#like it makes sense in the story but as the viewer it's soo fucking funny
introspectivememories · 10 months
rewatching the first few seasons on bnha again and it's just so funny the way everyone talks about shouto. "his judgement, his abilities, his skills.... they're all better than the average pro!" "he has no fear, he doesn't flinch, he just moves!" and it's just like, uhhh yeah? that's what happens when you're raised as a child soldier????
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roanofarcc · 3 years
Yes!! I also want to see the Hawkins crew/Scoops Troops have more of the darker story. Like they just fit it sooo well. And also I really do want some funny scenes with Dustin and Steve but not all funny at the same time. The part where Steve and dustin are first in the car and talking about Dart is soo funny while still having that seriousness aspect to it. Like Dustin just screaming ‘because it ate my cat’ is funny but then you legit realize that Dustin just saw his new pet devour his fucking cat is insane. And it’s like youre hit with this wave of emotions besides the funny parts. Which is something that I think season 1 and 2 did soo fucking well. I genuinely believe that there was a type of balance that they kinda just got rid of for season 3. Which I’ve actually read tumblr analysis stuff in it and it is sooo good. Like it’s pretty much that everyone is kinda becoming there general stereotypes and it’s that way because they’re pushing the whole government thing. Like people have said about their complaints about how they brought in the Russians when brenner and the US gov was right there. Which is weird cuz there were Russians in season 1 but I believe we only really saw them when brenner made el look for the demogorgon. And now I think it adds more to the theme of ‘the world rests on these kid’s shoulders.’ Because there is a legit war/feud going on now between the Russians and American gov and everyone is kinda just caught in the middle. Which also brings me to my theory in the fact that Will was supposed/destines to get sucked into the upside down and everyone else was supposed to know. Because my theory is that now everyone is just a fucking pawn for the bigger gov. Mainly because it looks like the gov wants to be in control of the upside down (because my question is how the fuck did Brenner and the rest of them have such a perfect Will doll that was stuffed with cotton or whatever the fuck they had? Please how the fuck is that possible?!!! Cuz it also looks sooo real and ugh how?!?!) and in the last few seconds of end of season 3 I believe the Russians command the demodigs or whatever and they listen. But also because that could lead us into the whole ‘weapon’ thing because maybe they want to keep the upside down under control and through the others just wanting to survive they unintentionally help the gov. Okay so I’ve been thinking about that theory for a while and idk if I put my words correctly to make my point known.
Also yeah I want to see them mature him a bit more. Like you said I still want the same dork because that’s the fun of his character and a core part of who he is. But I also want to see the more serious side of him. Like his home life, how he views himself, and like you said proving that he’s doing something meaningful with his life. Which I kinda think he did by letting the kids come in for the movies for free. He helped to give an outlet to the kids who have had such an awful hand dealt to them and have seen some fucked up shit. same I do not want them to make Steve be more mature and suddenly just have him die! Like I just think a) it’s kinda messed up and b) the whole point is about how everyone’s childhood/innocence was ripped from them through these events. So it kinda makes no sense to make them mature and then get rid of them. With Hopper and El we both had the fake out deaths so I think Steve could have that. A) it would bring more viewers so they could find out if he died, b) it would make people mad and c) with the way Steve sacrifices for everyone it makes sense that he would have this. Like we talked about how selfless he is and how he puts the others emotions before his. (Which I’ve actually thought up a fanfic about him protecting the others and idk I might write it). But yeah i can see them going down the road of the fake death especially because we saw how fucked up he looks in the behind the scenes pics. (Which also Joe looks hot and pretty in fake blood. Those makeup artists know what they are doing ).
I am so glade that you liked my mood board!!! I was kinda nervous about it and couldn’t tell if I liked it! Also I legit just thought I’d some dialogue to go with it and was like ‘let’s write this down.’ And I actually ended up really liking it! So I’m glade other people likes it too! And soon I’ll probably be posting a Steve and Dustin board so you can look out for that if you want to!
yes! I think the best part of season 1 & 2 is that balance of very heavy stuff and humor that's not forced. like it feels very natural in those two seasons and a little more "big production" in season 3. while there's issues with season 3 I do think it had that big production summer blockbuster feeling for a reason. like it was supposed to serve as kind of a distraction. like how the mall and the fair were distractions for the residents of hawkins so they didn't fully catch on to government conspiracies happening right under their noses. I'd like to think that the whole over-the-top, colorful, bright, fun, yet still very scary vibe of season 3 was done to kind of serves as distraction for the viewers as well. and then when season 4 picks up we're dropped back into this panic-ridden, grief stricken town that's swirling with unease and mystery. it's no longer summer, all of their actions had just major consequences and now they have to deal with the aftermath.
along with what you said about the russians, like I don't think they came in out of left field either. like we see them in season one, and normally when shows drop that kind of stuff in it's not for no reason. then we hear about them again in season 2. like murray literally says something along lines of "a full blown Russian invasion of Hawkins!" and hopper shrugs him off because he just some random dude the holland's hired to find their daughter. also it makes sense with the political climate of the 80s. and it does pose a much bigger issue. like what if governments are fighting for control over the upside down? like the implications of that alone bring to the table are insane. america is seen as this promise land and this force to be reckoned with. if they not only discovered the ability to give humans "superpowers" but also had control over this terrifying wasteland full of monsters and shit, they'd be unstoppable. and they'd get greedy with it, obviously. and with the Russians knowledge of it puts the two countries as even more opposed foes. it could drag in other governments and so on. but like the mind flayer/shadow monster thing obviously it not going to like people invading it's world and what good is a couple world governments against this force of nature they know nothing about? that's were I think we'll see the party come into play because I think they're the only ones who understand the complexes of the Upside Down (not completely like they aren't blinded by this idea of controlling this place of nightmares so 1) no one else can and 2) so they can probably do horrible things with it.) that was a lot lol, idk if it made sense but I think there's just so many directions it can with when you involve the big governments and what is right vs. what is wrong, and what is ethical vs. can you support unethical practices if it's "justified" by a "bigger picture" (i.e the experiments that El went through).
I think I've said it before, but I have a feeling that they'll give us a Steve death fake out between vol 1 & 2 to this summer. like it would make people would to clue right back in when the 2 part drops because they'll want to know what happened. so, hopefully they'll just do that and he'll be all good to live through the final season lol. I also think maybe they won't kill him off because it's almost too predictable, right? like the dorky, good natured, fan favorite, who self sacrifices himself to save one of the kids and dies in the process. we can see it coming. so, maybe they know that and they'll take it in a completely unexpected direction and kill of the person we least expect. however, obviously I hope they all survive but I have a feeling at least one person from the main group will die. but idk. also those set photos of joe...god I love wounded men lol. I can't wait for his final girl era
can't wait to see more of your moldboards ! :)
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