#like if I have to commute 30 min there and back plus attend an hourlong event
PHEW okay work got unexpectedly very busy this morning and I am feeling a little bit frazzled. but I think I am basically done for the day! I have some more work to do on this one project but I blocked off two hours to finish it before I meet with my lead tomorrow morning. I also did two of my time-sensitive tasks (ordering IUI trigger shot + donor vial to be delivered by Thursday) and emailed a couple students. although I am slightly frazzled I am also feeling :)))))) because new job just sent out the formal announcement to all the faculty and staff and I am :))))) it’s really really happening. it’s really really REAL. I got the job offer two and a half weeks ago and I feel like I’ve spent that entire time in this half-frozen state where I haven’t been able to quite let myself believe that it’s actually going to come through. but it IS. it’s real!!!!!!!!!! I am so nervous and so unbelievably psyched!!!!!!!!!
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