#like it’s honestly so disgusting. hw bends over backwards to justify why it needs to be so utterly hostile
tovaicas · 9 months
remember when heavensward conveniently forgot that the way primals and the echo work is specific information to people In the Know:tm: and largely only cared abt by the alliance leaders (but barely), the scions, and the ascians, because to average joe the difference between ‘this manifestation of garuda isn’t the real garuda and is a reflection of her summoner’s wants’ and ‘this manifestation of garuda is body and soul thought to be the real garuda by the people that matter’ is largely a semantic one bc while primals aren’t ‘real’ persay they’re still capable of wreaking incredible amounts of havoc which is the real sticking point, not the semantics of whether or not we consider your gods real enough. just so we could yell at ysayle for not being smart enough to piece together she’s not really shiva despite the fact she’s doing exactly what anyone else would do using what information from the situation she has
#saint.txt#ysayleposting#ishgardposting#spoilers#major spoilers#like it’s honestly so disgusting. hw bends over backwards to justify why it needs to be so utterly hostile#to a woman for literally no reason bc she was slightly wrong abt a situation she didn’t have perfect information of.#as far as she’s aware she recieved a divine vision out of nowhere abt shiva and hraesvelgr. what the hell else was she supposed to do#with that information. the nature of the echo is information specific to the scions and it’s not like they share.#ysayle’s points are anti-war and anti-establishment and that the ishgardian regime is abusive and warmongering#none of which she’s wrong abt but the writers are so afraid of agreeing with her they do this backwards ass thing of agreeing#with the ishgardian regime and what it stands for while also telling you its bad and you should be anti-establishment as well.#they literally agree with estinien that killing dragons who are people in their own homes is good actually#bc they’re just so angry and violent and make ysayle out like she’s delusional when she’s desperately trying to get them to stand down#they tell you the horde are just as tortured as the ishgardians while making them mindless beasts reveling in the carnage#nidhogg is so in the shits he’s reached the point of specifically breeding dravanians (read: his own kids) for war (read: vishap)#which is not that different from anything the ishgardians are doing#and the fact everyone suffers in this eternal grind of the war machine is YSAYLE’S ENTIRE POINT
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