#like i haveny slept properly in 3 days
avosloved · 5 years
Until further notice, I am not going to be particularly active on any of my blogs. This includes my Hilda @demuradonna, Annette @ariaharte and Felix @volkzima as well. While there are a few people  ---  especially those who follow me on Twitter, as well  ---  that know of my current family-life predicament, I figured it was best to let those of you here know as well so you don’t think I’ve just up and taken off suddenly. My grandmother of 87 years old is currently hospitalized. She has had a brush with AFIB in the past, though last time she had a successful cardioversion to help correct the problem. This time when her AFIB returned and she went in for a second one, however, she suffered from congestive heart failure. As of right now, she’s stable and being put through one test after another. My mother nor I have had much information as to how she’s doing outside of her current stability, nor have we heard any word from her cardiologist in regards to what caused the heart failure or what solutions can be taken as of this point onward.
Obviously, my brain has been going a mile a minute and I’m having a horrible time focusing on much of anything, including writing despite it being my usual go-to distraction. I do not know how long my grandmother will be hospitalized, especially where we have very little information to work with right now in regards to how or what can be done at this point. 
This is incredibly distressing for me, as I lived with my mother as well as my grandmother for my whole life up until June of this past year. She’s been a constant presence in my life and like a second mother to me  ---  and honestly, even thinking of the possibility of losing her terrifies me. She’s 87 years old, and I know at that age it can be incredibly risky to go into surgery. The last time she had AFIB, she opted for the cardioversion over having a valve replacement...and mine and my mother’s concern is that the replacement hasn’t even been presented as an option yet, even though it was their go-to suggestion previously. We’re worried that operation may endanger her life, but we still haven’t been told what other options that are available to my grandmother. So...we’re very much in the dark about a lot of this.
Anyway...I’m sorry, I truly wish I could be more active. I miss all of you guys so much and being away and not writing with you all really makes it harder. However, I don’t like writing responses to things without my full attention. With so much on my mind, it’s just too much. I’ve been subduing myself with a mix of playing through each route in 3H again, as well as playing a lot of World of Warcraft. If anyone here happens to play or at least play other Blizzard games and wants my BNet info, feel free to ask. At some point later today, I may consider posting a small starter call and capping it to work on...maybe not, I haven’t fully decided yet. Even then, it’s something I probably won’t be working on until after I hear more solid information in regards to my grandmother’s condition and what can be done about it.
And just to clarify  ---  THIS IS NOT A FULL ON HIATUS. I’m going to try and be around and maybe do some small things that I feel in the mood for, just...I won’t be around nearly as much as I usually am. I’ll be around on discord, however, which again if anyone wants that information, you are more than welcome to ask for it.
I appreciate you guys, as well as your patience and understanding during this stressful time in my life. 
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