#like anything they touch will literally start decaying
bluebblurry · 17 days
Can we stop villainizing piglins please? They’re adorable, please don’t do this to them
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jiaoqiu-s-bitch · 1 year
a/n: dedicated to my dear @sugarkage >:))
Nagi Seishiro - fluff hcs || sfw
• Nagi is a very passive guy when it comes to literally anything he’s not interested in, but if he engages in something that he is interested in, you will not be able to drag him away from it - video games, for the most part
• which, however, makes him the perfect boyfriend if you’re into games too, cause if you can’t beat em… join em!!
• gaming together with you is his idea of ideal quality time, so don’t underestimate how much those joined gaming sessions mean to him even if it feels like he’s not giving you much attention
• Nagi loves just having you close to him, even while gaming he just has to have some body part of his touching you; will throw his heavy ass legs over you and keep them there no matter how much you complain, if you don’t want that to happen you better sit or lay down in his lap first
• will often make deals/bets with you, mainly along the lines of "Whoever loses the next game has to get up to make us dinner/get some takeout"; though he usually only brings that up if he’s confident he’ll win (and if he loses after all, he’ll definitely start bargaining lol)
• if you don’t know how to cook or you can’t be bothered to eat healthily, then you and Nagi would both decay due to fast/instant food overload in your cave, if it wasn’t for Reo making or having good food delivered on your behalf (he’s complaining a lot about it but he keeps helping out, you’re both his baby chicks now)
• Nagi enjoys cuddling you a lot, it combines two of his favorite things: 1) being comfy and doing basically nothing and 2) having your smaller form snuggled up to him is like, having his personal plushy
• as for the position, Nagi enjoys spooning a lot; whether he’s the big or small spoon doesn’t matter to him, both is comfy af (though it’s kinda strange to call this moose of a man "small" in any way-)
• something that Nagi frequently does is taking one of his oversized hoodies and pulling it over both himself and you, that way you’re literally glued to this huge, lazy cuddle monster and can’t get up or move too much
• he won’t pick you up if he’s the one that has to get up though, he’ll just tell you you’re too heavy even if you’re like, a third of his weight (don’t take it personal, it’s just too much of a hassle to carry you)
• this man ALWAYS sleeps in, unless he has soccer practice (though I feel like he might still miss it occasionally if it’s too early in the morning lmao)
• will get very grumpy if you, aka his personal plushy, wrestle yourself out of his iron grip because you have to get up early for work
• half asleep, he might just pull you back down and bury you under his weight to keep you in place, mumbling for you to stop moving - good luck escaping that
• the only way to escape is giving him lots of kisses all over and promising him more cuddles and kisses for when you’re back; he will actually hold you to that so you better not forget
• though it’s not like he would let you forget, cause once you’re back home, this overgrown baby will hug you and lean himself against you, causing you to fall onto the couch with him on top
• there’s absolutely no way out of that one now, but who are you to complain?
p.s.: authentic baby chick Nagi
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lineli225 · 1 year
Shigaraki Tomura, Izuku Midoriya, and their past selves in Horikoshi's other works, an Analysis.
How their archetypes can be traced back all the way to Hori's oldest works!
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Today I finally felt with the energy to write this analysis I've been cooking in my head for some months!
I'll be pulling apart the core elements of each of Hori's past work's protagonist duo and how they are essential to everything Hero Academia has became
It will be long.
First things first, let's start with Horikoshi's first work ever!
1. Tenko One Shot.
This tale tells us the story of two main characters, Hana and obviously, Tenko!
Hana is a woman aspiring to be a samurai, she is hopeful and stubborn, but is shunned down by most and ridiculed by other samurais for being, well, a woman wanting to be something only men can be.
But just like Izuku, she is VERY stubborn, and won't give up her dreams at all.
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( You can read the full thing here btw! https://imgur.com/a/v7oBkfx )
Our second protagonist, and main tittle of the story, is a little boy called Tenko, who she meets when he literally attacked her lol
Like Tomura, he has the power to decay anything he touches, and is in seek of revenge, his goal is to destroy all swords after his mother was cruelly killed by a samurai.
Despite all the hatred the feels, he is still a kid, suffering and crying in seek of relief for his grief.
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He is known as a vandal, and is being wanted dead or alive by the authorities for interfering in battles.
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Hana, gentle and caring, notices the pain in Tenko and takes him with her, to take care of him, after all, he is just a child.
But after being found by an official, believes she has the chance to be recognized as a samurai if she give Tenko to the authorities, and well- it obviously goes terribly wrong- as she is attacked by them instead.
Suddenly realizing how cruel they truly are, she takes her own sword and fight them to defend Tenko, making Tenko also realize, swords can be used to protect and save.
In the end, they end up to saving each other, Hana saving Tenko's heart, making him realize his hatred will never lead anywhere, and lift the weight of his chest by winning a friend, and Tenko making Hana realize war is more than what she thought.
Tenko obviously, is literally Tomura's first prototype, the decay power, the white hair, the hatred, guilt and grieve are all there.
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But what if I told you Hana is also, pretty similar to Izuku? Both have a dream that is deemed impossible to reach, due to something they lack, and are a joke to most people, but despite it all they never give up, and manage to reach their goals. They are also strong but gentle and caring ( ngl Izuku might even be more soft than Hana ajhdka)
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2. Oumagadoki Zoo
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This one, guess what, also have a female protagonist, yes also called Hana.
Aoi Hana is a bubbly, awkward and stubborn girl with her head in the clouds, but teased by everyone, known as "good for nothing" and useless.
She then decides to get a job during summer break, to prove she is more than capable of helping.
As an animal lover, she gets a job at the local Zoo as a cleaner, but she discover that the Zoon principal is a literal bunny person.
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Shiina, the other protagonist of the story, is a man-child dude, he was cursed as a kid for being mean to a bunny, turned into a rabbit until he learned to be kind and help animals. Much like Tomura, he is short tempered, a gremlin, a little bitch!
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He created the zoo to try to break the curse, and now counts with Hana's help to do so. The zoo, by the way, is also full of cursed half human half animal people!
The manga was canceled, so Hori had to rush the end, it has only 5 volumes, but I believe it would end with Hana finally breaking Shiina's curse.
Well, the similarities to Tomura? Once again through the roof, he is literally Tomura without depression (and scars and wrinkles)! He is a brat, selfish, intelligent and powerful, but incredibly dumb, he even refers to the other zoo people as "comrades" the exact same word Tomura refers the League of Villains as! They even sit down the same, careless way! Bad posture kings 🦐
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Now, I think you noticed that Hana's story is also familiar? Yes! IZUKU
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Both are deemed useless, are clumsy and awkward, and have pretty much low self esteem, but are kind, gentle and loving, and have an altruistic heart!
Just like in Tenko, Hana is key to saving Shiina's heart, and both learn a lot with each other, as Shiina sees the worth in Hana, and Hana sees the kindness in Shiina, evolving each other to the better.
3. Shinka Rhapsody One shot
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This one is pretty much lost media, very few people know about it, but i found a thread about it
(thread here https://twitter.com/HeroFletch/status/1273054822162456578 )
It is literally MHA but the quirks work in a different way
This time the first protag is the man and the girl is the second, but it doesn't matter lol
The story happens in a world similar to the one of the raise of quirks in MHA, criminal rate is all time up.
The protagonist Magari/Masashi(idk) is, again, a guy with strong personality, seeking for revenge and power, as his family was murdered by a serial killer
He got a power similar to Kirishima's, but oh boy his face and personality is just Tomura all over again, Hori's favorite OC
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And guess what??? Ohh he also has a female companion helping him???? YES HE DOES!
Her name is Aoi, yes, like Aoi Hana from the zoo one, yes guess what, yes, bubbly awkward, yes.
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She is an aspiring detective and has the habit of asking people if they like Katsudon, her favorite food.
Wait... Katsudon? As favorite food... Where I saw this before-
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4. Boku no Hero One shot.
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here if u wanna read https://yesmangas1.com/manga/boku-no-hero-ym23733/one-shot#1
This one is a break to the pattern, no Shigaraki look alike, no Aoi Hana, but, someone who is pretty similar to her in personality:
Jack Midoriya
Jack Midoriya is a quirkless man in a super society, his job is to sell support items, but he is too awkward, clumsy and stubborn, causing more problems than helping, he has an impossible dream of becoming a hero, so he tries to become the first quirkless hero! (it goes wrong)
There is a girl in this story too, i guess she is this Izuku's Uraraka, they are both literally the same in personality, so i guess hori Split Hana in two for this one.
5. Barrage or Sensei no Bulge
(the second tittle is so funny lmao)
This time hori completly threw everything out and said: fuck the pattern, fuck Hana, fuck Tenko wanabe!
It has literally nothing to do with anything he did previously. Astro, can be similar to Izuku, but hmmm not fit the mold, so i'll just skip lmao, it also was canceled, ending in 2 volumes anyways.
So far, we can conclude a very recurrent pattern in every work Horikoshi publicized (except barrage lolz)
Protagonist 1:
Is a gentle, caring, stubborn, clumsy and awkward person, they have a heart of a hero, but are often seen as weak, useless, and stupid for dreaming too high. They can be strong when they want to, but feminine and loving too, they are altruistic, loyal, and focused. Their role in the story is to find their own self worth, as well as help the 2nd protagonist break free from a torment.
Protag 2:
A selfish, childish, mean and also stubborn boy, who's heart is filled with hatred, hurt and grief, they are cursed somehow, and besides having a rough exterior, deep inside they are still just a child who seeks relief. Their role in the story, is to after Protag 1 advances, open up and allow themselves to be saved in heart and mind.
Of course, due to the past series length of few pages to only a few volumes, they open up to each other and befriend rather quickly, but MHA is well- 40 volumes long by now, ofc course P.2 will give much more trouble to open up, it's not that easy to cure someone's bitterness and guilt!
Which leads to Horikoshi's last work, My Hero Academia.
The story of protagonist 1 incarnated as a mix of every character Hori wrote before as Izuku Midoriya, a quirkless boy who feels useless, but has a big dream, a kind heart and the desire to save.
And also the story of MHA's society's biggest victim, a childish man who has been hurt in every possible way, by every person he dared to trust, be it his own family or his "sensei", Tomura Shigaraki is nothing but a child at heart, crying onto his puppy, waiting for the one who will save him.
This is undeniable, I was already sure with everything I've read in MHA that Tomura is getting saved, Izuku yelled it himself, and the narrative is walking towards that.
But after analyzing Hori's part works, and see how wholesome and hopeful his stories are, how he desires to transmit the message that everyone deserves a second chance, i have no doubt.
Tomura is DESTINED to be not only saved, redeemed or live, but to have a happy ending and finally have a friend to trust.
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As every story so far ended with the kind one befriending and becoming a pillar to the hurt one.
Izuku and Tomura are more than the heart of My hero Academia, but also the heart of everything Horikoshi wants to tell to the world.
They are fated to end the same way every time, in every universe.
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cyberball · 2 years
snow on the beach
leo valdez x reader / no pronouns used \ not rq
warnings: two swear words i think
summary: reader and leo finally kiss. that's it
genre: fluff obv
notes: cyberball comeback!!!! everyone clap. also i feel compelled to say I wrote a lot of this listening to yes to heaven by lana. also, lots of midnights by taylor references so reply if u have taste u recognize!!
11:43 / 1149 words
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10:00 PM
You ran a hairbrush through your hair again. “Amor, your hair looks amazing,” Leo assures you. “What, are you in love with me or something?” You retort, and he looks down at his feet. “The bigger problem is if my hair looks okay,” He says, sliding toward the mirror in your cabin. “Forgot I literally always look amazing,” He finishes, earning a smile and an eye-roll from you. Your sibling swings in the door, reminding you that the campfire is starting. 
You’ve loved Leo for, God, how long? You can’t really remember; it feels like forever. Everything about him is amazing. His honeylike voice, his gorgeous, dizzying smile, the way he always has an arm around your shoulder. 
Which is why, when –upon remembering that he might’ve left a fan running in the bunker– he leaves saying, “Go to the campfire, I’ll be back in a second. I love you,” you freeze for a second, quickly picking yourself back up, but he notices. So he adds, “Tell me how much you love me later,” and runs off. 
You start walking, hoping that the night will mask your unending love for him. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for you both to remind each other you love each other. There’s no point in hiding it because you knew, at any moment, danger could strike. He was your best friend, and you his. It was just that, ever since you started wanting more, every ‘I love you,’ pet name, and each and every touch sent you into overdrive. Now, you weren’t love-crazy or anything, but he made you crazy in love, and you had come to accept it. 
The campfire shined fiercely in the distance. You slide into the seat behind your sister. Leo shows up almost a minute later and shoves some people off the bench so he can sit next to you. You’ve warned him against Chiron’s anger many times but he never listens. He never sees. 
10:30 PM
Campfire whisked away like decaying embers and you spent all of it staring at Leo. How come he doesn’t notice? How come every breath you take isn’t a ragged melody of your adoration toward him? And when you walk with him to the bunker now, how come every step you take doesn’t echo all your feelings and doesn’t send up whirling tornadoes letting him know? Letting him know that you love him?
Bunker 9 couldn’t be reached any quicker. The walk in the woods is dark but you can still see him. He shines so brightly and he doesn't even realize it. 
You walk into the little bedroom he’s made in the bunker. The gods know how many nights you’ve spent here, giggling at his stupid jokes, at his stupidly gorgeous smile, at his sleepy voice. 
You’re fixing up the collar of his shirt as he rambles on about the project he’s working on. 
He sees you in the mirror, reflecting back his love for you if he squints. Your eyes are focused on his face, so his gaze quickly darts away. He realizes the attention you’re paying to him, including the way he’s gone silent. He turns around to look at you; he takes up that chance any time he can. He swears it’s either caffeine pumping through his veins or his love for you. You look at him like whatever bullshit he’s talking about is actually important, that he’s actually important. 
“Amor, what’s the point in fixing my shirt?” He says, looking right into your eyes. He sees the morning star in them, burning brighter than the sun. You have this way about you where it seems like everything you touch glows. He hasn’t had someone who genuinely is interested in him and what he has to say since his mother. But, even then, as he sends up a prayer and leans in, he fails to believe you’d love him back. 
If he didn’t believe in your reciprocal of his love, how come he risked putting your friendship on the line? Maybe he finally saw the sparkle in your eyes whenever you thought of him. He takes a deep breath and connects your lips. 
You’re stuck, flying in a dream. His lips leave behind pocketfuls of starlight and shoot up straight up to your heart, illuminating you. You kiss him back strategically; not too intense, but with the right amount of pressure that barely mirrors the pressure he exerted on your heart. And his warmth is a blanket; it spreads to you and covers you. When he pulls away, you know. It’s like snow on the beach, the realization that he must adore you back. There’s no other explanation for how he looks at you.
“God, can you say something?” 
“I don’t wanna jinx it,” He replies. 
“Not the time to be romantic, Lee,” you say, and he scoffs. “What, you kissing me back for the first time isn’t a good time to be romantic?” 
“‘Kissing me back for the first time,’ implies you have tried before and I just didn’t do it back,” you say, unable to meet his eyes. This was all you dreamed of, for months, so why couldn’t you look at him? Were you afraid you’d have to chart the constellations in his eyes? 
“Listen, man, I liked it. I like you, I like this, so do you wanna do this?” He asks, genuineness seeping into his voice. He speaks as if you would shatter if he said the wrong thing.
Were you afraid to explain how he’d brought you back to life?
Obviously, you fucking liked it. You loved it. He tastes like ambrosia, leaving a sparkling, shining aftertaste. What was there not to love?
“I– Leo, I like you,” you say, gathering all your courage, “And obviously I want this–” He interrupts you, “‘Cause you’re head over heels in love with me?” continuing with, “Sorry, go on,” when you shoot him an incredulous look. “Are you sure you do?” you ask.
It was a simple question, really. But it produced a softness in his eyes you had never seen before like you were a kicked puppy. It made you feel vulnerable and seen, but you didn’t mind. With him, you hardly ever did. 
He reached out to take your hand. It was the only one he’s ever reached out for. He vowed to always be yours the moment he saw you. He just had to make sure you knew that too, that he was willing to braid sweet-nothings into your hair and to fall asleep on top of you every day. Willing was a humble word; he fucking needed it.
And the gods know you were determined to let him know just how much you loved him, to plant kisses on his body until they grow into surety; the type of knot that would never ever come undone.
tagging: @drvrslcense @fbfh @quteez @chasingpj @dreamerball @oliviajdjarin (just some of my favourites -- send an ask to be added)
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brittscafe · 2 years
hi! I completely love your hcs for shunsui 😩 can I also request nsfw and sfw hcs for shinji?
have a nice dayy
Thank you and of course! <3 Shinji is sooo underrated.
Shinji Hirako Headcanons:
The biggest tease to exist.
Shinji has the deepest attachment to you and would literally decay if you ever left him.
Shinji's the biggest fan of PDA.
He has a habit of slapping your ass as you walk past him and adores seeing the way you fluster at his actions.
He has no shame in pulling you aside for a quick little make out session and shoving his tongue into your mouth.
Everyone in the soul society knows you're together as Shinji practically chases you around every second of the day.
His love language is words of affirmation.
Shinji has a way with words that swoon you easily.
If you feel insecure or sad, he will cheer you up within 5 seconds.
Although, he would never admit it, he's very smart and can tell how you're feeling with just one glance.
If you ever get seriously injured, a flicker of anger jolts Shinji's body and he'll make whoever harmed you pay.
Shinji cares deeply about you and he'll hunt whoever hurt you to the ends of the earth.
After that, he'll stay by your side and nurse you back to health.
In the morning, he'll be sweet and pull you into his chest.
He'll pepper your face in kisses, praising you and telling you how much he loves and adores you.
He always convinces you to stay in bed a little longer than you're suppose to.
Shinji will often tickle you and a smile grows widely on his face as your laughter fills the room.
He loves your laughter and will find anyway to make you laugh.
His kisses are from straight heaven...or hell depending on how you see it.
He'll linger his lips over yours, teasing you.
Just when you think he's done teasing you and you start to walk away, he grabs onto your wrist and pulls you into a deep kiss.
It takes your breath away and just when you think he's done, he starts teasing you again.
He loves to play games with you.
He's one cocky motherfucker in bed (excuse my language...)
He loves to tease you to your breaking point when until you beg for him on your knees.
He's down to try anything. Blindfolds, bondage, spanking, but his favorites are overstimulation and mirror sex.
Now, he would never do anything to hurt you unless you asked.
He loves seeing the way face twists in pleasure and how your mouth drops open, letting out a moan in the mirror as his fingers are deep inside of you.
Shinji adores praising you in front of the mirror. If you feel insecure about your body, he'll waste no time undressing you and touching every inch of your body while explaining how much he worships you.
Don't even get me started on overstimulation. He'll do it until there are tears about to slip out from your eyes.
The only time, he likes to see tears pouring out from your eyes is when you down on your knees and you're practically gagging on his cock.
One time you asked him to pull your hair and it was a huge mistake.
At first, you thought you were going to enjoy it until Shinji almost broke your neck in half.
He profusely apologized to you and made it up to you later.
Let's just say he never tried to pull on your hair again or you swore to kill him in his sleep.
Shinji loves to take bath with you after and clean you up.
He'll hold you in his arms and massage the parts of your body that are sore while telling you how good of a job you did.
You usually end up falling asleep in his arms, so he'll dry you and off and put you into a new change of clothes before he carries you to bed.
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tickly-giggles · 1 year
Okay, your Kurogiri was just sad. Like, reasonable and realistic and great, but now I'm sad. 😭
How about his son, Shigaraki? How is he as a lee/ler?
I'm so sorryyyy, I wanted to make it realistic TvT
Also, Shiggyyy!
Warning for mentions of abuse and PTSD
Shigaraki Tickle Headcanons
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Growing up in an abusive household didn't leave room for tickling as an experience
If any tickling were to happen, it would have been very brief and rare, likely between him and his sister
Since his villain arc literally began when he was still a child, he grew up without ever experiencing it to its fullest, and is extremely touch starved as a result
As an adult, he would think of being ticklish as a weakness
His skin is so dry from his constant scratching, so he's not as ticklish as he could be, but he is still quite ticklish
Circumstances would eventually lead to the League finding out that his worst spots are the tops of his knees, his thighs, ribs, and armpits
His armpits are especially ticklish because they never got scratched much throughout his life
Any other area is most affected by being squeezed and kneaded
His laughter is low and raspy, but gets squeaky (and still raspy) when you tickle his bad spots
He's touch starved, but very scared of physical affection
If anyone even tries to touch him, he recoils and gets aggressive
This is likely a reflex from the trauma caused by his father always hitting him
Naturally, he would hate the idea of being tickled, but I imagine he would open up to it over time
It would take a long time, but he could grow to like being tickled
It could be a way to help him cope with his fear of being touched
Some experimenting would lead the League to find out that a medicated lotion helps bring some life and sensitivity back to his skin
He would start keeping a small bottle of lotion on him at all times after that
He was never really given much praise as a child, either, so praising teases would fluster him so bad
Just gentle praising along with gentle tickles would destroy him
As a ler, he's very inexperienced
Any tickling from his childhood would have resulted on him being on the receiving end, so he's never actually tickled someone
He doesn't want to accidentally decay one of the League members, so he's never thought to try
He started wearing two-fingered gloves around the hideout so he could live without worrying about decaying anything
He wouldn't be open to tickling anyone immediately, but when he did, he would start with light pokes and jabs to his fellow members
He'd be confused and very embarrassed at first, but would grow more experienced over time
He likes to use light strokes of his fingers the most
He would get an extreme feeling of power at seeing someone beneath him going crazy with laughter, so that would help him feel more relaxed and open to the idea
A lot of his teases would be video game related
"Get comfortable, cuz this run has only just started~"
"I'm not even the final boss, and you're already running out of stamina?"
"If only you had a way to nerf how ticklish you are~"
His lees would think his teasing is so corny and laugh more as a result
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twotangledsisters · 6 months
"Cass dies in the Great Tree" Is the title literal? Or does it mean something else?
Do you have a piece of history made? Anything you could share? That title and that "Shot" made me curious
Funnily enough... it's not literal but because Cass actually dies AFTER leaving the tree XD so not in the Great Tree.
But yeah, it's not a title to keep. If I don't have a title I just put down the concept until I figure one out!
It's an AU where Cass touching Rapunzel has a much bigger consequence and the gang tries to get her help before it's too late but can't. And Rapunzel and company have to deal with both the guilt of not listening to Cass about the tree being dangerous, but also the consequences, things like, writing home to Corona to let Captain know...
It's only meant to be short but it's another case of... how in the world do I end this little bit of angst?
Here's a few snippets of what's already written :D
In the sunlight the extent of Cassandra’s injury became clear, an almost burnt like black texture covered her arm, her fingernails were gone, her fingers didn’t look like fingers. “Cassandra…” Rapunzel stared. Cassandra took a few deep breaths. “Is everybody alive?” Eugene looked around, leaning heavily on Lance, the decay incantation has taken a lot out of him but he could count. “Yeah… Yeah, for now,” he tried to joke. “Does your hand hurt, Cass?” Cassandra looked up at Rapunzel, tears were in her eyes, something Rapunzel had never seen from her usually strong friend. “That’s a yes…” Eugene answered. “I think I need help…” She whispered. Rapunzel nodded. “Don’t worry, Cass, we’re going to get you to the closest town with a doctor! Right, guys?” Nods and the gang got into action, packing what belongings they had left, Fidella knelt down next to Cassandra and Eugene moved to look at the injury, but it was like nothing he’d ever seen before and he didn’t know how to help.
Cassandra rested on Fidella’s back. Her breathing was shallow, and she lacked all of her usual stability. She was so shaky that Lance and Eugene were standing on either side of Fidella, ready to catch the woman if she fell. Her right arm was completely limp at this point, the blackness which had started with her hand had spread upwards, now reaching past her elbow and towards her shoulder. It wouldn’t be long until it reached a more crucial part of her body. Rapunzel was walking way up ahead, her eyes on the horizon, she hurried as much as she could hoping the next town would come into view already so they could locate a doctor’s office and get Cassandra the help she needed. Rapunzel didn’t know what she’d do if things got worse.
Cassandra lay in the bed with the white sheets, her arm resting atop the sheets. Her arm didn’t even look like an arm at this point and the fact her breathing was so painful told her the blackness had reached her lungs. The past few days were a blur of pain and tears. Rapunzel was inconsolable, not even Eugene could calm her down. Right now Rapunzel was asleep in the chair to the left and Eugene was sitting to Cassandra’s right. He’d been annoyingly quiet these past few days, no bad jokes or stupid comments. Cassandra hated it, but she also understood. “Eugene,” she whispered. His eyes moved to meet hers. “Yes?” “If I don’t—” “Don’t.” Eugene’s eyes went wide, and he shook his head. Cassandra smiled. “Scared?” Eugene didn’t know what to respond. “Just… In case,” she whispered. “If I don’t make it, tell my father I love him, alright?” Eugene nodded.
The sun was rising and neither Eugene nor Rapunzel had managed a word more than ‘To the Captain of Corona’s Royal Guard’. How do you tell a man his daughter’s dead? Sending a letter felt wrong. But waiting for them to get home rather than tell him immediately felt worse. “How could this happen?” Rapunzel didn’t have an answer. “Two days ago she was fighting our enemies and now she’s gone.” “Magic…” Rapunzel whispered, her fingers going through her hair. “I guess… I guess it doesn’t just bring stuff back… Sometimes it takes stuff away.” She took a deep breath as tears ran down her face. “Eugene… This is all my fault.” “No, no, I agreed with you, we all did except Cassandra.” “But she was right.” “But it’s not all your fault. I could have sided with her. But I… I didn’t. I never sided with Cass.”
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what if i want to see nasty iterator bullshit because they have nasty creators that would've likely let this happen so they could ascend and make them solve their stupid fucking problem that made them all miserable and fucked up to begin with when created. not even in terms of relationships or anything.
their existence is fucked up and they should be allowed to do fucked up stuff. pebbles literally nearly killed moon if it wasn't for significant giving slag keys. maybe pebbles would come to moon even including giving up his core. you can see his observers start to wander further in game after the core is taken. suns fucked up with pebbles when they did their best to help and advise. same with sliver who is dead and tried to help bring others with her to end their suffering. to them at this point with everything they knew so rotted away and pointless to keep up when a new ecosystem is taking hold in the abandoned world. they have no reason to hold ties to old relationships and bonds that won't matter in the new world that's to come.
besides, maybe being a bit fucked up with media is good for refreshing yourself on what's good and bad. perhaps even allowing you to healthily go through motions of trauma you've had that could be compared to the iterators and reaffirm you made the right choice to get help. who fucking cares as long as the media isn't condoning it and labeling it as "normal and healthy". not everyone heals by always consuming media that's aligned with their struggles and reality. sometimes they heal by ripping that bandage off and cleaning it the fuck up by looking at it to see how to clean it. (metaphorically speaking.) you let that wound fester and it becomes rot like pebbles with his attempts.
he didnt come clean with others. he should have listened. but they all still cared about him anyway and that's a love that transcends labels. its unconditional. regardless of what they did to each other. regardless of what they all suffered. they had each other. even if they could not show it in the healthiest of ways. even when so far apart. at least moon and pebbles were so close. pebbles even chose to die the most painful ways as an iterator to right his wrongs. isnt his twisted rage and care so admirable? that he tried to break the cycle for them all, fucked up, and did the most he could to fix it when it all came to do or die? he gave up everything to at least say he is sorry in the way he could. moon should have been furious and she was but she didnt lash out. she understood completely despite not knowing how to tell him. same with suns. same with significant. and i bet that goes for sliver too. they all love each other unconditionally in some manner. even if their ruined and decayed lives slowly being swallowed up for the new civilizations...
media that doesnt touch on dark or potentially taboo topics just don't hit the same. if you want to have reality really hit you in the face and realise you've made the right choices to become better than before no matter what, then dark stories will do that for you. no matter how cute. no matter how stylized. your heart and mind changes in that moment, even if by a little.
keep media literacy alive in rain world <3 (and thank you mods)
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millylotus · 1 year
TRIGGER/CONTENT WARNINGS : Kidnapping, Assault, Non-Consensual Touching, Mentions of Vomiting
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The Corpse Groom
Corpse Bride AU
Warning: The corpse bride has always been weird about consent and all that. So this is too, b/c the premise is literally a kidnapping based on a misunderstanding. Duke and Danny won’t end up together for this one sorry.
They never end up getting together, just gonna say this again
This relationship isn’t sugary sweet, it’s rather toxic, and I don’t in anyway support relationships like this
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Bruce is out of town and John Constantine is somehow now in charge of his two youngest children. While at a very old cemetery in Gotham for reasons, Duke and Damian decide to mess around in a game of pretend, John is not far behind keeping them in sight. Duke ends up doing this whole wedding vows speech and ends up slipping one of his rings onto a tree branch. While Damian is congratulating him on his performance the “branch” behind Duke moves.
John is quick to rush right for Duke, having felt a sudden wave of death. Damian immediately tries to move his brother out of the way. Duke who was bowing and facing away from the “branch” didn’t see anything yet.
Before anyone could do anything a soft easy voice said “I do.”
Cold rough hands grab Duke and drag him to the ground. Damian shoves the corpse off of him, John chucks a spell at it, knocking the corpse a few feet back.
Damian and Duke ran behind John, the three watched as the corpse. It wore a white barong, embroidered and embedded with jewels with black pants, the thing that stood out was the short white drop veil on its head covering its face. It was obviously once a beautiful outfit, but from the probable years buried with a body it was rather destroyed. The corpse had dead blue skin, its face gaunt and a few bones showing from decay, black hair falling heavy over their face.
It snaps its broken bones into place, and staggers to stand, keeping their eyes on Duke the whole time.
John raises his hands, ready for a fight, “Kids run.”
Duke and Damian are quick to bolt out of the area, behind them they can hear John holding back the corpse.
John is having a bit of trouble, the zombie surprisingly quick and avoids most of his spells. He preps a ward on the ground to chain the corpse in place. The tendrils wrap around the body and it grunts, and John thinks he might have caught it, but it digs its feet into the ground and destroys the bit of the wards closest to it and it runs past John towards the kids.
John swears before running after it, he’s far behind it though.
Damian and Duke have been running for awhile now. Damian was complaining about how Duke just had to say fucking wedding vows over the grave of dead groom. While Duke was trying to defend himself that he didn’t know god dammit, and that their other siblings had done so much worse in comparison.
The corpse catches up to them and tries to tackle Duke, Duke is able to dodge but just barely.
The brothers try to keep the corpse away when Damian notices that the corpse is targeting Duke. Damian tells him to just fucking run for it.
Damian’s able to hold it back for a bit, before they break through and start chasing Duke again.
Duke’s tired now, he’s been running for awhile now and the zombie is catching up. He’s on a bridge out of breath, legs shaking with adrenaline. The corpse walks up the bridge, Duke notices that it is humming a song quietly.
They take a step forward, he takes a step back. The corpse grabs Duke’s wrist swiftly, and Duke freezes in place.
The corpse smiles, lifting up Duke’s hand held in a tight clutch. Using they’re free hand it moved its veil out of their face showing surprisingly blue eyes, and spoke, “My love, the living realm is no place for a reception. The land of the dead is much better.”
They snap their fingers on their free hand. The ground opens up under the two, the corpse smiles and Duke screams as they fall to the underworld.
Damian and John stand panting not too far from the bridge, just having arrived and watched the two leave.
John swallowed, this wasn’t good this wasn’t good at all, “Damian, call your family and tell them what happened”
John walks up to the bridge to inspect the area affected.
Damian pulls out his phone, eyes burning, mind running with worry for his brother.
His hands were shaky as he called his father, “Baba… Something, something took Duke.”
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Duke gets the whole musical performance that Victor did, he’s a bit more chill but also just in shock
So he just kinda let’s it all happen
The afterlife is like a mix between the ghost zone and the afterlife in The Corpse Bride
There are some dp character wandering around too just for funsies
Duke eventually gets away and ends up on the bench overlooking the city
Danny goes after him and brings up Cujo as a wedding gift, they get to talking and Duke eventually asks Danny why [just like why in general]
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“How – Duke shifted – Why are you like this, what’s holding you back?”
Daniel sighed wistfully, staring down to the city of the dead, “It’s a sad story I think.”
“I’m willing to listen,” Duke reassured him with a smile.
Daniel nodded before taking a breath and beginning to talk.
“I was engaged in life, to this wonderful woman. Samantha, Sam, she was smart and loud and loyal to her morals. Her family didn’t approve of us unfortunately, they were rich and mine were just slightly better off technicians. They pulled some strings the day before the wedding and convinced my godfather to do something. I never liked the man, but I thought we’d made up some by then. Evidently not, because he led me away into the forest, I don’t remember much after that.”
Tears dripped down Daniel’s face. Duke pulled him into a hug, he didn’t fully trust Daniel, but even then no one deserved that fate. Daniel buried his head into Duke’s shoulder.
“Did you know what happened to Samantha?” Duke asked, maybe if he found out more he could find Daniel’s family and tell them what happened to him.
“No – Daniel said, voice muffled, he held Duke closer – I hope she’s happy at the very least.”
Danny lifted his head and pulled back but didn’t let go. Duke wasn’t sure how he felt about that.
“The reason I’m still here though still existing. I am still here because I want love – He lifted his hand and gently touched Duke’s face – a second chance at it – his cold thumb gently touched Duke’s lower lip – marriage,” Daniel smiled at him.
Duke sat there frozen, before removing Daniel’s hands from his body and scooching away from the dead boy.
“That all takes time, and I’m nowhere near ready for something like that.”
“Of course I know that, I knew Sam for years before we ever thought of getting married.”
Duke frowned at the other boy, “Then you know it takes time, I don’t want – he paused before finishing his sentence, Daniel had reacted oddly to being denied the last time – I’d rather not get married when I’m only eighteen.”
Daniel hummed looking away from Duke, “I understand, you did make your vows and I said ‘I do’ but you didn’t and I never said my vows. So the marriage is incomplete, when you’re ready we can complete the ceremony.”
Danny spoke with a giddy voice, expectantly looking at Duke.
Duke just looked down at Cujo, who was still chewing on the red ball Duke had given him.
“I’ll think about it,” Duke whispers.
Danny nodded, “Of course, take you time,”
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I kinda want to give Danny a veil of some kind, cause it’s like a big part of Emily’s design
But I’m not sure if it’ll look good with his barong, decided to do it >:]
It’s a pretty flower veil with blood blossoms, he wore it for Sam
Sam and Tucker are doing eh, they’re not doing horrible
But losing Danny like that and never finding his body hurt them both
They’re married now actually, and have twins, they moved out of Gotham after Danny’s death
Danny wouldn’t be angry or anything about it he’d be glad that they moved on
Danny’s really touchy and Duke isn’t all about that so he tends to just push him away
Telling him to stop, Danny does pull back but he doesn’t stop hovering a lot
Danny’s obsession is getting married and falling in love, so he reacts negatively to being denied it
He isn’t aggressive to others about it, just needs to go off on his own and calm down
Duke doesn’t want to marry Danny so he’s going out of his way to try and figure out how to run away
They end up at Clockworks tower, who takes the place of the Gutknecht
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Duke and Daniel walk up the many stairs to the top of the clocktower
Daniel, smiling all the way, went to knock on the door but before he could even touch the wood it swung open, and an old man stood on the other side.
“Daniel, Duke Thomas, I’ve been expecting you two, come in,”
Duke did not like the vibes one bit, but he followed Daniel regardless.
The old man brought them to a small seating area that already had warm tea set out. The man motioned for them to sit, Daniel sat down and picked up a well loved cup that was clearly his own, he clearly belonged here. Duke sat down next to him but didn’t touch his cup, unsure if consuming the food of the dead would trap him here.
“It’s good to see you again CW,” the corpse boy said happily.
The old man nodded with a smile, “As it is to see you Daniel, now would you introduce me to your friend here?”
CW’s gaze settled on Duke, and he felt a chill run up his spine.
Daniel didn’t seem to notice and just smiled more and giggled, “Yes this is Duke as you already know, and he’s my husband!”
“Fiance,” Duke corrected him,
“Fiance – Daniel amended – And he wants to go back upstairs, tell his family the good news you know.”
CW nodded, “Of course of course. Mr.Thomas – Duke tried not to pull back – I understand that your family is looking for you quite desperately. Your return to them – Daniel chipred a temporary at the statement, CW only sighed – temporary return to them, will quell their fears.”
Duke nodded, it made sense. Knowing his family they’d be tearing up Gotham and the underworld for him, “How do I get back though?”
CW stood up walking over to a table covered in an alchemical set up, “A simple potion of return will do, I’ve already had it made”
They lifted up a small bottle of about three gulps of a blue gray liquid, “One gulp and you’ll be back from whence you came.”
Duke tried to hold down his smile, reaching out to take the bottle.
“How would he get back?” Daniel asked abruptly.
Duke paused, glancing at Daniel. Who was frowning and glaring at the bottle.
CW looked at Duke, “Just say hopscotch, and you’ll be back here.”
It sounded more like a warning to Duke, he stood and took the bottle staring at the potion.
“You’ll come back to me right?” Daniel’s voice was soft and scared. He gently held Duke’s hand.
Duke turned to look at the corpse, and smiled, “I just have to make sure my family knows I’m okay.”
He took the potion, handing the bottle to CW. Duke doubled over in pain, Daniel shooting up to check on him. Then in a burst of color Duke was back on the bridge.
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The Batfam is freaking the fuck out
Bruce ditches whatever he’s doing to come back to Gotham
Damian blames himself for what happened, he was the one to encourage Duke to go all out with his performance in their little game
He insists on always being there to help look for Duke
John is not letting himself live this down and he stays in Gotham to help the Batfam find a way to get Duke back
When they realizes that the corpse wasn’t buried in a grave but probably buried alive they start to figure out who the corpse was when they were alive
It’s kinda hard though considering they don’t even have a body to work off of
Justice League Dark is called to help John try and open up the portal that Danny created
A day or so latter Duke reappears where he was taken
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A poof of blue that reeked of death appeared on the bridge and with it Duke Thomas.
Detective Chimp jumped away from the bridge as the boy began to cough aggressively.
“Brother!” Robin yelled running up to the other boy, their father didn’t bother to slow the boy down. In fact he joined his youngest a few steps behind.
Duke groaned, before puking over the side of the bridge. Robin and Batman worriedly stood by the teen waiting for him to recover.
He looked up at the two, face sweaty, tears dripping from his eyes. He didn’t look like he’d eaten in a bit.
“I don’t have much time before he comes looking for me,” Duke gasped out.
Batman pulled him into a hug, Robin clinging to his brother’s side.
“We won’t let him take you away,” Batman said softly.
Duke began to shake in their arms.
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Bruce and Damian bring Duke back home to the manor where the others [ Jay’s there of course he’s gonna be worried for his cousin] are waiting for updates
It’s mainly the family coddling Duke, which he desperately needs tbh
He’s mostly unresponsive but gives enough info on what’s happened and who Danny was before he died
Justice League Dark sets up a few runes around his room to make sure he’s safe
Duke just wants to rest under the sunlight for awhile
He’s in his room with Cass talking
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Cass knows on Duke’s bedroom door,
Duke *muffled* : Come in
Cass gently opens the door, and looks into the room to see Duke curled up in his blankets. She walks over and sits by him on the bed.
Cass : Do you wanna talk
Duke shrugs sitting up in his bed leaning on the wall.
Duke : I’m scared, he’ll come back I know he will
Duke begins to cry silently, Cass pull him into a hug
Cass : I won’t let him take you, I promise
Duke: I know, but it’s just so so terrifying *voice crack* he still has the rest of that potion he knows how to take me back
Cass holds him tighter, Duke buries his head into her tears falling
Duke: I don’t want to marry him, I never want to even get married
*Time Skip To Sunset*
Duke has fallen asleep, and is curled up with his head on Cass' lap. Cass is silently reading a book.
Daniel climbs up onto Duke’s balcony wobbling as he stands up.
Cass is immediately on her feet as Daniel opens the balcony door, he looks to Duke and smiles, taking a step to him. Cass puts herself between the two, they both glare at each other.
Daniel: Who are you?
Cass says nothing as she gets into a defensive position
Daniel: I’m simply here for my husband not for fight, though I’d be more than willing to do so if you stay in my way *growls*
Cass: He isn’t your husband, he isn’t your anything
Daniel: And who are you to say that?
Cass: I’m his sister and you are trying to take my little brother away from me
Daniel says nothing, clenching his fist. Cass silently turns on the alert on her bracelet.
Daniel: Family trying to get in the way of my love again? History truly is a circle
Daniel attempts to run for Duke, Cass tackles him to the ground. The loud thud wakes Duke up immediately, he quickly sits up and sees Cass and Daniel fighting.
Duke *whispering*: No no no no
Duke gets up shackly from his bed, grabbing the tonfa on his end table. Frozen as he watches the two fight. Daniel looks at him and smiles.
Daniel: Ah! Duke, you're awake! Could you get your sister off of me please?
Cass slams Daniel’s head into the ground
Cass: Run!
Duke: But-
Cass: Run!
Duke runs out of his room sprinting down the hallway, he almost runs into Dick who was going to Duke’s room.
Dick: Woah, what’s happening!
Duke: He’s back! Daniel’s back, he’s he’s
Duke is breathing hard, tears falling. Dick sucks hisses anxiously.
Dick: Okay so Cass is holding him back?
Duke nods
Dick: You gotta get to either Jason or Constantine remember, they can keep you safe
There’s a loud inhuman screech
Dick: I’ll go help Cass, now go
Duke: Stay safe
Dick smiled reassuringly
Dick: As much as I can
Dick runs to Duke’s room, and Duke runs in the opposite direction in search of Jason or Constantine.
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For anyone wondering why Jason is also able to protect Duke from Daniel it’s because he’s the wielder of the All-Blades powerful supernatural dual swords which can only be summoned in the presence of evil [technically pure evil but come on pure evil is like weirdly subjective to a lot of people]
That’s all cannon, or malicious intent at least in this story, for the purpose of the fic it doesn’t completely matter that this is Daniel’s obsession Duke doesn’t consent and has been trying to get Daniel to stop, so he falls under malicious intent
Anyways Cass and Dick hold Daniel off while Duke gets to the others
Constantine had been setting up a stronger and more durable entrapment seal
They make a plan, Duke will lure Daniel into the trap and they’ll figure it out from there
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Daniel bangs against the invisible walls of the spell, screaming and growling. Jason stood at the ready in front of Duke, All-Blades in hand. Constantine kneeled next to the spell continuously softly chanting the incantation to keep the entrapment spell strong.
Daniel: Let me out! Let me out!
Bruce stepped forward scowling at Daniel.
Bruce: And why should we do that? You’ve already shown to be extremely volatile and have made many attempts to kidnap my son and have harmed my other children.
Daniel *growls*: Duke is to be my husband. Let. Me. Out.
Bruce: He isn’t to be your anything
Daniel screeches, throwing himself at the walls surrounding him, he turns his attention to Duke.
Daniel: Tell him he’s wrong! Please! Duke for me, you promised me!
Duke steps out from behind Jason.
Duke: I didn’t promise you anything Daniel, I was only ever messing around. You’re the one who took things the wrong way
Daniel: But I heard you! I heard you say your vows, *he lifts his left hand, showing the ring* there was even a ring! I said I do!
Duke: You never gave me a chance to explain, I was just playing make believe with my brother. Those vows, that rings they mean nothing
Daniel begins to cry, backing away from the spell walls. Face distraught and angry.
Daniel: No. No! It means everything you can’t just throw away my love!
Duke: It means nothing, and I just did. I am not your husband, I am not your fiance. I am not your anything. I don’t love you.
Daniel falls to his knees wailing, as the humans stay silent. Duke is shaking, trying to stay composed.
Daniel: Hopscotch, hopscotch. Hopscotch!
Jason: What is he doing?
Duke: He’s trying to leave, we were supposed to say that to get back
Damian: Well it isn’t working so well for him
Bruce: Constantine, is it doing anything? Can he get out?
Constantine shakes his head, and begins to sign instead of stopping the chant.
John: Not a single change, the potion thing must have been a one way trip or something
Duke sighs: Hopscotch
Nothing happens but everyone looks to him immediately with concern. Daniel only cries harder.
Bruce: Never do that again.
Duke: I knew nothing would happen, I saw it briefly
Bruce: Still that was reck-
Before Bruce can finish Duke’s eyes glow and snap to behind Daniel, he takes a step back. Everyone looks to where he’s looking.
A portal opens in the air outside of the spell and behind Daniel who pauses in his tears to look as well. Clockwork floats through the portal.
Daniel: What do you want? Are you going to just rub salt in my wounds, traitor.
Clockwork shakes his head: No child I’ve come to collect you
Jason: Now hold on.
Jason raises a blade to Clockwork. They vibrate softly, becoming less visible, not sensing the being as a threat. Jason rolls his eyes, lowering the blade. Clockwork turns to the humans an apologetic look on his face.
Clockwork: I’m so sorry that this happened, Daniel can be uncontrollable at times.
Damian*sarcastic*: Uncontrollable?
Clockwork: Like most beings in the height of their obsession I’m afraid. Mr.Thomas I understand if you’ll never forgive Daniel. In fact I hope you never truly do. What he’s done to you is horrible. Either way I need to take him back to the land of the dead.
Daniel curls in on himself as Clockwork speaks, glaring at the ground.
The All-Blades begin to fade away, a sign that Daniel himself has given up.
They’re all silent waiting for someone to say something. Bruce looks to Duke who nods, Bruce motions to Constantine and he stops chanting, the spell slowly falls.
Clockwork: Come child, we don’t belong here
Daniel sluggishly takes Clockwork’s hand and stands up, not looking at the surrounding humans, ashamed as he is.
Clockwork: The ring.
Clockwork says as Daniel goes to the portal. Daniel frowns but takes off the rings and tosses it to Duke, who catches it with ease.
Clockwork: Again I am so sorry for all the pain and stress Daniel has caused you Mr.Thomas.
Clockwork sets a vial on the ground, filled with a strange liquid.
Clockwork: A recall for the deceased, a means to safely commune with loved ones passed.
The two inhuman beings leave through the portal without so much as a goodbye.
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So that happened…
Tbh I didn’t mean for it to get this out of hand but here we are!
Daniel will be sufficiently punished for his crimes don’t worry, he’s not getting away with a slap on the wrist
He severely traumatized Duke which is not cool
It’s mainly ghostly rehab and general social shaming which is so much for ghosts like Danny who are relatively extroverted
Duke’s gonna get a bunch of apology gifts from Daniel and a few people close to him
Also just gonna say this again, THEY DON’T END UP TOGETHER
Just so everyone’s aware
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fivetrench · 23 days
Got some teeth pulled thinking it would be the end of my suffering, just to have things get 10x worse and end up in the hospital 👍🏻
I need to rant about these stupid fucking moronic ignoramus dentists for a second so ignore this if you don’t want to hear about the literal dumbest medical malpractice to ever happen.
I had a cavity in my back molar on my upper left jaw. I went to the dentist four fucking times and they didn’t do anything that stopped the constant nerve pain. I gave up and was just going to live with it until a quarter of my fucking tooth snapped off while I was flossing because it was so entirely rotted that it had no structure anymore. They had told me time and time again that there were no signs of decay on the million x-rays they took, that it was just the fillings settling, that I just needed some fucking prescription toothpaste. Well, they were wrong and my tooth was rotting out of my goddamn skull for so long that the gum around it was inflamed and hurt to touch. So we go back to the dentist, they finally do something and give us a referral to the oral surgeon to get the tooth pulled. We go to the appointment and SURPRISE! They had no record of the prior examination of the broken tooth or the referral to get it pulled. So we had to fucking leave. We got rescheduled for weeks later. When it’s time for the appointment, they pull my rotting molar but also include my bottom wisdom teeth since they would’ve caused problems later on. Cool, great, whatever. They give me a prescription for an antibiotic and painkiller. In the WRONG PATIENT’S NAME. So we try to call them. For a week. Nothing. They did not answer or call back or anything. So I just had three fucking teeth pulled, one of which was literally decaying inside my mouth for a year, and no antibiotics for almost a week afterwards. To no one’s surprise, I got an infection in the area where one of my wisdom teeth was pulled. Constant pain, the wound was leaking a disgusting brown fluid that tasted so bad I thought I was going to vomit, and I could barely open my mouth enough to eat. So we go to the ER. I’m there for eight hours. 12am to 8am. The whole time my mouth tastes horrible, I’m delirious from lack of sleep, and I’m getting blood draws and IVs put in and CAT scans that aren’t helping with the fact that I feel like I can barely walk. Finally, my tests come back and the infection somehow hasn’t spread to the jaw bone, so they give me a stronger antibiotic and more painkillers. The end. I just can’t believe that this happened. All of this shit happened over the course of a full calendar year. 365 days of nerve pain and useless appointments and just being so damn tired. Doesn’t help that school just started and I now have Fs in almost all of my classes since I’ve missed so much. I’m just so angry. All of this could’ve been avoided had they just done their fucking jobs right. We’re never going back to that dentist’s office. If you live in northeast Ohio, stay the fuck away from Hudec Dental. They have no clue what they’re doing and will only make your situation worse. They are dangerously incompetent. Literally ruined a year of my life.
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kokusfluffyhair · 1 year
Dororo Relationship Headcanons (Zaddy Edition)
I can't get this idea out of my head, so let's go! I think this'll be a major flop, but what the hell
Don't take this too seriously.
I'll only be writing for the adult male major characters. Everything I'm writing is based on the 2019 anime of "Dororo".
There's NSFW content so minors DNI
Time to start with the one y'all probably hate the most - Daigo Kagemitsu the original Zaddy himself (he's the only one here who is canonly an actual dad)
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Literally the most attractive image I could find of him and now I have to look at this face while I continue to write. Why's he kinda fine though?
+ Do not suggest that he trims his eyebrows. Just don't.
+ All right, hear me out. I think we can all agree that he is an ASSHOLE during the series, but he probably wasn't always like this
+ He used to have a better attitude and be kind of fun to be around. But once he got overwhelmed with his responsibility and his decaying land, he turned into the Kagemitsu we all know and hate
+ The man can't handle pressure, ok?
+ So he might have been kind of gentlemanly and intelligent. Once upon a time ...
+ Nowadays he's pretty easy to woo. He's got a praise kink. Remember, he does everything right and doesn't make mistakes.
+ But don't make it sound like you're praising him because you pity him. You've got to pull it off as being completely honest
+ He will start to respect you if you "understand politics" -- that means, you've got to agree with this Zaddy and support everything he does, even if he makes mistakes
+ He'll like talking about his successes, so hype him up when he does
+ He wants you to be his number one fan, basically
+ He can be cold and standoffish, but he appreciates when you take the effort to check in on him
+ It's average sized down there. Don't tell him that. It's really big and really good. Repeat. Really big and really good.
+ He can't get it up so much as he's getting older. You'll need to help him without making it obvious that you're helping him
+ He needs to dominate most of the times and usually he'll use sex as a means of releasing his frustration. But sometimes, he does want to be a sub when he's really overwhelmed by work and needs a moment of not being in control
+ When he goes sub, he's LOUD. Full on moans that borderline squeals
All right, now that we've got Daigo out of the way, here comes my personal favourite -- Zaddy Jukai (who is actually a mommy but we'll call him zaddy anyway)
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He makes a fine bear in the 2019 anime but all the other renditions do him dirty. I said it. Now let's move on.
+ You might love the beard or hate it. I hate it. He will consider trimming it for you
+ How the hell you managed to woo this man I'll have no idea and I'm just hoping you didn't promise some double-suicide with him or something
+ You will always be second to his late wife. He's not going to talk about her. She was murdered after he threw himself off a cliff. But you're second to her. Always
+ He will do literally everything and anything he can to take care of you -- and this is problematic because he's a workaholic who might work himself to d3ath someday
+ He pushes away affection because he thinks he's not deserving of love
+ You need to tread carefully and patiently to break down his walls, but once you do, they are broken forever
+ He loves and I mean LOVES physical touch, especially hugs
+ And of course, he loves forehead rubs
+ He will want to cuddle with you and hold you to the point that it might get annoying
+ You'll end up being his therapist, because when he opens up, he'll tell you about his past and he'll cry quite a bit. But he would do the same for you if you ever needed him to be your therapist
+ Your relationship will make him less depressed, and he would eventually want to pursue having a family with you
+ Not huge, but bigger than Daigo
+ GIRTHY (is there anything about him that isn't?)
+ He's pretty vanilla, but has his mildly kinky moments when his needs for punishment/atonement are greater
+ Sub.
+ Aftercare king
We're moving a bit into younger territory. All right, I don't know his canon age, but he's got to be at least 18. Time for -- Hyogo who isn't old enough to be a Zaddy
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I haven't got anything cheeky to say about him.
+ He's awkward
+ And even worse, you'll have to get through Mutsu to be able to date him. Come on, she's low-key scary and you know it
+ He's a big goofball. You two will bond over laughter
+ He'd prank you, but not in a mean way
+ He loves how he can let loose with you and push aside his responsibilities for a bit
+ It's not appropriate for him in his job to show affection openly. He's got that perfect stoic mask but sneaks in holding your hand or kissing you on the back of your head whenever possible
+ In private, he loves kisses the most
+ He also likes sharing food
+ He'll get you a lot of gifts, and he gets shy when he presents them to you.
+ He's huge. Enough said.
+ Switches between sub and dom and is flexible to your needs and preferences
+ He's always up for trying something new -- new positions, new games, anything. If one of you don't like it, then you don't do it again next time
+ Because of this, you've got your safe words
+ He just wants to laugh and get amusement from his intimate time with you
+ He's LOUD and it's mostly laughter
+ He'd be the type to fall asleep not long after sex and start drooling or something. You've got to find that kind of thing cute.
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bitchfitch · 1 year
I've been trying to figure out how Maalik went from being a bartender to being a hitman's handler/secretary. and i think the answer is the same as how he met said hitman. by complete fucking accident.
It's starts out small, folk may not be able to be consciously aware of Gier or anything that would lead them to believe it exists but they can still see the sort of edges of its presence and the things that are too big to Not see.
the mold that grows where it spends too much time, things that it moved, that feeling of being watched, a bar that becomes known to be the perfect place to go on a first date because if they try anything roofie or roofie adjacent they'll mysteriously end up violently ill and potentially dead from the sort of food poisoning you normally have to eat week old gas station sushi to get.
An entire dude who's face got turned into sludge by turbo mold bc he pulled a gun on Maalik in an attempt to rob the bar he worked at and Gier didn't like that one bit. bc like. it's really hard to forget a corpse in That condition. There were security cameras that caught that particular bit of action. Watching the footage just gives you a splitting headache and the memory of Maalik looking terrified while a dudes entire face just did that. JFK style.
All these little things people can't Quite connect together but which they can definitely recognize have a weird habit of happening near Maalik. Like it's really obvious he's not the one doing it, but still it's definitely not a coincidence he always seems to be close by when something randomly goes moldy.
Then, not even thinking about any of that, one of his coworkers confides in him about someone giving them trouble. That they're scared and the cops won't do anything about it until after this person has at least attempted assault. The coworker doesn't know there's more than two people in the room.
Maalik doesn't realize why Gier suddenly left until he gets a call from the same coworker later that night. They're in tears and it's hard to understand what they're saying, but eventually he gets the gist. They're thanking him. The fuckers body was just found rotten and reeking to high heaven with decay despite them being alive enough to follow the coworker to work that morning.
And then word spreads. People start offering money. and it's Good money. Morals start slipping. He gets in too deep but no one can touch him because any attempt has always ended with the wannabe assassin choking on their own blood after their lungs begin bursting with rot. Attempts to pin the murders on him always fail, because he really is innocent. Any renegades that don't play by the rules who decide to take the law into their own hands wind up just as rotten as any other cop, but in a slightly more literal way.
He ends up at the very top of every food web in that area because of a secret weapon nobody can even begin to comprehend by complete accident.
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mystrixstory · 10 months
My 4 am ramblings of space and stuff
Cosmis background radiation: CBR is radiation that is an after effect of the Big Bang. In the immediate seconds folllowing the Big bang the now (infinitely) growing space wasn’t really “Space” at first at all, as everything being made was too hot to have just about anything be created, only small particles such as quarks could survive this Cosmic Goop. This is because mainly in part the atoms that were created were too hot and unstable for the electrons surrounding them to, well, actually curround them and they couldn’t stay around for long, thus plasma was created and the universe was essentially this plasma for the next couplse hundred thousand years. Then, finally, once things did start to cool down as space as we know now it started to expand increasingly far and fast, we started to get gas! Hooray!
This gas was made up of the more known particles like protons and neutrons and other happy go lucky ones. And ever so slowly this gas began to combine and shrink due to gravity, and that’s how stars are born! 
   But what about the Cosmic Background Radiation mentioned in the beginning? Well we don’t see much of it today as it’s been stretched and pulled through quite literally, millions of lightyears of space and time. But that doesn’t mean it’s all gone because we can actually see it in none other than TV static! That old staticky, and quite frankly loud as shit, stuff that appeared when the channels ran out is in fact an artifact of ancient space. How cool is that?
Though it may not be the only left over remnant of historical space, it is mainly the only one we can see with the naked eye via television becaue our eyes can only pick up that kind of radiation. 
Ok not only is that all fascinating and cool, but I’d like to talk about infinity a bit more too.
Most people hear about infinity and how it’s forever and forever and they go “Oh ok, that’s all I need to know about it!” And then they just move on. But it’s so insane when you actually think about it. Because while time and space may be infinite, PARTICLES AREN’T. At least as far as I know and heard they’re not, but still! If particles aren’t infinitely made, or at least their blueprint for what  they make isn’t. Multiple world theory? Multiple world theory.
See, there was thing one thing this one person said in a documentary I watched about infinity, and it basically goes: if you put an apple in a air sealed box and then don’t touch that box ever again, that apple will first decay, then turn to dust, and after millions of years that dust will turn into something else (supposedly) and then that object will form into something else and so on and so forth. The point of this is to show that particles just don’t fade away, they create and will continue to create until the theorized end of time itself. So, if the universe is infinitely expanding, but not the particles, this very well could mean that there are copies of worlds extremely similar to ours, enough so that it could contain life, and if they can contain lifet who is to say that that life isn’t like us humans. If there’s multiple versions of earths like ours, this (in my opinion) could explain why we may sometimes get feelings like deja vu, because ourselves on another earth in this plane of existence are going through that same moment. This also could explain things like the Mendela effect, though from what I understand that’s just a big social mishap of everyone’s brains getting things mized up as they quite often do, and humans being the social beings we are tend to group together the moment we don’t understand something. 
This was supposed to be just notes of CBR but I got distracted by infinity and theories and stuff but ANYWAY
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A Whovian Watches Star Trek for the First Time: Part 075 - Saving the Earth
Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 3 Episode 24 - Zero Hour
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Time to wrap up Season 3, and the chase to reach the weapon, before it reaches earth is on!
Seeing Hoshi in this state of self guilt and not sure who she's talking to hurts, I don't like that archer is pushing her like this. She needs time to recover, especially in regards to him wanting to bring her onto the sphere with the strike team.
After that discussion, Archer gets time jumped into the future by Daniels, again. This time 7 years into Archer's personal future, to the founding of the Federation that Daniels keeps drip feeding us about. However, Daniels is unable to convince archer to change his mind about anything.
Hoshi, even in her current state, has made good progress, but unfortunately the reptilian ship has drifted from the Weapon. The reptilian ship attacks and destroys one of Earth's research satellites, with around 40 civilian targets on board. I get that that's tragic and all, but Archer literally did something similar to a Xindi research station less than 5 ago, he has very little room to be sad about this.
The reptilians prepare to open fire on Degra's ship, but thankfully the Andorians arrive in the nick of time to take care of things. My man, Shran is the MVP, Archer owes him indeed. Shran's appearance gives the crew a chance to get onto the weapon and start disabling it. The final fistfight between Archer and Dolim was also amazingly brutal. Archer, however doesn't make it out.
Meanwhile, Enterprise is going down into a spacial anomaly to attack one of the key spheres and knock out the Sphere network. The anomoly is wrecking the same cellular decay on the crew that the test subject was undergoing. Then, the Sphere builders board Enterprise and start tearing it apart. Luckily they take down the sphere and all the others with it.
After the fighting, while Enterprise awaits to rendezvous with the other team, we get just a little bit of flirting between T'Pol and Trip, which was nice to see.
We only really get to see T'Pol and Phlox's reactions to loosing archer, not even the team who he was with on Degra's ship. Everyone's reactions to seeing Earth again was beautiful, however everything is short lived, because no broadcasts have been coming from Earth or the Moon. Something is wrong. When a shuttle touches down, weapons start opening fire, and they're not from Enterprise's era. We've gone back in time to World War Two, Archer has been left in Nazi hands, and there's an alien commanding these Nazis, and that's the cliffhanger we're left on. Bit of a bombshell to end the season on.
The action in this episode was excellent, both the battle on the weapon and the battle on Enterprise. This Season finale was really good, but I'm happy we're finished with this whole Xindi arc. As much as I've loved the side episodes here, this seasons arc has not been it for me. I'm really interested to see where the series goes now that Archer and Enterprise are Stranded in World War 2. Also seeing Shran again was a highlight.
Comparing my Enjoyment of this Episode with a Doctor Who Universe Story of the Same Title
Torchwood: Aliens Among Us - Episode 7 - Zero Hour
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Yep, Spin Off of a Spin Off. In 2017 Big Finish used it's licence to make Doctor Who Universe Radio Drama to start Torchwood: Aliens Among Us, a continuation. They had already done a few audio dramas set after Torchwood: Miracle Day, but Aliens Among Us was marketed as a true Season 5 of Torchwood, despite the change of Media and replacing the various members of the cast that died throughout the show.
On the whole, I do like the Torchwood Continued saga, it does fall into a lot of the same pitfalls as the actual Torchwood series does, but that's definitely by design in recapturing the show's vibes, and the series is genuinely well written. Aliens Among Us is wonderful. It's cast is in some ways even better than the Original Torchwood team.
But this segment is about it's 7th Episode, Zero Hour. Zero Hour is focus story for Tyler Steele, one of the new additions to the cast that Aliens Among Us throws in. The episode also takes on a sort of allegory for how companies such as Deliveroo and Uber exploit their workers, and does it wonderfully. The Suspense behind exactly what Deliverables is, is built wonderfully. Hasan as a guest character is so well written, and the budding relationship between him and Tyler was really good. It's a shame the faceless corporate entity incinerated, fired in the most literal sense, him the moment he "qualified for basic workers rights".
I enjoyed both Zero Hours, but Torchwood's Zero Hour won out for me. As good as the Action in Enterprise's Zero Hour was, Torchwood's felt like it actually had something to say. Sci-Fi always works best when it's allegorical for real world issues, and Torchwood Zero Hour was an amazing example for that.
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loveotomization · 1 year
i got unbaaaanned here's an ask: can i get a behind the scenes for (one of) your fav/s akekita scene/s you've written, any fic 👀 like, how did the idea come to you, or some fun fact abt the writing process... if you have anything to share ^^
Thank you for this!! I've been dying to have an excuse to talk about this stuff, you have no idea!
This wasn't exactly what you asked, but I thought I'd mention that people who have read my stuff in general point out my use of off-the-wall metaphors/similes. If anyone enjoys my little flair in doing this, I highly recommend reading the works of Peter Beagle! I shamelessly stole the technique from him and made it my own. I recommend starting off with The Last Unicorn (it's a classic for a reason), but any of his older works share a similar style (A Fine and Private Place, Folk of the Air). I'm not sure that I would be a writer today without him.
-Fun fact: Akechi is easier for me to write than Yusuke. I, too, am very angry inside and probably just need a hug lol It's cathartic. Although, two years of studying art in college actually helps with writing Yusuke, because I don't need to look up art terms.
-In Aesopica, the ending was highly inspired by my favorite Tokyo Ghoul fic, in which Kaneki turns the tables on Tsukiyama in the end (huge content warnings for that TG fic btw). I loved how satisfying the circular nature of it was and wanted to try something similar. I knew the ending I wanted to create right from the first chapter.
I cannot remember how I came up with the fruit bowl to both mark the passing of time, and the decay of their relationship. But go past me for coming up with that! My 2017 brain was the real mvp.
This is also my longest fic and you will not see me write anything this long again lol I just don't have it in me. Shout out to long fic writers, I'll have some of whatever you're snacking on.
I also remember this being something of a vent fic. I was sad and wanted to my faves to be sad together. While I do enjoy supportive akekit, where they both grow together, I also love when they just make each other worse.
-Sliced Halves, Light Syrup, please imagine me in the grocery store staring blankly at a can of peaches while concocting an entire fic. Writers are very normal people.
This is also my second most popular akekit fic. Fluff sells, I guess. I prefer my darker stuff tbh!
-After Aesopica, my personal favorite of mine is Psychosomatic. I'm shy about my love of organ-fondling since it's not a common thing to be into (there's not even an official ao3 tag for it lol), so I'm grateful to the person on the kink meme for prompting this. Knowing someone else was interested allowed me to put myself out there and write it. I re-read it not long ago just for fun, and it holds up. It's the intimacy of literally touching the insides of someone, you know?
-I'm scrolling through my akekit fics now and wow! I do not remember some of these? Who wrote these while I wasn't looking??
-Kilroy Was Here was going to be serious angst about Akechi forcibly kissing Yusuke so that he would no longer trust him, because he feels like he doesn't deserve trust, blah, blah... But the idea of Yusuke annoying the crap out of him before they got to that point was so funny to me that I had to run with it. If anyone was wondering about my sense of humor, this fic is it. (I am not funny)
-Born to be Posthumous 69 kudos harr harr... I enjoy this one even if it wasn't as popular as some of my others. I remember being depressed and angry and wanting to take it out on Akechi.
This is getting long now, but it was fun! Thank you again! Hopefully this wasn't too far from you asked! Most of my scenes just come to me as I'm writing with a basic idea in mind, so I just toss them in as I go. A humble chef tossing anything she finds in the fridge right into the soup.
Now that I'm back from my writing hiatus I definitely plan to bring out more akekit when I can!
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autopotion · 9 months
Gravity Rush 2 rant post incoming:
The Hekseville chapter really drags in the second half /: A lot of ppl hated the last mission of the Jirga Para Lhao chapter, but I would take the living city any day over a many-headed and many-limbed blob that's constantly vomiting on you. Like it was just out of nowhere how disgusting it was
Other thoughts about the Hekseville chapter:
I REALLY loved the Jirga Para Lhao chapter, like more than anything in the first game. The world was beautiful and colorful, the NPCs had more depth than the first game's, and it was refreshingly frank about classism and imperialism. Like it wasn't perfect or even all that deep, but I was actually surprised at how much it committed to the bit. The upper class in Lei Havina were all white, blond-haired and blue-eyed, in contrast to the much more varied people on the other levels (which the latter was so cool to see in like, character portraits and stuff), and the ones that weren't rude or downright cruel were completely out of touch with how their wasteful lifestyles contributed to the violence the people on the lower levels experienced. Kat is allied with a group of folks indigenous to JPL who were kicked out, who then successfully take their city back. It was cool to see that treated as good and uncontroversial in a lighthearted fantasy game.
So I was sort of expecting those same themes to carry into the Hekseville chapter.
They did not.
Okay first: I actually really liked going back initially. For one, it was cool to see the city I'd grown attached to after all that time with the first GR, and for another, I was excited about the changes. There's a new superheroine in town, and she's doing Kat's job! Surveillance robots have taken over the street! You need a registration number to live anywhere! And worse, an entire district of the city is so impoverished, the trains don't even run there anymore! It's just like JPL! I sympathized with Kat's loneliness over no longer recognizing the city she called home and felt very curious about how all of these things were tied together--because surely they were?
They were not. It devolved into your standard mad scientist vs superhero plot, where the police are innocents caught between the horrible new government and protecting the people. It would've made me groan in anything, but after the previous chapter, I was more disappointed than anything.
A lot of the problems I had with the first GR reared their ugly heads in this chapter too, principally NPC unfriendliness. For some reason the games love the two assholes who, when Kat rescued them, blamed her for destroying their house (she did not do that). The writers thought that their continued hostility was hilarious for some reason. You interact with these two an awful lot.
If you're not interacting with them, you're interacting with Kali, who steals Kat's thunder, or the police, who are, quite literally, Kat's only positive relationships in Hekseville. Which is maddening. Like in the first game she had a wobbly relationship with the police--mostly the military--in that she got on with Syd, for example, but still butted heads with the government quite frequently on which lives were worth protecting, and directly defied them several times. Not here. In one mission, you have to protect the police from Kali, who is working for the new evil mayor (but the police aren't?).
I guess GR2 didn't want to do a rehash of "military dictator takes over Hekseville and makes things worse for everybody," but they also didn't want to discard the trappings of a military dictatorship. So all the tensions they set up wrt to that--the surveillance bots, the mandatory registration numbers, the decaying infrastructure of Endestria--are later normalized. The bots start acting nefariously (because constantly surveillance wasn't nefarious enough), someone FINALLY complains about them, and Kat has a line to the effect "well it's just a machine doing what it's programmed to do... /:" Kat tells Raven to get a registration number to avoid the hassle (even though she got hers from the overarching villain of the chapter, and that wasn't hinting at his bureaucratic malevolence I guess?). And nothing is done about Endestria, ever, until, after the end of chapter 3, Lisa and JPL show up, and teaches the police to open shelters for the unhoused. Wow. Three years of this nonsense, and they never thought of that!
The Kali and Dr. Brahman stuff never goes anywhere interesting either, but that's a rant for another post.
--Except in how it ties into the Missing Orphans stuff, which. I can't even tell what's going on there anymore? Like, what happened to the ark from the previous game? We spend a decent chunk of the first GR in the orphan town, learning about Raven's backstory, and then they completely disappear from the plot, and only are referenced again through... Kali and Cecie? I've been led to believe that Raven's DLC actually retcons the entire thing, which... okay. Lol. More reasons to not be emotionally invested in the plot of the last game, I guess.
I cannot overstate how much I hated Blob Kali. I'm saying it again because it bears repeating. She blows chunks (literally). One of the worst boss fights ever.
After this chapter I'm so ready to be done with the game, but I have Chapter 4 left, which FINALLY gets into Kat's backstory. I'm hoping that's a more enjoyable experience than the end of Chapter 3 was because good lord. Rant over.
I'm for real not a hater of GR2, like honestly, Zoe can confirm I've been singing its praises for the last few weeks. I actually LOVE the game as a whole. But this part was a huge slog so I'm complaining about it on my blog. As one does.
I saw someone on reddit say that GR2 has higher highs and lower lows than the first GR, and I 100% agree. The parts I love about GR2 I love more than anything from the first game, but the parts that are bad are really bad. The first GR was more consistent in tone and quality IMO. GR2 > GR1 for me, ultimately, but. Yeah.
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