#like im sorry they are trying to force the narrative to make house the villain but tbh he's right???
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watching house md in one go really makes you see when the writing went nosediving huh
#season 5 first episode ??????????#whats going on?#i really hate when they try to prove a stupid point that serves no purpose#just to brush it away for the over arching plot of house being gay with wilson#hur dur house is mean#thats it???????????????????????#like im sorry they are trying to force the narrative to make house the villain but tbh he's right???#'he's so insensitive' ok stop projecting your fears and limitations on others and maybe he'll stop shutting you down#also the hospital drama is getting out of hand for no reason#i dont know man there's this 'house is so mean and destroys everything he touches' forced view#when is people not know how to self regulate#it's not house's problem that some people can't separate their self with their work#sure it's house's MO to take everything personal but he always has this moment when he's like 'game's over. this is real life now'#other dont have this ability and after berating house for 4 seasons for taking things personally then make the biggest fucks up and then cr#anyway i have opinions about house#he's blorbo#he's my little mew mew
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im sorry for complaining about this again and im gonna remain frustratingly vague as usual but to me it feels like there are some fundamental misunderstandings when it comes to jaime and some of the things that are being explored in depth in his arc and how, and a lot of that misunderstanding is deflected with the “redemption vs no redemption” discourse where that very concept isnt even meaningfully defined, especially in the context of his story. his character is very often simplified down to an extreme (and also confused) dichotomy that does nothing but force all discussion of complicated characterization, themes, and actual difficult choices being made (and why, and how those choices are restricted by external or internal factors, and what desires of his are selfish or commendable) to a halt by virtue of being frustratingly reductive. like a lot of ppl just dont engage with this character properly because of the “complex asoiaf characters being locked inside of fandom created boxes they dont fit” phenomenon. one of the greyest characters in asoiaf is just not allowed to be grey because of the redemption dichotomy. he either has to be a golden retriever with no agency of his own when it comes to the evil he does or enables who is only making selfless choices since jumping into the pit (as if this kind of simple linear trajectory is a requirement for an arc to be one thats exploring reformation and the struggle with atonement & redemption, among other things) or a morally black villain with all of his redeemable and heroic aspects diminished, whose difficult position of being in the middle of a lot of conflicting oaths that is full of moral grey area (so many vows speech) and cannot be made to compromise — as well as his house (including his 8 year old son) being under existential risk — is just outright ignored, his internal conflicts, guilt/shame, and self reflection misconstrued, his development denied, and everything he decides to do being read in bad faith to neatly fit a specific narrative that actively rejects the questions proposed through his character arc (that the author himself openly talks about in interviews, if you still refuse to believe it is the intention). and please stop acting like george is even trying to give you a straightforward easily digestible and resounding yes/no answer to these questions. like theres an actual allergy to complexity here, and i cant even act shocked when i see some of the most basic aspects of his character being missed. and for me it is especially easy to recognize when certain talking points are being regurgitated rather than actually thought about meaningfully or independently bc ive seen every opinion on him under the sun, and it is really not that hard to spot
#like i really would love if he could be engaged with as a grey character#instead of whatever u ppl keep doing#jaime lannister
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But yah rey as a character is just so frustrating you know? Cause like, yeah sure she could be complex with a powerful arc where shes forced to come to terms with the fact she wasted years of her life on self-imposed delusions in a cathartic way, or she could be a flat piece of marketing cardboard which Disney is banking on vagina+superpowers=profit without having to go through that persnicty character flaw overcoming or the like. Because like you said, hearing shes a nobody (which ngl, her assuming she was a somebody wasn’t really ever supported in tfa, just that her family was coming back and she desperately wanted them to) is apparently the worst thing but it changes absolutely nothing, not her approach, not her demeanor , if vaguely sad is the absolute worse a character is gonna experience in a goddamn space opera then yeah, full offense ill take the l on Mary sue discourse but her character will definitely be a boring ass wash. We all make fun of whiny new hope Luke but him being a kinda nuisance to both the audience and those around him is what made is transformation into full blown Jedi knight so powerful. With Rey so far what weve got is badass perfect cinnamon roll finally get her due as such, which is clearly working for some people, but I fail to see how that isn’t spectacularly tone deaf to make a protag in this genre such. Operas about drama, not patting you on the back. Rey (assuming she remains as is) would’ve been fine as a protag s the only piece of Star Wars media we ever got was a new hope. But rn she a chosen one architype (and I know that bunch of ppl are gonna go but the series ‘but shes not the chosen one, Anakin still is, the new series isn’t trying to make her one!’ but lets not beat around the burning bush, if u got a character that walks on water and the reason why is because god said so, ur dealing with a chosen one trope and if a character is star wars is made ultrapowerful in lore breaking ways because force said so? Yeah were dealing with a chosen one.) when we had both the deconstruction and the reconstruction done. Shes a straight hero when the success of the ot rest on hitting the formula near perfect the first time. What exactly is Rey, the individual character, bringing to the table? What makes her story supposedly so important the a perfectly good ending had to be made invalid to tell it? A bunch of ppl will say heroines’ journey! But if that’s the case I gotta say, wheres all the feminine shit? Im serious, if the heroines journey is reintegrating the feminine and realizing ‘oh shit mom had a point’ there where is both the feminine skills/coping mechanism and the mom? I mean I saw some ppl arguing for leia in a ‘reys Persephone!’ meta (she isn’t, you can make a much better case for ben himself as Persephone to be quite frank, yall are focusing so much on the trees ((girl gets abducted by guy)) that u forgot the forest existed, the actually story ((girl winds up queen on the underworld, well gee whiz which character just took control of that after leaving the world of living and a grieving divine mother behind, it’s a mystery apparently) behind, it’s a mystery apparently) ((but seriously though even if we hope for dark rey does anyone assume its gonna be taking control of a dark/dead coded org at least partially at this point, do you, do you really??). but given the fact she had what, one line of screen dialogue that’s breaking ur arm with that stretch. As far as skills go I guess you could make an argument for scavenging, but if that’s the case dlf did a shit job of conveying that as female-coded. Everything about rey in tfa seems deliberately androgynous, and yeah, she had her hair let down/mascara moment, but that’s tied to her ‘failure’ on the supremacy thus something nw.SPEAKIGN OF FAILURES ON THE SUPERAMCY AND LACK THERE OF. I find it kind funny that bunch of reylo bnfs (you know who they are) are all ‘hur dur fanboys/antis are dumb and don’t get story structure.’ And then going, ‘why are yall asking how/assuming rey fucked up in throne room/climax of her story in the second portion/darkest point of her character arc? Why do you hate women/ur own ovaries so much?’ because it like walking into a prefurnished house and being told by the relator ‘HERES THE LIVING ROOM’ and having no damn couch. It’s a living room, I expect a couch here. And in a movie where it’s the low point of a character arc and they drag puppet yoda out to tell me the movie is about failure, I expect a damn failure in whats clearly the climax of the characters arc for this movie. As it stands now there are three possibilities imo. 1st, rey had no failure, she is the pure badass maid o light ppl want and every inch the boring cardboard she is accused of by fanbros, remains static, and is relegated to an also ran to benlo taking the most compelling character trophy this trilogy in 10 yrs2nd possibility and the one im hoping for, failure speech wasn’t just thematic explanation but also foreshadowing, rey fucks up big and dramatic in a way that makes her manage to stand out as unique with both her contemporaries and her predecessors(last part, if its ever to much lemme know pls im sorry i just gotta get it out) 3rd and most likely possibility, rey isn’t the main character, benlo is and that’s why his failure both moral in the throne room and logistic on criat take center stage for the last third or so of the movie. Rey is merely a pov character to tell the dramatic villain protag story they wanted and have their very marketable unproblematic Disney heroine cake too.
Ok, so this discourse kinda died down by now, but thanks to that it’s possible to maybe have a calmer look at it I’m totally not trying to justify my late response.
Anyway, the good result is that quite recently my brother, who’s not overly taken with Rey - or the sequels in general, for that matter - said something which really stuck with me as a possible crux of the problem:
She’s neither comical nor tragical. Just bland.
This neither comical nor tragical really struck me. And the more I though about it, the more it was appearing to me that this qualm really applies to the sequels as a whole. The thing is that DLF are essentially telling a straightforward story that they’re trying to make captivatingly convoluted. And not just make, but keep this appearance over four years. And this is... a narrative teeth crasher. Like, when you’re honest about the endgame (in the context of the most structural meanings of comedy and tragedy), you can maintain a decorum, though you can also play with it, of course, whereas when you don’t want to be honest about the endgame, you end up mixing the styles somewhat messily. You can’t break or discuss with the rules without acknowledging them, so to speak. Because the originals were honest about the happy/hopeful endgame (the first episode is title A New Hope ffs), they could allow themselves deeply tragic moments like Larses’ deaths, Han getting frozen, destruction of Alderaan, etc. Because the prequels were open about being a tragedy, they could allow themselves lighthearted comic relief for the sake of lighthearted comic relief.
The sequels... badly want us to consider the possibility of FO winning and Ben dying unredeemed while simultaneously insisting we root for those things not happening, while appearing conscious we’re definitely not buying the former and the latter only somewhat. And it’s tiresome. Dishonest. And indeed, bland. If the story is a tragedy it will be a bloodcurdlingly real one, if it’s a comedy it will be a borderline grotesque one.
But yeah, returning to Rey, I guess as the main character she’s a lens which focuses the above problems. A very bitter tragedy of what her parents did t her prevents her from being comfortably comical whereas whoohooos I like thats and prancing like a husky on red bull over idols and visions because it’s for children so it must be hopeful prevents her from being intriguingly tragical. So I guess the intentioned effect was tragicomism but, from pov of an engaged casual fan that is my bro, it’s neither.
As far as Rey’s heroine’s journey lacking some of the usual elements, I blame it on Disney being... a bit too ambitious, maybe. I think they tried to make a heroine’s journey that isn’t ostentaciously seeped in traditional feminine/masculine traits, maintains the structure without what could be called accidentals. On the one hand, I would point out that hero’s journey has pretty much desexualised itself over time, we are rather accustomed to “shero’s” journeys, but on the other... maybe Disney set out on a too novel a territory and may crack their teeth on it, alongside trying to out-Vader Vader at redemption. To elucidate, “toxic femininity” in which a heroine is supposed to find herself in the beginning of her journey, in Rey’s case is uprooted from any of our usual concepts of feminine-masculine social roles (it’s space, duh). My interpretation is that Rey’s version of toxic femininity kind of exists in contrast with Kylo Ben’s version of toxic masculinity - and since the apparent focus of the story is the attitude towards the past/parent figures, toxic femininity would mean her clutching onto the past. Which is why I predict that some act of IX will find Rey inebriated with apparent success in masculine world, meaning she’ll be the one rejecting the old gods this time - and I would point out that panel in Poe comic where she shows herself more sceptical towards idolisation of past don’t mind me, I’m just expressingmy trash dreams for a proper sith lady Rey.
Then again, Rian Johnson said she already found perfect balance between Luke’s clinginess and Kylo’s rejection of the past, so... idk, maybe I’m giving DLF too much credit again.
As for the Persephone thing, I guess the rub is that this reylo reading focuses less on the traditional reading of the myth (where Demeter is the actual main character and Kore is a Princess Peach MacGuffin) and more of an interpretation of it as one of the eldest (at least in Europe) versions of story depicting a transition of a girl into a woman, making Persephone more of a protagonist.

Like, y’know, this Persephone (D. G. Rosetti, source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proserpine_(Rossetti_painting))
I’m no expert, but myths can lose their original meanings because of power relations (anyone still remember about Dionysus, the god associated with excessive drinking, going through a very Christ-like death and resurrection?) and I think it’s possible that this is the case with the story of Persephone becoming a pre-scientific explanation of seasons changing over the year. So teah, that’s how I always understood the Persephone theme regarding Rey.
But yes, I must agree that I’m confused about Disney’s handling of the mother figure, which... Look, SW became a legend of a modern myth because of how epically Lucas handled the hero dealing with his very explicit father. So yes, I don’t understand what exactly is their game with Rey Nobody from Nowhere in this regard. It’s one thing that they had a cool idea with giving her no lineage, another that parent figures are an essential element of archetypal journeys and from symbolic viewpoint the case of a female character the biological relationship is even more crucial than in male’s. And I swear to all the ewoks and porgs in the galaxy, I do hope Disney’s idea of Rey healing the mother/daughter divide isn’t through her healing the divide between Leia and Ben. Again, this isn’t the idealistic sphere. Just... no.
Anyway, I still maintain hope (this whole meta blog is built on hope) that Rey will indeed turn out to have a proper personal mistake which will make her stand out in the saga. I do have to admit, though, that I find your last theory very likely. I mean, even when I read all the reylo metas going oh, Rey is going to have such an exciting arc in IX, she has so much to deal with though of course it’s not going to compromise her morally, it will be sooo exciting, I just... f*ck’s sake, what you’re describing isn’t a dramatic character only a dramatised role model. It’s great if that’s your thing, but don’t claim it is space opera-worthy, in operas people drown themselves because of cursed sailors, kill over a break up, decapitate over a bad dream and get dragged to hell over a dinner, not persuade their fallen lovers to change their ways, let alone patienly wait for them the understand the error of their ways (and if they do it’s doomed to end in someone dying).
#asks#sw negativity#just because i love doesn't mean i can't be critical#heroine's journey#long asks anon
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The Clone Wars Duchess of Mandalore
Season 2 Episode 14
You know I want to believe this is going to be an episode focusing on Duchess’s actual character . . . . But the track record of writing female characters (Never mind blam ing trauma for their personality )
Doesn’t leave much Good Faith Or trust . . (especially how often their Characterization gets to Ret-conned. to fit the episode,)
(Padme turned into a nag, Ahsoka In unchildlike abomination that goes with a plot needs her to)
From Relat iv-ely Reas On Able Leader . . . Turned exquisite and Ex- - cess -ive (Pe tty)
Con trast- With Semi- Constant Smart “laziness” avoidant Obi-wan And “Do It Sky wal -ker-
I don’t expect this to stick
(Al-ways the female characters,”
Any. Way
And war, truth is the first casualty,
[It’s actually accountability but good try]
Deluding them selves of the goodness usually comes after the bad action
Any way.
The terribly designed ship
(I’m sorry but that thing doesn’t even look even slightly aerodynamic)
(The shark ship at least had that)
[it was one apparent smoke bomb and she wasn’t allowed to do anything to try and fix it,]
But sure... let’s go with that . Allies
[Never got a feel for that and one dude was always snarking at her,] No shit
everyone can see that
And it was one dude
[They haven’t heard of this yet]
[This plot- isn’t very good]
Right - ok now they’re im-portant-
Sit and and wait
As Duchess makes her case that this is just one splinter group that she can handle
Some thing you wouldn’t think would need a trial
[Only becoming a problem when it affects other people]
[suffering from the Luminara problem, where if she doesn’t meet up to high unreasonable standards. In an unreasonable amount of time (Little) Instantly lambasted by her colleagues. With the nar-rative showing no signs of painting this is wrong Or the fact of the male characters can feck around screw everything up, And that isn’t considered serious
[Narrative’s a Cheater. .)
How long
These are actual good evil minions
(No this could actually be good with them becoming something like the clone troopers to the, Darkside
Making up for a lack of human faces in the ranks up to this point,
Establishing that while they may be the instigator of tox, Actions are about ~now~ Less abhorrent than the Empire’s / Coun- cil-
‘the Plot,’
Completely irrelevant
(And stupid)
Relying on everyone being a complete un- accountable- Idiot.
Great plan you got there Dooku,
How’s Duchess’s explaining that’s-not-at-all-what-happened-and-we-don’t need a foot hold and all security, going?
Like you think he’d be more mad Considering what seems like the only plot, Intercepting the vehicle in transit, Failed horribly,
Unless, the guys didn’t tell him - And he still thinks they have Duchess -which would make sense...because of course they sent troops for the lost foreign leader
(Would’ve been a good episode for both of them)
(Not sure that would cause a riot though-)
(-Which would make sense if Obi-Wan was the last one they saw around here- Thinking, that a Jedi captured their leader,
But I’m getting ahead of myself let’s focus on the actual plot. .
Whoa rows
To Coursant
I thought you just said to . . .sit still and leave.
What? ...
Oh so we’re focusing on another cliché plot instead of the actual characters
(*Note; Cliché As in a badly established already done plot . . . There’s nothing wrong with doing repeat plot so long as you do them well
What you bring into it is the fun part (Ideally)
They’re just there
Also yeah you already know that there there you already know what they’re doing you still haven’t done anything about it
[I was about to say where is the courier guy but he’s dead]
R.I.P shortly lived villain Killed off for a shitty written romance-
-He deserved better
[i’ve seen that image multiple times but I never realized the city was in the ball
[also how is this the palace where several important officials meet And the nice forest is supposed to be this mining hell hole
The environments- They’re-
So yeah we know it’s there, but like last time we’re not going to do anything about it
[like I said Saltine did get back at some point and everyone’s logic was just ok let’s go complain to the council for no reason,]
[I dislike this logic)
Just...? Why
Also yeah who’s in charge while she’s away?
I mean we’ve already got like a lot of senators’ sus
Things Happen Ing
Also yeah palace right back to the way it was,
I guess it was a smoke bomb. .
You left the Boomer in control?
Also, so yeah I’m surprised he didn’t run out to be a mastermind either
Like, yeah That can happen
But given the “legacy and proud of everything thing,”
You’d think he’d be the main target
[Makes a lot more sense than Random Sen ator #4
And he was the only one in that hallway with Obi-Wan-
During their argu- ment-
Prime Minister- It Makes Sense -
You found the deathwatch armies - isn’t hard - It was like five guys last time
Now just like them, you have allowed, the situation to get worse
Good job smart guys.
Really because they seem like the same group of nerds
Deathwatch will never be strong enough
Yeah, no shit
Guess you shouldn’t do anything stupid
[how long until something stupid happens?]
Beyond the normal . . .
Seriously how does this plan make any sense?
Jedi- come here - everyone- Loses their shit
How? - like I know it be unpleasant to have some guys stomp into Your House
But there’s literally no need for that..
Considering the situation isn’t out of control
And Satine should be fully capable of handling the situation
- And telling the Senate to feck off
- And don’t tell me he’s doing this because she’s passive because he’s been everything but passive in defending her passive beliefs,
[Something not really elaborated on]
[I really don’t like this plot it makes no sense,”. ]
That Got Dark-
[but possibly make sense if this is how she sees members of the republic, As a dark brooding force that will hurt everyone if she’s not careful,
Significant deadly threat
They- smoke bombed one building
[That’s juvenile]
[The situation is not out of control]
In the narrative’s attempt to over blow this isn’t done ,correctly
You need to have self aware ness.
Bumper cars
[Also you had to come to the Senate to say that]
(This could’ve been an email)
Or a photo op/ State -ment-
Duchess why did you come here you knew they were going to pull this shit
Like this helped nothing
And the narrative,
What was a good situation that was supposed to come out of this?
You stand before a council of people who decided to fight, saying I don’t fight
[ and these are toxic people mind you]
There was no way this is going to end up good;
And I don’t.. know what the narrative?
Also what is with the weird bumper car rules?
Because it seems like anyone can come up at any time and ask any question?
[Like, how is that not chaos?]
Wo rking under toxic assumed authority. .
‘ I call to the stand Obi-Wan (Kenobi) and Anakin Of the Jedi order, to provide testament,”
That’s all that had to be said..
On top of;
“My government will submit to peace keepers actual peace keepers - Un-armed- For Eval -uation,’
That would make sense
And work off Satine’s Ad- vers Ion- To Obi-Wan, and the Jedi Council,
Yeah, she didn’t reject, she allowed the Jedi to do a full investigation,
Also as brutal as the scene is, it is a good show of you reap what you sow and enablers turning on a enablers
Even though Satine should’ve known better than to argue peace with a war council...
Obi-won says nothing . . .
Fuck You (Good)
Bad Ass
Lots of politicians speaking,
Appro priate-
Ser-iously touching someone without their consent?
Dick entitled move.
Spec. Ifically.
After he stood by and watched that happened - Senate - Yeah cause you were there and you did nothing
Saltine calls Obi-Wan as a witness (Both Obi-Wan and the others. (Anakin) standing watch over her home planet
They failed to respond due to being in the middle of some thing
Or just distracted
This makes looks Satine Look extremely bad, That Jedi are not Re-sponding On her home planet
The vote gets passed
Satine is more than distressed
When Obi-Wan Coms her In
They argue, Satine Sni,pping. A. Bro-ken Promise
“You said you’d be there for me (This Time)]
“You’re never there when I need you,”
“You’re never there when it matters most,”
With that, the conversation ends
Satine possibly getting ready to defend herself against the republic
Coming to invade her home
Im-bittered Sweet
Didn’t help at all but okay,
We’re friends
[To be fair the romance was so forced, that friendship is honestly best,]
Ah, Lady, You just got a friendship last block,
No need to act surprised.
Nothing More
Good because there was no chemistry between you up to this point,
State of mind
What state of mind?
She’s fine!
Yeah she over reacted to the dude
But - got everything together when it mattered-
That was an asinine statement
No they wouldn’t be
That isn’t a compliment.
That’s Invalidation.
Dick Obi-Wan
So much
point in this!
I am so
I only -
This is some
Bomb ass tea
(I just realized my phrasing of words I’m so-)
It’s good is the point
(Doesn’t it make up what happened in the previous episodes,
But, Makes it easier to forget . . .
Accoun- tability - Is the word you’re looking for (The character, not the writer,”) They’re doing good . ... You live with a child groomer (Are One)
Does make sense. Obi-won closest to the problem (Groomed specifically in benefit of it) Still sad that they just gave up
Even if he does have a point That Two generations have essentially grown up Anakin and their time as the present is over
Bit too late to have a regrets
(Only when it screws you over..
Not the future generations)
My sympathy is officially gone (Not the storytelling’s fault, I think they work -ed this conversation pretty well - Just the facts to narcs arguing - Still made me think about what exactly what was wrong - That’s good (narc)Con versation,
Any way,
I love this song
Obi-Wan gets roasted for all his bad behavior 2.0...
It’s nice
This Convo was good
(It made me feel better about all the times the writers used cheating tactics)
*Not for giv-ed
just- better
[That expression- was concerning]
That- Was-
[You just spent the whole time getting yelled out for his deeds, just continued on, emotion less]
The “respectable” kind (Approp-riate for an adult)
[Oh- no are they going to have the Obi-won rescue her and that proves that all her opinions are wrong?
Not actually; she made some really good points
But in the narrative treating?
(I don’t want to see that)
Okay, whelp,
Coursant has the worst security ever,
Damn Frick
Is a bad day for her,
Some random dude hijacked your car
Who are you going to sue?
Queenie, dude’s obviously an asshole
Also if there was no proof then why aren’t you charging her for vandalism terrorism, etc?
(See his logic is bullshit,)
also this is a good example of obstructive bureaucrat . . .
Or avoidant
Because how do three people nearly dying not constitute as proof?
[Like if she died.]
Also, what’s the plan if she did?
Like; Oh yeah deathwatch is such a threat that they killed a senator
Those dudes don’t care
They only pissed at her because she’s a pacifist coming into a Offensive summit
[she accidentally drove her car. [Yelling at the villain]
Not what she said
This dude could give Obi-Wan a run for his gas lighting,
Fuck Off
Oh yeah the council of war mongers will really respect the pa- cifist
No bias here
None whatsoever
Hey at least this time he had the common decency not to grab her-
Oh yeah defender of the gaslight-ing committee she’ll definitely help
Worry You
Don’t give into the gaslight-
Also guilt tripping
“ i’m afraid on that account,”
Valid re-ac- tions
“Victim blaming” (Toxic blaming)
Pretty sure they’re all enablers at this point
Leave the ball of tox known as Obi-Wan
Man has turned from a garbage fire to a gas fire,
Yeah, you should leave,
Also, That Moment,
You are one of them.
You’re not backing down
👉 This Not,
Don’t listen to Obi-Wan He sucks
Also none of the guards are going to zap him for touching their queen unannounced? - - - Friends
You’re not her friends
You’ve been nothing but a dick
Gas lighting
[like listen to that ag-gressive tone, How he’s holding her
[Still good on the animators who did that scene, Very good work,]
Oh Shit-
Obi-won distracted her?
Wait- Huh
[this is some kangaroo Court logic
It’s Good.]
“Relying on the Republic is a mistake,”
More Acc- Toxic initiative (Since there’s no to little way they end this) Based on circumstance only (No different sources)
Any-way Um
Right Just Vibin’g
Aight Whelp,
Am I?
Oh is that the Senator guy?
Death watch?
Also- okay
Al- right.
Wait What?
We know two greens And one changeling That should be in custody-
Wait- ?
? ? ?
This was a pretty a’ight episode
(Trust me I wish I could give it higher praise)
However the unfortunate clankiness of the introduction
Keeps it stubbornly between a decent and good
With that being said;
That does not take away from the fact that is a ____ whatever it is
-it has good characterization for Satine
- it handles heavy morals like enabling, tox, abuse and pro- blems With Assumed Autho rity- Includ Ing Police Bru- tality And Fram -ing Very Well
(With the appro- priate dignity it deserves,
[there’s a small bit of better done romance/ fond-ness, near the End]
*Villain was neat
[More of sidious and on the [Main] villains
There were few Moments that Made Me Go Wtf (Obi Wan’s Abuse Of The Word “Saw You,” The Insist Ence That Death Watch Was In Tim i- dating
As For Fix -ing;
Episode; Instead of to defend, Wise Saltine is called To ident ify a Death Watch Member- Or Re New Her Neu- Trality Pledge In Person (Due to Change ling (Over Lap) Attack
Episode Pro Gress Es
Arc Fixes;
Obi- won delivers news, that he’s supposed to escort her Pers On Ally, Saltine expects everything to go over swimmingly after all she hasn’t done anything wrong, Quickly find out otherwise, Loyalty over her vs the government
Leads to a small break (Episode continues as normally)
(Death watch- if want)
Fix Arc Continue; (Note no offense to the author meant I just started some thing and I should finish it as an accountable writer)
Satine Is Forced Into Either Defend Ing Or Leaving Anakin To Her Irate People, Soon After Obi-won’s In- Cid ent Pri med
Hope Spot Or Depres. Further. Push Ing Ana -kin’s Dec- Ision To Snap) End
[Generally I thought this was a pretty ____ episode, the animation and set design will really good/ On par and it seems to have made up. (Corrected) A majority of flaws I had with previous episodes . . . Moving On...
0 notes