#like i like what i'm doing but i also really hate what i'm doing because this also requires stuff from me that i am simply not good at
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troycattribunny · 17 hours ago
i said this before; it's because they're in discords with minors. And not "they're grooming minors" they are in fandom discords where minors are the majority. Minors are the mod team, they are making the rules and these adults don't realize the amount of power they have over children even in positions of "authority" because to them they are "one of the kids". That's why they act like that, they really can't ACT like adults around children because only a third of the mod team are adults and the owner of the server is 16 and made all the rules and "we have a NSFW channel that adults can access (and so can children, but we can't say that) what other adult spaces do you need?"
And I'm not saying you can't be in fandom discord servers with children, I would encourage it but you have to also be in adult servers. Not NSFW servers, servers DOMINATED by adults. I think that's what a lot of grooming allegations are coming from, adults have been "a child" for so long they forget they are adults so when they "develop feelings" for these kids they don't think "oh I'm a pedophile" they think "oh I'm one of their peers". This is especially true when I see call outs for adults (21) dating a minor mod (16) the adult somehow FORGOT they were an adult and technically the child has authority over them so it's not grooming... right? (It still is)
I see this in their posts, too. They talk in a certain way. It's not "adult acting like a teen to be cringe and having fun" way its "this is how I write because I'm used to having to dumb myself down so I can talk to teens."
When I was working with children I had been in adult only online spaces since I was 18 and the way I was speaking to the kids was too advanced to them (because again child, adult). I was having to change the way I was speaking.
And these interactions were mostly offline at work, but these adults probably don't work with children often offline and most of these adults probably only get their social interactions online (which is fair, my rl friend hasn't responded to me reaching out either, we're both busy). I loved my kids but if I wasn't getting paid to be near them I would literally have wandered off and talked to the adults for hours instead.
All I'm saying is make some adult friends, and if you see an adult acting like that maybe literally say "You are 30. What the fuck are you doing?" They might remember they are 30.
Like no one hates you for acting 15. But are you ACTING 15 or do you think you are 15?
you ever have situations that make you want to take people by the shoulders and go "you are not 15 any longer. this behavior is no longer quirky and cute. it is exhausting for you and everyone else to act like a teenager you haven't been in a decade or longer. knock it the fuck off"
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radishaur · 2 days ago
ꕤ helping hand ꕤ
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Warnings: brief mention of Sabaody & Marineford in Luffy's part Genre: fluff Characters: Luffy, Zoro, & Law Summary: How they realize they have feelings for you (acts of service edition) Author's Note: We're back finally omg. Zoro's part of this stumped me so hard because I wanted to keep the idea I had for him for the next installment of this series so sorry if this one falls flat! I kind of hate it, but I promise all the Zoro fans out there will be well-fed in the next segment. ;_; I'm so glad you guys have been enjoying them so far. I hope you guys enjoy this one and as always happy reading! masterlist
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Luffy always acts on instinct which makes it all the more pure when he does something nice.
If he sees something that reminds him of someone or wants to do something nice, he'll just do it. He's also surrounded by people who are constantly doing the same for him. However, I think someone really going the extra mile to do something meaningful for him would most likely make his heart flutter and cause him to re-evaluate how he feels about you.
Storms are a common occurrence out on the sea, especially while traveling in the Grand Line. They've had their fair share of wild storms, sometimes with weather phenomena beyond belief, but Luffy loved them all.
Caution to the wind, he was always sitting on the mast, right on the Sunny where he belonged. Nami hated it, always yelling at him about how one of these days he would fall in and something bad would happen, but he knew Zoro would always go and get him, so did it really matter?
So, when he was sitting on the Sunny as he always did and another storm began to start, he simply shoved his hat further onto his head and ignored at all of the crew's attempts to get him to come down and head inside.
"You're gonna get yourself killed, Luffy!" Nami scolded, yelling from her place on the upper deck as Luffy continued ignoring her.
He simply laughed, turning to look at her over his shoulder as the crew scrambled around trying to ready the ship for the winds and rain. "If I fall, Zoro will just come and get me!"
The man in question was still dozing on the deck, seemingly unbothered by the onslaught of rain pelting him. Nami glared, walking down the stairs and hitting him on the head hard enough to leave a welt and the two of them began to bicker. Luffy laughed again, always enjoying his crew's antics and trusting that they would figure everything out. They always did.
He catches your eyes as you're starting to run around the deck, grabbing furniture and rushing it inside with Sanji's help and you flash him a reassuring smile. He returns it, watching as you pick up the foldable table Robin was reading at not a few minutes ago before running inside. He feels warmth spread across his chest and he tells himself that it's his sign that everything will be fine. And it is for a while until a particularly harsh wave crashes against the side of the Sunny as he's watching you grab the last of the furniture. He loses his grip, his balance thrown off by being twisted around and looking the wrong way, and before he can catch himself he's splashing into the sea, sapping all his strength in an instant.
The cold water rushes around him, pulling him further and further down into the water and he can feel his vision blurring the longer he stays in the water. He vaguely sees someone jump into the water causing a splash above and then Zoro's familiar green hair is swimming towards him. All he can manage to do is give him a weak smile before Zoro grabs him and hauls him back up to the surface of the water. Eventually, he's laid out on the deck of the ship, the crew immediately crowding around him as he coughs out water from his mouth.
"You idiot, this is exactly what I said would happen!" Nami chides, hitting him on the head this time instead of Zoro.
He groans, complaining half-heartedly. "But Zoro got me just like I said!"
Nami bickers with him for a little longer until he has enough strength to sit up. He reaches behind him to grab his hat and pull it onto his head once again but is surprised when he's met only with the cold skin of his neck instead of the familiar well-worn straw. His hand goes to his head next, wondering if somehow he was already wearing it and it hadn't fallen off his head while he was in the water, but all he's met with is his wet messy hair.
"Where's my hat?" he asks, turning to Zoro.
Zoro cracks open his eye from where he settled in to resume his nap and looks like he's about to give some snarky reply before he stops. His mouth snaps shut and his eye widens slightly as he seems to remember something.
"I don't know," he says, causing a wave of anxiety to crash through Luffy immediately. "I just pulled you out of the water. I didn't see your hat. Isn't it around your neck?"
Luffy stands up then, running over to the side of the railing to look for it. The waves have picked up in intensity so despite his best efforts, he can't find any signs of his hat. He looks over his shoulder, the rest of the crew besides Zoro oblivious to his panic, too busy resuming their clearing of the ship's deck. He once again catches your eyes and you immediately sense that something is wrong, like you always seem to be able to do when it comes to him, and you run over as Zoro curses under his breath and gets up himself.
"What's wrong Luffy?" you ask, concern evident as you meet him.
He looks back out at the water, still desperately searching for any hint of yellow or red as he responds. "My hat."
It doesn't explain anything, but you know him well enough to fill in the blanks, immediately looking at him and noticing its absence and putting the rest together. By now, it seems that Zoro has informed the rest of the crew as the ship is coming to a halt and everybody has begun to look out to the sea for his hat.
He moves back toward the figurehead, thinking that maybe it caught on the Sunny's head before he fell but has no luck. He can feel a pit forming in his stomach at the thought of him losing his hat forever, of not being able to keep his promise to Shanks, but then he hears your shout.
"I can see it!"
He runs over to the stairs, eyes following your point out to sea and finally, he sees his hat. It's a little far out, but it's there, floating on the water's surface amongst the waves. He looks back just in time to see you hauling yourself up onto the railing, throwing your jacket onto the deck before jumping headfirst into the icy cold water. He hears some shouts of protest from the crew but you've already disappeared into the water, oblivious to their cries.
"What are they thinking?" Usopp calls as he begins climbing the ladder up to the crow's nest. "The waves are so powerful, will they be ok?"
A new kind of panic wells inside of him at Usopps words. He knows that you're strong and he's seen you swim before on the few rare beach days the crew gets, but he also knows that the ocean is a force to be reckoned with, waves and currents pushing and pulling with intense force. He runs over to the railing once more, keeping his eyes trained on his hat and waiting to see you pop up next to it. The rest of the crew joins him quickly, everyone waiting with bated breath as you swim under the water.
Eventually after what feels like minutes but was most likely only a few seconds, you do pop out of the water right next to his hat. You grab it in your hand and turn to face the ship, waving your hand with a smile. His relief is short-lived, however, when a giant wave comes crashing down right on you, pulling you under the water. He hears someone scream your name and it takes a few seconds before he realizes that it's him screaming. He wants to jump in and save you like his instincts are telling him but he feels so helpless, just like on Sabaody, just like at Marineford, because you're right there and he can't help you.
Thankfully, before his body can move and doom himself to drowning, Zoro is jumping in after you. Once again, he's left waiting, wondering if this is how the crew always feels when he's gone overboard and needed to get saved. Seconds tick by before the water breaks once more and there you two are. Zoro begins paddling over to the ship and you're coughing water out while clutching his hat to your chest.
When you're finally lifted onto the ship, all you can do is lean against the railing, still holding his hat to your chest. You finish catching your breath as Robin comes over holding your jacket. You smile up at everyone, first at Robin and then at him. You lift the hat up towards him. "I got it, safe and sound."
The crew breathes a giant sigh of relief, seeing you and your humor still intact. Robin leans you forward and lays your jacket over your shoulders while Nami begins to criticize you for jeopardizing your health. All he can do is stand in front of you, paralyzed as he watches you recovering from your swim. The breeze picks up again and a particularly strong one causes you to shiver, clothes still soaked with seawater.
"Come on, let's go inside. We don't want anyone catching a cold," Nami says, ushering everyone inside.
You stand up with Robin's help and before you go inside, you step towards him. You're holding the hat out to him, more firmly this time as your strength from fighting the water comes back.
"Here," you offer, "The string is broken, so you'll need to fix it but otherwise it's in good condition."
He picks it up, brushing his hand over the familiar three slashes in the top that Nami had carefully sown up all those years ago and he's filled with such gratitude for you. You risked your life to go and retrieve his hat after his carelessness, had held it so close to you as if it was something precious, knowing how important it was to him that you would throw caution to the wind, so it's with a smile that he finds himself placing the hat on your head instead of his own.
"You wear it for now. Consider it my thanks!" he says, his sunny smile radiating the warmth that's spreading across his own chest at the thought that you would risk so much for what most would consider just a hat.
As he heads inside and Sanji begins to serve dinner, he can't help the flutter in his heart every time you look at him in his hat. It suits you so well that he can't find it in himself to take it back from you until you settle it on his head before heading to bed. From now on, he finds more excuses to give his hat to you, and every time it makes his heart stop. He realizes quite quickly why he's feeling this way and it only encourages him to give you his hat even more. The person he loves deserves it, after all.
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Zoro really values the actions of others. It's easy to say things without following through, so purposeful actions or a promise kept means everything.
Zoro never says anything he doesn't mean, but he certainly doesn't say anything he doesn't intend to follow through on. Actions prove everything to him and he values the fact he's on a crew that feels the same. I think someone sharing that same devotion to showing care and intent through your actions, especially if it's something for him, would be huge and make him realize his feelings for you.
Zoro isn't one to hold back, but especially not when he fights. He gives everything he has to give, plus a little bit more. In order to be the best, he'll push himself well past his limits. He doesn't see the issue with it, always willing to sacrifice himself for the team because the best should be able to take it. To handle the weight of the world.
Normally, this method works out, but it also leads to him getting wounded more often than he likes to admit.
He always lets Chopper treat his injuries but doesn't always strictly adhere to his recovery plans. Before his injuries truly have a chance to fully heal, he's already off to his next battle or training session. Over time, those injuries turn into something much worse and that was exactly what happened in the Straw Hat's most recent fight.
He'd gone into the battle with a strained muscle in his arm and all it took was for him to put a little too much power into a swing for it to turn into a full-on tear. Chopper had given him a long lecture after the fight and was still getting on him about properly resting this time around as he finished treating him.
"I put a wrapping on the affected area to keep it compressed. You need to rest and keep the area elevated as much as possible. Ice it for 15 minutes every few hours," Chopper instructed as he began rooting around in his medicinal cabinets for something, "I'm serious this time. If you keep pushing yourself you'll cause irreparable damage."
Zoro nodded, humming lowly in agreement as he twisted his arm, trying to get used to the bandages. After a few more seconds, Chopper found what he was looking for and grabbed a small metal tin. He got down from the desk and gave the container to Zoro, who opened it to find a green salve inside.
"That should help with the recovery process. If you apply it once a day it should speed up the healing. I would apply it myself, but it works best when you apply it with skin-to-skin contact which my hooves can't do. You'll have to ask someone else to help," Chopper explained.
"I'll just do it myself," Zoro said, getting up to leave.
"Zoro," Chopper said, the seriousness of Chopper's voice forcing him to stop. All it took was one look from Chopper for him to get the message. He sighed, relenting easily. "Fine. I'll ask someone."
The rest of the day was as close to normal as he could possibly get. He slept on the deck, argued with Sanji (sans swords), and ate dinner with everyone like any other day. He'd almost forgotten he was injured until he went to do his nightly training and received a nasty glare from Chopper that forced him to reconsider.
It was his own personal hell to not be able to train himself like he's used to, but what was even worse was knowing he'd need to suck up his own pride and ask someone to rub ointment all over his arm the next day.
There was only one person on the ship he'd even consider asking, so he wasted no time the next day ci coming to find you.
He knew the most likely place to find you was in the library with your nose in a book and he was pleased when he found you there, all by yourself. He made his presence known by clearing his throat and you smiled at him as you set your book down and gave him your full attention. "I don't suppose you're here to read a book?" you teased.
He rolled his eyes, not even deeming to give a response as he crossed his arms to prepare himself. "No, I'm here to... ask for a favor."
"A favor? Sure, what is it," you asked, any pretense of teasing gone.
Zoro took the chair next to you and placed the container of ointment in front of you. You frowned, not understanding.
"Chopper gave me some stuff to put on my arm, but he told me I needed someone to help me," he explained, a frown pulling at his lips as he continued. "I'd appreciate it if it could be you who does it."
At this, you smiled. Zoro felt his cheeks warm as you shifted your body to face him. "Alright, sure. I can help you."
You never failed to surprise him with how easily you came to his aid. He started to unwrap his arm as you grabbed some of the salve with your fingers. When he finished unwrapping his arm, he held it out to you in an offering. You took his arm in your free hand, your touch more gentle than it ever needed to be with him, and began to rub the mixture into his arm.
"So, why exactly do you need help with this?" you asked to break the silence.
"Something about skin-to-skin," he grumbled, enjoying the feeling of your fingers massaging his skin more than he liked to admit. "Chopper said it heats up or something. Speeds it up."
"Well, I'm happy to help," you hummed, grabbing some more of the mixture and moving to a new spot.
It was cold at first, but the skin of your palm against his arm made it bearable. The longer you rubbed, the more it heated up and the more aware of your touch he became. He couldn't help the way his heart picked up the pace and he only prayed you couldn't feel it.
What the hell was up with him?
When you finally finished, you wiped your palm off and closed the tin, handing it back to him. "How long do you have to do this for?" you asked, already getting back into your book.
"A week or something," he sighed, already missing his regular routine after only one day.
"Gotcha. Well, I'll be here tomorrow if you need me," you said, giving him one last smile before continuing to read your book.
Once again, here you were offering him an olive branch. He felt his stomach flip as he left the room, but he told himself it was his nerves. That being read by you so easily caught him off guard.
For the next week, he came down to have you apply his ointment for him and every day you did it without complaint. Sometimes, he'd stick around, content to enjoy your company over sleeping on the deck. Sometimes, you'd tell him about your research and any progress you'd made while other times he'd doze off while you read your next bit of literature.
Soon enough, his last day of rest comes along and while you're applying his rub, he knows he has to say something.
"Thank you," he mumbles, clearing his throat before continuing, "For helping me."
"Of course. I'm always here for you," you reply, your voice light with the smile that lights up your face.
The question slips out before he can think better of it. He flinches, his immediate reaction to pull away, but with your firm grasp on his arm, he can't get far. Your brows are furrowed and when you look up at him he can't help but get nervous, because the truth is that he does want to know. He can't understand why you always drop everything for him, with a devotion he's only given and rarely received, and why it makes his stomach flip and his heart clench.
"Why?" you repeat, the slightest laugh in your voice as you grin up at him. "Because we're a team. I'd do it for all of you."
He can't help but feel disappointed in your answer, but he doesn't know why. He's about to brush it off and continue when you beat him to it.
"But also... I guess I do it because I can't help but want to. There's just something about you that I can't say no to. When you ask for help, what else can I do but give it to you?"
Zoro is silent for a moment as he lets your words sink in. You continue on like you haven't just bared your soul to him, like sharing something so vulnerable with him wasn't difficult in the slightest. Something about those words made him feel like he was floating, his heart soaring amongst the clouds.
"I feel the same," he says, forcing himself to respond after a long minute of silence.
For a moment, he could swear you clench his arm a little tighter, but your touch is feather light before he has time to process, so he writes it off as his imagination.
After that, he parts ways with one last final thank you, but his thoughts linger on your answer to his question long past that. He mulls it over until he feels like he's lived the moment a million times. It's not until days later that he realizes why your devotion to him makes his heart skip a beat and the realization only makes his feelings worse.
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Law is the king of acts of service. This is where his true feelings absolutely shine if you're willing to read between the lines.
I also think this is what means the most to him. Growing up in the circumstances he did, he holds actions in a much higher regard than words or empty promises. I think having someone go out of their way to do something nice or considerate for him, and him actually wanting to do something back in return, would speak volumes to him and would make him consider his feelings.
Law likes to think that he takes good care of himself, but as he struggles to read the same page of his latest reading of choice as the words blur together from exhaustion, he has to concede that the evidence is really stacked against him.
He sets the papers down on his desk, leaning back slightly in his chair and rubbing his hand down his face and against his eyes, trying to will them into focusing when he hears a knock on his office door. A quick glance at the clock indicates that it's a few hours past dinner time and that almost the entire crew should be asleep.
"Come in," he calls out, exhaustion evident in his voice as he straightens back up in the chair. "What is it?"
The door opens and he's immediately met with your warm smile.
"Captain," you greet, peeking into the room with one hand opening the door, "I thought you might still be up."
Your smile softens the edges of the headache that's quickly forming in his head and he knows that you don't interrupt him unless you have something important, so he sits up in his chair even straighter and you take that as your signal to come in. You push the door open and he smells the soft scent of food waft over to him as the door pulls in the air from the hallway. He can feel his stomach churn, realizing just how hungry he is.
The source of the smell becomes immediately apparent when he looks up at you from where he was absentmindedly straightening the papers he set down. In your free hand is a plate piled high with what he assumes is the dinner the crew ate no more than a few hours ago.
"I was on clean-up duty today after dinner, so I made you a plate before I go to bed," you explain, coming over to his desk and carefully placing it on the little space not occupied by books or papers. "You never came out to eat so I thought you'd be hungry."
The meal is simple, but it makes his stomach growl loudly. You smile softly at him and he clicks his tongue against his teeth, the sound only serving to embarrass him and prove you right. He swallows, the fluttery, warm feeling in his chest making him stumble over what he should say. After a few moments of drawn out silence, you seem to take his lack of response as your sign to go.
"Don't stay up too late, ok?"
You're gone before he can say anything back and he finds himself internally kicking himself for just sitting there like an idiot. He sighs, diving into the plate of food after his stomach growls once more. When he's finally about to sleep hours later, he decides to be responsible and brings the plate into the kitchen for the morning crew to take care of. He places it on a counter in the kitchen just as another plate catches his eye.
Walking over, he sees 3 rice balls, carefully wrapped to preserve them, sitting on a plate next to a little note. He recognizes the handwriting as yours almost immediately and he picks it up to read it.
An early morning snack for our hardworking Captain <3
His fingers pinch the edge of the note hard enough to make a dent as he feels heat crawl up his neck and across his face. His eyes linger on the little heart you scribbled at the end of the note and the clenching he feels in his stomach is not at all related to his hunger. He eats the snack, grateful that there's no pickled plum filling, and pockets the note before leaving.
This little routine continues for a few weeks. You don't always appear at the same time, but you always do eventually, knocking on his office door and bringing him a plate of whatever the crew's eaten without him. He also finds himself looking forward to your little notes, the collection of them growing in one of the drawers of his desk. You write something different every night, but there's always that little heart at the end that sends the same warm feeling through him even though he knows it will be there every time.
Tonight, however, he finishes his reading a lot quicker. He's been noticing that happening more frequently, his eyes not blurring so much and allowing him to read everything at a steady pace instead of having to read the same lines over and over. He doesn't want to admit that it has anything to do with the fact that he's now eating at least twice a day consistently, but he is a doctor and he knows it does. With nothing else to read, he decides to bring his plate to the kitchen early and head to bed.
He's surprised when he finds the light on in the kitchen and even more surprised when he sees you still awake, back turned away from him as you hum to yourself. You're not wearing your boiler suit, instead wearing what looks like your pajamas as you mix something in a bowl, completely unaware of his presence. He sets the plate down and clears his throat, watching as you jump slightly before turning around, one hand on your chest as the other grips the counter. You let out a shaky breath of relief, the same honey-sweet smile you always give him melting onto your face as you look at him.
"Oh, it's just you. You scared me," you say, laughing slightly as you calm yourself down. You take a glance at the clock and then look back at him. "You're here early."
He frowns, not needing to look at the clock to know how late it is. He knows that he doesn't usually make it to the kitchen until much later, but he also knows that the crew ate dinner hours ago and that it's well past when you should be asleep, so he doesn't bother answering you, opting instead to answer with a statement of his own. "You're up late."
You smile at him again, always do, and begin mixing the contents of the bowl together once again. He crosses his arms, leaning against the counter as he waits for you to explain.
"Just making your snack," you explain, voice soft as you finally set the bowl down, satisfied with it.
He frowns, finally catching the mixture and recognizing it as the filling of his rice balls. He also sees the steam rising as you have some rice cooking and the sheets of seaweed paper laid out, ready to be molded around the rice.
"Why now? It's late," he continues, something in his gut telling him that he's still missing something here.
He knows he's right when he sees you bite your lip and catches the nervous way your gaze flicks over to him. You always meet him head-on, so to see you avoiding him even slightly makes his heart clench, and not in a good way. He narrows his gaze slightly and you open your mouth, about to say something when you're interrupted by the telltale beeping of the machine telling you the rice is done.
You shut your mouth, lips pressed into a line as you quickly start pouring the rice out and getting ready to mold it. He waits for a few moments, wanting to see if you'll say anything on your own, but quickly realizes you won't. If it was anyone else, he would have lost his patience long ago, but he can't seem to get mad at you like he does the others. You give him so much patience, much more than he's ever deserved, so he takes a different route.
He says your name firmly and watches as you sigh, placing the spoon with the filling in it back down into the bowl as you turn to look at him, guilt written across your face. You only stare at him for a few moments before you finally answer him, turning to resume making the rice balls as you do.
"I'm not on clean-up duty today so I had to wait until they were done. It wouldn't be fair to make them stay up late and clean up after my own personal mess, so whenever I'm not on clean-up duty I always just wait."
He doesn't know why it never occurred to him that you would be going so far out of your way to make his late-night/early-morning snack, but the realization smacks him across the face now. He feels more stupid than he's felt in a long time for not realizing that of course you wouldn't always be on the nightly kitchen duty and even angrier at himself that it took him coming into the kitchen early to realize that you prepared all the food by yourself and that it wasn't something you easily pieced together out of dinner's scraps.
But, along with his anger, he feels the familiar twitch of his heart as it thuds against his ribcage. The warm feeling blooms in his chest once more as the idea that you go out of your way to do something nice for him every night, losing precious sleep in the process, settles on him. He's grateful you aren't looking at him, too absorbed in shaping his rice balls to notice the way his ears flame up and the way his grip tightens on the counter behind him.
He swallows, forcing his mind to quiet down as he directs his attention to you once again.
"Here, all done," you say, picking up the plate and taking the few steps necessary to cross over and hand it to him.
He takes the plate and finds himself speechless again, much like he was the first time you brought him dinner in his office, and he hates that he can't just force the words thank you out of his mouth as you turn to begin cleaning the bowl you used out in the sink. He grips the plate and just stares at it for a little while longer before finally picking one up to eat. He takes his time this time, trying to savor what he now knows is something you make with extreme care and at the cost of your own schedule.
When he looks up, you're sitting on the counter just watching him with a satisfied smile on your face and he decides that he has to at least say something.
"What were you going to write?" he asks. He sees your face scrunch up and your head cock slightly to the side out of confusion and he realizes that he'll need to explain. He can feel his cheeks heat up as he forces himself to clarify. "On the note. What were you going to write?"
"Oh," you say, the nervous smile returning to your face as you look off to the side. You bite your lip again, seemingly debating something before coming to a decision and reaching behind you.
He doesn't know how he hadn't seen it earlier, but in your hand is a small piece of paper, the same one you always write your notes on. You push yourself off the counter and hold it out to him, motioning to the now-empty plate still in his hand. "I'll trade you."
He accepts, his fingers grazing yours as he takes the paper and you grab the plate, turning to wash it in the sink. He looks down at the paper and his heart almost explodes.
Tried a new filling today, let me know if you like it. Don't worry, they're still made with love <3
He stuffs the note into his pocket quickly, feeling his face set aflame. He makes the decision to leave, save himself the embarrassment of you seeing him all worked up, so he clears his throat and makes his way to the doorway. He can feel your eyes on him, burning a hole into his back, but he can't bring himself to face you, so he simply lifts his hand and grunts out a goodnight before walking off.
As he passes his office, he finds himself slowing down. There's a nagging feeling in his chest again that's telling him it's not enough. He wants to say thank you, to express how much it means to him that you would do something like this for him, to tell you that he's noticed it helping him, making his day a little easier and the nights not so long, but he knows the second he opens his mouth that none of that will come out and he's left feeling frustrated all over again. He almost gives up, shoving his hands into his pockets to head to bed, but the feeling of your note he stuffed inside earlier gives him an idea.
He heads inside his office, grabbing a piece of paper and quickly writing his own message down on it. It's short, with no cute little heart to accompany it, but he hopes it gets the message across. He stares at it, the simple thank you he'd managed to write staring back at him, and he shambles it into your room before he can think twice about it.
The next morning, you greet him with an especially large and heartwarming smile and he feels the urge to write you another one, if it means you'll look at him like that again. There's an itch in his chest, gnawing at him all day as his heart stutters every time he thinks about the smile on your face and the image of you in the kitchen making him food. At night, he finds himself unable to read his papers once again, but this time his eyes are focused and his mind isn't foggy. No, this time he just can't stop thinking about you and he knows exactly what that means, the innocent flutter in his chest just another piece of damming evidence to his own feelings.
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ღ radishaur — i do not own any of these characters. do not plagiarize. please enjoy and remember to be respectful! 
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intromortal · 2 days ago
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your coworkers can't begin to imagine what goes on between you and Jongseong when no one's watching.
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this work contains ⋆ smut ⋆ minors do not interact ⋆ workplace relations ⋆ jealousy ⋆ brat tamer jay ⋆ toxicity if you squint (it's okay this is freak central we enjoy it) ⋆ alcohol consumption ⋆ don't like don't read! ⸻ rules ⋆ m.list
length ⋆ drabble ⸻ 4.1k words
✷ NIA — heyyy... how y'all doin... quick snack before i finish the actual fic i'm working on
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smut warnings under the cut ⋆
mean jay ⋆ choking ⋆ degradation ⋆ punishment ⋆ male masturbation ⋆ orgasm denial ⋆ oral (m!rec) ⋆ brief shoe humping if at all. more like mention of it ⋆ body shots but make it nastier ⋆ hair pulling ⋆ reader fucked around and found out ⋆ like two singular instances of praise
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There is something about men like Park Jongseong—men in power, men who seem to always have it together and every situation under control—that makes you want to slowly strip them of their restraint piece by piece, as if playing jenga, until it all comes crashing down.
You take pride in knowing how to get Jongseong to crumble in a just a few moves.
"I told you to only wear that when we're around friends," Jongseong says as he follows you through the entrance, hot on your heels. He rids himself of the jacket that is making sweat drip from his hair and down his forehead, then pulls at the collar of his shirt.
You ignore the bark in his tone, and twirl around in front of the huge mirror in your living room. You wanted a floor to ceiling one, but the ceiling in your and Jongseong's apartment is so high, you had to request it to be custom made. Expensive, but worth the money, and you can't wait for it to be delivered. You have plenty creative ideas on how to better utilize it, ones you're sure Jongseong is also eager to put in practice. "Don't I look good, boss?"
You don't need to look back to know he's probably staring daggers right through your back. He hates when you call him boss with that little mocking tone you reserve only to get under his skin. You two have equal power in the company, he is not your boss and you are not his, but within the walls of your bedroom, you enjoy messing up the dynamics a bit.
The light from the overhead lamp catches the diamond decorating your ring finger as you smoothen down the silky fabric of your dress. The ring is proof of Jongseong's devotion to you, the sight of it a reminder of your time spent all the way in Italy, just the two of you in a beach resort with the dreamiest view.
Ever since the engagement— which was kept a secret from pretty much everyone— Jongseong had softened down. You don't know if it's the prospect of a life together, of a family, that's making him go easier on you during your most intimate times, but one of the reasons you fell for him in the first place is the never ending game of cat and mouse you two got accustomed to playing. One you aren't ready to give up yet, or at all for what matters.
So, you take matters into your own hands. If he hesitates to play, that just means you have to bring out the big guns.
"That was a business dinner, not some random brunch with your girl friends. You were not dressed appropriately." Jongseong walks up to you and grabs your waist with a roughness so uncharacteristic of him. Everyone knows him as calm and collected man, never prone to anger, heart of gold. Only you get a peek into this side of him, the more jealous and possessive one he keeps hidden in the shadows. Knowing it's something reserved for you only makes you want to poke the bear all the more.
"A very uneventful dinner, my girls' brunches are way more fun." You know the reason for his anger is not because your dress doesn't conform to whatever dress code was put in place long before you or Jongseong got into the business world. It's a front he's putting up, to not admit that what he really feels is jealousy. Jealousy because he had to sit across you, pretending you don't live at the same place, pretending he's not balls deep inside you every other night, pretending he isn't the man who proposed to you months ago. Jealousy because he had to see his very rivals openly flirt with you all night long, uncaring of the ring on your finger that should have been enough to keep them the fuck away from you.
He's mad because he knows you and how you love playing games, he knows you push him on purpose, and as aware of it as he is, he can't help but fall for it every single time, even when it means giving you exactly what you want.
He bunches up the cream colored silk in his fist, his wrist glimmering with the heavy watch you got him for his birthday, and the slight movement is enough to uncover what you are wearing underneath.
"Is this your idea of fun?" He laughs, and the sound is devoid of any humor. It makes a shiver runs down your spine, but it also tells you you are on the right track.
It's the same lingerie you wore for him on the night he proposed, the one he spent hours picking out during one of his business trips instead of resting at the spa of the five star hotel he stayed at. It's white and embedded with a shower of diamonds. The best money can buy for his own jewel waiting for him back home.
He specifically bought that one for the special occasion, claimed you as his in it that same night. And you wore it around the very men trying to surpass him, crossing your legs here and there to give them a peek.
Jongseong is an enjoyer of the finer things in life. The tiniest detail of his life is hand picked by him personally to display his refined taste. From the bedding he imported from across the globe, to his very personal wine cellar stocked by Mr. Sim's private collection, to the fragrances he wears daily, formulated with the help of the most talented perfumers. All of it has to fit perfectly to his taste and parameters. He is a man of sensations, the touch, the smell, the feel. They all awaken memories in his mind, that's part of the reason why the lingerie you wore the first time he made love to you as your fiance had to be perfect. But now you have tainted it.
And for that, he has to make you pay.
"Come on, it's just the panties. I didn't even wear the bra, so it doesn't count," you say, putting on your best pout. You know it's useless when you meet his gaze and find his pupils blown out, the warmth you're accustomed to being met with seemingly gone.
Jongseong's other hand slides up, feeling the dress under his palm, taking his time in cupping one of your tits. He's careful, almost sweet in his exploration. If his eyes didn't tell you another story, you would think the anger had evaporated out of his body. It's what tells you he's not letting you off the hook easily this time, but deep down, it's what you wanted all along.
You meet his hand with yours, smaller fingers caressing the skin of his wrist then sliding up to intertwine with his longer, thicker ones. You guide him to squeeze your chest, enamored with the way he looks at you, like you're the most beautiful piece of art he has ever laid eyes on. Like you're his and in dire need of a reminder. "It's nice right? Custom made in France."
He lets out a hum. Then, moves his hand to rest on your neck.
Your breath hitches. He barely applies any pressure, but the weight alone is enough to make you want more. You crave the fuzzy feeling that courses through your veins when you let Jongseong decide how much and when you get to breathe, the delicious lightheadedness that comes with it.
It's what gets you going, the knowledge that you could say your safe word out loud and he would drop his hand immediately. Knowing he would rush to reassure you and take care of you like he usually does. There's power in granting someone else your submission, and at the end of the day you both know it's you who is calling the shots.
You follow his hand again, pushing to get him to apply more pressure on the sides of your neck. Even when you know you're gonna let him do whatever he wants, you enjoy making him work for it.
He frowns, and you smile. You can practically guess what he's thinking: if he punishes you, he's giving you exactly what you want. But if he doesn't, he's letting you off the hook with not so much as a slap on the wrist. No matter what he does, you have already won.
Jongseong makes his choice for the night. His grip on your neck strengthens, and you wheeze when he brings his face impossibly close to yours, whiskey and mint breath fanning on your lips. There's a something in his eyes you don't think you have ever seen, the look of pure unadulterated fury. It looks much like obsession does, in the way it's icy cold and not burning hot like one would expect. It stings like dry ice, like frostbite.
He has never looked better, and your thighs move on their own, squeezing in search of relief. You bite your bottom lip to silence any sound threatening to spill out, but Jongseong sees right through you. He sees the raw lust overtaking your body even when you try to deprive him of the show.
"You enjoy pissing me off, don't you?" he asks, venom dripping past his lips. You want to kiss it off of him.
"You're—" He squeezes, and you gasp. You have to gather strength to finish your sentence. "Easy to piss off."
"I think I've heard enough from you tonight." He relents his grip on you, smoothing the wrinkled mess on your dress like he wasn't just choking you mere moments ago. "Go sit on the bed. Dress on, don't make me repeat myself."
You follow his instructions, much to your surprise, like your legs are moving on their own. Half the reason is the sternness in his voice, you can't recall a time when he has ever sounded quite like that. The other half you guess is curiosity, when it comes to punishing you, he rarely makes detours.
When you walk into your room, you find it tidy just like you left it before heading to dinner. Your side of the bed is overflowing with pillows while Jongseong's only has two. One is the pillow he uses when sleeping and the other one is heart shaped with a case printed with his favorite picture of you. You got it for him as a joke, half expecting him to laugh and then never think about it again. Instead, he treasures it like it's the most precious gift you could have ever given him, despite how poorly made it is. Even when most of the pillows on your shared bed end up on the floor during the night, he makes sure that one never does. You think if it came down to it, he would rather lay on the floor himself.
If Jongseong is pleased, he doesn't show it, because soon enough he walks into the room with two brown labeled bottles of red wine and stemmed glasses, not sparing you a single glance.
He takes his sweet time reading the back of each one, unscrewing only one bottle open. It's his way of getting back at you, making you wait. Each second that passes makes you more curious about what his next move will be, about how he is gonna punish you. Your eyes never leave his figure, his buttoned shirt doing nothing to hide how the muscles of his arms work as he untwists the cork. Your hungry gaze travels down, devouring him inch by inch, finding him already hard in his dress pants. No matter what he says, you know he enjoys this little game as much as you do.
"Can you be quicker?"
"I told you I've heard enough." The cap gives up with a pop. Finally. "No more talking unless I ask questions."
He pours a glass, then dangerously walks up to the bed where you are sat and hands it to you. "Open up."
It takes you a few seconds to comply, but ultimately, you do. You keep your gaze fixated on his as he tilts the crystal glass, pouring the bitter liquid down your throat. It stings on its way down, it paints your lips in hues of red.
When Jongseong removes the glass from your lips, you poke out your tongue to clean the mess left behind, gaining a hum of satisfaction from him. Still, it's not enough for him to voice out any praise.
He pokes his thumb into your mouth, lowering your jaw open to make sure you swallowed every last bit. The action is innocent to the untrained eye, but the execution is so charged with lust, it has you squirming on the edge of the bed. "Is the wine to your liking?"
You nod, but he quirks his head, waiting to hear you say it out loud.
"It's nice," you say, voice still rough from earlier.
"Good. That's good. I'm glad." He puts the glass down on the shelf facing the bed, right next to the bottles and the corkscrew. "Because you'll have more of it later."
He leaves you no time to process his words, grabbing a fist of your hair and pushing your face right on his crotch. The surprised gasp that leaves you is muffled against the cotton of his dress pants, and it takes you a second to understand what he wants you to do. "Stick your tongue out for me—yeah just like that."
He guides your head with his iron grip on your hair, letting you mouth at his clothed cock until his pants are soaked with your spit. It's messy and obscene, it leaves you wanting to feel his skin on your tongue, to get an actual taste. You want him to take his frustration out on your mouth, to use it like his own personal toy, and you make sure to show that to him.
"You're so dirty… look at you, so eager to please. What happened to all that attitude from earlier, mhh?"
You lick a long stripe, from the belt to the underside, putting more spit in it the lower you go, looking for any reaction.
When he bites down on his lip to keep a sigh of pleasure in, you feel emboldened enough to grab the button holding his pants together with your teeth, pulling it between them to signal him to take them off. Instead, he pulls your head off of him completely, ignoring your whines.
"Awww baby," he mocks, titling your head up. "You thought you'd get what you want so soon? You know better than that."
He undoes his belt and his pants, then leans back against the desk right behind him. "You've been such a bad, bad girl all night. I think you don't deserve to have fun yet. Am I wrong?"
"Please, I'll be good from now on." You look at him, glossy eyed. But he's way past the point of being impressed by your words. All you do with that filthy mouth of yours is lie anyway.
"We'll see about that." His shoulder relax with a sigh as he palms his cock briefly, alternating between squeezing the outline and stroking it, before dipping his hand down the waistband of his boxers. He takes it out, revealing the length to you too. It looks delicious in his hand as he gives it a few experimental pumps, the red tip glistening with accumulated precum, more abundant with each stroke. "Stay put where you are. No touching yourself until I give you permission. Understood?"
You're too lost in your own thoughts, too in awe of the sight before you to really register what Jongseong says. Your mouth waters as he works his hand around his thick girth, and you wish it could be your lips wrapping around it instead. Your hand runs down your body, still covered by the dress, looking to give yourself any sort of relief from the pressure that has built inside your belly, a feeling no amount of squeezing or grinding down on the linen bed sheets is enough to satiate any longer.
Jongseong catches you instantly, and stops moving his fist. In return, this snaps you out of your daze. "I said, no touching. Try that again and you're not cumming for a week. Yeah?"
"Yes. I'm sorry," you meekly say, snapping your hand away from your core like it burnt you. You believe him when he tells you that, because it has already happened. The first time he threatened it, you ignored it, convinced he wouldn't actually leave you dry and hanging. You learned the hard way Jongseong doesn't really take promises lightly.
"Good." He resumes his movements after ridding himself of his shirt, torso glistening under the light. He starts off slow and steady, deliberately showing off just how thick he is because he knows it's your favorite thing about his cock. It sits heavy in his hand, and every few strokes he squeezes, recreating the way your cunt clenches around him when he's buried in you to the hilt.
More than anything, it's the sounds he makes that really get to you. Jongseong's little moans and gasps might just be your favorite things in the entire world and being the one to rip them out of him is something you take pride in, it's your motivation to keep going when you're tired and spent. He sounds beautiful as he keeps jerking himself off, his hair slowly getting wetter and wetter with each movement of his arm.
The veins running down his length look fuller, and so do those on his arm. A sick part of you wants to bite down on the flesh of his biceps, leave your mark on him for everyone to see. There's no worse punishment than not being able to touch him, and after so many times he's tried to put you in your place, he might have actually cracked the code on how to get you to behave for at least a little while. Jongseong continues working on himself, his brows furrowed in pleasure and eyes closed, imagining who knows what.
It's only when he looks at you to check if you're keeping your hands to yourself, and finds you with your arms glued to your sides, eyes teary from desperation, that his movements falter. He throws his head back, stuttering through a chain of fuck fuck fucks, fist squeezing on his cock to stop himself from coming on the spot. He takes a few seconds to regain control, breathing so heavily you would think he just ran a marathon.
When he's sure he won't cum from your sight alone, he opens up his eyes again to take your disheveled form in. One of the straps of your dress fell down, and the silk got all bunched up at your waist, culprit panties on full display. Your makeup is smudged on your cheeks, but he thinks you look better like this anyway. He almost caves in.
"Come here," he says, but most of the anger and bark in his tone from earlier is just a faint accent. He's a weak man for you, unfortunately for him.
You get on all fours on the floor, literally crawling to be at his feet. He grabs your face to caress it, sweet and gentle, runs his fingers along your jawline. There is the faintest twitch of a smile on his features. He wants to cave in. "Do you know your place now, baby?"
The light hits your features in a way that almost makes you look angelic, but you're a much more devilish creature. And when you nod, the hunger in your eyes betrays you. Jongseong wants to cave in, but he doesn't.
He gives you a light slap, its sole purpose is to admonish you, not hurt. He grabs your face again, this time with more strength, and squishes your cheeks together. "But I don't think you do yet."
A hiccup leaves your lips when he lets go of his hold on you and turns to the shelf behind him, the little glimmer of hope you held out on now trampled under his foot. "Please— I'll be good, I'll listen to you from now on, I'll do any—"
Jongseong interrupts you, full glass of wine in his hand and an amused curl on his lip. "Yeah? Then prove it to me. Get to work." He lets some of the wine fall down his torso in little streams of red. It drips down his abs, the hard ridges shaping the flow of the liquid. It goes lower, and lower, and lower down his v-line and thighs.
You stare at the imagine, enamored with it, mouth watering as your eyes follow the droplets' descent down your fiance's body. You're so captivated Jongseong has to remind you to take action with another light tap on your cheek.
You lick a stripe of wine off of him, from his thigh to his pelvis, reveling in the way his leg bounces under the stimulation, under the sheer power of your sultry gaze locked on his. His Adam's apple bobbles when your tongue traces its way to his cock, red and angry from the edging he subjected himself to. You go to wrap your hand around the base of his length so you can suckle on his tip, coax more of that delicious salty precum you adore out of him, but his hand swats yours away.
"No hands, keep them behind your back. Show me how you use that mouth."
The order has you gushing in your panties, now too ruined to ever be worn again. Your thighs are slick with want, from all the wetness seeping out of your poor untouched cunt, from all the times you have clenched around nothing ever since the night started. You know the only way to cum is to follow Jongseong's orders until he's happy and satisfied with your compliance.
So you do. You bring your hands together behind your back, pretending an invisible restraint is keeping them out of the way, then bend forward to take his tip inside your mouth, giving it a few experimental sucks that have his hips stuttering to push more past your lips.
You take more in, trying your best to relax your mouth as you do so because he's so thick, but the sight of your struggle makes his throb.
"That's it. Good fucking girl. Such a good girl for me."
The praise hits you right where you need him most, and you can't possibly hold in the moan you release around his girth, the vibration making him throw his head back in pleasure.
He lets more wine dribble down his body as you work your magic on him, the liquid cold against his scorching skin. Some of it gets on your dress, staining it, and you think this might have been his plan all along.
"Aw. Look at your dress, now you won't be able to wear it anymore. What a pity," he groans. "So good, your mouth is too fucking good."
You double your efforts, and Jongseong coos at you. "Poor little thing, you wanna feel good too, don't you?" He sets the wine aside again, opting instead to push the hair out of your face so you have better access to his cock without anything getting in the way. "Wanna get a pillow to hump?"
You make a muffled sound of displeasure, and he laughs. Of course, he knows that's not what you want.
"What is it then?"
You think he's about to pull you off of him so you can speak, but he doesn't. He keeps you in place, mouth on his length right where it belongs, and instead expects you to voice your needs without a chance to breathe.
You want to tell him it's his touch that you crave, and you try your best to, but it comes out incomprehensible, a muffled jumble of sounds that don't quite hold any meaning.
"I'm sorry, couldn't hear you. Try again?"
Tears prickle your eyes, squirming in your spot, at his mercy and on your knees for him. You try again, with even worse results.
Eventually, he relents. His shoe moves, pushing under you, until it comes in contact with your dripping clothed pussy. Your reaction is immediate, a long drawn out moan at the smallest, faintest contact. He teased you for so long, you think even a brush could be enough to make you come undone. Yet, he makes you work for that too.
"Hump my shoe then, make yourself come if you want to so badly." He bends down, fist still in your hair to pull your head backwards. "But hold it until you make me cum first. After you swallow all I give you, then you get to let go. Understood?"
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queerdeans · 3 days ago
i love how jack came into the world and it was like a) your mom is dead and died in childbirth and she loved you and believed in your power to be good and b) your dad is actual lucifer like from the bible.
and now there are two (2) adults in your life, neither of whom are your biological parents, but that's okay because this is the family-don't-end-in-blood show. but one of the adults is trying to work through his own self-worth issues when it comes to being Tainted By Lucifer™ and the other one was widowed in the exact hour of your birth. neither of those things really has to do with you but they're both being projected onto you and you're also like, a day old.
and the only person who was also on your side when you were in utero is dead and happens to be the lover of the widower who now hates you because of what you represent, which is a Whole Other Thing and you don't even really get why he hates you to be honest because again, you're new here and you're just finding out about good and evil as concepts at all.
so you're now stuck very much in the middle of a complicated and fucked-up family dynamic that is not yours because you just got here and caretakers one and two are arguing about such subjects as 'should you be killed at the first opportunity' and it seems like they're both kind of bringing their own baggage into the situation. the mother-brother is like 'i'm tired of being the caretaker for everyone' and the son-brother is like 'that's too damn bad' because if mother-brother stops being the caretaker then what the hell will come of it all? and there's just a whoooole lot of history you don't even understand.
then fortunately the dead lover guy comes back and you maybe made that happen, so mother-brother guy doesn't want to kill you anymore, and you also now have someone in your life who actually wanted to care for you the whole time. yay! but you're also not sure if you want to be taken care of, or how someone would go about it. and he doesn't seem to be sure either. everyone here was classmates at the school of absent fathers, by the way.
and then enters the mother-mother. not your dead mother, but she's someone's dead mother. she haunts everything and the idea of her doesn't match up to the shape of her and you're starting to kind of get the fucked-up family dynamic you've been dropped into. but here's a mom! and how nice is that? you wanted a mom and here one is. only she's not really your mom and she doesn't really want to be a mom but she does love you and she turns out to have a more motherly relationship with you than she does with either of her real sons. and that's nice, but there's also maybe resentment from those sons, or maybe just one of them, because the other one had a mother, and it happened to be his brother.
and all of this happens within the first like six months of your life and we don't even have time to address when you actually meet your father satan ✌️
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the-ellia-west · 1 day ago
*Saying this mostly to myself, but it's also directed at you if you choose to listen*
The problem with this is that while thinking this way is helpful to get your spirits up temporarily, it doesn't last forever. Because if you start seeing it as 'helpful' you'll start seeing yourself as 'useful' and that's not a good mindset to be in.
You can't think of yourself like an object. You are a God-given creation, and he and people love you. You are amazing for WHO you are, not what you can do.
Because if we're honest, No person really makes that much of a difference in history. But that doesn't matter to God, and neither should it matter to you. Because he created you as more than a speck of dust on a timeline, a few words in a history book
He created you with a mind, with feelings, with love and worth. The truth is, perspective is what matters. Things may be awful, but if we're honest, things have always been this bad, we've just never been old enough to understand it yet.
The world is sinful, the world is awful, the world is evil, and you should not trust it to have mercy on you. Because you are not of this world. You are worth so much more than all this suffering, all this pain, because you do not belong to it. You were made for so much more than this. You were made for a God who loves you, and he wants you to see that he loves him.
Even if it's hard and you have questions, and you hate him, and the world seems awful. You are a child of the one who reigns over sin and death, the one who triumphs over the devil who drags you down. And he loves you even when you hurt him and push him away, and he's WAITING for you to just see him and let him hold you in his arms.
Politics and despair and pain and suffering are all the things that Satan uses to take you, he offers you a lie disguised as love and you take it because you've never known the real love of a father who wants you to hold you in his arms and sing you to sleep, the love of a real father who protects you from death and asks you to follow him, while giving you the free will to refuse even it he knows it will hurt when you refuse. Because what is love if not letting someone go and waiting to see if they run to you, always ready to embrace them when they reach you, and tell them you've always been waiting.
And all of you who don't believe, I pray over you, I pray that you see the truth and see the one who loves you because I want better for you than this, I pray over you because he wants better for you than this, and Satan wants you, But he should not have you, because you are SO SO loved, and there is a whole world waiting for you if you'd just take the time to open your eyes and see it. Please. I wish for you to be saved.
And for those of you who do believe, Pray, pray like you're talking to a friend, pray like you're screaming to the sky that he hates you, pray in silence and let him surround you, pray against the devil, pray for opportunity and courage and love. Pray for friends and family. Be patient, because it will come to you, Endure the pain but do NOT Let it take you down. SATAN CAN'T HAVE YOU? DO YOU KNOW WHY? BECAUSE I LOVE YOU! BECAUSE GOD LOVES YOU! HE IS KING AND WE WILL NOT BACK DOWN. STAND UP! RISE! AND LOVE, EVEN IN THE DARK WHEN YOU CANNOT SEE. STAND, AND FACE THE SUN.
I do not know how to defend my beliefs, but I am not afraid. I've done enough standing aside. I'm ready to take my place in this world, I'm ready to let his love fill me and change me and to show it to all of you. Hate me, leave me, ridicule me, pull me down and beat me because you disagree, but I will be right here, and I will love you until the day the world ends. Because you are all my brothers and sisters, you are all children of the one and only true God, and he LOVES you so much.
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Feeling rough lately.
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beloveds-embrace · 3 days ago
Because im in am angsty mood, I'm having thoughts about duchess (or designationless duchess) reader who ends up moving herself to the furthest chambers from the rest of the house. Be it to ensure she remains out of the way, or because they kept making comments until she did.
And one day she tells johnny she's happy to fetch her own food now she's so far away; he needn't worry about making the trek. And she tells the maids she can make her own bed and change herself, and they're all quietly relieved to both be able to avoid her almost plaguing sadness, and also not have to wander so far with heavy clothes and linens.
And eventually she fades from their thoughts almost entirely, from everybody's except in passing moments of pity that such a timid lady was added unnecessarily to the household, made it crowded when it was clear john's heart and home were already full.
Until one day someone makes the trek for one reason or another and finds the room empty, full of dust and cobwebs. And they step out onto the small patio - a generous name for a space only big enough for a seat and a small table, barely covered during the day - and find a body, a skeleton really, draped and ripped and faded fabric of what was once a beautiful yet simple dress. There is no note, only a book open on her lap and a tipped over teacup on the table.
Anon do you hate me. Have I ever wronged you anon. Anon what is this what have i done to deserve this… 😭😭 god this is painful because-
She had gone quietly, just as she had lived. To die like that was to become a ghost long before the body ever failed- to linger, unseen, in the quiet corners of a house that never wanted her, to breathe air that carried no name, no welcome, no warmth. It was to unravel thread by thread, the seams of her existence loosening until she was no longer a person but a shadow, a whisper of fabric brushing against cold stone floors. Hell, the fabric had more of an existence than her in the end </3
No grand tragedy, no weeping at her bedside, no hands clutching hers in desperate grief. Just… a lonely death from a lonely life.
Anyways I wish the worst on those men I need them to SUFFER 🔪🔪
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corevibeself · 18 hours ago
𝓦𝓱𝓸 𝓲𝓼 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓕𝓾𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮 𝓢𝓹𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮?
The energy of love that I have been feeling around me for the past month has been as intense as swallowing sugar by the buckets. I feel like my insides are turning pink. I'm now realizing my insides are already pink as I'm writing this. Anywho loved doing this reading xxxx
ℙ𝕚𝕝𝕖 1 ℙ𝕚𝕝𝕖 2 ℙ𝕚𝕝𝕖 3
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ℙ𝕚𝕝𝕖 1
𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙙 𝙨𝙤𝙣𝙜: 𝙈𝙮 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙈𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝘼𝙡𝙡 𝙈𝙞𝙣𝙚 - 𝙈𝙞𝙩𝙨𝙠𝙞
Your future spouse is going to be such a best friend! The energy I’m getting from this reading is that you two might be mirroring each other. I like to say same vibe tribe because you’re vibrating at the same frequency—so if this sounds like you, that may be why.
Your future spouse is the kind of person who gets along with anyone as long as they’re kind and respectful. They steer way clear of drama-seekers and can’t stand judgmental people. They’re deeply empathetic, and I feel like they’ve had experiences that made them someone who stands up for others.
One specific scenario I saw (which may not apply to everyone, but still serves as an example) is that they might have a sibling with a disability who was made fun of, and that experience shaped them into this sensitive, socially aware person who cannot tolerate hate. They know judgment brings nothing but misery, and they refuse to contribute to it.
They’re incredibly compassionate and understanding. You never have to be afraid of making mistakes with this person because they don’t see mistakes as something to hold over you. To them, as long as you’re honest and open about where you’re coming from, that’s all they need. They believe real relationships are built on mutual understanding and vulnerability—and trust me, they walk the talk.
Emotionally mature? Check. Emotionally intelligent? Double check.
They’re also very opinionated, but not in a bad way. I’m seeing a situation where someone says something rude, and this person immediately shuts it down, defending you without hesitation. Or, let’s say you’re watching a reality show together, like Love Island—if they see something unfair, they will speak up about it. They’re passionate about fairness, kindness, and doing what’s right.
I also get the sense that they can be selfless to the point of giving more than they should. They know they have a tendency to take on too much, but at the same time, they don’t mind if it drains them—especially if it means helping someone they care about. Noble souls, they are.
This might also be why they spend a lot of time indoors. Not because they’re antisocial—more like their energy gets scattered easily. Honestly? Big neurodivergent vibes, possibly ADHD. They’ve got this huge heart, a million interests, and a natural tendency to care for others.
They’re what I’d call an introverted extrovert. They’re not shy, but people can drain them quickly. I wouldn’t be surprised if they work in the mental health field, something related to justice, or are super passionate about social justice in general.
And let me tell you—this person has your back in every sense of the word. If you’ve ever craved a connection where you’re fully understood, where you can be 100% yourself without fear of judgment—this is it. They’re exactly what you’ve been needing.
They just have this gift for making people open up. They see the beauty in others, in the world, and they bring so much balance. I wouldn’t be shocked if they have Libra in their chart—Libra rising, maybe?
Their energy is so sweet. I can see them genuinely asking how your day was, really listening because they truly care.
And honestly? If I could tell this person one thing, it would be to see how beautiful of a soul they truly are.
They feel like a modern-day knight. Hehehe.
ℙ𝕚𝕝𝕖 2
𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙙 𝙨𝙤𝙣𝙜: 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙢𝙚 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 -𝙇𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙈𝙞𝙭
This person’s been through some tough shit, but I see them bippity-bopping their way out of it like the fairy godmother. They might’ve been through foster homes—I also had a vision of couch-hopping—so it could be that they’ve got lots of connections and friends who support them because their family may not. I just get the feeling they dealt with a lot of challenges in their childhood or teen years, and it sparked this change in them. Instead of turning to darkness and letting it define their whole life, they became a doer.
They just know how to grind, how to better themselves, and how to be a good person—which they are. They’re willing to do what it takes to heal. I don’t want to get graphic, but this person may have developed coping mechanisms in the past but has grown out of them.
They’re the type to drop anything they’re doing to help you if you needed it. And they have this way of surprising you. I literally just saw a vision of a guy in a store, minding his business, buying groceries or whatever, and then he just randomly sees something that reminds him of you. It’s a funny energy—like, he’s impulsive like that. He’ll just grab it and bring it back to you, and it’s something completely stupid. You’ll be like, “Why did you buy this stuffed penguin?” and he’ll just shrug and say, “It reminded me of you.” It’s cute, but like... what?! Hahahaha.
This person tends to suppress their emotions, unsure whether to communicate them or not, because they might have some fears around vulnerability. But trust that when they feel safe, they’ll open up to you.
I also kind of saw that this person might be loud (relatable AF). Not in a bad way—just very expressive. I feel like they were the class clown, secretly depressed because shit was bad at home, and teachers were like, “Why are you so loud?” No, but seriously—they’re hilarious. I felt very giggly during this reading.
This person has charm—like, their humour is their superpower. You really wouldn’t guess what they’ve been through because they’re such a ray of sunshine.
And kids? This person is hilarious with them. It’s like they can fully be themselves around children, or they just have this youthful energy no matter their age. If you’re into someone who brings the fun, is goofy but surprisingly deep—this is your person. Genuine. Authentic. I love ittttt.
ℙ𝕚𝕝𝕖 3
𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙙 𝙨𝙤𝙣𝙜: 𝙎𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙪 - 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚
Daddy Vibes, HA! This person has a great drive—like, a very determined person. I see them getting up constantly, even if they keep falling. This has made them into someone that gives off major "They can do anything" vibes.
Need to kill a spider? Done. Craving something from the store late at night? They’ll do it so nonchalantly, like, I see them just going, "So what do you need?"—face blank AF.
Okay, if anyone is a K-pop fan, Yoongi from BTS totally gives these vibes. He’ll do things for you even if he doesn’t look happy doing it, but it’s not that he’s unhappy. It’s just that taking care of people comes so naturally to him that he doesn’t even see it as a big deal. That’s this person. It’s their role—to take care of you.
They have lots of goals. Like I said, they’ve got this drive. I see backup plan after backup plan after backup plan. Like, "This job isn’t for me? That’s fine. I also really like this. And if that doesn’t work, I have connections. I can travel. I know how to charm and talk to people. I have ways." That’s the energy they give.
Scattered AF, though, but they’re working on it. This person just always has money. You don’t gotta worry about them ever being a lazy bum. It’s not that they’re a millionaire—they’ve just healed their wound around security. They don’t see work as a passion; they see it as "I get this done so I can do my passions." And that’s awesome. Some people need to work in a field they’re passionate about, but this person? They just trust that the universe has their back so they can enjoy their passions, because their passions have nothing to do with work—and they’re fine with that.
If you’re the type of person that doesn’t wanna work your whole life, this person doesn’t mind working for you, honestly. Like, they love you.
They might come off a bit intimidating at first when y’all meet. They just have a good head on their shoulders because of past experiences. Don’t be afraid. I’m getting very mature vibes—like I said earlier... DAAAADDDYYYY.
Some of y’all may have daddy issues, like... that’s okay. So does 90% of the population—we’re on a healing journey here, HAHAHA.
This person looks ahead. They don’t get stuck in the past, so they won’t ever hold shit over your head. The past is the past. We grow as human beings. They’re open-minded and see things from other perspectives, which is so refreshing. Don’t be afraid to express your opinions or feelings—this person wants to help.
If you want a family, they’ll be an amazing father. Also, they might look like a working person. I’m seeing that if their job is physical, you can see it on them—like, maybe they smell like oil because they’re a mechanic. A job where you can literally see the results on them physically.
AHHHH my first reading on here. To whoever reads this, I enjoyed doing this. I love everything about this. I'm so passionate, and I'm so grateful to whoever this reaches. XXXX
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muwapsturniolo · 15 hours ago
im actually sick and tired of all the bs on this app and I'm being fr.
there has been sm drama, and trust, I've had my fair share of it and this seems hypocritical but it gets to a point where you get tired of the shit.
im tired of getting into drama, ive told my close friends on here that, I've said it to myself so many times and I've been actively avoiding getting into shit that could get me into drama.
it's fucking draining.
im sure you guys are tired of seeing the drama, and i can understand why. you come on this app to get away from drama, you come on this app to kick your feet and giggle with your friends.
it seems like tumblr has become a cesspool of copying, hate, expose acct, and wild ass anons.
i wanna give my thoughts on all of those.
i really don't get it. like actually. you have writers on here who work hard, spending days trying to work out a fic/new au, only for someone to copy the idea with no credit, or they flat out copy and paste. its so frustrating and im being fr when i ask, what do you get out of copying like that? do you get off on upsetting people or getting them riled up? do you enjoy when you get attention even though it's negative? it doesn't make sense and i can't wrap my head around it. writing may come easier to some people and for others it doesn't, that does not give you an excuse to act like that. if you like an idea sm, ask the OG writer if its ok for you to write your own version. if you don't want to ask for reasons idk, at least tag our user or just put the link to the fic to give credit. its really not that hard! most of the drama on this app does come from people copying and not giving credit, it gets the writers in a tizzy, the anons get wild, and suddenly the OG writer is the bad guy.
expose accts:
we have all seen these expose accts and had run-ins with them. i truly don't know why they exist because usually they are made to hate on one person. you don't have to like that person, you arent obligated to like anyone. but making a hate acct for her or simply sending in hate to these accts about her and others is actually insane. these accts are so fucking draining and its like a constant back and forth because most of the shit they post about, its shit that has been addressed A LONG TIME AGO or hold no weight for the convo they are attempting to have. with that being said, its also people you will get into with on here, that will make posts about it and suddenly they allow all the hate in the world to be sent to them and they answer it. am i projecting? yeah i am, because this shit makes no sense. you want tumblr to be fun but you're making posts actively hating on me and others? you want tumblr to be fun but you're shading people and threatening to expose these people as if this is middle school? and let me just throw this in here, i really do hate when i have a bad interaction with someone and they post about it and suddenly ALLLLL of tumblr has been scorned by me when in reality idk half of you bitches nor know you by username nor have i had a convo with you. so how have i scorned you? the answer is most of yall havent been scored by me or others, you may just not like us and it's fine. but learn to hate in silence, otherwise drama is all we are going to see.
hate/wild ass anons:
CHILLEEEEEEEE, let me tell yall something. i truly do believe the wild ass anons are the main people starting shit and let me tell you why. anons have the ability to hide behind a damn screen, the drama hungry ones literally get off on going into peoples inbox and sending hate about that person, or other people. they know who will react and who wont. ive had anons come in my inbox saying someone copied me, and then i go check and there is literally nothing there. I've had people come in my inbox saying wild shit to me because they feel like they can cuz they arent saying it with their chest off anon. its crazy because truly, what makes them think they could act that way? it's not ok and it's draining seeing so many people hide behind a screen and hate just because they think its funny. ALSO, THE TYPE OF HATE PEOPLE GET IS CRAZY!!! TWWWWW!!! why are we getting death threats and being told we should slit our wrists and get raped? why are you saying you hope we get tortured and our whole family dies? like fuck, I'm not above telling someone to die, that's something i gotta fix with myself, but I'm never going to outright say disgusting shit like that and wish sexual assault/abuse on you. do fucking better.
something that has always annoyed me was when people talk about big blogs is , yall have certain ppl in mind but you don't say who you are talking about when talking shit, but yall make it so obvious and that leads to people going in your inbox talking shit, and then the big blogs get upset and either act out or block, AND THEN YALL GET UPSET FOR GETTING BLOCKED!!! LIKE THIS SHIT IS INSANE!!! ITS ONE BIG LOOP OF STRAIGHT SHIT FROM THE BUTT AND ITS ANNOYING. a block is not that serious and i hate when a big blog blocks somebody, its like fucking presidents day and suddenly its a big deal and everyone HAS TO KNOW, when in reality, no one does! the same way yall block people on insta, twitter, snap, fucking Pinterest, WE CAN DO THAT ON TUMBLR AND IT SHOULDNT BE A FUCKING ISSUE!!! ALSO, im so tired of the clique talk and big blogs being mean shit. i can't speak for other people, but ik I'm not cliqued up and I'm not a mean person. i have made so many friends as of recent on here that i love and hype up constantly, I've always followed ppl back even to the point where i hit the fucking following limit which is 5K PEOPLE!!! i reblog fics all the time, i ask for more parts, i even help people with writing! ik others who do the same so it baffles me when they say we mean girls and cliqued up. we mean cuz we calling ppl out for copying and their bs? we clicked up cuz we're big blogs and talk to each other? im not saying this to be a bitch but it does seem like yall wanna be big blogs as well and you're upset we don't interact with your fics as much as others. and I'm sorry for that and I'm not trying to make excuses but we cant see everything! now to yall points, yeah alot of people stick to the writers they know and hype up the same ones. i will be the first to admit that's not ok and they should branch out and read smaller writers works, ill even be the first say more big blogs should do the same!!! now the big question is,
truth be told, there is no perfect solution to anything but this is what i came up with. for copying i want to say, just be original. even if you feel like your writing isn't good which makes you want to copy, KEEP WRITING ORIGINAL SHIT!!! there will be someone out there who fucks with it and will beg for more. if you truly do wanna do your version of someone else's fic, just ask. ik for a fact i will say yes and reblog and hype you up! for expose accts, block them and move on. lets stop entertaining them. they don't deserve our time and they feed off the attention. less attention they get, less of them will pop up. of course ppl will still interact and send them stuff about people, but we gotta learn to just ignore. for hate and anons, same with exposing accts. block and move on. i would tell everyone to turn off anons forever but that wouldn't be fair to the anons that actually act right and they don't deserve to have that taken from them. for big blogs what i can say in regards to big blogs is, lets do better for the other writers on this app. if you don't already, start interacting with smaller writers and hyping them up!!! ik when i was just starting out that their words of encouragement would have helped me a lot! as for the people who dont like the bigger blogs or wish we would do more, you don't have to like us, but don't send hate about us to others. truth be told it makes us not want to interact with anyone but our close friends and that's when drama starts and the community starts dividing.
i want better for this community, and again, i have had my fair share of drama. i can own up to that, but i can understand and see when change needs to happen and I'm ready for that change and I'm ready to get back to being a fun community.
you dont have to like me at all but i do hope what i said in this long ass post can at least be something we mutually agree on.
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gothwineaunts · 1 day ago
I don’t mean to assume or make anyone alarmed but I’ve heard you and flynn are skipping the focus on Annabel and Lenore bc of a group of Montresor fans (as Lenore and Annabel aren’t popular with them).
Is that true??
I’m not asking because of what’s happening in fastpass, I heard about this information around when season 2 came out.
Wow, that's honestly absurd. Sorry hon, I dunno where you heard that but it's made-up nonsense. A rumor, and not even a particularly good one. I think most anyone would be able to see through it, but I'll go through it with you anyway because I've seen some angst on the tag about this. 1. Lenore and Annabel are the main characters of the story, and that has not changed and will not change. If we intended to toss them aside in season 2, why on earth would we have set so much up in season 1? Also all of the promo art is still of them, and we spent a lot of time on it. So I think it's a safe bet to assume they're still the main characters. 2. Nevermore is, and has always been, a sapphic gothic romance. Montresor is a man. Where is the sense in changing the intent of a story, and likely losing readers in the process, just to appeal to a niche group? 3. As for this niche group of Montresor fans, where? Who are they? And what power do they supposedly have over us to force us to completely change the story to their shadowy whims? Idk if you noticed this but people kind of hate Montresor. He's easily the least liked character in the series. And making him the main character would be maybe the most unpopular decision we could possibly make, so how would that be selling out or making fanservice, if everyone... would hate it? Wouldn't that make it the opposite of fanservice? What is the logic there? 4. As far as I am concerned, Annabel and Lenore are popular with most everybody in the fandom (including people who happen to also like Montresor) on account of them being, once again, the main characters of the story. 5. Annabel got the first flashback, and then Ada, then Prospero, then Eulalie, and Will. I feel like there are enough data points there for most people to be able to see the trajectory of the arc. If you can't, I'm not going to explain it. 6. Related to the above point, do you suppose we've passed over Lenore by accident? Or we just forgot about her? Or is it more likely that we're doing a thing? 7. Y'know, it's always Montresor people make up these moralistic rumors about. I'm sick to death of people being weird about Montresor. Some of you out there really need to learn what a villain is, it's frankly wild how much confusion there seems to be around this concept. 8. This rumor smacks of "you don't actually care about the sapphics" but I regret to inform you that Flynn and I are both sapphics. And worse, we're sapphic together. Kinda shoots that idea out of the water. 9. Is this because everyone is mad they haven't kissed yet? Because this is still the same slowburn you read last season. I don't know why anyone thought there'd be a kiss like ten panels into the new season. 10. If I seem edgy, it's because it's pretty insulting to imply that we just do whatever readers tell us to do when it comes to creating the story. We really put our hearts into this series, and our plans for the plot will not change, no matter what y'all say or do. We do not crowdsource our art. And if we did, it would make an absolute mess of things. Thanks for your question, I hope I cleared things up. <3
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hopepunk-humanity · 3 days ago
Hi! I am the anon who sent you an ask ages ago about wanting to take responsibility for my life despite not really believing in it. It's ok if you don't remember, but back then I sort of asked the question: Why should I be the one to do it if it's not my mess and no one else took responsibility for me?
I wanted to send an update. It's a funny thing. I still don't believe in it. I'm still not convinced why I should do it (despite doing it).
I don't have the strength to clean up for two - for myself and for those people who let things go slack and did not teach me. It's like I'm raising myself as my own kid. I'm working for two people here, and I really, really want to wallow in it and give up. And I don't want to hear about how others have it worse.
I hate every second of it. But do you know what? Every time the depression hits, or the freeze mode that keeps me paralyzed, or grief or apathy or fear or panic or rage - gosh, you should see the rage, my kitchen has dents all over from me throwing pots and pans around - ... I have turned all of that basically into "productive mode". Angry about lack of skills? Don't waste precious energy on destroying cups and cutlery. Reward yourself the hard way by turning that energy into doing the things for fun that you wished you could do. Cook yourself a wonderful meal instead, put serious effort into the seasoning and the ingredients and all that, because you haven't eaten all day. Turn that into a cooking lesson and prove yourself wrong because YOU taught you. Now you have taught yourself how to make a new dish. You're a little more of an expert now than you were before. And I don't do sacrificial shit for other people anymore. I do this for me. I give to others only what I have more than enough of. This is me healing me first.
This is how I do it with most things now. There are still huge blind spots, but in regard to many things that need solving, I have somehow managed to successfully install "fun productive mode" in auto-pilot, so to speak. It is immensely satisfying. I still don't understand. I still don't know who will make up for the lack of good things and for all the stuff I've suffered. I want justice. I want compensation. I want things to finally be well. But I'm in a better place than I was before.
And taking responsibility is working, whether I like it or not.
Also can't leave an ask without saying thanks again for you keeping this blog. It's humbling, and a real light out there!
That's amazing, what a great way to redirect those emotions. I'm so happy you're in a better place.
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iamfuckingsorry · 3 days ago
so i really didn't like fugitive telemetry nearly as much as the rest of the series on my first listen, in part because i spent a big chunk of it confused about what the hell i missed because i was listening to it in publishing order, and in part because mb spends a great deal of it feeling super uncomfortable about basically everything
but i'm listening to it again now and i can really see why people seem to like it.
mb's really struggling with its identity in this one oh god. it knows it's a secunit it wants to be a secunit it is not a human or a bot or anything else and it does not want to be treated as anything else but what it is. but it also. fucking hates being treated as a secunit. and it's especially bad because so many of the people on preservation are trying to be nice about it, like there's several instances of people going "oh hi--- oh wait fuck the feed id says secunit oh shit it's the secunit--- wait no calm tf down it has rights yeah i know it's scary af but you still need to treat it like a person oh god okay let's be weirdly polite and pretend you're not scared" and mb clearly hates that immediate reaction to what it is, but it seems to hate people forcing themselves to be aggressively polite around it just as much, because at least that immediate reaction is what it's used to
ah mb both wanting to be equal and being horribly freaked out by the idea of being equal because equal means human and the idea of being human is so incredibly gross will never stop being entertaining (and very very relatable)
pin lee is also just so aggressively in mb's corner, she doesn't really play /that/ big of a role in the book but she's 100% fighting for mb basically from the moment it comes back to save mensah in exit strategy, and here mb just needs to be like "ew i don't wanna do that" and pin lee feels like she would fucking. kill someone. to make sure mb doesn't need to do things it doesn't wanna do. can i also get a pin lee please.
also the bit where mb talks about people seeing it on tv or something? i can't remember if it's the documentary or if it maybe comes up in another context but there's definitely a part where mb talks about how it wouldn't mind that actually. and knowing what happens later on i'm just like. ahhhh foreshadowing!! nice!!
and it gets to do proper secunit stuff! it's so happy about it, like "yes i liked this plan better. partially because it was a better plan but also because it was a secunit plan, not a combatunit plan". like i know we all (me included) wonder if/what kind of sexual abuse mb's been through the way it reacts to maybe being percieved as a sexbot and stuff, but it also clearly doesn't want to be perceived as any other kind of construct either. it's not a comfortunit, it's not a combatunit, it's a secunit goddamnit (insert bones "im a doctor not an ---" gif here)
and the way it just. doesn't understand the preservation bots at all. jollybaby probably thinks it's being all cute and friendly including and mb just finds it. annoying. the other bots are a variety of genuinely friendly and lowkey an ass but doing the same Nice and Polite thing that some of the preservation humans do to it, and mb feels all sorts of ways about it, like if all of them are playing some kind of weird game where they roleplay as happy content bots even though they couldn't possibly be since they're not really free
and its relationship with indah, and the way it goes from "ugh i hate this human" (because said human is very much treating it like a dangerous murder weapon, very fair reaction) to "ugh i still don't like this human but i wouldn't necessarily /hate/ having to work with her again" (because said human has actually started to realize that secunit 1. fucking loves saving people is just can't help itself, 2. is actually fucking amazing at its job, and 3. maybe really does deserve to be treated like a person)... like they're not friends by the end of it but they're much, much closer to something like coworkers who don't work the same way but are generally fairly okay with each other. god it just can't fucking help making some kind of connection with humans can it
anyway i dunno where i was going with this, my memory is too shit to actually pull up any specific examples and i'm all just about vibes, but it's just like
good book actually
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rjalker · 1 day ago
yep, it's always been ableist and classist. See: The giant wall of people who immediately started mocking me for being too disabled to work when I pointed out that's it's *blatantly* ableist and classist to act like somebody not having a job makes them useless.
It was a post where the OP was spelling out *explicitly* that they used to say get a job as an insult, before realizing that that was classist and ableist, so they in the post explicitly say that they now say get a hobby, because it lets them say the exact same thing but without being blatantly classist and ableist about it.
And then they were acting like this means the classism and ableism are no longer there even though they explicitly spelled out, on purpose, for everybody to read, that they are using these two things interchangeably and what they really mean when they tell people to get a hobby is to get a job. And like I guess this post was supposed to be funny? Somehow. Like, "haha I'm so smart I made a dog whistle for hating disabled and poor people, aren't I so clever for changing one word in the sentence but making it absolutely clear to everybody what I really mean? Laugh with me at the poor and disabled people who can't work!"
It was all just very absurd.
Because everyone who says things like this just genuinely hates disabled people and poor people, everybody who is not disabled and poor hates us.
And people who will loudly call themselves anti-capitalist actually just hate disabled and poor people just as much as everybody else does, but they pretend that when they do it, it's progressive. Even though they're saying the exact same things as any random capitalist. Literally equating not having a job to being useless and not worthy of existing.
(And yes, almost all of the people mocking me for literally being too disabled to work, were also misgendering me, because of course they were)
It's always been ableist in classist. Especially considering all of the impacts of COVID, which continue to this day.
can I say something too woke or no?
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dailymanners · 2 days ago
I get my ideas for posts from a lot of random sources. Some of them are from doing research, like articles / books / etc. about different manners. Some of them are from suggestions people have sent to me or asked me about on this blog. Others are based on experiences.
The doing research is one of my main sources. But I don't think I've talked about before how I don't just post any and every manner I find, I put some effort into curating them, because not all the manners I find make the cut. Some just seem like bad ideas, some are hyper specific to one region or culture and would be considered rude in many areas outside of this one region or culture. Some have no good reasoning other than "this is just what's been considered polite for centuries so do it."
But in case anyone has been curious what are some of the ones who haven't made the cut, here's some of them and why:
If you're scraping ice off of your car, scrape off your neighbor's car too. I've come across this one a few times and have never posted it for a reason. It's a nice thought, if it was icy and my neighbor had scraped off the ice from my car without damaging my car at all, I would personally be grateful. But the problem and why I've never posted it is because of the risk you run of damaging your neighbor's car in the process. If you damage someone else's property while doing a favor they never asked you for, you bet they're going to be really unhappy with you and likely make you pay for damages. Now I have posted about shoveling your neighbor's driveway or walkway, because the risk of damaging a driveway or a walkway while shoveling is much much lower, if anyone has ever managed to damage a concrete driveway or walkway while shoveling please let me know how you managed that. But I also imagine it's less of a problem than a damaged car.
2. Calling service workers by their first name if they're wearing a name tag I worked the service industry for many years, and was lucky enough to never have to wear a name tag. It was already unpleasant enough getting hit on by people three times my age, or getting yelled at and chewed out by strangers daily, and I'm grateful I was afforded some anonymity. The last retail job I had we didn't have name tags, but for some reason beyond me the receipts would print the name of whoever did the sale, and I personally hated it when people would look at the receipt then call me by name and go "that is your name, right?". You encounter a lot of creeps and hostiles in the service industry, so many people prefer feeling anonymous. To each their own, maybe some people in the industry like it when customers use their name, but I never posted this because I know it's not universal.
3. Take off your hat while you're inside The reason is because I have never been able to find a good and logical explanation for this one, most of what I can find is based on outdated concepts like "back in the era of knights it showed trust and vulnerability for knights to take off their helmet while in someone else's residence" or "back in the day women wore huge and elaborate hats that would block the view for others" but nothing on why I can't wear a simple plain beanie indoors. Maybe I'm just personally salty on this. I have a skin condition that causes scalp issues for me, and I find wearing simple and breathable hats like beanies helps me. But when I was an au pair many years ago the host mom would scream at me and call me rude if I wore a beanie indoors because I was "setting a bad example for her children" by doing something so rude as wearing a hat inside. But I never did get a good explanation on why it was so rude and such a bad example for her children. I just wanted to ease my scalp problems. If you have a good reason, please do let me know because I would like to know. I'm sure there's more, but these are a few I can think of off the top of my head that I've encountered a few times but never posted. In case anyone was curious about what does or doesn't make the cut.
A few others are things that are more etiquette that manners like "make sure that x utensil is always to the right of y utensil" and I don't want to dunk on anyone who is big on etiquette rules and finds them fun or interesting, but it's the same problem as the hat problem. The focus of this blog is manners that have meaning and I can give a good logical explanation for how/why it benefits you and others.
And to be perfectly honest, sometimes I post things and later go "Actually, I don't fully agree with that now that I think about it more." But also, I trust that all of my followers are able to think critically on their own, so if they come across a post of time that's actually kinda unnecessary or they just don't agree with, they can think for themselves "actually, I don't want to do that or think that I need to" or even just "this might apply to other people but doesn't apply to me or my circumstances."
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acourtofthought · 2 days ago
I woke up this morning to more hate anons and a few reassuring messages (thank you so much for those ❤️) but I'm not going to be responding to any more about this topic.
I have two younger children with a lot of energy, a needy energetic dog who is always stealing stuff and making you chase him, I'm taking one of my best friends out to brunch this morning to celebrate her birthday and I currently feel like shit because I could not sleep last night. My body was humming with anxiety and I woke up in a panic every hour after finally falling asleep after two hours of listening to sleep meditation videos. Rinse and repeat from 11 pm to 7 am.
Yes, to those who continue throwing this in my face, I do defend Elain's character on some anti takes who constantly use the Elucien and Elain tags. When doing so, you are forcing Elain stans to witness your hatred of her, you are filling their feed with negativity and you should then not be surprised if people decide to comment. But you're also kidding yourself if you think I am constantly bombarding others because responding to the Anti Elain takes would tie up Eluciens for the entirety of their day. Clearly, you have absolutely no room to talk when you couldn't even handle someone having a headcanon that put Elain's story before Gwyn's on the timeline all while only using Elain, Lucien, and Elucien tags. It wasn't even Gwyn slander, it was literally "I know Gwyn is going to be an important part of the IC / Nyx someday as Az's mate but I'd really like to see Elain interacting with them from her POV first". Apparently, THAT was the cause for the downfall of the Elucien / Gwynriel friendship. Apparently THAT was the reason for the discord between us. It couldn't possibly have been all the hate some Gwynriels have for Elain or the statements that "Az's book is definitely next and Eluciens are just going to have to accept it" or "Gwyn will get a Pegasus from Helion first." or "We'll learn about Az and Gwyn's heritage before Lucien discovers his". If you're allowed to have those headcanons then why can't we have ours? And if the only way for Eluciens and Gwynriels to be friends is for us to put Az and Gwyn first at all times, to not try to point out why Elucien might be set up more than Gwynriel (just like you do for Gwynriel over Elucien / Elriel) while acknowledging that we could still be wrong then I guess we can't be friends. Disagreeing is not a crime. Putting our OTP first is not a crime. Saying "I think our pairing is ready first" is not a crime, especially when most of it is in response to the takes we're regularly forced to bear witness to. It's not antagonistic either. You know what is antagonistic? Saying "Az's book is definitely next and Eluciens are just going to have to wait longer". Saying "anyone who thinks Elain's book is next is delusional". Saying, "Elain is so boring and underdeveloped and that's our right to think so but you're a bad friend if you have anything negative to say about Az or Gwyn's character." "Elain is boring but Gwyn does not need more development, they're so wrong for saying that". Saying "we can have our headcanons but if you have yours then you're creating discord." Saying "Elucien's should be happy if Gwynriel is next because they still win, it still confirms their ship". Sending hate anons, gaslighting and spreading lies is the exact same bully behavior you claim to hate about E/riels yet some are turning around and doing it to "mutuals".
I'm an Elucien blog first and foremost. I love both Elain and Lucien. I see the potential of Gwynriel but am allowed to be a little salty at Az for the way he acts towards Lucien. I am allowed to want to see more for Gwyn's character outside of just being Nesta's best friend before feeling like I truly know all her layers. Saying that does not mean I hate her or am slandering her. Elain has been around since book 1, Gwyn was only around for SF, it is not abnormal for someone to feel more drawn to a character who they've been reading about for multiple books. I have many mutuals who comment under my posts and say "I see things differently" and we have healthy exchanges even with a difference of opinions, clearly I don't need every single person to agree with me. If you can't handle that and instead need to resort to telling lies about my posts and sending hate anons than you are the problem, you are the bully.
Wanting to claim Elucien's as friends just so you feel you have a bigger army against elriels while shitting on Elain then expecting us to show nothing but respect for your favorites? That's not a friendship we need.
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jack-of-heartstrings · 1 day ago
Oohhhhhhhh my God, you are absolutely right on every account but now I am... also picturing how that would actually go...
Can you IMAGINE Adrien being sat down to that news, with not only Ladybug, but Nathalie, Kagami, Felix... I'm still not sure if Placide ever actually knew about it but imagine if he did or if they told him first to ask for extra support in the group thing here.
Imagine if this happens AFTER their own reveal. Imagine if it's coming from MARINETTE, who he by then knows is also Ladybug, or if she admits her identity ALONG with this, for some reason...
I think the BEST CASE SCENARIO would be to tell Adrien AND ALYA and maybe a few other trusted folks at the same time. I think if Alya was ALSO there, and hearing it for the as-far-as-she-remembers-first time alongside him, seeing at least one other person shocked and horrified alongside him would make a world of difference. I think Alya's utter outrage on his behalf would be comforting in a way he wouldn't realize he needed otherwise, but that she would be just reasonable and far enough from the problem enough to help keep him grounded, too. To call everyone out on how messed up this was but to begrudgingly understand why they all struggled and respect that they are making the effort now, and help emphasize that to Adrien as someone who was not in on it herself. As someone he can safely believe would have told him immediately.
Because WITHOUT THAT, can you imagine being sat down by nearly every important person in your life to tell you something this big, and that you were— at least as far as it feels in the moment— the only one who didn't know. That ALL of them let you believe such a huge lie, like you're some fragile little doll they're afraid of breaking, after how the man whose honor they lied to protect treated you all your life.
You thought you were finally free to live for yourself and make your own choices, and it hurt like hell that it took something like this to reach this point, but you thought understood. You thought he really had been doing it to protect you, that he was being coerced by some outside force. You thought there was reason to believe he hated how much he was forced to put you through. One of the last things you ever heard him say, when he didn't know he was talking to you, was that he believed you were very happy. Under the lie, you'd wanted to believe that, that he was doing the best he could under the circumstances.
But no. Everyone is STILL making choices for you. Also you basically WERE made to be a perfect little doll, and a lot of those choices you took as you just being really averse to disobeying, or even you "just" being irrationally terrified, were never choices at all. You were his puppet, and Nathalie's, who was his sidekick by the way. And now you have to question your whole life before, too. Even your beloved angelic saint of a mother, she wore that ring; were you ever her puppet, too?
You might be inclined to think they're all the same, that none of them ever really saw you as a person once they knew what you were, but Felix and Kagami are right here and they didn't respect you any more than the others. Even they both got to know and thought you shouldn't.
Guys I am TERRIFIED that Adrien can now destroy memories. I am TERRIFIED that they chose to reference Chat Blanc in new ways in THIS episode of all things. I am terrified of the episode opening with them emphasizing everyone being able to use their powers over and over, and following that with Adrien wishing he could have a normal life where nobody knows him. And I hope to God we can have Alya and maybe like Luka and Su-Han or something finding out alongside him but I'm not sure even that would necessarily help.
Our biggest saving grace is that Adrien gets sad so much easier than he gets mad, but when he DOES get mad, or even panicked, well..... His feelings do tend to get destructive... 🫠
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it's wild that Alya would actually hate Marinette if she learned the secrets she'd been keeping from her. I--I actually don't know what to say, I'm so shocked by the fact that she stayed mad the whole time she remembered the secret.
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vyyper · 20 hours ago
hallo ! apologies for being an exceptionally random guest (i promise i’m friendly, my blog just isn’t set up yet), but i have a request for you if you’re interested :333
aven/kakavasha x reader. anything, literally anything with him in it—oneshot, hc, whatever…I BEG, there isn’t enough sfw content of him /nf, lmk if this is too general of a req :D
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Aventurine Relationship Headcanons
a/n: honestly i could ramble on forever about him... he's one of my very favorite characters. but i restrained myself a bit! not beta read, mostly fluff and me word vomiting
-aventurine takes a long time to get comfortable and really open up to your relationship. vulnerability isn't something that comes easy to aventurine, and love is the most vulnerable thing to him. it terrifies him, how much he cares. surely, someone as awful as him shouldn't dim the light of someone like you. but be tender, be gentle, be patient, and gradually, he'll open up. the way his heart beats faster around you will gradually turn from a feeling he hates to one he loves the most.  
-i think he really is a loverboy through and through once he's able to be open!! showers you in compliments, partially because he likes to laugh at how flustered his flirting makes you, but mainly because he can't say enough how much he admires you. he hasn't had genuine connection in so long, so you're a true reprieve for him. he never wants to let you go, so he'll remind you exactly why as much as possible.
-likes to take pictures of you. he wants to hold onto every memory he can, and he loves to admire you. he likes to take selfies with you or have you pose for the camera, but his favorites are candid photos, ones where you aren't expecting them. there's something so enrapturing about you just being. you sleeping in your bed or on his lap, cooking some breakfast in the kitchen, scrolling on your phone across the couch from him, getting ready for your day...he loves it all. when he's off on some faraway planet, he'll look back at them, to get himself through whatever mission, remind himself he needs to get back to you soon.
-he likes extravagant dates just as much as laid back ones. whether it's whisking you off to a place you've always dreamed of visiting or staying in and binging movies, holding you close on the couch, he enjoys all time spent with you.
"i heard this movie's a bit of a scary one, so if you want to hold onto me i'll protect you...hey, don't glare at me! i'm just concerned, that's all..."
(the movie in question is a g-rated animated film. teasing little shit. you cling onto him anyway though to make him happy.)
-a bit of an unpopular opinion, but i think that while aventruine spoils you on dates, and also buys you plenty of things, one of his favorite ways to show affection even more than money is little acts of service. he does love to spoil you!! but his money is also a bargaining chip, and he has so much of it that spending on you too excessively wouldn't feel as genuine in his mind.
-so he does things for you. he loves to cook for you, for one. when he has the time he'll spend hours perfecting your favorite dishes. the kitchen is lively as smells drift through the air, warmth radiating from the stove as you two buzz with lively conversation. he'll call you over and spoon feed you a taste to make sure he's making it the way you like it, giving you a soft peck and swiping the extra at the corner of your mouth with his thumb after. there's something so tender about seeing your smile as you eat his meals, knowing it energizes you and makes you happy, warms you. It comes from his hard work, his hands, all for you, and he adores it.
he wears a silly kiss the chef apron and goes "i think you should listen to what the apron says and reward me, hm?" after he finishes. you roll your eyes hard but do it anyway, and he feels your smile against his lips.
-he also loves to do things like help you with your hair or run you baths or your laundry. if he happens to be home while you're at work, sometimes you'll come back to a super clean house, chores all done. you'll thank him a bunch then scold him for working on his day off, but he just laughs and silences you with a kiss before running you a bath. he'll happily let you reward him by washing his hair and rubbing his shoulders in the tub, though.
-that doesn't at all mean he won't spend on you though!! he loves spoiling you! i just think he won't overwhelm you with random, massive gifts. he'll buy you little trinkets that reminds him of you, get you some clothing from a brand you mentioned, restock your perfume/cologne, buy jewelry with gems in your favorite color, that kind of stuff. the price is never a problem, but he makes sure it's stuff you actually want, makes sure the gifts are personal.
-he buys you flowers a lot. will get you new ones as soon as the previous have wilted. if he's been away? he gets you a whole mini garden's worth to make for the weeks he's been gone
your jaw drops at the sheer amount he got you. you know he missed you, but nothing could have prepared you for this.
"what's that shocked look for? is it not enough? well, i can always get you more, if you really insist..."
he laughs when you shake your head rapidly and tell him absolutely not.
-speaking of being away, it KILLS him. he hates his job already and he misses you so bad!! texts you often, checking in on you and updating you and complimenting you and sending you money. prefers calling you when he gets the time because he wants to actually *talk*, will ask you to just ramble about whatever because he misses the sound of your voice :(
-aventurine's very physically affectionate. he almost always has his hands on you somehow. it's a way for him to show his love but also a way for him to reassure himself that you're really there, that you love him too.
-swings your arms when you walk together, holding hands. he'll feed you a bite of his food on dates, give quick little pecks, dangle his jacket on your shoulders, slide an arm around your waist.
-in the comfort of your home he's allll over you. wakes you up with a kiss, brushes his teeth while you brush yours with your sides pressed together. he'll always have an arm or two wrapped around you. he'll come up behind you and slide the shoulder of your shirt down so he can pepper kisses there, laughing when you let out a surprised yelp. he'll stay there, breathing in the scent of your shampoo, before taking your hand and dragging you to hang out with him on the couch
-loves cuddling. it's his favorite way to be with you. your head in his lap, a lazy arm wrapped around you, you lying on top of him, his head resting on your shoulder, spooning, sitting on his lap with your forehead pressed to his. sny and all of it, any and all of you. i think he has his favorites, though. he likes to rest on your chest, just by your heart, or bury his face in your neck, lips resting softly against your pulse. your heartbeat is the best sound, the best feeling in the world to him. steady, reassuring, a reminder that you're alive.
-shares his jewelry with you. helps you put it on, clasping necklaces and sliding on rings and bracelets. he'll admire you with the sweetest smile, tell you how beautiful you look.
"you're gorgeous...maybe i should just let you keep it all. it suits you better than me, anyway."
-he loves going to bed with you. He sleeps so much better with you by his side. sleep is when people are most delicate, most unguarded, so to be able to sleep with you is a sign he really trusts you. he HAS to be holding you in some way, whether it's pressing as close together as possible for warmth under heavy covers or a loose arm over you if it gets too hot.
-he doesn't usually have pleasant dreams. often he'll wake up in a cold sweat, or to you gently shaking him because you heard him talking in his sleep, and you couldn't stand to hear the tremble in his voice. he's mortified when it happens, but he grows relieved to have you near for it, even if he can never shake the embarrassment fully. sometimes he does need to be alone after it, excusing himself to another room if you're also up, thankful when you nod in understanding. but usually, he needs you. and you'll respond. you'll whisper reassurances, kiss his forehead and rub his back, securing him safely in your arms. he listens to your soft breaths and falling back asleep comes a bit easier. everything comes a bit easier with you guiding him through it.
-i think he loves his forehead and cheek and shoulder kisses, but he loves to kiss your wrist or the pulsepoint on your neck. again, he cherishes those signs that you're with him, and they're some of your most vulnerable spots, so he wants to show them the most love.
-loves kissing you on the lips too though for sure! your mouth is another thing he adores, your smiles and laughter and all the words that spill from them. whether it's quick pecks or making out, he loves it all the same.
-he just cherishes you so much :(( when he's finally comfortable enough to tell you he loves you, he'll start doing it frequently, as much as he can. it takes a while for him to get to that point but stay with him and he'll grow more open with you
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