#like a storm or an avalanche: no mercy and no cruelty
knowlesian · 1 year
“what if something being scary doesn’t make it bad” is one of those nearly bulletproof fictional angles for me like i am already in from moment one tell me more about how the terrifying and/or grotesque is not necessarily evil
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branblessed-blog · 7 years
anyway here’s a really quick mockup for a DARKEST DUNGEON VERSE that i’ve had bouncing around in my head for a while but will probably never use
“This man understands that existence and adversity are one and the same.”
MAX HP: 57 DODGE: 26 PROT: 0% SPD: 4 ACC MOD: +0 CRIT: 4.5% DMG: 13-26
STUN: 120% BLIGHT: 100% DISEASE: 20% DEATHBLOW: 77% MOVE: 145% BLEED: 70% DEBUFF: 100% TRAP: 70%
Chop (Level 5)
Damage 13-26 Accuracy 95 Crit Mod 4%
Purge (Level 5)
Damage 1-3 Accuracy 105 Crit Mod 2%
Solemnity (Level 5)
Heal Self 12
Intimidate (Level 5)
Damage 2-3 Accuracy 115
Reflection - “My sword, my trusted ally, unshaded by my aspect.”
-20 stress on self +10 ACC (4 battles) +5 CRIT (4 battles)
Encourage - “The sun always rises. Evil cannot even stall it.” 
-15 stress on one companion
Wound Care - “You will survive. I can see it in your eyes.” 
Heal 15% on one companion Removes companion’s BLEED Removes companion’s BLIGHT
Eldritch Slayer
+15% Damage vs Eldritch -15% Stress vs Eldritch
Corvid’s Grace
+6 DODGE +25 Move Resist
+5% Virtue chance
Second Wind
+10% DMG when Health is below 50%
+10% Death Blow resist
+20% Stress when Torch is above 75
Light Sensitive
-10% DMG when Torch is above 75
-2 SPD when Torch is above 75
-10% Stress Healing received
-10% Max Health
“Even steel may shatter in the cold.”  MAX HP -10% DODGE -5 SPEED -3 ACC -5 STUN -15% BLIGHT -15% DISEASE -15% MOVE -15% BLEED -15% DEBUFF -15% TRAP DISARM -15%
“Wounds do not disturb me. Let me wash them.” -20% Stress Damage taken 25% chance to relieve party of 4 Stress each turn STUN +20% BLIGHT +20% DISEASE +20% MOVE +20% BLEED +20% DEBUFF +20%
CRITICAL HIT: Fog before sunrise. AT DEATH’S DOOR: An end to my torment, at last?
FEARFUL: All must come to ruin. There is no escape.
STRESSING PARTY: Take me quickly. I have suffered overlong. MOVING TO BACK: At the press of twilight, the sun flees. PASSING TURN: I may be doomed, but I’m not suicidal. CAMPING STRESS: We should keep moving. The enemy is close... GETTING HIT: How I have longed to die... And yet now I long to survive. ENEMY MISSED SELF: Bloody cretin has my scent! COMPANION MISSES: Vultures know our names. They have staked us out... COMPANION GETS HIT: One step too far...one step and it’s all over... ENEMY MISSES COMPANION: Good news is, it’ll be a quick end. REFUSING TO MOVE: Nay. My firm stance is all I have left. REFUSING TO PERFORM CAMPING SKILLS: A white star, alone in the night-strong void.
PARANOID: We are not alone here.
STRESSING PARTY: There must be more of them...stay watchful. MOVING TO BACK: The smell of my sickness attracted them. This is my fault. PASSING TURN: No. I must be ready to defend the flanks. RANDOM ACTION: The owl hunts alone. CAMPING STRESS: ...They know I am ill. They will try to trick me... ATTACKING PARTY MEMBER: There are few things so dangerous as a trusted ally. REFUSING TO RETREAT: You’ve wanted us to fail all along. I saw it in your eyes. GETTING HIT: You wait. More will come. ENEMY MISSED SELF: I am blood in the water... COMPANION MISSES: Are you hiding booze? You must be drunk to miss like that! ENEMY HITS COMPANION: The death-bell tolls for us... Soon now. ENEMY MISSES COMPANION: I think our ally is keeping secrets from us... REFUSING TO MOVE: The chain is only so strong as its weakest link... REFUSING TO USE ITEM: You seek to extend my suffering? How cruel. REFUSING TO BE HEALED: You seek to prolong my life? What cruelty is this? REFUSING TO BE BUFFED: No. Willpower alone will carry me through. REFUSING TO PERFORM CAMPING SKILLS: They have us. It is only a matter of time. REFUSING TO BE TARGET OF CAMPING SKILLS: I don’t need your pity. Nor anyone’s. REFUSING TO EAT: There’s no need to hasten my demise. I’ll go soon enough.
MASOCHISTIC: Carve away the numb flesh and expose the man within.
STRESSING PARTY: I was a soldier. I’ve a long acquaintance with pain. MOVING TO FRONT: I have a few lives left to burn. RANDOM ACTION: Please... I grow weary of hope. CAMPING STRESS: Fire... Fire might burn away the pain... MARKING SELF: Come join my dance -- I and the Reaper. DAMAGING SELF: That tendon was doing me little good anyway. REFUSING TO RETREAT: Though it burns the eyes, is the sun not beautiful? GETTING HIT: Yes. Relieve me of this life. Do it. ENEMY MISSED SELF: The fire takes the grass, but spares the rotting elm. ENEMY HITS COMPANION: No mercy for the cripple, I see. SIGH. REFUSING TO MOVE: Begone. I depart soon, and I have chosen this spot. REFUSING TO USE ITEM: No thank you, I barely feel it. REFUSING TO BE HEALED: No. I’d be nothing without the pain. REFUSING TO BE BUFFED: You have not learned... I LONG to die in battle! REFUSING TO PERFORM CAMPING SKILLS: You seek to forestall the inevitable. And I sympathize. REFUSING TO BE TARGET OF CAMPING SKILLS: No. I must keep my head clear of distractions. REFUSING TO EAT: Yearning begets yearning. And I yearn for victory.
ABUSIVE: You fight death like a child fights aging.
STRESSING PARTY: You worm. Crawl from the mud and die in the rain! RANDOM ACTION: ...You know, I could recommend a good war college. CAMPING STRESS: Huh. They let anyone carry a weapon these days. ATTACKING PARTY MEMBER: Another fool for the Reaper. COMPANION HITS ENEMY: Hmm. With training, you might prove competent. COMPANION MISSES: When we’re done here, I’ll teach you how to fight properly. ENEMY HITS COMPANION: As wheat from the chaff... REFUSING TO MOVE: Only a coward requires perfection. REFUSING TO PERFORM CAMPING SKILLS: ...You do have military training, yes? ...Oh my. REFUSING TO BE TARGET OF CAMPING SKILLS: Just sit down. I do not need your nursemaiding.
SELFISH: Alms for the sick?
STRESSING PARTY: They gave me the reins. But where is my warhorse? MOVING TO FRONT: I will die here. Move aside. MOVING TO BACK: It is not my time. Soon, though. PASSING TURN: A poor tactic. Let me think of a better one... RANDOM ACTION: I have dispensed with captains. For now I go alone. CAMPING STRESS: Now... I must rest. Please keep quiet. GETTING HIT: I have limited blood. Let us spend it wisely. COMPANION HITS: You fight well. Handle things while I take a rest. COMPANION MISSES ENEMY: You should leave this one to the soldiers. REFUSING TO PERFORM CAMPING SKILLS: I have done enough. It is soon time to rest.
HOPELESS: The blade is broken.
STRESSING PARTY: No sparrow lives that cannot fly. MOVING TO FRONT: My last ounce of bravery. It spills out, bloody. MOVING TO BACK: The sun sets e’er the gloom of night... PASSING TURN: I will not. Blame me if you like. I am expendable. RANDOM ACTION: Our plans have failed. My fate is mine alone. CAMPING STRESS: I feel it...tomorrow shall be my last. MARKING SELF: There is no glory. But there is death! COME, VILLAINS! DAMAGING SELF: I delude myself, that there is honor in suffering. REFUSING TO RETREAT: No. My end has come and passed a hundred times. REFUSING TO USE ITEM: There’s no point in easing my pain. REFUSING TO BE HEALED: You pretend to value my company. But I see the truth. REFUSING TO BE BUFFED: You have no pity. Just let me go. REFUSING TO PERFORM CAMPING SKILLS: Why tempt the inevitable? It will come in time. REFUSING TO BE TARGET OF CAMPING SKILLS: Tend the dying tree all you like. It still goes to seed. REFUSING TO EAT: No. I must go to my end in a pure state.
IRRATIONAL: Where what blade throne calls under winter.
STRESSING PARTY: Iron sleeps in sunshine. Grey. Redemptive. SWITCHING POSITION: Rage in the armory. Sell-swords bargain. Inheritance. PASSING TURN: Twilight culture. Smell it. Orchids have meat. RANDOM ACTION: Gather winds nighttime journey. Ration wheat. CAMPING STRESS: Hinterland prison death-march. Blanket all the land. MARKING SELF: Blade rakes and tines. Field the war-children. ATTACKING PARTY MEMBER: Passage for buttercups. Slip into dream-state. Worship. DAMAGING SELF: Cherry blossom axe heads. Raking the dead. Fielding fire. REFUSING TO RETREAT:  Grander long time, rage and sorrow. Seven is right. Now! GETTING HIT: Bleak lands fall seaside, and mares despair of time. ENEMY MISSED SELF: Blackened balustrades. The foxes hunt the dogs. COMPANION HITS ENEMY: Wool pepper drives the whirling sou’wester. Mmm. Yes. COMPANION MISSES ENEMY: Helen is beholden, barrow-ward. Call to her. Say “liar.” ENEMY HITS COMPANION: Threading the weave, flounder cold in the yellowing. ENEMY MISSES COMPANION: Hinder maypole’s cinder blossom. Break aside for galleons. REFUSING TO MOVE: Feel cold temple stone, wooden and rifled. Blade awakens. REFUSING TO USE ITEM: Dust and wind and paradise beyond the gate. REFUSING TO BE HEALED: Under the mountain passes the fold. Lovely. Lovely. REFUSING TO BE BUFFED: Elaborate scripture. The enormity of calligraphy. REFUSING TO PERFORM CAMPING SKILLS: Call down rage on glory. Betwixt the haze and teatime. REFUSING TO EAT: Cold cathedral wanders reservoir. Light ripple deeps.
STALWART: A glorious end is upon us.
REDUCING OWN STRESS: The sun is brightest after darkest night.
COURAGEOUS: We have become as steel.
REDUCING PARTY STRESS: Wounds do not disturb me. Let me wash them.
FOCUSED: The storm infuriates the sea...
BUFFING COMPANION: Your warrior soul blooms. A wildflower after a fire.
POWERFUL: Nothing stands in the path of an avalanche.
BUFFING PARTY: Power is the gift of fearlessness. It is always so.
VIGOROUS: The Reaper is well known to me. I do not fear him.
HEALING SELF: I suppose I must be grateful, to go on surviving.
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