#like just admit jimin is your bias wrecker already???
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chthoniclove · 8 years ago
✨🌷 💕 ☕️ spill the god damn tea
✨ = a blog rate
url : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 10++ ((i love tae’s chubby cheeks and i love how he keeps them chubby bcs his grandmother liked him chubby brb crying))
icon: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 10++
theme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 10++
posts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 10++
overall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 10++
following?: no, sorry! | i am now | yes | UHM OF COURSE ILY
🌷 = favourite blogs
lmao ok listen i’m a shy bean so i’m actually kinda hesitant to tag my favs here but you asked so i’mma deliver.
@defwang // @holyfuckmark // @jypnior // @umma-jy // @nochuie // @leaderbum // @jackseunie // @markificent and many many more???
and not to mention i didn’t even include all the scenario blogs that i love so much??? so i’mma just... leave it there LOL.
💕 = tumblr friends
lmao i just got asked this but i have so so many friends on here so i’m sorry if i didn’t mention you!!!
 @renthecupcake // @jypnior // @bipcy // @ehgase // @4redlips and of course you!!!
☕️ = shade someone
ooooh boi. i’mma be real and just say there’s this girl i know and she always slanders me for having multiple biases even though it’s just because i have a lot of love to give around??? 😞 but she doesn’t believe me. horrible right?? not to mention what a hypocrite she is when we all know how wrecked she is by jimin??? like @ erin why are you like this?
Send me an ask!
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years ago
Three Asks
It’s been a while since we answered some asks so today and maybe tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, we’ll collect some and answer them since we’ve gotten while a few in the last two or three weeks.
In today’s post I picked out the three most recent asks we’ve received, two of which are ones I’d usually just delete because answering is pointless but one of them showcased a popular pattern so we decided to reply just this once. So this time around the questions are about Namjoon and Seokjin, next time we’ll do ones about Tae and Jimin (and vmin), and so on.
Ask 1 - Did Namjoon have to bring up the criticism he received in 2015/16 in the Juju Chang interview?
Ask 2 and 3 - questions from either diet solos (someone who isn’t quite a solo stan just yet but exhibits the same thought patterns as solos do) or full on solo stans.
From anon: So you must have seen their interview alongside the President right on a news show? Most of it was fine and I liked how involved they were especially JK, but a point Namjoon made is what I'm kinda dicey about. He addressed that they were called out for WoH lyrics but the thing is I'm not sure if it needed to be brought up. Especially in American media and the way they contextualize things..
Obviously he meant that they grew from it but not sure if that was the way to put it I guess?
I will admit, there aren’t many times when asks that get sent to us annoy me, but this one in conjunction with the absolute nonsense that took place about this on twt just made my blood boil. Let’s look at the question and answer so we have full context when it comes to the interview and then, after that, we’ll look at the greater context of why Namjoon saying what he did is significant and a big deal.
Juju Chang: You guys are an all male band and, let’s face it, Korea, historically, has been a very male dominated culture and yet here at the UN one of the core values in Sustainable Development is educating women and having gender equality. You have a lot of female fans. What would you say to them about gender equality and working towards that?
Namjoon: Personally, I received a lot fo criticism regarding misogyny in 2015 and 2016, which led me to get my lyrics reviewed by a women’s studies professor. That experience, in turn, was an opportunity for me to self-reflect and question whether I’d been insensitive toward gender equality. I want to do the best I can to take interest in the topic, learn and make improvements. That’s my perspective now. 
Namjoon used a personal story as framework to showcase that even someone like him, a man in a position of power/influence from a country which, as the interviewer explained, is very male dominated can learn, grow and, in the long run, contribute to change. It takes tremendous bravery to do something like this, to not only admit that you made such a mistake, but also to take it and grow from it, take the time to reflect and strive to better yourself to never repeat it again. And also talk about doing so not only during an international broadcast but also while your own president sits right there next to you.
Perhaps there are a relatively big number of countries in the west where equality is much closer to being a reality, where it is a core value to respect woman, one that you are raised with, but here the context was specifically BTS and their background, their country and their culture. From K-ARMY we know that things have taken a turn for the worse in Korea when it comes to women’s rights and the behavior of men toward them, how feminism is treated essentially as a dirty word and you will get hunted down for using it or for behaving in a feminist manner. Namjoon himself was placed on some list made by misogynists labeling him as a dirty, dirty feminist. The same men who even went after the military to get them to stop using a hand gesture which could, if you really want to, be used to make fun of a man for a small d*ck. In polls men in their 20s and 30s have voted being against feminism and I don’t mean just like 10 or 20% of voters, but rather 50-70%, even some presidential candidates have apparently been revealed as anti-feminists.
Circling back to Namjoon, having this context, do you now get why it was a big thing for him to say this, why it makes him a role model and why it was important to do so? Besides this isn’t just about the WoH lyrics which, to be frank, were never an actual issue but instead were made into one (the line I know that usually get’s brought up most is “The girls are equations, and us guys are solutions” which, if you think about it, actually means that boys and girls are equal since 2+5=7, the equation and the solution are the same, and also the song is satire about hormonal boys and their behavior which people have decided to ignore for the sake of sitting on their high horses instead). Namjoon wasn’t even the only member credited for the lyrics yet he took the blame upon himself, used this to better himself even though we know 2015 was an extremely dark time for him. But he is the leader, he took responsibility and he grew from it. He stands as example of how change is possible even in a country that is male dominated and misogynistic.
From anon: Reading your post about My universe I can’t but be heavy hearted. 
It’s such a beautiful song but Jin not having almost any lines ruined the experience for me. He deserves so much more than being a mere backup vocal. Same goes to Jimin but I’m not as effected as Jin, since we’ve all seen a pattern there. 
We know the boys decide collectively decide LD and how it fits their personalities and voices but I can’t but feel icky about Dynamite, not today, BS&T and now MY. 
I truly hope this doesn’t continue and BH decides to respect Jin more as an artist. He’s one of the biggest reasons the group is where it is now.
Though I can’t say with 100% certainty that this comes from someone that has consumed too much solo stan “content”, it does very much feel like it and the only reason why I’m even answering this is that I’d like to highlight something, a pattern we've seen a million times over for years now in regard to line distribution but that is even more glaring and flawed in this case, after we’ve seen how My Universe was recorded:
“We know the boys collectively decide” and yet “and BH decides to respect Jin more”, with this you’re basically saying that you know all the members, including Seokjin, are involved BUT since giving him and the others slack for it would make you look bad, you instead throw blame at BH, which in this case had no say in the line distribution. That choice was Christ Martin’s to make. If you already complain about line distribution, at least have the guts to direct your hate at the people you just said yourself make the choice--the members. Solos already belittle Seokjin’s efforts as it is, and constantly demand an acting debut of him which basically, to me, just comes across as them wanting him to act because they don’t value his singing and music, so would it be really that farfetched for them to also hate on him for, what, not speaking up and demanding more to satisfy you?
Seokjin was so happy and excited while recording My Universe, while meeting Chris Martin, someone he’s admired and been a fan of for so long. He gave his best while recording and sounded absolutely marvelously, and yet instead of celebrating him, his voice, and what we do hear of him, you just focus on the negatives.
BH isn’t perfect by any means, don’t even try to come into our asks calling me a company stan or whatever because I’m far from it, but in this case they had nothing to do with it. Coldplay and Chris Martin did. We saw all the members record the chorus, and we heard it, we saw and heard Seokjin sing absolutely beautifully and get praise for it, and we saw how happy this collab has made him. Why can’t you just let this be a happy time, why must you immediately search for things to be negative about?
Would I have liked so hear more of his voice on My Universe? Obviously, I even said as much in my post about the song. I love Seokjin and his voice a lot, he is my bias wrecker for a reason. But the song has already happened, been recorded, mastered, and released. What will a negativity parade change? What? Absolutely nothing except for make him feel bad because you can’t just say “Seokjin did amazingly, I love his voice”, no, you have to go around yelling “OMG he is being cut from the song because BH hates him”. What does that do for him? Like really, tell me, because I don’t get it.
And if my opinion isn’t valid enough for you, it is, after all, just an opinion, take Seokjin’s opinion about the collab instead:
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Or asks such as this one:
From anon: I honestly can’t wait for Seokjin to go solo one day. Go where he’s appreciated for his talents and musicality, not cuz he’s just a “hyung” or “comic relief” or “WWH”.
Where, tell me, has he ever expressed an interest in going solo? No, I’m serious, where, because all I know is that he is happy with his members, with what he does, that he enjoys making music and getting more involved than he used to. Just the other day during the interview with Juju Chang he spoke about how he misses the old times where he could go for soju and food with Yoongi to spend some time together.
And just a few years before that Yoongi said that Seokjin has been good from the beginning, and there are tons of other examples of the members praising Seokjin in terms of his voice and musicality. When he was going through burnout last year, Bang PD encouraged him to channel his thoughts and feelings into music, recommended him a producer he thought work well with him, and Seokjin said it really did help him. And we got Abyss as result from it all, a gorgeous and raw song. 
Yes, he gets praise for being a good hyung, because guess what, he is a good hyung. Maybe for you that’s not good enough, but he’s proud of it, has always taken the fact that he’s the eldest seriously even when goofing around with his members. How is that a bad thing?
Seokjin loves his members and they love him. Seokjin loves ARMY and we love him back tenfold. Just because solos hate the members and aren’t satisfied with Seokjin, how is that my issue or even his? If you’re a genuine fan of his, support his hard work, support all his contributions to BTS’ music, their performances, their dancing, and everything else. Because he is part of BTS regardless if you like it or not, and as far as we are aware, he doesn’t plan on changing that any time soon, or at all. 
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supop · 3 years ago
I read your entries on Jimin and VL/ML and maaaan, you’re spot on and I’m a HARD CORE Jimin stan though RL are my wreckers. I’ve been following BTS since forever and it’s just fucked up that the rappers aren’t given the deserved recognition for carrying the entire group on their backs, especially j-hope. Yes, I’ve been accused by my fellow PJMs for being a traitor but talent is talent, you can’t deny it. I don’t give a fuck anymore at this point cos all I know is, I worry for Jimin, like A LOT! He doesn’t look too well in recent years and this insane obsession by us Jimin stans to always make him the perfect idol makes it even worse.
I appreciate your honesty anon. It’s hard to admit someone you admire isn’t always deserving of the pedestal everyone attempts to place them on. Yoongi is my bias, but even I can admit he has areas where he’s less than a “genius”. Which is fine because we’re all human and humans have a tendency to not be perfect. Granted, it’s never wise to place anyone on a pedestal, but that aspect goes beyond k-pop, so I digress.
Your last sentence made me realize that often times we reprimand fans for obsessing over their idols, not realizing the ripple effect it causes to the idol’s image. Jimin has a lot of insecurities (like most of his), and being in the spotlight has the tendency to exacerbate those insecurities. As if people watching your me every move isn’t bad enough, imagine if those same people refuse to except you have flaws like everyone else. We can chalk this up to fan culture but I think the biggest issue is when fans constantly make an effort to build and broadcast an image, that even their idol is incapable of reaching.
It’s sad because I’m pretty sure the reason Jimin stopped mentioning making music is because he doesn’t want to give his fans any false hope. It doesn’t take a genius to know he’s lacking in that department and HYBE’s “you guys have to make your mixtapes on your own” policy doesn’t go in his favor. I wonder if he ever looks in the mirror and think “why do people like me?” since the cutie sexy act can only go so far.
It also doesn’t take a genius to know that BTS’s current state of popularity is incredibly unstable and unsustainable in the long run. Their fandom is already split into fractions thanks to HYBE’s marketing and tendency to push some members more than others, and they’ve been leaning (relying) more heavily on shipping content the last recent years. There’s a difference between building an organic loyal fan based off of music alone and using gimmicks to build quicker emotional bonds between your artist and their fans. And if there’s one thing we all know about people’s emotions is that it’s fleeting. BTS can always explore different genres with their music, but the moment any other circumstance regarding their popularity changes, is the moment that parts of their already fragile fanbase collapses. In short, I hate to say it, but there’s a very high possibility that BTS has already peaked as a group, and if they haven’t yet, then they will soon.
It sounds ominous, but for some members, BTS will probably be the end of of their music career as they know it. For others, they’ll reach even greater (or at the very least) more fulfilling heights if they decide to pursue a solo career path. Hopefully, the ones that have the potential to do so can move forward boldly and not allow the less than capable members to hold them back.
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newcaptainofsquad9 · 5 years ago
A Tender Night~Taehyung x fem! reader
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Pairing: Taehyung x reader
Summary: You can’t sleep and your boyfriend notices. Coincidentally he can’t sleep either with you tossing, turning and squirming in his embrace so you both decide on what’ll be best to tire you out, Taehyung suggests something you can’t refuse. 
Genre: Fluff, Smut, Romance
Word Count: 1,407
Warnings: Smut, please don’t read unless you’re 18 or older, I cannot stress that enough. 
Author’s Note: Taehyung is my bias wrecker and has been coming for Jimin’s bias spot for awhile(had to swat him away a few times, my gosh), so here is my first fic of him and first BTS smut! I hope ya’ll enjoy it and let me know how it is. Thanks!
The clock read 3:54 am as my groggy eyes slid open. This is the third night where I couldn’t get enough sleep, staring at the wall for hours til the sun rose was when I got decent sleep. 
I shift around, feeling Taehyung’s strong arms adjust around me along with his soft breathing. A soft smile finds my lips as I turn fully towards him and snuggle up close, shutting my eyes. His heart has a slow, meticulous beat, I listen for a few second, a minute, a few more until I still hear it. 
“God damnit,” I groan as I turn back over to the clock. 
It now read 4:05 am. For fucks sake. 
Taehyung’s soft breathing ceases for a moment as he sighs, warm breath hitting my neck to the point I shiver. 
“Mmh, Y/N,” he murmurs, “are you cold?”
His arms tighten around me as he pulls me back against his chest. 
“A little,” I admit, “I-I can’t—“
Taehyung opens his dark eyes, nearly making me lose my words. They’re so mesmerizing under the glow of our outside apartment lights that break in through our window. Am I the luckiest woman alive?
“You can’t what?” he asks. 
I wince at the hint of annoyance. 
“Sorry, I couldn’t sleep,” I say. 
Taehyung’s eye brows perk up before he yawns out. 
“You don’t have to apologize,” he whispers, “if you can’t sleep, then neither can I.”
I frown and put a hand on his cheek. 
“Tae, no you go back to sleep, I can just get some tea or take some sleeping pills.”
Taehyung shifts up, his tired eyes now abruptly alert. 
“Pills? Y/N, how long have you been having this problem?” he asks. 
I look up at him, he’s captivated on me, his usual stoic expression now soft. His hands stroke my arm softly, making it hard to speak. 
“Y/N, are you all right?” he asks.
“N-No,” I say, “I’ve been having trouble sleeping for some reason.”
Taehyung nods, hands still stroking my arm. 
“That’s why you’ve been sleeping hours after I get up,” he says.
I nod sharply.
“Yeah, it’s always in the middle of the night,” I explain, “it’s weird maybe I just need to try harder.”
Taehyung’s eyes narrow, he opens his mouth but I turn back over toward the clock, shutting my eyes to try again.
“Y/N,” Taehyung says. 
He follows my movement, arms wrapping around me as he tucks his chin against my shoulder, arms meandering themselves down my arms soothingly. His touch makes me shiver again and he chuckles, warm breath directly hitting my ear. 
“Mmh, you’re not cold, you’re sensitive,” he notes, “why haven’t you told me this sooner?”
His deep voice makes my heart pump, and I think he knows that because he continues. 
“Talk to me babe,” he says, “or would you rather me sing?”
His fingers still move: under my shirt gently squeezing my breasts before sliding up to caress them. I sigh against him as he presses himself against my back. 
“Tae,” I warn. 
“Hmm?” he asks, “I won’t go any farther unless you tell me. Use that pretty voice of yours.”
Of course he’s acting like this in the middle of the damn night.
“Sing,” I say, “sing and-”
Taehyung interrupts me with a kiss on the back of neck, forcing another shiver up my body. 
“God, you tease,” I groan. 
Taehung chuckles.
“It’s not teasing when you have all the control babe,” he says. 
I roll my eyes. 
“Touch me,” I say, “touch me Taehyung.”
“Yes ma’am,” he whispers. 
His fingers slid down my belly expertly, rubbing my skin gently as I suck in a quick breath. He hums the melody of Pied Piper as his fingers slip under the waistband of my sweats and start rubbing me against my panties. 
“Tae,” I moan. 
Taehyung ceases his movements, but continues to hum.
“My paradise, you’re so wet already and I’ve hardly touched you,” he says, “should I continue?”
I nod, but Taehyung only kisses my jaw. 
“I need your words Y/N.”
“Yes, please,” I beg. 
Taehyung hums, and slips his fingers from my sweats to yank them down along with my panties, just around my legs to grant him access. His fingers enter me and I moan softly, eyes shut. He doesn’t slow down as he continues to move and add a second finger. 
“Tae, ah.”
He kisses down my neck, fingers still working extremely hard. My eyes flutter open as the familiar pit in my stomach grows. 
“I-I’m close, T-Tae.”
Taehyung nods and applies great, yet tender pressure to my clit over and over until. 
“Ah! G-God!” I groan. 
My skin flares at my release, Taehyung’s fingers start to slow down as I breathe in and out, trying to come down from my high. 
Taehyung groans lowly against my ear.
“God, Y/N that was so beautiful,” he says.
I hear a pop and turn to see him licking his fingers. This man. 
I cut myself off when I feel him against my knee, his thick bulge poking me. He chuckles down at himself. 
“I-I’m sorry but damn Y/N, you’ve made me so hard,” he groans, “I need to be inside you right now.”
My heart races at his confession, turn back over around my side and pull my sweats back up. Taehyung’s hands stop me as he wraps his arms back around me, his clothed hardness poking me right where he wants it. 
“Please, you sounded so pretty and I’m not even tired anymore,” he whispers. 
“Tae, I want to but-”
“But? Turn around let me see you,” he begs.
I turn back around and see it, his deep black eyes full of want and compassion. His mouth is open as he breathes a bit hard, he really does need to relieve himself. 
“Tae, I just I-I feel a little selfish with you doing all the work for me, all because I couldn’t go to sleep,” I say. 
Taehyung chuckles, hands moving to cup my face before kissing me. It’s full of passion and lust as he trails down my jaw and neck. 
“There’s nothing wrong with letting me take care of you,” he says, “we always take care of each other, it’s whats expected of the both of us, right?”
I nod as his lips continue to work a sensitive area of my neck. 
“Tae, please,” I groan. 
“Words, Y/N, tell me what you want,” he whispers against my ear. 
“You,” I admit, “please let’s take care of each other.”
Taehyung smiles and pulls down his own sweats, revealing his hardened member. Of course no underwear. 
“Lay back babe,” he says, “let me take care of you, us.”
I roll into my back as Taehyung gets on his knees, aligning himself with my entrance. He pushes himself in slowly, letting me adjust to his size. 
“Tae, ah, I-oh God.”
I hold onto his arms as he stops once he’s in. He leans in to kiss me before breathing against my neck. 
“God, Y/N, I always fit so perfectly, yet you’re so tight tonight,” he groans, “let me know when I can move.”
I nod, breathing with him until it feels right. 
“I-I’m ready,” I say.
Taehyung glances up, eyes clouded in lust as he nods and pulls out, then back in starting a slow pleasurable pace. 
“T-Tae,ah mh.”
His thrusts build up quickly, and I can barely speak or keep my eyes open. My fingers tighten around Taehyung’s arms as he growls and continues to pound in and out of me. 
“T-Tae ah! FuckI-I’m close!”
Taehyung groans against my neck, his breath already adding to what he’s doing to me. 
“You feel too good Y/N, I-I’m close too,” he moans. 
I answer with a moan of my own as our eyes meet, the look he gives me and the final thrust he gives sends me over the edge and he isn’t close behind, spilling himself into me. 
“Damn, Y/N,” he groans, “you-God, I love you.”
I run my fingers through his hair as he collapses on me. 
“I-I love you too,” I say. 
I yawn soon after, making Taehyung chuckle. 
“I guess that tired you out,” he says.
“Yeah,  but we need to clean up.”
Taehyung perks up and kisses me. 
“Rest, let me take care of it.” 
I try to protest, but my eyes flutter and Taehyung’s already up and headed to the bathroom. 
“Sweet dreams, my paradise.”
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peonybane · 6 years ago
My main groups
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Oh boy. Thanks for the ask, I’ll try to go as in-depth as possible. Get ready for me to just fucking gush.
So I have two main groups: VIXX and BTS.
Please read below the break because this is long as hell. This is also a repost as Tumblr is a dumb dumb.
Voice, Visuals, Values in Excelsis (I know doesn’t make sense but that’s what the boys names themselves). They are the Concept Kings for a reason: Space Vampires, Voodoo Dolls, Cyborgs/Androids, Time, the Greek God trilogy, Perfumes, Duality (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde) and so many others.
I consider myself to be a STARLIGHT in terms of kpop first before anything else other than just enjoying all of it. VIXX will always be my number one group because they helped me out of a really dark place in my life and because of that, I can’t really replace them with anyone else. With that being said, I look at them as if they are my older brothers, which makes looking at them in a sexual way almost impossible for me (despite one of the fancams later, I just think that fancam is so interesting). So I am very, very soft towards them. I almost cried at a concert for Ravi because I was so moved at being able to meet someone I very much look up to.
So even though I was technically introduced to kpop via either BigBang (with Fantastic Baby) or BTS (with DNA), it wasn’t until VIXX that I really got into them.
My first song with VIXX was Error. I had never seen anything like Error before and it fascinated me, I was really hooked by that video. My sister and I watched that video about… 20 times in a row. And I never looked back.
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My bias is Ravi. For those who don’t: he is the Rapper of the group as well as one of the main dancers. He has a deep ass voice, he looks rather scary, but he is probably one of the purest human beings on the planet. He’s a workaholic, he’s the best dog dad, he’s a shy, sweet mess (he’s best friends with Jimin of BTS and Kai of EXO, if that don’t explain much, nothing will). I saw him in concert this past May and it was just… I was in awe. He’s very down to earth and tall as fuuuuuuuuck (all of them are, the shortest is 5′11). He recently left Jellyfish Entertainment (Jelpi) to start his own production agency, GROOVL1N. The most fascinating thing about this for me is that he left on good terms with Jelpi and is still part of VIXX. No entertainment company is perfect, but I think is pretty damn close. They give their artists artistic freedom, they protect their privacy fiercely (STARLIGHTS not particularly invasive, but no one really knows anything about their private lives), and they don’t force their artists to do things that would be bad for them (I can’t find the footage, but there have been instances where instead of telling Leo not to eat, they try to make him eat, I’ll talk about that more later). What Jelpi lacks is promoting and caring about international fans. I’m pretty sure that’s why Ravi left because even though they are on good terms, that is what Jelpi lacks and Ravi really makes the international STARLIGHTS (I mean they all do, but Ravi especially) feel like they are loved.
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Favorite song is kinda hard. For Title Tracks, G.R.8.U., On and On, and Fantasy are definitely tied for first place. For non-title tracks, Trigger and Light Me Up (little bit of a cheat, this is one of my favorite performances and this the Rock version) fuck me up and get me hyped. My favorite Japanese Track is Depend on Me which is basically the exact opposite of Chained Up. Because they love their STARLIGHTS so much, they have a song dedicated to us on each album, so my favorite STARLIGHT song is Milky Way.
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My bias wrecker (lord help me) is Hyuk. Hyuk is the maknae of the group. He started out of the pipsqueak of the group and now dominates his hyung. He clocks in at about 6′4 and is a fucking wall. He looks like a Samoyed. He’s got a lovely voice. He sounds like Onew of SHINee. He’s incredibly manly and is weird AF. He recently made his solo debut this last winter with the ballad, Boy with a Star.
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So my favorite Era was… the Conception Era. This is sort of a cheat as it encompasses a concept trilogy. It’s based on three greek gods of masculine traits which tell a love story conceptually: Zelos (god of rivalry, zeal, and jealousy) with Dynamite, Hades (god of wealth, the afterlife, and desire) Fantasy, which I think is a retelling of the Orpheus myth, and finally Kratos (god of strength and rule) with the Closer. It’s just a beautiful interconnected era.
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My favorite fancams…
This Chained Up Ravi Focus (gird your loins)
This “Manager Kim” Concert video
This “(Im)perfect Boyfriends to Order” Concert video
Toy Story Fantasy Performance (if you watch nothing else, watch this)
There’s certainly more but this is what came to mind immediately.
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Little tidbits otherwise, I’ll never get to BTS:
Hongbin is my icon. He’s the visual of the group, the sub rapper, he’s a gamer (has his own twitch, don’t know how to get to it since I don’t have twitch), and he’s probably the most under appreciated. Enjoy his Cool Love collab with Hyungwon of Monsta X.
N, Mr. Cha Hakyeon, is the leader of the group and he’s your favorite whether or not you believe it to be. He is currently doing his military service. We all though we would not see or hear from while he’s doing his service… I see his face everyday on my dash and I love his egg head. He was in the Children of Nobody and he’s an amazing dancer.
Ken is the would be maknae of the group and I would say that’s he’s got not only the best voice in the group, but also the best eyebrows. He’s all about acting cutesy. He is a stage actor and is absolutely amazing. I want to see one of his plays one of these days.
Now, before you come for me with your pitchforks, I love all of them, just some of them piss me off more than others, but I wouldn’t get this mad if I didn’t care. Leo pisses me the hell off. He needs someone to take care of him because he’s sacrificing his mental and physical health to satisfy people who don’t actually care about him. At roughly 6 feet tall, he weighs between 130 to 145 pounds. He’s talked about some behavior that is incredibly unhealthy and it breaks my heart (he talked about how he once binge ate then worked out until he practically passed out). He’s talked about how he’s absolutely drained after a practice for his solo and… his choreography is incredibly simple. I hate that he feels like he has to be impossibly skinny for people to love him.
Moving on from the angry stuff, VIXX is one of the nation’s prides. The president of Korea is a known fan of VIXX and the last time I checked, N is STILL one of the promotional images on the president’s website.
If you have any questions for me about VIXX, please let me know and I’d love to talk about it.
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I’m going to be a little more brief with BTS, since the majority of people know them.
So as mentioned before my first song with BTS is DNA. It didn’t leave a big impression on me. It was simply something I’d play in the background while I was finishing up work for the evening at my old job. Dope is the song that really pulled me in. I don’t know what it is about it, but it just really pulled me in.
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I am *sigh* double biased, something that @ropeseok​ has made me come to terms with. My ideal is Namjoon. I really like his voice, I think he’s adorable with his hard exterior and ooeygooey center. It also helps that he’s, well, kinda like me in that he’s a brain. My other bias is Taehyung. He is probably the more realistic type of person to me. I like the idea of Namjoon. But Tae… Tae is more of the person that I need. He’s very touchy, he’s emotional, he’s true, he’s sweet, a bit child like, he’s very intelligent, but keeps it on the down low. If that makes sense.
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My favorite title track is Boy in Luv. I can listen to it forever. For non-title tracks it would be First Love, Magic Shop, and Persona. My favorite Japanese Track is Crystal Snow.
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Since Tae had been my bias wrecker for a while, I don’t really think I have one BUT because of someone’s influence… probably Jin. Fine, I’ll admit it, I’m a Kim line heaux.
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My favorite era…. it really depends on each boy. Like for Namjoon, I love the Danger and Not Today eras. For Jin, it would have to be, ironically enough, anytime of the early eras cuz he looks lovely as hell with eyeliner and I just think he’s got this hidden bad boy energy that was able to come out during this time. For Yoongi is would be MIC DROP. He was in his fucking element. Plain and simple. For Hoseok, it was Blood, Sweat, and Tears, BST was probably one of their best eras overall, but Hoseok just fucking made it his bitch. For Jimin it was BST as well but also any of the early eras. Like Jin, he’s got this hidden ferocity that I feel like is being kept hidden behind a closely guarded wall. I also just like his hair black and when he wasn’t necessarily starving himself. For Tae… Fake Love. I think he really found his element with the ballads like Singularity and darker themes, especially now that he’s all grown up and doesn’t look like a child. For Jungkook… Dope. There was something about the uniform and the energy that really just fit him.
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I’m not going to do favorite famcams as the moment I start collecting videos, I’m going to be overwhelmed with different versions and this is already ridiculously long.
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I really like their darker works. I really wish they’d go back to those.
I don’t want anymore collaborations with Western artists. I think it would be really cool if they collabed with another Korean group or artist. I would like to see Jimin and Ravi work together. I think their different voices would work amazingly together.
I am probably the most similar to Jimin. Everyone’s who’s ever known me and knows Kpop often compares me to Jimin.
Yeontan, along with Ravi’s dog, Butt, are my fashion icons.
Once again, I love them all, but if I had to name my least favorites, it would have to be Jimin and Jungkook. Jimin because, he’s incredibly hard for me to write. I get extremely frustrated writing about him. I work best when there’s a certain amount of emotional/psychological distance between me and the person I’m writing about because then I can comfortably extrapolate. He and I are way too close, which makes it hard for me to really describe him as someone else if that makes sense. As for Jungkook, I have a very hard time understanding him. I know that a lot of people love mysterious people, but I find them to be incredibly frustrating. I think he’s incredibly talented and nice, but I’m frustrated by the fact that’s impossible for me to get an idea of what he’s like beyond that surface layer.
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So that is that.
I hope you got your answer sweet Anon. I am so sorry that is was so freaking long.
250 followers ask game
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taeguboi · 7 years ago
Headcanon request: from friends to lovers. Thank you 😊
Here goes! Very late! As per usual! But they’re longer HCs this time!
BTS HCs: Friends to Lovers
Headcanons Masterlist HERE
It takes forever for either of you to realise it.
He’s that guy best friend who always makes you laugh
always there to pick up the pieces
but it takes a lifetime to realise it all
to realise that actually, you can’t live without him
but first, as friends, he:
helps you on your quest for a true love
even though he low key knows that it could be him all along
but he’ll wait
takes you on mates dates at least fortnightly
friend’s discounts at the shop he works at
and he doesn’t do that for anyone else
but he doesn’t realise fully either
not yet
he becomes more and more generous to you
and he still doesn’t really think twice about it
and whilst you’re grateful for the things your friend does for you
nor do you think twice about it
until one day
you’re about to meet up at the park
you know, normal sunny Saturday afternoon
and on your journey there, you just stop
right in the middle of the street
“I can’t wait to meet Namjoon today…”
“Like, I REALLY can’t wait…”
“My God, could I be…”
and you get there and he’s laid out this picnic
which ordinarily wouldn’t be unusual
but then you see these rose petals
and champagne
it’s dead cheesy
but it’s like he’s so in tune with you
you just run up to him sat on the blanket waiting
“Oh my goodness, Namjoon!”
and something overcomes you
you give him an appreciative kiss
“What’s happening right now?” you ask, parting from the kiss
which he has most definitely returned
*he pops open the champagne*
“…is what’s happening”
and there’s not formal asking out 
or even any official labels to start with
you just spend the rest of that day together
“We should so something like this again sometime”
“Like… a date?”
“Maybe” he grins.
You don’t do anniversaries or milestones in the future
because no one payed attention to the time or the date
it didn’t matter
that doesn’t matter
What matters is that the two of you found happiness
congrats guys
everyone was secretly rooting for you all along
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so many new gifs for me to use! it’s like my favourite way of rounding of a post ngl. wheeeeeeeeee
It was love at first sight… but then it wasn’t… but then it was again, huh.
you meet Jin and are entranced by him
but you have no chance, you figure
after on his first day of work at your place
you’re showing him the ropes
“yeah so here’s where the…”
*crash! bang! wallop!*
next thing you know
you’re on the ground 
“Yep I’m a dork.”
“I’m a klutz.”
“This girl right here? No chance”
That’s all what you’re telling yourself, that is
so then you avoid him 
and he clocks on to that
“oh that’s a shame”
“she seemed really nice”
and this goes on for a bit
but then you eventually get comfortable around him
and suddenly out of nowhere
he asks you on a date
and you say yes of course
but you’re certain it’s a dare from the co-workers
for whatever reason
so when Jin asks if you’d like to do it again
you humm with uncertainty
“Wow, you really don’t like me, do you?”
“What, no?”
“Why are you so indifferent around me? Something I did? Said?”
“It’s not that.. it’s… this is a dare, isn’t it?”
“The guys at work. They put you up to this didn’t they?”
“Are you for real?”
“Are you?”
“Yes! Y/n, I like you!”
“How do I know this isn’t part of the act?”
and he’s so fucken bold
he pulls you in by the waist
and plants a big one on you
right on the lips
he’s so dreamy
you have to go back in for another
this is great
really great
you go back to his
and it’s innocent, you know
you’re kissing on the couch 
all night
into daylight
just kissing and talking
“Okay, maybe I believe you now”
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Jin is the bias wrecker once again guys. Confession made.
It’s one of the hardest experiences he’s ever had to live… but it’s worth it.
Yoongi is the most quietest person around girls
especially if he likes you
but you were never told this 
you meet a friend of his 
and she one day introduces you
cool, cool, ‘hello’
that’s your side of it anyway
“Very pretty. and charming”
his side ^
but doesn’t speak up
for years
he just so happens to be fortunate enough
that you and this mutual friend get closer
and that a group of friends forms from that
he treasures those meet ups you all have
he loves the way you laugh
the light in your eyes when you tell a story
your dress sense
your tastes in music
your everything
Music. That’s it.
so one day he muster the courage
to engage with you in a more in depth conversation
“What’s new with you, Yoongs?”
nice, a nickname
he blushes
“Not much really… apart from this maybe”
and he passes you a headphone
and the music that’s playing is cool
“I just got into them, think they’re my newest obsession…”
“This is cool stuff man”
‘man’ is a little heartbreaking but
she likes it
she might even think I’m cool
and you do
and you two start to bond over music more and more
“Aw Yoongs, check this out! It’s like what you showed me last week!”
“Nice! You know if you like this stuff then I can recommend more…”
“Yeah, I can send you some links, or…”
or…..? YOONGS?
“…or you could come to mine sometime and go through my CD collection”
and even he’s shocked at this bold request
but you say yes immediately
so what was he going to worry about anyway?
so yeah, his place
music music music
he is so cool
the stuff he owns
the stuff he likes
it’s almost like
he’s you as a guy
and it’s almost like
you’ve connected on a completely different level
then you find yourself thinking about him a lot
A  L O T
you want to text him every day
you want to bump into him wherever you go
or invite him out just because
right, this has to stop
you have to know
“What would you say if…”
“It’s silly, nah”
“Well… do you think we’ve been hanging out too much lately”
“Not at all”
“No, I mean like TOO much… too much for people who are ‘just friends’?”
literally though
you’ve spent every day of this past fortnight in each other’s company now
“Maybe, but… well, how do you feel about that y/n?”
“I… I’ve enjoyed it” you smile
“Me too” he grins.
and it’s a big grin
it makes you warm
make you want to…
“Stop me if I’m reading this wrong”
you go for it
you kiss him
and he’s kissing you back
“Oh my god guys, FINALLY!” 
your friends chorus in one go
Yes, finally.
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He was a skater boy, she said… ‘YES!’
lol sue me kill me idc
your mates like the park
his mates like the park
it’s really the only place in your area 
to go to every weekend
you mingle a little gradually
you guess they’re cool
it’s nice to be welcomed up there
“you girls like skating?”
“suppose we can try”
some of you pick it up like that
some of you don’t
you choose which one you are
and you all grow up together essentially
you all get older then
less people are coming out so often
you and Hoseok find it’s just the two of you
this happens occasionally
neither of you think anything of it
but you have a laugh
you have fun
practically best friends
without saying that you’re best friends
you grow up some more
and the park at weekends is no longer a thing
you get jobs
you get further education
you think to yourself, in your 20s
“you know what I haven’t done in a while?”
and just like that, you grab your board
or not if you’re the type who didn’t pick it up
maybe you have a bike instead idk
so you go back there for the nostalgia you guess
and it’s eerie
because you hear your name
and the voice is familiar
you must be going nuts
but then you source the location of the sound
you completely forgot his house backs onto this place
at the top of his voice until you notice
you wave
aw isn’t that lovely
you make your way home
“Woah! Wtf?” 
Hoseok’s just stopped you in your tracks on the main street
and you just catch up
and it somehow leads to meeting for coffee the next week
you guess it’s harder to keep friends at this age already
so why not
one coffee date
turns into 5
into 18
into 578659
you get it
something is happening here
you… think?
then you get this invite
he asks you to be his plus 1 at a wedding
this… isn’t just what mates do, right?
or is it?
best not over think it
just make yourself look presentable
well at least look nice
or really nice
like really good
…you make yourself look like the bomb
let’s see if he pays attention now
he’s stunned
but so are you 
he had the same idea you bet
he offers you his arm to link onto
you get drunk at the wedding
and you just talk about the idea
what if you’d have got together as teens?
it’s so random
but then he tells you 
any guy would be lucky to have you
it’s cliche af
*you’re just staring into thin air now*
“Y/n-would-you-like-to-go-on-a-date-with-me?” he blurts out
it’s real nervous and fast
but kinda cute
and you butt in just as fast
do either of your remember in the morning?
damn right, you do?
“So what now?”
“You looked so fine in that dress y/n… you really captured me. Let’s do it.”
and it’s onwards and upwards from there.
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“I secretly love my best friend and I get jealous when she’s with someone else”
you’re the duo that people begin to get convinced would never get together
like not even a hook up
people used to tease like
“why don’t you just fuck already?”
“you know who would be good for you?”
but they stopped
they saw how much it annoyed the two of you
and actually
maybe they should grow up
and realize
friendships of opposite genders do happen
so you get on with the whole best friends thing
and this is normal to you
well it’s not unusual, having said that
maybe I should say, it’s not unbearable for you
Jimin, on the other hand
he fucking adores you
he might even say he loves you
if he could admit it
he can’t even tell himself that though
not yet
he secretly can’t stand it when
you go on dates
you tell him all about it
you ask him what dress to wear to go out in
that stuff
so you know they say
“a drunk mind speaks a sober mind”?
he’s on a lads night out
and they’re talking about you
how cool you are
how pretty you are
how fit you are
and that last one gets to him
he pins a close friend of his up to the wall
“dude wtf”
wtf indeed Jimin
“oh shit, I love her”
“gaaaay!” his mates holler
“shut up! I have to go do something”
so he calls you
“can I come over”
“uh, sure?” a confused tired y/n answers
he gets to yours and you see why the weird time of night
“have you been drinking?”
“I was, but… I feel very much sober now”
“Everything okay Jimin?
“I… I… I just pinned Tae up against the wall”
“He said something about you”
“Tae said something about me? I hope nothing bad…”
“No y/n, nothing like that, oddly enough.. he said…
… he complimented you and it just…
… y/n I can’t pretend anymore…
… I am a jealous person when it comes to you.”
“You’re… jealous? Of what?”
“People who get to be close to you”
“But we’re close, Chim”
he can’t stop talking thought
“… people who get to take you out -
- people who get to hold you close - 
- people who…”
“Jimin, what are you trying to say?”
“If you never wanna talk again, I’ll understand”
“Jimin, what is it?”
“Can I ask a question?”
that’ll be easier for him, you see
“Would you kiss me… ever?”
“I’ve… never really thought about it…”
“Would you try?”
it’s a bit desperate ^ 
but he’s asked it now
you have to think about it though
you really never thought about it
“I need some time”
“I’m sorry”
“Don’t apologise Chim… take me out.”
“Take me out. This time next week.”
so you can think about it
and you do
and it’s still pretty uncertain for the first few days
until you can’t stop thinking about it
what that kiss would have been like
you have nothing to lose, surely?
and then a week has passed
you get to kiss him
“I think we could do this more often” you smile
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You fall in love with a kitty and he falls in love with you
your friendship derives fro a mutual love of something
well actually, it’s all animals
but you decided your home needed a cat
and he works at the adoption charity
“I’m quite fond of this one” he smiles
he’s just picked up the one you pointed out
usually the adoption procedure is short and sweet
pick a cat, take them home
but Taehyung lets you stroke the cat
for hours
as the two of you are lost in conversation
you don’t even stop to wonder if he’s slacking off the job
this is too nice
“You know, I wouldn’t say no to letting you visit him every now and then” you offer, blushing of course
he’s so cute…
the kitty isn’t bad either
shoot me again i know
phone numbers exchanged
nerves hit you as you expect his first visit
are you letting in a secret madman?
who knows?
you find out he is mad
but not in a psychologically deranged way
he’s nuts
he’s funny
he’s caring
he’s… a good friend now
but it doesn’t end there
he’s charming
he’s thoughtful
he’s… amazing
and time to feel pathetic every time he visits the kitty
like a middle aged woman watching a fit young builder work on her house
but it stops feeling like that when
you notice he glances at you 
he sometimes just watches you talk
he’s interested
whether that’s an interest in what you’re saying 
or and interest in you 
or both, you can’t figure
then one day he suddenly makes this confession
kind of
“you know we’re taught not to get attached to the little fellows we take in…”
“and yet here you are…”
he looks awkwardly at the floor
“Were you… going to say something else?”
“No! – uh, maybe…”
you wait for him to spit it out
“I did get attached to [name of pet] but… I might have played on that…”
“Play on it how?”
you’re not sure if you should worry
“It’s just when I saw you come in for the first time and you look so cute and kind and…. ah I’m making a right balls up of this…”
“and what, Taehyung?”
“I just wanted to get to know you better!”
“I literally just listed some of the reasons why!”
“but… nevermind that… can we still be friends?”
this is insane
why would he think you’d want to be his friend
after this
absolutely insane
to think
that you could continue being
just friends only
“So… you liked me back?”
“Oh my god how long have we trailed this out unnecessarily?”
“oops” you confidently smirk
oh and you’re face to face with him now
and then
the kiss
but what’s that smell??
“I still need to get [pet’s name] toilet trained!”
all’s well that ends well
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From lovers to friends to lovers again… pfft, teens
high school sweethearts
everyone thinks you’ll be together forever
but then it ends in like your last school year
over numerous misunderstandings
you know how it can be
the amount of jealous people
who then make rumours
which can feel very believable
it’s a few years until you even meet or talk again
of course in your youth, weekends are for partying
and you make friends from friends
and more friends from those friends
and then different people mingle
and a friend of a friend of a friend become besties somehow
all that jazz
so your group and his group somehow collab
it’s weird at first 
but you’re young adult
you can be civil, right?
you might think I’m about to say ‘wrong’
but I’m not
because y/n and Jungkook were always ahead of the maturity game anyways
and now you’re in a more sensible environment 
which sounds weird as you’re in a club full of horny strangers
but there’s a more positive type of people
because no one involves themselves with the negative people from school anymore
so you can talk properly
and you look back with nostalgia
and you evaluate with more open and educated minds
you catch up
and with each drink comes more honesty
yes, you actually get drunk together
that is a possible thing
no one takes advantage though
you agree to meet up to go clubbing more often
and you bond once again over your love for fun
and since it doesn’t happen that often
it’s more fortnightly than every possible day
you can always find something to talk about
because there’s always something to catch up on
but then one night you’re broke
you just don’t admit it to anyone
surely it can still be fun with friends alone, right?
it is still fun
isn’t this whole seeing your ex thing a bit weird?
the conversations on this night are less natural
he doesn’t spot it
and you all depart without fuss
you think about it the next morning again
is this weird?
can this friendship thing really work out?
and you decide
no, it can’t
because you still fucking love every little thing he does don’t you?
and he’s matured extremely well
he is like DAMN
but you try to numb it out
accepting that round 2 could never happen
he invites you out
“just us and a few friends” he says
but there’s no friends there
they all bailed
not a trick, just real coincedence
and yeah, you talk some more
and more
and more
and more
until it hurts
you’re tearing up
he’s tearing up
you’ve missed each other so much
you passionately kiss
still low key crying
full of emotion
wishing neither of you had ever let some petty high school kids affect your lives in this way
it’s kind of almost tragic
but you’re here now
you’ve missed his kisses
he’s missed your touch
but neither of you miss those fucking shit staring kids
the rumours ruined you back then
but they only made you stronger now
you and Jungkook
back together
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A lot of that was probably lame but I hope at least one person can enjoy this [not including myself hahahah]
Headcanons Masterlist HERE
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holyytaehyung · 7 years ago
bts reaction: you find out you’re pregnant. (F)
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Jin would be excited afff, even if it weren’t planned, (despite the initial shock): He would make sure to give you plenty of kisses (and stomach kisses despite no baby bump) mentally planning out baby names. He would be absolutley thrilled- And wouldn’t even bother to try and hide it.
‘I’m going to be a daddy? Oh my gosh Y/n! This is amazing, I’m so excited baby! I love you so, so much!’
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Boy would probably be too shocked to show how thrilled he was. Then when he saw your nervous face at his lack of reaction- He immediatley pulled you in for a kiss and hug. Telling you how excited he in fact was. Already wondering about what steps need to be taken next to ensure the best pregnancy possible.
‘Ahh I love you baby, this is such exciting news! I can’t believe it, we’re going to be parents to a little boy or girl! I’m so, so very lucky, honestly.’
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Calling ray of Sunshine Hobi...BOY WOULD BE SO HAPPY DON’T EVEN THINK OTHERWISE. He would shower you with affection whilst also paying extra attention to the (not showing) baby bump. Reminding you of how much he would love the baby and you, whilst assuring you that he was thrilled to the core.
‘I’m going to make sure you’re both taken such good care of babe. I love you and our little guy so much already.’
‘Little guy? You think it’s a boy?’
‘Is it too soon to guess? Either way girl or boy, I’m going to love them- and you so much.’
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This (bias wrecker oops) would be emotional and ecstatic at the same time. He wouldn’t admit that he was a little nervous bc ‘wow it’s actually happening’ but he was so deeply in love with the idea of having a baby with you-That he couldn’t hide his happiness, turning into a ball of giggles and kisses. You would 100% be feeling how happy he was as it would be radiating of him. Basically, nothing but love all round.
‘I already can’t wait, in nine months time we’re going to have a mini us. An actual human that we made, they’re going to be perfect, just like you baby. I love you to peices Y/n.’
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Would be in a total state of shock initially, which would send you into a nervous panic. But then he would very quickly step into action, of trying to assure you how (whilst he was lowkey scared) that he loves you so much, and he would love the baby just as much. Then, would probably also become very giggly and excited too- and he would give you so much affection, whilst spending the evening already planning a baby room (and names) with you.
‘I think we should have a dinosaur themed room- or a jungle! or a fairy? I don’t know it’s too hard! But we’ll sort it out, I’ll make sure it’s just perfect for our little bean babe. You’re going to be such a good parent Y/n, I might be nervous, but the best kind of nerves, I can’t wait!’
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We alllllll know Taehyung is a family man. So he would be so giddy and hyped up. Granted, he would be a little bit nervous - but he quickly turnt his nerves to nothing but pure excitement. He would start planning gucci outfit attire for the little baby, and would shower you with love and care, also wanting to ready the baby books and everything. Esentially, Taehyung would be be become very prepared for his future with you, and you both would be so excited for it.
‘I can’t quite believe this is actually happening babe. I’m going to do everything I can to be the best dad I can, I promise to take the best care of you and our child. I’m going to love them so much, just as much as I love you.’
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Homeboy would kinda freak out, not in a bad way- just in an emotional way. You would probably later see him staring at the multiple positive pregnancy tests with a big grin on his face. He would then give you so much cuddles whilst gently rubbing your stomach, also thinking about what steps needed to be made next to have a safe, comfortable pregnancy. He would be very openly nervous, but would also plan out so much, loving the whole process from start to finish, being as best prepared as he could be for the arrival.
‘It’s okay to be nervous babe, but just think about how much we’re going to love our little boy or girl, we’re going to love and cherise them so much.’
‘I know baby, I love you.’
- - - - - - - - - -
thank you so much to the person who requested this!!! Sorry if it’s a tad repetitive, and sorry if these requests took a bit long, I’ve been very busy and poorly (im still blessed with sickness yay) and I have had a few setbacks this year, I hope you understand!💗
(all gif creds go to owners. please let me know feedback on this, always feel free message me too!I hope you have/are having a good day ♡ )
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lov-scenario · 7 years ago
11 Question Tag
thanks @yeol2bean for tagging me; I love your blog
1) post the rules
2) answer the questions given to you by the tagger
3) write 11 questions of your own
4) tag 11 people
1. what has changed in your life since kpop?
I shamelessly imagine myself with beautiful Korean men who are way older than me, out of my league nor recognise me for the beautiful, lazy and sarcastic prick that I am. That and I now have better music to listen to
2. who’s concert do you really wanna attend?
Ah, I hear EXO’s concerts are lit but I can’t do my babies Monsta X dirty like that (I actually hate loud places so chances of me ever going to one are next to zero)
3. which is the group you never thought you’d stan but you’re stanning now?
Tbh, I’m really getting into BTS & it doesn’t help that their comeback sounds so pleasing to me. With no shame I can admit that Jimin’s Serendipity has been on repeat for two days now; whoops
4. gateway kpop song?
My life as an English Lit student is failing me because I have no idea what this means lmao. God knows how I hacked that C in my exam
5. Pick your tsundere man: GOT7′s JB or BAP’s Yongguk?
GOT7′s JB, mainly because I haven’t checked out BAP yet but I can say that Jaebum has been wrecking me for some time now. Someone made that edit of him with the nose piercing (which really matched with mine) & I was instantly sold because it goes with his whole chic look? That makes no sense but I just really wanted to mention how good he looked with a nose piercing
6. Do you ship any two idols and think they should just date already?
I don’t ship idols but bromances really get to me, especially Jooheon & Chankgyun. Be My Friend was the cutest shit I’ve seen and it takes a lot for me to admit sappy things like that
7. why do you like/respect your bias?
Jooheon is absolutely charismatic on stage and just goes to show how much he genuinely loves what he does. The way he monitors not only his, but the other member’s performances in order to improve and show Monbebes better sides of them
8. what’s your favourite fandom?
I've talked about Monsta X long enough for you to know that Monbebes are my g’s
9. Pick an era: Joseon, Silla, Goryeo?
imma go with Joseon only because I’ve seen more dramas about it and Goryeo was just a whole mess of emotions that I chose not to finish it. I like happy endings, sue me
10. Honestly what’s the deal with your bias wrecker?
Kihyun is just...something else
11. ok but do you know how beautiful NCT’s Johnny is?
EMO KID FROM HORTON HEARS A WHO! Nah seriously though, he’s so caring and funny and optimistic (I already know you know he’s attractive because it’s a given) & is actually my bias in NCT
11 questions for you to answer:
1) what’s one thing your bias does that annoys you?
2) what would be the ultimate k-pop collab?
3) if you ever saw your bias, how would you get their attention?
4) who is the evillest maknae?
5) are you a ‘theory’ stan, ‘get stressed while reading theories’ stan or simply ‘just here to enjoy the music & its video’ stan?
6) do you regret getting into k-pop?
7) if you watch k-dramas, which one would you want to re-enact with your bias?
8) which groups do you want to interact with one another?
9) favourite hairstyle on your bias?
10) what songs would you recommend to your ult group?
11) what is your battery percentage on? that will be the likelihood of you ever meeting your bias
tagging: @hotseok @sh0wnu @hotseok @glitzcake @wonheonie @jajajaebum @kihyunswife @dreamingwishes @ckihyun @gwihyonnie @got7doubleb most of you guys I’ve never talked to but know that I’m always admiring you guys from far and thing you’re all amazing! Either way you can ignore this if you don’t wanna do it lool
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melaninkpopimagines · 8 years ago
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author: admin Jazzi 
warning: smutty smut smut smutty smut
word count:1.4k
               You starred at the clock, waiting for the hand to hit 12pm.
You bit your lip, your fingers tapped the table top, impatiently.  You had been waiting, since last night for this. Your professor, Min Yoongi, who you’ve had a heated affair with for the past 6 months, texted you telling you to meet him in his office during your lunch break. You were so excited, watching him during class.
Everything about him made you excited today. His white button up shirt, which fit tight on his body, he left two buttons undone and he sleeves rolled up.  Even his glasses were driving you wild today; he drove you wild when his muscles flexed from reaching up to push them up on his face.
The clock finally struck 12 and the other students rushed out. You followed the crowd and slipped into his office, which was pretty close to his classroom.
You sat down in his chair, patiently waiting for him to enter.
Yoongi tended to take his time when he knew you were waiting for him. It was his way of teasing you, since when he came in he’d get right to business.
This time he was taking extra long. About 15 minutes passed and you decided to text him.
To Yoons: Are you on your way??
Another five minutes passed, before he answered you.
From Yoons : Be patient baby, I have a surprise for you.
Your face lit up. His surprises were always the best, the last time he surprised you, you got good head and a new car.
Yoongi was that type of person. You never asked him for anything; but he spoiled you just because her wanted to. Even though your relationship with him was sexual, there were definite perks that showed you he still cared about your well being. You lived well since meeting him, a new apartment, vacations, and shopping sprees, whenever he felt like it.
You thought about all the possible things it could be, when Yoongi walked in. You stood up, excited to see your gift, and you were taken aback to see, Park Jimin trailing behind him.
Jimin was a senior, and fine as hell. You took Yoongi’s class together. He was a dance major with an amazing body. You often caught yourself looking at him as he walked, or smiling like a fool when he passed you around campus. He was gorgeous; but what was he doing here?
“Yoongi what’s going on?” you asked starring at the two men.
“Surprise.” Jimin said, walking towards you.  Your eyes followed Yoongi, who locked the door.
He turned around with a smirk, leaning against the wall and watching jimin, as he snaked his arm around your waist.
“I noticed you sneaking away to Mr. Min’s office.” Jimin admitted as his lips made contact with your neck.
“and since I notice you looking at him all the time, I asked him to join us.” Yoongi said.
Jimin kissed up and down your neck slowly, as his hands squeezed and massaged your ass.
You moaned out softly, as you relaxed into Jimin’s touch. He picked you up and placed you on the desk. You watched him carefully as he removed his shirt. Your eyes moved to Yoongi as you heard his footsteps approaching you.
You lifted your shirt, revealing the bra of the red lace lingerie set Yoongi bought you. He bit his lip, a slight smile stretching across his face. He loved when you wore what he bought you.
He walked next to you, placing his hand on your thigh and squeezing firmly.
His finger trailed up to the button of your jeans, only needing his one hand to unbutton them.
Yoongi nibbled on your ear, and Jimin on your neck.
Your moans, constantly flowed as both men undressed you down to your panties. Your clothes and bra slung across the office. Jimin laid you back, dropping to his knees in front of you. He spread your legs, letting them hang over his shoulders, as he thumbed over your clothed clit.
You moaned out his name, your back arching off the table.
Yoongi leaned in and his tongue flicked over your nipple carefully. His tongue swirled around your erect nipple.
You gripped the bottom of his shirt, tightly. Jimin was already driving you at full speed towards your orgasm. His fingers pumped in and out of you, quickly, and his tongue flicking rapidly over your clit.
“come for us, baby.” Yoongi mumbled against your skin.
Your body shuttered to his words. Your eyes shut tightly as you came all over  Jimin’s fingers.
               Your eyes slowly opened your eyes, as Jimin stood up, and removed his fingers from you. He smiles softly and kissing your inner thigh, caressing it gently. He and Yoongi switched positions, while you collected yourself. It didn’t seem real, their hands all over you.
The boy you had fantasized about, and the man that always made you feel amazing, were both making your body shake with pleasure and drip with excitement.
Yoongi moved between your legs, his member springing up as he took off his pants and boxers. The sound of Jimin’s zipper moving, rang in your ear.
You glanced over at the younger boy, marveling at the sight of him.
Your breath hitched as Yoongi filled you up in one quick motion. His hips moving swiftly as he began to pound into your pussy roughly.
You had little time to mask in the pleasure, when your focus was drawn to Jimin who pressed the tip of his member to your slightly parted lips.
You happily welcomed him into your mouth, opening it wide to receive his length. He moaned out lowly, feeling your warm mouth around his cock. He placed his hand on the back of your head. His hips rocked back and forth, slowly, as he  casually fucked  your mouth.              
Yoongi buried his cock deep inside you.                 His hands firmly squeezed your hips. Your moans muffled by Jimin’s cock; but still clearly heard.  You didn’t have anything else to hold on to, so your nails dug into Yoongi’s forearm. The pleasure he was delivering to you sent chills down your spine.  
The taste of Jimin on your tongue and the feel of Yoongi fucking you was sending you over.
You were so close to your second orgasm. Your walls squeezed around Yoongi’s cock. You screamed as his speed increased, his thumb rubbing rhythmed circles into your clit.
Jimin pushed his cock deep into your throat, his own moans growing louder, and his hips thrusting faster.
You watched a he bit down on his lip, probably to keep from moaning loudly, only low grunts escaping from his lips.
He gripped your hair lightly and as he grew closer to his orgasm his lips parted and his head tilted his head back, in pleasure. Moans flowed from his lips along with soft whispers of profanities.
You gripped tightly to yoongi’s arm as your orgasm washed over you.
In the same instance Jimin pulled your head back, with loud moans , he stroked himself, until his seed erupted onto your face, covering your lips.
He let go of your head, catching his breath as he gently kissed your lips.
Yoongi pushed your legs up, spreading them wider, as his thrust became rough. His finger tips dug into your thighs.
Jimin’s hand worked its way to your clit. Both of them working to bring you a third orgasm. At high speed they drove you over once more. Both you and Yoongi coming  explosively.
Yoongi balanced himself over you.
Your eyes were hazy but you could see he and Jimin smiling at each other. Both seemed satisfied with how worn out you wore.
Jimin smiled sweetly as they both cleaned you up and dressed you.
 “looks like we’re going to meet with Jimin more often.” Yoongi said with a gummy smile.
You rubbed your eyes, nodding softly, trying to remove the sleep from your eyes. You were worn out and ready for a nap. You definitely needed to skip your next class.
They both kissed your cheeks, and Jimin walked you out to your car.
Before you got in he pulled you close wrapping his arms around your waist. “Next time, ill be fucking you.” He winked and opened your door for you.
As you drove off you saw Jimin waving through your mirror.
What an exciting time you were going to have with these two.
a/n:bless my soul. Jimin and yoongi are 2 of the biggest bias wreckers. I’m so tired after this.
-admin jazzi🥔
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rozymochi · 8 years ago
Wrecker | 01
word count: 3.392
genre: fuckboy!Jungkook, best friends w Jikook, angsty shit and fluff in later parts
A/N: So another series guys. I just can't help myself, lol. I was really inspired to write this one and I think I like wrecker more than my other serie better. Oh and the love story thingy won’t happen between y/nxjimin only y/nxjungkook. :) Although Jimin is my bias, I can write more about Jungkook, i live for fuckboy Jungkook lmao. I hope u like it xo
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You had always thought that idols were just people set up bij agency’s with too much fame. They only had to dance and sing and thousands of girls/boys would come after them. But you never thought you would become friends with one of them. Until Jimin and Jungkook came in your life, crashing in to you, literally.
-1 year ago - Jungkook POV “ Hyung we need to go now, there is no time for your hipster selca’s! Our flight is almost departing!” “ Slow down Jungkookie, no stress. Just one more for twitter than we can go.” “ Park Jimin-ssi, there is no time!” And with that I pulled Jimin away from the starbucks while he was taking pictures of himself as always. It wasn’t my fault this time, that we were late again. I’m usually stuck with Jimin when we’re flying, not that it’s unpleasant. It’s just that we both take a lot of time for everything and we’re extremely slow. So two slow people? Nah, that can’t be good. “ And you call me hyung while treating me like this. How dare you to drag me to the gate huh! I blessed Busan girls with this beautiful selca yesterday, did you bless Busan?” He said nagging me, while I was still running with him to our gate. Damn, why was it so far away. “ I blessed Busan with my birth and my… Shit!” I crashed into some girl who was apparently running too. “ Yah, look out. I’m late for my flight already and now my shirt is wet too!” It looked like she wanted to sound angry, but actually she looked really cute with my coffee spilled over her shirt. It was kind of funny. “ I’m sorry can I do something for you to make it okay?” Jimin said, apologizing for me. I was still impressed by her cuteness. “ No it’s okay. It’s your fault that my shirt is wrecked and I’m late again.” She faked a smile. Damn she has an attitude. The most surprising was that she didn’t recognize me or Jimin. “ Aren’t you guys from that blood sweat and thingy video?” I was laughing out loud right now. “ Yes we are indeed. I’m Jungkook and this is my tiny friend Jimin from Busan.” Jimin hit my leg but I liked teasing him so much. “ Oh yes the scouting boys, I remember my friend talking about that. Nice to meet you, I’m Y/N” Her name sounded foreign but also not. When I looked at my watch, I was shocked to see our plane was supposed to depart 5 minutes ago. We were late again. “ Shit, hyung, we are late again!” I began to run, but Jimin just stood there with the girl watching me run to the gate. “ What’s the point of running, PD-nim can’t be that mad again. And MAMA rehearsal only starts in 5 hours, chill down.” He was right, we could just say we had to pee and forgot the time. “ Well let's talk with the coffee spilled girl then.” “ Yah! I have a name!”
Y/N POV Well that was interesting. I just met two idols and I wasn’t even excited or something. I just wanted to take a picture with them in case my friends wouldn’t believe me. “ So, I have to go change my flight. It was nice meeting you bye!” Just when I was about to leave. Jimin grabbed my hand, refusing to let me go. “ Why don’t go together. We have to change or flight too. We can grab some coffee and talk a bit.” To be honest, I really didn’t want to be alone. But talking with idols with girls running over them didn’t seem like the best idea ever. “ I don’t really know, what if someone thinks I’m a crazy fan only wanting to talk with you.” “ Then we will tell you are just a girl with coffee on her shirt.” Well guess who spilled the coffee. Jungkook didn’t said anything but just stood there staring at my shirt. When I looked down I saw my shirt became a little bit see through. “ Oh no, I don’t have a spare shirt in my bag.” What was I supposed to do now? “ Oh wait I have one, it’s white too and without coffee.” Jungkook grabbed a shirt out of his bag and handed me it. It smelled like soap. “ I’m going to change in the washroom!” I said walking to the washroom. “ Don’t you dare to run away!” Jimin said. When I came back, Jungkook was filming himself with his phone. When he saw me he immediately came over to me and my face showed up on his phone. “ So army, this is y/n. The girl who we just met.” He said. “ Who look y/n, everyone is calling you pretty!” Jimin said giggling. And he was right, all the comments on Vlive were about me. Their fans were calling me pretty. I felt pretty flattered. “ Hi guys, I’m y/n nice to meet you.” I blushed, I never showed my face on social media. So all these compliments were new to me. “ We have to go and change our flight. Sorry PD-nim, we will gladly accept our punishment in Hong Kong.” He joked a little saying his last words and stopped the live. They were going to Hong Kong to? “ Are you guys going to Hong Kong?” “ Yes have you been there? The food is awesome!” Jimin said. “ I actually am going to Hong Kong today. My friend is living there and told me she wanted to do something for her birthday.” It was true, I met Yuri my best friend in high school. We parted when we went to the university. My university was in Korea and Yuri’s was in Hong Kong. But we never lost contact and always were together for our birthdays and most holidays. “ Oh you are Korean?” Jimin asked. “ No not really, my father is Chinese and my mother is European.” My mother was Croatian and my father Chinese. That’s why I had dark green eyes instead of brown like every asian. But the rest of my features looked all asian like. “ That’s why you have green eyes, but you look really like a real Korean, and you speak Korean well.” Jungkook said while inspecting my face. “ Well we are going to Hong Kong for the MAMA awards.” “ Oh shit.” Jimin said “ we have to change our flights quick, a hour passed already.”
- 8 months ago - After the first day you met Jimin and Jungkook. You went to the MAMA awards after to visit them with Yuri. Yuri like the real kpop fan freaked out after seeing you on their vlive. Now it’s been 2 months and you were sitting with them here in their dorm. Your head laid on Jimin’s shoulder and your feet on Jungkooks lap. In the time you guys spent together, you fell in love with Jungkook. But you couldn’t just say that because you know became best friends. And the first time you met them you had a thing for Jimin. But that faded away when you realized it was just friendship between you and Jimin. On the other hand you did really like Jungkook, from the way he laughed at your stupid jokes to his little scar on his face that got your notice when he showed off his features ( that’s what you thought, he was actually just being the golden maknae ).
“ Y/N spacing out again?” Jimin ticked your head, like you were a brainless human being. “ Huh sorry what did you say?” You were to busy with thinking about Jungkook not even noticing Jimin was talking to you. “ You always seem to be like this when Jungkook is in front of you.” That little jerk Jimin. You hadn’t told him about your crush on Jungkook, but he did notice. And he confronted you with it. Although you had denied, you still blushed. And he knew he was right. “ Jimin pabo, what are you talking about. I was thinking what to wear to the party tonight.” “Oh yes you have a party right? Can we come with you pleaseeeeeeee.” Jungkook was such a cutie. He could beg like a puppy, but fight like a monster. “ Well, I don’t know if it’s aloud to take outsiders..” The truth was that I wanted to go out again. I needed this after all the stress. And if I take them with me, they would only draw attention. And that means that all the fake girls would come and talk to me like I’m their best friend, only to get in bed with Jungkook or Jimin. “ Pleaseeee y/n, hyung and I will behave. And when we come with you, there will be lots of people who want to dance with you.” “ That’s only because they know y/n is our friend.” Jimin said, I knew he didn’t really like parties. Because when he goes to one, he goes completely wild. And that’s one thing an idol can’t do. “ If you help me picking my dress for tonight, and buying me food, then yes I will take u guys to the party.” “ Yes! Thank you y/n! You are the best! Jimin will take you to the mall today.” And he stormed to his room, and left both me and Jimin confused.
“ I don’t understand why I have to go with you. Not that I don’t like it. It’s just that he insisted on going and now I can’t go to Yoongi hyung.” Jimin pouted, he was always a sucker for Yoongi, Jimin looked up to Yoongi and always wanted to do everything with him. “ Well, I don’t understand why he wants to go so bad. Like it’s just a frat party, nothing special. If he wants to go out, you could go to a fancy club with the boys or something.” I sighed. I just hoped that Jungkook would take me to the mall, but yeah that won’t happen today. “ It’s okay y/n. It’s not like he doesn’t like you. He totally likes you, maybe he just wants to go to see you in a short dress.” He grinned, what an asshole. An asshole who I cared so much for.
In the mall we were looking for something I could wear. These days everything is just so short and revealing, that just wasn’t exactly my style. But Jimin said one night would do no harm. So here was I standing in the changing room with a too short pencil skirt on and a bare shoulders crop top. It looked pretty, I admit. But just too revealing. You could see my cleavage if I bent down. “ Y/N-ssi are you done with changing already? Or are you not showing me the outfit? Show it to me please, show me the red one I picked.” And with the red one he meant this too short off the shoulder crop top. I stepped out of the changing room and Jimin gulped when he saw me. “ Jimin isn’t this a little bit too revealing?” “ uhm… well… Jungkook won’t dislike this.” “ I don’t know Jimin…” I was really not sure about this outfit, insecure, I thought my legs were too thick, my belly too fat and my arms clumsy around my body. “ You look stunning. I will pay for the outfit, just wear this tonight. If Jungkook doesn’t notice you then obviously someone else will.” “ No thank you Jimin, I will pay myself.” So with that, I bought the outfit. With my own credit card. And Jimin bought ice cream for me. On the road back home, we talked a lot about our love life which we don’t talk about a lot. “ Why do you actually like Jungkook, y/n-ssi?” He asked “ I don’t really know. The first time I saw Jungkook he was really handsome I have to admit, but I mostly like his personality and how he treats me and stuff.” “ Oh yes, when I was in love with Sunny, I liked everything about her. We just didn’t click, although she was the best girlfriend I ever had.” He was with sunny a few months before we met. I heard a lot about he since Jimin loved her dearly, they just fought a lot. And it got tiring. “ Who was your first love y/n?” He suddenly asked. “ To be honest, it’s Jungkook.” “ What? Really, so you haven’t had loved anyone before? Not even in high school?” “ I’m sure that Jungkook is my first real love, because I have never felt this feeling ever before. I had crushes in high school, but that isn’t love.” My first crush was indeed in high school. His name was Jackson, he did ask me for prom. But I said no, because Yuri and I were supposed to go date-less together. And no one means more to me than Yuri. “ That’s impressive y/n. You know, Jungkook has never loved someone, he never told me he really liked someone. He just likes to fuck.” Jimin said like it was the most normal thing ever, but it was my first time hearing it. “ Jimin, does Jungkook fuck around?” “ Oh, you have never heard it? Well, he used to yes, now not so much.” So Jungkook still does fuck around, wow what a information. “ I’m sorry I told you this y/n, this is so disappointing for you. I should watch my mouth.” “ No Jimin, it’s not your fault he fucks around. It’s just that I didn’t thought of him like that.” I was a little bit disappointed, because Jungkook was always so sweet and honest about everything. I didn’t see this one coming. “ Good, don’t think about Jungkook in that way, he truly is a good guy.” “ I know Jimin, I know.” After coming home, you changed in your outfit and you guys left for the party. Jungkook and Jimin both looked good in their sort of matching outfit, Jungkook in black pants with a white v-neck, and Jimin the other way. Jungkook did stop breathing for a moment when he saw my outfit, maybe it was because he hadn’t seen me like this before. I blushed and just kept walking. Wouldn’t want my feelings to ruin this night. It was a nice party. The alcohol was good, there was a lot of soju. But your favorite whiskey was there too. You could easily drink some shots without getting drunk or passed out. After a while you saw Jimin leave with girl to go the the front yard. Finally he had been getting his free time and his mind of Sunny. And Jungkook, well he disappeared the second you came in this house. In high school you went everywhere with Yuri, but now both of your friends were gone you had to look for company. The first guy you laid your eyes on was probably Jinyoung, he looked a lot more different during school days. You shared an English class and he was really nice. Maybe you should just talk to him. “ Hey Jinyoung! Long time no see.” “ Indeed y/n, you look sexy tonight.” He always made really sarcastic jokes about everything, and most of the time to make you feel good. He praised a lot, just like Jimin. “ Thank you, you don’t look so bad yourself either. How have you been doing?” You didn’t want anything else but a friendly conversation, but there were already eyes on you and Jinyoung. He was one of the popular guys of the school. “ Doing this and that, pretty busy I guess. You came with Jungkook and Jimin again?” “ Yes, next time I won’t tho. They always leave me alone.” “ How can a pretty girl like you be left alone?” Suddenly a girl came to him and asked him to dance with him. “ Oppa, can you dance with me. I have been waiting all night for you.” “ Yeah sure Tiff. Y/n I see you at English, bye hun!” And he walked away with the girl.
I was a little bit bored and alone. I declined a lot of offers from guys to dance with me. This outfit really draws attention. I got up and went upstairs to find a bathroom. I wanted to fix my make up and find Jimin after. I opened a few doors, but none were a bathroom door. I walked into a few people in ( almost ) fucking. And I was fucking sick of it. Damn these parties and all the horny people. Why isn’t here a fucking bathroom. There was still two doors in front of each other. This was the only blue door, so I assumed it would be the bathroom door. But no just another bedroom. But when I looked clearly, I saw two people fucking in the bed. A voice that was so familiar, it almost sounded like… Jungkook “ Leave the fucking room and close the fu…” Jungkook stopped in his sentence when he recognized the person standing in door. “ y/n?” I couldn’t hold my tears, my heart broke and I ran away. He had asked me to come to this party only to fuck with some random uni girls? Did he use me to come into these parties, where there won’t be any paparazzi and enough girls who want to go to bed with him. Sure, Jimin warned me saying Jungkook fucks around. But I didn’t prepare for this feeling, I felt broken. And he wasn't even my boyfriend, I couldn’t be angry and I didn’t have any right to be mad at him. The first person who came to my thought was Jimin, I had to find him. I should tell him.
“ Jimin, Jimin!” I shouted with tears in my eyes. I ran of the stairs to the front yard. I saw Jimin drinking with a few other guys, but I couldn’t hold back my tears. “ What’s, going on? What the fuck happend?” He asked worriedly and taking me to a much quieter place. “ He was banging a random girl, and I walked in on them. I couldn’t hold my tears. Jimin why am I like this. Why does it feel like he betrayed me when he isn’t even my boyfriend?” “ This is how it feels when your trust is broken in the one you love. Come here y/n.” He hugged me and patted my head. The only thing I wanted right now was to cry in my bed. Why was I even sad? I knew there was no chance Jungkook and I could be together, but I always thought there was a connection. But apparently the only connection he saw was getting free uni girls to fuck with. “ Jimin, can you take me home please?” I said still sobbing. “ Offcourse y/n, grab your coat, we’re going right now. You should go home and rest.”
The ride home was horrible. Jimin wanted to cheer me up, but he stood no chance. I always saw Jungkook in the good light, never like this. I always thought Jungkook was no fuckboy like everyone is right now. But he is, and my thoughts will never be the same. Maybe it was my fault for falling for him. Because he didn’t even knew. When we arrived at my home Jimin asked to stay with me, but the last thing I wanted was for him to give up his friday night to stay with a sobbing girl with her first heartbreak. “ Y/N You know you are no trouble to me, if there is anything I can do for you I would. But I am not good with feelings.” I forgot that all this maybe have led Jimin to think about Sunny again, and I felt really guilty for that. “ I know it is hard for us both. I think I just need to figure this out on my own. Thank you Jimin.” And he left.
All night I laid in bed, thinking about Jungkook. Did I even see the real Jungkook. Why did I knew so few about my best friend whom I was in love with. My did my tears keep streaming down even when I didn’t want to. Why was I like this. Did love hurt so much?
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dreamcatcherjiah · 5 years ago
Hello! It's been a while, I hope that things have been going smoothly for you lately. Wow, we're like the same person...wild. So, what was the first BTS song that you heard and has Namjoon been your bias since day 1? I always find it interesting to see how/if biases change for people once they really get into it. Also, and you may have already said (whoops) who are your bias wreckers? Hope the rest of your week is dope ~Flower💜🐇🐰
Hello my lovely flower 🥺🥺🥺
Well things are quiet now, we're all locked at home, and I just spend my evenings either studying or playing cards with my mom hahaha
Now the first BTS song I listened to was DNA back in 2017, I wasn't an army back then, my friend showed it to me and I admit (I zoomed in Seokjin, I admit it lol) I became an army in 2018🥰🥰🥰
My first bias was Jungkookie, I just really like how he is always smiling and how he always went ㅇ_ㅇ hahaha
Then when I really got to know them, Namjoon started catching my eye, I just like intelligent people what can I say? He is also very similar to me, I found out we've read the same books, we both love art and music, I don't know he just calls to me (although I resisted a bit because I didn't want Gukkie to stop being my bias hahaha) Aaaaand my bias wreckers nowadays are Jimin and Taehyung, I don't know what it is about them I just😳😳😳
What about you, lovie?? Who was your first bias?? I it still the same person?
ILY, stay safe and healthy ♥️♥️♥️
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