#like i dunno i'm just been mentally drained from other personal stuff going on or what
This week's batch of GH may have been the worst I've ever seen.
Hell this whole month as a whole has been really shit GH-wise.
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stardustpinkart · 9 months
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I have yet to see "Wish". And I'm parlty waiting to do so. Lots of people have reimaginings and au's about it and some likit, other seems to hate it. It seems an okay film at best?
Anyway, its a bit easier to make up an alternate storyline, when you dunno what the canon is. Sometimes canon prevents you from imagining what could be, it can be a mental hookup? So if I can like to draw a few pics before seeing it. I do know SOME things and some stuff that couldve been.
The main is of course little star being a boy.
My personal AU is this and its probably like others. The design of Starboy here btw belongs to another, the-gateway-to-madness
I imagine the Kingdom, it all seems so perfect and wonderful, and of course these places are anything but. They hide the cracks. And the people tend to leave everything to there monarchs becuase its easier, or they cant fight back. Seems the King controls whether or not wishes get granted in this land and no doubt an obsession for power and complete control.
Star, he simply goes by star, kinda going "Gargoyles" route here they dont typically have names, falls in love with Asha at first sight. Stars are quite innocent and on a diffrent plane form humans, they dont deal with the same issues as they do not to mention I imagine, omnipotent powers?
All he wants is to make her happy and use his magic to do so. But Asha is an ordinary girl, and its all very overwhelming? If a magic being loved you, woudlent it be a lot to take on? Larger than life? So very slow burn on her part, if at all. He's very sweet, but, its a lot to deal with.
If Magnifico knew Star had fallen to earth I have no doubts he'd want to use him. Keep him locked away and use his power for his own. A tool, an ultimate weapon.
I imagine Star turns into his lil form thinking hes being incospicous, but of course its anything but(maybe pretend to be a stuffed toy now and then), but he also might turn into it when he's exhausted, his power draining.
This is what would I'm sure happen, Star locked away in the castle dungeon to be kept like a caged bird, just for Magnifico to use his magic. He'll NEVER let him go, he'll remain there forever. It would be up to Asha and her love to save him.
She could also be a fairy godmother, thats part of the movie right, starting it off? If she and Star were a couple Im sure.
If I was a writer Id love to do a story but, I'm not really. Not alone anyway I can come up with blurbs like this, thats the most of it. I can draw though so
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devilfic · 2 years
Oh right!!! I vaguely remember the zack thing being a meme or something like that. When i saw it i was like... okay?? Why is this suddenly becoming a thing?? But yeah it was pretty nice.
I have listened to stray kids, yeah. I think back door is a pretty cool song, and i've heard little bits of god's menu. I haven't listened to any of their other songs though, but i'll try and let you know.
I totally understand what you mean by being a bit too animated but if you don't like his gaming stuff, then i really have to recommend you his bigger projects! Like his latest "in space with markiplier" is pretty cool. It's basically a dating game with the choose-your-own-adventure kind of a deal, except it's not a dating game (unless we're talking about his other project called "a date with markiplier" in which the scenario really is a date). Personally, i think they are very fun. If you're not into it, that's fine tho!
Hmmm.... i think i've been drawing for like... 8 years now? It started with anime, as with many people. And i used to draw like, every day, but these days i don't draw that much. It's nice to see how much i've improved over the years though, i'm sure you know that feeling!!
Honestly, i don't feel okay. Have you ever just... made a decision out of kindness and over-confidence, then later regretting it? Even though you had good intentions?? Yeah, that's basically what happened. But i have to go through with this particular decision until october, and it's draining me. Hhhhhh sorry if i'm bothering you with my problems....
Anyway, WHAT. I cannot believe i accidentally gave you the idea to write those headcanons?? Oh my god. Okay. Uhhhhhh now i guess i'm gonna put my stranger things request ideas for another time. I'm still gonna send you a request of a different fandom in another ask. It's... well... i'm pretty sure it's something that'll make you go like "Yep.. i thought so..."
Ya know, i recently finished "our flag means death" which you probably have heard of, or even watched already. And it made me realize that maybe i have a type when it comes to fictional characters. A lot of characters i like (in a kinda romantic way) are long-haired men, sometimes with a dark colored aesthetic, as seen from stranger things's eddie, my hero academia's aizawa, and our flag means death's blackbeard. Now... i dont know what to do with this information haha.. but oh well, do you have a type for fictional people??
(also, i'm glad you don't mind long asks! i just find it nice, like writing a letter to someone, so yeah)
those were good times, I'm telling ya ^^
and please do, they've got some bangers I will say
actually you know what,,, I'd been intending to watch those big projects of his at some point because the amount of effort and quality it looks like he put into them is WILD. my friend was really pumped about in space with markiplier earlier this year because she's been a fan of his for years, and it looks really fun. should I start with the older ones and work my way up or does it not really matter (I'm thinking about easter eggs and such)?
oh wow that's impressive!! and drawing everyday, I bet you've got tons of your old stuff around to look at and reminisce over ^^ but I super get ya, I'm a big advocator for keeping ur old art no matter if you think it's cringe or not because one day you'll really want to look back on it. I've still got old fics from when I was younger that I look at to see how much I've improved
you're not bothering me at all! I asked cause I wanted to know, and yeah ;-; I've been in your place before. committing to something out of kindness is always a great idea until you realize,,, some days will be more difficult to show up for than others. I commend you for doing your best to try and see it through, and if it really gets too much, please don't force yourself to keep going. I dunno your exact situation but nothing is worth sacrificing your own physical/mental health over
no you don't have to!! honestly, request whatever you like. you just inspired me to do that one because I hadn't thought of doing group headcanons for them yet. but also I did see your request and think exactly that asjksjfsf I'm excited though. any reason to dig that story up is a good one
I GET WHAT YOU MEAN. the dark-haired brooders have taken several generations of simps by storm, I being one of them. my type isn't too different from you. I actually made a comprehensive list of characters I like (most I simp for, some I just admire) and most of them are either people with anger issues/murderous tendencies or sarcastic charmers. the odd sunshine is thrown in there every once in a while *cough cough* legoshi *cough cough* noe archiviste *cough cough* prompto. man, woman, whatever you are... ur not safe from me if u fall into one of these categories. according to my friends, I also just straight up have a thing for blonds. it's not intentional O.o
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