#like i said before i dont want to overdo it with the cast
triple-starsss · 2 months
Marine could just be at sea cadets lmao
TRUE. TRUE.. but she wouldn't be present in the story at all then so it'd be a little redundant yk </33
i could make her Blaze's little sister but their relationship to me is leaning more towards cousins that annoy eachother to no end ABSJDHF
but they wouldn't be living together either. dont think i've ever actually mentioned this about Blaze but she's not from the city (wink wink to her being from a different dimension n all), AND I DONT... THINK SHE'D BE ABLE TO TAKE CARE OF MARINE TOO WELL WHILST BEING A UNI STUDENT
DID JSUT HAVE AN IDEA. Marine could be a friend of Cream's from school, since Blaze works at Vanilla's bakery she'd meet her through that. ALSO VANILLA PROBABLY ASKS BLAZE TO BABYSIT CREAM OCCAISONALLY AND MARINE IS JUST THERE.
fr just throwing whatever out there rn ABSDDHF
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mooncademia · 4 years
I Wanna Dance With Somebody
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pairing ~ idol au!jungkook/reader
genre ~ uhm, fluff!! 
summary ~ deep talks and reassuring hugs aren’t the only solutions to cheer your boyfriend up. No, for jeon jungkook, you knew you had to do something more to turn that frown upside down, and lucky for you, you know exactly what to do ;) 
word count ~ 1.5k
Author’s note ~ hello everyone! this is my first fic ever posted here, there may be a few grammatical errors (English is not my strongest pursuit) so please bear with me >.< I hope to slowly improve my writing in the future, but till then, please enjoy reading this fun little story I wrote! 
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“Y/N, you know you don’t have to do this.” Jungkook—your boyfriend—assured you as you leaned over to grab your phone from his desk. You connected the bluetooth to your boyfriend’s very! big! red! speaker! You honestly didn’t understand why Jungkook has an obsession with bluetooth speakers but anyway… that wasn’t the point.
“And you know you don’t have to ask that question every time right?” You said as you gave him a peck on his right cheek with a smile, but Jungkook barely smiled back.
Jeon Jungkook. An idol. In a boy band called BTS. Your boyfriend. Jungkook, beloved by millions of girls and boys all around the world, known as the ‘golden maknae,’ his life has been actively shared across the globe (well, except the fact that he has a girlfriend, lets keep that low-key for now, shh! Dispatch, who?). But despite all the characteristics and known-facts shared on the news media and interviews, no one can understand your boyfriend better than you.
In fact, you knew him too well.
You knew your boyfriend’s hidden vulnerabilities, his darkest emotions as well as memories, and today just happened to be a day where you walked into cold rain when you opened the door to his new studio. Namjoon had warned you about Jungkook’s mood before you entered his studio, something about “making errors on stage?”
And yup, you totally understand why Jungkook will be so upset about this. Because you see, Jungkook could fall down the stairs but still manage to dance for 5 hours straight when he realized there were no broken bones but bruises. But when it comes to performances, his bandmates, and his fans.
It becomes serious.
And it’s not about just singing songs and going on tours, you knew your boyfriend too well for just that. Jungkook loves his fans with all his heart, you could see the passion just exploding in his eyes. He sings songs not because he “just likes singing,” but because he wants to share his message. He wants to touch people’s hearts and give invite his fans into a world where they want to escape from what reality is throwing at them. His message is to teach the world about sensitive topics—like when it comes to self-care or self-love— and to let the world know that the most important person in the world is yourself.
And all of those things are all under the list that you made in your head titled:
But even though his heart is all for his fans, bandmates, and music, he becomes very very determined and sensitive in the sense that he wants everything to just be well, perfect. You know this when you see him dance by himself at the dance studio in the middle of the night, reviewing the choreography over and over again. But when it comes to a single mistake, oh ho ho, Jungkook never stops. He reflects, and you mean, REALLY reflects on his mistakes and plays the error again and again in his head, like watching a horrible movie in your head on loop. And when you first dated him, you were in complete shock to see him go full-out to get everything perfect. He goes through the rehearsals countless times to make sure everything is in the correct order and in the correct position. And despite the fact that practicing is not a bad thing, Jungkook sometimes overdoes it and ends up sulking alone in his studio feeling guilty for all the mistakes that he made on a performance. He will list all his mistakes (mentally AND physically) and even bring up past ones to compare. You remembered one time, he wrote all his mistakes on sticky notes, placed them on the wall, and you thought you teleported into an espionage dimension when you entered his room.
However, today, even after you tried to talk to him and listen to his feelings, you could still see the sadness swirling in his dark chocolate brown eyes.
“Music always does the trick, doesn’t it?” You say as you scroll through your playlist on your phone.
Jungkook let out a puff of air through his nose and rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, until you mess it up and let millions of people down.” He scoffed as he flicked his head so his bangs could cover his eyes.
“Just…listen to this, maybe this can lift the mood a bit,” you said. You put down your phone as you clicked on a specific song, hoping the beats could lift the cold/heavy emotions swirling in your boyfriend’s chest.
“Whitney Houston?” Jungkook said as he leans behind on his gaming chair staring at you with his gorgeous puppy eyes when the beat begins. The high-energy music bounces off the walls of Jungkook’s studio, thumping away like a big tantrum, but you loved it and you know he did too.
“Yup!” You squealed. “WHOOOOO~” you screamed trying to match your oh, so perfect harmonization skills with Whitney Houston. You jumped on his couch and started to lip-sync to I Wanna Dance With Somebody. You grabbed a water bottle from the table and pretended to use it as a microphone as you wiggled your hips (just for good measure ;) ) The beat was extravagant, but that wasn’t the reason why you chose this song. You chose this song because it was the song that was played when you screamed “I LOVE YOU” for the first time to Jungkook. You could still remember his eyes blowing 10 times the size when you said those three words, his hug that he pulled you in, and most of all, remembering him repeating those three words back to, casting sweet euphoric emotions to dance in your heart.  It was one of the best moments you ever had in your life and it was a memory that will forever be engraved in your heart.
“COME ON!” You shouted through the loud beats, smiling as you reach for Jungkook’s wrist. You could see a small crease forming on Jungkook’s face as you grabbed his hands pulling his body up as you jump around his studio. Jungkook stood up, crossing his arms but you could see a hint of happiness in his eyes.
~Dont-cha wanna dance?!~ you screamed with a bright smile plastered on your face as you use your amazing exaggerated facial expressions to really emphasize your awesome lip-sync abilities, and your oh, so attractive dance moves which consist of numerous amount of hip wiggles, jumping, and body rolls.
Now Jungkook was really smiling and laughing. The wrinkles near his eyes is your everything. He grabs your waist suddenly to pull you closer, making you gasp. You could smell the fresh scent of flowers of his black sweatshirt—maybe it was because of the Downy Adorable Fabric Softener that he uses religiously on his clothes.  But as the song continues, you realize that your chest was pinning his and your breathing was heavy from all the silly jumping that you did. His arms were now hovering you as he rested his chin on your head and closed his eyes. You hugged him back, smiling. You guys stood there, swaying your bodies back and forth softly to the beat of the song. And as the Whitney Houston’s voice slowly starts to fade and as the last rhythm comes to an end, your phone jumped to the next song:  “I Will Always Love You”
Ah, and you have to admit, this was the best moment. Your boyfriend, your favorite person in the world, your best friend, despite all the tough times you both endured, you both always managed to find the light at the end.
No matter how long it takes, no matter how bummed either of you are, both of you will do everything and anything to make the other person happy—even if that's just a small smile or a warm hug.
Jungkook leans down to whisper a small thank you in your ear, making your cheeks sting with warmness as you smile—your face buried in his chest. Now you both were slow dancing as Whitney Houston’s voice echoes around your boyfriend’s small studio.
“I’m always here for you, you know that right?” You said with your eyes closed, inhaling the fresh detergent smell from Jungkook’s black hoodie.
“I know” Jungkook replied timidly, kissing the top of your head. “Me too”
And you hum a satisfied replied, still smiling.
You both slow dance away as the chorus of the song continues.
Steps short and slow but meaningful.
As if each step slowly added color to your life, reminding you that no matter how hard life is, as long as your love is by your side, you can always make it till the end of the line.
“I love you Y/N” Jungkook tells you, arms still wrapped tightly around you.
You smile. “I love you too, Jungkook-ah”
And that feeling of welcoming warmness pouring back into Jungkook?
Now, THAT'S the best feeling in the world.
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A/N: if you actually read the whole fic, i-.. *gives you a BIG virtual hug* Thank you so so much!! Please feel free to message me what you think about this story or leave a message saying whatever you want, I’ll be very happy to message you back! Have a lovely day~~
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ernnst · 5 years
SWEAR i’m not starting shit although this sounds like an inherently shit stirring question: what is it you like about jbw’s hanschen? i’ve watched several boots with him in but his hanschen has never really emotionally resonated with me so i’m really interested to know why you like him so much (convert me!)
DFGHDFHG its okay i love talking about this! beware this won’t be, like, a very structured post by any means but. that’s life! this is going to be mostly focusing on the vineyard scene because. his desdemona monologue is very iconic in its own right but i dont know if its within my power to make you feel emotionally connected to it
BEFORE i get to the vineyard scene, and yes im writing this out of order after writing the rest of the post because i just remembered it and it’s important: in the classroom scene just before all that’s known, take note of the way that hanschen is just as scared stiff as the other boys when herr sonnenstich begins talking to melchior. i don’t want to turn this into a dwsa vs obc post because i love dwsa but i really don’t like in dwsa how hanschen snickers along when herr sonnenstich antagonizes moritz about his mistake dfhgf it really doesn’t convey the way hanschen doesn’t trust authority and is just as afraid of being called out and punished for fuck ups as anyone else in their class (hem hem… but you’re fucked if you speak your mind) (very late edit: everyone wants to focus on this part of the post when i considered it a very small detail aggfhdh you’re free to interpret this part of dwsa however you like, i can see the other interpretation, but personally i prefer the original direction regardless. again, this is just a post about why i like jbw’s hanschen, not a post to argue about dwsa)
i feel like the problem i have with a lot of other hanschens is that they play him like an adult man rather than a teenager, and jbw reallllllly captures that teenage arrogance without overdoing it imo. rather than hanschen delivering every line with an overly dramatic flair sort of as a wink wink nudge nudge to the audience that it is a ridiculous line, he delivers his whole “skim off the cream” speech with the complete sincerity of a teen boy who thinks he is saying just, the absolute most suave thing to ernst that he could say in the moment. it’s a less “theatrical” delivery for sure, but i think that’s what makes it more charming.
and i feel like i can’t make this post without mentioning gideon glick’s ernst, of course. while hanschen is usually played as an experienced character, typically with the sort of swagger of an adult man, ernst is usually played like an incredibly naive character who doesn’t understand hanschen’s advances, and as a result you usually end up with a really uncomfortable combination of a hanschen who comes across as though he’s more experienced, taking advantage of ernst’s naivete to get what he wants, and ernst doesn’t understand he’s doing it. i think gideon’s ernst walks a very fine line of being awkward, but not dumb in his responses to hanschen’s behavior. if you watch this clip, notice the way ernst repeats “just…skim off the cream?” that line is usually delivered as though ernst doesn’t realize hanschen’s meaning, and wants him to explain, whereas gideon’s delivery of it comes across more as ernst knowing that hanschen is being flirtatious, and asking for confirmation. he isn’t ignorant of hanschen’s advances, and as a result you don’t end up feeling like he’s being strung along by someone with more experience and awareness. 
(another important thing to note in that video is the fact that ernst leans into the first kiss briefly, and then again meets hanschen in the middle for the second. i know this is a jbw hanschen defense post but i feel strongly about obc hernst and i rarely see that second kiss played as fully reciprocated on both sides from the get-go; it usually seems like hanschen pushing it a bit more vehemently until ernst eventually leans into it. also the way hanschen leans in slowly for the first kiss instead of him surprising ernst with it. i feel strongly about that)
BUT WAIT… THERES MORE……. in that same video, as well as right here in this bootleg, when ernst asks “and in the meantime?” hanschen cracks a smile at him and it just comes across as a very sweet moment of hanschen being completely smitten with ernst (i think all but 1 bootleg of jbw as hanschen is filmed from an angle where you cant see his face, which is probably why its a pretty underrated moment that i think shows the most like… tenderness from hanschen. getting just his deadpan delivery without the context of the rest of how he’s actually acting could definitely skew the perspective of his performance)
i know everyone rags on obc for playing that scene like a joke, but (as ive said before) i really don’t feel like it’s played as as big of a joke as other casts and productions have played it, but since it was 2006/2007 the audience responded to the gayness as an inherent source of humor so people who watch bootlegs now are kind of. tricked into thinking it was played less earnestly because of the uproarious laughter from straight audiences. the majority of the humor really just feels like it stems from the ridiculousness of what hanschen is saying, rather than the inherent humor of being gay.
of course this is a steven sater hate blog though and i won’t hesitate to complain about his absolutely dumpster garbage interpretation of hanschen, but i don’t necessarily think it has to come into play in my opinion of jbw’s choices in acting
also hes hot
tl;dr i love you jonathan b wright im free on thursday if you would like to hang out on thursday when i am free
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shardclan · 5 years
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It was well known on Horizon's Landing that the Imperator, in spite of his title, was neither a tactician or a warrior of any renown. His forced glamour rendered him flightless, his magic hadn't functioned in eons, and his lack of experience was only barely balanced by an innate mistrust for the intentions of those around him. Like the Judge who raised him, he had little physical strength and relied on presence, wisdom, and a thoughtful approach to keep those around him in check.
Heaven had always considered himself and Invigilavi similar spirits, but it was hard to imagine himself with the expression Lavi wore. His tail whipped in a straight line back and forth behind him with all the furious energy of a metronome gone mad. His fists were filled with bundles of his cloak, and his clothes looked like they had weathered similar abuse.
Lavi looked up, and the audible grind of his jaw ceased. He descended on Heaven like a wrathful wind. 
"How is he?" he demanded in a hissed whisper.
"He's stable," Heaven answered sympathetically. "We were able to remove the horn without complication, and Saber acted as volunteer channeler to get his magic levels back into a safe state. Rest, food, and physical rehabilitation will do the rest."
"And Rubranova?" Lavi's fins drooped as soon as the words left his mouth. He released his grip on his robes, and cursed himself.
Rubranova was Heaven's niece.
"...I'm sorry."
"Don't be, Imperator. The state of the Queen's Knight is a valid concern for you to have." Heaven took a deep breath, unclenched his jaw, and discreetly wiped at his nose. "She's in critical condition. Shock, from the blood loss. I'm keeping her alive by giving her my own vitality."
"Can she use more? Do you need more?"
"Thank you, but Dantalion is ensuring I don't overdo it, and vitality will not aid her recovery. She needs blood for that. Middlemist offered the tied-vein method, but no amount of my life energy will get Ruby through that in her condition."
"What do you need?"
"Coagulum, ideally." He smiled bitterly. "Assuming she hasn't been enthralled."
"If she hasn't, I will have her to you as soon as possible." His shoulders fell. He gave a sigh like settling earth, and ran his thumb over his knuckles. "...What about Rebis?"
"Briefly lapsed in and out a few times, but she seems stable now."
His tailed swayed thoughtfully and he touched his fingers respectfully to Invigilavi's arm. "I understand the urgency of the situation and that she is the only one capable of shedding any light on the situation... But please be gentle with her."
"Why would I not; she's my sister! I found her without the crown, for the god's sake!"
"That's exactly what I mean," Heaven pointed out gently. "She's physically unscathed, but her mental state is very poor right now. If you must go in, please give her space and support. None of us have any idea what she has seen today."
The flicker of the starsap lamps lent eeriness to the already dungeon-like rooms of the infirmary. They cast a cold hue on Rebis' already glassy expression, and gave a chill pallor to her round cheeks.
Lavi glanced at the figure of Middlemist keeping watch over her from a chair against the wall, and subtly dipped his head toward the door. Heaven's words had found their mark, and Lavi wanted them to be alone.
The only sign Rebis gave that she was even aware of them was a subtle bob of her throat as the door clicked shut behind Middlemist.
"Where's Ashlesha...?"
"He's... giving me some space." He hesitated momentarily, before taking Middlemist's seat. The lie, white as it was, didn't sit well with him, and he added: "He feels guilty."
"He shouldn't be. He was right. To want to get you and him away from Aphaster City." Her throat bobbed again, and she shuddered. "He did the right thing, please tell him so."
"I will."
Silence settled in, leaving Lavi to consider what should happen next. Even when she had awakened after the accident at the Circle, she hadn't been like this. Solemn, regretful, maybe a little lost, but mostly just tired and confused. She didn't look tired now. Her eyes were open and seemed attentive, but they were dull and lifeless.  
Her voice pierced his thoughts, as thin and breaking as a glass needle . "I saw her."
"Titi-tet." She shut her eyes, as if to block out a harsh light. "She was beautiful. Perfect. And for a moment I thought to myself...she deserved the crown. She had taken it from me, and it was so stupid of me to try and retrieve it when I had lost it so easily."
"That was only the enthrallment. You fought it off. You got your crown back."
She continued as though she hadn't even heard him. "I thought Rubranova was enthralled. I could have warned her, but I didn't know who to trust, so I just--went straight to Arcanus. I was so certain once I did that, everything would be fine. I thought he was invincible." Her hands plucked with increasing urgency at the pilled fibers of the wool blanket covered her. "Until I woke up covered in his blood."
"You took good care of them," he assured. "They're both alive thanks to you."
Her fingers closed around the blankets like the jaws of a trap snapping shut. Her breaths grew short and her fins curled so tight around her head, Lavi worried she would puncture them on the crown.
"They could have just as easily died," she said in acid tones that didn’t seem aimed at him as much as herself. "I was lucky. I tightened a makeshift compress and checked on a wound that was already taken care of. I had their lives in my hands and there was nothing I could do."
"You gave Arcanus your magic!" Lavi stressed.
"I gave Arcanus arcane magic that I shouldn't even have!" she shot back inconsolably. "Maybe I saved him! Maybe I contaminated him! I don't know! I just did whatever risky half-formed idea came to my mind because I was--I was--"
"Scared," Lavi finished.
"Powerless. They almost died to save me--I trusted them to save me...! But when it was my turn, all I could do was call for help." Her tiny shoulders shivered, and tears dropped onto her knuckles. "I'm their queen. I'm almost an archmage. And yet when the guardians who pledged their lives to me needed me, I had nothing but basic first aid and a channeling attempt I was not in control of to offer."
Lavi's fingers twitched. Unconsciously, he curled his hands over his forearms, trailing where he knew the cracks in his flesh must be. He knew what she thought about who deserved the crown between them. But as he watched her struggle with her own expectations for herself and the guilt of whatever had gotten them into this, he knew she was the better of them. 
It wasn’t a secret to Lavi that she liked Arcanus. Loved him, even, in a sort of pining adolescent way that hadn’t matured with the rest of her. Yet she had still taken every pain to try and save them all. Lavi knew for certain if it had been up to him, one of them would have died. At the very least, he would have thrown his own life away for Arcanus, the crown and clan be damned.
The distance between them was suddenly unbearable. He rose from the chair, sat carefully on her bed, and took her hand.
She snatched it away from him. "What are you doing?!" she demanded in a half-sob. "You're Arcane--don't touch me! Dont--!"
He laid his palm carefully on her head. "It's okay."  
Her eyes went wide. She gingerly pressed her fingers against the soft muscle of his thumb, and found none of the strange tingling warmth of siphoned arcane element filled her numb fingers. "How...?"
"Ashes said my magic was locked, remember? I just thought...even white celestine might now be able to move it."
"You didn't know that!" she scolded, feebly beating his forearms with his fists. "You could have died!"
"I just did whatever risky half-formed idea came to my mind," he said, echoing her own words gently back to her and opening his arms. "Because you needed me."
Rebis shook her head incredulously and half-laughed. All this time, she'd been calling him the responsible one, and it turned out he was a fool who'd risk his life just to give his sister a hug.
She pulled herself gratefully into his arms, rested her head against his shoulder, and wept out the disjointed memories of her long, terrible morning.
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