#like cOME ON orz wwwwww
hopkei · 4 months
sota was on live showing off his ability to write kanji backwards (because the camera is mirrored)
apparently its something hes good at hehe
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TITLE: “Scrunchie” (a Fem!Hinata oneshot, in 2 parts)
GENRE: fluff, humor, friendship?
WORDS: 939 words (Part 1)
SUMMARY: Hinata receives a gift—stashed inside her locker—from someone but she doesn’t know who?
A/N: Am reposting two of my shelved discontinued fem!Hinata fics from my old blog here (for exposure ig? Also I didn't delete them completely there, they're just posted privately lol); for those who've read the original post before and wondering why this blog repost another blog's work, supplies~!! OP here, filling this blog with some Haikyuu content from last October, starting with my very first fic. Enjoy ^^;; ALSO DO NOT SEND HATE ORZ smh
NOTE: Let’s assume that Hinata Shouyou is the only female member of the Karasuno High School Men’s Volleyball Club. Also let’s assume that you are the Hinata Shouyou, *side head tilts* ne?
My Masterlist
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Morning practice done, and you and Shimizu-senpai and Yachi are heading to the girls’ locker room to change.
Cause i still have my dignity intact lmao
As if i’d let her change inside the club room together with a bunch of hungry wolves. Iirc
As you opened your locker, surprise~! You see a small baby blue packet tied with a blue ribbon, on top of your school uniform.
“Eh?” You got hold of the packet into your hands, eyeing curiously. “What’s this doing here inside my locker?”
“What’s the matter, Hina-chan?” Yachi asked.
You showed the small packet in front of them. “I found this on top of my school uniform. Dunno why it’s here~”
Deep thonking
“Maybe, a birthday gift?” Shimizu-senpai cocked her head on one side.
You rubbed the back of your neck and sweatdropped.
“That’s some very belated birthday gift, if it is, if you ask me…—“
Since you’ve turned sweet sixteen almost a month ago!!!
Yachi looked closely at the packet after you handed it to her so that you can change clothes.
“Hmm… doesn’t have a gift tag or something…”
Her curious expression changed that of alarm 🚨
Shimizu-senpai taps the blonde girl’s shoulder.
Panicc attacc stahps
Which prompted Yachi to accidentally throw the packet up in the air.
Luckily you caught it in time (after a quick change) before hitting the floor.
“Hitoka-chan, calm down. There’s no way that packet can harm all of us~ :)”
You examined the packet again, raising it under the light.
Kinda like x-ray vision lol
“At least, there’s something inside—“
Next, you shook it but gently, and you heard nothing.
The goddess intervened, a smile on her lips: “Hinata-chan, why don’t you open it?”
“B-but, idk if someone really gave it to me…?”
“Nah, don’t worry~” Was silent for a sec. “I can assure you that this packet really is for you.”
You glanced at Shimizu-senpai, a bit sus—
An Among Us ref (sorry I still couldn’t play the game) but still—
Many scenarios playing inside your head.
Wow Tsukki would be shocked if he knows you can also think with that single brain cell of yours
Hc’d Hina-chan calls Tsukishima ‘Tsukki’ also aside from Yams.
“Go on, Hina-chan! Open it, open it~” Stars forming in Yachi’s eyes lol
You smiled sheepishly. “If you two say so…”
You untied the ribbon and pried open the packet—
You gasped at the contents before fishing it out.
Like 👁👄👁
“Uwaaaa~ a cute hair scrunchie!” you exclaimed, showing off said scrunchie like a trophy.
A black hair scrunchie dotted with sunflowers and oranges, like your team’s black-and-orange jersey.
Even bigger stars have formed into Yachi’s eyes looks like she’d created an entire new galaxy wwwwww kidding.
Goddess Kiyoko beaming a little…
You tied your chest-length orange ginger-colored red whatever you fans called it lol—
You pulled your chest-length hair up in a ponytail and secured it with the scrunchie.
“Oi, dumbass, hurry up or we’ll be late for class!” Hollered another dumbass outside the locker room.
“H-hai, coming~!”
The two of you walking side by side from the gym towards the first years’ hallway to class.
Kageyama kept glancing at your direction. You noticed.
“What? Is there something on my face, Bakayama-kun?”
“Ha?” He stared ahead, scowling. “No, nothing.”
There’s his glancing again.
Annoyed, you stopped in your tracks and pouted at him.
An angry and pouting Hinata is cute af ngl—
“Can you stop looking at my face, Bakayama!? What’s wrong with you??? Mou~ (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾”
C-cute, the raven-haired setter thought, cheeks flushing.
Looking flabbergasted at his fellow teammate’s rant.
“O-oi, dumbass, calm down!” Kags said, his hand clamping your head.
“Then why are you staring at me??? Ow ow ow let go~!”
Still clamping, he lowered your head a bit and nodded at your new hair scrunchie.
“What’s that thing on your head? Who gave that to you??”
Oof jelly boyfie alert dejk—
You swatted Kageyama’s hand away from your head and adjusted said scrunchie “thing”.
“A hair scrunchie, idiot! I found it inside my locker earlier after morning practice.”
Mumbling, “Dunno who put it there though…”
He slowly said, looking away from you, his cheeks a tinge of red.
“That looks… good on you, the colors suited your hair. It’s cute.”
You looked at him surprised, face a bit flustered too. “T-thanks…?”
Wow… Bakayama complimenting me? He said ‘cute’… to me? (*☻-☻*)
#TsundereKageyama imo lol fite me
An idea formed in your head.
Seriously Tsukki’ll be shocked. Really—
Brown eyes narrowing at him. “Maybe…”
“Maybe, what?” he demanded.
What this dumbass thinking—
“…did you sneak inside the girls’ locker room and place it inside my locker???” you feigned shock.
Which made poor Kags choke on his spit and full-blast tomato face mode.
“( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) hai hai~ I believe you now!” you grinned at the setter. “Sorry for pulling your leg hehe”
Tick marks forming on his forehead, mouth twitching…
“Why you little—“
First bell rang~
You walked towards your classroom’s door before turning at him.
“Hey, Kageyama-kun, I’ll see you at lunchtime, ne?” You beamed.
And winked ^_−☆ before heading inside.
Double kill
The poor boy was left alone, unmoved in his position.
That boke’ll be the death of me //////
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lazy-safetastic-13 · 7 years
OKAY! For the first time, Red sees Fell confronted to one of his biggest fears. So for once he will take care of his guard of a brother! Biggest fear can be something dramatic like something ridiculous, your choice! GOOD LUCK ON YOUR TEST SWEETHEART
I’m exhausted. Lol. 4:02 am. WWwwwwww. 
I haven’t done much for this ship in a while. Giving it my share of love. 
so much for a drabble tho. hueheuheue. :’D
Update: Same thing as before, for the mobile, I’ve been told the read more cut is so wonky. :( As this is a sfw, I’ll undo the cut.Tumblr, pls get to do that. I don’t have the problem, but so many others do. >:(Not Good For Me. I need these read more cuts to be functioning well. Pronto. D’:
Title: It’s Not A Silly Fear
Pairing: Fellbros
Words: 1, 560
It came unbidden as his necksuddenly felt weirdly free and the air caressed his bones.
Sans looked disgruntled whenthe collar landed on the hard floors with a thud and sighed as he bent down topick it up. “Heh, the old thing must’ve decided it was time.” He said with afond smile on his features as he examined the damage.
The leather collar used to bea brilliant red, but now it was faded to a maroon; the wear and tear makingitself known as he could also see some scratches, cracks and indents on thematerial. It was such a shame that he couldn’t quite find anything on repairingleather to better take care of it, but living in the underground with ruleslike theirs didn’t grant such luxuries.
Still, it was a gift from hisbrother, and that in itself was a rarity on its own so maybe he could attemptto stitch it up or something.
Sans decided to see if therewas something in stores, or maybe even in the dumps that could help, and placedthe collar on the bed before he teleported. Papyrus wouldn’t be done his guardduties until later, so the short skeleton hoped he had enough time before hisbrother sees the thing and lectures him about it.
“Sans!” Papyrus had comehome, having finished his duties earlier than expected as the dog unitsactually did their jobs right, for once.
And knowing that Sans’ shifthad already ended, he called for his brother … and received no response.
Only serving to irritate thetall skeleton and making him towards his brother’s room with purpose.
He slammed the door open, ausual thing, and grimaced at the messy sight of his brother’s room, again ausual thing.
And his gaze traveled to thebed where he’d usual find Sans napping and what not, but instead, what he foundgot him freezing in place.
Papyrus’ soul felt heavy and his bodybegan to shake. Eye lights bore hard into leather material innocently sittingon top of the top before the tall skeleton seemed to have suddenly appearedbefore it; having unconsciously moved; trepidation setting in his bones andcausing him to feel cold despite being indoors and the clothes he wore.
Gloved hands carefully lifted thecollar, gently—as if it’d break if he tightened his hold on it. It was precious.
He could see the torn and how woredown it was. Logically, it would be easy to deduce that it only snapped andSans was fine, maybe even went to get something to fix it. But Papyrus’ mindcouldn’t help supplying irrational imaginations in his head.
Of images that made his body shakeeven more and tears began to slide down his cheeks. But Papyrus didn’t even noticeas his thoughts began to swirl into turmoil.
Sans smiled at him, blood trailing down hisjaw and tears in his eyes. “I’m sorry, Paps.”
No no no no.
“I failed you.”
No Sans. You didn’t. Don’t believe that.
“I don’t have much time.”
No! You’ll be fine. I’ll think of something.I always do.
“But I want you to know that I love you,brother.”
No, stop. Please.
“And I’m proud of you.”
Please. Stop.
“Sorry, Paps. Sorry.” Sans faded away with Papyrusdesperately reaching out, only grasp at nothing for nothing was left in itswake.
And Papyrus fell to the ground as he grippedthe snow beneath him. Hopelessness. Despair. Loneliness. Regret.
His brother was no more. And it was all hisfault.
He should’ve been stronger. And now Sans was… his brother was.
Violent sobs racked his whole body and he didn’tcare if it could be heard.
The price was paid for his folly. It was allhis fault his brother was gone.
Sans ported back to his room inquite a happy mood that he actuallymanaged to find a sewing kit in the dumps. He was utterly caught by surprise;however, when he found his little brother sobbing on his floors whilstclutching the broken collar.
The short skeleton was immediatelyon alert as worry set in. He put the kit aside with his magic to be placed onthe bedside table as he himself lowered to his knees and went to slowly touchhis brother’s shoulder.
“H-Hey, Paps? Bro?” When eyelights met with his own, he smiled gently. “What’s wrong? What happened?”
Sans let out a yelp as Papyrus’quick movement startled him and he found himself tightly embraced by strongarms. He could hear the mumbled murmurs as repetitive apologies and Sans becameeven more worried at how shaken his brother was. What happened when he wasgone? Was it when the latter was doing his rounds? Did a monster say something tohim? Was he let go as part of the royal guard? Or … Oh stars, did Undyne saythat Papyrus wasn’t cool anymore and didn’t want to be her friend?
The short skeleton rubbed Papyrus’back as he returned the embrace. “Hey, shhh, hey, it’s okay, Paps. Shhh, it’sgonna be okay.”
“I’m so sorry. So so—”
“Shhhh, none of that.”
“Papyrus.” Sans couldn’t help butsigh at the whimper. “Why don’t we go on the bed, yeah? I wanna know whathappened, okay?”
It took several moments beforePapyrus moved, carrying Sans along with him who didn’t move nor said a word ofcomplaint about it as the tall skeleton sat on the bed and moved back so thathis back met the wall. Once they were more or less settled, Sans began his questions.
“Now, do you mind telling me whatthat was all about?” Sans proceeded to wipe Papyrus’ tears with the sleeves ofhis jacket as he faced his brother in the other’s hold on him.
With Papyrus having calmed, helooked down and away from his Sans’ gaze. “… You’ll laugh at how silly it is.”
“I won’t.”
“You will.”
Sans placed both hands on Papyrus’cheeks and lifted them up so that their eyes met head on. “Try me.”
“… I … I got scared when I sawthe collar broken.” The silence made Papyrus nervously continue. “I-I know thatlogically nothing bad happened to you since it was on your bed, so it meantthat you got home and s-stuff, b-but my mind,” Papyrus was tearing up again. “I-Icouldn’t help thinking that you were gone. T-That you d-died and—it’s all m-myfault for not being s-strong enough to protect you. I’m sorry, Sans. I, I—”
Sans let out a soft sigh before gently smilingas he wiped them away. “Your imaginations astounds me, bro. It’s not yourfault. You’re already strong—unparalleled to one.”
“Not even Undyne!” Sans felt victorious when Papyrus softly chuckled athis claim. “And I’m not going anywhere. I’m too annoying to be killed soeasily. So sorry pal, but you’re stuck with me for a long damn time.”
Papyrus pulled his brother into atight hug, but this time, he was smiling. “… I wouldn’t have it any other way …Thank you, brother.”
“Anytime, Paps. Anytime.”
It took a whole day or two beforeSans completed fixing up the collar. Papyrus had been more clingy in exchange fornot seeing the thing around Sans’ neck. So the tall skeleton had been more thanrelieved to see his brother put on collar.
The short skeleton pulled at it totest out the durability of his sewing ability, and found himself satisfied atthe result. Though, the heavy weight felt foreign from not wearing it for twodays. Well, at least his brother could stop looking at him as if he’d dust anymoment.
“There, practically good as new.”
Papyrus nodded and let out a deepbreath to collect himself before straightening to stand tall and proud. It wasas if he hadn’t been the clinging baby bones as he was in the past. “I’ll beleaving to do my rounds, and I expect you to be back before dinner Sans. Noneof that greasy food tonight.”
Considering the events thathappened, Sans relented and agreed to not go to Grillby’s.
“And I …” Papyrus shook his head.He’s already showed enough of his vulnerable side. “I expect you to also takebetter care of my gifts to you.”
“Geez, Paps. Don’t be an ass.” Thetall skeleton had the decency to be embarrassed and ashamed. But Sans get thathis brother was just trying to bring things back to normality, so he added, “Butspeaking of gifts, as much I like the collar, I think this one is really reaching itsend. Maybe it’d be time to get a new one.”
“I suppose that’s true.” Papyrusnodded. “All right, I’ll see if I’m able to find one, and of a better quality.”
Papyrus proceeded to head out, andjust before he was about to close the door, Sans called out, loud and clear, “Ilove you too! Take care!”
The short skeleton couldn’t helpbut laugh when he managed to see the reddening of cheekbones.
And more so when Papyrus shoutedback. “I’ll be back! Love you too!” before slamming the door shut.
Stars, they were certainly a weirdpair of brothers.
Sorry if it’s bad, Orz 
I actually had quite a hard time with this. So I hope this was adequate. I tried my best. T^T)
I tried thinking of fears applicable, but found myself really bad at making a good story in my head. So yeah, sorry if I have failed you, my friend! I hope it was still a good read regardless. ;v;) Wwwwww.
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