#like do u SEE his eyelashes he 100% uses mascara
princema-k · 7 months
God the way you draw Speed is literally so good. Like my man is SERVING
yea he's just a lil limp-wristed to me and i think he should serve cunt always. as a treat
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babyrides · 7 years
Boyfriend Does My Voiceover - Minghao
(A/N): So this is a new series I’m doing! I first saw this over on @markleetrashh​ (who is so lovely and talented btw you should 100% go check out her writing if you haven’t already) and I thought it was such a cute idea! So, without further ado, let’s get started! (Fair warning this is gonna be RLLY long rip)
so we all know that Minghao cares A LOT about his appearance right
he took like foundation and a hair straightener and like skincare stuff to Yeoseodo let’s not forget
and he’s also very caring even though he pretends to be tough and savage he’s a damn sweetheart ok he’d be such a good bf and listen to you talk about makeup if it’s something you’re passionate about
so I think both of those things put together would make him pretty interested and knowledgeable about makeup
he would probably make the occasional cameo on your channel
not too often bc he’s a lil shy and also busy????? being talented??????
but all your subscribers thought you guys were the cuTEST
and after your last Q&A video with him people started requesting a voiceover video like crazy
Minghao probably wouldn’t be on board immediately
he has his thughao image to keep up after all 
but you eventually convince him it’s really not that hard
so you record and edit the video and set up a mic for him
he asks you to leave the room and you’re like “wtf no I want to know what you sAY”
tbh he’s just embarrassed bc he thinks ur rlly beautiful and doesn’t want u to hear him say that
so he starts the recording right
“hey everyone it’s Seventeen’s member with infinite potential The8! but today I’m just (Y/N)’s boyfriend doing her makeup voiceover” 
he sounds a little dejected and you’re like what the fuck what’s wrong w/ just being my bf
“anyway looks like she’s starting with a primer”
“this one is by NYX and she always tells me it’s her favorite because it hides her pores but I don’t see any pores??????”
ur rolling ur eyes so hard only minghao could call u out and compliment u at the same time
“so just focus that where you think you have large pores even if you don’t actually have pores there”
“next up she’s doing foundation”
“and this is another NYX product”
“and she’s... dropping it onto her hand????? babe is that sanitary are your hands clean”
(you’re about to scream)
“so now she’s dotting it all over her face-oh yikes your hands aren’t clean how did you get so much makeup on them already YOU JUST STARTED”
“anyway now she’s gonna take a brush to blend that out in circular motions”
“ok now concealer”
“this is the tarte one right? ok yeah I got it right!”
(you’re highkey dying at how cute he is)
“so she’s gonna apply this under her eyes and over a couple other places”
“and she’s blending in between because she always complains about how quickly this stuff dries so you gotta blend it quickly” 
“and now she’s putting x’s on her cheeks because she’s gonna cover up the rosiness I wish she wouldn’t do that it’s so cute especially when I make her blush-”
at this point you hit him because like boi stop
“so now that she’s done with that she’s gonna put loose powder under her eyes wow that’s... quite the look there babe”
“and while that’s setting it looks like she’s taking a break and... dancing... really badly” 
“are you sure you’re my gf”
“what were you even dancing to???”
ur reply: “my I”
n he’s like “...you’re so embarrassing” but he loves u it’s ok
“ok now it looks like she’s gotten back to it”
“it looks like she’s going to brush off the loose powder” “and put more powder on top?????? I don’t really get that but she’s probably doing it for a reason”
“she’s doing her eyes now” 
“you can’t see the brand on this stuff but I know it’s the MAC paint pot because she literally talks about this stuff nonstop”
“and after she puts that everywhere she’s gonna take this Too Faced chocolate bar palette”
“and take the lightest shade and put that all over her eyes”
“and then go into the crease with that pink-y color and then take a darker brown and do the same thing”
“and then go under her eyes with that same brown and make it all smoky”
“then she’s gonna take an eyeliner pencil”
“and she’s gonna draw... on her eye?????”
“...that’s a really attractive face you’re making there”
“so now she’s doing mascara and making another... interesting face”
“why is your mouth open”
“and now she’s gluing on some false eyelashes to make her eyes look even prettier if that’s possible”
(rip you at this point tbh)
“now she’s doing eyebrows and she always tells me how much she hates doing eyebrows”
“...this is taking so long anyway don’t forget to like this video and subscribe so she can keep making videos~ and leave nice comments!!”
u: “I’ve literally never said that why are you so extra”
“oh look she’s done”
(you noticed he stopped mentioning brands a while ago but it’s ok bc he’s doing well and he’s cute so)
“so now she’s brushing this brown color under her cheekbones and around her jaw to contour”
“and now she’s taking this highlighter from Colourpop and putting it on her cheeks, nose, and above her lips”
“look at that glow take note guys”
“and now she’s finishing it off by doing her lips”
“she’s using this MAC lipstick”
“oh it’s the one I got her!! it’s called angel bc she’s my angel”
(ur literally about to combust)
“anyway she’s finishing it up by spraying a setting spray”
“and that’s the finished look!! doesn’t she look fantastic wow that’s my girlfriend”
“here’s a secret though: she literally washes it off right after and lounges around in sweatpants-”
you turn off the mic before he reveals more of your secrets
but overall you both had a lot of fun w/ it and he really wants to do a video where he does ur makeup now rip you
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