#like i got all the way to the ground on both sides ?? huh ma'am?
whoreforsplatasha · 2 months
Jealousy (Jinx x Female r)
Part 2
series contains- *smut, violence, obscene language*
"Leave the poor girl alone Jinx" I heard a deep voice say from behind me, my eyes opened wide at her sentence still trapped under Jinx's grasp.
she's jinx?! the girl that has complete dominance over me right now is jinx.
Jinx closed her eyes and scoffed, "Or what?" she challenged. "Nothing, I'm sure Silco would be overly thrilled to hear you fucked up things yet again by being wreck-less and overdoing it" Jinx studied me for a long time until the deep voice said "Killing her would just raise more suspicion from the enforcers" Jinx grunted and removed her gun from my head. She gave the woman a look of disgust before stepping away from me. The dark tall woman looked at me and raised her robotic left arm.
that must be sevika
"Who are you and what the hell are you doing on this side fancy pants" I got up and dusted off my pants, "I'm y/n I'm from Piltover and I-" I was cut off by Jinx's witty remark " Yeah no shit" I gave her an unamused look and continued, "I have come to uh..
think y/n think, you can't say 'oh i'm here to kill your boss and his psycho of a daughter'
.. work for Silco.
yeah cause that's wayyyy better than saying you're going to murder them.
Jinx laughed and said "Yeah good luck with that toot-" "Let's see what you've got" Jinx looked angry and began walking towards me when Sevika stopped her. "Silco ordered you be back before noon, he has a mission for you; although I very much doubt you can handle it" Jinx grimaced at her then got extremely close to my face.
her eyes..they're so pretty and her lips.. no wtf , why am i thinking like this she's my enemy.
Her mood changed in a snap of a finger "I'll see you around sugar" she said almost flirtatiously.
I looked in awe as she jumped effortlessly over the buildings before disappearing. Without warning I felt a sharp pain in my lower abdomen then found myself laying on the stoney ground. "Rule number one, always be prepared" Sevika swung another punch at me this time I barely dodged it and got back on my feet. I succeedingly kicked her in the chest and delivered an uppercut to her chin. Sevika did not hesitate to slam me into the wall with her robotic arm serving me a punch in my jaw. I groaned in pain as I accepted defeat. "If I didn't step in today crazy pants would've killed you" "Gee thanks for the optimism" I muttered sarcastically. "You did give an alright kick for a topsider, but you're no way near ready for a mission yet" Those words stung even more than expected, owning to the fact that those same words haunted me all my life. With a new surge of anger and determination built up in me I bolted towards her cracking a punch in her jaw and using her right arm to flip her over causing her to fall. 
I watched as she got up and spit a mixture of blood and saliva at her feet. "You really want this huh?" she pursed her lips and nodded her head. "Alright y/n you've proved yourself, do I think you're ready for a mission? Hell no, but your moves are promising" I smiled a little and straightened up, "Thank you ma'am" she then motioned for me to follow her. "Oh and a lil pointer, try not to get killed by Jinx it'll be a most painful death." I nodded slowly trying my best not to show off any fear and continued walking behind her.
funny..she should be the one worrying about dying, not me. but sevika is right, i am no match for her right now that bitch is crazy. little does she know, she's training the person that's going to kill both her boss and his daughter.  i smiled at the thought; finally i would prove to my mother that i am worthy of her love and trust.
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drashleighreid · 5 years
i just ran for 5km without slowing my pace ?? which like may not be absolutely iconiQUe but like ive been a lazy bitch this year re: exercise?? and even back when i used to teach group fitness and would work out like 6 days a week sometimes for 3hrs straight lkjsf i still feel like it took me a while of training before i could do that ?? bc running is fukt,,why am i so super human right now ? whats going on 
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forhereyesonlyyy · 3 years
love call. // iz*one, kcw. // one-shot.
in which missing your hardworking girlfriend causes you to do ungodly things, like staying up until two in the morning to drag her out for a late night date.
word count: 2.2k
author's note: chaewon on the brain all day 🥰 this is just something short and sweet for all my fellow chaewon thinkers 😩☝️ i wish to see her on a stage again 🥺
tags: fluff, wlw, established relationship, goofy, is it obvious i'm running out of things to say here.
warnings: none.
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Perhaps your friends were right when they said that your girlfriend was the only person that could get you to act right because if she were around you right at this moment, you wouldn't be walking around the empty streets at two in the morning wearing shorts and a simple jacket. But you couldn't sleep to save your life, and you were getting tired just pacing around your room. Besides, what's a better plan than to take a short stroll around the neighborhood?
You could have probably watched another Netflix movie or played until your eyes started burning, but contrary to popular belief, you actually wanted to live beyond your 40s. It's not like walking around in the dark with absolutely no regard for what might be watching in the shadows was any safer, but at least you were having fun!
The city was practically dead anyway. Not even cars were seen driving around the streets. It truly felt like you were the only person in the world, and you loved that feeling. But it would have been more lovely if your girlfriend was with you.
Being an idol sure is demanding. I hope she's taking care of herself.
As if she could hear your thoughts from the other side of the city, your phone starts ringing and the special ringtone you set up just for when she calls or texts you starts filling the air. You immediately pulled out your phone and grinned when you saw her contact name on the screen.
You eagerly pressed the green button and put the phone against your ear, "Hi, beautiful."
Kim Chaewon laughs from the other line and you could feel your heart growing twice its size. Oh, how you longed to hear her laugh in person instead of through your phone. IZ*ONE has been busy with their Japanese promotions and they only got to go home a month ago, even then they had to attend a lot more activities. They had no time for rest, or to have a nice day off. It was the main reason why you have been so very worried about your girlfriend.
"I knew you'd be awake. Can't sleep?" Chaewon asks. You could hear her grunt, she was probably getting ready to sleep. While you appreciated her checking up on you at this ungodly hour, you wished that she just went straight to sleep. God knows how long of a day she probably had.
"As always. What's your excuse?" You jog across the street, your eyes fixed on the glowing sign of a cafè. Now you were fully aware of how you just stumbled into a street full of stores that are open until after midnight, and you have never been more thankful for bringing your wallet with you.
"Not to sound like I'm in love with you but," Chaewon pauses, and you could almost see her biting her bottom lip out of both nervousness and enthusiasm. "I was missing you— have been missing you. A lot. Too much, maybe?" Chaewon laughs at herself, and then mutters some nonsense that you couldn't decipher because her words made you stop on your tracks and tear up just a little.
Maybe you were too sensitive, or too dramatic, but you couldn't even put how much you missed her into words. For the months she was gone, you lost count of how many times you wished she would just come back to you. Perhaps you really were too attached, because at some point, you were in over your head at the thought of Chaewon realizing that romance did not have a place in her life as a rising star.
It was your biggest fear, getting abandoned by the person you love the most. Before Chaewon became your girlfriend, she was your most precious childhood friend. There was not a time in your life where she was never there for you, and you truly belived that your friendship would go on for the rest of your life.
You realized that your feelings for Chaewon was more than what a normal person would feel for their best friend when you entered your new high school together. She was just... glowing when you both attended the entrance ceremony, and you vividly remember how she gently took your hand in hers and promised that she'll do her best to make you proud.
But she didn't need to promise anything. Chaewon was already perfect in your eyes, you knew she wouldn't disappoint you ever.
Then on the same night she was announced to be a member of IZ*ONE, Chaewon expressed her gratitude to you by coming into your house and wordlessly kissing you while in tears. You didn't need her to confess her feelings through words since her kiss had already told you everything she wanted you to hear.
And now here you were, stronger than ever despite not having been seen each other for months too long.
"I miss you too, Chae," You replied after collecting yourself. There was no way that you would just allow yourself to break down in tears in the middle of the street. "Tell you what, the moment you're free to hang out, I'll get you that delicious strawberry cake we always loved consuming."
Chaewon laughs again, and the sound just makes you grin like a crazy person, "I'll hold you to that, (Y/N)." A yawn escapes her, and she groans. She probably knows that now you know that she's tired, you'll go on and on about how she should go to sleep. And you most certainly will!
"Go to sleep, baby. I'll text you when I wake up." You said. You did want to talk more, you wanted to hear Chaewon's voice for so many more hours but you'd hate to be the reason why she's so worn out. There will be opportunities some other time, I just have to be patient.
"Mm~ okay, I will," You hear some shuffling in the background. It was Chaewon making herself comfortable in her bed. "Wait. (Y/N), my love, are you seriously outside right now?" Your girlfriend questions. And all of a sudden, she didn't sound so tired anymore.
You scratched your head, "Um. No. What makes you think that?" It was never a good idea to lie to the person that knows you better than anyone else, but you had to try!
"I can literally hear the wind against your mic." Chaewon said. You squeezed your eyes shut, of course you would lose the battle before it even started.
Sighing, you turned away from the various shops, "Fine, fine. I am outside. I just... took a little walk because I couldn't fall asleep. I'll be going back home now, where I'm safe and where my beloved wouldn't yell at me." You replied with a teasing smile although Chaewon couldn't see it.
"It's dangerous to be out so late in the night, babe. I thought I told you that if you can't sleep, you can just call me?" You could hear Chaewon sit back up. Her tone was firm, you knew you couldn't joke around with her anymore. You take a seat at the nearest empty bench and snuggled yourself in your jacket. It was getting colder, but something inside you told you to not go home just yet despite your girlfriend's scolding.
"But you've been overworked to the bone, Chae. I didn't want to be an inconvenience," You admitted. You nervously fiddled with the zipper of your jacket. "You shouldn't even be calling me right now, you know?"
"(Y/N)... I'll use my time however I want, and if it's to talk to you, I'll take every sleepless nights I can get," Oh, you were so hopelessly in love with this woman. You leaned back on the bench as tears suddenly started falling down your cheeks. It absolutely infuriated you how Chaewon just knew what to say to you. "You're never a bother, okay? I love you, I really do." Chaewon means every word that she says, you could feel it in your heart.
You held back a sob, "I love you more, dummy."
Chaewon explodes in a burst of adorable giggles, "You're the dummy here! But in all seriousness, please go home. I wouldn't want you to get sick when I'm not there to take care of you." Even though your girlfriend was right, the brightly lit shops further down the street made several light bulbs in your head illuminate, and you just couldn't pass up on the opportunity to do that.
"Yes, ma'am. I'm going back now." You said, now jogging towards the bike rental shop. The staff sitting by the entrance gave you a small wave as you approached him.
"Good girl," Chaewon yawns again, and you hear her collapse against the pillows. "Don't stay awake for too long now. Love you." Her words were slurred, you just knew she was one second away from running off into dreamland.
You smiled brightly, "Love you more." And with that, you hung up. You finally looked at the old man sitting by the bikes with shining, eager eyes.
Genius, that is what I am.
Exactly thirty minutes later, you start regretting your life choices. You were standing right outside IZ*ONE's backyard dead in the night, it wouldn't be surprising if someone mistakes you as a burglar or an obsessive fan and decides to call the cops on you. But you were already there, you would only wear yourself out if you decide to turn back now. Taking a deep breath, you carefully dropped the bike on the ground and took out your phone.
Before you could think to contact Chaewon once again, the sound of footsteps hurriedly approaching made you panic. I'm really about to be arrested like this, huh? It's been a fun life I guess.
As if it the deity of fortune was looking down on you, Kim Chaewon stands a few meters in front of you wearing a shocked look on her face and a single slipper on her hand. It was probably what she was going to attack you with, had she not realized that it was you who had technically snuck into their backyard.
You smiled sheepishly at your startled girlfriend, "Surprise?" You barely finished speaking when Chaewon throws herself onto you, literally. You lost your balance and fell into the grass. Chaewon squeals into your ear and plants several kisses onto your face, and you laugh as she does so.
Chaewon pauses and holds your face for a good minute, staring at you as if she couldn't believe that you were right there with her. Then she engulfs you in a more gentle hug, and you wrap your arms around her waist, taking pleasure in the feeling of her loving embrace. Gods, you were about to cry again. It has been way too long since you were physically with Chaewon. You were almost willing to forget whatever plan you had and just cuddle with her for the rest of the night.
"I thought I told you to go home and sleep, you dummy!" Chaewon hits your shoulder, almost in tears herself. You raised yourself from the ground so that she was sitting on your lap, and you rested your head on her shoulder. Just her mere presence would have been enough for you, but now that she was right there, you didn't dare to not take advantage of the moment.
You hugged her closer than you ever have before, and you tilted your head to look into her beautiful eyes that never ceased to make you feel safe and appreciated, "I really love you, Chaewon." The pure sincerity on your voice was what really pushed Chaewon to let go of the restraints and let her tears fall free.
"I love you. I'm glad you're here." Chaewon slightly drips her head down to catch your lips with hers. It felt as if a collection of the world's biggest and most beautiful fireworks had set off inside your heart as you returned the affection. Chaewon always had that effect on you, she made every kiss feel like the first time and it just absolutely makes you swoon. The way she would carefully run her hand through your hair during it all made your heart go crazy.
You were never going to get tired of being in love with Kim Chaewon. Even if the two of you somehow ended up being on the opposite ends of the world, your hearts would always be together. Or something like that.
"This is probably a dumb question, but," Chaewon pulls away and smiles at you. Oh, yeah. Her smiles make your brain go haywire as well. "What are you doing here, anyway?" Your girlfriend asks.
"I'm taking you out on the best date you've ever had, baby," You said with a wide grin. (You never knew, but every time you showed her that stupidly cute smile, Chaewon falls for you even more.) Your face falls immediately a second after, however. "I-If that's okay. I mean, it is pretty late and you're exhausted."
Chaewon beams at you, and gosh you could just feel all her love through it, "I'd love to go on a date with you, (Y/N)," She then takes your face in her hands again, and her eyes immediately drop down to your lips that she has missed so very much. "But maybe after this."
Yeah, now that was a plan you could get behind.
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Can You Get Enough Of Me? - Michael Myers x Reader
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"It's a nice day today, huh?" Y/N smiled up at the sky as she went back and forth in the swing. "Will you push me, Mickey?" "Sure." he shrugged as he got off his own swing and went behind her, pushing her the best he could. "Look, Mickey, I'm flying! Whooooo!" the little girl giggled without a care in the world, as Michael watched her long, beautiful hair going everywhere. "Okay, okay, I wanna swing too!" but before the girl could take her time and stop swinging, a bunch of older boys came by and roughly grabbed the chains holding the swing, which in turn, made the girl fall off and get hurt. "Y/N!" Michael gasped as he ran to her side, helping her up, and seeing the blood seeping from one of her legs and arm. "Aww, Myers's got a giiirlfriend! Look at them, gonna fuck? Girl, don'tcha know, Myers's a faggot?" the gang hollered maliciously, and Y/N could only frown, despite the tears of pain from her injuries, and clinging on Michael for support, she got up and yelled at the boys. "Leave Michael alone, jerks! You're rude!" but instead of trying to fight them off, or go in a brawl, she grabbed her friend's arm and dragged him away from there, knowing that if he were to get in trouble again, he'd get some bad detention, and that's the last thing she'd want. Besides...Two kids couldn't possibly fight those guys. "Why didn't you let me fight them?! I could've taken them on!" the blond boy glared at his friend, who only rolled her eyes and sighed at his childishness. "No, you couldn't. Besides, if the teachers find out you got in trouble again, who knows what will happen? Come on, let's go to the fountain, I have to wipe off the blood." Y/N muttered, going on ahead to sit on the rocks by the fountain and took out her handkerchief from her little bag, dipping it in the water and carefully wiping away the red liquid streaming down her limbs, hissing from the pain here and there, but otherwise, staying completely silent. "I'm sorry..." the girl suddenly heard the blond boy mutter, barely audible. "Huh? What do you have to be sorry about, Mickey?" as her eyes widened from the shock, she leaned forward, raising his chin up with her finger. "...I couldn't protect you. I suck. I'm as bad as that fuckass says I am..." he sighed, gently pulling away her hand and looking away from her. "Look at what they did to you. Could've been much worse. And yet, you stood up for me, while I did nothing. I'm a horrible friend." his voice was pitiful, and it was obvious he hated his lack of strength. "First of all, you aren't just my friend. You're my BEST friend. Okay? And nothing in this world will change that. Got it? Okay. Second of all, we're still little and weak. That's how kids are. Trying to fight those guys is like trying to fight the forces of nature...You...You can't fight a hurricane, you know? And...Violence isn't the answer. I mean...Look at our parents. There's nothing good coming out of that...But someday! Someday we'll get older and stronger, and nobody will bully us anymore! It just...It takes a while...I guess." she threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly, trying to comfort him. "That's shit! They'll see, they'll ALL pay for it! Nobody will dare be fuckers with us anymore! And when I grow up, I will make sure everyone is nice to you." he was so revolted, but his anger gradually dissipated as he felt her warmth. "Please don't speak like that. Calm down, Mickey. Things are okay now. At least we have each other, and we will always have each other, don't forget that, okay?" she leaned her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes for a while, only to hear an aggressive male voice booming through the park which made the girl yelp and tremble in fear. "GET AWAY FROM THAT FREAK, Y/N! GET HERE RIGHT NOW!" her father yelled at her and she could only whimper silently, trying to stop herself from hyperventilating. "B-But daddy, Michael is not bad...! H-He tried to protect me from those mean boys from the playground!" she spoke meekly, slowly walking in front of her father, her head hung in fear, only for the man to burry his hand in
her hair, pulling on it roughly, making the girl yelp in pain. "Don't talk back to me, you stupid little bitch! You have no right to go against what I say while you're under MY roof, got it? Home, now." Michael couldn't even retaliate in any way, knowing that if he were to cause trouble for her, she would get in even more trouble, and that's the last thing he'd want...But why did it have to be her...?
He can take it, alright...But her...That's just not acceptable. She is small, and weak, and frail, and innocent...And there is nobody who can protect her.
Nobody but him...
"Michael, Michael, are we going trick or treating today?" Y/N asked, skipping around him in her cutesy witch costume, while he was a boring clown. "I guess." he shrugged, pulling down his clown mask. "Come on, it's Halloween, Mickey! You love Halloween! It's your favourite holiday! And we get free candy! It's gonna be fuuun~!" she bumped him with her body, making him stumble a bit, before looking at her and groaning. "Fine, fine, we're going. I just have to tell my mum." he grabbed her wrist and dragged her to his house, but on the way, she stopped him. "Hey, how about we trick or treat all the houses on the way to yours? I mean, there's nothing bad in that, right? We're just going home! It's not even considered a detour!" Y/N grinned widely, her beautiful eyes sparkling with excitement. "...Okay, let's do that." as he said that, Michael took out his candy bag from his schoolbag and taking her hand, they went to all house from both sides of the street. "Trick or Treat!" they both exclaimed as the first grandma opened the door with a loving look on her face. "Ahh, my, my, how cute you two are! And what do we have here...A very adorable, magical witch! And...A funny clown! How lovely!" the woman clapped her hands together to her chest, admiring the two kids. "Ma'am, he's not just a clown, he is my jester! Isn't he so cute?" she threw her arms around his neck, slamming his face to hers as she grinned even wider, making the woman laugh at them. "Yees, yes, I understand! Here, darlings, you're so adorable, take all of these. Hope to see you two, cuties, next year as well! Have fun!" the grandma patted both their heads before going back to her home. "Wiiicked! Look how much candy we've got! My fave holiday is Christmas, but honestly, Halloween is a very close runner up! Our teeth will literally rot after this!" the girl giggled as she inspected each variety of candy in her bag, "I love it 'cause I can spare people." Michael shrugged simply, but he also munched on some candy corn. "Would you scare me, Mickey?" Y/N turned her face to his, her eyes widening with a glimmering, innocent curiosity. "...No. I wouldn't. But you're the only one, okay?! Everyone else, I'd scare!" he tried to sound scary and dangerous, but it only made the little girl giggle and kiss his cheek. "You're my hero! My handsome knight in shining armour, Mickey! Thank you for protecting me. You're the best." help his soul, he wasn't used to people saying good things about him... "...But I'm ugly...That's why I wear a mask so often..." he muttered, looking down at the ground. "No! That's so not true! You're very pretty, okay? I love your face! And you have the most gorgeous eyes in the world! And...And...And your hair is so lovely, I'm jealous! Please don't say bad things about yourself, Mickey, it makes me very upset." she pouted, hugging him tightly, and it was pretty clear neither of them wanted to let go. "You won't leave me, would you, Y/N?" Michael's low voice came out barely above a whisper, but it was the only time he ever allowed himself to show any kind of weakness or vulnerability. "Never. Some day, we will be together forever, okay?" she ruffled his hair playfully, which made his face flush softly. "Hey, actually...Here you go. This is yours now. This way, if you're ever lonely, you'll remember I'm always thinking of you, okay?" Y/N grinned sweetly at him as she took off her flower-charmed necklace and put in on him, hiding it under his costume, so nobody else could see it. "Mum gave this to me on my birthday, before she died. It means the world for me, and so do you. So...Don't forget that, okay? I hope you'd smile more, you have a very pretty smile." as she said that, she squished his chipmunk cheeks.
The boy said nothing - What was he supposed to do, anyway? He was overwhelmed entirely by the only person who makes him feel...Good? But he had to go home, and he already knew that home was hell, and by the time he went there, he knew he wouldn't actually be going trick or treating, as promised...And he'd have to let Y/N down again.
Stupid family.
With a very disappointed voice, he went outside of the house and told the girl that he can't go trick or treating with her, but instead of yelling or disappointment, she just smiled and hugged him.
"It's alright! There's always next year! And besides, we already kinda went trick or treating, right? Sweet dreams, Mickey! Take care!" she waved at him cheerfully and skipped back home.
But little did she know that would be the last Halloween they'd spend together, for that night, a massacre happened at his home, and deep down, Y/N knew.
She just...Knew.
It was Michael who created that blood bath. He couldn't take all that abuse anymore, and Y/N understood that well enough...And she hated herself for thinking this, but she knew she was selfish...
If Michael didn't kill his family, they'd still have been able to hang out daily, and laugh together, lick each other's wounds, and go trick or treating on Halloween...
But she had to be happy with visiting him at Smith's Grove institute weekly with his mum, and they'd chat, and talk, and try to get him out of the shell that he hid himself into...
And he wouldn't stop hiding his face behind his masks, every week, a new one, a new one, and a new one, each time, weirder and creepier and grotesque.
No matter what his mother told him, and no matter what Y/N told him...Michael didn't listen, and the more time he spent there, the less he spoke...Until he hasn't said a word to Y/N in at least two weeks. It made the poor girl tear up, fearing that he hated her, but at least he'd shake his head and clutch his shirt where the gifted necklace would be.
And she would understand.
His mother was confused, and the Dr. was confused as well, but Y/N wasn't, and she'd smile at him and wouldn't explain what happened. It was their little secret, and nobody would be able to be made aware of.
And then...After many weeks of visiting, Michael stuck again and killed a nurse, which led to his mother committing suicide, and since she had nobody to go with to visit him, the last thing she could do was send in letters weekly, hoping they will be given to him, but she had no way of knowing, since nobody wanted to tell her anything, and no reply came by.
Until she gave up writing, thinking that Michael actually hated her, and decided to go on with her life, and her father made her move away to another state to get better education.
15 years passed, and the now 27 year old Y/N was a University graduate who worked hard and was able to get her old home in Haddonfield...To think she'd finally be able to go there again, she never would have thought that.
But here she was, having found a nice, well-paying job, and she was pretty happy, albeit nostalgic, being again back...Home. By the time she returned, she had already learnt how to play the guitar too, so every Friday night, she'd sit on her porch and play a song, softly singing along, hoping not to disturb anyone.
"I was made for lovin' you baby, you were made for loving me..." she hummed, singing the song by Kiss as she looked up at the starry night with no care in the world.
It was a simple life, but it was good and peaceful - And she had quite a lot of money to do with as she pleases - What else could ask for?
"BREAKING NEWS! A psychiatric patient from Smith's Grove escaped just last night and -..." but Y/N didn't bother hearing the rest of it, because...Because... "Michael...!" she gasped, covering her mouth with both her hands from the shock, tears threatening to fall and she goes outside, looking around, left and right, down the street, hoping to see a glimpse of the blond boy she once held so dear to her heart.
And what a coincidence, tomorrow night was Halloween...Did he do it on purpose? Did he even remember the days they spent together? Or how special Halloween was for him? Did he still have that silly necklace with him? Did he ever read her letters?
So many questions that she was pretty sure she'll never get an answer to, and that thought alone killed her.
The next day, she dressed in her Kiss loose Tshirt, remembering how that was Michael's favourite band, and somewhere in her heart, she hoped to see him again, even just by a little bit. Even a glimpse at his beautiful blue eyes would be enough.
But she knew she was dreaming...
She went to work as usual, but she was so busy that she didn't realise she ended up overstaying and overworking herself until she left the place and realised it was already dark outside, and there were barely any children trick or treating - But hey, there still were a few - And Y/N couldn't help but smile and remember the cute witch and her loyal jester.
The good times...
As she hummed carefree and looked up at the starry sky, but then she heard a crack, and looking back...Nothing? Hmm...Suspicious... She continued walking, but the ominous feeling in the back of her head continued, and so, she took out her pocket mirror and noticed a man somewhere in the back, walking towards her. A colleague from work, she recognised him, yes, she remembers him. He was kicked out from the job because of his inappropriate behaviour...And him following her now truly was no good news.
Analysing the situation, she realised she was close enough to home to make a break for it, so taking a deep breath, she sprinted the hell out of there...But...things didn't go as expected.
Before she could even reach her home, for she was pushed to the ground and straddled, his hands immediately finding their way around her neck, trying to immobilise her, to stop her from struggling and let him have his way with her.
But Y/N was a fighter, and she didn't want to allow the bullying she experienced as a child to take over her adult life, but she also didn't have the body strength to go against this guy, no matter how much she tried to struggle.
However...Before she knew it, the man stopped - Almost as if he froze - And she was splattered with liquid. It was blood. The man above her was stabbed in the chest, then in the head continuously, before his body was snatched and tossed away like a ragdoll.
Great - Y/N thought - From one criminal to another, with a whimper, she tried to get up and run away, but the man was too fast for her, and he picked her up with a weird ease, getting her inside her own house and letting her fall down on her couch.
The man saw fear in her eyes, and she was whimpering, her head hung as she tried to make herself as small as possible - As if she wasn't already so small, especially compared to him - It was pissing him off, as he remembered her jackass father abusing her. He would never hurt her! He promised her he'd always protect her, so why is she so scared of him...?!
"E-Excuse me...Uhm...Mister...A-Are you...Maybe...Uhmm...Are you Michael...?" she stuttered in such a meek voice that it grated his brain. This isn't right, Y/N was cheerful and happy. This...This wasn't right... The man got a hand underneath the neck of his blouse, only to reveal the old flower necklace from long ago. "Michael...! It really is you...Michael...I can't believe it! Oh my God...You grew up so much, this is insane!" as if a switch turned inside her, the girl jumped on her couch and threw herself on the incredibly tall man, not caring whether he liked it or not.
He was her Michael, and she missed him.
"You still don't talk, do you? Well...At least take off this mask of yours. I told you, I hate it when you hide yourself from me. I want to see your beautiful face." she chuckled, pulling Michael down with her on the couch, as he stood with his hands mid-way in the air, rather awkwardly, before finally pulling up his old mask and threading with it with his hands that were laying on his lap. "There we go, as beautiful as ever." she chuckled softly as she parted his long, dirty blond hair and letting it fall down his back, so his face could properly be seen. "Oh my God, you even have a stubble. I can't believe it. Well, we are all grown up after all, aren't we? Seems like almost yesterday when we'd go trick or treating...On this very day." she kept talking of the nostalgic things from so long ago, so much that it made Michael grunt in amusement, but his face didn't sketch any emotion. It really upset Y/N, it felt like talking to a wall. "Well, at least I'm happy that you remember me. I didn't think you did. I kinda thought you hated me too, I didn't know if you got any of my letters either. Uhm...I don't really know what to say. It's weird talking to myself like that. But I'm happy to see you again." she continued speaking before stopping altogether and fidgeting awkwardly on her spot next to him, as he didn't even move, or bother saying a single word.
They stood like that for a while, until Michael suddenly started moving, and revealed a bunch of unopened letters - All from her.
"You have all of them...!" Y/N gasped in shock, taking the letters and examining all of them one by one. "Why didn't you open them?" but instead of an answer, he shook his head. "Did you...Not have them...Until recently?" Y/N tried to guess, and the answer came in the form of a nod. "That stupid doctor! How dare he?! ...You must have felt so lonely stuck there...With your mum shooting herself, I couldn't go there anymore, so I sent you letters weekly...The doctor promised to give them to you...Urgh, what a jerk. And I thought you hated me and that's why you didn't want to reply to them...But you just got them. How annoying." Y/N groaned, realising the truth of what happened, and she let the letters fall down on the coffee table.
After some more silence between the two, Michael pointed towards her shirt, and she smiled, nodding and taking her guitar before leaning on his side. "Yeah, I know it's your favourite band. I never forgot that." she chuckled, and as she started playing the same song she knew so well - And she felt a strong arm sneaking around her waist, pulling her closer to his body. It surprised her a bit, but she felt so safe and warm in his embrace.
"I was made for lovin' you baby, you were made for lovin' me. And I can't get enough of you, baby..." she sang in the same sweet, crystalline, soft voice that he loved so much, and missed over the many years they've been separated.
"...Can you get enough of me?"
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theglitterypages · 3 years
Beautiful Dream
Chapter 11
Prev ----- Epilogue
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" Even if things may not last forever, I want to do everything that I can to keep you in my arms. Will you be my girlfriend, love?"
Kuro could feel his heart in his throat, this is not what he had imagined. He wanted to ask you to be officially his girl when he's all prepared but the place is not really important isn't it? After all, it's the feelings that will bring you both together.
You're literally frozen, all you could do was look in his eyes to search for something and you don't even know what that is. Your heart felt so tight inside your chest as if someone was squeezing it, knocking the air out of your lungs and your throat was too dry to produce any sound. It was funny and silly how you scoff every damn time you'll read romance novels describing scenes similar to this one, you didn't think it was true but here you are, your knees slowly giving up on you as you held onto Kuro for support.
You held your own breath as you were finally say the first word, you paused, still feeling damn weak to say what you want to say. "I love you too and I-I want to be your girlfriend." Kuro didn't waste any second and he immediately lifted you off the ground as he kiss your temple repeatedly, and when he put you down you saw a tear rolling down his cheek and you reached for his face to wipe it, "Sorry, I was just too…I can't believe this, God YN I love you so much I could explode right now." he chuckles as he held the hand you used to wipe his tears of joy.
Kuro felt so contented at that moment, he knew that there's more that will happen considering both of you are young but then, Kuro wants to unlock the next chapters of his life with you by his side, and he wants you to be the part of those chapters for as long as you want.
"Can I take you home at my home, I mean?" he joked and you slapped his chest, cheeks both red. "Tetsu, I have to go home, my cousin is gonna beat my ass if I won't come home."
Kuro sighed as he held your hand tightly, "I still want to be with you. I don't want this day to end." you looked up at him as you both started walking, both of you couldn't stop smiling, too filled with joy and excitement for this new journey for the two of you. "Well this day has to end, we have all the time in the world for us to have days like this." Kuro ended up staring at you once more, as he looked at you, maybe he should have his heart checked.
"When will you go back to Miyagi? I'll go with you."
"Tetsu?" you turned to him, both eyes wide in shock. Kuro just shrugged his shoulder and click his tongue, "Please?" he plead as he pouted his lips a bit while you look away because you know that you'll end saying yes to him, he's too cute for you to say no to him so heartlessly.
"Fine but I hope you're ready to meet my parents."
You did it.
You just killed Kuro.
When Kuro offered to accompany you back to Miyagi he never thought of being in this situation, his whole being is trembling as he locked eyes with your Dad while your Mom is poking your sides, obviously teasing you and whispering lines like, 'you've got a good one huh?' honestly you just want to get this thing over with because this is getting out of hand and you couldn't take more embarrassment. '
"I apologize for suddenly coming without notice, Sir and Ma'am. I am terribly sorry for courting your daughter without asking permission as well but now that she's my girlfriend I'd like to ask for your approval. I promise to take care of her and I wouldn't look at any other girls the way I look at her."
Your father narrowed his eyes at Kuro before his eyes went down to the box that he was holding.
"What is that?"
"A present for you and your wife, Sir."
Your father nod his head and took the box from Kuro with a blank expression in his face, "Come on, Son. Let's go to the kitchen, my wife cooked us lunch." Kuro bowed, he kept on saying thank you to your Dad that you have to stop him. As much as you like how respectful he is, you knew that your Dad is just playing with him. "He was just acting tough, Tetsu. My Dad is not strict, he's just him. Let's go and eat." Kuro lets out a deep breath as he held your hand for support, "Love, my knees are giving in." he told you, and you couldn't help but chuckle after hearing him sound so exhausted.
"Don't worry, love. You'll get used to it."
You expected your parents to let you and Kuro eat in peace but they didn't, before Kuro could even take his first bite, your Mom already asked him something. "YN is a secretive daughter so we don't know about you at all, goodness gracious I thought she'll end up with Yuu-kun." Kuro froze and you stare at your mother with an irritated look, "Mom, that's rude." your Father cleared his throat as he set his hand on top of yoru Mom's. "Forgive my wife, Tetsu-kun.  We just didn't expect YN to bring a city boy home as her boyfriend but we know her well to know that you're a good lad. Welcome to the family." your Mom smiled and winked at Kuro.
"Welcome to the family, Tetsu-kun."
"Mom, Dad…can we let him eat? He's probably so hungry."
Your parents laughed in unison and motioned Kuro to start eating, the lunch went well, but both of you were bombarded by questions about how this relationship started. Kuro answered all of their questions with respect and you just found yourself admiring him more, your parents could be a little too hyper but he handled them well and he handled their jokes pretty well.
"Tetsu-kun, you better call your grandparents and tell them that you'll be staying here for tonight. If it's alright for you to sleep here with us."
"Dad, Tetsu is quite busy in Tokyo."
Your Mom glared at you and you raised your brows. "Your boyfriend went all the way here to accompany you, let him rest a bit. You should invite Yuu so you three could hang out. Nishinoya-san has been telling me that his grandson is acting up, he said he looks gloomy. That kid was always cheery but I saw him outside this morning and he looks…sad." your father nods his head to agree as he chew his food.
"Yuu-kun is a good friend of yours you should ask him how is he doing, he probably need it."
That conversation led you to text Nishinoya and ask him to come over, since you also want him to know that you and Kuro are officially together, you want him to be the first one to know.  
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You were chilling with Kuro in the living room while your parents excused themselves to give you and Kuro some time alone, but you're damn sure that they're watching the two of you. "Granny told me that I can stay but if you're uncomfortable with me here, I could still go home you know…" Kuro doesn't want to be disrespectful to your parents by insisting to go home when they told him to stay but he wants to know if you're fine with him staying.
"I'm cool with it, I might need your help in chemistry anyways so…"
"A personal tutor, that's what I am now huh?"
"Don't act like you hate it." you stick your tongue out to tease him and he reached out to pinch your cheeks, "Yeah how can I hate teaching you? You're a great student." he chuckled and as you were about to remove his hands on your cheeks, you heard the doorbell rang.
Kuro slowly removed his hands off your cheeks and stood up, "Should I go and check it?" he asked and you shook your head before you gestured him to sit back down. "That's just Yuu, I'll go get him." you said with a smile as you opened the door and went outside to meet Nishinoya outside the gate.
"You know you can come in by yourself right?"
"Yeah but I don't want to intrude." he told you as you both made your way inside your house. "I brought your favorite ice cream, we can eat it while you tell me what you want to say." he said as he gave you the paper bag and you smiled, "Aww thanks! You're the best." Nishinoya just nod and you realized that your Mom was right that he seems sad. You should probably asked him about it.
Nishinoya was frozen when he saw the great Kuro Tetsuro sitting on the couch in your living room. "Tadan! Tetsu accompany me here and Mom and Dad told him to stay and just go back to Tokyo tomorrow. So I decided that we should hang out." you told him cheerfully but Nishinoya couldn't find the strength to match your energy.
"Yeah, sounds fun." he answered plainly.
Kuro knows that Nishinoya is probably offended to see him here, once he finds the right timing he wants to talk to him about his feelings for you because he knows that Nishinoya loves you, more than you could ever imagine and he sees it in his eyes.
"Hey man," Kuro stood up to greet him and Nishinoya held his hand out for a handshake with a small smile. "Hey there, sorry I didn't know you were here. I only bought two ice creams, you should've told me YN." Nishinoya turned to you to send a glare on your way but you were gone. "Sneaky brat." he whispered when he saw that you were gone.
"I'm sorry, Nishinoya-san."
"For what?" Nishinoya asked as he sat down at the single couch, Kuro sat near him before looking around to make sure that you wouldn't hear anything. "We're…" Nishinoya raised his hand up to stop him with a genuine smile. "I know, I could tell. Let me ask you one thing, Kuro-san." Nishinoya straightened up his position before he let out a deep breath.
"Are you happy with her?"
"I am extremely happy with her. Being happy is an understatement actually." Kuro answered quickly, Nishinoya nods meaningfully, a smile still playing on his lips, he doesn't need to ask to know that, it was obvious how perfect you two for each other but seeing Kuro up close, and he already sees it the sparks in his eyes shows how happy he is with you. "Then why should you be sorry for being happy?" Nishinoya asked with a chuckle.
"I'm fine, I'll need time to forget about these feelings but I'm glad to see that both of you are together."
Kuro stares at your best friend, his eyes full of admiration, Nishinoya Yuu is a strong guy and he's brave. Kuro have nothing but respect for him, even in his imaginations he couldn't even imagine himself in his shoes.
"Thank you, I promise that I'll do everything for her."
"I already know that." Nishinoya replied.
Taglist: @encrytpta @mattesatoruuu @sparkz-cardz @sunshinesandsushi @putmeinyourdeathnote
A/N: Sorry for not updating this for so long, but as an apology I posted the completed story already. Thank you for supporting Beautiful Dream!
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Go Go Karasuno: An Old Rival (Pt 2 )
Warnings: swearing
Word Count: 7,000+
A few days had passed since the practice match. You hated to admit it, but you thought about Keishin often. 
He looked good.
Really REALLY good.
Like better than high school good.  He always looked nice but it was overshadowed by his complete desire to be an utter ass.
You sighed as you finished up a few emails to send off before you took your grandma to the hospital to visit your grandfather.
He was set to be discharged in a few days and then you would start the process of moving them to the elderly community. You had taken your grandmother to visit him daily as she would often have make him meals. He hated the hospital food. He said the flavor was lacking.
You had to laugh. The man had only ever eaten your grandmother's cooking since they married at a young age. He often complained or refused to eat any other food because it was never was good as his wife’s cooking. 
You had to agree. Your grandma was an amazing cook.
You arrive at the hospital with your grandma in toe. She says her hellos to the staff as they all reciprocate the greetings. Your grandma was a complete sweetheart. She was loved and adored by everyone. She always helped when and where she could, volunteering wherever she was needed. You're actually surprised your grandfather managed to charm his way in to her life.
Your grandfather was a rowdy old man. Literally the opposite of your grandmother. He could be bitter and always liked a good argument. He was never outright mean to people, just very outspoken and upfront. He was a lot to handle.
You exit the elevator carrying the box of food your grandma had prepared. She told you she was preparing a meal for your grandfather's roommate as well. She said the man was just as insatiable as your grandfather. You imagined they were quite the duo.
As you round the corner you start the head arguing. You eyes widen as you realize it's coming from your grandfather's room. 
 Your grandma just smiles as she shakes her head knocking lightly at the door.
"Yeah yeah" a voice shouts. 
 You both enter as you begin to observe the sight before you eyes.
Your grandfather and his roommate are watching volleyball on the small TV in their hospital room. Shouting at the apparent bad plays.
"Anyone could have hit that set with their eyes closed" your grandfather shouted "what is that spiker doing?"
"He's just a weakling like all the others" the other man shouted "that wouldn't be happening under my coaching."
You roll your eyes and smile. Man these two were made for each other.
Your grandma slowly starts to unpack and plate the food she made for both the men. They continue to watch the game as your grandma hands them the food.
"Dont worry dear I packed enough for everyone" she smiled as you observed all the food. The box was heavy that you carried in but you didn't think there was an entire week's worth of food there.
"By everyone did you mean the entire hospital gran" you giggle as she laughs.
"Oh Y/N" your grandfather says as he looks up from his meal for a second "this is my roommate. You might know his grandson. I think he went to school with him."
The other man grumbled "I apologize if you do know him, the weakling."
You smile as you chuckle "Well sir its nice to meet you, I'm Y/N"
The older man turns to you smiling "oh I know who you are sweetheart, I'm Ikkei Ukai"
You were about to speak when a knock sounded.
"Yeah yeah, what is this grand central in Tokyo?" your grandfather huffed as the door opened.
"Just came to check on my fav-" Keishin spoke as he entered, shutting the door and turning around.
His eyes were met with yours. He gulped as the two older men and older lady looked at you both.
"Y/N, I didn't know you would be here" Keishin says as he lifts his head to the back of his head.
"I told you last week my roommate had a granddaughter your age" Ikkei spoke sharped tongue.
"Well you didn't mention here name!" Keishin glared at his grandfather.
“You didn’t ask” Ikkei huffed as he turned his attention back to the game as Keishin placed his hand over his face.
You giggle at the circumstances. 
This all had to be a joke right? No way this was coincidence!
"Ah Keishin it's so good to see you again" your grandmother says breaking the awkward silence "here have a plate"
"Oh you as well ma'am" he said bowing "thank you ma'am but I'll have to pass I’m just stopping by quick"
"Sit down you idiot the women made great food" your grandfather shouts at Keishin as you chuckle.
Your grandmother makes him a plate as he settles in by you at the spare table in the corner. Your grandmother sits beside your grandfather as he kisses her forehead. You smile as you watch them, all while Keishin watches you.
"Your grandfather and mine are one in the same" he says trying to break the silence.
"Ha ha yeah you can say that again" you say smiling as you eat.
"I honestly didn't know your grandfather was his roommate" he says.
"Well you probably wouldn't. They are my mothers parents so we don't share the same last name" you say looking down at your plate.
"You know, it was really great to see you play again Y/N" Keishin smiles at you.
You look up smiling back "Thank you. It was a lot of fun. You really have some great kids."
"Kageyama and Hinata couldn't stop talking about your sets. Kageyama said they were almost perfect" he said taking another bite
"Well I wouldn't say perfect. They can always use improvement" you say pushing your food around the plate.
"Give yourself more credit Y/N. You really are a great setter. I always thought so" Keishin says as he stares at you.
You laugh ironically "is that why you were always such an ass to me then?"
Keishin sighs "yeah I was an ass but it wasn't because you weren't good. I was stupid high school kid"
You sighed as you look to his smiling "I guess we've both changed a lot"
Keishin smiled softly at you as you take both plates and disguarded them in the bin.
"I'm going to step outside for a minute" you speak, kissing your grandma on the forehead.
"I'll come with you" Kishin says as you begin to walk outside
The silence is awkward. Neither of you know what to say to each other. It's like your years of high school rivalry has been reduced to this weird state of unknown.
"Look Y/N" keishin starts.
"Keishin" you interject "we both changed. It's ok. I'm not mad at you anymore."
That wasn't completely factual nor completely a lie.
You didn't hate Keishin.  In fact, thinking about it, you never really did. You admired the man but he annoyed you to no end. He was always better than you and you were jealous.
Keishin threw his cigarette as he walked towards you "Y/N I want to apologize."
You look at him with narrowed eyes "for what?"
"Well one for being a complete jerk back in high school" he proceeds.
"Jerk is an understatement but continue" you say smiling.
He laughs awkwardly "Listen Y/N can I at least make it up to you?"
You fold your arms "ok and how Keishin? It's not like we can go back in time and you can not mess up my serves" you spit as he looks towards the ground.
"Y/N please" Keishin says "my grandfather was right, I was a weakling back then. I was jealous of you. You had such talent and well, I enjoyed getting a rile from you. I know it was immature but it was the only way you'd talk to me."
“Wait what” you think as you try to process what he was saying
"I always admired you Y/N. You were a great captain and a fantastic setter. You worked so well all the players on your team. I honestly was a bit jealous" he continues as you state at him confused.
Keishin was jealous? Of you?
You say the only thing you can properly formulate "Well Keishin you sure had a hell of a way of showing it! You pissed me off, annoyed me to no end and now you tell me you were jealous?"
Keishin stares at your outburst.
"Keishin I apologize for yelling but it just seems unreal to me. I spent all of high school trying be as good as you and now your telling me you looked up to me? It just seems unreal" you say as you sit on the bench.
"Y/N" Keishin sits down in the other side of the bench "I know I was a complete jerk. I honestly didn't know it bothered you so much. I was a punk ass kid who was just trying to be someone. But I now realize I hurt someone who really meant a lot of me."
You look up from your hands to see Keishin with a soft smile on his face.
"Well this is awkward" you say as you stand up. You were never great with upfront feelings and awkward silences.
"Y/N please" Keishin says as you start to walk back to the room "Please just let me make it up to you. Let's have dinner. I promise. Just hear me out"
You sigh knowing the conversation was unavoidable. It wasn't that you didn't want to have dinner with Keishin, it's just that you still reeled from your past.
Maybe you were being petty and it seemed like Keishin had changed but were you really ready to admit that? Were you really ready to move on from a grudge you held for almost 10 years?
"Where" you sigh in defeat.
"Huh?" Keishin looks to you with question.
"Where and when" you look back at him with a less than eager face.
"How about Friday night? My families store?" Keishin shouts a little too enthusiastic.
You chuckle at his response "ok but I swear of you start shit I'm going to pelt a volleyball right at your forehead"
He laughs "there's the Y/N I remember"
You push him playfully as you both walk back into the hospital heading to your grandfather's room.
You enter the floor as you both hear loud shouting. You look at each other and take off running towards your grandfather's room. You bust open the door with Keishin on your heals as you see your grandfather on the floor and your grandmother holding her mouth.
"I'm fine I'm fine just got a bit worked up" he says.
Keishin moves to help your grandfather as you console your grandmother.
"Grandpa really? Getting worked up over volleyball?" You spit at him.
He glares at you "you're one to talk Y/N!"
Keishin’s eyes widen as you glare holes on your grandfather's head. He chuckles at your response.
"Oh Y/N it's about time you forgive the boy, it's been almost 10 years" your grandfather says
"Dont forgive him so easily Y/N" Ikkei interjects "make him work for it"
Keishin glares at his grandfather as he chuckles with your grandfather and they continue watching the game.
You and Keishin both sigh as you smile softly towards one another. 
You're night out with Keishin approaches faster than you hoped. Honestly you were really indifferent about the whole situation. You had to admit, Keishin had probably changed since high school. I mean the Keishin you knew would never coach a high school volleyball team.
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rezzyromance · 3 years
I know I just asked for a matchup so take your time when doing this.
Maybe the reader finds a filthy cat or kitten and they bring it back to the factory and at first Karl says no but the reader puts her foot down and Karl can’t say no to the reader for too long and they bathe the filthy cat together and then the cat falls asleep cuddled between Karl and the reader
I love this idea so.. ask and you shall receive!
The snow crunched under your boots with each step you took. You lived in the higher parts of Heisenberg's factory along with Karl himself. He was very protective and didn't like you wondering near the lower and more dangerous parts of his dark place of work. He was also very protective of you leaving the factory and exploring the outdoors. The last thing he wanted was for you to get hurt or for Miranda to discover you. He'd never forgive himself if something happened to you, but he also understood how depressing it probably is for you to be stuck in the factory 24/7 with nothing to do. To make sure you don't die of boredom or whine his ear off, he allowed you to start taking little walks around the factory grounds with a few lycan to guard you like dogs.
You did enjoy these little walks. You even grew to enjoy the company of the lycans. Sometimes, you'd throw a stick and they go running for it, playing a strange version of fetch. This walk was quiet and peaceful. It had snowed all of last night, so the top layer of bright snow was soft and fresh.
The walk grew less peaceful when you noticed the body language of the lycans around you began to change. All three of them froze, only moving their noses as they tilted their heads up and sniffed around. Something had peaked their interest. Suddenly, one of them took off to the left of you. The other two followed and you tried to catch up, vulnerable without their protection. "Hey! Wait! Get back here!", you shouted even though they gave no reaction. They didn't stop running until they made their way to a rock. It was very large and flat, resting above a large gap in the ground, as if it was the roof to a little home. As you got closer, you could hear little cries come from the hole. Your interest was now peaked. One of the lycans began to claw at the dirt near the hole and the cries grew much louder and shrill. "No! Get back!", you scolded the creature and gently pushed it back. It's obvious whatever was in the hole must be terrified by it. You crouched down and made your way down to the ground, now laying on your stomach to get a good look in the tiny cave. You saw two little eyes looking back at you. "..mew...", a little voice cried.
As your eyes adjusted to the sight of the den, you could see that the voice and eyes belonged to a little kitten. It was filthy and skinny and shivering violently. "Poor baby. Where's your mother?", you say in a soothing voice as you reach in and touch the soft animal. It didn't react, so you put both hands in and pulled out the little kitten. Its eyes squinted at the brightness of the day. You could now see the condition it was in. It was very skinny as if it had gone days without eating and the dirt from the den grew wet from the snow and had dried into the kittens fur, causing it to be covered in large clumps of dirt. You quickly wrapped the little creature in your coat and quickly made your way back to the factory.
Once you made it back to the factory, it didn't take long for Karl to check on you. He always got anxious when you left, though he would never admit it. Usually he just waits near the door until you come home so he can conveniently give you a welcome back while trying to not make it look obvious that he was waiting for you. This time though, he wasn't greeted by a warm smile like usual. Instead, you were rushing through the door and heading towards the bathroom without even taking your coat off. "Not even a hello?", he questioned. "Sorry Heis. I'm really busy.", you brush him off. Your unusual attitude frustrated him and he followed you as you nearly ran to the bathroom. "What is that? Are you hiding something in your coat?", he questioned, not far behind you. "No. I uh... just need to go to the bathroom.", you lie. You knew he wouldn't like the idea of you bringing in a random cat from outside. He almost believed your excuse until he heard a cry come from your coat, not muffled enough to cover it completely.
You were so close to the bathroom until you felt a strong hand grip your shoulder. "What are you hiding?", his voice was louder and more demanding as he grew angrier with you. He then began to pull your coat off, revealing the kitten that was bundled up inside. "No. Absolutely not. Get that thing out of here." he said with no hesitation. "But Karl it was all alone and look at how dirty it is! And it would've died if I didn't grab it!", you gently began to pet the weak animal. "It's an animal (Y/N) it'll either fight for survival or die. That's just how nature works. Survival of the fittest. Now put it back where you got it.", his words made you angry. How could he look at it's poor little face and think that it deserves to freeze? You held the kitten closer to your chest, refusing to budge. "How about I leave your ass out there huh? How about I let you freeze all alone? Survival of the fittest right? Fuck that! Who are you to decide on whether or not a living thing that has never hurt you gets to live or die?!", you shouted as a new side of you began to show. He was genuinely shocked. You had never snapped at him like that and he couldn't tell if he was proud or aroused. All he knew is that he couldn't say no.
"Okay well.... give it a bath before it makes a mess.", he says, still shocked from your outburst. "That's what I was planning on. Now come on and help me.", you began to open the door to the bathroom. "Hell no! That's your cat now. Not mine.", he said as he crossed his arms. "Get your ass in here and help me. Now.", you demanded and didn't wait for him as you made your way to the rub, trying to find the most comfortable temperature of water. Again, he was in shock from your demanding attitude. He actually grew a little scared, unsure of what you'll do next. He stood close by you and adjusted the water temperature a little bit, making it perfect. "Get me a rag.", you say as you gently place the kitten in the tub, making sure the water doesn't get too deep, only deep enough for you to get the little thing warm. "Yes ma'am.", he replied sarcastically and handed you a rag from nearby. It didn't take much work to get the dirt out of it's fur. After it was no longer dirty, you drained the tub and handed the kitten to Karl. "Hold it. I'll get a towel." "It's getting my shirt wet!"
After the tub, the kitten was exhausted and so were you. You had set it on your bed to get comfortable as you went to the kitchen to get a little bit of left-over chicken to feed it. Once you acquired the chicken, you started to make your way back to the room. "What're you doing?", Karl asks as you walk down the hallway. "Feeding the poor thing. It's skin and bones.", you say as you enter the room and see the little creature curled up in the middle of the bed. You laid down beside it and put it close to the kittens face. The smell woke it up from its nap and it immediately began to feast. "Don't get chicken on the bed.", Karl groaned. "Stop being such a sour puss.", you joke. "Funny." He then makes his way to the bed, laying down beside the kitten. "Wow... it was hungry huh.", he started to feel sorry for it when he saw how fast it was gobbling up the chicken. "I told you he needed my help." you say as you curl up closer to the kitten and begin to pet it softly on its back. "Pet it. It won't hurt you.", you say as you take his hand and place it on the cat. He had a cat that would wander near his house when he was a young boy. When everything was different. This kitten had a similar appearance, making him feel nostalgic. He began to pet the little animal as it finished it's last piece of chicken. "You did a good thing.", he tells you. This was his way of apologizing for the way he previously acted. "I know.", you say with a smile. It didn't take long for the kitten to fall into a tiny food coma, sleepy from his live changing events. "Look at it!! Oh my god it's sleeping!!", he yelled in a whisper. You quietly laugh at his giddiness. "Calm down, cat dad.", you joke. "Shut it. And you better not be planning on getting this guy some more kitty friends.", he says, even though a part of him doesn't mean it.
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Melting Wax, Crawling Vines: Part 2 (Vincent Sinclair x Fem!Reader)
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Warnings: panic attacks, fainting spells, implied past domestic abuse, implied intent to kidnap
Word Count: 2372
Vincent will make an appearance soon I swear
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You figured you were slowing Lester down more than actually helping him, but he was a surprisingly patient and willing teacher. When the hubs were changed and you hopped back in the car, you were able to make it over the water with little to no problem. He drove you into the town, and stopped in front of an auto body shop. You watched as he got out, and quickly went to your side to let you out of the truck. You thanked him, before looking around the town of Ambrose. It was small, like you figured your new town would be. The only tourist trap it seemed to have was the House of Wax, but you didn't have time to look at it before Lester said,
"C'mon, Bo's probably inside." And nodded towards the auto body shop. You followed him, being able to hear music from outside the shop and passing some old fashioned gas pumps. Lester walked right in, yelling,
"Bo! You got a customer!" And you heard the sound of tools being set down before a tall man in his mid thirties stepped into the lobby of the shop. He had short dark hair, a blue cap, and a plain button down shirt and pants. He was wiping his hands clean of any grease, and he tossed you a smile right after he turned down the radio. Lester was quick to introduce you for you. He gave Bo your name, and the tall brunette held out one of his hands.
"I'm Bo. I'm the owner." He said, and you tried not to flush from the way he looked you over. You replied a small,
"Pleased to meet you." And you retracted your hand. You bit your lip, and Lester was quick to talk for you. You were grateful, as, for some reason, you felt slightly intimidated by the man in front of you. He seemed nice, charming, but a little sharp around the edges. But, hell, you brushed it off as plain paranoia.
"This young lady right here was having some car trouble up on the back road. I told her you'd be able to give her a tow." He said, and Bo nodded. 
"Yeah, we can manage that just fine." He said, and it seemed as thought this day was finally turning around for you. You'd have your car fixed and you'd be in your new town before nightfall. Well, you hoped. You added,
"Yeah, um, I couldn't figure it out myself, so Lester here was a real lifesaver to bring me to a, uh, professional." You said, and you watched the way the tallest of the two men smiled at you. He headed behind the counter, talking as the pair of you followed him. 
"Well, imagine that. Lester picked something up prettier than what he usually scrapes off the interstate. Should head by the back roads more often." He said, talking directly to the man besides you and cracking a small quip. You looked away and smiled to yourself. The man was handsome, and a flirt. If it wasn't for the situation, you were sure you would've walked away from someone so brazen. "Now, you headed anywhere important? Any time constraints?" He asked, throwing the rag over his shoulder. You were biting your thumb, and you pulled it out from between your teeth to say,
"I'm headed to a town about an hour out. Moving. Great day to get stuck." You said sarcastically, and both of them smiled at the joke. Bo shuffled some papers, looking down as he said,
"Yeah, it always happens like that, huh." He said, and you supposed he would know. You guessed that this was the part where you talked prices, but, after taking a quick glance at the clock, you realized just how much time had passed. Your stuff would be arriving, if it hadn't already, and you were still over an hour away. So, you said,
"I'm sorry. I don't mean to be impolite, but could I use your phone? I have a moving truck that I'm supposed to meet." You were sure that if you didn't call, you'd worry the hell out of the people driving. You wanted them to know that you were safe, and maybe they could unload some of your stuff for you. You doubted they'd be so inclined, as you knew the men driving it. Bo gave you an easy smile, before agreeing with a,
"Sure." He handed you a cordless phone, and you quickly thanked him as you slung your backpack down to find the phone number to your new apartment complex. You pulled out a little planner you carried, found the number, and dialed it in. You stepped away from the two men as you waited for the person at the desk to pick up.
"This is Shandor Apartments. How can I help you?" An unfamiliar voice rang through, and you quickly said,
"Hi, this is," You gave them your full name and apartment number. "I was supposed to move in today, but I ran into some car trouble. I'll be up as soon as it's fixed, maybe in about," You paused to look over at Bo, and he held up three fingers. It was only a slight sight, but, for a moment, you saw what looked like scars on his wrist. You didn't stare, and instead took a step as you continued, "Three hours. I was wondering if you could tell me if the moving van has come yet." You said, and you waited for her reply.
"Yeah, it got here about fifteen minutes ago. You want me to tell those boys to wait with it?" And you grimaced at the thought of asking them to wait for three hours. You reluctantly said,
"No, no. Tell them they can head on back, and to just leave the keys to the unit with you please." Your 'moving van' was really just a small trailer attached to the back of a truck. You hadn't had much to take, and most of what you did had been left behind because of the memories surrounding them. Still, that didn't mean you were thrilled with the idea of moving everything by yourself. 
"Will that be all?" She asked, and you tried not to be offended by the indifference in her tone. You told her a quick,
"Yeah, that's it." And she continued with,
"Well, alright, miss. I'll tell 'em." And you half expected her to hang up. She surprised you by continuing with, "By the way, your boyfriend called and left a message." And you felt a shock go down the back of your spine. You tongue suddenly felt heavy and numb inside your mouth, and you stopped the small amount of pacing you'd been doing. You stared out the window of the auto body shop, blinking.
"What?" You asked. You hadn't meant to be so curt, but the woman didn't seem to mind. She kept going with,
"Your boyfriend, dear. He left a message and said," You listened to her pause, almost hearing the shuffle of papers. You didn't know if the room was spinning or if that was just you as she said, "He asked if you'd got in alright, and said he'll see you soon. He was such a sweet boy too. Very polite." And you almost couldn't make your mouth move. Horror had filled your veins, nearly suffocating you and tightly squeezing around your heart. Lester and Bo had been chatting behind you, whispering for what you assumed was the sake of your phone conversation, but they stopped when you leaned against the glass with a thud. Immediately your brain raced, trying to find any excuse to explain. It couldn't be. You'd been quick, sneaky. You'd even traveled separately from your friends, left at different times. You tried to force your mouth to work, but no sound came out. She continued with, "Oh, this part was a little strange. He said something about a bat? You left it at your sister's house and-" She hadn't stopped talking, but you'd stopped listening. In that moment, any stream of doubt left your head. You couldn't believe it, but, now, you had to. It was him. He had found you. He knew where you were going, and he would be there soon. He even knew what apartment complex you'd be in, and you didn't doubt the desk lady would tell him whatever he asked. He was always charming like that, able to talk into getting whatever he wanted. You'd seen him do it a thousand times, and you knew it wouldn't be any use to tell her anything. To tell your friends anything. It was too late. When you finally managed to force out a noise, your voice was thick and wet, like the tears you were trying to suppress.
"Thank you, ma'am. Have a nice day." And you clicked the end call button before the phone slipped out of your hand. You realized you weren't breathing, but it was like your lungs were frozen. You couldn't bring yourself to take in a breath. The night, that horrible night, was too busy replaying in your head. You heard the phantom crash of a window breaking, felt your heartbeat in your ears as you hid, saw the image of a crumpled body at the bottom of the stairs. You could practically feel his grip on your arms. Your knees had been just as weak then as they were right now, except there was no one to hold you up. No one to say those horrible words in your face, the ones that had given you nightmares ever since it'd happened. You think you can leave me? You think what she got was bad? When I'm done with you, you'll wish it was you at the bottom of the stairs. Those last five words replayed over and over in your head like a mantra. The bottom of the stairs, the bottom of the stairs, the bottom of the stairs. Your mind said. You couldn't hear Bo's question. Him asking if you were alright. Instead, your mind was asking you it's very own question. Who's the girl at the bottom of the stairs?
You fell to the ground, just like the phone besides you, and the world went black.
"What the hell." Bo said, standing over your body with hands on his hips. He picked up the phone, checking it for any damage before he looked to Lester. "What did you do? You give her something?" He asked, and Lester was quick to say,
"Me? No!" He'd placed his hands on his chest, as if he'd been offended. As far as Lester was concerned, Bo and Vincent were the weird ones of the family. He didn't judge, but he definitely didn't partake. Sure, he pointed people in the right, technically wrong, direction and dumped any bodies that Vincent didn't use, but anyone that wandered in with him was usually let go. As long as they didn't poke their noses where they shouldn't or see anything they shouldn't. "I was just tellin' you that I thought we should keep her! Y'know, so she can teach Vincent. I wouldn't give her nothing. She just," He paused, giving your foot a light nudge with his boot. "Fell." You stirred, but you didn't wake, and Bo was quick to push at his chest.
"Don't do that." He snapped, before he was fixing his hat with a sigh. At least they knew you hadn't just randomly kicked it. But, they couldn't just leave you in the shop and go tell Vincent about their plan. "Shit." He said, before he pushed the phone into Lesters hands. He leaned down. He picked you up, gathering you up and throwing you over his shoulder. "Let's get her back to the house." He said with a grunt, and Lester pushed open the door so he could walk through.
When you woke up, you blinked to try to clear your vision. You didn't know where you were, and you nearly launched yourself up before a hand caught your shoulder. It pushed you back down almost a little too easily, and you looked up to see Bo taking a seat on the corner of what you realized was a couch. You looked up at him, and then at the source of a low whistle.
"You took quite a tumble there, miss." The man said, and it took a moment for you to connect that it was Lester. You looked around, quickly taking in the sights of what looked like a living room. You guessed it must've been one of theirs, and you were leaning towards Bo at the sight of a pool-table. He seemed the type , you thought. You reached up to touch your head, which swam when you tried to lift it again. Finally, you fell back against the armrest in a defeated heap.
"Where- Where am I?" You asked, and Bo chuckled before he said,
"My house. You fainted back at the shop." He explained, and you tried to think back. Before your thoughts could head anywhere, you asked,
"What happened?" And Bo chuckled. You looked up, watching as he leaned forward and said,
"Well, we were hoping you could explain that one, darlin'." He said, his voice smooth and sweet like honey. You were too dazed to really notice how he was laying the charm on extra thick, and the moment you did think about it everything came rushing back. The fear, the horror, the confusion. You must've made a face because Lester added,
"And don't say heatstroke. I've seen heatstroke, and I ain't never seen someone look like how you did." And you bit your lip. You thought for a moment, wondering if you should lie. If you could lie. You weren't sure you wanted to get into it, but how else else could you explain your fainting spell? More importantly, how would you explain the worst night of your life? A night that only happened only a few short weeks before? Especially to two strangers. You looked between their imploring eyes, and let out a long sigh.
"Can I have a glass of water first, please?"
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d-targaryenshoe · 4 years
By Chance • Jackson Avery
Requested?: @lorenakaspersen ❤️
Summary: Y/N and Jackson have a kid together but when heartache gets too hard, then worse things happen
Warnings: surgery
Word Count: 1538
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Letting go of someone you love with all your hear is hard sometimes, very hard. Knowing that you will no longer be the person they wake up next to. Or who they laugh with at the dumbest things.
The fact having a son together doesn't make it any easier. Not easier because you can't ask anything without being akward. Or thinking about the moments you have been through together.
Your son was the most important thing in your life. He was the reason you kept going and kept smiling.
But right now, you were walking in the rain. Hoping everything would turn back to normal, and the biggest impossibilities would turn possible. Just for this once.
Standing on the sidewalk, you were looking at a couple across the street, sitting next to each other, hands intertwined and live dripping of the both of them.
A sad smile was formed on your lips before a couple of tears decided to make their way up into your eyes, telling you that breaking wasn't a bad thing. It meant healing.
Watching down the street, car lights and shop lights where filling your sight, knowing that beautiful things still existed. You just had to find them and sometimes it just happened.
Throwing your handbag on the ground, you released a scream, being frustrated how your life had turned out. A single mother who was still in love with the father of your son.
"Ma'am, are you okay?" Turning around a male around his 30's frowned at your face as he noticed the tears. "Can i help you?"
You released a sarcastic laugh, clapping your hands. "I'm a single mother who has a son and left his father because she knew he didn't want a kid, now he has a new girlfriend, a badass firefighter, no I'm not okay."
The man opened up his mouth to say something but instead he closed it, trying to process your rambling. "I should go."
"Yeah, you should!" Now you saw a couple people staring at you from a distance, which made you slightly walk backwards.
"Ma'am watch where you're going!" Before you could listen to the person yelling, you turned and saw two white headlights blinding your sight before you felt a hard blow on yourself.
As a person called an ambulance within a few minutes a siren was heard and people started to make a small crowd, curious to see what had happened.
The back double doors opened as the small black female walked out, known as Miranda Bailey followed by Meredith Grey.
"What happened?" Miranda demanded as she slightly glared at the people who were just staring at the scene. "Anyone gonna tell me?"
"Bailey, look at this!" Meredith motioned for the female to walk over, wanting to show her colleague something important.
Taking a hold of your hand, the blonde woman showed your ring finger, a silver ring placed on it. More to say, a ring that meant more to you than anyone could know.
"Are you freaking kidding me? Grey, look for any open wounds, she'll need surgery, Avery can't know." The woman was close to losing her cool as you were one of the persons she was the most protective of.
"The side of her stomach is swelled, probably a bleeding spleen, we need to transfer her." Meredith spoke up, pulling your shirt back down, looking at you with pursed lips.
"Gurney!" Taking a hold of the gurney Bailey and Meredith placed you down, rolling you into the ambulance, closing both of the doors.
"How am I suppose to not say anything to Jackson, he deserves to know, you know he does?" The blonde female stated, watching Bailey shake her head in denial.
"He's screwing a hot firefighter over Y/N damn Y/L/N, he doesn't, Grey." Miranda snapped when crossing her arms in anger. "He really doesn't."
Meredith frowned in deep thoughts, knowing somewhere she was right. But yet she felt bad, knowing she had to keep this to herself.
He cared somewhere although Vic wasn't what you were. She was pushy, you did everything on a low tempo. She was work addicted, you made time.
"Get up, we're here." Miranda spoke softly, taking a hold of the gurney at the end of the gurney, rolling you slowly out.
"Let's get you into surgery." Meredith mumbled, trying to give herself some courage, to not say anything and to save you.
"You got her?" The dark woman questioned, placing a hand on Meredith's shoulder, wanting to be sure the blonde could handle it. "I can scrub in too?"
"NO, I mean no, I want to do this alone." She replied, staring down at you as she started rolling you down the O.R.
Vic wasn't you. Not a little bit. Sure he felt okay with her but not like with you. Something about it was different.
"So, school went nice, huh?" Victoria smiled, squatting down to your son's fight, ruffling his curls as he smiled as well.
"Yes! Why are you always around my daddy?" Your son had this personality of always asking what his mind was saying, sometimes it satisfied you.
"Oh Well, uhm-" Vic had a small problem with answering these questions that came out of nowhere, maybe because she knew she wasn't you.
Taking in the sight in front of her, she noticed Jackson walking up to her with a confused expression. "Miles? Weren't you staying with your mom, today?"
"No! Vic surprised me at school and she picked me up!" The boy explained with a toothy smile at his dad, while Vic just pursed her lips.
"Y/N was supposed to pick him up, why did you do that?" Jackson asked, getting to start frustrated at her. "She's his mom."
"Why are mad? I wanted you to have some more time with him?" The curly haired woman argued, pointing at the small boy that was holding his dad's hand.
"You move in without asking, Y/N ignores me in here because of you, and now you pick up my son without asking me? I don't want a relationship like that, Vic." The blue eyed man rambled, shoving past the woman, holding his son's hand before a beeping sound went off.
"What's that, daddy?" Your son's voice sounded a little bit confused, staring up at Jackson.
"Aunt Mer is calling me, come on." Jackson bend down, picking up your son as he started walking towards the O.R.
"Aunt Mer!" As your son noticed Meredith standing out of the O.R. Her blonde locks were hidden behind the scrub cap.
"Hey buddy." Meredith smiled, wrapping her arms around the small boy, releasing him after a few second, taking a deep breath, looking at Jackson with nerves.
"What? Something wrong?" Jackson snorted, placing his hand in the pockets of his coat, staring at the blonde woman. "Mer?"
"It's Y/N. The person I just performed surgery on? It was Y/N." This was the moment Meredith Grey slightly broke down, tears flowed down on her cheeks. "She was in a car accident, I wasn't supposed to tell you."
Jackson shook his head at her, walking towards the wall and leaning his head on it. Watching his son being confused as he bent down.
"Where's mommy?" The little boy gazed up at Meredith and then back to Jackson. "Is she gonna be okay?"
"Yes! She's asleep, but I stopped the little bleeding so now she'll need to rest, but you can see her." Meredith explained, watching both of the persons in front of her, not knowing what to do herself.
"Can i stay with you here? While dad goes to see mom? I'm scared." The boy asked, wrapping his small hand around Mer's.
"Sure, I don't have surgery anytime soon, come on." Meredith softly spoke, walking towards the waiting room, placing a hand on Jackson's shoulder, giving him a nod. "Go and see her, I got him."
Giving her a nod back. The blue eyed surgeon slightly pushed the door of the room open, taking in a breath as he saw you laying.
You were looking out of the window. Doctors and patients passing. Wishing you were out there instead of in this bed.
"I heard." Jackson spoke up, closing the door, as you kept looking out of the window.
"You know, I still care about you and I shouldn't. Because you're happy and I'm good on my own." You spoke, turning your head at him, squinting your eyes.
"I'm not happy, I broke up with Vic." The sentence left his mouth and your heart stopped for a moment. "She's not you, I don't have the special moments with her like I had with you. And my mom won't shut up about you, April even hates me because I was with Vic."
"Oh." That was the word that left your mouth, fiddling with a loose thread from your blanket. "I'm sorry, I guess?"
"No I am, I'm sorry for not being there, for not fighting for what we had, for moving on so fast, for everything." Jackson said, looking you in the eyes, not knowing what else to say. "When you're healed, we can maybe go to Joe's?"
"When I'm healed." You replied, pulling up the corners of your mouth.
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Of Ice and Blood
Part 4
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Welcome back! Hope you enjoy✨
Pairing: Tai'chi Kashharzol (Orc) x Pearl Blackbell (Human OC/Reader)
Warnings: Violence, cursing, shouting, and fighting. No blood mention. Just broken bones and stuff.
2.1k+ words [originally 1.6k but I revised it and added more details!]
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5 Part 6
Sensing another one behind me, I went low and struck his leg with mine, using his fall to punch his chin with my right fist this time, being careful to use a controlled amount of force or else the nerve I hit will result to permanent brain injury and can be fatal.
I got up, swift in my actions as I saw the guy with a raised baseball bat heading towards me from my left flank, and the other one from the right, fast.
On reflex, I leaned back, the bat that was aimed at me hitting his comrade on the shoulder instead. Guy's lucky, actually. He would have suffered internal bleeding if it bashed the side of his skull.
Four down, two to go.
I took my stance once again to ready myself. This dude was a foot taller than me, with muscles packed with raw strength, but even so, pale in comparison to Tai'chi's p—
Stop thinking that! Focus!
"Smash her head Dan!" The man behind him yelled.
This 'Dan' went straight to me with his bat raised with intent once more.
Breathe in.
Everything slowed down. I let my heart rate decelerate, my hearing sharpened, my sense of smell heightening even further.
I closed my eyes, letting the rest of my senses take over. Years of practice, days of pain from training, each motion engraved to my entire body with purpose. To defend not only myself, but also those who are looked down upon, discriminated and stepped on like dirt. My parents had always taught me to defend myself. Me. Don't get me wrong, my parents are good people, albeit wary of the other races in our community. But the moment I left the roof of my home, I knew it was time for me to defend someone other than myself. I don't give a damn about where we come from or what kind of blood flows within our veins. I will protect those who need protecting, and set anyone straight and down to the ground when they deserve it.
Breathe out.
At the last few moments, with my eyes still shut, I changed my form. I followed his aura and pictured out the shape that was drawing up to land a serious blow to my head. Dan is solid and heavy, but everyone has at least one weakness. And this guy is not spared from that.
The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
I opened my right fist, right foot forward and relaxed my arms, my legs serving as a firm foundation for my upper body. With the bat inches away from me, I smoothly dodged to the side, using my palm to push away the hand holding the weapon and punched a vital pressure point right under his bicep.
I bent my legs even lower and struck the center of his ribs with my thumb, closing my hands as I jabbed his sciatic nerve on each side at the same time, both located in the middle line of the thigh between the groin and the knee. A solid blow to those nerve points will cause intense pain and shock to the person, along with a temporary immobility of the feet.
a/n: Self defense 101! Remember that dear readers♥
With the support of my left leg, I went behind the man, standing straight and proud. Calm, I opened my eyes when I heard his fall, staring right into the fearful ones of the moron that started all of this.
"Y-You- You killed them!"
Is he that dumb?
"Correction, I didn't. I knocked them unconscious is all. And the fellow that attacked me first? Well, he passed out from the pain of his now funny-looking arm." I stated flatly as I trudged to where he was standing.
"S-Stay away from me! Monster! Freak!" He stumbled, his ass on the ground and away from me until he felt a tree trunk on his back.
I scoffed and withdrew my knuckle dusters back under my baggy sleeve.
"You wanna know who the real monster is?" I stopped and held him in place with my scrutinizing gaze. He was trembling like a wimp at this point.
"It's you.
"You and your disgusting racist friends.
"You, along with all the people who view and treats anyone other than humankind as lowlifes and pests that are meant to be squished and eradicated from the society.
"No, it's you, and the ones who have the same mentality as you, who are monsters under the guise of a human."
I paused, not even blinking as I bore holes into his skull.
"I am human, down to every inch of my being. But unlike you, I respect and treat everyone, regardless of kind or gender, and to those who deserve it, fair and right."
Before I could continue, I scented new people coming into the scene. It was the teaching staff, along with the uni's guard.
Shocked of what they have seen, they turned towards me, angry, surprised, confused expressions on different faces.
"What have you done?!" A female, human instructor, looking to be around her late 20s shouted.
"Ma'am, if you would just let me explain—"
"You are hereby expelled from this institution, young lady!"
All the color of my skin left me as I heard the words I have dreaded even before I set foot in the campus grounds.
"Now let's not go straight to conclusions. We need to deal with this professionally AND properly Miss Holson. You are also not in authority to suspend this student." A heavily bearded dwarven professor, clad in a brown suit and Oxfords, told her off firmly.
"What are you saying Mr. Dulrik? Look at her! Look at this! She murdered students and oh my God, is that the dean's son?!"
For the love of— she blind? Why does everybody think I killed someone???
"Ma'am they are—" I was about to tell her but got cut off, again!
"Helpmehelpmehelpme!" He scrambled away from me and ran to the group of teachers and hugged the young instructor. "I don't know what came over her! She just attacked us out of nowhere!"
The audacity of this fucking bitch!
"Pardon me? Attacked you? YOU were the one who followed me out here! You and your" —I gestured to the bodies laying flat on the ground— " buddies over there!"
"She is lying! The orc was with her and and and—"
It dawned on me that I almost forgot about Tai'chi. My eyes widened, and I frantically scanned the area around for him. And there he was, standing by the oak tree, right where I told him not to move.
He seemed...irritated?
Oh no. At me?
"I have not moved an inch from where I am standing ever since I planted my feet here." He said with his deep baritone voice, turning to confront the staff. "What she's speaking is the truth. They were the ones who followed her here and attacked her, first."
"And how can we be sure you are telling the truth, orc?" Miss Holson replied spitefully.
Even the teacher, huh? Her odor smells like vomit. I mean, I knew she was...foul, but I thought it was because of the situation. Guess not.
Tai'chi did not respond. Instead, he moved to look at me in the eyes. His gaze, searching, but not in an awful way. Was he asking me what I'll do?
"How about we discuss this in the office, shall we?" An elderly professor spoke. She was wearing the university's formal teaching uniform together with black, flat, closed toe sandals. "And Miss Holson, please quiet down. As Mr. Dulrik said, we should not jump into baseless conclusions."
Miss Holson fumed and shut her mouth, holding the coward in her arms.
"Now then, Miss...?"
The woman paused. I caught a smell of surprise and... astonishment?
She cleared her throat "Well, then Miss Blackbell, please follow us to the Dean's office, along with your, companion."
"Oh and Mr. Smith, kindly call for assistance and take the unconscious students to the infirmary to be treated and looked unto. Thank you." She told the guard. With that, she and the rest of the faculty started walking back.
I glanced at Tai'chi once more to find him, again, staring. I approached him warily, expecting him to be mad at me.
"Uh. Hi?"
I let out a long exhale when he replied, with a slight tug of his lips, his tusk jutting out. "Hi."
I fidgeted, trying to come up with words to explain myself.
"I uh, uhm. Are you mad?"
With his brow raised, "Why would I be?"
Yeah why would he be?
"I-I never told why I keep wearing my mask." I stuttered, "You see I—"
"You two! Start moving before I force you to." A teacher yelled at us from a distance.
"We'll talk later, Pearl. For now let's get this resolved first. I know for a fact that they won't expel you unless they ignore the ill intentions of the ones who attempted to harm you first. But better be safe than sorry, he was the dean's son afterall."
"Yeah... Thanks. We should.. go." I turned and started walking along his side.
******pov shift for a bit*******
Little did Pearl know, he was thinking about how...nice, yeah that's the word, definitely not sexy, you were when he witnessed your skills in combat. It awakened something in him that it took a lot of control not to get aroused there and then, which was the real reason why he stood there, unmoving from his place. Not once did he leave his eyes from you, almost jumping to help you when the guy with the baseball bat was closer than we would have liked. But oh no, he was not surprised, he was astonished and shookt , amazed when you pulled that last technique, sending the human plummeting to the ground almost soundlessly. And the way you stood right after, he knew he was smitten. That proud and intense aura you gave off was enough to make him bow down at your feet. He could feel it. He could smell it. That was his secret, he can scent people and catch any mood shift they make. Even though he told her that her eyes and brows gave it away, it was not entirely true as he could smell, literally, you and the changes on your scent.
Oh but little did he know you could to. Just not as observant as he is.
Wow— when I copy pasted the original thing from my notes to my drafts in Tumblr I was like "okay, so. I should read it AGAIN before I post it if I wanna avoid more unnoticed mistakes and keep editing it again and again even though I posted it already! " And I never though it would lead me to adding almost a half thousand words and a pov shift— which i found interesting and really nice! Should I do it more often? Like little inserts of what Tai'chi or another characters thoughts in second pov in between fics if necessary? It's just, nice, to put them in and write all out about what they were thinking outside of Pearl's pov! Let me know what you think and I hope you enjoyed reading❤
Tags: @kokokatsworld @crackinanutshell
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redmaneroster · 4 years
Our Home Away From Home, Away From Home
[1] [2] [3] [4-5] [6] [7] [x-x] [10]
PART 8 – Permutation
Its almost strange to call it home, Yang thinks, staring up at the house she grew up in. She'd spent so much time in a cozy little dorm and a browning two-bedroom apartment that a house in the woods almost seems like a distant memory. (She hadn't spent Summer here either. She was in Menagerie with Blake then Mistral with her dad for a getaway, and the rest she spent kicking back with Jaune).
"A lot happened this year," she says.
Jaune's eying the woods around them, trying to see a break in the pattern outside of a few distant houses lost between the bark and autumn leaves. He swallows cause he knows that, if it weren't for Yang, he'd have been terribly lost. "Hm? Uh… huh?" he garbles, unable to hide the tinge of panic.
"A lot happened this year," she repeats. "What's up with you?"
"The woods are thick is all. How you only got lost in it once is beyond me… So, what's with the nostalgia? Old house got you thinking?"
"Something like that. Mostly, I didn't think I'd end up here, getting ready to reacquaint with Raven, and getting you of all people to meet my parents."
"Yeah, didn't think I'd end up introducing another blonde to my sisters either. Future seemed full of redheads and I stuck with it like an act of defiance."
"Defiance? Why's that?"
"If you haven't noticed, we're all terribly blonde. Even Adrian's hair is a dirty gold and we thought for sure he'd be a brunette. It's either a curse, or fate is terrible at jokes and uncomfortable at parties."
She chuckles. "Calling fate out like a loser isn't going to win you any favors. Besides, can't help it when both your folks are blondes."
"One of my sisters is adopted. A blind adoption, mind you. From Vacuo. You know what we got? Chocolate brown skin and dusty blonde hair. Boom. Curse."
There's the sound of fluttering feathers behind them. Qrow straightens his back with a snap as he shapeshifts. "Ngh, agh! Ha… What are two doing just standing outside? Expecting another invitation?"
Jaune and Yang exchange a look. "Stalling," they say in unison.
"W-what? How did you two…? Nevermind." He pinches his forehead cause the moment is too familiar and he feels an irrational envy creep up his cheeks. "You two coming in or not?"
"Why so impatient all of a sudden?" Jaune asks.
"I don't take enjoyment out of watching a train wreck but if I can't stop it, I'll at least hope it's over quickly."
Yang puts a hand on her hip. "Not very optimistic, are you?"
"I prefer cautious," he says as he waves a dismissive hand and stalks ahead of them. "Besides, I don't want you two walking in there expecting things to go off without a hitch." He glances back to see them roll their eyes at the same time and that uncomfortable shiver is back.
"Now that you're here, a disaster's all but guaranteed," Jaune quips.
Qrow glares but neither of them lose their cheek. He rolls his eyes too, but doesn't show them his smile when he's got his back turned. He isn't too sensitive about his semblance – if anything, he's glad Jaune can treat him like he isn't a wounded animal – but he notices the twitch in Jaune's eye. It's there cause he's too soft a soul to have all the bite that quips demand. He almost wants to say sorry for it. "He's a good kid,"
Qrow thinks.
With a twist of the knob, he opens the door and then kicks up his heel to slam it open the rest of the way. He wanders in with a swagger and a mischievous grin. Both fit him naturally.
"Rae!" he shouts. "Your brat and her boyfriend are at the door!"
Jaune balks and shoots Yang a look. She gives him a quick, "He's just like that when he talks to her," and ushers him in.
"And you didn't let them in like a normal fucking person!?" Raven shouts back and it's like a nostalgic gust has poured over Yang. Raven's every inflection is recognizable, echoing deeply from buried memories. They argued like this often when she was small.
"They can walk through a door just fine," Qrow says, swinging into the archway that leads into a tall kitchen. "And lest you forget, I'm a guest here, too. Not your chaperone."
Jaune lets Yang wander ahead, eying her backside as she inches a trail behind Qrow.
Yang peeks in to see her mother chopping something on the kitchen table by the sink. Bravado has taken a backseat and the very reality of the situation has settled in like a bat to Yang's blindside.
"Do you really have to be difficult with me right now?" Raven says with a huff but there's no bite to it, just lazy exasperation.
"Yeah, I do…" Qrow replies. "This is our normal. The minute I go easy on you, assume I'm dead and you've encountered a terribly tolerable doppelganger."
Raven's cheek quirks and it triggers in Yang things she half remembers, and half convinces herself she'd seen in a dream.
"Hmph. Bold of you to assume I won't just take the trade as an act of divine mercy. Maybe this doppelganger can cook for the house every once in a while instead of free loading off my dinner."
"If you wanted me to cook venison, you could have asked."
"Not the deer again… Tai hates it when you bring the kill into the kitchen. I personally don't care that you track blood on the carpet, but he refuses to agree with my sentiments about a house that's lived in and not one you find sterilized in catalogs. Ugh, I'm getting tired just thinking of that argument."
"I know," Qrow agrees, leaning on the counter. "That's why I do it on purpose."
Raven tilts her head back to give her brother a smirk. "You're a scoundrel, Qrow," she says just before her eyes catch Yang's.
"Hey, Mom," Yang says out of instinct. It's too late to take it back.
"Yang, you–" she crosses her arms, "–who is this?"
Jaune's heat presses against her arm like the partner he is. Not in front like her protector, but beside her like her equal. She can feel the way he's hiding his nerves with the shudder in his arm. "Dad didn't tell you?" she says. "This is Jaune. My boyfriend."
Jaune, borrowing confidence he's learned from her, doesn't back down. "Good afternoon, ma'am," he greets, standing proudly. His fingers twitch against Yang's arm.
"Oh, he told me about him alright. I just wasn't expecting a familiar face." Her eyes lock onto him. She smirks when she sees he doesn't flinch. "You're an Arc, I take it? I recognize that face. Your father was in the news once or twice."
"Oh, you heard about the manticore horde? Or was it the behemoth at Glenn?"
"Neither. He blew up a dust shop."
Oddly enough, Yang feels him relax.
"Yeah," he says, scratching his head, "Arcs really shouldn't have guns."
Raven nods. There's no tension here, and Yang feels it's gone all too smoothly.
"Perhaps you can tell me the story," Raven offers as she turns back to chopping. "I have an old bet with Qrow I'd like to settle."
"What did you bet on?" Jaune asks.
Raven snorts. "And let you lie to give my brother the win? Please. I know you two are friendly." She glances back. It's the only other time through this whole conversation that she's looked Yang in the eye and it's still only for a second. She goes back to chopping. "Why don't you two go into the living room and wait for Tai while my silent shadow of a brother here helps me sort out this recipe."
Qrow shrugs and continues to say nothing other than whisper something to Raven that makes her blush angrily.
Yang peels off of Jaune and her insides broil unsteadily.
"Sounds like she's changed," Jaune says when he's in the living room alone with her on a wide U-shaped sofa.
She shakes her head. "She hasn't though."
"What? But the way you described her before–"
"–is all hearsay. I had a mom who left out of the blue. Before that she was jabbing back and forth with Qrow, needing help in the kitchen, and trying her best to be on top of things. Everything I said about her between that time was just me making assumptions about a woman who wasn't around for me to judge in person. I never actually knew if she changed any since leaving."
"So this is Raven Branwen: Unfiltered? If this is what she was like before, then maybe she's just trying to fit back into place the only way she knows how."'
She raises her knees to curl up but she forces them back down. She doesn't want to appear too obviously vulnerable. Not when her mother is still in the house. She tosses Jaune a meaningful glance. "Is it wrong for me to hate that?"
"Some people might say it is, but I think it's too much to ask someone who has had to raise her little sister all on her own to let her absentee mother just waltz back into her life like nothing's changed."
"I still don't know if you're agreeing with me or not."
"Cause I don't know either. Give me a minute to think on it and I'll probably pick a side but I'd much rather stay right where I am. On neutral ground." He squeezes her hand. "I'm here to be your backup, not your coach." Because they don't solve each other's issues, not every time, but they always help each other along.
She knows this, of course. She hasn't deluded herself into thinking that they could crack every case just because love had lofty ideas about making everything right. Being in love doesn't solve everything, it just gives you a partner to solve them with.
"I think I'm suddenly very tired," she says, leaning on his arm. "Wake me in an hour when dinner's ready."
"Uh… shouldn't it be done sooner?"
"Raven used to wake up at five AM to make breakfast in time for school. She takes breaks cause she doesn't always have the patience for it. Don't expect it to go any faster with Uncle Qrow in there. He's just there to make sure she doesn't skip any steps."
"That doesn't fill my with confidence," he says but she's already snuggling into his arm with a contented sigh.
With the sound of clattered pans and restrained yelling from the kitchen, Jaune decides to shut his eyes too.
Jaune is violently awoken by someone grabbing him by the collar and shaking him awake.
"You!" says the messy tuft of blonde hair presently pressed against his face. "You're… yer…. Hic!" The scent of alcohol is palpable. The smell is dizzying.
He blinks himself awake. "Uh, you're Mr. Xiao Long, I'm guessing? I'm Jaune. Yang said she mentioned me?"
The tuft of hair pulls up revealing the chiseled scruff of a well-worn huntsman. Faded scars litter his neck and chin, but that's where all the menace in him ends. Despite his tone, Taiyang has the look of a desperate man. His eyes are wide and a solid, beautiful blue. His cheeks have a slight plump to them that make him just shy of an Adonis.
Jaune makes the executive decision not to think along that line any further. But it's clear that Yang's got stellar genes and – No! Bad Jaune! Stop it!
Tai glances at the slumbering Yang, snoring softly against Jaune's arm. "What did you do to my daughter?" he says with a drunken pout that would look more intimidating on a pug.
"Uh, nothing!" he whispers urgently. "Nothing I swear."
He squints so much that he closes his eyes and nearly passes out before he jolts himself awake. "You… You and Qrow really are friends. 'Nothing,' he says… that's just code for plowed her till sunrise."
Still in a sleepy haze, Yang pushes her father's face away until he falls back onto the coffee table behind him. "Dad… leave him alone," she groans. "He wouldn't touch me even if I tore off his clothes and –" Her eyes shoot open, fully awake and painfully aware. Her scream then is almost silent, Jaune thinks, but he's pretty certain that's cause Yang's vivid horror is blasted like shellshock when she abruptly screams louder next to his ear and scrambles over the sofa to hide behind it.
He's still shaking his head to get the ringing out.
Qrow bursts in, Raven meekly peeking behind him. "What the fuck – Oh."
Tai is sprawled over the coffee table, squinting angrily at everything.
"Bird!" Tai accuses, swinging his arm out to point at him but slamming it on the hardwood coffee table. "Ow," he mutters as his aura flares.
"Drunk," Qrow greets. He hoists the man over his shoulder. "Sorry about this, kids. I think Tai's got his nerves bundled up again. I'll get him to detox upstairs after a nap."
"Uh, it looks like he'll be out for the week," Jaune says, shaking his head still. "I doubt a nap will fix him by dinner."
"Nah. Tai can burn all the alcohol out of his system with enough motivation and calories. He'll be ready by the time Rae manages to get something on the table."
Tai wiggles like an insolent child, fists lightly beating on the man's back. "Back off, Qrow!" he slurs. "You're not taking this one – hic – too… guh…"
"That's my twin sister, you dunce."
"Really?" Tai pushes his head up, eying Raven. "Pfft! Qrow, you are not that pretty."
Once the two of them have rounded the corner into Tai's bedroom, Jaune asks the quietly smiling Raven, "This happen often?"
"Not as much as it used to," she says. "Was a time when there were two whole families in this house and it was never quiet. Two men and enough testosterone to make a third made competition between them frequent. Qrow got Tai to drink and you can see that he hasn't acclimated to it as well as my brother does."
"Do you drink?"
"I'm a Branwen," she shrugs, "our blood is two parts alcohol. Small mercy that Yang hasn't picked up our habits. Or Ruby for that matter."
Jaune raises a brow. "Ruby's a Branwen?"
Yang nearly gasps from behind the couch, hands clutching her mouth.
"No," Raven says. "Well, she should have been but Qrow basically raised her all the same. He even knit her a tiny red hood when she was barely a foot tall, and it's been her motif ever since." Raven, eying him, closes her arms a little tighter around herself. As if guarded. Uncertain. "Despite how it may appear," she says, "I am glad my daughter found you but there's something you should know moving forward…"
Jaune prepares for the inevitability of the 'boyfriend' talk. It doesn't come. Raven is beside herself, eying the floor. "No matter what happens today, I do not intend to reconcile with my daughter."
He realizes that she doesn't know that Yang is in the room, just by the sofa. His heart knots. "You don't know if she wants that yet."
She laughs. It's bitter. "It doesn't matter. What Yang wants isn't coming into the equation. She needs to distance herself from me."
"What was the point of coming here if not to bridge the gap between you two?"
Raven chews her lip, wanting nothing more than to end the conversation and walk out of the room. She doesn't. Can't. "To prove that things have changed here. That me and my brother talk, and that Tai has… met me halfway."
"So this – all of this – is for show?"
Her features darken, her face hardens. "Yes."
He pushes himself up, almost prepares to march up to her. His feet don't push him any further. His willful restraint is there but it's paper thin. "And if she wants more?" he asks, inwardly begging her to give him a reason to meet her up close.
Her eyes narrow at the floor. "All you have to do is make her an Arc and she'll live a life better than anything I can give her!" Her gaze is at him, dangerous and unafraid, but its desperate. She's asking him a favor. "Asking me to be a part of her life is like active theft. You will give her all she'll ever want, but me? I'll only ever take things away. And if you give me the chance, I'll end up taking her too. She'll leave you like I did Tai."
The silence wanes and Jaune can hear the thumping in his own chest. She's making claims for things that haven't happened yet. As if she can't promise to give as well as she takes. As if she can't meet her own daughter halfway. As if she can't compromise. His ears strain to hear anything from Yang, but she's so deftly quiet that he feels alone in the room with her mother.
Muscle fastens onto bone, curling his fist inward till digs into his palm. His aura flares. The sound of it jolts him awake. He'd been holding his breath.
Then… he plops down onto his seat. Tension in his skin unwinds. All his disbelief slips away. Any anger he feels pools into his back to weigh him against the cushions. "But why?" is all he asks, looking up at her.
Raven is so taken aback by his sudden shift that she shows the tangled fear she'd tucked away for a moment. The question is genuine and – like her many nights moonlighting bars – she is tempted to bare her soul to a stranger. "Because I'm a Branwen," she says, eyes deadened. Scowling as if the name is a profane. "And even a terrible mother wouldn't wish that name on her daughter."
When she leaves the room, Yang rises from behind the couch. She doesn't focus on anything. She looks bewildered, pained.
Qrow comes down the steps and they look at him. He looks like how she feels. "I'm sorry if this wasn't what you were expecting," he says.
Yang clutches the backrest of the sofa. "I don't know what I was expecting."
Qrow gives her a worried look. "Maybe… maybe it's better that way."
He wanders into the kitchen, leaving them alone.
Jaune doesn't hold Yang. Instead, he fishes her gauntlets from the duffel bag, takes her by the hand, and pulls her outside.
She sets fire to a dead tree. The blast of Ember Celica ripples through the woods, scatters wildlife, shakes the canopy, and rustles the owls awake. She doesn't care. The blowback from her gauntlets as it makes contact with the deadwood is cathartic. Reflective of what she's feeling inside.
But it isn't anger.
"What does she even… Ugh!" Another blast, sending out a spent shell, light casting over her cheek and hair with accompanying heat. "I don't get it!"
She breathes in and out. Blinks moisture into her eyes. She's been doing the very opposite of crying and drying the liquid in her sockets. She's starting to feel dizzy. She slumps back onto a rock Jaune is sitting on, using his shoulder as a backrest. "I'm not… mad at her. I'm confused. And I'm mad that I'm confused. Does that make sense?"
"About as much sense as she was making," he says with a sarcastic smile.
She's trying to smile back. Even a little one might do but her lips down-curl. Her frown tightens and she sighs into the open sky. "I wanted to give her a chance," she says. "Maybe see where this goes but… now that I know she won't even try? How am I supposed to process this? Do I just do what she wants and not try either?"
He plucks a twig from a dead branch, snapping its length into little pieces. "Do you even want to do that? I mean, if leaving things as they are isn't what you want, then ideally how would you like all this to end?"
She takes half of the twig – snapping it between them. She picks it apart too.
An answer doesn't come.
They gather the tiny bits of branch and bunch it into Jaune's hands. Yang pulls out a fire dust shell from her gauntlet and cracks it open over them. Red particles filter over and into the loose wood bits. He spools them into a ball and his semblance surges over his arm.
His muscles tighten when he approaches the dead tree. It's barely as tall as he is now. His arm pulls back. The chunks in his palm ignite. He throws them like a man-propelled buckshot, scattering burning holes through it.
Even charred, the thing has dangerous embers dancing off its broken pieces.
"We should put this out," she says.
"Mm!" He kicks it down, unrooting it. Then he hoists it up. "Got another good punch in ya'?"
"I've got a few, yeah, but I'll save the rest for later. I only need one for this."
He crouches low, prepping to toss. "Ready?" he asks.
"Pull!" she shouts.
He tosses it into the air, scattering the scent of ash and char, and she swings her fist into it. The sheer force of the blow consumes the flame as it rockets and splinters into a tall rock.
"Y'know what?" she says. "If it's taking me this long to even answer, maybe this isn't what I want."
"So what now, chief?"
She snorts. "Don't give me ideas. Anyway, I say we take the aggressive approach. We got them a present, I say we break it out instead of handing them the box. Invite them to try it with us."
Jaune turns to the house where they left the duffel bag. He winces. "Are you sure about this?"
"I don't see an elegant solution. And it's probably stupid, yeah, but stupid has worked for us so far."
"Really? How exactly has it worked for us so far?"
"In what universe do hickeys stop two primed teenagers from having sex?"
"Ours, apparently…"
"Gets the tension out. Would be genius if I didn't find it by accident."
"Speaking of which…"
He comes up behind her and pushes her hair off her shoulder, exposing her neck.
"What are you – Ah!" she gasps when he bites her neck. Her aura lowers on instinct, letting him mark her.
He pulls away and wipes her dry with a handkerchief. "You taste like saltwater and ash."
She rubs her neck as the pain subsides rapidly. "We should bathe when we get back. What was that for anyway?"
"Revenge, mostly. Feeling petty."
"On me?"
"Your mom."
"Heh, yeah, she's gonna ask questions or implode trying not to. Actually, since we're getting shiners, we should get ones to match."
He doesn't protest but he's not happy about it. With a sigh he leans down but she's already jumped up to latch onto him.
She bites down so hard that he swears that she was actually trying to eat him. He'd be more okay with it if she didn't keep trying to one-up herself.
Dinner, somehow, is always pleasant. True to Qrow's word, Tai comes in completely sober. Jaune chalks it up to having a very useful semblance.
Tai is a chill dad. He nudges Yang when he sees the hickey, even when Qrow refuses to make eye contact with Jaune and Raven squints while warring with herself to say something but won't. Tai reintroduces himself and sits next to Jaune to strike up a conversation with him.
It takes minutes for Tai to fish out that Jaune has seven sisters, that he met Yang by throwing up on her boots, and that he used to have a crush on Ruby. The last bit comes as a surprise to everyone but Tai who pats himself on the back for having incredible girls in the family.
Jaune finds out that Tai is very much like Yang. Despite closing himself off for a good chunk of her childhood, he's clearly had a great influence on her disposition. Father and daughter joke and jab at each other, laugh just as loudly, crack the same kind of jokes (he tries not to think of them as mom jokes when he looks at his girilfriend).
Jaune eventually gets to tell the story of how his dad blew up a dust shop during his third year in Beacon. Just a mishap with a loose dust feeder, a weapon he didn't know how to use, and a particularly handsy bully. By the end, Raven cheers when she wins the bet. Apolian Arc punched a cop. Qrow bet that he punched a civilian.
They're unwinding in the living room when Jaune's eying the wall of photos. Summer's only in a handful of the group shots. Qrow explains that she insisted on being the photographer and didn't like being in photos herself. It's why she has the hood. It's comforting when she can pretend to be hiding.
She sounds like Ruby.
"I just noticed," Jaune says to Yang, "your mom's smiling in every photo. Qrow's the only one who occasionally doesn't."
"It was a different time," she says. "Qrow told me that she was cheery and crass. Would even crack a joke or two whenever she found the time to stop training and be a teenager."
"I'll be honest, it's still weird seeing her smile so much. I came in here expecting a variation of Glynda Goodwitch, not Qrow Branwen. Speaking of which," he glances back at the adults huddled laughing by the sofa, "we should probably break out the gift."
"Speaking of speaking of things," she rubs the hickey on her neck, "it still stings."
"Oh, sorry. Let me heal it."
She pushes his hands away. "No, I –" Her eyes widen. Pressing two digits into the bruised flesh, she feels the ache but doesn't hate it. "Okay, heal me quick before this turns into a fetish!"
Warmth pools out of his palms.
"Could you not make out in full view of her family?" Qrow calls from across the room, and they realize they're leaned a little too close.
"We weren't gonna!" Jaune calls out.
Yang rolls her eyes cause she's comfortable with them coming to their own conclusions about her relationship but Jaune's stint with Tai made him want to make a good impression. It was already easy enough what with Tai admitting that as long as Yang chose and continues to choose him, then he'll rest easy knowing she's in good hands, but Jaune wants to pile on the goodwill.
Those thoughts take a backseat when Yang reaches for the duffel bag by the coffee table. Goodwill be damned.
It's time.
Yang parts a few clothes and a hollowed-out cushion for their scrolls to fish out a crystalline bottle. "We wanted to hand this off in the box but we figured we might as well crack it open tonight."
With the way they're all staring at the bottle, it's clear they recognize it.
Qrow roars with laughter. "Ha! Diadem, the dirtiest fucking drink on the planet!" He comes up to it and holds the bottle aloft, fingers running over the bumpy, crystalline surface. "Ah, look at it. All prettied up for the upper class. Diadem used to be homemade and brewed in a shack. Used to be so strong that you could feel nothing for hours."
"'Course, the stuff's a little better refined nowadays. You used to taste fire dust in it too cause their shoddy furnaces were held together by spit and prayers. But look at it! Pricks like Jacques fucking Schnee or that Lucius ass-end-of-an-ass Merrigold would down this like it's water, having no idea that they're chugging the equivalent of desert moonshine."
Tai licks his lips and it almost feels like a bad idea before he shoots up from his seat. "I'll get the shot glasses!" he announces.
Raven is the only one not smiling. She's suspicious, but the minute the drink touches her lips and she's made wide awake, she melts into the same stupor as everyone else.
Yang barely registers what their plan was supposed to be. Loosening Raven's lips with the stiffest drink since frozen stalactites seemed a half-baked plan at best, but they didn't plan passed that. They might have been able to salvage it if they didn't take many drinks themselves.
Jaune took exactly one and he's already left her alone to start an intimate relationship with the toilet.
He did, however, get the ball rolling about last names for some reason. He might have explained why to her but she can't remember.
"They'll lose sleep over a friend who's had a bad day," Raven says with a snarl that isn't sincere so much as it appears to be her permanent tipsy-face. "Worrying up and down but will leave you alone after a smile cause that's all they need to calm their nerves. Their hearts are too kind…"
"Who…?" Yang slurs, struggles to think of the rest of the sentence, then starts over. "Who… who are you talking about?"
Raven scrunches her nose. "The Roses," she answers.
Yang buries her head in her hands and curls into her seat. "No… I don't wanna hear about Uncle Qrow's god-damn garden again…"
Qrow, sporting alcohol like one does water, kicks back beside her. There's something in his eye though. The alcohol is getting to him. "We're talking about the Rose half of the family. Y'know, Summer and Ruby?"
"Hm?" She squints. "Oh yeah… Ruby's a worrywart."
"Qrow!" Tai calls from beside Raven, looping an arm around her. "What's a Xiao Long like then?"
"They're all fucking crazy," he jabs. Yang and Tai simultaneously pretend to be hurt. "But! I've found that the more obnoxious they seem on the outside, the more worth you'll find underneath."
Raven leans into Tai and stares at Yang's feet curled up on the cushion. It's the closest she'll get to meeting her eyes. "They can be in your face," Raven says, "deftly abrasive, louder than foghorns, and wilder than ursa! But they're steadfast partners…" She looks up at Tai who has a half-lidded gawk to him that's like he's falling in love with her again. "Painfully loyal… and… dangerously persistent."
Yang feels a heat roll over her side. She leans into it until she realizes that Jaune's slid beside her and pulling her in by the waist. "She's right, y'know?" Jaune tells her quietly. "You never did listen when I asked you not to pursue me and, yet, here we are. You never did know when to quit but I'm glad you never quit on me."
She wants to return the sentiment somehow but words don't form and she's making faces that she worries he'll misunderstand. She's just mad at herself for not finding words. "F-fuck… That was a human sentence you just made. Why aren't you drinking?" she says instead, pushing an empty shot glass to his lips.
"No thanks. Diadem will literally kill me. I felt like I was throwing up my own organs. I swear I felt my lungs pull up into my throat. I am not touching that decanter ever again." He turns to Qrow who is squinting at them as if they're all out of focus. "Oh, shit, sorry, Qrow," Jaune says. Cause the man is sat alone in front of two couples.
Jaune tries not to wince when Qrow downs a shot and his eyes go glassy.
He is sat slumped at the last corner of the large U-shaped sofa. His scroll, set neatly below him on the coffee table, flashes over his gawk face as he leans into it. His hands are beside him, palms pointing upwards while his fingers twitch like roots animating in intervals. His slack jaw regards them with his deep gaunt, eyes meeting every face before he points his head to the ceiling as he falls back into the seat. Seems he's not quite as adept with so many drinks in him. Or maybe Diadem is a weakness.
He lets each eye blink individually before he announces, "I'm dating again!"
Everyone sits up. Okay, only kind of. They lean out but can't peel off the sofa. Except for Jaune who is sober. "Since when do you have time to date?" he asks.
"I don't," he chuckles, shaking his head as he comes back to his senses. "I flirt while on the job. Closest thing either of us will get to a date at this point."
Yang mumbles something.
Jaune strains his ears to hear her. Maybe the ringing from earlier hasn't stopped. "What was that? I'm sitting right next to you and even I couldn't hear you."
She pulls up before falling sideways onto Jaune's shoulder. "Who!?" she calls out to the room cause she doesn't know where Qrow is. Her eyes are still closed.
Qrow grins. "Winter… Schnee."
At first, when he starts talking about a mission they had together in Mistral, they think he's going to segway into a conquest. But he doesn't. He starts talking about how he and Winter shared in the fact that they both had a responsibility they shirked for duty. To protect the world their loved ones live in, they've chosen to abandon having lives of their own.
No one calls him out for clearly being drunk out of his mind nor for opening up.
He's got an anthology of moments with Winter. And each time he finishes a story, they're surprised whenever it doesn't end in heat. One time they do end it in a kiss, but it was on the cheek. She'd done it comfort him but they both knew it was hollow. It was an appreciated gesture, but it wasn't something that could help. They aren't wired to let something like that heal any kind of wound.
Winter doesn't know what it's like to have a delicate heart anymore and the idea of quiet comforts like a hug or a kiss feels so… unsubstantial to them both. They either needed more or that wasn't the kind of comfort they needed. Realizing this is why they started dating.
The stories are nicer then. They leave a movie theater ten minutes in when they realize that sitting around to watch actors pretend to be heroes isn't for them. They instead find a quiet corner in a bar but they don't drink. They talk and he jokes and she's smiling and they kiss and…
Raven is curled up into Tai now, staring at her brother with a look that can only be pride.
Jaune is smiling sleepily at him. Yang nestles into his chest as they scoop together on the sofa's corner.
Qrow gets up, scroll in hand, and leaves the room to call Winter.
Tai and Jaune fall asleep.
Yang catches Raven staring but is so out of it that she isn't sure if Raven caught her staring instead. The quiet makes the crickets fill the spaces beside something crackling outside.
"What are Branwens like?" Yang asks.
Raven squints, pulling herself out of her dreariness. "…What?"
"If a Rose cares too much but loves unconditionally, and a Xiao Long is a dependable but gets in your face, then what is a Branwen?"
She huddles into Tai, looking vulnerable. "We…" Her eyes narrow at the floor and she hisses quietly to herself. "I…"
A pang of empathy makes her sit up. "Mom…" she says consciously.
Raven stares at her. Yang can't tell if she's touched or just shocked, but when her eyes draw away and she clutches at Tai's shirt, words pour shaking out of her lips. "Branwens… are a curse." Something awful crawls into her cheeks, her features squeezing together so her few wrinkles cast shadows. There's a pain there that almost looks familiar, as if she'd had this look about her forever but only now is Yang seeing it for what it is. And whatever that pain is, it's old. Maybe even older than she is.
Raven whispers something to Tai before getting up. Halfway up the steps, she looks at Yang and Jaune before saying, "You should take him to bed. I don't care what you do with him but I'm sure he'll appreciate a warm mattress over a sofa."
"That's very considerate of you," Yang says as she eases Jaune's arm over her shoulder. "Thanks."
Raven blushes, deeper than the alcohol might, as she marches back up the steps. "Don't get used to it," she says, not meaning it.
Jaune sleepily wakes up with a good shake. "Ugh, babe, could ya' not?"
"Pfft! Since when do you call me babe?"
"In my head, mostly. Giving you a pet name will actively worsen my experience. You've got enough ammunition to tease me with."
"I'll fish them out of you yet. Pick up your feet a little. I'm taking you to bed."
"Please, no," he says, pretending to resist. "I'm still tender…"
She rolls her eyes. Even in a drowsy state, he still finds time mess around. "Don't cooperate and I'll sling you over my shoulder."
He scoffs playfully. "As if a free ride is gonna stop me."
Her eyes narrow. "I'm really going to do it."
"Whoa, whoa! Hey, I'll do it…" He yawns. "See?" His shin hits the coffee table and he stumbles.
Yang grabs him and leads him by the arm.
Tai stirs when they pass him by. "Honey?"
"Go to bed, Dad."
"Good night, Mr. Xiao Long."
"Please," Tai grins, "call me Tai."
Jaune squints. "Yeah, I'm not doing that."
"You're not –" Yang starts. "Oh, hey, look at us. Still in sync!"
"I think there just isn't a universe where I call your dad Tai." His nose scrunches up. "Yup, even sounds weird saying it out loud."
Yang's room is as she remembers it. Only, for once, it's completely tidy. She always had a habit of leaving a little mess somewhere. Sometimes it was hidden, like in a drawer or a corner under her desk, but not this time. Her dad (or maybe Qrow) keeps it cleaner than she ever would have.
Even her strung-up photos along the ceiling are still there. Dates and names and faces she thought would be her whole world. Only now she has a new circle of friends.
"This feels like a room for a different person," she says to Jaune after she's laid him in her bed. Her comforter is freshly pressed and still warm. "Like I'm looking at old me through a lens."
Jaune's eyes are still closed but he reaches for her hand over the sheets and says, "Or maybe this is the version of you your dad remembers. How different are you now from back then?"
"Not a lot, I think. I mean, we're only over a year apart," she spies a photo of her and Ruby glistening in the moonlight. It's of her last day in Signal. It was Ruby's last day too, apparently. "Or maybe I just haven't noticed." She shoots him a look and he can feel her stare enough to crack an eye open. "Comparing me now to when we met. Was I different?"
He shuts his eyes again, but he finds her hand and tugs once. Yang willfully falls onto the mattress next to him. "Hm… well you used to have anger issues in the ring. Even Ms. Goodwitch is starting to notice how you've mellowed out."
"Heh, I guess I have you to thank for that."
He places a hand over her face. He's still not opening his eyes but his nose scrunches up again. "No you don't."
She moves his hand off her face. "Eh?"
"That's all you, Yang. You made that change. If I helped at all, our friends did just as much."
Her lip tilts. "I was trying to flirt."
"I know but… we can't about this. Part of me still worries we'll do that stupid couple thing and forget we have friends."
"Hey, we've been good so far, I think… Look, we can talk to them and figure things out."
"Yeah, compromises."
"Yeah!" She curls into his arm. "But not tonight, please… I've enough things to worry about right here."
"Right… Okay, big picture later." He kisses her forehead. "Now sleep. We've had a day…"
"Yeah, a day…"
She gets comfortable under the sheets and on his shoulder for exactly a minute before she remembers something. "Fuck…" she whispers as she pulls out.
"What is it?"
"Forgot the duffel. I'll go get it and be back in a minute."
"Leave it, Yang. Come back to bed."
"Not taking any chances without our scrolls. Ruby might call us." She's already at the door. "Just a minute, I swear."
She finds her dad slumped against the railing that overlooks the living room. Steam billows hazily off his skin and through his jacket, his semblance burning away the alcohol. The area smells thinly like Diadem but mostly of water vapor. Yang's nose twitches at the familiar scent.
He's blinking a lot, head shaking.
He turns in a start. Breaths pass through him in labored chunks, chest heaving. His eyes are puffy. Fingers twitch and his eyes steal glances at her as he turns away. There's a want – need – to reach out but she can tell that he doesn't think he's worthy of it.
So, she crashes into his back and hugs him.
A palm runs down his face. "I'm so… so sorry, honey," he says.
He tucks his arms into his chest so she can hold all of him. His hands clutch over her encircled wrists. "Dad… Dad it's okay. You were in a rough spot…"
"That doesn't matter… I'm still your father. You needed a parent and you ended up having to be one for Ruby. I… I hate myself everyday thinking about how you didn't have anyone… I… I should have… I'm so sorry…"
She knows telling him that he didn't do anything wrong or that he didn't have any control over himself would only be excuses upon excuses, perhaps only a handful compared to the thousands he'd piled for himself over the years. He knew he did wrong, and none of her strength coming out the other end of it is going to change that.
So, instead, she shifts to his front and pulls up his head. She wraps her arms around his neck. "I don't care about any of that anymore… I already forgive you. I did a long, long time ago."
She feels his tears running down her neck. Then she realizes that some of them are hers.
Jaune winces. He's been up for over an hour now. Yang slipped into bed with him but she'd been shaking and sniffling. He could tell that she'd been crying but the tears had dried and she'd been fighting off all that was left of whatever it was in his arms. Now she's sleeping soundly while he's been trying to piece together what happened on his own whilst constructing a speech in case it's Raven's fault.
Finally, he settles with getting up and loosening his nerves before really doing anything. Yang groans from the missing warmth as he stumbles out, scroll in hand.
"No new messages…" he mutters. "I hope you're alright, Rubes."
Pushing the door open, he notices an orange glow coming from downstairs. Over the railing, there's nothing below but darkness and moonlight through the windows. Even then, dark shadows waft passed the moon, clawing darkness across the floor.
"Strong, windy clouds tonight… It didn't look like it was gonna rain earlier."
The smell of ash filters into the air. "Ick… Wait."
He's awake now as he stumbles down the steps. The shadows in the window are moving too rapidly for any passing cloud. That's smog, and it clears passed the window for a moment long enough to show the orange glow outside.
The forest is on fire.
"Shit!" he howls as he runs back up the steps. Thinking quickly, he sets his scroll to Seven Rapids and blasts the heavy chorus riff at max. Leaving it in the hall, he can already hear everyone else waking up, groans and thuds all.
He busts through Yang's door. She's rubbing her eyes awake. "Jaune, what –"
"Forest fire," he says quickly, pulling out their weapons from the duffel bag.
She shakes awake. "What?"
Ember Celica crashes into her hands when he tosses them at her.
"The forest is on fire!" he says, not even waiting for her as he busts through the door again and leaps over the railing.
He tucks and rolls along the carpet, nearly colliding with a lamp as he slams through the front door into the suffocating smoke.
Heat rolls through the air like he's sitting in a boiling pot. Even his aura flares at the licking flames that whip in the wind, coiling off the trees like infernal tendrils.
Jaune thinks back to the embers they tried to douse. "Did we do this?" He shakes his head. The thought is useless right now.
The fire burns over a host of trees like charred pillars to the darkened sky, but they're all centered ahead. Most the forest is untouched still. They can contain it if they hurry. They can't stop the fire, but they can stop it from growing.
So he speeds towards the outer rim of the roaring flame where the trees are unburnt and pours his semblance into his arms. One enhanced swing fells a tree, then another, and another, but he knows he can't keep it up. He can't cut these down so easily once he's out of juice.
Qrow blows passed him, slicing a tree himself, clad in only his pants and the greatsword in his hands. "I'm guessing you and Yang have the same plan?"
"Cut off its fuel?"
Tai runs by them as sand pours out of his skin in layers. He's using his semblance and earth dust in his palms to cover the dried leaves on the ground. "Fell those quick!" he shouts. "We don't have much time!"
On the other end of the fire, Yang and Raven are busting a row of trees. Yang's fists tighten with every strike, but even if she can split a tree in a single blow, her aura suffers from the blowback. It isn't any better with Raven whose forearms flare with every swing against the sturdy oaks.
"This isn't working!" Raven shouts.
Tai sprints passed them with the familiar glow of Jaune's semblance running over him like a white shell. A layer of sand up to their ankles forms underneath them, burying dry leaves and loose branches. They could really use Jaune's semblance too. Their arms are aching.
"There are people in these woods," Yang says. "We can't let this get any bigger. Vale's never gonna send any help here fast enough without someone getting hurt."
The fire spits pillars of ash and smoke their way by a rogue wind. They turn to shield their eyes. Yang blinks through the haze and sees something in the distant dark of the woods behind them. Glowing red eyes bob rapidly between the trees, charging towards them.
Yang growls. "Ugh, we do not have time for this!" The cylinders in her gauntlets click together as she loads in fresh shells. "Raven, you're clearing the wood better than I can. Keep at it while I cover you."
Raven's hand fall quickly on her shoulder. "No," she says sternly, "this is all pointless. We're destroying our bodies for a cause we've not the strength for."
"I don't care!" Yang hisses. "I'm still doing this. Whether or not you're behind me helping at all won't change that." And with that, she bolts into the dark and the twisting red eyes in the woods collide with her.
Flashes of her gauntlet colliding with grimm flesh light up the yawning dark. Blackened fur rimmed with pale external bone all scorch and smolder with her every blow, a comet to meet the streaks of vicious red eyes.
Raven backs away from the sight, seeing Summer Rose instead.
Jaune comes up behind her and Raven feels a rush of power coursing through her veins. Her pain vanishes. Her strength feels like it's multiplying. Trees fall with ease then, matching rhythm with her daughter as Jaune runs to her side to fell grimm together.
Raven sees Tai in Jaune's place too.
Minutes pass as the fire is choked on all sides but one. Raven sees Qrow and Tai on the other end, making progress. They're exhausted, heaving through labored lungs, and she can feel her own trying to crawl out of her throat.
She dares to glance back at Jaune and Yang. Something looms overhead of them: a single red eye in the canopy. There's no time to parse what it is. Raven's already sprinting over to them.
She cuts a portal mid-sprint and she leaps into it. Her momentum carries through and into the air as she rockets up from the other end of the portal that manifests at Yang's side. Omen surges with dust as she empties the canister in her sheath and swings into the red eye above.
Fire dust surges in a swath against a mass of stone and charred bark. It's a geist amalgamated into solid wall of wood and stone.
Raven swings again, ice dust crashing into it and pushing it up. Again and again and again. Wind, earth, lightning, gravity. The last one splashes a purple glow over the grimm as it slowly floats, all of its form ensconced in a gravity well that tugs it into the sky.
She swings but she's out of dust… And she's falling. Her skin rustles like pinpricks as she starts to shapeshift into a bird, but she stops when Yang zooms passed her. Jaune's semblance is folded over her, making her glow like an ascending meteor as she crashes dead center into the red eye.
With a thunderous crackle, she breaks through and the night sky gleams passed her. She whoops while she's up there against the moon.
Raven falls into Jaune's arms below. His semblance is already working its way to ease the ache but she pushes off of him. "Thank you," she manages behind a heave of her chest, "ha… but the boys aren't done yet. Help them with the fire. They'll need it more."
Jaune nods without hesitating and sprints off towards the remains of the flame.
Yang falls into a controlled descent as Ember Celica slows her momentum with a few blasts. Her arms aren't blasting evenly. They probably still hurt. She lands into a stumble and lets herself fall into a sitting up position. She's breathing a lot.
Raven sits beside her. Somewhere in the distance, the boys are cheering.
"We did it," Yang says.
"You sound surprised," Raven says.
"Cause just like you, I didn't think we could do it either."
Raven lifts a brow. "So why did you keep pushing?"
"To prove to us both that we were wrong."
And Raven laughs, hardy and true till she's tearing up in one eye for a moment. "You really are Summer's daughter," she says. Her smile is infectious.
Yang hides her smile in her knees, huddling them close to her chest. "I'm yours, too."
Raven's mouth thins sadly. "But you shouldn't be."
"I don't think you have a choice."
There's a blue shimmer through the treeline now. The boys are trying to finish this quicker by using ice dust to enclose the largest parts of the fire in pillars of ice. The pale light resembles frosted glass.
"We're pragmatists," Raven says.
Raven tilts her head at her. "You asked what the Branwens are. That's it. Pragmatists." Not a curse this time. This is her honest answer.
Yang huddles closer as Raven's gaze turns faraway. She knows what's coming because Raven, in her disheveled shorts and worn shirt, her ragged hair and muddied skin, is vulnerable. Her artifice, the one of strength that championed her tribe, is gone.
"We like to pretend we have room for love," Raven continues. "That's never the case. Never true. My mother and father died at a burning beach while Qrow and I fled with the tribe. Nevermind that our eldest sister died with them, more brilliant than either of us will ever be. It didn't matter that she deserved a life brighter than either us could ever make it. A Branwen is hardwired to protect something bigger than they are. To us, that was always the tribe. The whole of it. Not its members, not its kin, nor the ones we dared to love. Just the tribe. The larger whole."
She sighs slowly, letting her breath catch in the now cold air. "Then Beacon came and Ozpin changed all that. Suddenly the tribe wasn't our greatest responsibility. Ozpin had drilled in us the want to protect the world of all things, and he gave us the means to do just that… I remember being excited to save lives. Plucking civilians from impossible odds and reveling in the praise. Summer and I even seemed like sisters for a while – we were so giddy. Like sisters…"
Yang unfurls when Raven tucks into herself. Yang's hand is warm on her shoulder. "The day Summer died was the day we realized we'd made her a Branwen. That she chose the world over us. Over her daughter." She glances at Qrow slumped against the ice wall. "Over her fiancé."
"It wasn't why I left, mind you. That was different. That was futility on my part. I couldn't save the world from something impossible, not with what Ozpin had us face. The tribe had to be my answer after that. Something I could save. Thought I'd find a little peace in scaling back. Scaling down. It felt like I was regressing but I wasn't like Summer. Didn't have the courage to face insurmountable odds like the compassionate fool she was…"
"You… don't have to do that. You don't have to call me that. I know it doesn't mean anything."
Yang chuckles. "It means whatever I want it to. And right now, it means this." She squeezes her arm again. She knows it isn't forgiveness – not quite yet – but it's a step in that direction. More than she expects. More than she deserves.
"No room for doubt," Raven says. "You're Tai's alright."
"So, I've got some Rose and Xiao Long in me," Yang says proudly. "Doesn't mean there's any shame in having a part of me still be a Branwen."
Raven's lips thin. "Yang…"
"Hush," she says quickly. "Part of me still wants to save the world but I'm also in it for the thrills. I might not end up like Summer. I might not choose to martyr myself if I know I have people waiting for me. I can be selfish too. We all are. I think… I think there's value in being a part of all three."
"Four," Raven says. "That boy you've tied yourself to. You seem content when you're with him. Comfortable even. If he's involved, you're as much an Arc as you are a Branwen…"
"God…" Yang blushes. "You make sound like I'm married to him already."
"If it comes to that, you have our blessing."
"W-what!? Mom, isn't it a little soon for that?" Yang's shock fizzles at her mother's sad smile. "…Mom?"
Raven's gaze is on the house now. She's tearing up. "It's… it's funny," she says with some difficulty. Not through sobs but grit, almost anger. "I feel like I have everything I dreamed about having. I've got family again, a daughter that might love me, a loyal husband, an honest brother. I've even got a quiet home in the middle of the woods. It already has a rose garden and a dog. All its missing is the white picket fence." Her teeth grinds. Her head shakes in disbelief. "But I have to throw it all away…"
Yang's chest squeezes. "What… what do you mean?"
Raven won't look at her. "By Summer's end, that house will be empty. And it will stay that way until you decide to enter. To come back here." Raven's hand finds Yang's. "Because we – your father, uncle, and I – will be going back to Ozpin. We'll be gone for months doing work for him. And maybe we'll see each other again, but it won't be much and never for long enough."
Yang's skin grows cold and clammy. She doesn't like what she's seeing, the sheer finality in her mother's eyes. Resigned to some inevitability. So this is what it means to be a Branwen. Somehow, she understands but she has coasted along the unknown for long enough.
"What is Ozpin doing, Mom?" She asks. "He sent out Ruby earlier this week and –"
Raven jolts into standing. "What!? He has Ruby!?" Her eyes are white with fear. She doesn't wait for Yang to answer, sprinting back in the direction of the boys. "Qrow! Ozpin has Ruby!"
Yang follows, jogging behind her.
Qrow curses. "No, no, no!" Frantically, he fumbles for his scroll. "This can't be real…" His face is going red with panic.
Tai snatches his scroll from him. "Enough! The both of you!" He breathes. "Enough… If Ruby is with him, then she did so willingly."
"But she… she…!" Qrow stammers.
His hand goes to squeeze his shoulder. "I know…"
"I can't lose another Rose to him," Raven gasps. Her sword is already out, prepared to open another portal. Tai's hand takes her by the wrist.
"And we won't," he assures. "We'll cover every gap and protect her ourselves. Maybe even see her on the field."
Jaune joins Yang's side as the other three huddle together. "What's happening?" he asks her, squeezing her hand. "They mentioned Ruby and I'm more than a little worried right now, I'll be honest."
"I don't completely know either," she says. "But it's larger than we are… Than all of us."
Raven rips open a portal before hugging Tai. She nods to Qrow, and they step into it, leaving Tai behind. With a sigh, he ambles over to Jaune and Yang.
"We should talk."
Tai explains that they all had a job from Ozpin a long time ago. That there was a serial killer and a disgraced Atlesian scientist, and that those two unsavory sorts were only scratching the surface. It was saving-the-world type stuff, and along the way they lost Summer because of it.
It still isn't done. Those two are still at large and there's word of there being more in league with them. That's all he's allowed to say but Tai has – for the past few years – allowed himself to grow complacent since they went underground.
Not anymore. He, Raven, Qrow, and Weiss's sister, Winter, will spend everyday onward tracking them down.
He lets slip that there's whispers of missing huntsmen in Mistral. Yang mentions that Ozpin had Ruby go out to that kingdom to meet someone. Tai tries not to show how much that bothers him.
They won't be seeing each other much from then on, he says. They'll try to keep in touch but they'll be knee deep in places the CCT has no signal in. He doesn't look forward to it but it'd make Summer proud that they're out there doing what needs be done.
The next morning, Yang wakes up alone in bed.
She stumbles down the steps into an empty living room, but then she hears the clamber of porcelain plates in the kitchen. She runs in only to find Jaune at the sink.
Behind him, the dining table has five plates of a warm breakfast. Omelets, tiny sausages, and a minced venison smothered in soy sauce till it's a blackish brown. Three of the plates are half eaten. They were here but left in a rush.
She slides into her seat. The noise of the chair catches Jaune's attention. He drops a letter beside her. Both their names are scrawled onto the poorly folded note.
He sits beside her. "I didn't get to see them myself but I found this and a set of keys." She shows her the worn keys and drops them neatly by her plate. She recognizes them. They're for the house and they aren't spares. One of them even has the word "FRONT" roughly carved into it. It's filled in with golden stencil. She and Ruby did that, back when they were kids.
She opens the letter and reads it aloud. "Sorry. We'll try to be home by tonight. Don't wait. House is yours."
"Not very eloquent," Jaune says after swallowing, "but they were probably in a hurry."
"Eloquent?" Yang laughs. "Where'd you pick that up?"
"Weiss had a few choice words for my poor poetry back in first year. I told you I picked up a few things from her."
He's already finished the sausages on his plate. Yang remembers to eat.
"So, what now?" he asks her. "We house sit for a few days until Ruby shows up?"
Yang shakes her head. "No… that isn't what they mean by the house being ours. They don't actually know when they'll be back. School year might even end before they do."
"That's… a long time."
"It is, but in the meantime," – she wiggles the keys – "we actually own the house."
Jaune frowns. It's deep and it cuts just as well. "That sounds like a parting gift."
Swallowing an omelet, her head falls onto his shoulder. "It is."
Then the door busts open and they hear Qrow slurring in the next room. He's accompanied with another voice, Winter's, as she shoulders him into the kitchen. She's stringing together insults whilst blushing up a storm. They're quiet them when they find Jaune and Yang.
Qrow squints as if unsure of what he's seeing. "Ohhhh," he bellows before whipping his head back. "They're still here!"
"Ahem," Winter says. "Forgive my intrusion. Present company often ends our meetings this way."
"Which is weird," Jaune says, "cause Qrow can walk just fine when he's drunk."
"He can… what?" She shoots Qrow a glare and he gives her that stupid grin of his. He's not even close to sorry. She shoves him off her and blushes against her pale skin. "You're insufferable. Trying to get a rise out of me.."
He hobbles back a step but his grin seems carved into his cheeks. "Heh, nah. I just like being close to you."
Raven peeks into the room then with Tai close behind. Her hesitation lasts only a moment before she hurries in and Yang's already bolted out of her seat to hug her.
"You came back…" Yang says. Her hands reach out grab her dad so they can sandwich her mother between them.
Raven squeezes. "I'm as much a Rose and Xiao Long as you are. I figured the world could wait till we could all say goodbye. At least."
They pull away. Raven's age shows along the harsh circles around her eyes.
"So, this really is goodbye," Yang fathoms, weaving her digits into that of her parents'. "This… doesn't feel real. Everything's happening so quickly and I just got you back and… and…"
Tai pushes strands of her hair behind her ear. "Life's abrupt," he says. "Especially when you become a huntress. You'll often find that your whole world can change in a day. Adapting to that is a skill you have to learn."
Raven's eyes narrow. "But we're not worried. I was scared for you all my life but every time I looked back, you were already over another hurdle." She holds her daughter again. "And just like then, I'll miss you every day."
Yang's grip tightens around her. Like she's hanging off the edge, held on by a thread. She can feel it slipping, digging into her palm. She knows she has to let go but there's a part of her now that's made her an Arc. She's defiant. Foolishly, optimistically, defiant. And it's with that nonchalance that she peels away and suggests, "We're all home. We should have breakfast. Like a family."
Qrow's already sat down and Winter has already eaten most of his venison. Tai insists on sitting next to Jaune again, and Yang huddles the closest she's had in years next to her mother.
Ruby never makes it to Patch. All they get is a nerve-wracking call from her that's more apology than explanation. Qrow tells them she's in a good hands.
They don't tell him that that isn't the point.
It's halfway through their second year that Jaune and Yang step back into their dorm rooms. They'd come two days early since they didn't want to stay in an empty house and an empty apartment didn't feel much better.
Jaune finds Ren and Nora snuggling by a bean bag. (Nora's messing with his hair while he goes through a book on Vacuan flora). Pyrrha isn't home since she's with her family, but Sun is lying on her bed and he greets Jaune with the kind of enthusiasm he needed.
It takes him a while to realize that his smile is forced. "Sun, please tell me there's nothing wrong with you and Pyr."
"What? Oh, no! Everything's fine with us!"
"He's been fussing about something else," Nora chimes in as she twists knots in Ren's hair. "And he won't tell his big sister, Nora, so you know it's gotta be big."
"Uh, I'm a year older than you."
She squints. "Why is everyone older than me!? I know Ruby's sixteen but I'm starting to feel like a toddler here."
"Nora," Ren says, "I'm younger than you."
Nora wraps her arms around his head to squeeze him against her chest whilst clasping tightly over his mouth. "Shh, same age, honey."
Sun turns to Jaune. "What…?"
"Nora made them have the same birthday when they were kids. Flipped a coin on who got to keep theirs. Ren lost." Jaune decides not to mention that it was to simplify a holiday for two survivors in the woods. Less stress on their resources when they buy only one cake a year and have to share it. "But enough about them. What's got you all knackered?"
"Knackered? Who even says that anymore?"
"Ylda Braveheart. Now quit stalling! What's going on, man?"
There's a knock on the door. "Come in!" Ren says. He's already put his book down and is snuggling back into Nora. She and Jaune exchange a look. Something's up.
Yang and Blake walk in. Yang joins Jaune on the bed while Blake crouches by Ren and Nora who both drag her into the bean bag with a yelp. They laugh at her expense, and for a moment it seems like it's just a visit.
Then Weiss and Neptune walk in and stand there in front of them all, locking the door behind them.
There's a thickness in the air. Jaune and Yang are already holding each other for strength. Sun curls into his knees beside them but Jaune won't have that. He reaches over and grabs his shoulder. He shuffles a tiny bit closer in response.
Weiss shuts her eyes, squeezes Neptune's hand, and stands tall. Like a performance demands, she is rigid and neutral, but it's too much and her knees wobble. Neptune catches her and reaches for a nearby chair. He rubs her shoulders after he sits her down and she's starting to breathe evenly.
"Nice and quick," Neptune whispers to her, and it's audible in the relative silence.
Yang and Blake have been standing since she buckled, unsure if they should run over and hug her. She spots them and raises a hand. "Sit, please. This will be easier if I do this without having to cry on something…"
Neptune kisses her head. Her hand finds his massaging her shoulder, and her other balls into a fist. "I'm… leaving team RWBY."
PART 9 – Adaptation
Yang is afraid she's hurting Jaune when she hears the news and tenses up, her fingers closing tightly over his. Little parts of her feel pain, like her pulse is bulging in her veins and stretching out of her skin. Then she realizes that it's her body telling her to go and hold Weiss close. Stop her talking cause it's easy to see how much all of this is hurting her and she's still so painfully afraid that her friends are going to hate her.
Yang bites her lip and leans out. Her hand is suddenly cold. Jaune had let go of it. "Go," he whispers.
She's off the bed and crashes into Weiss just as she's inhaling. Neptune backs away just as Blake runs over to join them.
Weiss stops talking cause she can't at this point. Her arms reach around them both but her nails curl into their backs as her fingers twitch and anything she wants to say is lost in her sobs.
"It's okay," Yang says. "We know you have a good reason."
"We'll still love you," Blake adds. "Doesn't matter if you're here or not. We're still a team."
To Weiss, that all seemed enough to uncoil her fears and breathe relief.
"I have to be his daughter. His heir," Weiss explains when they're all gathered at the empty cafeteria. "I'll have to play his games and do everything I can to keep my integrity and still be me."
Her sister informed her around the time of the boat trip that her father was planning to discredit her and seat her brother as next-in-line. "I know it sounds almost foolish but my plan was always to juggle life as a huntress and as an heiress. To prove that I could follow in my sister's footsteps without needing to make any of her sacrifices." Her hand, the one not holding Neptune's, falls to Myrtenaster resting magnetically at her hip. "Winter gave me so much when she trained me. I wanted to prove to father that none of that was a waste of time. It worked for a while, too. Atlas was abuzz with news on my departure. That I'd taken the strength of the old Schnee vanguard and vowed to marry it with the capitalist empire. That we were still the staunch knights we always were and that our nobility hadn't tarnished that."
"Why can't you just stay?" Nora asks, eyes gleaming like the absent Ruby. "Why does your dad get to take even more from you?"
Weiss smiles placatively at her and wishes Ruby was here too. "Because I've learned a lot in my time here with all of you. I've learned that Remnant will always have enough amazing huntsmen – there's already so many at this table." She eyes them all but stops at Blake. "But I've also learned that there's a lot of good I could be doing. A different kind of good for my people in Atlas. Human and faunus."
Blake gasps. There's a sting in her chest. "I'm… so sorry."
"Don't be. All that time staying up together has given me perspective. The kind I feel is uniquely distinct to a Schnee. I need to use that. Maybe get my brother to see it the same way."
"Will you have help?" Yang asks, locking eyes. "I'm not willing to let you go alone."
Weiss leans into Neptune. "I won't be alone."
"We'll have to keep our relationship secret," Neptune explains, "but I'll be at every function, every gala, every fancy dinner. Dad's a shipping baron so we've already let rumor spread that I'm looking into partnering with the Schnees to get trade into Vacuo."
"In a few months' time we'll be married, too," Weiss adds, giggling in way that's resigned and heartbreaking. "It's hardly the way we wanted it to go but it's how it has to happen so father doesn't marry me off for a business venture. We'd do it today if I was already eighteen."
"Are you sure he won't reject you at the door?" Jaune asks.
"Not when I come in as bargaining chip. I'll flirt my way through a few prospective suitors and he'll see I'm still too useful to throw out." She snuggles into Neptune's side and he wraps an arm around her. "We've spent weeks planning. And though I'm sure things are going to go terribly wrong at some point…"
"…We'll adapt," Neptune finishes.
Even though there's hope here, the moment feels strained. A tension in the air is either like knots in the heart or the tightening of a noose. So Jaune and Yang put on brave faces and stand up.
"This isn't how we should be spending this day together, isn't it?" she asks with a grin.
"It's a going-away party," he says, "so we should have a party. Ren? Join us in the kitchen. Let's bake a cake."
Nora's already on Weiss and Blake. "C'mon! I know a buffet outside of town that sells their raws cheap. I'll even show you two how me and Renny grilled fish! I guarantee that you two princesses won't find anything like that at your fancy dinners."
Blake opens her mouth. "Actually, we–"
"Hush! Mommy's talking."
Neptune and Sun trade looks.
"Should we get the drinks?" Sun asks him. "I know a way into campus we can smuggle alcohol through."
"Actually, just pump me full of sugar. This might be the last time I get to have soda since I'll be spending the next few years getting used to wine."
"I know!"
When the semester starts, Glynda Goodwitch announces that Ozpin won't be back for a month or so still, so she'll be acting headmistress.
The sister teams are all worried about Ruby but she sends them messages with a few photos that she's on a mission with Ozpin and what looks to be a farmhand. They don't expect to be back for a while and she isn't even allowed to update them but she slips them messages anyway. (She doesn't know how long she can keep up the ruse that she had a spare scroll from before Beacon).
Yang's nerves get the better of her until Jaune convinces Qrow to give them an update. Somehow the photo of Qrow, Raven, Tai, Winter, and Ruby together like the disjointed family they are is a monumental comfort. She makes it her wallpaper. Jaune promises that they'll all get a chance to get in that picture together at some point.
With Goodwitch so busy, it leaves combat class to Professor Port. It's a blessing in disguise since the extra class drains him enough to sleep through most of his own class. He gets worried for a while until everyone gets visibly excited for what is effectively a free period and some students actually get comfortable enough to sit with him on his desk and share real stories for a change. He isn't always telling them this time either.
The teams spend a lot of time on the roof where they're allowed to grill. Jaune, Nora, and Blake make a show of their techniques and Weiss, who is sitting on the sideline, lets the collective aroma of their sizzling platters soak into her skin.
They also take turns teaching Weiss and Neptune how to cook. It'll be useful when they get a place of their own. They hadn't considered an apartment yet, actually.
"Trust me," Yang says, "after what you two are gonna go through, you could use a getaway that's just yours." She shares a meaningful glance with Jaune who blushes, suddenly unable to keep eye contact.
They make that second boat trip with the same crusty boatman. Sun and Blake tie on the number of lobsters.
They spend a night in the apartment, cramped together and drinking till sunrise. (Pyrrha learned to mix drinks with her uncle over the break and Jaune hasn't puked so much in his entire life).
They joyride in Jaune's new Highway Aries and the boatman's Beluga van to the same cabin they went to with Saph and Terra. Joan can drive too, apparently, and they decide that seating her next to the excitable Nora is a recipe for turning the winding country roads into a roller coaster. (Jaune, Yang, Weiss, and Neptune end up trailing behind the van because of it.)
They rent out a thawed ice rink and have their own school dance. (Jaune spent the week teaching Neptune how to lose his second left foot).
And they skip class on Friday to spend their last day together. Ruby even manages to call Weiss and they find out that they might even meet in Atlas for a while. (Jaune and Yang are starting to suspect that Ozpin already knows about the scroll).
In the next morning, Weiss's bed is empty cause she had to go alone in a separate flight. Neptune has to arrive a day later on a separate trip. It's abrupt and even though they all knew it was going to happen, it still feels like it came out of nowhere. The space Weiss leaves behind is palpable.
She manages to send them all one final message with a photo. She's holding Blake's little triangular team flags she made for them during last year's Vytal Festival against the window of the bullhead.
"We'll always be a team."
Jaune cracks an eye open at the sound of clicking on screen . He's in the apartment, in his room, but his door is open halfway. Through the dark he can see Yang and Blake's faces lit against a scroll on the couch. Blake is sleeping on her shoulder.
They set her up with the guest room (Yang's long since migrated all her things into his anyway) and they must've gotten up at some point last night to chat.
He shuffles out of bed, scratching his bare chest and blinking away his drowsiness.
Yang can hear him. "Mornin'… Evening? Morning. It's one-AM."
He peels around the doorframe. "Shouldn't we be quiet?" he says in a hush.
"Nope," she says, not even looking up from her scroll. "Blake said she wanted to wake up to the sound of people so the room feels less empty."
Regardless, he sits on the softly beside her. "Is that why she stayed up so late?"
"She used to wake up early with Weiss. Sometimes she'd fall back asleep when Weiss got her early morning shower, but with her gone she's hoping to sync up with me instead."
"Maybe Ren's more her speed. He gets up early to get breakfast prepped for Nora the rest of the team if she didn't eat it all when we got there."
"Too bad they're not roommates."
Blake shuffles. Her ears twitch and there's a smile on her lips.
"She seems comfy," he says, laughing. He can't help but think they've adopted a stray though he won't say it aloud.
Yang's thinking the same thing but keeps her mouth shut too. "She met with Sun and Ilia for brunch yesterday. She came in when they were already talking about him losing Neptune. She felt like an outsider listening in."
"She didn't walk away, did she?"
"No, she sat with them and they talked. Even admitted to how she felt. They tried to make her feel comfortable and Sun had no trouble talking about it, but even they admitted that it feels like she's just a step out of her element. She's going with Pyrrha to meet with them again later tonight."
"I'm guessing she's not particularly enthused?"
Yang nods. Blake stirs but doesn't wake. "She thinks losing Weiss is upsetting everything else in her life. She usually doesn't feel that kind of doubt when talking to them. Pyrrha's doing her best to help on her end, too, but she might need some more outside help to get her out of this funk."
Her scroll buzzes. Jaune instantly recognizes the sender. "Ruby?" His voice is hopeful, almost desperate.
She ruffles his hair. "Don't worry about it. If you start losing your cool, then I will too."
He rolls his eyes with a smile. "Sorry, I just miss her."
"She wanted to talk to you but she's only got enough courage to message her big sister. She's still beating herself up for being gone so long. She's afraid you might hate her."
He fishes his scroll out of his pocket, squeezes his face next to Yang and Blake's, and takes a photo. "Morning…" he types, "…Crater …Face." A moment passes after he sends it.
Yang's scroll is then blasted with exclamation points before a video call starts. Their hearts soar when they hear her whine for the first time in weeks. "Yang…! I wasn't ready!"
It's dark wherever she is, huddled in a closet judging by the hangars swinging above her. Zwei is whining and scratching somewhere in the background.
"Sorry, Sis, but we're a package deal now!" Yang says.
"We miss you," Jaune says, the look of him is anything but teasing.
"I miss you guys, too…" she looks away, head half hunched in shadow. Her expression is unreadable.
There's a shuffling on her end of the call, she looks up, eyes wide, as some light pours into the closet she's in. "Ruby?" a hushed boy's voice says. "Is everything alright?"
Her eyes dart and she gets up in a panic. Jaune and Yang stay quiet as the closet is shut and the scroll spins in the dark for a moment before her face shows up again next to the same farmhand in her photo with Ozpin. "Keep this a secret. Please?" she asks him.
"I… sure. Lips sealed. What are you–?"
"Yang, Jaune," she says quickly. "This is Oscar. He's my, um, partner for the mission I'm on."
"I, oh, uh, hi," Oscar stammers. "I'm Oscar." He slaps his forehead. "Stupid. She already said that…" Ruby giggles.
"Aw, Jaune," Yang nudges him. "He's you, freshman year."
Jaune huffs. "I like to think I was as confident as I was awkward." He gets up. "I'm getting peckish. You want any coffee?"
"The orange juice, please."
"Weak!" Ruby teases through the screen. "Milk is the way to go. Keep up the store-bought pulp and I'll be taller in no time!"
"I prefer oranges freshly squeezed myself," Oscar adds before he shuts himself up. He seems afraid to add to the conversation.
"They are freshly squeezed though," Yang says. "Right, Jaune?"
"If two days ago counts as fresh, then yeah. Reminds me of home."
Yang sniffs the air. "Are you cooking tuna and eggs again?"
"What? Clove didn't have much fish and poultry. We had beef, pork, and way too many vegetables."
"It's one-A.M.!"
"And we're out of snacks. Now do you want some of this or am I gonna split it with Blake?"
Blake rolls her cheek up the backrest to look at Jaune. The smell probably woke her. "Mm… You'll have no objection from me."
"He was a farmer?" Yang hears Oscar ask Ruby. "I thought he was a huntsman."
"Huntsman-in-training," Ruby clarifies for him. "He grew up in a farm. I don't think that counts as a farmer but he used to herd cows. Even had this brief stint when he was ten where he'd run with the farm dog and bark at the cows to help wrangle the cattle."
"Pfft!" Yang and Blake snicker. "What?"
"What are you laughing at?" Jaune asks from the kitchenette, stood in the lowlight.
"Nothing!" Yang calls back. "Feeling better, Oscar?"
"Oh. You noticed?"
"It's okay. Meeting new people can be scary. Can't have been any easier with Ruby."
"Actually, she could barely look me in the eye." Ruby bumps him but can't deny it. Oscar stays smug. "Ha ha… Had to ease into meeting her. She caught me in the middle of work and she scared me so much that I almost fell off the hayloft with the way she squeaked her greeting. I thought a mouse got in the feed again."
"Oscar!" Ruby whines. "I'm putting you through the ringer for this."
He looks scared. "Uh… mercy?"
They spend the some of that morning together. Ruby builds confidence enough to promise to make another call if Oscar can keep covering for her. They also find out Ruby is training Oscar and Yang couldn't be more proud.
They're somewhere remote and secret so Ozpin isn't taking chances with the security breach but Ruby hopes that a closet is enough to be inconspicuous. She still can't tell them why she's there but she will when they arrive.
They. As in both of them. Oscar is coming to Beacon. It should be exciting, even just a little bit. It's not going to fill the gap Weiss left behind but it means less quiet. Plus, Penny is with them and she might come too. But Yang picks up the sadness in Ruby's eyes whenever Oscar asks about Beacon. There's something wrong.
When Oscar goes off to distract Ozpin and Jaune takes Blake to the convenience store, Yang asks, "Sis, what's going on that you're not telling me?"
Ruby chews her lip. "I can't say," she says for the umpteenth time, but Yang can feel the weight of it now that it's coming out of her mouth and not through text on a screen. Somehow, that makes it harder to let it go.
"I'm scared for you," Yang admits, "I'm worried that something else irreversible is coming and…" No, she tells herself. She can't put this on Ruby. "It's okay. I trust you. I'm worried but I trust you and before you say anything, nothing you say will break that trust."
Ruby curls closer to the scroll, like she wants to hug her. "Thank you…" she whispers.
"Just come home safe…"
"I love you, Yang."
"I love you, too, Sis."
The dorm room doesn't have the comforts it used to. Yang almost feels ashamed for leaving it behind half the time but Blake tells her that it isn't something she should worry about. She always made time, even if her memories seem like a blur of blonde hair and blue eyes. It doesn't mean she valued her time with them any less.
No one can blame her for falling in love.
Still, with Blake snoozing under some double-wide bedding across the room, Yang feels alone in the room.
She sits up and she hears a startle somewhere. She realizes the silhouette she thought was Blake has been just a mess of pillows. (Blake pulled her and Weiss's beds together to get comfortable. Didn't work. All she's got now is more room to feel cold in. They still miss her).
Another hushed sound reaches her. She gets up and walks around but she stops when she spots Blake sitting on the floor against the wall. Her ears are twitching.
"What's happening?" Yang asks.
"I can hear Goodwitch in the JNPR dorm."
Yang shuffles closer. She can hear the faint tap of the headmistress's heels but nothing more. "What is she saying? Are they in trouble?"
"I thought so at first, but no. It's something about a transfer."
"A transfer? Like a student?"
"I don't know. I'll keep listening."
Yang wants to go back to bed and grab her scroll. Jaune could answer her if she asked. She bites her lip.
"There's someone else," Blake says. Yang's limbs stiffen again. "She sounds familiar but I could be wrong. She's talking about… Moving furniture?" She peels off the wall. "Maybe I shouldn't be listening in."
Yang realizes that she's probably working herself up over nothing too. "Maybe, but it got you out of bed at least." She laughs. "I've been worrying myself ragged about this team, but unlike the other two, you're actually here." Arms wrap around Blake's thinner shoulders. "I hope you aren't blaming yourself for all of this."
"I am but I know it's stupid," she admits. "Weiss having an epiphany was bound to happen anyway. And her father would have forced her to leave whether we turned out to be friends or not. But there's always that little side of me scraping at the back of my head. I'm so painfully aware that it's there that I could almost reach out and strangle it."
"Pfft! You sound like Weiss."
"Heh, well we'd spent over a year together. Some things were bound to rub off on each of us. In fact," she looks at Yang meaningfully, "you didn't explode once during that whole talk about Weiss's dad. Jaune have anything to do with that? You've been minding your temper."
She rubs the back of her head. "No, not entirely. I mean, we've helped each other along but we can't give each other all the credit. I've mellowed out cause we lost at Vytal and I crashed at a bar. Cause I came home a mess and you girls set me straight. I won't say that solved it completely. I think I gave myself enough time to ease out of my anger issues over the summer and finding Jaune and ending up in his apartment gave me places to feel normal and happy for a change." She's blushing now, can't help the heat rolling tight circles in her cheeks. "Did I ever tell you about that? No… I don't think I've told anyone. Being in that apartment let me glimpse a life of being a civilian. Not a huntress-to-be, just a girl living in the city she swears she'll die in. It felt simpler, domestic. And I kind of liked that. I kind of really, really liked that."
"I envy that," Blake says with a knowing smile lying sideways on her knees. "Not the civie life but the happiness. I'm glad you found someone. Honestly, it's kind of crazy you two aren't completely official yet."
"I, uh, I think we are? I mean, it's not like we've talked about it again since all this craziness happened but we've said the three-word thing, named our kids, we own a house together and –"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! What? Rewind there for a second."
"To which part?"
"I don't know, all of it?"
Yang shrugs and that is equal parts everything so like her and everything that's frustrating. "I don't know. They all just kind of… happened?"
"How do you just happen to own a house now?"
"A couple birds left it on my dining table and flew out the open door."
Blake squints. "I… I can't tell if you're joking."
Yang grins.
Blake's ear twitches to the faint sound of a door closing. "JNPR…" she mouths as she hears it. "…moving out?"
Blake thinks she heard it wrong. Yang tries to tell herself they could be misunderstanding something but when they meet with JNPR, they don't mention a thing. Jaune and Pyrrha are all smiles, whilst Ren is keeping Nora from any more antics. Nothing's changed.
It eats up at Yang more than she's willing to admit but Blake doesn't need to be told in order to notice her best friend writhing inside of herself.
On occasion she can see Jaune stealing glances at Yang. He's noticed that something's off too. Sure, Yang is keeping it close to her chest, but she isn't loose in the way she usually is. And even though her being a little more guarded might make sense given recent events, Jaune's been with her long enough to notice that she's been easing back into her old self. The regression should be obvious.
Blake nudges him at the end of Port's class. "Talk to her," she says.
He nods, a determined look to him. "I was gonna wait till she was ready. I guess I have to act this time."
Blake smiles. "Just like you, she'll need a nudge sometimes."
Jaune jogs over to Yang as she rolls her eyes at something Nora says. She should be laughing instead. His eyes narrow.
"Oh! Hey, sorry, I thought you were with Blake and Pyrrha. Did you need something?"
His hand clasp over hers and people around them pull away and snicker. He takes her hand and pulls her to the wall and out of the way. "Don't think I haven't noticed you worrying about something. What's wrong?"
Normally she'd come out and say it. Even before they got this close. Before they were together. She isn't the kind of girl that lets these things lie. But she's lost so much in the past few weeks and she's feeling more and more vulnerable. More and more fatigued.
And this? What she's worried about? Hushed whispers in the night that might ultimately mean nothing? Half of her thinks it's fears she's digging up for herself to pile on the already rich avalanche of things she has to deal with. Another hates herself for doubting him, and that she's ashamed to reveal she doubted him at all.
But they were supposed to be able to talk about anything, right?
Her mouth opens.
She remembers her mother. She'd looked so stoic when she said goodbye, daring not to fall apart and swallowing her fears. With a sigh, she lets it go.
"It's nothing," she says with an easy sigh. "I'll tell you about it later if you're so curious but I'd like to stop worrying about nothing and focus on the things that actually need my attention."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. Now I'm hungry."
"We still have class."
She takes his hand. "I don't care. Your girlfriend needs a pick-me-up."
Yang walks back into the dorm with a spring in her step. "Evenin'," she greets Blake who's lounging on the bed.
"Had a good night, I see? He not kissing you goodbye at the door?"
"We parted ways earlier. Said he had an errand to run."
Blake stares at her with a smile. Yang returns it before going back to her scroll. Blake's nose scrunches in confusion. "Well?" Blake asks.
"What did he tell you?"
Yang winks. "Sweet nothings if that's what you're asking."
Blake's face goes through a series of emotion. "Yeah. Good. Great. Perfect." She sits up as her ears sharpen. "But what about last night? With the whispering and all that?"
"Oh! I, uh, I didn't ask about it."
Blake slips out of bed. "Okay, I've had it. Waited all this time to find out so let's just go over there and ask."
"Right. Sure." Yang picks up after her and doesn't bother to put her school shoes back on.
Blake stops just as she exits the door. Across from them is the JNPR dorm and the door is ajar. She twists back to Yang. "Was that open when you passed it by?"
"I didn't notice."
They approach the door and feel a draft coming through. The door swings to the side as they enter and the thud against the wall is the only sound.
The JNPR dorm is empty. Even the blinds have been stripped away and one of the windows is cracked open.
A hole opens in Yang's stomach. Confusion, mostly. Anger, even if she can't place it. She doesn't know what's happening.
Blake's hands are sweating too when they reach for hers. "Your scroll is buzzing," she says and they run back to their room.
Yang has a message from Jaune.
'are you decent?' it reads.
'uh…. Yeah?' she replies after a cursory glance at her uniform.
Yang stares at the word. His scroll didn't even get to auto-punctuate it. She's already typing another message. Where are you right now? I was at your dorm and it's empty – She stops typing when they hear a grunt and a thud.
Blake's ears perk up. "Nora?"
Something breaks, like snapping wood, then Yang can hear it too.
"Hah!" Nora shouts. The thud after shakes something in their room. "Hah!" Another shudder, louder and resonant. "Hng…!" They can feel the way she's inhaling. "Hah!" Then their wall shakes.
"Hah!" Then a chunk of the wall pops out and swings aside like a portal door. They can see Nora behind the hole. She's in the next dorm room. They transferred next door instead of across the hall.
Nora peeks in with a wide grin, the light behind her shining over her features like a beacon. She pulls away and her hammer carves down into the hole till its roughly the shape of her silhouette. She kicks away the loose boards and cement around her and stomps into the room.
"Evenin' roomies!" she announces with gusto and caked in dust.
Jaune slips passed her in shorts and a worn shirt, pillow under his arm and eyes half awake. He walks up to Yang and takes her hand. "Sleepy?" he asks.
She realizes she's exhausted. Relief lets her body feel its fatigue. "Yeah…"
He pulls her to bed and they fall in together. She's confused but doesn't focus on it.
"What is happening?" Blake asks Ren as he comes in with Pyrrha in tow. (Who has already apologized but her smile doesn't slip away even once).
"Jaune said that it was starting to get a little quiet here in your dorm," Ren explains. "So, we hatched an idea to trade rooms with your neighbor's. Team ASHE took a room on a different floor instead of taking ours."
"Miss Goodwitch was very accommodating," Pyrrha says. "Went so far as to levitate most of our things from one room to another."
"She almost said no," Jaune says with a yawn, "but when I explained why we were doing it, she just sighed and drew up the permit."
"You need a permit to switch dorms?" Blake asked. "Wait, there's a permit for that?"
Nora hoists the hammer back onto her shoulder. "Permit's not for the dorm. It's for breaking down the wall."
Blake can't help but a feel a tingle under her skin, and it rolls into heat when Pyrrha and Ren squeeze her between them.
The night draws down and they got rid of the bits of dust and talk about how they're supposed to tear the down the wall. They'll put up two beams they'll have to pay for themselves but the rest of the wall can go away and there will be nothing between the two rooms in a few days.
And when they're all cleaned up (and splitting two bathrooms between six people), they push the four RWBY beds together so they can crawl under the collective sheets. In the middle, Yang sees Blake shiver happily between Ren and Nora, calmer than she has been in weeks.
Nestled against the curve of Jaune's neck, she nudges him. "Thank you for this," she whispers.
"It wasn't all me," he murmurs.
She flicks his forehead. "You're allowed to take credit for the idea, at least. Besides, I feel like I should reward you somehow."
"Fine," he grumbles but his smile doesn't sell it. "As for the reward, I'd ask about the rent but I think we should stay out and keep the bill thin this month. I don't think I can meet the payment this time if it gets any bigger with electric and water."
Yang chuckles. "Hey, you asked for the heavy down payment so you could sidestep the interest. That car is a money sink and you should've seen this one coming." He whines and she kisses his nose, making him whine some more. "Still, I'll still have to find a way to thank you."
"Missionary always works for Sun," Pyrrha chimes in from behind her.
Jaune and Yang's eyes go wide.
"What?" Pyrrha asks as they stare at her. "Too vanilla?"
Yang squeezes a pillow to her own face. "Pyrrha!"
"What? Oh! Sorry. I hadn't realized that you… It's just that Sun's been gentlemanly and I tried to get him to talk dirty to spice things up so I ended up having to do it myself and –"
"Uh, Pyr?" Jaune stops her. "That's not it. We, uh, we haven't done it yet."
She tilts her head. "Missionary?"
"Sex," Yang whimpers.
Nora shoots up. "What!?"
Yang shrinks even further. "Are you all awake!?"
Ren turns an open eye behind him and Blake peers sheepishly over the length of his arm. No one looks sorry.
"Ugh…" she groans. "Is it too late to call this a bad idea?"
Pyrrha pulls her away from Jaune and into the collective cuddle of everyone else. "Not on your life, Xiao Long."
She mouths a "help me" to Jaune.
He reaches under his pillow, pulls out his scroll into its camera, and mouths a coy "No," before the shutter snaps.
The photo goes up with the rest of the stringed ones Ruby set up earlier that year. Eventually, they flood it with more memories till the ceiling is lined with their found family gleaming from wall to wall to wall.
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the-and-sign-anon · 4 years
I’m In It Now
Pairing: Gabriel x Winchester! Reader
Summary: Gabriel crosses paths with the Winchesters again, but quite a few things are different this time.
Word count: 1,945
A/N: this is a part two for Keep Me Out Of It so you might want to read that first
Tagging: @satans-bae-and-queen
“We should hit the road, Dean.” You and Sam sat with small plates of food in front of you while Dean returned to the table with another slice of pie.
“In this storm? It’s-”
“It’s biblical. Exactly.” Sam cut him off, “I-It’s friggin’ Noah’s ark out there.”
“And we’re eating pie.” You finished Sam’s thought.
“How many hours of sleep did you get this week? What? Three? Four? Bobby's got his feelers out, okay? We have talked with every hoodoo man and root woman in 12 states.” Dean tried to put you both at ease, as usual.
“Yeah, well, I’m not giving up.”
“Sam, none of us are.”
“Nobody's giving up. Especially me. We're gonna find a way to beat the devil, okay? Soon. I can feel it. And we will find Cas, we'll find Adam. But you are no good to me burnt out.” Dean didn’t seem to hear you, instead focusing on comforting Sam.
“Yeah, yeah. Okay.” Sam clearly wanted to argue further, but decided against it.
“Come on, we’ve actually got the night off for once.” Dean smiled at both of you. “Let’s try to enjoy it.
“Gabriel, if you can hear me, help me out here. This place is bad, I know it. I told the boys we should go, but Dean insisted on staying. I don’t know what to do, but there’s something seriously bad going on here.” You had taken to praying to Gabriel on occasion since the TV Land incident. Sometimes he would answer with small notes, helping with hard to find information on cases or just short messages of comfort.
You neglected to tell your brothers about the relationship you’d developed with the archangel because you knew how they’d react. So you prayed only when you knew you were alone and felt desperate. Somehow, each time he answered, you found yourself surprised that he would risk his peace and quiet to help you.
After your short prayer, Sam came to get you from your room. It was a pretty nice place, actually; no bugs, no stains, no noisy people next door. The only problems were the unbearable sense of dread and your brothers not feeling the same thing.
“Hey, something’s wrong. The couple in the room on the other side of us disappeared.”
“Yeah, that tracks. Let’s go.” You would just have to hope Gabriel would pull through for you.
Yeah, you were right. As usual. Granted, you hadn’t guessed that the hotel was full of human-eating gods plotting to fight Lucifer, but still. Now your brothers tried to slowly back out of the room with you while all the deities were arguing amongst themselves. When the chandelier dropped to the ground, you stopped in your tracks.
“Stay. We have to fight. The archangels -- the only thing they understand is violence. This ends in blood. There is no other way, it's them, or us.” The woman who was clearly in charge wore a nametag that read ‘Kali’. She looked like she was ready to kill you with her bare hands. Not good news.
“With all due respect, ma'am, we haven't even tried talking to them.” The man from the front desk tried to speak up, but Kali looked at him and he started choking. You watched him for a moment after she stopped, wondering if he was alright before the doors burst open.
“Can’t we all just get along?” You whirled around to find Gabriel standing in the doorway looking as confident and smug as usual.
Dean tried to say “Gab-” but the archangel silenced both of your brothers and glanced at you, so you kept your mouth shut.
“Sam! Dean... It's always wrong place, worst time with you muttonheads, huh? Y/N, I thought you could rein ‘em in by now. I expected a little bit more.” He gave you the playful smile you adored, then focused again on the situation at hand.
“Baldur. Good seeing you too. I guess my invitation got lost in the mail.”
“Why are you here?” Baldur was clearly not amused by the trickster archangel’s snark.
“To talk about the elephant in the room.” ONe man moved to stand up, but Gabriel shut him down. “Not you. The Apocalypse. We can’t stop it, gang. But first things first.” He looked over to you and your brothers. “The adults need to have a little conversation. Check you later.”
All three of you reappeared in your room. Once again, Gabriel had kept you out of harm’s way. He always seemed to be doing that.
“O.K. Did that -- Holy crap!” Dean was having trouble processing what just happened.
“Yeah, tell me about it. By the way, next time I say let's keep driving, uh, let's keep driving.” You firmly believed that your brothers should listen to you more; it would prevent a lot of near death situations.
“O.K. Yeah. Next time.” Dean often seemed to agree with you after the fact.
“Alright, so what's our next move?” Sam tried to get back on track.
“I-I-I... I don't know. Grab those poor saps outta the freezer, I guess? Bust 'em out? Gank a few freaks along the way if we're lucky. “
Great, Dean. Fantastic idea as usual. You really needed to talk with him about strategies.
“And when are you ever lucky?” Well, now you had one person on your side.
“Well you know what, bite me, Gabriel.”
“I should've known. I mean this had your stink all over it from the jump.”
“Dean, shut it. Gabriel isn’t behind this. We’re in this weird mess because you wanted to stop here when we all know we could have kept driving. What we need to focus on now is getting out.” Gabriel gave you a proud look. He always loved when you were tough with your brothers.
“Believe it or not, boys, I’m here to help.”
“You wanna pull us outta the fire?”
“Bingo! Those guys are either gonna dust you, or use you as bait. Either way, you're uber boned.” You rolled your eyes at his choice of words, but you were really grateful to have him here right now.
“Wow, 'cause a couple of months ago you were telling us that we need to "play our roles". You're uber boning us!” You were getting a little tired of Dean’s attitude when Gabriel was offering help, but you couldn’t defend him too much without your brothers getting suspicious, so you kept your mouth shut.
“Ohh... The end is still nigh. Michael and Lucifer are gonna dance the lambada, but not tonight. Not here.”
“And why do you care?”
“I don’t care.” You definitely saw him look at you as he took a breath before continuing.
“But what can I say? I’m sentimental. I’ve known that bunch for a long time.”
“Do they have a chance? Against Lucifer?” You sounded so hopeful, even you were annoyed by your tone.
“Really Y/N?”
“You got any better ideas, Dean?” You looked back to Gabriel. “What do you think they can do to him?”
“It's a bad idea. Lucifer's gonna turn them into finger paint. So let's get going while the going's good, hmm?”
Gabriel really wanted you to go with him. All this time, he’d done everything he felt he could to keep you safe, even when it meant playing nice with your brothers. Your occasional prayers meant the world to him and he would do almost anything to make you happy. Now he might have to face some powerful people he wanted to avoid if he was going to get you all out alive.
“Alright, let’s go then. But we aren’t leaving before we at least try to save all the other people who came here tonight.”
You didn’t know how your brothers weren’t dead by now. They always came up with terrible plans that shouldn’t logically work out. But by some miracle, the three of you had made through everything so far.
You tried to work with the group of gods to formulate a plan on how to deal with Lucifer. Your brothers were volunteering themselves as bait, Gabriel was trying to weasel his way out of confronting his brother, and you were trying to get through this without losing everyone you cared about. You didn’t realize what the outcome of the night would be.
You had managed to take cover behind a table with Sam and Dean while Kali tried to fight Lucifer, but she was losing fast. You spared a few seconds to send Gabriel a desperate prayer, but you doubted he’d answer this one. In the nick of time, the clever archangel made his grand return. He grabbed you, then yelled to Kali and the boys.
“Guys! Get her out of here.” You pushed back, refusing to be some damsel in distress.
“Over a girl. Gabriel, really? I mean I knew you were slumming, but I hope you didn't catch anything.” Your brothers dragged you out of the room while Kali followed behind.
“Sam, let go! He shouldn’t do this alone!”
“Y/N. We need to move! He chose this.”
“Why does he matter so much anyways? Yeah, he always left you alone when he was screwing with us, but it’s not like you’re close.” Dean had no idea. You couldn’t lose Gabriel.
Just as you got to the car, you broke from Sam’s grasp and ran back to the hotel. You rushed to the ballroom, but stopped short when you heard the conversation.
“Brother, don't make me do this.” Lucifer.
“No one makes us do anything.” Gabriel was endlessly defiant, but now he was finally being confrontational too. You were proud of him for standing up to his family.
“I know you think you're doing the right thing, Gabriel. But I know where your heart truly lies.”
You peeked into the room and your heart dropped. Lucifer stood with Gabriel in front of him, and another one holding an angel blade behind him. Lucifer had grabbed his brother and stabbed him with his own blade.
“Here. Amateur hocus pocus. Don't forget, you learned all your tricks from me, little brother.”
Lucifer dropped Gabriel. A blinding light flashed. When the archangel’s body hit the floor, his wings were burned on the ground beneath him. It took every bit of willpower you had not to sob at the sight. Lucifer disappeared without another word or glance at his fallen brother.
Your brothers approached from behind you, but you barely noticed. You hadn’t cried so hard in a long time. The pain was almost overwhelming. All you could do was close your eyes and drown in sorrow as Sam picked you up and carried you to the car. Dean took off down the road and you left the body of your best friend behind. All you had to remember him was the guilt of praying for his help and the memories of him terrorizing your brothers.
You knew when your tears dried you would have to explain it all to your brothers. All the prayers, the notes and candies, all of it. But there were a few small details you’d never share. The day you’d finally gotten him to explain why he protected you. The weekend when you brothers took off on their own for a case, so you made cake and watched movies with him for three days. The nights when the nightmares were so bad, you prayed for comfort and when you woke up in the morning, there was a single gold feather on your pillow to show he’d been there. Those memories were now yours alone, so that was exactly how they would stay.
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diaco1968 · 4 years
Ice Ice baby
Wanted!Shoto Todoroki x hero!reader
Basically a request from my friend :D
Don't you just want to see this powerful boy helpless?
Warning! Cuffs. Handjob, orgasm denial
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You navigated your way through the dark unnaturally cold alley ways. A thin layer of frost on the ground, looking as if someone recklessly dropped white paint and the droplets freely scattered all around. Except it was droplets of glowing delicate ice. Mid summer. You smirked as you followed the trail, getting more and more certain that you were closing in on the person you've been looking for as the tempreture dropped.
Your squad back there was absolutely demolished by this guy. Every last one of the idiots frozen in place in mere seconds and he just walked away from their pitiful pleas like he just swatted a bunch of flies. The thought made you click your tongue irked. 'Useless bunch of total morons.'
"Came for more?" He had his back to you, his head slightly turned to the side as he kept you in his line of vision, without actually having his eyes on you. Not to your liking, you'd much rather he have his attention on you and nothing else.
"More? More what? Your tiny little popsicles?"
That caught his attention as he turned towards you with a raised eyebrow. Truth was he was confused how you managed to escape his initial ice attack. Unless you were not there at the time he froze those heroes to the ground. Not a problem, you'd get a taste of his 'tiny little popsicles' soon enough.
"I wish I could stay and chat, but I don't have time for this ma'am." He raised his right hand, a harsh freezing breeze shooting off his fingers and turning into sharp ice around your feet on the ground. You inspected your heavy ice boots rooting you to the ground, then your eyes moved up to his arm, and just like you expected little patches of frost had already started to appear as he used his quirk again."farewell." He started to turn and walk away but the sound of ice cracking had him snap his eyes back on you surprised.
"Not gonna even tell me that I shouldn't move, or my frozen legs are gonna break and come off?" You said as you effortlessly pulled your other leg free from the shattered ice completely unbothered. Looking up at his surprised eyes you gave him a haughty smirk "I think you do have some time to spare now, what says you?"
He narrowed his eyes as he looked down to your legs then back up at your face "somone is not bothered by ice, I see. No problem. Got just the thing for you. You have a pretty face. Pity." He lifted his left hand this time and before you could react, a burning flame flew past your cheek making you wince quietly. More so from the shock than anything. "Ouch, going straight for the face, are we? Not very polite of you." You rubbed your cheek lightly before removing your hand garing at him, secretly loving the way his smugness wavering and fading.
'Nothing!?' His gaze was intenese as he looked for any sign of burn on your cheek, but there was none. How can one be immune to both Ice and fire?! He had never had to face this problem before and as much as he tried to hide his anxious expression, his face was slightly off. He looked nervous. You offered him an evil grin. Too evil looking for a pro hero. "Where did your sharp wit go now?"
He clicked his tongue annoyed as he raised both hands, launching himself at you. You didn't know what he was going to throw at you, but it didn't matter. It's not like you had to block or repel anything. Truth be told, You did take damage, you were just too quick to heal for him to notice that. He did not hold back on you with both his quirks.
His whole body was shaking and mostly covered in now a thick layer of frost as he froze you to the ground again, raising his left hand but all that emitted from it was a puff of visualized air from the contrast of cold and hot, with a pitiful dying hiss. "Damnit..." he breathed out too cold to do more now, you had made him over exert his limits and yourself had barely broken a sweat.
"Aw, what was that?" You chuckled as the familiar sound of cracking ice echoed off the walls of the dead end signalling you were free of your icy binds once again. "Are you done yet?" You walked to him slowly and intimidatingly. He tried to step back but his body was too cold and heavy for him to move.
"Looks like you are done." You said smugly as you pulled the quirk nullifying cuffs out, making quick work of binding his arms behind his back. His jaw was clenched as he tried to stop his teeth from colliding due to the cold. "So what now? Turning me in, little lady?"
You raised an eyebrow giving him a look as if he had said the most stupid thing in the world. From close up you could see why he was known as the Todoroki masterpiece. Not only his double quirk was very outstanding, he looked like such a unique specimen. Two colored eyes, each deep, sharp and threatening enough to make you lose yorself in 2 completely different worlds. A mop of two colored hair you were sure no one else could pull off withouth looking like a clown. A burnt scar on his left eye adding to his mature expression. Peculiarly handsome.
Now, you would normally hand him over, like he had logically assumed. But, at the very moment there was no need. The crimes he was wanted for were pesky little things, no murder or anything, more like an honourable thief. It was the person who wanted him caught that was a big fish otherwise he wouldn't even have to get wanted at all. And honestly you couldn't begin to give a flying fuck about what a big fish wanted.
You smiled and much to his surprise pushed him down flat on his butt, his back hitting the wall and he hissed out annoyed, but soon was distracted as you pushed his torso forward and re-did the cuff, his hands now bound behind him to a pipe. "... you are a pro hero, right?" He looked up at you suspiciously with narrowed eyes, getting a deep chuckle in reply.
IsgoungWht You raised your foot and even though he thought you were going to kick him, he refused to flinch away. However he jumped as you brought your foot down lightly resting it on his crotch, adding more of your weight till you were bent down to his eye level resting your elbow on your knee "You bet I am."
He groaned, frowning as his eyes darted between your foot and your face, annoyed but intrigued. "Your guidelines seem to have changed quite a bit from what I remem-Ngh!" Both his knees jerked up a bit at the sudden add of pressure.
You only smiled at him, running the back of your fingers over his jaw and under his chin, raising his head a bit "now that you've found time, you're actually chatty, huh?"
He puffed out his cheeks and glared up at you.
"what do you want?"
"Now we're talking." You grinned and removed your foot, sitting in between his legs "I have no intention of turning you in to that prick that wants you."
He studied your face carefully "... that much is clear."
You gently put your hand over his mouth and rolled your eyes "shhh I'm talking." You removed your hand raising an eyebrow and daring him to talk, but he remained unfazed and quiet. "Good. You see, what you did back there to my squad doesn't sit right with me, so what we're gonna do is you endure a bit of humiliation then I let you walk free. It's a win-win scenario, trust me. Deal?"
He didn't look one bit like he trusted you as he scrunched up his nose and raised an eyebrow "I don't know, doesn't look like I have a choice."
Your grin widened significantly and you nestled comfortably between his legs looking throughly at his outfit for the first time. Black skinny jeans with a loose short sleeved shirt. Casual. You ran your palm up his bare arm, brushing off some of the frost that still persistently lingered. Your other hand wandered up his shirt curiously, fingers lingering on his prominent abs a little too long.
"You're weird."
He said maintaining a very intense eye contact. You rolled your eyes "you think?" He opened his mouth to retort but snapped it shut to suppress a surprised yelp, that instead escaped his lips in a strangled grunt as you pinched his left nipple hard.
You chuckled at the glare he shot you "oh wow, perky, are we? Is it for the cold?" Your hands moved down his body, fingers nimbly undoing his jeans. Eyeing him mischievously as he tried to discretely wriggle away from you to no avail "relax, I can warm you up."
"I'm fine, I don't need-..." he trailed off, watching curiously as you palmed him through the fabric of his underwear, running your fingers up and down his length, his leg jumping lightly in reflex as you squeezed down a bit too harshly, clicking his tongue annoyed once more. "I still have no idea what you want from me..." he grumbled eyes not leaving your hand as it dived inside to fetch his hardening cock, delicate fingers wrapping around it and lazily pumping up and down. "Improvise. You'll get it eventually." Your thumb rubbed over the head, squeezing a bead of precum out of it and smearing it around the tip. He hissed out a breath, twitching in your hand.
"Shit..." he did have a vague idea about what you wanted him to do but there was something oddly arousing about being helplessly bound to a pipe in a dead end at such a intriguing character's mercy.
He bit his lower lip to suppress his low grunts and moans, closing his eyes as your hand sped up, your other hand joining in to cup his balls and squeeze softly. His hips were bucking in your hands, abs bulging and rippling lightly in sync with your touch, covered in a thin layer of shiny sweat droplets. If his quirks weren't cancelled, he would be smoking with heat. Just as he was seeing white from the pleasure you stopped.
He threw his head back with a quiet sigh, opening his eyes "I should've known." He said with a breathy voice as he caught his breath.
You nod laughing at him teasingly "yeah you should've. Those sounds you make are very sexy though. Almost got me going too." He raised his head and smirked at you smugly "maybe you should give it a shot then?"
You shrugged your shoulders "tell me what I want to hear and I'll consider."
He chewed the inside of his cheek before finally giving up "...please." voice barely louder than a whisper.
"We've been over this, not enough." You scolded again. He sighed loudly "pleease!"
You smiled softly at him making him even more annoyed.
"please what?"
He narrowed his eyes at you before looking at you pleadingly "please finish me off and let me cum."
You grinned "nope, see you around, pretty boy." As you stood up and turned on your heels to leave.
"Wait what!? Not gonna Finish what you started?!"
you looked over your shoulder. It was the first time he looked this distressed
"I will. Later. We will meet again."
He growled and pulled at his restraints with a loud clinking noise "you can't leave me here like this! At least take these off and let me go!" He pleaded.
"I'm sure you can get out of them on your own. You're a big strong smart boy after all." You sent him a kiss from the entry of the alleyway as you winked and disappeared chuckling.
He growled hitting his head back on the pipe sitting there in silence for a while as he thought to himself.
'Strong smart boy'
'Smart boy'
"Bloody fucking hell! I'm going to get you back for this, I swear!" He grumbled angrily as he activated his ice quirk and froze the normal metal cuffs, breaking them and freeing his hands. He was basically not restrained at all this whole time! He smiled depite feeling like an idiot as he rubbed his raw wrists. He would be enthusiastically looking forward to seeing you again.
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athenawrites-stuff · 4 years
Of Ice and Blood
Part 4
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Pairings: Tai'chi Kashharzol (Orc) x Pearl Blackbell (Human OC/Reader)
Warnings: Violence, Fighting, Use of curse words, and shouting.
Word count: 1.8k + words
Sensing another one behind me, I went low and struck his leg with mine, using his fall to punch his chin with my right fist this time, being careful to use a controlled amount of force or else the nerve I hit will result to permanent brain injury and can be fatal.
I got up, swift in my actions as I saw the guy with a raised baseball bat heading towards me from my left flank, and the other one from the right, fast.
On reflex, I leaned back, the bat that was aimed at me hitting his comrade on the shoulder instead. Guy’s lucky, actually. He would have suffered internal bleeding if it bashed the side of his skull.
Four down, two to go.
I took my stance once again to ready myself. This dude was a foot taller than me, with muscles packed with raw strength, but even so, pale in comparison to Tai'chi’s p—
Stop thinking that! Focus!
“Smash her head Dan!” The man behind him yelled.
This ‘Dan’ went straight to me with his bat raised with intent once more.
Breathe in.
Everything slowed down. I let my heart rate decelerate, my hearing sharpened, my sense of smell heightening even further.
I closed my eyes, letting the rest of my senses take over. Years of practice, days of pain from training, each motion engraved to my entire body with purpose. To defend not only myself, but also those who are looked down upon, discriminated and stepped on like dirt. My parents had always taught me to defend myself. Me. Don’t get me wrong, my parents are good people, albeit wary of the other races in our community. But the moment I left the roof of my home, I knew it was time for me to defend someone other than myself. I don’t give a damn about where we come from or what kind of blood flows within our veins. I will protect those who need protecting, and set anyone straight and down to the ground when they deserve it.
Breathe out.
At the last few moments, with my eyes still shut, I changed my form. I followed his aura and pictured out the shape that was drawing up to land a serious blow to my head. Dan is solid and heavy, but everyone has at least one weakness. And this guy is not spared from that.
The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
I opened my right fist, right foot forward and relaxed my arms, my legs serving as a firm foundation for my upper body. With the bat inches away from me, I smoothly dodged to the side, using my palm to push away the hand holding the weapon and punched a vital pressure point right under his bicep.
I bent my legs even lower and struck the center of his ribs with my thumb, closing my hands as I jabbed his sciatic nerve on each side at the same time, both located in the middle line of the thigh between the groin and the knee. A solid blow to those nerve points will cause intense pain and shock to the person, along with a temporary immobility of the feet.
a/n: Self defense 101! Remember that dear readers♥
With the support of my left leg, I went behind the man, standing straight and proud. Calm, I opened my eyes when I heard his fall, staring right into the fearful ones of the moron that started all of this.
“Y-You- You killed them!”
Is he that dumb?
“Correction, I didn’t. I knocked them unconscious is all. And the fellow that attacked me first? Well, he passed out from the pain of his now funny-looking arm.” I stated flatly as I trudged to where he was standing.
“S-Stay away from me! Monster! Freak!” He stumbled, his ass on the ground and away from me until he felt a tree trunk on his back.
I scoffed and withdrew my knuckle dusters back under my baggy sleeve.
“You wanna know who the real monster is?” I stopped and held him in place with my scrutinizing gaze. He was trembling like a wimp at this point.
“It’s you.
"You and your disgusting racist friends.
"You, along with all the people who view and treats anyone other than humankind as lowlifes and pests that are meant to be squished and eradicated from the society.
"No, it’s you, and the ones who have the same mentality as you, who are monsters under the guise of a human.”
I paused, not even blinking as I bore holes into his skull.
“I am human, down to every inch of my being. But unlike you, I respect and treat everyone, regardless of kind or gender, and to those who deserve it, fair and right.”
Before I could continue, I scented new people coming into the scene. It was the teaching staff, along with the uni’s guard.
Shocked of what they have seen, they turned towards me, angry, surprised, confused expressions on different faces.
“What have you done?!” A female, human instructor, looking to be around her late 20s shouted.
“Ma'am, if you would just let me explain—”
“You are hereby expelled from this institution, young lady!”
All the color of my skin left me as I heard the words I have dreaded even before I set foot in the campus grounds.
“Now let’s not go straight to conclusions. We need to deal with this professionally AND properly Miss Holson. You are also not in authority to suspend this student.” A heavily bearded dwarven professor, clad in a brown suit and Oxfords, told her off firmly.
“What are you saying Mr. Dulrik? Look at her! Look at this! She murdered students and oh my God, is that the dean’s son?!”
For the love of— she blind? Why does everybody think I killed someone???
“Ma'am they are—” I was about to tell her but got cut off, again!
“Helpmehelpmehelpme!” He scrambled away from me and ran to the group of teachers and hugged the young instructor. “I don’t know what came over her! She just attacked us out of nowhere!”
The audacity of this fucking bitch!
“Pardon me? Attacked you? YOU were the one who followed me out here! You and your” —I gestured to the bodies laying flat on the ground— “ buddies over there!”
“She is lying! The orc was with her and and and—”
It dawned on me that I almost forgot about Tai'chi. My eyes widened, and I frantically scanned the area around for him. And there he was, standing by the oak tree, right where I told him not to move.
He seemed…irritated?
Oh no. At me?
“I have not moved an inch from where I am standing ever since I planted my feet here.” He said with his deep baritone voice, turning to confront the staff. “What she’s speaking is the truth. They were the ones who followed her here and attacked her, first.”
“And how can we be sure you are telling the truth, orc?” Miss Holson replied spitefully.
Even the teacher, huh? Her odor smells like vomit. I mean, I knew she was…foul, but I thought it was because of the situation. Guess not.
Tai'chi did not respond. Instead, he moved to look at me in the eyes. His gaze, searching, but not in an awful way. Was he asking me what I’ll do?
“How about we discuss this in the office, shall we?” An elderly professor spoke. She was wearing the university’s formal teaching uniform together with black, flat, closed toe sandals. “And Miss Holson, please quiet down. As Mr. Dulrik said, we should not jump into baseless conclusions.”
Miss Holson fumed and shut her mouth, holding the coward in her arms.
“Now then, Miss…?”
The woman paused. I caught a smell of surprise and… astonishment?
She cleared her throat “Well, then Miss Blackbell, please follow us to the Dean’s office, along with your, companion.”
“Oh and Mr. Smith, kindly call for assistance and take the unconscious students to the infirmary to be treated and looked unto. Thank you.” She told the guard. With that, she and the rest of the faculty started walking back.
I glanced at Tai'chi once more to find him, again, staring. I approached him warily, expecting him to be mad at me.
“Uh. Hi?”
I let out a long exhale when he replied, with a slight tug of his lips, his tusk jutting out. “Hi.”
I fidgeted, trying to come up with words to explain myself.
“I uh, uhm. Are you mad?”
With his brow raised, “Why would I be?”
Yeah why would he be?
“I-I never told why I keep wearing my mask.” I stuttered, “You see I—”
“You two! Start moving before I force you to.” A teacher yelled at us from a distance.
“We’ll talk later, Pearl. For now let’s get this resolved first. I know for a fact that they won’t expel you unless they ignore the ill intentions of the ones who attempted to harm you first. But better be safe than sorry, he was the dean’s son afterall.”
“Yeah… Thanks. We should.. go.” I turned and started walking along his side.
******pov shift for a bit*******
Little did Pearl know, he was thinking about how…nice, yeah that’s the word, definitely not sexy, you were when he witnessed your skills in combat. It awakened something in him that it took a lot of control not to get aroused there and then, which was the real reason why he stood there, unmoving from his place. Not once did he leave his eyes from you, almost jumping to help you when the guy with the baseball bat was closer than we would have liked. But oh no, he was not surprised, he was astonished and shookt , amazed when you pulled that last technique, sending the human plummeting to the ground almost soundlessly. And the way you stood right after, he knew he was smitten. That proud and intense aura you gave off was enough to make him bow down at your feet. He could feel it. He could smell it. That was his secret, he can scent people and catch any mood shift they make. Even though he told her that her eyes and brows gave it away, it was not entirely true as he could smell, literally, you and the changes on your scent.
Oh but little did he know you could to. Just not as observant as he is.
Thank you for reading<3
I've already written Chapters 1-6 so stay tuned and check them out in my pinned post. Stay safe and healthy!
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OHSHC Rewrite: Episode 3b
Beware of the Physical Exams!
Host Club x reader
Summary: When the hosts convince y/n to get help, she finds trouble instead.
Word Count: 5.4k
Episode Masterlist
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"Y/n, we've come here today to talk about a problem regarding you."
You looked around nervously, and began your verbal diarrhea. "Okay, um, first of all, I want to say I'm sorry. I know it's our number one priority to make the clients happy, and I was side tracked, and that's on me. I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have been unprofessional with Alarico and that's super my fault. I know I need to get 100 guests and I'm only at 39 but I can do better, and again I'm really sorry for everything about yesterday, and—"
"Y/n," Kyoya cut you off. "This has nothing to do with your quota, or Alarico Gonzalez's behavior."
"Oh." You said dumbly.
"This is about your anxiety attack."
"Oh." You grumbled, though you quickly regained your composure. "I'm sorry you had to see that senpai."
"It was no trouble, and I've read that they can be very sudden and frightening to those who get them." He stated.
"We're really worried." Hikaru said.
"Yeah," Kaoru agreed. "When Kyoya told us, we had no idea how to help."
"You have to take care of yourself y/n-chan." Honey clutched usa-chan.
"Yeah." Mori said.
"That is why," Tamaki said, pointing to you. "We've decided to set up an appointment with the school therapist today!"
"Woah, let's not take it that far. I'm okay guys, really."
"You didn't look okay when you had trouble breathing yesterday." Kyoya stated.
"That was just a little hiccup!" You explained. "Things happen. I'm okay now, which is more important, right?"
Tamaki stepped up to you. "You're going to therapy, and that's final!"
"No." You said forcefully. This struck his feelings, and he sulked in the corner. You sighed. "I'm sorry I worried you all, and I'll be careful next time. I don't want to waste time and cut any classes so a therapist can tell me depressing things. I just want to forget about sad stuff here."
You gave them a smile. "Well, she seems unmotivated." Hikaru stated.
"But how are we going to get her to agree?" Kaoru asked.
Mori then thought of something. "Squishy ice cream."
That struck a nerve. You gasped and carefully looked at them, and Tamaki then got up. "That's right~ You were so busy last episode that you never got to try any, did you~?"
"Did you hear that?" Hikaru whispered mockingly. "She's never even tried squishy ice cream before. Isn't that sad?"
"Talk about a tragedy." Kaoru whispered back.
You nervously laughed. "C'mon guys, you don't really think of me as such glutton because I'm poor and never had it that I'd force myself to go to some therapy for some ice cream would you?" You kept nervously laughing, and everybody else smiled at you. You then quietly asked, "What time is the appointment?"
"We knew it." The twins said.
You scoffed and smiled. "You guys are something else. Why do you even care about this?"
"Don't refer to yourself as this!" Tamaki exclaimed. "If you need anything, know that I'm always here for you."
"You mean all of us are here for her?" Hikaru asked.
"As I said before, you are all the homosexual supporting cast!"
You let out an involuntary laugh. "Really senpai? Supporting cast?" You asked, walking over to them. "That's a little self absorbed of you." You then thought of something. "Can you guys do me a little favor though? Let's keep the therapy sessions to ourselves. My clients get worried easily and I feel weird when they get curious and ask me about my issues."
"Well, your appointment is right after the physical exams," Kyoya explained. "So that might be an issue."
"Alright then," Tamaki announced. "Gentlemen, it's time to enact The Keep Y/n's Secret Safe Plan!"
Later that day you walked with the twins to the physical exam, though the line was going to be too long to not miss your therapy session. When you went in there, your mouth hung open. "What the hell is this?!"
"It's just a regular physical exam." Hikaru said.
"I've seen malls smaller than this." You whisper shouted, speed walking to hold each twin by the arm, timidly looking at all the people and fancy stations. "This is so out of place for me. I feel so awkward."
They paid no mind to you gripping onto them, or at least tried not to. "Seriously y/n, you need to stop being amazed and scared at everything here." Kaoru said.
"I was amazed and scared of the host club when I walked in. Look at us now." You offered. Neither of them said anything but looked down at you. You then saw Mori and Honey dressed up in doctor attire. "Wait, what?" They put their fingers over their mouths shush you. "So obvious." You muttered.
"I have those two for back up in case this plan doesn't execute properly." Kyoya came out and explained.
"Why are they in doctor uniforms?"
"It helps set the mood." He pushed up his glasses. "Disguises make our mission feel like a real espionage."
You watched the doctor encourage a girl as three other nurses clapped for her. "This is weird." You said. "All the staff here are actually nice."
"Of course." Kyoya said. "All staff is chosen by the chairman. It is a school, but it's also a business. He wants the students to be happy, and most students here already have their own doctors for their families. So this, is just a formality."
You quietly scoffed and shrugged, shaking your head. You and the twins kept walking when someone bumped into Kyoya, and Kyoya's gaze lingered on him.
"Huh." The twins then began taking off their shirts to do their exams, and girls started squealing. "See now?" Kyoya asked. "Physical exam day is quite popular with the ladies."
"Hm. My physical exams in y/c had us also do exercise. Everybody was rude and just wanted to get everything over with, and that makes more sense than this." You then shook your head. "But girls here would probably still be squealing for that too because sweat is apparently attractive too."
The twins were being themselves and girls continued squealing. Mori and Honey took this as an opportunity to push you into a corner nobody was in. Tamaki then caught you from behind. "I've been waiting for you princess." He said in your ear.
"Tamaki senpai?" You turned your head.
He giggled in your ear. "You're so cute when you're surprised." He then stepped back. "This is it, the inevitable moment."
"What are you gonna do?"
He shushes you with his finger. "Don't worry, I'll protect you." You felt your cheeks tingle. That was until he put on a wig and stepped into the exams area. "I am ready to take the exams." He announced in his best impression of your voice.
"Hey, is Tamaki trying to dress as a girl?" One girl asked.
Tamaki was shocked, as if he didn't realize people would notice. The twins then bursted out laughing. "He actually did it!" Hikaru laughed out.
"I can't believe he didn't know that wouldn't work!"
Tamaki blushed and angrily grabbed Hikaru. "Why didn't you tell me it wouldn't work?!"
"It's payback for calling us homosexual supporting cast!" He laughed out.
Tamaki looked over at you shyly with big sad eyes. "Um, listen y/n," he timidly said.
"Did you really think that would work?" You asked, and your tone showed that it was a genuine question. He said nothing but pouted, causing you to glare at him. "Big words senpai. Small execution."
"Come this way y/n," Kyoya said. "There's a private room waiting for you."
"Senpai, you look like your enjoying this." You smiled at him. Tamaki dropped to his knees in the background.
Kyoya was smiling as well. "Well, I did need to get my revenge too. I don't appreciate being called supporting cast, homosexual or otherwise."
You both walked away as Tamaki weakly reached for you while fading away. You then went into a room with a female nurse. "Good morning Miss Y/l/n. It's a pleasure to meet you. I've been informed of your circumstances, so we can hurry along this process."
"Thank you ma'am."
"Of course. Step right this way please. You can undress in there." You nodded and stepped inside the dressing area.
The boys were listening to this girl cry about a doctor who supposedly made a pass at her. "I've never been so terrified." She cried.
"How scary!"
"Do you think he was a pervert?" This girls were huddled around her for comfort.
"I had a feeling this might happen." Kyoya thought out loud. "Earlier today I saw a strange man in a white lab coat, though clearly not one of our doctors.
"Shouldn't you have said something sooner?" The twins asked in an annoyed manner.
"I'm sure it's no big deal. I'm sure the security guard will catch him." Kyoya offered.
They still listened to the group in the back. "Tell me," said a doctor. "Did you see where this man went?"
"Yes sir, he was headed towards the private clinic down the hall." The boys were all silent as they realized that he was going to your room.
You had just unbuttoned your shirt, leaving you in your bra. You were about to take off your pants when a man went into your changing room and was peaking outside. It was almost like he didn't see you. "W–um, excuse me, but—"
He rushed over to you and covered your mouth with his hand. "No, it's not what you think. Please just be quiet."
"Y/n!" You both turned to see Tamaki in the air. "Tama-chan~ kick!" He kicked the man in the face and sent him flying into the wall. Tamaki then spun in the air a few times before coming down to the ground.
The twins then appeared. "One. Good looks that attract the public eye."
Kyoya then stepped out of the shadows. "Two. More wealth than you can imagine."
Mori then spoke up. "Three. Chivalry that will never be able to overlook,"
"The hideous wickedness of this world." Honey finished.
As you hugged yourself Tamaki gently placed his own shirt over you. "That's what make up the Ouran Host Club!"
They posed, with an exception of Mori and Kyoya, saying, "We're here, watch out!"
"Please don't hurt me! Spare me my life!" He bowed as you buttoned up Tamaki's shirt. He then got back up. "I run a small medical clinic in the next town over."
You were taken aback by the sudden fact. You looked at Honey, whispering, "Why is he telling us his life story?"
Honey shrugged, and you all listened. "My name is Yabu." You suppressed your laughter, since Yabu is another word for quack doctor. "You see, I came to find my daughter. My wife left me a month ago and took my daughter with her! I know that my daughter goes here."
You sat down to be at the same eye level with him. "Well now that I'm invested into the story, I gotta ask. What happened to make them leave?"
He explained that he kept giving people money and they don't usually pay them back. The latest time was the last straw, and they both left. "I can never say no to anyone. I don't blame them for not wanting to constantly live in debt. But I wanted to see my daughter one last time, so I wandered through the streets and was pounded by rain until I came here. But once I entered I was mistaken for a doctor, here to examine students!"
You smiled. "You mean they mistook the guy wearing a lab coat as a doctor? That's... wow."
"And then it happened," He ignored you. He then explained how he asked a girl for directions and she ran away screaming. "And before I knew it, there were all kinds of people chasing me!" He was bursting with tears.
"So tragic!" Tamaki was also crying.
"Pardon me," Kyoya said. "But I think you may have the wrong highschool. Are you looking for Ouran Public Highschool?"
"Yeah?" He stopped crying and looked up.
"I figured that might be the case. This is Ouran Academy, private institution. Your daughter doesn't go to school here."
He looked shocked, and the twins began to voice their opinions. "Man, you don't even know where your daughter goes to school? That's pretty sad." Hikaru said.
"Yeah, I bet your relationship's messed up because you don't pay attention to them, not because of some stupid debt."
"Wow Kyo-chan, you figured that out pretty quickly." Honey congratulated him.
"Well, the daughter of such a small business man could never afford to go here." You scrunched up your nose I'm response.
"Kyoya," Tamaki said. "Could you make a map of the public schools in this area? I'd like to help this man."
Kyoya looked surprised for a second, but smiled and regained his composure. "Whatever you say."
As the man got up you stepped in front of him. "If you'll allow me to give some advice." He nodded. "If you get there and school is still in session, don't just go in. Wait until she's finished with school, or else you're gonna look like a creep and she'll be too angry and embarrassed to talk." He said nothing and nodded, bowing. He left soon after, and you were all still in the private room. "Well, sorry to do this, but can you guys please leave now?"
Everybody looked surprised. "Y/n, are you still angry with me?" Tamaki said. "You're not going to quit the host club are you?"
You turned to him and smiled, patting his shoulder. "Don't be silly senpai. I need to get to that stupid therapy sesh and you need to put on a shirt. I just gotta take the physical exams and I'll give it back to you." You then turned around and smiled. "Let's get this straight though. I'm not doing it for some food, I'm doing it for my debt."
You giggled, and Tamaki smothered you with a hug. "I can see right through you! I know you're doing it for some squishy ice cream!"
He was smothering too much. "Okay, stop it! The shirt's riding up!"
"Red card!" The twins said in unison. They then dragged Tamaki out and everyone else followed.
You finished your exam fairly quickly and was guided by your nurse to the room of your therapist. "Good morning." She grinned. "Please sit anywhere you'd like."
You had decided right then and there that this was going to suck. There was fancy decor and expensive looking items. There was a nice looking couch and even nicer looking chairs. She had a desk that looked like it costed way too much, and she wore expensive clothing. This was all too much. You didn't belong in this room.
You silently sat on the couch. "I hope you feel your most comfortable self with me, so we can talk about anything you want." Her grin was still on and her tone was still chirpy. You said nothing. "Do you want to begin the conversation?"
You hesitated before speaking up. "May I ask about your background?"
"My background? Well that's an incredibly boring subject, but go ahead! Let's not have any secrets between each other, okay?"
You were silent for a moment again. "How were you brought up? Was it surrounded by things like this?"
You didn't try to smile. You didn't want to be here. There wasn't anything wrong with you, so there wasn't a reason to be here. Besides, this room itself was giving you anxiety. "Things like this? Well, I'm not really the materialistic person, but if you're asking me if I was born into a wealthy family that helped paved the way to my position, then yes. I was born into this."
Her smile never faltered, and you didn't like it. You didn't like the feeling of any of this. Exposed, you felt so exposed. It made you put your head down in shame. "Then don't you think you're a little overqualified to be talking to me right now?"
She was taken aback, but began writing in her notebook. She slightly nodded to it, as if she had decided something. "My, is that what you think?"
What the hell would she even write from that? That you have self esteem issues? That you're self conscious about yourself here? You deserved so much squishy icecream for this. You only shrugged.
"You don't seem very relaxed right now. Maybe we could talk about why that is." You shrugged again. Her smile almost left her face, but she hung onto it. "We can't make any progress if you we don't put in effort dear."
You sucked up your annoyance and smiled, bringing your head up. "If you want me to be happy about this, you could've just said so. And the reason why I'm uncomfortable is because this room is making me uncomfortable."
She then wrote in her notebook again. "I see. Is it the atmosphere? We can go outside to the garden if it makes you feel any better."
"Is this session a one time thing?"
She chuckled. "That's not how progress works."
"Then we can stay in here so I could get used to this feeling."
It was like she cornered you. She knew exactly where to strike. "Do you always feel like you need to comply to things? Like you have to be the one to adjust?"
You frowned. "Where did that come from?"
"Please answer the question dear."
"I don't know, I guess. I have to though. It's not like everybody else has to change their viewpoints to accommodate only me."
"Do those viewpoints make you upset?"
"I'd appreciate if didn't lie to me."
She seemed to have every one of your moves calculated. She suddenly knew how to outsmart you. "Sometimes, I guess. I don't know. They'll say a comment or two about how different commoners are to normal rich people. It's weird. I never considered myself normal, but I'm different for another reason here than before."
You wanted to slap yourself for saying that. She only wrote in her notebook again. "How were you different before?"
"It just sometimes felt like us against the world. The four of us were unbreakable and we didn't care that it was that way. I felt proud to be looked down on, in this weird way, because my friends were down there with me laughing at everyone else."
"And now?"
"Now I'm down there alone. Everybody looks down on me, but there's no one else to share that with. It just sucks sometimes."
"You have two separate friend groups that you mention. Do you feel differently towards the one back in y/c than here?"
"I never felt ashamed with my y/c friends, I guess. I don't know. They knew everything about me, and they still loved me for it. Maybe I feel like my friends here will just pity me if I open up more?" You brought your knees up and buried your face in between them. "Ugh, no offense doctor, but this sucks butt. I thought this was supposed to help me with my anxiety."
"And you don't feel anxiety when thinking about your new friends finding things out about you?"
You couldn't help but let out a laugh and fall to lay of the couch. "Damn it, you're actually pretty good."
"People can be more complex than you might think. Just as you feel like they won't understand you because of your background, you aren't giving them a chance because of their background." You looked up at her. She was still smiling.
You chuckled. "You really do suck." You then sat up straight. "Hey, how are other people like with your sneaky forwardness?"
She waved off the question. "Oh, I'm usually not like this at all. I normally have to go through this journey with them until they figure it out on their own. I figured you weren't like that and would prefer someone who wouldn't baby you. It's actually quite nice to get straight forward answers back."
You genuinely smiled. "I'm sorry doctor, I think I underestimated you."
She had a different smile on this time. "Hm. Tell me something that your new friends don't know about you."
"That's kinda hard. One of them ran a background check on me."
She chose not to push her luck and not ask about that. "Well, it can be a small fact."
You let out a sigh and looked down again. "I mean, I was at the store the other day and bought them all keychains. Once I brought them to school I realized how worthless this would be to them. So I just kept them.
"Pushing for a better relationship with your friends will maybe let them push with you. They might like the gifts. You don't know until you try it."
"Thanks doctor." You smiled at her.
"One last question, how did you act with your old friends? Were you touchy feely or more to yourself?"
"Um, touchy feely I guess." You then thought about how you and your friends never really had respect for each other's boundaries, though none of you cared. "Really touchy feely actually."
"Try to work on getting to that level with your new friends." She then checked the time. "Oh, it seems we just ended our session. I'm glad we got this far, and there's so much more to talk about. I'll see you next week."
"Yeah, okay." You smiled and got up.
"Oh, dear,"
You stopped. "Yeah?"
"Why don't you give your old friends a call? You seem like you miss them."
"Okay." You said, chirpy. "Bye!"
You walked back to the physical exam area, and everyone was just about finished. All your friends stared at you as you silently walked over to them. You didn't say anything and looked spaced out.
"Y/n," Tamaki quietly asked. "Are you mad at us for sending you to therapy? You're making a face."
"I'm just thinking senpai." You didn't look at him.
"About quitting the club?!" He grabbed you by the shoulders.
You gently poked his face and pushed it away with your finger. "About whether or not I should give you guys something." The bell rang and you looked at the twins. "Oh, let's go guys. Bye everyone."
Nobody said anything. You went to your class silently. "Uh, y/n?" Hikaru asked.
"Hm?" You turned to them.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Kaoru asked.
You smiled and hugged them both. "I'm sure."
After school you decided to use your phone and call the one person you know who also has a phone. The other two were also there, and the three were planning to see you as a surprise on Monday. Luckily, Jasmine can't keep a surprise to save her life.
You entered the host club with a big smile, setting down your bag to turn and see all the boys staring at you. "What?" You asked, still smiling. "Oh! The gifts."
"So you actually did get us something?" Kaoru asked.
"Yup." You brought them out of your backpack and walked over to Mori. You handed him a keychain of a small black belt. "I heard someone say you were in kendo, so I thought this would be nice."
He smiled and patted the top of your head. "Thanks."
You excitedly nodded and bent down to Honey, giving him a bunny keychain. "I thought it would kinda remind you of usa-chan if you two were ever apart."
His eyes shown as he held it in his hands. "Cute! Thanks y/n-chan!"
You walked over to the twins, handing them a tweedle dee and tweedle dum keychains. You didn't know how to explain this one, so all you did was nervously chuckle.
"Get it?" They only stared at it and back at you as you awkwardly walked away and went to Kyoya. You gave him a paintbrush keychain. "One of my clients told me you could paint?"
He smiled and took the gift. "Hm. Thank you y/n."
You grinned and walked over to Tamaki. He was like a puppy who was excited to get a treat. You didn't take any notice in the blush on his face, nervous yourself that he'd say something about the piss poor gift. You put a small bear keychain in his hand.
"I know you have a teddy bear like this, and I've seen your dorky led pencil with the bear on it." An arrow went through him. "So I thought this would be a nice addition."
"No offense," Hikaru said, staring at the gift in his hand. Everybody turned their heads to him. "But you know these are kinda useless to us right?"
You frowned, but quickly replaced it with a smile. "Yeah," you nervously chuckled. "I'm sorry. It's stupid, I don't even know why I got them. Sorry." You then quickly began to walk away. "I'm gonna get my stuff set up."
You made some special tea for your first guest since she mentioned last time it was her favorite. While you were doing this, Tamaki stormed over to Hikaru. "What was that about?"
"What?" He shrugged. "It's true. I don't get why everyone's acting like this is some treasure."
Kyoya began writing in his book. "According to my sources, y/n also gave her friends back home keychains. It's a gift that she can afford, but it seems to only be something that she only gives to those she holds dear." They all looked back at Kyoya, who was still writing. "Don't you think it's peculiar that right after she talked to her therapist, y/n said that she felt comfortable giving us each a gift?"
Kaoru didn't know what to say, and Tamaki grabbed Hikaru's shoulder. "Listen to me." He said quietly. "You have to apologize to y/n. She wanted to do something nice for you, and you showed your gratitude like a slap in the face to her."
He looked over to you in an annoyed manner, walking over and tapping your shoulder. You flinched but still mustered up a smile. Before he could say anything, the host doors opened.
He didn't get the chance to say anything for the next three hours, as you were always busy with a new guest. Over the three hours guilt began to plague him. Why was he feeling bad? It was a harmless fact. His chest felt heavy.
Finally when they were all gone, you began cleaning as quickly as possible. He tried to slyly get closer to you, but you noticed and kept moving to a new area quickly. It was annoying him. "Hey," he called out to you in a demanding tone. "Are you mad at me or something?"
You didn't look in his direction, busying yourself with cleaning. "No. Why do you say that?"
"Tch." He didn't have patience for the feelings inside him. "Why are you avoiding me then?!"
You, as well as the other hosts, were surprised by the sudden outburst. You let out a sigh, turning to face him and giving him a smile. "Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry that you had to raise your voice at me."
"Why are you still being nice?" He said in a quiet manner, embarrassed for yelling at you for no important reason. "I just yelled at you."
"Um, I'm sure you're used to having people's full attention." You offered a shrug, your smile still sticking. "People who're raised by hearing a lot of yes's are usually bound to be more demanding. It's only natural, so it's whatever."
"No it's not!" He raised his voice again. "You should be getting mad at others being rude to you. Don't be such a pushover!"
His words stung, and you dropped your smile. "Don't call me that." You said a little forcefully.
"You know what? Next time you go to therapy, work on that!" You didn't say anything and angrily continued cleaning while everybody stared at Hikaru. Tamaki was being held back by Kaoru, while Hikaru was just staring at you. Damnit. This was supposed to be an apology, but he made things worse. "Y/n—"
Your simple demand got everyone's eyes to you. Kaoru and Tamaki held each other from how scary you looked, while Hikaru stepped a few paces back. After a few seconds he was ready to retaliate with another comment, but before he could he was pulled back by Kaoru.
"Hikaru, try to calm down." Kaoru offered.
This got him angrier. "I don't even need her to forgive me! It's always been me and you, and we never needed anyone else! Why should that change now?"
They both stopped when they noticed you sadly staring at them. You then looked back at your cart full of dishes and rolled it away. When you came back you only saw one twin bashfully staring at you.
"Look y/n, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those things, and—"
You began to giggle. "Wow, I never knew people thought of me as so much of an idiot to really not think I can tell some twins apart. Nice try Kaoru." He looked at you, shocked. You kept walking, before stopping to quickly say "I appreciate you trying though."
You walked over to the other twin, who was tied up and squirming under Tamaki's foot. You motioned for Tamaki to back down, which he did as you sat down next to the tied up twin, pulling down the tie over his mouth. "What was that for boss?!"
"If you cannot respect a woman properly, you will have to handled improperly!" You flashed Tamaki a smile for the comment, and he began rolling on the ground and muttering about how cute you are.
You turned to look at Hikaru, who angrily looked away from you. "So, I get it now." You grinned.
"Get what?" He shyly looked over to you.
"Why you're so nonchalant about everybody. It's because you're used to only relying on one person your whole life." He looked at you in awe. You really understood that. "Honestly, it's pretty amazing to look at. I wish I had a life companion like that."
"But don't—"
"Nope, still not gonna talk about that anytime soon. The point is, I get why you weren't concerned about my feelings, and the important thing is that you're thinking about them now...kinda. As long as you're actually sorry then all is good."
He looked away from you and muttered a sorry. You nodded and untied him, standing up to face the others. You let out a sigh and bowed politely. "I sincerely apologize for the unnecessary drama I brought to the club."
You felt a strong hand pull on your arm to lift you back up. You looked up to see Tamaki gently smiling. "Don't think you have to put your head down for us, and stop thinking of yourself as an outlier. We all enjoy your company."
You smiled back, and remembered what your therapist and you talked about. Try to become touchy feely with them. They're all still your friends.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, quietly saying, "Thank you senpai." You pulled back and saw Tamaki as a blushing mess, causing you to quickly yank back. "Sorry! Ugh, I knew I shouldn't have listened to my therapist about being more touchy feely."
"Actually," the twins said as they came to each of your side, back to their flirty selves. "You can do that with us!"
You let out a breathy chuckle. "You guys are so bipolar and I love it." You then walked over the Kyoya. "Are we all still hanging out tomorrow?"
He wrote in his book. "Oh course. Have you decided where we'll go?"
"Yup!" You grinned. "The swap meet!"
"Swap meet?" The twins asked.
"Well, I think you guys call it a flee market here in Japan." You then looked back at the twins. "Call me tomorrow morning so we can pick everyone up and go."
"Roger!" They saluted.
"Wait, y/n," Tamaki said.
"I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable Tamaki-senpai. I'll be less touchy with you from now on."
"Wait y/n! I did like the hug, I promise!" He sobbed.
You giggled. "You don't have to lie to make me feel better. Well, gotta go. Bye guys!" And with that, you left.
"Is there a problem Tamaki?" Kyoya slyly smiled.
"What if y/n won't hug me anymore?! Who else would she hug?"
"Hm. Well, she could always come to any of the other host members—"
"Are you saying you would let my little girl hug you and smother you with love?!" He barked.
"Hm, if it helps her, then I suppose." Everybody else left Tamaki crying in the music room.
Author's Note: Well, I don't know about you guys but this chapter felt like hot garbage to me.
Tag List: @krustykrabbspizza @animefan7420 @strangerthingsholland @the-dead-fucking-sea @blue-eyez-7 @i-bitch-you-bitch @sylumsart
238 notes · View notes
maybeimamuppet · 3 years
the second first date
this week on ezzy can’t title: this. quick tw for brief discussion of self harm and a mentioned suicide attempt, but this is 99.9999% cute fluff.
Cady had a tendency to talk in her sleep, as Janis had learned during several sleepovers. Most of the time it didn't make sense to Janis (or Cady the next morning) but wasn't particularly concerning. Things like:
"Janis. I hate oranges." Good to know. Or, "Janis, the birds are back." Mildly alarming, but they she didn't seem bothered by them. Or, "Janis, why do we have eyebrows?" A valid question.
Occasionally it was cute little things, like:
"Janis, you're my favorite." Janis had to fight to contain a squeal. Or, "You're so pretty." Janis just blushed violently and continued listening. Or, "I need more snuggles." Obviously, Janis pulled her closer and kissed her forehead.
And every once in a while it was something particularly ominous that kept Janis lying awake after, like:
"When did I die?" Huh? Past tense? Or, "How does it know?" How does what know? Or, "Don't mess with me, I know lions." A genuine threat, thankfully not aimed at Janis (she hopes).
Which is why Janis is more than a little concerned when Cady suddenly sits bolt upright in the middle of the night, Janis bracing herself for whatever strange things will come out of Cady's sleep addled mind next. But then Cady turns to her, and she's awake.
"I never got to take you on a surprise date. Our first date was your turn, I never got my turn," She says blearily, eyes full of genuine concern.
"Shh, baby. You can start planning your surprise date in the morning. Go back to sleep, it's late, Princess," Janis croons, pulling Cady back into her embrace.
"Mmkay," Cady hums, seeming content with that as she tucks herself into Janis' neck and falls back asleep almost immediately.
When Janis wakes up the next morning, Cady is already at her desk, scribbling away in a notebook. "Why are you all the way over there?" Janis whines sleepily, reaching for her.
"Because you pushed me out of bed and stole all the blankets, you loon. I figured I might as well get started planning," Cady giggles, coming back over for their morning cuddles.
"What do you have so far?" Janis asks, her voice still rough with sleep.
"The whole point is that it's a surprise, Jay. You'll find out when it happens," Cady answers, pulling Janis into her lap.
"Fine," Janis grumbles. She likes knowing things. "When is it happening?"
Janis checks her calendar on her phone, sometimes her mom makes her watch her sister on Saturdays. "Works for me, baby," She answers when nothing appears.
"Good," Cady answers. She's has about a week to prepare now, which she needs. She only came up with half an idea.
One Janis goes home, Cady immediately pulls out her phone and sends a text to her group chat with the former Plastics.
africabytoto: Guys, I'm taking Janis on a date Saturday and I only came up with an idea for part of it, can you help me????
Gretchen, as always, answers first.
fetchen: You could just take her to dinner or something?? That's always nice
It does sound nice, but not quite right. Janis' ideas were both perfect, Cady wants to do even better for her.
ofmiceandkaren: Gretch took me to a bookstor on our first date!! I picked a storie and she red it to me by the pond! 📷‍📷️‍📷‍📷📷📷📷📷
africabytoto: Aww, that's so cute! Nice name btw
ofmiceandkaren: thanks !! I picked Of Mice and Men but spoylers, ❌📷 it is not even about mice. Gretchie sayd I shuld make it my name anyway 📷📷
That idea is much more Janis, she loves to read, but it still doesn't feel quite right. Maybe they'd do it on another date. Ironically, Regina comes up with the best idea.
bowdownbitches: the fair just opened for the year, you could take her there. Janis loves roller coasters and stuff. or she used to, anyway.
africabytoto: Gina that's perfect!!!! Thanks guys, I'll see you at lunch tomorrow 📷📷
Cady's only seen fairs in movies and has always wanted to go to one, so it's a slightly selfish endeavor, but she does remember hearing Janis rave about them.
When Saturday finally rolls around, Janis is slightly panicked. Cady only told her to wear good walking shoes and dress "decent but not fancy", as if Janis had any idea what that meant. Damian was out of town for the weekend, so she can't ask him to dress her like she normally does.
Then she remembers that she has a baby sister who is actually very good with fashion for her age, so she goes to the top of the stairs to call for her.
"Can you come pick my outfit for my date tonight?"
And suddenly her sister is barreling up the stairs top speed, nearly plowing her down. Apparently she's excited. Janis leads her to her bedroom, opening her closet and dresser drawers for Juliana to dig through.
"Gimme your phone," Julie says once she enters.
"Why?" Janis asks suspiciously, but unlocking and handing it over anyway.
"So I can ask Cady where she's taking you, duh," Julie answers.
Julie taps into her messages, scowling a little at the Cady Girl 📷📷 contact name. Gross.
Jellybean: hey it's julie, janny asked me to pick out her clothes, can u tell me where ur taking her?? i'll delete the messages so she doesn't see
Caddy Cakes: Haha I believe it, but prove it's really you first. Janis is sneaky like that.
Juliana snaps a selfie of herself making a peace sign, showing Janis laying face down on her bed in the background.
Jellybean: Sent a picture: crisis mode Janis feat. me
Caddy Cakes: Aww poor thing D:
Caddy Cakes: I'm taking her to that pottery painting place and then to the fair.
Jellybean: god you two are so sappy. thanks, cady
Caddy Cakes: Not a problem, just make sure to delete these!! Love ya kiddo 📷️
Though she's loathe to admit it, that does get a grin out of her as she deletes the messages and passes the phone back to her sister.
Juliana goes to root through the drawers first, pulling out Janis' favorite swirly tights and a white long sleeved shirt with black roses painted onto it. She lays them on the bed and goes to the closet next, pulling out a plain black skirt, Janis' doc martens, and one of her painted denim jackets.
"Go put this on and then I'll do your hair and stuff," Julie demands, shoving the pile at her sister.
"Yes, ma'am," Janis says, immediately heading into the bathroom and putting everything on. Julie did very well, as she always does.
Once she comes back, her sister sits her on the ground to do her hair, pulling it to the side opposite her shave and braiding it loosely over her shoulder as she tells Janis what makeup to do. It's almost exactly what she normally does, but with black lipstick instead of her usual purple.
It's a rather monochrome look other than the jacket, but Janis decides she's into it as she looks in the mirror. She goes over to ruffle her sister's hair in thanks, barely getting to before the doorbell rings.
Julie rushes past her to get the door before Janis can, throwing the door open and wrapping her arms around Cady's waist. It had taken her a long time to forgive Cady for what she had done to her sister, but once they started dating Cady had tried very hard to form a bond with her. It had worked.
"Oof," Cady grunts as an eleven year old that's roughly the same size as she is suddenly collides with her. "Hey, mini Jay. How are you?"
"Good. Janis is losing it." Julie answers as she lets her go, hiding behind her to avoid Janis' wrath as she yells "Watch it, kid!" from the top of the stairs on her way down.
"Hi, lovey," Cady coos from where she stands in the doorway, instantly melting away Janis' tough facade and earning her a small scowl from Juliana. "You did good, Jules. These are for you, by the way." She says, handing the little one a small bouquet of pink roses.
"You look cute," Janis says once her sister runs away to find a vase with a happy squeal. She really does, Cady's in a grey jumpsuit with a pink leather jacket on top and her white high tops, and her hair is styled in the same way it was when they first met. Janis always loved that little braid crown.
"So do you. Juju really did a good job," Cady purrs, cupping her cheek with her free hand to finally kiss her. "Is your mom home? These are for her," She says, brandishing a larger bunch of tulips.
"I think she's in the kitchen. Mama!" Janis calls, her mother appearing down the hall. Janis just gestures to the flowers.
"Yes? Oh, hi Cady. Ooh, these are beautiful, thank you, hon," She says, taking them and hugging her gently.
"You're welcome, Ms. Sarkisian," Cady answers, returning her embrace. She's also had to work pretty hard to get Janis' moms trust back. She's incredibly thankful Ms. Sarkisian was so forgiving.
"I've told you to call me Ettie, doll. Ms. Sarkisian just makes me feel old," She tuts, Cady knowing there's no way in hell she'll ever be able to refer to her girlfriend's mother by her first name, and especially not a nickname. "Janis, can I expect you home tonight?"
Janis looks at Cady, who shakes her head. "No, I'm gonna spend the night at her house if that's okay," She answers.
"Of course it is. Just be safe and responsible, you know my boring rules," Ms. Sarkisian responds, handing over her always-ready sleepover bag. "I love you, baby girl. Have fun, ladies. Call if you need anything." She pushes them towards the door after Janis hugs her goodbye tightly.
"Your mom is the best," Cady says once they're alone on the porch. "Anyway, theeeeese are for you." She hums as she grabs a bundle of something from the bench next to them.
Janis had been a little confused as to why her mom and sister had gotten flowers and not her, but it makes a bit more sense when she looks to see the bouquet of... paintbrushes?
"You remembered what brand of brushes I use?" Janis asks, almost in awe. The brushes are tied together with a little purple ribbon, the bow a little sloppy. A personal Cady touch.
"Kind of. I remembered what they looked like from watching you paint all the time and then just wandered around some craft stores for, like, two hours until I found ones that matched," her girlfriend answers.
Janis is touched. "I- thank you, baby. I've been needing new ones," she mumbles, touching the soft end of one gently before leaning down to kiss her. She's a little worried, those brushes are kind of expensive.
"You're welcome, darling. Now let's go, we're gonna have fun!" Cady cheers, dragging her towards her little car by the hand and opening the door for her.
Cady is going into her maps app as Janis buckles her seatbelt, tapping a few times to get directions to the first destination. Suddenly, the loud, robotic voice of Siri reverberates through the car, saying, "Starting route to You're Kilning Me! Pottery House," and making them both jump.
Janis starts practically cackling as Cady frantically tries to stop Siri ruining the surprise, yelling "SHUCK!" over the voice. "It was supposed to be a surprise," she pouts once the phone finally goes quiet.
"Oh, baby, it's okay. I still don't know the second part," Janis offers, as Cady genuinely looks distressed. "And I've never been there before, so it's still kind of a surprise."
"Fine," Cady grumbles. "Do you actually want to go here? We can go do something else if you think it's lame."
"No! Baby, this sounds fun," Janis comforts, pulling her into a hug across the center console. "I'm always down to paint, you picked this because you knew I would like it. Let's go decorate some cute little trinkets." She pecks Cady on the nose gently before letting her go.
"Thanks, Jayjay. Now stop being so nice, tonight's about you," Cady demands, taking her hand as they pull out of the driveway.
"As you wish, Peanut," Janis giggles.
The place isn't totally Janis' vibe, but she does have to admit it's very cute. The walls are a lime green and covered in various colored handprints, and there's shelves with hundreds of white figurines ready to be decorated.
"So... I thought we could pick and decorate something for each other? If you want," Cady says shyly, squeezing Janis' hand gently.
"Of course I want, Princess. That sounds adorable. Now close your eyes, it should be a surprise," Janis says, letting Cady go to browse the shelves. "No peeking."
Cady covers her eyes with a giggle. "Okay, Jay, I won't."
Janis looks for a minute, nearly picking a little lion piggy bank before remembering Cady already has so many lion things. She finds a butterfly figurine, looking as if it's about to take off, tucked away on one of the lower shelves. Butterfly is her personal favorite nickname for Cady. It's perfect.
She tucks it into her jacket so Cady can't see it before going and pulling her hands off her eyes. "Your turn, Peanut," she says, finding a table that has a divider in so they can paint their things without the other seeing.
Cady comes to find her a few minutes later, resting her jacket over the back of her seat and plopping herself down. Janis hears a little clink as Cady rests whatever ceramic thing she's picked on the table.
An overly cheerful employee comes over to give them their palettes and bottles of glaze, as well as a little chart explaining how many layers to apply for different results. Janis immediately goes for magenta, purple and dark blue, deciding to paint one of the wings of her butterfly as the bi flag. Cady's been wanting more pride stuff.
Cady watches Janis work for a second before remembering she also has something to decorate. She found a coffee mug with a matching coaster in the shape of a paint palette, which is very Janis. She loves coffee.
One by one Cady works her way through the colors of the rainbow, painting little heart-shaped paint splotches on the coaster and colorful drips down the side of the mug. Janis looks a little confused as to what she could be doing with all those colors, but doesn't question it. Cady decides to take a break once she finishes her first layers, watching Janis who is working intently and chattering away at the same time.
"What are you looking at?" Janis asks once she notices her, switching to grab some yellow glaze.
"My beautiful girlfriend," Cady flirts, laughing when Janis flushes with a slightly embarrassed squeak.
"You're not so bad yourself, babe," She manages once she's recovered.
"Thank you, Jay. So what do you think of this place? Be honest," Cady says, grabbing a thin brush and some black glaze to continue decorating the mug.
"It's cute! I'm having fun, we should come back here sometime," Janis answers as she starts sketching some little in-jokes about their relationship on the butterfly's other wing. She's kind of regretting painting it yellow; the colors don't really go together, but yellow is Cady's favorite.
"Good," Cady hums. "But I'm more excited for the next part."
"Where are we going next?" Janis coaxes.
"Nice try. One part of this date is going to be a surprise or so help me," Cady grumbles as she very carefully brushes 'I love you' on the very bottom of the inside of the mug.
"Fine," Janis fake-pouts, moving now to paint the legs and antennae of the butterfly.
Once they finish putting the final layers of glaze on, they carefully bring up their beautiful creations (one at a time to maintain the surprise) to the front desk to be fired. Cady would pick them up once they were done in about a week.
Cady makes Janis wait outside the car as she puts in the GPS information to keep the location a surprise, and starts digging through her bag for something as Janis is finally allowed to slide into her seat.
Eventually she finds what she was looking for, brandishing a bandana to be used as a blindfold.
"Kinky," Janis teases as she begrudgingly takes it and ties it around her eyes.
"Get your mind out of the gutter, you loser," Cady huffs, reaching out to tickle Janis to make sure she can't see anything. She apparently can't, because she shrieks with laughter as Cady's hand wiggles over her ribcage before grabbing it to hold, lacing their fingers together.
Cady reaches to turn the radio on to keep Janis entertained, giving her hand a squeeze before unfortunately letting go to drive safely.
Cady hops out first once she parks, going around to Janis' side and helping her out before spinning her around and untying the blindfold.
Janis blinks a few times, letting her eyes adjust to the light before letting out an excited gasp at what she sees. They have about half an hour before the sun starts to go down, and they're surrounded by neon lights, loud noises, and delicious smells. It's beautiful.
"The fair?!"
"Yeah! Um, I couldn't come up with anything other than the pottery place and Regina said you liked roller coasters." Cady says, almost nervously.
"I do! This is tits, let's go in, come on!" Janis pecks her cheeks a few times excitedly before grabbing her hand and hurrying towards the gates. Cady realizes distantly that she left her jacket in the car. Oh well. It's May now, and it's a warm evening. She'll probably be fine.
Cady buys their entry wristbands, getting the kind that allow them to go on as many rides as they want. She fumbles with hers for a minute before Janis tenderly takes her hand, fastening the paper bracelet around her wrist and pressing a kiss to her palm.
"Thanks, love. Where do you want to go first?" Cady asks, lacing their fingers together and swinging their arms back and forth.
"Can we ride that?" Janis asks, pointing to the single largest coaster present. Cady's never been on a roller coaster before, but how bad could it be?
"Sure," Cady hums, looking up at the massive metal structure. "Let's go."
Janis makes Cady stand by the height measurement sign as a joke, taking a picture as Cady pouts. "I'm not that small," She huffs.
"Baby, you're barely a foot over the height requirement. You're always gonna be my little Peanut," Janis hums, squishing her in a tight hug as they stand in line.
"I like being Peanut, I guess," Cady sighs jokingly. She actually kind of likes being small, it has its uses. Like for cuddles.
Janis chooses the very front seats, wiggling excitedly as they get harnessed in.
Once they reach the top of the first hill, Cady decides she does not like roller coasters as much as she thought she would. This thought continues as they hurtle around the track, going much faster than Cady appreciates. She thinks they go upside down at one point, but by that time her eyes are so tightly shut that she's not totally sure.
"That was tits!" Janis cheers as they finally come to a blessed stop, helping Cady out of the cart.
"Uhhuh," Cady mumbles, trying to stop her hands shaking. Janis turns to look at her once they're a ways away, surprised to find her much more pale than normal and her clear blue eyes wide and frightened.
"Oh, baby," She hums, pulling Cady into a tight hug. "You didn't like it?" Cady shakes her head frantically and buries her face into Janis' chest. "Shh, it's okay. We won't go on any more. You pick what we do next."
"No, this is your date. You get to pick everything," Cady says, calming in Janis' tight embrace.
"I pick we do something you want. You look miserable," Janis says, pulling her back gently to kiss a few freckles.
"Thanks," Cady says sarcastically. "Can we go check out the game thingies?"
"Sure, angel. I bet I'll win you a stuffed animal first," Janis says, taking her hand and leading them towards the stalls.
Cady winds up winning first, her muscle memory from Africa helping her win the dart toss. She picks a sloth with velcro paws, taking it and wrapping the arms around Janis in a little hug. Janis wins the water shooting one, picking a big alpaca shaped thing with yellow fur. Cady takes it excitedly, squeezing it tightly. It's very squishy and soft.
Cady's recovered enough by that point to go on a few tamer rides, so Janis leads them over to something called the Scrambler. It looks sort of like some kind of sea monster, with multicolored carts that spin around and are also orbiting a central structure. She holds Janis' hand as well as the bar holding them in, still nervous from her encounter with the coaster.
But once they get going, Cady loves it. Feeling the wind hitting her face reminds her of being on the Jeeps in Africa, and the motion makes her stomach flip in a way she enjoys this time. Janis is just watching her as they go around, smiling widely as Cady laughs freely the whole time.  Gradually, they come to a stop, Cady cheering "Again! Again!" once they finally come to a complete standstill. Janis obliges, taking her hand to get them back in the short line. The Scrambler is one of her favorites, too.
Janis asks if she'd like to try going on some massive slides, Cady looking up at them curiously. They're about as high up as the roller coasters, but people seem to be moving much more slowly down them, so she agrees to try them at least once. They get in line, Janis grabbing a rug for them to go on together. They start climbing the many, many stairs to the top, both of them puffing slightly by the time they're led over to their slide.
Janis lays their mat down, holding it down for Cady to get on before following after her. She pulls Cady closer to her, pressing her chest against her back and holding her around the waist. Cady holds onto the handles of the mat and the worker gives them a gentle push to get them finally going. Cady giggles the whole way down, which was Janis' goal. They're going so quickly they nearly crash into the wall at the bottom, Cady barely managing to stick her feet out at the last second. The force knocks Janis down flat on her back, Cady following and tipping her head upside down to grin widely at her.
"That was fun!" Cady cheers, standing and holding her hand out to help Janis up.
"Do you want to go again?" Janis asks, knowing the look in her eyes well by this point. Cady nods shyly, Janis just taking her hand and leading them back to the end of the line. She's noticed Cady only seems to have an issue with height and speed at the same time, one or the other is okay.
Once they've gone on everything at least once, they decide to finally get some dinner. As they walk over to the food stalls, Cady tucks her alpaca under one arm and holds out the other to Janis. "Hey, can you hold this for me?"
Janis turns from a few paces ahead, thinking she's talking about the stuffed animal until she looks down. "Your hand?"
"Yeah," Cady nods seriously. Janis takes it with a chuckle.
"You're such a dork, I love you."
"I love you too, but I'm very hungry, let's go," Cady begs, tugging on Janis' hand.
"Okay, okay, slow down," Janis laughs.
Cady really wants to try a funnel cake, so she buys one for them to share while Janis gets a bucket of macaroni and cheese and some fried Oreos.
They feed each other little bites of the mac and cheese, stealing a few kisses every now and again in between. Once that's done, Cady pulls their plate of various fried goodness over and just stares at it. Janis tears off a bit of the funnel cake for her to try, getting her fingers sticky with the powdered sugar.
Cady tries it and her eyes go even wider than they did on the roller coaster. That's delicious. Janis laughs at her reaction, but supposed she should've known. Cady loves sweets.
"That's so good!" Cady squeals, almost shaking as the sugar starts to hit. She immediately tears off another bigger piece.
"It's fried dough and sugar, of course it's good," Janis teases, tearing off a chunk for herself. "Now try one of these."
She hands Cady one of the fried Oreos, Cady taking it and nibbling at it almost nervously. It is also delicious, but almost too sweet for her tastes. She likes the cake better. Janis takes the other one, immediately shoving the whole thing in her mouth.
"Oh, Jesus, I shouldn't have done that," She says once she's swallowed it. "No regrets."
Cady gathers up all the trash once they finish, throwing it in a garbage can nearby before turning to her girlfriend. "You have sugar on your lip, come here."
Janis thinks she's just going to wipe it away, letting out a startled squeak when Cady suddenly pulls her behind a stall, pushing her up against it and kissing her hungrily. Usually Janis is the one initiating this kind of thing, but she's certainly not complaining at Cady taking charge.
They're both panting by the time they break apart, looking more than a little disheveled. Janis had noticed Cady's soft skin was rather cold to the touch, and when they pull back she can see her shivering. "Baby, where's your jacket?" She asks, concerned they lost it somewhere.
"I left it in the car," Cady mutters, leaning into her for warmth. "But if I go get it I won't be able to get back in. I'm fine."
She's clearly not, her teeth are almost chattering. Cady's still not totally used to how cold it can get in Illinois. It's almost totally dark now, and very chilly.
Janis pulls off her jean jacket and wraps it around Cady. She's swimming in it, the oversized fabric practically swallowing her tiny girlfriend. Cady's hands don't even come out the sleeves.
Janis notices Cady's jacket paws moving, she's flapping her hands. That's a stim she only does when she's either very upset or very excited, and judging by the wide, delighted grin splitting her face, it's the latter.
"I love you," Cady suddenly hums, throwing her arms around Janis tightly.
"I love you too, baby. So much," Janis says, squeezing her back and kissing her hair softly. "They're gonna close soon, is there one more thing you want to do before we go?"
"The ferris wheel? I've never been on one," Cady hums, resting her chin on Janis' chest and looking up at her.
Janis really does not like ferris wheels, but she can't resist those big blue eyes blinking up at her. She supposes she can make an exception.
"Fine, but if we get stuck up there you have to cuddle me the whole time, I'm scared of heights," She says, taking her hand and leading them towards the large circle illuminated by colorful lights. It is rather pretty, from the ground anyway.
They get in line just before the cutoff for the night, Cady staring up at the massive structure with wide, curious eyes. Janis is strangely comforted seeing that almost childlike wonder on her face. Cady deserves to experience it at least once, even if she does have to spend it holding Janis the whole time so she doesn't panic.
Janis is further comforted when their cart is purple, which is her favorite color. Unfortunately, any semblance of safe feelings leave the second they start moving, Janis clinging to Cady's arm.
"How did you enjoy that roller coaster and the slides if you're so scared of heights, Jellybean?" Cady asks, holding onto her girlfriend tightly.
"Because the height doesn't last on stuff like that, you're just up there to get going and then it's done," Janis huffs. Cady gets distracted once they hit the very top, gasping excitedly at the view and reaching for her phone to take a picture.
She snaps a few before turning it around to selfie mode, leaning in to cup Janis' cheek with her other hand and kiss her gently as she takes another few photos like that. "Thanks for letting me come up here, Jay. We only have to go around one more time before we can get off."
"It's okay, baby. It's actually really pretty up here. As long as you don't look down," Janis hums, leaning in for one more peck. She breathes a sigh of relief as they approach the ground and gives another sharp exhale as they go up again.
Sure enough, once they reach the tip-top, the ride screeches to a halt, and a voice calls up from the bottom to tell them they're stuck up there indefinitely.
"Ah, fuck," Janis groans. This was exactly what she didn't want to happen.
"Oh no," Cady says, concerned for Janis. "Um... we could play a game? To pass the time?"
That doesn't sound terrible, but they don't have anything to play a game with up here.
"Like what?" Janis asks, trying to keep the tremble from her voice. Focus on Cady.
"Um... we could go back and forth and say something about ourselves that the other one doesn't know yet?" Cady hums anxiously, holding Janis tightly.
That doesn't exactly sound like a game, but it would work well enough to keep Janis' mind off the fact that she's dangling  thirty-odd feet in the air in a heavy cart.
"You go first," Janis says, tucking her face into Cady's neck.
"Okay," Cady chuckles, kissing her head and running her fingers through Janis' hair gently. "Um... Od uoy wonk I nac klat sdrawkcab?"
"What the fuck?" Janis says, pulling back to look at Cady's smug grin.
"I can talk backwards. Any word," Cady says.
"Wh- How do you do that?" Janis asks in awe.
"I dunno. When I was learning how to read I taught myself to do it backwards too. Don't ask, I was an odd kid. I just picture the word in my head and then flip it around," Cady answers.
"Prove it," Janis challenges. "Say... um... what's my name backwards?"
"Sinaj," Cady says immediately.
"I love you."
"I evol uoy."
"Peanut butter."
"Tunaep rettub."
"That's the weirdest thing I've ever heard, that's so cool," Janis squeals.
"Thanks," Cady giggles. "Your turn."
"Oh boy, um... did you know about these?" Janis asks, pulling her two half-heart necklaces from where they're tucked inside her shirt.
"I've seen them but I've never read what they say," Cady says, taking them gingerly to read the charms. One says 'big sis' and the other has been painted to say half of what she can only assume is 'best fucking bitches'. "Who has the other pieces? Julie?"
"No, Damian," Janis answers, which makes Cady burst out laughing.
"That's so cute," She says breathlessly once she's calmed down. "My turn then, um. Do you know how I got my name? Or the spelling of it, anyway.
Janis shakes her head. She loves her Cady with a C and a D and a Y, but it is a little strange.
"This is just what my mom told me so it could be a joke, she likes to mess with me a lot. But she got to name my brother so she let my dad name me, and he was in a band when she was pregnant with me. He wanted to give me a sort of musical name like Harmony or something, so he picked Cadence and my mom said yes as long as it could be Cady on my birth certificate. She thought he'd regret it eventually and wanted me to have a more 'normal' nickname," She says.
Janis tries to imagine Mr. Heron, the dorkiest, kindest, shyest man she knows in a band. Does not compute. "That... kind of makes sense, actually, other than your dad being in a band. Did they ever call you Cadence?"
"Actually, yeah, when I was really little my dad always called me that. And when I got in trouble back in Kenya that's what they called me," Cady says, looking as if the secret to the universe has been revealed to her. The story must be true, then.
"That's wild as hell, Chip Heron in a band," Janis says, also looking a little shell-shocked. They'd have to ask him about it later. "My turn. Did you know Gretchen comes to the gym with me sometimes?"
"No, really? That's so sweet," Cady coos.
"Yeah, she asked me a while ago if she could come with me every once in a while to help her anxiety and stuff. She does more cardio and things like that than I do, but we spot each other when we need to and I started going to a yoga thing she does. It's kind of nice to have a workout buddy."
"Aww," Cady says. "I'm glad you guys are becoming friends again."
"Honestly, I am too. Gretchen really isn't so bad. She gushes about Karen all the time too, so I like getting to hear all the juicy stuff about them," Janis chuckles. "Your turn, Peanut."
"I can't think of anything," Cady whines after thinking for a second. "You think of something you want to know about me."
"Okay, I can do that," Janis hums pensively. "Were you born in Kenya?" She asks after a while. Cady's never mentioned anything before her life in Africa.
"No, we didn't move there until I was three, I was born in Oregon. We've always followed my parents' work," Cady answers. "My parents always said it was very exciting having a toddler who wouldn't talk to anyone running around the tents."
"You must've been so cute," Janis says, wondering if she can con Cady into showing her some baby photos.
"I was," Cady answers as Janis makes the mistake of peeking over the edge, snapping back over with wide, terrified eyes. "Oh, darling, why would you look down? Come here."
Janis thinks she's about to pull her into another hug, surprised when Cady pulls her mouth to hers and kisses her softly. Desperate to forget that they're stuck very high in the air, Janis kisses her back eagerly, her girlfriend responding in kind. Janis has always wanted to make out with someone on a ferris wheel.
One of Cady's hands cradles Janis' jaw, thumb stroking comfortingly over her cheek, and her other arm is wrapped securely around Janis' waist to hold her close and safe. Janis flicks her tongue at the seam of Cady's lips, tangling a hand in her auburn curls as she does. Cady lets her in, nipping softly at her bottom lip to tease. Janis would very much like to continue this when they're on the ground.
She's so lost in her girlfriend she almost managed to forget they were still stuck, until there's a deafening clank and a terrifying sort of metallic grinding sound. She pulls back with a startled squeak as they start moving, lipstick noticeably smeared as she buries her face in her girlfriends shoulder. At least they're almost out.
There's a sort of off-brand Snoopy down by the exit, Janis sinking into a hug with him and just repeating, "Snoopy it was so bad. We were stuck up there, Snoopy." For a while until Cady drags her away. Snoopy waves at them almost sadly as he watches them go.
Once they're in the car on the way back to Cady's house, Janis realizes that Cady told her one more fact than Janis told her. She knows Cady likes things to be even, so she decides to level it out.
"Hey, we stopped the game before we told the same number, do you want to hear one more from me?"
"I always want to know more about you, Jayjay," Cady answers, focusing on the road.
"Okay, have you seen this?" Janis asks once they're at a stoplight, shuffling her left sleeve down to reveal her small semicolon tattoo on her wrist.
"No," Cady says, tracing the little picture tenderly with her finger. "What does it mean?"
Janis rolls her sleeve down further to reveal the faded scars lining her arm, wincing a little at Cady's sad gasp. Janis thought she at least knew about those, but she doesn't wear short sleeves very often and the scars are very faded.
"I started self-harming after everything happened with Regina in middle school. Damian didn't tell you, but I was actually pulled out for the rest of that year because I was recovering in the hospital from a suicide attempt. I tried to overdose on one of my mom's prescriptions," Janis explains.
"Oh god, Janis," Cady says sadly, gently running her finger over her arm before she has to start driving again.
"I got my stomach pumped in the hospital and my wrists stitched up, so my mom found out I had been cutting and I had to go to an inpatient therapy place. That's how I started art therapy, actually. But once I got out my mom let me pick something cool to do to celebrate, and for some reason she let me get a tattoo even though I was fourteen. She has one that matches."
"That's so sweet," Cady says, heart still hurting for her girlfriend. She came so close to losing Janis before she ever even found her. "Why a semicolon, though?"
"Because I was an English nerd," Janis answers with a sardonic chuckle. "Semicolons and periods are usually interchangeable, an author uses one when they could have ended a sentence but chose not to. I decided I was the author of me, and I wasn't ready to end my sentence yet. It helps to look at it when I'm having a rough time."
"That's beautiful, Janis. Do you, um, still...?" Cady asks quietly.
"No, no," Janis rushes out. "Damian and my sister both made me promise to stop. I've come close a couple times, but I've been clean since the end of sophomore year. I haven't even thought about it in almost a year."
"Good," Cady breathes with relief. "I'm really glad you're still here, Jay. I love you so much."
"I'm glad I'm here too. I think a lot about what I would've missed if... if it had worked, and I'm always so glad it didn't. I love you too, Caddy," Janis says, trying not to cry. Too many emotions for one night.
They spend the rest of the drive home in comfortable silence, Janis playing with Cady's fingers contently once Cady gives her her hand as they get into slower streets of the neighborhood.
Cady goes to greet her parents and hug them goodnight once they enter, Janis heading up to Cady's room to get changed into her pjs. She's glad their parents all trust them enough to let them continue to sleep in the same bed at sleepovers, probably because they only get up to anything raunchy when they're sure nobody's around. She would miss the snuggles if they were separated.
Cady changes into her Lion King pajama set, putting Janis' jacket back on over top and crawling into bed after her with her new alpaca. She switches on the nightlight Janis had gotten her for Christmas, looking up at the colorful swirly patterns it paints on the ceiling.
"You gonna sleep in my jacket?" Janis asks, resting her head on Cady's chest gently.
"Mmhmm! It's comfy. Soft. And it smells like you," Cady hums, pulling her closer.
"What do I smell like?" Janis asks, a little worried.
"Vanilla and paint, but your hair smells like apples," Cady answers drowsily, stroking her fingers through Janis' hair. "Mostly you just smell like home. I know I'm safe whenever I can smell you."
Well that's just about the sweetest thing Janis has ever heard. "You're so precious, you know that?" She asks, tilting her head up to kiss at the underside of Cady's jaw.
"So you tell me," Cady jokes weakly, followed by a yawn. "It's your turn to be little spoon, I'm sleepy."
Janis is frankly amazed that Cady made it this late, it's nearly midnight. She leans up to kiss her goodnight before she turns to face the wall, cuddling with her own new sloth stuffie and feeling her small girlfriend press up against her, squishing her cheek against her back and wrapping an arm tightly around her waist to pull her closer.
"G'night, Jay. I love you," Cady yawns.
"Goodnight, Caddy. I love you too," Janis answers, grinning to herself.
A perfect date with my perfect girl, she thinks as they slowly drift off to sleep, dreaming of each other.
thanks for reading, please let me know what you thought.
also, disastrously, I am starting to run out of ideas, so please leave any ideas you want to see me write either here, on my wattled, or on my ao3. all are just maybeimamuppet.
lots of love,
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