NOT MINE "seductive" and if so was nisei just being himself and mimuro was like wuoagh or was nisei intentionally manipulating him. like they're been friends since middle school iirc so like around 13 years old and nisei probably wasn't THAT bad back then so like. what happened in the interim like where did this start and where is this going..........
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slippery-minghus · 3 months
my next door neighbor's smoke alarm was doing the low battery beep for a week, and after eventually confirming it was his and not out in the hall, THEN confirming he was actually home, i left a note on his door asking him to do something about it. as politely as i could without getting long winded or beginning to grovel. and.
and it fucking worked???? within an hour he'd made the beeping stop????,? it's been like three days and i'm still losing my mind over the extremely simple concept of: nicely asking a stranger to do a thing that will remove a source of annoyance and it resulting positiVELY?? and not in passive aggression and escalation of the annoyance?????? WHAT????
i'm just. i'm just dumbfounded.
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sortarapunzel · 1 year
absolutely incorrigible behavior in this house tonight <- watching the voltron german dub and enjoying it
#if me from 10 years ago could see me now she'd be so confused#all she knew of german dubs was that they turned benjamin coddersnatchs voice into a normalman tenor in sherlock#but also... voltron... whew its bringing back memories#the english dub... its Such a kids show oh my god how did we ever think it was going to go where we thought it would#the animation does slay though. when the characters move it slays#the german dub sort of smooths out the kids show vibes#it also smooths out keith which is really funny#og keith is so like. im punk. im gruff. im voiced by steven yeun. meanwhile german keith is just kind of tired?#german keith has been through some shit and you can hear it. hes no longer a weirdly deepvoiced teenager hes now a weirdly worldly teenager#(and a tenor. of course. bc no german dub is complete without a complete swap of vocal range for the men) (I've honestly gotten used to it)#(highpitched sam winchester is the superior sam winchester and you can fight me on this)#already growing so attached to the german voices that the og english sounds weird to me. i am 10 minutes into the first episode#german dubs are superior!! i can't explain it!! even though the acting is so dry in comparison to the og...#idk what it is i just like how they interpret the characters#og hunk is hard to beat tho ill give him that. german hunk is good but og hunk is great#german lance is WAYYY less cocky lmao he sounds way more unsure of himself when he's delivering those bravado-ass lines#pidge is just. a woman though. it's kind of offputting#you literally cant beat bex taylor klaus at voicing pidge like. they were practically Made for the role#but to have just a normalvoice woman voice pidge is so odd#anyway the translation is also great. lance calls hunk a genius giantfart (genialer riesenfurz) instead of a gassy genius#instead of 'well‚ congratulations'‚ keith tells lance 'welp‚ congrats‚ dude' (Tja‚ Glückwunsch‚ man)#at hearing he got his place in the pilot class#which is such a small change but im obsessed with it#anyway. back to the incorrigible behavior#voltron#junos
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digitaldiseas3 · 1 month
can't tell if i'm like... starting to dislike these girls because im pmsing and that's pretty typical for me to suddenly not like certain people, or if it's genuinely because they've been giving me weird fucking vibes and did smth i think was shitty :/
#they left one dude in the club blackout drunk bc he said he didnt want to leave yet#and his phone died and he slept in the street. woke up with no memory of what happened#and a bachelorette party at the club had ripped his shirt off in shreds apparently#and its like. yeah ik those girls that left him aren't responsible for him that's not their job but like. he couldnt b responsible for hims#--himself in that state#we're in a foreign country and he was visibly fucking blackout wasted#and they left him there by himself#and then in the morning when it was like oh fuck we dont know where jake is? they were insistent that we didnt tell the profs and would#instead wait FOUR HOURS for him to contact us (WTF) before going to the spanish police Ourselves#like what the fuck do you think WE can accomplish??#whatever it turned out okay (or as ok as it could be) bc he managed to buy a charger and picked up when i tried calling again within that 1#hour that we discovered he never made it to his hotel that night#so like. it was fine we didnt need to get the professors or cops involved and nobody had to get sent back home to the US#but like. the fact that they STILL are treating it like no big deal is really giving me rancid vibes#he could have been robbed or assaulted or kidnapped or killed. and what would we have done#like. idk. it seems like theyre just trying to sweep it under the rug bc it was THEM who saw him last#it was THEM who abandoned him while he was in no state to be on his own#and it's especially jarring bc some of those girls i'd considered to be really great people that i really liked!!#and then for one of them especially to be LAUGHING when jake was telling her in person what had happened#like zero concern whatsoever#and its so offputting like... genuinely was this no issue in your eyes.#and it's scary bc it really is a double standard bc if this was a girl then everyone would have been flipping the fuck out#the profs and cops would be called ASAP even if it meant that people got sent home early from the study abroad. bc safety is more important#but bc 'hes a grown man he can handle himself' nobody was in any sort of rush to try and make sure he was okay#its just. i dont feel like i can trust half of them anymore when that was how they reacted to the situation#and when one girl today got lowkey pissed at me for being like yeah that was scary how jake was left all alone and slept in the streets#she was like 'well its not our problem. hes the one who didnt want to leave so its his own fault. he should be able to handle himself'#WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU. WHAT THE FUCK.
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juuuulez · 5 months
📰 | epilogue: capulet.
info: Carl Grimes x Saviour! Reader, 6 year timeskip, cute Judith moments, S10 Negan (aka Negan redemption arc), winter vibes because I wish it snowed where I live.
summary: Six years later, Carl and Reader consider what the future holds.
holy shit guys…it’s over! it’s done! writing this was so weird but also i’m very happy with the ending, and also getting to expand on Carl’s character beyond his death in canon was amazingly freeing.
i’ve got some requests to catch up on, but feel free to ask for stuff in the Capulet-canon! i’ll definitely go back to this and do little spinoff oneshots because they r very cute.
i hope you enjoy this as much as i did!
-> masterlist <-
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Snow crunches under your feet as you treck back to Alexandria’s walls. A thin layer has dusted itself over your hair and shoulders, falling from the fabric of your jacket with each step. Slung over your back is a bundle of game: mostly rabbits, some squirrels, all tied up at the feet.
They’d designated you to checking the traps, a fairly mundane job that was mostly bearable, sans when the weather was this harsh. Having a small amount of freedom was nice at times, where you could be alone with the woods, though you knew someone was trailing nearby, shadowing your every move.
It didn’t hurt that much, knowing they didn’t trust you. You understood. But it sucked that it was these random assholes who hadn’t even been there during the war. Since when did they get a say?
Regardless, you felt relief as you arrived back home, if you could even call it that. The gates opened with a creak, allowing you inside, a familiar scene yet twisted in so many ways.
It had been six years since the war ended.
Six years of living in Alexandria, carefully under everybody’s watch. Of being torn down and scrutinised for mistakes you’d made as a teenager. Not that you’d call them mistakes, maybe that was your biggest flaw, being too prideful.
Someone comes to collect the bounty, to which you hand over the bundle, not before untying one of the rabbits you’d personally shot. That one would make your dinner tonight, besides, you’d been promising Judith a lucky rabbits foot.
The man doesn’t speak to you, though you aren’t offended. You’ve never been a big fan of small talk. In your opinion, there are very few you have the patience to converse with, and as long as they were still interested, then nobody else mattered.
Speaking of people important to you.
In the distance, you could spot Negan plowing snow along the main road that ran through Alexandria. You internally rolled your eyes, knowing that they’d been giving him stupider and stupider jobs recently.
There’s another figure, a young boy, who’s been tasked with watching him. He sits on a porch, a few feet away, kicking at the frosty ground.
“Hey, you wanna take a break?” You ask him, standing in front of the young male. The rabbit is still slung from your shoulder, along with the bow on your back.
He looks a little confused with the suggestion, and maybe offput that you’re talking to him. “No, I’m.. alright, thank you.” He attempts to brush you off, though clearly remains wary, almost unsettled by your presence.
You roll your eyes this time, not willing to continue this pointless back and forth. “Fuck off, okay? Just for a few minuets. Go waste your time somewhere else.” You demand.
Only a second of glaring down at the boy and he’s scurried off, likely to tell someone of your hostility. That’s one benefit, at least, that not many are willing to engage in a physical altercation with you, as they’d all heard stories of the war.
As you turn around, you catch Negan already watching you. A smile spreads onto your face, despite his rugged appearance, and the snow all over your jacket.
“You’re gonna be in deep shit for that one, you know?” He tells you, as if it isn’t obvious, though his tone indicates that he is pleased to see you again.
Lately, you’d been finding Negan more often around Alexandria, usually gardening or doing some other boring maintenance task. Depending on who was around, you were even sometimes allowed to visit him in his cell.
It hadn’t been like that for a long time, though. For the first four years after the war, you weren’t allowed any sort of contact. It was hard, and you’d struggled with bouts of depression on particularly difficult days, but things were starting to look up again.
“I don’t really care.” You shrug, smile turning into a downright grin as you approach. “Can’t make me do anything worse than hunting in dead-winter.”
As you crossed the path, Negan’s smile grew tender. He extended his arm to you, palm cupping the back of your neck and thumb moving the snowy hair from your face.
Though he had many regrets, letting you get caught up in everything was the biggest. In many ways he felt like he’d failed his job, which was to foster and protect a young girl. Yet, time and time again, you were put in harms way.
“What about plowing snow?” Negan sarcastically suggests, leaning on the handle of his shovel. The notion made you frown, straightening out the blue shirt he wore.
“No jacket?” You question, brows furrowed while you looked up at him.
The concern on your face made Negan smile, having watched you grow from a reckless teenager to a conscious young woman. “Nah. I have thick skin, doll.”
Regardless, you roll your eyes, trying to swallow your concern as you look to the snowy path. “I’m gonna ask someone about getting you warmer clothes.”
“I should be the one that’s worried,” Negan points out, “Hunting in this weather? It’s like they’re tryna’ kill you.”
He says it with a slightly bitter tone, genuinely irritated despite the fact that you’ve lived quite comfortably in Alexandria over the years. More so than him, certainly. Yet, the concern makes you smile, regardless.
“Someone’s gotta do it,” You justify with a shrug, “Trust me, I tried to dodge. Been feeling kinda shitty recently.”
“Shitty?” He echos.
“Yeah. Just.. bleh, y’know?”
Negan gives you a stern look, “I don’t know.”
You roll your eyes, not wanting to worry him over something you’d already written off as insignificant. “Just feelin’ icky lately, maybe a bit nauseous. I think this weathers fucking me up.
This causes him to let up a little, though you don’t miss the smug grin on Negan’s face as he continues to shovel snow. “Don’t sound like the weather,” He remarks, “Sure you aren’t pregnant? You and Carl are probably breedin’ like bunnies now you’re living together.”
The vulgar attitude never usually phased you, but this time your brow furrowed, glaring over at the man. “Don’t be gross.” You grumbled.
Luckily, Negan lets up, knowing this may be a soft spot for you. “Fine, I’m just teasing, doll. But you’ll tell me if it gets worse?”
“Yeah,” You agree, hoisting the supplies on your back a little higher. “I’ve gotta go get this rabbit skinned. And I’ll see about that jacket, okay?”
In return, he gives you a semi-enthusiastic thumbs up, though you know the emotion isn’t there. It makes you smile. You’ve truly missed him over these years, and seeing the toll imprisonments had on his attitude is jarring.
Nonetheless, you treck further into the community, locating your place. The small house sits near the back end, away from the main commotion, which you’ve grown to appreciate over time. Originally, you stayed there with Aaron, who was tasked with keeping an eye on you.
Then it was Rosita, and occasionally Tara. Back then, you were equally rude and hostile, and made a point to prove your disdain towards the entire situation. Of course, over the years, those walls melted away and you were forced into a state of acceptance.
Now, there was nobody watching over you. At least not in the safety of your own home. With the rate he was over, Carl practically lived there, though you knew he just didn’t like being in his own house with Rick gone. You’d understand how that would be unsettling.
The door creaked when you opened it, the haul causing you to bump it open with your hip. You dumped the bag at the door, and managed to unhook the bow with one hand.
You ventured further inside, intending to throw the dead rabbit onto the back porch to skin it. But you barely made it three steps down before your mission was halted, two arms snatched around your waist and tugging you back into a firm body.
“Jesus,” You huffed, “I didn’t hear you.”
Carl looks down, eyeing the left side of your head, completely flattened with the absence of an ear. “Shit. Sorry.” He apologised, having momentarily forgot in his haste to greet you.
The injury had thankfully healed, but your eardrum was ruined beyond repair. You were completely deaf from one side.
“I’m also wielding a dead rabbit, so watch out.” You remind him, shimming in his hold so that you’re face to face, though you hold the rabbit at an arms length away from his body.
“Then.. is this a bad time to kiss you?” He asks, and though it sounds genuine, the little smirk on his face indicates that your answer doesn’t matter.
You roll your eyes, a smile growing on your own face. Somehow, after all these years, you still get all bashful. “Never a bad time.”
No matter how much time passed, his lips would always feel perfect on your own. Carl kissed you like you were precious, made of porcelain, and the idea that someone was capable of being so gentle excited you. That, and it let you take control, something you lacked in your current life.
You shimmied your spare hand out of the snowy glove, so that you could wrap it around his neck. Lately, Carl had been letting you trim his hair, though you opted to keep it that same shoulder length, thinking it made him just adorable. He wore the bandage less, too, at least when at home.
Coming up for air, Carl pressed another tender kiss to your cheek, holding you a little closer. “Your hand is really cold.” He whispered.
In response, you dragged your palm over his face, squishing the cold flesh into his cheek. He groaned, finally letting go of you, seeeking reprieve from your snowy fingers.
You were finally able to continue down the hallway, though his footsteps followed right behind.
“Do you want to catch dinner with everyone?” He asked, “They’re cooking the rabbits down by the church.”
“I hate everyone.” You point out, bracing yourself against the cold air outdoors. There’s a metal peg hanging from the back porch, which you affix the rope onto, allowing the rabbit to dangle from its feet.
You can hear Carl has stopped behind you, leaning against the back door. “Besides, I think I wanna stay in. Still feelin’ kinda rough.” You say with a shrug.
It’s like a fish on a hook, where Carl can’t resist clinging to every little word you say. “Still? Do you need to see a doctor?” He suggests, worry in his tone.
Trying to ease his concern, you let go of the rabbit, giving Carl your full attention. “I don’t think so. I’m sure it’s nothing. A cold.”
Carl takes this as permission to dig deeper, wanting to find the root of this issue. He approaches, one hand settling on your hip, the other feeling your forehead. Though your temperature feels fine, he still remarks, “You don’t look like you have a cold.”
“Okay, genius. When did you get your degree?” You quip, the snappy attitude earning you an unamused glare, though it only takes a second before Carl is kissing your forehead, where his hand was.
It irritates you to no end that he’s so forgiving. But over time, Carl has learnt that you get defensive easily, expressed in irritated remarks that can turn borderline cruel. It’s his sign that something is wrong, but he needs to back off for the time being.
“I’ll skin the rabbit. You can lie down.” He suggests.
Your eyes narrow into a glare, not liking the insinuation that you can’t handle it. Though, you’re unable to be properly angry, knowing that he is trying to help. “Thank you.” You end up whispering in agreement, setting aside your pride for the time being.
With that aside, you decided to go and clean up from the hunt. There were little bloodstains on your jacket, so you left it hanging in the laundry for now, intending to deal with it later. Your boots were left at the door, and you quickly walked into the bedroom, intending to wiggle out of the snowy clothes.
Your hair was slightly damp, scalp a little sore from having it tied up all day. So, you padded into the bathroom, hoping to have a hot shower. But the second you looked in the mirror, you remembered what Negan had suggested. Albeit jokingly, but he still said it.
It was like a cruel history repeating itself. Being pregnant was a death sentance, in your eyes. Your own mother had died of birth complications, and that was before the apocalypse. That’s not to mention Lori.
Just the idea made you feel sick again. Scrounging through the bathroom cabinet, you found the beat-up packaging of a pregnancy test you’d stashed after finding it on a run. Just looking at it, all decorated in pink, made you feel worse.
You left it on the counter, hoping a shower would clear your head.
It didn’t.
The test was taunting you, staring at you through the foggy frosted glass of the shower. As much as you hated the notion, it wouldn’t leave your mind unless you got it over with. It was time to bite the bullet.
Still soaking wet from the shower, you fumbled with the box, hands shaking as you read the instructions. Whilst you peed into the little cup, you thought back to all the times you’d been intimate with Carl. The pair of you were relatively safe. But, maybe… maybe there’d been a few times you slipped up.
God, Negan was right. The pair of you were animals. It was like a late puberty, you couldn’t help it, you wanted to jump him at every opportunity. And now, this was your punishment.
A positive pregnancy test.
More like an execution date.
You spend a good ten minutes sitting on the bathroom floor, this indescribable weight on your chest. It gets heavier as time goes by, and you convince yourself that you may actually be unable to breathe if this continues.
Pulling on some clothes, you slowly inch from the bathroom, hair and skin still wet, though that doesn’t matter anymore. You can’t tell Carl, but at the same time, you need to.
You come to a stop at the back of the house, and before you can open the door, you notice Judith through the window. She’s sitting on the porch, talking with Carl as he attempts to skin the rabbit. His technique isn’t very good, but she doesn’t know any better. You hadn’t heard her come in, too busy wallowing in your own panic.
She stands, accepting a knife that Carl offers her, attempting to mimic his actions and take a chunk of fur off the rabbit. Judith struggles, not having the right angle, causing an uneven slice through the rabbits thigh.
Finally, you give in, pushing the door open. “You two are gonna butcher my rabbit.”
Judith turns to you, an eager smile on her face. She offers the knife, handle up like she’d been taught, “Show me?”
Though you accept the knife, Carl interjects, “She’s just had a shower, Jude.” He points out.
“It’s fine,” You assure them, rolling up the sleeves of your pyjama shirt despite the biting cold, “I’ll wash off with the hose. Now watch me, both of you.”
You teach the siblings how to properly skin a rabbit, explaining little tips and answering all of Judith’s questions. Though you’d come here to break some terrible news, you somehow find yourself feeling a little better. Watching Carl try and teach Judith something was heartwarming, and you wondered if he’d be this attentive with his own child.
That, and making Judith an aunt would be a gift in itself.
Later that night, you walk Judith back to her house, where Michonne was already waiting for her. She seemed relieved to know Judith was with you and Carl, given the girl had a tendency to investigate into some of the darker cracks of Alexandria.
There was still that one, heavy piece of information weighing on your mind. Though, it seemed to get lighter and lighter as time went on. When it came time to sleep, you were comfortably nestled against Carl’s side, your head resting on his shoulder.
The words were right there, on the tip of your tongue. It would be so easy to blurt out, yet you felt like doing some preemptive damage control.
“Would you ever wanna have kids?” You ask in a whisper, almost completely inaudible.
Given the circumstances, Carl finds the inquiry pretty strange. He shifts a little, laying on his side, so that you’re forced to face him.
“Maybe.” He says, though he sounds a little unsure of himself.
But maybe isn’t a no.
You stay silent for a moment, unsure of how to proceed now that you’ve gotten your answer. The silence causes Carl to grow curious, curious as to what has sparked this sudden interest.
“Do you?” He asks, looking you right in the eye, which makes you squirm a little.
Everything points towards your admission, but you can’t force the words from your mouth. So you just lay there, watching him, looking a little pent up and almost slightly guilty.
Fortunately, Carl isn’t stupid. He’s quite attentive, actually, especially when it comes to your health.
That, and he’d already found the empty test box in the bathroom, crumpled into the wastebin.
“C’mon.” He whispers, pulling you back into him, arms wrapped around your form. His hand makes its way into your hair, fingers twirling in the strands, keeping your head pressed firmly against his chest.
Carl swallows the lump in his throat, similarly unable to address the issue at hand. But maybe you’d rather he didn’t. “I love you, okay?” He ends up whispering, words uttered against the crown of your head.
You muster a little nod, shifting to worm your arms around his torso. You mirror his tone, quiet and hoarse, though that weight is finally beginning to disappear.
“I love you, too.”
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nekropsii · 1 month
what do you see in equius ?? genuine question i don't mean to sound rude but to me she's just really offputting. she gives me such creep vibes that i can't seem to get over and every time i read a page with her it just gets worse..... like when i first read nep & eq's chats i was sitting there wondering if this was outright abuse or at least bullying of some kind??? it felt like it idk.......
but honestly i do wanna see an equius liker's opinion on him because i can't understand it like at all and i'm probably just missing something that all the equius likers saw and i didnt LMAO
Well, considering I’m an Alpha Trolls Enthusiast and have been for, like, a decade, as well as having Horror as a Special Interest since age… What, 3? I’d say I personally have a pretty strong stomach for Weird and Offputting in fiction, lol. Stronger than most. Equius isn’t a very palatable character at all, I’ll be the first to admit that - a lot of the characters I enjoy the most in Homestuck aren’t very palatable… But I find ‘em real interesting, personally. The fact that they aren’t palatable adds to the intrigue for me, and poor execution tends to be a total weakness of mine. Again, Alpha Trolls Enthusiast for a decade straight.
I have a post here that talks a bit about my reading of Equius, I’d recommend giving it a read. I see Eridan and Equius as being very similar characters - not necessarily due to their shared hemoloyalty, but because they’re both teens falling down online pipelines. They’re very prevalent Kinds Of Guy that no one wants to talk about.
But people talk about Eridan plenty even to this day - he was even a fandom favorite for a while, being the fandom’s first Prettyboy Sad Gay Anime Prince long before Dirk… So he doesn’t reel in as much interest for me as the chronically overlooked Equius.
If there’s anything to know about me, it’s that I love a good underdog.
Equius-Likers, from my experience, are very aware of his issues. It’s part of the draw. Enjoyment of him tends to be an analytical fixation. I haven’t met a single Equius-Liker that hasn’t had some very complex thoughts on him. They’re just kinda quiet about it. Fitting.
Unfortunately, I’m Aranea But Real, so. No quietness here.
Your response to Equius is valid. It’s also intended, I feel. To specifically address the bits about concerns of his relationship with Nepeta not being healthy… I mean, it’s not abusive, but it’s definitely more complicated than fan art would lead you to believe, as always. “Complicated” is to be expected from a Moirallegiance - remember what they exist for?
Nepeta is very much so in control of the things going on, and their relationship is pretty equal, all things considered, so I wouldn’t be worrying too much about that. She very distinctly does not lack agency here - Nepeta is the one who has a leash on Equius, not the other way around. Equius is mean, because that’s the way she is to… Everyone, more or less, but she’s not of any danger to Nepeta. They have a fine Moirallegiance. 1,000% more functional than whatever the fuck Karkat and Gamzee had going on.
Anyway. I think Equius is neat, and has both missed and oft overlooked potential. One of the very few characters I’d be 100% down to have seen more content of in the comic.
Once again, check out this post. I still think it’s decent. Maybe you will, too.
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othernaut · 8 months
"Why Are They Like That?" Scavengers Reign edition:
Chris, Barry, and Terrence show distinct reactions to having all lived through trauma. I recognize my own reactions so keenly through every one of them.
Barry distracts himself. The world is surface-level and wonderful because it's all so incredibly temporary. I read him as being in a practically permanent level of dissociation; I wouldn't be surprised if he's older than he reads. He refuses to think about loss because one little prick in the balloon sends all the rage and pain screeching out. I also read him as autistic, but his childishness seems to me more as an urge to live in a world where the loss isn't, same way you'd hide from a violent home by putting on headphones and playing a video game.
Chris rationalizes the loss, tries to pick it apart, find an explanation. She holds a deep, abiding belief in rituals, mantras, and philosophy, as keeping loss at an intellectual level means the pain is far less acute. Her confidence is an incredibly thick shell, but it's still a shell, and it's grown to the level where she's able to maintain unity in her group but probably won't be able to stand up to a challenge of leadership. That's when she falls apart - when she's proven wrong not by circumstances, but by an argument she can't refute. And she needs that proof to grow - otherwise, well, she gives off very strong cult leader vibes.
Terrence is people- and community-focused. His drive is to acknowledge pain and make sure no one feels the same things he did. This leads to personal recklessness as, well, we've seen. He wants to find a way for everybody to be happy and he will give all of himself that there is in order to make that happen. His weak sense of self won't stand up to a bad call or challenge the status quo, but it will slip in through back doors and cracked windows and offer comfort wherever he can, regardless of deservedness.
It's questionable how much of the Healer Woman was still in there. Likely the same muteness/deafness happened to her husband and his death, given her eventual state, was unnecessary. She likely had the same drives and opinions she did before infection, as the parasite doesn't seem to want to interfere too much in who its hosts are, just what they do to serve it.
Which is why Sam's mania and renewed vigor read as weird. We haven't seen very much of his past, but there's something curiously military in how he interacts with others - specifically, I think his focus on his friends and comrades as well as his decision to work his very dangerous Space Captain job comes from not being able to adjust to civilian life. He's thought about dying; he expects it. What's intolerable to him is the long, slow, banal details of getting groceries and making small talk. It's everyone else's normal life that he finds offputting and unreal.
Which is why it's so precarious, how much Ursula needs him. We know even less of her past than we do of Sam's; she seems more a part of the planet than she is her own life. She, and the Healer Woman (y'now, before) were the only ones who interacted with Vesta like scientists, and I read Ursula's gratitude as much as a need to connect as what it is on the surface. She's also the only cast member I get straight-up depression vibes from. It's an ironic thing, that she'd be best suited to survive Vesta on her own but, also, least likely to be able to stand the solitude.
Azi is the toughest member of the cast, no question, but we see her exceptional adaptation to solitude even on the Demeter. She cares for people - very deeply, in fact - and seems to need to be loved, but is comfortable keeping that love at a far remove, as a fact to be considered in solitude rather than something that needs to be constantly reinforced. This speaks to me as a curiously sci-fi thing - the notion that knowing people are out there, knowing they love you, but being unable to touch them, unable to confirm it. Which is why she was so comfortable seeing Levi as an object; if Levi was a person, then that came with all the complications a person usually does. And why it was so comforting to see her do the right thing once she realized Levi's sentience.
I still hold out hope for mold-Levi.
Finally, Kamen. He's a dick, absolutely - but I read his dickishness as stemming more out of pretty much constant panic rather than anything else. You can read it in his movements, in how he speaks, in how even in his few moments of happiness he seems ready to back away and redirect at even the slightest hint of doing the wrong thing. He is in constant, complete terror of losing everything, so much so that his fumbling, destructive actions bring about the loss he's so desperate to avoid. His non-action over the last... Four episodes? Complete shutdown.
I know he doesn't "deserve" it, but I'm honestly hoping for a redemption for Kamen. These kinds of panic disorders rarely get any kind of media play, and when they do, they're either fixed by a pat on the shoulder and a "there there, don't be cry", or just continue on, unsolvable. I want to see what the other side of this looks like. I don't think he should die for his sins - I want him to live with them, to spend many long days in the same room with them. I want him to try to make things right and, when he can't because it's not like pushing a "fix things" button, to keep at it for the rest of his life. This, to me, is punishment.
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rindough · 1 month
hellooooo r you still doing the song thing?? if so then I think “I’d Rather Sleep” by Kero Kero Bonito n Gallagher would go so well togetherr like y’know that one bit “Now I know what’s real, what’s fake” as in like if you’ve finished 2.1 (sorry if I spoil it) but like reader realising that he’s not who he actually is n like… stuff.
u don’t have to do this because I’m terrible at describing things and just talking in general so sorry if this was hard to understand 😭😭
contains both 2.1 n 2.2 spoilers
Nahhhh i had to do this bc the song rlly fits that part when he reveals himself, although it gives me some omori vibes... like not omori but when those anime or rpg games whr the mc opens their eyes from a nightmare. I envision u as the trailblazer to just open their eyes one day upon waking up in penacony's golden hour during one of the days that led up to him 'attacking' Sunday. Ever since the murder of Robin, u've slowly picked up certain things that Gallagher says but seems offputting or out of place, such as how
"Sometimes I have to make sure my pet keeps the right people together."
"Not quite sure what my pet likes to eat... Y/n you have any ideas?"
It's something that slips off his lips under a mutter or even during your convos together. The thing is you find it odd whenever you ask about it, like what type of pet is it, did he get a new dog? A hard to please cat?
He'll just tells you that "Hey, someday you'll find out." and just continues on with whatever he's doing. Leaving the conversation high and dry.
Then it all comes to that day when he visits Sunday, you followed him in stealth, creeping in the shadows of his surroundings and whatnot to get to know what's up with him today. Honestly... curiosity killed the cat.
Good for you, congratulations!
The horror that left your lips as you watch that dark dagger pierce through the body of the Oak Family's leader, watching him fall lifelessly to the ground before bubbles of his lifeform disperse into the air. Hearing the clink coming from the lighter in the bartender's hand, you sprinted, sprinted down the corridor and made turns left and right, bursting through doors one after the other.
Legs stumbling and muscles burning, you dashed forward one last time, passing through those tall statues but he grabs onto your wrist.
Oh it felt so wrong, looking into his eyes felt so wrong now. Whatever you had once imagined, had longed for had yearned for in those brown orbs.
It's silent now, errily silent. His grip tightens. It's too silent for your liking in this empty hall.
Your name comes out of his lips, now dripping in urgency? Your ragged breath telling him that you're at your limits, you're burning out soon.
"Let me go!" You yank your hand off his tight hold but he just wouldn't let it go. Only for him to pull you into a tight hug as he cradles the back of your head. Gallagher at this point knew that he must tell you what's going on, why is he doing this. Otherwise, leaving you out that door could not only cause him to be on the run, but to also lose that faith and trust you had in him. All he can do now is hush your panicked form, feeling your trembling body within his embrace whilst tears stream down your face in fear.
Is he going to call that thing to kill you?
Perhaps you now know what is real, and what is fake. Or more like
Who is real, and who is fake?
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Naurrr stop you got me giddy about Ateez!Hogwarts now 😭 How would you sort them? Like, not how Atiny usually do, but using Hogwarts values and such
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ahh this is gonna be a challenge (disclaimer- it's really my own personal categorisation):
Hongjoong: Warm Slytherin/Warm Ravenclaw
While he could easily be a hufflepuff as well, i feel like his qualities are more inclined to warm slytherin in the sense that he feels like a born leader, he's confident about what he's good at and really, he is the captain of ateez even behind the scenes in so many ways. plus he's so charming 🤌 and he flaunts it.
i think he fits warm ravenclaw as well. he's not afraid to stand out, he's unique, and he's creative. he knows what he's doing and he's confident in that.
Seonghwa: Neutral Gryffindor
in hwa's case, i think his strongest or most attractive qualities are that he's passionate. and when he's passionate about something, he's so brave. you could put him in ravenclaw and he could fit there as a neutral, or you could call him a hufflepuff because initially that's the vibe he gives. but for me, i think his neutral gryffindor qualities stand out the most.
Yunho: Neutral Hufflepuff
sure, yunho has the bravery of a gryffindor or shows his slytherin side occasionally, but really, he's a neutral hufflepuff. he's a rock to so many people and that's what his strongest quality might be. he can be fun but responsible at the same time, and he knows what he is doing. i think nothing else fits our golden retriver more than neutral hufflepuff hehe
Yeosang: Warm Ravenclaw/Warm Hufflepuff
let's be real- he's smart. he's creative, and he likes living in his head. he's also not afraid to voice questions and be curious, which makes him a warm ravenclaw. however, he's also really friendly and so so kind. he's all of warm hufflepuff as well, but i think warm ravenclaw fits him better.
San: Cool Hufflepuff
this was an easy one- like seonghwa, he could be a neutral gryffindor as well, but i think his work dedication, honesty, determination and undying loyalty are his stronger qualities which makes him a cool hufflepuff through and through. he's got really strong morals which is such an appreciable quality and a lot might place him in neutral gryffindor for that.
Mingi: Neutral/Cool Ravenclaw
i'm kind of conflicted if he's cool or neutral. though cool ravenclaw might seem offputting at first, being cynical to a certain degree is not bad bc people really can't be trusted in this era (i sound like a boomer but it is what it is) and lowering your expectations of people helps with less disappointment. understanding that that is just how humans are... that could be who mingi is. accepting. i won't say he's condescending but he's all the good qualities of a cool ravenclaw def, which is so cool.
and then he could be a neutral ravenclaw too. i think 'accepting' is why im inclining to him being a neutral. he's really a mix of those two, i can't place him in one 😭
Wooyoung: Gryffindor.
i really don't need to say more-- when i read the warm, neutral and cool of gryffindor, i was like that's it. we've got wooyoung. he's easily got all the qualities a gryffindor can possess, and if that wasn't the case i might have searched for his slytherin qualities but really, he's a gryffindor through and through.
Jongho: Neutral Slytherin
i really don't think there's another category that could encapsulate his qualities perfectly other than neutral slytherin. there might be one of his qualities in gryffindor or hufflepuff, but neutral slytherin takes the cake. he's caring and clever. he's so resilient. and really, ateez needed a neutral slytherin as their maknae (on top!)
again, this is what i personally think! if you have other opinions about any members, i'd be happy to hear them :D
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strangesickness · 4 months
mike hanlon pokemon AU posting
brief setup for this particular version of the pokemon AU: the losers are all about 24 here, they aren't very far with their careers (if they have those), and they'd wanted to go on a pokemon journey as kids but hadn't been able to for whatever reason (sonia said no, a lot of them couldn't afford it, and the rest didn't want to go if it wasn't all of them going). this is set in unova, which for non pokemon fans is just. pokemon: america edition, but derry is now a pokemon location.
also the reason the losers are able to afford the pokemon journey is because they pool their money & also richie, eddie, bill, and bev are making winnings as trainers.
before they start back on their journey he had been working at the derry public library while applying for every possible pokemon research position he could find. most of the positions were unpaid internships outside of derry which he couldn't do if he gave up his library job (he'd been living in the library) he'd have to move back home and the commute wouldn't work
he wants to study Weird Little Dudes TM (mostly psychic, ghost, and dark types, but not just them) to better understand the more unknown effects pokemon can have (stuff more complicated than "pikachu thunderbolt"), as well as legendary myths
he is also convinced derry is cursed by a very powerful pokemon (he is correct. mike is always correct to me. even when he isn't. so just keep that in mind)
mike has two partner pokemon before he goes on the journey: a mareep that was his childhood pokemon and a herdier william sent with him when he left home
the mareep sheds like crazy and mike has all this fleece he swears hes going to do something with but it just ends up sitting in storage
he made like one hat over a few weeks while watching TV but very quickly decided it wasn't really for him lol
when they actually go on their journey, mike ends up giving bev most of it and she makes them all winter clothing for camping
mike keeps bringing the losers to haunted and cursed and otherwise spooky locations for his research
the losers are all cowering behind him and he's like "whats wrong guys its just a dead person come back to life in the form of a pokemon" "whats wrong guys it won't hurt you, it'll just make you hallucinate" "whats wrong guys its just the location where 100s of ships have gone missing without a trace"
i think he gets so into his pokemon research he stops feeling fear. like his mortal form will not stop him he will observe this pokemon in its natural habitat. and the pokemon are all either impressed by or terrified of the intense vibes he has when he's researching so they don't hurt him and he continues to feel completely invincible lol (can you tell 2019 mike is one of my favs ever... when he poisoned bill and he's like common bill common i know i poisoned you but like it was for a good reason i swear... his energy is unmatched) (let mike be a little unhinged and offputting... he's allowed)
they encounter a gothitelle and it just stares at all of them and stan's like "what's it... doing...?" and mike's like "oh it's reading our lifespans, don't worry about it"
mike was the one to realize absol didn't actually bring misfortune but were in fact warning for it and it was the first academic piece he had published
he just like. straight up meets a lot of legendary pokemon (basically gods) in his time. he'll leave the group for a few days and he'll come back subtly different and the losers are like. so how was your week? and he's like. i have gained supernatural powers beyond mortal comprehension. i also got lunch.
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pinkprimrose05 · 1 year
So I've been having random thoughts and ideas (as one normally does, except most of those get scrapped 5 minutes later), and I think I finally found a concept that I can share here.
Now hear me out: A YGO college AU, but with a twist. It's a funny little game club- however, instead of starring the protagonists...
...it's all about the main antagonists.
History major Bakura, who founded the club just to play Capsule Monsters, and ended up with a group of weirdos after several Duels and DnD campaigns and nights of wailing about assignment deadlines. His sharp and creepy demeanor tends to be offputting, but it belies a lonely nerd who only knows how to communicate his feelings through a round of games.
Goth guitarist Yubel, the one nobody knows anything about other than their banger heavy metal music and penchant for weird humor. Rumor has it they've been held back for several years now, but given their oddly low profile, nobody can say anything for sure. Pretty chill player for the most part... but lord help you if you destroy anything on their field by card effect in a Duel.
Engineering alumnus Z-ONE, who has never ever said his real name in the club, and acts very much like a grandpa despite only being 29 (which earned him the affectionate title of Peepaw). You'd think someone of his occupation would be well-studied in their interests and hobbies, but the poor man loses 8/10 Duels simply because he refuses to change his Deck out of sentimentality. Power of promises made to late friends, or something like that.
Security officer Don Thousand, real name Adonis, father of seven and saltier than the dead sea can ever be. This man holds so much spite it's actually impressive, and his only proper vent for it is playing card games with weird teens when his shift ends. He tends to wear a perpetual scowl when out and about -that would explain his generally unapproachable vibe- and yet, for some inexplicable reason, he seems to be a lot less gloomy when it's time to visit the club. Quite curious, indeed.
Fine arts major Zarc, the one theatre kid of all time. Don't let the sweet smile fool you; the guy has an uncanny affinity for villain impressions, and he puts it to good use in all games- with a dash of dramatic flair, of course. That said, this is the same kid who goes all sparkly-eyed if one mentions even a peep of card lore in his vicinity, and melts into an excited little puddle whenever a new set or lore book is released. Thus is the duality of the Supreme King, apparently.
Computer science major Ai, the shiny new freshman on the block, who works at the college cafeteria and already has a (secret) fan club. His natural charisma is just about enough to cover for his crippling lack of social intelligence, and so it comes as a surprise to most that he's a huge tabletop game nerd, despite not looking the part one bit. Please don't tell him that Master Rule 4 was a mistake, though. He literally Will Not Shut Up until he proves you squarely wrong.
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Buffy Season One Review
I’m on my first Buffy rewatch in a long time - I think over a decade? I have watched the entire series enough times that the episodes are all still kind of burned into my brain, but I’m curious what my reaction will be now I’m a bit older.
Anyway, I’ve finished Season One, and I thought I might do a quick review of each season as I go. Can’t promise I’ll be able to keep it up, but I’ll give it a go. So…
Season One Review
S1 is… fine. It’s okay. It’s not as good as later seasons, but it’s not bad; it’s shallower than later seasons, but having expected that I found there’s a surprising amount of depth here. (Partly because I’m watching after reading @herinsectreflection’s excellent analyses, which inspired this most recent rewatch.)
I actually don’t think there are many bad episodes in S1 - the problem is, there’s hardly any good episodes either, and none that rise beyond just being ‘good’. They’re mostly just perfectly serviceable - the metaphors are a bit blunt, the humour’s a bit broad, the MIDI soundtrack kind of sucks, the vibes are kind of cheesy and immature, and overall, it’s just…
It’s Power Rangers. It’s a bit deeper and scarier, and the action scenes are worse, but basically, Season One is Power Rangers. And that’s not bad - I kind of like Power Rangers, and it’s not a bad season by those standards - but it’s not what Buffy is trying to be, or what it will become.
Season Score: 5/10 - It’s fine.
Big Bad - The Master:
In some ways, the Master is perfect. It makes sense that Buffy’s first villain is this kind of ancient and powerful vampire - he’s not as interesting as later villains, but it feels appropriate that Buffy has to beat this more generic Big Bad to move on to them. And he has a strong enough presence that he can actually bear the mythic weight that is placed upon him - it makes sense that he’s the one that killed Buffy, that he sired the Bisexual Vampire Squad; it never feels inappropriate that he has this important place in the mythology of the series, and he can carry that weight in his rare later appearances.
Unfortunately, in this season, he’s a Power Rangers villain. He sits in his lair, sending out minions and screaming in frustration when they fail. (Even finally facing the hero directly in the finale, beating them easily before they get a power up and return the favour - classic Power Rangers villain stuff.) He spends most of the season both trapped and sickly - while at full power he’s a compelling, intimidating presence, for most of the season he seems weak and kind of effete, like a homophobic Bond villain. At his best, he's montrous yet civilised, brutal but witty; in his weakened state, he lacks the contrasts that make him compelling.
Still, he is charming, he does work well in the finale, and he’s always a delight in his rare later appearances. So…
Big Bad Score: 5/10 - He’s fine. (... and not in that sense.)
Rewatch Reevaluations
The biggest change in my perspective since my last rewatch is around Angel. When I was younger, I didn’t really think much about the age difference between him and Buffy; now I’m older, I’m extremely aware of it, but also, it seems like the show is too. The episode where he shifts from ‘random mysterious stranger’ to ‘potential love interest’ is Teacher’s Pet - an episode about an older sexual predator preying on teenagers. Then in ‘Angel’, we don’t just see him creepily staring at Buffy, we see him lie to her about it afterwards, in an episode where the age difference is a major topic of discussion.
In general, his obsession with her comes across as way more creepy and pathetic than I remember, and while part of that is just my interpretation, I do think think the series is aware of it; I think him following her around and staring at her from afar is meant to be kind of offputting. I’m curious how I’ll feel about their romance going forward - I remember on previous watches I thought their breakup in Season 3 was unmotivated, and I suspect I’ll feel very differently about it this time around.
I’m also generally more aware of some things after reading @herinsectreflection’s essays. In particular, I’m noticing Buffy’s relationship to death - from her ‘seize the day, because tomorrow you might be dead’ philosophy in the first episode, to her rebelling against and accepting it in the last… and her Faith-like smile as she enjoys mortal combat with vampires at the beginning of ‘Prophecy Girl’. I’m also much more aware of Giles as a very flawed figure torn between paternal affection for Buffy and sending her to her death - which is explicit in a few episodes, but I’m more aware of it as an ongoing arc, rather than just some isolated emotional beats.
Other than that, one thing I’m noticing is how much weight the show gives to the death of minor characters. It’s easy for an action/horror show to start treating death casually or flippantly, but so far the show is careful to give each death an emotional impact, to make every death matter… at least ‘til the end of the episode, at which point they’ll be promptly forgotten about. Sorry Jesse.
And unsurprisingly for a 90s show, I am finding the sense of humour a little mean and kind of misogynistic, especially towards Cordelia. That said, though Xander is often the face of this meanness, I honestly don’t dislike him, even in S1. The thing is, either the show is aware that he’s being an asshole, in which case it’s an intentional character flaw, which is good; or it isn’t, in which case I tend to blame the show itself rather than the character. Maybe that’s a little generous, but it lets me enjoy the character, so I’m willing extend that generosity. I am curious how I’ll feel about him going forward. I'm glad at least Cordelia gets to be more of a character towards the end of the season - it does make the jokes around her feel a lot less mean.
Honourable Mention Award for Underrated or Forgotten Characters Who Deserve to be Mentioned Honourably
3. Zookeeper Furry from ‘The Pack’. Just a really solid one-off villain performance, in an era where performances tend towards the broad and cheesy side of the spectrum.
2. The Black Cat from ‘The Witch’. Looks like stock footage, never shares a shot or even a set with another character, and achieves nothing except slightly startling Giles, after which he just continues as if nothing happened. Yet despite doing basically nothing, it achieves greatness by earning a place in the opening credits. Truly an inspiration.
1. Principal Flutey. With how much he gets overshadowed by Principal Snyder, it’s easy to forget how great Flutey is as a character. From tearing up Buffy’s permanent record and taping it back together again in front of her, to being eaten by Hyena-possessed students, Flutey is a delight whenever he’s on screen - he’s genuinely a highlight of Season 1 for me. Principal Flutey, I salute you, and hearby mention you as honourably as I can.
Episode Rankings
Might not do this for every season, but hey, it’s a short season, so why not. Starting from the top:
'Prophecy Girl' - Obvious choice, needs no explanation.
'Angel' - Strong character work, introduces a bunch of ideas that’ll be important for the rest of the series, and solves the problem of making a single vampire a threat by giving her guns, which I respect.
'Welcome to the Hellmouth'/'The Harvest' - A solid introduction to the series; I wouldn’t call it great by most standards, but it competently introduces everything the setting, characters and the premise of the series, which is impressive in its own way. Luke is perfect in his role - he’s a compelling presence that feels like a genuine threat, but he’s not so interesting that he distracts from the important things.
'The Pack' - A solid guest performance from the zookeeper, Principal Flutey’s last stand, and some juicy thematic and character goodness makes leaves this Monster of the Week episode at the head of the pack. (… I am so terribly sorry.)
'Nightmares' - Character! Themes! Imagery! This episode has it all, at least by the standards of Season One.
'Out of Mind, Out of Sight' - The first episode that treats Cordelia like an actual character. Also, invisible assassin school! Everybody loves invisible assassin school.
'The Witch' - A perfectly competent MOTW episode, this gets a boost for featuring the cat that accomplishes nothing.
'I Robot, You Jane' - Yeah, the 90s hacker schtick is goofy, but this ep’s not bad - I like the goofy robot demon and the surprisingly good demon prosthetics for its non-robot body that barely appears in the episode. I like the idea that scanning a magic book can summon a demon into the internet itself. Also, Jenny’s here.
'Teacher’s Pet' - Another MOTW episode that does its job adequately. I’m inclined to think of this as the Most Typical Season 1 Episode - it perfectly represents the season at its baseline.
'Puppet Show' - I kind of like some of the ideas in this episode, but the puppet’s a creep and parts of the plot feel contrived. (Why are they sure the demon will leave as soon as it has the organs? Why would Giles get into a guillotine under any circumstances?) Overall… Eh, it’s fine.
'Never Kill A Boy on the First Date' - There’s some good stuff in here, especially around Buffy’s relationship to Giles and to her own Slayerhood. Unfortunately, the plot just doesn’t work - even this early on, one vampire just doesn’t feel like enough of a threat to build an episode around, and generic serial killer vamp is no exception - he's certainly no Luke. It’s a plot entirely concerned with setting up the larger arc around the Anointed One, and that would leave this episode feeling empty and boring even if it was for an arc that was actually, you know, good.
So that's Season One. I enjoyed it fine, but... I'm definitely looking forward to the series really getting good. If somehow you've actually read this far: Thank you for putting my words into your brain. I take it as a great compliment, and hope you liked them - or, failing that, that they invoked in you a great fury, such as only the worst opinions may conjure.
In any case - and regardless of whether I can be bothered to write any more of these - I will continue my rewatch into the Actually Good seasons of Buffy.
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skittlewaffle · 1 year
Different Flavors of Daycare Attendants (WIP maybe ??)
PLEASE NOTE that I do not read fics a lot and certainly don’t know everything. These are just general headcanons about the Daycare Attendant placed into categories! Personally my view is a mix of a good handful of every category
But yes this was all made for fun because I have brainrot. I’ll keep adding to this post or make a part two if this is something people enjoy, and I’m happy to accept any help! I know there are plenty more headcanons that I don’t have under categories yet.
… Some sections were rushed because I just wanted to post this before Ruin comes out and the Biblically Accurate section gets muddled.. haha. JUST,, enjoy !!!
Potentially partially virused, though it’s generally assumed not
Theatrical antics
Probably overdramatic on purpose / playing his theater role but in a child care setting
Overbearing, offputting, and loud
Stickler for rules and cleanliness
Keeps daycare clean and organized, but not himself or his room
Might not be restricted to daycare out of frame, but implications are present that he may be lonely
It’s unclear if he and Moon have a connection in their headspace, but it is sometimes assumed they don’t
Probably unaware of Moon’s virused state
Silly gremlin
Fully virused
Theatrical antics amplified; evil stage persona is more literal
Naptime protocol amplified; what feels to him like putting people to sleep is actually killing people
Childcare and entertainment programming still seems functional
Loves to stalk, dance, and play pretend
Shares Sun’s obsession with rules and cleanup
Strong enough to knock out a Glamrock
Seems quite lightweight
Sounds like he has a built-in, broken music box ??
* HEADCANON: Has a different mode meant to reflect the gentler character he appears to be in the Moondrop candy advertisements, instead of his theater villain role
Anxious boys
Restricted to daycare, refuses to take even a single step out
Doesn’t know what he’s doing
Scares or hurts the kids on accident, proceeds to freak out over it
Weak to compliments and praise; he just wants to do a good job
Needs affirmation, stat
Will 100% fall in love with anyone who is consistently nice to him
Acts like a kicked puppy when spoken to sternly, lectured, or yelled at
Lets people walk all over him
Constant fidgeting
Stutters a lot
Stressed OUT
Constantly at his breaking point; help him
Self-conscious about his naturally creepy looks and mannerisms
Bad first impressions
Often keeps a distance, watching from afar
Uses few words
Wishes to be liked
A kid likes him? His child now.
Sad to see them go :(
Rather graceful, slow movements that give him eerie vibes
Tends to word things in ways that sound like red flags (like offering candy in a shady area), but doesn’t quite realize it
False reputation amongst patrons
Many complaints from parents for his bad vibes
Heavily misjudged; really means no harm
Wet napkin
Likes to dance on his wire; keeps him busy when he can’t socialize
Will perform many tricks for people who do become his friend
Never forgets anyone who is kind to him in even one instance
Confident boys / high experience DCA
Practically built for childcare; knows what to do in pretty much every situation
Loved by all the children
Social towards everyone, no matter how stubborn or closed off they may be
Manages to put a smile on all faces
Really not afraid of drawing attention or being embarrassing if it means making a child happy
Always knows just what to say
Very helpful to new employees
Might step outside the Daycare from time to time
Reads faces very well, in adults and children
Capable of disobeying protocols for more serious reasons
MUCH more observant than you think
Roasts Karens lol
Is both the Naptime Attendant and a nighttime security bot
Many children want to cuddle with him during nap time
Has a ton of patience
Especially loves getting to hold babies
Very protective of the little ones
The most feared security in the entire Pizzaplex
Takes his job as security bot very seriously; loves his job as a childcare worker
High Tech
DCA has many upgrades
Still very versatile and could be upgraded more
AI advanced enough to be considered eligible for human rights
Movements, speech, and feelings are very realistic, almost not robotic at all
Can experience human senses (smell, touch, etc.)
Softer casing to simulate a more human feel
Can blush and cry tears, but not bleed (unless it’s oil in their machinery)
Feels pain and temperature, and is ticklish
Can get overstimulated and feel disgust at certain textures
Has certain mannerisms that could classify them under certain diagnosable human conditions or mental disorders (which they technically aren’t; the diagnoses are worded for us humans to better understand and relate to)
Cannot get sick and doesn’t need to eat or breathe, but can pretend to
Has eyelids, lips, tongue, and movable facial features to emote better
Acts sleepy or drunk when low on battery, and genuinely feels like that
Has a simulated heartbeat and breathing
Perfectly capable of obtaining a PHD
Seems to have built-in tools for almost anything, mostly for human health and first aid purposes
Might need some recovery time after P&S visits, similar to pain after human surgery (tight screws, rearranged wires, etc)
More capable of fighting viruses and defending themself and others
Low Tech
Basically a stereotypical cartoon robot
Still sentient and can learn, but still operates mostly on programming
Still have the basic qualities of Sun and Moon’s original personalities (cheery and loud; calm and quiet)
States what they’re doing out loud (processing, downloading, initiating protocol, etc.)
States warnings and errors out loud (low battery, update failed, null object reference, ERROR!!)
Static smile
Uses prerecorded lines often; new lines sometimes sound broken like AI or TTS
Might not understand certain topics
Might mishear you
Sometimes treats other everyday machinery like they are alive, mostly holding grudges, fearing them, or being jealous of them
Cares much more about the feelings of others than their own
Less capable of fighting viruses or preventing other unwanted actions towards them
Aimed towards the more mature side of the fandom
Bastards / smug / absolute sluts (affectionate or derogatory, whatever you feel lol)
Wear suits, ties, suspenders… fancy stuff
Shirts are often only partially buttoned, ties loose or just draping over
Also may wear feminine clothing, depending on the type of storyline
Can drink and smoke somehow
More laid back and flirtatious
Occasionally / casually threatening
Might have cool hats
Sometimes have guns / some kind of weapon
Often involves suggestive implications
Call you nicknames you probably love but your Y/N often hates
Plot involving high stakes and serious danger
Simp material
We are attracted to any red flag they may have /hj
A big dog who thinks he’s a lap dog
Probably fell in love with you immediately
Separation anxiety / abandonment issues
Loyal; will always wait for you no matter what
Whines if you’re gone for too long :(
Misses you sooo much
Begs a lot
Head tilts
Extremely attentive, affectionate and excitable
Might tackle you
Loves playfighting
Always weak to praise and cuddles
Is a good boy, the best boy
Full of energy; loves to play
Rays fold backwards / retract when guilty, angry, or defensive
More apologetic than really necessary
Would probably be very sorry if you called him bad, even if he did nothing wrong
Easily excited / distracted at particular things or favorite items
Highly possessive of favorite items
Hides his favorite items in random corners of your house
Gets the zoomies (and may or may not accidentally break something from jumping over / running into furniture and stuff)
Very aware of people
Likes to sunbathe
Got muddy and needs a bath .. again
Has stim toys, many of them squeaky
Doesn’t sit on the couch right
Wants to protect you
Loves the outdoors and going for walkies
Always sleeps on your bed / somewhere in the same room
Wakes you with a complete ONSLAUGHT of smooches
First meeting was likely him hunting and pouncing at you
Still likes to stalk and prowl for fun / as a game
Likes to rest in elevated places, including the top of your fridge
Interested in silly / shiny little trinkets
Gremlin; knocks your stuff down on purpose and runs away
Has claws, could be retractable
Eyes dilate / shrink
Might flinch when touched, but still leans into it if he wants the attention
Slinks away from touch when distracted by something else
Likes to fall asleep on you; you can’t move (he is aware of this)
Likes laser pointers and dangly thingies
Enjoys sneaking up on you
Purrs (or has some robotic equivalent of purring, like whirring or broken music box)
Gets 3AM zoomies
Elegant s t r e t c h
Changes from bipedal to quadrupedal when he feels like it
Likes the window
Hates water, but likes to keep clean and tidy
Movements are fluid; he is liquid
Tries to fit into small spaces, twists his animatronic body to do so
Has favorite hiding places
Hunts pests in your home if he’s bored.. might even bring them to you
Stares at you. Slow blinks. Affection.
Head bonks while sitting next to you
Lazy / sleepy bitch disease
Prefers to stay inside, but likes to explore occasionally and go for nighttime walkies
Always curls up beside you at night
You wake up to him kneading at you or rubbing his face on you
* DCA may have tails and / or beans
Mostly tends to be a separate bodies view
Inseparable either way
Chaotic duo
Quite the opposite in a way they still have a close bond
Lots of playfighting
Sometimes actual fighting
Care a lot for each other, but have a sort of friendly rivalry
Never one without the other
Not afraid of speaking their mind plainly, to their benefit or detriment
Great teamwork on their better days
Immature pouting / silent treatment on their worse days
Do most everything together
Often competitive
Disagreements are most often more comedic than serious
Their fights are childish and silly; you can’t help but laugh
Sometimes complains about who the “big brother” is
Get into the silliest shenanigans; it’s trouble, but endearing all the same as they love having a story of adventure to tell
Know each other better than anyone else can
Look very closely after each other, especially when someone else gets close
Favorite colors are what the other wears most often / is themed after (Sun: blue; Moon: yellow)
Applies to their eye colors, especially if chosen by them for upgrades
While both are very different, both also exhibit certain behaviors that directly parallel / mirror the other
(NOT brothers at the same time. Fuck off)
The most wholesome shit you’ve ever seen
Fluff, comfort, cuddles, words of affirmation… the dream
Tons of celestial nicknames, phrases, and metaphors
Very poetic; immerses you in calm, dreamlike scenery, like a storybook
Emotional support partners
Each often doesn’t take care of themself until the other notices and helps them
The cutest little dates (tea parties, art sessions, and sleepovers are common)
Still prone to angst, but has a happy ending
I hope
That is all for now; I hope you enjoyed!! If we have a continuation of this, I have category ideas, such as a Cartoonish DCA, a DCA with very very many features, Sun and Moon as enemies, or any other types of DCA you have in mind! Thanks for reading :D
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mysterionrisez · 8 months
idk much to ask about for hcs, but what genre of music do you think each of the main 4 likes (and craig's gang if u wanna)? :D
it took me a bit to get to this bc this question means so much to me you dont understand . ANWAYS
stan: ...very generic answer but like. midwest emo. dad rock. and like.. emo / pop rock too??? he could rock w/ some fall out boy, but not like patd cuz its too theatre kidsy. and OBVIOUSLY the front bottoms and alex g and modern baseball!! if we learned anything in band in china its that he very much treats music like an outlet for his emotions. and on that note he listens to metal too, but mostly when he is mentally at his worse.
kyle: i dont think i could pin him down to one genre, he's a big music guy but stays within the constraints of "music with authenticity but not to the point that it makes him look pathetic". so he's not listening to the front bottoms like stan is because that's just.. TOO raw, and hes caught up in the "lack of music conventions" in stan's music taste (he doesn't know a thing about music theory so he'll get pissed if you ask why). at the same time like kyle would NOT be into overproduced shit you hear on the radio u feel me. he curates his spotify playlist moods well, new wave/folk/indie rock/r&b at his neutral state and hip hop/punk/harder rock when at his other neutral state (pissed off). he doesn't listen to music when he's sad he just sits there in silence with a thousand yard stare
cartman: once again, expected answer, but he's a bubblegum pop girlie, so like britney spears/lady gaga/justin timberlake/beyonce OBVIOUSLY!!! he also likes hyperpop but the types that lean more into the "pop" part than the "hyper" part like charli xcx and carly rae jepsen. he hates listening to anything that isnt fun and stan and kyle dont like anything too fun so every road trip where they pass the aux across the group is a warzone
kenny: quite literally will listen to anything and everything. falls into the industrial pop / electropop scene frequently because he loves that it all sounds very New! he is a very social individual so he's most likely to put on what will get a rise out of his friends, he puts on 100 gecs and nine inch nails everytime he gets the aux because they bitch about it the entire time. its funny. he prefers to have noise on 24/7 and will even listen to pop country if it means unlocking new emotions
butters: will also listen to anything but to a worse degree. kenny has a rationale for what he listens to and why he enjoys it but butters just hears a song and decides its the best thing he's heard in his life. he's well versed in the girlypop scene through cartman but he also thinks that ajr is genuinely #deep. you know those overproduced songs that sound like they'd be in old navy commercials??? yeah. butters would listen to that shit.
but also worth mentioning hes not really a music person like he doesnt have spotify and most of what he listens to is through his friends
craig: just straight up does not listen to music. he doesnt hate it but there is no urge and he is DEEPLY noise sensitive, and a lot of music is unpredictable. more likely to put on a tv show he's already seen 437587354 times if he needs sound in the background.
clyde: college frat bro vibes like hes into really fake diluted edm like chainsmokers and calvin harris kinda bullshit. he is NOT a music guy and just searches "top hits" and listens to whatever spotify spits at him.
tolkien: another will-listen-to-mostly-anything soldier! he's most accustomed to stuff his parents play around him, so a lot of 60s rock, blues, jazz, swing, shit like that. he's a mild-tempered guy with a mild-tempered taste in music, he'll go crazy for a good guitar solo/bassline like jimi hendrix. because of that he's offput by anything too loud or raunchy like kenny's music but he's desperate to fit in with his peers so he makes it work
jimmy: not very notable because i think he has generic music enjoyment however i do think he's one of weird al yankovic's top streamers on spotify. he and kenny team up to create the worst queue at the house party. he's the one tossing in witch doctor and crazy frog
tweek (just for fun): is very scared of lyrical music trying to communicate Themes and Ideas to him so he listens to car crash sfx type a beats just to get the demons out
wendy (also for fun): dykezilla who listens to laufey and phoebe bridgers and beabadoobee. what can i say.
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cleromancy · 8 months
What is your opinion on KonTim? I noticed you posting a lot of Kontim lately and I was wondering if you are beginning to like it? Also, since I know you stated you didn't like Kon in the past, are you beginning to change your mind about him?
to be honest my opinions from 12-13 years ago when i was a very angry very opinionated teenager often dont reflect my current opinions. i just want to establish that now.
but for the record my dislike of kon was more of a reflex to the way fandom at the time made him this very flat "aw shucks" kind of cardboard cutout. i only started disliking him when i tried reading more of his comics where he tended to be y'know. more nuanced, he'd be a jerk sometimes, inconsiderate and thoughtless, etc, and then turning around and going on tumblr where the way people talked about him didnt reflect that at all, that was really offputting for me. because i do--and did--love characters who are assholes, but not if thats not... like... acknowledged. and fandom was *aggressively* not acknowledging it, from my perspective. anyway i think when i get around to rereading yj98 ill like him more this time. particularly because i *am* so much older now and will be reading from more of a place of "yeah of course hes a shithead sometimes, hes 16 years old (for a given value of 16 years old)."
as for timkon i wouldn't say i "ship" it. and i would also like to contest the assertion that ive been posting "a lot" of it lately LMAO i think ive posted it like two times in as many weeks, and then maybe 2 more times i rbed smth where they were in the same nonshippy frame or textpost?
but back to the ship itself. to begin with they *are* very good friends whose relationship is important to them both, that changed them both, and that has an impact on characterization. and i dont... think you can read a lot of those old tim comics, if you read him as queer at all, without acknowledging that there was at at least one point something btwn them.
but as far as shipping it goes. first of all i still think most of fandom does it wrong. (if im being serious, theres no "wrong" way to do fandom, but that's also the most succinct way i can put it that i don't vibe with the majority of the stuff thats out there.) second of all i don't... like i dont *want* them to get together, exactly, unless a given writer is doing a really good job at the yarn theyre spinning convincing me otherwise, within the boundaries of that story.
but there *is* something btwn them, romantically speaking, and it has a lot of interesting character/relationship potential to explore for both of them. i am at the moment almost entirely uninterested in exploring it from kons side, which is another reason i dont really ship it, but that might change when i get around to rereading yj98. but i really don't think you can get a full picture of new earth tim drake as a character without admitting he at least had a thing for kon when kon was dead, any other point in time being much more up for interpretation.
so basically! 1. its interesting when its allowed to be interesting and not flattened into featureless fluff 2. i dont ship it AS SUCH but it absolutely was a thing that happened even if they never date or dated, and 3. as for kon himself i think ill be a lot more forgiving now both bc i Am older and bc no one in my fannish circle these days is annoying about him where i see it LMAO
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wyldblunt · 1 year
what are glyndwr's thoughts on joko
oh anon. ohhhhh, anon. where do we begin. also thank you for this i was having kind of a stressful night and trhis is taking my mind off it entirely
okay so. you know the whole Hello, Clarice hannibal lecter thing (he never actually said that in the movie but you know what i mean. that vibe. cat and mouse questionably mutual fascination). okay take that. but instead of hannibal and clarice it's TWO hannibals. except one of the hannibals is Reformed now and he has pinky-promised to stop being evil and to try his best not to kill civilians as collateral damage and to even [big heaving eye-rolling sigh] LIKE, BE NICE TO PEOPLE CLOSE TO HIM SOMETIMMMMEESSSS UGH, and maybe Good Guy Hannibal has even been doing pretty okay at all of this "being one of the good guys" thing. like, not GREAT. he's okay at it.
well, we're starting there.
glyndwr has not, like, had A Nemesis since callas, and frankly callas hasn't been his REAL nemesis in ages bc his "main character of an MMO" power creep WAYYYYY outstripped her whole thing like, back in the personal story, and i think he has kind of forgotten what having a nemesis does to his brain. and the answer to "what does having a nemesis do to glyndwr's brain" is IT FUCKING LIQUIFIES IT
so the whole joko thing starts, and maybe alan thought it was a little weird how aggressive glyn got poking at joko thru the bars of his cage in the domain of the lost but oh well, sometimes glyn gets really aggro and likes to antagonize people, what are you gonna do. but then after that, all of the "let's dress up as his archon and steal his armies!!!" and "let's make it look like there's a sunspear rebellion, don't you think that will make joko sooooooo mad. do you think he'll be mad. how mad do you think he'll get" etc etc is all glyndwr, and they are all plans that the rest of our main group are generally not JAZZED about. they are similarly not jazzed about the fact that glyndwr brings joko up at every single opportunity in every conversation, and generally is not sleeping At All, and is maybe back on bloodstone again?, and also his Evil Laugh is back after a multi-year absence
basically a lot of glyndwr's post-villainy progress backslides REALLY HARD bc he is just having, frankly, way too much fun playing Evil War Barbies with a lich king. a really big part of most of glyndwr's interpersonal conflicts thru lws4 kick up bc he is Actively Having Fun the whole time (in... in his own way...) which is unsettling and offputting for most of his loved ones.
i guess this is all more his BEHAVIOR about joko rather than his THOUGHTS about joko, so summary of his THOUGHTS about joko: as obsessed with joko as glyn is, he definitely does not RESPECT joko, but that's like. almost making him weirder about it? bc he refuses to lose to someone he doesn't respect and also he holds joko in so much contempt that 50% of this whole thing is just him fantasizing about how much he'll be able to rub joko's nose in it when he finally wins and assert once and for all that he is The Bigger Better More Awesomer And Most Devious Mastermind. but also maybe a little bit of all of this is that he envies joko a little. maybe glyndwr is a little too aware of how overpowered he is and is indulging in a little daydreaming about what he could have accomplished if he had stayed evil instead of switching over. and maybe he is then squashing those daydreams by putting every single ounce of his being into trying to annihilate joko off the face of the earth as loudly and violently as possible, to prove that he is actually still good
also it's not a sex thing. i know that because of how glyn is this looks indistinguishable from a sex thing for him. but it's not
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