#like i know i'm above par. i know that i can blow a lot of people out of the water if i tried
nyxavana · 9 months
man. just thinking about raiding burns me out so quickly
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halt-kun · 11 months
My Hero Academia Chapter 406 - Understand your own quirk !
This chapter seems interesting, will we finally know if AFO is finally done for ?
Is Katchan good ?
I hope soooooo,
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not Ojiro and Ryukyu
they're probably against another tartarus escapee
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I had completely forgotten Eraser head and Present mic were abducted ?!?!? What's wrong with me ????
Thanks NAGANT, always rooting for the morally grey girls
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Bakugou is now on par with them with ONE quirk
he's such a good boy !!! BLOW HIM UP
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(i'm afraid)
I don't know what you learnt Bakugou but put it into words quick
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INSTADEATH is a problem
I'm afraid for my boy Izuku
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I'm scared
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Endeavor, I can understand why, and All Might, yes
it's true Dark Shadow is a bad match up against Katsuki but still my boy is fast and strong
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Unhinged good boy is my favourite lately
(Not talking about you Gojo)
don't destroy your body though please
it suffered enough Bakugou
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hitting the pavement that fast should kill you
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A perfect VICTORY
I really don't have much to say beside enjoying this character arc of his accomplish
His parents are there, I would also be worried af (in fact I am)
He's reaching Midoriya's level, he's beyond Endeavor's potential and didn't fall into morally bad stuff to reach that. He's still had a few bumps along the road in term of morality but nowhere near Endeavor's level. And it was in middle school which can be rough for a lot of people
ANYWAY finishing AFO now is prone to bring a lot of good
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Because he STRONK without an OP quirk stacking thing and you were so convinced of your superiority when it comes to blood lineage and quirks that you overlooked him and he's in fact leaps and bounds above you
You're like Katchan when he considered Midoriya to be below him but Izuku kept keeping up and showing him how much better he was at being a hero
Yes AFO, you're just a middle schooler in your head (a pyschopathic one at that with fucked up morals)
well now you're much younger than a middle schooler though, pre school era AFO
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Oh nooooo poor second user
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So that's whyyyyyy they look alike !:!!!
to annoy AFO even more and make him more pissed when he loses (thanks Horikoshi)
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Next chapter, he'll loose
Git Gud Bro
GG ez win
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and they were roommates (oh my god they were roommates)
(lots of sports jargon, sorry)
also tw for suicide (you-know-who) and brief vomit
stephanie meeks was a star golf player at henley
she was the best at the school and ranked tenth in the state
+29 to par, total score 100, average difference 25.23, and she looks good in the skirt
amelia anderson was the fastest runner on the junior varsity softball team at trinity school for girls
she had the most stolen bases, but no one ever ran when she caught behind the plate
.275 batting average, 10 stolen bases, 13 caught runners, and she looks good in the trousers
and welton academy doesn't have girls sports teams
it's funny, it took years to plan and prepare for girls to attend welton, to build extra dorms, hire more teachers, create guidelines specifically for girls
and yet, mr cameron couldn't get girls sports teams up and running
instead, they all took home etc
which was fun, they sewed holes in their tights, made cookies
but no boy was in home etc
it's just... funny
stephanie started playing golf in an attempt to get closer to her father
it didn't work, but now she has a better swing than him
amelia started softball after her mom died in order to blow off steam
she was too little for the outfield, let alone the infield, and she couldn't pitch fast enough
thus, putting her behind the plate
stephanie and amelia reminisced about their old schools a lot, especially pertaining to sports
they liked the community their sports brought, they always knew their teammates had their backs
stephanie was still friends with the henley golf girls (who were no longer golf girls) but didn't see them as often because they weren't practicing every day
amelia hadn't spoken to her teammates since she left trinity, leaving a social aspect unfilled for a while
"maybe we can find that again" stephanie suggests "with the dead poets society"
amelia shrugged
that was something her dad had
she had softball, that was her thing, amelia the catcher
'anderson' on the back of her jersey was for her, not her dad
the society honestly felt like stepping into her father's shadow even more
and she didn't like it
"i don't want to be the mini-girl version of todd anderson," she says "i'm amelia anderson... you know, i should really drop my last name, it's not mine, it's my father's"
"you could go by your mom's surname" stephanie suggests
"that was her father's surname, not her's... i could just be... just amelia, like madonna, or prince"
"okay just amelia, do you have the answer to number fourteen?"
"literally, i wasn't talking to you, richie"
anyway, all this to say
stephanie and amelia bonded very quickly, being roommates and all
weirdly, they didn't have many similar interests (stephanie was very sciencey and amelia was all humanities), but they liked hearing the other talk about their interests
amelia's eyes would glaze over when stephanie talked about constellations
stephanie would pretend to know who lord byron was
it's a great system
they do everything together
homework in the library, studying in the junior lounge, making fun of mr cameron
neither of them is particularly girly, nor tomboyish, they had the best of both worlds
stephanie has long hair that she would curl when going out and she liked makeup, but put her in a skirt or dress outside of school and she will s c r e a m
amelia has short hair just above her shoulders because she doesn't know how to do her hair, every time she's tried to apply mascara, she's stabbed herself in the eye, but she feels like a ~princess~ in a dress
they balance each other out nicely
anyhow, one day, they were going to the bathroom together (as girls do), and amelia stops in front of the portrait of the brunet boy outside mr dad's classroom
she could have sworn he was smiling when she first saw it
now, the corners of his mouth don't curl up anymore
"do you know who this is?" she asks, thinking maybe stephanie would have welton/henley insight that she doesn't
but stephanie shakes her head "no clue, i bet your dad would know"
"i get the feeling he wouldn't tell me"
"what's that mean?"
"i don't know, i just feel like he wouldn't"
"okay, then i'll ask him"
at the end of mr anderson's class, he says "okay, any questions before i let you all go?"
stephanie's hand goes up "um... who's that boy in the painting outside the classroom?"
mr anderson freezes, no expression crossing his face
his eyes fall to the floor, completely silent in the room, all his students watching him
he leans against his desk and crosses his arms, stroking his body as if to comfort himself
"he was a student here at welton," he says "he was here when i was here... so a long time ago"
the students force a laugh
"his name was neil perry" it looks as though it pains him to speak
amelia leans over to stephanie "N.P.?"
"he passed away while attending this school"
students gasp and their mouths drop open
"did you know him?" stephanie asks
todd purses his lips together, eyes still on the floor, he nods "we were roommates"
oh my god they were roommates
"um... you're all dismissed" and he disappears into his office
the students collect their things, worried for their teacher
that was fucking sad
all the new poets gather down the hall
"that's who N.P. is from the cave" amelia whispers
"never heard the name before," evan says, everyone else agreeing
"but your dad said he was here the same time neil was," pittsie says
"yeah so?" amelia asks
"so, if we know when mr anderson was here..."
"...then we'll know when neil was here," stephanie says
"there are annuals in the library," richie says, "when was your dad here, amelia?"
"well, he transferred high schools, i think he was here fifty-nine to sixty and sixty to sixty-one"
"on it"
so the search begins
and search means looking through literally the first annual they pick off the shelf
it doesn't take long before they find the memorial page for neil perry
"no shit," richie mutters under his breath
it doesn't say how he died, just that he was seventeen and will be missed and all that bullshit
while amelia looks through the annual, she notices something... odd
charles dalton wasn't in the annual
not mentioned or anything
"but his initials were carved into the wall" she says
"maybe they were carved in a different year" evan suggests
"no, they're eroded the same, definitely done at the same time" pittsie says
why wasn't mr dalton in the annual?
"did he kill neil perry?" richie says in a low voice
"he would be in prison, stupid" stephanie says
"maybe he didn't get caught"
"that doesn't explain why he's not in the annual"
"whatcha kids doing?" mr dalton comes out of nowhere
richie shoves the annual into his bag and the new poets pretend they were working on their homework
(or staring at the globe on the table if you're evan and don't have your homework out)
"homework" pittsie says
"good on ya, kids" he wanders away
"cold-blooded killer, i'm telling you"
evan elbows richie in the hip
amelia and stephanie are in their dorm, absolutely losing their minds over this mystery
from what we know, mr dalton and mr cameron were at welton at the same time, mr anderson and neil perry were at welton at the same time, mr cameron and neil perry were at welton at the same time, but according to the annuals, mr dalton and neil perry weren't at welton at the same time, and mr anderson and mr dalton weren't at welton at the same time
"forget this, i'm just gonna ask my dad"
"look, i don't think that's a good idea"
"why not?" amelia asks
"well, your dad seemed kinda broken up when i asked about neil"
amelia stares daggers at stephanie
she thinks about her father curled up on the floor of their living room, barely able to cry anymore
she thinks about her father being unable to get out of bed
she thinks about her father leaning over her mother's body dying body saying "you'll be okay, honey, you'll be fine"
"you don't know what my dad is like when he's broken up"
amelia marches down to her dad's apartment, stephanie trailing
"just stay out of sight, take notes or something"
stephanie stays behind a wall where mr anderson couldn't see her when amelia knocks
when her dad opens the door, she sees he's in his pajamas even though it's five in the afternoon, his eyes are swollen and red, and his glasses are off
"dad, have you been crying?"
"i... um..."
amelia sits her dad on the bed "what's going on?"
"nothing... i'm just..."
"is this about neil?"
he doesn't answer
"were you two close?"
stephanie doesn't know, but todd nods
"do you want talk about it?"
it's quiet again
"amelia, i just want you to know... i love you so much, it aches"
"yeah, i know"
"and i couldn't live with myself if you thought otherwise"
"trust me, i know"
"amelia, i'm serious"
"what happened to neil perry, dad?"
... well, you know what he says
amelia comes around the corner where stephanie is, eyes wide, stepping as though on a tightrope
she walks past stephanie...step...step...step...
once she knows her dad can't see her, she throws up onto the lawn
stephanie pulls her hair out of her face and rubs her back
amelia is typically good at keeping her Bad Emotions to herself, but the knowledge of a student's suicide, even from thirty years ago, crashed onto her with an insufferable weight
"he was just a kid, steph! he was just a kid!"
amelia and stephanie don't go to dinner that evening
they lay on the wooden floor of their dorm together in silence
stephanie wants to hug amelia
amelia wants stephanie to hug her
but neither move
and neither get what they want
"i think i would be messed up thirty years on if you killed yourself" stephanie whispers eventually
"luckily i have no plans to do so," amelia says
"neither do i"
"good... i don't think i can take another heartbreak"
they sleep on the floor
amelia dreams of neil's smile
stephanie dreams of neil sobbing in her lap
they still don't know why mr dalton wasn't in the annual
wow!!! wtf
i know this is kind of a crappy place to leave it, but i'm currently on a break, so i might not post for like a week as i'm w family
taglist!!! (please lmk if you want to be added or removed)
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hoopdiddies · 5 years
I'm Not Over You // Ben Hardy x Reader (Part 7)
A/N: This is probably the longest I've written in this series. Again guys, thank you for the support, your comments and likes mean so much! My tag list is always open so feel free to ask. And on a slightly heavy note: the next chapter could be really angsty. Just a heads up right there uwu
Summary: You had always loved Ben ever since you two met in university and became the best of friends. That feeling went out like a candle flame when the two of you parted ways until he re-entered your life...but this time with someone who has already occupied his heart.
Warnings: Angst, slight drinking, slight swearing, (yeah the fluff is still present)
W/C: 5k-ish
Tags: @haendel-me-with-care
Edited// I forgot to link the previous parts
Parts: 6 5 4 3 2 1
(Got the pic from Pinterest hhh-)
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Storing the luggage bag you've purchased for a fair price in the spare room, you come across a small box of sundries tucked in one corner with cobwebs clinging to the sides. Your eyes light up with curiosity spiking within you, you pick it up and dust the webs off, blowing the particles away from the top. You squat on the floor and open the flaps, discovering small yet familiar items that had been lost in time– one of them being a sepia-toned polaroid of you and Ben posing dramatically with hilarious doodles drawn on your faces. You forgot about this, feeling a little guilty that you had hidden it away in a drafty box without remembering doing anything of the sort. You flip the picture over and spot a date and an unfinished sentence written in faded ink on the bottom left part. This was taken on Homecoming night.
'I'm not going-' it says, clearly discontinued next to the date. Silly to think that the picture somehow represents a puzzle piece torn away from its board.
You were bound to graduate the week after and barely a day after, not see each other for several years due to your career paths and post-college choices.
You pull on the hem of your shirt, clearing the picture of dust and any more impurities, finally fitting it into your back pocket to finally treasure it the way it was always meant to be treasured.
The door clicks as you bring it close, your eyes gluing themselves at the hardwood floor seconds to having self-pity billow over you at how quickly your tears surface in the corner of your eyes from the memory of Ben spinning Rosy around - the exact way he did with you -and kissing her like she's a pouch full of life.
You clamp down on your bottom lip, trying your hardest not to stain your cheeks with your pooling tears. "Jeez, you just-" you pace back and forth in frustration, balling your fists as you gesticulate lazily, "you just don't get it, Y/N! Ugh, you're so- fuck, just get over it..." Knowing your harsh soliloquy would be getting you nowhere, you snarl strongly at yourself and roughly wipe your tears away with the back of your hand.
"He loves Rosy. F-freaking deal with it!" The reminder takes a hiss from your quivering lips for it to sink in; you have your own place in his life– a place behind the line you'd drawn in the years prior. The friend zone couldn't be any more hollow and cold than it already is.
And a polaroid pic is the only remnant left of how inseparable you and Ben were in the early days.
At the same time you're feeling your heart tear itself apart, Ben pulls out a picture - similar to what you've found - from the inner pocket of his old varsity jacket in the middle of rummaging through his wardrobe. He leaves his room in his pajamas and tosses himself on the couch next to a sleeping Frankie, softly apologizing to the little beagle for disturbing her cat-like nap. As he cuddles Frankie close, he scrutinizes the picture and it's also from Homecoming, but in it both of you are beaming widely with your arms slung around one another– the doodles ever-so-present on your faces. Behind it, the date and the continuation of the trailed-off sentence written at the back of your share of the memory.
'-anywhere at all.'- it ends in Ben's part of the duality. He grins fondly at the long lost picture, feeling twice as guilty for not keeping it safe and...close to his heart, just as he had promised you that night.
- - - - - - - -
In the convenience of Lucy needing some company to shop with for awards season just as she had returned from her get-away with Rami, she drags you along happily, having to pass through you insisting that you stay at home and study but purposefully ending up under her mercy anyway. You couldn't say no to her, she's basically your sparkly, glam counterpart and you're in need of her life-altering sparkles as of now. Especially since you're going to be tagging along with them, mainly as Joe's date cause you know, you're his 'girlfriend' and all.
You're at the mall, in a stylish boutique full of lines of voguish clothing and shoes that could span miles if not compressed together. For once in the hours you've spent scampering around the mall with Lucy to hoard dresses, skin products and make up, you admit that this is the most aesthetically pleasing space in the entire building.
You traipse along a section with black dresses fashioned into different forms, silently praying that what you have with you will amount to at least one of the varying prices.
Lucy's on the opposite side, ogling at the most colorful section in the boutique for a piece to wear. She peers over at you to make sure you've chosen your 'fighter'. A few swishes of the dresses lined up and you do, holding it up high to evaluate the appropriateness.
It's a sleeveless, halter neck satin that's just a few inches above the knee. Utterly backless but it ends right up the small of your back. The fabric is stretchy enough to move around and breathe in as it simultaneously hugs your shape. You love it but gulp as you prepare yourself for the price. Flipping the tag over, you suddenly wish you could let out the biggest, girlish squeal the human race has ever heard with how surprisingly affordable it is.
"Finally picked out yours?" Lucy pokes her head up playfully and you nod, quite speechless but giddy. She makes a grabby hand at your dress to examine it for herself.
Well she's the fashion guru so why not? You hand her the dress and as she trails her eyes from top to bottom, her mouth falls at the simple yet elegant details. "This is perfect! I highly doubt that it's not going to catch every exposed eye present at the event."
Your flush profusely at her comment. "Thanks but I'll be bringing a coat with me."
That triggered her, but of course you're only teasing. "You better effing not." She warns you and you chuckle, taking the dress from her and evenly brushing the skirt.
"I won't, you can sleep soundly tonight."
You assure her of the possibility. As you exit the boutique with a few bags you're not used to holding, Lucy takes out her phone and gasps, her face contorting with a little disbelief. "Uh oh, this might ruin your mood." She hands you the phone and you gape at her confusingly before taking a quick look.
Ben's posted some updates on his wedding preparations, shockingly tagging you, Joe, Gwil and Lucy in one photo. He's pretty busy alright; unable to text or call you for days but miraculously tagging you out of nowhere.
You come to disregard it until you notice one minute but important detail hidden in plain sight in all of his posts– there isn't a single one with him and Rosy together alone. None of such as well on his new ones.
The only post he's had with a close girl is the one with you, which is at the very bottom of his Instagram feed. You won't admit it but it warms your heart a little. Actually, a whole lot despite wondering why there's none of him and his fiancee. You hand Lucy her phone back and tilt your head to one side, suddenly finding the eagerness to go on shopping. "Let's go."
The following week comes as a radial blur contrasted to the slightly moderate one you just woke up from; your manager phoning you up to take the earliest shift you've had in years at the expense of your allotted time to rest, the heavy workload and rush hours in the upcoming hours followed by the slowest progress of filing your travel documents and visa needed for your departure on the 26th. You've got tons of missed calls from your parents and Joe, who's requested for you to pack up early since you'll be leaving for LA with Lucy on the day of the awards but earlier.
Also noting that you still need to double check the costs for flying to LA and back, ruling out the one exclusive for your flight on the 26th.
For mere days you feel as if you could lose your sanity as your life spirals into madness with everything you're required to do– whether or not you're obliged to do it.
But they are effective distractions for that problem you are still very much preoccupied with. That's a matter noteworthy of later discussion. Amidst all the chaos happening, part of you wishes for Ben to reply to your messages or even talk to you in the slightest. You never bothered to call this week since he's tied up but the least he could do is let you know how he's doing, if he's thinking of you once in a thousand passing seconds.
You give up for a day waiting on him and drown yourself in work.
- - - - - - -
Securing your phone between your tilted head and your shoulder as you indulge in your talk with Joe through the line, you crouch and zip your luggage bag close. Your eyes fixating themselves on two, separate luggage bags for two, separate travels.
"Was that all of it?" Joe's disembodied voice asks. You spring up and take your phone between your fingers. "Pretty much. I better have a kick out of something by the time we touchdown tomorrow– it's my first visit to the US." You inform him, leaping into your bed and landing comfortably.
He chortles softly and ensures you. "I know and you can be sure to expect a good par- ow! Bad kitty!" His smooth transition to a yelp amuses you for split second.
"Are you alright? "
"No. I'm finally feline food to my kid." He refers to his pet cat that has taken a small nibble on his finger, in which Joe returns with a light ruffle to its fur. You can't help but giggle heartily at him.
"Anyway, I'm picking you and Lucy up from LAX tomorrow." He gives you that heads up and you bring your hand up to your forehead. "Where will we be staying?"
"I've booked a hotel earlier so you've got nothing to worry about the moment you land." A faint crunch can be heard from your end and you mind to ask Joe about it. "Are you- are you eating?"
To answer your question, he bites down on his food sloppily and guarantees you of what you heard. You smack your lips together as your eyes narrow in bewilderment.
"Does that answer your question?"
"Sometimes you make it easier for me to hit you with a pillow."
"Is that how you treat your boyfriend?" He taunts at you and cackles, his distorted voice bouncing off of the walls of your room. You sigh, defeated by the fact that this charade is still going on. It's silly and immature yet you and Joe somehow managed to stick to the act.
"Speaking of boyfriend though– would he be furious if I told him that I couldn't be there on his wedding day?" Since you're rested and got nothing else to distract you, you pop the question to Joe.
You hum softly.
"There are two scenarios that we need to consider," on his end, Joe taps his finger on his lips as he thinks of said scenarios, "Best case scenario- he would get discouraged and slightly unmotivated, and obviously sad, but he'd still support you cause that's your dream."
You sit up and twirl the ends of your hair around your finger, swallowing. "And worst case scenario?"
Joe falls silent before exhaling harshly. "You'd crush his soul, heart, everything ranging from physical to spiritual and it would take a toll– and I mean a substantial toll on your friendship."
"Joe, don't make it sound like a prospect! "
"That is, " he adds strongly, "if he finds out that you had meant for him to be oblivious to it." And he's right. But you had a reason. You still do. Even if you do end up telling him and he supports you, you need a great deal of space to move on.
As long as he's committed to Rosy and you're in the sidelines still in love with him, it's just something toxic. You couldn't love anybody they way you do Ben and you feel like you'll never love someone like him ever again. Albeit how clueless he is sometimes and clumsy, you both had survived every storm and wave. So sticking around to witness him give his hand and heart to someone else is torture for you.
"I'm gonna be direct and say-" just as you begin talking, your phone shrills to another caller, cutting you off from Joe.
One look at the screen and your heart begins racing. Speak of the devil. You reserve an explanation for cutting off and answer Ben, clearing your throat. "You're late."
Ben's gruff chuckle welcomes you back. "I know, I'm so sorry. Busiest week I've had and the lady at Starbucks signed my cup like a snail."
"What are you doing tonight that requires coffee?"
"Call me dramatic- or do so, given that I'm an actor- but I just want to stargaze right now." You hear a light rustle coming from his end, like he's seated out on his lawn.
Silently giving him the 'oh really' look, you spread one side of the curtain to let some moon light in. "Ben, you're leaving early tomorrow."
He hums, seemingly enjoying himself. "But that's not an excuse to not enjoy the night." This boy can not get any cornier. You cast your gaze upon the moon, sighing profoundly. "How did the wedding planning go? Good?"
"Hm, yeah. Church wedding, big reception. Whole lot of booze binging planned out. And a killer bachelor party the day after the awards. " He jokes through the line and you tell him off in a playful chide. "Benjamin Jones, you better-"
"I won't. I won't." You sense his gentle smile from your end, checking the time and reluctantly coming to the decision to hit the hay since you'll be leaving early as well. As much as you want to recreate those late night conversations you once had with him, you can't.
"Hey?" You coo somehow.
"I gotta sleep. I have to meet Lucy at the airport at 5."
He gives out a throaty grunt as if he's pulling himself up. "Tragic. I'll see you in LA then, love."
Your lips curl up into the gentlest smile with the moonlight blessing it from the window. "You too. Tell yourself and the rest- especially Brian and Roger- that I'm gonna be rooting for you guys to get up on that stage."
"I will. Thanks for the motivation, Y/N. All the words coming from you just mean so much to me. To all of us." And in his voice, you can hear his utmost sincerity and fondness just highlighting his tone.
"Anytime. Now let me sleep, you bloke. "
"Haha, alright. Love you tons, love."
Shifting your eyes to the sky once more, you reply, allowing the words you're about to say to mean more.
"I love you too, Ben. Good night."
- - - - - - -
You had promised Lucy you'd arrive 10 minutes earlier than her and you really didn't hold on to that promise. As soon as you arrive at the airport nearly bathing in sweat and deaf from the multiple rings Lucy has given you, you both take off to the waiting area with your heavy luggage where you spend an hour and a half waiting for your flight to board. Joe has sent two texts telling you that he's still in the middle of having coffee and it's a questionable action since he's 8 hours behind you and is expected to be asleep by now.
You reply with a simple, "See you there" before heeding to the call of your flight number from the speakers.
All the rushing and you haven't had a bite of breakfast yet. An eleven hour flight doesn't sound so bad, as long as you make sure you don't reel everytime you get up to use the bathroom and acquire jet lag the moment you land from a direct flight without any pit stops. The flight is long as you are awake but by the time you fall asleep in between hours, it shortens the duration. The pilot announcing your arrival wakes you and Lucy from the latest nap you've had on the plane. After gathering your luggage and answering a couple of phone calls on you way down the plane, the arrival area is where you spy Joe behind the red tapes, a scarf around his neck and an eager look plastered on his pale skin, just waiting for you and Lucy to step in. His eyes crinkle as he sees you both treading towards him with a handful of luggage. He greets you both with a tight hug and ushers you to his car, assisting with the transport of your things.
He's booked you in the hotel he's staying in to, of course, avoid some minor inconveniences especially since the awards start at 7 pm and you drastically need Lucy to help you prepare. Upon reaching the hotel, he leads the both of you up the second floor and into the hall for your rooms.
Apparently you and Lucy will be sharing which is the great and Joe will be staying in the room right across yours.
After giving yourselves a brief tour of the room, you settle in and unpack your essentials.
"Y/N, bring out your fighter!" Lucy declares with a giggle, pulling the dress she's chosen from her suitcase. It's a purple, off-the-shoulder, crepe satin and black velvet gown that cascades gracefully against the stable air.
Your eyes widen in awe at how it looks against the light. "No need for a match, Luce. You win," you raise your hands up in surrender, "that's- that's catching more eyes. From Rami of course."
"Oh shut it. You'll look smooth in black." She clicks her tongue and smoothens it at the edge of the bed. You whip out yours and hold it up high, wavering a little at how you'll look like in it tonight. How fortunate you were to find 3-inch, black pumps closeted when you were 'panic packing' the night before. You take it out from your suitcase and set it aside before striding towards the blinds, pulling it up and beholding the breathtaking view of Hollywood before you.
Your first visit to the US and you're already headed to the Oscars. This isn't the real life. This is just fantasy.
- - - - - - - -
"We're having a dinner party afterwards, I don't see any reason for two sandwiches before the ceremony." Staring blankly at how Joe's handling waiting for you and Lucy to emerge from your room, Rami purses his lips quizzically– he's come by to pick up his girl as well. The two men look dashingly handsome in their black tuxes and slick hairstyles– their individual charm strong as they highly anticipate for your appearances.
Joe swallows the chunk in his mouth before speaking. "I'm stressed."
"About what?"
He bites down on his last sandwich, dusting his hands off crumbs as he reasons out. "It's the Oscars. Biggest ceremony of the year."
With a shake of his head, Rami opens his mouth to protest but pauses as the creak of the door behind them butts in their conversation. Lucy - exquisite in her cascading satin gown and look dotted in light to moderate make up - emerges with her purse in hand and eyes heady on Rami.
Joe wishes he could loosen some hinges in Rami's jaw since the latter has got his mouth agape at her girlfriend's evening look. To him, she is his ultimate award and he wouldn't have it in any other way.
"Hey, babe." Lucy smiles delicately and kisses Rami's cheek, to which he responds with a breathless, "Luce, you look..." His starstruck silence finishing his compliment for her. Joe hums, agreeing with crossed arms. "I wish I was as pretty as you, Boynton."
"You boys look handsome, too." Lucy giggles softly and Joe begins to wonder. "Where's Y/N?"
"She'll be out in three...two..." As Lucy deliberately pauses her countdown, you come out of the room, head down as you feel a bit hesitant to continue but you regain your confidence and look up timidly– your appearance putting Joe in the same position Rami was just in with Lucy. The dress really agrees to your form, contouring every curve of your body in a semi-sensual way, guaranteeing that you'll be snagging some looks tonight. Your (H/C) hair frames your face intricately with your light make-up emphasizing the color of your eyes and lips. The light brush of air against the skin of your exposed back makes you clutch your purse tighter, deeming it uncomfortable.
Lucy smiles proudly at her work and that is you. "Well, how does she look Joe?"
Joe lets out a hitched exhale, hazel eyes wide as a sinkhole and a slacked jaw struggling to budge. "Like my girlfriend."
"You wish." You can't help but retort playfully and he brings his finger up to his lips, hushing you. Rami compliments you as well and you thank him as the four of you make your way to the elevator– your arm on Joe's and Lucy's on Rami's.
You've taken a limo for the sake of convenience, since Joe and Rami wanted to propose a pre-toast - with the champagne present in the vehicle - to their successes and hard work in the past year. You have faith they'd bring home an Oscar; considering how spectacular their work was portraying the members of Queen. You're also thrilled that you're about to meet Brian and Roger.
The limo parks just across Dolby Theatre and the four of you climb out, making your way arms-in-arms into the place crowded with paparazzi and attendees. You see yourself as a small fish swimming in a sea full of majestic dolphins. This is the big leagues right here and you're not even one bit of a celebrity– at least you feel like you aren't one. After a couple of shoulder brushes with either familiar and unfamiliar faces and escaping the blinding flashes of the cameras, the four of you reunite with Gwilym who has Roger and Brian present by his side. You are introduced to the two Queen members by Joe and you couldn't be any more happier to meet them in person. A couple of moments of interacting with the rest of the crew and cast, Ben joins the 'party' looking sharp and admittedly drop-dead gorgeous in his white tuxedo blazer and slicked back hair with Rosy by his side.
Before he could even reply to the greetings of his friends, he lays his eyes on you and for a while– his pupils dilate and his expression flits faster than he can command it to. He can't believe what or who he is seeing before him amidst all the glam. Letting go of Rosy's hand for a minute, he steps close to you, indescribably captivated. "Y/N...h-hey."
You keep your composure, musing back. "Hey. You look left out, outfit-wise, and a like a million bucks."
It takes him nearly five seconds to reply with the way hes has his eyes transfixed on you. It's like he's seeing you for the first time. Your evening look setting him back to Homecoming night and something inside him just tweaks. You avoid his mindless gaze and break the silence, trying your hardest not to flush. "Ben, please talk. It's just really-"
"You look...beautiful." He breathes out like he had just gotten up from under water.
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narutosss · 7 years
Hi! Could I request a scenario where reader is the granddaughter of tobirama (or is in some way related to him, i don't really mind) has a love-hate relationship with shisui? She eventually falls for him and they train as well as go on missions together. He accidentally finds out about reader's feelings and you can take it from there. (I'm sorry if this is totally random or weird lol) thank you x
mod dede’s first request woohoo!-Shisui stood in the Hidden Leaf forest. His eyes closed but his Sharingan activated. His senses heightened immensely. Nearby there was the Senju woman, his ‘Rival’ if you may. Though he did not see it that way. She sat high in the canopy tops waiting to attack. The wind blew and leaves dances about the field in which he stood. The Uchiha knew she was close but could not exactly pinpoint her location. His sensory skills were not as up par with her own. She was after all a descendant of Tobirama Senju. Within seconds the wind stopped blowing and with utter silence she appeared above him, a kunai in hand going for a rather deathly blow. Although this did not seem to phase him, he only blocked the top blow; moving his arm up with his short sword in hand. The sound of metal clashing filling the forest grounds.
“Damn it.” She mumbled jumping back. She was a very skilled shinobi but Shisui, Shisui always seemed to be better than her. He’d best her hand to hand combat and even in perception training. Though he had the advantage in that one, his Sharingan was nothing less than perfect. He couldn’t help but smile when she backed off.
“You still have a lot more training to do before you’re able to attack me head on like that ____.” He looked at her and narrowed his eyes slightly. She scoffed and put her kunai away.
“Hmph.” She mumbled under her breath and began walking to Konohagakure, Shisui following behind her. They’ve been partners in the Hidden Leaf Anbu for a few years. Both growing on each other has teammates and rivals. Though the Senju woman secretly had feelings for the Uchiha it was something that she would never admit to. Especially to him, her pride and stubbornness kept her from it. She kept denying her feelings for him and pushing them aside.
“Well.” Shisui spoke idly “I can always teach you myself.” He said matching her stride, she was a little shorter than him and he looked down at her as they walked. It seemed to bother her that he was so close.
“No. I’d rather you not.” She said in response. Shisui felt rather neutral towards the young shinobi, he has no angst nor dislike for the girl. In fact he thought it was a bit amusing to tease her whenever he had the chance.
“Why not?” He persisted “It’s not like you won’t gain something from it.”
“I said no.” She said realizing how close he was she wasn’t sure how she felt about it.
“Suit yourself then ____.” He said looking ahead. They arrived at the village, they were due for their next mission and without much conversation they made their way to the Hokage mansion. Once they were given their mission they’d be gone for about four months. The young shinobi and Uchiha split ways to prepare. It was in her small apartment where she fought with herself, conflicted and bothered by her feelings for this man. The way he smiled, they way his eyes flickered about during battle and even during every day conversation. Like he was always alert or on guard. Though, the smart comments and obvious superiority complex he had over her was something she could do without. Even in missions he seemed to order her sound.
“____ go east and I’ll meet you there to take out the target. Do not delay this. This is the move vital part of our mission.” He’d say holding up two fingers to flee. She couldn’t help but roll her eyes but regardless she obeyed his command.
Going over and over in her mind about the times she had with him made her think about the time she got injured on a mission. One Anbu wanted to leave her there.
“Just leave her, we’ll be back for her. She’ll be fine.” Said the masked Anbu male.
“No.” Shisui said firmly “Why would we leave our teammate to perish? There’s a reason we travel in teams, correct? Don’t ever say something so foolish.” He said rather irritated by his remark as he tended to her wounds on her back and ankles. She sat quietly and let him work, his touch against her bare skin sending marvelous chills down her spine. Shisui noticed the goosebumps and turned to face her, her face flushed as soon as he made eye contact. He pressed his hand on her forehead and raised his brow. “____ , you’re not sick, are you? I can’t really blame you, we’ve been working ourselves too hard.” She knocked his hand away and turned to the side.
“I-I’m fine Shisui, thank you.”
“Don’t thank me, you would have done the same for me.” He said sending her a smirk. “Teammates look out for each other.”Reminiscing about those moments of kindness and pure annoyance made her head hurt. She was in the middle of changing when there was a knock on her door. It was none other than Shisui. She opened the door not caring for her appearance, she wasn’t completely nude so it did not bother her or stir any embarrassment. Shisui’s eyes instantly shot down to her exposed collar bones and slight cleavage. He looked away just as quickly.
“I came to see if you were ready yet.” He spoke slightly low in tone.
“I’ll be out in a moment, just meet me at the main gates.” She mumbled rather tiredly. He nodded and disappeared, but something inside of him told him not to stray too far, he stayed in the shadows masking his chakra. The girl had a habit of talking to herself, Shisui being within ear shot heard everything.
“Is it even right for me to have feelings for him? He’s an Uchiha..” As she spoke she pulled on her standard Anbu attire. “He shares the blood of Madara Uchiha inside of him, who’s to say that he won’t turn out the same.” She finished her thought and pulled her hair into a ponytail so it would not be in the way when she went out to battle. Shisui listened carefully, taking no shame in eavesdropping on his comrade, though her words did stir something within him, he wasn’t too sure of what. She continued her thought as she walked out the door of her abode. “No..maybe he’s not like him, he’s different. He has to be.” Determined she rushed towards the gates. Shisui stayed there for a moment and then realized that he should be there before her. It was a race to the gates that took several minutes due to the distance she lives from them. She arrived there first and looked around confused thinking he may have went somewhere for a bit, to talk to itachi maybe. Then she remembered that he too was out on his own mission. Shisui jumped down in front of her looking slightly nervous and a bit flushed from trying to race her.
“____ Sorry, I had to go pick up something from the weapons shop.”
“Oh what was it?” She asked curiously tightening the bands in her wrists. Shisui panicked a little but it was inside, he never lost his composure.
“Just a few extra Shuriken and Kunai.” He stated.
Hours after being out on their mission they set up camp somewhere deep in the land of fire. The young shinobi thought for a moment, the weapons shop was just a few streets away from the main gate and Shisui was coming from the opposite of the weapons shop. She thought harder and realized he came from the direction SHE was coming from. Which alarmed her, what if he heard what she said.
“What’s wrong?” He asked her, eyeing her from the side. He turned fully and sat closer to her. She tensed a little but decided she better act on what he said to her earlier and how it was a lie.
“You lied to me, Shisui. About coming from the weapons shop. You came from the opposite direction.” She said firmly, her red eyes staring into his onyx orbs. Shisui saw no point in hiding it anymore.
“I heard what you said, about me. About how you don’t trust me because I could turn out like the Uchiha founder of the Hidden Leaf.” He paused eyeing her looking for a reaction. But she didn’t seem to phased by it.
“Is that not a possibility Shisui?” She asks hoping for the answer her heart truly desired.
“It’s not. I will never be anything like him. My heart is different than most Uchiha. You should know that.” He said looking away “You can feel it can’t you?” He asked still looking away, for the first time she blushed at his words. She could, though she didn’t want to say it but she couldn’t find it in her to ignore her feelings for him anymore.
“Yes,” she said simply.
“I also know you have feelings for me.” He spoke quietly looking back at her now. She looked at him too, her face a tinted light pink. She didn’t speak though she just stared at him she was afraid what looking away might do to her. He stood up and moved closer to her, sitting down next to her so he could get a better look into her bright eyes. “I’m not sure if I have feelings for you yet.” He spoke softly and it send chills down her spine.
“Yet?” She questioned, he smirked and nodded.
“You’ll have to persuade me ____.”
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midgetmeredith · 8 years
I saw the team 7 post you made. I only watched the anime and I haven't read one of the data books and I think that Sakura was 'a little' useless in the normal Naruto series but she is not in Naruto shippuden and I can understand why people always have to say that she's useless like hello are we watching the same anime? And I'm saying this as a Sakura hater by the way... and sorry for my bad english.
No worries, I understand! Yeah, I agree. But, honestly, I think “useless” is the wrong term here. Even in part one, Sakura wasn’t exactly “useless”.
[ I have an issue with this that I might as well voice now, so thank you! ]
Tbh, the prime determinant here is that Naruto is (or, at least it was) a shonen series, meaning:( a ) “Fans” will find any character who isn’t constantly throwing punches – i.e. engaged in battle – “useless”.( b ) The mangaka will not utilise their female characters – i.e. have them participate in many fights or their own fights. (Unless Mashima’s writing it, tbh.)
Kishimoto has been labelled a (perhaps inadvertent) sexist in the past – as the majority of this genre is – and it can be seen in the lack of battling panel-time that female characters receive. I mean, we only really got to see Sakura’s competitive combat skills as a ninja a handful of times during this segment (e.g. the Chunin Exams). But, again, the important thing to consider here is Sakura’s lack of prestigious heritage, because it is a prime reason why she was not on par with a frickin’ Uchiha and jinchūriki of Uzumaki bloodline, as she’s so often held to the standard of.
“…all of the shinobi within her (overall) generation (including Team Guy & the Sand Siblings) were of prestigious descent, with the exception of Lee, Tenten and Sakura. Yet despite having no birth-right privileges or opportunities (unlike all but two others), Sakura was the only ninja – apart from the duel-protagonists – to reach Kage level (in the surpassing of her master).”
Yeah, Sakura wasn’t very offensive in part one. But that doesn’t exactly make her “useless”, you know?
Kishimoto’s ‘Official Naruto Fan-Book’ states that she is “evenly matched” in ability with Ino; emphasising that “their physical strength is identical”. This being a feat, of course, because the same book reveals that Ino graduated at the top of the academy, even above Sasuke (due to teamwork grades, etc.).
Sakura had greater chakra control than both of her teammates, Sasuke in particular. She excelled past them in this skill even at Genin level, on her first try at the exercise, with zero prior training [in the tree-climbing].
Not to mention that simply being offensive doesn’t automatically/necessarily make someone “useful”. Like, if you bring up the argument of ‘brain > brawn’:
Sakura is acclaimed for her intelligence and repeatedly stated to be one of the smartest shinobi, even before graduating to Genin level. She’s acknowledged as the cleverest kunoichi in her generation, eventually developing into one of the smartest kunoichi all inclusively by parts two and three. She’s arguably the 2nd brightest of her generation overall, losing out only to Shikamaru. (Yet said ranking is only in practice – not theory – as she surpassed him academically, since he didn’t try.)
A relating feature often (and conveniently) forgotten is that:
Sakura was able to answer the questions in the Chunin exam with her own knowledge… Being, of course, that the manga commented on the exam’s difficulty, in that no Genin should have had the ability to calculate and decipher those questions. To compare, both Sasuke and Neji – acclaimed geniuses of their generation – had to cheat.
Multiple characters have canonically validated Sakura’s intellectual skills on numerous occasions. In the first
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1. Kakashi in chapter 24.
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2. Sasuke in chapter 36.
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3. Ino in chapter 42.
Oh, and plot-wise too, right? Like, we must also remember Sakura’s significance to the series, which obviously made her a useful character. She contributed to major plot-points and, a lot of the time, acted as the audience’s voice & was a means of explanation in plot matter.
To be useful is to provide purpose. It can be measured in different areas and most of which were demonstrated by Sakura, even in part one. I mean, she was useful enough to save her teammates’ asses, including Lee’s!
She protected and cared for Naruto and Sasuke whilst they were down and out…
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She rationally took precaution and set traps to guard them whilst vulnerable.
She successfully fooled the Sound with a “basic” Substitute Jutsu twice in a row, cleverly setting up to fool them again with a real attack (which they thought would be another trick).
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But what’s most notable is that she put her life on the line, enduring numerous kunai to the body, blows to the head, etc. She tried to save her comrades by taking on the Sound, 1 V 3!
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I agree that 12-year-old Sakura was nowhere near as useful as her part two counterpart, but the term “useless” gets thrown around without much rationale of meaning. It’s intended to be pretty harsh word but, in many cases, it’s not true.
[ Thanks for the ask! Sorry, I rambled… 😅 ]
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dannyphannypack · 8 years
Hey I've always enjoyed danny phantom (i even bought the complete series) but i was never in the fandom on tumblr. Do you think you could explain a few things for me? (If you have the time) can you explain the hate butch gets, trans danny, why everyone hates lost planet, and this war people talk about (i think it was within the fandom and a few years back, people talk about how it was the worst thing). I started getting into the fandom and I'm hella lost and maybe you can clear this up for me.
hoy boy, my friend, i had to pull out my laptop for this one. let’s see if i can help ease your confusion without typing ten pages of text.
- the phandom war/the hate butch getsbutch hartman has always had a hard time leaving his fans alone to discuss their headcanons and ships in peace. he’s a conservative christian, and therefore makes a lot of people angry when he invalidates/discredits their gay ships or trans headcanons. he’s very “this is my show and i’d like it if you didn’t stain it with your LGBT+ bullshit,” though he’d never say that out loud. so anyways, a little while ago (i don’t know the exact year) butch started talking to the phandom, discrediting their headcanons and ships, etc etc. it created a sort of rift in the phandom, with one side believing that whatever the creator says goes and the other side just really angry that butch stuck his foot out and tried to maneuver the phandom where he wanted them to go. fighting pursued. not sure how it ended, though. i do know, however, that a large reason why danny phantom fanfiction is largely angst/torture is because it was a nice inbetween for those that didn’t want to get involved with the fighting or for those who had their fluffy ship invalidated. fortunately, i wasn’t there for that whole escapade. recently, channelfrederator on youtube posted this video, and in it he goes out of his way to state that danny is the only boy wearing a tanktop in the pool scene in one episode because he burns easily, even though his shoulders and a bit of his chest are still showing, once again invalidating the trans danny headcanon (many of the people who consider trans danny as almost canon use that specific scene as proof, so you can understand the frustration that followed). everyone is just kinda generally mad at butch for a) supporting trump, b) discrediting headcanons, and c) not being a very good creator. the episodes that butch worked on for the show (namely season three) weren’t that good, and frankly, people think that danny phantom would be better off without butch. i kinda agree with them.
- trans dannyi kinda covered it in the above paragraph, but i’ll offer some more explanation here. basically, there’s many scenes that could be envisioned as proof of danny fenton being transgender. in the pool scene that i mentioned above, where he’s the only one wearing a tanktop, and in the same episode when he accidentally runs into the girl’s room, and in THE SAME EPISODE when paulina says “i’d tell you to go to the boy’s room, but i don’t think you’d qualify.” there’s another scene that sticks out specifically to me (and that i see floating around tumblr a lot) where danny tells desiree to get lost and she says something along the lines of “are you sure there is nothing you desire?” and reaches for his chest. immediately following that, danny gets suPer defensive, shouts “hey, get away!” and discovers he can shoot ectoplasmic blasts from his hands. there’s more proof, but i don’t think i need to get into it more. you’ll see tons of it here and there.
- phantom planetpoorly made. that’s all i can say about it. the show had so much more potential and the ending was, admittedly, a huge letdown. here’s a few things that i, personally, don’t like about the finale.
- when it starts, vlad’s ship or whatever blows up. and there’s fire. in space. there can’t be fire without oxygen that is not how science works oh no.
- hOW DANNY BECOMES HUMAN AGAIN MAKES NO SENSE WHATSOEVER ??? HE SHOULD BE FULL DEAD ??? also why did he give up so fast like “o shoot no one likes me let me just gET RID OF MY SUPER AWESOME GHOST POWERS!!! ok.
- why does vlad need more money he’s already the richest person in the world and like ,,, third world countries don’t have that much money to give calm down vladdy
- i can’t believe vlad liTERALLY launched himself off of a podium like “henlo i’m a ghost follow me” and people just went with it. what.
- hOW DANNY BECAME HALF GHOST AGAIN ALSO MAKES NO SENSE ??? also where’d his suit come from. was he wearing that under his clothes what. what.
there’s so much more, and for the full run-down on the disappointments of phantom planet, i’m going to point you toward my friend’s powerpoint. abby did a really good job explaining my frustrations.
- ship namesyou didn’t ask for this to be cleared up, but when i first joined the phandom, i was confused about the ship names. i’m going to list a few of the more popular ones below, but just ask if you have any confusions or would like to know a specific one ^.^- amethyst ocean // danny and sam- gray ghost // valerie and danny- pitch pearl // danny fenton and danny phantom- pompous pep // vlad and danny- savant par // tucker and danny
yeah, this kinda became an essay. it’s a large task, explaining the ins and outs of the phandom. if you have any more questions or would like to know more about any of the things i answered above, please feel free to ask (or message me, whichever you prefer)! i’m going to head off to bed now, but i hope i helped clear some things up for you. the phandom is, quite frankly, a confusing place.
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