#like he'll usually just run by and slap the shit out of my legs but today...
maxellminidisc · 2 years
My cat will see me standing there, minding my own fucking business, and will say to himself: "Is anybody gonna scratch and bite that? Is anybody gonna scratch and bite that? No? Ok!" And then proceeds to do exactly that to my poor defenseless legs like its his fucking job
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riki-riks-chick · 5 months
Can you pls write enha reaction when another member walks in when they're fucking their gf (hyung line) and making out (maknae line) 🙏🙏🙏
You hadn't seen Heeseung in awhile so when he invited you over to "hang out", you were excited. But you also forgot he has a roommate. "Hey, Hyung I made some ram-" Jake froze, staring at the position you and his roommate were in, cheeks flushed red. He didn't even know you were here, and he usually knocks when you are in case Heeseung has you pinned down like he does right now. "Do you wanna watch or are you gonna close the door?.." Heeseung asks as Jake finally snaps out of his daze. "I'll leave it on the stove." He then slams the door, and you can hear his feet pad down the hall as he runs away, slapping Heeseung's chest afterwards. "Why would you say that to him?" You ask as he laughs, leaning down to kiss you. "He'll be fine.. Anyways, no need to be quiet now since he knows you're here."
You had been pent up all day, Jay had made it his mission to tease you, knowing he wouldn't do anything while you guys were with the boys. Eventually you finally got back to the dorms, and Jay went to shower, of course asking you to join. You tried to keep quiet, but you hadn't realized Jay forgot to lock the door until Jungwon walked in. "Hey, Hyung I'm just gonna grab my toothb- holy shit my bad."
His eyes widened as he stared at you through the glass door, waving with a sheepish smile. "Sorry, I didn't know you two were in here." He apologized, grabbing his toothbrush. "Get out!" Jay yelled as Jungwon sighed. "I'm not the dumbass who forgot to lock the door. And I hope you're using a condom Hyung." He teased as Jay groaned. "Jungwon get the fuck out!"
As soon as Jungwon leaves, you start laughing. "You yelling like that is kinda hot..."
Jake had called you over pretty late because he missed you, but it eventually led to you guys making out and now he's between your legs, lapping at your cunt while his other hand reaches up to cover your mouth, keeping you quiet. The bedroom door opened quietly, and you immediately met eyes with Sunghoon, Jake's best friend. "Fuck.. My bad." He shielded his eyes as Jake pulled away from you, immediately throwing his blanket on you to cover you. "What the fuck, Sunghoon?"
"How was I supposed to know she was here!? I can't find my keys." He explained as Jake sighed. "It's 2am, why do you need your keys?" He asked as Sunghoon smirked. "You're not the only one trying to dick your girl down."
"Sunghoon s-slow down.." You were moaning, trying to muffle yourself with the pillow below you as Sunghoon fucked you from behind, but he wasn't listening because he was mad about you laughing with Jay earlier. "You heard the lady, slow down." You both glanced towards the door as Jay walked in, not even batting an eye at the two of you. "Could you leave? I'm kinda busy."
"I'm grabbing my bag you took. Plus, who fucks at 3pm? You hornball." Sunghoon throws a pillow straight at Jay's head at the remark, making you chuckle. "It doesn't matter what time it is, and unless you wanna finish fucking her for me, get the hell out of my room."
As soon as Jay left, he leaned down towards your ear, pulling your hair. "You fucking slut.. You might be all smiles with Jay, but remember who's dick you're stuffed with."
"Sunoo that tickles.." You giggled, pulling away from him as you pressed your lips against his once more, cupping his cheeks. "Woah.. Sunoo I didn't know you did these kinda things." Heeseung walked in, laughing as you pulled away from Sunoo, hiding your face against his shoulder. "Hyung.. You said you were gonna be out all day.." He relaliated as Heeseung sighed. "I left my wallet in my room. I'm just gonna grab it and be on my way." He reassures before disappearing down the hallway. Sunoo slides his hands under your shirt, littering kisses on your neck and shoulder. "When he leaves we can move to my room that way we won't get interrupted again."
"Shh... You're gonna get us caught.." Jungwon whispered as he continued to kiss down your neck, his arms wrapped around your waist. "We're in the living room and you think no one is gonna catch us?.." You whispered, squealing when the lights turned on. "Jungwon? Is that you, Hyung?.." Riki's voice sounds as Jungwon sighs, sitting up. "What's up?.." Jungwon asks as Riki raises an eye brow, now seeing you pent under Jungwon. "Ohh sorry. I didn't mean to kill your vibe. Whenever you're done, come get me so we can hang out. I wanted to do a new tiktok dance." He then turns the lights back off before leaving as you and Jungwon both chuckle. "Well, you heard him, let's finish up here.."
You and Riki had been hanging out in his room all day, and he eventually started laying on top of you which led to something more. He was now sitting between your legs, his hands under your shirt, and his lips on yours. You usually never got this touchy during a makeout session, but it was too good to pass up. "Hey, Riki.. Can you call my phone I can't find i- woah."
Sunoo walked in, jaw dropped as Riki sighed, hiding his face against your neck. You laughed, playing with his hair as you glanced at Sunoo. "I think I saw it on the kitchen counter after we ate lunch check there." You said as Sunoo thanked you, turning to leave. "Oh, and if you're gonna go further, use protection." He teased as Riki sat up, throwing his pillow at Sunoo's head. "Fuck.." He groaned as you chuckled, kissing him again. "He's gonna tell everyone and they're gonna tease me forever." He mumbled as you shrugged. "Who cares, now where were we?.."
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multi-fandoms-posts · 1 month
Game night
Avengers x Deadpool x Wolverine x reader
X Men Masterlist
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At first everything was going well, until "I swear, if you try to look at the cards again, I'll punch you," growls Logan angrily. "Don't be so aggressive, my Sugar Bear," says Wade, leaning a little towards Logan. "Fuck off," says Logan angrily, pushing Wade away. "Are you sexually frustrated? Do you want Y/N to help you?" says Wade, and I throw a pillow at him. "Shut up," I growl. Logan and I look at each other briefly before I blush slightly and quickly look away.
"You're such a cheater, Stark," Clint suddenly shouts. "I'm not cheating," Tony says, suddenly standing up. Clint does the same and the two men face each other. "Get the popcorn, this is going to be interesting," Wade says excitedly. "Please not again," I whisper.
"Would you stop, it's the same every time," I say. "Stay out of it," Tony snaps angrily. Logan glares at Tony. "What is it, wolf boy?" Tony growls at him.
Logan stands up and extends his claws. I stand up and stand between the two of them. And it happened as it had to: Now Wade is sitting there making stupid comments. Tony and Logan are now at loggerheads, and the others are arguing too. "Would you stop with your stupid comments? I swear I'll chop you up!" I growl at Wade.
"Why are you so mad, sweetheart?" Wade asks, putting his arm around me. "Are you serious?" I say, pulling away from him. "It's the same every time. I don't know why we still do this," I say. "Well, it's not really the same as usual. Our big, strong, sexy man with the claws is even madder than usual," Wade says, and I just roll my eyes. "I wonder why he's so mad," Wade says, staring at me intensely. "Why are you staring at me like that?" I ask, a little nervous. "Do you both have something?" Wade grins. "N-no," I stammer. "You bitch, you do," Wade laughs.
I look at him angrily. "What's so funny about that?" I ask angrily. "Nothing. You just didn't satisfy him properly, did you..." Before Wade could continue, I kicked him in the bottom. "Shit," he says, holding himself between his legs. "Will you finally shut up?" I say. "I wonder if it's like that during sex?" Wade asks. I teleport behind Wade and give him a slap.
Logan suddenly stands in front of Wade and looks at him darkly. "Man, are you on your period or something?" Wade asks, stretching. "What are you looking at now? She started it," Wade complains. "She didn't start it, and even if she did, there's always a reason to punch you," Logan growls. Before anything else happens, Steve and Bucky come in. "What are you doing?" Steve asks, and everyone looks at the two of them. "Oh, Captain, my Captain," Wade says, strolling over to Steve. "Did you have another game night?" Bucky asks.
"Yeah," I say. "It seems to have gone well, huh?" Bucky grins. "Oh, be quiet, I didn't know that Tony was a cheater and Wade couldn't stop making stupid comments. Well, I should have figured out that something like that would happen. Again," I say. "Hey, hey, you mustn't forget that your lover boy with the claws is going crazy because he's obviously sexually frustrated," Wade says. "That's enough," Logan growls and extends his claws. "Oh oh," Wade says. "I'm off then," Wade says and starts running. Logan is close behind him.
"So, you and Logan," Tony suddenly grins. "A problem?" I ask. "No, no. I mean..." he starts. "What, Tony, what is it again?" I growl, and his eyes widen in shock. "I think you should run, Stark," Bucky says, and Tony starts running. "Don't you want to go after him?" Nat asks. "I'll wait a minute," I grin, and the next moment I teleport to him.
Tony starts screaming in shock. "Hey, that's not fair," he complains.
We see Logan slamming Wade into the wall. "You were lucky " I say to Tony, walking over to Logan. "Hey, sexy man," I grin. "Hey, sweetheart," Logan smiles. "You can feel the sexual tension," Wade says, and Logan pushes him harder against the wall.
"He'll never stop with his stupid comments. So how about we both do something else?" I ask with a grin, and Logan lets go of him.
"Have fun," Wade calls out, heading to the common room. "Who wants to play Mario Kart?" Wade asks, grinning.
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thegempage · 2 years
a scene that may or may not exist like this in a fic i have yet to write
You pretend not to hear him. The Prince is sitting on the stonework just above you; if his voice didn't give him away, the purple boots that land on the ground next to you would. You were given explicit instructions not to speak with him, and considering you like having your head attached to your shoulders and not mounted on a wall where you have a sneaking suspicion they once had one of your relatives, teeth forced open in a snarl you've never really liked pulling, you intend to stick to that instruction. One of the maids told you about him in advance anyway; he's literally all bark and no bite, according to the servants about to rotate out, the ones who have been here the longest, he'll talk your ear off and understands if you don't respond.
("It's unfortunate," one of the other knights had mused, fiddling with ropes and knots while she showed you around. "You can tell he just wants to talk to someone, but he must've caught wind of the fact that we're not supposed to respond because he doesn't even talk like you're there. It's best to just let him get it out and he'll leave you alone.")
"This summer heat has been a real bitch. You'd think they'd give a guy some cooler clothes to work with when the sun literally lights shit on fire if the windows aren't open in the afternoons but nah, too easy, make him work for pants that aren't a thousand degrees."
You can't say you were expecting him to be so... foul mouthed. What appears to be two pant legs land next to the boot, suspiciously unconnected to a waistband.
"The name's Dave, by the way. I know you're probably a stickler for not calling me that because everyone Mom and Dad sends is a stickler for being all formal or whatever --" A cape flutters to the ground and you think he finally settles "-- but if you don't have a stick up your ass consider this official permission to just call me Dave."
(So much for acting like you're not there.)
"You seem different than the other knights they send, but in a cool way. Like, usually they send these big muscly types who talk about how great of a vacation this is. And they're nice and all, but you're actually taking this seriously, so clearly you've got something going on or Mom and Dad wouldn't have strangled you with it."
He says it so, so casually. It makes your blood run cold. You tense, your grip tightening on your sword pommel; you'd never strike at the Prince (you're not dumb enough to do that), but it's comforting to know you're armed.
"Don't sweat it, I'm not going to ask. Even if you could respond that's kind of a dick move. We're just locked up here together, you know? Those guys all have families and pubs they get to go back to with big bonuses and stories about how the crows follow the crown prince wherever he goes after a month, but I've been here my whole life. I don't know how long they've got you here, but considering you're standing right in front of the hallway to me and Rose's rooms I've gotta assume it's a while."
Rose must be the princess. You continue to stare straight ahead and do a pretty alright job of not jumping out of your skin when two hands descend and pull your helmet off. You didn't even -- You know you put that on correctly this morning, how the fuck did he --
"Rose has been showing me some tricks," he seems to answer your internal question. "Good job not slapping me, though, some of the knights they put here have a nasty habit of almost breaking my nose when I sneak up on them. Which, fair enough --" the Prince jumps down from the stonework and you see him for the first time, unfortunately, "-- they don't expect me to know about all of the little buckles it takes to put these suits on, even though a kid could probably figure it out."
The Prince is taller than you, as your gaze laser focused ahead allows you to see. The emblem of Derse is stitched across his tunic and his outfit seems to be missing a few pieces, especially his pants from the knees down. He fiddles with your helmet as he stands in front of you, and you don't even need to expand your senses to know he's staring at you. The one thing you can't tell is with what intent. You don't think he's malicious, perhaps curious? Your grandmother would tease that your scales show when you're nervous, but that was only with magic sight, could he have such an ability? His hands are darker than yours, especially against the clean silver of your helmet, and his nails are manicured and painted a muted red. When he taps them on the metal, you can just barely hear the sound of them making contact. He breathes in like he wants to say something, but lets it out, and the two of you stand in silence.
You dare a peek. No head movement, nothing that disrespectful, but your eyes trail up to see his face. His eyes are hidden behind round, dark pieces of glass spun together with gold wire, but you can't shake the idea that he's watching you; his hair is carefully cut and styled, the late afternoon giving him a sort of halo. His expression is carefully and meticulously put together to be neutral; you can't tell what he's hiding, but you know he's hiding something.
"Just once," he says, holding out your helmet. "Talk to me once. Just tell me your name."
You hesitate. His hand is shaking and he doesn't want you to know. So you don't; you take your helmet, eyes straight ahead with it held at your side, and you say only, "Karkat Vantas."
He smiles. "Nice to meet you, Karkat."
And then he leaves.
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chaoslulled · 23 days
you’re just willing to sacrifice yourself? - for reiner
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the night air sweeps up around them, cheap beer bottles pressed between their legs as they look out at the ocean. the cliff overhang is where everyone usually comes  –– it's not uncommon for the underage drinking or whatever deviant shit they all get up to. personally, reiner's never really felt the need to come up here without being with larger groups of people. something about it makes him feel nervous, like at any moment he's going to turn around  &  there's going to be someone there, waiting to slap handcuffs against his wrists. it's stupid  ––  for the most part, they ignore this spot; they know that the kids need a space to blow some steam off.  unless there's actual danger going on, the cops keep themselves away and let kids be kids. 
graduation had happened hours ago; most of the people are at their own parties, laughing and celebrating and being handed gifts or envelopes with money in it to start them off right. reiner has taken the route of the cliff, bertolt in tow after annie had stared down some older kids until they had agreed to purchase the six pack for the two of them. it's nowhere near enough to get drunk, but it's enough to have their own sort of quiet celebration. besides, karina is working tonight  ––  it had been a miracle that she had even managed to make it to the ceremony. he tries not to think about that too closely. 
nose scrunches slightly as he takes a sip from his bottle, watching as the sea crashes below them. the lighthouse blares every so often, the light sweeping over the spot  &  dousing them in light, pulling forth every contour that the dark hides. the ships are still coming in, steady as they move  ––  liberio is always a hot spot, no matter the time of day.
" what else would i do? this whole…look, it's military school. there was kind of a clear path right in the writing, you know? "  tongue runs along his cheek for a moment, elbow digging into his knee as he pulls in a careful breath. there's an anxiety that thrums through him  ––  it makes him want to run away from this conversation. it makes him want to hide. it would be easy to just…not have it. to just disappear  &  let bertolt find out the same way that everyone else in this town does. liberio isn't that big where the kids who go to the academy go unnoticed.
part of him feels horrendous about all of it. he's not doing it because it's the only path out there  ––  reiner's not oblivious to himself; he knows that he's smart enough to do whatever it is that he wants. but it's the easy route, the route that he's been trained for. that's the easy way to keep moving forward  ––  &  there's also that soft thrum in him that hopes that it'll bring pride to karina  &  his father. even if he hasn't bothered with him since the court mandates ran out, there's that part of him that desperately wants someone to actively pay attention to him. to be proud of any sort of accomplishment that he makes.
but he can't say that. it's stupid to want that because he's spent so much time blowing it off, never talking about it  ––  bertolt had only gotten it out of him after three years of knowing one another, even if it hadn't actually been a secret. not after puberty, not after he started looking more  &  more like his father. but reiner keeps it down, pushes it into that regression that he needs because if he acknowledges the fact that he cares what his father thinks, then he'll actively starts hating himself too. 
he picks at the edge of a label, feels the sweat underneath it that come to the surface of glass. teeth bite down on his bottom lip; honey eyes shift over toward bertolt's for a moment.  " look. it's decent money.  &  maybe when i come back my mom'll be proud of it. like…she'll look at me  &  not look sad for a change. "    a small shrug of his shoulders, eyes downturned once more. there's a part of him that feels like he's going to break apart at any second. that if he allows someone into these spaces that he feels like he keeps locked away, it's going to erupt on him. he'll never be able to lock it back down again, too far on the surface, too much exposure. 
so he switches to a different tactic.   " marcel's going in too. we'll probably end up serving together. so i won't be totally alone, you know?  &  you can write me. we can still communicate. "   he takes another long dreg from the bottle, closes his eyes before he lays back into the grass.  lets the coolness of it envelop him until he feels like he's human again. 
" it'll be good. i'm not sacrificing myself. you'll see, 'tolt. i'll be something. "   like bertolt has ever cared about something like that. the odds of him even caring that reiner is gone is low  ––  they're friends now, but he knows how he gets; swept up in the tide, merely going along with things as they come. he envies him in that regard. 
he lifts his hand lazily  &  points out a constellation  ––  " the colossal. it takes up so many stars. "  there's a slight smile on his face then, a carefulness to brush away the conversation. 
for now, all he wants to focus on is bertolt  &  the fact that they are here, that he isn't a million miles away surrounded with nothing that feels like home. 
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Californian Dream (Pt. 01 of 11)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 2.8 K
Summary: Being part of one of the richest families of California doesn't mean you're happy. Your life is boring, and you're surrounded by meaningless people and their meaningless talk. Even during Summer, with the break you have from college, there's nothing good going on. Nothing but the new pool guy, Billy, the most handsome man you ever saw. You were successfully avoiding him, not wanting to act like an idiot in front of the guy until Billy accepts to be your date for a fancy gala you're forced to attend. The night was going well, even better when he sneaked you out to go to the beach. But a gang of criminals breaks into the party, kidnapping the heirs to the wealthiest families, which includes you. So, for your safety, your parents want you to stay with Billy, living in his apartment until the criminals are caught. And that could take weeks, maybe even months.
Warnings: Light violence
Next part (02)->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
Ignoring the meaningless chattering, you drink what's left of your water, then put the glass against your neck, hoping the cold will help with the hot weather. Summers in California are always this hot, and since you're under the sun, it doesn't help. Some of your friends, or better saying, the family friends, the people you grew up with, are here again, using your pool as if it was some kind of club they can attend. Standing on this badly shaped circle, you pretend to listen as Ryan goes on about some mansion he helped his father sell this weekend. He's excited, gesticulating a lot, and the others seem to be quite interested too. But not you. Honestly, you couldn't care less.
Through the corner of your eye, you see someone moving on the other side of the huge pool, behind some trees. Turning your head to see it better, you easily recognize the new pool guy, Billy Hargrove. He's been working here for only a couple of months, coming a few times a week to clean the pool or to fix something. You always pay attention to the staff, because nobody else does. You like to know them since they're working at your house after all, and that made you befriend a lot of them throughout the years. But Billy? You haven't even crossed paths with him yet. On purpose.
Billy is by far the most handsome guy you ever met, and you just don't think you can say anything to his face. He probably thinks you're one of the silly, rich chicks he meets on his job, and for some reason, it bothers you.
“(Y/N).” Ryan snaps his fingers on your face, dragging you out of your thoughts. “Are you in there? Aren't you listening?”
“Yup. Sorry, I tuned out for a minute.” Politely, you apologize. “What were you saying?”
“The gala. Who are you going with?”
“Uhm... Not sure yet.” Playing with the empty glass, you move your weight from one leg to the other. “I don't have any good options.”
“What?” Gisele exclaims, giggling. “Robert wants to go with you. Daniel would easily ditch his date for you. And Michael–”
“Don't wanna go with neither of them.” Cutting her off, you decide to just say it. Robert is the most hateful person you ever met. Daniel has been chasing after you for years, it doesn't matter how hard you try to make him understand you don't like him, and every girl he dates, he does it to try and make you jealous. And Michael is a manipulative jerk. All three members of the most prestigious families of California, and desired bachelors. And yet, you can't stand them.
“Who are you going with then? The pool guy?” Gisele gestures at something across the pool, and you know at who.
“Maybe. I bet he's way better than Michael, Daniel, or Robert.” This makes all the five of them laugh, in a very mocking tone. But you mean it. “I might go by myself. Who cares?”
“Are you crazy? Your parents will care, and people will talk, you know that.” Ryan rolls his eyes, lightly slapping his friend's arm. “C'mon, Antony, let's find (Y/N) a fourth option.” The two guys smirk and walk away, and you don't even bother to ask what they're up to. You don't care.
“For real now, (Y/N),” Alice says, running her fingers through her hair. “Gisele is right. The three guys are so into you, and Robert...” She chuckles, exchanging a glance with Gisele. “He's hot. He's... So damn hot.”
“Why don't you go with him then?” You ask her, taking a deep breath and already thinking of an excuse to get away from this conversation and back into the secrecy of your bedroom.
“Because I'm dating.” She answers as if it was the most obvious thing. As if she didn't have a different boyfriend every month. “James Whayland. The one and only, heir to the Whayland fortune? Do you happen to know him?” A rhetoric question, of course. Everyone knows who the Whayland are. “I'm so gonna marry him.”
“You must,” Gisele adds. “You'd be like, stupidly rich.”
And they go on with that, a conversation you don't even try to follow. A lot of girls do that, getting married to join the fortunes and shove more money into their pockets. Your mother herself did it, and she tries to push you into doing the same, pointing out the richest bachelors of California. But you'd never do that. You rather never get married than getting married without love. It's so obvious, yet, if you bring that up, it always becomes an argument. ‘Love comes with time’, she says. ‘Once you're provided financial stability, you'll learn to love the provider.’ None of that sounds appealing to you. You're hoping to fall in love one day. It hasn't happened yet, but you'll patiently wait.
“Hey, Earth to (Y/N).” Ryan raises his voice, and, a little annoyed, you look up at him.
“You're welcome.” He says with a wicked smile.
Furrowing your eyebrows, you tilt your head to the side. “For what, Ryan?”
“For getting you the best date ever for the gala, sweetie.” He and Antony laugh, and soon enough the others follow. “The pool guy is taking you to a high society party. How amazing is that?”
It takes a while for you to even process what he's saying, but his mean tone makes you angry. He thinks he's superior to anyone who doesn't have a collection of fancy cars in their garage. “First of all, Ryan, the pool guy has a name, alright?”
“Yeah, yeah. You're always close to the staff.” He emphasizes the last word, making a disgusted face.
“Second...” What? Second what? You know you can't go with Billy. That would get people talking. But then, the other options make you sick to even consider them. And honestly, you couldn't care less about what people say. It'll probably get you a hell of a lecture from your parents, a few weeks of gossips and mean comments, but that's it. Soon enough someone else will become the hottest topic. “You know what, forget it.” Putting the empty glass on the table, you walk away, ignoring how they call you, telling you not to be silly.
Maybe the guys are joking. Maybe they're just pulling a prank on you, but there's no problem with finding that out. Walking around the pool and into the garden, you walk around the supply closet, following the low noise of something being put into the metal shelves. The supply closet is open, so you patiently wait on the outside, barefoot on the grass as you move to stand to bellow a tree. Bouncing your leg, you look around, breathing deeply and trying to understand why the hell you decided to face Billy now. He's the only guy who works here you're making sure not to have any contact with.
“Good afternoon.” The voice startles you, and you immediately turn to face him. Billy is closing the closet door shut, eyes focused on you. And yes, he's far more gorgeous from up close. “May I help you, Miss–”
“(Y/N).” You cut him off, cursing yourself for doing so. “You may call me (Y/N).”
He simply nods, walking closer and stopping on a shadow spot too. “Do you need anything from me?”
“Uhm...” For a moment, you gotta think a little to remember what brought you here. “I just wanted to ask if maybe some two jerks came to talk to you... About a party... And... Taking a girl to this party...” Playing with your fingers, you wonder if he already thinks you're a total idiot.
“Yes. They said you needed a date for some gala.” Billy crosses his arms, not looking away from you. “If you need it, I can take you.”
Oh. Would he really do that? “Uhm... Look, Ryan and Antony meant it as a joke.” You gotta be honest, even if it means he'll give up the idea. “I mean, not for me, they're just... They're jerks. And they...” Holy crap. You have to get your shit together. “They thought it would be funny to make you think you could take me to this gala.” Taking a deep breath, you push the words out. “But... I would like it if you could because all my options suck. It's either Michael or Robert or Daniel, and you probably know they're all fighting for the award of the worst person on the face of Earth.”
“It might be really hard to make this decision. Might as well split the award in three.” He speaks up and you giggle. The staff don't usually speak like that about the families they work for. But Billy doesn't seem to care and you like that.
“Yeah. So... I know people will gossip about it but I'd be forever grateful if you could do me this kindness.” You're blushing now, biting your lip. “Because I know it's not your job or anything but I could pay you if you want.”
“There's no need.” Billy shakes his head, shrugging his shoulders. “It's a party, right? It will be fun.”
“Oh... About that...” Calling such events ‘parties’ is a misunderstanding. Almost a crime. “These things... Suck. It's super dull, full of rich people donating, trying to donate more them someone else just so they'll show off how rich they really are... You'll absolutely hate it. I do.” Gesturing at yourself, you give him an apologetic look. “I'd owe you for life if you help me get through it without having to put up with any of those assholes.”
Billy nods, looking down before his eyes meet yours again. “I believe I'll have to wear one of those suits right?”
“Well, I'll be in some uncomfortable dress, so we'll both be unhappy about our clothes.” Your mind goes to the lilac dress your mother made you buy, extremely expensive.
“Alright then. It's on Sunday, right?” You nod. “Should I pick you up?”
“Yes. At seven.” He gives a small nod before gesturing at the garden. “I gotta go now.”
“Sure...” Billy waves before walking away, and you stand there, wondering if you should go back to your so-called friends. You're sure Ryan will have that stupid smile on, eager to know what you and Billy have spoken about. And you won't tell anything, but you also don't want to deal with that shit right now, or else you might tell right to their faces how much of a jerk they are. So you decide to follow Billy through the garden, easily finding him by a particular big tree. He's opening a leaf tarp on a clean space on the grass before taking a fan rake. “This tree is dying.” You say, getting his attention. Billy turns around, furrowing his eyebrows. “That's why there are so many fallen leaves. See how some of them seem healthy, normal green leaves? It only happens when the tree is dying.”
“Then you should have someone cut it down before someone gets hurt.” He says, looking a little confused. “Shouldn't you go back to your friends?”
“Yeah, I probably should.” You're tired of all the things you should do, so for today, you won't do them. As silly as it may be. “Do you need some help?” You ask, stepping forward a little.
“No, I'm alright.” It sounds like a question, and you blush from the way he stares at you, for several seconds, before focusing on his task, raking the leaves to the tarp.
“Ok.” Whispering, you move to sit on a wooden table, one of the many you have scattered around the property. You try not to look at Billy too much, noticing how weird it feels to do this. You barely know the guy, he'll be your date for a gala, and now you're awkwardly seated here, watching as he works. Well, it is better than whatever your friends must be talking about now. “So... What exactly do you work with?” You ask, hoping to get any kind of conversation going. “I thought you just took care of the pool.”
“I work for a company. BJ's Associates.” Billy starts, and you take this chance to look at him. Despite the distance, you can see the sweat glistening on his forehead. “They send me to any place I'm needed. Some of them are scheduled weekly, others are random. And–” He makes a pause suddenly, giving you a look. “Are you bored yet?”
“No.” Shrugging your shoulders, you giggle. “I actually wanna know.”
He turns his head to look at the pool, which is a little distant now. Maybe he thinks this is some kind of move, and you wouldn't blame him, judging by the way the guys probably came to talk to him. “That's it. I clean pools, fix cars, might paint walls or something, clean gardens... The list goes on.”
“You know how to fix a car?” Raising an eyebrow, you move to seat on the table, placing both your feet on the wooden bench. “My car is making this weird noise and I'm sure it's not some normal noise.”
“How does it sounds like?”
“Like a clunking, I think... every time I hit the breaks, even when it's softly.”
“It could be some damage to the brake caliper.” He's quick to answer, and you raise your eyebrows, impressed. “Or it's badly mounted.”
“Damn, you're good.” You exclaim, giggling at his funny face.
“I just–”
“(Y/N)!” Amelia's voice reaches you, and Billy stops talking, resuming his job. “I've been looking for you.” The old lady, with her gray hair tied up on a perfect, sophisticated bun, comes to the table you're at, a tray with a jar and six glasses on her hands.
“I've been here chatting with Billy.” You tell as she lays the tray down. “And no, I won't go back to the pool.”
“They're talking about James Whayland.” She starts, rolling her eyes. Amelia is the only one in this house, well, the only one you know who understands you. “Alice Martin was talking about marrying him...?”
“Yup.” A stronger wind messes with your hair, so you use a hand to keep it away from your face. “Something about joining their fortunes and being the king and queen of California. Some shit like that.”
“Poor Alice.” Amelia breathes out, taking a glass and pouring some lemonade on it before handing it over to you. “That Whayland kid is not the nicest guy on Earth.”
“Poor James!” You giggle, putting your glass down and serving her some lemonade too. She doesn't like when you do that, since she's here to serve you. Amelia, the woman who raised you is here for nothing else than to serve you. So unbelievable it almost makes you laugh. “Alice isn't nice either. She can be very manipulative to get what she wants.”
“Don't I know?” She mutters. “Well, I must go. Serve this to your friends.”
“No, no, no. Take your glass and leave the rest. If someone complains tell them I'll drink the whole jar.” Taking the tray from her hands, you place it down on the table again.
“Alright, Miss–”
“(Y/N). Honey. Bunny. Anything, but not this formal stuff, ok?” You correct her, and Amelia gives you a bright smile.
“Alright, (Y/N).” She repeats before turning around and walking away, cordially greeting Billy.
Taking a sip from your glass, you smile to notice Amelia's lemonade is as good as always. A little too sour for your parents taste, but you like it better this way. Your attention goes back to Billy, still dealing with the fallen leaves, despite being almost done. If you ask, he might say no, so you just pour another glass before jumping to the ground, making your way over him. “Here.” Raising your voice, you get his attention. And once again he has this confused expression on his face when he sees the glass. “Lemonade. It's hella hot out here and this might help.”
“Thanks.” Squinting his eyes a little, he takes the glass from your hand, taking long sips, drinking almost everything.
“Sorry if it's a little too sour. I don't like much sugar on it and Amelia knows so...” When he's done, he gives you back the glass. “Why are you looking at me like that? I swear I'm not a ghost.”
“That's not it. I'm just not used to being treated like that by the owners.” Billy's voice gets a little darker, and he pronounces the last word with certain anger. But you can imagine exactly why. Most of the people you know aren't very fond of their employees. They're just the people they pay off to do what they can't do by themselves.
“I know how some of the families can be mean.” Drumming your fingers on the empty glass, you stand there, staring at Billy, just now noticing the deep, beautiful shade of blue from his eyes. Involuntary, you breathe out, smiling.
“Nothing!” You burst out, clearing your throat and finding your legs again, making the way back at the table. “I–”
“(Y/N)!” A shout startles you, and when you turn at the source of the voice, you see it's Gisele. “Get back here! You won't guess who just got here.”
“If it isn't Michael Jackson ready to perform Beat It, I'll be disappointed.” You mutter, only loud enough for Billy to hear it as you walk back to the pool.
“Call me if it's him,” Billy says and you giggle, giving him one last look.
It's not Michael. Well, it is, but not Jackson, just Michael Rothford. He stands by the pool, where everyone gathers around him. Trying not to look pissed, you move closer, offering a polite, fake smile. “Good afternoon, Mike. How have you been?”
“I'm way better now.” He answers, and you try to ignore how everyone moves a little, giving you more space to move closer to Michael. He takes your hand, giving it a shake, and awkwardly squeezing it softly. “I'm here to ask, once again, for you to let me take you to Sunday's gala.”
The two idiots, Antony and Ryan start giggling, and you know exactly why. “Sorry, Mike, I can't.” Pulling your hand away, you cross your arms. “I already have someone, so...” Thank God you have the perfect excuse, and it's not even a lie. You're so damn relieved you won't be forced to attend to such a boring event with someone like Michael.
“Who?” He snaps, suddenly pissed. “Daniel is going with that Angela chick. Robert, you can't stand. Andrew isn't in the country, Willian–”
“You don't know him, alright?” Cutting him off, you sigh.
“Oh, shit,” Ryan mutters, and you give him a look. He has a hand covering his mouth, trying to control a laugh. “You're really going to the gala with the pool guy.” Antony burst into laughter, and the others try to control themselves not to.
“You rather go with the staff than with me?” Michael sounds offended as if he was punched in the face. “Are you kidding me, (Y/N)?”
Quickly, you try to think of something to say. You can't say the truth, that he's a hateful human being you can't stand being next to. But nothing comes to your mind. “No, I'm not. I... Actually wanna go with Billy.”
“Honestly, (Y/N), screw you.” He barks, and before you can answer, he grabs both your shoulders and pushes you straight into the water.
Everything happens way too fast for you to process, so there was no way you could tell him you absolutely can't swim. So the moment you hit the water, you just sink, your body moving to the bottom, way too far from the surface. You do try moving your legs a bit, uselessly. But you're suddenly pulled, strong arms moving you through the water until you finally reach the surface, gasping for air. Breathing fast, the terror finally starts kicking in, and you push yourself up, stumbling a little, ignoring all the hands that offer help. Once you're out of the water, seated on the edge, you finally see who saved you, Billy, also pushing himself up, only with a lot more grace than you. You exchange a glance, and his hand is the one you take, pulling yourself back to your feet.
“You can't swim?” You hear Michael's voice, a curse caught in your throat. “I never met a Californian who can't swim.”
Not minding the small crowd around, you make you walk to Michael, losing no time before slapping him right on the face, the loud noise of your wet hand colliding to his cheek startling some of your friends. “Asshole!” You yell before storming away, embarrassed, still struggling to catch your breath, feeling cold thanks to your soaked clothes.
“Hey.” Someone calls, but you ignore them, walking fast into the house. “(Y/N).” Your arm being grabbed makes you stop walking and turn around, ready to make hell rain on whoever it is, but your fury melts away when you see Billy. “Are you ok?”
Taking a deep breath, you relax a little, nodding. “Yeah, I just... Got scared.” He lets go of your arm, but you don't step away, looking into his blue, calming eyes. “Thank you, though. You saved my life.”
“Can't believe he threw you at the water like that.”
“See why I need you to take me to that stupid party?” Crossing your arms, you pace around. “I can't even begin to imagine how it'd be to spend the night with that prick.” Looking down, you notice how you and Billy are dripping, soaking the white floor. “I gotta go change, and you should... I don't know. At least you got to enjoy the pool for a while.”
“I'd rather enjoy it when you're not drowning.”
“Yeah, that would be better.” Shyly smiling, you give a step backwards. “I gotta go... But thanks again.” Stopping in your tracks, you decide to be just a little brave. Stepping closer, you tiptoe to place a quick kiss on Billy's cheek, before turning around and rushing upstairs to your bedroom.
@multific @dontxfearxthereaper @nope-thanks @nikkixostan @shinydixon @alwaysadreamingoptimist
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dekuspet · 4 years
Oblivion - Part 1
Deku/Izuku Midoriya x Reader x Kacchan/Bakugou Katsuki
Part II here!
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Genre: Angst, Fluff
"He told me he'll never leave. He lied."
"I love you. You're the most beautiful thing I ever laid my eyes on. I'll never leave you.", he said to you as he speaks between your kisses.
"We will make a family. We will make little Bakugous. How many kids do you think will we have?", he smiled.
You laughed sarcastically as tears started falling down your eyes.
"Why are you laugh-crying?", the man who's eating your pussy was shocked. Who is he? You don't know either. You just fuck around. Fuck with strangers. Then leave. No strings attached.
Afterall, they'll all just leave you. They will, you know that.
You continue laughing sarcastically. The man who's about to fuck you isn't horny anymore.
"Damn, kid. Go see a doctor. You're creeping me out.", he left right away.
Ah, fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. You did it again. Is it because of the alcohol and your low tolerance?
Why do you keep remembering that shitty asshole? Earlier, you're horny. And now you're left, horny and sad.
You laughed again. Maybe you're really crazy. It's been five years. Five. Goddamn. Years.
You sighed. You force yourself to get up and move your ass to go home. Or maybe find another fucker to fuck? Afterall, you're still horny.
You have no problem getting fuck again and again. As long as there's condom.
No, it's not because you don't want to be pregnant.
Hell, you would want to be pregnant. Really.
"Little Bakugous"
Ah, again. You're real shit. You keep pitying yourself.
"You're infertile. You can't have babies. I am sorry Mrs. Bakugou."
You covered your ears as tears fell from your eyes.
Make it stop. Please. Make it stop.
"Aah babe, faster.", you stopped crying for a little as you heard your door bang. The two persons look like their about to fuck. You really can't see them clearly. You're to lazy to wear your eyeglasses.
Ow, maybe wrong room? Well, you don't give a fuck. You're leaving anyways.
You're about to leave, muttering sorry but not bothering to look at them. But the guy held your arm.
"Y-y/n wait!", you turned around. Now closer. You saw who is it with your puffy eyes.
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Those curly green hair partnered with green caring eyes.
"I-Izuku! H-hi!", you smiled forcefully.
"Hey babe. Who is she? Aren't we going to fuck? Or will this be threesome?", the other gurl said.
"I-I am sorry. I am not in the mood to have sex. I-I can find you another partner.", the girl looked at her with disbelief and she slapped him as she called him asshole. She left right away.
"I didn't know you can be an asshole sometimes, Izuku.", you laughed a little. Izuku scratched his head.
"I-I just want to comfort you. You looked like you just cried.", he said. You smiled. He's still the same caring, innocent boy. You both sat at the corner of the bed in the private room at the bar.
They know what happened five years ago. Well, not really everything. They don't know you're infertile. They just know the decision for your relationship is mutual.
You laughed sarcastically again.
"Hey, are you okay?", You looked at Izuku as he held your shoulder. Am I okay? It's been long since someone asked you that. You got teary eyes. It's like all your emotions are triggered to be released.
"I am not, Izuku.", you cried loudly. He is hesistant at first but he hugged you. You told him the whole story.
"I am sorry Katsu, I can't give you a child", Katsuki is silent. He is confused.
"Give me space.", he said as he left. He didn't return for days. You let him.
Your eyes sparkled as you heard the doorbell. It's probably Katsu.
You opened it and you saw Katsuki holding a paper.
Divorce papers.
"I am sorry. I want to have kids.", he didn't look at you.
Your heart clenched but you didn't cry. You signed it rightaway. When he left, you cried until you had enough.
"I am here. Ssh. I am here.", those comforting words. Damn. You don't know you need those. You acted tough when you and Katsuki separated. So no one will worry about you.
But not until now did you realize that you need someone to lean on.
It's been hours of you crying. And Izuku patting your back. Izuku's clothes are wet with your tears. Then you stopped. You looked at him and you raised your hands so he'll face you. He looked at you with troubled eyes, like he don't know what to say. You kissed him fast.
He's shocked. So he pushed you lightly.
"What are you doing, Y/n?", he asked as he looked at you with different emotions. He is sad, confused. You rubbed him down there as he moaned.
"I know you're horny. You set it aside to comfort me. I am horny too. Let's just follow our bodies. This will just be for one night. We will forget it afterwards. We will remain friends, okay?"
"B-but I don't have condom."
"Ssh, as long as you're not sick.",you didn't let him respond as you pushed him on the bed.
"Oh fuck.", you held your head. It hurts so much.
"Good morning, Y/n.", you heard Izuku said as you muttered 'morning'.
Eh? Izuku?
"I-Izuku!", you jumped out of bed as you remembered what happened last night. The blanket on your body fell and your body is exposed to Izuku. Izuku's jaw fell and he hurriedly turned around.
"I am sorry, Y/n!", you laughed at him. He is still innocent. He acted like nothing happened to both of you last night.
And you must admit, he isn't innocent in bed.
You quickly picked up your clothes and you moaned as your head hurts again.
"I bought medicines for your hangover. Let's leave afterwards and let's eat breakfast.", he turned at you and he smiled.
Izuku has a simple car. Of course he'll have a simple car. Even though you know Izuku makes lot of money because he is the number 1 hero, you expected this. Afterall, he doesn't like being flashy.
And maybe he bought lots of All Might Action Figures, even he is the current number 1 hero.
You both reached a restaurant. He removed his seatbelt and muttered a wait to you. He'll probably open the door for you. As he run to open your side of the door, a guy wrapped his hands around Deku's shoulder. You look at the smiling blonde with that red eyes. Bakugou Katsuki.
You know Katsuki and Izuku are in good terms now. Katsuki isn't bullying Izuku, and he didn't hold grudge for Izuku being the Number 1 Hero.
"Oi! Who are you with? You got a date?", Katsuki said.
Izuku is hesitating if he should open the door so Katsuki opened it. His grin fell as he saw you.
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You gulped. You feel like your legs are becoming jelly. You can't move. Izuku held his hand for you so he can pull you out.
"Kacchan, we are just go-", you stopped Izuku.
"Why are you explaining Izu, you're so funny.", you playfully hit him and you wrapped your hands around his arm.
"I'm so sorry, Bakugou, but I gotta snatch your friend. We're really hungry.", you smiled at him as you didn't let him say another word. You and Izuku entered the restaurant. You are glad Izuku let you drag him.
Katsuki is staring at you as you walked. You called him Bakugou. And you are with Deku. He is confused.
He has lot of questions. He felt like he is betrayed, even though you two already separated.
Deku doesn't know the bro rule.
Katsuki sighed as he left confused and angry.
You and Izuku ate and bid farewell after.
Afterall, you agreed that it's just one night stand.
Izuku become closer to you. And now you're somehow angry. He pitied you. That's why he's caring. You don't want to be pitied.
"Hey Y/n.", Izuku showed again at your agency with a bento box. You admit, you love his homemade food but you're both getting rumored dating as he always show at your work.
You pulled him and you brought him where no one can see. He is looking at you, confused.
"Look Izuku. Stop this.", you looked at him seriously. He looked hurt. He stare at the floor.
"Okay. Just, take this. I'll not bother you anymore. Call me if you need someone. Bye.", he left looking sad. Then you became guilty. You can't hurt this Cinnamon roll. So you run after him.
"Okay, Izuku. I am sorry. I just, don't want to burden you. You have problems too. And I don't want to trouble you with the rumors.", you told him sincerely. He held your shoulder.
"You will never be a bother to me. I am your friend, Y/n.", you smiled at him. You muttered a thank you. He smiled before he turns to leave the agency you're in.
"Let's meet at friday! Let's drink! Usual place!", you shout and he turned back to nod.
You both part ways. Your friendship with Izuku became stronger.
People gasp as Ground Zero attacked Deku. Kirishima and Kaminari stopped Bakugou. They all work at the same agency.
"Man, what is wrong with you.", Kirishima glared at Bakugou.
"That fucking traitor don't know bro rule. Deku, you don't date your friends ex!", Bakugou is loud. Fortunately, they're still at the agency and all heroes here will not betray them, probably.
"I am not doing anything! We are just friends!", Deku whispered.
"Fuck that friendship. What kind of friends meet early at the morning and eat breakfast? Remember Deku, bros before hoes. We are in good terms, man.", Bakugou is still angry.
"Y/n isn't a hoe. Stop being an asshole. She needs a friend. What you did isn't nice, Kacchan. She needs a friend.", Everyone's surprised as the Number 1 Hero glared at Bakugou as he left right away. Bakugou avoid his eyes as his guilt eats him.
You wake up feeling nauseous. It's Sunday. You know you didn't drink alcohol last night. You ran to the bathroom and vomit. You breathe heavily. Realization hit you after you vomited.
No this can't be. How?
"Congrats, you're 2 months pregnant.", you looked at the doctor, horrified. The doctor sense it.
"Is it an unwanted child?", she asked.
"No. I want to have a baby. But I am diagnosed as infertile.", you said.
"Did you get second opinion? If not, maybe the doctor's wrong. We have checked it Miss Y/n, you're really pregnant.",she sais as she smiled. She left you alone.
Ow what the fuck. You didn't have sex with anyone in the last 3 months.
Just Izuku.
You're confused. You are glad that you are fertile. But, what would Izuku's reaction will be?
You know he'll accept it. He's kind. But what if it'll hinder his work and dreams?
You shrugged the thought off. You walked to your car to visit Izuku.
"Deku!", Katsuki is knocking at Izuku's apartment.
"Kacchan!", Deku opened the door and let Katsuki enter.
"I'm sorry. I doubted you. And I understand that I became an asshole with Y/n. I thought I needed kids. But after we broke up, I can't find a wife. They're not y/n. I don't want kids. I want Y/n. But she is distant to me after we broke up. I didn't have time to apologize.", Izuku rolled his eyes internally.
"Kacchan, you should apologize to her.", I'm glad you're a dick so I can have chance with her.
"I-I don't know how." Figure it yourself, dick.
Both Katsuki and Izuku turn around the door as the doorbell rang.
Who could it be?
You rang the doorbell. You planned to say it at his face right away. You held your breathe as he opened his door and you pushed him in right away.
"Izuku, I'm pregnant.", Izuku looked shock. You saw blonde hair behind Izuku. Oh fuck.
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Bakugou when he found out that you are pregnant with Deku's child even though the reason that you two broke up is you being infertile, add up with the fact that Deku said you two are just "friends":
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kinksvt · 6 years
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anon: hello are your requests still open?? can i request some quickie with wonwoo? 😄 thank you! 💕
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→ pairing: wonwoo x reader
✱ genre/warnings: highschool!au, daddy kink, pet names (just kitten), oral, rough sex, public sex (?), dirty talk
✱ word count: 2,012
a/n: sorry for another long wait! hope you all enjoy it :)
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The alarm woke you up, unreasonably louder than you remember. It was half past five and you were exhausted—more than usual. You hated getting up so early for school who doesn't just to sit in classes for hours on end, learning things you'll most likely not need to know in the future. The only thing that kept you from even waking up and going there was Wonwoo. Wonwoo was your, "friend," let's say. You weren't dating, but you weren't not dating. You didn't put a title on it, despite the both of you being in a few relationships in the past. Your phone buzzed as you were brushing your teeth, just barely audible over the running of the faucet and your shower water.
Wonwoo: You up babe?
Speak of the devil.
You: Like always
Wonwoo: I'm heading to school early today, meet me by my locker?
You: 'Course
You already knew what that meant when he gets to school early. When you get to school early, you get there early. You have almost an entire hour to kill, just to walk around the empty halls or catch up with Wonwoo and his other friends, sit in the class and finish homework. But, there were times when Wonwoo needed you, for release. You couldn't even count the amount of times you two have had sex before the day had hardly begun. He couldn't help it, he wasn't sex crazed or anything, just crazy about you. After you showered, put on your uniform and told your mom goodbye, you started the ten minute walk to your school. You rarely ever ate breakfast in the morning, despite when you had time to do so. Wonwoo had already gotten to the school by the time you did. You stopped by your locker and put your bag away. The halls were all empty, not a single student in sight as you made your way to his own locker. 
As you rounded the corner, a hand grabbed you from somewhere and pulled you into darkness with a click of a door after. You didn't have to guess that it was Wonwoo—or maybe you should have. Before you could question any further a light was switched on and your assumption was proved correct. He was standing in front of you, locking the door of the supply closet. The school's uniform hugged his body, almost a little too well. 
"You couldn't wait just a bit longer, Wonwoo?" 
He smirked as he walked closer and pulled you against his body, your stomach getting poked by his not-so unexpected boner. "No, babe. I was literally aching for you earlier. I almost was gonna try taking care of it myself." Wonwoo leaned in, capturing your lips with his own. You clutched his bicep, clad with a white button up as his hand wrapped around your waist. He couldn't wait to have you, the times of being in this same closet, keeping quiet and the only sounds coming from the slapping of skin against skin. The air in the small room had already began to heat up as Wonwoo pulled away hesitantly away from you, breathless.
"You know, I dreamt of you." He said, his forehead resting against your own.
"You did, did you?" You held back a smirk, knowing he didn't like it when you did that. Only he liked to be in control. 
He only nodded in response, his hand going to rest near your collarbone, fingers lightly dancing on the skin. "Wanna know what I dreamt of you doing," he paused, "kitten?" You gulped, and let out a shaky breath, followed by a nod. Wonwoo had only used the pet name on special occasions when he was really needy for you, wanting you as wet and ready for him as soon as possible. "Words, kitten." 
He leaned down and kissed the junction of your collarbone, making you let out a soft moan. "Tell me, Daddy." 
Groaning, he sucked on your neck. "I dreamt of you, laying on the bed for me, whining, blindfolded, wondering where I was at. You looked so fucking cute being so oblivious to what I was gonna do to my little kitten." You moaned slightly louder when Wonwoo's hand suddenly clasped around your mouth. "You need to be quiet, love. Or else." His eyes burned into yours as his slender fingers fiddled with the buttons of your white shirt. One of them popped, then another, and another until your torso was fully exposed to him—minus you wearing your bra still. "You wore my favorite one, the one with all lace on it," he chuckled.
"Thought you would appreciate it, Daddy." 
He slipped the button up you were wearing—required for your uniform—off your shoulders, giving you goosebumps as his fingers brushed against your shoulder.
"Oh, I do, kitten." Wonwoo got on his knees and looked up at you, sending the sensation straight in between your legs. "Here's what I'm going to do," he started as his hands ran up your thighs and disappeared under your skirt. You shook and your hand harshly settled on the wall for balance. "I'm gonna first get a taste of you," he said lowly, his hooded eyes shooting into yours. "Then, I'm gonna fuck you against that wall," he said, referring to the one that was inches behind you. You gulped as his fingers hooked the bands of your underwear and began to drag them down the length of your legs. He smirked when he seen a slight damp spot, "Looks like I'm not the only one who's needy." 
You rolled your eyes and scoffed, "Wonwoo shut up and hurry so you can fuck me already." You could've been exaggerating when you said that something had snapped in him as he growled. 
He pulled you down slightly and his head disappeared under your skirt and began lapping at your pussy. You moaned out loud before Wonwoo pinched the back of your ass, signaling you to keep it down. You clasped your hand around your mouth, the other leaving to clutch on a cabinet that held cleaning supplies on its shelves nearby. Wonwoo grinned evilly as his tongue licked up and down your folds, tasting you entirely. "Get eager with me again kitten and it won't be pretty. I'll have you crying and screaming to cum, only to let you take care of it yourself." 
You gulped and bit your bottom lip, your legs shaking from the amount of pleasure. His teeth raked against your swollen clit, making you squeal softly. "I-I'm sorry."
Wonwoo smacked your ass, "Sorry, what, kitten?"
"I-I'm sorry, Daddy," you reply, as best as you could. He continued eating you out, his tongue swirling and poking inside of your pussy. The noises he made while doing so sounded like it belonged only in a pornography video. Your cheeks flushed and soon enough, you knew your legs would give out. If there was one thing Wonwoo did best, it was giving you the best oral than the time before. 
Suddenly, you felt two of his fingers enter into you. Stifling a cry out, your head laid against the wall, chest rising up and down as fast as Wonwoo's tongue did against you. His fingers curled and slid inside of you. "So warm for me kitten," was all he said before his thumb came into contact with your clit and began rubbing it as his fingers moved in you. 
"Daddy, oh fuck," You moaned as quietly as you could manage, not wanting anyone who was also early to hear you two. 
"Does it feel good, baby? So desperate for my fingers, huh? I bet you were excited that I told you that I was coming here early." He looked up at you, on his knees and his hand underneath your skirt. You whined and bit your lip, looking down at him. The sight made you clench and Wonwoo smirked. "God you're so fucking hot, I can't wait any longer." Wonwoo stood up quickly and turned you, pushing you against the wall. Moaning out, your cheek laid on the cool surface.
The temperature felt amazing against your heated skin. Wonwoo yanked down your skirt and unzipped his pants, not bothering to take them all the way off. He grabbed his member out and pushed himself inside you, making you cover the loud yell that had almost escaped. Your walls enveloped his cock, the feeling making you both whine. "Fucking shit, it's like you only feel better and better after every time I fuck you." He pulled out slightly and slammed back into you. Wonwoo held your hips as your right hand searched to hold onto his arm. He threw his head back as he groaned deeply. 
"Daddy, p-please." You let out a choked moan, as Wonwoo was sliding in and out of you, painfully slow.
 "What kitten? What's the matter?" His hand snaked down your torso and found your clit.
 "F-Faster, please Daddy." With a smirk that you—unfortunately—couldn't see, Wonwoo obliged. He pulled out all the way and snapped his hips back into you, fucking you roughly against the wall. 
You squealed and whined with every thrust, only making Wonwoo go harder and faster. "S-So responsive for me, kitten." He stuttered, the pleasure coursing and filling every inch of his body. You definitely could say the same—literally every inch of you. Wonwoo always fucked you like it was the last time he'll be able to, proving that he only gets better and better. With his cock pressed against your walls and his middle finger toying with your clit, you felt your orgasm building up already—slowly but surely. You felt like he was going to break you by how fast he was going, but neither of you minded it. Wonwoo was sure as hell enjoying it and you were too. His thrusts became desperate, his moans getting more frequent and higher with each passing minute. Both of you were covered in a layer of sweat, due to the humid room caused by the activities that was going on. "God, I'm gonna cum soon," Wonwoo spoke out, silently wondering if you were going to as well. 
"M-Me, too." You replied, breathless and interrupted partly by a pathetic whine. Wonwoo's fingers began rubbing your clit with more force, making your legs shake. Your legs partly started to give out before Wonwoo caught you. He turned you around and picked you up, pushing you against the wall. You wrapped your legs around him as he reentered you. His left hand dug into your hips and his fingers found their way back to your swollen bud. Your walls began to clench around Wonwoo's cock, making his jaw drop in pleasure. "D-Daddy! I'm gonna c-cum." 
He sighed and leaned forward to kiss you as he picked up his pace again. "Cum for me, kitten," he whispered in your ear. As he gave one last hard thrust into your pussy, you screamed out. You came around Wonwoo, clenching even tighter, making him cum as well. 
His seed spurted inside of you, filling you up. "Fucking shit," Wonwoo said breathing heavily as he pulled out of you slowly. Some of his cum and your own dripped out of you, making him lick his lips. "Still always looking beautiful even after I wreck you, kitten." 
The rest of the energy inside you left when you laughed lightly, throat hurting and pussy aching. Wonwoo let you down gently, you clinging onto him when your legs basically had turned into jelly. "Thanks you ass. I don't know if I'll be able to walk right today." 
He merely chuckled and gave you a kiss on the cheek. "What's so wrong with that?" Wonwoo bent down to grab a rag he brought with him to clean you off. 
"Nothing but I would like to not be questioned why I'm walking so funny or having to be stared at by everyone." You two fixed yourselves and checked the time. 
There was still almost an entire hour left before classes started and when Wonwoo had realized so, he quirked his eyebrow. 
"Shall we go for round two, kitten?"
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