#like bitch so were the turner diaries. the fuck.
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withswords · 2 years ago
i can't get on board with "only fringe weirdos actually think all kink is harmless" because you'll never see someone whip around to defending the total sanctity of kink faster than you will in a conversation about raceplay
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breaniebree · 4 years ago
A Second Chance
For those who have been asking... this is my master list once more:
ASC Chapter Titles as If They Were Friends Episodes
Part One: Harry’s First Year With His Dads (Chapters 1-49)
1. The One Where They Were Dead 2. The One Where the Rat Is Out of the Bag  3. The One Where James and Lily Die  4. The One Where Moony and Padfoot Make Up  5. The One Where Harry Meets Padfoot  6. The One Where Sirius Kidnaps Harry  7. The One Where Sirius Punches Vernon Dursley  8. The One Where Harry Meets Remus  9. The One Where Sirius and Harry Make Grilled Cheese  10. The One With Thea  11. The One Where Harry Asks What a Kiss Is  12. The One With the Library Card  13. The One Where They Remember the Past  14. The One With the Tonkses’  15. The One With Harry’s First Nightmare  16. The One With Professor Moony  17. The One With The Puppy  18. The One With the Second Best Day Ever  19. The One Where Harry Meets An Excellent Secret Keeper and Her Brother  20. The One Where Sirius Learns What He Missed in Azkaban  21. The One With the Brownies 22. The One With the Date  23. The One With the Weasleys  24. The One With the Bad Dreams  25. The One Where Sirius Learns the Key to Moony's Secret Pranking Success  26. The One With Operation Prank the Piss Out of Harry Potter  27. The One With the Wolfsbane Fight  28. The One Where the Marauders Discover A Wolf  29. The One With the Spanking  30. The One With the House Rules and Where Sirius and Ted Build a Treehouse 31. The One With the Wolf  32. The One Where Remus Tells Sirius To Deal with the Blacks  33. The One Where Harry Asks About Boobies  34. The One With the Locket  35. The One With Blackbird  36. The One With the Birthday Orgasms  37. The One With the Three Brothers  38. The One With Godric’s Hollow  39. The One Where Sirius Speaks French 40. The One With the First Christmas  41. The One With the Pensieve  42. The One With the Memories Part I  43. The One With the Memories Part II  44. The One When Padfoot and Prongs Become Blood Brothers  45. The One Where Harry Has A Sleepover  46. The One With the Tickle War  47. The One With the Viscount of Falmouth  48. The One With Roni  49. The One With the Birthday Planning 
Part Two: Harry Growing Up With A Family, Ages 7-11 (Chapters 50-61)
50. The One With the Best Birthday Ever  51. The One Where Padfoot and Moony Know Nothing About Sick Kids  52. The One Where Remus Slaps Sirius  53. The One With the Giant Cheese Fort 54. The One With Operation Get Lily Evans to Fall in Love With Prongs  55. The One Where Remus Thinks He’s a Very Bad Man  56. The One Where Harry Asks About Sex  57. The One Where Tonks Turns 17  58. The One Where Remus Feels Like He’s Robbing the Cradle  59. The One Where Remus Learns He Has A Mate  60. The One Where Sirius Shags the Realtor 61. The One With the Letter 
Part Three: First Year (Chapters 62-73)
62. The One Where Harry Gets Hedwig  63. The One Where Harry Understands the Fear of Voldemort  64. The One With The Sorting  65. The One Where Sirius Was Almost Bitten By a Panther… And Totally Didn’t Pee His Pants  66. The One With the Youngest Seeker In Over a Century 67. The One With the Three-Headed Dog  68. The One With Zee  69. The One With Sheer Dumb Luck  70. The One Where Sirius Lets Zee Drive His Bike  71. The One Where the Weasley Boys Come Over for Christmas  72. The One Where Minnie Tells Sirius To Get A Job  73. The One Where No One Listens So Harry Has to Do Everything and His Friends Follow Him So He Doesn't Die 
Part Four: Second Year (Chapters 74-105)
74. The One Where the Whole School Knows  75. The One Where Harry is Jealous  76. The One Where Sirius Eats Crow  77. The One Where Zee Meets Minnie  78. The One With the Proud Enough to Cry Letter 79. The One Where They Realize Their New Professor is a Moron  80. The One Where Remus Gets His Shit Together  81. The One Where Harry Meets His Fanboy  82. The One Where Binns Doesn’t Put His Class to Sleep For Almost Ten Whole Minutes 83. The One Where Sirius Finds Out  84. The One When Remus Punches Lockhart  85. The One With the Mad House Elf  86. The One With the Great Shoebox Capture  87. The One Where Sirius Tells Zee About the Marauders  88. The One Where Harry is Homesick  89. The One Where Sirius Says I Love You  90. The One With the Sex Talk 91. The One With Ted Walking in on Remus Fingering Tonks… And Remus Adds Another Finger  92. The One Where Draco Comes to Christmas  93. The One Where Sirius Actually Gets a Job  94. The One Where Sirius Asks About Cursed Scars  95. The One Where Remus Tells Tonks and She says ‘Duh!’  96. The One Where Fred Hears the Name Padfoot  97. The One With Peter’s Trial Part I  98. The One With Peter’s Trial Part II  99. The One Where Ginny Tells Harry She Has A Pen-Pal  100. The One With the Eyes As Green As a Fresh Pickled Toad  101. The One Where Tonks Is Under the Desk  102. The One Where Harry Writes in the Diary  103. The One Where It’s Not Follow the Butterflies  104. The One Where Sirius Is Sent Home Without An Explanation 105. The One Where Ginny is Scared Harry Will Never Speak To Her Again 
Part Five: Third Year (Chapters 106-143)
106. The One Where Sirius and Remus Demand Answers  107. The One With Prophecies and Horcruxes  108. The One Where Harry Learns to Drive  109. The One Where Bill and Charlie Talk About the Importance of Being A Good Big Brother 110. The One Where Sirius Realizes He Wants Zee Forever But Is Too Chicken To Say It 111. The One With Operation Fuck Up Voldemort’s Plans  112. The One Where Cissy Tattles on Abraxas  113. The One Where Harry Sees More Than He Should Between His Roommates  114. The One Where Colin Tells Ginny To Get Over It  115. The One Where Theo Comes Out  116. The One Where Sirius Tells Lucius If He Fucks Up He Will Kill Him  117. The One With the FUVP Pow-Wow  118. The One Where They Return to the Chamber of Secrets  119. The One Where Harry Finds Out  120. The One Where the Marauders Prank Snape 121. The One Where Draco and Theo Make Bad Detectives  122. The One With Nyx  123. The One Where Harry Throws a Tantrum  124. The One Where They Skive Off Class Because Harry Talks 125. The One Where Harry Asks Out Cho  126. The One With Harry’s First Date  127. The One Where Sirius, Remus, and Dumbledore Fuck Up  128. The One With Moody  129. The One Where Harry Gets Slapped  130. The One Where Sirius and Tonks Decide To Fuck With Snape  131. The One With Lily’s Ghost  132. The One With the Gaunt Property  133. The One With the Defence Club  134. The One With the Wizengamot  135. The One Where Harry Meets the Americans  136. The One Where They Forget to Tell Sirius  137. The One With the Insomniacs Club  138. The One Where Bellatrix Shows Up  139. The One With the Time Turner  140. The One With Umbitch's Creepy Song  141. The One With the Wolf in the Cage  142. The One Where Harry Shouts at Sirius and He Just Shouts Right Back  143. The One Where Both of Them Feel Like Shit 
Part Six: Fourth Year (Chapters 144-179)
144. The One With the Elder Wand  145. The One Where Sirius Tells Harry Not to Drink  146. The One Where Sirius Acts the Adult and Tells the Grangers  147. The One Where They Drink the Potion  148. The One Where Harry Can’t Change His Arm Back  149. The One Where Ginny Sees Harry Naked  150. The One When Harry Calls Remus a Bad Dog 151. The One Where Theo Goes to the Burrow  152. The One Where Harry Has a Fling  153. The One Where Sirius Panics Over Commitment  154. The One Where Zee Takes Harry Shopping  155. The One With the Quidditch World Cup  156. The One With Winky  157. The One With Babymort 158. The One Where Sirius Asks Zee to Move In  159. The One Where Snape Apologizes and Harry Thinks The World Ended  160. The One With the Pretty Boy, the Biggest Flirt, and the Flying House 161. The One Where Tonks Wants A Boob Job 162. The One Where Drama Queen Sirius Learns About Pens  163. The One Where Zee Just Wants A Damn Telephone But Sirius Can’t Stop Bitching 164. The One Where Girls Giggle and Ginny Looks Different 165. The One Where Harry Outflies a Dragon… Almost  166. The One Where Zee Tells The Paper to Back the Fuck Away from Her Son  167. The One Where Harry Thinks It’s the Formal Wear  168. The One Where Mr Weasley Thinks ‘Oh, Bloody Hell!' 169. The One Where Sirius Takes A Bath  170. The One Where Harry’s in Denial  171. The One Where Harry Thinks He Has Two Hostages  172. The One With the Love Potion  173. The One Where Zee Seduces Sirius in the Work Shed  174. The One With the Secret Swimming Pool  175. The One With the Bats From the Crotch 176. The One That Ends With ‘Oh Shit!’  177. The One Where Everyone Dies  178. The One With the Lullabye  179. The One Where Tonks Marks Remus 
Part Seven: Fifth Year (Chapters 180-222)
180. The One Where Remus Proposes  181. The One Where Lucius Gets Arrested  182. The One Where Remus Proposes Again and Harry Dies  183. The One With the Coconut Smell 184. The One Where Tonks Isn’t Pregnant 185. The One Where Dean Realizes He Fancies Seamus  186. The One With Baby, I Love You  187. The One Where Theo Meets Voldemort  188. The One Where Harry Calls Ginny His and Then Denies It  189. The One Where Everyone Breaks Out of Azkaban  190. The One With the War Council 191. The One Where Harry is Dumped  192. The One Where They Discuss The Size of Remus’ Package  193. The One Where Harry Learns About the Potters  194. The One Where Harry Finds the Tower Room  195. The One Where Zee’s in France  196. The One Where Harry Gets Constantly Interrupted  197. The One Where the Glacier Finally Melts  198. The One Where Harry Finally Asks  199. The One Where Sirius Cuddles and Zee Buys A Motorbike  200. The One Where Everyone Is Worried About Theo  201. The One With the Frying Pan  202. The One With the Fluke  203. The One Where Minnie Walks In  204. The One Where Remus Finds A Present Under the Tree  205. The One With Bellarosa and the Snake  206. The One Where Everyone Gets Motorbikes  207. The One Where Padfoot Suggests Pranking Umbitch to Fred and George  208. The One With the Great Escape from Umbitch  209. The One With Prince Finley and the Switching of Teacups  210. The One Where Theo is Courted and Dean Admits He's in Love  211. The One Where Hinny Says I Love You and the Fluke Continues  212. The One Where Sirius Picks Out A Star  213. The One With the Cathedral Star 214. The One Where Sirius Answers the Phone 215. The One Where George Gets the Girl  216. The One Where They Compare Proposals  217. The One Where Sirius Has the Man-Flu and Gives it to Zee  218. The One Where Ginny and Theo Are Kidnapped and Remus Hears Heartbeats  219. The One With the Thing After Learning the Thing  220. The One Where Everyone is in Shock 221. The One Where Zee Confirms  222. The One With the Will 
Part Eight: Sixth Year (Chapters 223-Present)
223. The One Where Remus Finally Lets Go  224. The One Where Hermione is Blind But Her Mum Isn’t 225. The One Where the Dragon’s in Trouble and George Snogs the New Bat 226. The One Where Ginny Tames Ebony and Theo Goes to Tara  227. The One With the Sovereign Chalice and Zee’s Dream  228. The One With the Party  229. The One Where Ginny Claims Her Man  230. The One Where Harry Has a Really Great Birthday  231. The One Where Harry Asks Remus For Sex Advice  232. The One With the Surfing  233. The One Where Harry Buys a Pgymy Puff  234. The One With the Naughty Dream  235. The One Where Harry’s Afraid of Grandpa  236. The One With the Race  237. The One Where Ron and Hermione Almost Fluke  238. The One Where Bill Gets a Headache  239. The One With Compass and Bad Puns  240. The One Where Harry Uses Parseltongue For Something New  241. The One Where Slughorn Is An Armchair  242. The One Where Its All Fluff  243. The One Where Draco Calls Blaise A Stupid Son of a Bitch  244. The One With the Patronus and the Lingerie  245. The One With Advanced Potion Making and World War One  246. The One With Luna’s Question  247. The One With All the Smut and Where Ron and Hermione Fluke Again 248. The One Where Minnie Freaks Out on Walburga  249. The One With the Fruit Basket  250. The One Where Percy Gets a Date and Remus Skives Off Work  251. The One With the Iron Blade  252. The One Where the Fairytale Ends  253. The One With the Golden Dagger  254. The One With Charlie’s Surprise  255. The One With The Bet  256. The One Where They Celebrate Christmas Without Sirius  257. The One With the Tantrum About Heels  258. The One Where Lucius Fucks Up  259. The One Where Tonks Plays Bad Auror  260. The One With the Goblin Potato 261. The One Where Fred is Scarred for Life  262. The One Where We Hear From Althea 263. The One Where Harry Is Told He Owes Theo A Fruit Basket 264. The One Where Neville Plants A Tree
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cyclone-rachel · 4 years ago
assorted notes on the boys, season 2 episodes 1 through 3 (not in order)
Has Hughie seen the Hunger Games movies? important question
so Vought is now Spotify and Disney/Marvel, cool cool cool cool cool
Billy “Daddy Kink” Butcher vs. John “Mommy Kink” The Homelander
If Stormfront references Timothy “Noodle” McVeigh I am going to lose it
I saw 3 women so beautiful I started crying
Kimiko’s smile is So Cute
I still can’t believe Billy was married to Patty Spivot
ah yes, a cult classic
casual transphobia from Stormfront, cool cool cool cool cool (not cool)
what in the goddamn fuck
Kevin is such a perfect name for him
This season is going to be extremely my jam
Homelander and Starlight really do look like they could be cousins
Stick it down your boot. Or your bra
Stormfront is a bitch and I like her so much (in a love to hate way). Also her actress’s name is Aya, I stan
oooh, complicated relationship
Is this a reference to Diana being bi?
yeah you were a failed experiment
“...but mostly me”
And now Vought is also Apple?
“And stop drinking breast milk, it’s fucking creepy.”
Kick the door down, Kimiko
oh my god, knock-off Halloween costumes
that’s cute
If you kill him, fuck you, Billy
Holy shit
Why is she so cavalier about this?
thank god she didn’t say Hitler
I bet her favorite book is The Turner Diaries
Also casual slut-shaming- wait, Disney still exists in this universe?
Please chill.
I want to hug both of you
Fuck off, A-Train
Oh god yes, you tell him
Oh noooooooo
Is he dead
I love them so much
oh she’s the older sister! I love that
oh those are his hands
She is better here than as Patty
is this man the equivalent of Zack Snyder in this universe, or Joss Whedon?
ooh is that the art style from the comics?
fuck you, John
Pulling a Sky High
Punch him in the dick, Becca
There’s nothing wrong with that
A good kid
dammit. I want more cult shit with Deep
Not you, you dick
He’s not wrong
Well, there kind of has to be 7 of you
Fuck you, Homelander
holy shit
I’m just going to call her Karen until we get her real name
I hope Kimiko murders you with her bare hands
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breaniebree · 4 years ago
A Second Chance Chapter Titles
A lot of people have asked me why I didn’t come up with titles for the chapters in A Second Chance like I did, over fifteen years ago now, in my Beginning Series where each chapter was named.  My main reason was because I had written the first 12 chapters without titles.  Also, I find writing titles for stories or chapters very hard.  Coming up with titles is not easy and to me, two thousand times harder than writing.  Speaking with @seriouslysam8​, who loves Friends as much as I do, she made a comment about one of my chapters being “the one where such and such happens” and it got me thinking about how Friends names the episodes in that fashion.  
Procrastinating from writing, I ended up breaking down my story into titles in a similar fashion and I figured I’d share them.  Seriously Sam was very helpful in helping me out (she always has the coolest titles for her stories).  So, these are the unofficial chapter titles to A Second Chance if they were named like episodes of Friends.
For those who are interested in going back and re-reading certain aspects -- this is also helpful in finding what you’re looking for (I think).  😉❤️ And I gave you a little snippet about what I would call chapter 253.
The One Where They Were Dead
The One Where the Rat Is Out of the Bag 
The One Where James and Lily Die 
The One Where Moony and Padfoot Make Up 
The One Where Harry Meets Padfoot 
The One Where Sirius Kidnaps Harry 
The One Where Sirius Punches Vernon Dursley 
The One Where Harry Meets Remus 
The One Where Sirius and Harry Make Grilled Cheese 
The One With Thea 
The One Where Harry Asks What a Kiss Is 
The One With the Library Card 
The One Where They Remember the Past 
The One With the Tonkses’ 
The One With Harry’s First Nightmare 
The One With Professor Moony 
The One With The Puppy 
The One With the Second Best Day Ever 
The One Where Harry Meets An Excellent Secret Keeper and Her Brother 
The One Where Sirius Learns What He Missed in Azkaban 
The One With the Brownies
The One With the Date 
The One With the Weasleys 
The One With the Bad Dreams 
The One Where Sirius Learns the Key to Moony's Secret Pranking Success 
The One With Operation Prank the Piss Out of Harry Potter 
The One With the Wolfsbane Fight 
The One Where the Marauders Discover A Wolf 
The One With the Spanking 
The One With the House Rules and Where Sirius and Ted Are Manly and Build a Treehouse
The One With the Wolf 
The One Where Remus Tells Sirius To Deal with the Blacks 
The One Where Harry Asks About Boobies 
The One With the Locket 
The One With Blackbird 
The One With the Birthday Orgasms 
The One With the Three Brothers 
The One With Godric’s Hollow 
The One Where Sirius Speaks French
The One With the First Christmas 
The One With the Pensieve 
The One With the Memories Part I 
The One With the Memories Part II 
The One When Padfoot and Prongs Become Blood Brothers 
The One Where Harry Has A Sleepover 
The One With the Tickle War 
The One With the Viscount of Falmouth 
The One With Roni 
The One With the Birthday Planning
The One With the Best Birthday Ever  
The One Where Padfoot and Moony Know Nothing About Sick Kids  
The One Where Remus Slaps Sirius  
The One With the Giant Cheese Fort 
The One With Operation Get Lily Evans to Fall in Love With Prongs  
The One Where Remus Thinks He’s a Very Bad Man  
The One Where Harry Asks About Sex  
The One Where Tonks Turns 17  
The One Where Remus Feels Like He’s Robbing the Cradle  
The One Where Remus Learns He Has A Mate 
The One Where Sirius Shags the Realtor 
The One With the Letter 
The One Where Harry Gets Hedwig  
The One Where Harry Understands the Fear of Voldemort  
The One With The Sorting  
The One Where Sirius Was Almost Bitten By a Panther… And Totally Didn’t Pee His Pants  
The One With the Youngest Seeker In Over a Century 
The One With the Three-Headed Dog  
The One With Zee 
 The One With Sheer Dumb Luck  
The One Where Sirius Lets Zee Drive His Bike  
The One Where the Weasley Boys Come Over for Christmas  
The One Where Minnie Tells Sirius To Get A Job  
The One Where No One Listens So Harry Has to Do Everything and His Friends Follow Him So He Doesn't Die
The One Where the Whole School Knows  
The One Where Harry is Jealous  
The One Where Sirius Eats Crow  
The One Where Zee Meets Minnie  
The One With the Proud Enough to Cry Letter 
The One Where They Realize Their New Professor is a Moron  
The One Where Remus Gets His Shit Together  
The One Where Harry Meets His Fanboy  
The One Where Binns Doesn’t Put His Class to Sleep For Almost Ten Whole Minutes 
The One Where Sirius Finds Out  
The One When Remus Punches Lockhart  
The One With the Mad House Elf  
The One With the Great Shoebox Capture  
The One Where Sirius Tells Zee About the Marauders  
The One Where Harry is Homesick  
The One Where Sirius Says I Love You  
The One With the Sex Talk 
The One With Ted Walking in on Remus Fingering Tonks… And Remus Adds Another Finger  
The One Where Draco Comes to Christmas  
The One Where Sirius Actually Gets a Job  
The One Where Sirius Asks About Cursed Scars  
The One Where Remus Tells Tonks and She says ‘Duh!’  
The One Where Fred Hears the Name Padfoot  
The One With Peter’s Trial Part I  
The One With Peter’s Trial Part II  
The One Where Ginny Tells Harry She Has A Pen-Pal  
The One With the Eyes As Green As a Fresh Pickled Toad  
The One Where Tonks Is Under the Desk  
The One Where Harry Writes in the Diary  
The One Where It’s Not Follow the Butterflies  
The One Where Sirius Is Sent Home Without An Explanation 
The One Where Ginny is Scared Harry Will Never Speak To Her Again
The One Where Sirius and Remus Demand Answers  
The One With Prophecies and Horcruxes  
The One Where Harry Learns to Drive  
The One Where Bill Gives the Lecture on Being A Big Brother  
The One Where Sirius Realizes He Wants Zee Forever But Is Too Chicken To Say It 
The One With Operation Fuck Up Voldemort’s Plans  
The One Where Cissy Tattles on Abraxas  
The One Where Harry Sees More Than He Should Between His Roommates  
The One Where Colin Tells Ginny To Get Over It  
The One Where Theo Comes Out  
The One Where Sirius Tells Lucius If He Fucks Up He Will Kill Him  
The One With the FUVP Pow-Wow  
The One Where They Return to the Chamber of Secrets  
The One Where Harry Finds Out  
The One Where the Marauders Prank Snape 
The One Where Draco and Theo Go Exploring and Get Caught  
The One With Nyx  
The One Where Harry Throws a Tantrum  
The One Where They Skive Off Class Because Harry Talks 
The One Where Harry Asks Out Cho  
The One With Harry’s First Date  
The One Where Sirius, Remus, and Dumbledore Fuck Up  
The One With Moody  
The One Where Harry Gets Slapped  
The One Where Sirius and Tonks Decide To Fuck With Snape  
The One With Lily’s Ghost  
The One With the Gaunt Property  
The One With the Defence Club  
The One With the Wizengamot  
The One Where Harry Meets the Americans  
The One Where They Forget to Tell Sirius  
The One With the Insomniacs Club 
The One Where Bellatrix Shows Up  
The One With the Time Turner  
The One With Umbitch's Creepy Song  
The One With the Wolf in the Cage  
The One Where Harry Shouts at Sirius and He Just Shouts Right Back
The One Where Both of Them Feel Like Shit
The One With the Elder Wand  
The One Where Sirius Tells Harry Not to Drink  
The One Where Sirius Acts the Adult and Tells the Grangers  
The One Where They Drink the Potion  
The One Where Harry Can’t Change His Arm Back 
The One Where Ginny Sees Harry Naked  
The One When Harry Calls Remus a Bad Dog 
The One Where Theo Goes to the Burrow  
The One Where Harry Has a Fling  
The One Where Sirius Panics Over Commitment  
The One Where Zee Takes Harry Shopping  
The One With the Quidditch World Cup  
The One With Winky  
The One With Babymort 
The One Where Sirius Asks Zee to Move In  
The One Where Snape Apologizes and Harry Thinks The World Ended
The One With the Pretty Boy, the Biggest Flirt, and the Flying House
The One Where Tonks Wants A Boob Job
The One Where Drama Queen Sirius Learns About Pens
The One Where Zee Just Wants A Damn Telephone But Sirius Can’t Stop Bitching
The One Where Girls Giggle and Ginny Looks Different
The One Where Harry Outflies a Dragon… Almost
The One Where Zee Tells The Paper to Back the Fuck Away from Her Son
The One Where Harry Thinks It’s the Formal Wear
The One Where Mr Weasley Thinks ‘Oh, Bloody Hell!'
The One Where Sirius Takes A Bath
The One Where Harry’s in Denial
The One Where Harry Thinks He Has Two Hostages
The One With the Love Potion
The One Where Zee Seduces Sirius in the Work Shed
The One With the Secret Swimming Pool
The One With the Bats From the Crotch
The One That Ends With ‘Oh Shit!’
The One Where Everyone Dies
The One With the Lullabye
The One Where Tonks Marks Remus
The One Where Remus Proposes
The One Where Lucius Gets Arrested
The One Where Remus Proposes Again and Harry Dies
The One With the Coconut Smell
The One Where Tonks Isn’t Pregnant
The One Where Dean Realizes He Fancies Seamus
The One With Baby, I Love You
The One Where Theo Meets Voldemort
The One Where Harry Calls Ginny His and Then Denies It
The One Where Everyone Breaks Out of Azkaban
The One With the War Council
The One Where Harry is Dumped
The One Where They Discuss The Size of Remus’ Package
The One Where Harry Learns About the Potters
The One Where Harry Finds the Tower Room
The One Where Zee’s in France 
The One Where Harry Gets Constantly Interrupted
The One Where the Glacier Finally Melts
The One Where Harry Finally Asks
The One Where Sirius Cuddles and Zee Buys A Motorbike
The One Where Everyone Is Worried About Theo
The One With the Frying Pan
The One With the Fluke
The One Where Minnie Walks In
The One Where Remus Finds A Present Under the Tree
The One With Bellarosa and the Snake
The One Where Everyone Gets Motorbikes
The One Where Padfoot Suggests Pranking Umbitch to Fred and George
The One With the Great Escape from Umbitch
The One With Prince Finley and the Switching of Teacups
The One Where Theo is Courted and Dean Admits He's in Love
The One Where Hinny Says I Love You and the Fluke Continues
The One Where Sirius Picks Out A Ring
The One With the Cathedral Star
The One Where Sirius Answers the Phone
The One Where George Gets the Girl
The One Where They Compare Proposals
The One Where Sirius Has the Man-Flu and Gives it to Zee
The One Where Ginny and Theo Are Kidnapped and Remus Hears Heartbeats
The One With the Thing After Learning the Thing
The One Where Everyone is in Shock
The One Where Zee Confirms
The One With the Will
The One Where Remus Finally Lets Go
The One Where Hermione is Blind But Her Mum Isn’t
The One Where the Dragon’s in Trouble and George Snogs the New Bat
The One Where Ginny Tames Ebony and Theo Goes to Tara
The One With the Sovereign Chalice and Zee’s Dream
The One With the Party
The One Where Ginny Claims Her Man
The One Where Harry Has a Really Great Birthday
The One Where Harry Asks Remus For Sex Advice
The One With the Surfing
The One Where Harry Buys a Pgymy Puff
The One With the Naughty Dream
The One Where Harry’s Afraid of Grandpa
The One With the Race
The One Where Ron and Hermione Almost Fluke
The One Where Bill Gets a Headache
The One With Compass and Bad Puns
The One Where Harry Uses Parseltongue For Something New
The One With Slughorn As An Armchair
The One Where Its All Fluff
The One Where Draco Calls Blaise A Stupid Son of a Bitch
The One With the Patronus and the Lingerie
The One With Advanced Potion Making and World War One
The One With Luna’s Question
The One With All the Smut and Where Ron and Hermione Fluke Again
The One Where Minnie Freaks Out on Walburga
The One With the Fruit Basket 
The One Where Percy Gets a Date and Remus Skives Off Work
The One With the Iron Blade
The One Where the Fairytale Ends  
The One With the Golden Dagger
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