#like his organs would be a bloody mush honestly
problemswithbooks · 2 years
how do think a 1v1 between stain and endeavor would go? this is keeping the no killing rule for endeavor and stain is going all out.
It would really depend. If Stain caught him off guard, say, ambushed him in an ally somehow, then I think Stain could win. In any other situation I don't think he'd stand much of chance and would either be caught or have to retreat (if that's something he'd even do).
Stain doesn't have a very versatile Quirk. I hesitate to call it weak, because if he manages to use it, it's almost always going to be a guaranteed win for him as long as he doesn't stop to monologue or get tag teamed. But the reliance on blood for it to work limits it's use greatly. If it, instead worked similar to Aizawa's, he'd have more options and be a far more threating opponent.
The need for blood means he has to get close to his target. Even if he utilized something similar to Toga, he'd still only get a couple feet of range. And under either circumstance he'd require a fit body and some close combat training to be at all effective.
Knowing what his Quirk does also gives him a huge disadvantage, because his counter becomes obvious--just don't let him get close. He never managed to get Shoto's blood because Izuku was able to warn him about how Stain's Quirk worked, so Shoto made sure to never let him get to close. In the end Stain found an opening, but that was probably due to Shoto's lack of experience, close quarters of the ally, and Stain deciding to ditch using his Quirk and instead going in for a kill/maiming instead.
Endeavor is a powerhouse of a fighter, with a very versatile Quirk that can work close up or at a distance. Good for both defense and offence. With years of experience, and possibly having fought more villains then even All Might, it's safe to say he's a tough man to bring down. Even nearly perfect Shigaraki had trouble with him at times. He also has an extensive team of sidekicks that can come to his aid if needed.
If Stain didn't get a surprise attack on him and manage to get his blood before Enji knew he was in a fight, Stain might not be able to get a second chance. This is particularly true if Enji knows how Blood-Curdle works because he'd have his guard completely up and wouldn't risk letting Stain get close, even if he thought he had an opening.
From there, things could only go Stain's way if he decided to drop the idea of using his Quirk and instead go directly for a kill. Now, that might seem a given, but one thing Stain loves to do is talk. He likes to give his manifesto of sorts to his victims--he wants them to know why he attacked them. Given Enji is such a high ranking Hero I'd think he want to do the same thing--maybe even more so then with his past victims because Enji has such a powerful position in the system he views as corrupted. But, maybe he'd see Enji as to much of a risk, or to corrupt to bother grandstanding to, and ditch using his Quirk once he was at a disadvantage.
But even if he went straight to killing it would be an uphill battle. Stain has no fire resistance, and Enji, if we take Shoto's firepower as an indication, can get so hot it melts metal at times. Which is bad for Stain not just due to his own lack of burn proof body but also for his weapons which Enji could melt before they struck him. Sure, Enji can't keep that up for long, but in the very least he could hold off Stain's blades until a sidekick turned up to assist him.
Stain's best options would be to keep his distance and throw his blades--preferably aiming for Enji's eyes if possible, or the back of a knee, or ankle. It would both incapacitate Endeavor to a degree, but also, due to the pain, Enji might lose concentration on his flames long enough for Stain to get a fatal blow in before he recovers.
As for the other way around and what Enjji should do to beat Stain, I'd say tire him out. Using his flames to push Stain out of dagger throwing range, and then to keep him constantly moving to avoid an attack, could easily end the fight with Stain's exhaustion. Again Stain has no fire or heat resistance, and constantly moving in close proximity to hot flames could easily give him heat stroke way before Enji's more resistant body would feel any effects. And even if Stain decided to withdraw Enji is able to get airborne and move at great speed in order to quickly track him back down.
As it is, I think under most circumstances this would be a relatively easy win for Enji. The only time Stain would have an advantage would be if he ambushed Enji away from his sidekicks and either managed to quickly cut him and use his Quirk, or go straight for the kill. In any other situation Stain's probably getting caught and sent to Tartarus with some pretty nasty burns. Which is sad because I love him, but my love can't make up for the fact that this would be a terrible match up for him.
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scarofthewind · 6 years
Since requests are open. Michael Myers x Reader, I can't think of anything creative so, it's up to you. lol
Sorry it took so long for me to get to this, I’m going in order through my ask box and yours was the first one so I hope you enjoy it. (Warnings: Foul language, and violence) THIS IS ‘A’ under Michael Myers on my masterlist.
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If there was one person in your world you didn’t want to piss off, it was Michael. You didn’t think anything of it when the kid who sat next to you in your senior history class started to grow closer to you. He was sweet; never being mean towards you or making fun of you despite all the fucked up shit that had happened in your life. However, things started to turn south when you noticed Michael being more distant and always cold towards you. 
“I’m going to school now.” You said plainly, opening the front door and expecting Michael to say something to you, but instead he continued to flip through the newspaper and ignored you. “You know you’re really starting to piss me off.” You hissed, glaring at him when his eyes moved to meet yours. He simply grunted and you bit your lip, leaving the house and slamming the door behind you. 
You couldn’t understand what his problem was. Why was he acting like this you wondered. The truth was something you didn’t know could possibly happen to the killer. He was jealous and angry that you were naïve to this guys’ motives. 
It wasn’t until you were walked home, well to Michael’s house, by the nice boy in your history class, that everything fell apart. You went to go to the front door when he stopped you and turned you to face him. Little did you know, Michael was watching from the window, a harsh grip on the curtains and his knife which he was ready to use. 
“I really like you, (Y/N). Would you like to out with me this weekend?” The boy smiled nicely and you paled. 
“I can’t.” You responded, looking anywhere but him. 
“I have a boyfriend.” You openly said, causing the boy to blush a dark red and grow angry. This is when you saw the side of him that Michael had seen since day one. (He may or may not have stalked him a few times).
“You? How the fuck do you have a boyfriend?” HIs question caused you to frown, “You know what, this is stupid. I was trying to be nice to you first before getting into your pants but if you want to play like this I guess we can do that too.” He grinned darkly, grabbing your arm and pulling you into him. 
“Excuse me?!” You shouted, pushing away from him and backing up to the front door. 
“It was a bet. If I could get into the little freaks pants, I’d get to hang with the popular guys.” He smirked, pressing you against the door and reaching out to grope your breasts. 
Before Michael could open the door and kill the bastard, you lifted your leg swiftly and kicked him in the groin, watching as he fell to the ground in pain. “You’re the filth in this world.” You spat, tears burning in the corners of your eyes as you opened the door and shut it behind you. 
You stood there for a moment and Michael was honestly becoming timid. The look on your face frightened him in some sort of way as you continued to stand by the door, your bag on the floor and a few tears falling from your eyes. The large killer moved from the window and towards you but he froze when you looked at him with a look that sent shivers down his spine. 
“Give me that.” You said hoarsely, pointing to his knife. Instantly, he put it behind his back and shook his head. You grit your teeth and stomped into the kitchen, grabbing a knife from the drawer and pushing past Michael as you made your way to the door, opening it to the boy still on the ground. 
“Would you like to come in?” You smiled, hiding the knife behind your back and watching the boy smirk and stand up, walking in the house and you shut the door behind him, locking it. 
“Nice place.” He smiled. 
“It’s my boyfriends. I just live here with him.” You smiled, watching as Michael was standing quietly at the kitchen entrance, the boys back to him. 
“So, you changed your mind about me?” The boy smirked and you shook your head causing him to frown. 
“I don’t like people like you.” You said, pulling out the knife and picking at your nails with it. 
“What the hell are you doing?” The guy moved to the door but you stopped him, holding the knife up to his throat. 
“I’m ridding the world of the disgusting trash like you. Any last words?” You stared blankly at him and for a moment glanced in Michael’s direction. The large man didn’t know how to feel; annoyed, amazed, turned on?
“You psycho bitch!” The guy screamed and you deeply cut his neck, watching as he choked, blood pouring from the wound. 
“Odd last words.” You sighed, enjoying as he fell to the floor and you kicked his foot to make sure he was dead. A sudden feeling surged through you and you laughed, moving over the dead guy and using your knife to mutilate him until he barely recognizable. Blood littered the walls around you and covered you as you continued to stab at his beyond deceased body. 
Michael watched from behind you, shocked and unsure of what to do. You had snapped, and he wasn’t sure if you were okay. He set his knife down and went to touch you but when you lifted your arms to bury the knife in the dead guys stomach once more, you faltered. 
You dropped the knife and moved off the mass of mushed organs and flesh, your hair covering your blood stained face as you sobbed loudly. Reality hit you like a truck and you broke down; you’d just killed someone, and it felt amazing. 
Your eyes found what was left of the human dead on the floor and you felt sick. The blood on your hands felt like it was itching and you screamed, trying to scratch it off, pulling at your hair and crying. Michael made his way over to you and grabbed your arms holding them down and away from each other so you couldn’t hurt yourself. “I killed someone. I killed him.” You shook, your face growing pale and your eyes wide. 
“Yes you did. Why did you do that?” Michael asked, trying his best to calm you down. 
“It felt good.” Your bottom lip trembled and more tears fell from your eyes. “It felt good to kill him. He reminded me of my father.” You told Michael who stared down at you with blank eyes. 
Michael sighed and brushed some of your hair from your face, pressing his lips to your forehead and slowly lifting you up, taking you to the bathroom. “What’s gonna happen to me? What am I gonna do?! I killed someone and I liked it!” You panicked, pacing the bedroom as Michael searched through your clothes for a clean outfit for you to change into. He’d have to burn your now blood stained clothes later. 
“You’ll be fine. You’ve just learned what it feels like to become a killer. It gets easier, trust me.” He mumbled and you froze, staring at him. Michael stared back at you. “What? Did I say something?” 
“Soap. I’m gonna need a lot of soap.” You snapped out of your trance and snatched the clothes from his hands, marching to the bathroom where you shed all your dirty clothes and turned on the shower. 
“I’ll get rid of these and the body.” Michael told you, picking up your bloody clothes. 
You nodded and stared at yourself in the mirror. Blood was speckled all over your face and you looked like a mess. However, Michael thought you looked beautiful. He sighed once more and turned you to face him, tilting your head up to place a kiss on your lips. “What happens next is up to you. You don’t have to do that again but it was hot seeing you get all crazy like that.”You smiled gently and nodded, wrapping your arms around your lover. “I love you.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just don’t hang around another guy again and we won’t have any problems. Don’t think you’re getting off that easy, I’m still gonna punish you for being so naïve later.” Michael smirked and you laughed, pushing him out of the door and going to shower. 
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