#like i'm with you yes stay home when yr sick
queerspacepunk · 1 year
rapid covid tests being so available has really made me wish that there was an accessible rapid test for adeno/corona/rhinoviruses. I know the argument is that knowing you have one won't change how u treat it since it's all symptomatic anyway, BUT! it would at least let me know WHAT i'm dealing with. Like do I feel like shit today bc i have a cold? allergies? slept with the AC on? sinus thing? cos i need to deal with each of those things slightly differently and what helps one might be shitty for others. PLUS i am chronically ill/disabled/whatever, and i cannot tell u how much it would improve my life to get a heads up. To get sniffly, take a test and know whether it's probably just allergies, take some meds you'll be right tomorrow OR nah bro this is a cold you're going down prepare yourself. like honestly.
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viaravt · 1 month
Meowdy, y'all! I know I haven't been around for anything other than posting going live messages recently, but that's because I'm currently going through it... TW: sick and dying pet, loss, grief/grieving, terminal illness (cancer)
... I'm sure you can tell where this is going, and I doubt anyone will even read this, but my soul needs it to exist in the universe even so. I'll try to be brief, but I've always been a verbose bitch.
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This is Copernicus. I named him after the ancient astronomer, Nicolaus Copernicus, who discovered that the earth is *NOT* the center of the universe. And of course MY Copernicus knows this because HE is the center of the universe.
Copernicus quickly took on the nickname of "Pooka" because he was such a mischievous little brat
My ex and I got Pooka my first year of college, in 2005. The Humane Society said that he was roughly 1-3 years old at the time. Fast forward to about 4 yrs later and we adopted a kitten together, only to break up about a year after that
When that relationship ended, my ex took Pooka and I kept the kitten (who was named Arcturus, after one of the first stars to appear at night)
Fast forward another few years and that ex is going into the military. A mutual friend asked if I would like Pooka back, and I OBVIOUSLY said "YES!!!!" That was about 2014
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Since then, Pooka has moved with my current boyfriend and I into about 5 different apartments. He has been my rock, my one constant in the sea of changing friends and partners (we're poly) and professions. Through all my mental and physical illnesses, Pooka has been my rock. My current partner, of course, has been as well.
July 28th, they started renovations on the apartment upstairs. This included using some chemicals to reglaze their tub. They didn't set up proper ventilation, so Copernicus, my partner, and our other cat Nugget went to stay with my partner's Dad.
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When Pooka came home 3 days later, his eye was a little crusty and winky. We just thought it was him having gotten into something at Pops's place. When it persisted into the next day, we called the vet.
Many vet visits, uncomfortable tests, and anxiety later, we had a small answer - there is a mass in his face causing that eye to be unopenable. We get it punch biopsied - inconclusive, but there are some bad cells in there - squamous cell carcinoma.
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We've started him on chemo, but the vet informed us under no uncertain circumstances that this is The End. Our goal now is to just keep him comfortable. The eye will never open again, and this aggressive cancer is what will take him out of my life.
There's so much more, of course, but a Tumblr post will never do a life justice.
If the Humane Society was right when we adopted him, that makes Pooka about 19-21 years old. I'm 37. That means he's been in my life for over half of it. I'm not sure what I'll do without him.
I don't want to know.
But I'm going to have to find out.
If you've read this far then you're either a hero or doom scrolling. Either way, here's an embarrassing clip of me poorly signing Hadestown and ugly-crying on Pooka. He always loves it when I sing.
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the-blind-geisha · 3 years
Are you a fan of animal crossing?
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OG animal crossing player from GameCube, yes. xD I remember getting it for Christmas, and I was SO excited. I rented it first, and couldn't put it down. That game literally became my life in no time at all.
Eventually, I moved away from it and then went to City Folk. I didn't play City Folk for too long, and I'm not sure as to why. Mighta been because I got Harvest Moon: Animal Parade and fell more in love with that over AC at the time. (I married the Wizard, Gale. lol)
New Leaf I would. not. stop. playing. The main reason though was because of my villagers such as Lionel and Ankha. I didn't want them to ever leave. Lionel had been my literal neighbor in New Leaf the day I got the game (so a villager I had for 8 yrs.. lol). He would even come outside and plant and water flowers about my home. He was adorable. lol
I got Ankha WITH MUCH LUCK... I saw her when dream traveling. I had no idea she existed, and I screamed when I saw her as I love anything Ancient Egyptian or a reference to it. There was a penguin trying to move out about the time she just so HAPPENED to be camping in my town. So I got the penguin I couldn't stand to leave and convinced Ankha to stay.
Sadly with New Leaf... there is a glitch little people knew about that would trigger in the game's coding that eventually had to be removed. Normally, villagers tell you ahead of time when they're going to leave if you log on quick enough. Sadly, if a villager is sick, after you've taken care of them, a bug trigger in the system that would insist one of the villagers would leave without saying a word to you.
I lost Julien the only unicorn in the game and Erik, the deer, to this glitch in the code.
I love Julien A LOT... There was a day I was admiring a doll in the shop where he was one day, but I forgot to go back and buy it for myself. I said 'ah whatever... sucks I didn't get it, but I'll move on'. The next day? I get a package from Julien. The letter said "I saw you admiring this in the store, so I thought I'd get it for you", and low and behold it was the very doll I forgot to buy. He even found my kimono sandals for my kimono outfit. He felt like the realist villager I ever had. :(
They eventually removed villager illnesses from NL because of this in time, I saw.
Now I have Animal Crossing New Horizons, but I got bored of it too fast for my own good... till this new update. Now I have to go in and rearrange my island. XDD;
I do have Ankha and Lionel again. ♥ Ankha I got by mere luck again and Lionel mega thanks to @bunngygoblin for getting his card and sending him to me. She even got me Lucky, the mummy dog I never got to have!! ;w; I made Ankha and Lionel both my neighbors and Lucky I put near Coco and the graveyard I created. ♥♥ I don't have Julien, but if Ed ever wishes to leave, I might try and hunt down Julien once more after reluctantly letting Ed go.
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kenmas-consoles · 4 years
Jdjcjcjcjjcjc Aye aye can I request for Tanaka with a 2nd yr s/o but since I'm uncreative it's like this: he hated/disliked her at first bc idk she seemed suspicious? But gradually with the help of the 3rd and 2nd yrs (not the 1st yrs, they'll ruin everything) he learned to be closer to her and accept her, but then ykyk plot happened and bo0m, they be dating u can choose if oneshot or hcs, whichever u prefer, also fem reader ᕕ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ ᕕ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ ᕕ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ
Tanaka x Reader Request
Tanaka Ryuunosuke was a simple man. He loves women, he appreciates them, worships the ground they walk on but (y/n) was an exception to this. It wasn’t that she was ugly or unladylike, far from it actually. Except there was something about the girl that constantly made Tanaka feel somewhat weary and uneasy.
Sure she was pretty, well respected and popular, heck he even liked her at one point but after what he had saw in the middle of their first year made him realize she was what people would stereotype as the “kind fake”, at least he believed so. Everytime he saw her smile and offer someone help made his stomach churn, and not in a good way. Her smile and laugh haunted him and reminded him of that dreaded day.
It was 4 pm and classes had just ended, the boy had hurriedly packed up his belongings and rushed of to the gym in fear of being late and getting scolded by some upperclassman or worse Old man Ukai. This had caused a shiver to run up the boy’s spine imagining what kind of punishment he would have to endure if he were to be late.
“(Y/n)-chan. . .” A voice choked out, causing the boy to snap out of his daydream.
“It’s not funny,” the same small voice said.
This was coming from the back of the gym, taking a peak inside the gym door he noticed that no one was in there yet so he decided to check out the scene that was happening behind the gym.
With his back on the wall he had took a sideways glance at the scene before him. The scene had shocked the boy as there was a girl bawling her eyes out, before he could intervene and ask what was going on he heard laughter, one that he had grown to love for the past few months. He poked his head out a little more to see you with a couple of other friends smiling and laughing at the poor innocent crying girl.
'Sick' he thought, 'to think I like her, she made someone cry. . . and now she's laughing at them' Tanaka grumbled and left the scene as he had seen enough and didn’t want to be late for practice.
Although from behind the gym, and unknown to Tanaka, this was a little surprise (Y/n) planned for one of her friends.
The girl had brushed of a few stray tears that had escaped her eyes when she was laughing, "I'm sorry for laughing but ahahaha you should've seen your face. Who knew surprising you for your birthday would get you," the girl motioned to her friend, "like this." the continued in fits of laughter. From the corner of her eye she had saw Tanaka’s running figure that made a small smile grace her face.
One of (Y/n)’s friends looked over to where (Y/n) was staring at with a smile on her face and saw the same buzzed cut haired male, “Ooooh〜 does are little (Y/n)-chan have a crush?”
The said girl exploded into a vermillion red as she tried to deny all her friend’s teasing accusations
For the next following days Tanaka could barely look at (Y/n) without remembering the scene and how cruelly (Y/n) had been to the crying girl. Everytime she neared he would be sure to stay clear of her, he even had told his best friend Noya all about it just so he wouldn't fall hands into her trap. The girl albeit confused didn't mind much but she was still very much hurt that her crush was ignoring her.
Now that they were 2nd years, nothing much has changed since then. They were still classmates, Tanaka still thought she was fake, and (Y/n) still likes her chivalrous classmate. The only thing that has changed however is that (Y/n) is now more open to showing her interest in the buzz cut boy.
Which now leads us to our current situation.
“Tanaka-kun, do you want to be groupmates with me in this pair activity? I’m actually really good at (f/subject), so I really won’t be much of a burden.”
Tanaka’s eyes widened, if he was any other guy in his class or who he was last year then he’d be stoked that THE (L/n) (Y/n) was asking him directly to pair up with her. ‘Don’t fall for it, don’t fall for it, don’t fall for it’ he chanted in his head like a mantra.
“Ahah, sorry (L/n)-san but I’m already paired with (R/n).”
“Oh. . . I see, well maybe next time then?” The girl replied and looked up at him with expectant doe eyes.
Tanaka quickly averted his gaze and mumbled an inaudible ‘yeah sure’. He watched how (Y/n) skipped of to her friend circle and punched her friend in the arm. ‘There she goes again, pulling a 180 personality turn, how does no one see that??’ he thought to himself.
“A-ah, (R/n) let’s be partners for the pair work.” He had said clapping the boy on the back.
Meanwhile with (Y/n)
She skipped over to her circle of friends with a smile, “Oooh〜 does that mean prince charming accepted your proposal?” (F/n) asked with a smirk while the rest of the group sniggered. (Y/n) rolled her eyes and playfully glared at her friends. (F/n) gasped, “Is it a yes? My god he said yes. WE DID IT MR. STARK.”
(Y/n) playfully punched (f/n) in the arm and whined before dejectedly looking at the floor, “Well, actually. . . He said no. . ."
"Awweee, our poor baby"
"It's okay (Y/n)-chan"
"You want me to beat him up for you?"
(Y/n) shook her head as she turned around to see Tanaka with his arm around (R/n)'s shoulder.
Volleyball practice was yet to start as they were all gathered around in a circle waiting for Takeda-sensei to give some announcements.
“As you all are aware you have final exams starting next month, right?” Takeda started to which the quick freak duo and the rowdy second years paled at, “So, I think you know what I’m getting at, but if you fail any subjects supplementary classes will be held that weekend.”
Tanaka and Nishinoya shared a knowing look and were quick to try and bolt out the gym doors.
“Hey, There’s nowhere to run!” Daichi shouted after them, “Ennoshita, catch them!”
“Gaahhh, I can’t believe it,” Tanaka started as he laid face flat on the clubroom floors. “I’ve got no one to teach me, Saeko-nii would just laugh if I even mention trying to up my grades at this point.”
Sugawara laughed as he changed into a spare shirt, “I’m sure you’ll find someone.”
“What about you Suga-san?”
The said boy dismissively waved his hands, “What subject do you need help with anyway?”
A lightbulb went up Suga’s head as he heard Tanaka’s reply.
“(Y/n)-chan is still your classmate right? You should go ask her, she’s really good at that subject,” Suga added, “Plus we went to cram school together and she’s pretty advanced, I could ask her for you.”
Daichi, overhearing the conversation mentioned that you spend a considerable amount of time in the library that he often sees you there one more than one occasion, “That and she’s really nice.” Daichi finished.
Tanaka had enough of this talk about you being all that as he stormed away from the clubroom, leaving Daichi and Suga to think Tanaka was so flustered he couldn’t take it anymore. The two looked at each other and hatched up a plan.
The following day Tanaka couldn’t help but notice Ennoshita, Daichi and Suga acting all suspicious during practice.
“Okay, what’s up with you three?” Tanaka questioned.
“Ah, it’s nothing, it’s nothing” Suga said with an overly nice smile that Tanaka swore he was almost getting cavities.
As the four continued their banter a certain (h/c)-ette had entered the gym in search for her Senpais.
“Suga-san, it’s really hard to believe you when you put on a face like that”
“Like what?”
“All I’m saying is you all are acting weird it’s like you all are up to something and I don’t buy it one b-
“Suga-senpai, Sawamura-senpai,” (Y/n) said with a small bow as she walks over to the quartet.
“Ahh (Y/n)-chan, nice to see you here.” Suga said patting the young girl’s head.
Daichi moved over to the pair so (Y/n) was inbetween Daichi and Suga. “(Y/n) here will tutor you so you wouldn’t have to worry about flunking your exams” Daichi boomed with a smile and a hand in the girl’s shoulder causing the girl to smile as well.
The trio smiled brightly at Tanaka, from across the gym Tsukishima squinted his eyes at the sight, “It looks like two parents handing over their child to an unwilling suitor” he said.
“Nice one Tsukki”
“Shut up Yamaguchi”
“Tanaka-kun, you have volleyball practice every Monday,Wednesday and Thursday right?” (Y/n) asked as they walked home together, something in which The third years had made the male do because ‘a girl shouldn’t be walking home alone at night’ Now here they stood walking three feet apart each other.
The boy hummed in reply, “So I was hoping you’d spend atleast an hour with me in the library after school on Tuesdays and Fridays and maybe thirty minutes on days when you have practice?”
“Alright, I can’t wait,” the girl said enthusiastically, “Can I have your phone number? For you know tutoring purposes”
This had made Tanaka stop dead in his tracks, ‘A girl wants my number?’ This was the first time the boy was asked for his number, regardless if he didn’t exactly like (Y/n) his heart fluttered all the same that caused a pink hue to spread on his cheeks. The girl had saw this and the same pink started dusting her own cheeks thinking she must have been too forward.
Tanaka coughed and fished out his cellphone and held it out towards the girl who gently took it with shaky fingers. Typing in her number she handed it back to the boy as they continued walking in silence, not noticing how close they seem to be walking now compared to the 3 foot distance they had minutes ago.
It has been a week and the two had only met up thrice to review over (fave/subject) in the library. The week had made Tanaka realize that the girl wasn’t all that bad company and he racked and questioned his mind and eyes if it were truly you who he saw at the back of the gym during your first years.
It was a Tuesday and the pair were working at the library, “You could use a break, you’re actually doing quite good so you deserve it.” The girl laughed. They were going over English today practicing grammar and vocab.
Tanaka had stretched his arms out on the table which caused the girl to laugh a little more, which soured Tanaka’s mood. ‘There’s that laugh, it’s no denying, that same laugh burned in the back of his mind as he replayed the scene all over again’
“I’m going to grab some thing to drink I’ll be back in a few.” The boy said and hurriedly left. Tanaka was hunched next to a vending machine aggressively chugging down a Calpico drink mumbling what a fool he’s been fraternizing with the enemy.
Was she really the enemy though?
Tanaka managed to carry himself all the way back up to the library seeing as he was abusing his “break time”, might as well go back to work then right? As the boy walked towards the table he had so “kindly” left you at he saw your figure a few tables past your original one playing with a 5 year old boy.
The boy was finger gunning the girl who was taking a step towards him in a zombie motion and the girl silently acted as though she was getting shot. The little boy giggled before ducking behind the table and continuing this pattern.
“Ah, Hibiki I think the young girl’s boyfriend is here for her now.” The librarian said to the child who looked mildly upset that he couldn’t play with the older female anymore. The boy waved goodbye towards the girl and (Y/n) happily waved back. The girl then turned her head towards Tanaka who was frozen where he stood when the old woman called him your boyfriend.
“Tanaka-kun looks funny, did you enjoy your break?”
“I had a Calpico”
“Sounds refreshing” the girl replied with a laugh.
The two continued on with their prepping for English and had come across a word that Tanaka had a hard time comprehending.
“Yeah, it’s an english expression, it means to be shocked about something you weren’t expecting. Hmm, when was the last time Tanaka-kun was surprised?” The girl had asked to keep the ball rolling.
“Well the team surprised me on my birthday sometime ago, I was really taken aback and couldn’t help but cry a little.”
“Oh, back during my first year we threw a huge surprise party for my friend at the back of the gym. We got her a cake and everything, she cried too, it was really funny-“
‘Wait. . . What?!’ Tanaka had thought. The pressure building inside him was intense, ‘God, was that what happened? I TOTALLY MISINTERPRETED’
“Surprised.” Tanaka said in english. He totally wouldn’t be forgetting that anytime soon. The boy felt bad for judging her all these years and guilt was literally creeping up on him that he actually found it hard to breath. He felt like such an idiot, for not reading into the scene correctly and for mistreating (Y/n). He needed someway to make it up to her, but what?
“Do you want me to walk you home today?” The question came out before he could think.
The girl tried to hide a smile, “That would be great.”
The two had grown significantly closer since then much to (Y/n)’s friends and the Karasuno’s third years pleasure as they’ve been rooting for them for the longest time. Tanaka would ask to stay and review longer with the said girl even if h could barely understand but he made an extra effort to impress her so he took a considerable amount of prep work at home much to his sister’s surprise. This had earned him a bit of teasing, he endured it all just for the sake of his pride, and the volleyball summer camp.
The day of the exams rolled in and Tanaka was actually extra nervous about this. There was 4 exams to take and everything (Y/n) taught him was slowly scuttling out the window. Regardless he answered what he could making a few guesses here and there. Now all that was left was to wait for the results.
Tanaka had his head in his hands staring up at the teacher who was calling onto students to give back their test papers.
‘It’s okay. . .’
“Hai. . .”
‘It’s okay. . .’
“Hai!” He said standing up abruptly making his chair screech from behind him. Every step he took closer to Nakamura-sensei felt heavy, upon receiving his papers he quickly bunched it up and decided to look at it later. (Y/n) wasn’t present in class as she was pulled out for club activities and he thought he should save looking at his grade for when they would meet up later.
(Y/n) was standing outside the gym doors leaning against the balls of her feet waiting for a certain buzzed cut male. Tanaka saw her standing there and was bouncing his leg up and down exhaling as he made his move to advance towards her, “(L/n)-san!” He called out.
“Yknow we’ve known each other for a while now, so you can call me (Y/n) if you’d like”
“A-ah, okay then, anyways the test results came out. . .”
“How’d they go?”
“Well, I haven’t exactly saw it yet, I was hoping to show you and find out together. . .”
A smile graced it’s way on the girl’s face, finding courage she grabbed on to his hand and gave a firm reassuring nod as he dug for the results in his bag.
(Fave/subject)- 83/100
Math- 42/100
English- 66/100
Science- 46/100
Tanaka stared at his papers in disbelief. This was the highest he’d scored since primary school. The girl flung her arms around his neck as the boy gripped her waist and swung her around in happiness, laughing in sheer mirth of the moment. Tanaka slowed as their laughter died down, eyes locking onto each other.
Suga and Daichi was hiding behind the bush watching them. They fistbumped at the success of getting the two together. Tsukki and Yamaguchi were heading towards the gym at the exact moment Tanaka and (Y/n) were leaning into a kiss.
"Now, kiss" he said aloud.
"Uwoooohh Tsukishima what are you talking about? huh, is that Tanaka-san?"
"Oi Boke don't watch them."
"Ne ne Tsukki do you think they're dating?"
Daichi and Suga face palmed at the ruined moment.
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seeking-something · 7 years
I'm bored and answering all of these to spill my guts to an empty wall
1.)Have you ever considered dating yourself? no lol I’m a piece of trash
2.)Which would you choose? Being with your soulmate for 1 year and then they die, or choosing to not meet them at all. Meet them. I am selfish and self deprecation is fun so yeah.
3.)If a prisoner (in jail) wrote a letter to you, Would you write back? Absolutely. I’m weird as hell like that
4.)If you could have a twin, Would you? I’d love to. I always wanted a sibling growing up.
5.)If you had to give up Your arms or your legs -which would it be? My legs. I cant go without being able to feel touch with your fingers
6.)If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know? I’d want to know the fate of some people I love and I’d like to see if I will ever be really happy.
7.)If you had to pick 1 or 2 qualities that you have had since you were a child -what would they be. I don’t mind the qualities I have if just like to feel some of them less intensely
8.)If you could see your death Would you want to see it? No. I don’t really care about death. What you do in life is more important
9.)If you could lose all your memories and start fresh, would you choose to do it? Say the age you start fresh would be at 15 years old.What about at 20? Well I am 21 so. Restating at 15 would be kind of nice but I think everything happens for a reason
10.)Would you rather have an unrequited love for 5 years or feel no love for 5 years? Unrequited love has a harsher loneliness than not feeling love. So I’d go with no love
11.)Would you ever give 5 years of your life To extend the life of a grandparent? Yes as long as they have a good quality of life
12.)Would you rather have a father that is in jail or not know who your father is? Not know who my father is
13.)How many more Failures can you take? Zero. I often even overreact and think something is a failure even if it isn’t. I fear the idea of failure
14.)If you could pick a country that most represents you, which would it be? I’m too inebriated to think of an answer
15.)If you could be on a dating reality TV show -would you? No I already fear what people think of me. I couldn’t handle all those people watching my life
16.)Would you choose to look in mirrors all day, or never look in a mirror again? Never again
17.)What is the first thing you look at when you look at yourself in the mirror? My hair
18.)If you could never again think one thing what would it be? To forget some past trauma
19.)If you had to be sick for the rest of your life would you choose something that kills you quickly & painfully, or bearably but slowly Quickly. I’m a baby with pain and extended pain affects you different from excessive pain
20.)If you could redo your first kiss would you: a) choose to do it and b) -change the person -change your age -change the location -change your/their skill level I would redo it and change the location. I liked the person and didn’t care our skills or age. It’s a first kiss it’s supposed to be awkward.
21.)Do you think more people like(d) you now or when you were younger? More people liked me when I was younger but that’s not who I am. Quality over quantity.
22.)If you could change your name what would you change it to? Lola
23.)Have you ever been attracted to a friend’s parents? More than once lol
24.)What would you do if your life was stuck on replay, and you continuously relived one day? Probably end up killing my self. That’d be terrible after a long time. But at first it would be nice. Would give me a chance to observe people and learn all of their little nuances
25.)What is something you’ve always wanted to do but never done because it doesn’t “fit” with what people expect/are used to from you? (now consider doing it!) I want to get a tattoo and dye my hair. But in my head only pretty people do that and I’m not pretty
26.)If anything could happen to/through your tumblr site what is the one thing you wish would? My blog is a stream of consciousness through different mediums. Maybe someone will realize that they feel the same and aren’t alone.
27.)How many times have you wanted to ask someone out but haven’t done it because you *weren’t sure if your feelings were strong enough*? Constantly. Not even just ask out but even make a move I’m always too scared. There’s so many people I want to just take by their dumb faces and kiss them but fear paralyzes me
28.)If you are sick and will die in 1 yr, And you found your soulmate (and they know they are as well). Would you: A)even tell them you are sick, and
B) be with them for the year, or break up with them I would tell them but stay with them. Telling them will help the grief begin and spending it at least they know. If I don’t tell them they will still grieve anyways. Or grieve a break up.
29.)What characteristic makes you attractive to the opposite sex/potential partners? (Do one physical and one personality) I don’t have set physical attractions. I appreciate a lot of men and women. I think all women are gorgeous. I love heir hair and their eyes. Their hands their necks. So many things about women drive me bonkers. I like people who are funny. Who are introspective. Who are passionate about something. There is so much to people
30.)If you had to choose between getting married to your soulmate and continuing a super successful career -which would you choose? Getting married is a formality. If I could be with my soulmate and not Mary them but have the career that’d be great.
31.)Would you rather settle or be alone? Settle. I can’t be alone
32.)Have you ever questioned Your sexual orientation? Yep. How I realized I wasn’t straight
33.)How close and warm is your family? Do you feel your childhood was happier than most other people’s? Lol. My family is as warm as an icicle. I had a happy childhood because I wear ignorant of so many things that now fuck me up.
34.)What roles do love and affection play in your life? Honestly is the reason behind everything I do. I’m an extremely loving person
35.)Would you like to be famous? For what? No I don’t like eyes on me
36.)Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why? Yes because ANXIETY is fun
37.)If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want? I’d want the body of a 30 year old. I work in a nursing home and I have seen people who lost their bodies and retained their mind or lost their mind but retain their bodies. and trust me, you don’t want to be aware of the affect of aging. I’d rather lose my mind
38.)Name three things you and your partner appear to have in common. Our morals, our humor, and our perspective on life
39.)Would you (do you) ever save 50% of your income? I would if I could and still afford life.
40.)What do you think you haven’t found in a potential partner yet? Why? I have but I’m a very polyamorous kind of person.
41.)When something bad happens how do you deal with it? Talk to someone✔️ Think about it alone (ruminate)✔️ Ignore/suppress and distract yourself✔️ Try to fix it immediately
42.)Would you say yes to being in the body of the opposite gender for 1 year? Sure. I like seeing things from different points of view
43.)Have you ever considered “trying out” an eating disorder? Unfortunately yes.
44.)Ask a significant person in the group you are playing this game with, whether they have ever considering breaking up with you (friendship-wise or romantically), when, and why did they not. So I’m not playing this as a game but I will say if I’ve considered it with someone who is in the room with me right now. I’ve considered breaking up with someone in this room because I feel like they deserve better. They deserve someone who can be Happy with them and someone who is better for them in so many ways.
45.)What’s the biggest sacrifice You’ve made for the person on your left (or in the room), that they haven’t acknowledged? Just in the room. I’ve put myself aside a lot for this person because I care about them so much. How I don’t want to add pain or burden to them so I hold things in.
46.)Ask your father “How am I most like you, and how does that scare you?” I can’t ask him this.
47.)Are you scared someone in the room will hurt you? Who, and in what way? I’m scared every person in the room will hurt me. They would by leaving me. Especially without a reason.
48.)If you needed to decide between two people you know, which will die -would you want to decide, or let a stranger decide? I would want to decide.
49.)What was your family’s attitude towards affection? How has that impacted you? My parents don’t show affection and this has hurt me a lot now in my adult life.
50.)Do you wish facebook didn’t exist? Yes. I wish people didn’t know so much of my life.
51.)Think of the question you would most like answered, by a person or an all-knowing being or device. Which of the following most closely resembles the answer you’d like to hear? Without a shadow of a doubt Never You are No i didn’t I will show you everything I do Come with me Only one Yes-✔️ this is the answer I’d want to hear Always You will In the distant future
52.)What do you like most about having a child of your own? You MUST say something I don’t have one. It I’d want a child of my own simply because it’s a feeling and connection that you can’t see get any other way
53.)Is there a profession You’ve always wanted to date? (Doctor. Firefighter, military, vet etc) Military
54.)Among your group of friends are you one who will generally take care of and help everyone (even if you hate it)? Or are you the one who rationally thinks about it and determines whether the person actually needs help? I’m the one who will help and take care of anyone and everyone.
55.)Would you rather live in a world where you are never alone or where you are always alone The thought of either of these fuck me up so much. I don’t think I could ever decided.
56.)If your life could be a soundtrack Which movie/tv show’s would you choose? Greys anatomy. Because damn that sound tracking.
57.)If you could live a movie which would you choose? I am too inebriated for this question again
58.)Has this election Made you be more interested or less interested in politics? Think carefully. I don’t think this section has done it but I am more interested this time around because I’m now older and these things pertain to me and my life
59.)When was the last time you cried? Why? I cried last night because I have a lot of feelings lately and I wasn’t sober and I just cried.
60.)Would you rather feel too much or feel nothing at all? I’d rather feel everything. That’s what I already do
61.)Do you feel you are more attached to your friends, than they are to you? Absolutely 100%
62.)Which of the seven deadly sins Do you deal with the most? Sloth. Lol
63.)What would the title of your autobiography be? She did the thing
64.)Do you have songs that you avoid because they make you feel too much? Give one example, and one feeling associated with it. Yes. But I’d rather not name them.
65.)If you could be an Expert in any field, which would you choose? In being a surgeon
66.)Describe your ex Using one emoji 📉
67.)What aspect do you struggle With the most, when making a new friend? (Ex: Vulnerability, time/history together, learning about them, integrating into your life etc). Vulnerability absolutely. Gettin myself to Open up to them is a bitch
68.)Do you have a hard time Integrating your friends into different aspects of your life? ( Ex work friends with family, family friends with school friends). Usually no because I make friends with the same kinda people so they all get along.
69.)Big spoon or little spoon? Why? Lol this question is 69. Anyways. I like both but big spoon is nice
70.)In what situation do you Feel the loneliest? Usually in a room full of people that aren’t interacting with me.
71.)What is something you Believe your parents dislike about you? That I’m gay
72.)Do you feel That the way you look right now represents who you are/how you feel? Not at all. I hate my appearance
73.)Choose between being able To make people very happy vs. Never hurting them. Which would you choose? Never hurting them
74.)What made you start Your Tumblr blog? I was depressed and wanted to vent.
75.)Have you ever wished For a disorder or disability? (Or considered it) Never
76.)Choose. Between perpetrator and victim. Victim. I’d rather take the pain over someone else
77.)Do you feel Like you’ve reached your peak? I think I did in high school
78.)How much of your time Do you spend thinking about romance? A lot. I think it’s great.
79.)Have people pointed out Your biggest insecurity, or have you never talked about it with anyone (positively or negatively)? People have and I hate it when it happens and also I never like to talk about it.
i. Did you generate your insecurity, or was it something you developed over time based off of other people’s comments Mainly due to my mothers comments
If you were in a group of best friends; Are you the: A) ring leader B) the groupie C) the lone wolf D) the drifter
I used to be the ring leader now I’m the lone wolf.
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