#like half the outfits don't have text I just think the phrases they use are good & funny so. eh.
forgetful-river · 1 year
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More Namilia SS24 lewks
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Jared Leto And The Cult Discourse BS
This youtuber falsely implied that the highest package on camp Mars is and I quote "probably when you get to sleep next to Jared Leto himself" and then used it as a perfectly suited segue to promote the sponsor of his video, a mattress company! THIS IS BEYOND APPALING! ! _ I'm just failing to understand, how do people actually believe Leto has a "cult" after hearing any of these videos, ARE THEY JUST GOING BY THE TITLE?! nothing makes sense or adds up as actual true information, how is that condemning in any way?! Aren't people aware of music festivals and bands that take their fans on cruises like BON JOVI, THE BACKSTREET BOYS and ILLENIUM and more! https://backstreetboys.fandom.com/wiki/Backstreet_Boys_Cruise#:~:text=Backstreet%20Boys%20Cruise%20is%20a,not%20seen%20during%20most%20tours https://cruises.soulatsea.com/jon-bon-jovi-cruise/
The photos with the fans wearing all white was done in jest, very obvious! and the photos are actually shared on the band's instagram, it is not a secret or leaked photos, everyone on there had their phone, it wasn't a secret event! a quick search using the band's tag on instagram will show a lot of people having a fun day! wearing matching outfits or one color isn't an indicator that people are attending a cult event!! and by just using very simple logic and critical thinking any one would figure that an actual cult wont be sharing the photos with the public! plus the usage of the phrase "yes this is a cult" was a thing since the begging of the band, used as hyperbole to describe the band's fanbase! Is the term "cult following" any thing but a hyperbole?! if I said that a movie has a cult following, does that mean people who love the movie are worshiping the director?! or using the script as a religious text! LOL
By those ridiculous assumptions if 30STM is a cult then BTS is a cult!! But what's a cult?! A cult separates you from your loved ones if they don't share the same interest, they have bizarre rules and in force them on their members, they hold interrogations if they suspect that someone isn't following the rules, they have inner hierarchy and so on! You would think all of that is very obvious, but with the existence of gossip sites and channels on youtube every thing is sensationalised to grab the attention of Gen Z! A generation that grow accustomed to getting the news and information from the internet and relying on wikipedia, gossip channels and conspiracy theorists, where no one is held accountable or has any reputation or integrity to care about, as most of them are anonymous.
NGL, I wish Leto was litigious, cause what's happening with him is pure defamation, people don't give half of that crap to actors and musicians that are members of actual cults! No one bothers or cares! It's like people are envious of him being the lead of a movie?! people who know nothing about 30 seconds to Mars or his film and music careers! They think he's privileged some how! they don't know he has been in the business for 30 YEARS And because of the wording of such disgusting youtubers, people are now saying it's a s*x cult! Sh*t is snowballing and needs to be stopped!
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jamespotterthefirst · 3 years
Okay I've done some thinking and now I'm going to do some annoying😂 and I've come up with several questions for Lilac and Ethan. BUT, you have to answer as them too. 🙃
What was their worst date together?
I think there might be some funny stories for this one. 🤭 But I'm not sure, so I'll leave that to you.
What are their most repeated sentences or phrases?
Who takes longer to get ready?
Who spends more time on social media?
Who is the better driver and who is the default passenger? (also, how were they like when the other first drove them somewhere? Like when Lilac first drove Ethan somewhere and vise versa? )
Who is better at fashion?
Who is the biggest flirt?
Who sings better?
Who usually wins an argument?
Who usually finishes their food faster?
Who is more likely to burn the house down when they're cooking?
Who has the shorter attention span?
who is more likely to admit that they are wrong?
Who is more likely to send an inappropriate message to another family member? (I couldn't help myself sorry😂)
Who is more likely to 'fake it till you make it' with a crush?
Who is more likely to use the other's things?
Who is more dramatic?
Who is more likely to embarrass themselves?
Who is most likely to trip while walking?
Who is more likely to buy things they don't need?
Who is most like to lock themselves out of the house/apartment?
Okay, that's all I got. (For now😂)
Sorry for making it so long.
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Hi! Thank you so much for these! I love them lkjfskdlfjlk and you are seriously making me so happy. I love talking about these two!
What was their worst date together?
Lilac: *laughing while sharing a look with Ethan* It has to be that night you tried to take me to the Opera for Rigoletto. They didn't know we were coming so they donated your box that night like usually instruct them to do. Remember that night?
Ethan: *completely serious* I do. But I don't remember it as the worst date.
Lilac: No? We got all dressed up for nothing.
Ethan: Do you remember what happened after?
Lilac: We walked aimlessly until we ended up at the Common. They had Shakespeare at the Park. It was a production of Much Ado About Nothing.
Ethan: *nods* You got so excited because you said it was one of your favorites but you had never seen a production. You were just so... happy.
Lilac: *smiling tenderly at him* But your plan for the perfect date was ruined. I thought it was the worst date because you were disappointed.
Ethan: I planned to spend time with you. That's all I ever wanted and I got it. Plus more. That look on your face... It was worth everything.
What are their most repeated sentences or phrases?
Lilac: His infamous line about delaying the inevitable.
Ethan: Lilac constantly quotes long forgotten six second videos from 2015
L: Vines?
E: Precisely. Or she will quote literature quite impressively. There's no in between.
Who takes longer to get ready?
L: Me
E: Lilac.
L: But the end result is worth it, right?
E: You're worth any wait, darling. Yes.
Who spends more time on social media?
*They both point at Lilac without missing a beat*
Who is the better driver and who is the default passenger? (also, how were they like when the other first drove them somewhere? Like when Lilac first drove Ethan somewhere and vise versa? )
L: Ethan! I refuse to drive in this terrifying city again with Massholes on every inch of the road.
E: *snorts* Massholes? Very accurate. The first time Lilac drove, I prayed for the first time in years.
L: You're so dramatic.
E: She has no concept of speed limit, turn signals, or stop lights.
L: I'm from California! We don't make full stops.
Who is better at fashion?
E: My wife, thankfully.
L: I coordinate his outfits daily. He was hopeless before he met me.
E: *scoffs* I was not hopeless. I just didn't spend valuable time choosing what to wear.
L: Babe, you wore a polka dot tie with pinstripe trousers.
E: I don't see the issue.
L: *stares open-mouthed at him, almost as though she is reconsidering her life choices*
Who is the biggest flirt?
E: Lilac. She even does it without realizing it. L: It's not that bad. E: No? Miss You Can Give Me Private Lessons. L: That was a rare occasion of me breaking out of my shell. *but she can’t keep a straight face*  E: And let's not forget that half of the interns have a crush on you. It's annoying. L: More like 65% have a crush on me. The other 35% have a crush on you. E: They're setting their sights too high. L: *laughs* You become Chief and suddenly you’re unattainable? Luckily I met you when you were a nobody, world famous doctor.
Who sings better?
E: Me. L: Ouch, you could've pretended to think about it. E: I wouldn't have fooled either of us.
Who usually wins an argument?
E: Lilac. She grew up with the most argumentative siblings ever. Add to that her signature stubbornness and she sees most arguments to the end. 
L: The secret is to kiss him when things aren’t going well for me.
E: That too.  
Who usually finishes their food faster?
*They both point at Lilac without a moment’s pause*
Who is more likely to burn the house down when they're cooking?
*They continue to point at Lilac, adding extra flair for emphasis*
Who has the shorter attention span?
*They hesitate*
L: Neither of us?
E: In our line of work, we’d be in trouble with a short attention span. 
Who is more likely to admit that they are wrong?
L: Ethan. He’s gotten so much better about this through the years. I’m so proud of him.
Who is more likely to send an inappropriate message to another family member? (I couldn't help myself sorry😂)
L: Ethan accidentally sent his father a text that was meant for me. Luckily, it was innocent. He was only asking me what was for dinner.
E: Your reply when I finally sent it to you was not. 
Who is more likely to 'fake it till you make it' with a crush?
L: Ethan Jonah Ramsey. He pretended to be so suave with me during my intern year half of the time. The other half he teasingly insulted me, which is his way of flirting. 
E: Bold of you to assume I had a crush on you back then.
L: *arches a brow at him*
E: *breaks and laughs despite himself*
Who is more likely to use the other's things?
E: Lilac. She uses my shirts all the time.
L: They’re a badge of honor. I have to tell that world I’m sleeping with you somehow.
E: That’s implied given that we’re married. 
Who is more dramatic?
*Lilac points at Ethan instantly. After some hesitation, he points at himself too with the ghost of a smile*
Who is more likely to embarrass themselves?
*Their fingers remain on Ethan, both thinking of the time at the end of her intern year when he almost told Naveen all about how Ethan had slept with Lilac.* 
Who is most likely to trip while walking?
*They switch their fingers to Lilac*
L: I learned my lesson about what shoes not to wear to work.
Who is more likely to buy things they don't need?
*They continue to point at Lilac*
E: We have more soaps, socks, essential oils, and candles than anyone needs in a lifetime.
Who is most like to lock themselves out of the house/apartment?
*They point at Ethan now*
L: Only because I convinced him to switch to an electronic door lock.
E: I hate the damn thing.
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