#like i teared up while typing NSJSJ
poutybinz · 4 years
We got the fluff, we got the smut, now let's get the ANGST 🙂🙂 how will the boys react to their s/o dumping them hahahaha sorry I live for angst
me too lowkey muahaha
“break up? what do you mean break up?”
you would literally see the joy drain from his face like
his entire world just came crashing down around him and all he wants to know is why
and even if you give him an answer, it’s not gonna make any sense to him
nothings gonna make sense, why can’t you both just work it out?
he’s frustrated and devastated and he doesn’t know who to blame and how to process this
what hurts the most about yeonjun is that he’s definitely the type to hug you and not let go in this situation
yeonjun’s lowkey toxic trait is thinking that sex can fix everything (post breakup sex is definitely a thing and it’s painful)
he attaches to you, he’s kissing at your neck and you have to push him away because that’s the last thing either of you need
but he just clings to you, hugging you tightly with his head buried in the crook of your neck
and that’s when he starts crying, when the realization that it’s really over starts to hit
he wants to kiss you, he wants to hug you
he wants you to tell him this is some stupid joke so he can order food and you can have your movie nights like you always do
the denial stage lasts really long tho, there are some days he wakes up and forgets that you’re broken up and he calls you
and when you either don’t answer or you answer and you have to remind him it’s that same heartbreak all over again
he really cannot let you go, no matter how hard he tries he just can’t
one half of the crybabies
bc he will cry and he will cry a lot
first, it’s shock. he’s stunned, and then he’s confused.
then when you explain yourself he’s filled with overwhelming disappointment because he didn’t do right by you
maybe he got comfortable and didn’t think about it enough
but the simple fact that you feel like you aren’t loved, that you aren’t the center of his universe is enough to break him completely
he doesn’t blame you at all, he blames himself and that hurts you because you don’t want him to think he wasn’t an amazing boyfriend
sometimes things just don’t work out the way you want them to
it’s a little toxic but he hates himself dearly for letting you go. for not loving you the way he should have. he hates himself a lot
thing is though, soobin wont argue with you.
as much as he loves you and he doesn’t want you to leave him, if you feel unhappy he’s not gonna keep you
so there would be a moment where maybe he’d ask for one last hug and kiss
and in that moment in each other’s embrace, both of you would burst into tears
and all soobin can do is whisper “i love you” over and over again because of course he does
he always will, no matter what
similar to yeonjun, there’s a lot of disbelief
“what are you talking about? you’re joking, right?”
he kind of skips over the sadness bit (or at least it comes later) and he goes straight into anger
he’s so devastated and so heartbroken he just lashes out
“why did you tell me all those things if they weren’t true?! why would you lie to me for all of this time if you were going to leave?!”
he’s irrational at this point and no matter how many times you try to explain that you hadn’t had some sort of plan to get him attached to you and then leave
and that sometimes things just don’t work out
it’s going through one ear and out the other, he might even start throwing things and it might turn into an argument
but once all of the anger wears off he’s left with sadness
he just plops onto the floor or the couch or wherever and he just cries and cries
he doesn’t at first but he lets you come sit and cry with him
you have a moment where you can talk things out, you can try to explain to him where you’re coming from
and that you’ll always have love for him
he understands but that doesn’t mean he isn’t still gonna miss you
he hates watching you leave though he’s trying to be strong but it just hurts too much
the worst thing about this would be the complete lack of emotion
because if there’s anything taehyun’s good at, it’s composing himself. he can put on a front if he really wants to.
so when you say “i think we should break up”, he doesn’t respond at all
he just stares blankly at you, but even then you can tell he’s panicking. you can almost see the spurs turning in his head
but instead he just stares at you and nods slowly. he doesn’t ask questions, he doesn’t push the subject any further.
but he’s hurting inside. he’s screaming and he’s begging, his hands are balled into fists and he’s very clearly holding back a lot
and you know him so you call him out on it, you’re trying to get him to open up because you don’t wanna end this on bad terms
he just shakes his head, though. likely to walk away from you completely because he’s not gonna cry in front of you.
mumbles a small “thank you for everything” before leaving
and he’s a pure wreck for days, nearly weeks after
of everyone he’s the quickest to delete your phone contact (to rip the bandaid off) but on his worst nights he cries himself to sleep watching videos of you two that he can’t stir up the courage to delete
the second member of the crybaby team
so no this is gonna suck a lot
because you’ve damn near never seen hyuka upset in any way. his two emotions are :D and :) he’s always a bundle of joy
so when you break the news to him, similar to yeonjun, you see his whole world collapse in his eyes
his eyes start watering and his lip starts quivering
“what did i do wrong? can i try to fix it?”
what hurts the most about hyuka is that he’s really gonna try anything and everything to get you to stay with him
he’s offering up everything, he’s swearing he’ll give you the moon and stars if that’s what you want
and when none of that works, he’s practically sobbing and he’s still begging
and seeing him like that with big fat tears streaming down his face pleading for you, its too much
young love is a son of a bitch :/
he pretty much never comes to terms with it, no matter how hard you try to explain it to him.
you give him one final hug and god he clings to you for dear life
“please don’t go, i’m sorry. i can fix it.”
there’s no easy way to leave the dorms so you have to just untangle yourself from him and go and the poor boy just wails for you
of all of them he struggles the hardest with this. still has you saved as “love of my life 💗🌈✨” in his phone, refuses to get rid of any the pictures you took together
occasionally still texts you whenever soemthing big happens in his life to tell you he’s thinking of you :(
texted you when they won their first big award and it was a bittersweet feeling when you responded with “congratulations, huening” instead of the usual slew of pet names you gave him
yeah he’s still hurting
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writingssummit · 4 years
𝐛𝐧𝐡𝐚 𝐚𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐬 !
bnha as dads!
find the haikyuu version here - haikyuu as dads !
content: fluff, the boys with children, mentions of pregnancy. aged up !
characters: midoriya, todoroki, kirishima, bakugou, 
a/n: ahh, look who’s back to writing once again. sorry to my new followers if posts are scattered from this point on, i’m trying to balance school and classes, the extra workloads are definitely a lot. but i like writing too much, so it might not even matter lol- welcome to chaos, guys. so uh, enjoy the boys as dads! 
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midoriya !
okay, this guy would be so nervous on the topic of children.
don’t get me wrong, i know he’s strong and very very capable but you CANNOT tell me he isn’t at least somewhat scared about this.
like, he would want a kid but he could never bring himself to ask or talk about it. he’d get embarrassed, or loose his nerve.
when you guys do have the talk though, it’s a good conversation and you both are able to be very open about everything.
you always knew risks regarding being with Midoriya, and you were okay with it. it would work.
he slowly gains confidence throughout the pregnancy! 
this guy seems like a small family man. maybe 2 kids at most.
I don’t think he’d have a preference for gender.
he is determined to be there for the kid/s, he wants to be present (unlike his own father).
and the fact that he’s a pro-hero makes him worry all the time about that. :(( he’d be pretty busy.
which makes him a bit overbearing as the kid/s start to grow older to make up for when he’s not there, and they probably end up going to you about it.
so you have to talk it out with him ^^;
He honestly is just trying his hardest to not ever be absent. please- izuku
He will go to anything, do anything for his kid/s.
Performances, Recitals, Graduations (even the really lower years), all that.
The ones he can make, at least. 
I feel like the kid/s would love the fact that their dad was a pro hero, and he’s bashful around them for it. aww :)
He does his best to conceal himself a little when he goes out with the kids, just for safety reasons.
You already know Inko is such a good grandma
It’s like a double package
Good dad, good grandma <3
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todoroki !
he honestly isn’t comfortable with big families. i’m sure you all know why :(
and to be honest, he’s really scared about being a parent. 
he also thinks that it’s not that logical considering his career
when you mention kids, he falls silent for a moment, which kind of makes you backpedal there
“Ah, nevermind, that’s a dumb question.”
“...I need to think about it.”
It’s okay bby, take your time <3
After that thinking, he decides that he does want to share a family with you!
But again, he’s not going to want a big family.
When your test is positive, all he does is just hold you. He’s happy for you both.
You guys have end up with one kid.
And oh lord, when he first lays eyes on them, he’s in love-
Dad switch turned on.
He’s always there, talking softly to the baby, watching over them, all that. 
He’s so soft and sweet with his interactions. sir- so precious omg
As the kid grows up, that’s when he starts to lose the confidence he had.
Todoroki is of course present, but he’s very hesitant with interactions every once in awhile.
You and him talk about it one night, where he ends up coming clean about what he’s been keeping inside.
“I’m worried I won’t be a good father.”
Todoroki :( my heart hurts
You tell him that he’s not like his own father at all, and you know that he’s a good guy.
“They love you, and you’re so good to them. You’ll never be like your dad, because you’re Shoto. A good man, and a good hero. I love you, okay?”
He needed that very badly
Your kid’s quirk develops and ends up being an ice related quirk.
He tries to show up to important events, and whenever he does, all the people are of course shook LMAO
I mean, Pro Hero Shoto is here ???
Natsu and Fuyumi are the best aunt and uncle, prove me wrong (please don’t JSJSjsj).
There are some things to overcome with him, but you’re always going to be there for him through it all <3 and he appreciates that.
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bakugou !
OOOOO boy. Where do I begin with this man
He doesn’t hate kids, but mans probably doesn’t want them for real for real. Like, did you see how he handled those kids in highschool? LMAO
He comes around eventually, you don’t push it of course, but you know that you want to have a family with him.
He’s mellowed out in his older age, thankfully
He still has his spunk though, don’t get me wrong here!
Pregnancy test comes in positive when he’s on the job, and he doesn’t find out until he comes home really late, 
“The hell? Why didn’t you call??”
“I did, dumbass.”
He totally had his phone on silent nsjsjs he seems like that kind of guy to me
and he’s honestly kind of jittery, but whether or not it’s nerves or excitement? Who knows with this guy
You have to explain to him how taking care of kids work
You also have to discuss discipline, and he agrees that how his mother handled him wasn’t the best. So at least that’s taken care of
He encourages his kid/s all the time.
A show off parent, but the bragging type. 
PLEASE SIR. Your kids are great but please we need to talk about other things besides your boasting </3
He totally brags about them to Izuku. No cap. I don’t take criticism on this one
He ends up teaching the kid/s swear words (on accident, but it’s funny)
o-o “Excuse me??”
An Bakugou is just on the sidelines, cackling while you’re just shook
“Katsuki!” You smack his arm
BUT. He gets the kids to bed on time. This man understands the importance of a sleep schedule. Thank god 
Once the kid/s quirk comes, he doesn’t want them to be like how he was when he was younger.
He gives praise, but he’s careful so it doesn’t get to their head.
He’s pretty much that loud, proud, rough dad who we all love <3
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kirishima !
i am NOT biased, what?? totally not.
That being said, 10000/10 dad.
He’s the epitome of the perfect dad, okay? T^T I just know he is. It’s a gut feeling
He’s all for kids, he’s the one to talk to you about it first, actually!
Somewhat big family guy, maybe 3 kids? 
And when you agree that you’re ready, it’s amazing from there on out.
When you’re pregnant, he then promptly has a small crisis
“I don’t think I can take care of a kid well enough” 
“What if they don’t like me?”
“What if -”
Kiri bby, don’t worry :((( they’d love you
After a lot of reassurance from you, he’s feeling a little better bout being a father.
He’s always supportive, always there for you and the kid/s.
Teaches the importance of drinking respect people juice. B) good job
And this mans is totally there for them all the time.
One time you found him curled up on the couch with your child after turning on some kids movie, and it was so cute omfg-
Another time he and the kid/s put on a whole damn concert and made you sit on the couch and watch. Adorable as hell 
“Dad, dad! Sing for mom!!”
They got him to SERENADE YOU. :’)
And it was the funniest yet sweetest thing ever.
It was with those weird microphone toys for kids, too LMAO
The kid/s always know about the newest thing Kiri has done, they’re constantly huddling around the TV and then when he comes home (or when they wake up and see him the next day), they ambush him with questions and give him so much praise, the man practically tears up.
Speaking of tearing up, he totally cried when they won an award or something 
Just- good dad. Mwuah. 
and that’s it for bnha! unless y’all want a part two, then i’m for it B) same for the haikyuu one. i hope you enjoyed these!! 
my requests/asks are open, so feel free to send something there, make sure to read my yay’s and nay’s for guidelines/rules!
ciao ~
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