#like i felt like there was absolutely no returns despite playing EVERYDAY
rintoki · 1 year
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nooo 😭😭😭
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cherrylng · 5 months
Muse Retrospective Interviews [STYLE Series #004 - Muse (August 2010)] - Matthew Bellamy (July 2003)
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“A person's life is made up of things on various levels, including the past, and I think the music that is born from the unification of these things can be said to be the purest form of expression.”
After the chaos caused by their debut with “Showbiz” and the success and breakthrough of “Origin of Symmetry,” the three members of Muse have finally been able to sit down and work on a new album. This is an official interview conducted in London just before the release of the album. The interview was conducted with Matthew, Dom, and Chris individually, in that order, and their confident attitude is well conveyed.
Interview and text by Kaoru Abe
Matthew Bellamy “The last two albums and the time spent on them have been a journey for me, so I thought it was time to punctuate and take a break.”
London, July 2003. The intense heat wave, later dubbed “the most destructive weather disaster in European history,” affected the UK, which does not need air conditioning, and even Muse's private studio, which was designated as the interview site, was in no condition for a proper talk unless all the windows were fully open. Despite this, Matthew Bellamy appeared with a cool face and was in a completely relaxed mood, playing his old piano mischievously during a chat before the interview. There was none of the tense atmosphere that I had felt when I interviewed him in London two years ago, nor was there the sense of innocence that I had felt on my first visit to Japan, but rather, there was a smooth, freshness of heart that had been peeled off.
The studio, located in a quiet residential area of East London, was a converted flat that no one would have guessed was owned by Muse, and it exuded a sense of everyday life that was far removed from his rock star image. When we entered the studio, I honestly could not believe that this was where the basic idea for “Absolution” was born, but Matthew's words, as he began to talk to us from his comfortable position on the old sofa, told us that a flat state of mind for the three of us was the key to the album's production. The fact that the interview took place in a private studio was also a factor and a smart move on the part of the band, as it allowed us to gain a deeper understanding of how the making of the album began with a return to their pre-debut selves.
The idea was born in the studio, and the album was then brought to fruition while traveling to studios in Ireland and Los Angeles, and through the whole process, the band seems to have untangled itself from the tangle brought about by its busy and extraordinary schedule. And when those tangles are completely untangled, the completed “Absolution” will naturally become close to the soul of Muse and to Matthew's soul. In this sense, it is self-evident that the album takes on a more personal color, both in terms of the band and Matthew, as evidenced by Matthew's fast-talking and eloquent words.
—The 2-CD “Hullabaloo Soundtrack” consists of the B-side collection of the singles released last year (2002) and the live performance. What was the meaning behind the subtitle “soundtrack”? Matthew: I named it that because the live part is the soundtrack aspect of the live DVD “Hullabaloo - Live at Le Zenith”. The DVD is sort of like a documentary film about Muse, a live band.
—Did you feel like you were resetting your mind by putting together the “past” of your B-side collection and the “present” of your live show? Matthew: Between “Showbiz” and “Origin of Symmetry,” I had been working nonstop, with no personal time at all, and at some point I realized that the two albums and the time spent on them were a journey for me. I felt it was time to hit a punctuation point, and that a new approach was needed, so I took some time off before moving on to the third album. So, as you say, the time leading up to the third album was a turning point for us.
—The double A-side single “Dead Star/In Your World” (2002) marked a transitional period for the band. Matthew: I would say it was more a part of the live DVD than a transitional period. We knew beforehand that those two songs would not be on the third album.
—I found it surprising that you covered “Can't Take My Eyes Off You” (by Frankie Valli) in “Dead Star/In Your World”. Matthew: We have released covers of “Feeling Good” (Nina Simone) and “Please Please Please” (The Smiths) in the past, but we have definitely dared to take songs that are different from our own musical style, including this one, in order to do something that Muse cannot do. By doing so, we may find a new direction, and there is a possibility of doing pop music in the future, so the covers are more of an experiment than just enjoying our favorite songs. Incidentally, “Can't Take My Eyes Off You” was inspired by a TV show called “Re:covered” (BBC Choice), which featured covers and original songs.
“My songwriting process starts with the sound first, then the lyrics, then the title, and so on, but I usually write down bits and pieces of phrases that come into my head, rather than being influenced by the sound.”
—The downloadable single “Stockholm Syndrome” is the prologue to “Absolution.” Why did you choose the title of the song, which is a self-brainwashing mental situation for the weak? Matthew: My songwriting process starts with the sound first, then the lyrics, then the title, and so on, but I usually write down bits and pieces of phrases that come into my head, rather than being influenced by the sound. In the case of “Stockholm Syndrome,” the title came from the overall picture of the lyrics, a kind of contradictory mental situation in which one is in an oppressive environment and yet feels a sense of happiness, but I did not want to give it a very specific meaning. So, depending on the listener, it could be taken as social oppression, domination by God, and relationships between humans. …… I did not want to give a specific meaning to the title. For the writer, it is just a vague image (laughs).
—What did you have in mind when creating the sound for “Stockholm Syndrome”? Matthew: I think it is basically a traditional rock track, but I was conscious of the dynamic changes. I think we were able to deviate from the typical rock flow by not softening it up at the chorus and adding a more intense rock element. In that sense, it might be similar to a “New Born”-like development. It's like a tsunami that crashes down with more waves on top of it.
—The recording of the album “Absolution” not only took a long time, but was also recorded in different environments, in England, Ireland, and Los Angeles. This must have kept the inspiration fresh. Matthew: The production started in this studio (the band's private studio). After we had the basics down here, we flew to Ireland, where we recorded strings and other orchestral sounds. I was actually under a lot of stress when I was working in London, so I went to Ireland for a change of environment. Unlike London, where there are many people, including people I know, there is really nothing around the studio, so I was able to concentrate on the music and work on it in a more personal time frame. We recorded the drums in a swimming pool, and since the place itself was like a farm, we experimented with sounds using farming tools that were lying around (laughs). After that, we flew to Los Angeles for mixing, where I was able to record some nice vocal harmonies. I quite like it myself, but don't you think it's good too? (laughs)
—As a lover of “Pet Sounds” (Beach Boys), I was also impressed by the exquisite harmonies. Matthew: That analogy is funny (laughs). I'll tell Chris later because I like him. We actually recorded it in the same studio where “Pet Sounds” was made. Maybe it's because we recorded it in the same place…… We may indeed have something in common in that eerie atmosphere (laughs).
—What are the musical benefits of having two opposite production environments, London and Ireland? Matthew: When you work in one studio all the time, you get too used to the sound. When you listen to the finished product again, it sounds monotonous or …… Even if you think the sound is good there, it often sounds boring when you play it in another studio. In that sense, it made a lot of sense to change the location. If the concept or structure of an album is focused on one thing, it is possible to settle down in one studio, but for an album like this, which is a collection of various themes, I thought it would be better to record in different places to give it more diversity in many ways. I thought it would be possible to add diversity in many ways if we recorded in different places.
—Regarding the diverse themes of the album, did the timing of its production coincide with the attack on Iraq by British and U.S. forces have any influence? Matthew: The songs themselves were mostly written before the Iraq war, so it didn't directly affect me, but the timing of the production coincided with the war, and I often witnessed massive protests at the time. So I think it affected my mood. Even though the song was already written, it gradually took on a different meaning. When the lyrics happened to coincide with the social situation of the time, the meaning was pulled toward that feeling…… That said, I never intended the songs to have a political meaning. This album focuses on feelings and moods, so for example, it depicts things like our own helplessness and the misuse of faith.
—Is this feeling or mood reflected in the title “Absolution,” which means “absolution”? Matthew: The powerlessness and misuse of faith that I mentioned earlier makes up about 40% of the album, and the other 60% is more personal. The (Iraqi) war also gave me a chance to think about the atmosphere of the times that it created, and it made me think that the trivial things around me were very valuable…… In retrospect, perhaps I was explaining the chaos within me by making music. The process of giving an easy-to-understand narrative to what I was feeling was the making of this album, and in doing so, I wanted to show that there are more important things in the world than what we see on a daily basis. It was also a very valuable experience for the band to be able to do that.
“I feel spiritual when I'm playing the piano, and when I'm playing the guitar, I feel like I have some sort of animal instinct within myself.”
—I think the persuasiveness of the musical narrative has been deepened by giving order to the chaos, not by expressing it as chaos, but by giving it a counterbalancing order in the form of a melody. I think this was also a major change this time around. Matthew: I think it was a very natural change for us, not a conscious one. First of all, by not doing anything for a while after last year's Reading Festival, we got ourselves back to where we were before “Showbiz”. When we started the band, we were just making music and playing for ourselves, but as we started to release our work, and as it was accepted by more and more people, not only the situation around us changed, but we changed as well. I think “Origin of Symmetry” was a clear representation of the chaos that came with such a change. This time, we had no schedule at all, and the time we spent on making the album allowed us to feel very free. We were able to change ourselves again and face the music with a fresh mindset, as if we were starting a new band. In fact, the last few months we have been living the kind of life that most people would do at home, and it has been a great opportunity for the members to get to know each other. So if there has been a change in our sound, it is because we have changed.
—It's a real “New Born” feeling. Matthew: (laughs) You could say that.
—As for Matthew himself, it seems that you have become more active as a pianist as well as a guitarist. I have heard that you have a lot of respect for (Sergei) Rachmaninoff, but was he a big influence on the piano you played this time? Matthew: Originally, I had in mind the piano sounds of early to mid Romanticism and early contemporary music (Franz Liszt and (Sergei) Prokofiev, for example), but in “Butterflies and Hurricanes,” I wanted to mix the dynamics of a piano concerto with those of a three-piece band. By doing so, I think we were able to express the strength of the emotional impact.
—What is the difference between a guitarist and a pianist in your mind? Matthew: I'm not naturally one to settle on one thing, so I tend to sing, play guitar, and play piano (laughs). But I have to do this and that, so I guess I'm at an average level in all areas now (laughs). When I play the piano, I feel spiritual, and when I play the guitar, I feel aggressive, like I have some kind of animal instinct. Interestingly, the moment I move to the piano after playing the guitar for a long time, I feel as if I am in heaven. I can write a song within two or three minutes of playing the piano, but on the other hand, when I play the piano for a long time and then move to the guitar, a tremendous amount of energy wells up from within, and music is born from there as well.
—The music of Muse, which burns from within, seems to give solid form to something spiritually formless. Matthew: I don't often listen to what I make myself, but when I listen to other people's music and watch them play, I feel a sense of security, or at least a good sense of certainty, about my own music. Maybe that's why I continue to play music. The reason I like classical music so much is that no matter how long after a composer's death, the music remains strong. In that sense, I feel a spirituality in my music, and that is something I would like to continue experimenting with in the future.
—What you just said reminded me of the words of the American writer Don DeLillo (“White Noise,” “Underworld,” etc.), who said, “The deeper you go into expression, the more naturally you are led back into your own consciousness.” Matthew: That is an interesting point. Especially in this case, it was a good opportunity for us to reevaluate ourselves and accept where we are now while making the album. I don't really know how we've changed. I can't remember what I was like before, so I can't compare it to what I am now (laughs).
—As for who you are now, I overheard it during the chat before the interview, but how does love influence the album? Matthew: There are a few songs that do. For example, “Falling Away With You” is about the chaos of love, but in a good way. And “Endlessly” is a straightforward love song.
—You never wrote a love song before? Matthew: I tried to write a love song around the time of “Showbiz,” but “Endlessly” is the first proper love song I've written (laughs). Even with previous songs, even though they had elements, they weren't all love songs.
—Finally, what does the album title “Absolution” mean? Matthew: Actually, I was more conscious of the meaning of “purity” than “absolution”. A person's life is made up of things on many different levels, including the past, but I think the music that comes from bringing those things together is a pure form of expression. I don't know how other people see it, but that's how I feel.
—I am looking forward to seeing how this work will be expressed in a live performance. Matthew: I already have a lot of ideas, and I would like to do something involving animation at some point. The first step would be to make a video, and then build the stage from there. I think it would be a good idea to include other musicians, such as a choir, and I'm looking forward to it myself.
Dom's interview
Chris' interview
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4imhry · 1 year
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shyboy!niki x fem!reader
synopsis: the boy noticed the parcel he received wasn’t his. it was supposed to be drop at the address which he figured would be the house across from his, your home. > PART.2
genre: fluff, fluff, FLUFF!!
please do read part 1 if you haven’t!
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“I’ve watch this countless times but I want to watch it anyway. do you mind?” you laid down on your stomach, showing a movie “The Parent Trap.” displayed on your phone.
niki scooted closer, his shoulder brushed against yours when he stretched his neck to get a better look at the familiar looking movie. “this is my favourite movie.” his lips formed into a smile, his eyes darting all over your face and brought his attention back to your phone.
“I could say I’ve watched it thousands of times too but y’know, it’s nice to watch it again with a nice company.” your gaze soften as you watched him talk, noting your heartbeat accelerated over his words. his bangs swayed, getting comfy as he rested his face on his palm and his cheek got squished slightly.
you held the urge to poke it. you pursed your lips into a thin line as you tap the play button. you had never thought watching a movie with someone could be this enjoyable–especially with the one you had a crush on.
“I think the other twin is cooler.” niki commented.
“which one?”
“the one from Napa.”
you snickered. “niki, they’re literally played by the same person.”
“I knowww but still.” he shrugged.
as days, weeks and months passed by, both of you often spend time together, the bond naturally strengthens the more you and niki learnt about each other likes and dislikes.
you were in an absolute bliss the japanese still had the time to come visit you despite coming back from his basketball practice at a late hour or even after he got back from a 5 day trip, he sprinted from the car, and went to hug you as if he hadn’t see you in years.
“niki!” you yelped as he picked you up and spun you around in the air.
he let out a giggle, tighten his hug before putting you down. niki took the time to inspect your features up close, causing you to avert your attention elsewhere. he then tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear before he spoke,
“I miss you.”
“it’s not like you haven’t seen me for years.” you tiptoed, leaning in slightly and caught him by surprise but didn’t move anyway.
“it felt like a year to me.” he booped your nose. “maybe it’s because I,m used to seeing you everyday.”
“shut up.” you playfully hit his forearm and he can only smiled, his eyes not leaving yours.
“come on, admit that you miss me too.” he slung an arm around your shoulder, messing with your hair.
you shake your head, feigning a frown. “nope.”
however, as 16 year old, niki wasn’t able to express how he felt about you. he was afraid of ruining what he had with you right now. a perfect platonic friendship but with you, he desperately wanted to be something more.
someone dearest to you.
he really wanted to.
until someone else came into the picture.
“oh, i have someone to introduce you to.” your head spun to the entrance, a black haired boy with a huge smile ran down the steps with a book in his other hand. he never spotted him around the local town before.
niki’s smile fell. he was good looking. very. by his appearance, niki could guess he wasn’t from the local residence. the vibe the boy radiated were screaming charismatic and Prince Charming like. it made him feel small. it made him feel insecure.
were you been hanging out with him during his absence? were this boy his replacement? he immediately shake off those thoughts from his head and put on a smile.
“hi, i,m jake. it’s a pleasure to meet you.” the boy known as jake stretched out his hand as the boy’s puppy eyes looking back at his, while waiting for niki response.
“i,m niki. it’s a pleasure to meet you too.” niki smiled and the boy returned a smile which lessen the japanese’s nerves a bit.
you looked at the both of them, feeling giddy at the fact they seem happy to meet each other. you had no idea how both of them would get along but you surely hope they would bond during this summer.
“y/n, let’s continue where we left off, yeah? I’ve plotted a revenge against your 3 times winning streak.” jake beamed, crossing his arms.
“you bet.” you taunted and jake nudged your elbow, earning a look from niki. both of you seemed close and to him, it was alarmingly threatening.
“niki, do you want to tag along? the more the merrier.” niki was hesitant for a second. he can’t help but to think of the what ifs. what if the both of you pay no attention to him and pretend like he wasn’t there? as if he was invisible?
niki blinked a few times, his eyes averted to yours for reassurance. “niki?”
“sure.” jake’s lips formed a smile upon hearing the word came out from the boy’s lips. he instantly take the boy’s hand into his and immediately drag him inside the house followed by you who sprinted to catch up on them.
“how are you so good at playing mario kart?” jake were seated beside niki, constantly showering niki with praises here and there at how he good he was. “the clicking sounds while your fingers move swiftly on the controller is so cool.”
“nah, i,m not that good.”
you, who were seated on the other couch, swore you got a dejavu from the situation.
niki’s cart came in first place, a burst of confetti displayed on the screen and niki stood up from the couch, doing a victory dance before giving jake a fist bump. you giggled at the sight before sighing at the fact your cart came in the second place.
“you even broke y/n’s 4 times winning streak–” jake’s words were cut off with a grunt coming out of you. the boy let out a nervous chuckle, his eyes roaming across the room.
“so, anyone’s hungry?” you spoke as you stand up, hands on your hips.
both of the boys simultaneously shoot their hand up in the air, and trailed you from behind to the kitchen. jake’s parents and your parents could only giggle at the sight.
watching them stuffing themselves with your homemade spaghetti oglio, which jake mostly had to himself because apparently he hadn’t eaten since morning since he slept in, you thought you could just watch them eat because it was enough to make you full.
that’s what you always thought whenever you look at anyone whom appreciate and enjoy your dish.
however, you were startled when niki suddenly stood up from his seat and took a plate from the shelf, putting half of his untouched spaghetti onto the plate and slide them over to you.
he didn’t give you anytime to reply before continue eating.
he never failed to surprise you doesn’t he?
“i will see you guys later. my parents wants me to come along to the golf club.” jake said weakly, his eyes constantly looking back at you and niki, not wanting to leave just yet.
jake ran to you for a quick hug. niki instantly tear his eye away from both of you for a sec. you broke the hug and playfully flicked his forehead.
“now go, your parents are waiting in the car.” you waved to him dismissively.
after he was out from your sight, niki broke the awkward silence by saying, “jake is a really great guy.”
“i know right?”
but not gonna lie, he was jealous of the way jake seemed more comfortable and carefree with you than he does nonetheless he wasn’t lying when he said jake was a great guy to begin with.
“jake and his family is staying here over the summer. you get to spend with him more often.”
he hummed in response. “I always knew both of you will get along.”
silence invaded the kitchen before niki spoke,“are you and him..a thing?” he hesitantly asked.
“me? him? a thing? no cause the percentage of that happening is -100.” your brows furrowed, a hint of annoyance in your tone. why the hell would niki think that way?
“what? why? he’s a great guy.”
“i have known him since 8 and I never view him in that light, niki. i see him as a brother.” you said, stood up as you put your dirty plate in the sink. “never have i ever developed a feeling for him.”
“are you sure?” he huffed, running his fingers through his hair hoping for an answer he wasn’t certain of.
“absolutely. besides, i like someone else.” you whispered the last bit of the sentence.
“he seemed close to you.” a subtle smile tugged on his lips.
“yes because we always met during summer and it was as if we grew along with each other.” you swore you felt niki’s burning gaze, forming holes at the back of your head. your grip tighten on the edge of the sink as your hear faint footsteps approaching from behind you.
“he would fly from australia to korea and meet my family to spend the whole summer together. it’s like a tradition.”
your breath shuddered when you feel his fingers delicately wrapped a strand of your hair around his finger. “want to go get ice cream?”
you were baffled by the sudden question. “ice cream?” you turned to meet his doe eyes, his boxy smile plastered on his features.
“i would love to.”
niki did come over to your house often to spend time with the australian because the boy indeed love his out going and glee personality. although, being a boy with a desperate need for your attention, he would often sneakily do something to have a small moment with you.
for instance, jake was making popcorns in the kitchen while niki would took the opportunity to snuggle closer to you, letting the blanket cover your whole body and you would giggle every time the boy got clingy to you.
wasn’t it obvious? nishimura riki was so deeply in love with you and he hoped you would found about it sooner or later because the lover boy wasn’t very good at confessions.
“you smell good.” his voice muffled, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
you blushed before ruffling his hair, “nah, you’re just trying to make feel good.” he snickered, already guessing the reaction he gets the out of you.
“but i mean it.” niki straightened his posture as he faked a pout.
“awh really?” you mirrored his gesture.
niki’s expression immediately changed at your attempt to mimic his action. this japanese was so whipped for you he can’t help but snuggle onto you even more, giggling while he do so. you laughed at the tingly feeling of his hair tickling your neck.
another presence, stood from the corner of the room with a bowl of popcorn in his hand, slightly pained from the sight before him. he briefly took a mental note to himself to not overreact when he faced the the two of you.
the australian greeted the two of you, making you and niki flinched from his unexpected presence. you attempted to loosen the grip niki had on your waist because jake’s spot was between you and the Japanese before he went to the kitchen. however, it was no use because the boy wouldn’t budge at all.
“no, it’s fine. i,m gonna sit right here.” jake plopped on an empty spot beside niki. “lover boy seemed comfortable with you so, i don’t want to ruin the moment.” the boy sneered.
“jake!” you whined. but, you failed to take notice of the bitter tone of his.
you chuckled, noting niki’s ears redden at jake’s nickname for him. you took the chance to run your fingers through his hair, giving a massages on his scalp. the boy sighed in contentment, fully melted under your touch.
though jake was having a hard time. he can’t help but to reminisce the moment where there was no one else except you and him, making banana splits during midnight as a movie night snack.
giggling and playfully pat you on the head for doing such a good job for drizzling the chocolate on top of the ice cream.
and now, the boy, whom he shared a brother like bond with over the summer, took your attention from him just like that. he wasn’t holding a grudge for niki or whatsoever. perhaps, jake thought he wasn’t used to another male being in the way of him and y/n’s friendship.
and he didn’t like it.
halfway into the movie, you eventually fell asleep on niki’s shoulder. niki wondered how can you be so adorable even at such state. light snores coming out of your mouth and your cheeks slightly squished perched on his shoulder.
niki took his time inspecting you closely–even booping your nose from too much cuteness. he noticed your slight hand movement which placed on his lap and he took the chance to entwined it with his, causing a smile forming on your lips.
niki sighed. what did he ever do in his past life to have met such a beautiful person like you?
it was like any other ordinary day except, today was a little different. he was planning to confess to you. with his heart dancing in delight, he headed towards your home with a huge smile and jumping over the steps from excitement.
he knocked the door a few times, his eyes meeting a pair of gorgeous ones the moment the door swung open. he immediately greeted you with a hug, a small giggle erupted from your lips which had always sounded like music to his ears.
the boy stood in the position longer, letting your scent luxuriate all over him before pulling away.
he leaned back for a moment, taking in your appearance that you have always look beautiful in his eyes and nothing could ever change that.
“I wanted to invite you for a family dinner today. would you like to?” his doe eyes glinting, looking at you with hope.
“i would love to. can i get dressed right now?” you cheerfully asked. niki glanced at his watch before looking back at you, nodding in approval.
just then, when you disappeared to your room, jake made a sudden appearance. niki furrowed his brows, noticing the boy’s stone cold expression. jake slowly approached him making niki took a few steps back as he abruptly closed the door behind him, startling the younger in the process.
why was jake peering at him that way? what have he done?
“she pities you.” niki’s lips shaking, partially confused and scared of what coming out from the boy’s mouth.
“she’s only friends with you because she pities you.”
“from what I’ve heard, you barely have friends at school. isn’t that embarrassing for a 16 year old?” niki was stunned on his spot, not being able to form words.
“it makes you even more pathetic at the fact you thought someone like y/n would like you back.” he taunted. “her sweet gestures? that’s just her being nice to you. learn how to differentiate between friends and lovers gestures, niki.”
niki shake his head in disbelief. were all of his words true?
“inviting her for a family dinner? how romantic.” jake teased followed by a sinister chuckle. “just so you know, y/n doesn’t like a loner.”
“how am i supposed to believe whatever those crap you just spit from your mouth?” niki’s demeanour changed.
jake immediately returned to his stoic expression, realising the boy’s nerves wasn’t that easy to shake off he thought.
“i don’t believe you. if you think whatever you said would stop me from courting her, it didn’t. so, you better keep those words to yourself.” niki boldly stated, his eyes piercing into jake’s who was fuming with anger.
“your comment about me barely having friends? i,m surprised there’s still people like you living in 21st century.” that left the australian’s lips parted in shock.
“having less friends doesn’t equal me to being a loner. It’s about who i let in my friends circle because i despise people who actually acted all nice in front of me and talk shit about me behind my back.” jake looked away, the feeling of guilt gradually washed over him.
“it icks me seeing you with her honestly. i just hated it.” he finished the last bit of the sentence with a scoff.
“does that give you the reason to invalidate my feelings? I don’t think so.”
niki watched jake’s tongue poke his left cheek in anger, his hand gradually balled into a fist as his other hand run through his already disheveled hair in frustration.
he refused to believe jake’s behaviour–his actual behaviour when you weren’t around were unmasked before him, his hateful attitude were on display. no one would believe the golden retriever looking boy whom everyone knows about with all smiles on his face held a grudge for niki.
just then, you came out of the entrance, suspiciously eyeing jake as you walked pass by him and stood beside niki. “have you told your parents about this?” the boy threw a glance at the japanese before averting his attention to you.
“yes. they’re completely fine with it.” you spoke, feeling your hands brushed slightly against niki’s shaking ones. you took a look at him, scanning his expression before niki excused the both of you.
“come on.” he slung an arm around your shoulder, and draped his hand over your arm, leaving you feeling tingly.
and that leaves the the boy who stood at the entrance, the feeling of hatred and anger washed over him as he groaned, refusing to believe he just let you walk away with another guy just like that.
“are you okay back there?” you caress his arm, your eyes staring at him attentively knowing there was something wrong with him.
“y-yeah.” the word came out breathlessly from his lips, refusing to look into your eyes.
as soon both of you enter niki’s front yard, you can’t help but to keep your eyes on him, wondering why he wouldn’t cast you a single glance. his shaking hand frequently brushing against yours, breaks your heart a little. his chest heaving in and out, constant whimpers came out from his lips.
beads of sweats slowly forming on his forehead and his trembling hands intensified as he took a few steps away from you. your face fell at the loss of contact, your brows furrowing in concern.
you greeted his parents who happened to be at the kitchen as you enter nishimura’s home. his parents asked niki and you to wait upstairs and will be asking for the both of you to come down when dinner is done.
you casted a glance at him, however this time the boy was peering at you with glint of tears in his eyes and you were astounded at the condition he were in. “niki?”
“I-i just…” he suddenly sprinted upstairs; which caught you by surprise and you ran upstairs to catch up on him. his heavy breathing intensified, sensing your steps approaching him from behind. he didn’t want to let you see him in his condition.
it’s pathetic.
the poor immediately strutted to the corner, his back slumped as he slid down the wall, harshly gripped on his chest due to his breath shortening and his nausea gradually deteriorating.
“niki calm down.” you controlled your voice from breaking its composure. you inched closer towards him bit by bit, not wanting the boy to panic any further and crouched to where he was.
the condition was completely out of ordinary–nothing like it ever happened to him before, during your whole time of knowing him even before the summer hits. it scared you because he flailed around like a person who went mad.
he shake his head vigorously, tears uncontrollably streaming down his face. “i-i can’t.” he choked out.
that word instinctively made you pull him into your embrace. your heart breaks for him, hearing his muffled cries as he cried harder at your gesture. his long arms abruptly made its way around your waist.
“shh.” you shut your eyes, maintaining your composure to prevent tears threatening to fall in your eyes from falling. you can feel the poor boy’s body shaking awfully under your touch. at that moment, you felt like his vulnerability was fully on display to you.
his youth and child like image was unveiled to you, letting you care and comfort him more in depth.
his loud breaths mixed with his choked out sob as you rocked him side to side, his head nestled in your neck as you instructed him to breathe and breathe out.
“breathe, niki. breathe in. and breathe out.” a tear trickled on your cheek. were he just starting to experience this? if he weren’t, why he was hiding this from you?
he obliged you and his breathing were back to normal–he no longer moved like a madman which were a huge relief to you. he had just experienced a panic attack, a disorder which you didn’t know he had.
“are you okay?” you cupped his cheek when he looked up to you. his puffy eyes, red nose and glistening eyes from crying earlier. the boy silently nodded.
you blamed yourself for thinking he still looks adorable at such state.
“i-i,m sorry.” he hiccuped. his body sprawled on the floor weakly and curled further into your warmth.
“no don’t be sorry.” you wanted to ask how or when did he start acting like earlier however inspecting how weak he was right now, you dismissed the thought and decided to ask about it next time.
his eyes slightly widen upon seeing your tear stained cheek. “don’t cry.” his thumb made contact with your skin, delicately caressing it.
you smiled sadly at his sweet gesture even during his weakest moment. your hand reached his bigger ones, softly stroking them.
“I heard everything.” your gaze soften. “jake, triggered you didn’t he?” niki hung his head low and nodded.
“listen niki.” your hand went to cup his cheek again, his eyes meeting yours. his gaze dazedly staring into yours as if he wanted to get lost in them.
“don’t let his words get to you.” your lips shaking, your eyes again brimming with tears. “and–i don’t become friends with you out of pity. that was all bullshit.” niki smiled at the fact you cursed out of anger with tears threatening to fall anytime soon.
“I’ll be sure to told on him soon. i can’t believe he would say such hurtful words to you. who did he think he is?” the boy chuckled, noting your cheeks fuming in anger as you keep rambling on and on about the boy. the way your cheeks got puffy when you huff in anger. ugh. just gave him more reason to love you even more.
“i should have been there to defend you but instead i only eavesdropped behind the closed door.” you pouted.
“no it’s okay! really! i stood up for myself.” he looked at you endearingly.
you squished on his cheeks as you continue rambling. “you’re way better than that asshole. you’re a billion times better than him–”
the boy smashed his lips on yours causing your words to come to a halt. consequently, it leaves you a blushing mess. despite the shock of him suddenly kissing you, you managed to kiss him back.
his grip on your waist tighten and you feel butterflies at the feeling of him circling your waist as he continue kissing the life out of you. constant whimpers coming out from his lips while you nibbled on his lower lip. it’s adorable.
a string of saliva connected the both of your swollen lips as both of you pulled away, showed how both of you were filled with huge “want” for each other.
he let out a small giggle at your reaction, who’s still in a daze with light blush coating your cheeks. “sorry for kissing you without a permission in the first place.” you were beyond shocked, processing what just happened to you. the boy you had a crush on just kissed you.
“n-no. i don’t mind at all.” you looked away.
“oh? so you’re saying I can kiss you again?” before you get to protest, he pulled you in for another kiss, his lips moulded with yours for the second time. this time he was hovering you, trapping you under his arms, kissing you like there was no tomorrow.
“it seems like you’ve been wishing to do this for quite a long time, hm?” you breathlessly spoke.
“I even dreamed of it.” the corner of his lips curled up into a smirk, leaning down to meet your lips again.
niki opened up to you, telling you when did he got diagnosed with the disorder and the causes of it. you felt relieved he trusted you enough to tell you all of it because it felt personal.
“y’know if there’s something’s bothering you. please do tell me.” you put a hand over his which rested on his knee.
he smiled at you, eyes sparkling in delight. “i will. i could say the same to you.” you silently nodded as you rested your head on his shoulder.
he slung an arm your shoulder, softly caressing your forearm. he enjoyed your company. he enjoyed your presence. everything about you were his favourite.
“i like you, riki.” you blurted out.
he abruptly turned to you, his face dangerously closed to yours and found your eyes were already staring at him.
“i like you too. so much.” he gave you a peck on the lips. your cheeks immediately coated in light tints of pink. the boy was on cloud nine. he couldn’t believe at the fact you reciprocated his feelings.
to him, you were a full package–everyone’s dream girl that everyone could ever asked for and he was glad you became his.
“i liked you since the day I laid my eyes on you. you were so cute panicking and rushing to return the parcel to its owner. my heart was pounding so fast i thought i would die.” you laughed at his endearing confession.
“you were so tall my neck hurts the first time I talked to you. i wonder how can you still looked handsome even in a plain T-shirt–”
“awh my pretty girl called me handsome.” you blushed at the endearment, hiding your flushed face with your hands however the boy moved your hands away to see your reaction which always got him cooing.
“let me see that pretty face of yours.” he wrangled with your hands which attempted to swat his hands away.
“noo!” you whined.
it turned out a wrongly sent parcel can lead the other to get attach with the other and get entangled with each other’s feelings thus creating an unexpected friendship.
@jungwoning hope u like this!! sorry for keeping you waiting!
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Date - Fresh/Nightmare
Prompt: Meet Cute/Blind Date
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Prompt from: @yearoftheotpevent
Media: UTMV/Undertale AUs
Genres: Human AU, blind date, first date, romance (I guess haha), rivals (?) to lovers, ooooo Fresh is from Nightmare’s past ooooo, use of 90s slang because lord knows I’m not going to write Fresh without it
Pairing(s): Fresh/Nightmare
CW/TW - Mentions of Fresh infecting people, mentions of theft
Other Notes: I’m not the most proud of this one tbh😔 this month was rough for writing. I would’ve loved to write their date but I did not have the time. maybe another day…
Word Count: 1837 Words
“Can I start you for tonight, sir?”
“I am waiting for someone, but a lambrusco would be excellent.”
“I will get that for you sir.”
“Thank you.” Nightmare nodded, watching the waiter walk off.
Blind dates were stupid. Absolutely stupid. Nightmare set the menu down and rubbed his forehead, looking out at the window. He had to be about ninety stories up, he could still see the sun, despite it trying to set on the horizon. The restaurant's ambiance was nice. It was formal, quiet, and the live music was a great touch. A small orchestra was playing a variety of classical music, and Nightmare quite liked it. It wasn’t the fanciest restaurant he’s ever been to, but he didn’t expect much from his boys. He also didn’t expect himself to agree to a blind date set up by said boys, and yet here he was.
Did he seem sad and pathetic? Is that why they set him up on a date with a stranger? Nightmare didn’t feel sad and pathetic, he was the King of Negativity after all, there was no one better than he. Which is why this blind date idea felt so stupid to him. He could get any man he wanted, and yet his boys decide to set him up with a stranger? How stupid.
…Yet he agreed to it, didn’t he? He supposed that the worst thing that could happen is that it’s some weirdo, and he just chucks them out the window and treats himself to dinner. The best thing that could happen was that no one showed up and he got to eat by himself. The quiet of the restaurant was nice compared to what often happened during meal times. There was always a lot of shouting and lack of manners at Nightmare’s dinner table.
The waiter returned with his wine, opening the bottle and pouring a glass for him. He didn’t allow the waiter to set it back down, as he took it from their hands directly. He thanked them before turning back to the window. He twirled the wine around in the glass for a moment before taking a sip.
Oh, how he absolutely adored red wine. One could call him a wine connoisseur, and he would wear that title with pride. Perhaps it made him seem a bit arrogant, but he didn’t care. He was arrogant, might as well pair it with a fine wine.
Another swish of the glass before he took a sip, slowly feeling the alcoholic juice slip down his throat. His teal eyes shut as he did so, allowing himself the satisfaction of taking in no other sensation than the taste of the wine. Lambrusco was really a hidden gem in the wine world. This particular wine was of great quality. Nightmare could tell. Cheap lambrusco was often very sweet, and this was aged and dry to perfection. He took another sip, his lips curling back into a smile. There was nothing like a good wine on a calm evening. It was perfect. Even if his date decided to show up right at that moment, he wouldn’t even care.
“Yo, Nightmare, brah! I think you’re my date for tonight!”
Nightmare could hear the glass of his soul cracking in his mind. His eyes opened into a confused scowl as he looked to his left. Standing in front of him was that abhorrent, nineties parasite. Standing at a horrific six feet (or two hundred centimeters) was Fresh, and the bastard didn’t even try to dress up! Nightmare was horrified. Fresh was in his everyday wear, which was already beginning to hurt his eyes. He was wearing that stupidly obnoxious blue, purple, and white sweatshirt of his, and the pink shirt underneath and the massive 90s collar. His pants were also a variety of neon colors, and frankly, if it pissed Nightmare off. Pick a color scheme and stick with it goddamnit! Even Cross, the most idiotic man he’s ever met, could understand that!
Fresh cocked his head to the side, a smile on his face. He was wearing his rectangular sunglasses (Nightmare wasn’t convinced that they were actual sunglasses, considering their properties) that currently said “YOLO” in bright yellow and blue lettering. Nightmare knew what the glasses were concealing. This particular host of Fresh’s was tall, a little lanky, and had dark skin. The host had their hair styled into box braids, with neon colored hair extensions weaved into it. No doubt it was Fresh’s doing. Nightmare couldn’t put his finger on it, but he could see the way they had been woven together had Fresh’s name written all over it.
“This cannot possibly be right. What are you doing here?” Nightmare asked, his face pulled back into a scowl. He only got more visibly angry when Fresh sat himself down on the chair across from Nightmare. Fresh grinned at him, leaning back in the seat and man-spreading as he did so. Nightmare didn’t even want to know what the other guests thought of this horrid exchange.
“It most certainly is correct my dude!” Fresh clicked his teeth and gave Nightmare finger guns which made him cringe. “Ya know, when I got the invite from your boys, I was a bit nervous y’know? I thought they were gonna kill me whenever I arrived here, haha!”
Wine glasses were usually supposed to be filled to around halfway, perhaps even less, depending on the type of wine and the consumer. However, Nightmare filled his glass nearly all of the way as Fresh spoke. He nearly downed the entire glass in one sip. He’d need a little alcohol to deal with this nonsense.
“How long have you been here? Sorry for not getting here sooner! Nearly got lost a couple times!”
“It would have been a major shame if you did.” Nightmare stated, sarcasm dripping from his lips as he took another sip of his wine.
“Hella broski!” Fresh, however, did not pick up on his sarcastic tone. Unless he did, and was just messing with Nightmare? God, Nightmare could never tell with this guy! He just could not read Fresh, and it pissed him off.
There was an awkward silence that Nightmare didn’t even attempt to fill. He gently sipped his alcohol as he watched Fresh, noticing that he barely twitches, his stupid smile still on his face. Nightmare didn’t want to look at him nonstop, but there was this awful feeling in his chest, that if he looked away Fresh would disappear or get closer to him. Fresh always had this uncanniness about him. Similar to a robot, or a statue.
In a way, Nightmare was right for feeling that way. Fresh was just puppeting a flesh suit, and all of his mannerisms showed that clearly. It was like he was pretending, acting as if he was human. He was doing an incredibly poor job.
With one final rub to his temple, Nightmare held up his hand to get the attention of a waiter. He was not going to deal with this. He would pay for his wine (as any respectable person would do, he may be an evil king but he wasn’t a monster!), leave, and then discipline whoever thought that playing with his love life was a joke.
“Ah ah! Wait a minute will you brah?!” Fresh reached across the table, grabbing Nightmare by his hand and yanking it down. “C’mon! At least give me a chance?”
“Why?” Nightmare hissed, yanking his hand away. “I know what you are. You can’t possibly feel any actual attraction to me.”
“Woah, bold assumptions there!” Fresh leaned over, putting a hand against his chin. “I mean, you’re the king, broski! Who wouldn’t be attracted to ya?”
Nightmare rubbed his forehead, debating just getting out of there.
“Ah, but anyways, I’ve been wantin’ to talk to you for a while now! You’re just so…” Fresh’s expression changes into something more sinister, and Nightmare can feel the aura of the room changing as it did so. “Interestin’, y’know?” Always have been. Ever since you were purple.”
Ah, right. Nightmare had nearly forgotten his small encounter with Fresh. It had to have been around two hundred or so years ago since their first meeting. It wasn’t anything revolutionary, but it had planted the seed in Nightmare’s mind that there was something else out there. After all, a small, bright purple, four-tentacled creature with a black and yellow eye-mouth isn’t something you say everyday. Especially if your everyday consisted of living in the same forest that never changed. Nightmare dared Dream to eat it- er, Fresh, but he refused. And for better or for worse that decision somehow led Nightmare to be sitting at a dinner table with the man. If only Dream had more balls and eaten him when they were kids. Perhaps this could’ve been avoided.
“So lemme treat ya!”
“With what money? Last time I checked, you lived in a void with your furbies.” Nightmare scoffed, a sly smirk forming on his face as Fresh’s expression fell.
“Yowch!” Fresh held his hands up, a surprised look on his face. “I’m a lil’ hurt by your words, brah! I’ve got money! How’d you think I got all mah trinkets?”
“I figured you just took them.”
Out of all the things, Fresh looked most offended at that. “Whaaa??? Nightmare, brah, that hurts even more! Stealin’ and breakin’ the law is so uncool yo! I would never! I get my money completely legit-ly!”
“Yeah? How?”
“Well, I use the money from my hosts of course! I take their body right? Then I get access to whatever they have! Real simple.”
“That…is stealing, Fresh.”
“Nuh uh.”
Putting a hand to his temple once more, Nightmare gave Fresh a look of incredible incredulity. “Really. It’s not stealing?”
“Nah! Doesn’t count.” He laughed, and Nightmare could hear the cruelty in his voice. “Anyways!”
Fresh leaned over the table and grabbed Nightmare by his hand. The grasp was gentle, as if he knew that Nightmare wouldn’t yank it away. Nightmare couldn’t deny it, there was something alluring about Fresh. It wasn’t the way he dressed, obviously, but his past, how he operated, made Nightmare want to tear into him and see how he ticked.
“Nightmare, brah, please.” Nightmare was surprised to feel that despite the silver piercing in the host’s bottom lip, Fresh’s lips felt soft as they connected with the back of his hand. When was the last time someone had, sincerely, kissed the back of his hand? Was it Cross? It had to have been, when Cross pledged his allegiance to Nightmare those long seven months ago. His lips twitched as he wanted to smile, but remained stoic. “Lemme treat you tonight. It might be fun.”
Nightmare could see the sinister smile in Fresh’s face from a mile away. More often than not, his own grins held that sort of minacious quality to them.
“Maybe I’ll surprise ya in ways you couldn’t even imagine.”
Oh, how could Nightmare decline such an offer?
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ponypuffle · 3 years
Perfect! Then how about the mane six with a Musician Fem!Unicorn!Reader who plays the piano and plays/sing love songs headcanons . I imagine the reader singing “They don’t know about us” would be the romantic thing ever <3
A/N: tysm for being my first request on tumblr! you'll have to excuse some of them being a lil rushed, i started writing too much for a few of them and realized I had to cut it down lol
Pairing(s): (Individual) Mane Six x Female! Unicorn! Reader
Prompt: Mane Six with a reader who's a musician.
Warning(s): none, lmk if i missed something
The two of you meet when Rarity's hired to create stellar outfits for you. With her experience from working for Sapphire Shores, she's found it a lot easier to design outfits for musicians. That being said, part of her process now is to listen to her client's music to perfectly match the songs.
You were able to set a time with her at an empty studio that housed a grand piano. "It'll be just the two of us." You told her when she asked where your manager, bodyguards, or anypony was. Hearing those words made her eyes widen. Meeting you, she found you incredibly gorgeous and oh-so kind. She had quickly developed an admiration for you despite the little time you've known each other.
You trotted over to the piano and sat yourself down on the bench. "Ready?" You asked, looking up at her through your eyelashes. After opening her sketchpad, she gulped and nodded.
You began to play the piano with the melody of one of your favorite songs you knew how to play. When you started to sing, her heart skipped a beat. Her throat hitched. You were singing a love song. And a gorgeous one at that. Though, maybe she was being biased. Your soft, melodic voice was so entrancing that she almost felt like you had cast a spell on her. The only thing grounding her from ensuring that wasn't the case was when she realized not a single spark of magic had been cast from your horn.
When she arrived back home, Sweetie Belle noticed Rarity's love-struck eyes. Everyday, she would rave to Rarity about how it must have been love at first sight! Rarity, herself, almost believed her little sister's words. Though, even if it was love at first sight, she had to keep the relationship professional. Last time she ogled some celebrity when their relationship should've kept to business matters, she became an absolute mess! Literally and figuratively.
You, on the other hoof, had other plans. You played love songs for goodness sake! How could you not be a hopeless romantic? All you could do was stare in awe at the fabulous mare. All the dress fittings didn't help either Rarity was always so close to you, and the tingling of her magic as she held a piece of cloth or a measuring tape had been exhilarating. You could only hope she returned the same affections.
Unfortunately, Rarity wouldn't be back to Canterlot in a whole week! You've waited so long already that a week felt like too long. Probably a little too irrationally, you made the decision to take the next train to Ponyville, packing only your trusty guitar. By the time you got there, though, it was well into the evening that Rarity must be getting ready.
With a huff, you pull out your guitar and began your serenade. Not even three lines into your song, you could hear a squeal from inside. "Rarity! Rarity! Look outside!" The squeaky voice yelled. You had to hold back a burst of giggles as you kept singing on for the mare of your dreams.
The windows on the top floor swung open, revealing Rarity. Her mane was tied up in a ponytail and she was cozied up in a robe, but wow, was she as gorgeous as ever. In that moment, both of your hearts were synced in emotion and pure affection for the other. By the time your song ended, Rarity had made it down to greet you.
"Rarity, every single word was me speaking from the heart. I'd be honored if you'll have me." You placed your guitar down into its case that you had placed down.
Rarity grinned. "Of course, darling! I cannot tell you how much I've wanted this." She stretched forward and nuzzled her cheek to yours.
Twilight Sparkle
The piano, cello, and saxophone behind you played in harmony with the others. Meanwhile, you were swaying gently to the music, singing for the gala's guests. You were tonight's entertainment, hired by Princess Celestia herself. You'd be crazy if you passed up the gig, so you took it with no hesitation.
Meanwhile, the princess of friendship had also found herself busy with the gala. She was conversing with business ponies, delegates, and whatnot. Just a lot of talking. Yet, all she could do was find herself wanting to stay as long as you were singing. She even caught her gaze straying towards the stage during conversations, only to snap her attention back to the pony in front of her. But, she couldn't help it! You were just so gorgeous with that beautiful, black dress that glittered under the stage lights and your shiny, styled mane that accentuated your face just so well.
Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. Your voice needed rest, of course. No use in straining it all for one gig. Twilight couldn't accept that, though. She needed to see more of you. When your voice had disappeared for good, she felt a pang in her heart. She quickly excused herself from the conversation and began to weave through the crowd, drink trailing behind her with her magic.
"Excuse me!" Your ears perked at the sound of a voice coming your way. You swung your head around, meeting eyes with the one and only Princess Twilight Sparkle. Wait, was she talking to you? You tried to stay calm and collected, though you're not sure if it worked very well.
"Princess Twilight Sparkle, what an honor to meet you." You bent down slightly in a bow, looking up at her through your eyelashes before returning to your normal stance.
"No need for formalities." She shook her head, "Your performance was beautiful, and I was hoping we could talk."
"Are you sure you're not busy?" You asked, recalling her talking to many ponies who all fought for her attention.
Twilight picked up a glass of champagne off of passing tray. "I'd much rather talk to you." She held out the glass of champagne to you as an offering. You wondered for a moment whether you'd come to regret this, but eventually gave in, intertwining your magic with hers momentarily as you took the champagne glass.
For the rest of the night, the both of you had stuck together, enjoying each other's company. Sometimes her words would stray to some sort of fun fact that she found interesting in the moment, making her all the more endearing.
Unfortunately, the night had to come to an end. The two of you had finally split. Twilight had to stay behind and say goodbye to the remaining guests. Meanwhile, you needed rest from all that singing and talking. So much for not straining your voice, huh? Your tired mind had forgotten to tell her that you were staying in a room of the castle, and Twilight had been too caught up in a whirlwind of guests to have asked where you were staying.
The next morning, the thought struck you. You truly wanted to see Twilight again, but how? Then you remembered what she told you when you asked why she had wanted to talk to you in the first place. "Your voice was so alluring. How could I resist?" She had told you. Maybe that was how you'd find her. Sing out loud for her and she was sure to be in the castle.
You got ready as quickly as possible then opened up the doors to step out on the porch that looked down onto the castle. You felt awkward doing this, but you'd have to make your leave soon and with how big the castle is, you feared you'd miss her and never see her again.
With one of the few spells you learned, you amplified your voice and began singing a love song, professing your feelings for her. By the time you had finished, your ears had flattened to your head as you lost hope. You let our a sigh and stepped back into the room, ready to pack up.
Then, a soft pound of hoof steps sounded behind you. You turned around and found Twilight with her wings stretched out before closing them to her side. "You're here." She spoke in disbelief. "I was thinking I'd never see you again."
"Well, let's make sure that never happens again. I'd love to give us a chance." You stepped closer to her. Twilight smiled at your words before nuzzling her cheek against yours.
Rainbow Dash
You were playing your piano in your little house, the porch windows wide open to let in the summer breeze. It was a good day outside. Why wouldn't you try to enjoy the day while doing your favorite thing?
Rainbow Dash had just the same idea in mind. She had dragged a cloud to a secluded area for a well-deserved nap. Well, it was secluded enough. All she could see was a small house a long way off, but it didn't seen like an issue at the time. Key words being, 'at the time'.
The breeze had slowly swept Rainbow's cloud towards the house. Your house. Rainbow's eyes fluttered open when her ears had flicked around at the sound of music. It wasn't quite her taste in music, but she had to admit, the voice she heard was stunning.
Rainbow shuffled around on the cloud, adjusting her position to peer down towards the source. The windows to the house were open, giving her a perfect view inside. There you were. A pretty little unicorn with a gorgeous mane flowing with the breeze.
By an off chance, you glanced outside only to notice the rainbow pegasus. You let out a squeak in surprise as your eyes widened, putting your song to an abrupt halt. Rainbow flew down, desperate to apologize for her staring. "I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to stare - I mean, I did, but my napping cloud drifted over here by accident, and you just sounded really nice that I had to see who you were."
You felt your cheeks heat up at the compliment. "I- Um, thank you." You couldn't help your hooves fumbling underneath you as the strong mare gazed at you.
"I'm Rainbow Dash." She introduced herself, and thus began your friendship. You learned more about her, especially that her naps were well deserved. She was a strong mare who pride herself in her athletic abilities. You're honestly surprised she doesn't take even more naps! Rainbow had eventually asked you to play your music for her to lull her into a peaceful nap. You happily agreed. It'd be good practice, and it meant helping Rainbow! What a perfect combo!
One day, you found yourself staring in awe at your friend as you sang. You had been brushing off your feelings for her as pure admiration, but now it was hard to continue believing that. Your heart tightened and you put your singing to a halt. You took a deep breath and began playing a new song, one that you felt professed your feelings for her much better. You knew she wouldn't hear it, but that's what made this "confession" so much better. No need to be frightened if she had no idea!
At least, that's what you thought. Rainbow's sharp hearing picked up the sudden stop despite her nap. She didn't show any sign of waking up nor did she intend to once you had begun your next song. She heard the words and immediately felt her heart flutter. How could such a gorgeous, delicate unicorn like you like her? She didn't dare question it further.
When the song ended, she opened her eyes and looked at you. Just the way she gazed at you told you all you needed to know. She heard you. Your flight or fight senses went completely haywire as you stood there in shock and panic.
"I hope that song was for me." Rainbow made confident strides towards you, ruffling the feathers of her wings to shake off the sleep.
"I-I was just- I mean-" You stuttered out, struggling to find some sort of excuse but to no avail. How could you ever get out of this situation?
Rainbow was quick to shut you up with a kiss on your cheek. "Hey, no need to stress about it. I like you, too, sport." She moved to your side and set a wing on your back. "I think you've practiced enough, yeah? Why don't you come take a break with me."
Today was a dream come true! It all started when your cousin was having a party. For what? You didn't know, but all you needed to know was that the Pony-tones were performing for the party. You've only ever had the chance to hear them once, but that was all you needed to absolutely fall in love with their work. What was even more exciting was that you were going to get the chance to meet them! Celestia, just the thought of it sent shivers down your back.
As the singing group performed, you couldn't help it when your eyes had continuously darted back to the yellow pegasus on stage. Her name was Fluttershy, if you recalled correctly. You never realized how beautiful she looked, especially seeing her sing with so much passion.
Once they finished their last set, you rushed over to go meet them. They were all very friendly, especially Fluttershy despite her closed off nature. Yet, her shyness was all the more alluring to you. She was just so cute.
Luckily for you, Fluttershy took quite a liking to you. She loved how passionate you were about music, and found a longing deep inside her to be your friend. There was just something about you that called to her.
And so, you had begun to spend more time with her. Little tea parties and shopping trips were all you needed to fall head over hooves for her. Not to mention, dear little Angel bunny had seemed to approve of your blossoming relationship. Whenever he had a tantrum, Fluttershy had enlisted your voice to calm him down. It was something about your melodic singing that zipped the little critter up.
With everything going so well, you just had to confess to her. All you wanted was to nuzzle up to her and feel her warm affection. After much thought, you finally settled on the perfect message.
You met up with the Pony-tones day after day to prepare. They were all almost as excited as you were when they heard your plan. Even Angel had chipped in. Now, all you had to do was get Fluttershy to come to a little meadow surrounded by trees.
When the time came, Fluttershy had walked into the open space from the trees as she followed Angel. Just as her eyes fell on you and the Pony-tones, you made a flick of your tail to signal the start of the group's acapella part. Just as practiced, you jumped in and began singing a love song to her.
She was a flustered mess, her cheeks tinted red at the words of the song. "D-Do you really mean it?" She glanced at you then back at the ground when the song had come to a close.
"Every word." You stepped closer, picking a flower from the ground with your magic to place in her mane.
She looked up at you through her eye lashes and smiled. In an instant, she had pulled you into a hug with her wings and nuzzled herself under your head.
Apple Jack
"Apple Jack! Is that really you?" You called out when you spotted that familiar hat atop a blonde mane.
Apple Jack made a pivot around, meeting eyes with you, one of her childhood friends. You and AJ had gone to a camp together when you were just fillies. The two of you plus Rara had such fun, but you eventually had to part ways. Yet, here you were at the festival with AJ in your sights.
"Is that really you? I haven't seen you in years! How are ya doing?" AJ grinned, happy to see you again after all this time.
"I'm doing great now that you're here. I hope you're not too busy to let me catch up with you." You replied. To your relief, she was free to chat with you during the festival.
As you neared the end of your day, you learned that she was just the same as before, though she had matured a lot. What once felt like an admiration had suddenly turned into an attraction towards AJ. With her new found maturity, she was quite the gentlepony as she helped you whenever she could
"Do you still have that guitar you used to play on?" You asked, walking beside her on the dirt path leading towards her home.
"Of course. Why'd ya ask?" Her ears had flicked to the side out of curiosity.
"Maybe we can relive some of those memories. Or, maybe we can make new ones with that old guitar." You suggested. Though, you were hoping for the latter. You wanted to confess to her and ask for a chance at a relationship now that you were reunited.
Apple Jack agreed before heading into her house to grab her guitar and picnic blanket. She lead you to one of her favorite places to sit down in the orchard. It wasn't too far off the fencing, and situated a large apple tree, much bigger than the others. Underneath were two logs set in place as benches. You could only imagine this was a place AJ commonly went to for comfort.
Pinkie Pie
"If you don't mind," You took the guitar in your magic, "I'd love to sing for you first."
"Go ahead. I'll set up the blanket." She nodded and began to unfold the blanket. Meanwhile, you began your song.
It was a love song that you felt perfectly professed your feelings towards AJ. You didn't outright say you loved her - it was a little too quick for that, but you knew what you did feel was true. You missed her with all your heart and all you wanted to do was get a chance at something more than friendship.
The song had ended not long after AJ had spread the blanket across the plush grass and settled down onto it. "You sing as amazing as ever. You sang with so much passion that I'd be surprised if ya didn't sing that with somepony in mind."
"That song was for you." You admitted with a soft voice. You could only hope that this didn't ruin your reignited friendship.
AJ's eyes widened before laughing out loud. "Thank Celestia! I was gettin' worried ya wouldn't feel the same." AJ got up and stepped closer to you. "S'ppose that means I get to call ya my very special somepony, then."
AJ's tall stature and close proximity had you blushing. Here you were, just finishing a serenade, only for AJ to turn the tables around and get you flustered. Nonetheless, you nodded in agreement, sealing the deal.
"Good..." She muttered under her breath then leaned in to plant a warm kiss on your cheek.
The day started out as normal as ever. You woke up, got ready, the set off on your day. Today entailed going to the music store in search for a guitar. You'd been saving for a shiny, new one and today was the day you got to buy one!
As you walked through the store, you had soon bumped into a bright pink pony searching through all the instruments, picking up a few before moving onto the next section. You watched in curiosity until the instruments she struggled to hold bad begun to wobble around. Your eyes widened and you instinctively grabbed them with your magic as they fell down, just before they had hit the floor.
The pony's gaze quickly trailed towards you. She gasped, "Wow, that was quick! Thank you so much, I can't imagine the mess that would've happened without you!" She bounced towards you, narrowly avoiding the floating instruments.
"Y-Yeah, no problem." You stuttered out. "What are all these instruments for anyways?"
"For my one-pony band, of course!" She giggled then began to walk off for more instruments. She was so nonchalant about it that you couldn't help following along and taking any instruments she tossed over to you. The thought of this many instruments at the hooves of one pony sounded a little silly, but she was just so intriguing.
From that point on, you kept finding yourself in her company. She was so eccentric, and it just lifted your spirits day after day. She'd include you on all her little antics, and even would set aside her hyper behavior just to hear you singing with that guitar she helped you get on that very first day of meeting.
Now, all you could see when looking at her was pure affection. You loved seeing her get excited, and all you wanted was to feel her fluffy mane against you while she hugged you. You just wanted more than friendship, but how?
"Careful!" She squealed, a giggle cutting through. "We want the cake batter in the pans, not your cute face!"
Your cheeks felt hot as you laughed along. The two of you were baking a cake together, and now all you had to do was put the pans in to bake.
"While we wait, why don't you sing me a song? I haven't heard you sing in so long!" She exaggerated. She heard you sing only a few days ago, but in her defense, she just loved your voice.
You thought for a moment before agreeing. With all these feelings clouding your thoughts, you just knew you had to confess to her now. What better way than through song?
You pulled out your guitar from the case and settled down to begin playing the tune of the song. Meanwhile, Pinkie cleaned up, listening to your voice as a motivator. By the time you finished the first iteration of the chorus, some dishes crashed as she focused all her attention on you.
"What a pretty song." Pinkie commented as you finished. "With pretty lyrics."
"It's all for you, Pinkie." You set the guitar down. "I mean, if you'll have me, of course."
"Really?" She exclaimed, her eyes lighting up at your words. "I can't believe it! I'm so glad you feel the same!" She bounced up and down before pouncing onto you with a big hug.
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Could i request hcs of chef!s/o who likes making bentos everyday for them for lunch? Or generally likes cooking for them? Characters are jack, trey, jamil, sebek and azul. Thank you :)
Azul Ashengrotto: 
Azul was not prepared for your first act of kindness, tempted to test it for some sort of poison though he knows you presented it to him too eagerly for it to be some sort of murder attempt. He had been around you long enough you did this sort of thing out of the kindness of your heart but he was still wary to the point he started to feel guilty of suspecting you of something; perhaps you did have an ulterior motive but it was born of love and care for him who got so buried in his work he didn’t remember to eat at all. You were even observant enough to leave out fatty foods you knew he avoided but still put some tasty things inside so it wouldn’t be a total slog to get through, his heart swelling with appreciation at how lovingly this bento was prepared.
Jack Howl: 
Jack has to have a firm grip on his tail to stop it from wagging as you presented him with the delicious bento, his keen sense of smell picking up on the perfectly cooked meat you’d packed for him. His heart is an absolute mess in his chest and this sensation is unlike any other, having to bow his head and genuinely thank you for the meal. He always got this giddy feeling when you did something caring for him, knowing it wasn’t unusual for you to be aware of his needs but he didn’t want to appear ungrateful as you cooking for him wasn’t an obligation. A home-cooked meal is just the thing to get Jack pumped again and give him the energy needed to continue the rest of his day.
Jamil Viper: 
Cooking was the way to Jamil’s heart, more or less. You had first bonded over cooking together (even if he did still taste test your food before allowing Kalim to dig in as well) and he found that cooking beside you made it feel more fun and less like a task. Since he cooked so often he found the moments of reprieve when you brought him bentos to be a relief, not used to having someone dote on him but still thankful that you did so despite his awkward attempts at thanking you. Your cooking is without a doubt on par with his, and he always loved to see what spices you’d incorporated, playing a little guessing game while you were simply happy he got so much out of your food.
Sebek Zigvolt: 
Sebek couldn’t help but brag about what a wonderful cook you were, quite prideful in a talent that wasn’t even his own as he could talk endlessly about the magic you perform in the kitchen. He liked to watch you at work and while his gaze could be intimidating, you knew he was simply appreciating all the minor things you did that ended up creating a gourmet meal. He’s asked you a few times to cook something for Malleus which you knew to be a great honor, he really did love your cooking if he was willing to share it with his master.
Trey Clover: 
Trey felt bad that you went out of your way to prepare him something like this, trying to tell you that he did eat properly even if he was busy with schoolwork and in the dorm. When you won’t hear of it and continue to make him the lunch he knew this must be something for you as well, that you enjoyed the feeling of taking care of someone. He didn’t really mind as you were a good cook, plus, it would just be rude to not appreciate the hard work you put into making him lunch. Still, he wanted there to be an exchange of sorts and whenever he has the chance he baked you something so that when you came with a bento, he had something else to give to you in return.
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
I’ve Told You Now - Bucky Barnes smut
The one where alpha!Bucky fucks you in front of the other avengers
Warnings: smut, a/b/o dynamics, public sex, oral (f), p in v, possessiveness
Word count: 2.3k
A/N: Thank you to my lovely @wakingbeauty​ for giving this a read for me! This is strictly the product of mine and @navybrat817​‘s belief that public sex should be more common in A/B/O dynamics, so there you have it 😊 Also, I used a prompt the sweet @jbreenr​ gave me ages ago for a headcanon and I asked to save it for this story since it made such perfect sense! Hope you guys like it! I might write more public sex A/B/O smut in the very near future!
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Bucky’s P.O.V.
Everyday was the same. I’d wake up and join the rest of the team for breakfast to find out that despite the fact that someone had saved me a seat, that same someone had thought of a new joke to make at my expense.
If I thought Tony’s nicknames were bad, this was a whole new level. It’s like she wanted to find all the little ways to annoy me, while still remaining mindful of my recovery process and triggers.
I’d never met an omega like that before. Back in my time, omegas were mostly prim and proper, almost shy around alphas, even if they were starting to show a little more skin and entertain the possibility of staying closer to us for longer periods of time.
I wasn’t used to someone who felt so comfortable with my intimidating aura, and the alpha in me definitely couldn’t grow used to seeing so much of her skin all the time. By now, I was sure she was doing it on purpose.
She knew how it affected me, she could smell it - every omega was able to identify when a nearby alpha was aroused. And I knew it turned her on in return. I was also biologically wired to sense that.
It was basically a game of who would break first. And I knew she thought she would win, but my resolve still wasn’t broken.
“Ah… What a lovely day. So full of possibilities… if you’re not a hundred years old,” she quickly added, throwing me a glance that had me rolling my eyes. “What do you say, grandpa? Feel like going out for a run?”
Who knows what I would have answered if she hadn’t decided to pull her hair up right at the second Wanda opened the window to look out into the field? The smile that had been on my face quickly dropped when I was hit with a heavy wave of her scent and my knees buckled as I tried to hold myself back from just jumping on top of her.
Unfortunately, because awareness was not something she seemed capable of having, she did not realize my struggle. “What’s wrong, old man? Can’t even keep up anymore?” The growl that escaped my chest at her joke was all the warning she needed to finally understand what was going on.
“I’ll show you what I can keep up.” I was on her in a second, my consciousness of our surroundings reduced to absolutely nothing. It was only her and me, and the way our lips moved as I guided her back to the couch, until we both fell on top of it.
“Is this what you wanted, huh?” I asked as I tore her shirt with a simple flick of my wrist. “Is this how you wanted it to happen? For me to lose all control and just take you right here?” All that left her was a garbled sound, her hands clawing at my back as I easily got rid of her jeans until they were nothing but scraps on the floor and then exposed her pussy to the tower’s living room.
“Fuck yes,” I growled, immediately leaning down to get a taste of her. Sweet and wet and mine, all mine. I had no idea where that possessive instinct had come from, but I would be crazy to ignore it - especially since it felt like I’d kill and die for her at that very second.
Her hips jerked up, instinctively searching for my tongue, but a breeze of clarity seemed to brush over her and make her sit up on her elbows, looking down at me. I knew what was running through her mind before she said it, and I wasn’t having any of it.
“You better lay back down and let me savor my meal,” I warned, knowing the rest of the team had gathered around to watch the show. I didn’t have to take my eyes off her debauched state to know it, but her gaze was on them, even if the rest of her body was still spread open for anyone to see, uncaring of the fact that we were being watched.
“You poked the beast, now you’ll entertain it,” Steve warned, shaking his head as if to scold us, but when I met his eyes, I could see the glint of desire in them. He wanted to be in my position, he wanted to have his own tongue shoved deep inside my girl’s pussy, and it only made me eat her more hungrily.
“Eyes on me, ‘mega,” I called out to her once I saw her eyes linger on Steve. “Let them watch, that’ll keep them away from you.” She groaned at the possessiveness in my words, but it was the sounds of someone who was relishing in it. And I was relishing in her juices.
“Fuck!” She cursed when I buried my tongue as far as it could go in her, something deep inside of me desperate to be drowning in her scent. “Should have gotten you mad before.”
The thought was amusing to me. Did she really think this was only the result of pent-up anger, and not months of desire and lust that had finally spilled from my weakened resolve?
“Well…” I started, pushing two fingers inside of her to scissor her open for me, although my scent had already made her body as prepared for an Alpha an Omega could get.
I was a bit larger than usual Alphas, though - courtesy of the serum - so I wanted to make sure she wouldn’t go through any pain whatsoever. “You keep me mad all the fucking time, kitten.”
Y/N’s P.O.V.
“With desire or anger, it doesn’t really care,” he continued, like it was any ordinary day and we were chatting in the living room, our usual teasing banter taking over the conversation, instead of him eating me out on the couch in front of all of our teammates while I was spread out for their eyes to take in.
“You’re always a tease to me, in one way or another.” His huge hands massaged the inside of my thighs as he finally lowered himself to suck on my nub again, making me instinctively buck my hips up in search of his tongue.
“Stay…” he ordered in his Alpha tone, and the whine that broke free from my chest was more animal than human now. The way he used his mouth was nothing short of sinful, licking me from ass to clit with an eagerness I had never expected the former Winter Soldier to have.
But I guess today I was discovering all of my fantasies about Bucky had been a bit misplaced. For one, I never thought he’d be the type of Alpha to take me in such a public environment.
In every dirty dream I’d had, Bucky was far too possessive to allow anyone to explore what was his - even if it was only visually - but what I’d come to learn was that while he was definitely dominating, there was a hint of exhibitionism in his craving.
He liked to have people see him break me into a million pieces only to glue me back together with a lick of his tongue. He liked that they were seeing his talent - and I had to admit, by what I saw in his friend’s stare, that they were also admiring me too.
And he got off on that. I didn’t expect it would make me get off too.
“Delicious,” he hummed when he finally pulled away from my cunt, having brought me to my release and licked it off of me. Still, an overwhelming amount of wetness covered the lower part of his face, prompting me to raise myself to my elbows and lick my own juices off of his lips, the omega in me begging to scent him as mine.
“You’re a nasty little bitch, aren’t you?” He chuckled once the surprise faded away, easily manhandling me onto my stomach, the sound of a zipper being opened denouncing that he had undressed.
“Keep fucking me and you’ll find out.” I heard him spitting behind me, a shiver running up my spine as I realized he was playing with himself while looking at me presenting for him.
“Oh, I’ll do much better than that.” That was all the warning I got before I felt the head of his member poking my entrance, slowly but surely sliding in until he had bottomed out.
My whines became intensified when he pulled me up by my hair, his free hand covering my breast to rub my nipple as he whispered, “I’m gonna claim you, sweetheart. You think you’re ready for that? Think you’ll be able to take it?”
I was quickly realizing I had severely underestimated the man inside of me, even if not to the extent he thought I had. I was not ready for that. I don’t think I ever would be, but fuck if I wasn’t gonna take it anyway.
Because it was so much better than I ever imagined it to be.
“No more playing hard-to-get,” Bucky continued, finally starting to move and immediately settling on a punishing pace. “No more teasing me with your short skirts and tempting scent. You’ll be mine now, ‘mega. Forever. How does that sound?”
God, I wanted him to do it. I wanted him to keep exercising this complete control over my body that he had so easily managed to take. His cock was stretching me in ways I’d never been stretched before, his inflated knot slamming against my opening with each thrust.
“Always mocking me… Am I too old for you now?” I shivered as he licked a stripe up my neck. I knew he wouldn’t actually bite me in front of everyone - a claiming ritual was a sacred ritual, even the most feral of Alphas respected the intimacy of that. But the way he was taunting me was all too arousing, I couldn’t deny it. “Tell me.”
His hand squeezed my hip, looking for an answer. I tried to open my mouth, but nothing came out. His palm slipped further down, finding my clit, and as two fingers rubbed my own juices, around it, I screamed.
“N-No!” Bucky chuckled against my neck, body continuing his onslaught against mine as he nuzzled my scent gland. “Y-you’re not too old for me. Take me, take me please.” His coos were too provoking, making me cry out loud at the mocking sound.
“Aw, kitten…” His warm mouth breathed the next words against my ear, “I already did.” He turned my face towards his with his fingers tangled in my hair, engulfing my mouth with his.
“Alright.” A familiar voice spoke from not too far, startling me for a second as I once again was reminded that we were still very much surrounded by our team. “You two might just be the sexiest mates I’ve ever seen fuck.”
A growl escaped Bucky’s chest at hearing someone refer to us as mates for the first time, and I panted in need, desperate to cum, desperate for him. “Seen a lot of mates fuck, Romanoff?” He nibbled at my ear, hands roaming over my body as if to make it very clear to every person watching that they could look all they wanted, I was still his.
“You have no idea.” Looking over a bit to the side from where she was seated, there rested Sam’s almost limp body, a hand curled over his boner as his eyes never wavered from the place I was connected to the man behind me.
“Well, I know what I’m gonna think about tonight.” Something between a laugh and a moan escaped me, making Bucky growl again, hands pushing me back down onto the couch as his hips picked up the pace with which they’d ruin me.
To say I was soaked was the understatement of the century. I could feel it, running down my thighs, drenching the couch underneath me. I don’t know how we’d be able to use it again, but that was the least of my concerns in the moment.
“I am begging you to let me lick her pussy after you guys are done,” came Tony’s voice, and I knew Bucky would growl in his direction just from the way his fingers pressed tightly on the flesh of my hips. “Not that type of Alpha, sorry, I got it.”
I heard his footsteps retreating quickly, probably scared of what Bucky would do to him once we were done, but in the Alpha’s defense, Tony seemed to disappear from his mind the second he left the room, all of his senses directed to me and his goal of making me cum around his cock.
“C’mon, kitten,” he whispered, fingers easily locating my clit to play with me as he pulled me up to rest against his chest one more. “Come for me, milk me dry.” That was all I needed to give him what he wanted, and although I was anticipating to moan loudly as I creamed his knot, his mouth covered mine to swallow all of my sounds in a deep kiss, hands protectively covering me while pawing at my breasts at the same time.
“Steve,” Bucky called after he managed to catch his breath, having fallen on top of me on the couch once his knot popped open. “I won’t be able to work out with you today.”
I looked up as best as I could to find Steve already staring at us, although red from head to toe. “That’s understandable,” he spoke in a thick, rough voice that I barely recognized as his. “You seem to have worked out enough already.”
Bucky stopped running his nose against my cheek at his friend’s attempt at teasing, a slow smirk taking over his face as he joined me and stared at his friend. “Oh, I’m not nearly done,” he warned. “You’re more than welcome to join us for some cardio, if you want to.”
The soft smile Steve sent our way told us everything we needed to know about his plans for the evening.
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tooweirdforyou · 3 years
How The OP Boys React To You Wearing Someone Else’s Jacket
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A/N : hey! This is just something to make up for my lack of writing recently. Hope you enjoy!
Summary : a couple of the one piece boys react to you wearing someone else’s jacket instead of theirs. How could you? :>
includes ; Ace, Sabo, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, law and Mihawk.
only Luffy’s ended up being a hc, the others are like super short scenarios lol. Well. Just dialogue mostly.
Visibly confused when he notices.
Why are you wearing Law’s jacket over your shoulders? Today isn’t particularly cold, at least not for him.
He isn’t sure why, but he doesn’t like it.
Will not hesitate to confront you and ask you straight up.
“Oi, [Name]! Why are you wearing Law’s jacket?”
He has the biggest, sulky pout on his lips with his arms crossed and staring at you.
Weird thing is, Law hasn’t been around for a while so you must’ve had that jacket for quite some time if you’re wearing it.
“Luffy. It just feels warm and big on me, so I wore it. Plus, this way, I won’t forget to return it to him when we see him again!”
Luffy pouts further at your comment and sighs, clearly growing agitated the longer you wore it.
Since Luffy didn’t particularly had a jacket, he stripped off his shirt and tossed it at your face.
“Wear this instead! I don’t want you wearing Law’s jacket, you’ll smell like him!”
Clear displeasure and irritation evident when he sees you walking out in an all too familiar jacket.
“Why the hell are you wearing that?”
Tugging on Sanji’s blazer securely, you shrug and continue what you were doing.
“It’s chilly out, and Sanji offered me his jacket. It’s warm.”
Hearing your excuse merely increased his annoyance. That chivalrous bastard.
“Well take it off. It looks horrible on you.” He bluntly comments and you roll your eyes at him. “I’m cold though!”
And so, Zoro walks on over towards you and not giving a damn if he ripped the jacket as he pulls it off your body, he unties his (kimono?) and before you could react,
he is pulling you into his embrace, before tying back up with you inside and carried you over to the railing of the deck.
He plops down and sits with his back to the railing and you in his lap. “Now you won’t be cold.” He says, wrapping his arms around you and shut his eyes.
“Hm? [Name]-chan, why are you wearing Luffy’s shirt?”
Absolutely shocked at the many thoughts running through his mind. You were wearing Luffy’s shirt,
“Oh, I—“
“Sanji! Relax! It’s not like that!”
You let out a breath as the chef finally relaxed, teary eyes and teardrops running down his cheeks. “*sniffles loudly* you sure?..”
“Of course I’m sure! Usopp, Luffy and I were just playing a game and I got wet. Luffy let me wear his shirt to cover myself while I changed.”
Sanji widens his eyes in realization and relaxes his shoulders, exhaling out in slight relief. “Oh.. I see..”
“Besides, I wouldn’t go for Luffy. I’d totally go for Zoro—“ before you could continue your tease, Sanji interrupts.
“[Name]-ya. Why are you wearing that?”
Taking a second glance when you enter the room, he can feel confusion and his eyebrow twitching in irritation at the familiar sight.
“Actually, how the hell do you even have that?”
Glancing down at the large cape/jacket that had a faint smell of alcohol, metal and Kid’s common body scent, you shrug in response.
“I don’t actually know, but I found it and it’s comfortable so I’m keeping it! Eustass can find another one.”
Law rubs the bridge of his nose and heaves a heavy sigh. “Do you mind taking it off? I don’t need the smell of that metal head filling my ship.”
Obviously, he just despised seeing you in it.
Law definitely doesn’t want to be near you just to smell Kid’s scent, either.
“Whyyy, it’s comfortable and I’m feeling cold..” you whine and Law rolls his eyes. “Then take this.”
He grumbles under his breath and slips off his doctor’s coat and held it out for you, his other hand and attention focused on his paperwork.
He just wanted to see you in his jacket really, he was sure you’d look a hundred times better.
Excited, you immediately take off Kid’s coat and take Law’s, slipping it on and grin widely. “Smells just like you... and disinfectant.”
You laugh a bit and Law couldn’t help the curve of his lips at the sight of you.
You did look a lot better in his clothes.
“Baby, don’t tell me that’s still Sabo’s jacket you’re wearing..”
The fake betrayal and expression of pain and sadness lit his eyes and you felt just a pang of guilt.
“Maybe.. he offered it to me! I just came across him today and he didn’t want me to get cold.”
“Why didn’t you wear a jacket?”
Visibly sulky and pouty, and whining that you shouldn’t be wearing another man’s clothes, especially his brothers.
“I forgot! And besides, I would have taken yours but you don’t wear anything.” You hum, and Ace smirks lightly.
“Because it’s easier to get in the mood that way~” he jokes and you roll your eyes despite the giggle that slipped out.
“Besides, if you were cold, I am literally an actual body heater. Just cuddle and hug me if you’re cold!”
“Okay, okay! Let’s go and get some cuddles right now then.”
“I know another way I can warm you up instead~” Ace hums, immediately picking you up by the waist and taking you to the bedroom.
When Sabo returns early from a small task, he finds you on the bed and in a particular someone’s jacket, confusing him.
“Hey, love. Is this Roronoa’s blazer? Why do you have it?”
You’re overjoyed seeing the blonde returning so soon, but a bit startled at his appearance and question.
“Oh, Zoro lent it to me! It was during Dressrosa, before we left after talking with his crew mates.”
“Why didn’t you just ask for mine?” Sabo pouts, frowning when he saw how adorable you looked in something that wasn’t his or technically yours.
“You were busy with explaining your backstory to them, I didn’t want to interrupt you.” You sheepishly say, seeing his pout and was quick to take off the jacket.
“But since you’re here, give me yours! It smells like you, so I want it!”
“You know I have plenty in the closet..” he mumbles, reluctantly taking his off with a sulk, hiding his secret smile. “So I’m just second choice?”
Of course, now he was just teasing you.
“Mi amor, tell me the reason for the red-haired’s coat around you.”
Mihawk’s expression is laced with displeasure and disappointment at the sight of it.
He is equally annoyed and irritated that you seem to have Shank’s smell lingering on you from his coat.
“When Shanks visited, he left his coat behind. It’s comfortable so I wore it.”
“Well, take it off. It’s an annoyance to see and smell. Throw it out.”
You could only sigh at Mihawk’s stern, yet toneless voice and follow his order, slipping the material off your shoulders and went to an open window.
Mihawk pulls at his mini cross blade and swings twice, successfully cutting the fabric into pieces just as you released your hold on it.
“Was that necessary?..” you mumble, a slight smile and amusement playing on your face as Mihawk nods, shutting his golden eyes. “Of course.”
A/N : I was going to include Kid and Corazon but like, this was a lot already and this isn’t even that great in general, and I just wanted to post something :> hope you still like this!
Sorry if it seems rushed and not that great. I’m really out of my writing game lately. :/
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cocobeanncteez · 3 years
ATEEZ San- Back to you (oneshot)
Genre: angst, fluff, suggestive, university au.
Pairing: badboy!San x reader (fem)
Word Count: 7.3K
Warnings: profanities, alcohol consumption, smoking, mentions of bullying and cheating, drink spiking, and attempted sexual assault.
Except Ateez, all other names are fictional.
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"I don't understand how these stupid people party here when we've got exams in two weeks," your bestfriend, Doyeon, muttered under her breath while scribbling down some notes. You both were at a café in your university, studying for the upcoming exams.
You chuckled, glancing up at her from your notebook. "Your boyfriend is one of those stupid people who are partying right now."
She rolled her eyes. "Believe me, I want to smack Yunho with this," she held up her notebook, making you snort. "I'm surprised you don't get frustrated when San is literally doing the same thing."
"Well, it's his life," you said. "I'm not his parent who can nag at him to study."
San and you have been dating for a little over eight months now; other than Doyeon and San's friends, no one else knew about your relationship. Doyeon and Yunho were also dating for a while now. You both didn't really know why the boys didn't want other people to know about your relationship, but you both just went with the flow despite witnessing girls throwing themselves at them everyday. Doyeon was really calm about the whole situation, but you actually weren't even though you never let it show; you were quite worried about San leaving you for other women who were like him. You never understood why he's dating someone like you: the type who rarely parties, rarely drinks, never smokes, decently studies and gets good grades, never gets involved in fights; the opposite of him, basically.
Doyeon was about to say something, but your conversation was interrupted by someone who suddenly sat beside you in your booth, placing a textbook on the table. "Don't mind me, ladies," one of your university's badboys, Kangmin, said. "There was no place to sit, so here I am."
Ji Kangmin was handsome, and a typical badboy from what you've heard. You didn't really know much about him personally, but you knew his friend group and your boyfriend's group were rivals and often got into fights.
"I'm surprised you're here," Doyeon stated, raising an eyebrow. "Shouldn't you be at some party?"
"I don't party when exams are near," he said with a small smile. "I know I don't have a good reputation, but unlike other people here who have the same reputation as me, I actually want to score well and decently graduate." You were stunned, not expecting to hear that from someone like him. Well, maybe all badboys aren't the same.
"Babe!" San whined sleepily when you pulled his blanket off his body. "God, my head fucking hurts."
"Serves you right for drinking all night," you said, running a hand through his messy black hair.
"But the party was epic," he mumbled, eyes closing at the way you played with his hair.
After a few minutes, San took some painkillers and got up to take a shower. When he finished, he immediately pulled you into a hug. "I missed you," he said, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
You chuckled. "You saw me yesterday morning."
"But that was in class," he murmured, placing soft kisses on your neck, making your heart race. "I didn't get to talk to you."
"Then maybe you should start talking to me in class," you said and immediately regretted it when you felt San tense up.
San moved a step back to look at you. "Babe, you know I can't do that," he stated. "I don't want people to know about us or start—"
"Yeah, I know," you cut him off with a small smile, hiding your disappointment. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that."
"It's fine," he said, kissing your forehead. "Let's go have breakfast, yeah?"
"Um, actually, I have to go back to my dorm," you said, making San frown and ask why. "I've got a study session with Doyeon," you lied; you just didn't feel like being here at the moment.
San sighed, cupping your cheeks. "Babe, you study so much. These exams don't matter much."
Your eyebrows furrowed. "San, these are end of the first semester exams. They're extremely important."
San didn't say anything; he only leaned down to capture your lips with his own. "Stay for a little while, please," he murmured against your lips. Before you could protest, he kissed you again, this time more passionately. He gently pushed you onto his bed, hovering above you before reconnecting your lips. Your hands wrapped around his neck, playing with the hair at his nape. One of San's hands slipped under your blouse, moving to cup your breast, giving it a squeeze. You gasped due to his actions and he took the opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth, deepening the kiss. Your phone began ringing but both of you ignored it. You were getting wetter by the second and you could feel San's growing bulge pressing against you. When your phone rang for the fourth time, San pulled away with an annoyed sigh. You chuckled, getting up from his bed to get your phone from your bag.
"Hello?" you answered.
"Where are you?! Class is gonna start in ten minutes!" Doyeon exclaimed.
"What? What class? All our classes were canceled for today."
"Mr. Byun said he's gonna take class today. Didn't you check your email?"
"Fuck. I'll be there in five." You hung up and quickly checked your reflection in San's mirror, reapplying your lip balm and tying your hair into a ponytail. San's eyes were on you the entire time.
"Are you ditching your lovely boyfriend for a class?" San asked with a pout. "Especially when you made him get all hard?"
"Yes," you replied with a small giggle. "I'll make it up to you when I'm done, I promise." you placed a quick kiss on his lips before rushing to your dorm to collect your stuff.
"Can I sit here?" you heard someone ask, making you look up from your notebook. Ji Kangmin was giving you a small smirk. "Seats are full."
"Go ahead," you said, returning your attention back onto your books. Fortunately, Kangmin studied quietly, not disturbing you even once.
"Why is this so hard?" you muttered under your breath, eyebrows furrowing in irritation due to the differentiation problem you've been breaking your head for.
"Need help?" Kangmin asked.
"Are you good at calculus?"
He snorted, showing you the cover of his textbook. "I'm a math major, darling." Your eyes widened, not expecting that at all. "I thought you knew but you clearly don't," he said with a chuckle. "But I know you're a computer science major." He reached for your notebook, scanning through what you've written. "Ah, so this is where you went wrong," he murmured before explaining everything to you.
After a good three hours of studying, you got up and stretched your arms. Kangmin helped you with a few sums and told you many tricks and tips to save time and make the problems easier to solve. He walked with you to your dorm building since his was right opposite yours. You caught a few people staring at the two of you, but you brushed it off; Kangmin was popular, so obviously they would stare. You had to admit, it felt quite weird to see people staring at you. You were sure they all would react the same way if you were with San.
"I'll see you tomorrow," Kangmin grinned, running his hand through his brown hair. You nodded with a smile before entering your dorm building.
You spent the entire week studying with Kangmin and sometimes Doyeon joined the two of you. You were really anxious about the exams, but Kangmin managed to make you calm down a little; you were really grateful for his company.
"So Jihoon asked me out and I said yes!" Hyewon said, making you and Doyeon squeal.
"Girl! I told you this day would come!" Doyeon exclaimed, making Hyewon blush. You and Doyeon teased her for blushing, laughing at how her cheeks got even pinker.
San secretly glanced at you from across the classroom, smiling at the sight of you laughing; he thought you were absolutely beautiful.
"What's he doing here?" Jongho muttered, making San and Mingi follow his line of sight.
"Probably here to find someone to fuck," Mingi said in an unbothered tone.
San focused his attention back on you until that very person tapped your shoulder. "Why the fuck is he talking to my girl?!"
You turned to look at the person who tapped your shoulder. "Oh, hey, Kangmin! What are you doing here?" you asked.
He pulled a notebook from his bag, handing it over to you. "I accidentally took your notebook yesterday, so I came to return it," he said. "Sorry about that."
"Oh no, it's okay, don't worry about it," you smiled. He was about to say something, but your professor arrived, so he had to leave and go to his own class.
After the lecture ended, you had lunch with Doyeon, Hyewon, and Jihoon at your dorm's dining hall. You couldn't help but gush about how great Hyewon and Jihoon's chemistry was; they were the cutest couple you have ever seen.
Your phone rang and you picked it up as it was San. "Hello?"
"Where are you?" San asked, sounding a little annoyed.
"At my dorm's dining hall," you replied. "Why?"
"Come to your room right now," he said and hung up before you could say anything. You quickly had the last few bites of your food before excusing yourself, telling your friends you had some work to do.
You made your way over to your room, spotting San right outside your door, wearing a blue hoodie with the hood up and a black mask. You unlocked your door with your key-card, feeling a little anxious due the serious look in your boyfriend's eyes. He closed the door before moving to sit on your bed.
"Sannie, what's wrong?" you asked, moving to stand in front of him. He stared up at you, staying silent for a while before he took off his mask, tossing it on your desk.
"Why did Ji Kangmin talk to you today?"
"He accidentally took my notebook yesterday so he came to return it," you answered honestly.
San raised an eyebrow. "Yesterday? Why were you with him yesterday?" he asked in a stern tone.
"We were studying. He was helping me with calculus."
San scoffed, getting off your bed. "I'm sure that's not what his true intentions are. Stay away from him." San's words annoyed you.
"And how do you know what his true intentions are?" you asked. "We were literally just studying, that's all."
"I don't fucking like him, Y/N. He isn't a good person and I don't want him anywhere near you. So please just stay away from him."
You sighed, glancing at the tiny cat tattoo on San's finger. "Fine..."
San gently cupped your cheek, making you look at him. He didn't like how disappointed you looked and he couldn't help but think about Kangmin stealing you away from him. "Baby... please trust me, he's just trying to get into your pants." You wanted to tell him that all those girls who flirt with him wanted the same, but you knew he already knew that and he liked the attention he got.
"Okay..." You moved away from him, picking up your textbook from your desk and placing it on your bed. "Do you wanna study with me?" you asked San.
"Nah, I'm not in the mood to study."
"You never are," you snorted, earning a wink from him.
"You study, I'll just take a nap here beside you," he said, placing a kiss on your forehead, lying down on your bed.
"Don't try anything, San," you warned him, lying down beside him. He chuckled, placing an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to his body.
San fell asleep while you studied. When you took a small break, you couldn't help but admire your sleeping boyfriend; he looked so angelic... ethereal, even. You placed a light kiss on his cheek before slowly getting off the bed to go to the bathroom.
When you came back, San was awake. "How long did I sleep?" he asked in a raspy voice.
"Almost two hours," you said, returning to your bed.
"Oh... oh crap! I should get ready. I've got a party to go to tonight," he said, stretching his arms. "Do you wanna come?"
You raised an eyebrow. "You already know my answer to that."
He chuckled, kissing your head. "Have fun studying, babe."
"Finally!" Doyeon yelled in happiness. "We're finally done after two weeks of torture!"
"Thank god we have an entire week off," you said, gently massaging your aching wrist.
"These exams were way harder than I expected," Hyewon said and you agreed. "You both are coming for Kang Hyunsuk's party tonight, right?"
"Of course! It's in a huge mansion, you know? Besides, I need to get drunk and laid in luxury," Doyeon said, making you and Hyewon laugh.
You quickly got ready at Doyeon's dorm in the evening before taking a cab to Kang Hyunsuk's mansion that was fortunately not too far away.
The mansion was decorated with LED lights inside and out. The large hall was converted into a dance floor and he even hired a DJ. You were sure more than half of the students at your college was here, and there were certainly a lot of people from the neighboring colleges as well.
Doyeon grabbed your hand, pulling you to the large kitchen where the drinks and snacks were. You both took two shots of vodka each before you greeted some of your classmates. Doyeon was already really tipsy due to her poor alcohol tolerance. On the other hand, you took another shot and you were still quite sober.
"Wow, Y/N, you look so hot!" Hyewon said, approaching you with Jihoon.
You were wearing a lacy dusty-rose bralette with black ripped jeans and combat boots. The bralette showed off more cleavage than you'd usually show, but you were feeling a little extra today.
You noticed Yunho approaching the kitchen with Seonghwa and Hongjoong, his eyes scanning Doyeon from head to toe. You nudged Doyeon with your elbow, gesturing to Yunho with your eyes. She glanced around, eyes landing on Yunho who gave her a smirk. She smiled at him before moving towards him. She whispered something in his ears, making him drag her away immediately. You weren't expecting your bestfriend to ditch you this early, but oh well.
"Hey Y/N," Seonghwa greeted you. "Have you seen San or Jongho?"
"Nope, I came to the kitchen as soon as I got here," you replied, pouring yourself another shot.
"Ah, all right." Seonghwa and Hongjoong took a drink before they disappeared into the crowd.
One of your friends dragged you outside to the area beside the swimming pool; she wanted to introduce you to some people from another university. You spotted San, Jongho, Wooyoung, Mingi, and Yeosang on the other of the pool, surrounded by girls as usual. There were a few guys there and they were all playing a game of spin the bottle. There was a girl sitting on your boyfriend's lap, and that annoyed you a lot. You couldn't do anything about it since San didn't want anyone to know about your relationship. When you got to see the girl's face, your eyes widened; it was your ex-bestfriend, Park Hyejoo. You scoffed in disbelief; San knew who she was and what she did to you in high school, yet he let her sit on his lap. You tried not to pay attention to them by focusing on the conversation your friend was having with the people she had introduced you to. It somewhat worked... until you heard cheers and whistles which caught everyone's attention.
Hyejoo's face was buried in San's neck, no doubt giving him a hickey. He wasn't even pushing her away. You felt your eyes tear up, but you blinked it away. You couldn't look away until she pulled away. And then she kissed him, causing you to gasp.
"Why are you so surprised?" your drunk friend asked you. "She fucks around as much as Choi San does. I even heard they're fuck buddies."
San pulled away from Hyejoo, but he only smirked at her, making no effort to push her off his lap. Yeosang—who was sitting beside San—noticed you watching, and he immediately elbowed San. "You fucked up big time, bro," Yeosang murmured in his ear.
"What do you mean?" San asked.
"Y/N's over there. She saw everything."
San glanced around until his eyes found your disappointed and sad ones. He wasn't even expecting you to attend the party. He scanned you from head to toe, eyes darkening due to the way you looked in that outfit.
"You dumb fuck," Yeosang muttered, low enough for only San to hear. "Are you seriously eye-fucking her right now? Put your damn reputation aside and go talk to her before you fuck shit up more, idiot!"
San excused himself, pushing your ex-bestfriend off his lap, making his way over to you. But of course, he couldn't be seen with you, so he just gestured with his head for you to follow him. Even though you were so upset, you followed him a few seconds later. He stopped at the garden where there was no one; you could still hear the blasting music from here.
San was dressed in all black and he looked absolutely irresistible. You would've asked him to fuck you right here against the wall, but you were damn pissed at the moment.
"Damn, babe," he said, lips pulling into a smirk. "My girl's looking so hot." He reached out to pull you into his arms, but you took a step back. San frowned. "Babe..."
"You knew what Hyejoo did to me," you said with a bitter chuckle. "And you let her sit on your lap." You pointed at the hickey on his neck. "You let her do that to you despite the fact that you have a girlfriend, who is in fact, standing right in front of you!" You would never lash out like this if it wasn't for the alcohol in your system. Hyejoo bullied you a lot in high school to the point where you had to change schools. San knew every little detail of what Hyejoo did, and you remembered how angry he was when you told him about it.
"Babe, calm down, please," San said softly.
"Calm down? You want me to calm down?! That fucking bitch was sitting on your fucking lap the entire time and she gave you a damn hickey! You didn't even stop her!"
"It was just a dare and—"
You scoffed. "And what about the kiss?"
"She kissed me. I didn't kiss back, I swear!"
"And you made no effort to push her off your damn lap even after that, right?"
San sighed; he really didn't want to fight with you right now. "I think you're overreacting, Y/N. Like I said, it was only a dare."
"Yeah, how about I go sit on another man's lap and suck his neck, hmm? I fucking bet you would love that," you chuckled bitterly. San clenched his jaw at your words; if that were to ever happen, he wouldn't hesitate to punch that guy.
"That's not going to happen," he placed his hands on your bare waist, pulling you against his body. "Let's not fight, okay?" he murmured, kissing your head.
You moved away from him, eyeing the hickey on his neck with disgust. "Fuck off, San," you mumbled. "I need a damn drink." Before San could could say anything, you made your way to the table of drinks beside the pool. You quickly downed three shots, eyes closing at the way the liquid burned your throat.
"Woah, woah, slow down there. You'll choke," you heard someone say from behind you.
"Who gives a fuck?" you muttered.
"Well, I certainly do, darling," Kangmin said, moving to stand in front of you. "You look really nice, even though you look like you could murder someone right now."
You glanced at San who returned back to where he was sitting before. Hyejoo started clinging to him, and he made no effort to do anything about it again. You rolled your eyes, not even surprised that your words went into San's ears and left just as fast. "Believe me, I want to," you said, feeling the alcohol starting to hit you harder.
"I don't know who pissed you off, but loosen up, yeah?" Kangmin said, pouring himself a drink. You noticed the tattoos all over his arms, one of them catching your eye. You grabbed his arm, trying to get a better look. "It's a... squirting dick?" you tried to control yourself from laughing.
"My friend's a tattoo artist and he tattooed it on me without telling me," he said with a chuckle.
"I want one too," you whined. "I want one now."
"What? A squirting dick?"
You lightly punched his bicep, swaying a little due to the effect of the alcohol in your system. "No, a good tattoo!"
"You're drunk right now, darling," he chuckled. "It's never a good idea to get a tattoo when you're drunk, trust me."
You pouted. "But I want a tattoo."
He placed his cup on the table and moved his hands to cup your cheeks. "I promise I'll take you to get a tattoo this week, okay? Now, let's go dance, hmm?" You nodded, letting him drag you inside to the dance floor.
San saw everything and his hands clenched into fists. He was so tempted to punch Kangmin and yell at him to stay away from you, but he couldn't risk his reputation like that; he didn't want anyone to know about your relationship no matter what. San went to where you were standing before, taking a tequila shot while he wondered what to do.
"Ji Kangmin and Y/N? Damn!" San overheard someone say.
"I didn't expect him to make a move on her," the other person said. "She's a goody two shoes and he's far from that."
"Kangmin likes women like that actually," the first person said. "And Y/N is very pretty. I'm not very surprised that he went for her."
"Hmm. They do look great together. He seems to like her a lot, no? I saw him walk her to her dorm last week." San's jaw clenched and he quickly made his way inside, searching for you. The dance floor was so crowded, he couldn't even get a glimpse of you anywhere. He tried calling you, but you didn't pick up. He tried calling Doyeon, but she didn't pick up as well.
"Fucking hell," he muttered under his breath, moving through tons of drunk, sweaty people, trying to find you.
After nearly fifteen minutes, he found you sitting alone on of the sofas, head resting on the armrest. "Y/N!"
"Kangmin...?" you lifted your head. "Oh, it's you."
"We're leaving," San said, grabbing your hand.
"No, f-fuck you," you hiccupped. "Go fuck off to Hyejoo." San ignored your words, taking his phone out to book a cab to his apartment. He helped you stand up and pulled you along with him. You wanted to protest, but your body was aching and you really just wanted to sleep.
You fell asleep on San's shoulder in the cab. He carried you bridal style and unlocked his door with the passcode, moving to his bedroom. He gently placed you on the bed and removed your boots. You opened your eyes due to the movement, feeling quite sick. "San..." you murmured. "I think I'm gonna throw up." San quickly lifted you up and took you to the bathroom, holding your hair back while you threw up in his toilet. He gently rubbed your back until you were done.
You brushed your teeth with the toothbrush you kept at San's place, and you took a quick hot shower, sobering a little. San gave you one of his t-shirts to wear and he dried your hair for you.
As soon as your head landed on the pillow, you fell asleep.
When you woke up, your head was pounding terribly. You slowly opened your eyes, immediately recognizing that you were in San's apartment; you couldn't remember much of what happened last night. You moved to his bathroom to take a painkiller and finish your morning routine. After you took a shower, you wore one of his black hoodies with one of your shorts that you usually kept at his place.
You felt a pair of muscly arms wrap around you. "You look so good in my clothes," San murmured, placing a kiss on your head. You turned around in his arms, titling your head back to look at him. You were about to wrap your arms around his neck, but your eyes landed on the hickey on his neck, reminding you of the events that happened last night, making you immediately pull yourself away from his embrace.
San frowned. "Babe—"
"San," you start. "Is your reputation that important that you can't even push another girl away when she's throwing herself at you? Especially when you know just how terrible that girl is?" you asked.
San took your hands in his. "Y/N, I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have let—"
"But you still did," you argued. "Why don't you want to tell people about us, San? Is it because I'm not like you or your friends? Do you think I'm not attractive enough to be next to you?" He didn't say anything. "I feel like you're just using me," you continued, remembering the amount of times you've heard people say San only screws around. "Do you even love me?" The last question made San freeze. You had fallen in love with San months ago, but he didn't know and probably wouldn't have even noticed.
You waited for him to say something, but he only kept quiet, eyes fixated to the floor. "San, I think we should just," you gulped, eyes tearing up again. "We should b-break up. I really can't tolerate this anymore..." Your words felt like knifes were constantly slicing his heart. "Don't you have anything to say?" you asked, hoping he would fight for you or convince you that continuing this relationship is worth it. You wished he would change.
"How can I when you've already made up your mind?" San murmured, avoiding your eyes. "If you think breaking up is what's best then okay..." he wanted to say much more. He wanted to beg you to not leave him. He wanted to tell you just how much he loved you. But he couldn't. Even if he tried, he just couldn't.
"I'll collect my stuff from here tomorrow," you mumbled, putting your boots on. San could only nod as he watched you.
Before you could leave, San stopped you. "I... I just wanted to ask you... if you ever," he took a deep breath. "If you ever loved me."
You smiled sadly. "It doesn't matter," you whispered, but it was loud enough for him to hear you. "Take care, San," you mumbled before walking out the door, shattering his heart.
"You fucked up even more," Yeosang said, watching San smoke a cigarette.
"That's very helpful. Makes me feel great," San stated sarcastically, blowing the smoke to the air.
"No offense, Sannie, but I agree with Yeosang," Hongjoong said. "You should've told her how you felt instead of keeping quiet."
"I know," San sighed. "But she already made up her mind."
"Dude, you're really dense," Wooyoung stated. "She asked you if you had something to say. That translates to 'fight for me.' I don't think you've noticed, but Y/N is definitely in love with you."
San's head shot up. "She wouldn't have broken up with me if she really loved me, Woo."
Seonghwa groaned in frustration. "If I was in Y/N's place, I would dump your stupid ass too."
"Agreed," Yeosang said. "I told you before, San, your reputation is going to fuck up everything. You need to let go of your past as well before it's too late."
"Ji Kangmin's got his eyes on her," Mingi stated. "I heard his friends talking about it."
"Yeah, I heard that too. Y/N is close to him," Jongho added.
San rolled his eyes, taking a drag from the cigarette. "He has nothing else to do other than stealing the girls I like."
"Exactly, and you're letting him do it again," Yunho said, taking the cigarette away from San and crushing it with his shoes. "You have to make a decision Sannie. Either you sort things out with Y/N, or you lose the woman you love to that very bastard again."
"So you had the hots for Y/N, huh?" Kangmin asked San while he waited in line to order his drink.
"That's none of your business," San said in a cold tone to his ex-bestfriend.
"I saw you talking to her privately that day," he said, referring to the party you attended almost two weeks ago. San ignored his words. "I don't know what was going on between the two of you," Kangmin continued. "But whatever it was, I'm glad it didn't last long. I want to make her mine."
San scoffed. "You just want to get into her pants."
Kangmin snorted. "Obviously. But after spending two weeks with her, without you around, I'm quite interested. Y/N is gorgeous and has a great personality. She's a rare gem, you know? I bet she'd be just as wonderful in bed and tastes as sweet as she loo—"
San took a step towards Kangmin, grabbing the collar of his shirt. "If you don't shut the fuck up, I'll break your damn face!" San warned.
"Ohhh, I'm so scared," he teased, pushing San away. "Fuck off, Choi San. Someone like Y/N doesn't deserve a bastard like you. You weren't and will never be good enough for her." San chose to ignore him, not wanting to cause a big scene at the café. Kangmin's words stabbed him in the heart. San always thought he wasn't good enough for you, but he never expected to hear anyone say it out loud.
Kangmin's phone started ringing and he couldn't help the smirk that formed on his face. "Hey, gorgeous," he answered, loud and clear. "I'm at the café near your building, getting you your favorite drink and some cupcakes. I'll pick you up from class."
"That won't be necessary," you replied, pushing the door of the café to enter. You instantly spotted Kangmin and made your way towards him, unaware of San who was standing right behind him. "Hi!" you said to Kangmin who hung up once he saw you.
"Hey, beautiful! How was class?" he asked, secretly glancing at San; you still hadn't noticed San as your back was facing him.
"Ugh, tiring. I hate extra classes. I couldn't understand any—" your phone started ringing, interrupting your sentence. You answered the call as it was from your bestfriend.
"Where are you?" Doyeon asked.
"At the café near our dorm," you replied.
"Come over fast, we have to get ready for Hyewon's party. She wants us to come early cause she needs help."
"I'll be there in a bit."
"I didn't expect any of them to be here," you said to Doyeon while drinking some whiskey and coke from a red cup, watching your ex-boyfriend converse with his infamous group of friends; they usually went clubbing on Saturday nights. "Aren't you gonna go over to Yunho?"
"I don't wanna ditch you," she answered. You gently pushed her in Yunho's direction.
"Go, I'll be fine."
Before she could reply, Kangmin wrapped his arms around you, startling you a little. Doyeon gave you a wink before making her way towards her boyfriend, leaving you with Kangmin.
"Can we talk?" he whispered in your ear, making sure to move closer to your body once he noticed San watching. You nodded, letting him pull you upstairs. You had gotten quite close to Kangmin these last two weeks; you were really glad to have a friend like him. He distracted you from the pain you felt from not being with San anymore.
Kangmin gently pushed against the wall, trapping you between his arms. You gasped. "What are you doing?"
"I like you, Y/N," he confessed with a smile. "I wanna date you." Before you could say anything, he kissed you. You were a little too shocked, so you let him kiss you for a few seconds. When you regained your senses, you pushed him away. He stared at you, confused by your actions.
"Kangmin, I'm sorry, but I don't feel the same way..."
Kangmin rolled his eyes. "It's cause of Choi San, isn't it?"
"No," you lied. Of course it's cause of San. You were still in love with him. You didn't want to date anyone until you got over him. "I only see us as friends, Kangmin," you stated honestly. "You're a really good friend and I don't want to lose you."
Kangmin sighed. "Okay, let's just forget about this. Let's have a drink, hmm?" You nodded, following him downstairs to the kitchen.
You were talking to one of your friends while Kangmin got a drink for you.
"Thanks," you said, taking the cup from him. You took a sip of your drink. It tasted a little salty, but you didn't mind. You felt yourself relaxing a little while you nodded your head to the music. By the time you finished your drink, you felt pretty lightheaded. You clinged to Kangmin's arm. "Hey, could you take me to the couch?" you requested, words slurred. "I don't feel very good..."
"Of course," Kangmin lifted you into his arms, bridal style. He carried you upstairs into one of the rooms, shutting the door behind him with his foot. He placed you on the bed. "You don't know how long I've waited for this," he said, licking his lips while he took your crop-top off. You didn't know what was happening and your vision was really blurry. Kangmin pushed you onto your back before hovering above you. The sudden movement made your head spin even more, causing you to pass out. "Oh, too bad she couldn't stay conscious for this..." he murmured to himself. He ran his hands up from your jean-clad legs to the soft skin of your abdomen before reaching behind your body to unclasp your bra. Before he could pull the piece of clothing away from your body, the door swung open.
"You fucking bastard!" San yelled, pushing Kangmin off of you. Jongho and Hongjoong were right behind San.
"What the fuck, dude?!" Kangmin yelled. "Get out! Can't you see we're busy?!" His words pissed Jongho off. He immediately grabbed Kangmin by the collar and punched him twice in the nose. Kangmin fell to the floor, holding his broken, bloody nose in pain. Jongho wanted to punch him one more time, but Hongjoong held him back. "Don't. You'll end up killing him."
San started crying when he saw your passed out form; he couldn't even think about what would've happened if his friends didn't overhear Kangmin's friends talking about him spiking your drink. San clasped your bra back and put your crop-top on you before he lifted you into his arms. "I'm taking her to my apartment," he said to his friends.
"I'll drive you," Hongjoong offered.
When you woke up, you immediately recognized your surroundings. You had absolutely no idea of how you ended up in your ex-boyfriend's bedroom.
Your head was pounding and you wondered what time it was as it was really sunny outside. Before you could get off San's bed, he entered the room.
"You're awake," he said softly, relief clear in his eyes. "Take a shower and come eat. You must be really hungry."
"What happened? What's the time right now?" you questioned, your heart racing at the mere sight of him in a lilac hoodie and black sweatpants.
"I'll tell you after you eat," he said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "It's three in the afternoon. Doyeon got some clothes for you. There's a spare toothbrush in the bathroom."
"Thanks," you mumbled, getting up to go to the bathroom.
After you took a shower, you made your way to San's kitchen. You took a seat at the dining table, looking at all the different dishes on the table.
"You made all this?"
San shook his head. "I wasn't able to cook today. Wooyoung and Seonghwa made it. They left a few minutes ago." You noticed how tensed and sad he was; you wanted to ask him what was bothering him, but you knew he wouldn't answer your question until you ate.
You both ate in a comfortable silence. You tried to recall the events from last night, but you weren't able to. You frowned, wondering if you really drank that much.
"Are you all right, San?" you asked, settling on his couch after you both finished eating.
He took a deep breath and you noticed the slight dark circles beneath his eyes. "Can I hug y-you?" he asked, voice cracking while his eyes teared up.
You immediately scooted closer to him on the couch, wrapping your arms around him. He buried his face in the crook of your neck while he held you tightly. His body shook convulsively while he cried, his tears wetting your neck. You ran a hand through his soft hair, knowing it would help calm him down a little.
San pulled away from you, wiping his tears with the sleeve of his lilac hoodie. "I'm sorry..."
You grabbed his hand, intertwining it with yours. "What happened, Sannie?"
Hearing you call him by his nickname brought another set of fresh tears to his eyes. Your other hand reached up to wipe his tears away.
"I love you, Y/N," he confessed, more tears rolling down his cheeks. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you that before. I'm so sorry for being a jerk to you and prioritizing my reputation. I fucked up and I regret it so much." You took a deep breath, trying to control your rapid heartbeat while you listened to every word he said. "I felt like dying after what happened last night. I'm so sorry, this is all my fault," he sobbed.
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What happened last night?"
"O-Oh you don't remember...?" You shook your head. San cleared his throat, trying his best to not to break down again. "Wooyoung and Hongjoong overhead Ji Kangmin's friends say that he spiked your drink after you rejected him." you froze in shock. "They immediately told us about it, and me, Hongjoong, and Jongho rushed over to you. You weren't conscious when we found you. Your top was off and he was about to take your bra off as well, but I pushed him away. Then Jongho punched him. I brought you here after that."
You stared at San in disbelief. "Kangmin s-spiked my drink...?"
San nodded. "He had it all planned. I'm sorry, Y/N... none of this would've happened if he didn't see us together." You were too shocked to say anything; you couldn't believe Kangmin would go this low just cause you rejected him. "Ji Kangmin was my bestfriend in high school. After I got a girlfriend, he acted like a bitch to me cause he wanted her. I really loved her, and she cheated on me with him. He spread a lot of false shit about me after I ended our friendship. When I tried to move on with another girl, he took her away from me too. I didn't want other people to know about us only because he would find out. I didn't want him anywhere near you because I knew he would try to take you away from me. I didn't push Hyejoo away that day because he was watching me and would get suspicious of my actions if I pushed her away. I tried my best to do everything that would keep him away from you, but I still failed..."
You burst into tears, wrapping your arms around San; you had no idea he went through all this. "I'm sorry, San. I should've listened to you when you told me he wasn't a good person," you managed to say through sobs.
"No, Y/N, I'm the one who should say sorry for not telling you all of this before." He held you, gently rocking you back and forth while he cried with you. "Thank you for rejecting him..."
You pulled away, cupping his cheek. "How could I ever date someone else when I'm love with you, San?"
His heart raced in his chest due to your words. "That's why you rejected him?"
You nodded. "And I'm glad I did."
San smiled, leaning his forehead against yours. "Can I..." he hesitated "Can I kiss you?"
"Yes, please."
San immediately captured your lips with his own, kissing you oh so gently. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. He smiled, causing you to smile as well while you kissed him; you both missed this so much. The kiss was slow and soft, the two of you just wanting to savor this moment. Your hands played with his hair while his hands lazily ran down the expanse of your back. San pulled away, holding you tight against his chest.
"I know I hurt you a lot and I don't even deserve to speak to you right now... but I want to start over, Y/N," San said honestly. "I want to treat you the way you deserve... show you off to the world... I want to make things right between us. These two weeks were pure torture without you, and I realized that I can't... I can't live without you, Y/N. I really need you, baby."
You rested your head on his chest and you could hear his fast heartbeat. "I need some time, Sannie." you noticed him tense up a little and you knew exactly what he was thinking. "And no, this isn't me indirectly rejecting you or anything. I want to be with you, San. I always have and that isn't gonna change. I just need a little time, considering everything that happened." San nodded in understanding. "I promise that I will come back to you."
"I love you and I'll wait for you," San said, placing a kiss on your head.
"Thank you... I love you too, Sannie." He giggled, loving the way you say those three heart-fluttering words. He cupped your cheek to pull you into another sweet kiss, making your heart race again.
The two of you knew that no matter what, you both would always find your way back to each other.
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minasmind · 2 years
fair trade - the invite
pairing: eddie munson x black! alternative! fem! reader
summary: reader makes eddie come to their band’s show in exchange for a surprise.
warnings: none?
author’s note: this is my first time writing on here and i have no clue what i’m doing. this is kind of a short story moment so it’s split into, like, four parts. THIS IS PART ONE. here is part two and part three. hope you like it!
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there’s something about you that took eddie munson’s breath away. maybe it was the way you walked into rooms like you owned them. maybe it was the way you always dressed like everyday would be your last. maybe it was those entrancing eyes of yours. whatever it may be, eddie genuinely believes that it is the sole reason he couldn’t manage to get you out of his head.
i mean, just last night as he was attempting to plan out the next hellfire campaign, you’d managed to creep your way into his mind, practically making it impossible for him to focus on anything that wasn’t you.
you and your annoyingly kind tendencies. you and your goofy little smile that he swears can make his heart skip several beats. you and your ability to just steal his heart and lock it away without even knowing, without even trying.
he could only hope you wouldn’t somehow notice the way he started to internally freak as you hugged him from behind, a few of your braids falling over his shoulder as you did so.
you flashed a soft smile at the rest of the boys sat at the designated lunch table, actively choosing to ignore the prying looks you were receiving from half of the student body.
it was no secret that you were a very affectionate person. every member in the hellfire club has found themselves wrapped in your arms at some point in time. rather it be to celebrate the end of a good campaign, for comfort, or just because you felt awkward standing so close to them without having your arm wrapped around them.
despite being known for your touchy ways, hugging eddie munson in front of the entire cafeteria was bold. it was a move that would for sure cause some whispers among the scarily large population of students who were completely, utterly brainwashed into caring more for upholding cliques than actual, logical thinking.
did the melodramatic, impending doom of having the student body of hawkin’s high prying into your personal life bother you? absolutely, yes, 100%. was that going to stop you from behaving as you normally would with your friends? absolutely not, never in a thousand years.
“hey, munson,” you mutter into his ear, glossy lips nearly meeting skin.
“to what do i owe the pleasure, lady y/l/n?” he asks, resting his hands on your arms in attempts to return the affection. 
you pulled out of the hug, keeping a hand rested on his shoulder as you silently ask dustin to move over a seat. the boy, still gobsmacked by your very public display of affection, moves aside, muttering out a “sure” that seemed almost a little too enthusiastic. you pat him on the back in appreciation, moving to sit at eddie’s side.
slyly, you move your hand from his shoulder to hold his hand, caressing at his index finger with your thumb. eddie could only stare down at your hands, wondering what it is you were playing at. 
“i have a proposition for you,” you sang.
“you hear that, boys?” eddie says, eyes glued to you despite his words being directed to the entire table. “little miss sunshine has a proposition.”
you playfully rolled your eyes at eddie’s antics, a laugh passing your lips when dustin bumped at your shoulder.
“pray tell,” he continues, pulling out of your hold so he could rest his chin on his hands, now giving you his undivided attention.
“i want you to come to my show.”
there’s a shift in tension between you two. eddie breaks eye contact with you, giving gareth and jeff a look that you couldn’t quite understand.
“what…your show?”
“well, uh, yeah,” you pause, looking over at everyone at the table before looking back to him and saying: “death bed’s performing in the town over. it’s gonna be…a lot of my friends are gonna be there. it’s gonna be kind of a big deal. i really want you to be there.”
“y/n,” mike cuts in. “do you even know what proposition means? that’s not even-“
“michael, i will literally end you,” you sang out, only half joking.
you and mike have a real love-hate relationship. he constantly goes out of his way to annoy you, you constantly threaten his livelihood. it’s a cute little dynamic you two got going on. 
“anyway,” you smile, looking back to eddie. “a lot of us are going all out. it’s gonna be fucking awesome. you should come. you have to come.”
“and if i don’t?”
“well,” you start to get up from your seat. “i guess i’ll just have to keep this amazing, cool, totally soul shattering surprise to myself.”
just as you’re about to begin walking away, eddie grabs you by the hand, gently pulling you to sit back down. your eyes land on your joined hands, biting back a smile at the way he intertwined your fingers with his.
“aw, come on, sweetheart,” he pouts. “you know how i feel about surprises.”
“well, sorry but this surprise is exclusive for attendees and attendees only,” you say, not really feeling bad at all.
you and eddie then proceeded to commence a small staring contest.
you trying (and struggling) to stick to your word because of how excited you were to reveal eddie’s surprise. eddie wondering if he stared hard enough, you’d just give up and show him the surprise now. i mean, it wasn’t like the leverage was really necessary in the first place and you’re the least secretive person he knows so naturally, his curiosity piqued.
after a moment, eddie broke.
“well, if you’re forcing me to go,” he trails off, sighing dramatically as if this invite wasn’t something he’d been dying to have.
you playfully roll your eyes at him, a smile-the one that never seems to leave your face when in his presence- finds its way onto your face.
(for context, you and eddie talk about music often and in turn, you two wind up talking about your bands often. eddie invites you to every single show-every single one- so, your tuesday nights are almost always occupied by corroded coffin. in turn, you’ve given eddie merch and you’ve shown him polaroids from shows but you never technically invited him to a show. admittedly, when he found out he was the only one out of all your friends that had never been to a show, his feelings were hurt. despite feeling left out, eddie didn’t want to ask for an invite, he didn’t want to impose.
so, yeah, in conclusion, this invite was kind of a really big freaking deal to him.)
“where’s it gonna be?” he asks.
you rush to grab a poster from your bag, a sudden giddiness completely taking over you. as organized as ever, you pull out a sticker covered folder. an amused smirk falling on eddie’s lips at the sight of some of the obviously homemade “stickers” that decorated the folder.
you dramatically place the poster in front of him as if it were gold, once again getting ready to get up because this time you actually had to leave.
“it’s gonna be awesome. we rented out this empty store type thing for the night and there’s gonna be, like, five other bands performing. we’re all friends so it’s gonna be super safe and inclusive,” you look over at dustin and mike (who had so obviously been eavesdropping). “i mean not safe enough for teeny tiny, little freshmen babies who like to eavesdrop but…yeah. sorry about that guys.”
“shit,” dustin mutters under his breath, going back to talking to mike about whatever it is they were talking about.
you watch as eddie folds the poster and puts it on his lunchbox, eyebrows raised with the anticipation of hearing his response.
“lady y/l/n, i,” eddie paused and rose from his chair, always one for dramatics. “would be honored to attend your show.”
with that giddy feeling reaching its peak, you couldn’t help it as you jumped out of your seat, pulling him into a hug. despite the fact that he was still kind of shocked at your pda, eddie returned the hug in haste. the two of you stayed in that position for a while, you clinging on to him with your arms wrapped around his neck, his hands resting on your waist after having pulled your body closer to his.
you jumped away from him at dustin’s voice, a bashful smile worn on your face as you stared up at eddie. your face was merely inches away from his face, so close that you could lean in and kiss him if you really wanted to. in the back of your head, you knew that you really wanted to. you’ve been wanting to since freshman year.
your eyes shift from his eyes down to his lips then back up to his eyes again. you could just die at the way he was looking at you, obviously having caught on to your train of thought.
the piercing stares of some of your peers are the only reason you found yourself taking a step back. for some reason, kissing someone with a majority of your peers watching didn’t exactly seem like the best call.
“anyway,” you start. “i should get going.”
“yeah, yeah,” eddie says, taking a step back as well.
“i’ll see you around?”
“i’ll see you at the concert,” he responds.
“right, at the concert,” you say, grabbing your things.
you pretend not to hear as one of the boy’s ask:
“dude, who the hell names their band deathbed?”
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tobiosmilktea · 4 years
hiii can i request tsumu, kenma, oikawa, and kuroo where they’re in a secret relationship and the reader feels like they’re hiding her bc they’re ashamed of her ? like a hurt too comfort type of thing? thank u bb 🥺🥺
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secret relationships w/ atsumu, kenma, oikawa, and kuroo
a/n: i have so many angst requests,, yall must like getting hurt 💀 also this wasn’t as angsty as i thought it was gonna be since im going through writers block yet again and i can not handle pain rn (also not proofread, so read with caution lmao)
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— m. atsumu
it honestly surprised you at first, the way someone like miya atsumu returning your feelings the moment you told him you liked him near the start of the school year
there wasn’t that instant gratification though, knowing that one of inarizaki’s golden boys still felt out of your reach
despite being in a relationship with you, it wasn’t like anyone knew of it besides osamu and your closest friend
of course you didn’t really mind as you’ve always thought couples who were obnoxious with their relationships 24/7 and constantly making out in the hallways wasn’t your cup of tea either, so you get why atsumu wanted to keep it a secret
besides, with a guy so popular like him, you really just thought he was sparing you from the harassment (not that it would be bad if all the girls crushing on him new)
you get that he was just trying to protect you, and yet the more you thought of it, the more than it was simply just an assumption and you really didn’t know why your relationship was kept secret
it wasn’t like either of you would get backlash in any way, so what was the problem?
you weren’t exactly the type to be the most insecure either
sure, you were aware of the flaws you had, but it wasn’t something you were ashamed of as you learned to get used to it
yet it’s hard to fully love yourself when your boyfriend isn’t even comfortable with the fact that no one knows you two are even together
you hated jumping to conclusions, but you couldn’t help but to think the worst case scenario—was he ashamed of being with you?
you honestly thought the idea was impossible
if he was seriously ashamed of the thought of being with you in public, why would he even waste all those months dating? were all those dates and nights sneaking out to see each other for nothing?
it was like this for weeks with the way your own thoughts sabotaged you as you stood next to him during lunch
in moments like this in school, surrounded by your classmates and acquaintances, you and atsumu were only friends who sat next to each other occasionally and shared conversations that only friends would have
only friends
god, you hated the way that atsumu wouldn’t even look at you the way that he would when you two are alone
was he that embarrassed to be with you?
you didn’t want six months of all your hard work and effort of making time to be with him for nothing,, you had to do something about it
everyday, you, atsumu, and osamu would walk to school together with osamu typically walking ahead of you and your boyfriend
most couples would hold hands as they walked together, but atsumu had made it explicitly clear as the closer they get to school the farther they had to be from each other to avoid suspicions
thinking of it now, it sounded wrong to begin with and you had no idea why you even agreed to do such a thing
the school was close, maybe a block away and instead of slowing down your pace to create a gap between you and atsumu, you stubbornly stayed next to him to which he flickered you a weird look
he shrugged it off but the moment you two passed the gates and into campus, you slipped your hand into his
without missing a single beat atsumu immediately pulled his hand away from you with a look on his face that held all the questions running through his head at that very moment
“what are you doing?” he asks, almost in a harsh whisper
a frown melted upon your expression at how quickly he pulled away, almost as if he was disgusted by you. “i um, didn’t know you hated the thought of people seeing us together so badly.”
you didn’t know where all your strength went as it disappeared the moment you needed it the most
yet as you were about to walk away, atsumu tugs at your wrist lightly and pulls you into his embrace—his warmth and comforting scent of chamomile from  saved you from the embarrassment that was tainting your cheeks red
“no, no it’s not that,” he mutters, lips tickling your forehead. “i just wanted to keep you to myself a bit longer.”
— k. kenma
you honestly weren’t surprised at the fact that kenma wanted this relationship to be kept secret
he never seemed like the type to be in a relationship let alone get the attention of being in one in the first place, yet it irked you to the core
it was fine at first; acting like you two were just friends while at school or at volleyball practice and it wasn’t at all weird or out of the ordinary
maybe that’s why you were okay with it in the first few months of your relationship with kenma as you were always near him the majority of the time
yet you constantly had to fight the urge to not be so touchy with him from wanting to hold his hand to leaning your head onto his shoulder—you often had to stop yourself especially in front of your friends and his teammates
you were good at keep secrets, but it was absolute hell not being able to even tell kuroo considering you always hung out with him too (it was a given obviously but you digress)
kuroo is a bit curious in his closest friend’s antics so his constant teases of how you and kenma would be such a cute couple annoyed you to your core
he laughs as if you and kenma being together would be absolutely impossible and wouldn’t happen in a million years, and yet here you two were, pretending to laugh at his jokes and agreeing and it would be, in fact, impossible
as mentioned before, you’re more annoyed at keeping your relationship secret rather than angry
your actions were more abrupt and cold rather than your usual warm self and kenma definitely noticed
despite his usual calm and collected expression that he has on a daily basis, it covered up his own emotions of blatant insecurity and worry that you were losing your feelings and losing them quick
the last thing kenma wanted was for everything that happened between the two of you to be wasted over his own fear of being judged for being with you
you were his first in everything and he certainly wasn’t going to let you become his first heartbreak either
he worried about this for a few days, overthinking while he played video games with kuroo, lev, and yaku that they noticed how quiet he was being over the call
it was then did he impulsively asked kuroo to go on a separate voice channel with him just so he could blurt out, “i’m dating (y/n).”
and to his surprise, all his best friend said was: “yeah, i know. (y/n) told me.”
“what? why?” kenma asked with confusion evident on his visage
“she had no one else to go to vent.” kuroo answers, his amused laugh echoing through kenma’s headphones. “don’t worry, i won’t tell anyone.”
“thanks, but... i think (y/n)’s angry at me and i don’t know what to do.”
“she told me that she was getting tired of keeping your relationship a secret. she asked me if you felt embarrassed or even ashamed of being with her.” he explained.
confusion and a bit of worry washed over kenma as his words suddenly faltered, “i could never be ashamed of being with her,”
“then i guess, you should tell her that.”
“what should i do?”
his best friend lets on a smirk (not that kenma could even see it, anyway), “i’m so glad you asked.”
you weren’t exactly sure what you expecting to be honest
you knew there was something going on between kenma and kuroo as if they were planning something intricate, but you weren’t bothered to even ask
perhaps you were still in that petty mindset of giving kenma the cold shoulder after having to keep your relationship on hold all the time that stopped your curiosity
sure, it was a bit childish, but you were planning on talking about it with kenma the moment he came back into the classroom after going off somewhere with kuroo
which by the way, where the hell were they? lunch was ending soon and you needed to talk to you boyfriend asap
the timing was almost perfect the way the thought of him entered your mind was at the same time as his familiar blonde hair walked back into the classroom with a melon bun and a canned drink in his hand from the vending machine—your favorites
“i noticed you didn’t eat lunch, so i bought you this.” he says, placing them down onto your desk.
“is this supposed to be your way of apologizing to me or something?” you mused at him.
there was a faint smile on kenma’s face when you did. this was your usual self, one that constantly smiled at him rather than deadpanned and cold. “no,” he simple put it. taking in a breath of confidence before pressing his lips on the corner of yours. “but i was hoping that would.”
with wide eyes, your eyes scanned the room to see if anyone noticed, afraid at the fact that you broke the first rule. despite being a blushing mess from a minuscule peck on your cheek, there was an inkling of confusion still evident within you, “why did you do that?”
“kuroo told me everything.”
“i knew that guy couldn’t keep a secret,” you mutter as you tried to ignore that infamous feeling of butterflies in the pit of your stomach. “i don’t think people saw, so they won’t think we’re together—”
“what if i wanted people to know we’re together?” ded asf
— o. tooru
you honestly should’ve known oikawa was going to keep this relationship between the two of you a secret since the moment he confessed his feelings to you
what else could you have expected from aoba johsai’s most popular boy wonder with an actual fanclub full of naive girls
perhaps you’ve become naive yourself considering you dealt with months of having your relationship constantly being swept under the rug, psyching yourself out that he was doing this for your sake
and you understood that
it was the reason why you even agreed to keep your relationship on the downlow considering how annoyingly notorious oikawa’s fangirls were, they wouldn’t have let you see the light of day if they were to find out
if you were in fact being honest, there was a period in time near the beginning of the relationship how cautious you were being—barely talking to oikawa unless it had to do with school, avoiding his gazes during class, and even swallowing your pride by just watching his fangirls flirt with him and there was nothing you could do about it
you honestly had to give yourself a pat on the bat for dealing with six months of this treatment
you figured it wouldn’t be that bad, especially after schools where you and oikawa could finally have alone time to yourselves, but even those times alone with him there was a lingering feeling of tension and unease
the thought of someone from school even finding out of you two being  together even affected your relationship outside of school hours
you were tired of waiting outside the school gates for hours just for him to come out of volleyball practice and apologize that he couldn’t walk you home yet again
you figured that oikawa had grown far to used to seeing you waiting for him all the time that it was practically common sense that he was going to reject you again and again
you had to stop waiting for him at some point, but there was an inkling inside that for once, just for once, he would look at you with a smile so sweet that he would finally go with you
but not once has it happened
was he really that afraid of people finding out of his relationship with you that he’s willing to disregard all your hard work to even make this thing (whatever is was) to even happen?
if you were truly being honest with yourself, the only reason why this relationship is still up and active for this long is all because of you
you’re the one always asking him when he’s available during the weekends so you two could finally see each other, you’re the one always texting him first, you’re the one always being the most understanding of the situation
and yet it’s almost like oikawa isn’t even batting an eye at how difficult it has been for you
you absolutely hated jumping to conclusions and thinking of the worst case scenario and yet here you were, suddenly drowning at the possibility that the only reason why oikawa wanted a secret relationship was because he was ashamed to be with you
it was a thought that kept you up at night, tainting your optimistic thoughts of hope that this relationship would actually work out to decimate into thin air
the more is simmered in your head, the worse it became—what if his feelings that he confessed to you was a lie?
you hated overthinking
but if you really thought about it, even before you and oikawa dated, neither of you two were close. just two acquaintances in the same class that occasionally shared answers with each other just by the convenience of sitting nearby
you even went as far as believing that him dating you was just a joke, that this whole goddamn relationship was just some mindless prank just because he was bored
six months of wasted time. you were over it
the next day at school, you didn’t even look at him, you didn’t smile or even acknowledge the way he said good morning to you (as a friend does)
you figured he’s probably too dense to even notice, but he did. the usual glow you had each morning when you said good morning back to him was gone
he already missed the way your gazes would meet and how he would constantly find himself lost in your irises, but now you couldn’t even look at him in the eye
the only person who’s aware that you and oikawa were dating was iwaizumi. it was a given as who else would oikawa ramble on and on and on about how pretty you looked or how smart you are if it wasn’t his best friend?
if anything, iwa was the only guy oikawa could complain about how you were ignoring him
“maybe she’s bored of you for once,” iwaizumi cuts straight to the point. there was really no point in beating around the bush
offense was written all over oikawa’s face, utterly surprised, “how could she?”
“you can’t keep your relationship with her a secret forever, you know.” his best friend goes on to explain, “with the way things are going with you two acting like you’re nothing but acquaintances, (y/n)’s bound to lose her feelings.”
“but i don’t want her to lose feelings for me! and it’s not like i can suddenly tell all my fangirls that i’m dating someone, they’ll freak!” whines oikawa.
“why do you care about your fangirls’ feelings more than your own girlfriend? seems to me, it doesn’t even look like you care about (y/n) at all the way she’s constantly waiting for you after practice only to be rejected.”
it’s obvious iwaizumi wasn’t here to sugarcoat
“i just don’t want them to harass (y/n)...” oikawa reasons, trying to ignore the way his heart drop at iwa’s words like a gripping poison
“then that’s your job to tell those girls to back off.” he suggests, “they literally treat you like a god, surely they’ll listen if you tell them to leave her alone.”
the following day, you came across oikawa waiting outside your door, dressed in his uniform with his gaze lingering about to occupying his attention
“what are you doing here?” you ask him as you close your front door behind you. he’s probably here to break up with you, you thought to yourself
you had to force yourself to ignore the way your heart dropped at your own self-destructive thoughts
taking a deep breath as you approached him, you readied yourself for harsh news to come your way
but it never did
instead, you were greeted by oikawa’s infamous smile that made everyone at school to fall in love with this guy (including you)
he takes your hand into his, intertwining his calloused fingers that dwarfed yours in size. you don’t remember the last time you held oikawa’s hand, but it felt so familiar and warm
it was like home
you couldn’t help but feeling the ends of your lips tugging into a smile as you looked up at him, “what if someone at school sees us?”
you were expecting some kind of excuse, but all he did was shrug. “who cares?”
— k. tetsurou
when you and kuroo started going out, you certainly wasn’t expecting it to be like this
if anything, ‘going out’ would be a stretch if you count late night dates and sneaking out at midnight just to see each other as dating
it certainly wasn’t your usual definition of dating either as you yearned greatly to be able to do normal couple things with your boyfriend—like actually going out on dates during the day, eating lunch together, hell, even just holding hands!
it almost seemed laughable how normal things done in relationships were something you never even experienced with kuroo even after a few months of being together all due to him wanting to keep the relationship a secret
and if you were truly being honest with yourself, you never really understood why he wanted to keep it on the downlow in the first place
you never really questioned it as you just that much of an understanding person, but at a certain point it just wasn’t adding up
it wasn’t like he had girls going after him 24/7 despite being at the top of his class, popular, and nekoma’s volleyball captain
it wasn’t like oikawa who had an actual problem with hoards of girls surrounding him and tracking his ever move, so what was the big deal of letting your relationship public?
it was then did it hit you
the suddenly downpour of insecurity within your own loving boyfriend that you trust so much was getting the best of you
“what if he’s embarrassed to even be with me?” you contemplated in a harsh whisper to your best friend
it was in the middle of lunch and you two were sitting alone on a bench in the school’s courtyard chatting while eating—well, more like overthinking in your case while you friend just sat there and nodded
“if he actually felt that way, then he would’ve broken up with you already.” your friend stated in between bites, “besides, if i didn’t have feelings for someone, i wouldn’t put in the effort to sneak out just to see them.”
you hummed, not sure what to say as she did have a point
but could you really blame yourself for wanting an actual relationship rather than one that’s forced to go unnoticed?
“i should talk to kuroo about it...” you sigh out.
“talk to me about what?” an oh-so-familiar voice calls out to you and your friend
kuroo’s figure approaches the two of you as he give you a curt smile with hidden meanings that you weren’t able to even notice. you were too caught up in your own meddling thoughts that you also didn’t notice the way kuroo frowned slightly at the way you avoided eye contact with him
“nothing,” was all you said before standing up and throwing your trash away. “lunch is almost over so we should all get to class.” was all you said before briskly walking away
kuroo’s brows furrow in confusion as he looks over to your friend, “what’s up with (y/n)?”
“she thinks you’re too embarrassed to be with her, that’s why you hide your relationship.” she cuts straight to the point (homegirl just wants to eat her lunch in peace ffs)
“what?” your boyfriend huffs out in shock, almost offended at the fact that you out of all people would believe such a thing. “why does she think that?”
your friends shrugs, “not sure. that’s something you should be asking her, but if it were me, i would want a normal relationship as well.”
kuroo doesn’t say another word before walking away. and yet his walk quickened so he could catch up to you before you could get to class, footsteps echoing through the hallway in patters as he sees your familiar figure near your classroom 
“(y/n)!” he calls out to you as you slide the classroom’s door open. it was sure to catch the attention of the rest of the students already in the classroom as you turn towards him, brows furrowed in the same confusion
as he neared you, there was almost no sign in him stopping, sending your heart beating in a frenzy as you parted your lips to tell him to slow down
but before a single syllable could even fall from your lips, your boyfriend’s own pair press against yours harshly. it was sweet like caramel and you swore everything moved in a slow motion when you suddenly realized where you two were
he stole your breath away when he pulled apart from you, eyes immediately scanning the room of his own classmates staring at him in awe
“since when were you two dating?” matsukawa asked rather loudly, it seemed that others were interested in knowing as well.
panic suddenly coursed through you as you gave kuroo a look, gravely ignoring the way yoru heart was thumping against your chest and the dozens of unanswered questions running through your head
“w-we’re not actually dati—”
“we’ve been together for a few months actually.” kuroo cuts you off, sending you a wink before entering the classroom
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loki-hargreeves · 4 years
Loki x Reader - Welcome Home to Westview
Warnings: WANDAVISION SPOILERS, mentions of death, angst and fluff  Word Count: 2,8K Summary: You join Wanda when she drives to Westview. Next thing you know, you’re reunited with Loki who you lost years ago because of Thanos. He’s there to welcome you home 1950s style and make up for lost time.  Author’s Note: This was requested and I absolutely loved this idea. I hope you like it! <3
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When everyone came back, it had been a miracle. Everyone who had vanished during the blip. Everyone who had vanished when Thanos had singlehandedly taken away half of all life. Most people were happy to have their loved ones back. Most people got someone back. 
But that wasn’t your case, nor was it for Wanda. She came back into a world without Vision, you had to keep living without Loki. You always knew that he had died differently. Thanos had killed him and you had witnessed it. You should’ve known just how real it was, that he was gone. Seeing it should’ve been proof enough in order for you to move on and let go. Yet somehow, when the portals opened you had dared to feel hope. Deep down, you had hoped he too would’ve walked out of the golden gates with everyone else, but you had been wrong. 
He had never come back. 
You and Wanda had grown close during your time as Avengers. Recently, the two of you had grown even closer because of your shared grief. The two of you understood one another deeply and it connected you. 
That’s why you had joined Wanda today. She was headed to SWORD headquarters where they were keeping Vision’s body. Everything about it was unsettling and you too felt angry about it. Something about SWORD was fishy and you didn’t trust their motives at all, neither did Wanda. All she wanted was to have a funeral for the man she loved. 
You had agreed to wait in the car as she walked inside, but you kept glancing at the entry just in case you would have to walk in to support your friend. Time passed and eventually Wanda returned to the car alone. Even before she sat down, you could tell things hadn’t gone too well. She slammed the door shut and put her hands on the steering wheel tightly.
“Are you okay?” You were concerned for her well-being. 
Wanda didn’t reply immediately. Her eyes scanned the parking lot and then she looked at the papers she kept in the backseat. For a while, she seemed to be deep in thought and you decided not to push her. Eventually, Wanda faced you.
“There’s something I need to do,” She stated mysteriously.
“Do you want me to leave?” 
“No,” Wanda sounded sure of herself, “I would like it if you came with me, if that’s okay.”
Usually, Wanda handled things on her own. She would push others away and never ask for help. But this seemed different. She was willing to accept your support, and you were more than happy to be there for her; no matter what.
“Okay, I’m right here for you, Wanda.”
Despite how frustrated and upset Wanda felt, she managed to smile. It was nice to have you by her side during such difficult times. 
“Thank you, Y/N.”
                The car ride was long, but it didn’t feel like it. Wanda and you weren’t talking and the car radio filled the silence. It wasn’t uncomfortable, yet you could tell that something had gone terribly wrong. Once Wanda was ready to talk about it, you would be there for her. For now, your presence was more than enough. 
Since you didn’t talk, you tried to focus on the songs on the radio to distract yourself from your own, deep thoughts. Sometimes, they would get the best of you and right now, you wanted to stay tuned in the moment, not in the past.
Eventually, you drove past a sign that said Welcome to Westview. It was a small town, but nice nonetheless. It looked old. Buildings were worn and the streets looked like they had been used for decades. The town had a lot of family-friendly places and small shops. You saw an old lady drinking coffee by herself and a man putting up flyers. No one seemed to pay too much attention to you as Wanda drove by everything slowly. You noticed that Wanda was eyeing the street names closely. Was she searching for something?
It didn’t take too long until Wanda took a turn to a street called Sherwood drive and slowed down the car, eventually coming to a stop. You noticed the foundation of a house that had once been there. The neighborhood around you was full of family homes and it had a very warm and cozy energy. As nice as your surroundings were, Wanda looked like she wanted to cry. 
“Can you stay here? I need to do something on my own,” Wanda finally broke the silence. How long had you been in silence? You weren’t sure. 
“Yeah. Just let me know if you need me, okay?” You wanted to reassure her of your support. 
Wanda just nodded and reached to the backseat to grab a paper. With one last glance at you, she got out of the car and closed the door. You sat comfortably on your seat and turned the radio on a little louder as she walked away. The song that was playing was familiar, but you couldn’t quite put your tongue on the name of it. The lyrics were beautiful and you found yourself relaxing to the melody.
“... If I could save time in a bottle, the first thing that I'd like to do, is to save everyday 'til eternity passes away just to spend it with you ...”
Naturally, you were worried about her. Wanda hadn’t spoken about what happened when she tried to recover Vision’s body. Clearly, things hadn’t gone too well. Had she even been allowed to see him? 
As you sat there, you wondered how you would’ve felt if you had been in her shoes, if someone had Loki’s body and they wouldn’t let you have a funeral for him. Immediately, your gut twisted in disgust and pain. It seemed like a nightmare. 
For all that you knew, Loki was somewhere in space, in the middle of nowhere, all alone. When the Guardians had heard the distress signal, they had only found you and Thor. Loki was nowhere to be seen. All the debris from the spaceship had made it nearly impossible to see and navigate through it all. 
It had been years but it still hurt. Knowing he was left alone broke your heart, as if seeing him die hadn’t been soul crushing enough. You knew you would never get over losing Loki. He was and always would be the love of your life. Even if he wasn’t there, you always kept him in your heart. You were sure your very souls were connected. The love you had was just that deep. 
Curiously, you looked out of the car window just to keep an eye on Wanda. She was standing in the middle of the ruins with the paper in her trembling hands. You couldn’t see what it said, but you knew it was important because once she looked at it, she broke down into tears. The sight of her there, all alone in so much pain was awful. For so long, she had been strong and kept on a tough face, but she had reached her breaking point. All the pain, the anger, the misery, it had gotten the best of her. You knew exactly how it felt and your first instinct was to get out of the car and go there to comfort her. How could you just sit there when she was sobbing on the cold hard ground all by herself?
When you got out of the car and looked at Wanda again, she was standing. Her powers were growing around her and a bright red light made you squint your eyes. What on earth was going on?
“Wanda?” You called out for her worriedly, unsure whether she could hear you from so far away. Her powers grew stronger at an alarming rate. You could feel just how strong the magic was and goosebumps rose on your skin. Something was terribly wrong and you knew things were getting out of hand. Despite how dangerous it was to approach something so chaotic and powerful, you tried to reach her. You never did.
Wanda’s powers were explosive. In the blink of an eye, her magic poured all around her and covered everything and everyone in sight. You remembered seeing that signature scarlet shade all around you and then everything went blank. It all happened so fast that you didn’t even have time to be scared, nor to use your powers to shield yourself from hers. The red swallowed you completely with no warning. 
             What happened?
   How did I get here?
You stood in front of Wanda and Vision’s house. Despite not remembering anything at all, you just knew that it was where she lived. Why were you just standing on her lawn? That was odd. You couldn’t remember getting there, but strangely enough, it didn’t bother you too much. You must’ve just taken a stroll and ended up at your best friend’s house. As strange as it was, you didn’t think twice about it.
With a smile on your face, you straightened the skirt of your silky dress and looked at your heels to see that they were dirt-free and shiny. After all, your outfit was brand new and you didn’t want to get the dirty right away, now did you?
“You look more beautiful than I remembered,” A familiar voice caught your attention. Your eyes widened as you stood there, now in shock. It had been too long since you had last heard that voice. 
“Do you not recognize me? Has it been that long?” Loki walked closer to you from behind. 
You turned around because you had to see him to make sure you had heard right. When you saw him standing there, you felt overjoyed. 
Loki was alive!
“Oh my god,” You could hardly believe your eyes. 
Loki opened his arms wide, inviting you to a hug. Once the initial shock passed, you ran into his strong and loving arms. Loki embraced you just like you remembered he had done before. His oh-so-familiar scent filled your lungs and you were drunk on him in an instant. Tears stung your eyes and you closed them, allowing yourself to sink into his touch and be fully enveloped by him once again. 
“I missed you so much,” You admitted and felt a warm tear rolling down your cheek, ruining your makeup but you didn’t care at all. Loki had seen you, all of you. With him, you could be completely vulnerable. 
Loki planted a kiss at the top of your head, then your forehead and the tip of your nose. His soft hands cupped your cheeks and you opened your eyes just to face him. His eyes were mesmerizing and dangerous. With just one glance, you were lost.
“I missed you too,” Loki let you know sincerely. You didn’t know where he had been, or why you had been separated. All you knew was that it had been years and now you were together again. That was all that mattered and you refused to think about the logic of it all. It felt like you could hope again. You could be happy.
A gentle breeze played with your skirt and with your hair. Loki looked like a god as he stood there in his black suit and tie, with his long dark locks swaying in the wind. Your heart was so full of love again and you felt happy, so happy that you kissed him.
Your lips collided sweetly and Loki kissed you back with such fiery passion that you felt as if your soul was on fire. The kiss was so romantic that you knew if a crowd would’ve been watching, they would’ve aww-ed. It would’ve brought people to tears. 
Eventually, you had to break the kiss so you could breathe. Once you did, both of you smiled like never before. Loki couldn’t let go of you and you didn’t want to let go of him either. 
“Let’s go home, shall we?” Loki proposed happily. 
The word made your heart swell with affection. 
“I’d love that,” You admitted, your mind already thinking about all the possibilities. You shared a home and you could spend the rest of your lives there together. You could have your own little family. Nothing could come between you ever again. 
Loki offered you his arm for you to hold onto, which you gladly did. Together you turned away from Wanda and Vision’s home and began to walk to your own home. Somehow, you knew exactly where to go, like you had walked that path a million times before.
The walk was so relaxing. You and Loki held onto each other so comfortably and watched your neighbours, greeting them as you passed by. Everything seemed so peaceful; perfect. It was exactly where you wanted to be for all the rest of your days. 
“So where were you all this time?” You asked Loki curiously. After all, he had been gone for a while now. As you tried to think about it, you felt distracted by his touch and just the sight of him. It was almost like something didn’t want you to poke your brain with a stick, so you tried not to get yourself puzzled. 
Loki raised his eyebrows and hummed by himself, as if he had to really think about it in order to remember, “It’s a long story, my love. One I’ll tell you all about once we’re home. How does that sound?”
“It sounds like a great dinner topic,” You hinted at him. Dining together was always the highlight of your day. 
It didn’t take long to walk from Wanda’s house to yours. After all, you lived on the same street. Your home was beautiful. It was spacious, so you and Loki wouldn’t outgrow it anytime soon. 
Loki let go of you and he rushed to open the front door to you. “Ladies first,” He smirked to you and then looked inside. 
“You’re such a gentleman,” You couldn’t help but to feel appreciated.  Loki treated you like a queen, he always had. Then you walked inside.
Your eyes adjusted from the brightness outside to the dim lights inside. Loki closed the door and then you were both home. The place reflected the two of you so well, in every little detail. Someone had lit the fireplace when you were gone and you assumed it was Loki’s doing. Now that you were behind closed doors, you could use your powers without being seen. 
“Did you-” Your sentence was cut short as you turned to face Loki again. He was standing behind you with a dozen roses and a box of chocolates. The sweet gesture took you by surprise and you forgot what you were going to ask. 
“I know it isn’t much, but I want to make up for the time we lost. I hope this is the right path to your heart again, my love,” Loki explained as he handed the gifts to you, which you gladly accepted. 
“Oh Loki, thank you,” You were moved by the gesture. “But I need you to know you’ve always been in my heart, and you always will be.”
Loki seemed relieved to hear those words, “as will you be in mine.” 
“What was that?” You were surprised by the sound that came from the kitchen. 
Loki grabbed your empty hand and placed a soft kiss on your skin, “I do believe you mentioned something about dinner.”
Yet another surprise. 
“When did you do that?” You were impressed by it all. He had really gone out of his way to make this day lovely - and you certainly weren’t complaining. 
“A magician never reveals his secrets,” Loki replied with a grin and began to lead to you the dining room. You shouldn’t have expected any less from your husband.
“How very sneaky of you,” You rolled your eyes playfully. That’s when you noticed the lovely aroma in the air. Dinner smelled lovely and you hadn’t even seen it yet. Had he made your favourite? 
Loki pulled a chair back for you to sit on. As you sat down, the plates, the food and all that appeared on the table out of nowhere just like magic. Yet another trick, one that was very useful too.
Your eyes followed Loki as he walked around the table and sat down opposite of you. Just then, the setting sun shone through the curtains. It brightened up the room beautifully and highlighted every beautiful aspect of Loki, especially his eyes. The sun was shining on you and dinner was ready. 
“One more thing,” Loki remembered and quickly snapped his fingers, lighting the candles to set the mood, “now everything is perfect.”
He was right. Finally, the two of you were together under the roof of your home. What else could you have ever wished for?
“Perfect indeed.”
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A/N: I hope you liked it! If you did, I would love to hear your feedback 🥺 I loved this concept so much that I want to write more, but for now I’ll keep this one short. 
Forever Taglist:  @iraniq  @embrycallsgirl  @blackroseyaz @badass-psycho  @r-alexandra01 @p3aches13  @your-pixels-are-showing @disasterren @iamsuperjenna  @yuna-belikova @ornella0910 @optimisticpeacecollector5 @thehumanistsdiary @your-pixels-are-showing @klanceiscannon14
Loki taglist: @yuna-belikova @ornella0910 @castiels-majestic-wings @lucywrites02 @myraiswack​
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tavvattales · 3 years
hi!! i really love your writing 😊😊 can i request albedo and xiao sharing a bed with their s/o for the first time? like would they be nervous or shy 🤔(purely sfw by the way!!)
“Hiii! Oh gosh, thanks so much 🥰 you absolutely can! Thank you so much for your patience. I hope you enjoy what I wrote for you 😊😊
The Xiao one was shorter than I wanted it to be, but I’m still happy with how it came out
GENSHIN IMPACT Character x gn reader fluff stories~♡♡
Scenario: Sharing a bed for the first time
Characters: Albedo and Xiao(seperate)
Pairings: Albedo x gn reader, Xiao x gn reader
Warnings: Mentions of undressing, but still SFW, I promise. NGL THO I was sooooo tempted to make this NSFW 🥵 You'll see what I meannnn
SFW----> Want some fluff? Then you came to the right place just click down below ;)
● The two of you have been dating for a few months now. He still finds himself learning new things to love about you each time you're together. He loves when you come to visit him while he's working up in Dragonspine. Those are your special moments when he teaches you new things about Alchemy.
● But what you find most precious is the way he speaks to you, so gentle. The way his eyes get lost in yours. The slight blush that dusts his cheeks when the two of you shyly break away. And most of all, the way he kisses you. .
Chilled winds tore through Albedo's lab with a howl as you quickly grabbed at the papers that threatened to blow away, jumping up to get them. You and Albedo worked quickly to store important items and paperwork away as the snowstorm picked up, "I guess we both didn't expect a blizzard, huh?" You call out to him, your hair whipping you across your face as you clung your coat tighter around your body, your teeth chattering. You shiver, your muscles tense, the sheer cold was starting to set in.
"You must be freezing. Quickly, get close to the fire," He instructed, leading you by the hand and guiding you to the cot next to the firepit. Even the fire struggled to keep up with the violent winds, the flames growing smaller, weaker, "Wait here for a moment." He said, quickly returning with a few blankets and more firewood.
Albedo threw the firewood onto the small flame, prodding and poking at it to get the blaze going again as you huddle under the blankets he handed you. You were still shivering, the temperatures turning dangerously low, "I-it's r-really cold. . ." You manage to say. Albedo put a hand to his chin, his eyes filled with worry as he pondered for a moment.
"I. . . may have an idea, but I'm not sure how you would feel about it, " He said softly, glancing down at you as he finally got the fire up and going again.
"H-honestly, I-I would be f-fine with anything a-at this point," You responded, teeth still chattering, curious as to what his idea could possibly be.
Albedo nodded, a soft pink washing over his face. He started to take off his jacket, tossing it to the side, leaving him with the blue shirt underneath that perfectly sculpted his upper body. You find your gaze lingering, wondering what could possibly be underneath when you notice him pull his shirt up over his head. His blue shirt didn't do what was underneath justice. The gentle flames of the fire cast a shadow over that perfect v-line that adorned his torso, his abs tensing up at the cold that hit him. He was perfect.
Eyes growing wide and your face now flushed at what you were witnessing you heard him softly speak, "I can feel you staring, " he said calmly, yet he was just as embarrassed.
"S-sorry!" You quickly advert your gaze, hiding your face from embarrassment. Before you know it, Albedo slips behind you under the blankets, "A-ah!" You yelp in surprise, but you're quickly enveloped in his warmth. Under the blanket he finds the opening of your jacket and slips it off.
"So you won't succumb to sheer cold, I need to keep you warm with skin to skin contact. I promise it won't be anything more than that, " Albedo's warm voice tickled your ear as you nodded allowing him to undress you. You were both embarrassed, but everything was innocent enough. His arms were gently wrapped around your waist, his hands never lingering. He was keeping you safe, and most importantly warm.
The two of you lay down, cuddled close as you wait for the blizzard to pass. Despite the snowstorm, you were incredibly happy to be able to be this close to Albedo.
Albedo x gn reader END
● Affection and touch was still a subject Xiao struggled with, but he tried. As he got to know you, you taught him what it meant to be in love. This was a totally new concept to him. He's heard of love, but never experienced it himself until he met you. He craved your touch almost every second of everyday, but he had an odd way of asking for it. He wanted to hold your hand? He'd ask gruffly. A hug? He'd advert his gaze and open his arms. You found this absolutely adorable.
“Hey, is everything okay?” Xiao said with worry in his tone. His golden eyes glanced over you, your face flushed red and you felt warm. Your head was pounding and your whole body felt like lead. A faint feeling washed over you as your vision grew blurry.
“I don’t fe-” before you could finish your sentence you collapse. Xiao swiftly catches you in his arms before you hit the ground, hoisting you up with ease. You were burning up much to his surprise. His eyes flicker with worry as he rushes you back to your room.
You had over worked yourself again, carrying the burden of others. You were sure to get a scolding from Xiao when you woke from your feverish daze. Xiao gently lay you down on your bed, brushing your hair away from your face, “Foolish human,” He muttered under his breath. Xiao watched the rise and fall of your staggered breaths, not sure what to do next. He knew one thing, though, he didn’t want to leave your side.
Xiao softly grabbed a hold of your hand, his slender fingers interlacing with yours, squeezing your hand gently. You stirred awake and mumbled softly, “X-Xiao. . .?” You smile weakly at him, his gaze catching yours, “Thank you. . “ 
“For what?” He responded, still gently stroking the top of your hand with his thumb. You were surprised that a small, simple touch from him made your heart wild. 
“For catching me,” you say, voice soft, squeezing his hand back. You gaze at him longingly, “Will you lay with me? Just for a moment. . “ Xiao was taken aback by your sudden request, his own face growing warm.
He hid his embarrassment with his free hand, “If it will make you feel better. .” he said with a huff, sliding into bed next to you. You adjust yourself and lay your head on his chest, listening to the rhythm of his gentle heartbeat. Xiao finds himself playing with your hair and holding you closer as you drift back to sleep.
As much as he didn’t want to admit it, he was enjoying every minute of this.
Xiao x gn reader END
Thanks so much for reading!! <3
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1kook · 4 years
card swiped (4)
→ jeon jungkook x (f) reader
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→ “I’ve known Jungkook was a virgin since he first tried to tell me he wasn’t,” you tell him, arms crossed over your chest. “I’m pretty sure everyone knows.” GENRE romance (romcom?), eventual smut, teensy angst WARNING mentions of a hand job, talk of virginity OTHER college crushes, volleyball player!jk, student council president!oc, idiots to lovers, besties to lovers, childhood friends au RATING m (18+) bc brief sex ment WC 1.6k
NOTES (!) sorry for taking so long to update </3 school be kicking my ass. anyway here they are! an idiot couple. lmk what u think!!
[ masterlist ] 
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In the past, whenever something had bothered you, the first person you ran to was Jungkook. Low grades, fights with your parents, boy drama— as your best friend and number one confidant, Jungkook was always your first choice. He was always willing to lend you a shoulder to cry on, even if that meant staining his white t-shirts with streaks of your mascara. He was always ready to go beat up a mean boy who had hurt your feelings during lunch, even if he’d miss his favorite special. And he was always down for some good old fashion i hate my parents ranting, even if he adored your parents. He was a great listener, an even better best friend, and had rightfully won you over from a very young age. 
That being said, how were you supposed to talk to Jungkook about something that bothered you when that something was him? 
You could easily tell any of your numerous girl friends, those of which would probably understand your predicament better than Jungkook or any man ever could. But after years of vehemently denying any notion of a romantic relationship between the two of you, you get the feeling your call for help will be met with more unimpressed glares than actual assistance. Besides, as much as you bring up Jungkook, none of them really know Jungkook to truly offer you any worthwhile advice. 
Your next option: Kim Taehyung. Now, Kim Taehyung held a similar background as Jungkook (translation: he also went to the same high school as you). He knows both you and Jungkook—frankly, more than you’d like him to—so he would be able to dissect the issue easily and offer trustworthy advice. The problem with Kim Taehyung, however, is that aside from knowing you at your embarrassingly dorky teenage prime, he doesn’t know how to keep a secret. Anything he knows, Jungkook knows. So if you were to, hypothetically, ask Taehyung for advice on Jungkook, well. Chances are, you’d probably get a rather confused text from Jungkook two minutes later. 
Which leaves you with one option— Park Jimin. There’s a reason Park Jimin isn’t your first option, and that reason presents itself now as you glare at him from across the empty room. For as long as you’ve been in university, Jimin has always lingered around the student council meetings, giving everyone he sees the prettiest, meanest stink-eye. You suspect it’s because he waits around for Min Yoongi, your Vice President (which isn’t an issue; Jungkook also frequents student council meetings while waiting for you), and doesn’t really care for anyone else. Your problem with Jimin doesn’t lie there but rather with the fact he’s adamant on taking up space and not lending so much as a finger to help. 
Today he is sitting with his feet on the table, dirty volleyball bag tossed on the floor. He’s watched you for the last fifteen minutes wrestle with the broken copy machine and hasn’t said a word since. He pretends he doesn’t see you struggling, because if he does, he’d be obligated to help you. 
To summarize, Park Jimin may be the fastest libero your university’s volleyball team has seen in years, but he’s a good-for-nothing bum everywhere else. 
And despite all that, he’s your best choice. There’s no one quite as blunt and honest as Park Jimin. There’s no one in this world who truly doesn’t care enough about anyone’s problems to gossip about them as Park Jimin. You plop down beside him, rumpled papers in hand. Without warning, you jump straight into it. “Jungkook is going to take my virginity,” you announce, like it’s the most casual thing in the world. If any of your fellow student council members heard you, you’re certain you’d shrivel up and die. 
Jimin hums. “That’s nice.” His eyes don’t leave his phone, thumb hovering over his screen. It’s a testament to how much he truly does not care. His extended silence plants a seed of doubt in you— was this the right person to tell? you begin to worry. But after a beat, Jimin’s thumb taps against his screen and he says, “Jungkook is a virgin.” 
You clench your jaw. “I know.” 
The thing about Jimin is, with the right wording, you can get him interested in something. Not interested enough to genuinely care, but interested enough to at least listen and offer his own piece of straightforward advice. His thumb comes to a standstill over his phone, eyes momentarily going blank. It’s a minute gesture, one that’s taken you four years of paying attention to catch. Just as quickly as it appears, it’s gone. “Really,” Jimin sighs, back to, you now realize, playing CandyCrush on his phone. “You’re gonna let a virgin take your virginity.”
Not a question, but you nod anyway. “Yup.” 
There’s sweat building on the back of your neck, nerves at an all time high, but you’re trying to play it off. Just a little bit more and you know you’ll have caught him. Beside you, Jimin’s jaw twitches. 
Finally, after what seems like an eternity of trying to act calm, Jimin clicks his phone off and turns to you. He’s as intimidating as ever, ash blonde hair pushed back today to reveal his forehead and dark eyes. “You’ve known Jungkook was a virgin this whole time?” he asks, has this calculating look in his eyes that makes you feel like you’re being questioned by an officer of the law and not the shortest person on the volleyball team. 
With a practiced air of nonchalance, you shrug. “I have,” you confess, and it’s the truth. 
While you may have been initially fooled that night two years ago, you weren’t that oblivious. Oh, you knew clear as day that Jeon Jungkook was still a virgin, just as well as you knew that he religiously washed his sheets every weekend or that he had a specific color coded system for his underwear drawer. Jungkook was a fool to try and lie to you, not only because you had found out, but because you had found out that very next morning. 
It had been subtle. The night at the party, you had watched on with a throbbing heartache as some pretty girl led Jungkook up a set of stairs, had barely fought off a wave of emotion when he returned twenty minutes later, his hair a rumpled mess. “Did you… ?” you had mumbled, pressed closely against him by the back door. Your eyes had been glassy, from your emotions and from the drunken stupor you had gotten yourself into while he was away, wondering what he was doing. A sense of jealousy you would never admit to had curled around your heart. His hand had landed on your hip then. He smelled like flowers and vanilla, a smell unlike his own. Your heart clenched, hand mindlessly reaching up to cup his jaw, so drunk and heartbroken, you couldn’t stop yourself from trailing your fingers along his pretty cheekbones. 
Jungkook had graced you with a simple nod, and then, “do you wanna leave now?” 
You’d left, stumbling down Greek road on your way back to his dorm. Jungkook had held your hand the whole way, tucked you into his twin bed, and then promptly knocked out on the floor between his and Taehyung’s beds. The latter was nowhere to be found, wouldn’t appear until the next morning when he’d accidentally step on Jungkook’s ankle and wake both of you up. 
Jungkook had yelped, and your eyes had fluttered open. You remember debating rolling over, checking on him like you wanted to, but Taehyung was already there doing just that. So you had laid still instead, listened as the two boys clattered around the room. They chatted mindlessly, about the party and tomorrow’s practice. Taehyung had been bragging about some girl he’d slept with last night. “What about you?” he had asked, and your breath caught in your throat. “Did you and…”—a pause, the distinct ruffle of fabric—“finally?” 
“What— no,” Jungkook had said, and you felt the bed dip as he sat down on the edge beside you.
Taehyung pushed on with a snort. “Well, did you get lucky at all?”
Jungkook groaned, placed one warm hand on your back soothingly. You tried your best to level out your breathing, relaxed your facial expression as you clung to the sound of his voice. “Just a handjob. Some girl I didn’t even know. Does that count?” You could hear your heartbeat in your ears, felt it beneath your fingertips when you fisted the sheets. 
And that curt admission sat in the back of your mind everyday for two years. 
You turn to Jimin. “I’ve known Jungkook was a virgin since he first tried to tell me he wasn’t,” you tell him, arms crossed over your chest. “I’m pretty sure everyone knows.”
Jimin lets out a low whistle. “You’re smarter than I thought,” he grins, this conniving little smile that is a genuine cause for concern. “So you’re letting him think you don’t know?” You nod. Jimin’s smile grows. “My, my. If I had known you were this evil, maybe we would’ve hung out more.” 
You roll your eyes. “I’m not evil,” you insist, flicking him on the nose. Jimin huffs indignantly. “I think what he’s doing is sweet…” you confess, feel your entire body heat up as you recall that wide-eyed look Jungkook had given you just yesterday afternoon, your kiss print fresh on his cheek. “And, well,” you look down at your shoes. “I used to dream about him being my first.” 
Jimin groans. “You two make me sick.”
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Copyright © 2021, 1kook on tumblr. absolutely NO reposts allowed.
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monomonomagines · 3 years
In honor of the swimsuits being released, may I request a scenario where Makoto, Fuyuhiko, Sakura, Ryoma,Souda and Korekiyo are at the beach and their s/o just gets absolutely wrecked by the sun and is just burnt to an absolute crisp? Thank youuuu
Thank you so much for such a fun request! I know I often burn more than I tan so I’m hoping my own experiences will help me to at least get a laugh out of you. I know I’ve been very excited since the swimsuits were released even if they weren’t all perfect. My rambles aside though, I really hope that you’ll enjoy this as much as I did writing it. We love and appreciate you and your support!
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As soon as Makoto noticed your skin turning red he’d panic. Not an exaggerated and overbearing sort of panic like the way that some of his friends and classmates would act but a quiet and worried sort of panic.
He was concerned over your wellbeing but being your everyday type of guy he didn’t think he could do more than to drag you under the shade to get you a break from the sun’s relentless attack on you.
As the two of you sat beneath one of the many large umbrellas placed on the beach Makoto frets over you, asking you some silly questions like “if it hurt” or “if there was anything he could do for you.”
There really wasn’t much he could do while the two of you were on the beach but he could at least stay with you like this until you both got back.
Smiling he agrees instantly, moving one of his hands so that he can grasp your own.
“Of course! If it makes you feel better then I’ll stay with you all day.”
You could tell he was being genuine just from the way he spoke to you and those words alone made your cheeks feel as warm as the sunburn made the rest of you feel.
Leaning carefully you rest your arm lightly against his own trying to get closer to him as you both enjoyed your time together.
However, that quiet and serene moment only turns into more pain when Makoto leans against you in turn, a little too hard for your inflamed skin.
Hearing you yelp, Makoto immediately apologizes with a sheepish smile on his face. “Sorry, I forgot that I can’t touch you!”
He’s lucky he’s cute you might say out loud if you weren’t too busy trying to soothe your skin lightly rubbing at the irritated area.
“S/o put some damn sunscreen on!” Fuyuhiko had spent most of the time since you two arrived at the beach chiding you. He was calm at first but quickly lost his cool when you refused to just put some sunscreen on.
It had started a small argument which he quickly put to rest with a pout. “Fine, get burnt to a crisp if you want to so badly. Not like it’ll be my problem!”
While his words may have burnt you to a crisp at that moment he wasn’t wrong in the slightest.
After hours of play and fun, you could feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. You felt it too much for comfort if you were to be more accurate.
Now here it was, Fuyuhiko’s turn to admonish you. Now he could say, “I told you to put sunscreen on,” or “I told you to cover up more” and you wouldn’t be able to argue.
However, no matter how cruel Fuyuhiko can be as soon as he notices the pain you’re in, there's no way he could be so hard on you.
With a huff and a frown you hear the dreaded “I told you to put on sunscreen. What the hell did you think would happen?”
You had no answer but with another huff and a shake of his head, Fuyuhiko wouldn’t leave you to hurt.
Dragging you by the arm he forces you to sit down under the umbrella you both set up earlier. He crouches near you, rummaging in the bag he packed only to pull out so Aloe Vera Gel.
“It's not cold but it’ll help.” You hear him mutter half to you and half to himself as he pops off the cap and coats you in the solution.
It felt sticky and gross but you were happy that Fuyuhiko was there for you. With a sinister smile, you hug him still covered in sticky gloop which earns a loud yell from him in return.
“What the hell are you doin’ to me!? Stop, you're all sticky!” Despite his volume, you could see a childlike smile on his face as you both break out into a laugh.
That hug hurt like a bitch but at least it was worth it for a little more fun with your favorite person in the world.
While Sakura wouldn’t chide you about applying sunscreen she would definitely be the type to try to shield you from the sun herself. Of course, this may not be the most effective but she gets an A for effort.
The sun was just unfortunately a stronger opponent with far longer range than Sakura could ever hope to have.
Despite her own disappointment in her failure to protect you Sakura would do her best to take care of the sunburn you still managed to get despite her looming over you the whole time you were playing and having fun.
“I’m sorry that I couldn’t protect you, S/o,” Sakura says, clenching her fists in frustration.
If anything you would’ve gotten far more burnt than you are now if not for Sakura trying to keep you in her shadow all day and even then it was sort of funny to watch her try so hard to move as you did to keep you out of the sun's harmful rays.
She didn’t seem to see it your way though, looking downcast as if she had really failed you when you were the one that chose not to apply sunscreen.
Putting a small hand on her back you reassure her that she didn’t fail you. You had a wonderful time with her regardless of the sunburn and it again would’ve been way worse if not for her constantly covering you.
“Thank you, S/o. I know I cannot beat every opponent but I know that I want to keep you safe no matter what.” Finally smiling at you she gives you a small squeeze, making sure to avoid your burns before picking you up and toting you off to a shady spot under some palm trees.
Sakura lets you rest your head in her lap as she gently runs her hands through your hair, smiling happily as she watches the sea breeze help lull you to sleep.
She’d just carry you if you didn’t wake up when it was time to go.
Very similar to Sakura, Ryoma wouldn’t insist you apply or reapply your sunscreen. You can make your own choices and he wouldn’t impede on that.
He will be there to pick up the pieces when any poor decision you should make falls through with some sound advice ready and a shoulder for you to cry on.
As soon as the two of you realized that your fun time on the beach had turned into a red hot painful experience Ryoma simply sighs as if deep in thought.
Before you can realize what’s going through that head of his though, he begins to take off his hoodie, throwing it over your burnt shoulders to protect it from any further burns.
“It isn’t much but it’d be pretty uncool of me if I didn’t do anything to help you.” Seeming to forget that he isn’t wearing a hat Ryoma goes to pull down an imaginary one only to further fluster himself.
That was the most uncool thing he could ever do in his entire life. You saw it written all over his face as you burst into laughter.
Ryoma would never live this down but at least he got to make you feel a little better by getting a laugh out of you. If only it wasn’t at his expense.
Maybe you two can get some ice cream to make the two of you feel better. 
You’d bring it up once you’re both leaving hand in hand. 
Kazuichi would be overjoyed to take you to the beach since he’d get to play around and have fun with you at the beach of all places!
Plus being at the beach would mean that he’d get to see you in a swimsuit which for him is a huge plus!
He could only imagine that it must be something that suits your style just like his matches his own but his imagination may go a bit wild with how he’d picture it. He is the Ultimate Mechanic and not the Ultimate Fashion Designer after all!
Regardless of how you’re dressed though he’d be complimenting you all day. He’d have his eyes on you no matter what which is why he’d quickly notice your skin turning bright red under the sun’s harsh light.
If only he wasn’t lost in a daze looking at you. Then maybe he would have remembered to have you both use sunscreen.
Having thought that Kazuichi comes to a rather sudden realization. Looking down his own skin was burnt pretty badly already turning red and painful.
With tears in his eyes, he’d grab you by the wrist pulling you to a shady area before he explains his intentions.
“We didn’t put any sunscreen on, S/o! It feels awful so spray me now! I-if we use it now then we can stay all day like we said we would!”
Finding it hard not to laugh you agree, grabbing the sunscreen from him. He turns around taking a deep breath preparing himself for the feeling of cold sunscreen on his burns.
As soon as the spray even hits his back though he lets out a yelp soon begging you to stop.
“Y’know what. Let’s just go home! We’re both burnt anyway so let's just come back, yeah?”
Korekiyo was always prepared when going to the beach. He liked to keep his skin protected from the sun so he always had plenty of sunscreen on despite being covered from head to toe.
You had teased him for this on the way to the beach but soon enough you were wishing you had followed his example.
As soon as your skin had become inflamed Korekiyo quickly pulled you over to the giant umbrella and towels he had set up beforehand.
He waited for you to take a seat before he spoke. “I cannot ignore this any longer, S/o. Your refusal to follow my advice is only causing you pain.”
Sheepishly trying to avoid his comments despite knowing he’s right you brush it all off pretending like you’re not in that much pain.
With a knowing glance from Korekiyo though you can’t do much other than to oblige as he hands you a full-body suit he prepared in your size.
“This way you won’t get burnt any further. There are dressing rooms nearby so if you wish to continue with our day on the beach I advise you to use them.”
Listening to this time you take his advice and go to change, coming back within only a few moments with the suit on.
At least it let you have some more fun on the beach before you had to leave from the painfulness of your burns.
Thankfully Korekiyo would be there to take care of you and your burns with some aloe vera and anything else you may need too! Hell, maybe he’ll even use another one of his “ancient remedies” that he’s used when you’ve gotten yourself hurt before.
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kseniyagreen · 3 years
The drama Beyond Evil as a philosophical parable about human relationships.
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The drama begins in the spirit of the classic detective story. A young policeman, Han Joo Won, arrives in the small provincial town of Manyang, the place where a murder took place 20 years ago and remains unsolved. Han Joo Won is talented, educated and has connections at the very top - his father is deputy chief commissioner of police. Han Joo Won is also full of enthusiasm, bordering on obsession, to solve a case that his father never solved. According to the laws of the genre, we have a limited number of suspects connected by a long history of relationships, keeping their own and other people's secrets. And the biggest secret seems to be Han Joo Won's partner, police officer Lee Dong Sik. Twenty years ago, he was arrested on suspicion of the murder of his sister, but released for lack of evidence.
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The plot of Beyond Evil is well twisted, and a new intrigue is revealed behind each denouement. But at the same time, already in the first episodes, I felt that Beyond Evil could be more than just a good detective. And I was not wrong.
From the very first episodes, we plunge into the drama, like into a fabulous whirlpool. We get to know the life of a provincial town. We watch Lee Dong Sik intently, trying to figure out what is behind his extravagant behavior.  Shin Ha Kyun in this role masterfully  balances on the border of light and shadow, sober calculation and madness. In the meantime, we are wondering who he is - a "fallen angel" or a bright angel who fell from a height and broke his wings. We look into the faces of all the heroes, trying to determine which of them is the monster. And gradually we are imbued with the mesmerizing  beauty of this world and its inhabitants. 
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At first, Han Joo Won was perceived as an outsider. "Young master" in an expensive suit, completely alien among the ordinary people of Manyang. And it's not just about social status. Han Joo Won chose this role for himself - an independent observer who looks from above at the ugliness of this world and does not touch the dirt. However, the further he progresses in his research, the more personal it becomes, and the mask of equanimity slips from his face. This is how a classic detective story turns into a psychological journey - to feelings and memories walled up in the basements of the soul, into a journey to someone else and to oneself. Because these two processes always go together - to find yourself, you need to see the other and be seen. Find your own reflection in the other person's eyes. 
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The drama Beyond Evil is a real maze of reflections. Each significant event, the history of each hero has its own reflection. Some of them are false, some of them are true, but all these fragments, put together, allow you to see the truth. There is such a method of image restoration - from several dull and even distorted reflections, you can recreate a real image.  We recognize heroes by the way they are reflected in each other. And each new meeting, each new dialogue is another step towards finding a real face. This approach makes the image of each character multidimensional and deep.
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The drama really captures all aspects of the relationship. Family relationships – healthy or toxic. Relations with oneself, relationships with the world, social relationships - the law and its implementation. Morality as the ability to contact. Breaking up relationships like disappearing. The attitude towards the deceased loved ones and the ways of dealing with loss, with death. Relationships are alive, supportive and healing. Relationships are codependent, burdensome and suffocating. Personality always lives in a relationship. Fencing off from the world, a person cuts off a part of himself and, ultimately, can completely die as a person. This is how a person turns into a monster.
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“Everyone in the city is like one family,” says Han Joo Won of the residents of Manyang. And he is absolutely right. All heroes are connected to each other by a whole network of threads. But somewhere these are the supporting threads of life, and somewhere they are suffocating fetters. The family image is central to the drama. Everything begins with it - everything ends with it. For each of the heroes, this word means something different - a project, a burden, a duty, a dream of absolute happiness. But for everyone, it carries a lot of weight. Thus, a small town turns out to be a global metaphor for a community, a social family, in which our humanity is born, but sometimes dies. The density of connections and meanings in the drama is so great that not only each character, but the whole world of the drama is felt as something living, animated. The city of Manyang is not just a place of action, but an independent character. The whole city, as an integral living system, exists according to its own laws. The Beyond Evil story is the story of Manyang's illness and healing.
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What's also great about the Beyond Evil is that there is no moralizing in it. Despite the great semantic load, the author does not reduce everything to one idea, does not teach, but shows reality in its complexity, even paradoxicality. Each character is a part of a big picture, an element of the inner life of an integral system. But also everyone is a separate unique person, with their own choice and responsibility for this choice. The story of the Beyond Evil is the story of Manyang, but it’s just as much the story of two people meeting. It is no coincidence that all the main scenes are "doubled". If you look at the titles of the episodes, you can see that the pairing is "sewn" into the very structure of the script. As if the whole story is a long dialogue between two, a series of questions and answers. Each character in the drama is interesting. Each has its own story, its own drama, its own unique personality. But the main axis of the whole story is the meeting and dialogue of the two main characters.
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Lee Dong Sik and Han Joo Won, so different, but equally extraordinary, strong in spirit, but practically buried under the rubble of their own psychological trauma. Throughout the drama, they continually drift apart and collide, let go and catch each other, meeting again each time on a deeper level. They go a long way from mutual irritation, exploitation, projecting their fears and expectations onto each other, to true mutual understanding. Throughout the entire drama, the characters stare at each other - with suspicion, with rage, with interest, admiration, tenderness. But invariably - with intense attention, as if looking for something very important in each other's eyes. And in the end they find and return to each other the opportunity to be themselves - whole, feeling, alive. In my opinion, Beyond Evil, like no other drama, showed us an example of perfect human contact. At that difficultly attainable level, when you see and accept another as he is, in his true essence. The bromance of the main characters of the Beyond Evil is so beautiful that it overshadowed all the drama love lines for me. In fact, this is a "love story" - like the love of one soul for another soul. Someone sees them as a mentor and student. Someone sees them as father and son or even as a couple in love. In my opinion, we were specially shown these relations at such a level of generalization that each viewer is free to interpret them in his own way. For me, they are the embodiment of the idea of an existential meeting, beyond any categories.
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The Beyond Evil is a theatrical chamber drama. But this simplicity of the means has a deep meaning. The real challenge for an artist is to show everyday reality as something magical, wonderful, and sometimes monstrous. And the Beyond Evil succeeded to create a heroic epic in the scenery of a small provincial town, where a butcher's shop, the basement of an old house or a reed field feel like a mystical place. Where dramatic battles and wonderful metamorphoses take place in the dialogues between the characters. Magic is created in the Beyond Evil, not taking away from reality, but immersing it in it. This is the fantasy world that really exists - in the space of the human psyche, in relationships between people.
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This is a huge burden on the actors. They don't just need to play their characters, the actors pretty much create the world and atmosphere of the drama. And they also need to show the development and even the rebirth of their characters. Many characters in the drama wear masks. But in the end all the masks will be removed, ripped off or washed away by the rain. And under someone's mask we will find a monstrous grin, and under someone's - a beautiful face. Shin Ha Kyun and Yeo Jin Goo play characters whose faces change throughout the drama. In each new episode, they experience new trials, different emotions, but their eyes express not only situational emotions, but also profound personality changes. In some scenes, they need to act so subtly that it is like walking on a tightrope. A slightly different expression - and the impression would be wrong. But the actors are perfect in every shot.
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The talent of all the participants has created an amazing artistic world. It's like the famous Doctor Who machine - more inside than outside. And you can dive into this depth over and over again, finding new nuances and meanings.
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