#like i woke up with a bloody tissue stuffed up my nose
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my sinuses are extremely clogged and painful, my face hurts a whole bunch but the worst part is the area around my gums where i had one of my wisdom teeth out a year ago is so sensitive and hurts so bad i can barely move my face, and when i blow my nose or sniffle i get a sharp pain in my wisdom tooth hole, just that one
#last year when i woke up from the surgery they told me theyd damaged my sinuses when taking out that tooth#like i woke up with a bloody tissue stuffed up my nose#and they said basically dont blow your nose for a week and it'll heal#and it did. but this is the first time ive been sick since then and this is just really fucked up idk#this is not normallll#gonna see a doctor? i guess? since its too hard to go to the surgeon where i had the teeth extracted#i know i had a complicated extraction with a lot of complications but anyone else had this?#if u think u need ur wisdom teeth out pls do it before 27
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I literally pick the best moments to write :D Okay, this is ‘part 2′ of timeline break for Said and Done (Jack’s family is a wee bit more overbearing on the subject of his mental health so he finishes his MSN and misses out on SEP). Also, a test run for Jack’s POV which is not featured in Said and Done itself outside of one or two brief instances. (Would be nice if someone would drop a comment about wanting to read more of Jack’s POV or not). Part 1 with Gabriel’s POV below.
For Jack Morrison, on the other hand, the whole day (nearing his twenty-sixth hour since the last time he managed to sneak an hour-long nap in transit) was going to hell in a handbasket. In his own humble opinion, the command and the military intelligence (an oxymoron, as he heard it referred to colloquially quite often) have collectively shat their own bed but who was he to judge? The whole situation was fubar. Fucktangular. Fucktastic without the 'tastic' part. Evacuating the force this size under active enemy fire was an impossible feat. Well, at least until Strike Force arrived to try and slow the growing tide of Omnics which gave them time and opportunity to get to more of the wounded that otherwise would have been left behind as 'acceptable losses'.
And it seemed that it had worked - for some time - until one of them managed to blow himself up on a mine, or something. Figures.
Jack sent the last stretcher back and hunkered down next to them. The woman was already putting down the biotic field when he shouted over the noise.
"Have you checked for shrapnel and bullets?"
"We don't have time!"
"There's time on evac!"
And that's how Jack ended with his nose broken while almost up to his elbow in someone's intestines because the motherfucker just woke up and swung. Really, he should get a medal for not ripping anything more than it already was, and another one for extracting the metal junk when almost choking on the blood that went down his throat. Maybe, even a third medal was deserved for finishing the sutures.
"Okay, you can run the field now," Jack muttered stuffing a torn off part of his own undershirt into his nasal cavities, "and I'm going to lie down and sleep. Wake me when we get there," he added looking at his watch. "I'll need to run some checks on site."
Luck would have it that was one of the fancy crafts and Jack only got half an hour in, definitely too little, but his life was always this shifty mean little fucker that threw curveballs every chance it got.
The base was a small temporary unit running on a skeleton crew with no real medical facilities, with evac orders standing for the next ten hours. Jack spent the first hour calmly screaming at a changing gallery of different bureaucrats through his comms until he got to Colonel Ramiz. At least the rest of Strike Team had fun listening in judging by the comments and the occasional sniggering.
"Sir, with all due respect," by which Jack meant no respect whatsoever, "I want you to know that I have a so-called supersoldier with shrapnel in his stomach, and I need very precise information on how to treat him if he's to be of any use in a day or two. Yeah, sir, I can see how you're just going to fly someone with enough clearance here within the closest two hours," the sarcasm was palatable. "Yes, sir, I know this obviously is a strictly need-to-know basis, so I'm asking you to patch me to Achan Nguyen on the secure channel. Oh, just tell her it's her brother calling, John Francis Morrison."
There it was, the incredulous 'Francis' in the background, and Jack turned to glare.
"Yes, Colonel, sir, 'that' John Francis Morri... Motherfucker!" The line clicked off but then connected again after few seconds. "Hey, sis. Yeah, I'm good. Clusterfuck. Mhm. No, no, sis, I'm good. I got one Gabriel Reyes, shrapnel in the abdominal cavity, removed, stitched as well as I could, but they got those new gen biotics, and the first scan showed abnormal growths on internal... Yeah. No, I can do it, but he goes through anesthesia like candy, and I'd prefer he doesn't break anything more than my nose. No, that all good... Okay, give me a sec," Jack frantically searched for a pen and paper to take notes. "Wow. This would kill an elephant. Thank, sis. Give love to the rest. Yeah, I'm taking care. Yeah, I'm taking my pills diligently. Could you stop embarrassing me in front of the whole Strike Team? Bye. Yes, bye, I'm disconnecting."
Scavenging the needed drugs took about half an hour, another half hour he spent mixing everything together, just in time for the sleeping princess to start coming to. After it became obvious his patient was really out of it, Jack decided to have some fun because, really, who could blame him after a day like this? The guy broke his nose while he just wanted to help, and anyway, he was up and standing only thanks to the copious amounts of caffeine and sheer spite.
"...and, with all due respect, sir, if you try to move your arse from the bed, I'm authorized to jab you with this very big and very blunt syringe full of very complex chemicals with very long names, of which at least two are classified as regular poison, and I'm told they will put you under for around five hours," Jack let his mouth run on autopilot at the man staring at him with something akin to awestruck expression on his face.
"Marry me...?"
"Did you just proposition me, sir?" Jack blinked. He had his previous patients tell him some strange things under the influence but this was a first.
"Yeah, I did...?" There was a genuine wonder to be heard in the hoarse voice.
"I think trying to bribe a medical officer with sexual favors does classify as a syringe-worthy offense," Jack snickered and stabbed him in the arm with the aforementioned syringe. The cocktail worked wonders.
"So, how's the patient doing?" The woman stood leaning on the doorframe. "Ana Amari."
"Good. And the name's Jack," he muttered while focusing on the image on the scanner.
"Not 'John Francis'?"
"John's my father, and Francis was my grandpa," Jack cut away another fold of new tissue. "Before you ask, you use prototype biotics, they're good, very good, but they're only machines and do what they're programmed to, and do it good, but they get confused when it's more complicated than just rebuilding, like, you know, they go batshit crazy on complicated injuries like here, and coupled with abnormal healing factor, there's going to be additional growths and things stick together, that shouldn't be. Get stuck together, I mean."
"You seem to know a lot about this, Jack," Ana nodded.
"Yeah, you get to use this shit, they teach us about this shit, and sorry, I'm really tired right now, can't really focus on two things at once. Can you hand me the blue laser-pointer looking thingy?" Jack extended his bloodied and towards her. "Yeah, that one. Topical biotics. And my sister was, is, involved in the program, and I really shouldn't be talking about that but screw that, I'll probably get court martial about the whole clusterfuck anyway."
"I'm sure we can put in a good word, or two, on your behalf," Ana smirked.
"Oh, yeah, would be nice, but first let me sleep for a day or two in the brig, can you?" Jack stitched the incision and then applied the nanomachines over it. "He should be waking up in around an hour, and probably be at ninety, ninety-five percent on evac, regardless, you should have him go through a full physical at the closest possible time because there might be still things that slipped past me. Definitely, there are. But," Jack fell into the chair next to the bed with a feeling he would not be getting out of it again, "probably nothing of the kind that's life-threatening or very inconvenient. More than usual. What's his usual anyway?"
"Dorky grumpy," Jack had to admit Ana had very pleasant laughter. "You are going with us, by the way, I'll make him apologize."
"It was nice even if he was tripping balls."
"What, breaking your nose?"
"Oh, that. Sorry," Jack slurred feeling consciousness leaving him. "Need to sleep..."
And then, there was only sweet darkness.
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Day 15 Consumption Blog
Music, Dayquil, Nyquil, Emergen-c, water, vaseline, vicks, chipotle, cereal, corndog, yogurt, paint, gatorade, lots of tissues, artificial tear drops, and soap.
So my sickness just got worse. I woke up today barely being able to open my eyes. There were crusty stuff and my vision was fuzzy. I still wasn’t feeling good and I was stuffed up. I blew my nose but then got a bloody nose again for another 20 minutes. When I looked in the mirror, my eyes were super red. I got very concerned but I figured it was because of the lack of sleep. I got ready and went to class and work. Once I got to work thought my co-worker asked what had happened. I said I don’t know this is how I woke up this morning. He said it was probably pink eye which was just great. My boss said I should leave work and go to the doctor so I did. She said I had a viral infection in my eyes due to my cold. So, basically I had pink eye but not as bad as people normally think. I had conjunctivities which doesn’t sound as contagious as pink eye because it isn’t. However, I got a get out of class free card that I am using for all three classes tomorrow so I can get sleep and hopefully feel better.
I basically laid in bed all day attempting to do some stuff for work but it was very hard to focus. My boss said that if I want to make up some hours for missing work that I should work from home and keep track of my hours. Plus I can also do that when I feel better which would be great because I could put in more hours and be able to lay in bed while I get paid. I am hoping that I can do that while doing other homework but we shall see! My boss was super nice about understanding my sickness. My other co-worker who is an intern too is also sick but I think he is starting to feel better. I love the environment at work. It is fun and everyone jokes around so it is always a good time. I was actually kind of bummed that I wasn’t at work today but it was definitely nice just relaxing in bed. I am hoping to do it again tomorrow.
I have a board meeting on Saturday from 9-5 that I am not excited to go to. It is for my PDFMP student group that I am apart of. I have already missed two events so I feel like I can’t miss any more. On the other hand, I would really like to sleep in. I am sure I will end up going and then if I start to feel too bad again I can always just leave. I couldn’t go to the last one because it started early and that was right when I was starting to feel sick. I was hoping that if I got some sleep that I would feel better by the end of that weekend. That did not happen. That meeting was more of an activity because they did a scavenger hunt that took place all over campus. I did it last year and it was fun. I don’t think I could’ve walked all over campus though because my head ached just from sitting up. I do want to meet all of the new members this year so I will go on Saturday I just won’t be in the best mood I am sure.
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