#like is he being blackmailed or is he like unable to let go of rika
gifti3 · 10 months
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My perception of V has deteriorated immensly within one chat
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kirishwima · 4 years
I know that Zen has a brother, but since he hates him... what about an AU where Zen has a second sibling whom he does have more appreciation for (even if maybe they haven't talked much since Zen left). This sibling is now MC. How does Zen feel about them dating each of the other love interests? Prefably Yoosung, Jaehee, Saeyoung and Jumin. (If you don't like AU requests please ignore this!)
ohh this is such a cute idea! i can absoloutely imagine Zen being a super protective brother...hmm, for the sake of this headcanon, let’s assume that
a) Zen is MC’s older brother and
b) He has kept in contact with them, albeit not much-they talk through the phone and skype but he hasn’t seen his sibling face to face in years. Lastly
c) Let’s assume MC is now an adult too, maybe a couple years younger than Zen, and lives on their own independant from their and Zen’s family.
So without further ado~ Zen’s reactions to his little sibling dating the RFA!
* Honestly, when Yoosung realizes the person that invaded their chat room is Zen’s sibling, he’s more excited than shocked. They’ll have so much blackmail material on Zen, he figures with glee!
* Well, then he understands the true situation-how difficult it was for Zen and MC to keep in touch after Zen ran away, how Zen’s actually grateful that MC stumbled upon this messenger so he could re-establish his relationship with them.
*Yoosung’s very supportive and friendly, and Zen is happy to see his friend is this invested-although whenever Yoosung compares MC to Rika Zen does get angry-his sibling is kind and gentle too, yes, but they’re not Rika! Why can’t he realize that?!
*Still, when Yoosung goes to the Mint Eye HQ, when he gets hurt all for the sake of protecting MC-when he professes his love to Zen’s sibling, he can’t bring himself to oppose this relationship.
*Although when Yoosung kisses MC in the middle of the party hall in front of everyone-boy, Zen is there in an instant tugging Yoosung away from his little sibling by that blond fluff hair of his, giving him a disapproving glare. 
*Jokes aside, from everyone his sibling could’ve ended up with from the RFA...he’s glad it was Yoosung. He trusts his friend, and knows he’ll cherish MC with all his heart.
* She’s more than shocked to find out that Zen’s sibling, of all people, is the one that ended up in the RFA chatroom.
* Of course, she’s still very weary of them, but can’t help but ask a myriad of questions about Zen, his childhood, what MC remembers of Zen’s singing and so on and so forth.
* It doesn’t help that in a sense, Zen and MC are similar-sure, they have similar features since they’re related, but more than that some of MC’s mannerisms, the way they text sometimes, there’s little things that make Jaehee go ‘ah, so this really is Zen’s sibling’
* When she begins to fall for MC, she takes a step back from her feelings to try and analyse them-is she attracted to MC as MC, or is this a manifestation of her infatuation with Zen’s career? 
* But with every supportive comment and uplifting word MC sends Jaehee’s way, Jaehee realizes that no, this has nothing to do with Zen-she’s in love with MC and their bright infectious energy, and wants them to know that.
* Before deciding to tell MC about her coffee shop dream, before asking MC to move in with her, she first decides to talk to Zen about it; he’s their brother so he’d be the best person to gauge MC’s reaction to it, and honestly, his approval would mean a lot to Jaehee.
*Well, Zen’s honestly more than happy to give the two his blessing-he adores Jaehee and thinks she’s honestly a perfect fit for his little sibling, and from what he sees in the chatroom, he knows MC feels the same way about Jaehee. 
* He does become a regular at their coffee shop though, and honestly...he’s happy for the two of them. Genially, honestly happy.
* Now....now this is tricky.
* When he notices MC getting friendly with Jumin in the chatrooms, and worse, when he sees Jumin reciprocate this friendliness to MC-Zen immediatly calls his sibling and tells them to knock it off.
* Sadly, an arguement ensues, and harsh words are exchanged-MC tells Zen that if he hasn’t tried being a part of their life for so long except for the ocassional phone call, then he doesn’t get a say in who MC talks or flirts with, and Zen tells them that he regrets MC ever finding the RFA chatroom.
* The atmosphere is tense to say the least in the RFA chatroom the following days, but oddly enough-it’s Jumin that manages to calm the siblings down.
* He reminds them of the value of family, and tells them it’s a blessing that they have managed to reunite through this app, even putting his own matters aside that he deals with in his route to help the two make up again. He even says that if him being this friendly with MC is something that genially bothers Zen, he’ll stop, since he’d never want to be the reason a family breaks apart.
* Given all this, Zen finds it hard to stay mad at Jumin-and begrudgingly tells MC that if they want to get closer with Jumin, they can, but that they shouldn’t come crying to him when they find out he’s just a cat-obsessed idiot.
* When MC goes to Jumin’s house and stays with him for a few days, Zen is SHOOKETH-he will not stop calling and texting and threatening Jumin with all sorts of unspeakable acts if he dares hurt or upset his little sibling.
* Jumin is confused at that-how could he ever dare hurt MC? He cherishes them! But telling Zen so only made the white-haired man more furious, much to Jumin’s dismay.
* When Jumin decides he’ll propose to MC at the party, he finds it only right to talk with Zen beforehand, since he can’t really go to their parents straight away-it’s only right he asks for MC’s brother’s blessing in this, isn’t it?
* Well...Zen vehemently refuses. At least, he does, until Jumin sits down with him and seriously explains his intentions towards MC, how he genially loves them and wants to be with them for the rest of his life. Zen is still worried, and tells Jumin that he thinks it’s way too early...but honestly, when has anything Jumin done ever been normal?
* So begrudgingly, Zen nods along, telling Jumin that if he ever dares hurt MC he’ll smite him with his own two hands.
* Jumin merely smirks at that. “If I ever hurt them, I’d smite me myself” he says, and well, that’s good enough for Zen lol
*Hmm...when he sees how well MC’s humor matches with Luciel’s, Zen is confused, but he doesn’t really pay much mind to it-so his sibling made a friend in the RFA, that should make him happy right?
*But the longer Seven seems to unfold his true self within the chatroom, the more concerned Zen gets-he fears MC is getting sucked into a situation they might be unable to handle, and if they’re put in danger because of Seven...he doesn’t even want to begin to imagine that.
* When Seven admits that there’s a bomb in the apartment, and that he has to go there himself to fix the security program and protect MC, Zen immediatly calls him, cursing him intently. How dare he put Zen’s sibling in this sort of danger?! Zen vehemently insists Seven should give him the adress to the apartment ASAP so he can go take MC out of there himself, and gets more and more furstrated whenever Seven shuts him down.
* Furstrated and unable to do something of worth, Zen’s stuck calling MC every hour, checking in on them and how they’re doing, even begging them to give him the adress instead of Seven-but his sibling insists they want to trust Seven and his actions, and as much as it breaks Zen’s heart, there’s little he can do about it.
* When Seven admits his truth to the RFA-his real name, Saeyoung, his lost twin brother, and his profession of love towards MC; Zen’s a mess. He’s happy his friend has found the strength to be himself, but to involve Zen’s family in it all...still, he sees in the photo Seven sent how MC is happy standing beside Seven, how they’re confident in their words and their trust in him. 
* Zen can’t help but accept this relationship. He’ll never stop being worried, and he’ll watch over the two like a hawk, ready to swoop in if MC is ever put in any danger, but he knows Seven will protect MC with his life if he must, and that, at least, puts Zen’s mind at ease.
-send me mystic messenger headcanons for character reactions!-
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yandereshit · 7 years
Mystic Yandere Shit [Minor Trio]
Warning: a little bit of nsfw ahead... well, a little bit more than a bit but still a bit.
˙·٠•●♥ V ♥●•٠·˙
He never looked like someone overly jealous or possessive. He always stayed calm, unless something really bad happened; you could see it during the whole Rika case: he was clearly obsessed. And you thought he’d never be like this towards anyone else... until you two started dating. He’d always be so peaceful, respecting your choices and opinions. Until this one time when you had to leave for a few days to visit your family: he wanted you to stay at first, but when you said you can’t, he asked you to take him with you. Even if you didn’t obviously know each other well enough for your family to let him stay at their place.
He was always affectionate, not in a bad way of course. But, as the time passed, he became clingy, which evolved into him continuously asking for your attention. He insisted on you staying at his place or started to stay at yours, at some point not even asking for your permission anymore. He was all over your life, no matter where you were or what were you doing: always creeping silently behind you, without a word showing to the world that you’re his with still gentle, protective hugs and small kisses.
In private though, everything started to change. Very slowly, so that you couldn’t say ‘no’ if something happened too suddenly. But you could notice him occasionally being less gentle, leaving marks there and there, one by one, starting with your cleavage and eventually leaving them high on your neck, where you couldn’t hide them easily. At first there were only slight hickeys, but as the time passed, they’ve became darker and bigger, sometimes you could suddenly find actual bitemarks around your shoulders and back. Along with those, there came bruises on your hips and thighs.
Much more than roughness though, V enjoys testing your body’s reactions, limits. He will happily tie you up and run ice cubes down your stomach. And if he’s feeling more risky, he will most likely leave the cubes in some not-too-obvious places, letting you cry from the pain caused by the freezing coldness. He’s the one to pour hot wax onto your skin and then suddenly tore it off or – if he’s more gentle at the time – tickle you with feathers, not letting you get away from him too easily. It may be pleasant to you… but keep in mind, if he senses danger coming out from your other admirers or you yourself, he will remind you as to who you belong to. He will leave on your body permanent scars, most likely burns either from acid or actual fire.
He loves the poses, the expressions you make. He wants to catch every single detail of your body. He used to blindfold you at first so that you couldn’t see him taking photos of your naked body, as it could upset you. But as the time passes, he’s not afraid of your reactions anymore and takes the photos no matter if you want it or not. You’re probably tied up anyway so you can’t do anything. He promises to delete them later… but he obviously does not. He has hundreds of those stored in a box, not letting anyone else see them.
If you want to leave, he’s even more clingy, persuading you with affection. If it doesn’t work, he’ll get nervous, saying that it’s not safe to leave, telling you over and over that you can’t. He’ll even throw his pride aside, begging you to stay, crying. But if all those things don’t work, he’ll get furious. If blackmailing you with the photos doesn’t help, you won’t even notice as he suddenly hits your face, making you fall. This will be the only time when he’s ready to beat you up so that you have no strength to leave, making you believe that staying with him will be the only way to stay safe. It’s obviously not.
˙·٠•●♥ Saeran ♥●•٠·˙
He looks mentally unstable at the very first sight so let’s be honest, it’s nothing surprising. The moment he shows in your apartment to take you away, it’s already obvious that he’s not normal. He’s been watching you for weeks and he knows everything about you, while you have no idea what to expect. He never explains anything, telling you about the paradise and no matter if you want it or not, you’re already in his trap. Because there’s no way he’ll let you out once he has you in his hands.
The deal is easy. As long as you do everything he says, you’re relatively safe. But his “do what I say” part may include... well, a lot. And I think in this state Saeran is actually the only one to force sexual things on you before you’re comfortable in the relationship: mostly because there were no “relationship” to begin with. As long as you’re obedient, he will be rather gentle, even caring. But he expects you to be completely submissive to his actions, otherwise he’ll force it in a veeery unpleasant way. And he likes it: he enjoys seeing you vulnerable or panicking.
He’s not the one to hurt you without a reason. But he may suddenly get angry at you and actually hit, cut, even shoot you when he’s too mad to control his actions. If he’s not, he will find a way to punish you anyway. And he knows very well how to make people suffer. What turns him on the most, is seeing you scared. He will torture you, humilate you in any way possible. And he’ll always say that “one day you’ll be grateful”. His point is to eventually break you.
He will have those short, guilt-filled episodes, more and more often as you get closer to the edge. Especially right after he hurts you more than he thought he would. He will panic, cry and apologize over and over, desperately trying to fix you, offering you ice cream and being incredibly gentle with you, at the same time scared of touching you, as if you could literally break from bare touch. Those won’t last long, but they’ll help you realize that he never chose to be like this. That he’s somehow a victim too.
Other than his “rough” times, he’s really craving for affection. Since he has literally no one, he will use you for it even if you don’t want it. If he’s not working, he will wrap arms around you, telling you in this low, harsh tone to stay still and quiet. He will make you sit on his lap when he’s working and nuzzle your neck. He will feel really desperate if he sees you scared of him in those moments, which may lead to those “guilt” episodes, but if you happen to return the affection, he’ll be more than grateful, treating you like a treasure.
He doesn’t even want to listen about you leaving. If he’s in the guilt mode, he may actually be as emotional as to let you out, but other than that, he won’t even listen to you if you start the topic. He’ll get annoyed instead if you keep pushing him, and even more if you try to get out on your own. He won’t punish you for this, not in the way he would for anything else: but he’ll either tie you down or sedate you so that you’re unable to leave no matter what.
˙·٠•●♥ Vanderwood ♥●•٠·˙
He needs a lot of time to even start dating a person he likes (unless it’s about one-night stands), so any more intimate moments will have to wait as well. But when he starts to feel comfortable in a relationship, he’ll instantly become very posssessive. He’s not the one to show public affection, he’ll for sure avoid it at all costs. But since it won’t be obvious that you’re taken, it will be very easy for him to get jealous when your admirers get too cocky. That will make him instantly call you over and take home, no point in arguing.
Controlling you is not a big deal for him. He’s older, he’s experienced, he knows life and dangers. But he’s really scared that someone could take you away from him, paranoid since he knows that his past may show up any moment and cause trouble. This causes him to be more and more cautious around you, to the point of not letting you do anything nor go anywhere on your own. It starts with frequent calls and ends with him following you everywhere.
The thing that will eventually trigger him is a real threat. If he senses danger, he will literally lose his mind, calling you over right away or bringing you to his place. He will probably take you somewhere far away from where you live, most likely saying that he wants to spend some time together. If you notice him acting strangely – which isn’t difficult, he’s really not like himself at this time – and try to refuse, he’ll take out the taser. In a second, he’ll be next to you, holding you as you fall limp into his arms; not saying anything, he kisses gently the side of your head. He’ll take you there no matter what, bonding your wrists and ankles carefully enough so that you don’t get hurt from it.
Once he has you under his eye, he will start to change. He’ll get more quiet and cold, spend all day nervously checking every single trait of danger. He will stop paying you attention, only making sure you don’t leave the house, either watching you 24/7 or literally enchaining your ankle to the wall so that you can move freely only to some range. You’d try to talk to him, realizing how scared he actually is, but it’ll be like talking to a wall. At some time, he will calm down a bit and focus more on you, but you’ll be most likely kind of broken at this point since it's been weeks of being imprisoned by him.
He won’t be the one to yell at you for being ungrateful, but he’ll feel sad if you seem to not understand his intentions. He’ll try to persuade himself by saying it’s for your safety, because he’ll start to notice that something is really wrong with him. His mind will eventually deny it and he’ll act as if nothing happened, becoming almost careless in his actions. He’ll make everything look as if you two were living a normal life in this house, all lovely and domestic. But he won’t take the schackles off and ignore it if you try to persuade him to let you go.
He will be kind of trapped in his small world and, wanting you to be a part of it, he’ll start to train you to his liking. He’s always gentle at first, but he’ll grow up to being more and more strict. He’ll treat you like his property, always focusing on you more than himself. He doesn’t mind himself being forbidded from pleasure, but he knows very well how to give you everything you need. It may be kind of strange, as he has you naked and coming closer to the edge, while he’s so unphased by it, still having his gloves on. But the pleasure he gives you, is also an obligation: there’s always that little warning to never try to refuse what he gives.
Writing about Vanderwood was surprisingly difficult. But not beause I had no idea, I was just like... I started imagining all those things (angst this shit that’s what I’m feeding on) and it made me either feel like crying because he needs love or turned on bECAUSE ANGST THIS SHIT. The idea itself is just... aghh, can someone write it down as a fic??? Pretty please??? TwT
Saeran’s one was partly (and uncounsciously, I realized it later;;) inspired by a Wattpad fic I read a while ago. If anyone’s interested in it, creep to my ask box, I’ll try to find it for you.
Hope you at least enjoyed it;;
Yandere headcanons for RFA can be found here.
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