#like he's just SO happy and excitable with everyhing he does!!!
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jinikaris · 1 month ago
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xmilenavsch · 5 years ago
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the only exception: a pat murray x fem!reader one shot
gif credit: @hollyjollyriphunter
pairing: pat murray x reader
word count: about 2,3k
warnings: none! maybe a little angst if you may see it like that & a lot of fluff!
a/n: my first fanfiction on here and my first one after literal years, haha! (bare with me for that matter) also, keep in mind that english isn't my first language, so i'm really sorry for any mistakes!
this is mainly written for & because of one of my best friends leila - leave her some love on her insta @ angelmazzello! <3
summary: y/n is a worker at the d-back's agency, as the woman for basically everything – mostly bringing the boys snacks or drinks or just for their entertainment, considering that all of them are mad obsessed with her & never fail to show her that. but for her, there's only one: the world's most angry but soft boy, patrick murray.
enjoy this fan fiction for now & don’t forget to request me stuff in the comments or via dm!
It was a sunny and hot Saturday in August, when you, Y/N, got ready for work. The Californian sun shone into your bedroom as you were getting ready, excited for the game, and excited to see your favourite team in the world in action once again. They didn't always gain as much as they may have wanted to, but you knew that they gave their best every time and how much they lived for the game.
Leaving your appartment with fast steps, getting into your car and driving to the field, the only thing you could think about though was this one specific man, who you couldn't keep out of your mind since the minute you saw him for the first time. You never really knew if he was feeling equally, but the only thing you really always knew was that the things with him were different. For better understanding: The D-Backs team is a dysfuntional team of college allumni baseball players, who never manage to close their months and who can't go a day without insulting one another so much you might think they'd hold it against each other until the end of time. But when you see them on the next day, everything's back to normal and everyhing happens all over again. You love watching them being by themselves and also their dynamic on the field. They had some kind of magic within their group that amazed you every time. Well, maybe it was just the magic that your best friend, John „Mazz“ Mazzello always tried to point out, but you really didn't care. You loved these boys. And they loved you too.
About that: They didn't just love you, they were quite literally obsessed with you. There was never a time when they saw you where they didn't whistle after you, told you how good you looked with your tied up hair and in your jumpsuit and how well you smelled when you hugged every one of them. It didn't really bother you, you in fact found it extremely funny and always told them that – even when Vinnie sort of revealed to you that all of them had a list and a bet on the go who would get you in bed first – but you still didn't care, you also had a share on that one after all. But there was still just one of them who never really was into that whole thing – it could've been no other but Pat Murray. Mazz's childhood friend, the most enthusiastic screamer on the field, who deep down just was somebody who needed and wanted a lot of love. Which you never told him of course, because those were just thoughts in your head, and you would never dare letting those out. It was too risky for you. Because you definitely didn't want to lose him. Even though you weren't the closest friends, there was always something about your bond that was different to the ones you had with the other boys. But you never knew how you were supposed to tell him that. You just couldn't. Even though you felt his stares, his gazes, his secret attention he gave to you. The little smile he made when he heard you laugh. But he also couldn't admit to himself that there could be more between you guys. He just couldn't wrap his mind around the fact that someone so pure, beautiful, kindhearted, amazing, supportive and angelic like YOU would actually want him. HIM. The messiest person to exist. So you were stuck in your denial of wanting the other and living with it for as good as years now. And so far, this life has been really good. You were just too tired from it, which didn't make it any better. „But it is what it is! Y'know!“, something Zapata would say from time to time when they lost another game.
( OH RIGHT, Y/N is literally on her way to their next game! Back to that topic I guess. )
As you arrive on the parking lot next to the baseball field, you start your normal routine – getting out of your car and locking it, checking yourself in so you at least gain a little money from all of this, getting into the building of the D-Backs home place with their lockers and all, getting into its kitchen and getting everything they needed for the day. They had a home match, meaning they must all have been pretty nervous and maybe even scared to fail. Which is always a matter of the atmosphere within the team, which was different every time, which amazed you always. So you get their snacks and drinks, say Hi with a bright smile to everyone you cross paths with and head to your boys.
As they see you from afar, you can already just smell Palacco's grin towards you and Dells' whistles. „Well well well, look who it is! Our entertainment during our misery!“, the raven haired yelled at you. You scoff a little. „I'm also really happy to see you boys, Johnathan. And just for your reassurance: Go fuck yourself loser.“ All of them laugh at you, which just makes you roll your eyes. As you hand them their snacks, Mazz walks up to you last to get his own, giving you a kiss on your cheek. „Thanks for doing this every time Y/N, you know you're an angel“, he winks at you. You just nodd your head slightly, while looking over to the boys. After some time you just look confused at them, because one special one is missing. „Hey, has anyone seen Murray? He normally is the first one to get this snacks every time. Stress eating and all.“ Arthur just nodds at the field. „He's right there, just checking out the grass' new cut. Y'know, he likes to play specified.“ Another laugh leaves the boys' mouths. You just shake your head and walk up to him, his snacks in your one hand, the other one stuffed into the bag of your jumpsuit.
From afar you can already see his auburn hair glowing in the sun, how it matches with his red team uniform and how his light skin just looks purer than anything else you've seen in your life so far. This sight makes your heart jump into your stomach and you need some time to catch a breath, before you raise your voice a little. „Murray!“, you yell towards the man in front of you. He quickly turns around to see you and you could've sworn that there was a slight smile on his lips as he faced you. „Oh, Y/N, good afternoon. What's the matter?“ You just walk closer to him and hand him his food. „Here, you weren't with the others when I handed it out, so I just thought I'd bring it to you like this.“ He nodds his head and takes it on. „Yeah, I just wanted to check if all the lines are still on track after the grass was cut a couple of days ago. So we don't fail completely. But thanks.“ You scoff, following his eyes as they're sampling the ground. He then sighs, a sound he makes very frequently and which you were already used to hearing from him. „What's wrong Patty? You worried you guys are gonna lose today?“ He laughs a little at the nickname, but then faces you again. „Well, you know Y/N/N, I'm always worried we will. But with home matches-“ - „-it just hits different, I know“, you cut him off. „But y'know, I will be there cheering you guys on from the fence, right next to you. You guys will rock this“, you reassure him, patting his right arm a little bit with your left hand. You wouldn't be lying if you admitted that the both of you felt some type of electricity from that embrace.
He just nodds his head about what you said and actually smiles a little. „Yeah, I know that: It's always you cheering us up the most. And it's the sweetest thing ever.“ You smile hard at his words, probably harder than you should, and do you even blush a little from them or is that just the summer sun shining straight in your face? You don't really know, and maybe you don't even care. What you do care about though is when Mazz yells over to you guys so Pat comes back to the rest of the team to get ready for their game.
You know he does this every time you and Murray have a moment like this, because he doesn't want you to get hurt. Pat didn't have the best experiences when it comes to love so far in his life and because of his broken soul he sometimes makes decisions that don't only hurt him, but also his partner-at-the-time. His last relationship ended pretty bad, you were the one comforting him, already being head over heels crushing on him. But you didn't want to let your feelings in the way of him being hurt, because he was your friend and you wanted to be there for him. Now things are way different and he kind of got over the heartbreak he experienced, but you still couldn't find the guts to tell him. You just couldn't. And Mazz knew that. So every time you guys talked about it, he accepted your decision, even though he was basically the only one believing this thing between you and Murray could work. But he accepted your decision, and whatever decision Patrick would make, because you guys were his best friends and he didn't want anything bad happen to you, nor to lose either of you. So he was just there. Being the secret admirer of secret admirers.
As Murray and you get back to the rest of the team, you hug every single of them, wishing them the best of luck. Mazz comes last. You embrace each other the tightest, because you knew that'd give him strength. The only one you didn't hug was Pat, but you just never did that. It sort of never „fitted the vibe of your bond“, as David would say. So you just walk over behind the fence, watching the game elope.
From the beginning the match was an intense competition, not only between the two teams, but also between the teammembers within one. But with the D-Backs, that was normal. You were used to listen to them insulting one another in the worst ways possible, with words you didn't even think were a part of the English dictionary. But you just watched and enjoyed the whole thing.
After a lot of time has passed and a tie has been declared, somebody had to be chosen for the last pitch to win the whole thing – this time for the D-Backs. You nervously stand on your tip toes, waiting for a decision to be made. The referee had decided to select the performer at random. So they try to find someone, everybody in the crowd is extremely tense, just like you and the rest of your boys are, when they make a decision. „Patrick Murray, 7th, centerfield!“. You gasp loudly and a shiver runs down your spine. Oh god, this can't end well. But Pat walks up to his supposed spot with a kind of confidence you've never seen before on him, with his bat, his baby, his basical everything, standing there and waiting to hit it off. As he's waiting, he turns around a little to face the crowd, finding your face and looking you straight in the eye. You just nood at him, fingers intertwined next to your mouth, and somehow, this gives him all the strength he needs.
As the ball flies up to him, he stands on his position, waiting for the right moment.
Then he hits it.
And then he gets it.
The crowd and the rest of the team are cheering more than ever. They really did win! The disappointment on the faces of the opposite team were probably able to be seen in a country 10,000 miles away, but you didn't care. You just were so incredibly proud of your team and especially of your man, Murray, who practically wasn't your man yet officially, but that didn't stop him from owning your heart to the fullest. You push yourself through the cheery people, ignoring the rest of the D-Backs being all over each other, walking fastly towards Patrick. As he sees you, he drops his bat and also walks up to you, hugging you tighter then ever, which gives you more and more shivers and just lets all the adrenaline overflow you that you could ever be able to. Out of the sudden, he picks you up, making you squeak a little, spinning you around for a moment. He let's you down again, looking you straight in the eyes, you just smiling at him the brightest way possible. God, he freaking loved your smile. And from all the previous events, all the strength you had given him, he finally says the one thing you've desired to hear from him for such a long time now: „Go out with me Y/N. I mean it. As a Thank you for helping me today.“ You gasp a little, holding your breath, still having your arms around his waist. „Are you sure? You know that was only you being the talent you are just a few minutes ago.“ He scoffs. „Yeah, I know, but I'm also sure. And dead serious. Just go out with me, sweetie. You won't regret it.“
You just shake your head in agreement. You would most definitely finally go out with the man who owns your heart. And then you'll see what will happen from then on.
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skamalie · 8 years ago
AMILA ok so i couldn't resist sending an ask rn. So I'm you're you've seen the recent clip and i assume you're dead just like me? from evak holding hands, to Sana telling Isak he's alone,- it was all so so dramatic and idk amazing. I feel so incredibly bad for Sana. Seemingly, everything's going against her, and let's be honest, so far she's coming up with the worst ways of fixing stuff. I wonder how Julie's going to fit the whole story in like, what, five episodes? i'm so damn excited though!
I’m glad you sent me this. I’m dead too. I couldn’t stop smiling when I saw Evak holding hands and dandelion in Isak’s hair!!! That was so cute and I find it even more cuter that Isak didn’t take it off and entered the school like that. And Even wasn’t wearing his denim jacket- that was shocking lol
And I’m so sad for Sana. I didn’t expect this change in her behaviour, even though I should have.. I hate how she has to deal with this alone, why does no one approach her nicely and find out what’s going on?? But she needs to speak, nobody can help her if she keeps it all in. And omg, those previous messages.. she was remembering all that while praying.. I can’t put into words how sad that makes me feel, to be bullied because of one’s religion... She doesn’t deserve this, no one does
And the Trump pin cushion hahahah I love it 
But honestly I would really like to see Isak finding out about Sana’s problems and helping her. I just hope he didn’t get offended after what she had said to him and actually figured out what she meant by that. What if she finally agrees to study with him and after studying they have a talk about recent things?? 
I need to see more, there’s still time for a new clip or message today, so I’m hoping for that. Btw I was so wrong.... hahaha Isak didn’t start the fight but hey you were right!! We still don’t know why tho
I need to see Sana happy again, it seems like there’s not enough time for everyhing to change, but many things happened in previous 5 episodes.. so I’m sure Julie knows how to make this all good again!!
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soullesswithoutyoux · 8 years ago
This might be too cheesy to handle. Please forgive me for i am about to share my feels for the past six months.
Math is really my favorite subject. One reason is that i fully understand things. Another reason is that it does not involve too much memory like verbally attaining all the wordings and punctuations bec it just involves understanding and application. And the last reason is it gives happiness.
And with it, I found you.
October 1, 2016 was surely a date to remember. It was the beginning of everything between you and me (or mostly me bec you dont even know my name😢). I dont know when it started or how did i even ended up admiring you. You’re not that good looking nor even well mannered. Still, it chose you.
It started when our prof entered the room discussing ultimate techniques in which my mind wasn’t able to absosrb the techniques he actually called “warm up problems” so i decided to be the ‘GIRL WHICH IS AFFECTED BY UTTERMOST-OBSERVATIVE SYNDROME-WHICH-OBSERVES-EVERYHING-IN-A-SHORT-AMOUNT-OF-TIME-OR-WHEN-HE/SHE-IS-BORED-AND-HAVE-NOTHING-TO-DO’. And so there i was observing shits again. Then my eyes saw a familiar face and figure. 'Ah it was him again. The one i am always competing with since elementary days’. We were both from privte schools before which always put me at second or third place in every contest. But if you remember, i actually won when in grade 2. I was first and your teammate was second. Then everythig follows
October fourteen came and i saw you again. It was my birthday that day. Shocked to see you and your fellow contestants, i did not notice that my coach was adressing me. My coach told me to put these things here and there and since my coach is a judge in one of the contests, i was told to put the necessary things at the last room. While on my way, i saw you. That was our first eye contact. We had it for like 5 seconds? But we broke it right away. Too awkward to look back and say hi, i continued my way until the last room. You were a damath contestant which shocked me because with all your brains and stuff, you could compete anywhere but then you chose damath.
Every satuday, i would see you and sometimes while dozing off, i would actually see you looking at my side or was it just my hallucinations? Anyway, it made my hreart flutter. And i think since then, i started stalking and knowing things about you through my seatmate. My seatmate was your former classmate if you would notice.
The saturday classes continued and somtimes i would be disappointed in failing my expectation to see you. Things were okay that time. I consider you as one of my crushes. I only know you by name and you dont know me. Simple as abc, our lives are that far apart.
Since then we would only see each other during saturdays. You only attended one session in the saturday program which disappointed me again. I was eager to attend those saturday sessions hoping to see you for at least 4 hours.
Then time came when we submitted our requirements for the scholarship exam at your institution. Waiting for my parents to meet me at robinsons, i decided to walk around the mall. While walking, i saw you eating with your friends at KFC. I was excited that i saw you again.
Another contest then came up and it was abouth math. Hoping that you would paticipate, i tried my best to not be eliminated. The contest was held last february 17, 2017. And again on that day, i saw you. Unable to control, I unconsciously smiled. Hoping that we would not be at the same room, because i would be distracted if so. And luckily, we are not on the same room. After the competition, i wasn’t eliminated. And later did i know, you weren’t too. Excited to meet again on the division finals, i couln’t contain the feels.
1 month came so fast and it was march 17, 2017 and the division finals at your institution. I was nervous and happy at the same time. Once inside the competition venue, we were strangers for 2 hours. Then we won second place and your team as fifth. Going towards the exit, we walked on the corridors and i saw you 1 meter close. It made my heart flutter at the situation. We had eye contact again and then you were called by your teachers. Unable to maintain a straight face, i silently hid my face so no one can notice the happiness.
After the contest, i was no longer hoping to see you again. Then the stage 2 qualifiers were then announced. I joned and the day i heard you were joining too, i jumped from my seat celebrating like its an achievement. The in house training happenings is too long to repeat it again but we had our picture and i was contented. We actually cursed at the same time while taking the picture when your friend said 'lxxz, akbay na’.
Not hoping to see you again, i am too shy to add you at facebook because you would know that i have these feelings a big HAHA for me tho. Anyways, i hope that we would be close to one another.
'Til we see each other again or at any contest, lxxz
(P.s. Still hoping that we would meet one day and be friends) oh nvm.
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