#like damn his own supposed character arc has been ignored in favoritism of yuki
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citrsworld · 9 months ago
Is it just me or the given fandom doesn't deserve ritsuka uenoyama AT ALL
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entamewitchlulu · 8 years ago
Homura’s Top 15 GX Characters
And next, my favorite GX characters!!!  Under the cut so that it doesn’t take up too much of everyone’s dashes cause it’s loooong lol
15. Ryo Marufuji “Kaiser”
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I hate him but I love him tbh haha.  He’s not the best brother and his whole Hell Kaiser thing actually made me a little less interested in him as a character, but I still like him a lot for his aggressive presence and his interesting character arc, which is really out of the norm for a lot of character arcs in general.  You don’t often see the kind of change that we get to see in Ryo.  I also still do always remember that moment where he decided he would rather surrender than watch Shou get hurt during his duel against Camula, and that more than anything endears me to him.  Despite his harsh demeanor, I think in the end he really does care.
14. Daichi Misawa
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It’s my nerd son ;w;  What I love the most about Misawa is just how amazingly analytical he is, but he’s still a lovable person who seems to get along with others easily.  Most of the time, math nerd characters like him are shown as completely socially inept, but Misawa was almost always shown as someone who was really easy to get along with, and everyone liked him (at least until ignoring him became a running gag... ;w; he deserved better).  He’s a cute little nerd.
13. Fubuki Tenjoin
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God look at this fucking nerd.  My favorite thing about Fubuki is that he’s just...so dorky??  And this right on the heels of his first appearance as Darkness, when we’ve been waiting for a significant amount of episodes to find/meet the cool Asuka’s missing big brother...and we find out he’s a fucking NERD.  Just surfing around with his hawaiian top and his ukelele and stealing all of the girls’ hearts while dealing out stupid love guru advice.  He’s just downright fun to watch because he’s so dorky!
12. Rei Saotome
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Rei is just...cute okay?  I don’t really have many deep reasons why I like her because she doesn’t really have much of a character on screen, which I do mourn often ;w;  But I’m the kind of person that attaches to the female characters for better or worse, and I just find Rei an interesting potential for character if nothing else.  I actually don’t mind that her driving force tends to be romance, and I like that she takes initiative to find what she wants.  I also love what a mom friend she is with Martin, and how she’s a little almost aggressive with it XD
11. Takuma Saiou
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Yeah, he’s definitely a divisive character, but I can’t help but care about him.  He’s a misguided soul that falls off the path because of an unfortunate string of events, but I don’t feel like he ever tried to act like he never did anything wrong.  He was willing to take the consequences for his actions and fight to right them alongside Edo, and I’ll admit that most of my love for him comes from his interactions with Edo, especially when they’re children.  He’s a tragic sort of character who fought hard but ended up falling prey to evil in the end anyway.  And yet, in the end, he does manage to come back to himself; and that’s often why I choose to ignore his final appearance in season 4, cause it just feels like a regression of his character.
10. Haou
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I guess this character is basically Judai, but I suppose for these purposes I’m considering him separately.  Idk I just find him to be the kind of villain that I tend to like; he’s dark, looming, quiet, and eerie, even beyond the fact that he’s Judai, our protagonist, become the villain.  He’s absolutely merciless and for the short time that he’s an antagonist, he’s legitimately frightening for the characters that have to face him.
9. Shou Marufuji
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what a precious boy??????  Shou Marufuji deserves the world, honestly.  I love him for how he overcomes his vulnerabilities and anxieties, and he becomes honestly one of the strongest characters in the series courage-wise.  I love his character arc and his growth, and he’s just such a sweet, precious boy and I love watching him grow up.
8. Yubel
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Yubel is fucking cool okay??  Her design is amazing and I love the way that her voice changes in the middle of sentences to make her truly androgynous.  I also adore her for her fascinating character motivation; we’ve certainly never seen this before or again in Yu-Gi-Oh where the villain’s motivation is undying, obsessive love with the protagonist.  She brought GX into a really fascinating time for story telling, and even after she’s defeated and assimilated into Judai, the few bits we get of her paint her as an amazingly sassy spirit partner that I wish we had gotten to know more about.
7. Jim Crocodile Cook
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God I’m such a sucker for this guy.  He’s just a fun dude, and I love his almost Steven Irwin kind of look/personality.  His interactions with Karen are a joy to watch, and I love his laid-back, adventurous personality, and his immense loyalty to his friends and his unwillingness to back down or give up.
6. Austin O’Brien
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This precious, precious dude, I love him so much it hurts sometimes ;w; O’Brien is just...great???  He doesn’t get as much screen time has he deserves, but what we do get I think is so great.  He’s just so incredibly human.  I love his arc, when he first appeared I thought I wouldn’t like him, but his enflamed passion from dueling with Judai, and seeing him decide to take his own path outside of the job given to him really endeared him to me.  Watching him overcome his own fear in order to sacrifice himself to save Judai and everyone from Haou was a really powerful moment, and I was so glad to see him come back and be Judai’s bff/info specialist.
5. Jun Manjoume
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God, what is there not to love about Manjoume?  His character arc is actually one of the best in the series; I love watching his internal and external struggles and coming out on top in the end every time.  One of my favorite things about GX in general is how he and Judai seem to have an inverse relationship from usual shonen series; while Judai ends up being a quiet individual who fades from the scene, Manjoume ends up taking on the role of being the face of Duel Academia and the pro that everyone knows about.  I just love him for how multifaceted he is; he has his serious side, his irritable side, his downright dorky side, and his legitimately caring side.  My favorite scenes with him are his arc with Edo, where we get to see what kind of person he’s going to be as an adult, and I just felt so proud of him in those moments seeing how much he had grown since the beginning.
4. Asuka Tenjoin
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What an absolute bae tbh.  I love Asuka’s tough personality and her take-no-shit attitude.  She’s a strong girl who sets an example for others, and takes good care of the people who look up to her, even when she’s under the brainwashing of the Society of Light.  Her determination and self-confidence are really a joy to watch on screen and almost all of her duels are just so cool!
3. Judai Yuki
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Judai is honestly one of the most dynamic protagonists in Yu-Gi-Oh.  He starts out as this typical, laid-back shonen protag who just floats through life and gets by with his incredible luck, but circumstances force him to deal with his own buried insecurities and I think he’s one of the most fascinating depictions of a legitimately depressed character in shonen media.  His growth is great to watch and I love how out of the ordinary it is for a shonen show.  His duels are fun and his confidence + vulnerabilities are incredibly fascinating to watch him as he goes along on his character journey.
2. Edo Phoenix
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I’m straight for Edo tbh like damn son, what a pretty person you are???  But beyond that, he’s also a fascinatingly fun character to watch on screen.  I love him for his superior attitude and his smug confidence, but also for his rare moments of letting his actual kind heart show through.  He’s a precious child that I loved getting the back story on which really sealed the deal for me loving him.
1. Johan Andersen
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god i love him so goddamn much ;w;  Johan is just so incredibly earnest and sincere.  I love how strong he is in his convictions and how excitable about life he is.  He’s legitimately cheerful about almost everything, and gets excited about things even when the situation looks dire.  He’s strong in his beliefs and is more than willing to lay his life down for others, and in fact, it was his hope and dream that he could do something with his life to help other people, even at the cost of himself.  I love him for his devotion to his spirits, and in fact all spirits in general, and how badly he wants to protect everyone.  He’s also fucking adorable and I love how smiley and happy he is no matter how bad things get.  He always believes, in himself, in others, and in that the world is a fundamentally good place.
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