#like bruh -__- help me
tiredsmashbros · 3 months
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im cooking ya'll i'm cooking oh my god my back hurts UIHJOK
anywho i hope u enjoy this max just as much as i do xD 💛
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wasyago · 1 year
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im gonna start killing
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gojostan-doodles · 5 months
Me: Animating is pretty fun! Why don't I do it more often?
Day 4 of drawing the exact same thing in slightly different positions:
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cosmogenous · 7 months
not everything is abt you
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royaltea000 · 4 days
You know how disappointed I am that no one has made any great sage x young sage content yet like you look at that man and tell me that neither of em would participate in a good ol clone fucking session you would be goddamn wrong
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In goofy David Tennant/Michael Sheen Loud news, my husband stumbled upon an edit with David Tennant and Michael Sheen about how they’re In Love ® and he’s been solidly on the ‘Yeah, they’re prob fuckin’ train because of me & he was like, “I don’t get it, they’re not physically compatible at all, one is really skinny and the other is cherubic—“ and I was like bruh you literally described the one who plays an angel on TV as cherubic 💀 💀 💀 certifyibly Good ™️ casting big rare W to Neil Gaiman
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mortysmith · 6 months
Thought about the toxic ep Almost died
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brrrkdslek · 8 months
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SYPNOSIS : knowing the dangers with mafias roaming downtown recently, your dumbass still decides to take a stroll praying it'd relieve your current stress and struggles. but god had other plans for you as she sends two stress relievers your way. but what you didn't know was that you'd be a great asset to them.
PAIRING : mafia! sanhwa x fem! reader
GENRE : non-idol au, mafia au, mafia members duh, idfk honestly
WARNINGS : smut!!!!, no names mentioned(y/n), yummy hunky men(sanhwa), degradation(hwa), praise(san), face fucking, unprotected, creampie, throatpie, strip tease(?), voyeurism, abused pussy lmao idk
YINGLES' NOTES : LMFAO HAPPY (late) BIRTHDAY TO MY FAVOURITE EDITOR EVER!!!1!!11!1!1 @ygswl enjoy yo mega smut bitch ;) ps i almost creamed myself while writing this hehe👉🏻👈🏻
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you groaned and flopped onto the bed, this was the fourth time in a row that you didn't win a fancall with your favourite idol. you stared at the ceiling and contemplated your life, is this it? whining over the perfect man that doesn't even know who you are? get a life.
"ugh, i'm trying!" you whined to the voices in your head and slammed your fist against the bed, startling your cat as it jumped up from its spot next to you and meowed at you sassily before it jumped off to some corner in your room you never bothered to clean.
you suddenly sat up and slapped both of your palms onto your cheeks and sighed, "focus! you need to get a grip!" you screamed to no one in particular as you threw the covers off your body and got dressed.
you looked in the mirror and smiled in satisfaction at your lovely outfit; a sleeveless low cut top paired with a cute cropped white jacket. you put on a pair of high-waisted flared jeans and did a small twirl at the mirror.
you decided to take a stroll downtown as you walked down the stairs humming some song that's been stuck in your head since the month before, time really passes by quickly. you jogged towards the kitchen to grab a snack before heading out, eyeing the banana in the fruit bowl as you reached to get it.
your mother emerges from behind you and smacked your hand, making you jump and turn around. "where do you think you're going?" she asked grumpily as she eyed you up and down, still salty you didn't help her prepare dinner.
you chuckled sheepishly and followed behind her as she tossed the bowl of meat she was holding into the pot of boiling water. you gently massaged her shoulders as you coughed, "hah, so uh, what're you making, ma―"
she cut you off and shrugged your hands off her shoulders, "what do you want now?" you stiffened and laughed, "whaaat? pssh, nothing of course..." she eyed you up and down with an eyebrow raised, "looking like that?"
you pursed your lips before taking a deep breath and sighed, "can i go downtown please? nothing serious, just a walk and―" she cut you off again and smacked your arm with the plastic spatula she was holding, "no! are you insane? don't you know about the stupid mafia down there right now?"
she tsked and furrowed her brows, "what's their name? dala dala- no, bala bala...?" you crossed your arms against your chest and grumbled, "it's hala hala, ma..." she rolled her eyes, "whatever, if you die i'll kill you!" she said before walking past you to grab the spices in the cabinet.
you deadpan, "that's not even- whatever, i'm going now." you said as you put your shoes on and heard her hum. "love you ma!" you said before slamming the front door shut and bouncing excitedly as you took a bus downtown.
you haven't been going anywhere for the past month due to work and babysitting your annoying cousins, not that you ever complained since your aunt and uncle paid you generously. it's been a long time since you were downtown and you're excited to see the change made in these few months you've been gone.
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you grumbled as you leaned against the brick wall, swirling the kool-aid in your cup as you glanced around the area. it wasn't surprising that everything was still the same, i mean what was there to expect?
but you've already encountered three catcallers and tripped on nothing twice, the second time making mud water splash onto the ends of your new pants, spoiling your mood even more than it already was.
you looked around again and perked up when you saw two delicious looking men in suits turn a corner and into an alleyway.
of course, being nosy as fuck, you followed. tiptoeing quietly, you looked into the alley curiously and felt your heartbeat quicken, this was so enticing.
one of the men was taller and slimmer than the other, hair slicked back and dressed in a suit, any woman that passed would probably fall heal over heels, including you.
the other man was slightly shorter and had wide, and when i say wide, i mean wide shoulders. your expression soured when your eyes trailed down and saw his small waist, his proportions were insane.
the current feeling of infatuation quickly turned into envy as you pouted, wondering how easily these two men looked so effortlessly handsome.
"tonight?" the man with the dorito body asked, "hm, i have no clue how we'll manage to take down valhalla in just one night but i'll figure it out." the taller said sternly, looking as proud and confident as ever.
you scoffed, arrogant prick. the shorter whined and rolled his eyes, "how are we supposed to do that? that little man always has crazy high expectations." the other chuckled at the height joke, "that's how we're able to even rise this high, you know this."
you deadpanned when the dorito man continued to whine in annoyance before he suddenly stopped and turned his head to your directions. thank god for your reflexes cause you retracted your head just in time.
you slapped your hand over your mouth as you slid down the wall, having just realised what dangerous situation you put yourself in. you continued to eavesdrop but furrowed your brows in confusion when you stopped hearing voices.
like an idiot, you poked your head back towards the alleyway and felt your heart jump out of your throat when the two men were much closer now, looming over you with their hands in their pockets.
you shrieked and fell back onto the concrete and breathed heavily, your mouth drying as you desperately tried to speak. the shorter chuckled and squatted down, "what's this? you're a pretty little thing, ain't'cha?" he cooed as his hand came up and stroked your cheek gently, making you blush.
however the taller wasn't amused as his expression remained stoic. "san," his voice was icy cold, sending a shiver down your spine. "you know what to do." the dorito man, san, nodded and got up, feeling his knees crackle.
you glanced at both men that were standing silently before you quickly got up and scurried away, screaming for your life. then, you felt a cloth on your mouth and breathed in a soft scent. and it all went black.
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you groaned as your eyes fluttered open softly and gasped when you found yourself in a dark room, a soft purple hue wrapped all around. it seemed like a karaoke room, the interior was absolutely gorgeous, you probably wouldn't be able to afford it if you sold your house.
san tsked and snapped his finger in front of your face, bringing your attention back to him. "hey, focus on me little girl." he mused as you tried to speak, only just realising there was a piece of tape on your mouth.
you began to panic as you wiggled your body around, the ropes around your hands and feet rubbing uncomfortably against your skin, making you whine and whimper.
san rolled his eyes as he stood up, grabbing a fistful of your hair and pulled you close towards his face. "i'll remove the tape if you shut up." he said sternly as you slowly quieted down, relaxing onto the chair.
the man hummed as a small smile took over his features, "now that wasn't so hard, was it?" he spoke gently, his voice completely different from his authoritative and demanding one from before.
he liked when he's listened to, got it. you made a mental note not to get on the man's nerves as he ripped off the tape from your mouth with one swift pull, making tears pool in your eyes from the sudden feeling of pain running down your body.
you pursed your lips as an awkward silence takes over the room, the booming music from the two rooms beside you making it slightly less awkward.
"a-are you gonna kill me?" you murmured quietly, cringing slightly when you heard yourself stutter. san bit at the skin of his lips and went silent before sighing, "yes, there isn't any nicer way to put this but you overheard our plans, so that's just how it is. protocol."
you felt your heart beating out of your ribs as the realisations hit you like a ton of bricks. "can't we work something out?" you asked desperately, the words pouring out of your lips like waterfall before you could even process them.
san sighs and leaned back on the long couch, "listen, i'd love to but i can't decide that, only seonghwa can." at the mention of the elder, the door to the room opened and the taller man from before emerges, closing the door behind him.
"you're awake?" the man, whom you've learnt is seonghwa, asked with a bored expression on his face. san was alerted and stood up as seonghwa was practically staring a hole through you.
you gulped and turned your head away as he continued, "i'm assuming you heard everything?" without hesitation, you nodded your head. "then death is necessary." he answered confidently.
you cursed yourself in your head, why do you have to be so honest? you could've made this better for yourself but noooo. your bottom lip trembled as you held your head down, "please, isn't there... something we could work out?" you asked shakily.
the two men held eye contact with each other for a few seconds before seonghwa spoke up, "i'm... gonna go find hongjoong." he murmured before quickly exiting the room, leaving you in more distress as san cursed under his breath.
you felt a tap on your shoulder as you looked up and saw a glass of wine being held towards you. san coughed and looked away, "to calm your nerves..." he mumbled as if he read your mind.
i hummed before taking large gulps of the wine and finishing it with a groan. san swallowed dryly as he chuckled, "you can swallow real good, huh?"
san's tongue darts out to wet his lips as he watches a singular droplet of wine roll down the corner of your lip and down your chin, dripping onto your cleavage and disappearing into the crack.
san's eyes darken, only seeming to have noticed your revealing outfit just then. san hummed as he tilted your chin up, "let me get that for you, beautiful..." he growled lowly before he licks the bead of wine from your chin and to the corner of your mouth.
your breath catches in your throat as you let out a breathy moan, face flushing from the alcohol and how close san was to you.
san pulled back with a groan as he begins to untie the ropes from your wrists and ankles, "y'know what? i'll do you a favour and let your last moment be as enjoyable as possible." he licked his lips.
seonghwa comes back in the room not even five minutes later and sees you knelt onto the ground giving san a blowjob.
seonghwa raised his brow and leaned against the doorframe with his arms crossed, "so is this what we're doing now?" he asked san, unamused.
san only let out a low groan as he pushes your head deeper, "yeah, just like that babygirl..." he murmured and moaned lowly, the grip he had on your hair getting tighter and tighter as you hummed, sending vibrations through his body from his cock.
san shivered as he looked up at seonghwa and smirked, showing his pretty dimples. "ya jealous, park?" seonghwa laughed, "me? jealous of you? please, i have other whores that is can get off to." he rolled his eyes.
san cursed under his breath before gripping the sides of your head and slamming his cock down your throat, not only was it big, it was so thick also. your face turned red as you gagged and tried your best to keep your mouth open, feeling your jaw lock in place.
after a few more sloppy thrusts, san cums in your mouth and pulls out. just as you thought it was over, a few more ropes of cum is splayed on your face as you panted.
seonghwa whistled, "two loads just from a blowjob? you're a weak one, san." he scoffed arrogantly. san glared at the older before slicking his hair back, "you wouldn't know how good this little mouth is."
you blushed and stayed in your spot on the floor, feeling the arousal pooling between your thighs. you shifted on your knees as your panties stuck to your crotch uncomfortably, a result of the amount of slick that you guessed was already spread all over.
seonghwa hummed before walking over behind you, the sounds of his leather heels clacking on the ground, even his footsteps sounded elegant.
he tilted your head back and grimaced at the sight of san's cum spread all over your face. his big hand wrapped halfway around your neck as his thumb teased you by the edge of your mouth, "suck." he commanded.
and without another word, you opened your mouth as seonghwa's thumb enters and presses down on your tongue, smirking at your obedience.
san watches from the couch, a bag of chips in his hands as he chomped away. "see, you're liking her now, right?" he mused, chest puffing proudly from being correct.
seonghwa hummed, "obedient and has a pretty face, her features are a mix of sensual and cute, perfect." he muttered under his breath. san could be heard yawning but seonghwa didn't even react, his eyes solely on you, making you incredibly flustered.
seonghwa pulled his fingers out as he pushed san to the side and plopped onto the long couch, his head relaxing into the leather as he gestured for you to come.
you squeaked softly, and got up slowly, feeling the blood slowly come back to your legs as seonghwa patted his lap, "make yourself useful and ride me, slut." he smirked and glared playfully.
you opened your mouth to speak, but no words came out. you were embarrassed but aroused, mostly cause of his degradation. you swallowed dryly before obeying to his words and slowly went over.
as you got closer, seonghwa sat up and licked his lips as he began to unbuckle his belt. seonghwa unzipped his pants before pulling out his cock and stroked it slowly.
while san's dick was more thick and girthy, seonghwa's was longer and slimmer, just like his form. there was also a singular vein that ran down his length prettily, the sight alone made you shiver.
you shivered and watched seonghwa stroke his length as he chuckled lowly, "strip, but make it entertaining. you probably know how with a body like that." he scoffed as his eyes traveled down your form, eyeing your curves and crevices.
you didn't need to be told twice as you took off your jacket first as san whistled in the background. your cheeks heat up as you've never been this revealed in front of others, only in the comforts of your own home.
but your insecurities are washed away when you watch seonghwa stroke his length faster as his eyes traveled along your body, "c'mon, give me more..." he murmured with his brows furrowed, even then he sounded so authoritative.
immediately obeying the elder's words, you hesitated before slowly pulling the tank top over your chest, taking it off completely.
maybe you were fat and maybe you were skinny, but who knows? everyone views your body differently and you didn't know either. all you ever thought was that you were average, but you didn't feel so average under the gaze of two sexy men that are capable of pounding you till the sunrise.
you squeezed your thighs together as your heartbeat picks up, seonghwa notices this and stroked himself harder, squeezing his cock tighter as he groaned and stared holes through your head.
you took that as a sign to keep going as you slowly unzipped your pants, only then realising you wore the cutesy panties out today, never expecting to be performing a striptease for two mafia members.
seonghwa grumbled as he halts his movements, "can't you hurry it up? my dick's about to fall off." he comments harshly as san only chuckles popping a few pieces of chips in his mouth as he passed one to seonghwa, who's already bored as you've stood frozen.
you took in a deep breath as you pushed your pants down in one go, the fabric piling around your ankled as you stood awkwardly, your gaze turning to the interesting looking wall all around you.
san snorted and fell onto the couch dramatically as seonghwa only chuckled, "so adorable..." he murmured. you pursed your lips and blushed furiously, feeling seonghwa eat you up with his eyes.
he finally moved and rubbed the tip of his cock with his thumb as you water in awe. seonghwa pressed down and moaned, throwing his heda back from pleasure and blushing from the way you were staring.
seonghwa stopped his movements when he felt himself twitching as he breathes out, "come." just that one word sent a shiver down your spine as you immediately complied and moved on top of his lap, facing the male.
you could feel your heart hammering into your ribs as your hands placed themselves awkwardly onto seonghwa's shoulders.
the male shuddered as he pushed your hips down right onto his hardened cock. the feeling of your crotches rubbing together made seonghwa's breath hitch. he became even more aroused at the thought that the only thing separating the two were the thin fabric of your underwear.
you whimpered and felt your lower half jolt from the sudden friction of seonghwa's cock. you tested the waters and began to grind your clothed pussy onto his cock, watching in fascination as the foreskin moved up and engulfed the tip of his cock before moving back down.
seonghwa could feel the weens from your underwear and smirked, gripping your hips tighter and rocking them faster. "faster," seonghwa demanded as he groaned and threw his head back, "yeah, just like that- fuckin' whore..."
you picked up the pace, his degrading words serving as an encouragement for you to keep going. you would've forgotten that san was also in the room if not for his sudden groan. turning your head to the side, you blush harder at the sight of san stroking his hard-on, all while staring intensely with those dark eyes.
seonghwa grumbled and gripped your chin, his hand engulfing your entire jaw as he turned your head back and thrusted his hips up, making your panties push into your pussy slightly.
you let out a soft squeak as seonghwa growled lowly, "focus on me, bitch. you'll be riding my dick soon, so just be patient." he announced in an authoritative tone. that got you going as you whimpered softly and nodded your head, "y-yes sir."
seonghwa groaned, his cock twitching from how obedient you were being. "fuck, i can't take this any longer." he grumbled before suddenly halting your movements and pulling your hip upwards, you were taken aback by his actions but nonetheless complied.
seonghwa used one hand to move your soaking panties to the side, purring at the sight of your wet folds. you shuddered slightly when the cold air hit your cunt, your whole body was heating up from how exposed you were right now.
seonghwa rubbed his thumb over your clit as he chuckled lowly, "so wet already? thought i needed to prep you more, guess you're ready to take my cock..." he mumbled excitedly.
seonghwa gave his length a few more pumps before rubbing it against your folds, loving the way you whined and squirmed as he teased you. "p-please sir, don't tease me..." you whimpered softly and seonghwa felt his body grow weak with your begging.
you gasped and gripped onto seonghwa's shoulder as he pushed his cock all the way in without giving you a second to adjust. slamming his hips upwards, your thighs began to tremble as you panted, drool so close to dripping from your mouth.
you shifted on seonghwa's lap a bit, feeling his cock poking out of your tummy with the way it curled inside. seonghwa looked down and smirked seeing a small, barely noticeable bulge on your lower stomach.
finally catching your breath, you began to slowly move your hips up and down with the help of seonghwa's hands on your hips. he had to physically hold back from being too rough as it was pretty obvious that it was your first time taking a cock as big as his.
you thighs shook as you slowly began to move by yourself, your hands on seonghwa's shoulder to keep yourself steady. seonghwa smirked as he let his hands roam all over your body,you closed your eyes and let your body melt into seonghwa's touch along with his dick pounding deep inside you.
seonghwa began to grow more and more aroused as his hands trailed down and gripped your ass, humming from how your flesh spills from his fingers. he licked his lips before thrusting upwards roughly with the help of his hold on your asscheek.
you let out a loud moan at the sudden thrust and slap your hand over your mouth, feeling your drool trickle down your chin. you gripped onto seonghwa's shirt, creating crinkles around your fist.
you stuttered through your moans with each thrust, your body squirming and trembling as seonghwa stared up at you, absolutely entranced by the sight before him.
you were snapped out of your trance when your face was suddenly tilted upwards. soft moans continued to leave your mouth as san smirked and cupped your cheek, opening your mouth with his thumb as he smirked, his dimple showing on one side.
"open." san said softly, his tone was gentle and sweet unlike seonghwa's; authoritative and demanding. you gulped before opening your mouth slowly, san smiled and let his thumb press against the inside of your cheek, making you whine softly.
san licked his lips as he hummed, "you think you can take my cock down your throat, pretty girl?" you stuck your tongue out and moaned wantonly as you nodded.
san smiles softly as he takes out his throbbing cock and slaps it onto your face, "open wide, princess." he sang as tilts your head further back and slips his cock into your mouth, groaning at the feeling of your warm mouth.
san thrusts slowly at first as you adjusted to his size, already gagging and feeling it hard to breathe with his cock just halfway in. san hums before pushing the rest of his length down your mouth, his tip hitting the back of your throat making him shiver.
seonghwa tsked at how your attention wasn't on him anymore and quickly picked up the pace, thrusting his hips upwards at an animalistic pace and made eye contact with san as the younger hummed, understanding instantly.
you whined in a high pitch and sent vibrations through san's cock making the other shudder. san rested his hands on the side of your head before starting to thrust in and out, matching seonghwa's fast pace, making your head spin.
your whole body was trembling from how overstimulating this was. you felt like you couldn't breathe as your sight began to turn a bit hazy. seonghwa moaned lowly as your velvety walls clenched around him as he thrusted harder, hitting your prostate.
san was the same as he was starting to get addicted to your mouth, he knew it barely fit in your mouth and how tight your lips wrapped his length made him more turned on. he continued to slam his cock down your throat, feeling precum spill with each time his tip hit the back of your throat.
your face was beet red and you could feel san's precum dripping down your throat, and you could do nothing but let your body be used by these two men. but hey, this was better than dying, right?
seonghwa's thrusts became sloppier and slower as he let out his loud deep inside you not without cursing and moaning lowly. san was right behind him and fucked your face harshly before his seed was slipping inside your mouth, some of it running down your chin with how much he came.
with trembling thighs, you pulled out of seonghwa with a moan as the both of you watched his cum drip down your swollen cunt. seonghwa felt his heart beat faster at the sight and his soft dick hardened up within a second.
he quickly pulled you back onto his dick as you squealed, still overstimulated from before. "one more round..." seonghwa says breathlessly as he began to rock your hips, making you whine softly.
san followed along and tilted your face backwards, arching your back once again as he lathered his, still dripping cock onto your face. "i might need one more round also..." he chuckled awkwardly with red cheeks.
this was gonna be a long night...
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bentothuglife · 15 days
The culture clash between the rural can-crusher and the urban can-returner
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
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spiritual sequel to this for our favorite local goober My Friend
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paleiido · 2 months
the me thats aware that life rlly begins at 30 and I'm likely not a failure at the age I am vs the me that is sososoooo afraid of going back to school cos lol "old loser"
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lacunazai · 6 months
the disorder faking in this generation is genuinely wild. like.
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spaciebabie · 6 months
does any other demiromantic (or arosepc doesnt rlly matter) feel like. extremely awful when they experience romantic attraction or is that just me.
#spacie spoinks#bruh#like. while im experiencing it i wish so badly that i wasnt 😭#i feel disgusted. is this what romantic repulsion is???#cuz like ill be experiencing all the lovey dovey stuff yk#''ooohb i wanna kiss dem oooh what if we help hands'' romantic crap but its like. anxiety inducing#like it feels awful??? is this normally how it feels?? i dont like it.#it like. doesnt feel right or natural and im assuming its b/c i just like?? barely feel it ever?? and thats why???#strange as hell.#i recently felt romantic attraction 2 someone (it has been 2 or 3 years since i last felt it) and it came on really strong for like#a week and that was like the worst week of my life#i couldnt think abt anything else but them like it wasnt even like. fantasies or anything just like.#the concept of them. my brain would just be like ''hey remember this guy''#I LIKE COULDNT SLEEP#HOW DO YOU PPL ENJOY THIS????#me; clutching my head for ~a week: AUUUGH!! THE PERSON!!! THE PERSON!!!!!#im so serious this is how it feels w/springtrap. hes like a blight on my psyche#the feelings have faded mostly i think. i think im normal abt them again (thank god)#its so strange. i think a romantic relationship would be fun but then i start feeling the feelings and its. awful.#so horrid#also like. im considering that maybe the relationship i would like some day isnt romantic but a qpr#idk. ive never been in any kind of serious relationship (never wanted 2 and have never been approached for it)#sometjing 2 think abt i guess?#anybeans. i tire.#hope i never experience that again#ik that like in 2-3 years ill be like: ''man. idk what past spacie was talking abt. would be nice 2 feel romantic attraction again''#NO SPACIE IT WONT!!! REMEMBER!!!!!! REMEMBER WHAT YOU WENT THRU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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horsesource · 1 month
Needing to lift a 175pound man off the ground has me thinking crazy thoughts like maybe I should lift some other weight too
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pastelpousay · 1 month
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sunlighticarus · 9 months
i really gotta stop saying “he like me fr” to men in their mid thirties to fourties’ who have multiple problems and mental illnesses
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