#like after thinking about all of that I’m like ‘😐 alright then’ and realized I feel bored
#I’m kinda done with horror movies tbh#and I’ve been done with them for a little while already but I guess bc I saw some that were coming out that looked cool I tried it again-#but now it definitely feels like I’m done#I’m just done with the disturbing things :/ the murder and the misery and stuff#it’s just not something I want to see really#I guess that also extends beyond horror movies and also includes dramas that are overly miserable or just movies that deal with the-#disturbing and super graphic violence and such#and it’s not only to protect my peace or myself mentally or whatever because these things do disturb me#but also because genuinely I don’t find them that interesting anymore? like I watch these movies and yeah they get to me and stuff but also-#I’ve come to realize I’m kinda bored? like if someone would turned off the movie I don’t think I would mind much#like I’m not really interested when seeing these movies I’m not invested or anything#like yeah I can think about these movies after watching them and seeing the themes in them and how well the movie#- was made and how smart it is and what it’s trying to say and-#- appreciate it for all those things but I’m just not really into it at the end of the day nor did it made me feel anything positive-#like after thinking about all of that I’m like ‘😐 alright then’ and realized I feel bored#* realize#and I don’t care if ‘it show a really important theme that’s part of reality and need to be talked about more’ or if it’s supposed to ‘start#a conversation’ I feel like I KNOW the theme I KNOW that it’s important and what that’s about and I’m aware and so are most people and-#conversations have been happening and so it like an excuse that’s used for filmmakers or something. I’m sorry but I don’t see the point and-#*its#feels overdone and something that has been talked about and is known. sorry if that sounds dumb of me or something#I’m just doneeee#like I KNOOOW bad things happen in the world and to people I KNOWW but I don’t want to see it in my free time I don’t want to see something-#traumatic as hell I get it!!!#so from now on I’m just not gonna watch anything like that anymore because I’m not having a good time so it feels like a waste of time then#online diary
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sallownights · 1 year
I loved Lavender Haze. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I demand a part 2. And possibly a part 3. 💜
lavender haze pt. 2
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word count: 3.2k
CW: fluff, SMUT JUST A BIT, ominis' family mention.
A/N: sorry i haven't uploaded in a while! just finished up my finals. anyways, back to the fan fic grind. my girlfriend has proofread some of this. not all. THIS IS MY FIRST TIME WRITING SMUT. (edit) my girlfriend proofread all of it now 😐
pairing: ominis x reader
Ominis smiles as he hears Y/N emerge from the bathroom. 
“Did you have a nice bath, love?” He hears her giggles. 
“Merlin, the baths here never cease to amaze me. I swear, I almost didn’t want to get out,” She walks over to the bed, where Ominis is. She gives Ominis a kiss, smiling into it. Ominis kisses her back, wrapping an arm around her waist, the other going into her hair. As they pull away, he frowns, feeling her wet, tangled hair. 
“Would you like me to brush your hair, my dove?”
“I- uh- I didn’t realize I said-“ He gets cut off with another kiss. 
“It’s okay, darling. I like it,” Y/N smiles, blushing. How this day has changed so much. How their relationship has changed by a simple confession. Well, maybe not simple. “You can brush my hair if you’d like to. You don’t have to.”
“I’d love to,” Y/N grabs her brush. Ominis shuffles off the bed, going to their shared desk. He places himself behind her, taking the brush from her carefully. He brings his lips to her head, giving her a lingering kiss. He breathes in, the scent of lavender filling his senses. 
The scent almost makes him imagine being in a lavender field with her. She’s described the flower to him. Purple. He had no idea what it could possibly look like. However, Y/N sounded so happy to describe the color that he thinks he loves purple. 
Ominis slowly starts to brush her hair, careful to not hurt her. Y/N sighs, one of Ominis’ hands resting on her shoulder. She couldn’t be happier. Even mundane things, like brushing her hair, makes her heart face. 
After a few minutes, Ominis starts running his hands through her now, unknotted hair. He scratches her scalp. Y/N’s eyes roll to the back of her head. She lets out a low hum, and Ominis smiles. He likes the sounds she makes when she’s pleased. 
Ominis leans down and kisses her shoulder, slowly moving closer to her neck. Y/N turns around in the chair. She stands up giving Ominis a soft kiss. 
“Thank you,” She whispers, leaning her forehead against him. His arms wrapped around her waist, holding her close. 
“Of course, my dove.” He kisses her cheek, moving to the bridge of her nose. He couldn’t get enough of her. He wanted nothing more than to make her happy. 
Y/N moves out of Ominis’ arms, her touch lingering on his arms. Ominis hears a rustling on their bed, he walks over to it. He leans down, helping Y/N get comfortable. He kisses her forehead, he turns to go to the desk before she grabs his hand. 
“Are you not coming to sleep?” Her voice soft, he wanted nothing more than to abandon what he was going to do to hold her. 
“I’ll be there in a minute. I’m just going to write to Sebastian that we got here alright.” Y/N kisses Ominis’ hand, watching him walk to the desk. There wasn’t a day she didn’t love observing him. His pajama pants hung low on his hips, giving her a perfect view of every mole on his chest and back. She wanted nothing more than to kiss each one. To run her hands all over him. 
“I can feel your eyes on me, my love.” Ominis picks up his quill, fixing the parchment in front of him.
“What? I’m just appreciating something,” a soft smile finds it way to Y/N’s face. 
“And what would that be, little dove?” Ominis starts writing to Sebastian. 
“You,” her eyes traveling up and down his body. She wanted to run her hands through his perfectly done-up hair. 
“Well…” Ominis pauses not knowing what to say. “Thank you,” he says meekly. 
Y/N’s smile grows, she likes when Ominis is a little shy. It’s quite endearing to her. 
“I’ll be there in a second, my love,” Ominis quickly starts writing to Sebastian. 
‘Dear Sebastian,
I hope this letter finds you well. Y/N and I  have arrived at the Gaunt Manor. Everything has been quite alright so far. My family has been nothing but kind to her. It always takes me a second to get used to the treatment. It’s like she’s some form of sunshine that pushes away my family’s darkness. Also, it appears you may have been right about Y/N’s feelings for me. Therefore, I’m including 100 Galleons, as that is what we agreed upon. I shall say no more on the matter. I hope you and Anne are well. Please give her my best wishes. 
Your dear friend,
Ominis Gaunt.’
He quickly seals the back of the envelope with his house symbol. Ominous gives the letter to Noctua, his owl, and sends her off. As he hears her wings fly away, he turns to the bed, wondering if Y/N was still awake. 
“Love?” He calls out, and when he’s met with silence, he finds his way to the door. He feels around on the wall for a moment, trying to find the light switch. He flips the switch down and walks towards the bed. As soon as he lays down, Y/N gravitates toward him, laying on his chest. Ominis freezes for a moment before he relaxes into her touch. Her soft breathing lulling him to sleep with her. He runs his hand through her hair, feeling that it was still slightly damp from her bath. He places a soft kiss on her forehead, causing Y/N to sign in her sleep. A content smile goes across Ominis' face before he snuggles in closer to her, holding her. 
If he could stay in this moment forever, he would. Today had been so wonderful. He dreaded coming home. Especially when he had to go home alone. With Y/N though, he felt better, he was happier. He knew that with her here, he could face anything. His family, his friend's infatuation with the dark arts, his nightmares. Anything.
The next morning, Y/N woke up, surprised to see Ominis’ side of the bed empty. She started to panic for a second, worried that she had dreamed all of it. That’s when she heard quiet footsteps, Ominis neatly dressed, his hair a bit tousled, but holding two cups of tea. 
“Ominis,” She says quietly, not wanting to scare the boy.
“Good morning, love. Did I wake you?” He places the cups of tea on the nightstand before leaning down to give Y/N a kiss on the forehead.
“No, I did just wake up a moment ago though,” Ominis squats next to the bed, taking Y/N’s hand in his. He kisses it lightly, causing Y/N to blush.
“Well, I’m glad you’re awake. However, your snores are quite cute when you're sleeping,” He kisses her forehead again before bringing the desk chair over to sit with her as she wakes up. 
“I don’t snore,” Y/N mumbles, sitting up. She brings the tea to her lips, drinking it slowly. Her whole body heats up as she drinks it.
“It’s okay, my dove. It’s endearing.” Y/N rolls her eyes.
“Sure, endearing.”
As they sit there together, drinking tea in silence, both of their minds were finally at ease. The impending marriage no longer worried Ominis. They were always going to spend the rest of their lives together. He had known that for as long as he can remember. Now, he can’t wait for the rest of their lives to start. 
“What’s on your mind, darling?” Y/N’s voice breaks the silence. 
“Oh, thinking about marrying you,” Y/N snorts, causing Ominis to break out into a smile. 
“You know we won’t be wed until after we graduate?” Y/N puts her cup down on the nightstand and leans over to give Ominis a kiss on the cheek. Heat rises through him quickly from her touch. 
“I know, but I can’t help but think about it,” 
“Your mother told me I should invite anyone I want. She kept calling it ‘The Most Lavish Event’,” Y/N smiles at the memory. Ominis’ mom had always been so kind to her for some reason. She was never able to put her finger on why, but she seemed happier when Y/N was around. 
“I remember. Is there anyone you’re thinking about not inviting? I feel as if that’s a shorter list,” Ominis finishes his tea and kisses Y/N on the forehead. 
“Hmm, maybe Garreth. I don’t know why, but I just have a feeling something would explode. However, that would also be quite funny. So, it’s something to think about,” Oninis nods as she talks. He crawls onto his side of the bed, opening his arms for her. She quickly finds her place next to him. 
“My mother would be so angry if anything were to happen that’s less than perfect,” Ominis whispers into Y/N’s hair. 
“Well, then, let’s hope for a small explosion,” Y/N says into Ominis’ chest. The two lay together, intertwined, warm, happy. Y/N can’t remember the time she had felt so free. Not having to hide her crush on the man she’s set to marry. It was so much easier for her to just… exist. 
“What shall we do today, my dove?” Ominis breaks the silence. 
“Maybe walk around the grounds. It’s always so peaceful this time of year,” Y/N closes her eyes and reminisces the old times they would walk around together. 
“That sounds rather lovely, my dove,” Ominis kisses Y/N’s head. 
“Maybe I can play piano for you today as well. I know your mother would be overjoyed.” Ominis continues to plant kisses on Y/N’s head. He can’t get enough of her. The scent of her freshly washed hair, her smooth skin, her voice. He was wholly overtaken by everything that is her. 
Y/N untangles her legs from Ominis’ and attempts to stand when Ominis’ grip around her waist tightens. 
“We should get up, love,” Y/N giggles. Ominis mumbled something and pulls Y/N closer to him. 
“You’re just so warm.” 
“If we get up, I can go play piano for you.”  Ominis smiles and quickly moves to get up. Y/N giggles and stands with him. She stretches as she stands. She moves to the dresser to get changed when Ominis came up behind her. He planted small kisses on her shoulders as he puts his hands on her hips. She laughs softly as she picks out clothes to wear. 
“Yes?” Ominis says between kisses, leading up to her neck. 
“I need to get changed,” Y/N stated, leaning into his touch slightly.
“I can help you,” Ominis moves his hands off her hips and slowly brings her shirt over her head.
“My love,” Ominis ignores Y/N and kisses her shoulder again after throwing her shirt off into the room. He places kisses on her neck before biting softly. There was nothing Ominis wanted to do more than explore every inch of Y/N. Her skin was smoother than any silk he had ever known. Her scent of lavender flooded his senses. Her soft hair tickling his neck as he moved his fingers slowly down her back. It sent shivers down Y/N’s spine at his touch. He moves his fingers slowly, applying no pressure as he explores her back. 
Ominis hooks his fingers under the waistband of Y/N’s pajamas. He brings himself to his knees and slowly glides them down her legs. As his hands travel, he places kisses on her upper thighs and moves lower and he reveals more of her skin. As Y/N steps out of her pants, Ominis kisses her knees and travels up slightly. His hands roaming to her inner thighs and spreading her legs slightly. Y/N whimpers at his slow, teasing touch, the sound sending waves of euphoria through Ominis. He wanted to hear more of her. Needed to hear more of her. 
Heat rises to Y/N’s face as Ominis’ hands slowly roamed her body. His touch left burning trails wherever it went. She spread her legs more for him and gripped her wardrobe slightly to steady herself. Ominis slowly slid her underwear off of her, his touch made her body run hot. 
Ominis brought his head between her thighs, kissing and gently biting down on the soft skin. Whimpers spill out from Y/N’s lips as he slowly teases her. He slowly moves his hand closer to her center but pulls away every time her hips buck slightly.
“Is there something you want, love?” Ominis says between kisses.
“You know what I want,” She says through gritted teeth, attempting to keep her soft moans caused by his teasing at bay.
“Do I?” Ominis tilted his head teasingly, his fingers brushing her folds. She gasps and arches her back slightly.
“You’re so wet, love. Is this for me?” When Ominis doesn’t get an answer he slides his fingers inside her wet folds, she moans softly at the touch. Ominis brings his face up and slowly moves his tongue between her folds. He moves slowly when he gets to her clit, circling it slowly. Moans fall from Y/N’s lips from the relentless teasing. Every nerve she had in her body felt like it was on fire as she tilted her head back. 
“More,” Ominis didn’t need to be told twice, he gave in to her request despite wanting to take his time. He wanted her to feel everything she’s ever needed. Ever wanted. His head was dizzy from the sounds she was making. He smiled as he lapped at her with his warm tongue. He knew she hadn't felt this good before. No one else could make her feel this way. Just him. 
Y/N’s hands move to meet Ominis’ hair as he gently wrapped his lips around her clit and he sucked softly. She pulled slightly eliciting a moan from Ominis. The vibrations sending her deeper into a state of pleasure.
“Oh, Merlin…” Y/N’s voice trailed off, her breathing picking up as Ominis moves faster. He pulls away, moving his fingers to her clit, circling slowly. 
“I don’t think Merlin is the one making you feel this way, little dove.” Y/N’s face grew to a deeper blush. She had never seen Ominis so possessive, so… lustful.
“O-Ominis…” She moaned loudly as he moves his finger a bit faster, applying more pressure.
“Good girl,” He brings himself to stand, keeping his finger moving against her. He kisses her and Y/N can taste herself on his lips and tongue. She moans into the kiss which entices Ominis to move faster. He flips her around and stands behind her, moving his hands to where she needed him most. His other hand moving to her waist.
“You sound so pretty, love. I’m tempted to keep you like this all day,” Ominis dips his head down and kisses her neck. He bites down before moving to flatten his tongue against it. Y/N moans loudly and Ominis chuckles against her skin.
“Darling, my family is outside. They can hear how desperate you are for me.” Y/N tilts her head back against his shoulder and bites her lip, trying to stifle her moans. Ominis brings his free hand to her neck, squeezing softly, and leans in a bit to whisper in her ear.
“I didn’t tell you to be quiet, darling.” Y/N couldn’t help but moan when he quickened the pace. Ominis smiled softly before going back to kiss her shoulders. Stars started flooding Y/N’s vision as Ominis’ fingers danced across her clit perfectly. His hand cutting off just enough of her airflow that she could barely hold herself up. Her thighs started shaking slightly and Ominis bit down on her shoulder. Y/N moaned out for Ominis as she came. Ominis kept up the motions to help her ride out her orgasm. 
“You did so good, little dove,” he lets go of her next and places kisses on her shoulder and neck. He continued to whisper sweet nothings into her ear as she came down. Her breathing slowly returning to normal. Y/N turned around, Ominis’ hands on her waist. She kisses him passionately, her tongue finding his. They pulled apart after a moment.
“Your turn,” Y/N smiled and slowly brought herself to her knees. 
Later that day, Y/N found herself at the Gaunt’s piano. Her fingers gracing the piano as Ominis sat close by. His eyes closed as he relaxed in the lush chair. In moments like these, with Y/N, it was easy to get lost. The music carrying emotions that neither of them were saying, but could both feel. The love in Y/N’s heart being poured out as she played for him. Ominis could think back to the first time she played for him. She was so nervous but as soon as she began playing, he could tell her nerves had left her. The way she could put him at ease just by playing piano for him.
Y/N was the most precious thing in Ominis’ life. So full of life, beauty, and love. He knew he would do anything to protect her. He can’t help but think of how if they weren’t betrothed by an arranged marriage, they would still find each other. He could feel the warmth of her smile whenever she was happy. Her aura made it hard for him to stay away. Y/N wasn’t just his best friend, she was his love. She was everything he ever wanted. Now, he had her. 
Y/N loved everything about Ominis. The beauty marks that graced his face. His soft hands. His calm demeanor. How no matter what, he would drop everything for her. How she could show up at his dorm room, sobbing and he would sit with her in the common room until she calmed down. The way he would bring her things from Honeydukes ‘just because’. He knew how to make Y/N feel loved and cherished. There was nothing more she wanted than him. 
“My dove?” Ominis broke Y/N out of her thoughts.
“Yes, darling?” She looked over at him.
“Are you alright? You stopped playing,” Ominis walks over and kisses her head. She smiles softly.
“I’m alright, just got lost in thought.” Ominis nods and kisses her head again.
“Want to share?” He continues to press kisses into her head as his hands slowly rubbed her shoulders.
“Just thinking about how much I love you.” Ominis smiles and leans down to kiss Y/N.
“Well, I love you too, my darling.” He squats next to her, taking her face into his hands. Y/N giggles softly and kisses him again.
“Possibly, it was fate we were going to be betrothed,” Y/N says softly.
“I believe it was, my dove.” Ominis kisses her nose softly. Y/N smiles and kisses Ominis softly. Ominis deepens the kiss, bringing Y/N to stand. He pushes her softly against the piano and sits her atop it. The keys make a terrible chord as they’re pressed down. Y/N moans into the kiss as Ominis trails his fingers up her inner thigh. 
“Omi- I…” Y/N starts before Ominis cuts her off with another kiss.
“I know, love.” He deepens the kiss and explores her mouth with his tongue when he hears someone yell.
“For the love of Merlin! Not on the piano!” Y/N turns to see Ominis’ sister and awkwardly smiles.
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munsster · 2 years
I just rewatched 10 Things I Hate About You and can’t stop thinking about Billy x a reader who is similar to Kat (Idk if you’ve watched it, if not then just ignore this) but could you do any headcanons or anything for this?
10 things i hate about billy hargrove
A/N: i fuckin love this movie and i love miss kat stratford and her hot grungy bf
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader, 10 Things I Hate About You AU
Warnings: 10 things i hate about you AU, fluff, enemies to lovers, pet names (doll), fem!reader
the story the headcanons
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dustin, lucas, and steve are 100% the ones trying to set billy up with you
at first it was dustin and lucas trying to befriend max
then realizing they’d have to distract her scary ass brother
“i heard he smokes 10 packs a day” + “didn’t he just get out of jail???” + “no way, all he did was break some guy’s leg” “dude, he’s gonna murder us” + “i heard he has a chainsaw collection. and it’s stored right next to his hunting knife collection” + “dude… he’s gonna murder us”
THEN realizing steve is acquainted with him
and, finally, realizing steve has other connections
like you, for instance
clever, stubborn, and most of all: distracting
turns out, you and billy already know each other!!!!!
also, turns out, you and billy already hate each other
like fr loathing, foaming at the mouth, seething sexually charged hatred
so when dustin bribes steve into bribing billy into dating you, it doesn’t go so well
(“you think i’m fuckin’ stupid, golden boy? there’s no chance in hell—” “actually, i think you’re a loser and… i have a debt to repay” “so you think $30 is gonna convince me to take some shrew on a date?” “fine, i’ll give you $50” “$100” “$75. and if it goes well *sigh* i’ll give u the $25” “one date?” “yup” “deal”)
so now he’s got 75 bucks in his pocket and a cigarette between his lips and his sights set on you
you’re right outside the music room perched on an amp with a stratocaster in your lap
and you KNOW this asshole stalks up to you and flicks your amp off WHILE YOU’RE PLAYING 🤬
oh and he lays it on thick, he is working for that extra $25
“hey, don’t i know you?” + “shit, you sit in front of me in history” + “sooooo… how ‘bout that mrs. click, huh—ow, jesus” + “play nice” + “so… you know any whitesnake?” + “c’mon, doll, how ‘bout you let me take you to a party friday night—lemme guess, not your scene, right?” + “what..? you want a drag?”
he is definitely being too nice to you
so you tell him to scram and he gets all defensive and oooooH he is fuming
dustin and lucas are watching from behind a tree or bush or something and they just *facepalm*
and max like BEGS steve to pay him more and steve is all like mumblegrumblebrbrbrb i already paid him
but steve gets PISSED at billy like “give me my money back if you’re not even gonna try”
and billy scoffs like “hey man, i’m tryna work a miracle. shit takes time”
then he finds your car in the lot after school, leaned against the driver’s side like
(“nice car. y’know, you can bum a ride with me anytime.” “as… radical as that sounds, i prefer riding in cars that don’t smell like smoke” “hey. the camaro’s a smoke-free zone, doll face. keepin’ it clean just for you” “bite me” “don’t have to tell me twice”)
at this point the three stooges—dustin, lucas, steve—and max decide to do a little digging
and actually????? you and billy are scarily alike
same music taste, hang out at the same places, hate the same people
it’s a wonder nobody thought of this sooner
so steve keeps giving billy advice like “she goes to that one really weird place with the loud music on thursdays so go and… try to look nice, alright?”
“are you sayin’ i don’t look nice, harrington?”
“NO. 😐” steve likes to rethink all of his life choices sometimes
anyways, billy goes, of course, and he spots you immediately
and you look hot
you’re dancing up by the stage, and even the bassist is making eyes at you
if he didn’t think you were a bitch, he probably would’ve bought you a drink by now
he’s also wearing a shit ton of cologne because he got nervous he prioritizes smelling good 🥰
and he looks down at the little piece of paper steve gave him and labeled ‘USE IN CASE OF EMERGENCY’, so he opens it and it says “say ‘can i have your number because i lost mine’ and then make a cool face, the ladies love that one”
jesus christ, harrington, how did you ever get laid
then you’re blowing past him in your miniskirt and boots headed for the bar, so he follows you and leans up next to you
(“you come here often?” “do you?” “you kidding? this is my favorite spot” “yeah, right. now, if you’d excuse me, should be getting back to my—” “aw, come on, doll, let me hang around. i’m good asshole repellent” “is that because like repels like?” “har har”)
despite your resistance, he’s right
this place is a breeding ground for weirdos, and you were actually kind of glad that billy stuck around
that and he didn’t dance with anyone else the whole night, even if he wasn’t exactly dancing with you either
he stayed close, but he knew he’d get chewed out if he touched you
it was nice to have—
a friend??? you’re not sure that’s what this is, but having someone is better than having to look out for yourself all of the time
and at the end of the night, he walked you to your car after realizing you were drinking water the whole night
“yunno, my offer for tomorrow night still stands.”
ah yes the party
and you get in your car like “good to know😶”
he’s about to walk away when you roll down the window and say “pick me up at 8”
ohhhh you better believe he’s smirking to himself the whole way home
billy calls max at lucas’s, telling her to ‘keep herself busy tmrw’ because he’d be gone
max hangs up and bolts to the living room to tell the three stooges (who have been joined by mike and robin):
anyways, this date-not-date has him all palms sweaty, knees weak, arms heavy
Nervous with a capital n
he pulls up, walks to the door (a first, he’s the honking type), knocks, and is pretty much floored when you open the door and slam it behind yourself
“oh hi.”
and you half smile like “oh hi”
and he is alarmingly close to you, but you are determined to keep your arms/body about half an inch from his chest while he just
blink blink
stares down at you
“are you… feeling okay?”
he SNAPS out of it
“feeling fine. let’s go” but he definitely had that glazed over, pale but also sweaty and feverish, lifeless flu-gaze just then
true to his word, his car actually smells…. kinda sweet
vanilla somethin-or-other. some kind of baked good. you can’t really place it all too well. pancakes?
DOESN’T MATTER 😟 were u really just thinking about how good his car smells???
embarrassing 😳 for u
all the while he is just about ready to implode while tripping along behind you into the loud ass party
you’re gorgeous
and lost immediately
you roll your eyes when a pretty cheerleader runs her fingers through the curly ends of his hair and coos his name sweetly
you’re out of sight when she plants a kiss on his cheek, and he unceremoniously shoves her away
he gets that treatment all night
people are suddenly obsessed with him?????? god 🙄
by the time he actually finds you again, it’s two hours later, and you’re watching cartoons in the living room in some guy’s lap leaning against him like—like ?? i dont know but GOD billy could die right there
you’re just giggling to yourself, suddenly tame and half-lidded and pressing yourself against some stranger in a dark room with a red solo cup in your hand
“alright, doll, time to wrap it up, it’s gettin’ late” “no it’s not. why do you care?” “cmon, i’m playing chaperone, let’s go” “nuh-uh—”
and then sideburns over here goes “think the lady can speak for herself, buster” and that’s pretty much billy’s last straw
it’s no secret he has a talent for physical altercations with assholes, so he manages you off the guy’s lap before yanking him up by the collar and laying him out on the floor
just wailing on him really, and you’re slurring out some curses to yourself, trying so hard not to watch but billy is undoubtedly stunning
even while yk beating some sicko up
“alright, let it go!” tommy shouts from the back of the crowd that inevitably formed when someone yelled fight “billy, come on”
and he uses his sleeve to wipe at his bloody nose before tilting his head back, grabbing your hand, and jetting out the back door
“the hell wh—just happened?????” …. you are three sheets to the wind i am afraid
“leave it. i—he was… dunno, you’re gonna be mad no matter what i do so”
and you stop on the sidewalk by his car, tugging his hand and impulsively—drunkenly, gently, coyly, with your lip between your teeth—reach for one of his loosely wound curls
“that guy was pretty weird anyway” your eyes go wide, and he chuckles
“let’s get you home”
“it’s like ten??????????”
“so you’ll be asleep by, what? eleven?”
“better race home then.”
you slump into the passenger’s seat with a—for lack of a better word—sauced smile
not all there, googly eyes, half drooling, it’s a sight
and when he glances at you, you’re staring back at him and it makes him nervous
he finally gets you tucked into bed, sitting next to you with a sigh
“you always get shitfaced at parties?”
“you always abandon your date at parties?”
and he just messes with your blankets, making sure you dont throw up on yourself while you’re still awake
“you’re bleeding. riiiiiiiight”—you poke his temple and he hisses—“there!”
“got it, dollface. thanks.”
“noo problemo, billy-o. heheh.”
he snickers and shakes his head, finally standing from the bed and flicking the lights off
“gonna be alright, sweetheart?” you nod “alright. i’m gonna trust you on this one”
and JUST as he turns to leave—
“billy?” 🥺
its sososo soft and he whips around like “YES!!”
and you pucker your lips
and GOD
as bad as he wants to, you’re too plastered for a goodnight kiss
and this night doesn’t exactly warrant one either
admittedly he had been a shithead
maybe next time
he pecks your cheek quickly before heading home
oh and now you’ve got a Grudge
you do not speak to him. you do not look at him. but try as you might, billy hargrove is really hard not to think about
not with the longing glances you catch him giving you or the way he tends to linger around wherever you are or the way he calls your name as you storm out of the gym
and then he FINALLY starts leaving you alone
no glances or shouting or longing
but homeroom, friday morning, one week after the incident (if you can really call it that)
*tap tap* “is this thing on”
over the loud speaker???? that’s definitely billy’s voice, and you have to laugh at the shrill screaming of the woman who takes care of attendance in the background
“good morning, hawkins high, this one goes out to someone i should have apologized to a week ago. hey,”—he doesn’t say your name, but your entire class swivels their heads to look at you—“if you’re listening, i’m sorry, about last week and i’d like to take you to prom if you’ll have me. and if this announcement isn’t convincing enough then…..”
everyone seems to hold their breath in anticipation of his next words
oh but what comes next is so much better than that
“without you…… there’s no change—”
he’s singing. he’s singing over the loud speaker to the entire school.
and your homeroom riots.
there’s howling and cackling and someone shouts “billy’s down bad!”
you cover your face but you cant hide that smile from a mile away
“my nights and days are gray”
he couldn’t have picked a more embarrassing song, and you’re relieved when the principal bursts in to the office
theres muffled shouting while billy tries to croak out the next line and then a manic “sorry, hawkins high, this is your principal. we formally apologize for the—”
“there’s no place for lovers in this world thanks to hard asses like you” billy grumbles from the background
then there’s a fumbling and an expletive and a short and high-pitched tone to signal the end of the announcement
you find billy at lunch, and his buddies hoot and holler when you grab his wrist and tug him away
“what the hell did you do that for”
“yeah i got that”
“well what?”
and he gives you this look like he’s lying in wait for an answer
and you soften and let go of his wrist: “that was stupid”
“but you liked it” he shrugs
“so…… is that a yes?”
“yeah—just…. yeah, alright? but don’t do that again”
“i wont”
“i promise”
“thank you”
and his nose scrunches because before you can walk away, he catches you by the hand and taps his jaw and turns his head and you roll your eyes
but you kiss his cheek anyways
and then like ten minutes later, steve find him and slides him a fifty like “dude, that was solid, i cant believe you pulled it off”
but billy shakes his head and crumples the bill back into steves hand like
“nah, don’t need it”
and steve’s eyes r so wide like…… ogey…. what just happened
and then cut to saturday—prom—and billy is like FREAKING out, he did his hair all nice and spent the money steve’s been giving him on renting a tux and buying a corsage and boutonnière for the two of you
“ay, mallrat, here”—and he hands max a $20–“get lost for a couple hours, alright?”
“‘m fucking busy—”
“with what? or… who?”
“get out”
dude max is doing a VICTORY DANCE on her way to lucas’ house because holy shit???? it worked??? and billy’s actually paying her for her freedom???? this is the life🤩
and billy knocks on your door, knowing he’s early as hell and over eager
what’s gotten into him. he doesn’t just do things like this. he doesn’t show up early or feel all tingly and actually pleasant. ever. for anything or anyone.
and god do you look beautiful. like youre glowing.
he opens the door for you and holds his breath when you pin his boutonnière on and holds your hand on the drive to the venue
“may i have this dance” he is putting the moves on
“you do know i’m your date, right?”
“doesn’t hurt to ask”
so you two dance together and then….
the slow dance 🥺
he holds you to his chest and PRAYS you don’t feel his heart beating wildly
it’s just. you look at him like he’s more than his reputation and more than the things he pretends to be, and he’s never received something as tender as that before.
and about an hour into the night, steve grooves over with a devious look on his face, butting in while you two dance together
“so this is what you spent all that money on? man, i would’ve given you more if i’d’ve known”
and billy’s eyes go wide because you’re SCOWLING at him like
“what money?”
“nothing, he’s—he doesn’t know what he’s talking about”
“billy? what money?”
and steve just backs away… 😟
“did he….. did he pay you to take me out?”
“no, that’s not—it’s not what it sounds like”
“yeah right. hope he paid you a shit ton, cause im a handful, right? god, i can’t believe this—i really hope he made this whole deal worth it to you.”
oh man……..
weeks go by
you brush him off and avoid him and sometimes don’t even show up to the classes you have together
but if only you knew
he feels so guilty and on edge and like he could punch steve in the face for being such a dickhead
then comes the final project in your shared english class
“can i present first?”
it’s you.
billy almost perks up until you look him in the eye and you do not look happy
“i hate the way you talk to me…”
(i’m not gonna rewrite miss stratfords iconic poem, but i will rewrite the first + last line for dramatic effect)
“but mostly, i hate the way i don’t hate you. not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all”
and you sit back in your seat, leaving billy feeling more dejected than before
he can’t help but look to his own little sister for help
“what are you, a sap?
“shut up, i need help”
“what’s in it for me?”
“i won’t say shit when you go over to your boyfriends house” he groans
and he explains the whole thing and his shit luck and how he needs to get you back
“well how about special interests? maybe make up with concert tickets or a puppy or something—"
“got it. thank’s max” and he ruffles her hair and she whines about it but she’ll be fine
next day, you’re literally just walking to your car when you see a guitar leaned up against the door
and you 🫢
he comes up behind you, glancing over your shoulder when you grab for the teal mockingbird in utter silence
“how did you—wha—why did you—billy….”
“it’s alright, you can say thank you”
“you suck”
“i know”
and you look between him and the guitar with a grin “i love it”
“i know” and he sighs and pushes a hand thru his hair
“i never did it for the money. maybe at the beginning, but steve’s an idiot. i would’ve done it for free. you weren’t some thing to just conquer, and i shouldn’t have treated it like a game. i’m sorry, doll. and i’ll get it if you never forgive me. you can still keep the guitar”
he puts his hands in his pockets and looks away
but you just jab at his chest and grin like
“you can’t just do that, you know? and a guitar won’t make up for everything”
“yeah, i know, i know” he pulls something out of his pocket, mirroring your smile when he puts the small box into your hand
“that’s exactly why i came prepared with this”
“a ring?????? jesus christ”
“not one of those rings. its like… like a promise ring. but more like…. i promise not to be an asshole ever again.”
“i dunno billy, that’s a pretty big commitment for you”
“shut up. i’ll do it for you, dolly” oh and he’s cheeky with it, one hand on your hip and tilting his head to the side with a smirk
“oh and one more thing” he says, watching you slide the ring onto your middle finger
“mhm?” you blink up at him, but he’s gazing a little lower than the tip of your nose
he leans closer and closer, and you lean back against your car, lips parting as he smiles wife and kisses you hard
“been waiting to do that for a while now”
“well…….. what took you so long?”
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artdcnaldson · 2 months
just saw that ask abt dad patrick………. much to think about. i agree that he prob would never want to be a dad. but….. let me share to you my secret brain au……. that i think about on the clock when im bored as fuck 😝
you… art… patrick… (sorry tashi i love u i swear….) mayb this is the same au where ur all best friends in school etc etc. maybe not. but ANYWAYS. the throuple…….. you and art end up having a baby. patrick’s perfectly fine just being uncle pat. or. like the weird guy who hangs around all the time. same thing. you like, say that it can be like. art is dad patrick’s papa or SOMETHING yk… like you love them both patrick’s gonna be around forever anyways why not just. have them both be referred to as dad. patrick isn’t super fond of the idea so you drop it whatever. ANYWAYS flash forward to a few weeks after the baby is born. patrick has been so like 😐 about the baby. kinda jealous annoyed etc cause he’s 12. it’s fine. whatever.
anyways sorry let me fucking GET TO THE POINT!!!!!!!!!!! you and art wake up one night kinda ?!? cause you hear talking on the baby monitor. and then you realize patrick’s not in the bed. you dont even remember hearing the baby cry or him getting up or anything cuz ur both. new parents. and patrick’s surprisingly helped a lot but. it’s not the same. WHATEVER i keep getting off track. u guys hear patrick cooing at your new little baby girl telling her that he loves her she’s lucky she has such good parents etc… turning on the video part u see him rocking her in the little chair you guys have in there. he’s so fascinated by her. he still doesn’t really… like the idea of being a dad or have any interest in it or whatevs but. a baby made by his two favorite people. he has to cry
sorry this was a fucking ESSAY!!!!!!!!! take me out back and shoot me i can’t do this anymore!!!!!!!!!!!
This had to cook in my inbox, had to simmer. I’m trying to go back and answer asks that have been sitting in my inbox that I meant to get back to <3 sorry for the delay babe <3
Sigh <333 uncle pat being the best pseudo-parent to you and art’s baby… after an adjustment period. Because for like that first month you and Art don’t have time for him, it’s like he’s being kicked to the side, discarded for the second time in his life. And he’s fucking sensitive about it, you know?
You and Art made him quit smoking when you got pregnant, which he understood. He hated it, but he understood, and he wasn’t going to vape like a fucking loser, so he’s irritable with it. A sixteen year habit culled painfully at the root. He hears the baby screaming and crying and just wants to go outside and smoke, wants to run away from it all.
It’s three in the morning when the baby crying wakes him up. He squints, reads his alarm clock, and groans. He glances over at you and Patrick, completely knocked out by exhaustion. He doesn’t want to bother you, doesn’t want you to have to wake up and go through the motions again. So he gets up and slips into the baby’s room.
She eases into his arms, quickly growing soothed in a comforting pair of arms, and he hushes her softly. He hasn’t been alone with her, not much. Just a sort of double-down instinct after you had suggested he get called dad by her too. It wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world, but it just makes him feel like a fraud. He spends a lot of time with you and Art feeling like he’s one wrong move from being out on his own. He didn’t want a kid relying on him when he knew he’d eventually fuck everything up.
“You just had a bad dream, huh?” Patrick coos softly. He kisses the baby’s soft, bald-ish head, takes a deep breath. He didn’t really get why you and Art were always smelling her hair, but he understands then. “Your dad used to have bad dreams too. Really bad dreams, but I was always there. I’ll be there for you too, alright? For anything you’ll ever need. No matter what.”
He settles into the plush rocking chair in the corner, holds her against his chest and rubs her back. Her eyes close, she nuzzles against him. She’s so beautiful. Usually, all babies look the same to him, but he can see you so clearly in her mouth, her eyes. And Art in her ears and nose. “You’re really lucky,” he says softly. He presses a kiss to her forehead. “You have such good parents, they’re really exhausted right now because you never sleep, but they’re doing so good, huh?”
She falls asleep in his arms, and he decides he’s never going to leave the chair. He kisses the top of her head and lets his lips twitch in a achy sort of smile. “We love you, kid.”
In the morning, once he’s placed her back in the crib and returns to bed, you and Art hold him a little closer.
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gardens-of-may · 1 month
ENTRY THREE - chap. 50 to end
spoilers ahead
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i don’t remember what happened 
i know what happened tho
i’m not going to tell you 😋
suck it ha!
wakey wakey 
katharine hmm
saturday mornings
not a scavenger hunt then?
i js realized both of the boys are dealing with their fathers
skye might be a pretty name but the human is actually vile
if gray hurts himself I WILL SUE
ehehehe thomas thomas?
i bet IT sounds like a wet dog
but an ugly dog not a cute dog 
what the hell
no we no we NO. WE. 
bitch ☺️
she talks like she’s so wise and blah blah and respected but no
you’re alone?
throw her in the pool 
oh hi nash ☺️
oh gigi 
awww ticklish gray 
i love her SO MUCH
omg it’s like me after the sols times one hundred 
please don’t get distracted, we know your girlfriend is hot but don’t
we’ll celebrate 
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we know
le oop 
fhehsha HIS SISTERS 🥰🥰
it’s her
em*ly 🤢🤢
i don’t really think you do love them 
oh. poor gray. 
she’s alive bro
i’m back bitches
my favorite 
no it’s alright girl i’d do the same 
awww 🥰 
cookies 🍪 
so no one won the game
oh ☹️
he’s really lonely 
is he dead?
btw maisie peters IS gigi
eve is a bitch who should be six feet under 
awww 🥰 
no now i’m crying 
ohhhhh shittyttttt
tears on my pillow 
is zella alice?
she’s right. rich white boys het farrr in life 
LYRA 😍😍😍
bitch jamie can’t even come
he needs to laugh
stop 💀
omg that would be fucking terrifying 
gigi and gray’s relationship means so much to me 
well i already knew that so hahaha
why would you end a book like that?
now i am going to go chug some coffee and we are jumping straight into the grandest game 
the end. 
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sapphosdickandballs · 2 months
soooooo- before i forget... i diddddd finish something to talk about.
honestly- i kinda did like it?? a lot more than "mistakes were made" which was the other book id read by this same author. i dont think its anything special tbh and the characters werent super compelling or memorable just in the sense that it felt like they didnt have a lifespan outside of the book. i wasnt really expecting much- and at first i was sooo bored. i wanted to drop it bad cause 😩 augh was just thinking "yeah but what is all this for??????" because it felt like the plot was being slow asf. and then BOOM. the accidental kiss. which- was sort of a turning point and made me get semi invested. the asthma attack too- ooo damn. it did kinda irk me that jo kept asking about her having her inhaler 😭. but like- man emma really got on my mf nerves. i absolutely hated her for a good chunk of time. like- THE FACT THAT the both of them were doing everything possible to not talk and communicate and instead emma had that stupid internal turmoil and became infuriating to read. i was soooooo mentally yelling at her. like girl. how are you going to be all dramatic and yet not communicate your feelings like how else is she supposed to know!!!! the harassment part was a whole trip. idk i just got super annoyed at the first part when they were actively avoiding properly solving their issues CAUSE DAMN they had a bunch of them.
THE ALMOST kiss after jo's dad had me actually on the edge of my seat cause holyyyyy crap. idk and then the business trip happened and emma came to terms with her feelings and they kissed-
I LITERALLY knew it was phil. LITERALLY LIKE it was so obvious when he made that comment in the interview. i deadass put two and two together.
i liked the ending part after theyd realized their feelings tbh. it just like wrapped up good. idk abt the smut part- kinda was underwhelming but it wasn't bad. i think it was an alright read. idk if id recommend it personally just because for me personally- i dont want someone to pick that as a recommendation from me over something like ols. for ME personally its not "the best" its not bad and i did have an alright time with it, but i wouldn't read it again tbh. its was definitely better from her other book but even jo feels like a carbon copy of erin from mistakes were made. she was in her 40s and rich so like is this woman just wanting to write about milf women or something??? age gap?? idk. i just noticed that lol.
im glad i stuck it out but i did feel it drug a little bit throughout. emma- i... i literally cant. she is... ugh. i dont think i liked her character 💅. jo was neat but i just- ughhh they feel so... fictional. not realistic in the way they react or narrate, especially in the internal dialog. i liked avery!!! she was awesome. hmmm... idk.... it was nice. sorry if it seems like im talking in circles and seeming like i disliked it- I DIDNT DISLIKE IT. only some parts of it i disliked. just the author's execution for some parts.
just because as someone whos done a lot of research on writing i pick up details on things and have nitpicks about how things are delivered. i notice stuff.
anygayyyy is that enough yapping???? i dunno what else to sayyyy 😐. u should probably make an asks tag for me atp with how much im yapping in ur inbox ffs.
This is hard to answer lmao. I’m glad you kinda enjoyed it? I’m sorry it wasn’t your favorite? It wasn’t my favorite of all my recs (you should read some girls do. at some point, no pressure. But that is one of my favorites) but I did like it enough to rec. I appreciatep you coming and yapping to me even if you didn’t like the book and I hope that doesn’t make you wary of my recs from now on lmao. Also I made you a tag 👍
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zeninsama-moved · 2 years
I HAVE MORE please stop me
-aki likes cars. Readers like okay. But she wants to get more invested in it for him, so she asks to go to a car show. He takes her to one and they walk around looking at all the cool cars. Reader is dressed like a snack™️ and she keeps bending over to look at cars. Other men are looking at her and about to hit on her or do and aki scares them away. They end up going home and readers like “you know I like your car the most /double meaning/“ then they fuck on the hood of his car
-WHAT IF ok hear me out what if they do drag racing and it’s a competition and reader is like the flag girl looking all hot. She wanted to go in the car with aki but he wouldn’t let her cause it’s too dangerous so she’s like fine I’ll look hot and do the flag thing. And he’s like okay? He didn’t realize how much he’d like it until he saw her walk up and stand between the cars and wave the flag thing and he’s like oh I have discovered a new thing about me aknfkshdisj and he’s racing whoever and readers like waiting and the girlfriend of the other racer is like talking down on aki and reader pops off and talks about how cool he is, after a long time she gets nervous cause he should’ve been here already. Eventually he comes back /first place obviously/ she jumps up on him and kisses and is like YOU SCARED ME and he’s just happy he could make her proud
-reader getting into a fight with another girl. It’s getting pretty ugly but aki doesn’t step in cause he knows reader can handle herself and he wouldn’t hit a girl, but then the girls boyfriend starts talking shit about reader and akis like alright that’s my cue *cracks knuckles and punches the guy once super hard and he either KO and the girl gets scared and they stop and run off or the boys get in a fight too and the girls have to drag them away cause aki is gonna kill him* if it’s the second one then reader takes him home and is cleaning up his wounds /you should see the other guy/ and is like “you didn’t have to do that for me.” And aki looks deep in her eyes and is like “of course I do.” Sijdjsbxjsjd
-reader and aki have a sleep over with pjs and a movie and candy and popcorn and they just like hang out I think it’d be cool to see more of their friendship. It’d be cool for like before they got together and they’re both in relationships with other people and readers boyfriend calls and is like “where are you you aren’t responding to my texts” and she’s like “oh I’m having a sleep over” and he’s like “with who” and she’s says “aki” and the guys weirded out like “…your guy friend?” And she’s like “yeah 🥰” not realizing what that seems like skcjosjsks but also it’d be cute to see after they’re together too
ANYWAY skjdksbxjajdho -rem
REM, THE SLEEPOVER ONE IS KILLING ME!!! reader sitting there watching a movie with aki while her phone is blowing up beside her... it makes even more sense bc her prequel bf is naoya & he's soooooo jealous and toxic... u would not hear the END OF IT!!!
AND OHH MY GOD, READER PATCHING UP AKI AFTER A FIGHT!!! HIM DEFENDING YOUR HONOR!!! apologizing for the sting when u dab at his busted lip but he can't focus on anything other than the fact that you're so close to him right now, he can feel the warmth of your breath fanning across his face... it's rare for aki to get sentimental because he's usually so 😐 but he would look u in the eyes so sincerely and tell you he would always stick up for you like that, it's the least you deserve. GOD, I WANT THEM TO KISS!!! that's the most stressful part of the prequel dkfls so much tension and pining and i'm screaming at our own story like JUST KISS ALREADY!!!
the street-racing one is sooo sexy too... like in genesis when reader leans through aki's window when he's picking her up... this man would want to fuck u on the hood of his fancy fixed-up car <3
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jokenotfunny · 2 years
wait, the thought of sev being nervous to talk or even see wayne is kinda cute. They're hiding behind eddie as much as they can n shit
eddie x platonic! experiment! reader
part 1 , part 2 , part 3 , part 4
(sev x reader)
she really is though 😭 like one day eddie’s just like “oh i’ll take you home!” after school because it was raining and steve was still stuck at work.
- so imagine you two are in his van, just honestly having a grand old time, listening to music, talking, all that good stuff.
- all of a sudden eddie’s like -
“oh, shit! uhh we have to go back to my trailer for a second.”
“why, what about your uncle??”
“because i have to pick something up for…something i’m doing after this.”
- it’s for a deal, he’s just not saying that to you, even though you know what he does.
“it’ll only take a second, and my uncle’s not home, so just wait in here.”
- so eddie finally gets there, jumps out and runs into the trailer right
- you’re just flicking through the different stations, when all of a sudden, the driver side door opens again. thinking it’s eddie, you don’t pay him any mind until you realize he’s been standing there for an odd amount of time, not doing anything
- when you finally look up you aren’t looking at eddie, but his uncle wayne that you nearly “killed” all that time ago.
- now from eddie’s perspective, he didn’t know why his uncle was home, but didn’t really think on it too much, as long as you didn’t find out.
“eddie, do you have that one hat with the bat on it?” uncle wayne asked from his room.
“uhh, no! why?”
“because i can’t find it, and you’re always takin’ it!”
“okay well it’s probably in my van! i’ll get it for you in a second!” he called back annoyed, trying to remember where he could’ve put his own stuff.
- so lost in his own thoughts, he didn’t hear his uncle say that he’d get it himself, nor did he hear him leave the trailer
- after finally finding what he was looking for, he walked back out of the trailer, but was met by the odd sight of you and his uncle having some weird cat and mouse game, on either sides of his van.
“would you just stop a second?! i’m not gonna hurt you! wayne laughed exasperatedly
“yea you are! you think i’m evil and you’re gonna get your revenge on me!” you shrieked as he nearly caught you.
- noticing eddie back outside, you ran behind him and used him as a shield.
“i knew you were that same kid! i’m not mad about that, alright? i mean i think you’re a little spooky and such, but not anything else!” wayne exclaimed.
“so you aren’t going to call the nearest church and get a priest try to exorcise me?”
“no? i’m not, i swear.” he held his hands up in defense.
“oh.” you relaxed.
“van, what 🤨???” eddie chimed in.
“uhh nothing.”
“well it was good seeing you again kid… i guess. don’t be scared to come around with those other kids.” he said grabbing his hat from eddie’s van and walking passed the two, laughing to himself.
“this town is weird as hell man.” he chuckled to himself , going back into the trailer
- so eddie’s finally taking you back to your house, and you are just so angry.
“i told you he didn’t hate you.” eddie said smugly.
“you said he wasn’t there! liar!” you exclaimed, hitting him on the shoulder.
“ow! i didn’t know!”
“well, then why didn’t you just say that!?”
“because i thought he wasn’t!”
“yeah, sure.”
“and anyways what was that about being exorcised”
“i have know clue what you’re talking about.” you said nonchalantly.
a/n : idk why this took me so long 😭 and i really need to finish that season 3 chapter but it’s so longggggg 😐
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