#like i had to use 3 different methods across 2 pcs to actually install it
shadowblade8192 · 3 months
i got a framework laptop and it is exceedingly funny to me that i had more trouble installing windows than i did linux
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djshannonc321 · 3 years
With Covid-19 and Social distancing being the new normal and Virtual Events being the latest response to traditional events being outlawed, everyone has taken to the internet for connection and celebration. Virtual Zoom Parties, IG Lives, Twitch Streams, and Mixcloud Broadcasts have become the new night clubs where party goers can jump from room to room within a couple of clicks.
A virtual night out might now include Club Quarantine with D Nice, a Zoom Party for Toca Tuesdays with Tony Touch, a Saturday Night IG/ZOOM Dance Party with @HouseOfYes, Virtual Festivals on Twitch and Virtual Concerts and DJ Sets in Fortnite! All right from your couch and in a series of clicks. Online it’s all happening right now when it comes to events and entertainment. I, myself, have now hosted and performed for a series of Virtual Birthday Parties, Virtual Corporate Celebrations, Virtual Workshops, Virtual Networking Groups, and even a Virtual Group DJ Set with the Sinister Syndicate Crew which was broadcasted out to facebook and live to join over Zoom.
I’ve watched some of my favorite bands like GoldFinger re-release live songs recorded safer at home from their individual home studious. And can we just take a moment and enjoy the epic Verzuz battles that have brought some of our musical greats together. Jill Scott and Erykah Badu gave us LIFE in the most recent installment of the Verzuz series of IG Battles. The possibilities are quite endless when it comes to events and entertainment in the online space.
Similar to all of the good that we’ve seen, the internet and technology have produced some rather ugly and awkward moments for virtual event goers and producers as well. By now, I’m sure you’ve attended at least one event that turned into a constant sound check, experienced one awkward zoom moment, or at least you saw the Teddy Riley and Baby Face Verzuz fail where poor tech required the whole event be scrapped and rescheduled. Needless to say, I’m sure you clicked on this article because you don’t want that awkward experience to happen to you. Keep reading for 5 Tips (plus some pro-tip extras) to make sure that next awkward moment doesn’t happen to you.
1. Plan Your Event! The importance of planning, especially in the online space, and especially if you’ve got multiple things going on in the course of your event, CANNOT BE OVERSTATED, I personally like to have a run of show ( itinerary or timeline ) that tells me what should be happening through the course of the event. Here’s a couple of examples:
Virtual Networking Event 5:00p — 5:15p — Introduction with Live Stream out to Facebook (no music) 5:15–5:30 — music / host introduction 5:30–5:45 — Break Out Room Networking Activity / DJ in main room 5:45–6:50 — DJ with Networking Activity 6:50–7:00 — Debrief and Closing (no music) Virtual Birthday Party 7:00–7:10 — Background music while guests are joining 7:10 — Slide Show for the Birthday Girl 7:15 — Grand Entrance with Music 7:20–7:30 — Group Introductions 7:30–8:00 — Birthday Girl Trivia Game 8:00–9:00 — Dance Party with DJ
Virtual Events and Parties are very much like live shows. It makes for a much smoother end user experience when there’s some kind of plan and someone’s taking the lead to move things ahead. An extra pro-tip that helps to move things along is to have someone as a dedicated host or Emcee to help with transitioning between activities. In the Virtual Networking event outlined above, the Client was the host and I followed her lead and the itinerary. For the Birthday Party, I hosted so I was able to make the transitions between activities planned before hand, and the client was able to just enjoy her party. In another event I did, there was no host, but each performer was supposed to introduce the next performer — only someone forgot and it made things kind of awkward.
2. Test the Technology — Another Step that in the virtual space cannot be over stated. [Remember Teddy Riley… 🙁 ] Once you’ve determined your event and the timeline of your event, it’s time to commit to the tech and test it. Some things you should be considering:
1. Where will you host the event? (Zoom, IG, Facebook, GoToMeeting, House Party, etc)
2. What are the technical requirements and capabilities of that tech as it relates to your event? (is there going to be sound other than people talking? Will anyone be performing, etc) Something as simple as broadcasting music can be a little more complicated to get the desired affect in the online space.
3. When can you test? (Make sure to do this well in advance of the event so you’ve got time to troubleshoot if something doesn’t work right the first time) I can personally tell you there’s nothing worse than trying to troubleshoot tech that doesn’t work while the clock steadily ticks down to start time.
A when testing is to join the test from a different device than the one you’re broadcasting on so you can get a feel for the actual audience experience. What seems fine from an AV perspective on your broadcasting device may be very different than what the end user is experiencing. Another — pretty much anything you’ll come across can worked out with a youtube video. I’ve been able to find tutorials on fixing a blue screen on a pc to setting up OBS software to broadcasting OBS to Zoom and beyond. When it comes to troubleshooting, YouTube and Google are your best friends. Use them.
3. Sound Advice — It’s important to note that sound on the end user side isn’t automatically the same as what you hear on your side. Our devices and the programs we are using to stream have compressors that change the integrity of the sound. Strength and stability of internet connection for both the broadcaster and the viewer can also have a negative impact on sound. Also noteworthy, on almost every broadcasting platform, there’s a slight delay from broadcaster to viewer.
I played a party recently where the host wanted me to play background music for the solo singers and dancers. We had to work out that each performer, especially the singers, would be responsible for broadcasting their own accompanying music to help eliminate the problem of delay and competing audio. For example, notice on Zoom that it’s difficult to hear multiple speakers at the same time. If I’m playing audio and a singer is singing to what they hear, what the user hears will be delayed and out of sync. Also there will be audio fall out between both contributing sound as Zoom tries to toggle between each to determine who’s audio to project.
When I’m playing music, I’m able to get the best quality of sound by plugging my DJ gear directly into my broadcasting device using an audio interface. When broadcasting with a phone, many DJ’s are using an IRIG system that allows XLR or Qtr Inch to 35mm so you can connect to your phone. When broadcasting with a laptop, many DJS are using a USB audio interface or USB enabled mixer to plug directly into the broadcasting computer. Pro Tip — Some broadcasting Programs like Zoom allow you to change audio settings or to use the audio from a usb mic or another assigned source. You may need to explore these settings and options to get the best possible sound.
Another Pro-Tip — close out all programs you aren’t using on the broadcasting device to make sure it’s full CPU is dedicated to the broadcast especially if you’re using Wifi. If you’re on a laptop, hard wire to your modem from the broadcasting laptop if at all possible. Wifi can be unstable, and those internet related sound issues are pretty much out of your hands.
4. Be Adaptable — Despite how much you may have tested and planned, sometimes in the live environment, things go awry. You’ve got to be prepared to shift on a moment’s notice within the capacity of your platform so that the show can go on.
For example, In a birthday party I hosted on Zoom, we were playing a trivia game. I was asking the questions, then playing music while they answered in the chat, and then taking the answers from the chat and putting them into a spreadsheet to keep score. This process was taking a very long time; longer than we had anticipated in practice. So, I switched my scoring method to stopping the music and calling each person’s name from the spreadsheet and letting them answer aloud. (instead of in the chat) This made the game move quicker and allowed for a more interactive experience in that moment because each person who answered could also tell a little story or make a joke with their answer.
In another example, someone Zoom Bombed one of the events I was attending. The Host didn’t have the waiting room setup and had the feature that allowed all users to share their screens enabled. So a user came in and started sharing his screen over top of the performer and doing all kinds of inappropriate things. The admin who was running the room and producing the broadcast feed was able to quickly fix the zoom preferences and kick the person into the waiting room. If he hadn’t been quick to notice and respond, the outcome could have been a lot worse. Pro-tip — use the Waiting Room and Password features in Zoom and keep your software updated to be on the most secure version to help keep your event secure.
In a final example, I was doing a back-to-back DJ set with a friend of mine who is a popular DJ in London. Her sound setup was completely different than mine, and we’d tested on multiple occasions, including just before the show. The day of the show, however, I changed my complete sound and broadcast setup from the setup I’d used multiple times prior. We tested it several times, but when it came for showtime the new setup ran into all sorts of sound issues that hadn’t shown up in sound check and I wasn’t able to broadcast my part. I was communicating with her privately on What’sApp to explain what was happening as I frantically tried to troubleshoot on my side. She ended up playing the entire set (both mine and hers) while I’d chime in on the mic occasionally and interacted in the chat. Either way, we adapted and allowed the show to go on. None of this is to scare you by the way, it’s just to highlight the need to be adaptable when broadcasting or hosting an event in the online space. I feel like you have to be adaptable when doing ANY type of live event, but most especially in the online space.
5. Practice — After you’ve done all of your planning and prepping and testing, the only thing left to do is to execute. But before you do, I recommend that you practice — even if it’s just with yourself. The same way that actors in a stage show don’t just show up and “wing it” neither should you when preparing for your live event. Keep in mind that the live online environment can be intimidating given that it’s so different than what we’re used to. I find I get more performance anxiety going live than I ever did performing in person. Which brings me back to practice. — You don’t grow while you’re live, meaning that when you’re in that anxiety ridden-spotlight moment, you’re going to revert back to what’s comfortable. And the best way to to make sure that you deliver a stellar performance is to practice enough to make it comfortable.
I had a client who brought me in to DJ for a virtual Girls Empowerment Event who wanted to share a video during the run of show, but was concerned because she wasn’t very tech savvy. I had her hop on a practice call with me where I talked her through sharing her screen and playing the video and then had her practice doing it several times as though we were live. When it came time for her to share her video during the live event, everything went flawlessly and she breezed through the process with ease, all because she took the time ahead of time to practice. You may not have any issues sharing your screen, but if you’re performing in any way in a live event, it doesn’t hurt to run it through a few times first. They don’t say “Practice Makes Perfect” for nothing, ya know.
So that’s what I’ve got as far as tips, all stemming from my own awkward experiences and findings as we adjust to this new technology driven interaction. Apply even just a few and I guarantee your event will run smoother than it would if you hadn’t. “All that and $1.50 will get you a cup of coffee”, as my grandfather used to say.
No one knows what a post-covid society will look like or when it will actually get here, but something tells me that Virtual Events are here to stay. That said, I want to encourage you to embrace the technology. Don’t let the shut downs destroy your plans for a live event. Covid-19 has brought us together and shown us that SO MUCH is possible in the Online Event Space, with much less cost and logistics. Once you get a handle on what works for you, the possibilities are endless. So go forth and practice, and may the Online Event Success Odds be ever in your favor. Happy Eventing!
PS! — Have an upcoming virtual event that you’d like to integrate a DJ into? Maybe you need a second opinion on what’s possible within the online event space? If you’re looking for more information, I’d love to help. Drop me a line by clicking HERE and let’s chat!
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artshunter202 · 3 years
Nuance Dragon Dictate
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Nuance Dragon Medical One: Secure, cloud-based, clinical speech recognition
Pause briefly before and after saying the command. The pauses let Dragon know that the phrase is a command. But don’t pause in the middle of saying a command. If the command is “Go To Sleep,” for example, don’t pause between the words “Go” and “To Sleep.” What if I dictate something that I don't want interpreted as a command? Nuance Dragon Dictate Software Review. Save yourself loads of time with this very intelligent & useful software.Useful LinksSupplied by: http://www.nuance. Use Dragon Anywhere with a Dragon Bluetooth headset and wirelessly dictate to your device in hands-free comfort with groundbreaking accuracy. System requirements iOS 9.3.5 (iPad 3+, iPhone 5+ or iPad Mini 1+) or Android 5.0+ phones and tablets. DragonDictate was based on a trigram model, and is known as a discrete utterance speech recognition engine. Dragon Systems released NaturallySpeaking 1.0 as their first continuous dictation product in 1997. Joel Gould was the director of emerging technologies at Dragon Systems. Dragon by Nuance is the world’s leading speech recognition solution with over two decades of continuous development to meet the needs of the most demanding users. Meet the powerful tools that will make you more productive by unlocking the power of your voice.
Dragon Medical One - as low as $79/month per user + One-time fee $525 for Setup & Training
ChartMaker® offers speech-recognition software integration with the Clinical EMR to help you create medical documents by speaking naturally into your smart phone. Nuance Dragon Medical One is a secure, cloud based speech platform for clinicians to securely document patient care in the EHR. You may even eliminate most of the fees paid to an outside transcription service. There is no need to wait for your work to be transcribed.
More Help If the suggestions in this article didn't help you recover notes that you’re sure you lost, consider reporting the issue on the OneNote forums on Microsoft Community. Another customer may have run into the same issue or a member of the OneNote product team may be able to help. https://artshunter202.tumblr.com/post/654635960387223552/onenote-notebook-missing. OneNote 2021 v2103 is actually generated using OneNote v2103 in Microsoft 365 until 2021 march, repackaged, and changed the year number. There are new features compared to OneNote 2016, as well as removals. Overall, little has changed. Online Video In “Insert” tab, add new group “Media”, add new “Online Video” feature. Open Closed Notebook. You can close a notebook in OneNote to declutter the interface.
Nuance suggests you purchase the Dragon Medical One software license through a certified reseller like STI for training and support purposes. If you decide to contact Nuance directly on their website, let them know you are an STI customer or they could assign you to another reseller that does not understand the Clinical EMR product and you could be double charged for installation and support. Software prices are the same no matter how you acquire the product based upon the number of voice users. The module includes set-up and one web-based training session in the price. To order, contact sales at STI 800-487-9135 extension 1188 or email [email protected]
Prerequisite:ChartMaker® Entry Point or ChartMaker® Clinical
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Automatic Updates and Security
Keep up-to-date with the automatic updates on the web and HIPAA conformity for patient security and confidentiality by employing secure encryption methods throughout the workflow.
Dictate Naturally
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On words 3 letters. Conversational AI empowers physicians to document more naturally. Dragon Medical One is designed for speed, accuracy, and flexibility, with personalized vocabularies and templates that can be accessed and shared across the widest range of devices in the industry.
Powerful Technology
Nuance solutions support cloud solutions that provide 99.5% uptime and run on geographically dispersed, active data centers hosted on Microsoft Azure, a HITRUST CSF certified hosting infrastructure.
Built for Accuracy
Achieve 99% accuracy with no voice profile training required, and a single cloud based profile that is auto established at first use. Manual activities such as accent adjustments and microphone calibration, are now automatic, providing greater accuracy, a lower word error rate, and an optimal clinician experience from the start.
Dictate Anywhere
Dragon provides a consistent and personalized clinical documentation experience across solutions, platforms, and devices regardless of physical location. This allows clinicians to use their voice to securely capture the patient story more naturally and efficiently—anywhere, anytime.
Contact Sales for Dragon Medical One
Questions about getting started? Contact Us
For any questions, contact sales at STI 800-487-9135 extension 1188 or email [email protected]
Dragon NaturallySpeakingDeveloper(s)Nuance CommunicationsInitial releaseJune 1997; 23 years agoStable release
15 / September 2016; 4 years ago
Operating systemMicrosoft Windows, macOSAvailable in8 languagesTypeSpeech recognitionLicenseProprietaryWebsitewww.nuance.com
Dragon NaturallySpeaking (also known as Dragon for PC, or DNS)(1) is a speech recognition software package developed by Dragon Systems of Newton, Massachusetts, which was acquired first by Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products and later by Nuance Communications. It runs on Windowspersonal computers. Version 15 (Professional Individual and Legal Individual),(2) which supports 32-bit and 64-bit editions of Windows 7, 8 and 10, was released in August 2016.(3)(4) The macOS version is called Dragon Professional Individual for Mac, version 6(5) or Dragon for Mac.
Dragon NaturallySpeaking uses a minimal user interface. As an example, dictated words appear in a floating tooltip as they are spoken (though there is an option to suppress this display to increase speed), and when the speaker pauses, the program transcribes the words into the active window at the location of the cursor. (Dragon does not support dictating to background windows.) The software has three primary areas of functionality: voice recognition in dictation with speech transcribed as written text, recognition of spoken commands, and text-to-speech: speaking text content of a document. Voice profiles can be accessed by different computers in a networked environment, although the audio hardware and configuration must be identical to those of the machine generating the configuration. The Professional version allows creation of custom commands to control programs or functions not built into NaturallySpeaking.
Dr. James Baker laid out the description of a speech understanding system called DRAGON in 1975.(6) In 1982 he and Dr. Janet M. Baker, his wife, founded Dragon Systems to release products centered around their voice recognition prototype.(7) He was President of the company and she was CEO.
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DragonDictate was first released for DOS, and utilized hidden Markov models, a probabilistic method for temporal pattern recognition. At the time, the hardware was not powerful enough to address the problem of word segmentation, and DragonDictate was unable to determine the boundaries of words during continuous speech input. Users were forced to enunciate one word at a time, clearly separated by a small pause after each word. DragonDictate was based on a trigram model, and is known as a discrete utterance speech recognition engine.(8)
Dragon Systems released NaturallySpeaking 1.0 as their first continuous dictation product in 1997.(9)
Joel Gould was the director of emerging technologies at Dragon Systems. Gould was the principal architect and lead engineer for the development of Dragon NaturallyOrganized (1.0), Dragon NaturallySpeaking Mobile Organizer (3.52), Dragon NaturallySpeaking (1.0 through 2.02), and DragonDictate for Windows (1.0). Gould also designed the tutorials in both DragonDictate for DOS version 2.0 and Dragon Talk.(citation needed)
The company was then purchased in June 2000 by Lernout & Hauspie, a Belgium-based corporation that was subsequently found to have been perpetrating financial fraud.(10) Following the all-share deal advised by Goldman Sachs, Lernout & Hauspie declared bankruptcy in November 2000. The deal was not originally supposed to be all stock and the unavailability of the Goldman Sachs team to advise concerning the change in terms was one of the grounds of the Bakers' subsequent lawsuit. The Bakers had received stock worth hundreds of millions of US dollars, but were only able to sell a few million dollars' worth before the stock lost all its value as a result of the accounting fraud. The Bakers sued Goldman Sachs for negligence, intentional misrepresentation and breach of fiduciary duty, which in January 2013 led to a 23-day trial in Boston. The jury cleared Goldman Sachs of all charges.(11) Following the bankruptcy of Lernout & Hauspie, the rights to the Dragon product line were acquired by ScanSoft of Burlington, Massachusetts, also a Goldman Sachs client. In 2005 ScanSoft launched a de facto acquisition of Nuance Communications, and rebranded itself as Nuance.(12)
As of 2012 LG Smart TVs include voice recognition feature powered by the same speech engine as Dragon NaturallySpeaking.(13)
Dragon Naturally Speaking VersionRelease dateEditionsOperating Systems Supported1.0April 1997PersonalWindows 95, NT 1997Standard, Preferred, DeluxeWindows 95, NT 4.03.0October 1998Point & Speak, Standard, Preferred, Professional (with optional Legal and Medical add-on products)Windows 95, 98, NT 4, 1999Essentials, Standard, Preferred, Professional, Legal, Medical, MobileWindows 95, 98, NT 4.0 SP3+.5.0August 2000Essentials, Standard, Preferred, Professional, Legal, MedicalWindows 98, Me, NT 4.0 SP6+, 2000.6.0November 15, 2001Essentials, Standard, Preferred, Professional, Legal, Medical7.0March 2003Essentials, Standard, Preferred, Professional, Legal, MedicalWindows 98SE, Me, NT4 SP6+, 2000, XP.8.0November 2004Essentials, Standard, Preferred, Professional, Legal, MedicalWindows Me (Only Standard and Preferred editions), Windows 2000 SP4+, Windows XP SP1+.9.0July 2006Standard, Preferred, Professional, Legal, Medical, SDK client, SDK server,Windows 2000 SP4+, XP SP1+.9.5January 2007Standard, Preferred, Professional, Legal, Medical, SDK client, SDK serverWindows 2000 SP4+, XP SP1+, Vista (32-bit).10.0August 7, 2008Essentials, Standard, Preferred, Professional, Legal, MedicalWindows 2000 SP4+, XP SP2+ (32-bit), Vista (32-bit). Server 2003.10.1March 2009Standard, Preferred, Professional, Legal, MedicalWindows 2000 SP4+, XP SP2+ (32-bit), Vista (32-bit and 64-bit), Windows 7 (32 and 64-bit). Server 2003.11.0August 2010Home, Premium, Professional, LegalWindows XP SP2+ (32-bit), Vista SP1+ (32-bit and 64-bit), 7 (32 and 64-bit). Server 2003, 2008.11.02011SDK client (DSC), SDK server (DSS)Windows XP SP2+ (32-bit only), Vista SP1+ (32-bit and 64-bit), Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit), Windows Server 2003 and 2008, SP1, SP2 and R2 (32-bit and 64-bit)11.5June 2011Home, Premium, Professional, LegalWindows XP SP2+ (32-bit), Vista SP1+ (32-bit and 64-bit), 7 (32 and 64-bit). Server 2003, 2008.11.0August 2011Medical (Dragon Medical Practice Edition)Windows XP SP2+ (32-bit), Vista SP1+ (32-bit and 64-bit), 7 (32 and 64-bit). Server 2003, 2008.12.0October 2012Home, Premium, Professional, LegalWindows XP SP3+ (32-bit), Vista SP2+ (32-bit and 64-bit), 7 (32 and 64-bit), 8 (32 and 64-bit). Server 2008, Server 2008 R2, Server 2012.12.5February 2013Home, Premium, Professional, LegalWindows XP SP3+ (32-bit), Vista SP2+ (32-bit and 64-bit), 7 (32 and 64-bit), 8 (32 and 64-bit). Server 2008, Server 2008 R2, Server 2012.12June 2013Medical (Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2)Windows XP SP3+ (32-bit), Vista SP2+ (32-bit and 64-bit), 7 (32 and 64-bit), 8 (32 and 64-bit). Server 2008, Server 2008 R2, Server 2012.13August 2014Home, Premium, Professional, and Legal.7 (32 and 64-bit), 8.1 (32 and 64-bit). Server 2008, Server 2008 R2, Server 2012. Mac OS X 10.6+ (Intel Processor)13September 2015Medical (UK, French, German) (Dragon Medical Practice Edition 3)7 (32 and 64-bit), 8.1 (32 and 64-bit), 10 (32 and 64-bit). Server 2008, Server 2008 R2, Server 2012. Mac OS X 10.6+ (Intel Processor)14September 2015Professional (individual, and Group)7 (32 and 64-bit), 8.1 (32 and 64-bit), 10 (32 and 64-bit). Server 2008, Server 2008 R2, Server 2012. Mac OS X 10.6+ (Intel Processor). Server 2008, Server 2008 R2, Server 2012.15August 16, 2016Dragon Professional Individual; Dragon Legal Individual; Dragon Professional Individual for Mac (version 6)15May 1, 2017Dragon Professional Group (Languages: English US and German only)15January 22, 2018Dragon Medical Practice Edition 4 (Languages: English US)
Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12 is available in the following languages: UK English, US English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, and Japanese (aka 'Dragon Speech 11' in Japan).
See also(edit)
^Sarnataro, Valerie (2012-11-08). 'Dragon NaturallySpeaking (DNS) 12 Review'. technologyguide.com. Technology Guide. Retrieved 2013-07-25.
^'Nuance Announces Major New Releases of Dragon for Windows and Mac OS X'. Retrieved 2016-08-22.
^'Nuance product support for Microsoft Windows Vista'. Archived from the original on 2009-12-15. Retrieved 2009-12-15.
^'Nuance product support for Microsoft Windows 7'. 2010. Retrieved 16 Aug 2010.
^'Nuance Announces Major New Releases of Dragon for Windows and Mac OS X'. 2016. Retrieved 2016-08-22.
^Baker, James K. (1975). 'The DRAGON System - An Overview'. IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. 23 (1): 24–29. doi:10.1109/TASSP.1975.1162650.
^'History of Speech Recognition and Transcription Software'. Retrieved 2013-07-12.
^'DragonDictate product information'. Retrieved 2010-02-03.
^'Dragon NaturallySpeaking 1.0 released'. Retrieved 2010-02-03.
^'Dragon Systems purchased by Lernout & Hauspie'. New York Times. 2001-05-07. Retrieved 2010-02-03.
^'Goldman Is Cleared Over a Sale Gone Awry'. New York Times. 2013-01-23. Retrieved 2013-01-23.
^'ScanSoft and Nuance to Merge'. 2005-05-09. Archived from the original on 2010-05-28. Retrieved 2010-02-03.
^'Samsung and LG smart TVs share your voice data behind the fine print'. ConsumerReports. 2015-02-09. Retrieved 2016-06-10.
Nuance Dragon Dictate Website
External links(edit)
Nuance Dragon Dictate For Mac 4.0 Download
Official website for Nuance Communications
Dragon Software Mac
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Dragon_NaturallySpeaking&oldid=1018432073'
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It's not gratuitously violent like the M-rated Call of Duty series. It's rated “T” as being appropriate for teens and up, by the ESRB. Players are “eliminating” rather than “killing” other players. Thus, parents are more inclined to allow their kids to play Fortnite over the more graphically violent games available.
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Paul Murphy, left, and also Patrick Moberg are the Chief Executive Officer and also CCO of Playdots, that makes the hit mobile video games Dots and 2 Dots. Zynga is a worldwide leader in interactive enjoyment with a mission to connect the world via video games. To day, greater than one billion people have played Zynga's franchise business including CSR RacingTM, Empires & PuzzlesTM, Merge Dragons! TM, Toon Blast ™, Plaything Blast ™, Words With FriendsTM as well as Zynga PokerTM. Zynga's games are offered in greater than 150 countries as well as are usable throughout social platforms as well as mobile devices worldwide. For more information, see or follow Zynga on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or the Zynga blog site.
What is the size of PUBG PC?
The download size of PUBG PC is approximately 30 GB. It is purchasable for ₹999 on Steam, which is a video game digital distribution service.
Many thanks to the advent of mobile phones, however, we can currently take the very best mobile scary video games on the move. Harry Potter won't be the only augmented truth phone video game to make a big sprinkle this year. Minecraft Planet will certainly present in beta later on this summer, possibly appealing mainly to the under-21 crowd-- however do not ignore the size and power of the Minecraft fanbase.
Where can I download PC games?
Here is a list of top 8 websites to download games on your PC. 1. 1 Steam. This website for downloading games is developed by Valve Corporations and has been https://unblocked-games.online functioning for the past thirteen years.
2. 2 GOG. GOG.com is operated by GOG Limited.
3. 3 G2A.
4. 4 Origin.
5. 5 PC games.
6. 6 Ocean of Games.
7. 7 Softpedia.
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8. 8 Skidrow reloaded.
So what you're doing is taking advantage of someone else that has developed momentum without trying to build any kind of resonance or association with your very own version of that. You can make advertisements that look comparable to Candy Crush ads. As well as you will probably obtain a good deal of people who will be interested, click as well as download and install the game, plus possibly spend a little bit of money at an early stage. A great deal of computer game nowadays have very long lives, like World of Warcraft is now in its 17th year.
Below are some fast honorable points out if you're seeking a lot more great choices. Fortunately is that lots of video games with no in-app acquisitions still exist, and also below is a handful that we've had a good time playing ourselves. Launched in 2016, Pokemon Go is an increased truth and also location-based mobile video game made by US-headquartered Niantic. Formerly Niantic Labs, an interior startup within Google, the firm first obtained attention for Ingress, an additional AR, location-based game.
Mahjong Games.
Spaceteam is the best mobile game that you've never ever heard of. First points first, you need some buddies to play with, and also they need to install the application on their iPhone, iPad, or Android device. There are a plenty of number of "build your own community" video games out there yet Mixture Community is certainly one of the most one-of-a-kind take we have actually seen. Mixture Town is a current release that allows players develop their very own craft brewery. Beer followers can call their beers as well as also design the tag on the containers.
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CSR Racing 2 Cheats
CSR Racing 2 Guide
CSR Racing 2 manual is a guide for a popular new sport. Drum roll please ...🥁, we desired to introduce a new event which you may be capable of enjoy every two seasons 🙌 pinnacle tip: this event have to be useful to all those seeking to progress similarly in legends giving you extra opportunity to earn extra fusion and level 6 components. Requirement:  three car lock-in (legends motors and players cannot lock in any automobiles they've previously locked into an help event) we're continuing to progress with our beta application for showdown with a couple of recent checks in 2.10; shelby awesome snake can be running a Golden cup this release, with the Golden cup event strolling as a pvp showdown. Different races are half a mile, and then it's a very good idea to sacrifice a few initial acceleration for greater top velocity (for the reason that there is time to construct it). We can cross in addition and say that you'll lose half of a mile races in case you do not adjust your vehicle mainly for them. Take a look at the final drive as soon as you have this selection, and consider to apply the dyno to look what effect modifications to make to your most velocity. The extremely good social addition to CSR Racing 2 comes within the form of crews. Now not simply that, you'll without a doubt hold on gambling due to the fact, with csr 2 racing, ideal timing is the whole thing. The distinction between winning and dropping can just be approximately your ideal begin and shifts, minus the tuning. Each car is specific so you'd turn out to be spending hours looking to master the ideal start and shift timing. This recreation has the ladder mode and all the ones different modes to hold you gambling. Normally, maximum video games will handiest let you play towards computer systems. Now not this game! While we said you're going to repair the ones classics, we supposed you will see all of them rusty. Yes, you study that right. You will race rusty classic motors. Slowly spend time restoring them until they turn out to be vivid and complicated! One of the highlights of csr 2 racing is its remarkable incredibly targeted degree of pictures. For the ultimate vehicle enthusiasts, this sport will give greater than sufficient justice on your favourite motors! Loving the curves of a bugatti chiron? You obtain it! There is no detail small enough for csr 2 racing and truly, other video games want to preserve up with this! Why does my opponent show a bad begin time? In maximum online races, gamers want to press the start button as quickly as possible after the "march!" Command as a way to successfully begin. On the cease of the race, you will see a evaluation of your performance and that of your opponent: a fantastic time fee means a late start, and a negative fee method an early start. Each of these signs imply a slowdown in race time. With a past due start, gas performance is reduced, and with an early grip, the street may be much less, so as to have an effect on acceleration. A way to tune the auto? To make tuning motors, go to the storage and pick out "tuning". You'll find yourself in the "tuning" window, wherein you can select a vehicle for tuning. Right here you can pump the nitrous gadget, gearbox and tire pressure if the automobile has already been progressed to the level at which you could install tuned parts! Tuning is to be had handiest for elements upgraded to a certain degree. Why can some cars be purchased best for Gold? A way to use first-rate-order? Green use of nitrous oxide may be decisive for prevailing the race. If a nitrous oxide machine is mounted on your automobile, use the "nitrous" button on the left to apply brief-term acceleration. The premiere time to set off the nitrous oxide gadget depends on the traits of the automobile and the precise race. What is a profession race? These races offer an fantastic possibility to get preserve of cash. Defeat your competitors and move up the profession ladder! You will often should compete inside the pleasant motors, so this is a incredible opportunity to check them in commercial enterprise, in addition to a threat to win some cash. The battles of the day are restrained in time, this is, after the stop of the race, you may participate in the subsequent race best after some hours. What is Gold and cash? The higher proper corner of the display presentations how a good deal Gold and cash you have got. To refill the stock, faucet the plus sign and visit the store. Play CSR Racing 2 for your computing device or laptop on mac or pc to maximize your playing time. Whenever you don't have your smartphone or tablet available, or you just need to place your phone down, jump on your computer and continue your sport from there. Ensure that the accounts are related via fb. Race inside the prize cup and within the custom cup in an effort to earn greater bronze keys, silver keys, and Gold keys so that you can get uncommon and uncommon fusion components to feature on your car. Csr 2 helps you to race in opposition to actual players across the world, in actual-time. Select worth combatants from the lobby or accept live challenges - and raise the stakes by placing bets. Group up with buddies to form a crew, and together fight for ranks in the leaderboard and wonderful-different vehicles. Accumulate stunning supercars and display them off for your large warehouse garage - csr 2 functions over 50 officially licensed cars from the sector's most applicable car manufacturers along with ferrari, mclaren, bugatti, lamborghini, pagani and koenigsegg. Right here for real cash you could purchase more money and Gold.greater Gold can also be obtained as follows: what are keys and the way to get them? Keys offer get right of entry to to vehicles, upgraded components and different objects in the imported components store. There are 3 forms of keys: bronze, silver and Gold, every of which offers get right of entry to to one of a kind kinds of prizes. Keys can be received in a few competitions, in a multiplayer game, and additionally offered in a shop. What are grades? Csr  2 allows you to do live races wherein you could battle other players in actual-time. Plus, you don't ought to play alone. You could join or create a team and be the maximum prestigious! What is a vehicle racing game that might not let you upgrade your vehicles, right? It misses the point. Csr 2 racing knows the importance of enhancements so that they determined to take it to the highest stage. This isn't always the type of sport wherein you just click at the upgrades and understand they're there because you're winning. What is it there for? The shield showing 1 "perks" is a bug. Most everyone has that even though there is nothing to claim. Just ignore it - hopefully they'll fix it and make it go away in their next update. I've driven r35 and almost of all upgrades was done. However, yesterday i got new lb gt-r. it looks good. Can i move my all of old gtr's upgradews to new gtr? How can i do, if it is possible? That's certainly what zynga and naturalmotion are hoping for, and it's sure to be part of why people would consider jumping from previous csr games to this - or even from other supercar-collecting games like real racing 3, even if the action is more centered around actual racing. It's totally fine if the game isn't the most complex racing simulator ever because a huge part of the reason that people play games like csr2 is not so much for the gameplay, it's because they enjoy cars. You will often have to compete in the best cars, so this is a great opportunity to test them in business, as well as a chance to win some cash. The battles of the day are limited in time, that is, after the end of the race, you can take part in the next race only after a few hours. What is Gold and cash? The upper right corner of the screen displays how much Gold and cash you have. To replenish the stock, tap the plus sign and go to the store. Why are some players marked as "legend" in the online racing room? Players of the most successful teams of the current season of the team championship are awarded legendary status. This status is awarded depending on the ratio of the number of os of your team and the team in the first place of the leaderboard. Remember that legendary status is difficult to obtain, but easy to lose, so make sure that your team constantly earns ou to keep it! How to remove an inactive team leader from his post? Few free games of any sort have such great graphics, either. We have scanned the file and urls associated with this software program in more than 50 of the world's leading antivirus services; no possible threat has been detected. It means a benign program is wrongfully flagged as malicious due to an overly broad detection signature or algorithm used in an antivirus program. We'd like to highlight that from time to time, we may miss a potentially malicious software program. To continue promising you a malware-free catalog of programs and apps, our team has integrated a report software feature in every catalog page that loops your feedback back to us. It's time to get your hands on the fastest mclaren in-game - 🥁 the mclaren speedtail! This wet and british event consists of 6 high-speed events, each one requires a 2 car lockin and will feature a 50 race ladder. ✍️ one thing for all players to note, though not compulsory prologue events do reward cars and s6 parts required to participate in the main event. A different car will be required for each prologue event. At the 2019 frankfurt motor show automobili, lamborghini unveiled the lamborghini sián! The second one is for live racing. Upgrade the transmission, nos, and tires to stage 5 and leave everything else stock, adding fusion parts, as you can. Try to get the evo as high as possible when tuning it then learn what rpm to launch it, shift it, then start live racing it. Try to achieve around a 50% win ratio; that's your goal. Remember, beating the dyno over and over will get you bumped into faster lobbies. One other thing/, if someone challenges right after they lose, it could be a set-up to a big bet.they are probably trying to sandbag you into a big fat loss. "it achieves this admirably. There's a good level of customisation on offer, and it feels good to see your cars go from workmanlike stragglers to souped-up beasts." For our full review on CSR Racing 2 and many more articles, just click through our CSR Racing 2 articles below. Below, we're listing all the base stats for every car in the game and highlighting which car wins in each category. R stands for rep bonus, and f is for fusion slots. Obviously, every car can be completely changed through upgrades and tuning but these starting numbers give you a good indication of that car's overall abilities. Ranks relate to two aspects. In the game, each team has a certain rank: races of rank 1 are represented by the new fangs team, and races from rank 2 to 5 are represented by other teams. For cars, rank means the restrictions that apply to each car. The vehicle rank is displayed in the upper center of the screen: for example, "p4". This is the rank of the current machine. When you sort out cars in the showroom, pay attention to how the displayed rank changes depending on the selected car. When you play csr 2 online, your game progress is automatically saved on the game servers. Your profile will be linked to game center (ios) or google play games (android) as soon as you log into your account on your device. This means that you can synchronize your game progress on different devices by simply logging into your google play games or game center account on one of them. If you don't log in to game center or google play games, your profile will be tied to the device. Ranks relate to two aspects. In the game, each team has a certain rank: races of rank 1 are represented by the new fangs team, and races from rank 2 to 5 are represented by other teams. For cars, rank means the restrictions that apply to each car. The vehicle rank is displayed in the upper center of the screen: for example, "p4". This is the rank of the current machine. When you sort out cars in the showroom, pay attention to how the displayed rank changes depending on the selected car. There is a new way to progress in CSR Racing 2, and that's together in a racing crew. Competing in events as a member of a crew earns special rewards and bonuses that the lone driver could never hope to achieve, like greater reputation gains or extra winnings per race. Also there are online multiplayer drag races in real-time, which i'd rather not talk about. I am the worst, and seeing the option to challenge others on the game map just makes me sad. All these subtle, small changes add a bit more depth to the game, without abandoning the simplicity and accessibility at the core of the experience. But doing well still requires perfect timing, and particularly with the exciting synchronous multiplayer races, there's something to be said about the depth of the game, or at least how compelling simple game mechanics can be. The clan-like features where you join race crews add to the long-term facets of the game. Getting a cool garage full of rad cars feels good - but maybe there's a bit more of an extrinsic motivation necessary to keep people going. The pr people from csr racing have been emailing me quite a bit today. To be honest it's a game i'm not familiar with, but i figured i'd give it a try. It's a big download. I mean big. It's one of those that needs a wifi connection - some 500mb + once you've got it though, the visuals are great. The intro is beautiful and it honestly feels like an xbox game in places. There's a nice introduction which shows how you to control the car and rev it etc. You will have a triumphant feeling when careful preparation efforts pay off, as well as knowing that you have overcome your opponent by looking at the photo taken at the end of a race that seems to have no chance. CSR Racing 2 is a serial version that adds countless attractive and engaging content. This is really a game that is "too fast and too furious", subtly molded from the skillful hand of the development team. If you are a fan of fiery racetracks or you are looking for an attractive racing game for your phone, this game is my suggestion. If the team leader has not entered the game for several weeks, he can be removed from his post so that another active player takes this place. To do this, follow the instructions below: how do i get into an elite team battle for racing with tempe5t? Make sure you have the latest game update installed, as the elite team battle is only available in version 1.8 or higher. When you defeat shax at rank 5, find a new tempe5t party place on the map and tap it to start the journey. You will often have to compete in the best cars, so this is a great opportunity to test them in business, as well as a chance to win some cash. The battles of the day are limited in time, that is, after the end of the race, you can take part in the next race only after a few hours. What is Gold and cash? The upper right corner of the screen displays how much Gold and cash you have. To replenish the stock, tap the plus sign and go to the store. My guess? On purpose they are testing, which age group, which mobile users, how much have they spent in the past, will they wait, how much in cash/Gold do they have and how willing are they to spend it. Yes, i think of these things, and still can't not buy Gold keys if i just have 2 missing to get the loyalty. Ugh. Was thinking about doing this myself but you got most of it covered. A couple of extra things i noticed personally, and bear in mind this is ios. Same is the case with perfect shifts. So do experiment with your launches and shifts. Hope this will work for you. This..just ran my huracan at 3-4 at start and shifted early red every gear, nitrous at 3rd.. went front 13.19 to 12.42..half second faster with no tuning adjustments just messing with the rpm..this guy knows. I run my huayra launch at max revs. It i do it at perfect, i can only get 9.8but if i do it at the most i can hit 9.6 most fusion parts gives + evo points but some are also - points. After you've won a few races, you'll be able to join a crew, which is a group of real life players that are all on the same team. Joining a crew gives you extra chances to win rare parts and new cars by entering races you couldn't do if you weren't in a crew. Crews can chat with each other in real time, but they can also pin chats so that crew members that aren't online at a specific time will be able to see important information later. If you use it too soon, your wheels will spin making you lose traktion and if you use it too late you might waste some of the nitro potential. Hi, i'm tim and i play csr2 since the release for every day straight and i absolutely love the fine-tuning aspect of the game and the feeling when hours of trying tunes get a little bit better times. It's all about details in life, right? 😏 on the showdown races some in here have found a way to make the care very fast,, can someone share a few tips on how to do this. Custom street racing is a free-to-play drag-racing game by boss alien and naturalmotion games. In the game, the player takes the role of a new racer looking to make a name for him/herself in a deserted city ruled by five racing "crews". A sequel was released on ios and android on june 29, 2016, called CSR Racing 2. Csr racing was first shown on stage at the apple worldwide developers conference (wwdc) on june 11, 2012[1] and was released on the apple app store on june 28. Enter the bugatti la voiture noire event by using the world's most expensive new car, the la voiture noire, available in csr2. Built as a modern reinterpretation of the bugatti type 57sc atlantic and with only one in existence, the la voiture noire, takes exclusivity to a whole new level. Compete in 30 challenging ladder races in your bugatti la voiture noire. The second showdown event requires you to enter with any bugatti chiron to compete and earn a further two bugatti chirons for your collection; the bugatti finale plays out over 70 intense races. As with most games these days, there are in-app purchases as well. But the way CSR Racing 2 is structured, you can pretty much persist without spending even a dime of real cash and still have a lot of fun. If you haven't taken CSR Racing 2 for a spin just yet, we would strongly urge you to. The sheer simplicity of the experience, as well as the attention to detail make this totally worth the time you spend trying to drag race a bugatti veyron. When a reward appears in the inbox, a special icon will inform about it in the upper left corner of the garage screen (in the same place as the daily entry icon). You will have seven days to collect all the rewards, including op-amps and tokens, which can only be obtained for the team cup. Why can't i move recovery machines to the workshop? There are only three places in the garage of the legends workshop. To open the second and third, players must first restore the 250gto and five legends cars, respectively. The leaderboard of the stage is open for players who were supposed to get a wheelbarrow for the stage last season. Although the car is displayed in the dealership, it will be possible to purchase it only two weeks after the end of the season. Why didn't i get the anniversary / seasonal car? It will take some time to send all the anniversary cars. Please wait a couple of hours before contacting player support. To get a jubilee car, you need to be an active member of a team that has scored at least 20,000,000 team prs (reputation points). Built-in parts make it possible to get the most out of the improvements, as well as bring evo points, which give an even greater bonus to the characteristics. Built-in parts are divided into three types: unusual (green), rare (blue) and epic (purple). Built-in parts can be embedded in special cells. To do this, go to the "improvements" window and select a part with a free cell for embedding. Tap a cell to embed, select an embedded part, and insert it into the cell. You will see that they are divided into several parts: what are dark horses? Dark horses are a completely new way to get a time-limited bonus for your team! For example, a dark horse can give you a 10% team op bonus for 4 hours. Remember that each member of the team will get access to this bonus while it is active. Dark horses are activated using tokens that can be won in event competitions. Once you have contributed enough tokens for the dark horse, any team member can activate it using the "activate" button.
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iMessage on PC Without Jailbreak
Though I experience the use of WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger, Apple’s Messages app stays my favored choice across iDevices. Most of my buddies who use Windows crave to use iMessaging. They regularly question me, is there a manner to apply iMessage on Windows PC?
Finally, I actually have determined to assist those friends to use iMessage on Windows. If you also desire to take the gain of this tip, you can also be part of the celebration. Let’s discover!
Note: I wish there has been a trustworthy way to download and set up Apple’s Messages app on Windows. But there is a workaround via which you can get over the line. However, you want to have Mac for you to take the benefit of this trick. Agreed, this is not an honest technique however we don’t have any other alternative.
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How to Use iMessage on Windows PC
Step #1. Make sure you have got a Mac with iMessage and PC with Windows.
Step #2. Now, download Chrome and Chrome Remote Desktop on both of your computers.
Step #3. Once set up, click on the launch app.
Step #4. On Your Mac Download Chrome Remote Desktop Host Installer.
Step #5. Once it downloaded, install the equal on your Mac.
Install Chrome Remote Desktop Host on MacClick Continue to Install Chrome Remote Desktop Host on MacEnter System Password on MacClose the Installation Window on Mac
Note: Chrome Remote Desktop lets you get right of entry to every other laptop through Chrome browser or Chromebook. Besides, you can without problems get right of entry to your apps and files securely.
Also, Download Turbo VPN for PC 
Step #6. Use the code to connect each the computers. Then, get started.
What in case you don’t have a Mac but still want to apply iMessage to your Windows PC? There is a manner to get fulfill your want. Download iPadian on your Windows. It’s an emulator a third birthday party software program (Just like) which creates a virtual iOS ecosystem to your Widows; letting you put in Apple’s famous Messages to your Windows.
Note: iPadian 2 is an iPad simulator that lets in you to convert your Windows PC and enable it to run iOS apps. The emulator functions Standalone Adobe air utility. It will be very reachable for the people who need to check or mess around with iOS apps on their Windows tool.
However, the iPad simulator doesn’t perform always. Besides, it floods your pc with malware. Hence, I suggest you try it with more precaution.
What Jailbreak in reality method?
Basically, jailbreaking of an iPhone is a system which includes the switching of an OS version of an iPhone with some different hacked OS model so that it will ruin the barriers of all restrictions which Apple impose on their customers. Jailbreaking is pretty much like the system of rooting in Android devices. Jailbreaking of an iPhone will can help you to discover all of the hidden features of a phone which can not be accessed in fundamental or reliable OS version. Moreover, jailbreaking of iPhone will provide greater balance and presents the platform for a smooth functioning. Users can even emerge as able to customize their iPhone in line with their goals and needs. All those packages which isn't always to be had at the App shop also can be hooked up on a Jailbreak iPhone. So, ordinary jailbreaking of iPhone will sincerely provide you all of the extraordinary functions which a user expects.
There is a separate app referred to as Cydiawhich is solely to be had for the jailbreak iPhones. Cydia is nothing but an exchange App store which is solely to be had for the jailbreak iPhone which is having a far better wide variety of apps compared to the respectable Apple shop.
And in case if you are becoming burdened whether or not you have to go for jailbreaking procedure or not, then we desired to inform you that you may effortlessly reset your iPhone to the manufacturing facility reset mode to disable the jailbreaking impact. Download iMessage for PC Here
Some warnings before you jailbreak your iPhone:
The first disadvantage which each person ought to recognize earlier than he/she jailbreak its iPhone is that the iPhone or iPad will go out of assurance or guarantee length. So, please make sure that you will be at ease with the reality that we stated if your iPhone remains in guarantee or assure length. If your iPhone/iPad has exceeded the assurance duration, then there is nothing to worry approximately. The 2d maximum critical point right here in the downside list is that all the safety measures which prevents your iPhone from the attacks of hacker gets damaged. So, if you are still at ease with the jailbreaking system even after knowing these drawbacks, then just move for the jailbreaking procedure which we are going to discuss below.
How to jailbreak iPhone:
Jailbreaking an iPhone is not a totally tough venture. But earlier than you go together with the first step of Jailbreaking manner, you ought to backup all the records present in your iPhone either on the iCloud or on a local disk. Backing up of statistics will prevent any type of record or file loss. Moreover, you may without difficulty restore all of the information in your iPhone the use of the iTunes very without difficulty.
So, intending further with the jailbreak manner, you want to down load any Jailbreaking software program to your iPhone. There are lots of jailbreaking software gift on the net which you can run to accomplish your undertaking. We aren't citing any unique software program due to the fact there is a wide range present on the internet providing different-extraordinary functions over one another. Also, Download VPN Master for PC
After you run the jailbreaking software program both for your iPhone or Mac, simply observe the commands which it offers to you so that the jailbreaking procedure can be effectively completed. You can now installation Cydia app on your iPhone or Mac in order to be your new App save.
Now, simply purchase the Remote Messages from Cydia so you turns into able to access all of your messages in your MacBook. Use your authentication credentials and use your iPhone’s IP cope with on any web browser which you use observed by way of 333. Here you're all executed, just log in along with your Apple ID and get all of the messages immediately out of your iPhone to your MacBook.
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djshannonc321 · 4 years
With Covid-19 and Social distancing being the new normal and Virtual Events being the latest response to traditional events being outlawed, everyone has taken to the internet for connection and celebration. Virtual Zoom Parties, IG Lives, Twitch Streams, and Mixcloud Broadcasts have become the new night clubs where party goers can jump from room to room within a couple of clicks.
A virtual night out might now include Club Quarantine with D Nice, a Zoom Party for Toca Tuesdays with Tony Touch, a Saturday Night IG/ZOOM Dance Party with @HouseOfYes, Virtual Festivals on Twitch and Virtual Concerts and DJ Sets in Fortnite! All right from your couch and in a series of clicks. Online it’s all happening right now when it comes to events and entertainment. I, myself, have now hosted and performed for a series of Virtual Birthday Parties, Virtual Corporate Celebrations, Virtual Workshops, Virtual Networking Groups, and even a Virtual Group DJ Set with the Sinister Syndicate Crew which was broadcasted out to facebook and live to join over Zoom.
I’ve watched some of my favorite bands like GoldFinger re-release live songs recorded safer at home from their individual home studious. And can we just take a moment and enjoy the epic Verzuz battles that have brought some of our musical greats together. Jill Scott and Erykah Badu gave us LIFE in the most recent installment of the Verzuz series of IG Battles. The possibilities are quite endless when it comes to events and entertainment in the online space.
Similar to all of the good that we’ve seen, the internet and technology have produced some rather ugly and awkward moments for virtual event goers and producers as well. By now, I’m sure you’ve attended at least one event that turned into a constant sound check, experienced one awkward zoom moment, or at least you saw the Teddy Riley and Baby Face Verzuz fail where poor tech required the whole event be scrapped and rescheduled. Needless to say, I’m sure you clicked on this article because you don’t want that awkward experience to happen to you. Keep reading for 5 Tips (plus some pro-tip extras) to make sure that next awkward moment doesn’t happen to you.
1. Plan Your Event! The importance of planning, especially in the online space, and especially if you’ve got multiple things going on in the course of your event, CANNOT BE OVERSTATED, I personally like to have a run of show ( itinerary or timeline ) that tells me what should be happening through the course of the event. Here’s a couple of examples:
Virtual Networking Event 5:00p — 5:15p — Introduction with Live Stream out to Facebook (no music) 5:15–5:30 — music / host introduction 5:30–5:45 — Break Out Room Networking Activity / DJ in main room 5:45–6:50 — DJ with Networking Activity 6:50–7:00 — Debrief and Closing (no music) Virtual Birthday Party 7:00–7:10 — Background music while guests are joining 7:10 — Slide Show for the Birthday Girl 7:15 — Grand Entrance with Music 7:20–7:30 — Group Introductions 7:30–8:00 — Birthday Girl Trivia Game 8:00–9:00 — Dance Party with DJ
Virtual Events and Parties are very much like live shows. It makes for a much smoother end user experience when there’s some kind of plan and someone’s taking the lead to move things ahead. An extra pro-tip that helps to move things along is to have someone as a dedicated host or Emcee to help with transitioning between activities. In the Virtual Networking event outlined above, the Client was the host and I followed her lead and the itinerary. For the Birthday Party, I hosted so I was able to make the transitions between activities planned before hand, and the client was able to just enjoy her party. In another event I did, there was no host, but each performer was supposed to introduce the next performer — only someone forgot and it made things kind of awkward.
2. Test the Technology — Another Step that in the virtual space cannot be over stated. [Remember Teddy Riley… 🙁 ] Once you’ve determined your event and the timeline of your event, it’s time to commit to the tech and test it. Some things you should be considering:
1. Where will you host the event? (Zoom, IG, Facebook, GoToMeeting, House Party, etc)
2. What are the technical requirements and capabilities of that tech as it relates to your event? (is there going to be sound other than people talking? Will anyone be performing, etc) Something as simple as broadcasting music can be a little more complicated to get the desired affect in the online space.
3. When can you test? (Make sure to do this well in advance of the event so you’ve got time to troubleshoot if something doesn’t work right the first time) I can personally tell you there’s nothing worse than trying to troubleshoot tech that doesn’t work while the clock steadily ticks down to start time.
A when testing is to join the test from a different device than the one you’re broadcasting on so you can get a feel for the actual audience experience. What seems fine from an AV perspective on your broadcasting device may be very different than what the end user is experiencing. Another — pretty much anything you’ll come across can worked out with a youtube video. I’ve been able to find tutorials on fixing a blue screen on a pc to setting up OBS software to broadcasting OBS to Zoom and beyond. When it comes to troubleshooting, YouTube and Google are your best friends. Use them.
3. Sound Advice — It’s important to note that sound on the end user side isn’t automatically the same as what you hear on your side. Our devices and the programs we are using to stream have compressors that change the integrity of the sound. Strength and stability of internet connection for both the broadcaster and the viewer can also have a negative impact on sound. Also noteworthy, on almost every broadcasting platform, there’s a slight delay from broadcaster to viewer.
I played a party recently where the host wanted me to play background music for the solo singers and dancers. We had to work out that each performer, especially the singers, would be responsible for broadcasting their own accompanying music to help eliminate the problem of delay and competing audio. For example, notice on Zoom that it’s difficult to hear multiple speakers at the same time. If I’m playing audio and a singer is singing to what they hear, what the user hears will be delayed and out of sync. Also there will be audio fall out between both contributing sound as Zoom tries to toggle between each to determine who’s audio to project.
When I’m playing music, I’m able to get the best quality of sound by plugging my DJ gear directly into my broadcasting device using an audio interface. When broadcasting with a phone, many DJ’s are using an IRIG system that allows XLR or Qtr Inch to 35mm so you can connect to your phone. When broadcasting with a laptop, many DJS are using a USB audio interface or USB enabled mixer to plug directly into the broadcasting computer. Pro Tip — Some broadcasting Programs like Zoom allow you to change audio settings or to use the audio from a usb mic or another assigned source. You may need to explore these settings and options to get the best possible sound.
Another Pro-Tip — close out all programs you aren’t using on the broadcasting device to make sure it’s full CPU is dedicated to the broadcast especially if you’re using Wifi. If you’re on a laptop, hard wire to your modem from the broadcasting laptop if at all possible. Wifi can be unstable, and those internet related sound issues are pretty much out of your hands.
4. Be Adaptable — Despite how much you may have tested and planned, sometimes in the live environment, things go awry. You’ve got to be prepared to shift on a moment’s notice within the capacity of your platform so that the show can go on.
For example, In a birthday party I hosted on Zoom, we were playing a trivia game. I was asking the questions, then playing music while they answered in the chat, and then taking the answers from the chat and putting them into a spreadsheet to keep score. This process was taking a very long time; longer than we had anticipated in practice. So, I switched my scoring method to stopping the music and calling each person’s name from the spreadsheet and letting them answer aloud. (instead of in the chat) This made the game move quicker and allowed for a more interactive experience in that moment because each person who answered could also tell a little story or make a joke with their answer.
In another example, someone Zoom Bombed one of the events I was attending. The Host didn’t have the waiting room setup and had the feature that allowed all users to share their screens enabled. So a user came in and started sharing his screen over top of the performer and doing all kinds of inappropriate things. The admin who was running the room and producing the broadcast feed was able to quickly fix the zoom preferences and kick the person into the waiting room. If he hadn’t been quick to notice and respond, the outcome could have been a lot worse. Pro-tip — use the Waiting Room and Password features in Zoom and keep your software updated to be on the most secure version to help keep your event secure.
In a final example, I was doing a back-to-back DJ set with a friend of mine who is a popular DJ in London. Her sound setup was completely different than mine, and we’d tested on multiple occasions, including just before the show. The day of the show, however, I changed my complete sound and broadcast setup from the setup I’d used multiple times prior. We tested it several times, but when it came for showtime the new setup ran into all sorts of sound issues that hadn’t shown up in sound check and I wasn’t able to broadcast my part. I was communicating with her privately on What’sApp to explain what was happening as I frantically tried to troubleshoot on my side. She ended up playing the entire set (both mine and hers) while I’d chime in on the mic occasionally and interacted in the chat. Either way, we adapted and allowed the show to go on. None of this is to scare you by the way, it’s just to highlight the need to be adaptable when broadcasting or hosting an event in the online space. I feel like you have to be adaptable when doing ANY type of live event, but most especially in the online space.
5. Practice — After you’ve done all of your planning and prepping and testing, the only thing left to do is to execute. But before you do, I recommend that you practice — even if it’s just with yourself. The same way that actors in a stage show don’t just show up and “wing it” neither should you when preparing for your live event. Keep in mind that the live online environment can be intimidating given that it’s so different than what we’re used to. I find I get more performance anxiety going live than I ever did performing in person. Which brings me back to practice. — You don’t grow while you’re live, meaning that when you’re in that anxiety ridden-spotlight moment, you’re going to revert back to what’s comfortable. And the best way to to make sure that you deliver a stellar performance is to practice enough to make it comfortable.
I had a client who brought me in to DJ for a virtual Girls Empowerment Event who wanted to share a video during the run of show, but was concerned because she wasn’t very tech savvy. I had her hop on a practice call with me where I talked her through sharing her screen and playing the video and then had her practice doing it several times as though we were live. When it came time for her to share her video during the live event, everything went flawlessly and she breezed through the process with ease, all because she took the time ahead of time to practice. You may not have any issues sharing your screen, but if you’re performing in any way in a live event, it doesn’t hurt to run it through a few times first. They don’t say “Practice Makes Perfect” for nothing, ya know.
So that’s what I’ve got as far as tips, all stemming from my own awkward experiences and findings as we adjust to this new technology driven interaction. Apply even just a few and I guarantee your event will run smoother than it would if you hadn’t. “All that and $1.50 will get you a cup of coffee”, as my grandfather used to say.
No one knows what a post-covid society will look like or when it will actually get here, but something tells me that Virtual Events are here to stay. That said, I want to encourage you to embrace the technology. Don’t let the shut downs destroy your plans for a live event. Covid-19 has brought us together and shown us that SO MUCH is possible in the Online Event Space, with much less cost and logistics. Once you get a handle on what works for you, the possibilities are endless. So go forth and practice, and may the Online Event Success Odds be ever in your favor. Happy Eventing!
PS! — Have an upcoming virtual event that you’d like to integrate a DJ into? Maybe you need a second opinion on what’s possible within the online event space? If you’re looking for more information, I’d love to help. Drop me a line by clicking HERE and let’s chat!
See you on the internet!
Click here — https://www.djshannonc.com
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sciencegrouptech · 5 years
Understanding the Basics of Computing Virtualization
Understanding Virtualization There are many different types of virtualization occurring in today's computing environment. A simple search for "virtualization" on a popular search engine returns thousands of hits. The list can become exhaustive but it is important to understand what each type does before beginning a large scale IT virtualization project. Today many virtualization customers and consultants consider 1999 the first year of virtualization with VMware's first release. Though VMware is deeply rooted in many implementations, virtualization is not a new concept. It has its roots with IBM and pseudo machines over 40 years ago. During that time software managed different allocation of resources inside a mainframe architecture which gave birth to the modern day hypervisor. A hypervisor intercepts, schedules, and translates requests from an operating system that is destined for some type of physical hardware like a CPU. The hypervisor also manages these requests going from hardware to the operation system or systems. It is the hypervisor that provides the layer of abstraction that is synonymous with server virtualization but there is more than one type of hypervisor, as we will review later. Types of Virtualization There are currently several types of virtualization deployed by IT organizations. They include but are not limited to Hardware (Server), Desktop (Client), Software (Application), Storage, and Network virtualization. One can easily see how difficult it can be to separate the distinct functions of virtualization throughout an organization. When should you target desktop virtualization over server virtualization or maybe your organization needs a mixture of both? Let us begin to dive into each type of virtualization so that you are able to make your own determination. Hardware (or Server) virtualization As datacenters begin to bloat causing problems with HVAC, power consumption, and rack space, server virtualization has become more prevalent. Most organization were purchasing commodity server hardware and utilizing only a fragment of the physical capabilities of the servers. Understanding that software had the ability to aggregate this underutilized hardware into a larger pool of resources for multiple operating systems on a single hardware platform, companies like VMware have been able to transform the server virtualization market. Using specially designed software, an administrator can convert one physical server into multiple virtual machines. Each virtual server acts like a unique physical device, capable of running its own operating system (OS). As we discussed earlier the component that makes the separation between the hardware and operating system possible is known as the hypervisor. There are two types of hypervisors that deserve distinction. Type 1 VS. Type 2 Hypervisors Type 1 hypervisors are those hypervisors that logically sit between the bare metal server and the operating system. The XEN hypervisor is a good example of this type of system. XEN is the broker between calls to the physical hardware and the operating system. Type 2 hypervisors are hypervisors that rely on an operating system to host the hypervisor itself. These types of hypervisors actually virtualize the memory management and I/O between multiple virtual machines and the hypervisor host. VirtualBox is a good example of a type 2 hypervisor because the operating system in installed prior to adding the application/hypervisor to the system. Desktop (or Client) Virtualization Desktop or client virtualization refers to the concept of separating a person computer from a physical machine in a client-server model. The most common implementation of is known as Virtual Desktop Infrastructure or VDI. In a VDI model, virtual machines are hosted on a centralized server. This centralized server streams an image to a host system allowing the user to access the needed applications or system. Normally, systems are hosted in the datacenter and accessed through Independent Computing Architecture (ICA) Protocol, Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), or PC-over-IP (PCOIP) protocol but there are a few products that allow images to be streamed directly to user end devices rather than just streaming the visual representation of the PC. Software (or Application) Virtualization Software virtualization is a concept used to describe software that improves portability, manageability, and compatibility of applications by abstracting them from their native environment. This abstraction normally occurs through encapsulation or repackaging of the application. Many times this method of virtualization is used for applications that do not support an upgrade to a different operating system. Storage Virtualization Storage virtualization is one of the most well known type's virtualization. A storage system normally uses virtualization to present separation of logical and physical storage. This is why systems do not have to directly access disks but rather access logical volumes to provide the most flexibility to users and subsystems throughout the datacenter or at home. The computing would become truly tedious if each user had to address the specific disk address he/she was targeting with data. Instead, physical locations are abstracted away and data can be saved to a logical drive that provides higher levels of protection. Network Virtualization Network virtualization provides an innovative approach to running multiple networks on a single physical backbone. These networks are used for entirely different functions and it is for that reason that IT departments want to keep them separate. Imagine experimentation and/or development taking place on the same network that all you are banking transactions are occurring. Would it make you nervous that your customers are depending on a network that is unproven or even worse, not secure? This type of environment is perfect for network virtualization, which can provide a layer 2/3 separation between systems. Virtualization As you can see, there are different spans of virtualization that reach across often-blurred lines of computing. In order to understand the keys to success for any project it is important to understand its components. I hope that this brief overview has provided some much-needed insight into the world of virtualization.
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Bitcoin & Crypto Mining Comparability /
In conclusion, I'm fairly dissatisfied by the lack of any real dialogue and the quantity of straw-man arguments and advert-hominem attacks and calls that this can be a rip-off. My guess is that in the long term you may make a profit from bitcoin mining however only if you make investments a considerable amount of cash in a good mining rig (e.g. Antminer s9). The only motive they will profit is because they’re not paying the electricity invoice - you're. As you possibly can see in the video beneath, a straightforward technique to go about finding a Pool Webpage is to simply Install and load up your GUIMiner. You want to hitch a pool in order to really get one thing out of all the effort you’re going to be placing in. Able to mining 0.5 BTC monthly with No Effort. In an ongoing effort to give you an impartial method and stop cheating the system, many calculation schemes have been invented.
Some issues have been raised that Bitcoin might be extra enticing to criminals as a result of it can be used to make non-public and irreversible funds. You may get bitcoins by mining for it, buying it from different bitcoiners, bitcoin ATM's, trading platforms and accepting it as payments to your goods and providers. As soon as the payment has been obtained by the vendor, the bitcoins are launched and are instantly to be had inside the bitcoin pockets account. 2. We'll use the average Bitcoin issue expected for the following 12 months, estimated by analysing the past difficulty will increase. 2. Bitcoin is created by a course of called "Bitcoin mining". What is net mining ? So I am model new to mining. Oddly Hashnest does not sell hosted mining using their own S9 miners whereas ViaBTC does. If you’re utilizing CPU/GPU/FPGA to mine, the answer is a particular no. As of November 2017, the BTC reward is so small that it doesn’t pay for the vitality your pc will eat to verify a block.
The more computational energy you will have the higher the reward you obtain. Its global currency values fluctuate according to supply and demand and market hypothesis; as extra people create wallets and hold and spend bitcoins, and extra businesses settle for it, Bitcoin's worth will rise. Extra on this as we get nearer. Beside bitcoin, Eobot additionally accepts funds made by VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Uncover and JCB playing cards. Regardless of it at present being the marketed as the ‘safest’ setting for transactions, there'll at all times be dangers through cyber-assaults, software bugs, loss of data, or (for some essentially the most concerning final result) a government ban on cryptocurrencies. Finally, we come to the second Function; that of being the numeraire. You will come across clever people in industries threaten by blockchain technology say that they like bitcoin the technology but not the foreign money. Is Bitcoin a rational bubble phenomenon? The most common place to buy Bitcoin is through on-line exchanges.
But perhaps it's not Koreans behind the purchases of Bitcoin Money; it could possibly be Chinese with accounts in Korea, too. bitcoin mining hardware vergleich mining major on-going price is Electricity. Okay guys i joined and working genesis mining they're trusted and paying within 3 months i acquired all my investments. The mining break even time in months for the time being is sort of 50 months for the GHS 1.Zero and about 12 months for the GHS 2.0 cloud mining contracts in response to the service stats. This report will hopefully demystify all the points of cryptocurrency so that by the time you are finished reading you will have a reasonably good idea of what it's and what it is all about. They raised capital, started operations, and have thus far maintained enough levels of profitability to proceed operations. Yet in lots of cases these identical people have acted in opposition to their own self curiosity. Individuals discovered find out how to program FPGA's and achieve larger vitality effectivity that GPU's. Perhaps not all pools do that for the time being, but it could actually certainly be achieved (and I would argue that these pools that mine bitcoins to their own addresses after which send them out to users are doing it wrong).
What Hurt Can Bitcoin Miner Malware Trojan Do to My Pc? Assuming Bitcoin worth will not fluctuate (which it can), and assuming a relentless upkeep fee of 16.3%(which it wont be constant), i'll break-even in 80.Sixty two days. /r/Bitcoin is primarily for news and dialogue. When not tightened, the bolts relaxation loosely on the lower casing via a small slot. For producting Altcoins, the miner has to write a brief script for the command immediate. 50 Miner is an easy to arrange software with an computerized detection device. Miner are busing in switching their hash power. So which particular person are you going to be? Every chip of the S9 is fitted with custom-made heat sinks which might be made from a high-grade Aluminium alloy. That ought to let you know all that you must find out about what I feel. For example, m/0’/zero/122’ refers to the 123rd hardened personal baby (by index number) of the first regular little one (by index) of the first hardened little one (by index) of the grasp personal key.
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donniereinhart-blog · 7 years
10 Small But Important Points To Observe In video game.
15 Vital Truths That You Must Find out about video game.
Ten Things Nobody Informed You Around video game.
There are several professions offered to someone that has a degree in audio design. So after check out download, Install, play and also Enjoy!. Currently Check Out Below Download web link, download video game as well as delight in!. Inning accordance with me Download >> Install >> Play >> Enjoy!. You could also Download Activity Games. Most of these cities have actually maximized their newfound television fame with a host of tourism companies and vacation plans for discovering the most effective of the Game of Thrones recording locations. Therefore, they could allow youngsters to Play Online Gamings for the growth and also psychological development of youngsters. This was a bad suggestion ... and to think we recorded a podcast quickly complying with playing this video game (which you can enjoy here:? v= Lh7CdPY-I64 ). Your children may even publish their production as a photo and show it various other ladies. For Honor is Ubisoft's most current attempt at developing an online only multiplayer experience that surpasses to specific levels. Designers of internet video games work accumulate variously themed original video games that stay established in different atmosphere. The post-gold version enables localisers to access a completed video game to tackle their job. The push-notification attribute should be included in the app as it aids the game programmer to retain the users by offering them discounted in-app purchases and other functions. Buy Yankee Tickets from us for the whole baseball season at New Yankee Stadium. You will likewise locate that a large amount of creativity was put into creating these parlor game. Some video games need you to download and install the video game to your computer, from where you can play the game. You should choose the correct course and ruin anything that remains in your way to win the video game. Likely the commonest method is to make certain every person gets something, but conserving 2 genuinely wonderful wedding shower celebration prefers as game prizes. To start with, activity and experience video games include battling games, experience video games and secret games where the gamer is had to get several objectives. But since yet heaven Whale video game has not been shown to be straight responsible for any deaths. When functioning this video game in a 2 v 2 or 3 v 3 setting, urge overlapping as well as diagonal runs. They keep flying off the racks and there's great deals of magnificent games that keep being developed. These games focus a whole lot on preparation and also sacrifices in order to establish the winner.
Right here's What People Are Stating Regarding video game.
Consequently the game is not available to get and would certainly should be downloaded and shed to a CD. I will include the connect to download Ruin in the web links at the end of this Center. Simply press the computer mouse button on your display to Ready" as well as you will certainly begin the fantastic video games. Due to the fact that they are likely to at some point come across a website with mature material, educators additionally need to be concerned about youngsters trying to on-line games at institution. This is the video game which is set along the abyss environment in which the gates for the underworld are open for the players. You could organize your very own game or take as well as join a present game part in building jobs with various other players immediately with no problem. So most all the video games need to be games of ability, some alibl games still survive because with the right knowledge and strategies you can win them. Just submit your game straight to the Addicting Gamings website using the game submission kind We'll take a peek, as well as if it looks into, we'll promote it on our website, offer you all the debt effectively and efficiently (fogyokurablog.xyz) also web link back to your website. There are some constraints on several of this content, as video games have a ranking system in place to decide which games are ideal for what ages. Do not worry, with some excellent food as well as enjoyable Xmas favors your celebration will certainly be the hit of the period. You'll need a couple of things to get your Xbox 360 established for on the internet game playing. Nowadays one can take part in function playing games with a big number of participants at no charge. In the past, it was truly hard to play online avatar games offered that there were not that lots of companies who would certainly even consider producing a game of this nature. If have to download some of video game, you could do it with very low monthly subscription or play demo a large variety of video game websites. Arcade computer game resemble the offline video games one locates within the real world video game titles arcade, attractive vivid exhibitions brimming using an eye-catching objective to accomplish! While I was waiting for a brand-new graphics card I utilized this lens to play video games when I was burnt out, THANK YOU, sir! Plus, she creatively supplies details on totally free parlor game celebration planning free offers as well as event products, prefers, decors. With it's stylish 16-bit smooth graphics, large ability and upgrade system, Wartune is an outstanding looking modern browser video game that RPG followers will certainly play contentedly. It's going to be slower and the best link is going to offer you the on the internet experience you would certainly like with your Xbox 360. Given its immense popularity, the video games are the core money-spinners of the moment for them. Inspect offered below minimum system requirements of Sneak Thief Full Variation PC Video game.
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The Death Of game.
The Largest Payment Of game To Humankind.
One of the main reasons I love gaming on PC is tons of fantastic indie games that are solely available on my favorate platform. These games require either a dial up web link (just how retro), Broadband web connection or if you select a PC-Dreamcast web server commonly known as a PC-DC server. Hardly does age play an aspect, as there are diverse video games to provide for all age teams. Strike Suit Absolutely no and also Protection Grid 2 special demo are the two various other games that will get consisted of in the final delivery of the Alienware Alpha video games bucket. If his health and wellness degrades he reboots and also faints at the previous check factor or beginning point, there are no lives taken in the game as well as Vraz does not die;. Download Legionwood 2 gratis full variation dan mulailah bermain video game petualangan sekarang. It was way less graphic compared to Joffrey's purple-faced poisonous substance fatality in season 4, which seemed like it went on permanently. So after check out download, Install, play and Take pleasure in!. Now Have a look at Below Download and install web link, download video game as well as enjoy!. Inning accordance with me Download >> Install >> Play >> Enjoy!. You could likewise Download and install Left at night: No person on Board which is one more problem pc game.
Exactly how game Is Going To Modification Your Company Techniques.
Leatherworking enables gamers of the World Of Warcraft video game to craft natural leather products, bags and enhancements for armour from leathers and also ranges gotten through skinning. They should recognize with the video game that they are dealing with and also area ideal noises in the areas where it is required. Remarkably it was the fun element that was shown so clearly by mothers that most likely for the first time had the ability to recognize - video games - that their children had actually been playing formerly. Networked video gaming had users playing against each other within an on-line fantasy world. If gamers play spruce up and also makeover video games that are not on-line, they get to dress up in their precious amazing or celebrity. Today we wished to reveal you just how you can find PS3 game downloads online and then utilize them on your PS3.
10 Ways To Learn video game Properly.
This month on Game Attack Fumbling we have a 2 significant grudge suits and also a champion suit! Brief to medium ruptureds of severe rate followed by a sluggish jog or stroll is exactly what they carry out in a game. As an outcome of this surge of popularity, there are lots of platforms offering numerous kinds of cost-free online video games without have to for downloading and install. With the penetration of broadband and even more people having accessibility to internet, cost-free web games offer like crazy. More video games are becoming available that might be played online as well as with other individual anywhere in the world. Most people wish to start a home net business either to have a second revenue or to establish their traditional company online or to obtain employment however they do unknown where to begin with. He also has accessibility to powers he collects throughout the game through scrolls, which give him the ability to mobilize lightning bolts, cast exploding skulls, form a safety guard around himself, and also eliminate other magic he could come across, like forcefields and so forth. Outdoor video games are enjoyable, motivates conversation, laughter, and also workout does marvels to rejuvenate the mind and body. Fancier 3-D graphics equipment made FPS (first person shooter) games such as Quake feasible. Thus, for an endless time, you can have a look at the game and also play it to your heart's material. Explained are a few of the different methods to earn money online along with a some useful suggestions on the best ways to choose exactly what is right for you. Examine provided listed below minimum system requirements of Sir, You Are Being Hunted COMPUTER Video game. I really hope that a third video game can one day be released, it definitely has the chance to be a large success. Moms and dads need to comprehend the benefits and drawbacks of video gaming and also enable youngsters to play video games that are valuable. Dead Frontier is a lot different as compared to various other web browser based games available. Go here to discover how you can begin a cost-free test of the leading PS3 video game download http://povestideslabire.info/ site - enjoy! As this is a bachelorette celebration, it is best to have actually trivia games based upon the bride and groom them selves. The initial master listing is organized by Gamespy as well as is still online so the game could be played right out of package much like any other video game. To start with, action and also experience video games consist of combating video games, journey video games and mystery video games where the gamer is had to get a number of goals. But since yet the Blue Whale game has not been shown to be straight responsible for any fatalities.
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Ten Outstanding Things You Could Pick up from Examining game.
15 Stunning Realities Regarding video game.
Addicting Games is the biggest resource of the very best free online video games including amusing video games, flash games, arcade games, dress-up video games, web games, firing games, word video games, RPG games, competing video games, and also much more. So after check out download, Install, play and also Enjoy!. Now Look into Below Download and install web link, download game as well as enjoy!. Inning accordance with me Download and install >> Install >> Play >> Enjoy!. Urge overlapping and angled runs when working this game in a 2 v 2 or 3 v 3 setting. They maintain flying off the racks and also there's great deals of magnificent video games that maintain being created. These video games concentrate a great deal on planning as well as sacrifices in order to identify the winner. These video games require either a dial up web link (exactly how retro), Broadband internet link or if you choose a PC-Dreamcast server famously called a PC-DC web server. Hardly does age play a variable, as there are assorted video games to provide for every age teams. Strike Suit Absolutely no and also Defense Grid 2 unique demo are both other games that will certainly get included in the last delivery of the Alienware Alpha games pail. These video games are not just helpful for youngster s psychological stamina but likewise assist to find out the fundamentals of computer as well in their early age. The key is taking a look at video games, through testimonials as well as various other parents, before buying a brand-new game for your kids. Although war as well as RPG video games in addition to shooting video games can be clubbed with each various other for their physical violence function, they're just well-known within their right. For a straightforward looking game like this there sure is a moderate quantity of web content that will certainly keep casual players amused for a while. On my initial shot I went bankrupt as well as on my 2nd shot I ended up being a millionaire so the game is easy to discover. The sim-ship (simultaneous delivery) version functions in the direction of the simultaneous release of a video game across various markets. Despite the fact that these are mostly text based games with hardly any graphics they are still enormously played. You will discover some info on each video game consisting of wild signs and also how you can obtain incentive rounds. One method to soothe your stress and anxiety is to obtain your mind off of whatever is creating it. And also playing intellectually promoting games is an excellent means to do that. A lot of energy and time has been invested assembling online games that youngsters could locate and also play securely. Advertisements must be published in the video game without disrupting the gameplay as it may wreck the UX. Starlancer is a space based competitor game as well as was launched in both Buddy and NTSC areas as well as is playable using dial up and also PC-DC server.
Ten game That Had actually Gone Method Too Far.
Some debates about computer game have assisted culture to better recognize this type of recreation and society and acknowledge its splendid opportunities to establish a wide array of understanding, abilities, and capacities in those that use them. The video game is a good experience though and I would certainly recommend the game to any type of horror fans. SANMAURENSE PAVIA: Rivò, Alessio, Calvi 14, Brambilla 6, Marchesi, Sagresti 3, Ferrarini 19, Boneschi 5, Sgarbazzini 3, Mastellari 7, Gusulfino 3, Ciccione 7. This game can be effectively connected income - egeszsegugyiedzo.info, to with any kind of link approach, Call up, Broadband or PC-DC server. You'll invest your initial few mins entirely taking pleasure in and neglecting purposes steering around asteroid fields with the games comfortable controls. This was a video game I was semi-excited for, having previously just meddled its predecessors. With this in mind I performed an on-line survey among a team of coffee early morning mamas often visiting a near by church hall. If you prefer to play sports games to bond with family members or to relate to your co-workers, consider playing golf. Gamings like Metal Equipment as well as the all-consuming Pokà © mon are universal phenomena as a result of the magic of computer game translation and also localisation. Indoor video games are a lot more convenient, much less extensive and also for that reason, extensively unwinding.
How you can Have A Wonderful game With Very little Investing.
It will be a good idea if you spend some time and learn more about the video game initially before you determine to buy different Playstation 3 video games to observe which video game will delight you the most. We are really specific the very same as what we allowed her view on television when it comes to playing video games on the net. Examine Video gaming Area is a blog, which was developed in 2013 as well as is recognized for having a large collection of PC Games.Where you could download most popular COMPUTER Games in Very compressed are providing video games with high web server mediafire web link (without ads, straight web link) and also torrent link games.
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djshannonc321 · 4 years
With Covid-19 and Social distancing being the new normal and Virtual Events being the latest response to traditional events being outlawed, everyone has taken to the internet for connection and celebration. Virtual Zoom Parties, IG Lives, Twitch Streams, and Mixcloud Broadcasts have become the new night clubs where party goers can jump from room to room within a couple of clicks.
A virtual night out might now include Club Quarantine with D Nice, a Zoom Party for Toca Tuesdays with Tony Touch, a Saturday Night IG/ZOOM Dance Party with @HouseOfYes, Virtual Festivals on Twitch and Virtual Concerts and DJ Sets in Fortnite! All right from your couch and in a series of clicks. Online it’s all happening right now when it comes to events and entertainment. I, myself, have now hosted and performed for a series of Virtual Birthday Parties, Virtual Corporate Celebrations, Virtual Workshops, Virtual Networking Groups, and even a Virtual Group DJ Set with the Sinister Syndicate Crew which was broadcasted out to facebook and live to join over Zoom.
I’ve watched some of my favorite bands like GoldFinger re-release live songs recorded safer at home from their individual home studious. And can we just take a moment and enjoy the epic Verzuz battles that have brought some of our musical greats together. Jill Scott and Erykah Badu gave us LIFE in the most recent installment of the Verzuz series of IG Battles. The possibilities are quite endless when it comes to events and entertainment in the online space.
Similar to all of the good that we’ve seen, the internet and technology have produced some rather ugly and awkward moments for virtual event goers and producers as well. By now, I’m sure you’ve attended at least one event that turned into a constant sound check, experienced one awkward zoom moment, or at least you saw the Teddy Riley and Baby Face Verzuz fail where poor tech required the whole event be scrapped and rescheduled. Needless to say, I’m sure you clicked on this article because you don’t want that awkward experience to happen to you. Keep reading for 5 Tips (plus some pro-tip extras) to make sure that next awkward moment doesn’t happen to you.
1. Plan Your Event! The importance of planning, especially in the online space, and especially if you’ve got multiple things going on in the course of your event, CANNOT BE OVERSTATED, I personally like to have a run of show ( itinerary or timeline ) that tells me what should be happening through the course of the event. Here’s a couple of examples:
Virtual Networking Event 5:00p — 5:15p — Introduction with Live Stream out to Facebook (no music) 5:15–5:30 — music / host introduction 5:30–5:45 — Break Out Room Networking Activity / DJ in main room 5:45–6:50 — DJ with Networking Activity 6:50–7:00 — Debrief and Closing (no music) Virtual Birthday Party 7:00–7:10 — Background music while guests are joining 7:10 — Slide Show for the Birthday Girl 7:15 — Grand Entrance with Music 7:20–7:30 — Group Introductions 7:30–8:00 — Birthday Girl Trivia Game 8:00–9:00 — Dance Party with DJ
Virtual Events and Parties are very much like live shows. It makes for a much smoother end user experience when there’s some kind of plan and someone’s taking the lead to move things ahead. An extra pro-tip that helps to move things along is to have someone as a dedicated host or Emcee to help with transitioning between activities. In the Virtual Networking event outlined above, the Client was the host and I followed her lead and the itinerary. For the Birthday Party, I hosted so I was able to make the transitions between activities planned before hand, and the client was able to just enjoy her party. In another event I did, there was no host, but each performer was supposed to introduce the next performer — only someone forgot and it made things kind of awkward.
2. Test the Technology — Another Step that in the virtual space cannot be over stated. [Remember Teddy Riley… 🙁 ] Once you’ve determined your event and the timeline of your event, it’s time to commit to the tech and test it. Some things you should be considering:
1. Where will you host the event? (Zoom, IG, Facebook, GoToMeeting, House Party, etc)
2. What are the technical requirements and capabilities of that tech as it relates to your event? (is there going to be sound other than people talking? Will anyone be performing, etc) Something as simple as broadcasting music can be a little more complicated to get the desired affect in the online space.
3. When can you test? (Make sure to do this well in advance of the event so you’ve got time to troubleshoot if something doesn’t work right the first time) I can personally tell you there’s nothing worse than trying to troubleshoot tech that doesn’t work while the clock steadily ticks down to start time.
A when testing is to join the test from a different device than the one you’re broadcasting on so you can get a feel for the actual audience experience. What seems fine from an AV perspective on your broadcasting device may be very different than what the end user is experiencing. Another — pretty much anything you’ll come across can worked out with a youtube video. I’ve been able to find tutorials on fixing a blue screen on a pc to setting up OBS software to broadcasting OBS to Zoom and beyond. When it comes to troubleshooting, YouTube and Google are your best friends. Use them.
3. Sound Advice — It’s important to note that sound on the end user side isn’t automatically the same as what you hear on your side. Our devices and the programs we are using to stream have compressors that change the integrity of the sound. Strength and stability of internet connection for both the broadcaster and the viewer can also have a negative impact on sound. Also noteworthy, on almost every broadcasting platform, there’s a slight delay from broadcaster to viewer.
I played a party recently where the host wanted me to play background music for the solo singers and dancers. We had to work out that each performer, especially the singers, would be responsible for broadcasting their own accompanying music to help eliminate the problem of delay and competing audio. For example, notice on Zoom that it’s difficult to hear multiple speakers at the same time. If I’m playing audio and a singer is singing to what they hear, what the user hears will be delayed and out of sync. Also there will be audio fall out between both contributing sound as Zoom tries to toggle between each to determine who’s audio to project.
When I’m playing music, I’m able to get the best quality of sound by plugging my DJ gear directly into my broadcasting device using an audio interface. When broadcasting with a phone, many DJ’s are using an IRIG system that allows XLR or Qtr Inch to 35mm so you can connect to your phone. When broadcasting with a laptop, many DJS are using a USB audio interface or USB enabled mixer to plug directly into the broadcasting computer. Pro Tip — Some broadcasting Programs like Zoom allow you to change audio settings or to use the audio from a usb mic or another assigned source. You may need to explore these settings and options to get the best possible sound.
Another Pro-Tip — close out all programs you aren’t using on the broadcasting device to make sure it’s full CPU is dedicated to the broadcast especially if you’re using Wifi. If you’re on a laptop, hard wire to your modem from the broadcasting laptop if at all possible. Wifi can be unstable, and those internet related sound issues are pretty much out of your hands.
4. Be Adaptable — Despite how much you may have tested and planned, sometimes in the live environment, things go awry. You’ve got to be prepared to shift on a moment’s notice within the capacity of your platform so that the show can go on.
For example, In a birthday party I hosted on Zoom, we were playing a trivia game. I was asking the questions, then playing music while they answered in the chat, and then taking the answers from the chat and putting them into a spreadsheet to keep score. This process was taking a very long time; longer than we had anticipated in practice. So, I switched my scoring method to stopping the music and calling each person’s name from the spreadsheet and letting them answer aloud. (instead of in the chat) This made the game move quicker and allowed for a more interactive experience in that moment because each person who answered could also tell a little story or make a joke with their answer.
In another example, someone Zoom Bombed one of the events I was attending. The Host didn’t have the waiting room setup and had the feature that allowed all users to share their screens enabled. So a user came in and started sharing his screen over top of the performer and doing all kinds of inappropriate things. The admin who was running the room and producing the broadcast feed was able to quickly fix the zoom preferences and kick the person into the waiting room. If he hadn’t been quick to notice and respond, the outcome could have been a lot worse. Pro-tip — use the Waiting Room and Password features in Zoom and keep your software updated to be on the most secure version to help keep your event secure.
In a final example, I was doing a back-to-back DJ set with a friend of mine who is a popular DJ in London. Her sound setup was completely different than mine, and we’d tested on multiple occasions, including just before the show. The day of the show, however, I changed my complete sound and broadcast setup from the setup I’d used multiple times prior. We tested it several times, but when it came for showtime the new setup ran into all sorts of sound issues that hadn’t shown up in sound check and I wasn’t able to broadcast my part. I was communicating with her privately on What’sApp to explain what was happening as I frantically tried to troubleshoot on my side. She ended up playing the entire set (both mine and hers) while I’d chime in on the mic occasionally and interacted in the chat. Either way, we adapted and allowed the show to go on. None of this is to scare you by the way, it’s just to highlight the need to be adaptable when broadcasting or hosting an event in the online space. I feel like you have to be adaptable when doing ANY type of live event, but most especially in the online space.
5. Practice — After you’ve done all of your planning and prepping and testing, the only thing left to do is to execute. But before you do, I recommend that you practice — even if it’s just with yourself. The same way that actors in a stage show don’t just show up and “wing it” neither should you when preparing for your live event. Keep in mind that the live online environment can be intimidating given that it’s so different than what we’re used to. I find I get more performance anxiety going live than I ever did performing in person. Which brings me back to practice. — You don’t grow while you’re live, meaning that when you’re in that anxiety ridden-spotlight moment, you’re going to revert back to what’s comfortable. And the best way to to make sure that you deliver a stellar performance is to practice enough to make it comfortable.
I had a client who brought me in to DJ for a virtual Girls Empowerment Event who wanted to share a video during the run of show, but was concerned because she wasn’t very tech savvy. I had her hop on a practice call with me where I talked her through sharing her screen and playing the video and then had her practice doing it several times as though we were live. When it came time for her to share her video during the live event, everything went flawlessly and she breezed through the process with ease, all because she took the time ahead of time to practice. You may not have any issues sharing your screen, but if you’re performing in any way in a live event, it doesn’t hurt to run it through a few times first. They don’t say “Practice Makes Perfect” for nothing, ya know.
So that’s what I’ve got as far as tips, all stemming from my own awkward experiences and findings as we adjust to this new technology driven interaction. Apply even just a few and I guarantee your event will run smoother than it would if you hadn’t. “All that and $1.50 will get you a cup of coffee”, as my grandfather used to say.
No one knows what a post-covid society will look like or when it will actually get here, but something tells me that Virtual Events are here to stay. That said, I want to encourage you to embrace the technology. Don’t let the shut downs destroy your plans for a live event. Covid-19 has brought us together and shown us that SO MUCH is possible in the Online Event Space, with much less cost and logistics. Once you get a handle on what works for you, the possibilities are endless. So go forth and practice, and may the Online Event Success Odds be ever in your favor. Happy Eventing!
PS! — Have an upcoming virtual event that you’d like to integrate a DJ into? Maybe you need a second opinion on what’s possible within the online event space? If you’re looking for more information, I’d love to help. Drop me a line by clicking HERE and let’s chat!
See you on the internet!
Click here to learn more — https://www.djshannonc.com
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night-draugr-blog · 7 years
Are You Reading Your Spouses Text Messages?
In my type of work, probably the most frequent question I receive from subscribers is information about the best way best to acquire usage of text messages.Trying to receive out them of some one else's phone with no comprehension really is a hazardous idea. To start with, based upon your own condition, it could be prohibited. Second, in the event that you really desire to utilize those texting as a part of courtroom proceedings, such as evidence in a divorce, then slips to a spouse's mobile could earn that information inadmissible.
However, there are legal applications for stored texting, also you can find messages on my cell phone which I would really like to stay for perpetuity, therefore that I wanted to learn how to pull the exact messages and rescue them. There are many services and products which can be promoted to readily spend the texting from your own mobile and store them into your PC.
I was hopeful that these services and products work " I had dreams of only plugging something into my computer system, and with my entire texting come tumbling out on my screen. The majority of those things do not do the job," he explained. I will have listened.
But I am stubborn like that, also that I wished to test to do all of it myself. I wished to figure out whether the adverts for products which were supposed to readily extract stored and deleted texts from cellular phones actually functioned.
Therefore, I analyzed several products which promise to ensure it is effortless to recover text messages that are deleted. A simcard, or collateral advice management card, may be your card in the majority of cellular phones that save memory and also explains users on a certain network. The services and products are distributed around folks who desire to re organize their telephone numbers or even to recover lost data inside their own phones.
The SIM card isn't the memory card. It's usually much bigger, and also usually the main one within my own mobile is stored in the battery within the telephone. I found open the telephone, slipped the battery out, then pried from the simcard.
Just a little background may be in order. I'm exceptionally appreciative, however, I'm not any expert. Whether there are guidelines, '' I will follow along with. In the event this app is assumed to be instinctive, it will most likely not function for me personally. As an instance, it took me a whole weekend to determine my I pod, however, I figured out it. However,, in grad school, I installed a modem in my PC. I fall somewhere in the center of technical comprehension.
Additionally, it's well worth mentioning that I text-message. Plenty. I'd say that my spouse and that I send messages around 15 to 20 times each day. In addition to this, I text other family and friends members. My phone is high in deleted and undeleted messages.
I began only getting an overall card reader. There are lots of card readers available on the current market, plus so they truly are small boxes using plenty of slots to them to match various types of memory cards. As an instance, if your own mobile phone, as well as your digital camera, possess different memory cards, then these sorts of charge card readers will allow you to utilize 1 bit of hardware to both.
If you search to get a card reader, then make confident that it reads sim-cards. The very first one I brought home was amazing, however, it did not read sim-cards. I moved straight back into the shop and given that it has to read sim-cards. It's accessible at Lots of Online retailers.
This reader was included with applications that assist you to browse your simcard, however, it also will not advertise which you could extract text messages that are deleted. It opened up my phone book, therefore when I wished to back up that or organize it, then I really could. Nevertheless, it had been not able to learn any one of those written text messages in my SIM card, either deleted or maybe not.
To really extract texting or phone information from the SIM card, then I figured that I had an application. Some included their very own card readers, a few didn't. Installing the software has been learning from your errors. Together with the packs that were included together with the reader and also this app, a few essential installation first, a few mandatory plugging from the reader before installing the program.
Inch. Data physician retrieval.
My very first effort was a freebie. I discovered a free Shareware application having said that it may regain deleted advice: Data Doctor Recovery. The app popped up again and again through Web search engines, both as Shareware and as an everyday pay-program. It might list the device numbers which I predicted, however, it couldn't comprehend any one of those written text messages on my mobile phone. I purposely left messages from the hand set, also that I deleted messages so that I can keep tabs of just what the apps may extract. No luck here.
2. Sim restoration expert.
This was probably the priciest of the pack at $149, it's really a SIM card reader, as it is sold with extraction program. The computer software took virtually no opportunity to put in from the given CD. The app permits an individual to prepare telephone info and restore a deleted phone publication, restore deleted text messages, then browse texting which has yet to be deleted and also permanently deletes information.I plugged the card reader into my USB interface, clicked Read Deleted SMS," along with "¦ nothing. The dialog box revealed that it had been hunting the simcard, after which it only showed the file types in my personal text messaging system, however no messages.
I opted to attend a day or so to make a few texting pileup. I then could see whether it had been only picking up exactly what was there, or even really withdrawing. I had a few messages in my mobile's in the box, and that I purposely deleted a few of these. I plugged back the reader in, searching for all those 2 messages. This moment? No thing. You're allowed to manage to go through these key words to observe the messages: Read, Unread, Sent, To Be Performed (sic) and also Deleted. Nothing has been recorded. You will find at least 20 sent and reads messages in my simcard, and tens of thousands of deleted kinds, for example, 2 that I typed directly before looking again.
Additionally, it showed me that the past ten amounts I pinpointed, and permit me to get my phonebook. So that said that the device had been partially working. Nevertheless, when it came to the written text messages, then it simply did not do the job.
3. Sim reader.
Certainly one of the more affordable services and products was that the SIM Reader out of I-Shine Trade,. Much like the SIM Recovery Guru, it had been a simcard reader which was included with extraction program. Regrettably, I couldn't get the applications to set up. I tried running on the enclosed disc, however, there have been not any startup files. I tried plugging the card reader into my computer system, believing it'd come across the files I had. When I had it hunt the disc, it couldn't locate the right computer software.
Compounding the situation this was that the simple fact that there's not any service available when things fail. I tried many times to telephone Spyville for assistance, and there aren't any methods to get hold of the maker of the product or service. Therefore that I had been in my very own.
Now, I received some other party included. I'd some body else, who's acutely computer savvy, make an effort to acquire these services and products to get the job done. He's the computer ace in my own life ```` the guy who consistently makes everything work out. I gave him my mobile phone, my neighbor's cellular phone, his cellular phone and each one of those apps and card subscribers. He tried every thing, too, and he had exactly the very same experiences used to do " a number of those apps work to just view what amounts that the phone gets deciphered, but do not require bring texting straight back.
Next time readers inquire exactly the TextMessage question? I am likely to let them know why these apps do not possess the magical responses.
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rakadria · 7 years
Why good solar PV isn’t good enough?
Of all technologies that have been acknowledged so far, energy from the sun, popularly known as solar energy is perceived by me as one of the most promising resource which has enormous chance of being utilized universally across the world.
Bear in mind that what has been excerpted above is all about solar PV – In short, it works by directly converting sun light into electricity through specially designed device called panel. In a hindsight of the past one year, I have been learning thoroughly the backbone of this technology, ranging from state-of-art of the development, possible arrangement of the panel, p-n junction working principle, and even the methods to estimate the energy output from certain sun ray input.
Wait, did those things ring a bell in your mind? (honestly, it sounded unfamiliar/ cool)
Relax, this article is not purposed for the previous matters that I mentioned. Besides, the laser-point focus would be from different perspective:
If solar PV is so magnificent in terms of technology and application, what does decelerate the development of such solution, particularly in rural areas? (1)
Putting that aside for a moment, let us jump into another for fact of the world in the snapshot below from ‘International Energy Outlook’ – an agency with the role of overseeing the progress either good/ bad of energy worldwide.
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Figure 1: Number of people without electricity access (past and projection) from IEA Energy Outlook Data 2030 – (2)
As you may observe, the trend decoupling had even begun in 1990s and couple of years away before millennial century (20th). Yes, you guessed it right, folks. The green and purple colored lines are the center of attention in this figure, since both have the largest proportion of citizen which lack the capability of watching TV, using PC, or any other electrically-driven appliances! Undoubtedly it could have also been suspected earlier, the countries are those which settle in Africa and South Asia – continents with huge gap of income between the rich and poor. Sadly, my country: Indonesia belongs to South Asia’s classification in this category.
What on earth can we correlate from (1) solar PV for rural areas and (2) inaccessible access of electricity in some countries?
Exactly, both are (2) problems and (1) solution. By introducing the efficacy and latest development of solar technology, hopefully it could be a way-out from the mission of bringing equal access of energy.
Alas, it does not end as easy as flipping palm.
It should be noted that the approach was right, yet the stepping point from (2) to (1) cannot be done hastily due to an additional barrier – people who in dire needs of electricity have limited capital! 
(It is not an urban legend though. Even some population with enough money do not favor to solve the situation. We will deal with this later.) 
Roughly the approach-sketch would look like this in my opinion.
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Figure 2: Illustration to depict clarity  
Now we have another issue of breaking down the ‘wall of barrier’ into a penetrable one. Although in the beginning it seems that we have yet to see this issue coming, still it becomes the most problematic one particularly for low-middle income society. In overall the situation has shifted moderately from technical to socio-economic condition. Now, I understand clearly why this case has risen as the most crucial pre-requisite to successfully introduce renewable energy. Because it is indeed the challenge!
(Nowadays, many experts proudly highlighted the novelty and advancements of the solar PV technology as if those are the absolute winner as opposed to their rival. I did not say entirely it was wrong. As concealed as it seems, they should also pay attention to whom they provide the solution to.)
Path to Solution
Long story short, while searching for the tactical solution on alleviating socio-economic adversity for these communities, a replicable model in Bangladesh I would say hold an excellent promise to be adopted. The-so-called “micro credit” business model, proposed by Noble Prize winner in 2006, the one and only Muhammad Yunus enabled the purchase of solar home systems for underprivileged users. Through this model, customer who fulfills the criteria of becoming the user might appeal for short-term credit with marginal interest or even negligible additional fee. The practical advantage of micro credit lies in the possibility of buying the equipment with very low down-payment (15% of actual price) while the rest of payment (85%) will be settled within the next 3 or 4 years via fixed monthly fee. Think of it as the recurrence charge over the time as the full installments. Once every cent has been returned to the donor (or financial institution as the donor), the solar home systems itself become the possession of buyer. Pretty good deal, huh?
What if they can’t pay back the 85%?
It is highly unlikely that the customer faces this circumstance, unless there happens to be a force-majeur during the process. An exemplary real case can be seen in the schematic below (focus on the right figure for payment distribution).
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Figure 3: Solving investments barrier via micro credit (From Alliance for Rural Electrification, 2009) 
The idea behind fixed monthly fee is allowing multiple payments using the money which comes from the deduction of oil/ gas/ fuel cost and solar systems’ cost. Usually referred as the ‘switching cost’ or in this case might be called as the ‘switching gain’. Therefore, in the end, if the calculation was right, there would be always a positive gain or surplus that is generated from the savings.
Nevertheless, what made Muhammad Yunus won the prominent prize was due to his idea of building “Grameen” Bank at that time. It can be said that most of the advantages those were discussed prior would be meaningless without the presence of this institution. In brief, the bank has allowed the borrowers who are mostly under served people to loan money with zero or infinitesimal collateral. It comes in handy, eh?
This one is among diverse probable solution out there for promoting renewable energy (solar PV) with the sole focus for developing countries. There are also alternatives such as carbon financing (combining small projects into larger single-portfolio) from United Nations or World Bank direct grants for certain neighborhoods. Both are profoundly renowned international agency with noble mission of combating climate change and economic inequality, respectively.
Else, based on the study cases which have been occurred so far, the success likelihood does not only depend on single factor (e.g. technology, expertise, government, etc.). No matter how good the solution is, it always comes back to question that should be asked prior to designing proper scenario: How does the end-user accept solar PV in developing countries?
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