#like her father is a high level rank in an imperialist regime
kyoshi-lesbians · 4 years
Ty Lee and the air nation
there seems to be misunderstandings about the relationship with race to culture to bending
i see a lot of decent analysis of characters that blend these concepts together in weird ways, especially since the ability to bend gets viewed as a biological trait.
like, no hate on the theory that Ty Lee could be descended from air benders. from what we know about the atla world, that seems plausible. she looks a lot closer to aang than she does any fire nation folks.
but other aspects that go into this theory relies on cultural transference, not biology. people point to her non violence, to her fluid airy movements, and up-beat attitude as similarities to air nation people. if she is part air nation, then she comes from a family of people who are actively passing this culture down to her. it wouldnt be her biology just *making her* this way. that's not a race or ethnicity works y'all know this
and that begs the question
what is the story of her ancestors? what is her family like? Ty Lee's family is so high up in the fire nation social structure that she went to school with the fire nation princess. if Ty Lee is part air nation, if her family has secretly kept their tradition and culture, then they are living in the mouth of the monster that tried to wipe them out but still couldn't.
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