#like holy fucking shit what a gigantic slap in the face to see a photo of what i truly look like
waste-0f-spacee · 2 years
i always thought my body dysmorphia was mostly me seeing myself as bigger than i am but these days i see myself as smaller. and that’s worse
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ijungkooki · 7 years
Hi!! Can I request the RFA crew and none of them have released their identities to mc. Mc then goes on about being in love with them not realizing they are in the chat (ex: mc sees zen in a magazine and comments in the group of how much she likes him but the group doesn't tell her zen is the chat) if that makes sense. I'm sorry if it's confusing 😓
 aaaahhhhhhhh sorry this is so late! i’ve been so busy with ap tests :( but this was so much fun to write!!!
Not Recognizing the RFA
You told the RFA how there was this really cute boy in your biology class
He was kinda adorkable and overall really sweet and you really like that about him
When someone asked what school you went to you told them SKY University
Seven immediately asks what your crush’s name was and you told them it was Yoosung
Zen and Seven thought it would be funny to keep it a secret that the Yoosung you liked was also reading this entire conversation
After that chat, Yoosung gained a little more confidence in talking to you in person
He ended up being a little flirty with you omg this lil bean
Every time you spoke to each other, you gushed to everyone in the messenger about him
You go on a really cute study/coffee date!!!!!!!
zen and seven congratulate yoosung on becoming a man lol
When the day of the party arrives, Yoosung is super nervous but also really excited to see the look on your face
You get to the party and meet everyone but you notice they all have that mischievous smile
You realize there’s a member missing
*a wild Yoosung appears!* lol wHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE
“Surprise! I’ve been an RFA member all along and I’ve been reading everything you ever said about me hahahaha……………”
He’s red in the face and you’re red in the face and the members are placing bets on who’s gonna make the first move lol
After the initial shock, you both start laughing and you end up staying by each other’s side the whole time
The party ends and he gives you a goodbye kiss jasfhsjaikd
Zen and Jaehee just won 50 bucks lol
Your friend introduced you to some musical that starred Zen in it and you were immediately head over heels for him
When you told the RFA about this new up and coming actor, Jaehee started fangirling
She starts going on about Zen and recommends some of his musicals and sends photos of him to you
Meanwhile, Zen is watching this convo unfold all while smiling really smug to himself
He decides to have a little fun by pretending to not be the actor you currently have a gigantic crush on and may or may not actually be falling in love with
Also he can’t pass up an opportunity to talk about himself amirite
at this point, everyone but jaehee and zen have left the chat
He’ll send selfies of you claiming they’re secret photos he got off the internet and your heART GOES HAYWIRE
Zen is having fun with this
He ends up surprising you by telling you he scored front row tickets to his new show
You. Are. Dead.
You ask him how on earth he got tickets but he just says he has connections somehow or somethin idk
He thinks it’s really cute that you’re such a big fan of him
But he especially loves how it’s not just for his looks! You also admire his talent and how kind and devoted he is to his fans!
That’s how he falls for you but he doesn’t know if you’ll love him back or just remain a fan
Come the party day and he’s a little nervous to meet you
When you see him, you start freaking out because how did Zen end up at this party?!!?!?!!?1?1
He starts laughing as he explains that he was a member of the RFA
you nearly faint bc omg the amount of embarrassing things that you said
After letting the news sink in, he proclaims his love for you
You’re super happy because of course you love him too because you were able to get to know the real Zen in the chat and not just the actor
When you tell him that, he is sososososo happy!!!!
You met this really cute girl at a coffee shop one day 
She was in a rush but she made quick small talk with you but you never got her name
When you told the RFA about her, you were super blushy and everything awww
But Jaehee is a super smart girl so she was able to kinda put two and two together and figure out that she was the one you met
Now she’s getting all blushy bc “wat MC likes me??? she thinks i’m cute?!!?!?”
Since that day, she makes an effort to go to the same cafe at the same time in hopes of meeting you again
And you’re doing the same thing so you end up meeting each other every day
You two claim it’s just a “coincidence”
calling u on ur bullshit
The both of you end up developing HUGE crushes on each other it’s adorable
Everyone in the RFA is rooting for you two lol
Especially Zen and he’s also trying to be that lowkey wingman for baehee in the chat without revealing who she really is
You thought it would be a good idea to invite Jaehee to the party
She accepts while trying to hide her laugh bc little did you know
The day arrives and you’re nervous to finally meet the RFA but even more nervous bc oh god Jaehee is gonna be there too you gotta look nice
You spot Jaehee right away and you give her a big hug before leading her around and trying to find the RFA
You see a group of men walk up to you and they introduce themselves as the RFA
You introduce Jaehee as the girl you’ve been talking about
“MC, there’s no need to introduce me. I already know them.”
lol wut
She giggles and explains that she is the other member and you nearly faint you’re so embarrassed
She takes your hand in hers and says, “Don’t worry, MC. I happen to like you a lot too.”
You had recently gotten a job at the C&R Company and had coincidentally been placed to work in the same department as Jumin’s
Despite the rumors and the crazy amount of workload, you had slowly started to develop some feelings for him
You never really saw him that much since he was so busy
But when you did, your heart would beat like crazy even though you knew that being with him would probably never happen in a billion years
So you vented to the chatroom one day after having a run-in with Jumin
You told them how you had started to fall for him even though you knew her could never have feelings for you
Jaehee was stunned
Yoosung and Seven fucking lost it
Zen nearly s c r e a m e d
When Jumin read your messages, he was shocked to say the least
How funny that the MC he’s falling for is also in love with him without realizing it
He immediately looked up your employee info so he could have a little fun with this 
The next day at work, you were surprised to run into Jumin but even more so that he decided to actually have a conversation with you that didn’t involve work
He was a lot nicer and relaxed and smiled more than before
You told the members about the interaction while Jumin fucking smirked the entire time
This continued for a while, him randomly running into you at work and chatting while you silently died inside
same mc same
Party day arrives and you’re looking around for the members when BAM
juMiN iS HeRE?!?!1/!?!!?
You slowly make your way towards him and the small group he was talking to
He sees you and smiles
“Ah MC, it’s so good to see you again. Let me introduce you to the other RFA members.”
“O-Other members?”
The gears start working in your head before you realize that Jumin was a member
Which meant he read all your messages
Which also meant that today was your death day
He laughs at your expression when you figure it out but reassures you that the feelings are mutual
You both smile at each other as he kisses you on the cheek
meanwhile zen is now officially screaming
The agency you worked for partnered you up with Seven for a mission
Agents 606 and 707: The best hacker and best field operative the agency has
also fucking badass holy shit i might write a fic
Ever since your successful mission, you two have been partners on every single one following that
While kicking ass, you had slowly started to develop feelings for him
When you joined the RFA, everyone introduced themselves except for one who was a hacker
To you, it made sense that he had to hide his identity
Also for some strange reason, this hacker reminded you of Seven hmmmmmmmmmmm i wonder why
You introduced yourself to the group, though, and Seven nearly choked on the chips he was eating
As the days passed by, you grew more comfortable with the group and eventually told them about the troubles in your love life
You told them how you had fallen for your partner but you didn’t think he loved you back because he tends to push you away sometimes
Seven: Dead.
Little did you know that he was in love with you too
The reason why he pushes you away was because he didn’t think that you loved him
Since then, Seven has started to open up a bit more around you and you were really happy with that
In classic Seven-fashion, he thinks it would be hilarious if he kept it a secret that he was an RFA member
The day of the party arrives and you’re about to leave when you run into Seven
“Where you going?” He asks you
“Heading off to the party with the RFA. I told you about them, remember? See you later!”
yes you will lololol
When you meet everyone at the party, you’re all happy to finally meet each other 
But you notice that your new hacker friend was missing
In the corner of your eye, you see a flash of red and immediately recognize it as Seven
You confront him and ask him how and why he’s at the party
“For the agency’s best spy, you’re really bad at recognizing people.”
Putting two and two together, you realize that he was the last member of the RFA
*cue you slapping him repeatedly on the shoulder as he laughs his fucking ass off*
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