#like im just feeling very crushed by the weight of my mistakes rn
ikyw-t · 5 years
#sorry im not participating in selfie night rn it's one of the best aspects of this fandom#but it's also a little overwhelming when there's so many ppl idk sorry#also i might be having a small meltdown#i just realized that i should've gone to france or germany for college three years ago#i shouldnt have listen to my toxic and asshole bf when he convinced me to stay in az and just go to school here#i shouldn't have ever dated him#i shouldve applied overseas then#bc now im already im my third year#and so i will apply to college in germany but it's gonna be a lot more difficult bc they dont count community college#so i probably wont even be accepted bc it's like i didnt even do anything in their eyes it see.s#but i wanna get out of arizona so bad#nd i just got this overwhelming feeling like it's too late and that im just three years too late#and if i wanan study in college does that mean waiting two more years and then getting a masters in Europe?#i have no idea if i even want a masters but then if i dont i will have completely missed out on my dream of studying in Europe#and for what? for my mean narcissistic selfish and just awful high school boyfriend?#like im just feeling very crushed by the weight of my mistakes rn#i just cant believe that I LET him convince me to stay here when itd been my DREAM to study abroad#and i gave in so easy?#i hate him and i hate him for being so selfish and for lots of other reasons#but i just hate that i let it happen#and now i feel like since i wont be accepted to study there i wont ever get the chance to live in a dorm with other students#and make friends bc im literally down to 0 friends rn and it's just a lot#it would've been so easy for me to apply to Germany right out of highschool and i didnt and I'm just going to sit on this regret for forever#p
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sunflowerseraph · 3 years
HEEHEE! hits u back with the character game uhh thor or bucky :33
!!! I'll do... BOTH >:D ! It'll be long tho so I'm putting em under cuts :}
Here's the ask game btw!
How I feel about this character: OH he's such a bi disaster. But he's trying his best. Textbook himbo. Crushed under the weight of his father's expectations of him alot of the time. Probably struggles with self worth nowadays too,with the battles and family he's lost! Also he's very much like those memes abt dudes/dads where they'll mention some horrible childhood trauma and then have some funny song playing in their head like nothin even happened.! I feel like he cares very deeply for the friendships he's made and the found family he's gained with the warriors three [rip] and the avengers! Overall? Kind himbo who respects women and forgets how smart he is sometimes.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: honestly this is such a hard question cause im sure if u presented me with like,good reasons for most people then I'd be on board. But so far one of my Main ships for Thor rn is Bruce and Thor <3 GammaHammer makes me happy :} I've seen thor n valkyrie stuff too which is like aight they're all bi4bi t4t prolly,but honestly a polycule or some shit w Bruce Val and thor would be Inch resting :} I'm not sure tho! Oh and Jane Foster I Guess but she's not rlly up there.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: OH absolutely thor and loki ! Brothers 🤍 I rewatch the thor movies the other day and seeing them fight together and hang out as kids made me so 🥺❗ yknow? I also think Thor n Darcy are a fun pair! Thor and the warriors three make me :} as well bc they're all buddies! That's his little family yknow!! Or. Was.
My unpopular opinion about this character: listen i know I just called him a himbo but he's smarter than people give him credit for I think. But also he's pretty cocky at times with his fighting ability and I feel like that's his greatest downfall. He tends to sorta think he can do everything on his own,and he doesn't rely on others until he really needs to and it ends up w him or his companions hurt :(
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.: ough I wish we could've gotten more time to see him experiencing earth stuff! In other like shows n such (like one of the animated series) its funny to see him interacting with mortals and I feel like we don't get that enough. Like sure we got the "another!" Scene and if you watched the YouTube mocumentary he obviously doesn't understand money or jobs. But it's still funny and I'd like to see him go "I don't understand what that means :D" like an optimistic puppy yknow :]
Uhmm yeh that's for thor! OK Bucky time 🤍
How I feel about this character: I feel like. They should do more w him in the mcu! But that's just bc im a kinnie ig but it makes me sad that he's just viewed as Steve's Sidekick when he's got a personality and works so well as Sam's partner in TFAWTS! I like the representation he can bring to the table though,regarding disability (I mean even though. He's an enhanced person but yknow.) And mental health! He also shows that your past doesn't need to define you and you CAN be free and work past old mistakes.! I feel like he's a little out of touch sometimes bc of the time shifts and mental stuff goin on,but I'm not saying it's a bad thing,its just compelling to meeee
All the people I ship romantically with this character: I USED to ship stevebucky I won't lie,but I much rather prefer SamBucky bc its just better LMAO Sam is much cooler than Steve in many regards and to me Sam is a better influence on Buckys life ig? Like. Idk how to explain it well enough but their banter is better and they compliment eachother rather than one of them taking the reigns all the time. I just like the level playing field where it still feels like Bucky can be a Sidekick but his partner at the same time rather than Just Bucky Barnes. Idk if that makes sense but !
My non-romantic OTP for this character: honestly I'm not sure? I feel like if they could both get over association's with like...almost killing eachother Bucky and Nat could be friends :] both were molded to be Weapons and have to deal with their traumas and mental health. Obviously I also wish Steve would've stuck around bc I hate that he like.LEFT his best friend and new family,but whatever.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I think bucky is sort of a dork actually. Alot of people make him very stoic and Winter Soldiery but that's. Not all he is! He's a complex person who's been used and weaponized and its annoying whenever people try to say he's a stoic person or whatever. Like no bro ur thinking abt the winter soldier. Ofc the winter solider was/is part of him and that doesn't just shut off but I think it's bs to boil him down to Killing Machine Assasinator Ooo Scary! When he was also a soldier during. Fucking Ww2! He was also like shown to be a bit of a dorky guy who liked to dance and be with chick's n shit lmao,like he mustve been a charmer. And even after,like during tfatws he's shown to still have bits of that personality. He messes around with Sam's nephews and offers help without prompting and just overall wants to live a more peaceful life while still managing to be social and humorous. ("How old are you anyways?" "106.") Anyways I think what I'm saying is ppl tend to forget to split him and tws.!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.: this is sort of similar to the Thor thing but discovering new age shit! Like I wanna see him be bad at tech or be confused by new slang. Also wanna see him like, get annoyed at how the tech is where he's at vs. The wakandan tech. That shit probably blew his socks off and then he had to go hang w Americans and went :(?? How do i use a flip phone. The beads were so convenient in Wakanda HFNEBDB. I also wish we could've actually seen how bucky Healed in Wakanda?? Like however he was helped yknow? I'm sure they (mcu) can't like do much besides say he was Magically Cured Of Mental Illness so I guess I'm glad they left it up to whatever but. Still 😔
Anyways uhm yeah! Sorry this is so long sjdjf it prolly doesn't make much sense but 👍❤
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tautittology · 6 years
what if you answered ALL the iconic 80s song asks
well anon i’d say you are a life saver cause i am forcefully trying to Ocuppy My Treacherous Mind away from bad things so for that bless you and your pets and their descendants 
billie jean: what do you notice more in a song - the drums or bassline?
the bassline i’m all bout that bass a slut for thick powerful and dirty basslines
sweet dreams (are made of this): what’s the best dream you’ve had?
i was climbing one of those impossibly shaped staircase thingies you know the kind that seemingly go on for ever with my best friend and when i realised we weren’t getting higher i just stopped and looked at him and we both started laughing so hard i woke up still laughing and couldn’t stop for like 10 mins 
africa: favourite 80s music video?
i’m not big on music videos but david bowie and mick jagger’s vid of their cover of Dancing in the Street is Something Else 
every breath you take: who’s the first person your mind goes to when you hear a love song?
uh i generally feel for / think of the inner characters of the song like it was a tiny story someone was telling me and i get to create who it’s talking about so yeah 
should i stay or should i go: how many languages do you speak?
2 fluently 1 kinda ok 2 i got basics 
uptown girl: what’s your favourite book trope?
non-linear narration where you finally manage to piece together the intrigue but there’s a Major Twist and everything makes much more sense when it’s upside-down
don’t stop believin’: what’s the longest journey you’ve been on?
this life  i think the time i did a tour of europe with friends for 2-3 weeks but if you mean in hours to get there the time i went to Chile to see my family and the plane ride was something like 13h 
i wanna dance with somebody (who loves me): who was the last person you danced with?
my best friend in the back of a car this morning while a friend drove us to Versailles 
maneater: where did you spend your last friday night?
getting drunk at a bar and then ending up in a skeevy bar and then going home to put my roomate and friend to bed 
jessie’s girl: what would you do if you found out your best friend was seeing your ex?
lmaoooooo my bff would rip her in 0.2 secs but ok i guess i’d be very very upset confront my best friend try to be comprehensive and kind but something would be broken because i’d feel betrayed and hurt and eventually we’d drift apart and i’d probably hope they’ll break up so i can get my best friend back cause i’m that petty and just hope for my sweet sweet friend to come back to me and it would be oh so horribly lonely and wow i made myself sad well done
born in the u.s.a.: what’s your home town like?
big n famous nd full of life and unexpected things and a bit too far from the sea but oh so gorgeous in the rain and under the sun go on take a wild guess what it is
wake me up before you go-go: how did your last date go?
good i guess he just came over it wasn’t much of a date really idk 
girls just want to have fun: relationship with your parents?
with my mother things can get complicated in half a second but i know she loves me and i love her and sometimes she’s terrible sometimes she’s amazing and i deal with it aaaaaand with my father well it’s not bad but it’s almost nonexistent mostly by my fault so yeah it better be somewhat positive at least 
beat it: opinions on the police force?
Not To Be Trusted 
never gonna give you up: how old were you when you joined the internet?
14 or something i think? mostly through stuff my brother showed me 
faith: when was your first kiss?
lmao at like 4 or 5 under the slides for just a lil peck on the lips and a real ass frenching at maybe 13 
i’m so excited: where was your first kiss?
either under the slides or on my mother’s couch but the real important kiss here is my first gay kiss in my friend’s room and tbh i still think of this room next to the attic with a window on the roof where we went to smoke cigarettes on 
take on me: could you reach the high note?
lol no but believe me i’ll try every fucking time 
footloose: favourite musical?
The Rocky Horror Picture Show 
9 to 5: do you like country music?
nah not really at all no
back in black: what makes a good rock song?
a badass rythm section that goes above and beyond a guitar solo that avoids the trap of cheesiness and an energy or passion rabid enough to tear out a whole stadium
material girl: are you sentimental?
i am so soft and ridiculous but i hide it well
walk this way: what was the most expensive thing you bought in the last six months?
a roger waters ticket for his show here in June IVE BEEN BROKE EVER SINCE BUT BITCH IM SEEING THE TALL LAD
you shook me all night long: are you seeing anyone at the moment?
yes but hahahahahaha i feel really shitty regarding this rn it might pass i hope it will nd im just overthinking it hahahahahahah fuck me 
thriller: favourite film genre and why?
i guess slightly surreal ones like borderline psychologic/fantastic if that makes sense to you 
i want candy: chocolate or sweets?
hhhhhhhhhhhhh i wanna say sweets but the ones covered in chocolate
ghostbusters: how far do you believe in the paranormal?
already answered 😎👉👉
the power of love: does true love exist?
how else would you explain the feeling in your chest when you see your pet peacefully dozing off on your stomach
hungry like the wolf: what’s your crush’s favourite music genre?
the One i Date is into really hardcore metal shit like Slipknot
walk like an egyptian: favourite song currently in the charts?
........i suck at keeping up with what’s in the charts and i hardly ever remember the names of songs i like on the radio srry
(i’ve had) the time of my life: if you could relive any ten minutes of your life, what would you relive?
the first time i ever saw Patti Smith at a festival i wasn’t that much into her at the time and i wish i had been more focused in hindsight
just can’t get enough: what’s your guilty pleasure?
i indulge too much to have guilty pleasures 
i’m gonna be (500 miles): how far apart do you and your best friend live?
rn one is literally in the next room and the other roughly 1h by train/metro
you spin me round (like a record): favourite modern cover of an older song?
i genuinely can’t think of any rn 
we built this city: if you were president, what would your first ruling be?
draft a new constitution with humans at the core of the preoccupations rather than international weight or money for starters
how will i know: do you believe everyone is deserving of love?
i think everyone have been loved at least once it’s not really something you deserve or control 
nothing’s gonna stop us now: what’s been the biggest hurdle you’ve faced in your life so far?
the word hurdle a shitty health and people most close to me reacting badly to it and some family crap that took its toll on me for a few years 
come on eileen: have you ever written a song? if so, what was the genre?
once or twice mostly ballads half inspired by the smiths half by pink floyd it was.....Not Good
living on a prayer: which was the song of your childhood?
Joe Dassin Siffler Sur la Colline
sweet child o’ mine: describe your perfect first date.
just lots of laughter and a good bottle of wine honestly it’s the person that makes a perfect date
don’t you (forget about me): is there anyone from your past that you regret cutting ties with?
yes but it wasn’t as much cutting ties as letting the relationship dies because i suck like that 
eye of the tiger: favourite 80s movie? 
The Blues Brothers
under pressure: give an example of a world event that occurred the year you were born.
Diana died
with or without you: what would you value most: a relationship or a job?
i really really really hope i’ll never have to ask myself this question (provided both are good healthy and fulfilling ofc)
another one bites the dust: where did you achieve your biggest accomplishment?
in England probably i mean i fucking survived there and then managed to have some of the best times of my life i find myself pretty badass there tbh
pour some sugar on me: turn ons?
hands neck plump lips nd a pretty smile and a touch of leather
in the air tonight: do you enjoy flying?
point me at the sky nd tell it flyyyyyyyyyyyy
tainted love: thoughts on synthesisers/electronic drum kits/technology based music?
why the fuck not it’s like most genres there are good things and bad things it’s not usually my jam tho
like a virgin: share a controversial opinion.
i think Oasis was Bad and a Mistake 
karma chameleon: what do you like most about your appearance?
i can’t see it most of the time 
thanks a lot anon u are a godsend may you have all your favourite foods all week long  🐰
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pinkorbing · 7 years
all the marvel asks, lets go !!!!
Avengers: What superpower would you like to have? already answered Iron Man: What is your favourite piece of technology? remote control carsCaptain America: What is your sexuality? uhm who caresBlack Widow: Share a secret. no its a secret for a reason bitcjThor: What is your religion? idkHawkeye: What is your favourite movie? already answered Hulk: How strong are you? SUPER. i spend all day lugging corn and pulling weeds okayyy i have abs of steel Loki: What is the biggest mistake that you have ever made? not being honest with myself. im still working on itScarlet Witch: If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be? for people to be more compassionate and understanding of each otherQuicksilver: Have you any siblings? yea 3 younger siblings Vision: What weight are you? i havent weighed myself in soooo long. last time the scale said 138 lb? Ultron: What is the last text you sent? "do you have everyone?"Ant-man: What height are you? 5'5"Wasp: What's your full name? theo elliot [REDACTED]Bucky: Who is your best friend? ..you knowFalcon: Which fictional character would you like to hang out with? ponyboy from greasers. or sodapop i would fall in love with himSpider-man: What is/was your favourite subject in school? physicsDoctor Strange: Name a special talent you have. hmmmmm nothing? im very disappointingly averageCaptain Marvel: What do you want to achieve in life? who even knows. my entire life has been "just live to be 18 just live to be 18" and now i am turning 18 soon and i have no plans or goals or dreams because ive spent so long working on wanting to be alive. so i dont know. Black Panther: How responsible are you? it depends. i can be really responsible if the situation gives me mad anxietySpider-woman: What is your favourite smell? (:Nova: Do you prefer the moon or stars? starsLuke Cage: What job do you want? i dont knowJessica Jones: What is your favourite memory? idk last night was #fun and #healingDaredevil: What is your favourite song? rn its one of us by ummm i forgot. also any song from bmc. especially smart phone hour or michael in the bathroom Iron Fist: What is your favourite food? idkMs. Marvel: Who is your idol? idkX-men: What social issue do you feel strongest about? (sexism, racism, etc.) all of those? Professor X: What are you thinking about right now? how tired i am. also im thinking about the cashier who checked me out at walmart and how im really paranoid she thinks i am rude. because she complimented my eyebrow and i just smiled/laughed because i didnt hear her and ahhhh im thinking about that a lot okay that compliment meant a lot to me i zone out a lot in conversations and i need to work on thatCyclops: Do you wear glasses? yahhhhRogue: What is your crushes name? hmmmMagneto: What country are you from? usaMystique: What is one thing that you would like to change about yourself? i wish i was more secure in myself. and didnt always feel the need to overthink everything. i just want to live but i cant put myself out there hmmWolverine: What are you afraid of? growing old alonePhoenix: What is your favourite book? a-z encyclopedia of horsesStorm: What is your favourite type of weather? snowing at nightBeast: What is your favourite animal? frogs or inchworms or dogssAngel: What is your MBTI type? enfp. but who knows my personality is so very inconsistent Magik: What is your star sign? capricornGambit: When is your birthday? 01/07/2000Shadowcat: Have you any pets? yea a dog and a cat and a fishGroot: What is your favourite flower? idkRocket: What languages do you speak? english and i can understand spanish? but i forgot how to speak itStar-Lord: What is your Harry Potter house? hufflepuffDraxx: Who do you love most in the world? jen if i could only choose one person. but i love my family and all my friends more than myselfGamora: What is your worst memory? hm not on the internet!!Medusa: What colour/length/style is your hair? its really short and choppy i got a pixie cut but i hated how feminine it looked so i took a pair of scissors to it. my mom hates it. oh and its blackBlack Bolt: What is your accent like? minnesoooooootaGhost Rider: What is the worst thing that you have ever done? wow i dont know ive done a lot of crappy things but i cant think of one that sticks out as really badDeadpool: Post a picture of yourself. maybe
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