#like he’s her godfather. surrogate father. she could talk about him … but she doesn’t.
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strryhaze · 2 months ago
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caroline kennedy walking alongside the beach and spending time with her godfather, bobby kennedy. cape cod, 1964.
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vivithefolle · 4 years ago
Saying Harry has nothing to lose is plainly incorrect. The Weasley’s are Harry’s family at this point, and he would be devestated if they died. Where did I say Ron only cares about his sister because of the horcrux? I said it’s canon he only left because of the horcrux. You’re going out of your way to change the canon to be in Ron’s favor when neither of them were right in this fight. Your mischaracterization of Harry is disgusting, frankly. You don’t need to drag him down 2 make Ron look better
The Weasley’s are Harry’s family at this point, and he would be devestated if they died. 
O rly.
Sorry I just have to do a bit of nitpick, using exact words, shit like that. You don’t mind do you? After all I just use the books...
"Family safe, do not reply, we are being watched." The Patronus dissolved into nothingness. Ron let out a noise between a whimper and a groan and dropped onto the sofa: Hermione joined him, gripping his arm. "They're all right, they're all right!" she whispered, and Ron half laughed and hugged her. "Harry," he said over Hermione's shoulder, "I -" "It's not a problem," said Harry, sickened by the pain in his head. "It's your family, 'course you were worried. I'd feel the same way." He thought of Ginny. "I do feel the same way." The pain in his scar was reaching a peak, burning as it had back in the garden of the Burrow. - Deathly Hallows
You see, this right here… this is an indication that Harry doesn’t think of the Weasleys as his family.
He thinks of Ginny, whom he’s in love with, and only after thinking of her can he say “I do feel the same way” - he sees Ginny as family, since she’s his future wife, but he doesn’t extend the same courtesy to the rest of the Weasleys.
While sometimes Harry has moments where he associates Mrs Weasley with a substitute mother, those moments don’t happen until the fourth book. The fourth book!
Harry never comes to think of the Weasleys as a substitute family, instead latching on to Sirius Black, whose title of “godfather” means apparently that much to him.
Harry not really thinking of the Weasleys as his family is illustrated nicely in the following exchange:
"Oh, you're sure, are you? Right then, well, I won't bother myself about them. It's all right for you, isn't it, with your parents safely out of the way -“ "My parents are dead!" Harry bellowed. "And mine could be going the same way!" yelled Ron. "Then GO!" roared Harry. "Go back to them, pretend you're got over your spattergroit and Mummy'll be able to feed you up and -" - Deathly Hallows
“My parents are dead”. That is Harry’s reply. The Weasleys are at risk of dying - but Harry’s parents are dead. Sorry Molly, Harry’s as good as your son, but he doesn’t seem to return the sentiment.
I don’t really think it’s a conscious choice on JK Rowling’s part. She never was in a position where she “seeked a family” herself, so she wouldn’t know what it’s like. “Write what you know" - in this case she doesn't know, and she doesn't really make an attempt to know either.
"Our Teddy! Teddy Lupin! Snogging our Victoire! Our cousin! And I asked Teddy what he was doing -" "You interrupted them?" said Ginny. "You are so like Ron -" "- and he said he'd come to see her off! And then he told me to go away. He's snogging her!" James added as though worried he had not made himself clear. "Oh, it would be lovely if they got married!" whispered Lily ecstatically. "Teddy would really be part of the family then!" "He already comes round for dinner about four times a week," said Harry "Why don't we just invite him to live with us and have done with it?” "Yeah!" said James enthusiastically. "I don't mind sharing with Al - Teddy could have my room!" "No," said Harry firmly, "you and Al will share a room only when I want the house demolished." - Deathly Hallows
… Why isn’t Teddy “really” part of the family? He is family. You can’t tell me Harry let Andromeda Tonks raise him entirely! Why wouldn’t Teddy have his own room at Harry’s house?
Because JK Rowling, for all her talk about “girl power” and feminism, is quite traditional.
Aside from saying that Hermione is like his sister in order to get the Harmonians to shut up, Harry doesn’t seem to feel much “familial love” for any of his friends. Ron is the thing he’d miss the most, but he doesn’t seem to consider Ron as a brother (allowing the Ronarry shippers to rub their hands together with delighted smiles), Ginny is identified as his future spouse so he considers her family that way, and aside from the fleeting moment where he thinks “is this what it feels like to have a mom?” when Molly hugs him in Goblet of Fire, there’s not much else.
While Rowling could create believable friendships between teenagers and emulate their thought process quite credibly, she didn’t really realize that one does not need to share genes / hold a title to be considered “family”.
Sirius held the title of “godfather��, so when he died, Harry was devastated because he had lost all that was left of his family. Nevermind that he only lived with Sirius for a grand total of two months, Sirius, by virtue of having been appointed “godfather”, is the only surrogate father Harry will accept. Mr Weasley doesn’t count, since the Potters didn’t name him godfather.
This is one of those moments when you realize that Harry isn’t really a person, but a puppet through which JKR presents her story. He is more of an observer than an active player.
Harry is canonically a cold bastard who wouldn’t know empathy if it punched him in the face.
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kangaroodreamz · 5 years ago
Okay, let’s talk The Last of Us part 2 (spoiler warning)
This is going to be more my problems with the game/my response to common complaints than what I loved, but saying that, I did fucking love this game, it really lived up to my expectations. So my first problem with the game is that Joel dies real fast, I love Joel and I would’ve loved to have seen more of him, maybe they could’ve made the game longer and have him die half way through or maybe cut some of Abbys POV so we can see more of Joel but I definitely didn’t think we saw enough of him before he passed. I will say this though I understand that he had to die, I always assumed he would, maybe not that early but definitely that he would, a comment I see aloooooot is that they disrespected his character...they didn’t. Just because a character dies in a brutal fashion, or is killed by a new character/a character that you didn’t like or dies too early doesn’t mean he wasn’t respected. Joels memory was given the A+ treatment, every single flashback was goddamn poetry and probably the best part of the game, especially considering he is a bad guy. I’m sorry to say that but he’s done some fucked up shit, which was discussed heavily in the game that alot of people seem to be ignoring/dismissing.
My next complaint/response is Abby, personally I liked her, maybe I didn’t love her but I definitely liked her, I liked playing as her and I definitely felt for her, what Joel did was bad, sure he did it for Ellie but goddamn it was bad, you don’t exactly get a good look at how bad it is because you’re playing as Joel when it’s happening, but if the hospital massacre was a cutscene or tlou was a movie, that section would be fucking tyrannical, I sorta wished Abby was actually there hiding so we got to see Joel at his worst from one his victims eyes. While I did like her, she had far too much fkn time, honestly there was more her than Ellie which frankly is annoying, also she was in some cases unlikable, they could have made her character a little more fun and likeable and less hard and emotionless, I mean look at Ellie and Joel, both essentially fucking monsters who have torn people who are in their way limb from limb but we had no trouble liking them. Sure they didn’t have the baggage of killing a beloved character but thats even more of a testament to her unlikability, they should’ve tried even harder with her personality, maybe even made her guilty for Joels death, had it haunt her, maybe she fights against the idea of torturing him, she could’ve been apologetic to Ellie and also just make her more happy and fun loving, I know it’s a dark game but you’ve got the guitar loving dad who wants to see his surrogate daughter smile, and the girl who loves puns and dinosaurs and who blushes when Dina looks at her, give Abby a little more character so we can actually love her. I also think @giveamadeuschohisownmovie put it best saying Abby should’ve been Marlenes daughter or at least connected to Marlene instead of choosing an unnamed character and giving him a name and two scenes to flesh him out, if you replaced most of Abbys POV with a bunch of flashbacks of her and Marlene, making you feel for her, seeing how close they were it probably would’ve felt more sympathetic.
In conclusion I loved this game, I adored Ellies section in the first half, I really enjoyed playing as Abby, I thought Levs story was really well handled and honestly the ending had me, I can’t understand how people couldn’t like that ending, Ellie chose revenge instead of moving on, she lost her gf, her child and her ability to play guitar, the last thing connecting her to her father but she didn’t kill Abby, she chose to let her go because if she had killed her she wouldn’t have been any different, she would’ve done the same thing to Lev that Abby did to her, she would’ve been the thing she spent a year trying to kill, the thing she’s been dreaming about for months. If a story doesn’t have a happy ending it doesn’t mean it’s bad, hell there are a crazy amount of stories with even worse endings that are still masterpieces. When I described it to a friend when I finished it I called it “depressingly beautiful” cause that’s what it is, a story handled with care and detail that hurts your heart but it isn’t disrespectful, personally I think everyone has the right to dislike this story, but you really shouldn’t say it’s a bad story, it just isn’t. Personally I don’t like The Godfather or any of the Back to the Future movies but I know they’re good, I like a bunch of stories that I admit are absolute horse shit but I still love them. This story was written with care and the team cared more about making a beautifully written story than giving characters a happy ending, as they should. If you dislike it because of the story then that’s up to you, more power to you, but I will say this if you disliked it because of a trans character, a gay relationship being the focus or Abby having muscles you honestly don’t deserve an opinion.
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spaceorphan18 · 7 years ago
MCU Rewatch: Iron Man
This is going to be a fascinating experiment, that’s for sure.  
The interesting thing, to me, is that there are a couple of ways you can look at Iron Man.  On one hand - it’s on the tail end of old school (god - am I really calling superhero films of the 00s old school?) comic book films.  The X-Men and Spider-Man trio had wrapped up at this point.  Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight came out right at this time - and comic book films felt either super gritty or super tired.  Looking at what’s around it - Iron Man feels like a breath of fresh air.  It’s fun, funny, tense, heartwarming, action-packed, and just generally a good film.  No, the villain isn’t that great - I couldn’t even tell you his name and I just watched it (though I can tell you Jeff Bridges was the actor).  But Tony Stark is a complex character who does have a brilliant sense of charisma about him - and maybe that’s why I’ve always gravitated to Marvel films.  Because it’s not about the dark complexity of its psychopathic villain (as compelling as that can be) but it’s about the growth of the character within the film.  
It’s interesting to me that this is contemporaries with the Nolan Batman trio -- because Iron Man is, essentially, Marvel’s answer to Batman.  And, yeah, I don’t really care that Batman will always be the more popular character.  He’s too dark and brooding for me.  Iron Man might be cut from the same cloth (super genius, billionaire, with parents who died early on) -- but man is he a romp.  And there’s a great character arc within this movie, that feels much more human and flawed than the stoic and often cold Batman. 
Anyway, on the other -- you have the beginning of this huge and layered universe.  Of course - they didn’t fully know what it was going to be -- even with the (exciting) hints of SHIELD and Nick Fury popping up at the end, they must have had a vague plan if Iron Man did well at the box office, this is still very much a stand alone movie.  That said -- and maybe this is hindsight speaking -- this film feels like the first chapter of something much bigger.  And that’s the really cool thing about Marvel films -- they all build off each other, and this movie works fantastically as its foundation.  
(Thinking a lot of the MCU in general this past week -- I’ve come to realize that MCU works more like a TV series than a movie franchise -- which I think is awesomely cool. And I kind of hope they are able to keep that feeling going.)  
The original Iron Man feels simplistic, in a way, especially when looked at against the complex web that is Infinity War.  And in many ways - it has more in common with its predecessors (the early X-Men and Spider-Man films respectively) than it does with the later Marvel movies.  It’s an obligatory origin movie - its plot almost standard issue.  But what makes it stand out is how it uses what we’ve come to expect about comic book movies and plays with it.  
The strongest thing it has is a sense of humor, something the Marvel movies are really going to end up being known for.  Snarky banter, great one-liners, unexpected beats of comedy that, yes, lighten the mood -- though I’ll argue that it doesn’t detract from the darker aspects of the story or the tension that is built throughout the film.  
The other thing that stands out to me is how far we’ve come with special effects - and that it’s not necessarily a bad thing that we weren’t as advanced in 2008.  Iron Man’s tech is gonna get extreme (and extremely CGI) in a few years, so it’s nice to have a film that has a ‘real’ feeling to it.  Yeah, there was a lot of CGI here, too, but there were also some practical elements that grounded the movie, too.  I’m not a huge action person (yeah, why am I watching these again?) but the thing I appreciate is that - yes, there are some great action sequences in this film -- but they never outshine the story.  And the story is what matters at most.  
So.  Tony Stark.  Robert Downy Jr, as everyone says for a reason, was born for this role.  On paper, he could be incredibly unlikable -- but RDJ is able to masterfully pull off a sympathetic character without betraying the fact that this guy is, often times, a real asshole.  And it’s funny - we’ve come so far with Iron Man (and yes, I’ve heard the criticisms that they keep playing the reset button) but I’ll argue that -- he has grown in a lot of ways over the years.  Tony Stark is stumbling in every since of the world.  And while he’s in his 40s in this movie, I’d say he was emotionally stunted keeping him mentally around a wild child of 22.  And here (and of course over the years) he’s forced to grow into the godfather of the Marvel universe that he becomes.  
I mean - at the end of the movie, he’s starting to figure things out.  He and Pepper don’t have that grand sweeping kiss - but it’s slowly coming.  He and Rhodey aren’t bffs /yet/.  Tony Stark still has a long way to go before he can be apart of the Avengers - work with them and lead them, before he can have deep friendship with Steve Rogers that hurts when it’s broken, before he can mentor a young Peter Parker who will look up at him like a surrogate father.  So yeah - there is a complete emotional arc here - but it’s just the beginning.  
Meanwhile (and man does this movie benefit from not having a ton of cast members)...  Pepper Potts.  I still kinda wish we knew more about her - like, how did she get that job in the first place? But, and I can’t believe this is going to be written down - Gwyneth Paltrow does a really good job here.  (Huh - maybe there was a time she could act.)  And the banter between Pepper and Tony is incredibly engaging.  I actually like the dynamic here - and really, I’m fine the little bits we get with her over the years since it’s never a central plot.  But I also appreciate that it’s not about two hot people just finding each other attractive - but about two people who’ve essentially been together for a long time learning how to navigate real romantic feelings along with all the other ways they’ve bonded.  It’s a neat twist on an otherwise cliche thing.  
(And anyone else notice that Marvel, the longer it goes on, the more it kind of strays away from that normal romance narrative?) 
Then there’s Rhodey.  Hmm.  I think, tbh, I’m just used to Don Cheadle and his interpretation.  Terrance Howard’s Rhodey is a lot more of a straight man to RDJ’s Tony.  And I’m not really sure that works for me.  Are they friends? (I mean they learn to be) Does Rhodey feel like he’s just dealing with Tony and is sometimes amused? Howard feels slightly wooden here.  (Oops, sorry, am I allowed to feel that?) 
And then there’s Jarvis and all the tech pieces with personalities of their own.  Kinda love this twist on the whole Alfred/Butler thing.  Adds another layer of fun to it all.  
As I stated above -- Jeff Bridges’s character (who I did go look up  - Obadiah Zane?? Really?? Let’s just go with Iron Monger) is perhaps the weakest link.  The fight stuff is cool, and god, can we talk about Tony having his own surrogate parent turn villain on him -- I mean, that puts a new spin on his relationship with Spidey -- but he’s kinda forgettable after this movie -- which is fine.  It’s not about the villains anyway.  
Some smaller notes: 
Can we talk about the German doctor dying in Tony’s arms - and this is the first time he really understands human compassion? 
I realize this stemmed from the 60s - but can we talk about Iron Man and the political commentary about weapons of mass destruction? 
I’m not usually into this sort of thing - but I kind of liked the evolution of Tony’s suit throughout the film.  The suit gets an arc, too! 
The room where Tony and Pepper had their dance scene is the same room that will be used for Glee years (and years) later -- it’s used as the NYADA hall where they all sing their finals and where one Kurt Hummel will sing about Being Alive.  
Final thoughts: This movie holds up for being ten years old! It’s not perfect by any means, and a bit formulaic, but it’s still a lot of fun. 
Infinity Stones watch: Yeah - they’re not planting seeds of /that/ yet.  But I do kind of want to see if I can keep track of them.  
After the Credits: Nick Fury shows up and the fanboys lose their shit.  It’s a good thing this movie did well.  ;) 
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meteorjamyourdickinme · 8 years ago
Then We Had You
Prompt: Children 
Summary: And just trying to absorb the reality of what had just happened. Of how their lives had just casually been altered forever. 
Rating: G
Word Count: 1700+
A/N: This is my second submission for the KagaKuroko Weekend Event. Their little ball of sunshine is an OC that @tetsucchin and I have created and sadly (not at all) love like our own. If you guys have time, you should definitely check it out and participate! 
If Kagami had said that he hadn’t breathed a sigh of relief when the hospital room door closed behind Murasakibara, he would have been a liar.
He should have known the instant that Kuroko received a text from Kise asking if he could come visit that chaos would certainly ensue. And damned if he wasn’t right.
Within ten minutes of the first text, ‘just Kise’ had turned into ‘Aominecchi is coming too’, followed shortly by Midorima deciding that he simply had no other chance during the week to visit so he might as well tag along, and Akashi conveniently being in the neighborhood with enough time to stop by. He wasn’t even entirely sure how Murasakibara ended up in the mix. Probably bribed with candy. Most likely bribed with candy.
Kagami had never heard so much noise in his life. Arguing and ear-piercing squeals and Midorima reciting the traits of the Aquarius as though they hadn’t heard them in relation to Kuroko a million times before. He was just reaching the precipice of pulling his hair by the roots and telling them all to get the hell out when, almost miraculously, they all decided they should probably leave before it got too late. He was not going to change their minds.
When the door’s latch clicked into place, filling the room with a blissful silence, Kuroko sighed from his spot on the bed, rolling onto his side so he could peer through the railing at his husband.
“How is he?”
Kagami tugged down the blanket swaddling their newborn with the tip of his finger, almost giggling as he was met with mirroring red eyes that were all too human in their portrayal of a confused What the hell was that?!
“He’s fine. A little shocked, from the looks of it. Poor guy didn’t know he was going to be ambushed today.”
“I was afraid he was going to cry,” Kuroko said, with good reason. Four times, Yoake’s little face had screwed up in the threats of a fit when the noise level had gotten too high, or he was jostled about too much in strange arms.
“Nah.” Kagami gently tucked the blanket back around the sweetest round cheeks, leaning in to peck Yoake’s forehead. “He’s a tough little guy.”
Kuroko smiled, nestling deeper into his flat pillow, exhaustion creeping up his spine. They’d been up and moving for almost two days. Fourteen hours of labor had been the most terrifying, excruciating ordeal they had ever gone through.  And soon after their son had been born, he and their surrogate had been wheeled to different rooms in the wing. So the pair of them had been going from room to room for hours, feeding, fetching food, adjusting pillows, changing diapers. And just really trying to absorb the reality of what had just happened.
Of how their lives had just casually been altered forever.
But, while Kuroko was struggling to stay upright and keep his eyes open, Kagami was surprisingly chipper. Despite the dark circles under his eyes, he was smiling. Still moving at a mile a minute. Insisting that Kuroko lay in their hospital bed while he took care of the baby for a while. He’d be fine, Kuroko, that’s what they took those parenting classes for, wasn’t it?
The redhead was bouncing their son now, as much as the cramped armchair beside their bed would allow, Yoake’s wide eyes drooping slightly.
“There we go,” Kagami cooed, unable to resist another kiss to hair that smelled like powder. “They’re not so bad, huh? Well…when they’re not around.”
Kuroko chuckled under his breath, reaching through the railing to swat halfheartedly at his husband. Kagami grinned, leaning back against the chair.
“You’ll learn to live with them. They’re a bit loud and obnoxious, but…they love you. I promise.”
Yoake blinked up at him. Apprehensively.
“What? I’m telling the truth. Kise almost fainted when we told him we were having you. Almost fainted when we showed him the nursery. Did faint when we texted him that you were being born…”
Kagami drifted off, mouth twisted a bit, until Yoake sniffed loudly, shaking him from his thoughts.
“But he loves you. Adores you. I think he thinks you’re the greatest thing in the entire world. And…I think your dad and I are gonna ask him to be your godfather. What do you think?”
He waited, staring down into eyes that stared back.
“…I knew you’d agree. Now, Akashi…he’s a bit…new. He used to be crazy. Like, genuinely crazy. It wasn’t his fault or anything, but he tried to stab me. In the face.”
“But he’s okay now. And believe it or not, I think he was pretty excited for you too. But I don’t think he really knows how to act around kids, so he might be a bit awkward at first. You’ll just have to give him time to warm up to you.”
The redhead had nearly blanched when Kagami had plopped the boy into his arms without warning. Warming up was, in all likelihood, going to take quite a bit of time.
“The tall purple thing, that was Murasakibara. He kind of…well, he doesn’t really do much. I think he was happy to see you, but I’ve never really seen him happy, so I’m not sure. He just usually eats a lot. We’ll make sure he doesn’t try to eat you.”
“He’s so sweet, that might be a problem,” Kuroko added, reaching out to gingerly pet Yoake’s hair.
“Midorima’s more practical than the rest of them. He’s already thinking of colleges and careers for you. He refuses to let you just be a cute little roly poly while you can. But, he’s competent. And can change a diaper. So…,” Kagami winced apologetically. “I think we’re gonna use him as a babysitter when we can. Sorry, kiddo.”
Kuroko let a piece of Yoake’s shaggy hair curl around his finger.
“You’re forgetting someone.”
Kagami pursed his mouth, glancing up at the corner of the ceiling as he pretended to think.
“No. No, I got everyone that’s important.”
He heaved a sigh, muttering under his breath.
“…Aomine is a dick. But he seems like less of a dick around you, so…cool.”
Kuroko snickered, shaking his head.
“Good enough, I suppose.”
“And you haven’t even met Seirin yet.”
It was true. They had only been at the hospital for a short time (though it felt like eons), and Kuroko suspected they would only be there for maybe another day, so Seirin was more than likely going to have to wait until they were nice and settled in the apartment to come visit. But Kuroko was beyond thrilled for their old team to meet the newest member. From the way Kagami’s eyes lit up at the mention, he was too.
“Wait until you meet Kiyoshi. Something tells me you two are going to get along great.”
“Our house is going to be so loud when he actually gets big enough to play with him.”
Kagami hummed happily.
“You’ll have to ignore Hyuuga. His bark is worse than his bite. Most of the time. He might take it easy on you. Where you’re so cute and all.”
“Captain wouldn’t be happy hearing you talk like that,” Kuroko warned.
“Which is why I’m not saying to while he’s around.”
The blue-haired boy snorted softly, drawing his hand back against his chest as he curled into a ball. It was nice, hearing Kagami ramble on about the ones they loved most. Especially when Yoake was staring at him so intently, enraptured with Kagami’s tone and how his father’s face grew more animated as he went.
“Mitobe will always take care of you. Always. He’s been like a mother to all of us for years. He’s just a little quiet. And Izuki will make jokes. All the time. All the time. You don’t have to laugh if they’re not funny. But it makes his day when you do, so maybe you could a few times.”
“What if he thinks Izuki-kun is hilarious?” Kuroko murmured.
Kagami gave him a pained look, earning a content smile for his efforts.
“Koganei has a cat mouth. Yeah, I know, it’s weird. But he’ll love you. And Furi’s pretty great too. He’ll probably teach you a lot about confidence and not giving up when it gets hard. You’ll learn a lot from him.”
Yoake sighed again, lashes fluttering slowly. It wasn’t just Kagami and Kuroko that were feeling the stress of the last two days.
“Coach is the best. She can be scary, but she just wants the best from you. She knows what you’re capable of. And she knows how to get that potential to come true. She takes care of all of us. She’ll take care of you too. And all the others. They’ve been waiting not-too-patiently to meet you.”
“You can’t forget about Himuro.”
“Himuro.” Kagami chuckled, shaking his head. His brother had been there the very hour Yoake was born, and waited several more before he was allowed in to visit. But that hadn’t dampened the absolute joy etched on his face as he held their bundle for the first time, at a total loss for words.
“Tatsuya will act all big and tough, but don’t you buy it for one second. You’ve been here for two days and you already have him wrapped around your finger. He’s been looking forward to you since the very second we told him you were coming.”
Kagami reached to trace the curve of Yoake’s cheek, melting as a tiny hand sought out his finger to squeeze reassuringly.
“Alex…Alex is special. She’s the closest thing to a mom I have. And she is going to kiss the shit out of you. I’ll try to hold her off as long as I can, but I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do. Just hold your breath.”
Kuroko giggled at that, reaching through the railing once again to tangle his fingers with his husband’s. Kagami’s buzz waned as Yoake’s soft lashes blinked slowly, touching his cheeks as they closed with a tired sigh.
“So many people love you already.”
So many. So many calls, so many texts, so many well wishes. Kagami couldn’t recall when exactly they had garnered so many friends, but he certainly wasn’t complaining. Well, at least not while they were all in one room together, anyway.
“Just not more than me and your dad,” Kagami continued, giving Kuroko a lingering stare as the man released an incredible yawn, curling further in on himself, fingers becoming slack in Kagami’s hold.
So casually, their lives had been altered forever.
“We’ll always love you the most.”
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toldabetterstory-archived · 8 years ago
TL; DR: As long as it makes sense in your muses’ canon there is no reason why darker, mature, triggering/taboo topics should be banned from role play as long as they are treated as such and not exploited OR violate site rules and the law. Which is why Rosie Watson x Sherlock Holmes WILL NEVER HAPPEN.
Tricia here - HELLO!!!
So the meme I got regarding Rosie Watson has prompted a lot of conversation about what is and isn’t ship okay? When I got the meme, my brain INSTANTLY went ‘No’. I mean, there are the obvious reasons: 1) She is a minor. 2) Sherlock is her godfather/surrogate father ( depending on interpretation ). Yet for me, WHILE THOSE WERE MAJOR CONTRIBUTORS - my first instinct was 3) Even if the other two weren’t there - Sherlock would NEVER do that because she isn’t just Rosie. She is Rosie WATSON. She is the daughter of John Watson - his best friend; and Mary - his best friend who died for him BECAUSE of him. Not only does he still carry that guilt towards her mother and hooking up with the daughter would be a PISS POOR WAY TO REPAY THAT - Sherlock would never do it because of John Watson. AND I DON’T MEAN in a STAR CROSSED LOVERS “it’s wrong we can’t do it” kind of way. In a “i would never even consider considering it. john’s daughter is off limits - i don’t even need to be told that. i wouldn’t ever want to have that. john would be so upset too.” kind of way.
“BUT TRICIA??”  - some of you might be saying. “don’t your rules say:  I have no role play triggers and am comfortable with any subject.”
Firstly - thanks for reading my rules, I really appreciate it.
Second, YES my rules do say that - but allow me to elaborate. In another section of my rules, it says this:
I am also perfectly okay with toxic/angst ships - as long as it can be based in something fits my interpretation of my muse and/or canon.
That last part is especially important - YES I am perfectly fine talking about dark and even more taboo subjects in my threads but there needs to be something to base it off. Sherlock pinning for John’s daughter has nothing to stand on and is quite frankly, very icky.
Another section of my rules reads as follows:
As long as the topics are being handled properly, terrible things being shown as terrible things and ,when required, the proper knowledge on the subject on both our parts then I am perfectly okay with these subjects.
I personally feel that Dark/Mature/Triggering and even Taboo subjects HAVE A PLACE in RP. Not to exploit it or romanticize these terrible things, but because RP is art. It’s a perfect mix of Improv & Writing. We would never tell our media and literature to not explore these areas. AND YES; ALL SHOULD BE BETTER ADVERTISED so people who wish to avoid these subjects can do so - but they should not be banned in general. 
There are always limits though. there is always a line that needs to be monitored. Especially since we are in a grey area with legalities because tumblr is international. 
In terms of my muse, I feel that as long as it makes sense in some aspect of the canon or headcanons I have - even if an AU - then it’s fine to explore. THE CATCH HOWEVER; Is like what my rules say: TERRIBLE THINGS [ SHOULD BE ] SHOWN AS TERRIBLE THINGS. As long as topics aren’t being done for shock and handled properly, and as long as the content doesn’t violate any major platform rules ( eg: smut with underage muses & fcs is one according to law, etc... i could list more but I don’t have the patience ). If that is being followed, then there should be no reason why you cannot explore these areas - JUST THINK FIRST? Approach it with dignity and class. Do your research. Tag things accordingly. 
TL; DR: As long as it makes sense in your muses’ canon there is no reason why darker, mature, triggering/taboo topics should be banned from role play as long as they are treated as such and not exploited. Which is why Rosie Watson x Sherlock Holmes WILL NEVER HAPPEN.
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