#like hes just genuinely a really interesting character. not the mention the developments with imaim in recent chapters. someone help me can
wiihtigo ยท 2 years
hey this is a free range excuse to talk about phillmyeol cause i just got caught up immortal days and they're making me crazy. so many cool successfully hitched lesbians in one webcomic and that cockroach haired italian man is NEVER gonna hit it's so perfect i love it when love loses <3
TOXIC YAOI SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEP its actually crazy to me how theres not a single straight woman in immortal days and the range of relationships is so varied (personally....ofc my fav is matilda and billion diamond). truly the best comic of all time. idk i was talking abt this with my friend shayan just the other day but its like i like how niche id is but at the same time im like (searching for fanart) Guys where is everyone HELLO...ANYONE. pros and cons here. anyways i love them so much and ill kill myself in front of everyone if they dont get together IDGAF I NEED THEM TO BE DOING CORNY SHOUJO TROPES except i know if phill tries to share an umbrella with myeol he would speed up walking
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