#like if i was privately dealing w some shit or just wasnt quite myself he could tell n would find a moment to gently ask or just be there
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phagodyke · 4 months ago
tried putting on my radiator for the first time this winter (we've had snow this week.... its focking cold) but it trips the fusebox for the entire flat lmfao. I'm fuuuucked 😐
#all the other radiators work fine its just mine :'(((#and bc its thw weekend they wont come out to fix it until monday at least so thats great#its fine i havent needed it on this week so far and i have layers and a hot water bottle so ill be fine but i did cry abt it a bit#but not so much abt the radiator just a lot on my mind.. i couldnt pick up my prescription after work either bc the secretary left half an#hour early and the very kind nurse who had a look for it anyway couldnt find it and i cant get there any earlier next week bc of work#i know itll be fine ive already sent an email to ask if they can send it to my local pharmacy instead ill get my meds before they run out#but still i cried a bit walking home from the clinic 😢 just been a long week even if not a bad one. and i miss my friend whos moving#he'll be on the plane now.... man. its a bit selfish but im also sad abt it bc he always noticed how i was feeling when i was at the gym#like if i was privately dealing w some shit or just wasnt quite myself he could tell n would find a moment to gently ask or just be there#without probing abt it like man hes so reassuring and kind and has such a big heart. before he left he asked me to look out for some of#the quieter ones in our group and make sure they feel included and someones listening to them when he wont be around to anymore#😢💔💔💔💔 and i know i didnt know him long enough to become proper good friends with him but it meant a lot that he looked out for me#like all i really want in this world is to feel seen n safe esp when im having a hard time. and none of my closer friends really do that#and thats okay like its not their fault and they just express their way of caring differently but sometimes i feel so lonely ah....#and also my period is due and im kind of scared of how painful itll be bc the last few have been so bad snd i find loneliness a lot harder#when im in a lot of pain and anyway this is all probably just the pre period hormones making me so tearful so it doesnt matter#its ok made a big bowl of rice so im going to eat that wrapped up cosy in bed with a movie i think. and then sleep#.diaries
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bythepowerof4 · 8 years ago
clea and nick and a very confusing two day argument @nickatnightwalker
[during daisy’s 420 dash shenanigans]
bythepowerof4nnnno dont encourage her this is bad
nickatnightwalkerim encouraging her to be distracted byh being queen of something clea
bythepowerof4noooooo i dont think its gonna work like that shell just try harder
or maybe not i dontt fucking know i dont know anything
nickatnightwalkersame my guy but it was a chance i was willing to take on behalf of all of us
bythepowerof4ok sure great fingers crossed whatEVER
we are all sooo super grateful
nickatnightwalkeroh this is worse
bythepowerof4that wasnnt even a goov fucking burn
bythepowerof4that was so LAME and she thinks she s so SMART and i hate her
and i dont wanna talk about it actually how are you
nickatnightwalkeri am
nickatnightwalkeri would have gray hair by now if it were possible for me to have melanin
bythepowerof4youre not helping though!!!!! uoure engaging!!!!!
noo ok not my business
this is meant to be chill i want to be chill
nickatnightwalkerjus wait till the bowl goes around again
nickatnightwalkeri was trying to distract her you kmnow thats the only way to stop the daisymobile
bythepowerof4thats not fair you know thats not fair
nickatnightwalkerwhat waiting for the bowl or the daisymobile
bythepowerof4Both duh
nickatnightwalkeryes i know, and, also unfair that this is happening on 420 day or our lord and savior snoop
bythepowerof4its not fair that we have to deal with this whether it happens or not wee could just like walk away from the weird passive aggressive blogging ccrcle right now if we so chose
because this isnt FUN nickolas it is not
nickatnightwalkeri personally am having a loads of fun messing with ines
you have to dea l with everything when it happens so this is just a thign
bythepowerof4oh cool great youre just as bad fantastic news
nickatnightwalkerok i did no t and have not publicly read anybody out yet to date
i only do that privatley and only when it suits me
bythepowerof4look at u ur being a dick right niw!!!!
nickatnightwalkeroh what to ines
im screwing with her
shes trying to fight me
bythepowerof4because this is soo the best way to deal with that sort of situation
nickatnightwalkerits just funny idk why shes getting all snaked out of shape
bythepowerof4"hot" you dick????
Youre both being gross now stop it!!!
nickatnightwalkera joke
shes a lesiabn
also just like
bythepowerof4its not FUNNY nick
neither of you are funny its weird and annoying and embarrassing
nickatnightwalkershe wants ot punch me bc i sias d bite me
i dondt really feel like imobligagated to take her seriously anymore
besides shes a shit so no t only is it funny to watch her blow a gasket over the same google image snatched pic i also like pissing her off
bythepowerof4u arent obligated to fight w her either but ur doing that,, a lot
Im not making sense
nickatnightwalkerthis is brely a fight
[nothing until nick sends the photo]
bythepowerof4im not mad at you and im not mad at her so can you not tag team revenge for once in your fucking life
we're having an almost genuine conversation for once without you interjecting to make fun of me and pretend play matchmaker for shits and giggles so can you please, please cut it out
nickatnightwalkerim not making fun of you
nickatnightwalkerif i was making fun of you itd be a lot meaner
you should be flattered i even considereed encourragign you to go for daisy
[next day]
bythepowerof4hey!! how are you feeling haha, is ur hair still going grey
bythepowerof4im not trying to act like nothing is bad btw i just wanted to start it off nice sorry :/
nickatnightwalkermy hair's moved past being gray and now it's black, so im inadvertently copying misha again
bythepowerof4lmao this is some goth power play shit love it
nickatnightwalkerwhite haired twink is out 2008 gerard way is in
bythepowerof4as it should be!! do you need eyeliner like i don't have any but it would really make the Look
nickatnightwalkerwhy would i need that when i have dry erase markers to just apply liberally to my face
bythepowerof4so resourceful?? pinterest diy that shit
bythepowerof4we can raid the art rooms, get some glue while we're at it and cut a big chunk out of your hair gel budget
nickatnightwalkerdanger with that is potentially overgluing and making it fragile and breakable like glass
bythepowerof4glass bones and paper skin and glass hair also. got it
i mean youre pretty protective of it already i doubt anyone would notice the difference!!
nickatnightwalkerevery morning i break my legs getting out of bed
bythepowerof4do your heart attacks put you to sleep bc i know that feeling
nickatnightwalkeryeah thats why i sleep like four separate times a day
bythepowerof4and i thought that was just a #relateableteen thing
bythepowerof4so not to be weird but is this like. Chilly lackluster banter or are you actually not mad at me
nickatnightwalkerno im pissed
can i ask why
nickatnightwalkeri mean well first ya came at me for fucking with you which
like i said
i do but it's obvious
then you were a shit to daisy
thats that
bythepowerof4iiii mean. you said you wouldnt do that anymore. and then you did. i was just upset
and im sorry about daisy, i told her that too
bythepowerof4like really sorry!!
i just think its weird that someone can say, threaten to kill her and call her a bitch all the time
and youll date him
but i cant get a little upset when we're all high and im having a super stressful few days!!
nickatnightwalkerdo what anymore
bythepowerof4fuck with me
about her
nickatnightwalkerim not
i havent been
bythepowerof4you did though
bythepowerof4like what else was that picture
nickatnightwalkeryou said she was weird and creepy and i sent a picture of her being cute and sweet
bythepowerof4i said she was ACTING weird and creepy which objectively is an accurate description for someone talking about throbbing tentacle dicks and using the word "quivering" in relation to the nether regions of the girl they beat up for fun
but like, what do i know
i dont think shes weird and creepy and thats not what that photo was about im not an idiot
nickatnightwalkerlisten i frankly think everyone needs to reserve their judgment on the moire and daisy situation because it's clearly very complex and beyond the comprehension of mortal men and none of our fucking business to judge one way or another and, yknow, imho, moire has gills and misha smells like magic and youre 4d so maybe also reserve your fucking judgment on who's weird around here anyway
bythepowerof4i know thats why i apologized
nickatnightwalkershe can say shit like that and still be cute and sweet
bythepowerof4but like i said, high and upset and still getting used to this, so u can forgive me for one slip up surely
nickatnightwalkershe contains motherfucking multitudes
bythepowerof4thats not what you were saying though!! you didnt say that
you sent me a picture trying to make me jealous or something, just like she was saying, because obviously i cant have a private conversation with either one of you
nickatnightwalkerif youre jealous thats your problem
bythepowerof4im NOT
you both keep acting like i am thats not fair!!!
nickatnightwalkeri wasnt youre the one who's fixated on it
dont believe i ever said the j word
bythepowerof4i didnt either!! she did!!!
im not fixated on anything i just want to be able to talk to you without you making it about her all the time
nickatnightwalkerweve occasionally talked about more than daisy im p sure
bythepowerof4:/ you know what i meant
nickatnightwalkerwell this IS about her whether you think im continually screwing with you in some single minded attempt to torment you or not
and im not a fan of someone who says theyre her friend telling her shit like that
bythepowerof4i said SORRY it happens ok!!! i feel really awful about it why do you think i was so upset yesterday?
nickatnightwalkeri dont know dude i was baked
bythepowerof4i didnt know that specific thing upset her so much bc no one gave me a rule book for this shit and im never gonna do it again
nickatnightwalkerok cool
im also deciding rightnow this second i dont care if you believe why i sent the picture or not because youre so dead set on me trying to fuck with you ill never change your mind
and for the record
damians never called her a bitch again
nickatnightwalkerand if he tried to kill her, id be more concerned about scraping enough of him up off the sidewalk to fill a bucket
bythepowerof4youre not even gonna try to understand why i might think that
like i could tell you if u gave enough of a shit to listen yeah
nickatnightwalkeris poor self esteem and daisys difficulty with dropping her persona not the right answer
bythepowerof4not quite but thhanks
for that
nickatnightwalkerthats usually what it is
bythepowerof4ok just. Listen for a sec without jumping in to insult me yeah
bythepowerof4the two of you like, obviously tell each other everything. like u straight up reference shit shes obviously told u n vice versa
and that makes it weird cause it feels like im never talking to just you and thats why its weird when u bring her up bc its like, why wouldnt u just tell her whatever i say!!!
bythepowerof4and u keep saying i have a shot w her and telling me how to impress her when i just wanted to brag about winning chicken it didnt have to be a THING u know???
bythepowerof4but like!!! if ur saying that then she knows and it makes it weird!!! like you do that even when you said youd stop and then she accuses me of being jealous of moire and then you immediately send that picture and u can see how i might think it was a fucking team effort
bythepowerof4its weird and intimidating and im not even friends with her i was obviously fooling myself about that but i thought i was friends with you
like not youtwo as a unit or whatever fake setting me up
ok im done but that was stupid so whatever
nickatnightwalkerwell like 1. i dont tell her everything
i know hard concept but just because we talk about a lot of shit which is, yknow, what one does with friends, it doesnt mean we talk about everything
nickatnightwalkerfor instance: didnt know she said you were jealous of moire
bythepowerof4i believe you im obviously not that big a deal for u guys to bother talking abt me fine
but u can at least see how i might think that given ur whole thing is acting like ur joined at the hip and ganging up on ppl
u know
nickatnightwalkerwait do you want us to talk about you or not clea
nickatnightwalkershe was upset so she told me, i was pissed so i gave you photographic evidence
of the contrary imean
if i know everything about her then when i say youve got a shot i really think im in the best position to be calling that
bythepowerof4thats the problem!! Bc i clearly dont have a shot we dont even talk that much bc i dont even know how to talk to her and that makes it seem like ur pulling it out of ur ass!
nickatnightwalkereither i know everything about her or i dont make up your mind truong
bythepowerof4youre missing the point ok
nickatnightwalkerif the point isnt me giving you the run around to fuck with you not sure what the point is then
bythepowerof4oh my god
nickatnightwalkeris that not literally what you just said
bythepowerof4that is youre just getting bogged down in dumb shit im saying!!
nickatnightwalkeror dyou have your planes in a knot over us telling each other things like, information, like, sharing information about our lives
bythepowerof4stop that i dont give a shit about how the two of you act i just want you to get that its scary!! and it makes it hard for me and you expect me to be so good at this that the second i fuck up youre coming at methis hard
nickatnightwalkerof course i am shes my best friend and youre her friend so it's way worse than some rando ragging on her
bythepowerof4youre MY friend youre like my best friend here because im a fucking mess and youre getting personal about this and its upsetting me it doesnt have to be this intense???
nickatnightwalkerhurting daisy is always gonna be personal clea
nickatnightwalkerand i get you apologized and thats cool and that could be that but to the best of my fucking understanding im not giving you false hope and tbqh honestly, to be honest, actually, youre a decent fucking person and i have a strong preference that daisy go on coffee dates with someone whos not gonna knock her teeth out of her fucking head
bythepowerof4youre that invested and youve never said a single thing to her about it??
do you see how i might come to doubt that
nickatnightwalkeryeah and what the fuck would i say sorry but your weird hate crush kinda gives me the heebs have you ever considered not acting on that and trying to be relatively normal and healthy instead
bythepowerof4so what i have to do everything
nickatnightwalkeridk if youve noticed this but she doesnt really know what shes doing a lot of the time when shes talking to people so you know how i was talking about effort:: reward? thats where that comes in
bythepowerof4thats not fair
you could have just told her that thing you just said instead of pinning the work on other people without even telling them
nickatnightwalkergenerally speaking i try not to reveal daisys weaknesses to new acquaintances
bythepowerof4thats still not fair
do u even like me or are you seriously just trying to set her up with the least murderous person here
nickatnightwalkerif i didnt like you i wouldnt care if you were the least murderous person here
besides i dont get how you think us talking to each other is weird but you expect me to run interference in every single one of her friendships like, hey, just a heads up, shes got trouble finding the off button on the snarky attitude
like hell wingmanning you is pretty much the limit of what i can justify
bythepowerof4i dont expect you to do anything ive told you plenty of times that that shouldnt be your job
youre the one whos apparently been trying to invent a friendship where there isnt one?? forgive me for feeling kind of skeeved
nickatnightwalkeri was under the impression that you WERE friends
not sure when you stopped being friends actually
i KNOW shes doing her best to be less
around you
bythepowerof4i didnt wanna say "relationship" tbh bc there definitely isnt one of those
nickatnightwalkeroh haha relatable but look
i saw something good happening there with regards to daisy makin a human connection and i was trying my motherfucking utmost to encourage it
bythepowerof4ok but. its not a genuine human connection if youre there right
thats not very organic its just uncomfortable and confusing
i appreciate your help i guess but it was clearly more for her benefit than mine and that doesnt feel great?
nickatnightwalkerim not like lurking behind coffee machines im not actually THERE
and of course it's more for her benefit i didnt even know you
bythepowerof4i mean the second it went south you were, there, actually,
oh wow
nickatnightwalkerman youre not gonna pick me over like, your brother or something i dont see how this is shocking
a good person to be friends with
bythepowerof4i mean sure but im still a bit caught up in you picking me out of a lineup like oh theyll do!!
nickatnightwalkerwhat line up
she likes you
bythepowerof4ok this part for once is not about her
well a little bit but listen
i thought we were friends because you thought i was nice and wanted to be
aka nothing to do with daisy
nickatnightwalkerwell like
that kinda helped your case though i guess
bythepowerof4no im sorry but that makes it weird
bythepowerof4that you befriended me for her sake and the second i pissed her off you trashed me for it like all im good for is bringing out the good in her
thats stupid??
nickatnightwalkeroh my god you have terrible reading comprehension
step 1.  we got to be friends
bythepowerof4ok we're back at insilts great!!!
nickatnightwalkershhh just shhh for like a second im breaking itdown alright
step 1. we got to be friends
step 2. you and daisy are also sort of friendsish
step 3. i encourage this shit because shes trying and youre pretty alright
step 4.  youre yelling at me for leading you on and befriending you to like lure you to daisy or some shit because i apparently just psychically knew you were ok
dont remember if we started talking because you were already talking to daisy so i figure that says something
bythepowerof4thats not what you just said but fine
bythepowerof4if im so wrong about all of this then im sorry for misunderstanding
nickatnightwalkerno it is what i just said
being friends with me first helped your case re me backing you up since i knew you werent a dick
bythepowerof4fine!!! ok i get it i just apologized
i cant help not getting stuff sometimes i figure u would get that being friends with daisy and all
but youre just saying all thise mean shit to upset me and not even feeling bad about it apparently
nickatnightwalkerlisten i really hand to god dont know what things youre talking about right now
doing it for daisy over you?  like
i knew you enough to know youre alright but daisy is daisy
bythepowerof4ok well yesterday, for one, with the "you should be flattered" bullshit
bythepowerof4and u were fucked so i would forgive that in a second if u bothered apologizing
or maybe the picture, which like, whatever your intentions were clearly was pretty hurtful
or anything about low self esteem, treating me like a melodramatic idiot,
any of that rally
nickatnightwalkerim gonna address these in order
bythepowerof4unless ur adress contains a sorry i dont care
ive heard ur excuses and thats great but thats not how this works
nickatnightwalkerugh jesus cut me some slack im not exactly a social guru here either im sorry about the low self esteem comment that was genuinely not meant to be douchy and neither was the picture even though i sent it because i was pissed
that was more of a look youre wrong kinda thing but i get how with daisy saying you were jealous that looks way harsher than i thought it was so im sorry about that
bythepowerof4even in context of like, just our previous convos i think that seems pretty harsh but yeah
i appreciate it for real
nickatnightwalkerand like i cant in good faith apologize for the you should be flattered shit because regardless of the situation daisy is daisy and in the interest of transparency im never gonna think anyones good enough for her but like i said she was willing to make an effort for you and i knew you were ok so
bythepowerof4oh my god
nickatnightwalkerwhat i honestly dont get why youre so shocked i prioritize daisy
bythepowerof4im not but you dont,, need to, for one
u know you didnt eed to compare us at all
and no offence but if youre trying to convince me you like me as a person and not just bc im convenient
saying "youre ok" as often as possible is NOT reassuring
nickatnightwalkeroh what
well first obviously i had to since you were getting kinda messed up over me doing thing for her not you and second of all i dont mean Ah Yes, You'll Do..... i mean youre ok
bythepowerof4that hadnt happened yet u just brought it up out of nowhere
nickatnightwalkernot bad
bythepowerof4it was douchey
nickatnightwalkerno you
you said it
ill scroll back if i have to but you said me doing it all for her felt bad
bythepowerof4yeah and it does fyi but u pulled that "you dont deserve her" crap last fucking night
if youre gonna continue a fight u started high at least read the backlogs dude
its clearly on ur mind if u brought it ip for no reason
nickatnightwalkerit wasnt for no reason it was because she was upset you called her weird and crazy
i didnt pull this shit from the void
bythepowerof4" you were getting kinda messed up over me doing thing for her not you" this hadnt happened yet thats all im saying
u cant even keep your excuses straight
i didnt compare us and you decided to and that understandably made me feel like shit
nickatnightwalkerwell goddamn you pulled the receipts it's certainly not like i couldnt have misunderstood what particular thing you were referring to
bythepowerof4i only did that bc u tried to make it about something else!! i get why u were mad at me but youre trying to make me look dumb its not fair!!
nickatnightwalkerim not trying to make you look like anything believe it or not
sometimes i too am capable of misunderstandings
bythepowerof4then why dont you ever say sorry for them
ive messed up like a dozen times in this convo alone and i said "sorry i misunderstood" ur just
id unno its going in circles and its dumb bc i just want you to not be mad at me
nickatnightwalkerbecause im too busy trying to tell you im not framing you to look like a tool
bythepowerof4and i said i believed you
but youre acting like im an idiot for thinking it at all
nickatnightwalkerdude im not
like i dont know what im doing thats making you think that but im sorry?
bythepowerof4i told you!! over and over!! and you kept making it into something else!!
literally read what u just said and tell me it wouldnt make u feel like an idiot
nickatnightwalkerwhatever sorry i compared you and said you should be flattered
sorry agan for being a dick to you last night, bc i admit i was, and to daisy but ill take that one to her bc its like, Our Business
whatevers dont count and im tired so, till next time i guess
nickatnightwalker i said it after you upset her but before you apologized and pretty much would feel that way if donald glover himself came to her door
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