#like i don't Mind cleaning them but like. y'all see why this is insane right. two chopsticks. ?
ruvviks · 8 months
imagine doing all the dishes and cleaning everyone's cutlery but then refusing to clean two [2] chopsticks
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paleepeaches · 2 months
John Wick Yandere Headcanons
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Never done this before so be kind to me! But anyway I just had these thoughts and needed to word vomit them up!
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome, ddlg,
A/N: Wouldn't a fic be cute?
Okay so I know I'm not the first to say this and won't be the last but John is a fucking Yandere.
He's a full-blown stalker who probably sees you at a bar or even something so normal as a grocery store.
This man is LONELY af. Since Helen passed he can not find someone else for the life of him.
That's until you come along with your pretty doe eyes and sweet nature.
You can be younger than him and he'll be fine with it. John doesn't mind babysitting a cute bimbo like you
You'll catch his eye with your soft voice and sweet smile. Most people his age have a smoker's voice or are married.
He becomes OBSESSED with you quickly. I mean very swift like within 2 days of seeing you not even talking.
He'll just stalk tf out of you probably at your work. He'll see you bagging groceries or serving drinks and just observe you with customers.
He'll take note of what days you work and don't. He'll mark it on his calendar, and circle it in red like the old man he is.
Once he figures out your schedule and what time you get off, what route you take, if you drive or walk he'll follow you.
He's a skilled hitman so he knows how to disappear and follow someone without them noticing.
He'll stalk you all the way to your apartment and once he's sure you're asleep he'll break in.
He's scoped out your place enough to deduct that you have no pets. Even if you did he'd know how to handle a dog.
John is precise and determined which is why he'd be so keen on placing hidden cameras all over your house.
He'd position them in the living room, kitchen, shower, and even your bedroom.
He'd want to see your most intimate and private moments but not totally invade it.
Of course, you wouldn't find out. Your head is too stuffed in your phone scrolling through social media or online shopping. You got an addiction but it's okay once you're his he'll spoil you! John has a lot of pocket money from all his jobs!
How will he get you?
John doesn't half-ass anything. He's learned to see through tough missions. Even ones he didn't enjoy. Capturing you though...? He would enjoy it.
He'd enjoy setting a date, waiting outside your apartment with his car off.
He'd prepared all the necessary equipment such as ropes, duct tape, and a gun if he needed to threaten you but he'd find that would only scare you more and he didn't want his little girl frightened of him.
He'd go about it more skillfully, more stealthy.
John entered your home after he was sure you entered the deepest REM cycle. He snuck in the window you often left open. Poor forgetful you, always leaving windows unlocked.
One time he found your door unlocked which was a dreadful surprise for him. He locked it right after he watched you sleep for a whole two hours.
See? You needed him to look after you. He'd try to justify his insane actions with that.
With a completely guilt-free head, he'd enter your home, make his way into your bedroom, and see you asleep all cuddled up in your pink plush covers.
You'd look so cute and docile breathing softly.
He'd smile, admiring you before pulling out a clean needled from his jacket pocket. John pricked the needle into a vial of clear liquid, sucking up the fluid before administrating it to you.
Your eyes didn't even flutter open as he injected it.
"Such a good girl." John would speak softly to you, smoothing down your hair and kissing your forehead.
He'd pack your favorite stuffed animal, clothes, and even your cute collections of calico critters or sonny angels, whatever cute trinkets you collected.
He'd want you to feel comfortable at his home. Y'all's home.
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mossible · 1 year
That. Was so far the angriest I've ever seen these old men in any of the fics I've read featuring them.
The way the entire conversation/argument with pearl and marina started extremely one sided from marinas pov, because Octavio has heard this moral dillema about the octarians' authority over their lives multiple times before, he's become bored and numb of it.
Completely unfazed. He completely believes he understands this problem the most.
But only when Craig arrives did the conversation became so much more angry and petty and relentless. Because they lived through what caused this entire argument, the great turf war.
You describing it as "an old language the audience don't understand" Is EXACTLY what it is.
God I hate it when old people have history /j
Just. The way this entire conversation escalated was . Just. UGH PERFECTION I LOVE THAT ANGST.
I'm so glad that this entire chapter was conversation heavy. It was so especially well written and captivated me the entire time. I couldn't imagine how long the brainstorming sessions for this chapter were!!! You chose all the right words and the characterization for pearl, marina, callie, all of the characters, agent 8!!!!- were so, so, good.
You knocked it out of the park, man!!!!!!
Holy shit!!!!
I find it suitable that callie was the one to let Octavio out.
She is objectively the most genuinely good person in the room. She is also the only one who truly sympathizes with Octavio, without any conditions or ill intent. Being the only one who actually lived along side octarians for a while. To fight for them the most.
She's also the only one in a while to befriend Octavio. And understand him.
Which is why she without falter let him go so willingly, cause she completely trusts despite everything, he loves and prioritizes his people above all else and what the best for them.
Speaking of empathizing with Octavio, I was so happy seeing someone point out the fact that Octavio took it upon himself to take care of and keep hundreds of thousands of people alive, UNDERGROUND. FOR DECADES.
He had to clean up the mess left behind after the great turf war, and then get ready to take control of how little him and his people have.
I'm honestly surprised Octavio hasn't snapped completely under all this pressure. Hardy old man. Fighting for his life every waking hour.
People so often throw away that aspect of him! How much he cares for his people, despite how much trouble that gives him! And this chapter did a really good job at presenting that part of him in his dialog!
I might be rambling a lot, but this chapter is just- so goddamn impressive!!! Oh my god mossible!!!
Keep up the good work!!!! Me and my sister are cheering you on!!!!
P. S... Hint for next chapter? Once again any form of hint will be fine
i am well aware that i am insane dont worry <3 the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma that nobody understands (ok nobody but like my gf and my longtime besties but still. twisted freacking cycle path over here)
thank you so much for the ask again omg!! along with putting this. long ass response under a readmore, i'll also requote everything i address here bc there is a Lot. if i don't address anything, assume that me not commenting either means that you nailed it right on the head, or that i would be spoiling y'all if i did say anything ;)
…because Octavio has heard this moral dillema about the octarians' authority over their lives multiple times before, he's become bored and numb of it. [ ] Completely unfazed. He completely believes he understands this problem the most.
this certainly will neither be the first nor last time i do this, but i am always tapping the silly little tag on ao3 that says 'unreliable narrator.' esp when it comes to how octavio acts in regards to things that he may seem familiar with to the reader! this man has been alive for over 130 (slutty, slutty) years, and has governed his people for only a little less than that. things that very obviously pose problems and challenges for those under his rule may often go entirely overlooked, both from his own prideful nature, as well as simply from an unwillingness to change his formula that has already worked for a century now. after all, if these so-called 'flaws' had been in his system since the beginning, why did nothing as detrimental as the inkantation happen BEFORE now? huh? what does marina know that octavio doesn't? (a lot. she knows a lot, for the record.)
I'm so glad that this entire chapter was conversation heavy. It was so especially well written and captivated me the entire time. I couldn't imagine how long the brainstorming sessions for this chapter were!!!
again!!! tysm for your kind words omg!! i'm glad i was able to get my points across soundly and that the change in structure paid off. was very very worried about that for a while before i ended up biting the bullet and just final-checking and posting it without more agony LOL
would it surprise you if i admitted that… not very much brainstorming was needed? i mean, obviously yes i brainstormed for this chapter a ton! but, i wasn't exactly in very much need of thinking of new ideas when it came to writing everyone interacting. when stuff like that (as in dialogue and interactions and the like,) comes into play, i often find myself getting carried away with both writing it and simply stringing the cohesion of the scene along, without even really realizing it ?? tbf, i'm one of those people who thinks at like a mile a minute, so by the time my body catches up to my brain to express what thoughts i have going on, i usually miss a few crucial words or phrases in my hurry to share said thought as quickly as possible. when i write without a concrete deadline, like i am now with cracked snowglobes, i'm able to elaborate WAYYY more on my process and be much more thorough with it all. …at the cost of chapters topping 10k words on occasion. another thing i will say about the brainstorming bit, less about the process and more about my inspiration for chapter 4, is that uh. ok the origin of it is kinda funny so, dissonant melody, right? i'd assume most people reading this ask answering questions about my cuttletavio fic of all things have probably read it? (if not, go give it a read here and follow the author here!) i adore dissonant melody! it's genuinely what got me back into brainrotting over these two little old awful men and inspired me to write this fic! hell, i've even referenced some bits from it here and there in cracked snowglobes and. sort of followed a lot of what it established! but. i always felt that marina had a lot more she could have dug into when it came to her seeing octavio again. we know that she worked very closely under him while back in the domes, to the point of "earning multiple commendations," assumedly from the man himself! however, i absolutely do not blame DM's author for not digging more into their dynamic, as it was intended to be an octavio and cap'n origins comic, rather than a solely octavio-centric origins comic. that, and around 2018 when the comic was first posted online, the fandom had… a bit of an issue when it came to incorrect details about the nature of octarian society running rampant in our collective knowledge. (a whole lot of us were under the impression that all of the octarians were mind controlled, and that marina had a much less… positive, we'll say, opinion of her former ruler.) so, what better opportunity to write what i'd like to see of that reaction than in my fic? it sure helps what development octavio's gonna have to go through before some of the stuff i have planned can come to fruition, after all ;)
I find it suitable that callie was the one to let Octavio out. [ ] She is objectively the most genuinely good person in the room. She is also the only one who truly sympathizes with Octavio, without any conditions or ill intent. Being the only one who actually lived along side octarians for a while. To fight for them the most. [ ] She's also the only one in a while to befriend Octavio. And understand him. [ ] Which is why she without falter let him go so willingly, cause she completely trusts despite everything, he loves and prioritizes his people above all else and what the best for them.
i won't pick apart this bit too much, because most of it is absolutely spot on! but i will point out a couple things, just to give you some food for thought. while, yes, callie did spend a lot of time with the octarians, by no means does she have as much experience with the conditions of the domes as marina and eight, who were both born and lived most of their lives there. think back to when octavio brought up who was currently in control of the domes in his absence; the council. while callie was present long enough to empathize with the people she met while on tour, by no means could she have fully undertaken the magnitude of troubles that they faced down there, let alone understood octavio's own defiance when it came to all of marina's gripes with how he governed the place. similarly, think back to when freeing octavio even got brought up in the first place! who was the first person to openly admit that she was on the side of letting him out? who was the first one to state her hesitation? callie and octavio are friends, the latter said so himself in his internal dialogue, but they do still have some core differences that put them at odds with one another. as much as callie may trust him, she struggles to fully commit to her stance until she receives support from marie. she's on octavio's side, but only under certain conditions. at least, that's the case for now. who knows what could happen the next time they meet!
ok ive written you like 1k words alone just for these responses, so i'll end this here. but ! thank you again for the ask, and for your next chapter hint; you're going to be seeing some familiar AND new faces next chapter! which ones? i'll leave that up to your imagination :)
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[The writing is still shakily like Liskas last letter and a little bit wet]
I am not sure how to start this.
Probably like this: Every Jake please stops reading right now. Until you see a blue dot or something. You'll see it then.
Thank you, Yu...Really...I have been wondering myself about that. I mean, why have I just seemed to have some memory gaps while writing things, why you wanted me to do the word association. I don't even know what to say. Jake wants to protect me, I love am really thankful for that. Of course I am. But..I am not a child. I have a right to know. I do not like being lied to. And...Please don't ask me why, I just.. know. Whatever this silver thingy is, it is not here with the intention to hurt. [The writing does change just the littlest bit; it is clean. As if for a moment Liska would not have been on top of a boat] It seems more like the other way around. It seems hurt.
[Everything becomes shaky again]
Uhm, holy...Yuvon? I remember writing that. I just don't know why. Or how it was this clean.
Are those enough dots? I believe so. Jake, one more question. Why did you write you had no time? For having no time you were surprisingly talkative when writing the parts for the others. (Not that I am not happy that he communicates with y'all, just maybe I am jealous which I am completely not. Argh
But just so you two know it, Jakes, we aren't children anymore...
Now the rest: Don't worry, Yu, I am still careful. I don't want to alert Jakes pursuers or the MWAF. But actually I am glad for the Duskwood stasis in the moment. It makes things kinda easier.
Yeah you are right...Still, I hope Goldie is doing okay. I am not sure if his state only came from the stasis but maybe also from Red Ink? Who started writing at times?
That the knowledge got stuffed in my head probably really was a matter of time, like you said. I would guess it was Goldies doing? But I am not sure.
I also think that Red Ink could be the enitity Goldie talked about much earlier; the one working against Goldie...
Before I do take any guesses on Red Inks domain I'll try and wait for more information, maybe we'll figure things out with time. (I btw could not read whatever they commented in Jakes letter either)
The first nickname I would have in mind for Sweetly Sleeping is 'Dream'. I mean, it would fit. But I'll just let you all deside whether we want to take this one.
About the 'rotting from the outside in' part. I also believe it is something metaphorical, but even the thought makes me really uncomfortable.
And now to your experience, Yu: Overall ot sounds damn scary and interesting at the same time...I don't know how else to describe it. Especially the part of you talking to Sweetly Sleeping but also that you as well shattered into shards there.
Yes, I did hear you. "Hello, I walk into empty". I don't even know how often you said this...It really scared me at first. You also told me that it was you a bit later and that you did not know what was happening. You asked whether I was talking or not and that you could not hear me.
In the end you said that I was supposed to tell you something after you woke up. But it didn't make any sense...There is nothing I could tell you know because you did not manage to get it out for me to understand anymore.
Reading the part about Prometheus and also your theory Jake was really interesting, too. Especially since I love mythology. Again I don't want to agree or deny anything in the moment.
And 'Stalker', I have one little question...What is it that you are not telling us? I just believe there is...Something. If not I apologise, I guess. (And I WILL be keeping an eye for enemies. I constantly do. But Padfoot and his girls are non of them.)
~ Liska🔥🐾
Jakes, please skip 'til |||.
I'm just sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I'm not going to make excuses for myself, I should have told you earlier.
Trust me, I understand the "just knowing" thing. It happened for me with Black Ink, remember? I believe you. If Silver is good, they're good.
Oh, yaaay, more weird entity stuff. In all seriousness, though, we should try to figure out in that case what hurt Silver.
Good, glad you're being careful. And I'm sure Goldie will be fine, eventually. But, yes. I'm also pretty sure Red Ink has something to do with all that. And it'd make a lot of sense for them to be the one working against Goldie.
Yeah, I was just throwing random suggestions around for domain, since I was the only one at that point that could actually see anything. I'd need a larger sample size to figure it out for real.
"Dream" sounds pretty good to me! Better than all the zero ideas I've come up with XD
"Rotting from the outside in." Is it naïve to hope that means the inside hasn't completely rotted yet? It probably is. After what it did to us...
"Scary and interesting" is a pretty good description, yeah. Also "insanity-inducing."
I Are you su Why would That's a song lyric. "Hello I walk into empty", I mean. It's It shows up in this one main story mission, in Secret World
Did I You know what, I was probably just... being dramatic. Or making a reference. Yes. I’m going with that.
The rest of it sounds about right. I wish I knew what I was going to try to tell me, though.
I'm. Just gonna sign off now.
Hallo, Lis.
Well, of course you aren't a child. What happened for you to say that?
It's good that the stasis is still serving a purpose, at least.
This Red Ink entity should be watched closely, I think. At least, as much as is possible.
"Dream" most certainly fits. If no one else has any better ideas, that will work.
I am not entirely sure what to think of that descriptor, to be honest. Allegory, metaphors, and symbolism are not my specialties.
Interesting as it may have been, it affected Yuvon quite a bit. Hopefully, she’ll be better by tomorrow, at least somewhat.
While I have never heard the song Yuvon is talking about, I will say that Secret World Legends, the apparent source of Yuvon learning of the song, is among other genres a horror game. Make of that what you will.
It is a shame that Yuvon cut out before she could send her message properly, but there’s little to be done about it now.
Yes, the Prometheus puzzle seems to be of particular import. Yuvon was working on it, but now she seems to be pacing and muttering to herself. Once I’m done with this letter, I think I should speak with her.
I am utterly sure that Stalker is keeping at least something from us, but I doubt they will share it, especially as it is far more likely to be the death of me than of Yuvon. So it goes.
Goodbye for now,
(The song isn’t an essential clue, exactly. You don’t have to bother with it, especially if you’re thinking of playing SWL for whatever reason and don’t want spoilers.)
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sadbi-hours · 5 years
Oh the 100th episode of ahs!I.Fucking.Loved.Every.Damn.Second.Of.It!
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Okay, sorry...y'all can sue me but I gotta give it to Ryan Murphy a bit here! He delivered...that fucking shit was everything I'd been waiting it to be! It was entertaining as all get out to me...it was wild. The music was magnificent, especially the wonderful atmospheric use of the Smiths 'How Soon Is Now' at the end! The acting was even more on point then ever before...and you know what, it was just good ole' fashion 80s slasher fun and craziness!
Episode 6 did not take itself too fucking seriously like some of the others eps have and, don't get me wrong, I'd have been okay with that...if it hadn't been poorly excuted in some areas...but anyway, what I'm trying to say is that I didn't for one moment take this episode seriously and I loved it dearly for that!
I didn't get pestered with deep ass questions that I knew I was probably will never get any answers to--though there is still a bit of time and would like a answer to a few of them--nor did the ep or writing try to get me figuring out what the overall storyline was...and the greatest miracle of all, there was no insanely unexpected plot twist waiting in the wings for me to flip my lid over!
Oh I bet you could imagine the immense sigh of relief that I took when this episode was over...and I wasn't having some form of a mental breakdown...my god, it could be heard in every room of my house!
This episode for what it was was fantastic! I love it...I adore it...and I have very few gripes with it--or at least for now knowing my overanalyzing ass!
But anyway, Brooke, I just have one thing to say...WILL YOU MARRY ME? She's become my ride or die...my main chick! I freaking loved her this episode, especially in that (spolier) during her execution speech to Margret! Oh man, I was just...
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So fucking proud. My bby...my light...fire of my loins, I adore you with every fiber of my being...and I'll never doubt you again! You have my forever love 💘
And I loved how she told RR and Satan where to shove it! Iconic!
And poor Mr.Jingles' being a whole ass fucking mood during the beginning of this episode...all fed up with RR's shit and just like...
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That freaking look on his bloody face as RR murdered all those people was priceless...and so me haha! I just know that he was lowkey wishing that he had just fucking let himself die up at Camp Redwood in 1984! He was tried of the same old shit and I don't blame him, Benji has never been about that life...and also that scene with him sipping on his Tab all slow and delicious like as RR gets his ass beat was hilarious!
But yo seriously, why you gotta do my man like that Ryan! He just chilling with his wife and baby...working a peaceful job rewinding and renting out videotapes..and I'm not gonna lie, I was mad jealous! It's like lowkey my dream of mine to work at Family Video for a living...and get to interact with like minded staff and video renters who love movies as much as I do...and recommended good ass movies to people all day long who are less of a movie geek as me. Yes it is a life's dream...i'm not much of an overachiever! I'm easy to plese lol...and mad props to Benji's movie choices. I most certainly approve...who needs that horror shit, huh? Haha!
But anywho, I felt a mad sense of connection to Benji this episode. He just wanted to live peacefully with his wife and son! He didn't give a single fuck for Camp Redwood...and he shouldn't. He got the happy ending he deserved...and RR's ass had to fuck it up for him! But I'm living for how Brooke, Benji, and Donna are probably going to be TG i guess! I didn't expect it...especially after all the fuck shit they had been through, even though I still kinda care less about Donna!
But I will give her this...she made a fucking entrance at the end of this episode! I never felt so happy to see someone I lowkey want to taste the blade! Angelica Ross was working it at the end there.
So I totally...at least for now, agree with how's one TG per say! My vengeful angels came to collect names...and fuck Margret's shit all the way up!
And to Margret...and now by extention, BD Trevor:
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IT'S ON SIGHT!!! I just felt y'all should know that! If not from me...than trust Brooke or Chet gonna make you taste that steel blade.
And you know what, Chet's call for blood...ain't even mad at it! It's what she deserves...he got her slippin' and she needs to pay. And bruh, Trevor man...👀 watching you my man! I'm hoping you'll turn it around...but I doubt it! You got that Xavier and Chet logic going on...they did the soft good boi bby route and look what it got them so...
And speaking of Xavier...and Montana...
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(not mine! credit goes to the owner!)
Need I say more?! I can die happy now...my only gripe is that I want fucking more of it! Give me more more more! Please and thank you 😏
And yes for right now, I am discounting that it's OOC for the Xavier's character arc..but you what, fuck it, I enjoyed it the living hell out of it!
Plus, most of episode 6 is set in 1989...so he's been stuck up at CR for nearly 5 yrs....and nothing good or bad he's done has gotten him out of there. So I don't mind encouraging a little bit of mischief...especially when it invloves Billie and Cody making out. I'm sorry...but yes, I'm that bitch tonight! Ryan Murphy's telling us to fuck the character arcs he's built...so I am too...for now.
And Ray, bro...
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I mean yo, you ain't wrong...we really shouldn't just be k wording people left and right for no reason...but he's just such a whiny bitch about it! And where do you get off being high and mighty moral king, when you've been cleaning up their messes...I mean RIP Ray I hardly know ya...but I'm sorry I'm different, I'd be telling them to clean up their own pile of dead bodies! I got better things to do...so sorrynotsorry! Maybe if you had been written better I would care...
And I loved Montana's 'What about my murder...don't I count?' and even with my forever love for her, I was lowkey like No Montana...you hella deserved that shit! Plus, you doing you...living that extra dead afterlife with your man's! So Stay in your lane...count those blessing!
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