#like andy grabbing her by the head and walking her back? thats gay
you cant tell me that the plane fight scene between andy and nile isnt one of the most gay things you’ve ever seen
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years
would you write a lil about Frank and Ari's relationship? they were doing kinda fine when Frank and Mary came from Florida to stay with him. I know Frank did this Horrible thing.. and Ari is forgiving him.. thats okay.. but are they cordial enough to be see each other sometimes may be on Holidays? and Now their Kids are getting married, they are gonna be family in a different way altogether. So yeah.
They were doing decent. Ari had heard more from Frank the abuse that Andy unleashed on Frank. But even still Ari held a lot of resentment towards Frank. He doesn't fully understand why Kitten can forgive him the way that she did. Which, she did it for Iris. Her and Frank aren’t best friends or anything, they have an understanding. Let's not look at Arleigh and Beau getting married, but look at instead when it was the tipping point for Ari.
The Three of You Together
Summary: Ari and Frank get into an argument
Pairings: Ari Levinson X Frank Adler
Rating: sad Ari
Warnings: mentions of a throuple, slight homophobia, mentions of abuse to Kitten, mentions of rape, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 600
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Frank Adler Masterlist
Ari & Curtis Masterlist
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"What do you mean you don't believe in it? It's my fucking relationship, and I believe it," Ari is fuming looking at his little brother who only sits there shaking his head. You standing almost behind Ari, and he pushes you even further back. His full body blocking you from Frank.
"You're both sharing the same woman and acting like it's love," Ari takes one calculated step towards Frank, and you're made fully aware of how much larger he is than Frank.
"You're such a fucking hypocrite," he calmly whispers to him. The timbre of his voice almost scaring you. "At least she knows who she has in the bed with her. How many times did you fuck your brother's wife, and she thought it was really Andy."
"I wasn't abusing her!"
Ari's eyes rake all over Frank's face in disgust. Everything about this situation has set him on edge, and he's beyond pissed. Confused as to why this was Frank's only argument. "That's the only thing you had on Andy. But, you were abusing her. You were raping her because she thought you were Andy."
"So you're...you're gay?" Ari scoffs looking at Frank, knowing he doesn't owe him anything. "So you're just using her. I see."
"I love her. We love her and each other. I don't expect you to understand. Our relationship is our business. I didn't come here to make you understand. We came here to tell you bye, and it was useless. You know your twin's ex-wife, she approves, and loves our future wife. The one that knows who she's in bed with. But you wouldn't understand. Sit here and fucking mope about a woman you abused, who was always going to fall for Ransom, and I'm going to live my life with the two people who mean the most to me."
Ari doesn't say another word, just grabs your hand to walk away. you feel his tenseness flowing through him in the hand that he's holding of yours. His grip a bit tighter, and you know when he hands you the keys to the truck, he's not okay. Already texting Curtis that your daddy needs some serious petting. Your hand holds onto him the whole drive home. Arriving at the same time at Curtis.
You both see Ari's frustration and his hurt. Curtis had warned you it wouldn't go well. Mentioned how it was going to bring up a lot of questions for Frank, that Ari wasn't ready to deal with. The two of you lead Ari into the bedroom, and he starts to protest, "No, baby, let us take care of you."
"I don't..."
"Shh..." you know that sex isn't what he needs right now. He just needs to be shown how much he is loved. Show him how importan he is to the both of you. So when Curtis settles on the bed, waiting for Ari to crawl in between his thighs, just so you can straddle him, your legs resting on the both of them. Curtis gives Ari a slow and soft massage, while your hands just pet up and down his arms, whispering soft praises to him, "No matter what anyone says, you're perfect for us. We're going to have us a cute little house full of our own cubs. There's no one better for us than Ari Levinson. We love you both baby. Come 'ere."
Your voice trails off when those sad tears finally break through. Ari buries his face in your chest, and you just allow him to get through his tears. The two of you coaxing your sweet boy through his heartbreak. Always the three of you together.
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Robin//It’s Nice To Have A Friend
hi!! based off this song! apparently this is about two childhood friends falling in love?? what a concept. a concept that my brain did not think of when listening, this is what i assumed it was about. basically its a lot sadder than the actual song.
As soon as the school bell rings, Robin is pushing out of her seat and running to get her coat. All day she’s been locked in a stuffy classroom, destined to watch the snow fall from her desk while Mr Peters drones on about the History of Hawkins. What 10 year old wants to learn about why Hawkins has so many farms? Not this one. She wants to be free outside. As she rounds the corner, she runs straight into another girl, and at first she’s frightened, scared that its going to be one of the popular girls who’ll push her over and call her names. But as soon as she see’s your wide smile, she knows she’s safe and the frown on her face turns into a grin. 
The pale yellow of the wall is a wile contrast to the bright pink coat your wearing, its puffy and far too big and you can barely move your arms in it, but you’re happy and warm and excited to be out of school. The two of you look at each other for a few seconds, matching smiles on your faces and you don’t even have to say anything to her, she already knows what you’re thinking. 
“Last one out is a loser!” You call and take off into a sprint out of the front doors. She laughs loudly and follows you, the both of you narrowly avoiding any teachers that would ruin your fun and then your outside. The ground sparkles with the soft snow, and both of you smile gleefully as you watch your classmates throw snowballs at each other while they walk home. Your breath is visible in the air and you take a few moments just breathing and watching it disappear. 
“I win.” You turn to her once you’ve gotten bored and she rolls her eyes, despite the smile on her face. The tip of her nose is tinted pink due to the cold and a giggle bubbles to your lips before you call her Rudolph. Again she rolls her eyes, telling you she already has a Winter themed name, but you’re not listening, you’re already at the bottom of the steps, your head tilted up so you can look at her. 
The sky is as white as the ground, but neither of you care. Your both too wrapped up in the beauty of how peaceful everything looks. You and Robin live the furthest away from school, meaning you take a different route from the rest of your classmates, plus with the weather, the majority of students will either be getting the bus or being picked up by parents. The bus is far too crowded, no matter if its been snowing or not and you’ve told both of your parents specifically that if it snows they are not to pick you up. Its too pretty to be looked at through a car window. You have to experience it. 
A small sun peeks out from underneath the snow, and its like the brightness of the yellow chalk has melted everything around it. While you stare at the ground Robin pulls her gloves and hat from her pockets and starts putting them on. 
“Did you lose your gloves again?” She asks once she’s finished. You’re still distracted by snow falling around you, its not as heavy as before but it still gets stuck in your hair and when you look at her, she giggles a little at a snowflake stuck on your lashes. 
“Yeah.” You reply. “I put them down outside but when I went back I couldn’t find them.” 
“Here.” She takes a glove from her right hand and gives it to you. You smile gratefully at her and place it over your hands, feeling a tad warmer. She interlocks a gloved pinkie with yours as you start the walk back to your houses. “Wanna hang out?” She says casually and you’re so happy that she wants to spend even more time with you. 
Despite being best friends and neighbours, sometimes you can’t help but feel that you’re not cool enough to hang out with Robin. Which, at any age is ridiculous, but at ten, even more so. And you’ve seen in films where friends go to high school or even middle school and one of them gets popular leaving the other behind and the thought of that terrifies you.
“Sure!” You beam. “Sounds like fun.”  
After a small argument about where to go and an impromptu snowball fight, you finally make it to the arcade. Its bright lights pulling you in, but thats probably because the neon sign makes it stand out against the all white backdrop. The two of you run across the parking lot and through the fronts doors in record time, despite the snow, and your loud laughter gains the attention of a few people. 
The two of you make a beeline for the the back, narrowly avoiding a few older kids as they walk past you both. Once you’ve made it, you instantly start playing while Robin scribbles something on a piece of paper from her bag. She slides it you and she takes over the game for you while you read. Her handwriting is messy and to most people difficult to read, but to you its the easiest thing in the world and your eyebrows furrow as you take in the words. 
“What do you mean this place is haunted?” You turn to look at her and her eyes widen before she stares back at you, your character dying due to the lack of attention making you groan loudly. 
“You don’t say that stuff out loud.” She huffs. “Thats how you get possessed.” 
“This place isn’t haunted.” 
“It is.” She argues. “I heard Heather talking to Andy on my way to the bathroom and they said this place is haunted by some kid who got addicted to playing the games here. And he ended up obsessed with winning one of them so he stayed overnight and ended up dying of exhaustion.” 
“Thats bullshit.” You reply and her eyes widen at your words. “Heather and Andy don’t even know what this place is, and this place is closed at night.” 
“Thats true.” She nods. “But Heathers brother does and Andy’s sister too, they go on dates here. And thats why he died, because there was no one here.” 
“They make sure the place is empty before leaving.” 
“They didn’t that night.” She crosses her arms stubbornly and you send her a look. 
“They do every night. Plus, his parents would have been worried that he didn’t come back so they would have looked for him and Hopper would have found him.”
“Well-” She starts, but she can’t think of anything else to say so she just huffs loudly before going to playing. “Hey, do you want to sleep outside tonight? My dad bought a new tent for the summer.” 
“Yeah! I’ll bring some snacks!” You say excitedly. “Will your mom be okay with it though.” 
“Yeah.” She waves you off. “She’ll be fine with it.” 
It's nice to have a friend...
”Hey, can you remember when you asked your mom if we could sleep in the garden and she told us stop being so ridiculous and that there was no way we were sleeping anywhere other than our beds in three foot of snow?” You ask and Robin chuckles beside you. 
The light pink sky casts a soft hue against her skin making her freckles look like stars scattered across her face. She shifts a little, moving slightly closer to you and she wobbles a little bit on the roof. Your hand reaches out to grab her arm, steadying her and she sends you a grateful smile. A blush creeping up both of your cheeks at the contact. The street below is quiet, the trees swaying a little in the slight breeze and in the distance you can hear a few dogs barking. Its suburban, but its perfect. And there’s no other way you’d rather spend your Friday night. 
The sun sinks behind the houses and you both sigh contently. Your parents have gone on a double date meaning you don’t have to be in bed by 10...despite you both being 16. 
“Do you want to play a game?” Robin asks, still looking out into the night sky. 
“Sure.” You shrug and cross your arms over your chest, trying to keep some of your warmth in. “What are we playing?” 
“20 questions!” She says, her eyes bright as she looks at you and you groan loudly at her suggestion. “The reason we are here and not at Harrington’s party is so we don’t have to play these stupid games.” 
“No, the reason we’re here and not at Harrington’s party is because we weren’t invited.” She says sarcastically. 
“Whatever.” You nudge her softly making her giggle. “Even if we were invited, we wouldn’t have gone. Steve’s an ass, and I already have to deal with Carol in 2nd period English. I don’t need to see her anymore than I already do.” 
“Have you finished complaining?” She raises an eyebrow while looking you up and down. Another groan escapes your lips but you nod slowly and a bright smile appears on her lips. “Okay. What do I not know about you?” She hums and looks up the to stars. You sneak a quick glance at her to just admire her, the way her hair frames her face perfectly, or the soft smile that appears on her lips as she quietly names constellations. “Oh!” She looks back at you, an excited grin on her face and you quickly look away, deciding to focus on your shoes hanging off the edge of the roof. “Would you rather have endless money or endless love?” 
“Really?” You raise an eyebrow. “Thats what you want to know?” 
“Yes.” She replies confidently and you roll your eyes. 
“Endless love.” 
“Really?” Now its her turn to look at you confused, but you just shrug in return and look back out into the street. 
“Yeah. I’ll make sure the person I love is really rich.” You say casually making her chuckle. The fact that you didn’t use any pronouns is such a small thing but it raises Robin’s heart rate and a small part of her can’t help but wonder...what if. “My turn!” You smile gleefully and now she’s worried. She’s known you long enough to know what that look means. And it never ends well. “What’s one secret you’re still keeping from your parents?” It feels like the air has been knocked out of her lungs and the knowing smile that was previously on her face has been completely wiped off, now replaced with a look of uncertainty. 
There’s on secret she’s been keeping not only from her parents, but from everyone. 
“I’m gay.” Her voice is barely above a whisper as she speaks. She refuses to make eye contact with you, instead looking at her legs, but she can feel your gaze on her and its suffocating. 
“Okay.” You shrug and she looks at you quickly. 
“Okay?” She asks. 
“Yeah.” You nod. “Now come on, give me your worst.” You challenge, expecting her to make some sort of stupid joke, but instead her arms wrap around your figure, squeezing you tightly and the sudden action takes you by surprise. You lean into her, also hugging her and the two of you stay like that for a few minutes. She takes a deep breath and the scent of apple and vanilla invades every single part of her. Its you and every time she smells either of them she can’t help but smile. And now she realizes that there’s another secret she’s been keeping from everyone, including herself...she’s in love with her best friend. 
“I’ve been so stressed recently.” She mumbles.
“Yeah...me too.”
“I didn’t want to lose you. I’ve been scared about telling my parents but part of me was even more scared to tell you. You’re my best friend and...I love you.” She sighs and you pull away from her, a frown on your face. 
“You would never lose me.” You reassure her. “And I love you too.” Her hand reaches out slowly, almost anxiously before she rests it on top of yours. Your eyes meet and you send her a bright smile. Her smile isn’t as bright, its like she’s still holding something back but you decide not to press any further. “So, whats your question?” She sends you a look, but its followed by a grateful smile. 
“Would you rather be left at the alter once, but eventually marry again. Or just never marry?” 
It's nice to have a friend...
The church corridor is full of people running around, but Robin it still outside your suite. In all the years of your friendship, she’s never had to deliver news like this. As soon as she saw Steve’s pale face she knew what was happening. The solemn look and the shaking hands gave it away. 
“Robin?” He touches her arm gently and she jumps, squeezing her eyes shut for a second before facing him. “What are you waiting for?” 
“Oh, I dunno. I’m just trying to figure out how I’m going to tell my best friend that her fiancee has left her at the alter. Actually, he left her before he even got to the alter.” She snaps and he flinches at her tone. Robin is always calm, level-headed. Its usually either himself or you that freak out in these type of situations, but then again, none of you have ever been in this situation. Steve’s glad to be your best friend, but he’s even more glad he doesn’t have to be the one to tell you this. “Sorry.” She sighs and leans her head against the door. “Its just...how do I tell her?” Steve thinks for a moment, looking down at the ugly carpet hoping that in the hideous pattern he’ll find an answer. But when it doesn’t appear and he can feel Robin staring at him, he looks back up. 
“Honestly? I don’t know.” 
She opens the door and for a second everything is well with the world. And then...
Apples and vanilla.
“Robin!” You squeal excitedly, your dress flowing around you as you run towards her, one hand holding a glass of champagne and the other reaching towards her while you narrowly avoid a table. “Where have you been? I need help with my dress.” 
You place the glass down and pull her towards you, and before she has the chance to say anything you’ve pulls your hair to the side, exposing your bare back to her and she feels exactly the same as she did when she was 16 and coming out. 
“Can you do my dress up please? I can’t reach and I don’t know where everybody else is?” You sound so happy...so excited. 
And then she feels angry. Hot, white rage. Because why would anyone want to leave you? How could anyone leave you? Perfect, pretty you. That can make people laugh and leave a whole room breathless just with a smile all at the same time. Daniel was lucky to have you. She thought that as soon as she met him, and despite the pain that she felt when she saw you go through all the milestones with him and not her. She saw how happy he made you and so she decided she’d be in pain every single day if it made you happy. But now. Now you’re both going to be in pain. And there’s nothing she can do about it. She’s going to have to tell you the worst news of your life and she can’t make it better. She can’t bring him back, Steve’s already tried looking for him. She can’t take it away...god she wishes she could take it away. 
“Robin?” You ask, your voice filled with worry as you sit her down on the small sofa, your guiding hand still in hers even when you’ve both sat down. You’ve only ever seen Robin cry a handful of times, so why is she crying on your wedding day? “What’s wrong?” 
“I’m so sorry.” She sobs and you look at her confused. Its only when she finally makes eye contact with you that you understand. You know every single look. Every smile, frown, quirk of an eyebrow and even though you’ve never seen this one before, you know. Your face falls, the confused smile crumbles, replaced with a look of pure devastation and Robin is never going to get that image out of her head. Her arms wrap around your shaking figure, pulling you into a tight hug and the more she shushes, the louder you cry. 
Steve’s still outside, waiting for Robin to come back out but when he hears you crying he knows she won’t be out for a while, so he decides to make himself useful and break the bad news to everyone else. What else is the best man supposed to do?
After an hour, the church is empty and your loud cries have turned into small sniffles. The shoulder of her pale pink dress is covered in mascara, lipstick and tears but she doesn’t care. She needs to get you home. 
“Come on.” She helps you stand and you laugh bitterly as you see your reflection the mirror. Smudged make-up, crumpled dress and a completely pathetic expression. “You don’t by chance have any other clothes here?” She asks but she already knows the answer. “Thats okay.” 
As soon as your out the church, bells ring and its like the universe is laughing at you. Robin looks around, the bright blue sky a huge juxtaposition from what is happening below and she hurries you into her car. The rice crunching underneath your heels reminding you of snow and you can’t help the small smile that appears momentarily as you remember your childhood. 
“You okay?” She asks once the two of you are buckled in. 
“Fine.” You mutter and she sends you a pointed look. 
“Y/n.” She says and before you know it you’re crying again. She sighs before starting the short drive back to your house. “Its going to be okay.” She looks at you once your parked outside your home, but you’re not looking at her. You’re gaze is focused on your front door, your mom standing just outside it, a solemn expression on her face and based on the amount of cars parked around your house, you both know she’s not the only one thats going to look like that. “Do you want to sleep at mine tonight?” 
“Yeah.” You nod. “Robin?” You ask, finally looking at her. “Thanks for having my back.” 
“Yeah.” She nods, a tight smile on her face. “Everyday.” 
Despite Mrs Buckley’s attempts to talk to you both, Robin practically pushes you up the stairs, sending her mom a look before following you up. Any other time you’ve walked through the threshold of this house, its always felt like home. But today, it feels empty. Although, you’re not entirely sure if its just you that feels empty. 
You’re already out of your dress and raking through Robin’s drawers by the time she’s walked through the door. She puts the dress outside the door while you get changed and once she’s turned around you’ve already in bed, the covers pulled right up over your head. 
“Hey Y/n?” She asks but you don’t respond. “Do you want to sleep outside tonight? My dad got yet another new tent...and I don’t think my mom will mind.” She sighs when she still doesn’t get a response so she decides to go to your house and try and tell everyone what little information she knows. 
“Robin?” You call out, your voice barely above a whisper when you hear the door open.
“Yeah?” She’s looking at you instantly, and her heart breaks once she see’s how broken you are. 
“Please don’t leave.” 
“Of course not.” She smiles and closes the door, climbing into bed beside you. She’ll change once your asleep, but right now she needs to make sure you’re as okay as possible. “We can stay in bed all weekend if you want.” 
“Yeah.” You nod. “Robin?” You ask and she hums in response, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “It's nice to have a friend.” 
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